Revised Essay

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In the Evolution as Fact and a Theory, Gould stated the differences between a fact and a theory and gave examples that supported evolution. There are misunderstandings between a fact and a theory. A fact and a theory are not in the same group of certainty and theories are used to explain facts.

Gould explains how Evolution is a theory and a fact. Evolution is a fact but how evolution happened is a theory. Darwin's theory of natural selection as an example of how evolution happened. Creationists deny evolution. Creationists believes in a supernatural creator of plants and animals. They believe that science would never discover how the creator created creations. Gould believes that Scientific creationism is a meaningless phrase because it's

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Evolution Fact Gould

Reflection Paper

This last trimester I attended the class, Introduction to College Writing. I enjoyed the class and enjoyed the challenges the class brought. I have always loved to write papers, but my grade did not always reflect my enthusiasm. I took honors classes most of my high school career, learning how to write a very specific type of essay, with strict structures and numerous restrictions. This class taught me how to write different types of papers, and put my personality into the paper. I am ready for English 102 due to the skills that I acquired during this course.

In my unit three essay, I have correctly understood the rhetor's purpose in their advertisement. I have clearly written about the rhetor'sargument and if it was portrayed the topic correctly or incorrectly. I chose the topic, gun control, because of its evocative nature. This topic can be written about in many different lights. Due to the versatility of the topic, the essay became easier to write about. The essay correctly portrays my writing ability and also showcases my ability to analyse visual text.

My unit four essay was the essay I felt more passionate about. Due to the characteristic of the unit, I was allowed to choose a topic that I was interested in. I had a personal connection to the topic, my challenge for this essay was to use factual evidence for my argument, not my personal belief. In my paper I had three rhetors and I correctly tied them together through analysis. The essay synthesizes other arguments

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Essay A Revised: Essay A: What was the environment in which you were raised? Describe your family, home, neighborhood, or community, and explain how it has shaped you as a person.

When thinking about the environment that I was raised it, many wonderful things come to mind. We would ride our bikes down long bumpy worn down trails and catch baby frogs in the bayou behind our old house every weeknight. I had no reason to complain. I grew up on my little yellow bike riding from adventure to adventure. On my 10th birthday a new journey came in the form of a little plastic box. I got the new Flip video camera and I could not put the dang thing down. I remember taking videos of my adventures with the neighborhood kids, putting on ridiculous performances, and dancing to more content...

I danced around and cried in my room on camera. It all felt so important at the time. I can laugh about these things now, but the emotion on the Flip is still observable. I featured some of the neighbors saying goodbye to us, which was not much of anything, "This is not a goodbye, rather a see ya later."

I grew up chasing frogs in the bayou behind my house in my diapers. I spent my awkward pre–teen years recording my memories and shaping my understanding of the world, even if I didn't know it at the time. We are all influenced by what we encounter and I look back on these seemingly arbitrary experiences as the start of my creative nature, the root of my love for the outdoors, and a reason to preserve what I am nostalgic about. I found the Flip camera recently and realized we do not know when we will see things in our life for the last time. The best that can be offered is our emotions, experiences, and perspectives of the moment and then how we look back on them after we have grown. My childhood environment shaped me into the outgoing, social, adventure seeker I am. I capture the good moments along the way on my still existing

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English 101: Expository Written Composition– Developing a Syllabus for My Course

Describing the Class: The class to which the syllabus relates is the first class from two designed to help students develop their abilities to produce unambiguous expository writing. Focus and concentration will get placed on written composition processes like analyzing audiences, selecting topics, developing the fundamentals they will need later in writing a thesis, and making revisions. By the time they've completed the course, each student will produce prose adhering to English writing standards, works displaying coherence and unification, plus solid developmental quality.

Requirements: Two lower–level courses in English and Reading

Greatest Achievable more content...

Reinking and Robert von der Osten. Its ISBN–13 number is 9780205883110, and its ISBN–10 number is 0205883117. They will get encouraged to buy the book from the university bookstore through M.B.S. Direct, but I know firsthand how hard financing a college education can get at times, and will penalize no one for acquiring it via cheaper alternative sources. In fact, if they're looking to get the best bang for their $, http:/ / is better than any other price comparison site I've ever visited. As per the date listed at the document's beginning, Strategies for Successful Writing (again, in its tenth iteration) can get bought used for $5.74, rented for $9.93, bought new for $33.89, and/or bought as an eBook for Get more content

English 101 Syllabus

Marriage Of Love By William Shakespeare

Name–Chiagozie Harry Okeke

Course–ENGL 200

Instructor–Prof.Scott. Maisano

Date–10–20–15 (Revised Essay)

Marriage of Love (Sonnet 116 by William Shakespeare)

''Love is not love,'' alters when it alteration finds,'' or bends with the remover to remove'' the first phrase ''Love is not love,'' alter when it alteration finds, simply means that love is not love when it continues to change even when one person has noticed that their beloved has changed. However, If one partner changes, the relationship should stay the same and not be affected by an alternative individual. The second phrase used by Shakespeare is ''or bends with remover to remove,'' this phrase basically means that love is not love if it changes with another individual or person. In order words, love is constant and must work with an adapting or suitable individuals

Therefore, according to my close reading analysis the poem (Sonnet 116 by Shakespeare) is a fourteen line poem that is organized into three quatrains, ending with a rhymed couplet. It also has a regular stress pattern which makes the reader to go through some difficulty in understanding what the author is trying to convey in his poem. The first quatrain of the poem began with a statement to puzzle upon ''Let me not to the marriage of true mind/Admit impediments (1–2),'' this line means that love cannot be disturbed by disaster or calamity neither be changed over time. Rather, it is one unchangeable emotion that is

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Working Poor Essay

The Struggle of the Working Poor

Revised Essay

Sociology 113

Yvonne Barney

October 19, 2012

The Struggle of the Working Poor

Society often describes the impoverished with one word, lazy. Society has taught us that if a person wants to be financially successful, it is a simple process of education and hard work that will equate to a successful income. This is the American dream. If the impoverished simply would get a job instead of being lazy, they would not need to rely on programs like welfare. The impoverished would succeed if they only would apply themselves. However, in an attempt to present another point of view, TheWorking PoorInvisible in America by David K. Shipler (2004) explored multiple variables this group more content...

Chapter 9, "Dreams," begins with the ambitious professional aspirations of sixth and eighth grade children from poor families in Washington, DC. Shipler contrasts these aspirations with the enormous faced problems beyond their control. Chapter 10, "Work Works," is dedicated to the positive impact that job training and working has had on some poor individuals and families. Job training programs that teach soft skills as well as hard skills and are successful in instilling confidence and self–esteem are appreciated by employers. Chapter 11, "Skill and Will," emphasizes that American society must understand what it can do using the skills and resources it has to combatpoverty. The approach to remedying poverty, Shipler argues, must be holistic, tackling all problems associated with it at once. The United States is often described as a place where anyone can "pick themselves up by their bootstraps" and realize the American dream of a comfortable lifestyle. But, for over 30 million Americans, this dream is no longer possible. Though we live in the richest and most powerful country in the world, there are many individuals who are living under or at the poverty level. "While the United States has enjoyed unprecedented affluence, low–wage employees have been testing the American doctrine that hard work cures poverty" (Shipler, 2004). The status of poverty translates

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Gwen Wilde's essay "Why the Pledge of Allegiance Should Be Revised" highlights key reasons why the Pledge of Allegiance should be changed to be less divisive towards Americans who do not believe in a God. Wilde begins her essay by informing the audience of the countless alterations the pledge has gone through over the years. The earliest version of the pledge, which was published in 1892, left out the words "under God." The words "under God" were not added until 1954 when president Dwight D. Eisenhower approved the pledge we all know today. Wilde goes into detail about the hypocrisy illustrated within the Pledge of Allegiance. She explains how the words "under God" are needlessly divisive in a nation that is said to be indivisible. However, Get more


Psychopaths Vs Sociopaths

those who provided MRI evidence than they were for others. This has been viewed as an easier way to get off the hook for many psychopaths and sociopaths. The science behind this method stems from manipulation in the courtroom. Since MRI evidence is relatively new, attorneys are able to confuse an uneducated jury, as well as the judge, and feed them information to benefit their client. In a way, the psychopaths and sociopaths are at a loss whether they are imprisoned or let free. In both situations they will not get the care they need. A scientific study in England compared the brains of psychopaths with a group of mice. The result of this experiment directly correlates with the mental and physical behaviors of psychopathic humans. One mouse

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Psychopathy And Antisocial Behavior Analysis

Despite the low base rate of psychopathy, as measured by scores on the Hare Psychopathy Checklist: Screening Version (Hart, Cox, & Hare, 1995) among the civil psychiatric patients studied, limited traits of psychopathy and antisocial behavior were predictive of future violence. The PCL–SV added incremental validity to a host of covariates in predicting violence, including recent violence, criminal history, substance abuse, and other personality disorders. However, most of the PCL–SV's basic and unique predictive power is based on its "antisocial behavior" factor, rather than the "emotional detachment"


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Great Recession Essay

During the late 2000s, United States took a dire turn towards failure, as it experienced the longest recession since World War II. There are many contributing factors that brought on the Great Recession; however, the vital influences were the highly risky mortgage backed securitizations and the failure of the rating agencies. Overall, the financial sectors were loosely regulated and fueled with corruption, which led to years of scarring the economy, most importantly the people. As a result, the real gross domestic product (GDP), which assesses the value of economic activity in a nation including the inflation, received the largest decline, since post–war era (U.S. Bureau Of Labor Statistics, 2012). Consistently, the unemployment, which more content...

For instance, one of the most well known indicators of a recession is the unemployment rate. The downturn in the business cycle of the 2007 to 2009 delineates that individuals suffered from the recession quickly and painfully. When a person becomes suddenly unemployed, he or she typically relies on savings and the government, but the government was also experiencing financial dilemmas. Additionally, studied have linked that as unemployment increases, the suicides in a country also increase (Carey, 2012). Without a job, or an opportunity to find one, hard working americans lost their ability to provide for themselves and their families. The long term unemployment rose dramatically around the year 2008, all the way to 4.4%. According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, the long term unemployment was the highest in 2008, since 1948, and it affected different demographics with various intensities (U.S. Bureau Of Labor Statistics, 2012). For instance, the African American unemployment rate was higher than the white rate. Similarly, manufacturing and construction industries experienced the biggest increase in unemployment; "During the most recent recession... the private sector experienced a total of 235,000 establishment deaths,"(U.S. Bureau Of Labor Statistics, 2012). The economy experienced mass layoffs, "employers took 3,059 mass layoff actions in February 2009 involving 326,392 workers, Get more content

"Why the Pledge of Allegiance Should Be Revised", written by student author Gwen Wilde, finds fault with the current Pledge of allegiance and persuades her audience that the Pledge should be revised to omit "under God". Throughout Wilde's argument I find myself agreeing with her and the points she makes because I also believe an indivisible nation should not include any religious marks within itself. Wilde states by adding "under God" to the Pledge it separates a nation that is said to be indivisible. By doing so it makes Americans who have never been devout but always patriotic feel un–American for not wanting to utter the words "under God". The point is, reciting the Pledge is a patriotic service in which religion should not be attached more content...

Not to mention this was also not the first rewrite of the Pledge, but is the first rewrite of the Pledge to cause such a dilemma. It should be deemed inappropriate wording for a nation with diversity in all aspects in the view of the fact that what is supposed to unite us is actually separating us. A simple solution would be to either not say the Pledge or remain silent while others utter the words "under God", but individuals may feel urged by peer pressure or otherwise viewed as un–American (57). Eisenhower officially made this the Pledge to "strengthen spiritual weapons" but not all Americans believe in "spiritual weapons" (57). This doesn't make them any less likely to lay their life on the line for their country. Though the majority practice religious faith, several are not and should not be forced by a social contract, if you will, to feel compelled to say the words "under God". Those unwilling appear unpatriotic seeing as patriotism is coupled with a religious belief. Furthermore, not all praise a divine power so it makes sense to be unwilling to recite the

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My Argumentative Research

Dear Tunxis Community College Humanities faculty, The last four months I had been enrolled in a Composition II course which I have learned to write a strong argumentative research essay. The content's in this folder are three examples of revised essays that I had wrote throughout the semester. I will share with you all of my reflections and insights of eachessay and what I have learned in the whole process. The first essay that my Professor assigned was to be on the civil rights. My topic of choice was music and its effect on the civil rights. This was an essay which I first really struggled because I didn't know how to talk about such a topic in a way to really argue my point. I started out by using the Gale database but I wasn't finding specific information that would help solidify my essay. I turned to the library and picked up 33 Revolutions per Minute by Dorian Lynskey, which provided information of all the different protest songs in the civil rights, including jazz, a genre of more content...

My weak point in this essay was finding extremely specific sources of my topic. Because social media is still a relatively new and growing tool, it was hard to find credible and research based sources that could be used to argue my point of view. This made me have to find sources that were current problems with social media and a few studies of its effects on students in the classroom. I also have a lengthy introduction to the topic in which I use a personal anecdote as well as information about what social media actually is. I include this information because I believe the best way to argue something is by first defining what that thing that your arguing actually is and why you are arguing it. This is my favorite essay because I believe it's a non–traditional research essay, but it still argues a very complex and relevant subject that is important to young Get more content

Annotated Table of Contents Essay 1 was about a Mission Statement that I had to write for myself something personal which explains something that is truthful and explains who and what I am and what I am strving to achieve when searching my name "Brian Mamuyac". What I did to prepare for this assignment was that our instructor gave us the prompt ahead of time and I created a rough draft and when we had to meet up in the computer room I just had to type up my essay and turn it in. The challenging part of this essay would be understanding the prompt because I had no idea what a Mission statement was and what I was supposed to do. For Essay 1 I was marked down for redundancy, repetition, grammar and spelling and also clutter. What I can do to prevent the errors in my next version would be to understand the prompt and directions more and have more ideas to write about myself. In my revised Essay 1 version I did well on fixing my mistakes and not repeating the same mistakes as last time by using the feedback that I received and changing or improving the mistakes that I made in the past. I believe that I was marked down for the grammar, punctuation and spelling errors, clutter and the conclusion which were the same issues that I was marked own with. What I can do to ensure that the same issues won't be showing again would be to reread my revisions and peer read my work so I can get the other mistakes that I might have created while revising or missed by mistake.

Annotated Table

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Final Reflection As i reflect on all my English portfolio pieces I see all a lot of positives and negatives throughout it. My final portfolio consist of a Traditional Essay, Poem, How–To, Public Service Announcement (PSA), and a Visual piece all relating to the theme of my dream career of being a dentist. All of these pieces were written differently and All of the pieces I did had their ups and downs. However, the traditional argumentativeessay was the piece I struggle the most with. Even though I been writing these types of papers since the start of my high school career I still a not absolute expert at writing these papers I thought I would be.

In this piece I was not allowed to used first person, I need a introduction, counterclaim, more content...

I believe I did a very great job on my poem. Nonetheless, there is always room to grow. So in the future I need to add more imagery to allow the reader to feel what I feel, to gain this imagery I think I personal need to read a lot more books. Book gives you a lot of examples of imagery and and even widens your vocabulary, this will really help for when I need more imagery and even plot lines. My two easiest pieces were of course the visual aid and PSA. I see thing all the time, like when I am driving and see them on billboards or even watching tv and surfing the web. There two types are really hard to escape from and everyday life. I had to be good at writing them in my final portfolio because of that reason. In the PSA I talked about the dangers about not going to the dentist and why so many people are scared of them and it had to be a least two paragraphs and use ethos, logos and pathos. In the visual aid I wrote about the reason I wanted to become a dentist and used three photos and explained all in a paragraph each. In closing, I enjoyed learning more my dream job of becoming a dentist through there pieces of writing. The traditional essay and how–to I struggled the most on. The poem, PSA, and visual pieces were my most successful writing. Overall I can alway improve my spelling and sentence

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Final Portfolio Reflection Paper

The mind of a psychopath is truly a puzzle that amazes psychologists and non–psychologists alike. Serial killers, such as Ted Bundy, John Wayne Gacy, and Dennis Radar, infamous for their psychopathic tendencies and the cold hearted nature of their killings shone a spotlight on world of psychopaths. Time and time again we see the portrayal of a psychopath as a violent individual who is dangerous to society, but not all psychopaths are the cunning serial killers that mainstream media makes them out to be. They are hidden amongst us. In fact, one in one hundred of people are reported to be psychopathic. They are hidden in everyday society in places where one could not fathom that they would exist. For a term so wildly thrown around in every– more content...

With psychopaths, there are many things effecting them neurologically, although scientists are not sure weather or not it is a cause or a side–effect. The genetic variant MAO–A is often found in psychopaths. This gene is responsible for making a protein that breaks down certain types of hormones such as dopamine, noradrenalin, and serotonin, which are all linked to mood. This, however is not the only gene linked with anti social behaviours, and there are many more to be studied. Scientists used a Positron Emission Tomography–more commonly known as a PET scan–to study the neurological responses of psychopaths when presented with a stimuli. A small amount of radioactive substances are were used to measure brain activity and they found that psychopaths have less activity in their frontal lobe. The brains of psychopaths have also been found to have weak connections among the components of the brain's emotional systems, which causes their lack of fear. Different studies have also noticed "aberrant functional connectivity" within the parts of the cortex, along with reduced volume in some crucial areas. Scientists have also noticed less activity, and lower volume in the amygdala, another key area in the brain where fear is processed. Psychopaths also have 18% less volume in the brain's frontal

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Diagnosing A Psychopath Research Paper

Original Conclusion Paragraph: Because most traffic accidents and corresponding fatalities can be reduced through effective program development, monitoring, and evaluation, a comprehensive public policy can save lives. The difference in fatalities between developing nations and wealthy nations is the clearest indicator that road safety measures and programs do reduce traffic fatalities. Although expensive to implement initially, road safety improvements go a long way toward reducing the burden on the medical care system, which is overburdened by dealing with traffic–related accidents and deaths. Through simply assessing local problems such as unsafe roads; implementing laws related to bicycle and pedestrian safety or driver education; and providing ongoing program evaluation, it will be possible to reduce traffic accidents and fatalities in communities around the world. Revised Conclusion Paragraph: Research shows the number of traffic accidents and corresponding fatalities can be reduced through effective program development, monitoring and evaluation. A comprehensive public policy can save lives. There is a significant difference in the numbers of fatalities in wealthy nations versus those in the developing world. The difference in the numbers is the clearest indicator that road safety measures and programs are effective in reducing traffic fatalities. Road safety improvements are expensive to implement initially, but they are cost–effective in the long run. Fewer

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In most college level English classes, students learn to generate various types of essays. These essays give the students an opportunity to enhance their writing capabilities. The Composition instructor also has a chance to critique the students writing. This particular English course allows students to create exemplification, cause and effect, and comparison and contrast essays.

Exemplification essays allow students to explain a certain topic, defend an argument, or prove a point by providing the reader with clear, concrete examples. For example, some students may write about why certain people are a particular characteristic. One student gave three examples of people who she felt were motivational. She did an excellent job of more content...

In order to compose a well written compare and contrast essay, the students must have some type of background knowledge on what they are discussing. Once the student has decided upon a topic they can write their essay. The student then introduces their topic in their introductory paragraph. This paragraph is usually followed by three body paragraphs that contain the cause or effects of the topic being discussed. The compare and contrast essay is concluded by stating how the topic they chose can be improved or fixed. One student wrote about the reasons she did not smoke cigarettes. In her essay she stated reasons why she dislikes the act of smoking cigarettes. She concluded her essay by providing ways to prevent people from smoking cigarettes.

The comparison and contrast essay requires students to give similarities and differences on the topic of their choice. This essay can be completed in two different ways. If a student decides to write about comparisons and a few differences they are composing a comparison essay. The contrast essays are filled only with differences. Max Wamsley compared and contrasted two of his prospective college choices. Tae Hubbard decided to contrast being a lawyer and a nurse

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Writing An Essay In English Class

Revision is the key for most great writers. Before submitting an official paper, revision should be the final step because revising and editing your paper can help you find small mistakes that you didn't pick up on before. Revision is different from proofreading, proofreading focuses more on spelling and grammar errors, revising focuses on reconsidering your thoughts in a better manner. In the long and tedious process of revision, you should look at the main thesis and how well your thoughts are organized in the paper. You may even stumble upon a paragraph that may not have anything to do with the paper and delete it. Even when Ernest Hemingway, a great american writer was once interviewed he was asked how much rewriting he does and he responded that he once wrote the last page of his book Farewell Arms thirty–nine times before he was satisfied with it. Once you revise your thesis, your thoughts in the rest of the paper should address your thesis in order to keep organization.

Revision is very important in submitting paper because it can change the purpose of the paper just by fixing the organization and thoughts of the paper so it can be clear understanding for the more content...

I had struggled a lot on clarification that led you to put several comments about it. I want to know how to be clear for any reader without being repetitive. I feel that I see myself leaning towards being vague because I feel that if I explained my argument more, it would just lead to repetitiveness. Another question I have in regarding to revision is that I don't know how to minimize my quote because I feel as if what all of the quote is saying is very important for my argument. How can I minimize it so that the quote does not become a block quote? I believe that getting answers to the questions I had over my essay and revision will help improve my essay Get

Revision: Most Great Writer

Hillary Clinton said, "We can do better. We can not ignore the inequalities that persist in our justice system that undermine our most deeply held values of fairness and equality." She was correct in her statement, we need to reform our criminal justice system because it is highly lacking in fairness and equality. 2.38 million Americans are inprison, with another five million on probation or parole. 1 in 31 adults in the United States are in jail, prison, or on probation or parole. (Ferner) The populations of our prison are increasing, while trust in law enforcers is declining, and if we want to solve the inequalities we must reform parts of our criminal justice system. We should reform our criminal justice system to fix the inequalities of mandatory sentences, bail, and we should create reentry programs to help released inmates stay crime free.

In the past years we have seen many riots and debates over the racism and inequalities in our criminal justice system. We have heard story after story, and watched video after video of police brutality and racism in America. We saw the unfair outcome of the Zimmerman and Treyvon Martin case. When George Zimmerman followed Treyvon Martin, a seventeen year old African American boy who was walking around the neighborhood, just because he looked suspicious to him. Even after notifying the police, Zimmerman followed Martin and ended up shooting him, after Zimmerman had hung up with the dispatcher who told him they did not need him

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We Must Reform Our Criminal Justice System Essay

Critical Analysis: MLA Format

Critical Analysis

For the past week we have been learning about critical analysis essays. Before coming to composition I didn't know much about critical analysis essays, I knew they were conducted in MLA Format and they were basically a comparison between two books. After learning more in class I was informed more in–depth about critical analysis essays. In class we were taught that critical analysis essays are to essentially be a comparison between articles, books, and or anything else to help the reader better understand the work. Critical analysis essays are to incorporate a thesis statement to give readers something to engage in when reading your essay, it gives some idea of what this essay is going to be about. When constructing a

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