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The vision, goals, and strategies for the Bartram Choice Neighborhood Plan were shaped directly by residents of Bartram Village and the broader Choice neighborhood, who served on every task force and committee, and participated in well over 30 public meetings, workshops, focus group discussions, and special events.

During the planning process three themes emerged—Connect, Live, and Thrive—that are the organizing elements of the plan.


Create an inviting community that is clean, green, and safe with beautiful, active public spaces. Connect people to these places; to nature and recreation; and to each other.

Southwest Philadelphia has a variety of beautiful green spaces and public places, as well as lively corridors, a variety of services and other amenities. But getting to them is challenging because of street conditions, limited rail crossings, and concerns about safety. Establishing a network of safe connections across the neighborhood to key resources and services will dramatically increase the quality of life in the community.


Create an environment that fosters the health and wellness of all residents of all ages, through healthy and affordable housing, access to medical services and nutritious food, and to spaces that heal the mind and body.

Trauma and the fear associated with it undermines the sense of peace that residents deserve to have in a place called home. Over 600 new units of healthy affordable housing will be blended on-site at Bartram Village with gardens and green spaces that extend the beauty of the beloved Bartram’s Gardens next door. The design aims to lessen stress and anxiety with the healing power of nature and by encouraging physical activity and social interaction.


Foster access for people of all ages to education, skills, jobs, services, inspiration and encouragement so that they can thrive. Enable the neighborhood to blossom by celebrating its history and strengthening its commercial corridors and identity.

Not everyone follows the same path in life. It is important to for there to be multiple avenues to self-sufficiency—from meaningful job opportunities, to college, to entrepreneurship, and homeownership to build wealth. Establishing a local “employment eco-system” will develop the skills of neighborhood residents to perform jobs that stabilize conditions in the community and help residents remain in homes, with a particular focus on construction, green infrastructure, small businesses, and childcare.

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