Problem and Solution of Global Warming
Global warming is the observed increase in the average temperature of the Earth's atmosphere and oceans. Higher temperatures threaten dangerous consequences: drought, disease, floods, and lost ecosystems. From sweltering heat to rising seas, global warming's effects have already begun. Many people still believe that since the earth is so big, human beings cannot possibly have any major impact on the way the planet operates. The truth is we have grown so numerous and our technologies have become so powerful that we are now capable of having a significant influence on many parts of the earth's environment (Gore 22). Without the help of the human race, and the listening ears of our politicians, we are going to leave this extreme crisis to more content...
Another solution, and possibly the first step for the world to work together to reduce global warming, is to put energy efficient, renewable energy, and vehicle technology solutions in place at a federal level. California has been the only state to step up to the plate. In August 2006, the California state legislature passed the landmark Global Warming Solutions Act which mandates that the state'sgreenhouse gas emissions be rolled back to 1990 levels by 2020 (The Vote Heard around the World 1). This first–in–the–nation law puts a cap on gas emissions from power plants, refineries, and manufacturing plants. Since the United States currently produces 70 percent of its electricity from fossil fuels and only two percent from renewable resources, it is certain that by converting into more efficient and renewable energy it would significantly reduce our emissions of heat–trapping gases.
Solutions for global warming include big changes, but they also include little things people can do everyday. My proposal is to simply get the word out to everyone. Teaching children in school and people at home how to implement steps on helping solve global warming is very important in today's world. One thing everyone can do is simply reduce emissions from your home energy use by using energy–efficient lighting and appliances, insulating your house, conserving hot water, and turning off lights and computers when you're finished with them. It's
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Last answered at: 20/05/2014 05:04PM
Activity 1
20/05/2014 05:04PM
Why is it necessary to reflect on what the team needs and wants to achieve?
All members of the team must know what are the specific goals and work objectives, that need to be achieved, when they must be completed and the standard to which they should be completed. It is necessary for every team of an organization to set directions on work goals and objectives that will contribute to the achievement of the overall organizational goals.
What sorts of things might come under consideration when determining the needs of innovative teams? appropriate team size meaningful selection of more content... develop effective teams support open and communication leading by example involving people by decisions which affect them supporting effective relationship building encouraging personal and professional development of employees
Activity 7
26/05/2014 08:09PM
Make a list of the things that you think might encourage people to communicate innovative and creative ideas or could act as rewards for people who do make such contributions. opportunity to attend seminars, trade fairs, workshops and networking events training programs verbal acknowledgement, like thank you gift
Last answered at: 26/05/2014 08:14PM
Activity 8
26/05/2014 08:14PM
Why is it necessary for teams to have effective leaders who can delegate and who provide appropriate role models? they can encourage employees to share information and experiences
Problem Solving and Team Members Essay example
Leader is the one who sets goal for the team and help them achieve it. He should possess the vision to aim right and at the same time, be able to
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Fuel Consumption Problems and Solutions Essay
Alexander Tischenko Professor Ball Solutions to the Oil Consumption Problem 8 March, 2012 Section 5 A couple weeks ago, I stopped at a gas station to fill up my tank. As a pizza delivery driver I spend a decent amount of money on gas every week. While I was getting gas, I wandered, are we ever going to run out of it and will we survive without it? In this essay I will attempt to solve one of the biggest problems in modern world – dependence and very large consumption of gasoline. According to the Seattle Times, Americans use over 880 million gallons of gasoline per day. With an average of 755 cars for every 1000 people, the United States of America consumes more gasoline than South America, Europe, Africa, and Asia combined ( more content...
I believe that instead of consuming more and more every year, and increasing the import of gasoline, not only the U.S., but the whole planet should limit themselves in consumption and find new ways to power their vehicles. The first solution that I'd like to propose is stimulating people to purchase vehicles with hybrid engines. In past two years, the automobile companies have been working very hard to create hybrid powered vehicles that will save as much gasoline as possible. The concept of hybrid engines is simple and effective. The hybrid engine consists of two parts: small gasoline powered engine and electric battery that is charged by the wheel rotation. In 2011, the average miles per gallon ratio was about forty five which is almost twice less than non–hybrid cars consume ( But only 2.6% of Americans own at least one hybrid vehicle which does not do enough impact on the consumption problem. In my opinion, this is where the government needs to step in. We need radical changes in vehicle production. First thing that the government needs to do is start stimulating people to buy electric powered vehicles by giving out loans, grants, or any extra money towards the purchase of the vehicles. Another thing that would help the problem is allowing people to trade in their old, gasoline powered vehicles for hybrid vehicles at little, or no cost. The cars that are
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HSM/220 Human Services Administration: So You Want To Help People 08/18/2013
Scenario Solution
As more and more students drop out of schools is important to put money together in order to open up more programs that will help them gain the educational skills that will ensure that students learn the skills they need to obtain a job and be able to accomplish their tasks successfully. Making this happen will take close attention and a lot of work, understanding, and conversation. To define goals and share achievements as they happen from all teams which include educators, students, and the community. The challenge is to providehigh school drop–outs with enough information and help them boost their confidence to find a more content...
There are many obstacles to be overcome while trying to motivate high schools drop–outs. We must compete with companies that hire students for jobs that require low skills like fast food restaurants, manual labor like landscaping or maintenance jobs. For this companies to make profits they must hire people that will only earn the lowest wages. In order to help school drop–outs realize these companies are taking advantage of them, we must post fliers or brochures around the businesses and the community.
To make sure that the advertisement on the fliers is effective, we will use the advertisement team to create, design and print out pamphlets, flyers, brochures, and other information necessary about the organization. In order to compete with the companies that hire drop–out students, we must ensure that students realize that it's important to achieve more in life, to have a more financial stable future for them and their families.
To achieve all the goals mention we must have community support. The community partners can help us by sharing a place to hold meetings. When deciding where to meet monthly or weekly, it is important to vary where the meetings are held by meeting outdoors. Many high schools students have a passion for sports and sharing activities after a meeting will definitely encourage them to assist every meeting. Holding community outreach programs at a local park can alleviate the expenditures. Holding these meetings
Scenario Solution Essay examples
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The Problem Of Suicide And Suicide Essay
Day to day, teens suffer from peer pressure, problem from home, and stress from academics. Despise their status in the environment, majority of high school students refrain from acknowledging the presence of their reality. The problem in most situations in that students feel shut in, trapped in a never ending misery. How do they cope? What are their ways of dealing? Most students live in denial. Others have friends to confide in. For the devastating part, most students are not as open to these ideas and it leaves them with this alternative: suicide. Suicide is the third leading cause in teens the ages 14 to 19 within rural underserved areas. Suicidal ideation (SI), suicidal thoughts, were surveyed in over 12 high schools and it was found that in the past year, thoughts of (SI) were not shared with peers or even adults in the pursuit of receiving help or support (Pisani, 2012). Because a student spends most of their day at school, it is ideal for schools to provide realistic opportunities and school–based programs to assist with the suicide among the youth. The Surviving the Teens Suicide Prevention and Depression Awareness Program designed four 50 minute session or each high school student. This presented information in regards to factual information about depression, suicidal warning signs, suicidal risk factors and myths associated with suicide (King, 2010). The program provide coping strategies for everyday life, referral sources if feeling suicidal, and how to recognize Get more content
Problem solving is a universal process that allows us to make decisions on everything from what to eat and what to wear. These steps contain the necessary knowledge that has been constructed through previous life experiences. Without sufficient experience the supports designed to strengthen our choices are weakened ending in the ultimate failure of the problem. There are many different strategies that good problem solvers use to solve a problem. The steps of the problem solving process are systematic and organized. First, take your time and identify the problem very carefully. Do the research, and become informed about your subject. Few good problem solvers solve problems fast. Life choices need to be supported with well thought– more content...
It is without doubt that humans will encounter problems that limit access to a preferred want or need at sometime during their lives and this was no different in my own life. Researchers D'Zurilla and Goldfried (1971) define a problem as "any life situation or task that demands a response for adaptive or effective functioning" (415). My life situation in question became deciding between attending school leading to future desired payoffs or working a menial full–time job that would not. The first step in the problem solving process, allowed me to identify the problem. A situation can be perceived or thought of as problematic when an individual encounters situations disturbs them or they find that it keeps them from a goal (Bingham, 1999). The problem surfacing in affording an education and paying for everyday necessities became the central focus at that point in my life and defined the problem that needed an immediate response. The problem solving process can best be defined as the best way to overcome obstacles in situations and the steps used to help overcome them (Peterson et al., 2002). The second step, sort out information that is not needed provided clarity during times in which the process seemed overwhelming. This called for a potential solution, a desired outcome and how to get there. The research that had initially been part of the formulating method had sparked an interest in the military. This idea was supported by the benefits that outweighed
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Business Situation Analysis and Problem Solving Abstract USA World Bank (UWB) is faced with a situation of deciding upon a new product to expand its market share. This paper deals with a scenario in which the ultimate goal is to provide a holistic approach to problem–solving and solution development. In particular, this paper will analyze the first three steps in problem–solving, which include; description of the situation with the emphasis on the issue and opportunity, defining the right problem–based on the situation, and explain the desired future end–state goals.
Situation Analysis and Problem Statement
The banking industry has been impacted by the vast changes in technology. The changes occurring in the banking more content... Mary Monroe, Vice President of New Product Development and Jim Wilson, the Vice President of Marketing Development presented their products to the executive staff. The executive staff supported both Mary's Instant Rewards and Brian'sSmall Business Cards indicating these products would show growth to both sides of the company. Ultimately, Brian Allen, President of New Product Development chose to present Instant Rewards to the Board of Directors. Although the new product development team has ideas that are strong they were not sufficient enough for the Board to give them seal of approval.
Issue Identification
The focus groups and surveys of both products show they can expand its market share, yet each department is faced with a challenge of proving to the Board the results are adequate. With the newest member to the Board of Directors, Bea Henson, has challenged Brian to re–strategize his research and approach. Bea pointed out to Brian that the huge sample size may be distorting the results. "Without reliable statistics, we don't know the full scope of the problems and cannot adequately measure the results we actually achieve," said Shaida Badiee, Director of the World Bank's Development Data Group, who chaired the panel discussion (The World Bank, 2006). With limited time and capital, USB faces a challenge of successfully launching a new product. The team players are not fully aligned in their goals. UWB is faced with two products that are
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The Problems with Abortion and Solutions Essays
The Problems with Abortion and Solutions
Abortion is referred as the termination of a pregnancy or of a fetus that is incapable of survival ( Abortion is morally wrong and illegal because the fetus is a person. It is the same thing as murder. The reasons people have abortions are they are not ready to handle the responsibility of another human being, the fetus may have a birth defect, mother's heath is an issue, rape, or simply because they don't want any more children (Abortioninfo). The majority of people that have abortions are teenagers. Abortion is flat out wrong and should be banned. Being that abortion is immoral no matter the circumstances, justifies the need for a law to make it illegal.
Abortion more content... This usually occurs during the second or third trimester. The cervix is dilated for the entry of surgical forceps (AbortionTV). The fetus is partly pulled though the vagina in a breech style. The legs of the fetus are hanging out of the womb. The doctor forces the scissors into the back of the head and spreads the scissors to increase the wound size. A suction cup is held over the fetus's head as the brains are sucked out (AbortionTV). The body is removed and the womb is cleaned of any other birthing particles. The partial abortion procedure can have fatal side effects such as infection of the cervix, excessive bleeding of the womb, chances for the mother to be fertile decreases, and causes scarring of the uterine wall. Medical experts thought the fetus couldn't feel the pain of the scissors going through its head but, they were wrong. Studies show that it can feel the pain three to five times more than an adult that would experience it (AbortionTV). The tiny fetus's are sedated and numbed up so the won't feel the intense pain.
Since the legalization of abortion, more than 126,000 abortions have been performed every day and more than 46,000,000 each year (AbortionTV). One may say they can't understand how a mother can just kill her child because of her irresponsibility. She may rebuttal back with the answer that the fetus is not yet human and it wouldn't feel any pain anyway. Studies show that the
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June 01, 2017
Problem Solution Essay
I have a small group of friends that get into arguments, sometimes going so far as to cut off contact when worst comes to worst, always claiming that the other person needs to grow thicker skin or just deal with whatever accusations come their way. These friends, sad to say, act like this online exclusively, a medium where disregard for another person's feelings is normal, and insults are common place. This kind of negative attitude only harms the potential for discussion, and creates an apathetic mindset towards vitriol. Like with all mindsets, however, there is a way to shift it from apathetic and defensive, to civil and positive.
Problem Solution Essay About Friend
Damon Climer
Ms. Milliner
On the internet, more content... com"). Deciding that their users deserved better, Vice found that the only way to get rid of the toxicity was to prevent it from entering altogether and strip everyone of their ability to comment. The people who have to endure this, those who want to participate in the discussion and content creators alike, are forced to go through several of these comments on a daily basis, holding out for a single interesting point to be raised or a proper critique of whatever they indulge in. This kind of exchange is emotionally taxing on those who do care and only serves to add to the negativity.
This kind of attitude, the one that permits people to behave as rudely as they please without a second thought for the other person behind the screen does not stem from a previous time period, but something that is inherent to the internet. The internet, in allowing people to communicate from behind their monitors, creates anonymity. Anonymity allows people to express their opinions, be they intentionally hurtful or not, freely and with as much anger and vitriol as they feel is necessary. This is not the only factor at play however. "Being able to dismiss online aggression as "bad people doing things under the cloak of anonymity" is a nice simple answer, but it's clearly an incomplete snapshot," (Alan Martin, "Online
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My Reflection Of Problem Solving
In this reflection journal I will be discussing my opinions on problem solving, why problem solving is important, and an example of a time I succeeded at solving a problem. My opinion of problem solving is identifying a problem exists, developing a plan of action, executing that plan of action, and then reevaluating the chosen plan of action. Problem solving is important because without it we would never learn or have a way to measure success. My example of problem solving is when I was recently tasked with investigating an alleged case of adultery between a service member and his wife. As stated in a previous assignment, I compared problem solving to the plot of Total Recall. You have to clearly state your problem or have a well–defined outcome. What goal do you wish to achieve? The most important step is to define the problem statement. Once you have identified the issue at hand, you can start the back–planning process. What steps do you need to take to be successful in your goals? You have to develop a plan of action, sometimes several plans of actions so you have other options to deviate to when you start working through the problem and the theories don't translate to reality. Once you have plans in place, you can start acting on those plans to resolve the problem. If you weighed all the possible outcomes, everything goes according to plan, and you met the intent of your goal then you were successful in problem solving. However, the process is not complete.
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Overfishing: The Problem and the Solution
Your Name
Axia College of University of Phoenix
Overfishing: The Problem and the Solution
A major environmental problem that has developed over the last few years is overfishing. What is overfishing? Overfishing is simply what it sounds like. Overfishing occurs when fishermen are catching fish so quickly and at such high rates that the fish are unable to reproduce fast enough to replenish the population. It is my belief that, if this has not always been a problem, it has always been a problem in the making. This problem has progressively gotten worse as the human population that relies on fish as a food resource has increased and the equipment and techniques used by the fishermen more content...
Some of the actions that can be taken in order to reverse the problems that overfishing has caused include: inform the public, put restrictions on catch limits, reduce bycatch, protect habitats, and enforce all new policies. The following plan lays out the steps that will occur with each action and when these actions should be taken.
Action Items:
Inform the public including consumers and fishermen of the problems and what can be done to make a change.
Action Steps:
Research and identify the long term effects that overfishing will have.
Conduct interviews with both environmentalists and experts on the issue as well as fishermen in order to present both sides of the argument.
Attend a city council meeting to introduce the idea and the importance of a presentation as well as schedule a time for one to be made.
Present information on what overfishing is, the impact that overfishing has on the marine ecosystem and on our existence, make consumers more aware of the type and amount of fish that they eat, and actions that can be taken to reverse the problem.
Timeline: Month 1–4
Action Items: Put restrictions on catch limits.
Action Steps:
Scientists should assess and determine the total number of fish that could be caught without a negative impact.
These levels should be constantly monitored and adjusted to accommodate changes.
Timeline: Month 5–12 Get
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Problems And Solutions Of California Essay
For many years California has been becoming more and more dry. Year to year there is less rainfall and snowpack, which in turn leads to less available water for residents and farmers in the state. The less water that is available means that the more that one uses, the more they are charged. This has caused many people to let grass, trees, and other features that require frequent watering die off. The accumulation of dead shrubbery around many places in California now can be seen as a fire hazard. Others have replaced the grass and trees with succulents or even concrete to reduce the amount of water that they use in an effort to reduce their water bills. California needs to put forth a greater effort to stop and find a way to fulfil their water requirements. There are a few different options and directions that California can go about doing this, for example California can regulate farmers more than they are now and build more desalination plants along the very large coastline. As far back as 1976 there have been reports that California has been experiencing signs of a drought. Apparently many people did not take notice to this at all. Many of these people were and are farmers who grow water heavy crops such as almonds. Which take "approximately 1.1 gallons of water for one almond. Which can be multiplied by a bag of almonds multiplied by 6000 almond farmers in California's central valley at an estimated 600 million pounds of almonds per year". That is an
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ABSTRACT: Regularly management seeks to correct organizational deficiencies in order to align the organization to be more efficient, effective, and economical. They may opt to perform total quality management, lean six sigma, or simply downsize. Management may even identify symptoms without actually identifying the problem. Management may misdiagnose the problem by identifying a person or group of people as problems. While correctly recognizing problems, there are more on the verge and it is up to management to mitigate potential problems. Sometimes managers need to realize that the answers they seek are right before they eyes; they only simply need to look in a mirror.
INTRO: "Good mangers anticipate change, exploit opportunities, more content...
Though this is but only the crest of what managers should possess, with those that utilize philosophies and business management practices such as this will lead them and the organization towards successful ventures for a long time to come.
WHO ARE THEY:QASAS, short for quality assurance specialist (ammunition surveillance) were originally established as ammo inspectors in 1920 and is the first civilian career program created within the Army (Oklahoma State University, 2011; Thompson, 2009). QASAS are responsible for all government owned munition stockpiles, to include the Navy, Air Force, Army, Marines, State Department, and several other activities (Oklahoma State University, 2011). QASAS are also required to travel the world in order to accommodate the Army's needs (Howlett, 2011; U.S. Army, 2010). With its inception, coupled with today's technology and government needs, management must possess a litany of skills in order to create and maintain a successful running company.
Wage Grade inspectors are also ammunition inspectors. Unlike QASAS, they are not required to be managers, but if provided with the necessary training, can be just as fully qualified as a QASAS (U.S. Office of Personnel Management, 2011; Oklahoma State University, 2011). Another difference between Wage Grade inspectors and QASAS is QASAS are required to move every three to five years across the country or other countries such as Japan, Korea, and Germany, to
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and Solutions Essay
Management Problems
Today in class I learned a lot about problem solving and how to have good problem solving skills. Having good problem solving skills is an important skill every single person should have. We run into problems every day that we need to be able to figure out on our own. I wouldn't say I am a bad problem solver, but I would definitely say that my problem solving skills could improve. In order to have good problem solving skills, you need to have good critical thinking skills as well. Today in class, I learned the seven components that make up good critical thinking skills. Those seven components are knowledge (recall information); comprehension (understand the significance of the information); application (make practical use of the more content...
Learning about problem solving is going to help me significantly if I correctly follow the four major steps. With that said, these four steps are defining the problem; devise (gather and interpret information); implement a plan of action; and evaluate the plan for effectiveness. The step I struggle with the most is evaluating the plan for effectiveness. I always know how I can solve the problem, but it isn't always the most effective way to go about it, and then I am stuck. So, learning about how to solve a problem the most effective way is really going to help me out every day. Currently, I am trying to solve all these problems that are going to affect my future, either negatively or positively. With that said, I also learned seven strategies to problem solving. These seven strategies are going to help me tremendously right now and I can't wait to put them to work and, hopefully, I will be less stressed with all of these decisions if I use these strategies correctly. The seven problem solving strategies I learned today are keeping a positive attitude; ask questions; use creativity; pay attention to detail; see all sides of the issue; remember that persistence pays off; and to use reasoning. If I keep all these strategies in mind, solving all the problems I have right now will not be as bad and they may even come easier. Another important thing I learned in class today was common errors in judgment. There
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I Am A Problem Solving Skills
A "rough draft" is something someone writes with the express purpose of getting their ideas out on paper. Expectedly, more often than not, people will write multiple drafts before writing their final, in an effort to get to their best paper. I was, of course, introduced to the phenomenon that is the rough draft in middle school. Interestingly, whenever I attempted to write a rough draft, my thoughts would become muddled and slowly but surely, I was left with nothing to write. Hardly after being introduced to the rough draft than I jettisoned it; in fact, it is because of that dismissal that has prompted me to adopt a different method. My alternative method is a rather simple one: I ruminate on a particular topic with the purpose of more content...
The first step is something I like to call, The Royal Rumble of Ideas. The path in which my paper will follow as well as my thoughts and ideas are formed from the first process. The way in which it does this, is by requiring the writer to apply an abundant amount of focus on one particular area; whereas, the typical strategy, asks for the writer to just write (cue eye roll). If I am to construct a story, I must utilize this step. En passant, I might add, the crux of the former element is very much similar to the latter, as well as in the way in which it works. The commonality to which I am referring, is rumination. The simplicity of it is bemusing, especially considering it's efficiency, but I will describe that later. The way this is utilized, is by requiring the writer to mull over what they will write next. For example: When I am writing, regardless of the type of paper, I will deeply contemplate what my next sentence will be and how it will be phrased. Incidentally, in English class, I will often be seen staring into the ether, as if I am on a psychotropic drug. There is, however, a reason behind this seemingly sinister image. As I described, rumination is crucial in my writing process: In order to produce a sentence, or a paragraph for that matter, I must distill information from that contemplation. (See, it even Get more content
Rough Draft Essay
Problems With Social Media Essay
Problems with Social Media Social media or any other type of social networking can be harmful. There are many studies showing that social media may help our society, but they don't tell you any of the problems being caused by social media. One of the main problems occurring are cyberbullies. Cyberbullies are bullies over the internet that try to harm people with rude or hateful messages and even misuse personal information. Cyberbullying causes a big issue in society, often leading to stress, anger, and even suicide. To get started, Cyberbullying causes stress on a lot of people, not just the person getting bullied, their friends and their families to. Everyone around the victim must put up with what the cyberbully has done to more content...
When people think they are the only ones getting bullied, they are scared to go out in public, which makes them angry. They don't know how to solve the problem and that cause huge issues with their life. Constantly feeling lonely makes you feel like you have no friends, nor can you get any friends because of it. More studies shown from Carl shows that males get angry and vengeful whenever they are cyberbullied, which causes them to say something back to a bully or try to fight. When teens do that when getting bullied rather than trying to solve the problem in a good way only makes things worse. Ignoring a cyberbully and deleting your social media account is a good step into stopping the bullying. If you fire words back at a bully, they know they are getting the attention they want. Bullies strive off attention. Ignoring a bully is one of the most important steps in getting a bully to stop. If that doesn't work it's better to start trying to get help from other people such as counseling. The last issue is suicide. Suicide is also a huge problem when it comes to cyberbullying or any other type of bullying. Studies have shown from Jama Pediatrics that Cyberbullying are more strongly related to suicidal thoughts in children and adolescents than traditional bullying. Estimates have confirmed that almost 20% of victims are cyberbullied. Previous studies have also shown that bullying is a strong factor for adolescent
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We live our lives waiting for who we think is the perfect person, but in reality that never happens. When we hear the word relationship, we think of a man and a woman. Being in a relationship is more than just being intimate. There are different kinds of relationship such as husbands and wives, parent and child, or just friend to friend. Some people say it takes two people to make a relationship fail. When two people meet, they usually know from the begining if they want to be with that person or if they want to pursue a relationship.
When a relationship fails, it is because one or both parties involved gives up. Giving up on a relationship is always hard because it means someone's feelings are going to more content...
Some people cheat with the hope of never being caught. Another reason why relationships fail are because of children, some people having children will help in reality it only makes worse. On the other hand, if a person may bring their child or children into the relationship, and the child and the other partner does not get along that usually cause a big problem.
Communication is the number one key to a good relationship. When there is no communication between both parties involved in the relationship, that is when the relationship fails whether it is a man and a woman, or a child trying to divorce his/her parents or friends cutting their ties forever. When couples realize their relationship is starting to fail, they will try different things such as marriage counseling. That is when the couple will sit down with a therapist and they will try to work their problems out. Sometimes therapy can help the couples work their issues out and get to the root of their problems. Another solution is a vacation or a second honeymoon where they can reconcile or rekindle the relationship that they use to have. Or even as far as moving away to get a new start on life, to try to get away from the old way of how things use to be and try to start a new life together again. In a relationship, we have to know what we can, and cannot live without. Being in a relationship means nothing, no one is perfect and in a relationship, there Get more content
Essay on Failed Relationships
A problem is (1) any significant, perplexing and challenging situation, real or artificial, the solution of which requires reflective thinking; (2) a perplexing situation after it has been translated into a question or series of questions that help determine the direction of subsequent inquiry.
The term research problem implies that an investigation, inquiry or study is to be conducted, or that the problem is ready for investigation, inquiry or study. There are certain elements that a problem must possess before it becomes a research problem ready for investigation.
1. AIM or PURPOSE OF THE PROBLEM FOR INVESTIGATION. This answers thequestion "Why?" Why is there more content...
h) The results are practical and implementable.
i) It requires original, critical and reflective thinking to solve it.
j) It can be delimited to suit the resources of the researcher but big or large enough to be able to give significant, valid and reliable results and generalizations.
k) It must contribute to the national development goals for the improvement of the quality of human life.
l) It must contribute to the fund of human knowledge.
m) It must show or pave the way for the solution of the problem or problems intended to be solved.
n) It must not undermine the moral and spiritual values of the people. It must not advocate the promotion of antisocial values such as drug addiction, cruelty, hatred, divisiveness, etc. As much as possible, it must advocate the promotion of divine values and those admirable human values such as love, peace, goodwill, etc.
o) It must not advocate any change in the present order of things by means of violence but by peaceful means.
p) There must be a consideration of hazards involved, physical, social or legal.
Research Problem
Guidelines in Writing the Title
One of the critical parts in thesis writing is the proper way of writing a title. There are some rules applied in writing the title.
The following are some guidelines in writing the title
1. The title should be clear and distinctively stated.
2. Subject matter of the study, the place of the study, the population involved, the period when the data were Get more content
Homelessness the Problems of America Homelessness has always been a problem in major cities across the United States and even the world. This problem also affects out local community and even all of us individually. (Daily) A majority of the American people lives paycheck to paycheck, and according to statistics, we are only one or two paychecks away from becoming homeless. While there are many reasons a person or family can become homeless, a majority of those problems come from a lack of income. The job market of today is quickly dwindling and shows no signs of improvement. This market mixed with new government policies is becoming an issue for struggling American's on the poverty line. Homelessness is becoming a vast more content...
Some veterans suffer from a mental illness known as PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder) when they do not seek medical help they have a higher risk of becoming homeless then those that seek medical advice. This disorder was caused by something that the military veteran experienced while in active duty during war. While the idea's that have come forth to try to solve the problem of homelessness, many people have come up with great solutions that are currently helping these individuals. The programs that are in place provide shelters for people who have been kicked to the streets and have no place to stay. These shelters provide food, clothing, water, and best of all a place to sleep. However, these shelters require the individuals staying there to seek a job during the day. The biggest problems these shelters have come from the rules that apply to those staying. The current rules allow homeless people to take advantage of the program by allowing them to stay there for up to 6 months, and then they must move to another shelter or live on the streets. The problem presented with this rule is in most cities they have more than one shelter, which allows people to abuse the system and live under the care of taxpayers indefinitely. However, most people understand that there could potentially be more than one reason why a person would need to return to a homeless shelter within 6 months to a year, but not spend almost their entire life using
Problem Solution Homelessness Essay
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Economic Problem Essay
Along with the development of the earth is a series of social events need to be addressed, such as population growth, food shortages and water shortages in many parts of the world. Specifically, people in Australia are facing with the threat of water shortage in the future. This problem has created an economic problem and urged the Australian government to find the solutions for this problem. This essay will explain the economic problem and answer the question how do markets attempt to solve the problem of water scarcity in Australia, focusing on the economic problem, water scarcity in Australia, the role of markets and water market in Australia.
The economic problem can be known as the competition between unlimited wants and more content...
In order to solve the economic problem, we must choose how to use our scarce resources efficiently. If the choices are made, sources can be used efficiently. For instance, the Australian Governments is restoring the Balance in the Murray–Darling Basin to keep the water in this basin and protect the environment. They are making decision since the water is scarce. Australian Governments (2010) showed that water which available in Murray–Darling Basin declines, so this basin is likely to become worse. The problem is water in Australia is not unlimited. We therefore have to make choices. The choice can be known as opportunity cost. Since we never have enough resources at our disposal, we have to give up something in order to get another thing we want. For example, Morton and Shippen have to make the decision between selling water to the government or keeping the water for their using and their agriculture. If they decide to keep the water, the money from selling water is forgone and vice–versa. So, scarcity forces making choice.
The role of market can help solving the economic problem. A market can be known as an actual place where buyers and sellers interact to trade goods, services for money. They interact in the market to determine the price.
The diagram shows the way market finds the price for water. At point E, quantity demanded equals quantity supplied and the price of goods that customers are willing and able to buy equals the price of goods
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