3 minute read
By Tyson
Chapter 1
Charles let out a mystical demon who had been trapped in a lamp since 1944. James is the one who had trapped him in that lamp. He was a demigod. Charles had found the lamp while he was out for his morning walk. He didn’t know what it was, so he just picked it up. It was no metal lamp, it was a glass lamp. But Charles didn’t know that, and when he accidentally dropped and broke it, the demon got out.
The demon was red because he had been holding in a lot of anger. He wanted to take it out on the people, so he destroyed the city and almost half of the country. He was even on the verge of destroying Earth. But then Charles found a mystical sword that had fallen from the heavens. He used the sword to stop the demon, then he tied him up so he couldn’t attack anything again.
But the demon still had powers. He started to evolve, growing four legs like a horse and six arms like an ant. This took place somewhere in Nevada, the undiscovered land. The date was 16002. The battle lasted for days. The demon got more powerful. Charles threw him into a mystical lava pit, where he was to live for eternity. But first, the demon claimed he’d be back in 100 years. Charles was scared, but he decided the demon was bluffing and could never actually return.
Chapter 2
The demon did return, in his original state. He defeated Charles, who hadn’t been looking, but that didn’t mean no one could defeat him. That’s when another demigod appeared. He was powerful like James, and just as strong. It turns out that James had a son. He had heard about this demon, and had come to do battle with him.
The battle lasted for days, months, almost years. In the end, James’s son won, and peace and love spread across the world. The demon had been absorbing positive and loving energy, and replacing it with destruction and hate.
The people lived a normal life for 16 years, until one day they came across a restaurant called the Red Lobster. The food was better than it used to be. They started stuffing themselves with food, even food stuffed into other food, like crab stuffed into lobster. Everything was good.
That is, until a lady came in. She had been possessed by a demon, and had been trying to hide it. But she couldn’t pretend anymore. The demon cracked and showed his true form. Then, the demon started destroying everything. The guardians of Earth had passed on to the afterlife, so it was up to new kids who had been chosen by the Excalibur sword to be the next heroes for the generation to come. After a little while of destroying, a mighty warrior named Sonic came forward. Word got around all over the world, and all the countries started sending their mightiest warriors to help Sonic. This was now a normal thing to do after what Charles had done.
Chapter 3
A crack was still open from hell to the overworld. The heroes tried closing it many times, but a demon kraken was preventing them. So, after two years of trying, they just gave up. The mighty warrior Sonic decided to stay for a while, but then something happened. A headless boy had crawled up from hell. Because the people had stopped trying to close the crack, they were always being attacked by demons. To try to keep them back, they had surrounded the crack with holy water and crosses. If it was an emergency, they put holy salt in a circle around the crack, and poured the holy water down when demons tried to come up.
Sonic decided to move into the city. It was still being attacked by demons, but they always found a way to make it work. What they didn’t know was that the demons were evolving, and not in the way you’d think. Instead of getting stronger or faster, they were turning into spirits to haunt people. One little girl couldn’t take the haunting and went missing. When the police found her, they looked at the surveillance tape and saw that a demon had possessed her. But then they remembered that Excalibur could absorb all of the demons.
They started planning how to get to hell and absorb all the demons, but then the sword said, “Just throw me down and I will do all the work.” So they threw Excalibur down into hell. There was a bright glowing light, then the sword flew back up. “The deed has been done,” it said.
No one really knows the secrets that are held behind life. So who can really say.