Nature Or Nurture Essay

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Nature or Nurture. Nature may be all of the genes and hereditary factors with which influence them to become who they are such as physical appearances and personality characteristics. Nurturing impacts people's lives as well as how they are raised and all the environmental factors. In combination, these qualities can be the true identity of oneself. Many people may argue that nurture appears to a play huge factor in the two, but others may think otherwise. Not having both as a characteristic can have a negative effect on a person physically and mentally. The debate of nature versus nurture appears to be the oldest argument known to man, and it still remains to be unanswered. In the old–age argument nature versus nurture, nature may play a huge role in determining a person's true identity. Nature affects people the most because genes and hereditary factors in which influence people to become who they are. Plato and Descartes, philosophers, proposed that certain things are inborn and regardless of environmental influence they occur naturally and many other philosophers believed that all of our characteristics and behaviors are the result of evolution (Chemy 2). People learn new information every day; as soon as individuals are conceived their brain starts to learn and understand things around them. Newborn babies are accustomed to the mother's womb and as a human being individuals are born oblivious to everything that appears to be around them. Each individual needs parents

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Nature Vs Nurture : Nature Or Nurture

Nurture plays a greater role than nature on the formation of an individual's gender identity, influenced by: parental, environmental experiences and taught behaviours through media. Family guidance proves to influence one's individuality throughout the early years of childhood. New–borns require billions of nerve cells primarily made in the first three years of a human's life; making the important connection, which determines a person's intellectual, emotional, and social make–up. These connections are the fundamental bases, influencing an individual's gender identity and whoever and whatever comes in contact with the child will have an effect on them. Similarly to how family influences the early stages of a child's brain development, environmental

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Nature Vs Nurture And Gender Identity Essay

The controversy of nature vs. nurture has been disputed for years. Nature vs. nurture refers to the question of which factors are most significant in determining development; those related to heredity or environment. It has been reported that some scientists think that "nature" is referred as the importance in heredity as the major determinate also known as "nature" the theory of human behavior. The nurture theory scientists believe that people think and behave in certain ways because they are taught to do so. This is an ongoing debate and understandably so. I do believe that both nature and nurture play apart in development. Nature in my opinion I 'd suggest that one of the reasons that people believe in the nurture effect is more content...

Conversely, the evidence is that children and teenagers who associate with "bad elements" have usually been rejected by more normally–behaved children and have found friends among other rejected children (Harris, 2009). Certainly members of each of these groups will learn from each other once they begin to associate, in my opinion the important question is, what made them associate to begin with? According

Nature vs Nurture Essay
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Through time, psychologists have argued over whether only our genes control our behaviors in life or if the environment and the people surrounding us have any effect in our lives. This is called nature versus nurture. We do not know what dictates our behavior, or if it is a combination of both. One question is, if genes control our behavior, are we really responsible for our actions? I think that if we can make choices we are responsible for our actions. While or genes influence various aspects of our personalities, there is no denying that our environment has some effects too. Our genes make us, but our experiences and our surroundings shape the way we more content...

Researchers have also found out that, even though a person may have a certain behavior–controlling gene, it is not always active. This research puts the responsibility for actions back on the individual. Humans do have free will, and they can choose if they want to let their body or their mind control them.

Another question is, if an individual does not have the "bad gene," but they commit a crime, are they more responsible. To look at this issue from another perspective, judges determine responsibility for actions by something called blameworthiness. This acknowledges a person of their actions and their consequences. If a person does not know what they are doing, such as a mentally ill person who commits a crime, or they are not aware of the consequences, such as a child who plays with a parent's gun, then they cannot be legally held responsible. This would answer the previous question with a firm no. Blameworthiness makes no mention of genes, so if you had the "bad gene" and you committed a crime that you were fully aware of doing and you knew the consequences if you got caught, you would be fully responsible for your actions. From my standpoint, all healthy individuals are responsible for their actions. I believe that genes control our physical characteristics, but have a small role in controlling our behaviors. As I mentioned before, some people have a certain genes, but they are not active in their bodies. This could mean

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Nature vs. Nurture Essay
Nature vs. Nurture

Nature vs. Nurture Essay Throughout many years, scientists have been debating about whether nature or nurture is the driving force that shapes a person's cognitive abilities and personal traits. Before the ongoing debate can be explained, it is necessary to understand what nature and nurture actually are. Nature is loosely defined as the genetics one inherits and tendencies that influence development. Many things in an individual are hereditary, for instance; gender, disease, height, eye color, natural talent for an activity, and many more. Nurture can be defined as various environmental factors that a person is exposed to, which can influence how a person develops. Nurture affects an individual's growth through multiple ways such as: stressors, activities, intellect and experiences, physically, emotionally, and socially through peers. Progressively, many are realizing that asking to what extent environment or genetics influence a person's traits is not necessarily the correct way to approach the debate. In all actuality there is not an easy way to sort through the multiple forces that exist in these situations. However, numerous researchers are now looking at how the two factors intertwine and influence one another because only one of them could not simply exist alone without the other very well. Nature and nurture coexist and work together to help shape a person, whether that is from the two working equally or one being slightly more predominant over the other, however

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Nature Vs. Nurture Essay

"It's Nurture, Not Nature" A question that many psychologists ponder is "What determines your personality and behavior: nature or nurture?" There have been countless studies and experiments that attempt to prove one side or the other. From twin studies to evidence of breaking the cycle of abuse, it can be seen that personality and behavior are due to nurture, not nature. A prime example that personality and behavioral patterns are based on nature is alcoholism and drug abuse. Popular belief is that if your parent is an alcoholic or drug addict, you will become an addict too. Yes, people who are the children of alcoholics "are at [an] increased risk" of using drugs or abusing alcohol along with "behavioral and more content...

The study showed that "a personal abuse history was not significantly associated with either child abuse potential or dysfunctional disciplinary style" (Rodriguez and Tucker 252). If dysfunctional parenting styles and abuse were genetic; the cycle of abuse would never end. This study proves the cycle of abuse can be broken and you have the power to control your behavior. It is also evident through tin studies that nurture determines personality and behavioral patterns. In most twin studies testing personality and behavioral differences, the twins are not raised in the same environment. In this study, monozygotic twins who are "identical in gender, age, and genetic makeup" who also live in the same home are used (Guo, Chen, Li, Yang, and Zhang 300). They will be testing the effortful control of each twin. This means they will be testing a "regulative dimension of temperament, which is associated with later internalizing and externalizing problems" (Guo, Chen, Li, Yang, and Zhang 300). 585 pairs of monozygotic twins, "from 11 to 18 years [old]" were used in this study (Guo, Chen, Li, Yang and Zhang 301). The parents involved in the study were asked to assess their children's "capacity to voluntarily regulate behavior and attention" using "a scale ranging from 1 (almost always untrue) through 5 (almost always true)" (Guo, Chen, Li, Yang, and Zhang 302). The children would then rate their mothers as "nurturance–involved parenting, harsh–inconsistent parenting, maternal warmth, and hostility" (Guo, Chen, Li, Yang, and Zhang 302). The study revealed that nurture "was associated with adolescents' effortful control" (Guo, Chen, Li, Yang, and Zhang 305). Researchers determined "that negative maternal parenting (harsh–inconsistent) and maternal negative expressivity (hostility) were linked to lower levels of effortful control, whereas positive maternal parenting (nurturance–involvement) and maternal expression of positive emotion (warmth) were

What Is Nature Or Nurture Essay

Nature vs. Nurture It is a matter of concern whether human behaviors and characteristics are determined by nature or nurture. If a person's behavior is inherited directly from the genes of his/her parents or other biological factors, then it is the nature that determines his character. But if the environment that a person grew up in, affects his behavior, then it is the nurture that determines his/her character. It became a great matter of controversy among scientists, psychologists and sociologists. Previously, many people believed thathuman behavior was instinctive. It can neither be taught nor learned. But later some psychologists came to the conclusion that human behavior is learned throughout the lifetime which is not more content...

This may not be because of particularly being a black man, but because of the culture he has adopted since his childhood. Here he somehow takes the side of nurture. Many black people are assumed to be criminals. People judge them just by their appearance and the impression black people have made in today's world. But this does not always mean that every black people are criminals and it's their biological factor that makes them do crimes. We can take the example of Brent Staple. Even though he was an educated and good person, many people and especially white women fear of him. But he was neither an uneducated person nor a criminal. He was brought up in a good family and properly nurtured by his parents. Therefore, nurturing became the factor for his behavior. Similarly, there are examples given by another author Amy Cunningham in her essay, "Why Women Smile". Although she focuses primarily on a smile, she tends to explain the actual cause of one's behavior. She explains that a smile or particularly a women's smile comes from both natural happiness as well as the hope of people living around them, "The behavior seems to be an equal blend of nature and nurture" (Cunningham 190). She further explains that both a normal baby and a blind baby smiles, although it may take a little longer for the blind one. It means that the smiles are natural and should not be taught in all cases. However, there are situations where

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Nature Vs Nurture Essay

Nature vs Nurture The discussion about nature and nurture can be considered one of the oldest problems in psychology, the main question of which is: "Are human traits present at birth or are they developing through experience?" (Meyers, 2013). The natural side of the discussion asserts that the facial features and the way of their development strictly through DNA and genetics are transmitted by parents and grandparents. The nurture side of the debate argues that we are born with a "clean list" and that all facial features are developed through experience and the environment (Origins, 2011). For decades, the argument continued, beginning with the Greek philosopher Plato, when he believed that people inherit character and more content...

An example of a nature aspect that supports the debate is David G. Meyers. He wrote about two male siblings, who were separated shortly after birth and met after 38 years. It was found that two men are very similar to each other, and they have a similar way of life (Meyers, 2013). This example helps to ensure that genes affect people's personality and development. As the German philosopher, Immanuel Kant believed that the individual's thinking can understand the experience before (Origins, 2011). Galton concludes that wisdom is inherited when he looks through research that different families have achievements in life (Meyers, 2013). There are many factors that support the nature of the discussion, but what about the nurture aspect? Proponents of the nurture side of discussion say that the minds of individuals are "blank slate" when they are born, as John Locke said (Esterman, 2012). This suggests that people are born without any built–in knowledge and instead become a unique person through experience, parental guidance, and perception. Human beings are constantly learning through observing their surrounding and hence develop a kind of behavior, which is known as a nurtured behavior. A supporter of the discussion also suggests that hereditary factors play no role in human development. One good question that should be considered is if a person abuses his wife and children, this is due to the reason that he was born with violent tendencies or did he learn by

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Nature Vs Nurture Essay

Esteemed philosopher and writer G.K. Chesterton once wrote, "virtue is not the absence of vices or the avoidance of moral dangers; virtue is a vivid and separate thing, like pain or a particular smell." In your years of education and "raising" children, I am positive that you have come across the "nature vs. nurture" debate and, as you are human, have most certainly faced peer pressure. When the nature vs. nurture debacle is combined with peer pressure, the result is the childhood bully who grows up to become America's most prolific serial killer; while this may be an extreme case, similar situations arise on a day–to–day basis throughout America. As children, we are taught to not give in to the bully, to have the courage to say no; well, Mr. Trump, what if we teach our children to not pressure their peers? While it may seem impossible to stop bullying all together, every child is one caring adult away from individual and global success. If elementary schools spend more time on socializing our future generations than standardized testing, imagine the benefactors as they grow up adults will learn how to tolerate each other and, above all, have respect for their differences. Picture the good this could do for our feuding country to have opposites united and have the authority to be the global leader we claim to be. As we grow older, we continually learn and relearn. As present generations further cognitive and artificial intelligence, future generations have

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The Nature Vs.

The old question about nature versus nurture has made a lot of different opinions in the world. Some people think that everything that they are, is because genetic. However, other persons think that the environment makes who they are. In my opinion nature and nurture make people's life different, depending what factor people take to develop the differences between nature and nurture, it can explain if allhuman behavior are learned or is part of it inherited. Nurture is defined by the society and environment people live in. Most people take their personality or talents from the place where they use to be. The environment influences people's life. The society can see how the personality of a person is by knowing who are the people more content...

This research gives a good explanation about how the different environments change the personality of the twins. They have the same genes but their personalities have changed in a big way. Besides, the author describes the two twins. ABC claims that "Lily has no siblings; Gillian has two. Lily's family is Presbyterian; Gillian's is Catholic. Lily's neighborhood is ethnically mixed; Gillian's is not. Lily's family celebrates some Chinese holidays and plans on sending her to Chinese educational classes; Gillian's family does not, instead wanting her to become part of Canadian culture" (ABC NEW). The twins' environment is totally different. It makes that their personality, way to talk, and express show as they weren't twins. Nurture is described by the environment that people live in. Depending the place where a person is, can affect or benefit him. Nature emphasizes in how people acquire things by genetic, hereditary tendencies and biological factors. Some people use to copy or obtain different characteristics from their family. In many families, people make hereditary tendencies to the next generations year by year. In addition, children acquire many things from their parents. Such as, gender, psychological disorders, eye color, hair, lips, dimples, curled toes, eating habits, and stress. The web site ThoughtCo provides a briefly explanation of nature using homosexuality as support. Crossman claims that "Homosexuality is considered a genetic result rather than a

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Nature Vs Nurture Essay

Nature or Nurture an age old debate in psychology some argue that nature the objective that genetic inheritance contains the most influence on an individual's life, in contrast some would say nurture, environmental factors are the most influential factors in one's life. However, I feel a contribution of both featuring objectives contributes to the total make–up of the individual as a whole. In saying this being raised by a single mother, leadership skills were present and seen at an early age. Growing up in this atmosphere I was not only surrounded by a leader but also taught to become one. In addition as a student with three sisters I was intrigued by the concept of a discipleship program, connecting with other individuals in order to grow and gain new acquaintances. Beginning in elementary school and continuing to present day discipleship programs such as more content...

I am no longer apprehensive of open praise and worship, in addition to spoken prayer. Therefore, just as I was presented with an opportunity in which I could express myself, I am motivated to help students identify their voice in an atmosphere in which they can strive in. The church atmosphere has shaped my dreams and aspirations through revealing my destiny. Some would describe Sunday morning as a day of rest while others consider it a quick stop to secure sanity for another week, however to me church means so much more. Listening to the word is only part of the purpose I attend church on Sunday morning, the other purpose is to have an encounter with God that will contribute positively in my life forever. This ministry has perfected me in ways unimaginable. Being a part of the dance ministry has enhanced and improved me not only physically, mentally and spiritually but it has also opened doors for me that I have only

Nature Or Nurture: Personal Statement
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For the past five weeks we have studied three different but influential people in our perspective on human nature class. They are Freud, Plato and Tzu. The main discussion between all of them is nature versus nurture. I will discuss the difference between nature and nurture and then I'll apply to each of these philosophers and how they react to it.

When looked up in the dictionary the term nature means the universe and its phenomena or one's own character and temperament. When discussed with these philosophers it is meant as one's own character revolved around the universe for which they live in, basically they're surroundings. At the same time when I looked up the word nurture it said the upbringing, more content... Not because we were taught those things but for the fact that they are instincts embedded in our minds for survival. For nurture the psychosexual development is due majorly because of nurture. From oral to anal–retentive these are all due to expressive characteristics that are given or raised from birth. The one that has the most effect is the structural model. Reasons for me stating this is because the id is the primitive part of the mind that is basically a natural instinct. At the same time the ego is also because of natural instinct simply because of the reality principle. Freud even went as far as stating, "..adults ego–feeling can't have been the same from beginning. It must have gone through a process of development"(13). The part where it changes is the superego, which is the only form of nurture in the psychoanalytic perspective, which is because the superego only developed because the child began to incorporate parental values and also operates according to the raising and discipline of the parents.

Now if you look at Plato's point of view Plato supports nurture more than nature. The only points that Plato made that would seem to support nature is the point he made for example is when he talks about female guards. The reason for this is also because he feels that women should be given lighter

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Nature vs. Nurture Essay
Nature vs Nurture

I believe talking to be the best developmental period. Once a baby starts talking, you can better understand what they want, or why they are crying. A good example of the debate whether talking is nature or nurture is the feral child, Genie. She was left in her room, with no communication. When she was found, she could not speak. With no–one to talk to, she did not know how to speak, or what things were called. We are born able to scream, and cry, which is part of our voice cords, then we later learn to babble, but without nurture, we cannot form words. Parents usually are fighting for their baby to say mama or dada first. They are surrounded by people talking, babies connect words with objects, even before they can talk. For me growing up,

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Nature Or Nurture

Gender can be defined as the personal identity of an individual that they express outwardly, despite the persons actual biological sex and sexual preference. Put simply, gender is 'the state of being male or female' (Oxford Dictionary, 2015). The academic study of gender first emerged in the 1960's, alongside the rise of second wave feminists and women's movements. Over the years, research has developed in many ways – with people beginning to study how gender differs from sex and developing that research into what causes people to defy their gender norms and how gender and sex can be completely unrelated. This ongoing research has led to a 'nature vs nurture' debate on whether you are born a gender as well as sex, or whether your gender is taught and learned through your environment (your family, your culture, your experiences etc.). Most people agree that we are shaped as a person by both natural and social influences. (Holmes, 2007, pg18)

Section 1 – science – 560 words

There are many theories and approaches to gender in terms of biology and science in general, which aim to suggest or prove that gender is natural and inherent. The first of these is the effect of hormones, specifically more content...

Klinefelter's syndrome affects 1 in approximately every 600 males. Sufferers of Klinefelters have both an additional X and Y chromosome, which leads to an XXY arrangement. Sufferers will physically still appearmale, although most have less male pattern body hair and under–developed sex organs. The condition often becomes apparent during early childhood, as sufferers usually have poor or later developing language skills. The temperament of males with Klinfelters' is described as passive, calm and even shy (, 2015). This could suggest that level of aggression in males is caused more primarily by biological factors rather than their environment or social

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Nature Vs Nurture Gender Essay

Different personality traits make us who we are today. There are many factors to our personalities and each aspect illustrates a bigger picture of who we are and how we came to be. Openness to experience is a factor of the Five Factor Model (FFM) that describes my personality and is an essential part of who I am in this society. Openness utilizes active imagination, attentiveness to inner feelings, intellectual curiosity, interest in variety, and interest in aesthetics. It is used to display a general appreciation for creative ideas, imaginations, and the arts. Due to a sufficient amount of psychometric research, it is valid to say that openness is viewed as a global personality trait that is comprised of a set of specific habits, more content...

Although, they were traditionally Korean in the sense that they craved discipline and enforced good morals on me, they were also understanding of the imaginative world. Also, my parents are true believers of being open to all types of art. However, not only are they true believers of this openness, it is apparent that is in them that they are open to experience. Ever since I was five, I have played the cello. This driving force behind the pursuit of music stems from my parents' broad outlook on the arts and their thoughts on how important it is to learn about the arts. These evidences display that openness to experience carries a genetic component. Not only in my immediate family is it apparent that there is a genetic component to openness to experience, but in my extended family it is evident as well. Another prime example of the "nature" quality of openness is illustrated through my twin cousins. I have twin cousins, who were raised in drastically different environments. However despite the different environments, both of my cousins have the same FMM trait: openness to experience. One of the twins named Yuri was sent to boarding school in America at an early age while my other twin cousin Nari stayed in Korea. Yuri was raised by my aunt and uncle in New York City and lived a very liberal and non–traditionally Korean lifestyle. On the other hand, Nari remained in Korea and was raised in a very culturally Get more content

Nature vs. Nurture Essay

When we look at the world around us today, we are struck by the amazing diversity that we see in people. There is a vast diversity in the characteristics of people that are immediately obvious: short, tall; fat, thin; Asian, Caucasian; and many other characteristics. Each person as an individual is unique, be it in physical outlook or character. How is it that of the 6 billion people on Earth, there are no 2 individuals who are exactly alike? Every persons physical and psychological characteristics are determined by many factors, and these can be divided into 2 main groups: our genes and our environment, or nature and nurture.

What are our genes? Genes are the chemical blueprint unique to each person. more content... This shows that even in similar environments, differences will still arise regardless of their genetic constitution, i.e. minor variations will result in large differences in phenotype regardless of genotype.

Human behaviour is a complex interaction between genes and the environment. In its more advanced forms, behaviour is not determined by genes. For example, the most common behaviour found in adults of any race is the use of language, whereas in newborns, language must be taught. If it was genetically determined, then the baby should be able to speak once born: the tongue and throat would not have to distort into positions they are not used to. Primitive behaviour is more likely to be genetically programmed into an individual. For example, the sucking and grasping reflexes of a newborn infant are present even in the womb, before any interaction with the environment is possible. These behavioural traits may involve reflex arcs present only in newborns because after some time, the individuals no longer behave in this manner. Perhaps cultural influences cause an inhibition of the neural pathway (such as the mother telling the infant to stop sucking it's thumb). The majority of behavioural traits are acquired later in the development of an individual. Most people go through very strange behavioural changes in the course of their development, especially during

Nature vs. Nurture Essay
Nature vs. Nurture
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Nellis 1

Morgan Nellis

Research Article Assessment #1

HDFS 230

09 September 2015

Nature vs. Nurture

The nature vs. nurture is a debate that everyone has probably heard before. The article titled, The Unnatural Nature of Nature and Nurture: Questioning the Romantic Heritage written by Andrew Stables in 2008, talks about the debate. In this article nature is described as having potential for cultivation. It can refer to everything and anything in the biosphere. Nurture is described as education and the support for growth. It is said that we can never be fully sure about how we should nurture. In this article Stable explains how he believes that nature and nurture are unstable. He illustrates the nature vs. nurture debate from the late more content... nurture debate from the late Renaissance and early Enlightenment, the natural growth, or nurture, argument within the Romantic tradition, and the current views on the argument. The article came to the conclusion about the viewpoint on the debate from each of these eras by looking historical events during that period and how people from those eras reacted in certain situations. This article showed me that debates really do change over time and that they are on going. This information is very important because it shows the complexity of the nature vs. nurture argument and how it is not just a simple yes or no question. It shows how we should just not accept an answer, but that we should really try and figure it out for ourselves. Individual's conceptions are always changing and this topic is

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Nature Vs Nurture

Essay Draft: Phase Four For many years scientists have had this question, "Nature or Nurture?" It is an unsolved argument but there have been many studies and new information that explain just how and why each of these are important in personality development. After researching about this topic it is clear that when it comes to personality development, new studies have proven that while Nature does have some affect on one's disposition, Nurture by far has a greater effect on the development of one's personality. While many believe that personality is already developed before birth, this statement is proven to be false. "Experience untimely rewrites 90 percent of a child's personality traits, leaving an adult with only one tenth of his inborn temperament" (Peyser and Underwood par. 14). Environment is very important to personality development. Humans love to observe and learn from others, usually someone superior that is admirable and a good example to look up to. Many kids follow their parent's behavior and become somewhat alike to their mom or dad. Friends also play a big role when it comes to personality development and finding out who They really are or who they would like to become. In fact, friends play one of the most extreme roles because kids want to be like their friends. Children want to fit in with their peers, they do this by repeating the same phrases, wearing the same styles, and listening to the same music. People love the sense of belonging, especially in

The, Nature Or Nurture? Essay
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Nature or Nurture?

The Determination of Human Behaviour

The nature versus nurture debate has spanned over decades, and is becoming more heated in the recent years. Following the mapping of the human genome, scientists are pursuing the possibility of controlling human behaviour such as homicidal tendencies or insanity through the manipulation of genes. Is this possible for us to ensure that humans behave in certain ways under certain circumstances in future? This is highly doubtful, as the determination of human behaviour depends not only on genes (nature), but also on the environment (nurture). It is usually the "joint product of genes and environment", one of the first principles in Leda Cosmides and John Tooby in " more content...

Behaviour genetics include twin studies, family studies and adoption studies. Adoption studies focused on how people with different genetic make–up, brought up in a similar environment may or may not share similar behavioural patterns and family studies on people with the same genetic make–up. The results are not conclusive, although it is found that the possibility of people who are genetically similar, sharing similar behavioural traits is higher.

Twin studies remain our interest. Identical twins have 100% identical genes and the same shared–environment (same home, same parents, same siblings, etc) , and thus any differences between them will be the non–shared environment (individual friends, own perceptions).

Fraternal twins share about 50% of their genes and the same shared–environment. Studies made by comparing behavioural traits in these twins are once again not conclusive: about 40% of the variance in these traits are genetic, 35% non–shared environment and 5% shared environment.

("The Nature/Nurture Controversy, Frank Fujita. Attached)

The chances of similar genes creating similar behaviour is never 100 percent. The one thing that can be concluded, therefore, is that it takes a combination of nature and nurture to create behavioural patterns as adherent to our thesis. To make it more evident that nature alone cannot determine human behaviour, we

Nature vs Nurture Essay
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Nature vs Nurture Debate

Nature versus Nurture is the issue of the degree to which environment and heredity influence behavior and development. In this issue nature can be defined as, behaviors due to heredity. Which means behaviors are based on the genetic makeup of an individual and is an influence of the individuals' growth and development throughout life. On the other hand nurture are causes of behaviors that are environmental. Which means the influence is from, parents, siblings, family, friends and all other experiences to which the individual is exposed to.

Throughout my childhood, I didn't grow up free of environmental influences nor did I develop without being affected by my inherited genetic makeup. I more content...

In reading stories about identical twins my point of view is easily understood. Various types of psychologist have analyzed the study of identical twins. It shows that individuals with the same genetic make–up can be totally different, when it comes to personality. Nurture promotes the twins to grow up as separate individuals. Its a lot better if a twin has his or her own personality rather than the same exact personality of the other half. I think this great debate weighs heavier on the nurture side. As a child my parents, and sibling overshadowed my genetic make–up. No matter how much I thought my physical traits made me behave. It did not affect me more than the things that I had seen and been exposed to. The more things that I had seen around and experienced made me the person that I am today. If my genetic make–up was totally different, to a certain extent, I am sure that I?d behave the same way that I do presently. There are exceptions to that. For instance if I were six foot five and one hundred and ninety pounds, I?d most likely be in the NBA and be really rich. I think if I was really rich and in the NBA I wouldn?t have the same worries that I have today. Even if before I were in the NBA I would have lots of attention and have a lot more confidence. So to an extent I would change a little if my genetic make–up were different. In a sense, genetic make–up is just a competitor to the environmental factors Get

Essay on Nature vs Nurture Debate
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