4 minute read

The design takes shape



T I O N 2 .


Existing Site Challenges & Opportunities

Although Bartram Village is located in a dense urban environment with much to build on, the site’s layout and location within the industrial corridor create obstacles that make it difficult for residents to take advantage of the city’s offerings and thrive:

▶ Isolation and inactive street frontage: The long three-story buildings are out of scale with nearby homes and create an extended stretch of inactivity along Lindbergh Boulevard. Lack of a clear “front door” also makes the site uninviting to the community.

▶ A disconnect in the circulation network: Traffic zips along Lindbergh Boulevard and criss-crossing rail lines further isolate the site physically from the surrounding neighborhood and also make it difficult and unsafe to walk to recreation centers, the grocery store, and basic services along the commercial corridors. ▶ Indefensible space: The long three-story buildings do not provide clear views of walkways or outdoor spaces, resulting in unsafe and unused spaces.

▶ Limited waterfront views: The current layout of the site does not take advantage of the topographic character with limited opportunities for residents to enjoy views of the waterfront.

▶ Few outdoor recreational opportunities: Although 40% of the site comprises “green” space, the open space at Bartram Village is underutilized in part because of the design and programming.

▶ Lack of spatial hierarchy: The grassy open spaces are not varied in a way that invites residents to gather, whereas a central gathering place could foster a sense of community.


Site Design Elements

The task forces and planning team turned these challenges into opportunities when exploring ideas and alternatives for the Bartram Village site. As the plan took shape, the design embraced the goals of helping residents to Connect, Live, and Thrive.

▶ Reconnecting with the neighborhood: Beginning at the street level, the plan strives to stitch Bartram

Village back into the neighborhood and to make it easier for residents to connect to area amenities. This includes safe walking routes and transit connections, an emphasis on improving conditions along priority streets, generating more street activity, welcoming the community, and extending the natural environment into the neighborhood.

▶ Design for safety: Safety is the top concern for residents and top priority for the site. Two and threestory buildings are oriented toward the streets so that windows overlook pedestrian pathways, parking lots, and green spaces. Points of entry are clearly defined and the site is beautifully landscaped to indicate that this is a community that is being cared for.

▶ Activating the street edge: Larger multi-family and senior buildings are placed along Lindbergh

Boulevard forming a street edge. Retail spaces on the ground floor create visual interest and generate “more foot traffic,” which reinforces safety.

▲ Retail spaces, windows, outdoor seating, and landscaping create inviting streetscapes that attract people and activity. Strata West, East and Symphony [WRT] .

Blossom at Bartram / 139

▶ Protecting and celebrating nature: Bartram Village is blessed with beautiful trees and open spaces that expand the leafy refuge of Bartram’s Garden next door. The buildings and site integrate green building practices to preserve the site’s natural beauty.

Landscape elements are designed to serve multiple purposes including managing stormwater, protecting air and water quality, creating wildlife habitat and pollinator gardens, while providing places for human residents to enjoy.

▶ A place for people of all ages and abilities: Bartram

Village is designed to be equitably accessible and enjoyable by all residents. For the young population, there are a variety of creative playspaces that invite imagination and curiosity while allowing for exercise.

Safe walking / jogging paths and adult recreation areas will strive to get all ages moving. Benches and barbecue pits invite adults, families, and friends to interact while providing clear sightlines of playspaces. ▶ Building a sense of pride: A variety of new housing alternatives; enhanced connections to services, amenities, jobs, and transit; a clean, safe, green, and attractive place to call home will help make Bartram

Village become a desirable place for residents to choose to live.







Walkability and safety

Open spaces were designed to be very visible from people’s homes to place more “eyes-onthe-street” and encourage a sense of ownership to enhance safety. A couple of high points are designed to provide outdoor amenity spaces with views of the waterfront.

Desired flow

The proposed main street network is designed to create stronger connections between Bartram Village, Bartram’s Garden, and the neighborhood while building awareness and use of existing civic and cultural spaces. The site design aims to improve safety and shape a more walkable environment by adding a walking path besides the street sidewalk that connects major green spaces along the main walking loop.

Active frontage and outdoor activities

The streetscape along Lindbergh Boulevard will feature attractive storefronts and paths into the site, inviting people to enjoy the open spaces that are designed to host flexible programming and encourage informal interactions.

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