Macbeth Gcse Essay

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Analysis of Act 2 Scene 2 of Macbeth

Act 2, scene 2, in the play of Macbeth, is a fairly significant scene, in which to mark the changes of the two characters, Macbeth and Lady Macbeth. Their minds and feelings are portrayed in this scene. It helps to show the role, which they play and to what degree they have been affected by the witches' prophecies.

Act 2, Scene 2, takes place in the home of Macbeth as a result to the murder of Duncan. It is interesting that Shakespeare chose to have the murder of Duncan taking place offstage. This scene is also significant in ways to show the reactions of the two characters to their crime and sin. The murder of Duncan possibly took place off stage to more content...

The scene begins with Lady Macbeth by herself.

In this line Lady Macbeth is saying that she has the energy and courage inspired by liquor to cope with what she has done to cause the murder of Duncan.

She appears to be in a very uneasy and hesitant state, claiming to be bold and courageous yet jumps to the sound of an owl. Owls, are birds of night, and are recognised as ill omens. The owl is compared to a bellman, which is a person recognised as to ring the bell before an execution. It is possible; that Shakespeare meant Duncan to be killed at this exact point as in the previous scene Macbeth is on his way to kill Duncan.

Lady Macbeth says "He is about it", using the term "it" to relate to the murder. It is as if she's too scared to say the word. It seems as if the word "it" is more comforting to her than "murder" to help her feel slightly more relaxed at knowing what she and her husband Macbeth have done.

As Macbeth enters the room the tension and nervousness is immediately noticeable. From the use of dashes, we can see that the speech is very

Analysis of Act 2 Scene 2 of Macbeth Essay
" What hath quenched them hath given me fire "

broken up. This shows the nerves of the two characters and we see hesitation in their speech. Lady Macbeth claims that she would have done the deed if Duncan had not looked like her father whilst sleeping. This shows weaknesses in her character;

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Blindness Has Consequences



When a character in a tragedy fails to see what they really are, or who other people around them really are, tragedy, normally consisting of death results. In the play Macbeth by William Shakespeare many characters fail to see the truth that is themselves, or another person. The play reads, "I think not of them:

Yet when we can entreat an hour to serve, We would spend it in some words upon that business

If you would grant me the time."

(Act II, I, 25–28)

This quote stated by Macbeth shows blindness in a simple way. He like most of the other characters in this play is blind to his character which is expressed in this statement. Macbeth attempts to say he has no interest in more content...

This is shown many times throughout the play; she thinks she can do everything that is needed to be done with killing Duncan, because she is not a "coward" but when it comes to her making the attempt to do so she chickens out because she finds Duncan to resemble her father to much when he is sleeping. She tells Macbeth everything will be fine as long as he doesn't show his fear. She does not understand that she has a much stronger conscience then she is aware of. The play reads, "Only look up clear; / To alter favour ever is to fear: / Leave all the rest to me."

(Act I, v, 79–81) This statement is very important because it shows that Lady Macbeth is very confident in herself. She is saying that Macbeth just needs to stand there and look pretty, and sell himself to everyone mean while she will plan out everything else, involving this horrid murder. Much later in the novel she starts to feel very guilty for the murder of Duncan, and eventually falls ill, ridden in guilt. Lady Macbeth has mentally wired herself to act as though nothing will get through to her, it is like she is an iron wall, she thinks nothing can get through, but in reality, the wall is nonexistent, and her conscience is very strong, it is just not present at the necessary times. As well as Lady Macbeth's blindness to her conscience and guilt, she is blind to the consequences that come with doing

Blindness in Macbeth
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The Guilt of Lady Macbeth Shakespeare's "Macbeth" holds many hidden themes within its already exuberant plot. The first of these surrounds the murder of Duncan and the role that both Lady Macbeth and Macbeth himself played. However, the true guilt of the murder can fall on either character. Although Macbeth physically committed the crime, it was Lady Macbeth that pushed him to his limits of rational thought and essentially made fun of him to lower his esteem. With Macbeth's defenses down, it was an easy task for Lady Macbeth to influence Duncan's murder and make up an excuse as to why she could not do it herself. The guilt of Duncan's murder can be placed firmly on the head on Lady Macbeth. more content...

The correlation to the dress of the day is very interesting, as men would be in colorful, exuberant and tight outfits, resembling women's wear. This reduced the esteemed masculinity for some males, and Macbeth is obviously feeling similar emotions, though his dress is more ancient. It is more the feeling conveyed by an actor that the audience would receive. This almost comic irony becomes important in the following scenes, as Lady Macbeth winds up to sucker Macbeth into killing Duncan so that he may be king and she may be queen. In addition, her attacks on his manliness reflect her character, as a man is playing it. In essence, a man, playing a woman, is making fun of the incapacity of the penis of a man dressed like a woman. Lady Macbeth has seen Macbeth's weakness, his lack of manliness. She is too afraid to commit the murder of Duncan, and must assure Macbeth that it is his duty. She accomplished this goal by making fun of him and arousing his jealousy instincts. What beast was't, then, That made you break this enterprise to me? When you durst do it, then you were a man; And, to be more than what you were, you would Be so much more the man. Nor time nor place Did then adhere, and yet you would make both: They have made themselves, and that their fitness now Does unmake you. I have given suck, and know How tender

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The Guilt of Lady Macbeth Essay

The play, Macbeth, Macbeth and his wife kill the king of Scotland so Macbeth can become king. As a result, of the witches since they told him about the prophecy and how he would become king. He eventually does more evil things which fills Lady Macbeth with guilt. She ends up killing herself and Macbeth ends up dying. In the play, there are numerous of themes that you can see and examples that you can find. There are five themes that we have discussed in class which are ambition, guilt, things are not what they seem, fate versus free will, and nature versus the unnatural.

One of the five themes in Macbeth that we discussed is ambition. I believe the meaning of ambition is the desire to do something whether it is bad or good. In addition, more content...

The killing of his family is his motivation for him to kill Macbeth because he wants to get revenge. Furthermore, ambition is desire of doing something that is good or bad like revenge. Also, when Malcolm heard what happened to Macduff's family and how Scotland has become after being ruled by Macbeth, it made him want to kill Macbeth.

Another theme in Macbeth is guilt. I believe that guilt is feeling bad for something that you have done to someone or something. In addition, guilt can destroy you and/or eat at you. It could even drive you to do something like it did to Macduff. Macduff went to England and left his family behind so that he could get Malcolm to come back and be king. When he left to get Malcolm, Macbeth killed his entire family. He felt guilty for living his family alone in Scotland without protection. Similarly to ambition, his guilt drove him to kill Macbeth. Another example of guilt is Lady Macbeth sleeping walking towards the end of the play. Lady Macbeth and Macbeth killed the king of Scotland (Duncan) and she is feeling guilty for what she has done. Also, she doesn't like what her husband has done like killing Macduff's whole family. She feels as if she was responsible for that. In a result of that she ends up sleep walking and eventually killing herself because she couldn't live with the guilt anymore. The guilt of killing Duncan literally ate at Lady Macbeth and destroyed her to the point of suicide. Macbeth feels guilty for killing Duncan.

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Macbeth Theme Essay

The Downfall of a Tyrant

Shakespeare wrote Macbeth in 1606, during the reign of James I, who was James IV of Scotland before he became the King of England. James I, was a sponsor of Shakespeare's theatre, so it is clear that Shakespeare's work was affected by James I's sensitivities. Murder and intrigue was a part of the Scottish Reign when James was growing, and in fact, James's father was murdered when he was just a baby. Macbeth tells the story of a Scottish general who, through prophecies received from three witches and manipulations of his wife, believed that he would become the King of Scotland. He murders King Duncan and grabs the throne to satisfy the burning ambition of his subconscious. Power did not bring him peace or comfort; more content...

Just to emphasize the suggested supernatural relationship further, the witches took help from Satan and Demon to make their magic work. The unnatural abilities like conjuring evil potions in Act 4 Scene 1 "Round about the cauldron go."of the witches would not have gone far if it was not for the very natural burning ambition of Lady Macbeth in alluring Macbeth to murder the king. The King of Scotland was well liked by the people of Scotland but Lady of the house was naturally devilish, accepting all means to achieve her goal.

The three witches happen to be the first characters to be introduced in Macbeth and were one of the main cause of the title character's evil and unpredicted actions. Shakespeare used the stereotype about witches being ugly and wise women yielding evil powers and described them as the 'Three Weird Sisters.' They play the role of informants who convey a message to Macbeth, which eventually caused him to kill King Duncan as well as the Macduff and Banquo's families. Their key skill, in fact, was to penetrate Macbeth's troubled subconscious, which already contained a demonic desire for power and the throne. The witches just supplied the simple trigger; they have predicted that he would become the Thane of Cawdor and the King.

Witches speak in a form of verses with rhyming couplets, where

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Macbeth As A Tyrant Essay

"Macbeth" a tragedy written by William Shakespeare, portrays, how the main character Macbeth, transforms from a war hero, to a murdering villain. Macbeth starts out as the thane of Glamis and steadily rises to become King of Scotland. The higher Macbeth rose on his road of power the more corrupt and evil he became. The character change of Macbeth ignites the whole theme of the play. Macbeth is shown as a vigorous war hero in the opening scene. "And fortune, on his damned quarrel smiling showed like a rebel's whore. But all's too weak for brave Macbeth." (1.2 16.18) The captain expressing the braveness of great Macbeth in Scotland's battle with the invading Norway hordes. It didn't take long for the people more content...

Macbeth decides that he wont murder the king. Lady Macbeth's determination to become queen influences Macbeth's decision.

"If it were done when tis done, then twere it be done quickly" (1.7 1–2) Macbeth is toying with the notion to murder King Duncan. Macbeth would not be satisfied until he ruled all Scotland! An idea turned into a priority, Macbeth wasn't thinking of killing the king he was sure of it. "Is this a dagger which I see before me, the handle toward my hand...."(2.1 42–43) Macbeth's vision turned out to be a false creation of the mind that led macbeth to believe that fate was telling him to kill King Duncan.

Near the end of the play Macbeths true evilness comes out. Macbeth paranoia leads him to believe that everyone is out to get him. " So is he mine, and in such bloody distance that every minute of his thrusts against my hear'st life" (3.1 128–130) Macbeth grows suspicious of Banquo. The witch's predictions of Banquo's kids becoming king engulfed all thoughts in Macbeth's head. "I'll make assurance double sure." (4.1 93) Macbeth is making sure Banquo and his son fleance are murdered. Macbeth felt the it was best to hire murders to handle fleance and Banquo. Macbeth is overcome with evil. "From this moment the very firstling of my heart shall be the firstling of my mind" (4.1 165–168) Macbeth's mind no

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of Macbeth Essay

Every person possesses certain amounts of certain qualities to be a great leader. Some of those qualities are kindness, willingness and bravery. In Macbeth there are many characters in positions of power that may or may not withhold the qualities of a good leader. The king Duncan in my opinion withheld all the qualities to be a great leader.Macbeth on the other hand at one time had the qualities but then, when put into a position of power turned sour. Not very many people posses the qualities that are needed to be an amazing leader and can keep the qualities in a position of power. There are specific qualities for a good leader such as: honesty, loyalty, determined, motivational, dependable, self–controlled and broad more content... He shows he was dependable by never retreating when situations got tough. Most of all Duncan was self–controlled and did not look to anyone else for their opinion. Duncan never let anyone persuade him from doing what he thought was right. Duncan was a true leader and withholds all the qualities to formulate him as the ultimate leader. Macbeth had all the right qualities that a virtuous leader and from a glance you would think that no one could be as great as Macbeth. Macbeth in the beginning showed all the qualities of a leader. He was honourable because he fought for his country with all he had. He was not a coward because he had all his wounds on his front which means that he never turned his back and tried to get away. When shown an opportunity for a position of power, Macbeth turned cold and turned on his own country. The biggest quality that Macbeth does not posse is he is not self–controlled, if Macbeth was self–controlled he would not have killed Duncan but his wife convinced him that it was the right thing to do and the only way to become king himself. Macbeth hated traitors and killed them ruthlessly but then he became one himself. By the end Macbeth was not a good leader at all, he was barely a leader. He was motivated, but motivated in the wrong way, he killing innocent people to keep his position of power. Macbeth is not broad minded, he never saw any ones side but his own. Macbeth at this stage in the game is not a good leader! An

Macbeth Essay
Macbeth Essay
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Fear In Macbeth Essay


Topic: Fear is the primary emotion in Macbeth

THESIS: Fear is the primary emotion and the central motivating factor that influenced the outcome of the play as it dominated and controlled the nature of multiple characters.


As the main motivator to Macbeth's actions, Lady Macbeth is a character whose ambition and greed lead her and her husband to their inevitable fate of death. Lady Macbeth's relentlessness, as well as her longing for power, generate an emotion of endless pain and suffering

EXAMPLE 1: Consistently washing her hands as she begins to feel guilt and remorse.

In hearing the prophecies of her husband, Lady Macbeth is intent on making Macbeth more content... Each new morn / New widows howl, new orphans cry, new sorrows / Strike heaven on the face, that it resounds / As if it felt with Scotland and yelled out / Like syllable of dolor." (IV.iii. 2–8)


Macbeth's unfettered lust for power led to his biggest detriment, the transformation into a man living in fear who cannot possibly escape this continuous cycle of trepidation. Though Macbeth may hide these fears behind a strong exterior throughout the play, it remains a primary emotion and potent motivating force in his life.

EXAMPLE 1: Macbeth's fear of the unknown and of the future has driven him to seek certainty as his one objective.

This fear begins in the beginning of the play after hearing the witches' three prophetic greetings two of the three prophecies have conformed to reality; this fires his aspiration to do everything in his power to ensure that the third one comes true

Results in death of King

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In William Shakespeare's Macbeth, the main character, Macbeth, is a brave and loyal subject to the King of Scotland, but as the play progresses, his character begins to change drastically. Evil and unnatural powers, as well as his own passion to become king, take over his better half and eventually lead to his downfall. The three main factors that intertwine with one another that contribute to Macbeth's tragic end are the prophecies told by the three witches, Lady Macbeth's influence, and finally, Macbeth's excessive passion and ambition which drove his desire to become king to the utmost extreme. The prophecy told by the three witches was what triggers the other factors that contribute to Macbeth s downfall. In the first act, the more content...

Lady Macbeth provides a scheme for Macbeth to assassinate the King. She is manipulative and persuasive in corrupting Macbeth s judgement.

"What beast was't then that you break this enterprise to me? When you durst do it, then you were a man; And to be more than what you were, you would be so much more the man." (Act I. Sc.VII) In this quote, Lady Macbeth is agitating Macbeth by saying he is not a man if he does not do what he says he is going to do, which is to murder the king of course.

This angers Macbeth and enables him to follow Lady Macbeth's scheme to kill the King easier. Macbeth's first murder is definitely a trying experience for him. However, as the play progresses, killing seems easy and the only solution to maintain his reign of the people of Scotland. Macbeth becomes increasingly ambitious as the play goes on.

The witches prophecies and Lady Macbeth's influence intensifies his ambition and drives Macbeth to obtain and maintain his title of Scotland by whatever means, even murdering his best friend, Banquo. "Upon my head they placed a fruitless crown, son of mine succeeding. If't be so, for Banquo's issue have I filed my mind; For them the gracious Duncan I have murder'd; ...To make them kings, the seed of Banquo kings! (Act III. sc.I) At this point Macbeth's passion becomes more and more extreme to the point where no one stands in his way. His greed, violence, and hunger for power drastically declines his Get more

Macbeths Downfall Essay

     A Shakespearean tragic hero starts out as a noble person; a great exceptional being who stands out. A tragic hero has a tragic flaw of an exaggerated trait that leads to their downfall and eventually to death. William Shakespeare often made his main characters tragic heroes in his plays. In Shakespeare's Macbeth, the role of the tragic hero is given to the main character: Macbeth. This is because he starts off as a loyal and well liked man in the beginning, but has a tragic flaw of ambition which ultimately leads to his downfall.      Macbeth started off a great and noble man of Scotland and was honoured by the king and his people. He was thought of as a great man and brave among more content... She knows he needs motivation. Macbeth's ambition was so great that he often thought of killing the king to become the king. He recalls a moment when he thought of killing Duncan after the encounter with the three witches. "This supernatural soliciting Cannot be ill; cannot be good; if ill, Why hath it given me earnest success, Commencing in a truth? I am thane of Cawdor: If good, why do I yield to that suggestion Whose image doth unfix my hair?"(I, iii, 140–145) This reveals that Macbeth's character has a bit more evil in him than we are let on to believe. He also realizes that his ambition is making him get carried away and it is all happening rapidly. "...To prick the sides of my intent/ but only / vaulting ambition, which develops itself/ and falls on the other."(I, vii, 26–28) He knows things are going too fast and he wants to procrastinate from the deed a little longer. Macbeth's tragic flaw of ambition ultimately leads him to his downfall.      Macbeth's downfall begins when his ambition takes over his conscience and leads him to kill King Duncan. He gets tangled up in a web of death and lies. Once Duncan is murdered, it only leads to more ruthless crimes committed by Macbeth against his loved ones. He feels the need to kill off Banquo and his son because they know too much and are a possible threat to his regime. "To be thus is nothing; But to be safely thus: our fears in Banquo

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macbeth as a tragic hero Essay

Death is often looked upon as the last stage of life. When a person physically dies it is believed that their life ends at that moment, but is it really a valid statement? Can a person not love on even after being physically dead? Shakespeare often shows this theme of physical and spiritual death through the characters in his play,Macbeth. Macbeth is a play of treachery and war, where punishment for treachery is execution, to where death at war is glorious, but one overlooked aspect of spiritual death or the death of the Protagonist, Macbeth's soul. To convey this theme of spiritual death, through Macbeth, and physical death, through other characters in the play, Shakespeare vividly uses characters and language.

In more content... This idea is deeply presented by Shakespeare, through various characters, and their influences on other characters. First the audience is introduced to disloyal characters, and execution as justice. As the play progresses, and more people are killed at battle, the aspect of glory in death it displayed. By the end of the play, the aspect of death before death, or the death of one's soul, finally begins to come out of the dark as the decline of Macbeth's character is more visible to the audience. Through the play Shakespeare brings out a theme that forces the audience to ponder on the boundaries of what is considered as

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Theme Of Death In Macbeth
Macbeth essay

At the beginning of the play Macbeth is seen as a courageous soldier who is loyal to the King but is corrupted from the witches prophecies and by his and Lady Macbeth's ambition. Their marriage is of convenience for Lady Macbeth, but for Macbeth it is more than that. He loves his wife, and she takes advantage of that. She is continuously making him feel guilty, for being weak, and challenges his manhood, with these words "When you durst do it, then you were a man, and, to be more than what you were, you would be so much more the man." (I,vi,50–52), which means, Be a man, and I will love you as one.

Macbeth is a hero to Scotland, and a strong person.. He is a Lord under the rule of King Duncan, and he has no reason to more content... This is why he writes to Lady Macbeth, as to prompt her for some persuasion in killing Duncan, and she later refers to the latter as his agreement of the murder when she says "Nor time nor place did then adhere, and yet you would make both"(I,vii,50–52); basically meaning that he was prepared to kill him before, and now he is too weak to go through with it.

Macbeth's true character is revealed in his thougths. Macbeth expresses these thoughts when he is thinking to himself "If chance will haveme King. Why,chance may crown me wihout my stir."(I,iii,143–144). But The thought of murdering the King, or anyone, fills him with horror, and this is why he writes to Lady Macbeth, seeking her support.After the support of Lady Macbeth and with the meeting with the witches eventually does kill his King.

After killing King Duncan , Macbeth is starting to realize what it is that he has done, and becomes suspicious and paranoid of everyone around him by puting spy's in every castle and killing those who are any treat to him what so ever. Banquo is the only other person who knows of the meeting with the witches and he would assume that it was Macbeth who killed the King. The witches also said that Banquo would beget kings but he himself would never be king after Macbeth, and so Macbeth decides that Banquo is a threat to him. To get rid of the treat with banquo he decides to kill him and his son Fleance.

At this point Macbeth is no longer the

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'Macbeth' is a play by William Shakespeare that shows a protagonist going from bad to worse throughout the play. Shakespeare wrote this play, taking in mind current affairs at the time of 1603–1606. This is the time when a Scottish king, James I was given the English crown. This king was obsessed with witches, so Shakespeare brought this theme strongly into the play. It also brings the theme of treachery towards the King. This pleased King James and also pleased him about showing the line of Stuart Kings, James descendants, in Act 4, Scene 1.

The play, 'Macbeth' is a tragedy. The traditionalspecification of a tragedy requires the tragic hero to be a person who holds a high position who must oppose a conflicting force, either more content...

All through the play Macbeth becomes obsessed with what the witches have for–told. He always follows this the obvious way. Macbeth thinks that he should kill Banquo because the witches say that there will be a line of Banquo kings. Macbeth doesn't want to loose the crown to Banquo or his son, so he tries to kill them both so the line will continue in his family. Macbeth also chooses to kill Macduff anyway, even though the witches said know one would kill him. The witches did not really mislead Macbeth; they only put an idea into his head, and left him to decide what action to take. Banquo tries to warn Macbeth away from the prophecies.

"Were such things here as we speak about? Or were we eaten on the insane root. That takes the reason prisoner?", (I,iii)

In Act 1 Scene 3, we hear in Macbeth's soliloquy how he is planning to achieve his aim.

"Whose horrid image doth unfix my hair

And make my seated heart knock at my ribs

Against the use of nature? Present fears are less than horrible imaginings." (I,iii)

By Act 1, Scene 4, we can find evidence to suggest that Macbeth is hardened about committing high treason. In this scene, Macbeth is being very good to the King by what he is saying. This shows that he is trying to give the impression to the people around him that he has nothing against the King and would not kill him. They may not suspect him if they thought this.

Macbeth Change Throughout The Play
How Does

Lady Macbeth also shows her husband's ambition to be Get

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