Writer's Ezine Volume X : January 2015 Issue

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Writer’s Ezine wishes you Happy New Year 2015

Writer’s Ezine wishes you Happy New Year 2015

Season’s Greetings!

remember is that beyond our comfort zone lays our courage zone.


How easily we see the end of things but miss noticing the new beginnings that every end brings along. Just imagine, a day ends to mark the beginning of the beautiful night and the lovely night ends to allow yet another amazing day to begin. Our childhood ends to make way for the awesome teenage to start. A year ends to let another year start with a complete blank slate for us to fill it with opportunities.


Standing at the threshold of 2014-15 it seems as if within the blink of an eye we have reached the year end. Some good memories, some nasty truths as we try to jostle our way between them all, our hearts are gripped with fear – the fear of the unknown. At such times what we need to

What we sometimes see as the end in life is actually just a bend – we failed to notice till

Writer’s Ezine wishes you Happy New Year 2015 now. Every road is carved with various twists and turns, so if the road of life and to make this journey enticing sometimes God sends us directions to ensure we don‘t miss out on any of the turns He has paved for us to go towards better things in life. We keep staring at the end for long and lament it so much that we fail to see the better things that life has in store for us beyond that turn as well. Today as I flip through the pages of this issue before it comes to you all this is exactly what I am feeling. I smile as I see our tenth issue

out already, look behind and it tugs my heart to see the various milestones we made and that very moment I turn around

to see the wonderful possibilities that my tomorrow has in store. Very soon it would time for WE‘s first anniversary and some very exciting times ahead for all of us along. Here‘s yet another issue with some amazing reads chosen to ensure a smile on

Writer’s Ezine wishes you Happy New Year 2015 your face and a song on your lips. Apart from the usual features the only uniqueness in this is that we have featured all the prompts on the photo prompt for the month of December 2014. Reason being each one of them was so amazing that they deserved a special mention, though the winner will only be one out of them all but they all do deserve more than just a read from you all.

Sending loads of love and joy along with this one to warm your hearts and melt your fears!

Writer’s Ezine wishes you Happy New Year 2015 The administrators of Writer‘s Ezine take this opportunity to thank you for being a part of our Journey since WE was released in April 2014. It has been a good journey so far; having published so many talented writers from all around the world. If this is the first time you are reading Writer‘s Ezine do visit our website Writer‘s Ezine to know more. We have tried to make the site as userfriendly as we could. With Navigation tools like Sitemap, FAQ‘s, Table of Content etc. Do check out the Contests on Writer‘s Ezine Please do read the submission guidelines before submitting.

This e-magazine is a compilation of Poems, Short Stories, Short – Story Series, Non – Fiction, Photographs published on Writer‘s Ezine.

Cover Photo © Elango Rana Image source Google Images, unless mentioned otherwise. The copyright of the work published in this magazine remains with the author of the individual work. Please contact the authors and Writer‘s Ezine if you need to use the content. You are free to share the content as long as you retain and respect the copyright.

Writer’s Ezine wishes you Happy New Year 2015 Visit for details

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Writer’s Ezine wishes you Happy New Year 2015 Do share your feedback with us. WE would love to hear what you have to say

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Writer’s Ezine wishes you Happy New Year 2015

Prompt of the Month WE believes that at times creativity looks for a muse. So here we attempt to give you a muse month on month that will tickle your creative buds and let your imagination take a flight. The rules remain the same. The prompt remains open till the

last date of submission for the next month‘s issue. i.e. till 20th of the month to be considered to the next month‘s. Click HERE for details.

Writer’s Ezine wishes you Happy New Year 2015


about it is here now.

Writer's Ezine presents Literati ~ a bi-monthly column which will bring to you interesting tits-bits about literature starting from authors to their books, everything that you ever wanted to know

Join our columnist Aneesha Myles Shewani as she takes you along on a journey where the smell of books is in the air! Click here to read the Literati Articles

Writer’s Ezine wishes you Happy New Year 2015

Cook-N-Tell Till now Writer's Ezine managed to gather various flavors of romance, suspense, mystery, longing, pain, life, death, thriller... .every chapter a

new story and every poem a new song. And that is when we realised WE missed out on a very interesting flavour - one that adds a zing to it. So here we are, presenting Cook-N-Tell

Writer’s Ezine wishes you Happy New Year 2015 a bimonthly column which will have some amazing, mouthwatering, easy-to-make dishes! Click HERE to read the recipes

Writer’s Ezine wishes you Happy New Year 2015

Author‘s Quill Books are magical and the ones who create them are magicians. Author's Quill is a segment that will bring all those magicians to recreate some of the magic through their quills, as they know it the best! As we all love to hear what they have to say, WE brings to you some of your favourite authors in this segment. Month on month WE will invite amazing authors to wield the magic of their quill and take you to their magic land

which only they can create. Read what they have to share with you! Click HERE to read the Author's Quill articles

Writer’s Ezine wishes you Happy New Year 2015

Remembering Rizwan Adrift How Do You Feel? Loved and Lost Illusion Book Review - I Author Interview – I Author‘s Quill Dear Somebody: Caged It‘s Still Dark Outside The Quest Where The Heart Is –Final Part Rose Flavoured Coconut Laddus Book Review – II Author Interview – II The Beauty in Red Perfect Shot The Sage of Immortal Words The Metal Buddha I Am SORRY, I Don‘t REMEMBER You Sinister Stories From The Ruins Votive of Hope Love Doesn‘t Just Happen

Percy Kerry Chitralekha Sreejai Ashna Banga Pankti Mehta Mahesh Sowani Chronicles of Urban Nomads Ms. Sutapa Basu Martha Jane Orlando Preetika Dubey Naina Manchanda Harshita Lavanya Donthamshetty Cook ‗N‘ Tell Lemon Girl Jyoti Arora Poonam Khanduja Jatin Kuberkar Amreen B. Shaikh Payal Agarwal

Kalpanaa Waghela Jinal Dudhani Namrata Arti Honrao Jennifer Ehidiamen

Writer’s Ezine wishes you Happy New Year 2015

As I was closing the lid of the last boxes before the movers took them out to the truck, the top half of a framed photograph peeked out from one end of the box. I proceeded to shove the frame further inside, but then changed my mind and pulled it out of the hodgepodge of the other items.

my husband, and the photo was taken right after our wedding day.

It was an old photo, of a handsome man in a black suit and a woman in a dark green sari. That photo brought on a flood of memories, which I was trying very hard to forget. The woman in the photo was me. The man in the picture was

my eyes were moist. I was about to cry. So I finally dunked the picture back inside the box, and closed the lid. Crying wasn‘t gonna bring Rizwan back, so tears were of no use here. I lifted the box and carried it outside, handing it to the man

Suddenly my vision clouded, and I realized

Writer’s Ezine wishes you Happy New Year 2015 in the dark blue overalls. He took the box and loaded it on to the back of the truck, where most of my belongings had already been loaded. People went by on the busy street, occasionally glancing at the movers‘ truck, occasionally glancing at me- the woman in blue jeans and a white kurti, free of any adorning jewelry and giving instructions to a group of men, as opposed to the other women in traditional Bengali taant sarees or salwar suits, according to marital status. For them, life went on as usual. For me, it was starting on a whole new note after the old one had ended abruptly. I went back inside the house, looking around to see if anything else

was remaining to be loaded. I had bought this house, two years ago, with Rizwan, just before we decided to get married and give a legal name to our courtship of four years. We had saved up money from our respective jobs- him a computer engineer and me a lecturer at Kolkata University. For a long time the house had been more than a structure of brick and cement. It‘d been a sanctuary for Rizwan and me, a place where we came back, each night, to the warm embrace of the person we loved most, after bearing the rigors of life. It was a place full of love, dreams, laughter, happy memories, understanding and a zest for living life king size- the house was alive, with our hearts

Writer’s Ezine wishes you Happy New Year 2015 morphing into its own beating heart. Walking through the house was a colossal effort in holding back recalling a flood of events from the past that threatened to weaken my resolve. Every room reminded me of something that I had shared with him, something we had done together. The living room, where we watched football and cricket matches and our favorite Hollywood movies with our friends, and littered pop-corn, soda and chicken wings all over the sofas and floors, to be cleaned the next day by our very annoyed domestic help. She used to grumble while cleaning up the mess, while Rizwan and I giggled at her monologues.

The kitchen, which I would often find in a state of total chaos when I came home late from work , because Rizwan had been indulging in his favorite culinary experiments- he had taught himself how to make major Bengali and North Indian dishes, including my favorite maachherjhol. The master bedroom, which was the scene of various pillow-fights, candle-light dinners and heated arguments over whether our books, a weakness we both shared, would stay on the bed, where we used to leave it after reading, or on the floor, where clothes and other knickknacks already formed a decorative litter. The other, smaller bedroom, which we had converted into a

Writer’s Ezine wishes you Happy New Year 2015 library-cum-study, our own place to have, over huge steaming cups of coffee, long discussions over Dostoevsky, Gabriel Marquez and other literary greats. Two weeks prior, I was thinking of having a child with him. That was how good life was going. Then, in a flash, all that was gone and I was left, all alone in this big, bag, ruthless world. I heard the news before I received it. It was the 26th of April, Rizwan‘s birthday. I‘d come back from work early, hoping to create a surprise party for him with our friends. I was home alone, excited, talking to his friends on the phone; they were updating me on the picking up of the cake, snacks and presents for the party. Rizwan usually came home by early evening,

but that day, he hadn‘t turned up till 7 p.m. I called him on his cell many times- it was switched off. I called his friends from workthey said he‘d left long back. I called his officethey said the same thing. It was getting dark outside, and I was starting to get worried. It wasn‘t like Rizwan to act so irresponsible and worry me sick. We would call each other almost five times of the day to keep updated about schedules. A colleague at the university called me up, asking me to switch on the TV and watch the local news channel, but refused to specify what exactly she wanted me to see. Even more apprehensive, I turned on the TV and went to the local news channel. ‗Young man‘s dismembered body

Writer’s Ezine wishes you Happy New Year 2015 found on railway tracks‘ was the breaking news. The reporter elaborated that half an hour ago, a young man‘s body, having been cut into pieces by a train, probably, had been found on the tracks. The police somehow salvaged an ID card on the clothes found on the body. The card read Rizwan Ali Rehman, Senior Software Engineer, Delloid Limited, D.O.B: 26th April, 1987. That was minutes before the Commissioner himself turned up on my doorstep, his face grim, to tell me about Rizwan‘s death. He had apparently figured out almost promptly who Rizwan was. He was married to me, Priya Ray, the daughter of a prominent Kolkata

industrialist, A.K. Ray. My secret marriage to Rizwan had created quite a sensation in the city; both because it was a love marriage, and I was the daughter of a rich Hindu, marrying a middle class Muslim. I didn‘t care much for the media reports sullying my name, but for the promptness with which my parents disowned me. Rizwan‘s face had been all over the news, as had been his whole family background. Not everyone forgets such a juicy scandal after a span of more than two years. The surprising, and most poignant thing was the Rehmans‘ behavior. Rizwan‘s family had accepted me like a daughter in their home. His parents, siblings and their families lived as a joint

Writer’s Ezine wishes you Happy New Year 2015 family in a huge ancestral home, and they had no qualms about a Hindu daughter-in-law marrying their second oldest son. They had agreed amicably when we had stated our wish to live separately. His ammijaan always invited me over for dinner, before and after our marriage, to have chicken biriyani, sewaiyin and mutton pulav, both normally and on Id festivals. His brothers and bhabhis treated me like a sister, and his nephews and nieces called me Chachijaan. They hadn‘t blamed me for Rizwan‘s death. At the morgue, when I had gone to identify Rizwan‘s body, his father and brother were present to claim it. Rizwan‘s Abba had hugged me and cried with me, and told me I

should come to the funeral. I wept and mourned with the Rehmans at the funeral, as one of their family. No one ever figured out how Rizwan had been killed. It was clear the death wasn‘t accidental, so it was a suicide, which I didn‘t buy. Two days after his death, the news mill was abuzz with reports alleged it was my father who‘d gotten Rizwan killed. Now that, I could buy. The autopsy reports found tranquilizers in Rizwan‘s system- he was sedated before he was killed. Nothing was dearer to my father than his honor; no daughter of his married a Muslim and got away with it. Every time I thought about how Rizwan was sedated and thrown on the tracks to be killed

Writer’s Ezine wishes you Happy New Year 2015 by an oncoming train, rage and sorrow bubbled up within me in equal measure. There was nothing I could do to prove Rizwan was killed by my father, plus the Commissioner was his best friend. The only thing I could do was leave Kolkata forever. Not only the house, but the city itself reminded me of Rizwan. Every bookstore, cafeteria, library, restaurant, park and roadside vendor we‘d gone to on his Scooty was of emotional significance. I put the house on the market, and e-mailed my professors from my days at Delhi University as a literature student, and they‘d been more than happy to take me on as a lecturer. My Delhi friends had found me an apartment, and

were excited to have me back in Delhi permanently. The house had been emptied long before my belongings had been cleared out- emptied of the emotions which made it a home, empty of Rizwan‘s life-giving presence. I wasn‘t brave enough to live alone amongst the remembrances of the days from the past. I, finding nothing inside the house but barren walls and empty floors which looked even more melancholic, went back outside. I told the movers there was nothing more to load and thanked them. As the truck sped away, the taxi I had ordered to the airport pulled in. I locked up the house and gave the keys to the neighbor; she would hand them over to the realtor

Writer’s Ezine wishes you Happy New Year 2015 when he came in with the new residents- the house sold quickly for a decent price. The taxi driver took my bags and put them in the trunk. He opened the passenger door for me, and took his own seat in the front. Hauling my hand- bag over my shoulder, I took one last look at the house which I had called home a few days ago. Then I quickly got in the taxi and told the driver to go. Before I left Kolkata, I‘d met Rizwan‘s family, who made me promise to keep in touch; I agreed immediately because they were the only ones who acted as my own family when the world, and my own parents, didn‘t support my decisions. That day, I bid goodbye forever to Kolkata, to Rizwan, to our shared

time of bliss, to the old Priya Ray; taking with me only a few souvenirs of our marriage, like his books and the household items we‘d bought together.

About Percy Kerry: Percy Kerry is an author, blogger, pharmacist, Masters student, researcher, bookworm, foodie and coffee drinker. She also likes to experiment in the kitchen. She can be reached on percykerry15@yahoo.c om Editor's Comment: Touches a raw nerve somewhere deep within, it is truly said not all love stories are pleasant.

Writer’s Ezine wishes you Happy New Year 2015

I sailed, I sailed Like a little boat adrift Sailing away from streets, cities, homes; Far from the fake love of mortals The waters were taught by the master To carry with true love and placid joy I sailed, I sailed On his wondrous sea To the silent shore; I sang, with all my heart, I sang

I breathed enough air on this wondrous sea, Till the green shores appeared, With its peacock colored hills And white jagged rocks; I felt the people giving a funeral behind Superfluous, for I was proud to die, To untie the strings of my soul And to drift, adrift! In the little boat to sail!

Writer’s Ezine wishes you Happy New Year 2015 About Chitralekha Sreejai: Chitralekha is an aspiring writer with a deep passion for literature, art and music. She has a doctoral degree in Sanskrit. She published a book of poems titled 'The divine hand in the dark' with India books, Trivandrum. Some of her writings have appeared in Woman's Era and Alive magazines. She lives in Kerala with her husband and two daughters and can be reached at uchitralekha@yahoo.c om Editor's Comment: Never before has death been portrayed so beautifully.

Writer’s Ezine wishes you Happy New Year 2015

If you're rooted in a mass Of beings different, Pitying you probably, for you're Not 'them', sticking out sorely How would you feel? If you ever speak and It goes to the wind

For they have priorities, overlook Your little voice, meaningless How would you feel? If your little heart flutters At a sound, you turn and See it/they smiling, at another

Writer’s Ezine wishes you Happy New Year 2015 Their backs to you, indifferent How would you feel? If it's easy being alone You do it with grace Doesn't mean it's desired Still they leave you up to it How would you feel? If you find yourself At the intersection, with the Forgotten past behind, the unknown future Ahead, and the present muddled, conflicting How would you feel? Be in those shoes, at least once See, what your indifference does To drown another soul, in pain Insecurity, inferiority. If this is you, How do you feel?

About Ashna Banga: Ashna is a reading addict, and has made it compulsory for her to work with and around books. Read her blog at: http://pagesashna.blogspot.in Editor's Comment: A touching ode to the confusion of coming of age.

Writer’s Ezine wishes you Happy New Year 2015

Yes, I was different. Not that I liked different colours or different things. It was much more than that. Being brought up in a typical Indian society, I was taught to cook and sew from childhood. Many times Sundays were spent in the company of mom learning how to pickle mangoes and how to roll out the perfect round roti. All this was done when I was internally dying to watch my favourite cartoon on TV.

I was even given good education in prestigious convent school. When I was in high school, my parents enrolled me in good tuition classes. They wanted me to score good marks. They wanted me to be perfect - a perfect cook, a perfect scholar, a

career perfect perfect

perfect woman, a daughter, a wife, and a

Writer’s Ezine wishes you Happy New Year 2015 perfect mother. But I wasn‘t perfect. I hated cooking. I hated stitching. I hated studies. I hated everything that I was told to do. Period. I watched TV, read magazines and went out. It was just my way of trying to figure how to fit in. Fit in with my classmates who giggled and blushed when boys were around. Fit in with ‗friends‘ who were always showing off what was trendy and what was hot. I was considered shy. Painfully shy. But I wasn‘t. I just didn‘t know what to say when somebody asked me what I enjoyed, because I didn‘t know. I didn‘t know what to answer my prodding relatives when they asked me what my future plans were, because I didn‘t know. I tried to hide my

confusion, my shortcomings, my lack of ambition or my lack of interest. I spent years trying to understand and follow the unwritten rules of the society because I wanted to be cared for, to be accepted, to be loved and to receive the warmth of relationships. Apparently it was too much to ask for. Silence was becoming my best friend. Smirks from well-wishers were the norm and being pitied upon a regular occurring. Every morning I would wake with heavy heart. Each new day signified a new day of trying. Trying to be something I wasn't. Each evening ended with failure. Failure that pricked my soul because it meant I was getting closer and closer to eternity of

Writer’s Ezine wishes you Happy New Year 2015 unhappiness, of loneliness and of being unlovable. To dread mornings became life. I expected to go through that for eternity. Eternity because somewhere deep down I knew I would never be what my family and friends wanted me to be. Then came you. You changed everything without changing me. You became my change. You didn‘t expect me to think like other young women. You didn‘t expect me to like the things that the society expected me to like. You didn‘t expect me to keep on chattering when all I wanted was silence. You didn‘t expect me to be grateful to you for being there for me. You didn't want my body but my soul.

By God, did I try to give you my soul! Aye, I did. There again started the journey of me trying to be something you could be proud of. Something you could justify falling for, something deserving of your love. I ended up giving you my painpain that crippled you, pain that wounded you and that made you numb. The very thing that attracted you to me in the first place was now a poison, a deadly poison that could cut your life short. A poison that you had to get rid of before you became poisonous. Today, again, I'm alone with my soul given back to me. Today, again, I'm apart from everyone. Today, again, I‘m on my own. But there's a difference difference between

Writer’s Ezine wishes you Happy New Year 2015 before and after. After is more beautiful, more enchanting and more mesmerizing. Because after gave me the strength to stop trying. Because after made me realize going after what I want is not selfishness. Because after taught me to love myself and accept myself. After gave me myself. Maybe that's why people say it's better to be loved and lost instead of not being loved at all?

About Pankti Mehta: Pankti Mehta creates stories when she is not busy generating ideas for her clients‘ websites. She loves observing people and understanding human behavior. Having witnessed life at close quarters her writings have large helpings of life as it is. Editor's Comment: A very heart-touching narrative about love and life.

Writer’s Ezine wishes you Happy New Year 2015

I have hundreds of friends in my face book window But I do not know who lives next door I daily upgrade my profile pictures and receive many likes But I do not know what I really like I use the latest operating system

But I share every online superstition Many people I follow But inside I am so lonely and hollow I receive many birthday wishes on my wall But there are no claps in my hall I am dead long back

Writer’s Ezine wishes you Happy New Year 2015 But I am virtually alive 24 X 7 Likes, comments and shares Turn me into a pseudo achiever Alas! In my grave I become a celebrity Albeit only in my illusive eyes

About Mahesh Sowani: Mahesh Sowani is a writer, poet, book reviewer, speaker and a legal professional. He holds masters degrees in Law and Management. He has also passed the National Eligibility test conducted by the University Grants Commission. He was a faculty member for Master of Laws course at University of Mumbai. He has keen interest in yoga, meditation, English

literature and financial management. Many of his writings have been published in leading English and Marathi publications like Hindustan Times, Outlook Traveller, Maharashtra Times, Yuva Sakaal, Kalnirnay etc. His writings have been published on websites like adviceadda.com. He writes on his blog https://maheshsowani. blogspot.in Editor's Comment: Harsh reality of life in today‘s times.

Writer’s Ezine wishes you Happy New Year 2015

Writer’s Ezine wishes you Happy New Year 2015 :Intro: Even as a bewitchingly beautiful saree narrates her story, a girl tries to deal with a dilemma in her arranged marriage. While riot-struck children walk alongside consciencedriven saviours, characters play hide and seek through a book, even as lovers 'book' a date with destiny. There is a flicker of hope, of a mother who has lost her child, as well as the agony of a friend who cannot forget her past life. Fear nudges your soul, even as aspirations drive you up the tallest wall; on one occasion, a game of heart and mind will tempt you to choose, while in another, an engagement ring will engage with its tale of choosing duty over desire. Here, even as a

child's innocence creates a strong relation in a new life, a man builds a bond with death's absolute finality; we see hopes of revival in a worn out relationship, even as someone embarks on a quest to find a lost identity. This melange of characters, situations, attitudes and emotions brings to life an exciting realm of fiction that you definitely wouldn't want to miss. Readomania welcomes you to be a part of a literary journey to a realm of the superlative where pages turn, hearts beat, and the mind gleefully wanders to places you might have never been before.

Writer’s Ezine wishes you Happy New Year 2015 :Book Review: 1. Cover: The cover is in hues of blue and black with a silhouette of a tree, a moon and a person sitting under that tree in white who is shown as reading a book. Connectable yes, but maybe a more colourful one would have looked more inviting considering from the buyers point of view where the first sight on a bookshelf is what decides whether the same should even be picked up to be considered for buying. 2. Presentation: The presentation is superbly done. The book is divided into two segments Imagine & Musings each of them contain nine and ten stories each. The way those stories have been chosen, arranged and presented is one

that will make any reader go wow. The Editor‘s note in the beginning explains the segmentation in detail and that is the moment when the actual depth of this book is realised by a reader. Each and every word said there helps you understand what is in store for you in the next few pages and for sure you are not disappointed. They raise the bar and the deliver beyond expectations. 3. Narration: The narration is absolutely flawless. The editing has been done in a near perfect manner making this a very delightful read. The objectification and the stories that revolve around it are enthralling so to speak as you hear a saree share her woes with you side by side an

Writer’s Ezine wishes you Happy New Year 2015 alter ego shares his pain. Some stories are too wonderfully carved so much that they stand out in the entire collection. They make you ponder with their poignant narrations making you want to pause all that you are doing and just think about LIFE as a whole. However it would be unfair to pick favourites out of them as each story comes together to form the whole experience of reading this book. Without any one of them the book would be incomplete. 4. Language: The language is exemplary, lucid, simple and yet effective. That is the charm of superlative writers who come together to create this magic of a book. 5. Pros: This book stands out amongst the

hordes of anthologies that are flooding the markets right now purely on the basis of the collection of stories. They don‘t follow any genre or theme, but what they have managed to put together in terms of quality of the content is far beyond excellent if one were to call it. The plots, storylines, narratives, characters are so clearly etched that there is hardly any dull moment as you keep turning page after page. 6. Cons: The only con (if it can actually be called con) is the few lags in some stories where there are quite a few dull moments. The beginning is all too excellent and the hype too good but by the time you reach the ending you feel a tad disappointment as it is damp compared to the

Writer’s Ezine wishes you Happy New Year 2015 whole hullabaloo the beginning.


: Overview: The overall rating for the book would be 4.5 out of 5 to the innovative storylines, plots and amazing narratives. This one deserves not only to be read but re-read and also recommended to be read to others.

WE team would like to thank the publishers Readomania for sending across this book for review and would also like to wish them all the best for all their future endeavours.

Writer’s Ezine wishes you Happy New Year 2015

At Writer‘s Ezine for this issue we are in conversation with Ms. Sutapa Basu (Former

Director Encyclopaedia Britannica) and


the editor for Chronicles of Urban Nomads an anthology by Readomania. Readomania is an initiative that nurtures emerging stars of the literary world. India has traditionally been the land of storytellers and a lot of us have an inherent skill of creating good plots, good stories and good narrations. With a little encouragement and support, many more authors will be widely read and attain a place in the sun. Readomania provides these emerging authors

a platform to showcase their work. Authors can register, or login through social media sites and upload their work, which then gets reviewed. If authors are promising but need aids in language enhancement or storytelling capabilities, we work with them to improve their work. This handholding and personalised attention is what makes us unique. It would not be an exaggeration to say that Readomania is the talent hunt in fiction. It goes a step beyond by not just identifying the talent but also nurturing it and showcasing it to the world. In the process, we have also created a

Writer’s Ezine wishes you Happy New Year 2015 powerhouse of content online. Since the content is edited and curated, readers get quality reads on a platter. The variety on Readomania is impressively vast; we have romance, emotions, thrills, travel, humour and drama. You will find stories that touch your heart, stories that inspire you, stories that make you laugh and stories that make you cry. The blurb of anthology reads:


Even as a bewitchingly beautiful saree narrates her story, a girl tries to deal with a dilemma in her arranged marriage. While riot-struck children walk alongside consciencedriven saviours, characters play hide and seek through a

book, even as lovers 'book' a date with destiny. There is a flicker of hope, of a mother who has lost her child, as well as the agony of a friend who cannot forget her past life. Fear nudges your soul, even as aspirations drive you up the tallest wall; on one occasion, a game of heart and mind will tempt you to choose, while in another, an engagement ring will engage with its tale of choosing duty over desire. Here, even as a child's innocence creates a strong relation in a new life, a man builds a bond with death's absolute finality; we see hopes of revival in a worn out relationship, even as someone embarks on a quest to find a lost identity. This melange of characters, situations, attitudes and emotions brings to

Writer’s Ezine wishes you Happy New Year 2015 life an exciting realm of fiction that you definitely wouldn't want to miss. Readomania welcomes you to be a part of a literary journey to a realm of the superlative where pages turn, hearts beat, and the mind gleefully wanders to places you might have never been before.

Let‘s hear her share the story about the making of Chronicles of Urban Nomads:

1. Firstly thank you so much for sparing some of your precious time to be with us here today at Writer‘s Ezine. Chronicles of Urban Nomads is very intriguing– how did you arrive on this title?

Surviving the paradoxes of city life turns its dwellers into complex human machines. Simple thoughts are warped by perplexing emotions.. Urbanites are ruled by events beyond their control yet captive to the resultant emotional turmoil which forces

Writer’s Ezine wishes you Happy New Year 2015 them to act in ways that are incomprehensible even to themselves. Their lives are always in transition because the city is always changing. Not only, are its denizens nomads in that sense but also, as seekers of stability and sanity in their own minds and lives. It was thus that we felt this title was apt as the anthology chronicles unique stories of urban nomads. 2. How did the whole idea for it get conceptualized?

Readomania, launched in January this year, is an initiative that encourages and nurtures budding authors to give vent to their creativity. We believe there is a storyteller lurking inside all of us. In the space of a few short months, its popularity

has gone through the roof. Within a year of launch, there have been more than 60 thousand visitors to the site to date, which translates to a staggering 200 - 300 hits daily. As on date there are about 3000 registered members, of whom 300 are active contributors and authors who have, together, notched up an impressive 600 online publications. Taking stock of these publications, we noticed that most of the authors had been compelled to use the human face of the city as their canvas. So the concept chronicling the tales of complex urbanites was born. 3. When there are so many anthologies flooding the Indian market, according to you what is different in

Writer’s Ezine wishes you Happy New Year 2015 this anthology that sets it apart from others?

This is the first and possibly the only anthology that presents collections threaded together by a theme. The first anthology in the book, Imagine, raises the storytelling bar to new peaks. Personification gets a new makeover as sarees, diaries; human organs, rings, souls; cameras and even death give animated expressions to their views about the human world. Each tale transports the reader to a different realm. The second one, Musings, is a collection that is uninhibited, passionate, and reflective. An ingenious medley of pathos, romance, introspection, suspense, thrills, and deceit takes you high on emotional flights or

tug at your heart strings. Readers will find themselves in grieving parents, disillusioned spouses, ecstatic lovers, children broken by failed marriages, and guilt-ridden insanity. The empathy is instant. The impact ---a punch in the solar plexus! 4. As an editor of this book what is that one common thing that you observed in the writing styles of all these budding authors. Any observations / feedback/ suggestions you would like to share with others?

The one facet that binds these multiple authors together is the simplicity in their telling. They have the ability to pick up nuances of their observations and stitch them into a motif that reaches out to the

Writer’s Ezine wishes you Happy New Year 2015 reader as much for its earnestness as for its candidness. 5. One common mistake that you feel every budding author makes and is actually harmful.

Many budding authors believe if they emulate the style of an established literary personality, they would probably read like them. I believe, the first thing budding authors should do is to decide and establish their own personal styles because the reader is extremely discerning. Hiding behind a false voice only establishes you as a counterfeit, And nobody likes to be cheated, least of all the reader. 6. Any favourites in this book that somehow stand out amongst the nineteen

gems that this book is made up of?

Each one of these nineteen gems sparkles with their own special light. I can‘t really pick up a favourite, to be honest. 7. It has been observed that a multi genre book has its pros and cons – It can appeal to a wider segment of readers due to the huge variety it has to offer while at the same people who are genrecentric readers might not want to experiment with anything new. Your thoughts on this.

I think the majority of readers today look for multi-genre books. The reason is simple. People have less time to read and even lesser attention spans. And in this world that changes every second, the reader like everyone else, is

Writer’s Ezine wishes you Happy New Year 2015 constantly seeking new ideas—new genres. He wants a taste of every flavor in the shortest possible time. So I think a vast section of readers today are more open to experimentation and innovations. 8. This book has stories divided into two segments – Imagine and Musings – can you take us through the reasoning behind the same as it is a very unique demarcation within the stories.

I have already tried to give you a pithy entrée to both the segments earlier. So I will be brief here. The segment, Imagine, is an attempt to expose with pathos, humour and compassion, the human foibles from a non-human perspective. And the segment, Musings, is a

kaleidoscope of emotional trips, each more intriguing than the other. 9. Talking about the recent anthology contests which have become very common off late, what is your opinion on it. Till what extent do you think is it helpful?

The contests provide a platform to budding authors to showcase their writings. They also motivate authors to channelize their writing to meet the contest criteria, which helps them to improve their style, language and storytelling. The contest providers are served a multi- cuisine platter. They can pick and choose from it and compile a collection that in its turn will present an exclusive reading experience.

Writer’s Ezine wishes you Happy New Year 2015 10. If asked to describe this book in one wordwhat would it be and why?

Un-put-downable! Because I really found it difficult to put it down once I started. As soon as I swallowed one tale, I was starving for the next. 11. Words readers.



Chronicles of Urban Nomads is a repertoire which is classic yet contemporary. The telling is racy, in easy syntax, staging life-size characters. And the human face of Life is exposed for all to see. Just try it. It is a wonderful break in small bytes. Thank you very much for your time

Writer’s Ezine wishes you Happy New Year 2015

As far back as I can recall, I‘ve always been in love with books and the written word, whether reading or writing, or enjoying a story told. One of my earliest childhood memories paints the image of snuggling closely to my mother as she reads me a story, the likes of which I cannot recall, yet I know, just as surely as the sun rises in the east,this is the exact point in time when I fall in love with words. I distinctly

remember stopping my mother in mid-story flow. ―Is this the word, ‗the‘?‖ I ask, pointing my tiny finger at it on the page. ―Why, yes, it is, Martha Jane,‖ Mom says, a note of genuine surprise in her voice. ―What other words do you want to know?‖ I point. She tells. And, the puzzle pieces tumble into place, absorbed by a curious and

Writer’s Ezine wishes you Happy New Year 2015 unburdened mind eager for knowledge. Longing to read for myself, by myself! Oh, what freedom! On eagles‘ wings, I soar! By the age of eight, I‘ve read Charlotte‘s Web repeatedly because it is one of my all-time favorites, and tackle The Hobbit before entering fourth grade. The library, newly opened and within walking distance of our neighborhood, becomes my stronghold and sanctuary. I am thrilled when my mother helps me sign up for my own library card. Not even the earning of my drivers‘ license years later can compare to the euphoria I feel in that moment. Books! Worlds to discover!

There is no limit to imagination! And, I am free to choose! For me, at this age, there is no greater gift. And, the dream germinates: I want to write. ~ My fourth grade teacher, Mrs. Ratcliff, posts a magazine photo to the chalkboard. It portrays children running joyfully away from a one-room school house as summer vacation begins. Our assignment? Write a short story about what we glean from the activities and emotionsdisplayed in this depiction. My fellow classmates groan in dismay. I‘m beside myself with joy at a finally meaningful challenge, poured graciously into my lap,

Writer’s Ezine wishes you Happy New Year 2015 just when the menace of math has threatened to destroy an otherwise perfect school year. A+ . . . Yes! ~ High school and Mrs. Jones pushes the envelope. In her creative writing class, we keep journals for reflections and poetry, and tackle her many challenging assignments. I have the chance to realize I‘m not the only talented one here; there are many gifted writers. We learn from one another, and we grow in our style and confidence. My insecurities about attempting poetry take a back seat. Poems not great, but at least, I try, because I believe in Mrs. Jones‘ love and encouragement. She tells me: ―You‘re a born writer.‖

In my wavering teens, my tumultuous twenties, I forget. I forget what everyone, except me, has recognized. I am a writer. I have mastered college, struggled to find jobs, thinking I should be married instead. I am a writer. Make a poor choice in marriage, have two kids, divorce, meet a wonderful man named John, perfect husband and step-father, who inspires me to begin writing again. I write an original musical for our church‘s Children‘s Choir, and plunge into poetry. John passes before his time . . . But, as a loving step father, inspires the story of the Hunter family in The Glade Series. I am a writer.

Writer’s Ezine wishes you Happy New Year 2015 ~ Married to my wonderful husband, Danny, ten long years after losing John, I feel the call to write with never before enthusiasm. With a summer free from teaching sprawling before me, I hear, literally, I hear, God telling me it is ―now or never.‖ I don‘t question. I begin. I am a writer. Three summers of joyous labor. I place the writing aside when lesson plans and student needs take precedence, along with my daily attention to family obligations, all done in love, during the school year. The writing can wait. It is still there. It rests in God‘s patience. I am a writer. God assures me. Wow! I‘ve made it! I am a writer.

But, am I published? No! And that‘s the next, most crucial, step . . . ~ I query. I probe. I launch. No agent, no publisher bites the hook, takes the bait. This goes on for seemingly endless days, weeks, months. I do not want to selfpublish. I know, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that this novel I‘ve written is worth the reader‘s eye. After all, as I write it, I come to know God‘s presence, through His Holy Spirit, right there by my side, bidding the words to flow. I have faith. I have trust. But the silence? Where are you, God? I am a writer!

Writer’s Ezine wishes you Happy New Year 2015 Wait! I‘m not just any writer, I‘m YOUR writer! In a rash act of desperation, I finally attend a self-publishing workshop at a local book mill. On my way there, not only am I visited by a painful and irritating affliction to one of my eyes, leaving me mascara-less, but the news I hear from this self-publishing agency rouses tears afresh.

If you expect to make money from your novel, you can forget that notion right now. What??? All these would-be-published authors gathered expectantly in this room, and this is what we hear? In hindsight, this speaker was telling us the gritty, down-and-dirty truth. He wasn‘t trying to lure us with false expectations. He was being upfront and

honest, even if it meant taking a hit to his self-publishing business if we chose not to follow through in a contract with him. Deflated, my eye still aching, I leave the premises with new resolve. This gentleman never promised us the moon, but unbeknownst to him, his words inspired me to lasso that moon, whatever it might take on my part. I was NOT going to go down the selfpublishing road. There had to be some publisher, somewhere, who would find my novel desirable. Then and there, I vow to bait my tentative hook and cast my fragile line into those unknown waters once again. This time, though, with trust and faith offered in

Writer’s Ezine wishes you Happy New Year 2015 previously unmatched prayer. Prayers that God‘s will be done, on earth as it is in heaven . . . ~ Within two weeks of sending out three queries on the same day I return home from the selfpublishing workshop, I hear from Jan-Carol Publishing, Inc. They want my book. They want my book? Needless to say, I‘m beside myself, and so filled with gratefulness to God, I don‘t have a clue as how to thank Him enough for this miracle of miracles. He has spoken. My journey is launched in the exact venue He has had in mind for me all along. And in this tenuous and often challenging journey, I learn to

trust in God‘s timing. I accept the fact that His is the only measure that matters. He gives me the reason for my life‘s ambition, strengthens my resolve to live for Him. Am I in the black, profit-wise, at this point in going the traditional route? No. Not yet. But, I‘ve come to realize this: It‘s not about the money, it‘s about the message. It‘s not about me, it‘s about Him. If I touch many lives through my novels for His sake, or only a few, all my efforts are more than worth it. I‘ve written for His sake. In awe and humility, I hear the Lord say: ―You are a writer.My writer.‖

I am a writer!

Writer’s Ezine wishes you Happy New Year 2015 Thank you, my Lord and my God!

About Martha Orlando:


Martha Jane Orlando is the author of The Glade Series which you can access here: http://bit.ly/1DVBNS0. A new novel, Revenge!, which begins the latest series, Adventures in The Glade, is now available on both Barnes & Noble http://bit.ly/1z6YESs

and on Amazon http://amzn.to/1sKbGD 2 Martha Jane also pens a bi-weekly devotional blog, Meditations of My Heart, (https://marthaorlando .blogspot.com) which she invites you to visit.

Writer’s Ezine wishes you Happy New Year 2015

Dear Somebody, You know what really sucks balls? Being caged, I love freedom; independence is something I've always craved for. And I've taken everything, every single thing that goes against me having an independent life, badly. I can't even handle a simple 'no', I'd spiral into having one of my psychotic episodes (No, literally, I have a medical condition) and I'd go bonkers. Sometimes I wish I wasn't made this way because of the chains that shackle me. It pains a lot when you try and walk with those chains tied around you, they clink that annoying clink and they restrain you

from doing anything. I sometimes wish I could just accept being a slave to these conformities and limitations and live life peacefully, having accepted my fate. But I can't do that. I want to stand on top of a hill and spread my wings, instead I stand in a cage that can no longer hold my elongated wings and hence forces me to keep them closed. I want to flutter those wings perfectly without having to worry. I don't want to stifle my cries or my laughter. I want to just spread my wings and scream. What's stopping me, you ask? Those invisible shackles, that cage, the iron bars obstructing my purview.

Writer’s Ezine wishes you Happy New Year 2015 I once had the choice to do whatever I wanted. I made a mistake and now I'm being forced to do what the rest of the world deems fit. Are we not supposed to make mistakes while making choices? Does following your heart mean you can't absolutely be right? All my life I was in this bubble, they popped the bubble suddenly and told me to not fall. I fell. And now they're telling me I can't survive without the bubble. Is that how life is supposed to be? And if I had to crib about it so much, why couldn't I be blessed with the courage to fight?

As I grew up, I realized a million things. I wanted to be a vagabond. I wanted to be a hippie. I wanted to wear 'dragonfly green' nail paint while the rest of the world wore pink and red. I wanted to wear my hair short and highlighted while the rest of the world told me I looked good in long locks. I

wanted to wear ink on my skin. I wanted to carry a bag with just a notebook, pen and camera. I wanted to get my nose and ears pierced. I wanted to chew gum

Writer’s Ezine wishes you Happy New Year 2015 and wear a traditional kurti. I still want to. I want to fly to the horizon of everything I want. What's stopping me? Those invisible shackles! I realized I can never work in the corporate sector. I can't paint a landscape, I can paint abstractions. I can't stay in one place, I like to move. I can't spend a couple of leisurely hours reading a book; I like to pick up a book whenever and wherever I want. I can't buy things one at a time, devour them fully and then move on the next, I like to hoard. I can't pursue law, I like the idea of languages and journalism. I can't spend eternity in land locked places, I like the sea. I can't stay grounded, I like to fly. What's stopping me you ask, those invisible shackles and not

having the courage to fight. I hate that I'm letting my illness define me, I hate that I'm so conflicted and confused at all times. I hate that I change my mind in a matter of seconds. I hate that I can't go out as and when and where and with whomever I want. I hate that I can't wear whatever I want wherever I want; I have to think twice about the place I'm going. I hate that I can't sleep when I want to and wake up whenever I want to. I hate that I can't stay without bathing for two days in a row without caring about the fact that I smell. Why can't I just wear my oversized hood all the time everywhere? Why can't I find clothes that fit my plump body and not make me curb

Writer’s Ezine wishes you Happy New Year 2015 my eating patterns just so I 'fit in'? I hate that I can't speak my mind wherever I want to, not even to friends because they ask me why do I post such stuff? Why can't I be free of inhibitions and do things as and when I please? Why do I have to take an year off and be confined to my four walls because of a stupid illness? Why can't I flaunt my gap toothed smile and bushy eye browed frown happily and freely? Why can't I change the frames of my specs as and when I want? Why do I have to study till 12th grade then immediately go to college then immediately formulate plans and get a job? Why do I have to be confined in a cubicle somewhere worrying about taxes and shit when I could be wandering around in

streets somewhere? Why do I have to be sad about being a female at times like when I get my period and when I can't go out in the middle of the night or when I can't trust males because one of them might potentially rape me? There are so many questions going on in my head. I can't stop. I want to be free and fly. I don't want to come back home accountable to anyone. I don't want to be told what to do and when to do it. I want to be a master of my own life. Why, why I ask, don‘t I have to courage to fight for that very killing urge to fly in the clear skies? Yours caged, Ruya

Writer’s Ezine wishes you Happy New Year 2015 About Preetika Dubey: Preetika Dubey, A 19 year old Humanities student. Dreaming and a love for the written word is what define her. She hopes to travel all around the world and write about people, honest stories about him and her. Editor's Comment: A plea from every girl‘s heart that most of the times goes unheard.

Writer’s Ezine wishes you Happy New Year 2015

It's still dark outside, When I sit by the window to write; Holding a notepad and pen, waiting to see the inspiring light; I sit and stare at the blank sheet, but words just don't come out right.

'An empty mind is a devil's playground…‘ I scribble. Dissatisfied, I tear the page, for it isn't so simple, I begin again, only to tear it once more. One turns two, two turns three, three turns four, it becomes a useless chore.

Writer’s Ezine wishes you Happy New Year 2015 Darkness surrounds and the future looks blank, A blessing in disguise perhaps, to avoid the ghosts of present and past, Feeling blank, feels better. Nothing to think, nothing to ponder! Let me enjoy the freedom of a blank page, For the blank page is creativity's leap of faith. Let me begin on a blank slate, And rewrite my existing fate, Let me stay this way, even if it‘s for a while, For the door shall be knocked soon, to call me back to the grind! Let me have this moment in peaceful bliss, Even if it costs me a deadline‘s miss!

The reverie is expectedly broken, As I hear the rooster's morning alarm. I look out of the window towards the sky, The rays, it feels, are bringing a new charm. I see the empty page again and sign my name at the bottom Only to feel words there, miraculously blossom. I keep the page with me, with lots to thank. It‘s my testimony to the fact that - It‘s alright, sometimes, to be completely blank.

About Poet: Naina Manchanda Editor's Comment: A writer‘s dilemma very well encapsulated.

Writer’s Ezine wishes you Happy New Year 2015

‗If there‘s an answer, he‘d find it there.‘ was all that Praniel kept murmuring when he got up, after having a dream.

―What is it? Did you have a bad dream?‖ His wife

asked before she saw his face, all sweaty and amazed. He had that unique smile on his face and seemed to be lost in his own thoughts. ―What is it?‖ she kept asking him again and again, and it took him a while to come back to

the reality, out of his mental trance. ―What

has occupied you? And what is with this smile? It‘s half past four in the morning Neil, what‘s wrong? Tell me!‖ she asked, after all what do you expect from a wife, who has woken up in the early morning from her deep sleep because of her husband‘s dream, to find him lost in his own world.

―I saw someone. Someone all glow and had a certain persona,

Writer’s Ezine wishes you Happy New Year 2015 a unique charm about him.‖ ―Okay. What did that someone do?‖ she asked further.

―He talked to me. He opened the door of my mind, and just like that, all my faith, believes, dreams, and hopes came rushing back in.‖ ―Okay. That‘s nice, I guess.‖ she replied perplexed.

―You do not understand Myra, he talked about all the complaints that I ever had, all the difficulties I ever faced, everything. He just knew every damn thing!!‖ ―Okay, I am intrigued now. Tell me more, could you?‖

―You know how the past years had been. I had many questions that I used to ask from the almighty and would always wait for his one response, for if only once he could answer my questions, solve my problems, clear out all my

Writer’s Ezine wishes you Happy New Year 2015 doubts. I had this deep faith in him, that he‘ll answer all my questions for if he has blessed me with this life, he would also help me to make it a heaven to live and enjoy.‖ ―Go on, keep telling. I am all ears for it.‖ she

said. This had really fascinated her, she was a believer herself, that the almighty will answer all those silent prayers they ever did, all the questions- the answers to whom they were searching, one day, maybe, someday. Getting his hint, Praneil continued with his dream or for that matter his confrontation.

―Last night when I slept, I had a week moment, moment when all I could focus on were the answers to my questions, I had been engaged with my

silent talks with him.. All I thought about were the times, times when I had tried to be happy again, times when I thought to let everything go by, the time that slipped right from my hands and I could do nothing, absolutely nothing to make my way back up, again!! All I sought was, if for once he could either take all the pain away or give me the strength and the power to deal with them and some answers along with it.‖ ―In my dream, I found myself in this place, it was illuminated and pleasant. I heard someone calling my name, and felt myself attracted towards that voice and kept moving in its direction. It was enthralling.‖ ―It led me to a place, place where there was silence, deafening

Writer’s Ezine wishes you Happy New Year 2015 silence, yet it soothed me and calmed my soul. And there it was, a figure of a man, standing by a huge waterfall. He welcomed me with both his arms open and his voice seemed delighted. He had his back towards me, I was afraid, as you are always afraid of the unknown.‖ ―What happened after that? Did you see his face or anything?‖ ―I asked him, who he was and where I was. He turned around and I saw him. He looked just like me, exactly same, just like a shadow self. So I asked him how that was possible, to which he was replied that he was me, a part of me and I was a part of him. He said he was part of everyone around here, in this planet, and everyone is a part of him. He said he‘s the creator, the survivor

and the destroyer, THE ALMIGHTY!‖ ―I was confused earlier, for a minute, but after that, I was astonished. I was believed the teachings of my religion, that god is in everyone, even in me; but when I saw him, for myself, out there in front of me, I was pretty happy, who won‘t be? It‘s not every day that you meet the god, is it? But more than happy, I was mesmerized by the aura he had around him. Each and every inch of my body was at peace in his aura, he radiated happiness, peace, love and care. I felt like a kid again, who returns to his mother after fights, or in search of serenity. Just like a child, I ran, ran towards him, covering the distance among us, and fell into his arms, and he, he

Writer’s Ezine wishes you Happy New Year 2015 just stood there embracing me, allowing me to let go of everything that has ever bothered me. Like a mother he swayed my hair, kept his hand on my head and filled me with rejoice. When I looked at him, I found my entire world in him.‖

It does not matter that I was not able to see him, but he was there, in my faith, my beliefs, and in my hopes.‖ ―Being the god, he definitely knew how to play with the words, yet give you all that you ever wish for, but only if you could understand that.‖

―Being in his arms, at peace, felt like an eternity, an eternity of vivid peace. When all my inhibitions died, I decided to ask him the answers, answers to all my unsaid questions, to all my unheard poems. He sure did mention that when nobody could hear, nobody could see me, he was there. He was there with me through everything, he heard all my prayers, he felt all my tears and wept with me, that in this journey of life, I had been never been alone.


know, he

answered my question in such a simple yet an elegant way, he said, ‗I

am a part of you, a part that resides inside you. I had always shown you the two ways: one that is right but difficult to follow, and one that is wrong but is luring and easy to go on, when you came across the problems. It was entirely on you to decide, for what path you were going to take. You would have run from all your troubles had you chosen the easiest path, but you

Writer’s Ezine wishes you Happy New Year 2015 choose the difficult yet the correct one, it had been full of ups and downs, I know that, but at the end, you passed through. Consider it as a test that life put you in, and you excelled in that, you didn‘t cheat to avoid sufferings or the pain that followed. Rather you faced it, straight in the eye. You are brave my child.‘ ‖ ―I asked him that if he wanted me to choose the right path, why he didn‘t just show me the right path that I need to follow. Why create two paths and put a person in dilemma, for that would have always led to pain, pain of failure if the wrong path was chosen, and as for the right path, they had to walk on thorns. Does he love me less than the others? But then he replied, ‗I love each

one of you equally. Life is not a bed of roses, is it? There had been a reason, for every thorn that prickled your foot; it had a lesson to teach. Moreover, I am inside you and I would have never let you gone onto the wrong path. So, whenever you face any problem in life again, always remember, ‗I right inside you. So, if there‘s an answer, you‘d find it in there‘ ‖

Writer’s Ezine wishes you Happy New Year 2015 About Harshita: Harshita was first published in the Writers Ezine magazine, in its December issue. Writing is something that is very close to her heart and is her most favorable way of expression. She‘s aspiring to make her way into the World of Literature. Editor's Comment: This post is an attempt on the Prompt for the month of December given on Writer‘s Ezine‘s blog. What makes this attempt stand out is the uniqueness in which it has a combination of fiction mixed with nonfiction taking a dip into spirituality.

Writer’s Ezine wishes you Happy New Year 2015

Part One | Part Two Final Part Dread filled Ramya's belly. 'What are you saying, Paati?' 'The

unfortunate boy was so keen on tying up all the loose ends at work before his parents' arrival, he worked through the night. He was there to receive his parents' early morning flight. They were rushing home and on the long drive back, they all fell asleep.....there was nothing much left to even identify them', Paati's voice broke down completely and her anguish rolled out of her in gutwrenching sobs. Ramya's horrified wails

joined hers and the pair of them hugged and cried for the loved ones lost in one senseless moment. That dimpled little boy she had had mock pillow fights with, gone? The two women were each lost in their own reverie. Meera aunty and her disastrous cooking experiments in the kitchen were no more? Even now Ramya's taste buds remembered the taste of her orange rasam. Oh dear Lord! Swamy uncle and his wicked sense of humour.... why did she not get in touch with them? Even as she mentally castigated herself, Ramya knew the reason - she was ashamed of her dad's

Writer’s Ezine wishes you Happy New Year 2015 final alcoholic outburst that had caused them to be evicted from the housing society and

even though, she knew she'll find nothing but love and understanding with this family, she wasn't ready for their kindness. Now, she longed for them but the people that had

given Ramya her rare glimpses of normal family life were gone, forever.

After a long time, Paati continued. 'So,

after formalities completed, want to go with anyone


the were I didn't and stay else. Not

Writer’s Ezine wishes you Happy New Year 2015 with my brother's sons in the village and definitely not with Aarti in some far-off corner of the world. So I moved in here and have been here, counting down my days, ever since.' 'I never knew, Paati. I

am so so sorry! Poor you and poor Aarti. I am going to get in touch with her this very evening!' 'You do that, Ramya. I

know that will make Aarti so happy. The poor child, losing all of her family in one fell swoop! She calls me every other day, you know? I will also tell her about your visit. She feels so guilty, the poor child that I am living in a care home with no one around me. But what else is there to be done? This is best for everyone.'

A gleam came into Ramya's eyes and she gripped Paati's hands firmly. She knew what she had to do. 'I am

definitely going to talk to Aarti tonight, Paati. And I will be back for you, tomorrow. You do have a grand-daughter in me and it is time I stopped being just your honorary grandchild and stepped up.' Even as Paati looked on in puzzlement, Ramya continued: 'Yes

Paati. I will speak to Aarti and will come back to take you away from here. You have a home with me. You gave me some of my best memories of my childhood and I am greedy for more. You will make your home with me and that is that! You watch all the weepy TV serials you want, shout at me when I eat too slow or forget I have kept

Writer’s Ezine wishes you Happy New Year 2015 rasam on the stove or discretely check my outfit for signs to see if I will keep bindi on my forehead or flowers in my hair that day....' her voice broke down once again and faded as Ramya buried her face in her grandmother's lap and wrapped her arms around the bony waist.

Paati's astonished face creased into a wide smile, even as tears slowly made their way down the much-loved face. She hugged Ramya back, that dear child who captured her heart the day she moved into the opposite house all those years back. Desperately starved for love and care, maybe now Paati can give her some. And one of these days, she will get Ramya to invite that nice boy who took her

photo to their home and... 'Ramya, my dear child!

Listen to me - I am happy here. And content. Which is more than I can expect at this stage of my life. I wasn't abandoned by my family and I do not feel neglected. Do I wish things were different? Of course! But moving in with you isn't the right solution for either of us.' 'Of course it is! Why do you say that?' 'Because

I am older and wiser, child! You have your whole life ahead of you. You should go ahead and live it however you want...' 'But, Paati!' interrupted Ramya. 'Having you

with me is not going to hamper me in any way!

Writer’s Ezine wishes you Happy New Year 2015 I will be glad to have some family to call my own!' Home! Paati closed her eyes tightly on the thought of home and all that it entailed, while Ramya expanded on her theme. 'My apartment may not

be big but it is in a great locality, Paati. You'll love it. There's this sweet temple, right on the beach where a lot of old-timers come to spend their evenings. You can join the Bhajan Mandali there - I haven't forgotten how you used to sing all the time! Also there's....' Ramya ran out of words when Paati quietly took her right hand in both of hers. Her heart thumping madly, she looked up.

'Ramya. Listen to me,

child. I have lived a long, long life. I have lived long and seen so much. The happiness I was lucky enough to be blessed with through most of it is giving me the courage to deal with the recent blows and carry on. I am at peace here. I still do not know why the Lord I pray to everyday chose to leave me behind while snatching away those tender lives. I do not know what His plans for me are - but I know that I have not one, but two granddaughters who still need me in their lives. You have no idea how happy I am that you came into my life today! I now have so much more!' 'But...' 'I am not done. Just

listen - I understand, more than anyone that

Writer’s Ezine wishes you Happy New Year 2015 holding on to something isn't the way forward. You need to begin making your own life. Go on, grab it with both hands and life it to the full. Fall in love, make a family of your own, fill every day with love.' 'But Paati, I can do all

that with you by my side too!' 'I will be, my dear! I

am going to be right with you! Just not the way you want - but that is all good! See, remember when Aarti went off to hostel when she joined college? This is just like that! You can come and see me whenever you can and I can do the same. I can even come and stay with you for a weekend whenever possible. When Aarti comes to India next year, we can all spend time together, like all

families do. And when you finally get your act together and get yourself a good man, I will be right next to you - from grilling him mercilessly to sitting on the dais with you as you get married.' Ramya looked at the wizened face and after a minute fell into Paati's loving arms. It may not be what she wanted, but she knew there was no budging the old lady once her mind was made up. It will have to do for now, though she was sure she could get scheming with Aarti and come up with a plan or two. Just as she was smiling to herself at the picture Paati had painted of her future, there was a shout from the entrance and Karthik burst in, panting.

Writer’s Ezine wishes you Happy New Year 2015 'Woman! What gives? I

practically gnawed my finger nails to stubs, waiting for you to emerge! Have you decided to move in here? What's happening? Is everything alright?‘ Typical Karthik! Rolling her eyes, Ramya hugged Paati extra tight and took her leave, whispering she will be back soon, trying to ignore that wicked lady's wink and elbow jab. 'I'm

coming, I'm coming, don't hurt yourself. Boy am I starving or what? Why don't you take me to a nice restaurant and I bring you up to speed?' Ramya returned Paati's wink over her shoulder and rushed to catch up with Karthik. Paati slowly walked to the

window, smiling hugely, even as the evening sun slowly sank into the horizon. About Lavanya Donthamshetty: Lavanya Donthamshetty is a part-time writer, fulltime mother / gourmet chef / referee of pitched battles between her two warring children. She contributes to sites such as Women's Web, India Together etc, writing on varied subjects such as food, parenting, elections etc. She lives in Chennai with her husband and their sometimes adorable duo. She can be contacted via email lavanya DOT asokan AT gmail DOT com. Editor's Comment: A heartwarming ending to a very well narrated tale.

Writer’s Ezine wishes you Happy New Year 2015

Ingredients: 1 ½ cup desiccated coconut for laddu 1/4 cup desiccated coconut for coating 1/2 cup sweetened condensed milk

4 tsp rose syrup (roohafza) 1 tsp clarified butter 1 tsp cardamom powder

Writer’s Ezine wishes you Happy New Year 2015

Procedure: Take clarified butter into a nonstick pan. Add 11/2 cup desiccated coconut powder, keeping aside the 1/4th cup for the coating process at the end. Stir it continuously for 50 to 60 seconds on low

flame and then add the condensed milk and rose syrup to the mixture. Mix it well to give it the shape of dough by cooking for another 2 to 3 minutes on low flame. Turn off the flame before adding the cardamom powder. Transfer the dough

Writer’s Ezine wishes you Happy New Year 2015 into a plate and let cool it for 4 to 5 minutes. After that take small portions of that dough and roll into the round shape to make laddus. The size can vary as per individual consumption. Coat it with desiccated coconut powder. Laddus are ready to serve.

About Mayura Chetan Honrao: It is said; 'The way to a man's heart is through his stomach' Mayura Chetan Honrao loves cooking various cuisines for the family. May it be from a recipe book, television or facebook, she loves trying new recipes sometimes, even making changes herself to add a special touch. She loves decorating her house in her own way. Different Warli paintings made by her adorn the walls of her house and festivals bring out the artist in her, her art shining through the colorful Rangoli she makes.

Writer’s Ezine wishes you Happy New Year 2015

Writer’s Ezine wishes you Happy New Year 2015 :Intro: It's all your fault.' Mere words these are. "But words can possess a shadow invincible enough to rob even a soul of its eternity." In a society that finds it easier to mark sins of a victim than the culprit, Nirvi is a young girl punishing herself for the faults she did not do and avenging her hurts by defeating her own truth. She is scared of her future, and ashamed of her past. She is failing herself, and knows it. She has had a long line of boyfriends, and hated them all. She detests the guy she is living with, runs away from the one she loves , and seduces the one who can never love her.

When Arsh first sees Nirvi, she's a free and frank girl in whose eyes sparkle the lemony zest of life. The next time he sees her, she is a voiceless doll draped in clothes that cover her body less and shroud her soul more. And Arsh can't rest till he finds out what made Nirvi give up her own real self. Nirvi knows she is dragging herself on a path from which there can be no recovery. Can her spirit survive the treacherous downfall? Or is the pull of fear and push of desperation just too strong to withstand for a girl who believes she has "nowhere else to go" but down. "When it's time for you to fall in love, even a lemon can become the cause of it," says Arsh.

Writer’s Ezine wishes you Happy New Year 2015 But can love survive, when even the self-love dies? Can love survive when respect is no more? Does true love have the power to revive a dying soul? Find out in the pages of this brilliantly woven, intense, heartwarming and thoughtprovoking saga of RISING IN LOVE.. :Book Review: 1. Cover: The cover is very brightly done with an eye catching imagine of a girl. That along with the quirky title Lemon Girl is bound to gather attention and make one want to read this book. 2. Presentation: The presentation of the book is very simple keeping in mind the theme and it suits it

completely. Had it been made a bit more complex perhaps the charm would have gone away! 3. Narration: The narration of the story has been done with regard to the theme of the story. Such a story line definitely needs a very emotive narration where it is more about the emotions, the chaos and the pathos than anything else. 4. Characters: The lead character Nirvi is one that stands out throughout the story. She is one that each and every girl in today‘s times can connect to in some form or other. On the other hand we have Arsh who is what boys will be able to relate to. It takes a commendable author to create two distinct characters so real that

Writer’s Ezine wishes you Happy New Year 2015 every reader will find a bit of him or her in them. 5. Plot: The plot is unique. It is not one with too many twists and turns but it does have lot of nail biting anxious moments which will keep the reader glued till the last page.

consideration the readers who can easily connect with the language and the emotions that are there in the story.

7. Story flow: The story flow is lucid, one that is not too pacy or slow. It is perfectly themed with the plot.

9. Pros: The pros of the story are definitely the uniqueness in the plot, the story line and the strong characters woven in, interestingly. Those things make this book stand out amongst the hordes of new titles coming out today. The author has got an edge over them as her narration from the main female lead‘s perspective is what makes this book more endearing, bringing out her emotions very beautifully in a language that leaves a mark on the reader for long.

8. Language: The language is very simple, taking into

10. Cons: The only con is the few places where the narrative of the

6. Storyline: In today‘s times such story lines are very relevant. They send out a strong message to the readers and that is why they stand out amongst the many other books coming out in the market.

Writer’s Ezine wishes you Happy New Year 2015 story dips down making it a bit dull and dreary in comparison to the other portions of the story. There are few places where you actually feel disheartened for a moment as you sense the story is not leading anywhere and just at that time the story picks up pace to led to where it finally does leaving you all smiles.

:Overview: The overall rating for the book would be 4 out of 5 for the unique storyline, plot and characterisation. The author‘s narrative makes this one a must read.

WE team would like to thank the author for sending across this book for review and would also like to wish her all the best for all their future endeavours.

Writer’s Ezine wishes you Happy New Year 2015

Today WE is in conversation with Jyoti Arora the author of Lemon Girl.

developing books for kids and abridging 24 famous English novels like Jane Eyre,

Jyoti Arora lives in Ghaziabad, India. Jyoti Arora is a Post Graduate in English Literature and Applied

Psychology. Her writing achievements include two novels, three blogs, several wins in national level blog competitions, over five years of freelance writing experience,

Adventures of Huckleberry Finn etc. Jyoti's first novel, Dream's Sake, was published in 2011 by V&S Publishers. It received great reviews

Writer’s Ezine wishes you Happy New Year 2015 and much appreciation from readers. Books have always been Jyoti‘s best friends. In fact, books so fascinated her from early childhood that she learnt reading, by herself, even before she started going to school. And she considers herself most fortunate that she is able to pursue her dream of being a novelist and work at what she loves best. However, if books are Jyoti‘s first love, and she‘s still very devoted to them, the thrilling and steadily advancing world of technology also fascinates her. As a result, one of Jyoti‘s blogs is a technological blog called Techn0Treats. In 2011, a post in this blog won her the title of Samsung Mobiler when Samsung made her a part of the team of

twenty bloggers chosen from all over India through a blogging competition. In this team of twenty bloggers, she was the only woman and perhaps the only one who had studied literature instead of science. As a Samsung Mobiler, Jyoti is a patient of Thalassemia Major which forced her to stop going to school after class seventh. After that, she continued her studies on her own through correspondence courses. Her zest to overcome her medical problems and zeal to achieve success keeps her striving on with her endeavors to make her dreams come true.

Writer’s Ezine wishes you Happy New Year 2015 The blurb of her book reads: It's all your fault.' Mere words these are. "But words can possess a shadow invincible enough to rob even a soul of its eternity." In a society that finds it easier to mark sins of a victim than the culprit, Nirvi is a young girl punishing herself for the faults she did not do and avenging her hurts by defeating her own truth. She is scared of her future, and ashamed of her past. She is failing herself, and knows it. She has had a long line of boyfriends, and hated them all. She detests the guy she is living with, runs away from the one she loves , and seduces the one who can never love her.

When Arsh first sees Nirvi, she's a free and frank girl in whose eyes sparkle the lemony zest of life. The next time he sees her, she is a voiceless doll draped in clothes that cover her body less and shroud her soul more. And Arsh can't rest till he finds out what made Nirvi give up her own real self. Nirvi knows she is dragging herself on a path from which there can be no recovery. Can her spirit survive the treacherous downfall? Or is the pull of fear and push of desperation just too strong to withstand for a girl who believes she has "nowhere else to go" but down. "When it's time for you to fall in love, even a lemon can become the cause of it," says Arsh.

Writer’s Ezine wishes you Happy New Year 2015 But can love survive, when even the self-love

dies? Can love survive when respect is no more? Does true love have the power to revive a dying soul? Find out in the pages of this brilliantly woven, intense, heartwarming and thoughtprovoking saga of RISING IN LOVE..

Hear her story as she speaks about things close to her heart:

1. Welcome to Writer‘s Ezine and thank you so much for sparing your time for us. Talking about Lemon Girl, tell us more about it.

Lemon Girl is my second novel. The book protests against the rising crimes against women in India and the persisting mentality of accusing the rape victim for allowing or encouraging the incident. Through this novel, I have tried to

Writer’s Ezine wishes you Happy New Year 2015 depict how such incidents and false blame hurt the victim and shatter her whole life. Although the book is based on a very serious issue, and is intended to be thoughtprovoking, I have tried to keep it balanced between poignancy and entertainment. The story in Lemon Girl is narrated by two different individuals. These two different narrators, with their different personalities, helped me in alternating the tone of the book between seriousness and entertainment. This, I hope, will help the book deliver its message in a strong way, without making the reader find it too serious and boring. 2. Lemon Girl is a very quirky title – how did it you get around to

this word and finally decide that this is what the title is going to be?

The truth is that I did not think up this title. It just popped up in my mind while I was sitting idle and letting my mind wander around. But once this name lit up its light, I became alert at once. I don‘t know why, but I told myself then and there that this will be the title of my next novel. It sounded fresh and catchy and, well, I loved it. I had already started planning for my second novel at that time. From that moment on, my plan focused on combining the title to the theme. And soon, words ‗Lemon Girl‘ had become an integral part of the story. As casual or quirky as ‗Lemon Girl‘ may sound, the name actually is of prime importance in the

Writer’s Ezine wishes you Happy New Year 2015 story because it represents the true personality of the heroine Nirvi. 3. How this whole idea got conceptualized? Was it something you always wanted to write and felt THIS was the time?

The basic idea was in my mind since several years. I think it came from something I had read on the internet. But it gained strength due to the recent happenings. In the recent few years, we have seen a marked rise in crimes against women. And often and again, it‘s the women who get blamed for the rise in crimes like rape. Such victimblaming mentality is not only disgusting, it also encourages rapists. Seeing more and more such incidents being reported in news, I felt

enraged and deeply troubled. And so I decided to write on the theme of what a girl suffers when she is raped and then gets blamed for it too. 4. The book is on a very sensitive theme and yet doesn‘t make it very emotional. Rather it has a very strong positive vibe throughout the whole book. Any message you are trying to send out here through the book?

My first novel ‗Dream‘s Sake‘ is a tragedy. And I still get messages from readers saying that they loved the book but the ending made them sad. I did not want to make my readers sad with my second book as well. So, from the start, I was sure that Lemon Girl had to be a happy and positive book. Yet, it was to be based upon

Writer’s Ezine wishes you Happy New Year 2015 a very serious and painful issue. It was a hard task trying to do justice to the seriousness of the issue and yet not make the novel too heavy or emotional. But I knew if I managed it, I will have a book that will give a message and will also be interesting and enjoyable to read. So I tried my best to achieve it. The message that I wanted Lemon Girl to give is that no matter what the situation, rape is a crime. And nobody has any right to justify a crime or blame the victim for causing the crime. Lemon Girl also stresses the importance of respect and self-respect in life and relationships. It also shows that with courage and determination, we can bring about a change in our life. At every

moment, life gives us a choice. Often times, this choice is between our hopes and fears. At such times, we may feel the path of hopes impossible. So we let our fears guide our path instead and call it our destiny. But whether we chase our dreams or get pushed about by our fears, it‘s really our choice. And as we choose, so will we create our destiny. This is also one of the messages Lemon Girl gives. 5. How much of you – The author Jyoti Arora is a part of the lead character Nirvi?

I think I did pour myself quite a lot in the characters of my first novel Dream‘s Sake. But the character of Nirvi of Lemon Girl is entirely her how. I created and molded Nirvi‘s characters as the story demanded.

Writer’s Ezine wishes you Happy New Year 2015 However, one can perhaps say that Nirvi is resolute like me. Even when she feels that she‘s failing herself, she‘s still taking bold decisions and choosing her own path. Even in her desperation, and even when she believes that she has nowhere to go, she manages to create a path for herself. That‘s like me, I think. I don‘t like admitting defeat. And no matter how hard the situation, I try and find a solution for it instead of giving up. 6. Both your books have women as main protagonists, was that intentional?

I suppose, being a women, it came more naturally to me. However, in both my novels, due importance is given to the hero as well. In Dream‘s Sake, hero Abhi is actually a

more likeable character then the heroine Aashi. Aashi is someone who believes that she needs to be selfish to snatch from life the happiness that she craves for. Abhi, on the other hand, is quite unselfish. And he is far more sensible, capable and competent then her in every respect. In my second novel, character of Nirvi sure is central to the story. But the narrative of the book is actually divided between her and the hero Arsh. And so, even if both my novels are women oriented, even guys will find them enjoyable. 7. Being a published author you must have been getting a lot of reviews on your books any particular one that stands out?

Writer’s Ezine wishes you Happy New Year 2015 Most of the reviews that I have so far received for my novels have been very positive. Picking one out of them would be a little difficult. But very recently, as I was contacting bloggers and reviewers for the review of Lemon Girl, one blogger wrote back saying that she would be very happy to review my second novel. She said that she loved my first novel Dream‘s Sake and even now she goes back to it whenever she feels like reading something good. You can imagine how flattering it felt to read such words from a book reviewer! 8. If asked to describe your journey of being published author in one word it would be?


9. We would like to know about any future projects you are currently working on.

I haven‘t yet started on my next book. Some ideas are ready, but I haven‘t yet decided which I‘m going to pick up next. I also enjoy writing for kids. So sometimes I also feel like taking some time out for developing cute stories or books for children. 10. Some words your readers.


I feel that readers‘ appreciation is food for writer‘s soul. I especially love hearing from my readers. Even a two line message received from a reader is precious to me. So, dear readers, I welcome you all to connect with me on Twitter, Face book or on my blogs. And to make it easy, I have provided all the

Writer’s Ezine wishes you Happy New Year 2015 relevant links on my website: http://jyotiarora.com/ . I‘ll be more than happy to hear from you. Thank you very much for your time

Thank you very much for inviting me to express myself on your esteemed website. It was a pleasure to answer your questions

Writer’s Ezine wishes you Happy New Year 2015

Gracing The Horizon On A Winter Morn.... The Red Minaret...

Extensive Carvings In The Symmetric Corridor...

Glorifying The Skies The Masterpiece...

Elaborate Calligraphy Rendered In Red...

Writer’s Ezine wishes you Happy New Year 2015

Through The Rustic Sandstone...

An Early Morning Panorama...

A Bird's Eye View Of The Qutub Complex...

A Panoramic View, As The Evening Set In...

Quintessential Eminent Beauty, It Is the Qutub Minar... Unearth Its Picturesque Hue, As Audience From Afar... Towering Over Skies of the Archaic City, Mehrauli... Uncover the Historical Wonder, All Very Much Jolly! Boasting Of Company of UNESCO's Heritage Sites... Maneuvering Through a Brilliant, Archaeological Marvel... Imploring Through That Lens, a Masterpiece, To Unravel... Narrates Magnificent Calligraphy, Incredible Red Sandstone Articulates Through a Layer of Art, Well To Call Our Own Rendered In Red, A Medieval Spectacle, The Qutub Minar…

Writer’s Ezine wishes you Happy New Year 2015 About Poonam Khanduja: Poonam is a parent, teacher, and now, a blogger. She holds a M.Sc. in Anthropology. For the past three decades and counting, she has been the one who teaches not only by curriculum, but by practicality. She aims to invoke a sense of responsibility in her readers by her blog, at http://stiryoursouls.blo gspot.in. The blog also sees poetry, photography, creative writing and her musings on life. She comes from a family of bloggers, with her husband and daughter, giving her company in the world of blogging. The author can be reached at poonamkhanduja@gm ail.com.

Editor's Comment: This poem captures the beauty of history very enigmatically.

Writer’s Ezine wishes you Happy New Year 2015

The bus stop, for her, was an uncomfortable place to wait. She hugged a stack of books to her chest, for a hand often slithered up her waist. She had worn Ear-Phones to avoid the cheap whispers from the background. The jacket, tied to her stomach by its sleeves,

did its best to ensure that no one banged her backside. Yet, He found another spot to touch disgustingly. Shivers ran down her spine, the feeling of helplessness awakened an undiscovered courage inside her. A powerful reflex sprang through her hand. In the clenched fist, was a

Writer’s Ezine wishes you Happy New Year 2015 pen! A tool of knowledge was to become a weapon. She moved quickly and poked it into his eye. Next evening, She listened to the chirping birds, the jacket was worn at it place of belonging and her face beamed with a smile of self-confidence.

About Jatin Kuberkar: Take an ounce full of imagination and a scoop of humour. Mix them well. Now put a few teaspoons of feelings and emotions and stir until it smells good. Put the mixture on the pallet of dreams and garnish it with a few peanuts of desires; that is all it takes to be Jatin Kuberkar. A software engineer by day and a passionate writer by night, Jatin wants to experiment with different genres. He lives in Hyderabad, surrounded by his friends and wellwishers. Jatin can be reached at: itsjatink@gmail.com Editor's Comment: A spine chilling flash fiction, with a power packed narration.

Writer’s Ezine wishes you Happy New Year 2015

Siddhartha Gautama Buddha was a sage on whose teachings Buddhism was founded. His guidance and discipline influenced many individuals who wished to find peace in their lives. He is an epitome of immortality as his teachings and sayings are still imbibed in many hearts and practiced still to seek peace and solitude in their respective lives.

I would like to quote a few verses on this immortal legacy called ―Words‖-

―His people cremated him but they followed, engraved in whispers and gestured as advices. — His people missed his presence but they followed,

Writer’s Ezine wishes you Happy New Year 2015 reliving his thoughts and creating his intangible aura. — His people forgot him but they followedhis wordshis immortal legacy.‖ These verses hold so much of truth and hence one must consider their words, their speech and how they impact others. Buddha was impeccable in goodness and his words reflected his kindness and compassion, thus making him a strong memory of righteousness in our minds. When one thinks of Buddha, one recalls his sayings and mind you, each of it is profound with a message for life. You reflect on them and you see the beauty

they contain. I would like to hence share a few quotes which hold meaning in my life and also quote a few words in their appreciation.

―There is no path to happiness, happiness is the path‖ Indeed, happiness is derived more from the journey we try to achieve it from. When one sets out to search for happiness, it will never be achieved. There is no way or direction to it. You get happiness by doing things you like, by achieving in what you wish for and sometimes by the fulfillment of unexpected wishes. So, one do not need to map a way or path to happiness but only need to do things they like to conquer happiness.

Writer’s Ezine wishes you Happy New Year 2015 I have an abstract of my poem ―A life, so simple‖ to share pertaining to this


―A cup of hot tea in the midst of work, gifts me moments of relaxation, to retain my determination in a life, so simple… The coolness of the starry night, rids me out of tension,

making me sleep blissfully in a life, so simple…‖

Life is simple and beautiful and we can instill mirth in it by being content with what we own. Another quote which hold importance to me-

―Better than a thousand hollow words, is one word that brings peace.‖

Writer’s Ezine wishes you Happy New Year 2015 It is true that one must use their words as their strength. A word of compassion, kindness and comfort is better than a thousand sentences of nonsense. We must therefore think before we speak, for our words and speech outline our true personality, more than our gestures and the way we look. It is hence said that ―Silence is golden‖. I would like to end this post with a last quote which is integral in my life-

―Pain is inevitable. Suffering is optional‖ It is a quote with utmost profoundness! I personally like this thought the most. Whatever God gives usgood or bad, it is upon us to accept it with a smile or to cry over it. If one smiles in pain,

then life will be the cup of pleasure for them. In fact, they would have nothing to lose and such people can find opportunities within rejections. And indeed for such minds, failure will be the stepping stone to progress. I would like to end this post by sharing an abstract of my poem ―A matter of fate‖ to relate to this thought-

―Destiny is not defined by the outcome of events but by the attitude we own As a good destiny cannot bring waves of happiness on the sand of life unless we feel content. And a bad destiny cannot perch the birds of sorrow on the nest of life

Writer’s Ezine wishes you Happy New Year 2015 until we are optimistic… So life is just a matter of attitude we live it right we get it right….‖

About Amreen B. Shaikh: Amreen B. Shaikh is a Web Designer by profession and writes at leisure. She has her poems published in "Muse India", "The Paperbook Collective", "The Tophat Raven", "Blue Monday Review" and a poetry anthology in the UK. She has published a Poetry EBook "Thoughtfully Crafted Words" on issuu.com early in 2014 which received many good reviews and appreciation alike. She blogs on painttheworldwithwor

ds.wordpress.com about Poetry. Editor's Comment: Yet another attempt on the picture prompt given by Writer‘s Ezine for the month of December 2014. The most intriguing thing about this post is the way the author has managed to cover so many things in such few words.

Writer’s Ezine wishes you Happy New Year 2015

Where the vision was green The metal Buddha, Made the appearance on The entrance of the gates amidst chaos, The subtle reminders of the fruit Of silence lay with price tags on the stand; World is funny. It gets suspicious when we Ignore and enter the gates to eat All the fruits of patience and perseverance, the Light shines and world heals at the cost of a lost smile.

Writer’s Ezine wishes you Happy New Year 2015 Buddha laughed again draped in light and Drink the venom of darkness, then spit! It overflows...Spreading out Shrieks of unrequited love; The Sacred stones! Biting tongues with chattering teeth.

About Payal Agarwal: Payal Agarwal believes in relationships, simplicity and honesty. She is reserved and complicated. Just loves to be true to her. She is in love with the rains and autumn too!!It‘s rightly said, in autumn every leaf is a flower. You can read more of her work at her blog http://colorsofthefall.bl ogspot.in Editor's Comment: This poem is an attempt on the photo prompt given by Writer‘s Ezine for the month of December 2014. The poignancy of these words is what makes this poem worth more than just a read.

Writer’s Ezine wishes you Happy New Year 2015

He sat on the stairs of the Ghat, going through every picture of hers in his cell phone. He read those conversations again and again. And every time he did so, his

Since the past four years he had left no stone unturned, to find the whereabouts of her. He hadn‘t left the smallest detail of hers to reach her, but it seemed every detail

heart ached. Every time her face struck his head, tears rolled down from his eyes.

was distorted. But he couldn‘t believe he had met Kritika, his Best friend, his Love.

Writer’s Ezine wishes you Happy New Year 2015 But who had Kritika met? He couldn‘t erase away those eyes that asked him today- ‗Who are you?‘ **** Avinash one of the most popular boys in his class with a perfect face cut, sharp features and the cutest smile that had conquered many hearts. Almost every other girl wanted to talk him; and if not his girlfriend then at least they wanted to be his friend. Kritika was one of his classmates. She too liked him but she never tried to talk to him. She was a simple girl, a girl next door, an average looking girl with an innocent face and a sweet smile. She never believed in love. For her it all happened in those daily soaps and films. She had a liking for Avinash, but she

never gave an air to this slight liking. Avinash already had girlfriends. And she didn‘t want to be next in his list. Soon the school was over. She had passed her twelfth with flying colours. Avinash too had passed his twelfth with a good percentage. So school was over now. Now everyone was in a different life. Some had already got into colleges and were enjoying the college life. Kritika took a sabbatical. She wanted to pursue MBBS from a good college and so she thought to wait for a year, work harder and then give entrance exams. In that one year Kritika worked very hard. Never missed a class, and was always at a good position in her coaching. But there

Writer’s Ezine wishes you Happy New Year 2015 was something wrong with her. In that one year she couldn‘t erase Avinash from her mind. At times she checked his profile and thought to send him a friend request at least, but she could never send. She knew something was wrong with her but she also knew whatever was cooking in her heart, needs to be stopped then and there. And so she started keeping herself busy, very busy. Soon the exams had lined up. Kritika had given all entrance exams. And she hoped to get a good college. She had worked hard a lot the whole year. Finally the day of results came. And Kritika‘s hard work paid her. She got admission in Banaras Hindu University (BHU), one of the top

most colleges for medicals. Soon she shifted to Varanasi and joined the college. She was happy; she just wanted to fulfil her parents‘ dreams now. **** It was the first day of the college. She had already reached the class and was sitting amongst totally new people. However the intros had already been done the other day so today it wasn‘t that awkward. Soon the first lecture began. There entered the professor. He introduced himself and asked the class to introduce themselves too one by one. On her turn Kritika introduced herself and then hardly bothered to listen to the other introductions that followed.

Writer’s Ezine wishes you Happy New Year 2015 ―Good



A known voice fell on Kritika‘s ears. And she immediately turned her head to take a look of the owner of that voice. ―I am Avinash Roy.‖ The voice followed. Kritika couldn‘t believe what she was seeing. She had never thought that she would get to see Avinash again. But there he was! With a new day and with a new life Avinash also came, once again. She could hardly concentrate on any of her lectures that day. Somewhere her stomach had butterflies for seeing Avinash after one long year. Kritika just wanted to run away. For one long year she had kept Avinash away from her mind and now she would see him every day. Soon the class got over. And

Kritika almost ran out of the class. ―Hey, Kritika.‖ Avinash called out. Kritika tried to ignore, but she couldn‘t. ―Hii.‖ She turned around and replied feebly. ―How are you? Great to see you.‖ Avinash and Kritika had hardly talked to each other during their school days, but they did know each other. ―Ya same here.‖ She wanted to tell him that how great it was for her to see him again. Kritika couldn‘t ignore now. The surroundings and the people around were totally new; and in that new surroundings Avinash and Kritika knew each other a little more than they knew the rest of them. The days passed by and Kritika would bump

Writer’s Ezine wishes you Happy New Year 2015 into Avinash almost every day and Avinash would always start the conversation about some or the other topics. And Kritika couldn‘t escape. They kind of became friends. However Avinash had already made many girl-friends. Soon they met more and got to know each other more. Avinash was much comfortable with Kritika. He liked her. And of course Kritika would help him out in their assignments too. A year had passed now. And Kritika and Avinash had become best of friends now. This time Kritika didn‘t stop herself. She liked being with Avinash. She realized that he was not such a bad guy (anyways that didn‘t matter after all she had a strong feeling for him). And with the every passing

day, Kritika fell for Avinash badly. She had forgotten that love happens only in those daily soaps and films. However, she never spoke about it neither did she tried to give any such signs to Avinash. But love is something you cannot hide, no matter how much you try. Whenever she saw Avinash flirting around with those girlfriends of his, she felt like running towards him, grabbing him and telling him how much she loved her. **** Avinash had developed a place for Kritika in his life. Now it was only Kritika whom his eyes looked for whenever he was in a problem or whenever he felt low. And Kritika on the other hand was always there for him.

Writer’s Ezine wishes you Happy New Year 2015 Another year passed by and Avinash‘s and Kritika‘s friendship was on cloud nine. From eating together to sitting together in lectures, Kritika and Avinash were always together. Avinash never missed his mother because Kritika cared for him like anything. At times Kritika tried to open her heart out to Avinash, but she feared to lose him and then she didn‘t wanted to be in Avinash‘s list of girlfriends. It was Dev Diwali. The Ghats were lit up with millions of diyas all around. That night nothing was more beautiful than that sight. Kritika decided to tell Avinash about her feelings today. They were sitting near the riverfront and as usual they were talking.

―Avinash, I love you,‖ suddenly Kritika spoke, her voice almost choked. Avinash looked at her blankly. ―Hahahahaha..‖ Avinash busted out into laughter. ―I love you too. You

are my sweetest best friend.‖ And he pulled her cheeks. ―Let‘s go now,

it‘s already nine and our wardens would shout at us if we get late.‖

And they walked back to the college. All their way back Avinash was busy talking to Kritika, but today Kritika hardly spoke anything. She was busy holding back her tears. **** After that day Kritika never said anything about her feelings to Avinash. In fact she locked them forever in

Writer’s Ezine wishes you Happy New Year 2015 her heart. Nothing had changed. Kritika never tried to change it. In all those years Kritika had made an important place in Avinash‘s life. She was his best friend. And she was happy with that. She had sleepless nights. Not a single night when her eyes hadn‘t swelled up. But every morning she got up, wiped off those tears and wore a smile on her face, just to make her Best friend, her Love Avinash smile. And Avinash! He never realised that someone loved him so deeply. In fact he never gave a thought ever after to what Kritika had said that evening. He was busy in his own world and happy with his ‗Best Friend‘. Soon the college got over. And Kritika never tried to contact Avinash after the last

day of their college. At times Avinash had called her, but Kritika never responded and soon changed her number. **** After four long years Kritika was back to the city, which gave her a best friend and snatched away her love. She had shifted to Varanasi with her parents. Kritika wasn‘t well and so her mother decided to take her out. They reached to the Ghats. Kritika was sitting on the stairs of the ghat, looking around as if she was visiting for the first time. ―Hey Kritika.‖ She turned around. A guy with a well built body was standing in front of her. He had beard all over his face as if he hadn‘t shaved since

Writer’s Ezine wishes you Happy New Year 2015 months. His eyes looked extremely tired as if he hadn‘t slept in the nights. Before Kritika could even react, he hugged her. ―Since last four years I

have been looking for you everywhere, tried to contact you so many times but where were you Kritika. At least you should have met me before leaving. You forgot your best friend.‖ The guy almost yelled out at her. Kritika stood there blank. Yes it was Avinash. And once again destiny brought Avinash in front of Kritika.

―I am sorry but...‖ Kritika said. ―Don‘t you dare say anything now.‖ Avinash interrupted her. ―You should have at least told once...‖ He continued.

―Excuse me,‖ Kritika‘s mother interrupted Avinash. ―I am Kritika‘s mother. You are..?‖ she asked. ―Hello aunty, I am

Avinash, Kritikas college friend.‖ ―Oh hello beta.‖ She then turned to Kritika. ―Kritika, he‘s Avinash.

You guys were together in college.‖ Kritika‘s mother told her and looked at her daughter with wishful eyes.

All through these conversations, Avinash stood puzzled. Avinash didn‘t know why her mother said that. How can Kritika forget him? He was her best friend and her love too. Avinash stood there silently, trying to understand what was going on. Seeing Avinash‘s senile expression Kritikas mother spoke up- ―She

does not remembers

even herself

Writer’s Ezine wishes you Happy New Year 2015 today. She is suffering from Agnosia. After she met with an accident, she hardly remembers anything.‖

Avinash couldn‘t speak anything. ―Shall we leave Kritika?‖ Her mother said. ―Ya.‖ Kritika replied feebly. Her heart knew that she had known the person, but she could hardly recall a single thing about him. ―Bye. Nice meeting you.‖ Kritika gave a smile behind which one could easily make out the pain she was going through; and left. Avinash was shattered. It seemed as if destiny had slapped him on his face. He kept looking at Kritika. Tears rolled down from his eyes. He stood there silently, seeing her go away.

―I love you Kritika,‖ was all that he could say. **** Today destiny gave Avinash Kritika, but couldn‘t give him his love. Those eyes that were always filled with love for him had only questions. And Kritika, she had lost herself. There was nothing more now to be taken away from her. When she loved he did not and today when he loves her, she doesn‘t even remember him!

About Author: Kalpanaa Waghela Editor's Comment: A beautiful love story that says about having loved and lost, one that will tug your heart.

Writer’s Ezine wishes you Happy New Year 2015

The only source of light in the room, an incandescent light bulb, flickered in the last few seconds of its glory before giving up its will to live and shrouding the room in darkness. Along with the bulb died the shadows which had been dancing on the wall ever since the sun had disappeared behind a blanket of clouds.

most attractive piece of furniture-which was as scanty as trees in a desert-in that 550 sq ft room. Barring a small three legged table with a circular top, the only other piece that adorned the room was a chair-which at the moment, with all its wires and shackles hanging out resembled the one specially made for electrocuting criminal prisoners.

The body belonging to the larger shadow was stationary now. He was sucking in the limited oxygen present in the small room, it felt so precious and welcome after having pushed the bed and its occupant to the furthest corner. The bed was the largest and

Ah great! Knew the bulb wouldn't be worth it, he thought. He cursed the once radiant but now lifeless sun of the room for abandoning him when its services were needed the most. I won‘t be able to see her face! He was

Writer’s Ezine wishes you Happy New Year 2015 momentarily panic stricken but let out a relieved sigh when he saw the age old candle on the floor; it had toppled over while the bed was being dragged.

and kicked the net jardoosi saree out of his way. The occupant's eyes followed him all the way and back, that

Smiling sweetly at the bed's occupant-a woman whose eyes were now wide open reflecting an ocean of bone chilling fear-he made his way to the knocked down table

delicate almond shaped jet black eyes which were once the site of unparalleled beauty, now they were witness to crimes unspeakable. A low sound escaped the prisoner's numb lips-that was all she could manage-while he pulled the table and chair upright, dragging

Writer’s Ezine wishes you Happy New Year 2015 them along with him as he made his way back to the lavish kingsized bed. "Please," she murmured without much movement of her lips, "please...‖ That was all. Strength was leaving her, slowly but surely, her mind was slowing down and her breathing was shallow. Every effort to suck in the precious air was like an effort to move mountains. Someone will have figured out by now, she thought, they‘ll know where to look. The scrapping of the wood stopped as her pleas reached his ears; he looked up at her, the ghost of a smile on his lips, and savored the sight of her wrapped in a white cotton saree and tied to the bed. The devilish glare made her squirm as a

lone tear escaped her eye, trickling down to join the now dry remains of his brothers. She couldn't hold his gaze longer as her cells started succumbing to the internal burns caused by the electrocution. The act folding out before him gave him immense pleasure and the shy smile changed into a fully fledged grin as his mind cried victory. Serves her right, he thought, this ought to be the punishment for every such lady. "You defied me," he said out loud, his voice a silky caress as her heart slowed steadily, ―mocked me!" Before her mind completely surrendered to the shinning white light that seemed to emerge from a farther beyond, it played the flash cards of how she had

Writer’s Ezine wishes you Happy New Year 2015 landed up here-spread eagled, tied to the this man's bed, counting the last minutes of her life. *** He was a lean man even by normal standards, but on closer inspection his arms were visibly muscular and strong. His height was impressive and the way in which his shirt clung to his chest was attractive. The ever smiling eyes were small and mischievous, they twinkled every time he saw her but failed to conceal the disgust he felt when others eyed her. The crooked nose cringed whenever she was with another. He pulled at his unkempt hair when she walked by without noticing him. Although he never liked it when she made

fun of her ear stud he couldn't do anything about it. His gruff voice seemed to scare her away and this added to his ill controlled temper. He wanted to have her to himself-he didn't like it when other men saw her that way and every attempt to make her understand had been vain. She had avoided him in every way she could, though he looked vacuous she didn't trust men who seldom laughed. He was a disciplinarian who considered it a sin to fray even a millimeter away from clearly defined cultural norms. Rumor had it that his first wife had left him after he beat her to pulp for lounging in the verandah and the second wife had mysteriously

Writer’s Ezine wishes you Happy New Year 2015 disappeared post an argument about her clothing. He didn't like being out of control but the more he tried to ameliorate her, the more efforts she made to increase distance between them which was difficult considering they worked together at neighboring cubicles. One day, she failed to hide her irritation as he kept pestering her to wear the white cotton saree he had bought for her. She ended up shouting at him in front of the entire office and was kidnapped later that night. Reports were filed, the culprit recognized, search and rescue teams sent out but nothing was achieved even after four days of her reported kidnapping.

**** The more she tries to forget about it, the more those bits and fragments come back-a kiss planted tenderly at the base of her neck, a tingling trail at the base of her neck left by long yet gentle fingers, the feel of the muscled chest through a linen shirt, the slap of cool metal shackles across her wrists, and something else she can't place. Threads? Probably, but the feel of their surface isn't smooth. Something sticky like tape had been used to secure the thread like things on her arms and then there is a distant sound of the flick of a switch and a sound somewhere between a grunt and a laugh. How odd, she‘s thinking, when something starts flowing through her

Writer’s Ezine wishes you Happy New Year 2015 body and it stops; the same things start crawling under her skin with an increased speed and is stopped almost instantly. But when it starts again, the flow has come back with a sort of vengeance-a liberal flow of current. She tries to free herself but to no avail, it‘s only when Maa's voice dominates over her own screams that she knows she's safe. Eyes flicker open, and though filled with fear, they‘re beautiful. "It‘s

okay, you‘re home, it‘s alright," Maa

continues crooning till her eyes focus back on Maa's face. The doctors says this is normal for someone who's been raped and electrocuted repeatedly, that though the electrocution didn't

have any permanent effects the nightmares will persist for a while and will reduce with time, mercifully, if not stop. A moan escapes her lips as everything falls into place, when she remembers the current flowing through her body: enough to set every nerve ending on an invisible fire but never enough to let her just die. She's been rescued, been in the hospital for over two weeks before being discharged provided round the clock care is available at home; the bits and pieces of the puzzles, the gaps in her memory, filled by her mother and sister meant to provide comfort do nothing except force her to relive all that happened when she would give anything to forget those 5 days.

Writer’s Ezine wishes you Happy New Year 2015 Maa continues stroking her hair, proceeding to her right cheek, and as she turns, Maa starts updating her, "He was

her life just like beforewearing what she liked, working where she did-though the nightmares resurfaced periodically, threatening to drag her away, she was okay. As she always will be.

Obviously once he, the culprit-the cause behind her current state, was caught and imprisoned, it was no secret that he would face execution. Just the manner of execution was a question. There weren't even many takers for the defense's case, Maa informed her, because he obviously a charge sheet longer than his age.

About Jinal Dudhani: Like most people who write, Jinal Dudhani is addicted to books (of all kinds) too. Reading is her first love, writing her second and would rather sit with a big fat book in a corner than attend a party with ear-piercing music. Words and sarcasm are her saviors when everything else fails. She can be reached at dudhanijinal@gmail.co m.

produced before the court today, and the jury's decision was unanimous even before the defense could argue. He'll pay for what he did, don't you worry."

None of this changed her as she continued

Writer’s Ezine wishes you Happy New Year 2015 Editor's Comment: Deeply moving narrative but with a sunshine hope simmering through.

Writer’s Ezine wishes you Happy New Year 2015

Writer’s Ezine wishes you Happy New Year 2015

Writer’s Ezine wishes you Happy New Year 2015

Story Behind Photograph:


This picture is clicked at the Golconda Fort in Hyderabad. Somehow the photographer in me had a strange fascination for it to be the first thing to be captured through my new DSLR. This fort has been very lavishly made in an area spanning across 7 kilometers. It is considered an architectural grandeur which has stood the test of time across centuries. The place captured in the picture is the queen‘s personal chamber which includes her dressing room, bathroom, main lobby and the lawns where she would sit

with her friends for hours together. Her dressing room was completely made up of mirrors, in beautiful shapes and colours lined up from wall to wall. Currently the walls in the fort are barren; the mirrors now beautify the walls of the Salarjung Museum. The king loved her so much that he wanted her to be within his view from the court which was made on the hilltop. This click is exactly from that place; giving you an idea as to what the kind of view would he have seen from there. Somehow it fascinated me at that moment as I tried to imagine the romance between them.

Writer’s Ezine wishes you Happy New Year 2015 About Namrata: A contributing author to many anthologies Namrata is a prolific blogger and ardent reviewer since past 3 years under the name Privy Trifles.She can be reached @ privytrifles@gmail.com .

Writer’s Ezine wishes you Happy New Year 2015

Writer’s Ezine wishes you Happy New Year 2015

Writer’s Ezine wishes you Happy New Year 2015

Story Behind Photograph:


No story behind the photograph as such. This photograph was clicked exclusively for Writer's Ezine. I always wanted to click votives and candles with total dark background. About Arti Honrao: Author of fiction books titled 'My Life story' and 'Is This Love & Autumn - The Last Leaf' and novel 'Resemblance - The Journey of a Doppelganger' Arti enjoys writing short stories on Relationships. She has attempted writing different form poems

but most enjoy writing Prose poems where she gets to express without the limitations of words or rhyming. Most of her writings depict human feelings and emotions, which she tries to bring onto the page and into the minds of the reader. She believes that essence of writing lies in not only entertaining the reader, but speaking to them through words. She writes at www.artihonrao.net and can be reached at contact@artihonrao.net

Writer’s Ezine wishes you Happy New Year 2015

Lessons from My Failed Relationship That Will Make Yours Work

People often talk about red flags in relationship. How often do we pay attention to them? In this article, Jennifer Ehidiamen shares some of the red flags she ignored in a past relationship and how they became the iceberg that wrecked the [relation]-SHIP. The goal is to help you overcome the obstacles in yours. When Ibrahim and I met up at the Mall

some weeks ago, it was to discuss work. But after the meeting, we found ourselves trailing off to lighter

issues over dinner — issues such as relationship. Okay, maybe not so light. I told Ibrahim that I would be getting married soon. As a matter of fact, my friend and I have decided to get married. I am still a bit scared because marriage is such a big deal, I thought to myself, as we made our way out of the mall that evening.

Writer’s Ezine wishes you Happy New Year 2015 Ibrahim said he was not going to commit to any relationship until he makes his first million. As a matter of fact, that affluence will allow him to make his choices from a position of strength. When he has money, no lady can mess with him, ever again, he said. Ibrahim has had his share of heart-break. You ladies like money. No we don‘t. Don‘t get me wrong. Oh well, every lady likes to have a sense of financial security. Only weirdoes like me take blind risk. We jump into an invitation to get married without worrying about the financial concerns. You see, the guy I was dating had no stable job. But I loved him. I chose him over other guys with affluence and influence, I told

Ibrahim. We have this connection, you see. I am sure you will find someone out there who will love you for you too. I said. Ibrahim‘s mind was made-up. Money first before girls. As for my choice, he didn‘t say it was stupid. Sex, Money Nothing Else


My ex-fiancé shares Ibrahim‘s thought pattern. He said what makes a great guy is money and sex. He just finished reading a copy of Think Like a Man, Act Like a Lady. In fact his sudden investment in relationship-books should have been a red flag. It was like he was taking a crash-course on how to be a man. Don‘t get me wrong, books on relationship are good but it should

Writer’s Ezine wishes you Happy New Year 2015 not replace our real identity. ―Solid character will reflect itself in consistent behavior, while poor character will seek to hide behind deceptive words and actions.‖ ― Myles Munroe, Waiting and


In my opinion, what makes a great man is character [integrity] and fear of God. With these two, you can never be financially or emotionally broke. Seriously, how can one revere God and not know the right thing to do? And not know how important it is to get a job rather than sponging off other people? Moreover, you cannot build a lasting marriage on money and sex alone. Call me naïve.

All This Talk about Relationship! When single people in their twenties and early thirties meet-up these days, there is a high possibility of the discussion swaying towards relationship status and expectations. Naturally. The other day, I met up with a group of acquaintances from high school. No one asked if I had a job or how my family was faring. All they wanted to know was when I will be getting married. Or if any one of us was hooked and ready to walk down the aisle. Of the eight of us or so that met up, only one person was hooked. Yes, it sucks. It looks like our network needs to step up on the commitment level.

Writer’s Ezine wishes you Happy New Year 2015 ―The time you are most prepared for dating is when you don't need anyone to complete you, fulfill you, or instill in you a sense of worth or purpose.‖ ― Myles Munroe, Waiting and


I am single again. And very much will be for a long time. This is because I am

not ready. There! I finally said it. I am not ready. Let me tell you what I learned through

the storm of trying to be ready. Don‘t Believe You Must Get Married To Please Others I used to have a gullible thought on how my ideal marriage would be-meet someone up in Hawaii and get married the

following week. Not caring about the burdens of the past or the threats of the future. Let us just enjoy the now.

Writer’s Ezine wishes you Happy New Year 2015 It was in this same mood that I said yes to my friend earlier this year when he suggested jumping from friendship to marriage. Actually, I think the pressure to settle down got to me. In the face of all-the-sudden pressure from so-called friends. One actually said to me, ―with all these awards you are getting, we pray you find a husband soon.‖ I was not even thirty yet. Knowing that her words didn‘t come from a place of love but jealousy, I consciously pulled away. But not before asking her why she wasn‘t married. It was not like she was too young to be either. Some people say they pray for you but never really pray for themselves, let alone for you.

You see, while in college, Like Ibrahim, I used to say that I would never get married until I made my first million naira. This is such an erroneous pattern of thinking. Because even when the million comes, it doesn‘t stay waiting. Myth: Marry Your Friend Marrying your friend also is no guarantee that you will have the best marriage. With the current way most people are interconnected, it is easy for anyone to stalk you online—know your lifestyle, thought pattern and try to fit into the best friend zone. For me, I have learnt the hard way. Being friends with who you eventually marry makes more sense than

Writer’s Ezine wishes you Happy New Year 2015 setting initial criteria that the person must be in your circle of friends. So be openminded but watchful. If you are a Christian…then be a Christian One day, I called an older woman I respect and told her I was in a relationship. Do you know his pastor? She asked. His pastor? I was surprised. Apparently, in a relationship that intends to lead to marriage, it is important to know the pastor your fiancé submits to and vice versa. Or the leader he submits to. Not everyone who claims to be a Christian is actually one. Viceversa, dating a churchbrother is no assurance that your marriage will be the best.

There is much more to Christianity than going to church. The devil is always out to steal, kill and destroy. And he goes to church too and influences church folks who are flaky in their faith. Allowing the busy-ness of the world to choke out our root in Christ leaves us vulnerable to the tactics of the devil, in more ways than one. Money Is Important Before you agree to marry a man, check his attitude towards work. No matter how BIG the person‘s vision is, if he is currently not doing ANYTHING and has no plans to, tighten the sandals on your feet and runespecially if your strength is too weak to be of support. Growing up, I was bombarded by motivational speakers

Writer’s Ezine wishes you Happy New Year 2015 who exalt these lines: ―Don‘t marry a man with a big Television but marry a man with a big vision.‖ I don‘t agree with it. Having a big vision without real motivation to pursue is a cul-de-sac. That story about a woman investing in a man, turning his life around and them both were living happily ever? Well, there is no guarantee that will become your love story. You see most people mistake illusions for visions. We all have the right to dream. But as we get older, we consciously need to grasp reality by the hand and play our role well. We should not shirk work over faith. They should work hand-in-hand.

When we started dating, I foolishly believed that we could join forces and build together. Five months into our relationship, I found myself bearing the financial burden of two. It scared me. Don‘t get me wrong, he wasn‘t the beggarly type. I can‘t even remember him asking me for money directly once. But I always felt obliged to give. But when I discovered the attitude was not reciprocated in any way, I started getting the red flag that we were setting ourselves up for failure. Once you start off paying the bills while dating, there is a high tendency that it will remain that way. My friend‘s mother is a living testimony.

Writer’s Ezine wishes you Happy New Year 2015 Chatting Up The Other Woman Don‘t get into the habit of reading the chat archives of your boyfriend or fiancé. Wrong. Read it but be ready for surprises.

There was another woman. I later found out all the while we were dating and making wedding plans, this guy had a side

chic. He bought an Ipad on credit for her during one of our tiffs. I didn‘t meet her but we connected over the phone. He actually gave me the number when I joked about him having a side chic. When I called her, she claimed to be a good friend. But one day, she called, raving. The gist was that he was asking for his i-pad back. Who gives a gift and ask for it back? Out of revenge, she shared how my supposed fiancé used to run down my

Writer’s Ezine wishes you Happy New Year 2015 reputation they met.


He told me that you ask for too much, she said. Me? Ask for too much? How? I was livid. I almost ran bankrupt from always giving this guy money from my savings, even when I had no job. How can he possibly have told you I ask him for too much? He has never given me a gift. On my birthday he gave me N100 worth of card. I honestly appreciated it but was shocked when I found out later that he could afford to buy an iPad on credit for another woman. How do I ask for too much? Okay, once I joked about him buying me a car when he kept teasing that I needed a car. Is that asking for too much? On that occasion he

had annoyingly accused me of wanting to turn him into a maga-don-pay. A friend who loves you, a fiancé who loves you would never respond that way. Again, I missed the red flag. Learn from other people‘s mistakes Love is not perfect in this imperfect world. If you are looking for a perfect guy or man, forget it. Manage what you have. These are all lies we have come to accept. We believe it is okay to be in a committed relationship and be sex-ting with others. We believe in keeping as many options as possible and actually claim to be committed to them all. Should we really cave in to these? Our grand-parents will tell us their generation

Writer’s Ezine wishes you Happy New Year 2015 is luckier. There was no e-mail, messenger or phone to encourage deceit back in the day. A man who wasn‘t satisfied with one woman openly married another, not hide behind Face book-love and Blackberry pings. The other night, I met a lady who was interested in subletting my room. The woman who owns the house where she lives wants to sell it. The landlady just caught her husband cheating on her. The rest is history. Ibrahim‘s ambition to be richer than all the women he intends to settle down with seems to make sense now. It seems men who marry women who are more educated, richer and of high status end up looking for a side chic

to cuddle in order to rub their ego. When I confronted my ex of having a side chic, he first denied it. But when I later told him she called me herself, he later said all men have the tendency to cheat. So do all women. So where do we draw the line? Are you looking for help or a relationship? When God created Eve, her role was to be helpmate for Adam. For many years, I have carried around this air of ―I must be that helpmate to my spouse.‖ So when I hear other ladies saying things like, ―most guys these days are looking for help or opportunities not relationship,‖ my first response is, ―what is wrong with that?‖

Writer’s Ezine wishes you Happy New Year 2015 Everything is wrong with it. If a man meets a lady and pretends to be all-over her, proposes marriage but behind her frolics with other women, if a guy meets a woman and talks about vision and goals without doing anything to achieve them but readily sponges off the woman‘s resources, if a man meets a woman and plots on how to steal her contacts and money and leave her out to dry, if a man meets a woman and keeps her as a side chic while lying to her that she is THE ONE, then, there is everything wrong with our attitude towards relationships. So now I agree with the female folks, some guys these days are looking for opportunities, not a relationship. It doesn‘t necessarily have to be material opportunity;

it could just be sexual opportunity.


Moving From Point A to Point B When a guy comes to you and proposes marriage from day one, make sure you don‘t find that thrilling. I fell into that trap of thinking my ex was one hell of a courageous guy for proposing marriage from the point of friendship. It is a red flag. To avoid any pitfalls, make sure you invite him to meet your family early. And meet his family. And most importantly, if you are a Christian, take him to your pre-marital counselors. Have a strong network you both to account to. In no skeleton

time, in

any each

Writer’s Ezine wishes you Happy New Year 2015 other‘s cupboard, no matter the dark corner it is hiding, will fall out. The one you miss, the family will see, the one they miss, the church folks will see. If it is genuine, the strong network will give you both wings to fly. Also, actually meet his friends. I mean, meet. Don‘t just hear about them or speak over the phone with them. And let him meet yours too. This is marriage we are talking about. Also, don‘t allow anyone to rush you into marriage. Pay attention to that still small voice. Having a peace about a decision might just be a ―wait‖ and not a ―go-ahead‖. Some guys these days believe a marriage proposal is the only way to get into a certain rapport with women.

Also, actually pray about your relationship. Don‘t just mull over it or read books on relationship. Prayer is the master key. Avoid The Cheerleading Network. I had too much of that. Some people like the idea of marriage. Asoebi [traditional attire]. Party. Even if you blindly introduce a goat to them as your fiancé, they will get excited and say, ―I am happy for you,‖ even when they really don‘t mean it. Make Avoid Error

Mistakes Running

But in

I ignored all the red flags that would have helped check my decision and ran the relationship race in error.

Writer’s Ezine wishes you Happy New Year 2015 When you ignore red flags, by means of divine intervention, you will be jolted into reality by other events. Like his side chic calling you to show you the faults in your stars. I played all my cards on the table and believed my ex was doing the same. When I first showed concern about his side-chic he denied being involved and even allowed me speak with her. Yes. I was that insecure. She also claimed there was nothing going on. It was later that she called and confessed he visited her. It was at this stage that I found out while I was busy playing honestwife-to-be, my ex from day one lied about so many things, including things he didn‘t need

to lie about- like his sister‘s age. I am not a straight T, by the way. I had my own faults. Like trying to get him to dress more like a man, as opposed to wearing jeans to all occasions. I also tried to force him to get a job, instead of just waiting for a miracle that will give his dreams wings to fly. In a nutshell, he said I was too domineering. I said he was too laidback and passive. We had a very unhealthy relationship filled with petty arguments and unrealistic expectations. We thought we could make it work. From making me feel great about myself, I soon felt there was something wrong with me. I started looking

Writer’s Ezine wishes you Happy New Year 2015 for ways to tint my standard. I have always felt too pious. So one Saturday I got the opportunity to frolic with a male acquaintance. That was the same Saturday I planned to break out of the cul-de-sac relationship. It was at this point that I realized that there is more to relationship than meet the eyes. Out of guilt and shame of hooking up with another guy and playing with weed, I told to my ex and asked him to pray for me. He declined and instead asked for sex. You see, we have always struggled with whether or not to have sex before marriage. As Christians, this should not even be a debate. But looking back, we were not as rooted in the Word as we should

be. That is why it was easy to allow the pressure to overwhelm our faith. It was a beautiful set up by the universe. Because just a week before then, as I later found out, he had proposed to meet the family of the other woman. He was actually proposing to marry her. This realization for a long time made me wonder if I was paying for a wrong I committed in my past life. How did a friend end up becoming so deceitful? Marriage does not just happen. It takes preparation I broke up after I realized that I am the most unprepared woman for marriage.

Writer’s Ezine wishes you Happy New Year 2015 You see, most of the times I didn‘t trust the leadership skills of my ex because it always led to deficit. Maybe it was the age-range. If he was five to ten years older, as oppose to two, maybe things would have been different because that would have mean him having more experience. For me, I need to deal with fundamental principles of life, faith and then perhaps, run this race again. This time, taking all these lessons into account, trusting that I will play a better role in it. Just as we prepare for college, prepare for job; prepare for other journeys of life, marriage- a spiritual journey - needs real preparation. It cannot be rushed. It is not a form of escapism.

Patience is everything Some women are luckier than others. Some get their first relationship right from day one; others know how to better manage their storm. Others like me, allow our first experience to crush us, and then we try to find our way back while dealing with the hex. It feels great to be given a second chance after being broken. I am humbled by this experience. But I have learned much from it. I have watched my patience grow. From being in a blazing hurry about life in general, I learned to slow down as I pulled myself out of the emotional distress. I am learning to be more patient with others and myself, without being gullible.

Writer’s Ezine wishes you Happy New Year 2015 Putting one foot in front of the other, I learned to move on. I started with the spiritual retreat to send the devils back to hell. Life goes on. I have moved on.

About Jennifer Ehidiamen: Jennifer is a Journalist based in Lagos Nigeria. She blogs at ww.youthmakingchang e.blogspot.com and tweets @disgeneration.

Writer’s Ezine wishes you Happy New Year 2015 About Writer‘s Ezine When Alfred Hitchcock said ―Ideas come from everything‖ little did he know that everything would mean literally everything in this world. Taking inspiration from him, two fellow bloggers and friends – Namrata and Arti debated one day the exact meaning of Freedom of Expression and its rightful usage is today‘s times. And so was born Writer‘s Ezine, a monthly literary online magazine (E-zine) with the intention of providing platform to emerging as well as established writers from around the world. Born out of a need and a necessity of solely being able to express all that one feels, thinks and

understands Writer‘s Ezine is one place where writing and creativity come together to ensure a wonderful experience to the reader. As you read along and turn a page you will find your mind wandering into places you never thought of before, making you sit up and question the biggest mystery of all times – LIFE. This is one place where readers, writers, poets, photographers, idealists, thinkers, atheists, believers and story-tellers all will be in sync with creativity. We accept submissions in poetry, shortstories, non-fiction, author interviews; book reviews etc. (Please read Submission Guidelines for details).

Writer’s Ezine wishes you Happy New Year 2015 So what are you waiting for, unleash the artist within and paint the palette with colours of your choice! About the Administrators We are readers and writers madly in love with the written word. To know more about us please visit us at: About Namrata > http://www.privytrifles. com About Arti Honrao > http://www.artihonrao. in Submissions for the February issue of Writer's Ezine are open. Please do read Submission Guidelines before submitting your entries using the submission form. The last date for submission for the entries for January issue is 20th January.

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