Cultural guide | October

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OCTOBER IN WROCŁAW Theatre Olympics “World – the place of truth”

“European Film Awards” Review

12th International Short Story Festival

Play with Glass – European Glass Festival

6 September | 30 December 2016

6 | 9 October 2016

14 October | 13 November 2016 p. 10 – 12

p. 14

p. 16

Reading the City: research, animation, UnEEC network conference 17 | 18 October 2016 p. 13


15 October | 10 November 2016

Guitar Masters 2016 International Competition & Festival

p. 18

21 October | 16 November 2016

p. 22 – 23

6 | 9 October 2016

p. 20

7th Amercian Film Festival 25 | 30 October 2016 p. 15

5. Bruno Schulz. Festival and the Angelus Central European Literature Award Gala 10 | 16 October 2016

20 Special Works at the “INFLOW. Young Polish contemporary art” Exhibition

p. 17

13 October |10 November 2016 p. 19


“Human of Anthropocene” Conference

3 | 8 October 2016

15 | 16 October 2016

p. 21

p. 24









EVENT BigA_Spaces for beauty: ARCHITECTURE SERIES: Future now (lecture)

New Horizons Cinema, Museum of Architecture in Wrocław, selected cities of Lower Silesia


Lviv, 24 June 1937: City, Architecture, Modernism

Museum of Architecture in Wrocław, ul. Bernardyńska 5


12th International Short Story Festival

Pan Tadeusz Museum, Rynek 6


5. Bruno Schulz. Festival and The Angelus Central European Literature Award Gala

Ossolineum, The Capitol Music Theatre


Exhibition of Primers From All Over the World

Lower Silesian Public Library, Rynek 58, ground floor


BIBLIOPOLIS at Bruno Schulz. Festival

public space


OLGA TOKARCZUK AROUND THE WORLD Translations. Press sounds. Photographs

Lower Silesian Public Library (ground floor), Rynek – outdoor exhibition


“European Film Awards” Review

New Horizons Cinema, ul. Kazimierza Wielkiego 19a-21


7. American Film Festival

New Horizons Cinema, ul. Kazimierza Wielkiego 19a-21


Guitar Masters 2016 International Competition & Festival

National Forum of Music, Plac Wolności 1



Dworzec Świebodzki, New Horizons Cinema, Barbara, ODA Firlej, Studio Małe Instrumenty


Lech Janerka's Gig

Square by ul. Św. Marcina (Ostrów Tumski)




Lecture Hall, WCK by the Centennial Hall, ul. Wystawowa 1 Św. Krzyża Church, Ostrów Tumski



National Forum of Music, KGHM Main Hall



Lecture Theatre of the Wrocław University of Technology, ul. Wybrzeże Wyspiańskiego 27; Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg



Lecture Hall, WCK by the Centennial Hall in Wrocław, ul. Wystawowa 1

DoFA'16 Lower Silesian Festival of Architecture

MUDEJAR ENSEMBLE. Traces of Al-Andalus in Spain. PAX ET BONUM PER MUSICAM MUSICAL MEETINGS OF CULTURES. H. J. Botor “Symfonia Ubi Caritas” – premiere



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Bibliotheca Rudolphina

Wrocław Town Hall


Play with Glass – European Glass Festival

Wrocław Main Railway Station, Session Hall


20 unique artworks at “INFLOW. Young Polish contemporary art” exhibition

ART MAIN STATION by mia, Wrocław Main Railway Station, ul. Piłsudskiego 105



Wrocław Airport, Graniczna 190


Görlitzer ART

Görlitz, Wrocław


30 31

Exhibition of the Polish Contemporary Art at the Four Domes Pavilion Summer Residence. Marx collection hosted in Wroclaw






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National Museum, Four Domes Pavilion, ul. Wystawowa 1 Contemporary Art Museum, Branch of the National Museum in Wrocław, the Four Domes Pavilion ul. Legnicka 68-70, ul. Hubska 35, Popowicki Park, stops of the tram no. 33


Stanisław Dróżdż. Text Paths


The Wrocław Europe

National Museum in Wrocław, pl. Powstańców Warszawy 5


I’m Myself

Kontury Kultury, ul. Jagiellończyka 10a


Museum of Dreams

National Museum in Wrocław, pl. Powstańców Warszawy 5


Wild West. A History of Wrocław's Avantgarde

Wrocław Contemporary Museum, Ludwig Múzeum – Kortárs Művészeti Múzeum and Polish Institute in Budapest


The Geppert Contest

BWA Wrocław – Contemporary Art Galleries, ul. Wita Stwosza 32


Kontury Kultury, ul. Jagiellończyka 10a


“Constructivism is a problem, not aesthetics”. Zbigniew Geppert (1934–1982)

Wrocław Contemporary Museum, Plac Strzegomski 2


Wrocław – Backyard Door

City space


Theatre Olympics: The World as a Place of Truth

over 30 locations in Wrocław















Wrocław Contemporary Theatre, ul. Rzeźnicza 12


Tadeusz Różewicz LEARNING TO WALK

Wrocław Contemporary Theatre, ul. Rzeźnicza 12


“A Mass for Arras City” and “Żmija”

Impart, ul. Mazowiecka 17


37 13

PARADOXICAL TIME TABLE Mathematical Opera – WORLD PREMIÈRE Reading the City: research, animation, UnEEC network conference






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Impart, ul. Mazowiecka 17 Oratorium Marianum of the University of Wrocław and the Community Centre in Legnica


“Human of the Anthropocene” Conference

EIT+Wrocław Research Centre, ul. Stabłowicka 147


Nut Ferment in the City Coalition

Capitol Music Theatre, Pressure Stage


“BODY” Exhibition

Pokoyhoff Passage


protoBODY: SEE me

Pokoyhoff Passage


Future Jamboree

Depot History Centre, ul. Grabiszyńska 184


Cyber Academy_Warszawa session

National Audiovisual Institute, Warszawa


NEW COMMUNICATION OF CULTURE vol. 2_ open session of Cyber Academy

National Audiovisual Institute, Warszawa


Artist-in-residence in WRO Art Center

WRO Art Center, ul. Widok 7


Residence of Maria Hoyin / Curator: Magdalena Skowrońska


Artist-in-residence at HART Hostel & Art


Residence of James Hopkin


You've got mail! Join us!



Hart Hostel & Art , ul. Ludwika Rydygiera 25

Strachocin, Swojczyce and Wojnów












We're carving a statue of Neptune at plac Nowy Targ

Plac Nowy Targ


Cat at the Triangle

Workshop in Komuny Paryskiej 45


Over a cup of coffee

Stara Piekarnia, ul. Krzywoustego 310A


MUM'S HAPPINESS – Smile yoga academy for mums Przestrzeń Otwarta, ul. Grabiszyńska 9


Has anyone seen... Modernism

Barbara, ul. Świdnicka 8c


Karłowice cook

Tobiaszki Foundation, ZSP nr 4 ul. Sołtysowicka


“Grabiszyn – Grabiszynek. Finding the Spirit of the District”

Firlej, ul. Grabiszyńska 56



Księże Małe Housing Association – Tagnogórska 1


Orthography on Walls

Plac św. Macieja 5


Mobile Restaurant at Osiedle Ogrodów

square by ul. Libelta, Sępolno


Entrance Through The Bakery

Kontury Kultury, ul. Jagiellończyka 10a


Lalkomat // Dollmachine

Barbara, ul. Świdnicka 8c; PWST, ul. Braniborska 59


Gate to the Future

ul. Szkolna 11


“Beauty Is In Every One Of Us” – preview of an exhibition summing up the project

Barbara, ul. Świdnicka 8c


Constellation of Memories – Wrocław Plotkojady 2

Barbara, ul. Świdnicka 8c


Olimpiada Teatralna wydarzenia w BARBARZE

Barbara, ul. Świdnicka 8c


Landscape Now, a series of discussions

Barbara, ul. Świdnicka 8c








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Theatre Olympics: The World as a Place of Truth

PROGRAMME: Organizer: The Grotowski Institute

the Main Section 14 October – 13 November 2016

the Lower Silesian Theatre Platform 15–19 October 2016

More than Theatre 22–27 October 27 October – 4 November

Eastern Line 7–13 November

the events of the Grotowski Institute’s programme 15 October – 11 November


Max Black, fot. Olimpia Orłowa Zstąp, Mojżeszu, fot. Guido Mencari

Dziady Recycling Festival

Founded it 1993 in Delphi, Greece, the Theatre Olympics is an international theatre festival that stages the work of some of the world’s foremost theatre makers. The event is the brainchild of Greek director Theodoros Terzopoulos. So far, six editions of the Olympics were organized, each under a different motto: in Delphi (1995, Tragedy), Shizuoka (1999, Creating Hope), Moscow (2001, Theatre for the People), Istanbul (2006, Beyond Borders), Seoul (2010, Sarang – Love and Humanity) and Beijing (2014, Dream). Presided over by Theodoros Terzopoulos, the International Committee of the Theatre Olympics consists of Tadashi Suzuki, Robert Wilson, Wole Soyinka, Tony Harrison, Ratan Tiyam, Nuria Espert, Giorgio Barberio Corsetti, Georges

Lavaudant, Antunes Filho, Jürgen Flimm, Choi Chy-Rim Walerij Fokin, Liu Lubin and Jarosław Fret. The motto of this year’s edition, The World as a Place of Truth, is a paraphrase of the title of the speech that Jerzy Grotowski gave in 1976 (published in 1979), in which he contends that ‘We enter the world to pass through it. We are tested by the world, and the world is a place of truth. In any case, the world should be a place of truth.’ According to Theodoros Terzopoulos, many questions are being asked about the nature of today’s theatre, its changing function and its future. This is why the 7th Theatre Olympics stands in defence of tradition, but also encourages free expression and recognises the need for theatre research and experimentation.



17 | 18 OCTOBER 2016

Reading the City: research, animation, UnEEC network conference


Interdisciplinary teams of researchers entered the space of small towns of Lower Silesia in order to listen to their stories. Their findings became the basis for animation works. The crowning achievement of the project is the conference of the University Network of the European Capitals of Culture (UnEEC). Research were carried out in 7 towns from January to March. Then, a seminar was held in each town for the representatives of local governments and residents

presenting the results. In the period from June to September the towns were visited by animations: bands of trombonists, visual artists, and dancers. Author, coordinator: Kamila Kamińska, Ph.D. Host-towns: Bogatynia, Bolesławiec, Boguszów-Gorce, Dzierżoniów, Oborniki Śląskie, Lwówek Śląski, Wołów Conference: Oratorium Marianum of the University of Wrocław and the Community Centre in Legnica Organizer: ECoC Wrocław 2016

Strands of Peace Exhibition 17 October | 17 November Venue: Akademia Rycerska, Legnica Curators: Juan Enruta and Kamila Kamińska, Ph.D. Partner: Community Centre in Legnica

Open screening of films being part of the Reading the City project 17 | 18 October Venue: Akademia Rycerska w Legnicy Curator: Kamila Kamińska Author: Arkadiusz Drygas Partners: Community Centre in Legnica, University of Wrocław

Exhibition of works by Piotr Jargusz 17 | 18 October Venue: façade of Piastowski Castle in Legnica Partner: Community Centre in Legnica

Lecture by Filip Springer 18 October, time: 9:00 p.m. Venue: Akademia Rycerska w Legnicy

animacja Lwówek

Among the artists invited to present their work as part of the Main Section are: Eugenio Barba, Peter Brook, Romeo Castellucci, Pippo Delbono, Jan Fabre, Valery Fokin, Heiner Goebbels, Liu Libin, Krystian Lupa, Eimuntas Nekrošius, Tadashi Suzuki, Theodoros Terzopoulos and Robert Wilson. They will bring to Wrocław both acclaimed works as well as premiere performances and co-productions created especially for the European Capital of Culture Wrocław 2016. The Main Section will feature 16 theatre productions with performances spread over four weeks as part of an autumn season that will open with Tadashi Suzuki’s legendary revival of “The Trojan Women”. In addition, invited directors will give talks on their artistic credos and take part in conversations with researchers, co-creators and artists from Poland and abroad, discussing the ideas that drive their work, as part of The Truth and Nothing but the Truth series. As well as theatre, the Man Section will feature: the series of discussions Landscape Now exploring the ideas that have propelled the theatre of the 20th and early 21st centuries, programmed by Prof. Maria Shevtsova, Prof. Dariusz Kosiński and Prof. Georges Banu; a series of discussions on the great figures and traditions of 20th-century theatre, The Meyerhold Era, with participants including Valery Fokin; the dialogue The Five Continents of the Theatre between Eugenio Barba and Nicola Savarese; and discussions on Heiner Müller and on Theodoros Terzopoulos’s book “Powrót Dionizosa” (The Return of Dionysus). As one of the aims of the Theatre Olympics is to foster dialogue between generations, the festival will also present workshops for actors and directors, as well as a workshop for emerging Polish and international theatre critics, run in partnership with the International Association of Theatre Critics (IATC).

x xxxx fot.Suzuki Company of Toga Trojanki,

The Main Section




25 | 30 OCTOBER 2016

7th American Film Festival

14 October | 14 November 2016

Shakespeare Lives in Film

“European Film Awards” Review

A review of British film adaptations of works of Shakespeare prepared by the British Council on the 400th death anniversary of the dramatist. Film adaptations of well-known and lesser-known plays, from star-studded productions to independent films. Event accompanying the Theatre Olympics.

This year, in connection to the ECoC Wrocław 2016, the programme of the Festival focuses particularly on mutual fascinations and relations between the American and European cinema. As part of the Europeans in America review the audience will have the opportunity to see a dozen or so cult films made by European

Venue: New Horizons Cinema

creators in the USA. Herzog, Dumont, Antonioni, and Agnès Varda most often search America for something they cannot find in their homelands. Especially Wim Wenders analyses culture of the USA in such films as “Paris, Texas”, “Don’t Come Knocking”, and “Land of Plenty”. On the other hand, Orson Welles since ‘50s has

The European Film Awards, granted by the members of the European Film Academy, are the most important film distinctions on the Old Continent, equal in importance to the Oscars. The awards were first presented in 1988. The statuette for the best motion picture went to Krzysztof Kieślowski for A “Short Film About Killing”. In the subsequent years, Roman


Polański, Lars von Trier, Pedro Almodóvar, Michael Haneke and many others joined the group of the Award laureates. The review at the New Horizons Cinema covers 28 films that won Best Film Award, as well as a selection of titles nominated in 2016. Venue: New Horizons Cinema, ul. Kazimierza Wielkiego 19a-21 Organizer: New Horizons Association

Wim Wenders – Film Retrospective Wim Wenders, German director, screenwriter, producer, and photographer making films for over four decades.He has been the president of the European Film Academy since 2006. The retrospective will include around 30 films. Venue: New Horizons Cinema

Młodość, reż. Paolo Sorrentino_fot. archiwum SNH Pan Arkadin, Orson Welles_fot. archiwum SNH

22 September | 11 December 2016 been making in Europe master pieces adaptation of Shakespeare (“Othello”, and “Falstaff”), “The Trial” by Kafka, and numerous TV productions such as “Immoral Story”. His works will get a separate section called Orson Welles in Europe. Venue: New Horizons Cinema, ul. Kazimierza Wielkiego 19a-21 Organizer: New Horizons Association



6 | 9 OCTOBER 2016

10 | 16 OCTOBER 2016

This year’s edition of the Festival is called “The Story of the Future”. Authors from Poland, Czech Republic, Great Britain, Israel, Austria, Switzerland, and for the first time also from Finland will present their short prose works. A strong female representation will bring premier texts: Liliana Hermetz, Dominika Słowik, and a great British prose writer Lucy


Caldwell. The writer’s make-up shall be supplemented with, among others, Polish writers Jacek Dehnel, Andrzej Muszyński (the 2012 winner), Łukasz Orbitowski, and Wit Szostak. Also this year we will have a chance to see a review of films inspired by the theme of this year’s Festival and a contest for the best short story titled “12 May 2018, 4 a.m.,

Bydgoszcz”. The main prize (PLN 5,000) winner is going to be announced at the beginning of October. A festival magazine edited by Agnieszka Wolny-Hamkało titled “Superwizje” will also be distributed. Venue: Pan Tadeusz Museum, Rynek 6 Organizer: Active Communications Society

5. Bruno Schulz. Festival and The Angelus Central European Literature Award Gala MFO_+marek_sindelka_fot. Petr Machan; MFO_Łukasz Orbitowski_fot Aga Krysiuk

12th International Short Story Festival

Bruno Schulz. Festival (BSF) is an international event that is not only a way to commemorate the writer but also a chance to discuss the Polish-Jewish-Ukrainian-German relations and the image of these relations in literature and art. Wrocław, as the borderland, is a perfect place for the Schultz holiday. During the festival the Angelus Central European Literature Award is going to be presented for the eleventh time. It is the most important award for prose works publish in Poland presented by the jury made-up of eminent representatives of the literary world. This

year’s nominations are published at Also on this website, starting on 15 September, a voting will take place for the Natalia Gorbanevskaya Readers’ Award. Gorbaniewska was a Russian poet and opposionist, the first chairperson of the jury, who died in 2012. Organizer: EMG Publishing (festival), Department of Culture of the Wrocław Municipality (gala)


Little Instruments – concert of music inspired by the prose of Bruno Schulz 10 October, time: 08:00 p.m. Venue: White Stork Synagogue

Please remember: Joseph Roth – Elżbieta Jogałła, Małgorzata Łukasiewicz, Paweł Huelle, and Robert Makłowicz talk about the outstanding Austrian prose writer. 13 October, time: 04:30 p.m. Venue: Ossolineum

Angelus Salon: Olga Tokarczuk talks to Martin Pollack 13 October, time: 06:00 p.m. Venue: Ossolineum

Ireneusz Kania, Marek Bieńczyk, and Nicolas Cavaillesasz talk about the new translations of books by Emil Cioran and the phenomenon of his writing. 15 October, time: 13:00 p.m. Venue: Ossolineum

The Angelus Central European Literature Award Gala 15 October Venue: The Capitol Music Theatre





Play with Glass – European Glass Festival Organised since 2012, European Glass Festival is the first in Poland professionally prepared presentation of the European glass art. It is very popular among artists creating pieces made out of glass or using glass and it is becoming one of the most important events in this area in Europe. The choice of Wrocław as the venue for the European Festival of Glass “Play with Glass” was not accidental. The history of glass in Poland is


closely connected with the area of Lower ​​ Silesia – glassworks were created here in the Middle Ages. It is also at the E. Geppert Academy of Art and Design in Wrocław that Poland’s only Department of Ceramics and Glass has been operating since 1946. And it is in Lower Silesia: in Wrocław, Jelenia Góra, and Kłodzko, that there are museum collections of historic and contemporary glass, and just 100 km from Wrocław the

world famous Studio Borowski is located. As part of the Festival, main exhibition and accompanying exhibitions, international seminar devoted to glass an important medium in the contemporary art, presenting works of the European artists using this material in their works, as well as Debut exhibition – the author of the individual exhibition held during the Festival appoints a student or a young artist who, in his opinion, deserves presenting own works. Venue: Wrocław Main Railway Station, Session Hall Organizer: BB Gallery, Fly with Art Foundation

Sebastian Kritzberger, „Beginning”; zdjęcie mia: fot. Linda Parys

20 unique artworks at “INFLOW. Young Polish contemporary art” exhibition Nearly 180 portfolios were submitted to a competition “INFLOW. Young Polish contemporary art”. The event of the European Capital of Culture Wroclaw 2016, organized in cooperation with Credit Suisse as the main partner of the Visual Arts programme, is dedicated to young Polish artists and gives them a chance to present their artworks at an exhibition this early autumn. “We have received a number of interesting submissions and the process of

selection of the most striking, insightful and skilfully realized artworks had proven a great challenge. The studio visits and meetings with the chosen artists have only confirmed the diversity and competence of young Polish art. The resulting exhibition of about 20 artists concludes this research period and seeks to highlight the most intriguing ideas and inspiring artworks,” said Małgorzata Miśniakiewicz, curator of the exhibition. “We are proud

to support young and promising Polish artists whose art otherwise might not have been heard or seen. Therefore, we would like to invite everybody interested in visual arts from emerging and innovative talents to visit the exhibition” said Angus Kidd, President of the Management Board of Credit Suisse (Poland) sp. z o.o. The winning works will be selected by jury including: Michał Bieniek, Curator of ECoC 2016 visual arts programme and André Rogger, Head Curator of Credit Suisse’s art collection. Venue: ART MAIN STATION by mia, Wrocław Main Railway Station, ul. Piłsudskiego 105 Organizer: Credit Suisse, ECoC Wrocław 2016




3 | 8 OCTOBER 2016

Guitar Masters 2016 International Competition & Festival


as music from the edge of genres. Moreover, it is the first Festival with a guitar competition. The event offers the highest prices in the world (the pool of prizes amounts to EUR 60,000) and the jury will include such great artists as: Leszek Możdżer, Berta Rojas, and Oscar Ghiglia. The semi-final and final auditions in the form of a recital will be open for audience. The festival will also include accompanying events, lectures, exhibitions, workshops, and master classes.

Venue: National Forum of Music, Plac Wolności 1 Organizer: Wrocławskie Towarzystwo Gitarowe


Buffalo Daughter_materiały Avant Art Festival

Guitar Masters 2016 Festival is the 19th edition of the Wrocław guitar festival formerly known as Gitara+. The mission of the Festival has always been promoting guitar music, outstanding guitarists, and young talents. The Festival boasts a modern form, the highest artistic level, and diversity of genres. Is year we will host such remarkable artists as Anoushka Shankar, ethno scene persona; Renaud Garcia-Fons, virtuoso of 5 strings double bass; fingerstyle master Tommy Emmanuel; king of the classical guitar Marco Tamayo; as well as Vicente Amigo, the best contemporary flamenco guitarist, and many more. Audience will have a chance to listen to flamenco, fingerstyle, world music, jazz, classics, as well

The ninth edition of Avant Art Festival is dedicated to Japan. The programme includes as much as 12 projects performed by 17 Japanese artists, including: Phew, one of the key players in the first wave of Japanese avant-new wave, as well as Ikue Mori and the Shibuyakei genre classics – Buffalo Daughter and performance and music Group A. Moreover, at the festival we are going to witness a strong contingent of young artists on the Raster-Noton label: from Ueno Masaaiki’s techno/glitch/

IDM, through Kyoka’s warped though delicate techno/dub, to Aoki Takamasa’s electroid, futuristic explorations. Furthermore we will experience a legendary Japanese experimentalist Keiji Haino (remembered for his shows with Stephen O’Malley and Zeitkratzer at AAF 2014) and Balázs Pándi (drummer collaborating with Merzbow, Zu etc.) in a joint performance. Artists representing the Butoh dance theatre in full dimension of its variety – Aya Irizuki and Ken Mai – will present their

work at the festival’s theatrical stage; New Horizons Cinema will host a Japanese edition of Avant Art Film – a review of films dealing with music and art. National stage will be represented by Zamilska, Kristen, and 2g. As a continuation of a thread of cooperations between Polish and foreign artists, Paweł Romańczuk (founder and leader of Małe Instrumenty, musicologist and constructor) and Nao Nishihara (Japanese performer and installation artificer) will appear together. Venue: Dworzec Świebodzki, New Horizons Cinema, Barbara, ODA Firlej, Studio Małe Instrumenty Organizer: Avant Art Foundation



6 | 9 OCTOBER 2016




language. These were the creative strategies of Kajzar, Karpowicz, and Różewicz – creators sensitive to the surrounding reality and constantly experimenting in their search for the reality’s artistic embodiment. We refer to a long and rich dramatic tradition of Wrocław and the Wrocław Contemporary Theatre. In the ‘60s and ‘70s works by the patrons of our project set a programme profile of the stage at Rzeźnicza Street. Their works were part of the category of the most innovative and experimental theatrical phenomena in Poland; they were the evidence of the creative risk the authors had taken. Those plays were also staged during the Festival of Contemporary Polish Plays; they won several

time: 07:15 p.m. Tadeusz Różewicz “Nauka chodzenia”, dir.: Paweł Miśkiewicz. Pre-première Screening

7 October prizes and were discussed. It is no accident, referring to this tradition, that we made Kajzar, Karpowicz, and Różewicz the patrons of the ZONES OF CONTACT 2016 project and the October Patrons’ Days are going to be dedicated to them. We believe that the three creators from Wrocław may be interesting for the contemporary spectator and inspiring for the contemporary authors in many different ways – above all, through their texts, but also through their uncompromising and consequently executed independent creative attitude.

x xxxx

ZONES OF CONTACT 2016 – a project of the Wrocław Contemporary Theatre – as part of the programme of the European Capital of Culture includes, among others, co-productions and own stage performances of texts by Helmut Kajzar, Tymoteusz Karpowicz, and Tadeusz Różewicz; as well as a drama competition and presentation of the latest plays of Polish authors almost straight after they have been written. Not only playwrights are invited to take part in the competition but also screenwriters, poets, prose writers, publicists, actors, and performers who debut here in new roles. Our main goal is to initiate and support drama creativity seeking for new form of expression and original, theatrical

6 October

Venue: Wrocław Contemporary Theatre, ul. Rzeźnicza 12 Organizer: Wrocław Contemporary Theatre, ECoC Wrocław 2016

time: 07:15 p.m. Tadeusz Różewicz “Nauka chodzenia”, dir.: Paweł Miśkiewicz. Première

8 October time: 06:00 p.m. Tymoteusz Karpowicz “Zakup z dostawą na miejsce”, dir.: Marek Fiedor [performative reading] time: 07:15 p.m. Tadeusz Różewicz “Nauka chodzenia”, dir.: Paweł Miśkiewicz time: 08:00 p.m. Tadeusz Różewicz “Kartoteka”, dir.: Marcin Kalisz [co-production of the Wrocław Contemporary Theatre with the Ludowy Theatre in Kraków]

9 October time: 06:00 p.m. Helmut Kajzar “Gwiazda”, dir.: Krzysztof Czeczot [radio broadcast] Première: 24.09.2016 time: 08:00 p.m. Tadeusz Różewicz “Nauka chodzenia”, dir.: Paweł Miśkiewicz

15 | 16 OCTOBER 2016

“Human of the Anthropocene” Conference




The “Human of the Anthropocene” conference is going to crown the “Human of the Anthropocene” block of the “Wrocław City/Lab of Future” programme carried out at Pracze Campus of the EIT+Wrocław Research Centre. The block, which includes animation, promoting, and artistic actions, shall be dedicated to discussing the epoch-making anthropological change: acknowledging that the human being is the main factor of change in the ecosystem range, which is reflected not only in a living ecosystem and climatic


processes but also in the geological processes. In 2016, the process of scientific legitimization of anthoropocene will enter the final stage; the Anthropocene Working Party of the International Union of Geological Sciences shall present an official report initiating the scientific procedure. The term “anthropocene” is widely discussed but also criticised not only in the scientific circles. The new ecological awareness is accompanied by interesting disputes and frictions where the way of thinking and culture in times of human’s full responsibility for

Earth becomes visible. During the conference, we would like to introduce the atmosphere of the quarrel stretching from the science to culture, but also to present specific ideas and less concrete visions of life in anthropocene. The conference, of a mixed character, will be co-created by the artists preparing the “Human of the Anthropocene” exhibition and the invited scientists and thinkers. Venue: EIT+Wrocław Research Centre, ul. Stabłowicka 147 Organizer: EIT+Wrocław Research Centre






23 September | 12 October 2016

10 | 16 October 2016

BigA_Spaces for beauty: ARCHITECTURE SERIES: Future now (lecture)

Exhibition of Primers From All Over the World

BIBLIOPOLIS at Bruno Schulz. Festival

Over sixty primers from different parts of the world, including books is such exotic languages as Swahili, Hindu, Hebrew, Japan, Chinese, and even in one of Indian tribes living in the Amazon jungle. Apart from primers the exhibition will include reproductions of illustrated short stories found in the primers with translations.

Once again Wrocław will transform into a city-library and poetry and literature will take to the streets. During the festival a Literary PITSTOP will take place – a chance to cover your car in magnetic stickers with quotes from works of Polish writers, for example “Jedźmy, nikt nie woła” [Let’s go, no one’s calling us] by Adam Mickiewicz. As part of the Literary Civic Interventions, fruit with poetry will appear in the trees – this autumn everyone will have a chance to pick a poem.

Lectures and workshops by eminent architects and urban planners from Poland and abroad, discussing crucial issues of world architecture in a local context. The cycle has been divided into three panels (Nature – Community – Architecture) which deal with different issues. Hosted by: Hani Rashid I Asymptote Architecture (USA) Venue: Lecture Hall, WCK by the Centennial Hall in Wrocław, ul. Wystawowa 1 Organizer: Association of Polish Architects, Wrocław branch

7 October | 14 October 2016

29 September | 20 November 2016

DoFA’16 Lower Silesian Festival of Architecture

Lviv, 24 June 1937: City, Architecture, Modernism

DoFA is an event addressed to the largest possible audience: exhibitions, lectures of specialists, and public debates, seminars and conferences, visiting interesting places in Wrocław and selected cities of Lower Silesia. Accompanying events also include film screenings, concerts, workshops for kids and young people, as well as performative actions

An exhibition devoted to modernist architecture and urbanism from the inter war years in Lviv. The most important achievements of Lviv architects from this period will present Lvivas a centre of modernity in the Second Republic. As part of the exhibition original architectural plans, models of buildings, photographies, archival films, as well as pieces of art and posters.

Venue: New Horizons Cinema, Museum of Architecture in Wrocław, selected cities of Lower Silesia Organizer: Association of Polish Architects, Wrocław branch


Venue: Museum of Architecture in Wrocław, ul. Bernardyńska 5 Organizer: Museum of Architecture in Wrocław

Tadeusz Teodorowicz – Todorowski, proj. stoiska fabryki porcelany „Ćmielów” na Międzynarodowe Targi Wschodnie we Lwowie, 1927–1928, zbiory Muzeum Architektury we Wrocławiu; DużeA fot. Sabin Kluszczyński za uprzejmością SARP Wrocław

10 October 2016

Venue: Lower Silesian Public Library, Rynek 58, ground floor Organizer: The Tadeusz Mikulski Lower Silesian Public Library in Wrocław

Venue: public space Organizer: Tymoteusz Karpowicz Foundation for the Culture and Education Garaże Kultury Association

18 October | 16 November 2016

OLGA TOKARCZUK AROUND THE WORLD Translations. Press sounds. Photographs Olga Tokarczuk provided materials from her own archive for the purpose of the exhibition. This will be a one-of-a-kind opportunity to see all foreign editions of her books and photographs from different meetings with the author and book fairs, as well as photographs taken by the writer herself in less official circumstances. The opening exhibition with the participation of the author herself will take place on 18 October at 05:30 p.m. Venue: Lower Silesian Public Library (ground floor), Rynek – outdoor exhibition Organizer: Lower Silesian Public Library



9 October 2016, time: 06:00 p.m.

8 October 2016, time: 05:00 p.m.

Lech Janerka’s Gig

MUDEJAR ENSEMBLE. Traces of Al-Andalus in Spain as part of the PAX ET BONUM PER MUSICAM festival

Lech Janerka, the legend of the Polish rock music, member of the Klaus Mitffoch band and a colourful solo artist will give a very special gig this autumn in Wrocław. It is going to be a brand new, lyrical approach. The artist chose the venue himself and said that it is going to be one of those gigs when you play with all your strength. Be prepared to listen to such smash hits as: Rower, Paragwaj or Ramydada. Venue: Square by ul. Św. Marcina (Ostrów Tumski) Organizer: ECoC Wrocław 2016

The idea of the festival – peace and goodness through music – alludes to the views of St. Francis of Assisi and to the philosophy of striving for good through the beauty of music and concert venues. Among others, there will be a concert by the Mudéjar group, specialists in Sephardic music of 13th to 6th century. The band plays on reconstructions of instruments which did not survive to the present day. Venue: Lecture Hall, WCK by the Centennial Hall, ul. Wystawowa 1 Organizer: PAX ET BONUM Foundation


Colourful and multicultural event inspired by the roots of music of several nations. The co-existence of “musical worlds” presented in works of Henryk Jan Botor for three choirs, small symphonic orchestra, organs, and shofar. The main performer of the work is the multinational choir being a combination of three choirs specialising in presenting music of different nations and different religions. Venue: Św. Krzyża Church, Ostrów Tumski Organizer: PAX ET BONUM Foundation

1000 YEARS OF MUSIC IN WROCŁAW Lech Janerka fot. Tomasz Augustyn; Muzyczne Spotkania Kultur_Henryk_Jan_Botor_Foto Wiktoria Hubner; 1000 lat muzyki we Wrocławiu_Krzysztof Jabloński, fot. Łukasz Rajchert _Archiwum NFM

1 October 2016

MUSICAL MEETINGS OF CULTURES. H. J. Botor “Symfonia Ubi Caritas” – premiere

14 October 2016

As part of the cycle of concerts “1000 years of music in Wrocław” every month audience can learn old music of Wrocław, which still remains part of the city culture. During the next concert being part of the cycle called “In the Alps”, the audience will have the opportunity to listen to Krzysztof Jabłoński (grand piano), Tamara Granat (grand piano), and NFM Filharmony of Wrocław conducted by Marek Pijarowski. Venue: National Forum of Music, KGHM Main Hall Organizer: National Forum of Music dedicated to Witold Lutosławski

16 October 2016, Wrocław 26 October 2016, Halle

WEIHEMUSIK/ FESTIVE MUSIC The first post-war performance of “Weihemusik” (Festive Music) by Hermann Matzke in Wrocław is a result of cooperation between young creators from Poland and Germany. During rehearsals the musicians will prepare symphony pieces by Johannes Brahms, Karol Lipiński and Weihemusik by Hermann Matzke. Heidi Straehl, Hermann Matzke’s grand-daughter, is the initiator of the project.

23 October 2016, time: 06:00 p.m.

Bibliotheca Rudolphina “Rudolphina 5”. Another concert as part of the project focusing on the scientific development, digitilization, and disseminating 17th century library of Jerzy Rudolf, prince from Legnica. Venue: Wrocław Town Hall Organizer: Wrocławscy Kameraliści

Venue: Lecture Theatre of the Wrocław University of Technology, ul. Wybrzeże Wyspiańskiego 27; Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg Organizer: “Porta Musicae” Artistic Association, University of Wrocław, Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg



Invasion Artistic productions in the space of the Wrocław airport. Presentation of works by Kuba Bąkowski who uses the unused left luggage to show the humanistic dimension of the scientific terms, combining performance with photography. “Canis Lupus” Jakuba Jasiukiewicza is an interactive video installation presenting an alternative version of the Wroclaw Airport’s area, in which you will be able to see wolves – instead of people – walking around the arrival and departure terminals. Venue: Wrocław Airport, Graniczna 190 Organizer: ECoC Wrocław 2016, National Forum of Music


from 26 June 2016

22 August 2016 | 22 January 2017

since 6 September 2016

Görlitzer ART

Exhibition of the Polish Contemporary Art at the Four Domes Pavilion

Summer Residence. Marx collection hosted in Wroclaw

Stanisław Dróżdż Text Paths

As part of the exposition of contemporary art, in the public space of Görlitz, works of the artistic society of Wrocław, the European Capital of Culture, will be presented. Displayed artists include both, recognised artists from Wrocław and Lower Silesia, as well as young art trainees, students of the Eugeniusz Geppert Academy of Art and Design . Their objects and installations will open new perspectives in looking at the Görlitz city tissue, at the historical buildings of German town full of monuments.

The Contemporary Art Museum, Branch of the National Museum in Wrocław, has opened its doors in the renovated Four Domes Pavilion. The modernised building presents one of the most interesting and largest in Poland collection of the Polish contemporary art. Visitors will have a chance to see works by, among others: Magdalena Abakanowicz, Jerzy Bereś, Włodzimierz Borowski, Władysław Hasiora and Tadeusz Kantor.

Venue: Görlitz, Wrocław Organizer: The Eugeniusz Geppert Academy of Art and Design, Kultur Service Görlitz, ECoC Wrocław 2016

Venue: National Museum, Four Domes Pavilion, ul. Wystawowa 1 Organizer: National Museum in Wrocław

Inwazja Kuba Bąkowski Polaris; Pawilon 2 fot. W. Rogowicz; Stanisław Dróżdż mural optimum fot. Olga Jasnowska; Bartłomiej Strobel, Daniel i król Cyrus przed posągiem Baala, copyright Muzeum Narodowe w Warszawie

Year-long project

1 April 2016 | 9 April 2017

Hamburger Bahnhof in Berlin is one of the biggest museums of contemporary art in the world, a home of the Erich Marx collection. The works rarely travel outside of the National Gallery. Wrocław will be given a chance to see both works by known creators, crucial for the collection (Joseph Beuys, Anselm Kiefer, or Andy Warhol), as well as those from private and never shown before collections of works of Marx. Venue: Contemporary Art Museum, Branch of the National Museum in Wrocław, the Four Domes Pavilion Organizer: Hamburger Bahnhof – Museum für Gegenwart, National Museum in Wrocław

The aim of this project is to introduce the residents of Wrocław works of the exceptional artist from Wrocław and the creator of the concrete poetry – Stanisław Dróżdż. The project includes exposition of visual works and poetic texts of the artist in the city’s public space. They will be presented in the form of murals located on walls of the selected buildings and advertising media. Venue: ul. Legnicka 68-70, ul. Hubska 35, Popowicki Park, stops of the tram no. 33 Organizer: ECoC Wrocław 2016, Art Transparent Foundation

20 September | 31 December 2016

The Wrocław Europe The exhibition presents the cultural diversity and the significance Silesia had several centuries ago. This international museum event was organised as a reminder of one of the most splendid and most precious works of art, nearly absent from the consciousness of Poles and Silesians. The “Feast of Herod with the Beheading of St John the Baptist”, a painting closely connected to our region, created by Bartholomeus Strobel, Currently stored at Prado Museum in Madrid. Venue: National Museum in Wrocław, pl. Powstańców Warszawy 5 Organizer: National Museum in Wrocław



I’m Myself The “I’m Myself” project uses photography as a tool for active and creative participation in cultural events for, among others, people living at the margin of social life. Its task is to expand the scope of the event and thereby give additional opportunities of constant work on the development of perception and artistic expression of the participants. Our aim is to create a subjective portrait of the city registered by the individual of each participant of the workshops. Venue: Kontury Kultury, ul. Jagiellończyka 10a Organizer: Kilo Kultury Foundation, ECoC Wrocław 2016


3 October 2016 | 8 January 2017

21 October |11 December 2016

Museum of Dreams

Wild West. A History of Wrocław’s Avantgarde | Hungary

The Geppert Contest

The project combines painting, literature, music and theatre and it presents a new perspective on paintings of old masters. The invited writers and composers are going to create literary works and musical pieces inspired by the selected paintings from the collection of the National Museum in Wrocław. On their basis Jacqueline Kornmüller together with the invited actors and dancers is going to prepare eight small performances that are going to be presented by the particular pieces of art. Venue: National Museum in Wrocław, pl. Powstańców Warszawy 5 Organizer: National Museum in Wrocław

The exhibition presents pieces of art, films, photographies, as well as objects and recordings – almost five hundred items including visual arts, architecture, urban planning, theatre, film, design, and everyday life in Wrocław beginning with the 1960s, when the great visionaries: Jerzy Grotowski and Jerzy Ludwiński, until today. However, it is not a story about the art of Wrocław, but a history of this special city seen through the perspective of the art created here. Venue: Ludwig Múzeum, Komor Marcell u. 1, Budapest, Hungary Organizer: Wrocław Contemporary Museum, Ludwig Múzeum – Kortárs Művészeti Múzeum and Polish Institute in Budapest

Muzeum marzeń_fot. Helmut Wimmer ; Wystawa Zbigniewa Gepperta “Cub'art” w Galerie Aronowitsch w Sztokholmie, 1970. Na zdjęciu córka artysty – Anna Geppert

12 September | December 2016

3, 10, 15, 24 October 2016

The Geppert Contest is a cyclic undertaking dedicated to young painters. Its aim is to present the full spectrum of phenomena which currently take place in Polish painting, and to promote novice artists. The competition, which has taken place since 1989, is one of the most important review of young art in Poland. The Contest exhibition: BWA Wrocław – Contemporary Art Galleries, ul. Wita Stwosza 32 The Contest symposium: The Eugeniusz Geppert Academy of Art and Design,

21 October | 5 December 2016

17 | 27 October 2016 An interactive social project based on the exchange of experience between people with visual impairments and other residents of Wrocław. Thanks to a mobile app participants with disabled sight are going to create an interactive map of the city showing people who can see what they do not notice. A special walk led by people with disabled sight is going to be organised for the residents of Wrocław. The aim is to create not an obvious city map and encourage public debate.

“Constructivism is a problem, not aesthetics”. Zbigniew Geppert (1934–1982) The first in Poland presentation of the original works by Zbigniew Geppert. The artist was a member of an artistic family of Gepperts. The exhibition comprises an installation made composed of 54 paintings, models, graphic designs, and archive materials. The exhibition is organised in cooperation with Anna Geppert and Zygmunt Zaleski Foundation. Venue: Wrocław Contemporary Museum, Plac Strzegomski 2 Organizer: Wrocław Contemporary Museum

Venue: Kontury Kultury, ul. Jagiellończyka 10a Organizer: ECoC Wrocław 2016




Year-long project

April | December 2016

Wrocław – Backyard Door Komuny Paryskiej 45 Workshop // The project consists of artistic Intergenerational interventions within the public Meetings // space of the City of Wrocław, with an emphasis on its backDamian Kalita

Venue: City space Organizer: ECoC Wrocław 2016

In a Komuny Paryskiej 45 Workshop, which was launched last year, apart from current meetings and workshops for children and young people, the intergenerational Meetings will also take place. Their scope is really broad and refers to, among others, architecture and film, as well as other domains of art. Also everyday issues, such as possibility of appointing estate council, will be discussed.

Venue: Komuny Paryskiej 45 Workshop

February | December 2016

Komuny Paryskiej 45 Workshop // Kamila Wolszczak, Krzysztof Bryła The workshop has a studio or exhibition character designed for sharing experiences among local community and artists and animators. All residents of Wrocław are welcome, in particular residents of Przedmieście Oławskie. We hope that our actions and involvement of the local community will revive this part of Wrocław. The initiative is directed both for children, young people, and seniors. Venue: Komuny Paryskiej 45 Workshop


1 October, time: 17:00 p.m.

Witkacy’s Gęby // Marek Tybur, Elżbieta Golińska

Urban Transformations // Kamila Szczęsna

Witkacy’s Gęby is a several-month-long artistic project held in Prison No. 1 in Wrocław, in ul. Kleczkowska. Convicts take part in a series of art nad para-theater workshop. The results will be presented to the vast audience, above all, thanks to the multimedia night projections on the prison’s walls. The Walls Project is to involve prisoners in paticipation in the culture.

In order to bring back the residents of Kleczków the sense of identity and responsibility for public space, Kamila Szczęsna is going to create carved lamps made of transparent resin and substitute the existing wall lamps. The aim is not only to make the space where the residents live more beautiful, but also to reinforce the reintegration processes. The artist’s actions will be accompanied by workshops with the residents the aim of which is to invite them to meet in the yard meetings to teach them the processes of making lamps.

Venue: Prison No. 1, Kleczkowska 35

Pracownia Komuny Paryskiej 45

yards. Artists working in a given space will cooperate with the residents so that the solutions were their common negotiated work. The project’s objective is to raise awareness amongst the Wrocław inhabitants about their communal responsibility for “no man’s land” areas, which are often vacated and disregarded.

14 October 2016

Venue: Kleczków housing estate

August | September 2016

Świetlik // Joanna Piaścik Looking out of the windows into their yards, residents of tenements of Wrocław most often see cars, playgrounds, and lawns. Carrying out her idea, Joanna Piaścik will diametrically change this situation and will make residents of one of the tenements see... sky. To do so she will use a system of mirrors arranged at appropriate angle in the space between the buildings that will reflect light and horizon above the roofs. Venue: Przedmieście Oławskie, ościuszki 160



29 October 2016

Podrzutki // Justyna Koeke

Urban Furniture // Agnieszka Bocheńska and Przemysław Chimczak

Work of Koeke is an attempt to introduce German language to everyday reality of Huby where this language has been driven away just as in other parts of Wrocław. At the same time it constitutes a question regarding an impact of language on perception of public space but also an attempt to take on a very contemporary and universal topic of the social and political situation in Europe, problem of refugees, historical identification, and nationalism. Venue: Huby housing estate, different yards

Opening of the urban furniture in the yard in ul. Waryńskiego, in Sępolno, made in cooperation with Dom Pokoju Foundation, with designs by Agnieszka Bocheńska and Przemysław Chimczak, as well as the residents of Sępolno. Venue: Sępolno, ul. Waryńskiego

20 October 2016

“A Mass for Arras City” – a monodrama

6, 7, 8, 9, 11, and 12 October 2016

Tadeusz Różewicz LEARNING TO WALK The new premiere of the Wrocław Contemporary Theatre as part of wtw:// strefy_kontaktu 2016 directed by Paweł Miśkiewicz is a play-journey through the drama, prose, and poetry of Tadeusz Różewicz – one of the most outstanding writers of the world literature of the turn of 20th and 21st century. Venue: Wrocław Contemporary Theatre, ul. Rzeźnicza 12 Organizer: Wrocław Contemporary Theatre, ECoC Wrocław 2016


MSZA fot. Krzysztof Bieliński; Żmija fot. K.Zatycki; 083 NF12 Capitol fot. Lukasz Giza

August | September 2016

It is a story about power, religion, and morality; about the size of mind enslavement in the history of a French town from the period of 1458-1461. On the stage, Janusz Gajos will uncover both the individual stories of the residents, as well as the stories of the society; he will be challenged with mass madness, crimes, and sense of guilt present in the novel of Andrzej Szczypiorski. Venue: Impart, ul. Mazowiecka 17 Organizer: ECoC Wrocław 2016, Wrocławskie Towarzystwo Przyjaciół Teatru

21 October 2016

“Żmija” – monodrama performed by Dorota Stalińska A play based on a novel by Aleksey Tolstoy performed by the actress over 4 thousand times. Venue: Impart, ul. Mazowiecka 17 Organizer: ECoC Wrocław 2016, Wrocławskie Towarzystwo Przyjaciół Teatru

18 October 2016 – WORLD PREMIÈRE

PARADOXICAL TIME TABLE Mathematical Opera Multimedia event directed by R. Kozłowski telling a story of Stefan Banach – the co-founder of the Lwów School of Mathematics.

27 | 28 October 2016

Nut Ferment in the City Coalition Ferment means emotions, fascination, excitement, rapture, and admiration. The special, international edition of Nut Ferment includes two evenings filled with music of artists from seven Cities of the Coalition. Konrad Imiela will play the part of the host – the concert is going to presented in the form of a musical talk-show with guests – solo artists or bands – performing their own music as well as covers. Venue: Capitol Music Theatre, Pressure Stage Organizers: ECoC Wrocław 2016, Capitol Music Theatre

Venue: Impart, ul. Mazowiecka 17 Organizer: ECoC Wrocław 2016, Teatr Piosenki


15 | 17 October 2016

“BODY” Exhibition Our present is nothing but constantly thinking about the future, planning, never-ending crossing boundaries, striving for perfection, longevity, and superhumanity. “BODY” focuses on the axis of BODY – on how it is perceived today, what it means to us, what do we let it do, how we modify it, how we change its features, what fascinates us about it? The interdisciplinary exhibition will gather artists, designers, photographers, and documentary film-makers presenting products and concepts of the so-called speculative design. Venue: Pokoyhoff Passage Organizer: ECoC Wrocław 2016

Future Jamboree

1 | 15 October 2016

protoBODY: SEE me The “protoBODY” project is a dance activity, celebrating individuality and including able-bodied dancers as well as persons with limited mobility, the blind and visually impaired, as well as seniors, into creative activities. Such city of the future is just a step ahead: already today the pressure is on making the places we live in friendly not only to able-bodies persons but also to those with limited mobility. Workshops: 1–14/10/2016 Venue: Pokoyhof Passage Screenings: 14-15/10/2016 Venue: Pokoyhof Passage


Ninety leading urban activists representing all continents are gathering in Wrocław in order to spend two days knowledge, experiences regarding the development of cities, and inspire each other. The session is going to be held as “open space” meaning that the participants will begin their work with an empty sheet of paper – we do not impose any topics you have to face; they will suggest the topics for discussion. Venue: Depot History Centre, ul. Grabiszyńska 184

BODY_The beautiful ugliness of the human body, belly_ Edmee Jongen_ Photagraper_ Ruben Reehorst_ Model_ Paula_ Parole; Katharina Swoboda, fot. zbiory WRO Art Center

15 September | 15 October 2016

1 August | 30 November 2016

Artist-in-residence in WRO Art Center

6 | 8 October 2016

9 October 2016

Cyber Academy_ Warszawa session

NEW COMMUNICATION OF CULTURE vol. 2_ open session of Cyber Academy

The third meeting being part of the Cyber Academy 2016 series – international project developing media literacy and communication, dedicated to Polish and foreign cadres culture. The main objective of a series of meetings is to prepare culture professionals to consciously use the resources of the new media. This year’s theme of the Cyber Academy is “The Continent of Culture” – a cross-boarder network where creators and addressees of cultural actions function. Venue: National Audiovisual Institute, Warszawa

An open meeting with practitioners promotingsome of the most interesting Polish cultural events as well as trendwatchers and researchers trying to pick out from the multitude of new tools and techniques those without which in the near future we will not be able to get around. We will talk about how to construct an effective communication strategy, how to develop the audience; we will also discuss safety in the web.

WRO Art Center, in cooperation with Polish and foreign partners, organizes seven residences for artists and curators in Wrocław and abroad. These residences are oriented on process and exchange – artist and curators may continue work on their current projects or develop new ones. Venue: WRO Art Center, ul. Widok 7 Organizer: WRO Art Center, ECoC Wrocław 2016, Goethe Institute in Kraków, Austrian Forum of Culture in Warszawa, HELLERAU – European Center of Arts, Motel Spatie – Aarnhem

Venue: National Audiovisual Institute, Warszawa



Residence of Maria Hoyin / Curator: Magdalena Skowrońska An artist form Lviv who deals with the peripheral, poorly identified matters in her projects. “Leading characters” of her photography are places at the edge of cities, towns, and villages. In her work with analogue photography, Hoyin uses old plates and the final result of her works is usually on the “live” material’s side. In Wrocław, the artist is going to look for what is hidden behind the official vision and its declared centre. Organizer: Wrocław Contemporary Museum


10 October | 1 November 2016

Artist-in-residence at HART Hostel & Art

Residence of James Hopkin

Two artistic residences organised as part of the A-i-R Wro Artist-in-residence Programme at HART Hostel & Art. Creators form Koszyce and San Sebastian – cities which have also been awarded the title of European Capitals of Culture – will visit Wrocław. The residency will be connected to artistic events and exhibitions presenting the works of the residents. Boris Sirka – visual artist from Slovakia – is the first guest.

In October, the A-i-R Wro Programe will welcome in Wrocław James Hopkin, an English writer, author of the novel Winter Under Water and numerous literary works written, among others, for one of the largest British newspapers the Guardian. During his residency Hopkin will hold, among others, a meeting and workshops for the students of the Faculty of English Philology at the University of Wrocław.

Venue: Hart Hostel & Art , ul. Ludwika Rydygiera 25 Organizer: Hart Hostel & Art, ECoC Wrocław 2016

Organizer: ECoC Wrocław 2016

Claudia Schouten, fot. zbiory WRO Art Center; wrocław sharing week fot. fot. Jagoda Czekała (11)

1 | 31 October 2016

1 September | 31 October 2016

Special Edition of microGRANTS ECoC 2016 – „Share Your Energy” – carried out in cooperation and with support of KOGENERACJA S.A. In August we invited the residents of Wrocław to submit their ideas focused on sharing, very often unique, skills they have. We chose 15 workshops, all free-of-cost, but places are subject to availability. Detailed information about the registration can be found here:

October | November 2016

4 | 7 October 2016

ARISS at the Salesians

We’re carving a statue of Neptune at plac Nowy Targ

The originators of the project invite to a series of space workshops developing knowledge about astronomy. As part of the classes astrophysical workshops in Białków, amateur radio course, and contests are planned. Registration:

2, 7, 11, 14, 21, 25, 28 October 4, 8, 9 November 2016

We will learn the history of the fountain at Nowy Targ and see how the work of a sculptor looks like. You will also have a chance to test yourself in carving and drawing during the workshops. Registration: N.A. Venue: Plac Nowy Targ

8 October 2016

You’ve got mail! Join us!

Cat at the Triangle

A series of workshops of all neighbours. Together we will weave small sheds from wicker, take part in historical and architectural workshops, and learn knitting.

All lovers of pets are invited to a picnic where we will learn how to help homeless animals and to workshops in decoupage, sewing, building and painting sheds for cats.

Venue: Strachocin, Swojczyce, and Wojnów Registration: masz.wiadomosc@

Registration: N.A. Venue: Workshop in Komuny Paryskiej 45


„SHARE YOUR ENERGY” IN NOVEMBER: 6, 13, 20, 21, 27 October 3, 10, 18, 25 November 2016

24 | 28 October 14 | 15 November

Over a cup of coffee

Venue: Stara Piekarnia, ul. Krzywoustego 310 A Registration:

8,15,22, 25 October 5,12,19,26 November 2016

IN KSIĘŻE Intergenerational computer workshops. A course aimed at preparing the participants to administer their own website or a blog. Having finished the training we would like to start up a cultural and informative website. Venue: Księże Małe Housing Association – Tagnogórska 1 Registration:


12, 19, 26 October 9 November 2016

MUM’S HAPPINESS – Smile yoga academy for mums All mums are invited to a meeting with smile yoga – it is a kind of an integral gymnastics, fitness for body, mind, and spirit. To oxygenate the body – respiratory exercises inspired by yoga; to relax the mind – exercises provoking smile; for the spirit – calm and moments of deep relaxation. Venue: Przestrzeń Otwarta, ul. Grabiszyńska 9 Registration: mamy.radość@

15 | 16 October 2016

15 October – Tobiaszki Foundation; 22 October – ZSP nr 4 ul. Sołtysowicka; 5 November – CK Agora

Has anyone seen... Modernism Architectural workshops for kids (9-12): a lecture, joint breakfast, a walk, and what is most important 2-day creative workshops. By the end of November works of kids will be combined with knowledge and skills of the adults in order to create an illustrated, interactive map of modernism. Beginning of recruitment: 1 November at 10:00 a.m. Venue: Barbara, ul. Świdnicka 8c Registration: ktowidzial.modernizm@

Karłowice cook

wrocław sharing week fot. fot. Jagoda Czekała (28); zielona czytelnia w parku tołpy fot. alicja nowicka

Creative workshops in ceramics for the residents of Psie Pole and not only. During the classes the participants will make their own cups and mugs, design patterns that they will later paint. Works are going to be fired in a special stove.

„Grabiszyn – Grabiszynek. Finding the Spirit of the District”

Cooking workshops where we will invent new dishes with a little help from the experienced hosts; we will also share our experiences and recipes but also we will try to find a culinary identity of Karłowice. Registration: karlowice.gotuja@

A series of workshops including joint discovering of the characteristic motives of the district. Workshops in patterns, sound, photography, film, and poster. Venue: Firlej, ul. Grabiszyńska 56 Registration: grabiszyn.grabiszynek@ from 10 October 2016

5 | 6 November 2016, 12:00 p.m. – 03:00 p.m.

SitoOgród at MiserArt exception workshop in large-format screen-printing.

Four senses are just enough workshops carried out by the blind for the blind.

Wrocław. The time capsule Zuzanna Bućko and Szymon Bogacz invite you to their original dramatic workshops.

Breaking Spot dance workshops including hip-hop and a great dancing performance. More information about the workshops can be found in the November Guide and on our website.

VEGE VEKI Workshops where we will prepare vegetarian preserve. Jars in which we will close fruit and vegetables or even tofu will be waiting in our larders when winter comes. Registration: by 10.10.2016



Mobile Restaurant at Osiedle Ogrodów

7 October 2016

Orthography on Walls As part of this project, the fourth and last orthographic mural will be created and it will present a phenomenon of word harmony in a funny way. Is there a better way to consolidate difficult rules of Polish orthography?! Charges of “Iskierka” Help Association will prepare the drawings on the walls. Come and join us in painting! Venue: Plac św. Macieja 5 Organizer: Magdalena Zambrzycka, Wiktoria Szumielewicz, Olga Kunysz

The goal of the authors of this initiative is very ambitious and requires help of the residents of the city. This is what they say about their neighbourhood: “You can see a lot of green areas which are extremely untended; they are a blot on the landscape. Part of them has been intentionally ruined, part of them just deteriorates because the residents do not care about the public space. That is why we want to bring them back to life and rescue their original function – place for relax, meetings, and integration”. Everyone’s invited for the grande finale of the project, joint cleaning and neighbourly picnic. Venue: square by ul. Libelta, Sępolno Organizer: “Razem dla Sępolna” Group


15 October 2016

9 and 22 October 2016

Entrance Through The Bakery

Lalkomat // Dollmachine

As part of the project, children from Nadodrze with help from the professionals will create a documentary film about the bakers from this district. Its aim is to present interesting people, discover the reality around us which is not boring at all. Right next to us live and work people with amazing stories to be told and this is what the project is really about. On 15 October feel free to join us for the premiere screening of the film and some snacks prepared by the leading characters of the documentary. Venue: Kontury Kultury, ul. Jagiellończyka 10a Organizer: Magdalena Zambrzycka

Ortografia na mury3, fot. Wiktoria Szumielewicz; wrocław strona po stronie fot. kinga jakimiec (11); Claudia Schouten, fot. zbiory WRO Art Center

8 October 2016 time: 01:00 p.m.-06:00 p.m.

Lalkomat is an educational and artistic initiative which is to break a spell cast on the puppet theatre as a theatre only for children. As part of the project two theatres of form/puppet theatres will visit out city. On 9 October Barbara will host a play by the graduates of the Theatre Academy in Białystok titled “Nazywam się wojna”. On 22 October at the Wrocław School of Theatre Jaworski Theatre from Poznań will present its play titled “Parking – groteska kryminalna”. Venue: Barbara, ul. Świdnicka 8c; PWST, ul. Braniborska 59 Organizer: Karolina Przystupa

22 October 2016

Gate to the Future “W Naszym Domu” Association discovers for the residents of Wrocław the story of a forgotten housing estate – Ratyń. As part of the project a short publication describing the past and presence of Ratyń was created. The integration picnic for the residents together with the performance of a legend about the historical housing estate will crown the project. You are more than welcome to join us on 22 October at the head office of the Association. Venue: ul. Szkolna 11 Organizer: “W Naszym Domu” Association

8 October 2016

“Beauty Is In Every One Of Us” – preview of an exhibition summing up the project 6 months of workshops regarding culture from the inside will be summarized at the preview of photographies taken during the “Beauty is in every one os us” project. The aim was to involve a group people with mental disabilities in the active participation in cultural events in Wrocław, as well as getting to know theatres, operas, artistic schools, and museum behind the scenes. Venue: Barbara, ul. Świdnicka 8c Organizer: Kamienna Tęcza Association



8 October time: 02:00 p.m.– 04:00 p.m.

22 October 2016 time: 04:00 p.m.

Constellation of Memories – Wrocław Plotkojady 2

The Five Continents of the Theatre

On 8 October feel invited to discover the films and storyboards carried out as part of the Constellation of Memories project. The project was all about multi-generational cooperation. The seniors told stories of their lives related to Wrocław, how they first had arrived here and how they had settled in. The storyboards were created as part of the workshops with the participation of young people. Venue: Barbara, ul. Świdnicka 8c Organizer: O-CAL-eni Group

21 October 2016 time: 04:00 p.m.

The Meyerhold Era Meyerhold, his work and his approach to artistic crafts and to the process of making theatre will be the focus of discussion about theatre education and about how contemporary artists approach tradition and landmark figures in the history of theatre. The session, chaired by Małgorzata Jabłońska, will feature Russian artists and lecturers: Valery Fokin, Alexey Levinskiy and Vadim Shcherbakov. Venue: Barbara, ul. Świdnicka 8c Organizer: the Grotowski Institute

How to build a personal compass to cross the five continents of the theatre? The authors of The Secret Art of the Performer: A Dictionary of Theatre Anthropology, Eugenio Barba and Nicola Savarese, research theatre history from the unusual perspective of the actor’s material culture. The material aspects of such history encompass the means, methods, solutions, superstitions and ideas used in the production, consumption and purpose of the actor’s craft. The authors give a number of examples from history and geography to illustrate the different auxiliary techniques and their different solutions as adopted by the various theatre cultures. Venue: Barbara, ul. Świdnicka 8c Organizer: the Grotowski Institute


Gwiazdozbiór wspomnień – Wrocławskie Plotkojady 2 _fot.Michał Klimecki; Aleksiej Lewiński, fot. Jacek Świątek

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Landscape Now, a series of discussions Where are we at now, in the second decade of the 21st century? What future developments are on the horizon? Which of the movements that shaped 20th-century theatre practice have been life-giving and which have proven passing fads? Noted theatre scholars Prof Maria Shevtsova, Prof Dariusz Kosiński and Prof Georges Banu, supported by their guests, will engage in a series of panel discussions to address some of the questions and ideas that have come to bear on the theatre in the 20th and early 21st centuries. Venue: Barbara, ul. Świdnicka 8c Organizer: the Grotowski Institute

30 October 2016, time 10:00 p.m.

31 October 2016, time: 10:00 p.m.

To Blaspheme or to Create Myths? To Challenge and Debunk or to Sanctify?

The Materiality of Memory: Incarnating the Dead

This panel discussion, held as part of the Dziady Recycling Festival and featuring Andrzej Draguła, Paweł Goźliński, Prof Grzegorz Niziołek, Prof Maria Prussak and Weronika Szczawińska, will be chaired by Prof Leszek Kolankiewicz. Venue: Barbara, ul. Świdnicka 8c Organizer: the Grotowski Institute

How new forensic identification technologies are changing the cultural meaning of mourning and commemorative ceremonies in the era of ‘exhumation fever’ that has engulfed many countries? How new forms of the ‘politics of dead bodies’ are shaping the discourse of memory in various corners of the world? What are the roles of diverse memory players, institutions and communities in view of these changes? This discussion, held as part of the Dziady Recycling Festival and featuring Prof Ewa Domańska , dr Marija Hristova and Prof Jay Winter, will be chaired by Marcin Napiórkowski. Venue: Barbara, ul. Świdnicka 8c Organizer: the Grotowski Institute


What color is commitment?

Fot. Daniel Enchev, Flickr

25 | 27 October 2016 time: 04:00 p.m.

Art overcomes barriers and broadens horizons. That’s why Credit Suisse is the Partner of Visual Arts for the European Capital of Culture Wroclaw 2016.

Barbara: infopoint / café / culture


ul. Świdnicka 8c, open daily from 8:00 a.m. to 08:00 p.m.


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