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A Steering Committee comprised of local partners and stakeholders was convened to provide technical and experiential guidance and feedback to the WRT consultant team and guide the overall process, vision, strategies, and implementation of the project. The Steering Committee was also engaged in supporting outreach activities and building awareness to promote participation in the planning process.
Because existing WRK Group Committees had significant overlap with the plan focus areas, these committees were folded into the planning process:
• RESTORE – Addresses redevelopment, community and economic development and works closely with community residents, business, and government partners to develop and implement strategies that expand economic opportunities aligned with the REACH mission.
• Education Pipeline – Seeks to develop a world class “cradle to college/career education pipeline” to serve the children and youth in Riverside and the surrounding community.
• Community Health – Aims to go beyond accessing quality medical care by assuring that the social determinants of health and environmental factors that promote or impact health and well-being are addressed.
• EMPOWER and RISE – Provides guidance on how best to provide a foundation for a diverse economy with a focus on providing job training and employment opportunities for the residents and youth of Riverside.
Steering Committee Meetings facilitated as part of the planning process: steering committee #1 steering committee #3
June 3, 2020 march 16, 2021 steering committee #2
The planning team introduced key goals and outcomes of the process and roles and responsibilities of the committee members. An open discussion allowed participants to provide input on the Stakeholder Engagement Strategy; Community Plan Branding & Identity; and Community Character and Assets.
November 10, 2020 steering committee #4
Committee members reviewed the survey tools and collection process for the Resident Survey, Business Survey, and Parcel Survey.
Main topics included: an update on the planning process, progress on the Resident and Parcel Surveys and ways that committee members can help administer the surveys and boost participation.
October 20, 2021
In the fall of 2021, the Committee focused on a presentation of the findings from the existing conditions analysis and surveys and key issues and opportunities that the plan would address. Following the presentation, committee members had an opportunity to help refine the community supported vision, preliminary strategies, and catalyst site conceptual development approaches. The vision and preliminary strategies were later presented to stakeholders as part of a series of focus groups discussions to delve further into specific strategies and recommendations.