2 minute read
The planning effort launched in 2020 amid the COVID-19 pandemic required a recalibration of “traditional” on-site community engagement activities. To ensure resident safety while also boosting effective participation, the planning process included use of social media with a Northeast Wilmington Community Plan page www. facebook.com/NortheastWilmington which served as a digital home for the planning process with materials posted in both English and Spanish.
Recognizing the additional stress that the pandemic brought on already impacted households and to limit planning fatigue, outreach activities for the survey as well as the visioning and priorities were incorporated directly into special events and activities that REACH Riverside and partners were already engaged in, including food distribution and outdoor community celebrations.


“The changes I want to see is no violence and a place that is safe for my grandchildren to play; an environment that is safe for my grandkids.”

“Education for young people is critical and improving it will help change the outcomes for their future.”
“My goal is to continue to help others and not give up and make a difference and keep doing what we’re doing. We can’t stop.”
Public workshop pop-up #1
June 26, 2021
The first public workshop was held on June 26, 2021 as part of the Sun’s Out, School’s Out, Food’s Out community celebration.
The WRT Team led a series of interactive stations that allowed residents to learn about the planning process and provide direct input.
Overview Station
Station 1 provided an overview of the planning process and goals and a snapshot of neighborhood demographics.
Engagement Station
Station 2 presented a summary of what we’ve learned so far including findings from Resident Survey and Parcel Observations. Station 2 also included a number of brief activities to elicit feedback.
• Activity 1: Community Assets Mapping – Tell us about the places that are special to you
• Activity 2: Priorities for Neighborhood Improvements
• Activity 3: Issues and Opportunities
• Activity 4: Visioning and Community History and Memory – Story collection booth and dreams and aspirations for the neighborhood in the next ten years and the actions that members of the community can take to help realize that vision.
Public workshop pop-up #2
October 14, 2021
The second public workshop was held Saturday October 14, 2021 as part of the 75-year celebration of the Kingswood Community Center. The event was well attended and included live music, food giveaways, children, and youth activities. This was an opportunity for stakeholders to provide feedback on the community supported vision, vote on priorities for neighborhood investment and identify impactful early actions and initiatives. Over 35 people participated in the exercises. The photos below provide an overview of those activities.
Overview Station Prioritizing For The Future
Overview of the Planning Process and Results from the Survey.
Participants were given 3 dots to vote on their priorities for the future. They were free to use all three dots on one priority or to distribute.
Early Actions And Initiatives
Participants were given 3 dots to vote on what they thought could be the most impactful early actions. They were free to use all three dots on one priority or to distribute. Sticky notes were provided for participants to write down additional thoughts or ideas. Facilitators also captured ideas as part of freeflowing conversations at the station. The input from these workshops informed the development of plan strategies and priorities.
Focus Groups Discussions

August & October 2021
Virtual Focus Group Discussions were held between August and October 2021 around these key topics: Education, Teens and Youth, Community and Workforce Development, and Health Wellness and Safety. Opportunities and challenges that arose from these discussions helped to inform the key issues and opportunities that this plan will address.