Search Engine Optimization basically are tactics implies working on your site to build your visibility when individuals search on Google, Bing, and other web indexes for products or services related with your business. The more visibility you get the more chances you develop towards attracting your audiences. In simple terms, SEO is a process through which we can make a particular content rank higher on search engine results with the best keywords.
What is the difference between SEO and Paid Campaigns?
The key difference between SEO and Paid Advertising is that you do not have to pay for your website ranking and visibility when you work on your website using SEO techniques and Google Algorithms. On the other hand, in paid marketing you would have to pay for advertising your contents.
How does SEO work?
Different Search Engines like Google and Bing use robotic methods to crawl pages on the internet, visiting from site to site and reviewing information about those pages. This technology is similar to a librarian helping you pull up a book (or a page) to help you find precisely the thing you’re searching for at that point. Search Engines are ready to serve their users with the best service. Their primary goal is to deliver best quality results to the users they are looking for. To serve them best, search engines like Google and Bing keep scanning different websites, scan the information they are about. This helps their algorithms to deliver relevant results to those who are searching for certain topics or keywords.