Our Population Essay

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It is common knowledge that the human population is increasing. There is an influx of controversy surrounding the question of "should we be worried about a growing population?" According to Hans Rosling, in his Gapminder presentation The Facts About Population, we shouldn't be worried. Rosling claims that a growing population is not something we should worry about. Even though the population is increasing, due to technology increases, education, slowing birth rates, and a shift in poverty, we can continue to move forward with all these people. "We undeniably face huge challenges, but the good news is that the future may not be quite as gloomy, and that mankind is already doing better than many of you think!"

Hans Rosling has multiple conclusions that support his thesis. One of which being that the population of the world is actually slowing down, substantially. Rosling claims that part of the problem about people stressing about population size is that they simply do not understand what is actually happening, especially in developing countries. "Many people think population growth is out of control. Some even talk of a population bomb!" According to the lecture, we no longer live in a divided world and the problem is not a lack of knowledge, it's preconceived ideas. Before the industrial revolution and for quite some time after, the population boomed. Recently, the most population growth has occurred in Asian countries, like Bangladesh. According to Rosling, this is where

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Overpopulation Essay

Stories of current times could sound surreal to citizens of the year 2552. Tales of water coming out of the ground, fuel sources called fossil fuels, or vast areas covered in trees would all be stories around the virtual campfire. Lands once known as Africa have become uninhabitable to even the most resilient organisms. At the poles, it is so cold that the fuel lines in vehicles freeze in eleven seconds. The descendants of seven billion people currently inhabiting this world would be faced with hard times if we fail to take action. An additional 80 million people each year are just going to add to problems such as global warming, food and water shortages, fossil fuel depletion, and destroyed ecosystems. All these problems will become more...show more content...

Life expectancy, standard of living, and world economies will begin an apocalyptic down spiral (Living Planet Report 2002).Throughout the next four decades, 97 percent of the population growth will take place in developing countries where governments are already facing social and economic issues. Water shortages are going to be the main issue aspopulation increases(Hoevel). However, seeing as surviving and reproducing are top priorities in these regions, they have little time to spare thinking about the environment and future generations. Overpopulation of humans is similar to a locust swarm. The locusts strip their habitat of all they find useful, then move on to the next area. The difference between humans and locusts though, is that once we strip earth of all she's worth, we have nowhere else to migrate. Overpopulation would take time to develop. It would also take the negligence of governments and citizens. There are several different routes that could be taken to prevent or alleviate the negative effects of overpopulation. Overpopulation is avoidable with governments' help and could be delayed or even avoided in multiple ways. Regrettably, governments are more tied up with economies, foreign affairs, and policy making to spare the man power to worry about issues that aren't pressing on their doorstep. Reducing the population is one path that could reduce strain on the environment. Policy could be implemented that limited the

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Human population growth is becoming a huge issue in our world today. The population is increasing rapidly. The reason that it is becoming a concern is because it has affected the economic, environmental, and social aspects of our world. In the film Frontline: Heat, we can see how there might not be a future for our planet unless we are able to reduce the emissions and make our world a safe place. Not only for the present but also for future generations so that they are able to live long and healthy lives. An increase in human population can influence our economy. Some of the factors that are affected are unemployment, poverty and the restriction of economic expansion. When the population increases, the cost of health, education,...show more content...

The revenues are not enough to provide for the population growth. This affects families to save less because they are spending all of their income on basic needs and cannot afford to educate their children, which produces poverty in the next generation. This results in low qualification and low chance of employment for children when they reach the working age. Due to this, industries and services cannot develop. With the increase of population, the volume of employment and unemployment increases. The number of unemployed depends on the size of the active population called the Labour Force. If the growth rate of the population is higher than the job opportunities available to the labour force, unemployment will occur. When there is an increase in population, society is solely focused on providing the basic needs. This results in the lack of obtaining education and because of this they cannot help the economy expand. Also, there are more consumers with the increase of population than producers, causing the restriction of economic expansion. Not only is our economy impacting the population, but so is the environment. "Population is the number one threat to our environment".

(Population Growth

Impacts on the Environment website). Our population is rising beyond the earth's ability to maintain a reasonable quality of life. This enlarged population has also increased the land uses, resource uses and pollution problems. A raise in land use

Human Population Growth
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Pros And Cons Of Overpopulation

Growing advances in technology with each coming year has affected humanity in many ways. Technology has given us the ability to save lives and create better medical treatment for all. A direct result of this has been increased lifespan and the growth of the population. In the past fifty or so years, the growth of population has increased rapidly and has turned into overpopulation. Developing countries face the problem of overpopulation more than developed countries, but it affects most of the Earth as of now.World populationgrowth is causing many alarming problems. The population will continue growing in some parts of the world whilst others stabilize, with some estimates putting the final population of the world as high as 12 billion.

Main...show more content...

Examples of such restrictions would be putting limits on water consumption, on driving and on what people can do on their land. Some are good ideas while others may be too invasive, but all are exacerbated by overpopulation.


Large Population makes it hard to mobilize enough people to defend the integrity of the country in times of war and any other emergencies.

Food Crises:

Due to growing population, we are now facing the problem of shortage of food. The current global food crisis is due to high food prices that are caused by poor growing conditions and the rising costs of fuel.

A Decrease in the Standard of Living:

Overpopulation leads to a fall in the standard of living. As a result of increased number of people, demand for essential products is becoming highly competitive and it is those that are rich that would be able to afford them, thereby bringing a fall in the standard of living.

Social Problems:

Overpopulation brings about social problems such as bribery, child abuse, violence, prostitution, armed robbery

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"Earth provides enough to satisfy every man's needs, but not every man's greed"– Mahatm Gandhi. The general argument goes a little like this, too many people means too much consumption happening, too much pollution and this threatens the capacity of a natural resource the earth is providing to human nature.

Population and what is the problem with population? More people, people versus resources perspective. Social perspective versus social relations. We, as human beings are living at the best time. We may be living in a strange, most difficult moment with all the wars happening around. At first stage, we started with war and Dark Ages and plagues and taboos, but then, recent centuries have increased the population number in the 150 years. ...show more content...

This leads to pollution and depletion. Therefore, we as humans are consuming too much of what the earth is providing either water, electricity, air, agriculture and we are having too many children. Hence, the solution is to create and spread more awareness about the overpopulation that is happening. Emphasize more on birth control regulations and transfer modern technologies to regions that have large number of productivity such as India and Egypt in order to slow population growth. Also, to develop or transfer new appropriate and efficient technologies to decrease energy consumption, increase the use of recycling, and increase agricultural productivity. For example by encouraging farmers to plant more, we need to focus on stimulating sustainable development. Here are a few points that would help in solving these

Population Essay
Advantages And Disadvantages Of
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Overpopulation, which is the increase of human population on Earth, is one of the most harmful environmental problems going on in today's society. As the rate of deaths has decreased, the rate of births has gone up drastically. As the human population grows more in quantity in little time, there are numerous effects that it is having on production for human necessities that later harm the Earth. This is truly a problem as studies show that by 2025, almost half of the world will be facing problems with access to freshwater and 70% of all freshwater on Earth will be going towards human demand. Later on, this can evolve into many other problems that can lead to, as shown by studies, the next mass extinction. The origin of this problem all started out during the Industrial Revolution. As said by many, the Industrial Revolution changed the face of the planet. As more buildings and jobs were made, more people worked and got paid better and had the opportunity to have children because they were finally able to sustain them. Greater food production, new medicines, and better sanitation are some of the many factors that led to higher birth rates and lower death rates. Overpopulation on Earth is a problem to humans because of the negative effects on human necessities leading to climate change.

Agriculture has been used by humans since civilizations were made and food productions started. It is still being used today by us humans, and is the main source we have for food production across the whole world. Agriculture used to bring benefits to humans and did not affect Earth in a bad way as it is doing now. Since overpopulation started, agriculture has still been providing humans with what humans need but it is increasing and starting to have very bad effects on the planet. One effect that agriculture aids in harm to Earth is that more cows are being bred and put on farms very quickly. Cows are a very important part to agriculture but do affect the Earth, especially as more of them are produced, by their releases which contain methane gas. One cow per year releases about 70 to 120 kg of methane into the atmosphere which harms our atmosphere because methane is a greenhouse gas and more cows being put on farms and fed more

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Cause And Effect Essay On Overpopulation

The Human Population By some, the human population is viewed as an environmental problem. There are also those who do not view it as a problem. In my opinion the human population is not yet, but is soon becoming a large problem. This is because very soon we will run out of room and resources for the amount of people who will be living on this planet. Because the world's population is increasing at a rate between one and two percent, we expect it to double within the next 35 to 70 years. At this rate it will be impossible to support every living being onearth. In fact, many people starve to death each day. Although this happens in America, this starvation most often occurs inthird world countries. This is because these countries are...show more content... Even selecting the people I though should be killed would be impossible for me. I believe many people would also have this problem. Even if some one could be found who was comfortable selecting and killing people, who is to say that this person is correct. I don't believe that any human has the right to decide who should die in a situation like this. Well then, how should we go about solving this problem? Are acts of Mother Nature such as AIDS, earthquakes, etc. our world's way of dealing with this problem? Is this not natural selection?

Although the starvation of these third world peoples is a horrible thing, I believe that changing it is not necessarily the answer. We now know that we need to do something about the rapid growth of our population. Are the growth and death rates, the poverty and starvation in the countries, our earth's way of doing that? Or even if it is not, is it not an answer? Do we really need to worry about the conditions in these countries? We need to slow down he growth of the population and that is exactly what is happening. Although it sounds like a horrible thing to say, the world is in danger and needs help. The world however is doing fine right now. It is within the next 70 years that we will begin to see and feel the actual consequences of having a population too large for the earth to support. In my opinion it is a very good idea to start working on this problem now, because when it becomes a reality, it may be too Get more content

The Human Population Essay



the Effects


Population: A

Look at Projections, Theories, and Global Population Practices. "We in the West do not refrain from childbirth because we are concerned about the population explosion or because we feel we cannot afford children, but because we do not like children." Germaine Greer, an Australian feminist writer, may or may not have been entirely serious when she wrote this statement, but the statement is an insightful one nonetheless. Greer hits on three major underlying themes that affect the study of global population trends. The first and often most important concern in population studies is that of a "population explosion." Other important factors including the economic impact on population...show more content...

Population Growth, "Explosion", and the Forces of Globalization

By the mid 1950's it was already evident that a large population growth was occurring worldwide. Basic demographic statistics show unprecedented population growth in the twentieth century. "In 1900 global population was 1.7 billion, in 1950 it reached 2.5 billion," long term projections from the United Nations estimate that human population will reach the 6 million mark by the end of the twentieth century and furthermore they project a growth to a population of approximately 11.6 billion around the year 2200 . Most scholars, and even the United Nations statisticians themselves, will acknowledge that such long–term projections are at best simply nothing more than guesses. Despite this fact, these projections must still be acknowledged in order to plan for a future in which 11 billion people may have to share the scarce land and resources left in our world. The debate over population growth is one that is fierce, often over exaggerated, and clearly centered around the Malthusian dilemma. Alarmists will warn that the population is far outgrowing our food sources, therefore population growth must be the main cause of hunger. "In 1985, at the height of a major African drought, Colorado governor Richard D. Lamm wrote in the New York Times that the United States should stop giving emergency relief to African countries that failed to reduce

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Population causes a heated debate among many people. The world's population has exceeded 6.5 billion and continues to increase about another 76 million each year. The three most populated countries are China, India, and the United States. Scientists have become worried that the population will double within the next 50 years, exceeding 12 billion people. With scarce natural resources and the strain that a doubling in population will cause on food availability, people become more wary about population control. What is population control? Population Control is the practice of limiting population increase, usually by reducing the birth rate (www.wikipedia.org).

The first country to adopt a...show more content...

Samuel states in his article, "The Development of India's Policy of Population Control": "This policy has not yet received the attention merited by its importance for India's development."

China leads India in population by about 2 million people, putting China at the top of the list with 1.3 billion people, roughly 20 per cent of the world's population (www.wikipedia.org). What has China done in the effort to slow the ever growing population? In 1979, China introduced a policy limiting one child per family. This was unprecedented. In 1986, the limit increased to two children per family, as long as the family was non–Han. (Han is the ethnic majority in China). Some rural Han families were also allowed to have two children, as long as the firstborn child was a female. The goal in doing this was to limit the population to below 1.37 billion by the year 2010. Some families refused to adhere to the family limitation policies. For example, they sabotaged government mandated contraceptives and paid doctors to claim to have performed abortions.

It has been 28 years since the policy was set, and there have been some gender fluctuation within the Chinese population. At first, the Chinese families only wanted male children in order to carry on the family name and honor. Many families with daughters born wanted abortions or simply killed the females after birth. In 1995, 1,166 male children were born for every

Essay on World Population
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World Population
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There are approximately 6 billion people on our planet now and by 2050 that number is expected to jump to 9 billion people. (http:/ /www.prb.org/datafind/datafinder5.htm) Picture yourself driving down a crowded street or stuck in a traffic jam, have you ever wondered how it is possible for that many people to live all on the same planet. I have had those thoughts several times and believe that overpopulation is one of the biggest problems in the world today. Overpopulation has become a major crisis in the twenty–first century and it's detrimental affect on our living standards, environment, and much needed resources. The problem is not the number of people in this world, but the way people choose to live. The dilemmas created by...show more content...

A more serious issue brought about by overpopulation also has an effect on the environment. The growth in the population has created a need for more energy to be produced. Energy is an important resource that is in constant demand, regardless of the pollution it disperses into our air and water. Air and water pollution can cause health problems and environmental issues which should not be overlooked, for the sake of our future and our children's futures. The products used in this process release fumes into the air we breathe and are mostly invisible to the human eye. Air pollution rises into the atmosphere and combines with the moisture in the air and it causes acid rain. Acid rain then begins to contaminate our lakes and soil, as well as our drinking water, plants, and animals we consume. Some of the things we should do to lessen the amount of pollution immersed into our environment include, car–pooling, turning off lights when not in use, and even turning off the water while brushing your teeth. We definitely need energy to increase industrial developments, but we need to be smart about how we use it before it depletes every source of clean air and water available to us.

A more commonly recognized issue created by overpopulation is the shortage of food, water, and shelter to accommodate all 6 billion people. Food and water are vital resources needed to just maintain Get

Persuasive Essay on Overpopulation
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November 29, 2017


Have you ever wondered what your kids or loved one's life would be like in the future? well, i'm here to tell you that they may not have one, or a good one for that matter if we don't focus on certain issues, one being overpopulation. Overpopulation is an issue that creates other problems on earth including global warming, deforestation, lack of resources, species extinction, and many more. I believe that this issue is up there with some of the most important public problems that need to be resolved or done something about. Overpopulation has been a world problem for centuries and yet people haven't done much about it, so you may ask yourself why should I do something when others aren't doing anything?. Well for starters you may serve as a leader and do things others haven't yet to accomplish and maybe one day make a difference in the world. By promoting change and trying to make a difference you will start something that will benefit the lives of others, it's not likely for you to see much change in your lifetime but caring for the future of those who have yet to be born should be human nature and a priority. This problem can't be fixed by The United States or by any nation for that matter. Nations will have to come together to resolve one of the greatest issues we have ever faced. If it ever comes to such critical state which we are heading towards we don't have many options. Many scientist and researchers have calculated which actions we have available those being, colonization and exploration of other planets and controlling the birth rates. Many of the things we are so proudly making advancements in things like technology and medicine will actually end up hindering the time we have left before earth reaches its mass capacity of nine point five billion people. Overpopulation has been an issue talked about by every generation and yet there has been close to no results on how to fix it. I had recently read an article in Life Science titled How Many People can the Earth Support by Natalie Wolchover, which talked about an economist who wrote a book about the population and resources here on earth. He had written this in the early 1800's so I

Persuasive Speech On Overpopulation
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The world we live in is becoming increasingly overpopulated due to migrates and births. With an increase in population, there will become a decrease in resources over time. Furthermore, not being able to provide the quality of life due to the decline of resources can create a war and an unbalanced world. There is no way this should be allowed to happen without a plan of action for the future due to the impact. Just because we can reproduce does not mean we should go overboard with it as well as we do not need to accept in this country all migrants. The overpopulated world will soon suffer from this impact due to the lack of food, energy, and jobs.

There is no life without a food source, we need to have enough food to sustain us until, our...show more content...

According to Emmett (2009), he believes overpopulation poses no threat to the environment because human ingenuity and free markets will restrain population growth. The Neo–Institutionalists are the people who believe a free market based– society will be able to balance the population and the economy with growth and improve environmental quality. Neo–Institutionalist policies focus on the institution and consequences of reform, rather than on the reform of human nature" Although, the economic growth can lower the fertility rates some believe that this can restrain population growth (Bailey, 2006). If we can use science as a tool, science can create energy that can be utilized to create and harvest food, hence the more people the more minds can be utilized for developing new ideas and provide more information to a long stable environment. Furthermore, the overall increase in population will lead to a decline in pollution, due to the creative minds of human. While population growth means more people to feed, it also means that we have more people to devote their creativity and imagination to solve the problems of transforming resources into useful goods and services (Emmett, 2009). "The standard of living has risen along with the size of the world 's population since the beginning of recorded time; However, there is no convincing economic reason why these trends toward a better life should not continue indefinitely."

Essay On Overpopulation
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Population Growth

Population Growth is becoming a huge issue in our country and world today. The reason that it has become such a pressing issue is that our growing population needs a growing economy and has growing needs. As our population grows, the needs of the population become bigger. Very large population becomes a problem when there isn't enough space to live, and not enough food and supplies to live off of. We can predict population size in the future by examining the recent past. This can give us good ideas about what we will have to do to accommodate all of the people in the US and the world, or start to put restrictions on babies being born like our fellow country China. In this activity we were given the ...show more content...

The errors in the linear model were random, but not off by much each different year. The population wasn't off by more than 2,000 people at most in one year. Using the linear model we made some predictions like what will the population being the year 2000? By putting the equation into the calculator and going into the table, we predicted that in the year 2000 the population would be 2.76 billion. Anotherprediction that was made was what will the population be when I retire. Most people retire when they are about sixty– five, so that would be in the year 2045. The population in 2045 is predicted to be 3.8 billion according to the linear model. The population will double from the current population in the year 2114. The population will then be 5.52 billion. One thing that I am concerned about is how high the population will be when my children are growing up. I plan to have children when I am about 27 so when my child is about 20, the year will be 2027 and the population will be 3.4 billion. Next we did the same procedure for the world population. In this case, the exponential model fit the data more efficiently. The equation was 2,552,666,405 = 1.018,677,273^x, r = .998328246. The world population for the year 2000 is will be 6.44 billion. Upon retiring the world population will be 1.5 trillion people. Comparing the two models the exponential model makes sense because the population is growing at such a rapid rate. The

Population Growth Essay
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The Population Problem Essay

The Population Problem

Two hundred years ago, Thomas Malthus, in An Essay on the Principle of Population, reached the conclusion that the number of people in the world will increase exponentially, while the ability to feed these people will only increase arithmetically (21). Current evidence shows that this theory may not be far from the truth. For example, between 1950 and 1984, the total amount of grain produced more than doubled, much more than the increase in population in those 34 years. More recently though, these statistics have become reversed.

From 1950 to 1984, the amount of grain increased at 3 percent annually. Yet, from 1984 to 1993, grain production had grown at barely 1 percent per year, a decrease in grain production per...show more content...

More people means more waste, more pollution, and more development. With this taken into consideration, it seems that Hardin's teachings should no longer fall on deaf ears. When discussing the issue of population, it is important to note that it is one of the most controversial issues facing the world today.Population growth, like many other environmental issues, has two sides. One side will claim that the population explosion is only a myth, while the other side will argue that the population explosion is reality. Because of this, statistics concerning this subject vary widely. But, in order to persuade, it is necessary to take one side or the other. Thus, statistics may be questioned as to their validity, even though the statistics come from credible sources.

Lifeboat Ethics

The United States is the most populous country in the world, behind only China and India. Unlike China and India though, the United States is the fastest growing industrialized nation. The United States' population expands so quickly because of the imbalance between migration and immigration, and births and deaths. For example, in 1992, 4.1 million babies were born. Weighing this statistic against the number of deaths and the number of people who entered and left the country, the result was that the United States obtained 2.8 million more people than it had gotten rid of (Douglis 12). Population increases place great strain on the American society and more particularly it

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Reflection Paper On Population Growth

As I reflect upon the topics that have been discussed in this course thus far, I am genuinely impressed by the growth and evolution of my knowledge and perspective regarding human population growth. From the start, I felt that global population growth is a major issue because it perpetuates existing issues of malnutrition, water scarcity, disease, and social unrest, but I was truly only concerned in a broad universal sense. After having had the opportunity to explore issues of agriculture, resource distribution, and population control as an active participant in this course, I feel much more personally implicated in the issue than I did initially and feel that it should be a topic of highest priority worldwide. Our global agricultural situation is much more dire than I had previously understood. Our excessive tillage of the land and economic investment in the agricultural industry is literally exhausting the soil of its nutrients thus reducing the amount of arable land available for us to grow food to a mere 11% of Earth's total landmass. Perhaps even more alarming is the fact that as the population continues to grow and the demand for food increases in response, the land available for food production shrinks simultaneously, and soon it may become impossible to properly sustain our species because we will have no resources left to exploit. Dr. Wilson expressed the world's treatment of the issue of food supply best when he suggested, "This is an abstract concept until you go

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The Graying of our Population

A country is considered to be graying when the average age of its citizens rises to the point at which the majority of the population is considered to be "older". The largest generation of Americans were born between 1946 and 1964. The people that were born during the 18 year period are referred to as Baby Boomers. As of 2012, Baby Boomers made up nearly 25% of the total U.S. population of approximately 315,000,000 (CNN, 2014). The U.S. faces a huge challenge as the number of Baby Boomers reaching retirement age will double by 2030.

According to the Eldercare Workforce Alliance [EWA] (2014), the first Baby Boomers turned 65 years old in 2011 and by 2029, all Baby Boomers will be at least 65. The group, totaling nearly 70 million people, will have an enormous impact on the U.S. health care system. The aging population will create many new obstacles for the healthcare industry because as people age they are more likely to develop illness and disease. According to the EWA, nearly 65% of all people 65 and over and 60% of people between 50 and 64 have at least one chronic illness. The healthcare workforce is not nearly large enough to treat the number of patients that will require medical attention. Health professionals will be in high demand because it is estimated that over 3,000,000 additional medical workers will be needed to meet the needs of the aging population. Diseases that are associated with aging are very expensive to treat Get more content

The Graying Of Our

Causes of Overpopulation Essay

According to the U.S Census Bureau the current world population is estimated to be about 6,770,332,394 people and still growing exponential. Also the world population is suppose to be over 8 billion people by 2025, and 9.5 billion by 2050 (U.S. Census Bureau). The only way to prevent this problem from becoming a world epidemic is by truly understanding some of the causes of the problem and what this problem might bring to the future of mankind.

The world population growth is moving exponentially up in a J curve, which is normal for populations in nature with abundant resources. Surprisingly the human population has not yet reached the carrying capacity (Michigan U.). 11,000 years ago during the time of the agricultural revolution...show more content...

According to Carl Haub, the total number of people to ever be born is approximately 106 billion people up until 2002. With nearly 7 billion people alive today that is about 6% of the total people who ever lived (Curtin). Today thepopulation growth rate is around 1.3%. the peak of population growth was between 1965–1970 when the growth rate was about 2.1%.

Many factors affect the growth of the populations including birth/death rate, age of overall population, resources, environment, and distribution. The most important is birth rates and death rates. Before modern medicine and urbanization the birth rate was very high but the death rate was about the same. In that time having a large family would improve status and life because of the extra help with needs. But today in developed countries with urban environments means a large family equals higher cost, lower standard of living, and lower status. In Thailand, where schooling is expensive, people saw that having more children caused having to spend more money on school. When this happened the births per woman went down from about 6 to around 2 in only ten years (Michigan U). The age distribution of developed countries is close to equilibrium due to the economic constraints. This means there are less young people to produce off spring, slowing the overall growth. In developing countries the age distribution is shaped like a pyramid, meaning many young people in turn causing more off spring and high population

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According to the Population Division of the United Nations, world population reached 6,500 million in 2005 and will continue growing by more than 76 million per year, United Nations estimates indicate that by 2050 there will be between 7,700 million and 10,600 million, being the most likely projection of 9,100 million inhabitants. The availability of arable land and increased efficiency in food production from land can reach their limits. The oceanographic conditions, climate and its effect on soil quality and various human uses to determine crop land will be unable to provide food for the ever growing human population. On the other hand, it is recognized, therefore, that marine and freshwater aquatic, covering over 70% of the planet's...show more content...

In 2000, the salmon produced more than 1.1 million tons or 61% of the total production of salmon in the world. This trend is particularly evident in Norway, where the combination of reduced availability of wild resources and sustained increases of crops has resulted in the production of farmed Atlantic salmon is 100 times higher than the wild catch. In Canada, the decline of natural stocks of Atlantic salmon and Pacific has led to severe restrictions on the catch of wild species. In Chile, growing sustainably salmonid species has increased, reaching in 2000 27% of world production exceeding (52%) the value of exports of fishmeal and other marine products.

In Chile within the various aquatic species on which extractive activities are carried out and cropping, the mussels are second in the national harvest totals (18%), this group being represented by the species' giant mussel "(Choromytilus chorus), the "mussel" (Mytilus chilensis) and "mussel" (Aulacomya atra) (Subpesca, 2006) (Fig.1). The development of the mussel, which represents the oldest farming activity has been developed in Chile, since there are reports of field trials from 1968 (Yanez, 1974), was initiated breakdown product of the fisheries of these resources, as the near extinction of "choro shoe" and the depletion of the natural banks of the "mussel" and "mussel." The greatest success is achieved in the cultivation of "mussel" in PutemГєn and other

World Population
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Impacts of Overpopulation The simple fact that humans do not live in isolation makes it necessary for them to institute structures of living such as families, tribes, and contemporary nations and other groupings of societies. Human live in groups as they attempt to share the available space, resources, and other interests. Therefore, coexistence is an inevitable element of nature, there has to be a peaceful relationship, for instance, between humans and animals to guarantee the survival of both groups. Humans are the dominating species that control the earth. The activities and variations of their interests and opinions have significant impacts on the rest of the planet. While each person has basic needs, they have to be controlled not to overstep on the needs of others. According to Esteban and Max, "Between 1900 and 2000 the increase inworld population was three times greater than the entire previous history of humanity– an increase from 1.5 to 6.1 billion in just 100 years". Human's population has grown dramatically during last century, and it is also increasing in enormous number nowadays. For human's existence,overpopulation has huge influences on human societies, and natural environment. Humans have concerned themselves with the controversy of population changes since ancient time. Among the earliest detailed record of population levels/numbers is the census of Rome for the purposes of tax collection and food reserve issues arising during extreme conditions (Edgar

Of Overpopulation On The Society Essay
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The Importance of Nutrition in Health

University of Arkansas Fort Smith

NUTR 25230E1

According to the World Health Organization nutrition is defined as "the intake of food, considered in relation to the body's dietary needs." This topic is often overlooked by many Americans and its relationship with a healthy life is often never understood. From before life begins in the embryonic stages to the final stages of life nutrition plays a vital role in the life a person. Poor nutrition can be caused by over indulgence or deprivation of essential nutrients and can lead to a decreased immune system which increases susceptibly to other diseases, obesity, poor wound healing and decrease in essential development in young ages. Nutrition is an important aspect in the health and well–being of our population. Educating the public on the effects on health of poor nutrition is key in preventing the continual premature deaths in America.Malnutrition caused by the deprivation of certain essential nutrients can be life threatening. There are two types of poor nutrition related to deprivation of nutrients. Malnutrition is characterized by not eating enough calories or consuming enough energy for the body to work properly. The importance of proper nutrition shows as early as the formation of an embryo during fetal development. Without the consumption of essential vitamins and minerals by the mother a fetus will be unable to develop properly, if at all. Also, the

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