1 minute read
Human Agriculture
by Priscila Flores
“What are we getting for lunch today?” Asked Bell to Mud. “Let’s go to the market. I think I’m feeling feet or a couple thumbs.” There they went, surrounded by food and peers unknown. Human organs, appendages, and muscles and bones. A world where the cows and pigs reign the top of the food chain, disassembled, deceased humans posing for ad campaigns.
There’d be eyeball ice cream, child arms at the fair, finger nuggets, and fried scalp after carefully having plucked the hair. There’d be baby back ribs, a stomach without the ache, penis sausages and even a great juicy thigh steak.
Breaded women’s breast, greasy cooked belly fat, bits of flesh wrapped with veggies and the lips of an obnoxious brat. Human burgers, human tenderloin, and as a delicacy, thinly sliced groin.
Forcefully bred in captivity, moos and oinks not understanding sympathy. “I could never live without eating meat.” Softly announced Mud. Then he continued to chew on his human meal, taking small sips of blood.
Writer Spotlight: Priscila Flores
“...when I was writing that, I was thinking about how a lot of people who eat animal products have a weird separation between where their food is coming from and what they’re eating. I feel like a lot of times people who eat meat are not thinking, “Oh, I’m consuming a cow;” they just think, “Oh, I’m eating a burger.” There’s a disconnect. So I was trying to think how I could write something that breaks down that disconnect by showing what it would look like if humans were the ones being consumed instead.
I’ve always used writing as a way for me to express things that I think like opinions and also emotional things. I have a really hard time talking about my feelings so I turned to writing instead where it feels like I’m talking to myself and no one else has to know about it. I also just feel like it’s a really powerful way to communicate issues that you see in the world. For this poem, for example, I think you can really talk about problems you see in the world and it’s an interesting way that makes people see it differently than they would have if you were just talking to them in a normal conversation”.
Hear more from the writer on our website!