Unemployment In Pakistan Essay

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Inflation, Unemployment and Poverty: Still Major Problems of Pakistan

Zoha Siddique

Forman Christian College University

Since Pakistan came into being, it's going through hard times. From newly born country to getting sixty four year old country, sometimes it has given sacrifices and sometimes remained victim of inapt political system. For the long time, it is facing number of challenges and conspiracies which has weakened its foundations and so is the structure. Therefore, many social and economic evils have taken birth in the lap of Pakistan; with the passage of time, the roots are getting deep hold. Every citizen of an independent nation has a right over basic necessities of life but unfortunately, Pakistani nation...show more content...

Unfortunately, in Pakistan, these core problems have never undergone such a planning process. Government has never invited foreign investment for the production of basic goods. Agriculture sector, on which the major industries rely for the raw material has not been given sufficient subsidies. The major rise in the prices is because of the increasing prices of oil (as increased prices of oil increase the cost of production), but no such steps have been taken to control the oil prices. Domestic productions at less cost of production will not only make the availability of goods much easier but Aggregate Supply will also increase, and domestic industry will get developed.

Inflation is one of the obstacles on the way of development. In Pakistan, it has squeezed the major part of the population. It needs to be controlled by strategic planning. Domestic production should be encouraged instead of imports; investment should be given preference in consumer goods instead of luxuries, Agriculture sector should be given subsidies, foreign investment should be attracted, and developed countries should be requested for financial and managerial assistance. And lastly a strong monitoring system should be established on different levels in order to have a sound evaluation of the process at every stage. Pakistan is far behind from rest of the world due to high inflation and unemployment. With high inflation and unemployment, people are unable to

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Economic Problems Faced by Pakistan

History Of Pakistan

Economic Problems Faced by Today's Pakistan

Table of Contents




Corruption & Political Instability5

Over Population, Unemployment & Inflation6

International Interference8


Recent Floods9 Long–Term Effects ofPakistan Floods9



Pakistan was established in 1947 and since its inception; it has been surrounded by countless issues, some of which are confined to ill–formed /missing infrastructure, insufficient refined resources, barren or obsolete factories and technologies, the Kashmir controversy and other fronts also involving an ever–ready enemy to underscore its efforts towards progress. Despite being rich in natural resources,...show more content...

It is interesting to note that due to international interference and manipulation, the very same people that we have previously labeled as corrupt, blamed and rebuked for their acts, have come back to govern us after a couple of years and the very same people have welcome them with open arms, representing the inconsistency and apprehension instilled in our social, economic and political framework. A common English saying goes as "fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice, shame on me".

This has also been one of the key reasons as to why the political process in Pakistan has not prospered so far into any rational coalition. Soon after its inception the sincere and loyal politicians were removed from the main stream and dupes and rubber stamps were put into place, where the final authority has relied upon decisions made outside the country.

Over Population, Unemployment & Inflation

On the one hand we have had years of low GDP growth and on the other a high population growth combined to place Pakistan in a situation where the stability of its economic pie has not been increasing fast enough to facilitate and extricate the country from the poverty trap it was inflicted upon in it's making. To compound the problem, recent years have seen food prices and utility tariffs shooting up by a wide margin, making it increasingly difficult for people to make

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Case Study on Unemployment in Pakistan

ABSTRACT The cause of unemployment in society was very important topic. We have to conductive proper survey and collect the data through questionnaire and after completion of the data 24.67% unemployment is due to extreme growth in population and 28.67% non coordination between education and job opportunities. Less investment in technical field is also a reason of unemployment. According to a survey research, we come on this point unemployment is also depend on economic condition of our country. Now a days professional and technical education necessary for our society

CHAPTER NO 1 INTRODUCTION: The term in unemployment means, "A person is unemployed if he or she did not worked during the preceding week but made...show more content...

Rapid mechanization and Computer technologies are also causing unemployment. Unnecessary and frequent strikes in factories have compelled the owners to go for automation and such technology as requires less manpower. Lack of infrastructure facilities, especially in the field of energy, telecommunication and transportation also prevent the industrialist from setting up new industries. Large scale smuggling which has flooded the market with cheaper goods poses a serious threat to the development of local industry. Tight bureaucratic control on the economy, inadequate credit facilities and complex tax system are also some important factors that are creating hurdles in the way of private sector investment in industrial The causes of unemployment in Pakistan are: 1 Lack of enough industries to employ ever increasing number of graduate in the country.

2 The government is not involving in capital expenditure which creates job Main problem of unemployment in Pakistan is that whenever a new technology comes as Software or hardware then all the people starts studying about that. Then at the end, you will see ten thousand students of a particular field against 5 or 10 job vacancies. Other reason is that in Pakistan, things are not handled in appropriate manner. Vacancies are less, but job seekers are more than that. Opportunities are not enough, and system of reference is so much indulged in our society that if a company need some employees

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This paper issued by the State Bank of Pakistan talks about the affect of Political Instability and Inflation on our country. Pakistan since independence has been a victim of political instability ranging from political dismissals, cabinet changes or assassinations. This instability has had an adverse affect on our policy formulation, implementation and effectiveness in terms of economic stabilization. Due to an unstable political environment we are unable to implement a set of consistent and coherent policies. This greatly affects the working of a government and reduces its ability to bear shocks which ultimately cause a macroeconomic disequilibrium such as inflation.

The conventional view of political instability similar to the weak form Fiscal Theory Price Level is that it leads to high inflation due to governments' reliance on seigneiorage. However, this relationship does not hold true for countries like Pakistan which are low or moderately inflated countries. In this circumstance the predictions of strong form FTPL are more relevant in which price level is determined irrespective of money growth. This is more pertinent when it is analyzed with the predictions of Political Economy of Macroeconomic policy which contextualizes the price level determination without money growth. However political instability is not considered to be a determinant for the calculation of inflation. Inflation is rather considered as a monetary phenomenon.

In this paper, we study the effects of

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Human Resource Development in Pakistan



This paper explores the challenges posed in the area of human development in Pakistan. Pakistan has made little progress in key indicators of human development – education and health – due to years of neglect in policy making and implementation issues. Based on available data, it is highlighted that despite achieving a respectable growth rate, Pakistan has not been able to reduce poverty as other nations have (with similar or even lower levels of GDP per capita). Poor humandevelopment has also hampered economic growth. The paper brings out the principal challenges of human resource development in Pakistan, which are mainly the untrained,...show more content... Pakistan HDI ranking is very low – 142 out of 175 countries according to Human Development Report 2004 – depicting the poor level of human development in the country (see Figure 1 below).

Source: Human Development Report 2004 – UNDP

A high GDP does not necessarily mean a high degree of human development which is indicated below by a comparison of selected countries showing their standing on HDI, including Pakistan (Figure 2).

Vietnam has been able to decrease poverty by one half between 1990–2000 because of its relatively higher investments in female literacy and basic health care (see Figure 3 below).

Figure 1: HDI Comparison Figure: No.2: HDI vs. GDP per capita Figure 3: Comparison of Human Development Indicators: Vietnam vs. Pakistan

In the context of South Asia, Pakistan has the lowest net enrollment rates in the region according to the UNDP Human Development Report (see below).

Source: Human Development Report 2004 – UNDP

Pakistan has the highest rate of infant and under–5 child mortality in the region, according to Human Development Report (see below).

Source: Human Development Report 2004 – UNDP This persistent under–achievement in access to health and education is in part attributable to the exclusion of significant segments of society from access to development benefits.

Figure 4: Net Primary Enrollment Rate (%) Regional Comparison Figure 5: Infant Mortality Rate (Deaths per 1,000 Live Births) Comparison
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Current Situation of Pakistan Economy

Current Situation of Pakistan Economy

There are genuine fears prevailing in Pakistan that its economy is in a bad shape. Whereas some expert economists of the country comment that Pakistan's economy is near collapse, others are of the view that although our economy is still away from the verge of immediate collapse it is so fragile that unless serious and urgent efforts are made to survive the economy, it can move to a dangerous stage within about next six to 12 months. These views of experts cannot be wished away since weak health of the economy is being mirrored by withering economic indicators, such as low Gross Domestic Product (GDP) due to very low annual growth rate of our economy (2%), rising fiscal deficit (5.8% of total size of...show more content...

The ultimate objective of the economic plan should be to reduce and eliminate dependence on foreign debts/aid and internal borrowings. The Government should also make serious efforts in exploring country's natural resources with emphasis on making Thar Coal Project a quick success so that electricity and gas could be generated and provided to the productive sectors of our economy. Efforts should also be made to maintain and increase flow of foreign remittances and exports to reduce trade deficit. In the long–term perspective the defence expenditure should also be reduced by making efforts in cooperation with the regional and world powers for early resolution ofAfghanistan issue which can bring the war on terror in our part of the world to an end. In this major enterprise of addressing country's economic downturn, the government as well as opposition parties in Pakistan have to work together with all sincerity, integrity, cooperation and statesmanship giving good governance in a corruption–free environment. To make the economic revival and development plan a success story within the shortest possible time, it is necessary that all adult citizens of Pakistan also play their constructive

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Foreign Direct Investment Into Pakistan

Title: Causes of Foreign direct investment into Pakistan.

Aim and objectives:

The dissertation topic will focus on the importance of foreign direct investment into Pakistan's Economy and will also focus around the causes of foreign direct investment. The report will look into three different perspectives such as, the effects on FDI pre and post 9/11, investment in different sectors of industry and the importance of investing countries in terms of contributing towards developing Pakistan's infrastructure or helping financially to fight the 'War against terror'. Moreover, the report also provides an insight to what can be done to improve the inflow of FDI into Pakistan.

Background of Pakistan's economy and FDI: Since the independence in 1947 the economy of Pakistan has emerged as a semi–industrialized economy and is mainly based on textile, agriculture and food production. The textile industry contributes around 9% to the country's gross domestic product (khurram baig, 2013). However, since the start of 2008 the country as a whole has struggled to gain the confidence of many foreign and local investors due to instability and security concerns and the country is struggling to gain back the confidence ever since. Although, after 2012 an increase in the FDI was seen due to improvement in the tertiary sector, this was n mainly due to an increase in spending power and confidence shown by the local consumers (The World Bank).

Foreign direct investment refers to long term

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Unemployment is one of the most difficult social issues of market economics. The unemployment shifts over the business cycles as understood as changes in aggregate demand relative to aggregate supply. This paper deals with the information and the causes of unemployment and its impact on the Pakistan economy. It also shows different aspects and reasons for growing unemployment in Pakistan including its prevailingeconomics crisis. The role of government is also taken care of to identify the causes of unemployment. The research is conducted about the impact of unemployment on Pakistan economy. Study identifies the economic reasons of unemployment in Pakistan, to search unemployment in Pakistan and Effects of social economic impact on youth of Pakistan. The research gives information of various reasons for unemployment and its impact on the economy of Pakistan.

Those who have abilities and the will to do work, but there is lack of opportunities to get job are in the category of unemployed. When unemployment high resources are wasted, people's income are depressed. In the current situation the ratio of unemployed persons in Pakistan is more than 12 percent which consists of 113 million peoples. (Nizami.S; 2010)

According to latest labour survey for 2008–09, the unemployment rate has increased to 55% from 52% unemployment rate as 15 percent. (Khalil; 1999)

There are so many reasons of unemployment in Pakistan. The biggest reason is the insufficient methods of Get more content

Umemployment Conditions in Pakistan

Definition An economic condition marked by the fact that individuals actively seeking jobs remain unhired. Unemployment is expressed as a percentage of the total available work force. The level of unemployment varies with economic conditions and other circumstances. Unemployment describes the state of a worker who is able and willing to take work but cannot find it. As indicated by the unemployment rate and other yardsticks, unemployment is an important measure of the economy's strength. A high unemployment rate generally indicates an economy in recession with few job opportunities, while a low unemployment rate points to an economy running at or near full throttle. A low unemployment rate has its downside for stock prices, however: it may be a harbinger of higher interest rates that will slow both an overheated economy and the rise in equity values. In recent years, there's been much controversy over what the true level of U.S. unemployment is. Some economists have relied more on the government's "establishment survey data," which emphasizes the number of new jobs, rather than "household survey data," which is used to compute the headline unemployment rate. Moreover, new technologies and lifestyle changes, which are increasing the number of temporary, contract, and self–employed workers, are making it more difficult to define what unemployment is. Economy of an individual is at the utmost priority of every democratic as well as welfare state. Since the dawn of human

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PROSPECTS ISHRAT HUSAIN Most of the news emanating about Pakistan in the Western media relate to terrorism, bomb blasts, Islamic fundamentalism, nuclear non proliferation, military rule etc. Seldom does one see a positive story appearing about Pakistan's remarkable economic turnaround. But the fact of the matter is that despite such negative image Pakistan is one of the favored destinations for foreign direct investment. Foreign direct investment flows have surged by 95 percent during July –February 2007 and are expected to touch $ 5 billion or 3.5 percent of GDP– several times higher than FDI flows to our large neighbor in relative terms. Pakistan's international bond issues and...show more content...

Economic growth rates have risen from 1.8 percent in 2000/01 gradually to average 6 –7 percent a year in the last four years making Pakistan one of the fastest growing economy in the Asia region. For Pakistan these rates are not spectacular but a reversion to mean. The average growth rate of GDP over 50 year period of Pakistan has been 5.2 percent per annum. Manufacturing sector output growth was over 15 percent, exports have doubled in US dollar terms in these five years, and an open trade regime has allowed imports from all over the world to triple. Tax revenues have risen by 14 percent a year reducing fiscal deficit which used to average 7 percent a year in the 1990s to average 4 percent. Current account turned around from chronic deficit to a surplus for three successive years mainly due to renewed export growth and resurgence of workers' remittances. Although it has become negative since 2005/06 due to phenomenonal growth in imports of machinery and equipment and increase in world oil prices it is being fully financed by foreign capital flows. Inflation rate during the first four years of the current government remained below 4 percent but oil price pass through and food shortages have led to 8 percent on average since 2004–05. External debt burden has been halved from 52% to 26% of GDP and is projected to be on a declining path. The country's capacity to service its

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Causes Of Unemployment In Bangladesh


Unemployment is a great concern in Bangladesh. Every year hundreds and thousands of student are coming out from college and university. Though it is one of the major responsibilities of the Government to provide jobs to those young generation but the Government has failed to meet the job demand among the large population. Only a tiny fraction of total jobless people is managed by different government offices and private organizations but a majority remain unemployed. Unemployed workers are those who are currently not working but are willing and able to work for pay and have actively searched for work. Individuals who are actively seeking job. placement must make the effort to be in contact with an employer, have job interviews, contact job placement agencies, send out resumes, submit applications, respond to advertisements, or some other means of active job searching. Simply looking at advertisements and not responding will not count as actively seeking job placement. Since not all unemployment may be "open" and counted by government agencies, official statistics on unemploy–ment may not be accurate.

Historically for a long time British administration was the main cause of this problem. After the Mughol regime when the British came in Sub continent (India, Pakistan, Bangladesh) they started to do business, they exploited the sub–continent. They did not establish any industry which is helpful to remove the unemploy–ment

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Poverty in Pakistan

Poverty in Pakistan


Poverty is Pakistan's biggest problem which today's Pakistan facing, it is interconnected with several elements which are having direct or indirect relationship with poverty. This paper is an effort to find out and discuss the elements related topoverty and it is a contribution from author to do something for his country and same time for the rest of world. Poverty in Pakistan does not affect people of Pakistan only but it has an effect on rest of world as well. Today Pakistani could be found everywhere in the world in search of better earning, a lot of them are illegal immigrants and some are involved in terror activities which is equally dangerous for all humanity. During research author found four...show more content... The purpose behind this effort is to clarify the understanding of problems facing by today's Pakistan. More specifically, the objectives are to determine how poverty can manage and to analyze the poverty reduction plans and applied successfully for the benefits of the people of Pakistan. Investigate role of education, equal resources distribution and health improvement in sustainable economic growth in Pakistan consequently less poverty.

Poverty in Pakistan:

The economy of Pakistan is the 27th largest economy in the world in terms of purchasing power, and the 48th largest in absolute dollar terms. GDP growth, spurred by gains in the industrial and service sectors, remained in the 6–8% range in 2004–06. Poverty is widespread in Pakistan and is particularly predominant in rural areas. Nearly two thirds of the population, and 80 per cent of the country's poor people, live in rural parts of the country. In 2004–2005 the government of Pakistan estimated that almost 24 percent of the population of Pakistan live below the poverty line. Poverty has many dimensions in Pakistan. People have not only low incomes but they also are suffering from lack of access over basic needs. The major challenge of today is poverty reduction. Pakistan's growth performance over the last four years is enviable in many respects. Sound macroeconomic policies and implementation of structural reforms in almost all sectors of the economy have transformed Pakistan

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Impact of Globalization on Pakistan Economy

Context Page. No.

1. Title 3

2.0 Background and academic context 3

3.0 Signification of project 4

4.0 research questions 5

5.0 literature review 5

6.0 Aim and objective 9...show more content...

Globalization helps people and firms in large scale in the form of cash flow or investments, experiences, new inventions, new technology, they can import and export to the big market on a cheaper or effective way. Globalization is bringing the people together and making the world smaller and smaller.

"There are Number of institutions established in the wake of World War II including World Bank, international monetary fund (IMF), and general agreement on tariffs and trade (GATT). Similarlyworld trade organization (WTO) has played an important role in promoting free trade in place of protectionism". (www.worldbank.org)

Developing countries like Pakistan have to understand the pros and cons of globalization in context with WTO regime and to find ways not only to survive in the international market but also get benefit from it. This study will be helpful to improve the understanding regarding the effects of globalization on Pakistan's economy. The main purpose of this research is to help and improve the understanding of different effects of gradual

and selective approach to globalization in different term such as employment, trade, wages and social progress in Pakistan. 4.0 Research Questions

How is Pakistan positioning itself to meet the challenges of globalization?

What is an overall impact of globalization on foreign direct investment in Pakistan?

What are the benefits of free trade and how we can bring transaction

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The economy of Afghanistan has significantly enhanced since the decline of the Taliban in 2001 due to the infusion of international assistance, the recovery of the agricultural sector, and service sector growth. Regardless of the progress of the past few years, this country is extremely poverty stricken, highly dependent on foreign aid, and landlocked. A lot of the population continues to suffer from shortages of jobs, clean water, electricity, medical care, and housing. Offences, insecurity, lack of infrastructure, and the Afghan Government's difficulty in extending rule of law to all parts of the country produces obstacles to the future economic growth of Afghanistan. Afghanistan's living standards are among the lowest in the world....show more content...

The stunting factor to the growth entrepreneurial of Afghanistan is that there is an inadequacy of availability to infrastructure and markets.

The unemployment rate is at 35%. To put it in perspective its nearly 5 times higher than the unemployment rate of America. This country is far away from full employment to say the least. The misery index adds the inflation rate and the unemployment rate. 35% unemployment plus the 5.3 inflation rate leads to a misery index of 40.3, extremely high. However graphs show a positive trend when looking at the unemployment rate. Interests rate also affect the mindsets of home buyers. More specifically they are currently triggering doubt. Afghanistan's property rights are damaged as it is. There is a weak protection due to lack of property registries and land tiling database. This leads to disputes over who owns land. An estimated 80% of land is sold informally. As stated above Afghanistan ranks 177th in the world for education. This displays the lack of school funding. With poor education, human capital weakens. Human capital also varies directly with entrepreneurship, productivity, and employment. Afghanistan's Rule of Law is damaged to say the least. The government is corrupted from the president down to lower levels of government. Illegal opium trafficking fuels the economy with nothing to oppose it. This trafficking is all possible under the weakly Get more

Economy of Afghanistan

Democracy in Pakistan



2.What is democracy?

3.Nature of democracy.

4.Beginning of democracy

5.Democracy since creation

6.Causes of failure of democracy

7.Impacts of democracy

8.Measures for the survival of democracy


"The essence of democracy is its assurance that people should so respect himself and should be so respected in his own personality that he should have opportunity equal to that of every other human being to show what he was meant to become."

Democracy is the most powerful foam of government. It is also regarded as the decisive foam of government. It requires active participation of people in the decision making process. Without public collaboration, democracy...show more content... In Pakistan, democracy faced four military intrusions, which was the menace for democracy. Massive corruption paved the way for military to intervene in the internal affairs of country. After independence, massive corruption started to great extent. It gave path to military elite to rule Pakistan. Lack of accountability is known as threat for any institution. In the absence of accountability no country can maintain its strong foothold. It causes a lot of trouble. Since inception, Pakistan has been facing the challenge of lack of aacountability.this is main reason of democratic downfall. Weak infrastructure of Pakistan has been creating a lot of issues. Massive corruption make infrastructure weak and futile. In the presence of corruption and absence of accountability make infrastructure weak. Weakness of infrastructure is creating constraints in the path of democracy. Feudalism is threat to democracy. After emergence, feudal class had more power and wealth. This class created barriers in the way of democracy.

Since independence, institutional crises have been viewed. Clash between judiciary and executive class is a threat to democratic practice. Lack of consensus is making commotion.

A constitutional crisis is regarded as a definite threat to democratic procedure. After independence Pakistan took long seven year in drafting constitution. Certain pitfall also aroused in the path of drafting constitution. After Get more content

Report on: Unemployment in Pakistan Submitted by: Aneel kumar Submitted to: Sir Muhammad Yamman khan Class BBA–III (morning)

Subject: Business communication University of Karachi ACKNOWLGEMENT: I am grateful to my Sir Muhammad Yamman Khan who gave me this chance to write a report. By which I got my first experience to working on a report. I have taken efforts in this report and however It would have not been possible without the kind support and help of my relatives and friends so thanks to all relatives, friends and others who in one way shared their support either financially or physically. Above all to the great almighty, the author of knowledge and wisdom, for his countless love. Without him it would not be possible. Summary: This report deals with the unemployment that is the most focusable issue in the economy. Due to which the stability of the economy is measured and the unemployment shifts over the business cycle as changes in the aggregate demand and aggregate supply factor of the economy. This report deals with its types and rate of unemployment of the several years and causes of unemployment and its impact on the economy of Pakistan and its conclusion that how to try to clear the unemployment from the boundary of Pakistan economy. It also shows the different aspect and reason for growing unemployment in the economy of Pakistan. The role of government and government policies also taken care to identify the causes of unemployment. This

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Report On The Unemployment Of Pakistan Essay

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