My English Class Essay

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When I first came into this class the first thing we did was a writing assignment. We had to write down 5 problems that I personally had with writing and to expand on these problems. I wrote: I always seem to take too much time to think about what I'm going to write then I actually do writing, I tend to make mistake when re–reading something, I lose my train of thought easily, English has never been my best class, and I'm a slow writing. Throughout this semester in English Composition 102 I feel like this class has really helped me improve on all 5 of these problems and then some. This class has really improved my writing style and structure to a point where others can see a real difference in my writing then before, even though that wasn' more content...

I wanted to thank you for that. I'm actually going to miss this class but it helped get that much closer to my dream. Thank you for

What Is My Best Class Essay
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What I Learned From English Class

What I Learned From English Class

All around the world people have to take an English course. The question many students ponder is whether you actually gain any knowledge from this course. Throughout the course of the past semester I have been much more enlightened on many aspects of life through attending the class of English II. The class has been so useful for me because it allowed me to learn many topics such as, the care and life of bees, the steps to creating a fictional story, and how to successfully win a court case. The first point that I learned is how to care for bees and their influence. I learned this processes by reading the book, "The Secret Life of Bees," written by Sue Monk Kidd and further increased my knowledge in class with discussions. The book taught me how to care for bees and what to do when their lives are threatened. If it wasn't for my English class I wouldn't realize their importance. As we discussed in class, I learned that bees are responsible for many things such as the food that we eat because without them 90% of the world would be deprived of fresh fruits and vegetables. For this reason it is important to care for bees. In class I learned that in order to keep them alive, during tragic times it is important to cover them with a dark cloth. Outside of school I have used this knowledge to be more gentle and amiable with bees because they are important. Before I would destroy the nest that they would make up on my front porch, but now I make Get more content

What I Learned After My English Class

After this english class I am a new writer I am so much better of a writer before. This is a fact I learned basic grammar rules that are very necessary to writing. I actually really learned them, I think this is because I really care now. I have learned the rules in the past through many years of school. But it was not until now my first year of college, and actually wanting to change my life and my habits I built through all my life in school. The habits of just going to class because I have to just being there because it was mandatory. But the whole class I was I was thinking about something else or not actually putting in my full effort. I did not actually learn the material I was being handed because I did not care of put in any effort.

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The course definitely changed the way I approached writing a paper. One day in lecture you quoted Ernest Hemmingway saying, "The first draft of anything is shit." This changed the way I approached and wrote papers. I used to start papers the night before, barely look over them and making few changes. This course encouraged me to outline, write a rough draft and constantly review then finalization the paper. Peer review before this class I though was pointless because most student hardly pay attention to the paper and usually wrote "good job." The students in the class actually read my paper and gave honest feedback and ways to improve it. Also to have a teacher read your draft and give feedback with what is wrong and ways to help the quality of the paper helped greatly. This English class was definitely different thanhigh school English. College English class was very different than high school English class. In high school there was not much emphasis on proper headings and titles. If we had correct name, date and title, the teacher would not care about the parts such as page number and margins. In high school we read more books but mainly paid attention to the sequence of events and put pieces of the story together and not go into detail about tone, point of view or persuasion in the book. High school papers were around 2–3 pages, but in college most of them are 6 or longer. Citing after a sentence is much more stressed in college and plagiarism is taken much more

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My College English Class and What I learned

My Thoughts On English Class

English. That word has such a negative connotation to it. Seeing that 7 letter word and feeling such that I 'm fighting a battle against it, feeling like I 'm in a ring going toe to toe every time I walk into an English class trying to prove my worth in the subject. In all honesty, loathe full would be the best way to describe my feelings about English, and on a good day tolerate could be used. The best way to describe English and me would be like Cersei and Tyrion Lannister. Anytime they come together something is bound to happen. Any time I step into English class I feel like I 've been summoned to the Night's Watch, waiting for it to be over, waiting for my "watch" to end. There was a time when English was fun and enjoyable for me. In this essay we will delve into parts of my mind. That have been locked for several years, emotions will run deep, stories will be told, and of course English will be talked about. I warn you now this not for the faint of heart. We must hurry because "winter is coming."

The first time vividly remembering me being so heartbroken and the start of my lifelong hatred of English begin in 5th grade. It was in Mrs. Mullins 5th grade class, we were writing a story that would be compiled with other stories from our classmates and made into one story book. That day walking into class with my chest held high feeling, accomplished. Feeling as if nothing in the world could hold me back at that time, feeling like the King of the North. Remembering

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Since I was I child, I have been told that I will always need to know how to read and write. Ever since kindergarten, I have been taking English courses. Reading and writing has not been my favorite subject, but it is something that is required of me to know how to do. This English course will impact by future by preparing me to have organizational skills, expressing my ideas in great detail, and learning how to write essays to qualify for scholarships. The first way this class will help me in the future is by preparing me to develop great organizational skills. The five paragraph format has not changed for writing an essay. This class has taught me the correct format in writing an essay. An essay will always need an introduction, thesis statement, body paragraphs, and a conclusion. I can use these skills that I have learned to help me keep any essays that I will write in the future organized. These organizational skills will really help me when I take English Compositon two. Not only has this class helped me develop organizational skills, but it has also helped learned to express my ideas in great more content... For instance, if I am trying to convince the mayor to change something in my city, I can provide him with an essay with strong evidence and supporting details. I also have learned how to introduce myself through narratives with vivid details. The discussion board that I completed throughout this course was a great way for me to learn how to express myself and my opinions. This class has also helped me qualify for other goals that I have in the

What I Learned In My English Class
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What has been my most successful English class given to date? This is a hard question to answer. First, because I am consistently a good teacher and my classes always have a certain level of greatness in them. Second, I have taught for almost 20 years so there are a great many classes to go over and choose just the one. Third, I do not have the best of memories so details are quite hard to recall with perfect clarity. And last, I do not have those classroom plans with me because I never keep any for long. I like to always start from scratch with each group I get. Therefore, what I will write about are snippets of memories that I have now of great moments I have had in class and try to indirectly define a great class that way.

As a matter of fact, now that I think about it, there is one memory that I have of every single year and every single group that I love. That first day of school that I come in to class and introduce myself to my students and tell them more content... A great teacher has to be one that can connect to her students on a personal level, as I learned later in life. In addition, a great English class comes from a moment where students have the chance to interact with someone whose first language is English. Also, great classes happen when students are comfortable with the language and they get a chance to be themselves and use the language in a way that is fun and it helps their fluency as well as their spontaneity. Equally important, greatness in class comes from having students analyze ideas and information and then express themselves clearly, with precision and eloquence defending their opinion. As hinted at above, there is instruction, but said instruction is the basis on which to build expression and character, as well as develop specific second language skills. In conclusion, a great English class can happen every time if we remember to have all these elements identified

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My Most Successful English Class

The Dreaded English Class

The dreaded English 102. Could this be my final English course in my career as a student? I don't know for sure. I still need to decide what my major will be in. There is something that I know for sure, that is, needing to take this class to move on. I am not certain how my time in this class will go, but I plan to work hard to get the best grade that I can. Hence, I have decided to get this out of the way now, I look to fine–tune my writing skills, and I expect this course to help me understand my writing style. To start, I chose this class because I knew that eventually I would need to complete it. What better time to do it, than right now? I had recently completed a math course this past semester, so I did not want to take another stressful class that I find to not be my strongest subject right after. My brother and some friends have mentioned that this course isn't as bad as it is said to be. That is what pushed me to sign up and attempt to complete this course. Being a part time student and working full time is a lot to balance on ones plate. I have learned that from experience. I formally was a full time student and worked part time, but the roles tend to reverse once you find yourself struggling to pay bills. Seeing that this class isn't as costly as a math course, and isn't as time restraining either. This course will give me more time at work and more time to study. This sums up the reasons I chose to complete English 102. I hope to gain more writing experience in Get

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Taking an English class during college is important for a fundamental education, because regardless of the major I chose, I must able to communicate well in written and spoken words. After all, in the future, when I try to obtain a job, the corporations will most likely base their decision on my ability to express ideas and opinions in a sophisticated and correct manner. Therefore, increasing my knowledge and skills in English will increase my opportunities to success. Yet, currently, many students try to avoid taking English class due to the great amount of practice and dedication that requires. This, in the long run, decreases their abilities to analyze, express and critique ideas. Personally, taking an English class has made more content...

As a foreign student, English class gave me the opportunity to improve my overall knowledge about the language. Anotherwriting mistake was thinking what I was going to write in Spanish and then try to translate it to English. Nevertheless, this does not work. The grammar and idiom differences would make my writing sound confusing and clumsy. In the future, this could affect my performance as a professional. And since a sloppy writing will most likely reflect on a person's poor vocabulary, I am presently learning to improve my vocabulary by reading frequently since it helps me to be exposing to new words, sentence structures, and styles techniques, which I could use in my future assignments. During the semester, I learned to focus on my strengths and work on my weaknesses. I could use my organization, paragraph structure, and transition skills to keep high quality writing. This will be helpful to assure an above average grade when I take English 102 during the summer. On the other hand, although students often try to avoid their weaknesses, I see them as useful. Knowing my weaknesses gives me the opportunity to work on them until they become strengths. For example, as I mentioned before, organization is presently my biggest strength. However, at the beginning of the course, it wasn't. I had to practice and work on it until it became natural and

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Importance of English Class Essay

My Experience throughout English 101

As writers, many students write to the expectations of their professors and not to their fullest potential. Throughout English 101 I had been writing only to please my professor or to fill the basic requirement to pass English. I always felt that my writing ability was never enough for my professors throughout the previous years. They always wanted clear and concise essays, which for some reason was unreachable by me. However, starting college and taking English 101 helped me with my weaknesses and changed my technique of writing essays. My experience in English 101 taught me to write to my fullest potential and to write what I felt; rather then writing what was required.

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Also, by revising my essays I felt that I had the chance of writing with a broader sense.

Another weakness that I had coming into English 101 was my way of reading. I remember having to read an essay or book 3 or 4 times before I could ever sit down and write about it. I was looking and at the words all wrong. However, my professor introduced a technique of reading critically. "A critical analysis, on the other hand, takes a viewpoint and attempts to its validity;" (Trimble, 95) In Trimble's quote he is trying say that a critical analysis helps a reader understand what the author is really trying to point out. This was the same approach that was taught to me by my professor. This type of analysis helped me understand better what the author was trying to convey and it also helped me explain it better in my essays.

Additionally, another weakness that I had when coming into English 101 was that I was a selfish writer. Like Trimble said, "His natural tendency as a writer is to think primarily of himself– hence to write primarily for himself." (Trimble, 4) I was a writer who only cared about impressing one type of audience my professor and not writing to prove a point or expand my knowledge to several other audiences. However, after writing several unsatisfying essays I had come to realize that my style of writing was too narrow and boring. In this realization of writing I discovered that what matters the most is pleasing your audience (many not one), and

My experience throughout English 101 Essay
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Reflection On My English 101 Experience

Reflecting on My English 101 Experience I used to consider writing as tumble words from your mind, write, read it through, fix minor mistakes, and done. However, you rarely get successful. The truth is many students, including myself, struggle with starting to write a word, or getting stuck in the middle without knowing the main point of the writing. After completing English 101, I can explain the writing process, evaluate the strengths of my essay, and identify my weaknesses. Throughout English 101, I learned that the following the writing process was imperative. Before taking this class, I use to always skip the pre–writing step considering that it is just an easy and unnecessary step. Consequently, I struggled to figure how to start writing, and most importantly I struggled to figure out the main point while writing the draft. And then I finish the first draft close to the deadline that I do not have time to read it not to mention revising. It was after I started this class that learned that pre–writing is vital, and requires time and attention as it holds the base of the whole writing. My professor used different analogies such as blueprint for building and map for navigation to explain the importance. It really speeded up my writing after I started to utilize it. I have learned outlining before, but part of the pre–writing that I was fortunate enough to learning in English 101 is the writing triangle. Even before outlining, the topic, purpose, and audience of the

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My favorite classes this year were Mrs. Menzel's two english classes. I have learned so much about myself as a reader, student, and an intellectual. Through both of her classes, we were given endless amounts of opportunity. What I mean by this is, we got to choose our own topics to study, books to read, and subjects to write about. We were truly treated like adults, which in my eyes, helped prepare us for the "real world". Her willingness to let us grow as individuals was very inspiring, because she believed that we could do it on our own, with a little push whenever we needed it. I have gotten the chance to discover that I actually enjoy reading! Specifically, I discovered that Jodi Picoult might be my favorite author as of now. Also, I realized that writing is one of my favorite things to do, it is a passion of mine and I hope I can continue it somehow with the career that I choose. Personally, her two classes have helped me grow as a speaker, writer, and reader. In her CCC class, I was able to write a profile on my dad, which really strengthened my relationship with him. After printing him a copy, and seeing tears in his eyes made me very grateful for this experience to share with him how much of a role model he is to me. In her English Lit class, I was able to ask my grandma and mom what books they would recommend for me. Having these conversations with them made their hearts warm, since I was showing interest in books for once (they are both book lovers). Her class pushed me to be the best that I can, and it wasn't for the grade that I got. It was for learning about myself, and what I was capable of. That's when I learned that her classes are actually changing me as a student. For an example, when I was working on a project, I wasn't basing every single sentence on what the rubric told me to do. I was branching out and working on it because I truly wanted to learn more about the topic and put my all into it. Thankfully, I have matured a great amount as a student because of Mrs. Menzel and her life lessons through teaching, and by just being herself. I truly feel ready for college now because of Mrs. Menzel, and I am grateful for that. This year, I changed my intended major from Business to Education,

My Favorite Class Essay
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What I Learned In My English Class

Throughout my time in Honors English, I have learned many valuable things. It is hard to learn new concepts in an English class, because it is a class that everyone has since starting school. The group of kids that I attend this class with are not easy to handle, and we often upset teachers with our rude and opinionated comments. Our English class has been geared toward opening up to others and finding ourselves. We have learned a lot about our peers and ourselves throughout this semester, and we have learned about poetry, literature, and other topics. I have learned a lot about my classmates, myself, and I found my new favorite book, To Kill A Mockingbird. Ms. Hogan assigned us an biography, and we picked a peer that we knew really nothing

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It has been 10 years since I started learning English. During these 10 years, I have been taught by many English teachers, and all of them helped me a lot in learning English. However, I think my elementary school English teacher, Mrs. Huang, helped me the most on my language development. She helped me start learning English and introduced the basic rules of English to me. Moreover, she motivated my interest in learning English.

I was born in China, where almost all people speak Chinese, so I did not start learning English until third grade. Going into my first English class, I almost knew nothing about English. Initially, I was nervous when I saw my first English teacher, Mrs. Huang. However, Mrs. Huang was an experienced and patient teacher. To help students overcome their fears of English, she divided the class into several groups to let us help each other at the beginning of class. Although it has been a long time since my first English class, I can still remember how she used her distinctive teaching style to encourage us to learn English and motivate our interests on reading and writing. For example, when Mrs. Huang was introducing the alphabet to the class, she described the alphabet as some interesting images so that students could remember the alphabet more easily. After a few months, my classmates and I became familiar with the alphabet and some basic words like "apple", and Mrs. Huang began to teach us how to communicate in English. Mrs. Huang started teaching

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I Am My First English Class

Strengths And Weaknesses In English Class

Did you know that 92 percent of all English students end up passing the class, but that only 84 percent of choir students pass English class? In elementary school, I was able to write and read efficiently. However, my comprehension of what as I read as I got older was not as good as it could have been. I was able to read books and understand the main points, but often I would forget little details. My past few years in English have been successful and I have been able to achieve many of the goals I have set for myself as an English student. In this paper, I will address my strengths, my weaknesses, what I enjoy the most, and how I learn the best. I have some strengths and weaknesses and ways I learn the best doing hands–on learning and activities. My strengths in English are writing papers and doing hands–on stuff. My weaknesses are comprehending things and doing bookwork. In my previous years of English, I have done well and my grades are proof of that. I have averaged A's and B's. One of my major strengths has been projects where I have to make a google slide presentation and then present it in front of the class. Tests are also a strong point for me in English. This is because I am able to make connections easily and link ideas back to main details. However, sometimes I struggle to make connections if I did not understand or enjoy the material, but for the most part, making connections and doing well on tests has always been a strength of mine. My struggles in English

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I am so very happy with my experience in taking English 102 with Mr. Kitchen. This course has strengthened my research, writing and presenting skills considerably. I feel that I am now better prepared for future classes and have better skills to re–enter the workforce. My research and writing skills have improved and expanded from where I was at before this course. The three skills I have improved mostly on because of taking English 102 are research, writing and presenting in front of a group. Being able to straighten my research skills I feel is one of the most important aspects that I have learned in this class. I feel this will help me in many ways once I re–enter the workforce. How to research topics, and facts using multiple sources from various types of publications and outlets can be useful in school as well as many different job functions out in the workforce. Even though at times I struggled with in–text citations from experts, I feel I have gotten better using them. I also have learned to present facts to make them more interesting and personal to the more content... I am now more comfortable in the researching, writing and presenting facts in front of a group process due to taking this class. I now have stronger writing skills; which in turn has given me more confidence in future writing and research projects. This class has taught me different ways of looking and ways of conveying my thoughts in writing. Also, how to get my thoughts across to readers to keep them interested and engaged. Being able to convey your thoughts properly in a research paper and daily e–mails and correspondence in the work force is paramount to

In My English
I Learned
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I can remember seeing that I had to take an English class my first semester of college. I was already overwhelmed with starting college, and having to write college essays made me get even more nervous. I sat down with my mom and decided to look at the English classes available, and I finally decided that I had to take an evening class to make it work in my schedule. The first day of English came and now looking back it was not as bad as I thought. It made me a better writer and be where I am today. It may have taken me some time to get where I am today, but at least I am on the right track. English Composition helped me realize that I am my own author and have strengths that I did not realize I had. When I first started college I did not know what to expect with an English class. I liked writing about topics that interested me, but high school did not allow me to do that. I took American History and we would have to more content...

I learned many techniques from my professor. He helped me realize that it is okay to have your own opinion as long as you back it up. He showed me that I am an author when I did not think I was. He also told us to read our essays out loud when we proofread, and I always did this technique before submitting all my essays. I can remember having to write my first essay and I was scared, because I felt like I had to get a good grade. I started thinking about what tools I could use to help me, and I decided to go to The Learning Center to help with my essay. When I went there they would make edits to my essay and then explain what I should change. The tutor noticed I used multiple choppy sentences and commas in spots there should not be. Sometimes I would even go twice to make sure I did not miss any minor mistakes. Going there helped me feel more confident as a writer and I learned from my mistakes. I had many helpful techniques from multiple people that shaped me into the writer I am

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Essay About My English Class

Before entering English 1301, I had my doubts about what this class was going to consist of. Considering this is a college level English class, and a subject I struggled in, my worries were not at ease. Throughout the year, my understanding and comprehension of the writing process, as well as how to write different varieties of writing, have strengthened. After partaking in this course, I am confident I have met the student learning outcomes. After completing my first college level English class, I would be expected to meet four student learning outcomes. One of those being I could use rhetorical devices to strengthen my essays. Coming into this course, I did not have a grasp over this subject and knew it was something I could improve more content...

I have improved my grammar through feedback from my instructor, and workshops I participated in. There is a significant difference between my writing conventions from the beginning of the year to my present writing conventions. In my second essay, The Drastic Evolution of Teen Life, I have noticed many writing convention errors. In this essay I said, "Also with the lack of technology, they were influenced to be more adventurous and get out of the house and explore things on their own" (The Drastic Evolution of Teen Life) This sentence is a prime example of faulty sentence structure; it lacks punctuation in the right places. My third essay, Euthanasia: Condemned by Doctors, has less errors and shows improvement on these writing conventions. Improvement can be seen in the sentence, " Euthanasia should not be legal because it is not morally correct, undermines medical research, and denies patients the final stage of growth"(Euthanasia: Condemned by Doctors). This shows development on sentence structure, punctuation, and helps gives my essay a polished look. Without this, errors I may have previously made would be even more

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Many students attend college with hopes of earning an education and pursuing a better life. Little do they know the large amount of effort a student must place in their schoolwork in order to receive high grades. When I began attending Shasta College, I understood that because of my age I may be treated differently than the average student. I did not want to be given high grades, I wanted to earn them and to be proud of my success. As a result, I aspired to place a large emphasis on every assignment I received. I deserve an A grade in my English class due to my persistence, hard work, and regular class attendance.

Persistence is a key component in order to succeed in college. While in my English class, I always redo my schoolwork and homework, continuously striving for an A. I have observed fellow students' studying techniques and learned from their mistakes and successes. Moreover, I have learned to accept criticism more content...

I am going to continue to studying hard and put a large amount of effort into every assignment. Additionally, I am going to strive to ask more questions if I do not fully understand content being reviewed in class. Also, I am going to try to have a more open mind regarding different issues discussed in class. By following these steps I think I will increase my overall grade from a 97% to 100%.

Throughout my first semester at Shasta College my goal was to go above and beyond what was expected for me. I have been exposed to many different types of people who have motivated me to succeed in college. As a result, I deserve an A in my English class due to my persistence, hard work, and regular class attendance. Because this is the first stepping stone on my educational journey, I look forward to using what I have learned from my English class to help me in my future Get more content

I Deserve A Grade In My English Class

This first semester of college has been great. I have learned many new things that I never thought I would have needed. I have been challenged this first semester, but I am glad to say that I have never felt like something wasn't achievable. In my English class I felt the same way about the rest of my classes, challenged but never over my head. Throughout my English 101 class we read three different papers. This for me was the worst part about the class. I enjoy taking English classes that allow us to read more than three different papers. With these papers they were all non–fiction, and more formal writings. Two of the three papers were about time and how people and businesses have to change to stay relevant to the times. My opinion of an enjoyable English class is reading more fictional pieces and then figuring out what the author is trying to tell us. With that being the negative I still feel this English class was necessary to helping mywriting skills grow. In this English class we were taught multiple different things. We learned how to maintain a controlling purpose with our writings, and reflect how the writing was important to us. We also figured out how to maintain control over our audience, how it will affect them, and how to better make a connection with them. We were given exercises to help our interpretive skills gain experience, this is where we would be given a section of a writing and have to discover what the meaning was behind it. And with those

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My Opinion Of An Enjoyable English Class

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