the time is now. ¡vamos!
OC TOBER 8, 2021
Plan Prepared By:
Wallace, Roberts, and Todd (Prime Consultant) Master Planning, Public Realm Design, Community Engagement Woo Kim, Principal-In-Charge Claudia Ray - Project Manager Zoe Taft Mueller - Project Planner Amie Patel - Project Planner Beatriz Vergara Aller - Designer Keiko Kramer - Landscape Architect Jared McKnight - Landscape Designer Jingran Yu - Landscape Designer
Reinvestment Fund
Economic and Housing Investment Michael Norton - Housing Economics and Investment Lead Jacob Rosch - Policiy Analyst
Neighborhood Connections
Capacity Building & Ambassador Training Kaela Geschke - Ambassdor Training Lead Jerry Pena - Ambassador Training Support
Multi-Modal Transportation Nancy Lyon-Stadler - Bike + Pedestrian Expert Timothy Rosenberger - Multi-Modal Transportation Lead
Prepared for:
Clark-Fulton Together - Final Plan
Once every couple of years, a project opportunity manifests that has all of the ingredients for greatness: the right cross-sector partners are at the table, market momentum and transformative planning have the chance to influence each other, there are enough resources—both human and financial—for the project to meet its potential. Una vez cada dos años se presenta un Proyecto que nos da la oportunidad de reunir todos los ingredientes de grandeza: el equipo principal adecuado está en la mesa, el momento es ahora, y hay suficientes recursos -tanto humanos como financieros- para que el proyecto alcance su
Councilwoman Jasmin Santana Office of Ward 14
Even more rarely, these projects also have the magic ingredient of partners who are committed to something larger than their own agendas, who see a vision that is greater than the sum of its parts, and who are willing to confront challenges with grace and dignity and emerge stronger at the end than they were at the beginning. We believe that the Clark-Fulton Together Master Plan is one of these projects. Lo que es más raro, estos proyectos cuentan con el ingrediente mágico de un grupo de collaboradores que estan comprometidos con algo más grande que sus propias agendas, que ven una visión que es mayor que la suma de sus partes y que están dispuestos a afrontar los retos con gracia, dignidad y salir más
Ricardo León - Executive Director - Metro West CDO
fuertes al final de lo que eran al principio. Creemos que el Plan Maestro Clark-Fulton Juntos es uno de estos proyectos.
We represent Metro West Community Development Organization, the City of Cleveland, Office of Ward 14, MetroHealth Systems, and the Cleveland Foundation. As a group, we are humbled and honored to have partnered in the master planning process for Clark-Fulton. Passionate people represented our partnering organizations, and each brought a commitment to a collaborative process. We all remain equally committed to the implementation of this neighborhood plan. El equipo principal esta representado por Metro West Community Development Organization, the City of Cleveland, Office of
Freddy Collier - Director, Cleveland City Planning Commission
Ward 14, MetroHealth Systems, and the Cleveland Foundation. Como grupo, nos sentimos humildes y honrados de haber colaborado en el proceso de planificación maestra de Clark-Fulton. Personas apasionadas representaron a nuestras organizaciones asociadas, y cada una de ellas aportó su compromiso con un proceso de colaboración. Todos seguimos igualmente comprometidos con la ejecución de este plan para la comunidad de Clark-Fulton.
Led by the talented team of WRT, this project was launched less than two months before the Covid-19 pandemic shut down business as usual. As our project team pivoted our planning and engagement strategies in response, we were inspired by Greg Zucca - Director of
Economic and Community Transformation, MetroHealth
the unique and critical voices of five neighborhood ambassadors who brought their existing relationships with the community, talents, and efforts to ensure that even a pandemic would not compromise its inclusive and equitable vision. Dirigido por el talentoso equipo de WRT, este proyecto se puso en marcha dos meses antes de que la pandemia de Covid-19 interrumpiera la actividad habitual. A medida que el equipo del proyecto fue cambiando sus estrategias de planificación y participación, nos inspiramos en las voces únicas y críticas de cinco embajadores comnitarios que aportaron sus relaciones existentes con la comunidad, sus talentos y sus esfuerzos para asegurar que incluso una pandemia no comprometiera su visión inclusiva y equitativa.
Congratulations and many thanks to all who made this work possible. Let’s see it through! Felicitaciones y muchas gracias a todos los que han hecho posible este trabajo. ¡Vamos a Keisha Gonzalez - Program Manager, Economic Development & Equity Innovation, Cleveland Foundation
ver cómo se lleva a cabo!
Jasmin Santana, Ricardo León, Freedy Collier, Greg Zucca and Keisha Gonzalez
The Clark-Fulton Together Master Plan represents a culmination of over two years of work in collaboration. Together, residents, stakeholders, and community leaders have charted a new path for our community. We’ve laid the foundation for a more equitable and inclusive community, and we look forward to continue building together. “El Plan Maestro Clark-Fulton Juntos representa la culminación de más de dos años de trabajo en colaboración. Juntos, los residentes, las partes interesadas y los líderes de la comunidad han trazado un nuevo camino para nuestra comunidad. Hemos sentado las bases para una comunidad más equitativa e inclusiva, y esperamos seguir construyendo juntos.” Ricardo Leon, Executive Director, Metro West Community Development Organization
Commencement Weekend - Community Meeting June, 2021
Clark-Fulton Together - Final Plan
Thank you! ¡Gracias! Thank you to all 200+ residents, business owners, and stakeholders of Clark-Fulton, Stockyards, Tremont, and Ward 14 for all of the invaluable conversations, knowledge, and feedback you offered throughout this process. This master plan is a testament to your commitment and dedication to Clark-Fulton and the future of your community. Queremos dar las gracias a los más de 200 residentes, propietarios de negocios y partes interesadas de Clark-Fulton, Stockyards, Tremont y Ward 14 por todas las conversaciones, conocimientos y comentarios de valor incalculable que ofrecieron a lo largo de este proceso. Este Plan Maestro es un testimonio de su compromiso y dedicación a Clark-Fulton y el futuro de su comunidad.
Here’s what our project partners have to say:
Esto es lo que dicen nuestros colaboradores en el proyecto:
Jasmin Santana, Ward 14, Cleveland City Council “I would like to thank the hundreds of residents that showed up to events, and completed surveys, and shared their visions with us. Too often development happens to residents and not in partnership with residents, and this Clark-Fulton Together Master Plan was the brainchild of many dedicated public, private, and nonprofit professionals to empower residents to show up! I would like to thank the folks who have put their thoughts and passions into this project. Collaborative leadership is an important part of community building. The stakeholders may not have all agreed on everything, all the time, but we shared the vision of a higher quality of life for residents and homeowners. This report highlights all of our hopes and dreams for the community we love.” Me gustaría dar las gracias a los cientos de residentes que se presentaron a los eventos, y completaron las encuestas, y compartieron sus visiones con nosotros. ¡Muy a menudo el desarrollo ocurre a los residentes y no con ellos! Este Plan Maestro Clark-Fulton Juntos fue la idea de muchos profesionales públicos, privados y sin fines de lucro dedicados a empoderar a los residentes para que se manifiesten. Me gustaría dar las gracias a las personas que han puesto sus pensamientos y pasiones en este proyecto. El liderazgo colaborativo es una parte importante de la construcción de la comunidad. Puede que las partes interesadas no hayan estado de acuerdo en todo, todo el tiempo, pero compartimos la visión de una mayor calidad de vida para los residentes y propietarios. Este plan destaca todas nuestras esperanzas y sueños para la comunidad que amamos.
Dr. Akram Boutros, President and CEO, MetroHealth “The residents of Clark-Fulton have led a bold, exciting roadmap to shape the future of their community. A neighborhood’s social and economic conditions can have more impact than doctors and hospitals to the health of its people. This master plan will help to build a vibrant community that can improve the lives and circumstances of those who live there. MetroHealth is committed to continuing our efforts to make a meaningful impact on the neighborhood by improving the social determinants of health.” “Los residentes de Clark-Fulton han liderado una ambiciosa y emocionante trayectoria para dar forma al futuro de su comunidad. Las condiciones sociales y económicas de un vecindario pueden tener más impacto que los médicos y los hospitales en la salud de sus habitantes. Este plan maestro ayudará a construir una comunidad vibrante que pueda mejorar la vida y las circunstancias de quienes viven allí. MetroHealth se compromete a continuar con nuestros esfuerzos para lograr un impacto significativo en el vecindario mediante la mejora de los determinantes sociales de la salud.”
Clark-Fulton Together - Final Plan
Freddy L. Collier, Jr., Director, Cleveland City Planning Commission “Creating places where people can live, work, play, learn, and shop, in a safe, and wellconnected environment are the basics of any community; however, opportunity is not equally distributed across communities due to past policies, systems, and unfair practices. The Clark-Fulton neighborhood, like many minority areas of the city, will require additional supports to right the wrongs of the past by ensuring that residents have access to the resources and amenities needed to lead a healthy life. The Clark-Fulton Together Master Plan embraces community desires, and it will serve as the playbook for creating opportunity and equity in the Clark-Fulton Community.” La creación de lugares donde la gente pueda vivir, trabajar, jugar, aprender y comprar, en un entorno seguro y bien conectado, es lo fundamental en cualquier comunidad; sin embargo, las oportunidades no se distribuyen de forma equitativa en las comunidades debido a políticas, sistemas y prácticas injustas del pasado. El vecindario de Clark-Fulton, al igual que muchas áreas minoritarias de la ciudad, requerirá apoyos adicionales para corregir los errores del pasado, asegurando que los residentes tengan acceso a los recursos y servicios necesarios para llevar una vida saludable. El Plan Maestro Clark-Fulton Juntos recoge los deseos de la comunidad y servirá de manual para crear oportunidades y equidad en la comunidad de Clark-Fulton.
Ronn Richard, President and CEO, Cleveland Foundation “For more than 100 years, the Cleveland Foundation has served as a friend, convener, and thought partner to neighborhoods across the city, but the vision and collaboration seen here has been unprecedented. This body of work and its associated learnings will inform the foundation’s engagement in the Clark-Fulton neighborhood and serve as an accountability measure for future collaborations.” “Durante más de 100 años, la Cleveland Foundation ha actuado como compañera, convocante y socia de pensamiento de los vecindarios de toda la ciudad, pero la visión y la colaboración que se han visto aquí no tienen precedentes. Este trabajo y sus aprendizajes asociados informarán el compromiso de la fundación en el vecindario de Clark-Fulton y servirán como medida de responsabilidad para futuras colaboraciones”.
How our team works, Together. Core Team
This plan is an effort that came out of a historic partnership between the Core Team, Together Team, Community Ambassadors, and Steering Committee worked “Together” to support the Clark-Fulton community and create positive change.
Equipo Principal
Equipo Juntos
Este plan es un esfuerzo que surgió gracias a una asociación entre el Equipo Principal, el Equipo Juntos, los Embajadores de la Comunidad y el Comité Directivo. Todos ellos trabajaron “Juntos” para apoyar a la comunidad de Clark-Fulton y crear un cambio positivo.
The Core Team is a collaboration between Metro West Community Development Organization, Office of Ward 14 Councilwoman Jasmin Santana, MetroHealth System, the Cleveland Foundation, and the City of Cleveland. This group was the guiding force of the Master Plan, providing tactical and logistical feedback throughout the process to ensure that the plan is in alignment with the community needs and is positioned to move successfully through the implementation phase. The Core Team will continue to engage with the Master Plan, acting as the champions and leaders through the implementation process. El Equipo Principal es una colaboración entre la organización Metro West Community Development, Office of Ward 14 de la consejal Jasmin Santana, MetroHealth System, Cleveland Foundation, y la Ciudad Cleveland. Este grupo ha sido la fuerza que ha guiado el plan maestro y ha provisto respuestas tácticas y logísticas a lo largo de todo el proceso para asegurar que el plan se adapta a las necesidades de la comunidad. El Equipo Principal continuará comprometiéndose con el plan maestro, actuando como defensores y
Clark-Fulton Together - Final Plan
Steering Committee
Core Team
líderes a través del proceso de implementación.
Ambassador Team
Together Team
Comité Directivo
Core Team Members Councilwoman Jasmin Santana Office of Ward 14
City Council, Ward 14 Councilwoman Santana was elected in November 2017, becoming the first Latina council member in the city’s history. She represents Clark-Fulton, Stockyards and portions of Brooklyn Centre, Tremont and West Boulevard neighborhoods. She serves on four council committees: Health & Human Services; Safety; Transportation and Utilities. She is also council’s representative
La concejala Santana fue elegida en noviembre de 2017, convirtiéndose en la primera concejala latina en la historia de la ciudad. Representa a Clark-Fulton, Stockyards y partes de los vecindarios de Brooklyn Centre, Tremont y West Boulevard. Forma parte de cuatro comités del consejo: Salud y Servicios Humanos, Seguridad, Transporte y Servicios Públicos. También es la representante del consejo en la Junta de Relaciones Comunitarias de la ciudad.
to the city’s Community Relations Board.
Ricardo León Executive Director
Freddy Collier Director
Greg Zucca Director of Economic and Community Transformation
Metro West Community Development Organization Serving Clark-Fulton, Stockyard, and Brooklyn Centre neighborhoods, Metro West’s mission is to revitalize, celebrate the history, and strengthen collaboration, diversity, and redevelopment while also fostering opportunity for residents.
Al servicio de los vecindarios de Clark-Fulton, Stockyard y Brooklyn Centre, la misión de Metro West es revitalizar, celebrar la historia y fortalecer la colaboración, la diversidad y la reurbanización de los vecindarios, al mismo tiempo fomentar las oportunidades para los residentes.
City of Cleveland Planning Department The Cleveland Planning Department prepares plans to guide development and improvement throughout the City of Cleveland and its neighborhoods, like ClarkFulton, by reviewing the use or development of land.
MetroHealth System
The major employment and community anchor in Clark-Fulton and long-standing advocate for addressing health needs of communities across Northeast Ohio. MetroHealth has developed programs and initiatives that speak to its commitment to health equity and improving health outcomes for everyone.
El Departamento de Planiamiento de Cleveland prepara planes para guiar el desarrollo y la mejora en los vencidarios como Clark-Fulton y la Ciudad de Cleveland en general, mediante la revisión del uso o desarrollo del suelo.
MetroHealth System es el mayor ancla de empleo en Clark-Fulton, además de defensor de las necesidades de salud de las comunidades en todo el noreste de Ohio. MetroHealth ha desarrollado programas e iniciativas que hablan de su compromiso con la igualdad sanitaria y la mejora de los resultados sanitarios para todos.
Keisha Gonzalez The Cleveland Foundation Committed to enhancing the lives of
Program Manager, Economic all Cleveland residents, The Cleveland Development & Equity Foundation builds community endowment, Innovation
addresses needs through grantmaking, and provides leadership on key community issues. It supports efforts for equitable economic growth through social impact investing.
Comprometida con la mejora de la vida de todos los residentes de Cleveland, Cleveland Foundation crea fondos comunitarios, aborda las necesidades a través de la concesión de subvenciones y proporciona liderazgo en la comunidad. Apoya esfuerzos para el crecimiento económico equitativo a través de inversiones que tienen un impacto social.
Our Team
Together Team and Community Ambassadors The Together Team members were stakeholders in
Los miembros del Equipo Juntos fueron participantes activos en el
the community and active participants in the planning
proceso de planificación, proporcionando orientación y antecedentes
process, providing crucial guidance and background
cruciales para ayudar a dar forma a la visión, las estrategias y las
to help shape the vision, strategies, and actions of the
acciones del plan maestro.
Master Plan.
Alysha Ellis
Matt Moss
Kristyn Zollos
Office of Ward 14, Liaison
City of Cleveland, City Planner
Metro West, Director of Economic Development & Marketing
Adam Gifford
Sarah O’Keeffe
Irwin Lowenstein
Metro West, Director of Community Engagement
MetroHealth System, Director of Sustainability
Greg Peckham
Tiffany Graham
Joel Wimbiscus
LAND studio, Executive Director
LAND studio, Senior Project Director
LAND studio, Project Manager
Clark-Fulton Together - Final Plan
ReThink Advisors, President
Community Ambassadors This historic partnership would be meaningless without
Esta asociación histórica no tendría sentido si los residentes no
the residents having a consistent and equal voice. The
tuvieran una voz consistente y equitativa. La reurbanización del
redevelopment of the Clark-Fulton neighborhood must
vecindario de Clark-Fulton debe producirse centrándose en un
occur with a focus on a community driven process that will center the voice of residents. The first cohort (Fab Five) of community ambassadors were selected through an open, public process to represent the most active residents and stakeholders in the community. The five ambassadors were critical members of the team, shaping, and guiding the planning process to ensure the voices of the community were heard and represented.
proceso impulsado por la comunidad centrada en la voz de los residentes.
El primer grupo (Fab Five) de embajadores de la comunidad fue seleccionado a través de un proceso abierto y público para representar a los residentes más activos y a las partes interesadas de la comunidad. Los cinco embajadores fueron miembros críticos del equipo dando forma y guiando el proceso de planificación para asegurar que las voces de la comunidad fueran escuchadas y representadas.
Rodney Lewallen ◌ Clark-Fulton / Jones Homes Historic District Resident
Ebonie Joiner
Archwood / Brooklyn Centre Resident
President, Jones Home Neighborhood Association
Ward 14 SEEDS Graduate, Cohort I
CHANGE Inc. Advisory Board Member
Westside Coordinator, Mother2Mother Org
Neighborhood Leadership Development Program, Co-
Director of Ed/Garden Leader, Shalom & Tranquility Garden
Co-Founder/Brooklyn Centre Community Group (Queens of Brooklyn Centre)
Archwood / Brooklyn Centre Resident
Ward 14 SEEDS Graduate, Cohort I
Event Planners / Coordinate
Girl Scout Leader, Troop 71499
Co-Garden Leader, Shalom & Tranquility Garden
Co-Founder/Brooklyn Centre Community Group (Queens of Brooklyn Centre)
hort V Graduate
Rhonda Jones
Stockyard Resident
Student Experience Coordinator, Case Western Reserve University School of Law
Vice President, West 73rd Stockyard Community Coalition
Yomarie Gonzalez ◌ Stockyard Resident ◌
Ward 14 SEEDS Graduate, Cohort I
Community Development Program Assist/Prayer Leader, Building Hope In The City
Baker / Owner / Operator, Mi Sueno Cakes
Julie Miragliotta
Our Team
Steering Committee The Steering Committee is a group of experts who provide general guidelines (technical and experiential) to the Planning Team on the vision, strategies, and implementation of the project. El Comité Directivo es un grupo de expertos que proporciona directrices generales (técnicas y de experiencia) al Equipo de Planificación sobre la visión, las estrategias y la ejecución del proyecto.
Key Stakeholders ◌
Cory Riordan, Executive Director, Tremont West Development Corporation (TWDC)
David Jurca, Principal and Urban Designer, Seventh Hill (part of consultant team for RTA’s W25 TOD Study)
Eunice Cabrera, Community Member
Grace Gallucci, Executive Director, Northeast Ohio Areawide Coordinating Agency (NOACA)
Luis Cartagena, Community Member
Maribeth Feke, Director of Planning, Greater Cleveland Regional Transit Authority (RTA)
Neil Mohney, Community Member
Clark-Fulton Together - Final Plan
Other Partners and Collaborators include: ◌
25 Connects Project Team
Fund for Economic Future
58th Street Church of God
Global Cleveland
American Agricultural Association
Global Health Metrics
Greater Cleveland Regional Transit Authority
Arts Cleveland
Greater Collinwood Development Corporation
Art from my Heart LTD
Habitat for Humanity
Big Creek Connects
Healthy Neighborhood Committee
Bike Cleveland
Hebrew Free Loan Association
Boys and Girls Club
Hispanic American Committee
Building Hope in the City
Hispanic Business Center + Northeast Ohio
Burten, Bell, Carr Development, Inc
Canalway Partners
Iglesia Nueva Vida
Center for Community Solutions
Journey Church
City Life Center
Julia de Burgos Cultural Art Center
Cleveland Bricks
Jumpstart Inc.
Cleveland Hope Exchange
Legacy City Church
Cleveland Housing Network
Levin Group
Cleveland Metroparks
MidTown Development
Cleveland Metropolitan School District
Northeast Ohio Areawide Coordinating Agency
Cleveland Museum of Art
Northeast Ohio Regional Sewer District
Cleveland Neighborhood Progress
Northwest Neighborhoods CDC
Cleveland Owns
NRP Group
Cleveland Public Library
Nueva Vida
Cleveland Public Theatre
Ohio City Inc
Cleveland Roots
Old Brooklyn Community Development Corporation
Cleveland Urban Design Collaborative
Prince of Peace Ministry
Clevelanders for Public Transit
Refugee Response
Cuyahoga Community College
Rustbelt Riders
Cuyahoga County Sustainability
Scranton Road Ministries
Cuyahoga Land Bank
Slavic Village Development
Cuyahoga Metropolitan Housing Authority
The Community Builders
Digital C
The Gund Foundation
Digital Inclusion
The Hildebrandt Building
Drama-Free Ministry
Towards Employment
Economic + Community Development Institute
Tremont West Development Corporation
Eden Permanent Supportive Housing
Environmental Health Watch
Trust for Public Land
Envision Cleveland / Mount Cavalry
Turner Construction
University Hospitals
Family Ministry Center
Western Reserve Land Conservancy + Thriving
Foran Group Development LLC
Front Steps Housing and Services
Chamber of Commerce
Communities Institute
Our Team
Executive Summary ........................ 14
Introduction..................................... 46
+ The Assignment
+ People
+ Purpose of the Plan Vision Statement Guiding Principles
Forward Moves
These principles guide the master plan. They are the umbrella under which frameworks and specific vision will be developed. These principles are intended to remain constant, providing a base line for new frameworks to be developed and the master plan to evolve to meet changing conditions as time goes on.
Key actions and opportunities for the Core Team and Community to execute the plan. The actions will be organized by policy and regulations, organizational and administrative, and physical improvements.
Strengthen COMMUNITY PLACES and create unique destinations for residents, local business, and newcomers
• 02
Preserve and create HOUSING
• 03
Build Wealth through Equitable
opportunities without displacement Economic Empowerment
• 04
Cultivate Vibrant and Mixed Community Corridors
• 05
Promote an Inclusive and Connected
06 •
Safe and Complete Neighborhood
Public Realm Street Network
• 07
Advance Smart and Sustainable Neighborhood Infrastructure
Implementation The plan will identify three levels of actions and improvements:
Metrics Metrics are quantitative and qualitative measurements against the Forward Moves.
Large scale projects and actions that will help move the directions of the community
• Social Determinants of Health
• Health (asthma,
Substantial efforts that could have major impacts in the community Can be implemented in a phased approach with additional funding and partners
diabetes, led poison) • Food Access • Development (Residential +
Extend existing efforts
Prepare for progressive and transformational work
• Number of Business
Short-term with low-cost and minimal coordination
• Etc....
• Internet speed
+ Social Determinants of Health + EcoDistrict Protocol + Neighborhood Transformation Initiatives
+ Planning & Engagement Process + Plan Framework + Plan Definitions
Planning Process & Community Engagement ..................................... 66 + Planning Process & Phases
Página Web The project website was created to promote
El sitio web del proyecto se creó para promover la transparencia,
transparency, information sharing, and a place to
el intercambio de información y un lugar para hacer aportaciones.
provide input. Online engagement tools included idea walls, surveys, community mapping, budgeting tools, among many others. The website was a virtual homebase, hosting general project information, including: ◌
Team + Process
Study Area
Project Press + News
Community Meeting Recordings
Community Meeting Presentations
Community Mapping
Community Surveys
Previous Plans + Current Initiatives
Send Us a Message!
Sign-up for Updates
Las herramientas de participación en línea incluían un mural de ideas, encuestas, herramientas de mapeo comunitario y herramientas presupuestarias entre otras. El sitio web era una base virtual que albergaba información general sobre el proyecto, entre otras cosas: ◌
El equipo y el proceso
El área de estudio
Los embajadores
Preguntas frecuentes
Prensa y noticias del proyecto
Grabaciones de la reunión con la comunidad
Presentaciones de las reuniones con la comunidad
Mapeo comunitario
Planes pasados e iniciativas actuales
¡Envíenos un mensaje!
Inscríbase para recibir actualizaciones
+ Timeline + Goals
+ Engagement Tools + Phase 1: Launch + Phase 2: Ideas & Actions + Phase 3: Plan Commencement
+ Migration history
+ Place PLACE
+ Development history
05. Body Text. Harciatat ped molor si dolent endunt modictest et fugiation nestis id ut quam dolum id eos et qui ut qui ut iducitatur, que eius aut mi, am, Harciatat ped molor si dolent endunt modictest et fugiation nestis id ut quam dolum id eos et qui ut qui ut iducitatur, que eius aut mi, am, 05. Body Text. Harciatat ped molor si dolent endunt modictest et fugiation nestis id ut quam dolum id eos et qui ut qui ut iducitatur, que eius aut mi, am, Harciatat ped molor si dolent endunt modictest et fugiation nestis id ut quam dolum id eos et qui ut qui ut iducitatur, que eius aut mi, am,
+ Historic District & Block Clubs + Community Character
Creation of a Peninsula: 1950 - 2000 Creation of a Peninsula: 1950 - 2000
+ Investment & Initiatives 1953 ◌
what changed?
Clark-Fulton was part
of the Connecticut Western Reserve
Like much of the west side,
Clark-Fulton was originally part Later in the 1800s, Clark-Fulton
Like much of the west side,
Clark-Fulton was originally part
Like much of the west side, Clark-Fulton was originally part
of Brooklyn Township ◌
+ Planning Context
Clark-Fulton was part
of the Connecticut Western Reserve
of Brooklyn Township ◌
Clark-Fulton was part
of the Connecticut Western Reserve
of Brooklyn Township
Later in the 1800s, Clark-Fulton
Later in the 1800s, Clark-Fulton
was annexed as part of the City
was annexed as part of the City
was annexed as part of the City
of Cleveland
of Cleveland
of Cleveland
4 Clark-Fulton Today....................... 116 + Population + Development & Regulation HOUSING 05. Body Text. Harciatat ped molor si dolent endunt modictest et fugiation nestis id ut quam dolum id eos et qui ut qui ut iducitatur, que eius aut mi, am, Harciatat ped molor si dolent endunt modictest et fugiation nestis id ut quam dolum id eos et qui ut qui ut iducitatur, 05. Body Text. Harciatat ped molor si dolent endunt modictest et fugiation nestis id ut quam dolum id eos et qui ut qui ut iducitatur, que eius aut mi, am, Harciatat ped molor si dolent endunt modictest et fugiation nestis id ut quam dolum id eos et qui ut qui ut iducitatur, que eius aut mi, am,
Affordable Housing Stock Affordable Housing Stock
Strong Local Capacity Strong Local Capacity
Desirable Historic Character
Preocupaciones Housing Cost Burden Housing Cost Burden
Vacant Lots and Buildings Vacant Lots and Buildings
Difficulty with Maintenance & Rehab
Desirable Historic Character
Difficulty with Maintenance & Rehab
Anchors Attract Investment
Bad Actors in Real Estate
Anchors Attract Investment
Bad Actors in Real Estate
+ Housing + Corridors & Local Business + Jobs & Workforce + Health, Safety, & Well-Being + Mobility & Connectivity + Open & Recreational Spaces + Institutions & Organizations + Technology
Clark-Fulton Together - Final Plan
Vision, Guiding Principles & Forward Moves ......204 + Vision + Guiding Principles + Forward Moves
+ F1: Community Placemaking
Preserve and create housing opportunities without displacement.
+ F2: Healing, Health & Inclusivity
Preservar y crear oportunidades de vivienda sin desplazamientos. Preserve, enhance, and develop affordable, mixed
Preservar, mejorar y desarrollar opciones de viviendas asequibles
housing options to keep Clark-Fulton affordable and
y mixtas para que Clark-Fulton siga siendo asequible y diverso y,
diverse while also providing the resources and support
al mismo tiempo, proporcionar los recursos y el apoyo necesarios a los propietarios de viviendas existentes para que se encarguen
needed to existing homeowners to take on renovation
de renovarlas y mejorarlas.
and home improvements.
Preserve Housing Stock to remain safe, livable, and efficient for residents.
+ F3: Housing + F4: Community Prosperity
Create new housing opportunities
+ F5: Corridors + F6: Public Realm + F7: Mobility + F8: Digital & Resilient Community Housing Strategy in Clark-Fulton
6 Master & Regulatory Plan & Catalyst Sites.......... 364 + Master Plan + Regulatory Framework
Fulton Gateway es un lugar emblemático y acogedor, con un espacio abierto central que refleja la vitalidad del vecindario, rodeado de tiendas y viviendas locales.
Fulton Gateway is an iconic, welcoming place, with a central open space that reflects the vibrancy of the neighborhood surrounded by local stores and homes.
th 44 W
S2Re-design intersection
to improve traffic and provide safe bicycle and pedestrian movement and crossing
+ Catalyst Sites + Makers & Artists Avenue + Neighborhood Center + Life and Entertainment Center + Fulton Gateway
Create new Central Gateway Open Space
41s tS t
lt Fu
+ MetroHealth Park
Ave Police Station
Fulton Branch Library
Improve pedestrian and bicycle connectivity, and streetscape improvements from Fulton Rd and Bush Ave. intersection to the entrance of the Cleveland Metroparks Zoo.
Implementation .......................... 412
8 Appendix ....................................... 432 + Glossary
+ Implementation Levels
Ampliar el esfuerzo existente, preparar para trabajo
progressive and transformational work,
progresivo y de transformación a corto plazo con
short-term with low-cost and minimal
bajo coste y mínima coordinación.
Built Environment
City of Cleveland, Metro West
Transformational Medium (510 years)
Policy + Built Environment
Metro West
Short (3-5 years)
Cleveland Restoration Society
City of Cleveland, Metro West
Short (3-5 years)
Investors, Cleveland Foundation, MixedIncome Neighborhood Trust (MINT)
Metro West, Ward 14 Office
Now (0-3 years)
Former Ambassadors
Metro West, Ward 14 Office
Short (3-5 years)
Former and new Ambassadors
Metro West, Ward 14 Office Metro West, Ward 14 Office
Now (0-3 years) Short (3-5 years)
Religious Groups/ Organizations MetroHealth Institute for H.O.P.E., City of Cleveland Office of Minority Health, Healthy Neighborhoods Committee, Environmental Health Watch, Cleveland Owns, Global Health Metrics, Cleveland Clinic, University Hospitals
+ Type of Action + Place + Policy + Organizational + Funding
etapas con financiación y socios adicionales.
Extend existing effort, prepare for
implemented in a phased approach with additional funding and partners.
+ Survey Results
+ Transformative
Esfuerzos sustanciales que podrían tener un gran impacto en la comunidad. Pueden aplicarse por
Proyectos y acciones de gran envergadura que ayudan a la direccionalidad de la comunidad.
the community.
+ Focus Groups Memo
Residents' Survey - English
10. How would you rate each of the following aspects of this community?
that will help move the directions of Substantial efforts that could have major impacts in the community. Can be
Large scale projects and actions
+ Progressive
+ Data Memo
Very Good
Very Poor
Overall character and image of the neighborhood
Physical conditions of homes in the community
Physical conditions of business and storefronts
Physical conditions of streetscape (sidewalks, streets trees, lighting, banners, benches)
Physical conditions of parks and recreational facilities
Safety in the community
Friendliness of neighborhoods in the community
Civic engagement
Local Organizations/Institutions
Distribution of resources (jobs,health,loans/capital)
Levels of social capital, trust, and racial equity
+ Timeframe + Partners
+ Resources
Our Team
outside dollars, we developed a workforce development plan and a social enterprise plan that taps the community’s own human capital – a resilient and diverse community that is disproportionately entrepreneurial. Instead of relying on old models of housing and retail demand, we developed housing strategies and commercial corridor plans that challenged the status quo.
01 Executive Summary Cleveland’s Clark-Fulton Neighborhood is at the cusp of transformation. This neighborhood Master Plan is the community’s living document to shape this transformation over the next decade – starting now in an unprecedented time of opportunity and consequence. This is the first ever comprehensive neighborhood plan in the City of Cleveland. This is a community-driven and aspirational plan – meaning certain ideas and concepts proposed may require further studies, due diligence, and engagement. Instead of top-down neighborhood revitalization, local partners crafted grassroots strategies that are both actionable and culturally tuned. Instead of relying solely on
01 16
Clark-Fulton Together - Final Plan
The Clark-Fulton Master Plan was developed through an 18-month process of partnerships, informed by community voices. We hosted over 50 meetings and events, in-person and virtually, totaling 850+ community touch points and hundreds of social media views. We empowered 5 community ambassadors. We engaged residents innovatively and safely in an uncommon time of constraints – including post cards, bike rides, scooter tours, surveys and scavenger hunts. Simultaneously we met resident needs empathetically with care packages to ease the pain of the pandemic. 5 Guiding Principles, 8 Forward Moves, and 14 Catalyst Sites frame this plan. Together we will transform Clark-Fulton without losing its character and long-time residents. Together, we will invest in Clark-Fulton and yield return on investment back to its residents. Together, we will heal body, mind and relationships. Together, we will make our streets and parks safer so that our children can thrive. Ultimately the story of the Clark-Fulton neighborhood is an archetypal chapter in the American Dream saga – Americans, new and old, enduring hardships together and choosing to invest in their community to better the lives of future generations.
El vecindario Clark-Fulton en Cleveland está en la cúspide de su transformación. Este Plan Maestro del vecindario es la prueba documental de la comunidad para dar forma a esta transformación durante la próxima década, comenzando en un momento de importancia y oportunidades sin precedentes. Se trata del primer plan integral a nivel del vecindario de la ciudad de Cleveland. Se trata de un plan aspiracional impulsado por la comunidad, lo que significa que ciertas ideas y conceptos propuestos pueden requerir más estudios, compromiso y la debida diligencia. En lugar de una revitalización total del vecindario, los socios locales han elaborado estrategias base que son factibles y culturalmente adecuadas. En lugar de depender únicamente de moneda externa elaboramos un plan de desarrollo para la población activa y un plan de empresa social que aprovecha el propio capital humano de la comunidad: una comunidad resiliente y diversa que es desproporcionadamente emprendedora. En lugar de confiar en los viejos modelos de demanda de vivienda y comercio, desarrollamos estrategias de vivienda y planes de corredores comerciales que desafian el status quo. El Plan Maestro de Clark-Fulton se desarrolló a través de un proceso de 18 meses de duración que contó con diversas asociaciones y está fundamentado por las voces de la comunidad. Organizamos más de 50 reuniones y eventos tanto presenciales como virtuales, con un total de más de 850 puntos de contacto con la comunidad y cientos de visitas a las redes sociales. Empoderamos a 5 embajadores de la comunidad. Hemos involucrado a los residentes de forma innovadora y segura en un momento poco común, de restricciones, con herramientas que incluyen tarjetas postales, paseos en bicicleta, recorridos en scooter, encuestas y búsquedas del tesoro. Al mismo tiempo, atendimos con empatía las necesidades de los residentes con paquetes de asistencia para aliviar la aflicción de la pandemia. 5 principios rectores, 8 movimientos de avance y 14 sitios catalizadores enmarcan este plan. Juntos transformaremos Clark-Fulton sin perder su carácter y a los residentes de toda la vida. Juntos, invertiremos en Clark-Fulton y devolveremos la inversión a sus residentes. Juntos, sanaremos el cuerpo, la mente y las relaciones. Juntos, haremos que nuestras calles y parques sean más seguros para que nuestros niños puedan prosperar. En definitiva, la historia del vecindario de Clark-Fulton es un capítulo arquetípico de la saga del Sueño Americano: estadounidenses, nuevos y viejos, que resisten juntos las dificultades y deciden invertir en su comunidad para mejorar
Open House @ Phunkenship
la vida de las generaciones futuras.
Executive Summary
OUR ASSIGNMENT A community-driven master planning vision for Clark-Fulton, a neighborhood on the near west side of Cleveland. A vision that will help transform Clark-Fulton into a healthier, equitable, and sustainable community. This plan will serve as a guiding document for the future of the neighborhood. Una visión de planificación maestra impulsada por la comunidad para Clark-Fulton, un vecindario en el lado oeste de Cleveland. Una visión que ayudará a transformar Clark-Fulton en una comunidad más sana, equitativa y sostenible. Este plan servirá como documento guía para el futuro del vecindario.
What is a Master Plan? A master plan is a comprehensive framework and roadmap to envision and guide the future growth of a neighborhood or area. This plan is a guiding document and action plan, with an implementable vision, definitive
Un plan maestro es una guía global y una hoja de ruta para prever y guiar el futuro crecimiento de un vecindario o una zona. Este plan es un documento guía y un plan de acción con una visión implementable, herramientas de referencia definitivas y un libro de jugadas para el desarrollo. Se trata del primer plan integral a
reference tools, and playbook for development. This
nivel del vecindario de la ciudad de Cleveland. Se trata de un plan
is the first ever comprehensive neighborhood plan in
aspiracional impulsado por la comunidad, lo que significa que
the City of Cleveland. This is a community-driven and
ciertas ideas y conceptos propuestos pueden requerir más estudios,
aspirational plan, certain ideas and concepts proposed
compromiso y la debida diligencia.
may require further studies, due diligence, and engagement. This Master Plan was built from the ground up, with a focus on a community-driven process that centered the voice of residents. The vision, strategies, and implementation in this plan were created with core team, stakeholder, and community input throughout the entire process to ensure that the voice of the community was heard and incorporated into every aspect of the plan.
¿Qué es un Plan Maestro?
Clark-Fulton Together - Final Plan
Este Plan Maestro se construyó desde la base, con el enfoque en un proceso impulsado por la comunidad que se centró la voz de los residentes. La visión, las estrategias y la aplicación de este plan se crearon con el equipo principal, las partes interesadas y las aportaciones de la comunidad a lo largo de todo el proceso para garantizar que se escuchara la voz de la comunidad y se incorporara a todos los aspectos del plan.
DOWNTOWN 2.5 miles away Ward 14 Boundary
Clark-Fulton Neighborhood
Tremont Neighborhood
d ar W 14
STOCKYARDS Jones Home Historic District
Scranton South Side Historic District 1 I-7 MetroHealth Main Campus
TREMONT est nt W
mo Tre
tro Me st We
Rt. 176
Tremont West Service Area
Study Area
ea e Ar
vic Ser
ea Ar
Metro West Service Area
Figure 1
Clark-Fulton in the region
Study Area
Position in the Region + City
The study area is bound by I-71 to the east and south,
Located on the west side, the Clark-Fulton Study Area
I-90 to the north, and West 44th to the west, including the MetroHealth System’s Main Campus in the lower southeast. For the purposes of this plan, we will refer to the Clark-Fulton Study Area as Clark-Fulton or Study Area. Please note that the Clark-Fulton Study Area Boundary is not the same as the official neighborhood,
is positioned between three major highways. The majority of the study area falls within the service area for Metro West Community Development Organization. However, a portion west of W 25th Street and north of MetroHealth falls within the service area for Tremont West Development Corporation. The Study Area is within the
ward, or CDC service area boundaries.
Ward 14 Boundary, and includes the MetroHealth Main
El área de estudio está limitada por I-71 al este y al sur, I-90 al
South Side Historic District.
norte y West 44th al oeste, incluyendo MetroHealth System’s Main
Campus, Jones Home Historic District, and the Scranton
Campus en la parte baja del sureste. A efectos de este plan, nos
Situada en el lado oeste de la ciudad, el Área de Estudio de
referiremos al Área de Estudio de Clark-Fulton como Clark-Fulton
Clark-Fulton se encuentra situada entre tres grandes autopistas.
o Área de Estudio. Tenga en cuenta que el límite del Área de
La mayor parte del Área de Estudio se encuentra dentro del área
Estudio de Clark-Fulton no es el mismo que los límites oficiales del
de servicio de Metro West Community Development Organization.
vecindario, el distrito o el área de servicio del CDC.
Sin embargo, una parte al oeste de W 25th Street y al norte de MetroHealth se encuentra dentro del área de servicio de Tremont West Development Corporation. El Área de Estudio se encuentra dentro del límite de Ward 14 e incluye MetroHealth Main Campus, Jones Home Historic District y Scranton South Side Historic District.
Executive Summary
OUR NEIGHBORHOOD VISI FULTON WEST A vibrant residential neighborhood that has the access to Fulton Rd shops, and serves as a link and connection to the Stockyards community.
GREENWAYS These streets have bike lanes and sidewalks that make it easy and safe to get around the neighborhood. Greenways will connect to the regional trail system
St. Mary’s Cemetery
Trent Park
FULTON ROAD A place for small, local, mom & pop shops
St st 41
n Fulto
Clark-Fulton Together - Final Plan
t Av e
City Life Center
Fulton Branch Library
FULTON GATEWAY ¡Bienvenidos! A strong welcome to the neighborhood, showing the local character and pride through branding, wayfinding and local shops
Sto rer Av e
St th
Tre nt
Av e
Tro w
ION NEIGHBORHOOD CENTER A neighborhood center for residents to gather, play, celebrate, and entertain
CLARK & WALTON AVE A place to teach, produce, and create! Preserve the semi-industrial heritage, businesses and encourage more business and activity
Roberto Clemente Park
Walton Elementary School
rk A ve
I-90 Wa lto
n Av e
Luis Munoz Marin School yer
Buhler Dual Language Meyer Pool W
rer Ave
t hS
d nR
eA ve
an cr
I-7 Va le
MetroHealth Campus
Av e
W 25TH ST A mixed-use destination for health and entertainment. Extend the reach of MetroHealth and leverage the accessibility the BRT line will bring.
METROHEALTH PARK A new neighborhood park and destination for the community
Executive Summary
POPULATION Clark-Fulton is home to about 2% of Cleveland’s overall population, and has a large Hispanic community representing nearly half of the Study Area’s total population (46%). Despite the overall decline in population, there has been an influx of foreign-born residents in the area. Median income, employment rates, and educational attainment of residents is low. However, there has been a rise in labor force participation in the last 5 years.
Clark-Fulton alberga alrededor del 2% de la población total de Cleveland y cuenta con una gran comunidad hispana que representa casi la mitad de la población total del Área de Estudio (46%). Ha habido una afluencia de residentes nacidos en el extranjero en la zona a pesar del descenso general de la población. El promedio de ingresos, las tasas de empleo y el nivel educativo de los residentes son bajos. Sin embargo, se ha producido un aumento de la participación en la población activa en los últimos 5 años.
12,801 residents Over the last five years, the area has seen an influx of non-Hispanic white residents, and exodus of non-Hispanic Black residents. 3% 10%
47% Legend
◌ ◌ ◌ ◌ ◌
Hispanic White, non-Hispanic Black, non-Hispanic Asian, non-Hispanic Other
Source: 2018 ACS for Clark-Fulton Study Area
Clark-Fulton Together - Final Plan
median family income
of residents live in poverty
non-family households
married couples without children
69% of residents 25 yr+ have no college education
All Photos Source: Nathan Migal Photography
Executive Summary 23
PURPOSE OF THE PLAN This Master Plan is a comprehensive and inclusive
Este Plan Maestro es un documento completo e inclusivo
document that incorporates the ideas, actions,
que incorpora las ideas, las acciones y la visión de los
and vision of the community members. It provides
miembros de la comunidad. Proporciona una visión
a cohesive, holistic, and implementable vision for the community that upholds the Guiding Principles of Equity + Wellbeing, Togetherness, Inclusive + Connected, Identity + Expression, and Resilient + Sustainable. Implementing what we heard from the residents and stakeholders of Clark- Fulton, this plan places the interests, energies, and commitments of the community members at the center to provide definitive
cohesiva, holística y aplicable para la comunidad que mantiene los principios rectores de Equidad + Bienestar, Unión, Inclusión + Conexión, Identidad + Expresión y Resiliencia + Sostenibilidad. Poniendo en práctica lo que escuchamos a los residentes y las partes interesadas de Clark-Fulton, este plan coloca los intereses, las energías y los compromisos de los miembros de la comunidad en el centro para proporcionar herramientas de referencia definitivas y un libro de tácticas para que la comunidad avance durante los próximos 10 años.
reference tools and a playbook for the community to move forward with for the next 10 years.
The time is now! Clark-Fulton has revealed its solidarity, strength, and opportunity through a global pandemic by sticking Together. ¡El momento es ahora! Clark-Fulton ha mostrado su solidaridad, fuerza y oportunidad durante una pandemia global al mantenerse Juntos.
Clark-Fulton Together - Final Plan
This plan came at a special time for Clark-Fulton—ripe with opportunity and rich in momentum, with a period of struggle and reinvention. Clark-Fulton is in the midst of a surge of ongoing and planned investments and is benefiting from a broad coalition of visionary community leaders working Together to support their community and create positive change. With this convergence of hardship, cooperation, and investment, this Master Plan came at a critical juncture. This plan prioritizes and guides on-going and future investments towards a collective impact that holistically addresses community needs and aspirations. Este plan llegó en un momento muy especial para Clark-Fulton, lleno de oportunidades y abundante en impulso pero también en un momento de lucha y reinvención. Clark-Fulton se encuentra en medio de una oleada de inversiones, tanto en curso como planificadas, y se beneficia de una amplia coalición de líderes comunitarios visionarios que trabajan Juntos para apoyar a su comunidad y crear un cambio positivo. En esta convergencia de dificultades, cooperación e inversión, el Plan Maestro surgió en un momento crítico. Este plan prioriza y ayudará a guiar las inversiones actuales y futuras para un impacto colectivo que aborde las necesidades y aspiraciones de la comunidad de una forma holística.
The plan integrates and aligns the implementation of key ongoing and planned investment initiatives focused on ClarkFulton. These investments and initiatives include: Este plan integra y alínea la implementación de inversiones presentes y futuras que son clave y se enfocan en Clark-Fulton. Estas incluyen:
Mayor Frank Jackson’s Neighborhood Transformation Initiative
MetroHealth’s Campus Transformation and Initiatives The campus
MetroHealth Line Transit Oriented Development Planning Project
FHAct50 Funding for Affordable Housing
funds for affordable
Through the State of Ohio, FHAct50 offers federal
Clark-Fulton is
redevelopment and
Thoughtful development
designated as one of four
adjacent W 25th Street
opportunities that
housing to create a more
neighborhoods to receive
Development which
leverage the Bus Rapid
diverse and accessible
funding for revitalization
includes housing, retail,
Transit investment that
and commercial space.
RTA is making along the W
Clark-Fulton es uno de los
La reurbanización del campus
cuatro barrios que recibirán
25th St corridor.
A través del estado de Ohio,
y W 25th Street Development,
Oportunidades de desarrollo
viviendas asequibles con el fin
financiación para sus esfuerzos
que incluye viviendas, tiendas y
consideradas que aprovechen
de crear una comunidad más
de revitalización.
espacios comerciales.
la inversión en el tránsito
diversa y accesible.
ofrece fondos federales para
rápido de autobuses que RTA está realizando a lo largo del corredor de W 25th St.
Executive Summary 25
In addition to aligning with ongoing plans and investment initiatives, the Clark-Fulton Neighborhood Master Plan strives to fulfill the Social Determinants of Health and align with the EcoDistricts Protocol. Además de alinearse con los planes e iniciativas de inversión que están en curso, el Plan Maestro del Vecindario de Clark-Fulton se esfuerza por cumplir los Determinantes Sociales de la Salud y alinearse con el Protocolo de EcoDistritos.
Social integration Discrimination Support Systems Capacity Building Community Engagement Segregation Food Insecurity Affordability Healthy Nutritious Food Programs Support Healthy Eating Patterns
Community and Social Contact
Food Quality and Stability
Early Child Education and Development English Literacy After School Programs Trade and Skill Training Digital Divide
Access to Quality Health Care
Access to Health Care Access to Primary Care Health Literacy
Economic Stability
Neighborhood and Physical Environment
Poverty Entrepreneurship Job Opportunity Housing Instability Economic Development
Quality and Safe Housing Served by Diverse Modes of Transportation Reliable Transportation Rich Public Realm and Recreational Spaces Safety Walkability Support Mix of Uses Vibrant Commercial Corridors Embrace Community Expression and Culture
Social Determinants of Health The Social Determinants of Health (SDOH) are the
Los Determinantes Sociales de la Salud (DSS) son las condiciones
economic, environmental, and social conditions that
económicas, ambientales y sociales que influyen en el 80% de
influence 80% of our well-being. They are conditions in
nuestro bienestar. Son condiciones en las que las personas nacen,
which people are born, grow, live, work, and age.
crecen, viven, trabajan y envejecen.
This Master Plan strives to achieve community
Este Plan Maestro se esfuerza por lograr el desarrollo de la
development through the lenses of the Social Determinants of Health. Clark-Fulton Together focuses primarily on Community and Social Contact, Economic Stability, and Neighborhood and Physical Environment. However, Food Quality and Stability and Education are important factors that this plan, and the Core Team, acknowledges and addresses through the actions and implementation.
Clark-Fulton Together - Final Plan
comunidad a través de las lentes de los Determinantes Sociales de la Salud. Clark-Fulton Together se centra principalmente en la Comunidad y el Contacto Social, la Estabilidad Económica y el Entorno Vecinal y Físico. Sin embargo, la Calidad y Estabilidad Alimentaria y la Educación son factores importantes que este plan y el Equipo Principal reconoce y aborda a través de las acciones y la implementación.
What is the EcoDistrict Protocol?
En Clark-Fulton, el Protocolo de EcoDistricts es un método para
EcoDistricts is a growing movement of thousands of
planificación e implementación para guiar las iniciativas en curso y
urban and community development leaders across North
planificadas de manera que se garantice un cambio social positivo y
America, and worldwide, who are making neighborhoodscale commitments to equity, resilience, and climate protection. The EcoDistricts Protocol, a rigorous urban development framework and certification standard, was created to foster a new model of urban regeneration,
abordar los Determinantes Sociales de la Salud y un marco de
un desarrollo económico equitativo. Medirá el progreso local contra los imperativos y prioridades del Protocolo. Una vez certificado, Clark-Fulton será el primer EcoDistrict anclado por un hospital que estará certificado en todo el mundo.
one that puts people at the center.
How does it relate to the Master Plan?
In Clark-Fulton, the EcoDistrict Protocol is a method
This Master Plan, jointly with the EcoDistricts Roadmap,
to address the Social Determinants of Health, and as a planning and implementation framework to guide the ongoing and planned initiatives in a way that ensures positive social change and equitable economic development. It will measure local progress against the Protocol’s imperatives and priorities. Once certified, Clark-Fulton will be the first hospital-anchored, certified EcoDistrict in the world. EcoDistritos son un movimiento creciente de miles de líderes del desarrollo urbano y comunitario en toda América del Norte y en todo el mundo, que se comprometen a escala de vecindario con la equidad, la resiliencia y la protección del clima. El Protocolo de EcoDistricts, un riguroso marco de desarrollo urbano y una normativa de certificación, se creó para fomentar un nuevo modelo
will serve as our comprehensive “playbook” for all neighborhood initiatives. Taken together, these plans are establishing the context, describing baseline conditions, establishing performance indicators, and setting ambitious performance targets while devising the implementation strategies to achieve our targets by the horizon year. Este plan maestro, junto con la hoja de ruta de EcoDistricts, servirá como nuestro libro de jugadas para todas las iniciativas del vecindario. En conjunto, estos planes establecen el contexto, describen las condiciones de referencia, establecen indicadores de rendimiento y fijan ambiciosos objetivos de rendimiento, al la vez que conciben las estrategias de aplicación para alcanzar nuestros objetivos en el año horizonte.zz
de regeneración urbana que pone a las personas en el centro.
Executive Summary 27
PLANNING AND ENGAGEMENT PROCESS As a community-driven neighborhood Master
Al tratarse de un Plan Maestro de vecindario impulsado
Plan, the planning process was centered around
por la comunidad, el proceso de planificación se centró en
community voices. In order to adjust to the
las voces de la comunidad. Para ajustarse a la pandemia mundial sin precedentes de COVID-19, hubo que emplear
unprecedented COVID-19 global pandemic, alternative outreach and engagement activities and tools had to be employed to ensure all community voices were heard and were informed about the Master Plan throughout the process. A mix of online tools, virtual and in-person meetings, open houses and activities were used to get the word out and gather feedback. (See Chapter 3 for more detail about the various
actividades y herramientas alternativas de divulgación y participación para garantizar que todas las voces de la comunidad fueran escuchadas y estuvieran informadas sobre el Plan Maestro a lo largo de todo el proceso. Se utilizó una combinación de herramientas en línea, reuniones virtuales y presenciales, jornadas de puertas abiertas y actividades para dar a conocer el plan y recabar opiniones. (Véase el Capítulo 3 para más detalles sobre las distintas actividades y herramientas).
activities and tools).
Plan Timeline The Clark-Fulton Master Plan was developed through an 18-month process of partnerships, informed by community voices. El Plan Maestro de Clark-Fulton se desarrolló a través de un proceso de 18 meses de duración que incluyó asociaciones y fue por las voces de la comunidad.
INVENTORY & ASSESSMENT Le a r n i n g A b o u t N eighb orhood N e e d s & O p p ort unit ies January - September 2020
Exploring & Draf ting t he Ne ig hborhood Vision October 2020 - May 2021
Validating the Ne ig hborh ood V ision & Plan Adoption March - October 2021
S E P T E M B E R 2 02 1
M AY 2 02 1
Focus Groups Takeaway Memo
J U LY- O C TO B ER 2 02 1
Draft Plan #1
Draft Plan #2
Data Memo
Final Plan
Community Assessment Presentation Neighborhood Engagement
Neighborhood Engagement
Vision, Guiding Principles Forward Move and Actions
Existing Conditions Analysis (Mapping & Inventory) Data Collection & Analysis
Catalysts Sites
Assets, Concerns, Initial Opportunities
ENGAGEMENT GOALS Assets, Concerns & Initial Opportunities
J U N E 2 02 0
City Planning Commission
ENGAGEMENT GOALS Visioning, Ideas & Actions
Ideas & Actions N O V E M B E R 2 02 0
Clark-Fulton Together - Final Plan
ENGAGEMENT GOALS Draft Plan Validation
Commencement J U N E 2 02 1
O C TO B E R 2 02 1
Master Plan Phases The Master Plan was developed through a collaborative planning process divided into three flexible and overlapping phases. These phases allowed room for community input at every stage to ensure the plan is thorough, actionable, and supported by the community. El Master Plan se elaboró mediante un proceso de planificación colaborativo dividido en tres fases flexibles y superpuestas. Estas fases dieron cabida a las aportaciones de la comunidad en cada una de ellas para garantizar que el plan sea exhaustivo, viable y cuente con el apoyo de la comunidad.
PHASE 1: Inventory + Assessment Learned about the neighborhood needs
Se conocieron las necesidades y oportunidades
and opportunities by listening and
del barrio, escuchando y aprendiendo a través de
learning from community members. The
los ojos de la comunidad. Los objetivos de esta
goals of this phase sought to validate the data, learn about the assets, concerns,
fase eran validar los datos, conocer los valores, las preocupaciones y las oportunidades iniciales.
and initial opportunities.
PHASE 2: Plan Development Explored issues, opportunities, and initial
Se exploraron los problemas, las oportunidades
design ideas in a multi-day Ideas + Action
y las ideas iniciales de diseño en la Semana de
Week through a series of interactive,
Ideas y Acciones, de varios días de duración,
“hands-on” engagement activities. The goal was to validate Phase 1 findings and work towards creating a Vision, Ideas, and Actions.
mediante una serie de actividades de participación interactivas y prácticas. El objetivo era validar las conclusiones de la Fase 1 y trabajar para crear una Visión, Ideas y Acciones.
PHASE 3: Final Plan Final phase included working with
La fase final incluyó el trabajo con la comunidad
the community to validate the
para validar las recomendaciones e ideas del
recommendations and ideas in the
Borrador del Plan. Recoger y sintetizar todos
Draft Plan. Gathered and synthesized all comments, responses, and feedback from the community to produce a Final Plan to
los comentarios, respuestas y opiniones de la comunidad para elaborar un Plan Final que guíe el futuro de Clark-Fulton.
guide the future of Clark-Fulton.
Executive Summary 29
PHASE 1: LAUNCH May-June 2020
5 Events and
Phase 1 laid the foundation for a collaborative and inclusive planning process, with
+ 300
needs and opportunities. The goals of this phase were to validate the data, learn about
engagement in both English and Spanish. The project team learned about the neighborhood’s the assets, concerns, and identify the initial opportunities. Phase 1 meetings and activities included: ◌ ◌ ◌ ◌
A Virtual Community Launch Meeting (English and Spanish) 14 Focus Groups Meetings A Virtual Community Mapping Activity Polls
Residents, Business Owners and Employee Surveys
La Fase 1 sentó las bases de un proceso de planificación colaborativo e inclusivo, siendo la participación tanto en inglés como en español. El equipo de proyecto conoció las necesidades y oportunidades del barrio. Los objetivos de esta fase eran validar los datos, conocer los recursos, las preocupaciones e identificar las oportunidades iniciales. Las actividades y reuniones de las Fase 1 incluyeron:
◌ ◌ ◌ ◌ ◌
Reunión Virtual con la Comunidad de Lanzamiento del Proyecto (Inglés y Español) Reuniones de Grupos de Debate Mapeo Comunitario Encuestas Preguntas Cortas
Virtual Project Launch Meeting - Welcome Message from Ward 14 Councilwomen Jasmin Santana
Clark-Fulton Together - Final Plan
PHASE 2: IDEAS & ACTIONS November 2020
5 Events and
During the Ideas and Action phase, the team shared what they had learned so far, gathered
+ 100
the neighborhood. The phase kicked-off with a multi-day, “hands-on” engagement activity
feedback on initial takeaways and suggestions, and began exploring Ideas and Actions for where residents, stakeholders, and neighborhood ambassadors came together to validate the Phase 1 findings and offer input towards creating a Vision, Ideas, and Actions. The Phase 2 meetings and activities included: ◌ ◌ ◌ ◌ ◌
One Virtual Community Meeting Six Stakeholder Meetings Steering Committee Meetings A 2-Day Open House One Virtual Ambassador Expression Series
Durante la fase de Ideas y Acciones, el equipo compartió lo que había aprendido hasta el momento, recopiló comentarios sobre las conclusiones y sugerencias iniciales y comenzó a explorar Ideas y Acciones para el barrio. La fase se inició con una actividad de participación práctica de varios días de duración en la que los residentes, las partes interesadas y los embajadores del barrio se reunieron para validar las conclusiones de la Fase 1 y ofrecer sus aportaciones para crear una visión, ideas y acciones. Las reuniones y actividades de la fase 2 incluyeron:
◌ ◌ ◌ ◌ ◌
Reunión Virtual con la Comunidad Reuniones con las Partes Interesadas Reuniones del Comité Directivo Jornada de Puertas Abiertas Series Virtuales de Expresión de los Embajadores
Open House @ Phunkenship
Executive Summary
4 Events and
Phase 3 was focused on validating the vision, goals, and actions of the Master Plan with the
+ 150
process as it was a culmination of all of the previous listening, learning, and analysis activities
community through a series of meetings and activities. This phase was key in the planning and a forum for the community to measure their needs and aspirations for the neighborhood against the Forward Moves and actions presented in the plan. Engagement activities in this phase were critical for the planning team to gather ideas, comments, reactions, and residents’ knowledge to refine the final plan to develop an achievable and implementable action plan. The Plan Commencement Weekend Event included the following meetings and activities: ◌ ◌
Steering Committee Meeting Community Meeting (in-person)
A 2-Day Open House
La Fase 3 se centró en validar la visión, los objetivos y las acciones del Plan Maestro con la comunidad a través de una serie de reuniones y actividades. Esta fase fue clave en el proceso de planificación, ya que supuso la culminación de todas las actividades anteriores de escucha, aprendizaje y análisis, y un foro para que la comunidad midiera sus necesidades y aspiraciones para el barrio con respecto a los avances y acciones presentados en el plan. Las actividades de participación en esta fase fueron fundamentales para que el equipo de planificación recopilara ideas, comentarios, reacciones y conocimientos de los residentes para perfeccionar el plan final con el fin de desarrollar un plan de acción alcanzable y aplicable. El Fin de Semana de Inaguración incluyó las siguientes reuniones y actividades:
◌ ◌ ◌
Reunión del Comité Directivo Reunión con la Comunidad (en persona) Una Jornada de Puertas Abiertas de dos días de duración
Community Meeting @ Family Ministry Center
Clark-Fulton Together - Final Plan
Clark-Fulton Ambassadors The impact of this plan would be meaningless without
El impacto de este plan no tendría sentido sin la voz coherente y
the consistent and equal voice of the residents.
equitativa de los residentes.
The first cohort (Fab Five) of community ambassadors
El primer grupo de embajadores de la comunidad (Fab Five)
were selected through an open, public process to
fueron seleccionados a través de un proceso abierto y público para
represent the most active residents and stakeholders
representar a los residentes más activos de la comunidad. Los cinco
in the community. The five ambassadors were critical members of the team, shaping, and guiding the planning process to ensure the voices of the community were
embajadores fueron miembros críticos del equipo dando forma y guiando el proceso de planificación para asegurarse que las voces de la comunidad fueran escuchadas y estuvieran representadas.
heard and represented. Como defensores de los residentes y defensores del plan
As advocates for the residents and Master Plan
maestro, los embajadores se sometieron a una rigurosa serie de
champions, the Ambassadors underwent a rigorous
capacitación y formación que se inició en el verano de 2020. Los
capacity building and training series that kicked-off in
embajadores ofrecieron su tiempo para aprender sobre el proceso
the summer of 2020. The Ambassadors volunteered
de planificación maestra y sobre cuáles podrían ser sus funciones.
their time to learn about the master planning process and what their roles could and would be.
En noviembre de 2020 los Fab Five completaron su formación
In November 2020, the Ambassadors completed their
oficial y lanzaron su propia Serie de Expresión Comunitaria.
official training and launched their own Community
Dirigieron conversaciones con la comunidad de Clark-Fulton sobre
Expression Series. They led conversations with the larger
desplazamiento, envejecimiento en el lugar y justicia racial.
Clark-Fulton community about displacement, aging-inplace, and racial justice.
Ambassador Training Series (June - November, 2020) The Clark-Fulton Community Ambassadors participated on seven training from June to November, 2020. Here is the summary of the topics of each training
June 18, 2020
July 9, 2020
July 23, 2020
Aug 6, 2020
Sep 3, 2020
Sep 17, 2020
Nov, 2020
Your Story and the Story of the Community
Understanding Expectations
Building Deep Community Relationships
Vision for Interconnected Neighborhood
Democracy Tools & Outreach
Understanding Power Dynamics
Training is Complete!
Community Expression Series (March - May, 2021) March 21, 2021
April 15, 2021
May 2, 2021
May 23, 2021
Aging in Place: Housing
Aging in Place: Health & Wellness
Race & Inclusion: Neighbor Relations
Displacement: Refugee Displacement
Displacement: Child Health & Education
Race & Inclusion: Lead Poisoning/SIDS
Aging in Place: Social Interaction
Ambassadors Expression Series Wrap-Up: welcoming, inclusive and safe community centered in equity and development without displacement
Displacement: Jobs + Transportation Race & Inclusion: Food Access
Executive Summary 33
PLAN FRAMEWORK The Clark-Fulton Master Plan is made up of a vision, supported by Guiding Principles, implemented by Forward Moves, Catalyst Projects, and provides a roadmap for implementation. El Plan Maestro de Clark-Fulton se compone de una visión que se apoya en los Principios Rectores, está implementada por Forward Moves y Proyectos Catalizadores, y proporciona una hoja de ruta para su implementación.
VISION Vision Statement offers a view of what we heard from
Vision Statement ofrece una visión de lo que escuchamos por parte
the community about what they envision the future of
de la comunidad sobre cómo imaginan el futuro de Clark-Fulton.
Clark-Fulton to be.
Guiding Principles
Forward Moves
Catalyst Projects
Describe the future goals and
Describe the development
The regulatory plan and catalyst
values, and act as an umbrella
opportunities, key actions, and
projects illustrate the overall
under which the Forward Moves
strategies to execute the vision
vision for the Clark-Fulton
and actions are developed. These
of the plan. Each forward move
neighborhood through a more
principles guide the Master Plan
relates to a specific theme or
detailed representation and
and are intended to remain
area in Clark-Fulton and includes
concept design of key sites
constant, providing a base line for
specific actions and opportunities
with transformative potential.
new frameworks to be developed
for the Core Team and community
El plan regulatorio y los proyectos
and to evolve as conditions
members to achieve the vision
catalizadores ilustran la visión global
change over time. Describen los
and goals of this Master Plan.
del barrio de Clark-Fulton mediante
objetivos y valores futuros y actúan
Describe las oportunidades de
una representación más detallada y un
como un paraguas bajo el cual se
desarrollo, las acciones clave y las
desarrollan los Forward Moves y las
estrategias para ejecutar la visión del
acciones futuras. Estos principios guían
plan. Cada forward move se relaciona
el y pretenden permanecer constantes,
con un tema o área específica en
proporcionando una línea base para
Clark-Fulton e incluye acciones y
que se desarrollen nuevos marcos
oportunidades específicas para que
normativos y evolucionen a medida que
el Equipo Principal y los miembros de
las condiciones cambien con el tiempo.
la comunidad logren la visión y los
diseño conceptual de los lugares clave con potencial de transformación.
objetivos de este Plan Maestro.
Implementation This action plan identifies three levels of
Este plan de acción identifica tres niveles de mejora: proyectos
improvement: basic improvement projects,
de mejora básica, proyectos progresivos y proyectos de
progressive projects, and transformational
transformación que responden a las oportunidades de
projects that are responsive to the opportunities of individual places working to create a unified, consistent infrastructure for the overall region. The projects can be implemented over many years, piece by piece, with a focus on all three levels of improvement simultaneously as part of a sustained initiative to achieve success on large and small scales over time.
Clark-Fulton Together - Final Plan
los lugares individuales que trabajan para crear una infraestructura unificada y coherente para la región en general. Los proyectos pueden ejecutarse a lo largo de muchos años, pieza por pieza, centrándose en los tres niveles de mejora simultáneamente como parte de una iniciativa sostenida para lograr el éxito a gran y pequeña escala a lo largo del tiempo.
VISION STATEMENT Clark-Fulton is a community that is safe, unique, and welcomes diversity and multi-cultural expression. We enjoy the fragrance and color of our art, food, and festivals. We treat everyone with respect regardless of their race, age, and history. We love and support our local businesses. We ensure all community members have resources and opportunities to build wealth, and age-inplace. We are healthy and active with access to quality open space, amenities, and services. We empower people to be at the forefront of all decision making. Clark-Fulton es una comunidad segura, única y que acoge la diversidad y la expresión multicultural. Disfrutamos de la fragancia y el color de nuestro arte, comida y festivales. Tratamos a todos con respeto sin importar su raza, edad e historia. Amamos y apoyamos nuestros negocios locales. Nos aseguramos de que todos los miembros de la comunidad tengan recursos y oportunidades para crear riqueza y envejecer en casa. Nos mantenemos sanos y activos con acceso a espacios abiertos, instalaciones y servicios de calidad. Empoderamos a las personas para que estén al frente de la toma de decisiones.
rrow o Tom
Executive Summary 35
GUIDING PRINCIPLES Equity & Wellbeing. Equidad y
Identity & Expression. Identidad
y Expresión
Clark-Fulton puts the People at the Center!
Clark-Fulton is a multi-cultural community
and provides fair treatment, access,
that is unique and celebrates expression.
opportunity, and advancement tools to
We are a welcoming, safe, and collaborative
empower its community members to have
space for the community to express and
access to a healthy, safe, and prosperous
share cultural identity and formative
life. Clark-Fulton ¡pone a la gente en el centro! y
experiences through words, arts, and
proporciona un trato justo, acceso, oportunidades
food. We use expression to bring people
y herramientas de progreso para que los miembros
together, foster healing, reconciliation,
de su comunidad tengan acceso a una vida sana, segura y próspera.
Togetherness. Unión
pride, and mutual respect. Clark-Fulton es una comunidad multicultural que es única y celebra la expresión. Somos un espacio acogedor, seguro y colaborativo para que la comunidad exprese y comparta la identidad cultural y las experiencias
Clark-Fulton is a community that honors
formativas a través de las palabras, las artes y
the individualism and resources that
la comida. Utilizamos la expresión para unir a la
each community member brings to the
gente, fomentar la recuperación, la reconciliación, el
table. We provide a safe and respectful
orgullo y el respeto mutuo.
environment to all members and partners to work together on projects and initiatives focused on advancing our vision for the neighborhood. Clark-Fulton es una comunidad que honra el individualismo y los recursos que cada miembro de la comunidad aporta. Proporcionamos un entorno seguro y respetuoso a todos los miembros y socios para colaborar en proyectos e iniciativas centradas en el avance de nuestra visión para el barrio.
Inclusive & Connected. Inclusivo y Conectado Clark-Fulton is a connected and inclusive neighborhood. We enhance the quality of our homes, streets, and parks, and connect people to technology, amenities, training, and jobs. We welcome all people and generations and discourage displacement. Clark-Fulton es un barrio conectado e inclusivo. Mejoramos la calidad de nuestras viviendas, calles y parques, y conectamos a las personas con la tecnología, los servicios, la formación y el empleo. Acogemos a todas las personas y generaciones y desalentamos los desplazamientos.
Clark-Fulton Together - Final Plan
Resilient & Sustainable. Resiliente y Sostenible Clark-Fulton is a resilient and sustainable community. We embrace transformative changes, and adapt overtime to social, economic, technology and climate changes, while preserving our community values. Clark-Fulton es una comunidad resiliente y sostenible. Aceptamos los cambios transformadores y nos adaptamos a los cambios sociales, económicos, tecnológicos y climáticos, al tiempo que preservamos los valores de nuestra comunidad.
Strengthen and create new community places and destinations.
Cultivate unique, vibrant, and prosperous mixed corridors. Fomentar corredores mixtos únicos, vibrantes y prósperos.
Reforzar y crear nuevos lugares y destinos comunitarios.
Foster healing, health, and inclusivity for a strong neighborhood.
Create welcoming, accessible, and authentic public realm network. Crear una red de espacios públicos acogedores, accesibles y auténticos.
Fomentar la recuperación, la salud y la inclusión para un barrio fuerte.
Preserve and create housing opportunities without displacement.
Create a safer, smart, green, and connected neighborhood mobility network for all users.
Preservar y crear oportunidades de
Crear una red de movilidad vecinal más segura,
vivienda sin desplazamientos.
inteligente, ecológica y conectada para todos los usuarios.
Build community prosperity through equitable economic and educational empowerment.
Advance efforts to build capacity and infrastructure for an inclusive, accessible, and robust digital and resilient community.
Construir la prosperidad de
Impulsar los esfuerzos para crear capacidad
la comunidad a través del
e infraestructura para una comunidad digital
empoderamiento equitativo en
inclusiva, accesible y robusta y resiliente.
términos económicos y educacionales.
Executive Summary 37
th 44
41 st
FULTON GATEWAY A gateway that shows the local character and welcomes residents and visitors to the neighborhood
La Visión del Plan Maestro se aplica en todo el barrio y en cinco lugares catalizadores. Los sitios ilustran escenarios de oportunidad para proyectos de desarrollo, calles y espacios abiertos impulsados por los Forward Moves. El diseño de los sitios catalizadores es conceptual y requerirá la debida diligencia y el perfeccionamiento antes de su aplicación.
The Master Plan Vision is applied throughout the neighborhood at five different catalyst sites. The sites illustrate opportunity scenarios for development, streets and open space projects driven by the Forward Moves. The Catalyst Sites design are conceptual and they will require additional due diligence and refinement before implementation.
Store r
Mobility Network Main Corridors Calles Principales
Feature Streets Calles Características
Police Statio
Neighborhood Streets Calles Vecinales
Fulton Branch Library
Bikeways Vías de Bicicleta
Enhanced Intersections Intersectiones Mejoradas
Development Proposed Infill Development Intersecciones Mejoradas
Existing Buildings Edificios Existentes
Institutional Buildings Edificios Institucionales
Existing and New Parks Parques Existentes y Nuevos
Clark-Fulton Together - Final Plan
Cleveland Metroparks Zoo
1 MAKERS & ARTIST AVENUE Spaces for makers and artists to showcase and produce their work
Roberto Clemente Park
NEIGHBORHOOD CENTER A neighborhood center for residents to gather, play, celebrate, and entertain
Walton School
Walto n Ave
Clark A ve
d nR
Lincoln West High School
r Ave
St 2nd
th 25
Valen tin
e Ave
City Life Center
ra n
tt Ave
ge Ave
Towpath Trail Buhrer Dual Language
Trowb rid
Meyer Pool
lto Fu
Luis Munoz Marin School
tS t
Trent Ave
Astrup Building
Buhrer Ave Pedestrian Bridge
4 LIFE & ENTERTAINMENT CENTER A place for the community to enjoy recreation and entertainment activities
5 Riverside Cemetery
METROHEALTH PARK A new neighborhood park and destination for the community
Executive Summary 39
Re-design Walton Ave. as a new green complete street
Walto n
Trent Ave
Convertir la zona que rodea Meyer Pool y Lincoln West School en el nuevo centro del barrio para que los residentes se reúnan, celebren, se entretengan y compren.
Clark-Fulton Together - Final Plan
nd 32 W th St
Make the area around Meyer Pool and Lincoln West School new neighborhood center for residents to gather, celebrate, entertain, and shop.
Work with CMSD and the community on the re-design and programming of the Lincoln West School. Consider including a new neighborhood park and shared parking area.
Walton Avenue se transformará en una calle completa y verde, con carriles de bicicletas protegidos, y en el hogar de fabricantes y artistas para exponer y producir sus obras. Walton Avenue conectará una serie de edificios y destinos clave como St. Mary’s Cemetery, la Hildebrandt Provision y el edificio Astrup.
Fu lt
Walton Avenue will be transformed into a complete and green street, featuring protected bikelanes, and the home for makers and artists to showcase and produce their work. Walton Avenue will connect a series of key buildings and destinations from the St. Mary’s Cemetery, Hildebrandt Provision and the Astrup building.
Re-envisioning the future of the Walton Elementary School site
Meyer Pool
Consider expanding Meyer Pool to the adjacent parcels when they become available.
Work with existing business and land owners in the rehabilitation and retrofit of existing buildings along Sackett Avenue.
Lincoln West School
dS t
32 n
Make Sackett Avenue a place for the community to enjoy recreation and entertainment activities. Convertir Sackett Ave en un lugar para que la comunidad disfrute de actividades de ocio y entretenimiento.
tt Ave
Consider working with City Life Center on the creation of a new neighborhood park on existing lawn facing Sackett Avenue.
FULTON GATEWAY Fulton Gateway is an iconic, welcoming place, with a central open space that reflects the vibrancy of the neighborhood surrounded by local stores and homes.
Re-design intersection to improve traffic and provide safe bicycle and pedestrian movement and crossing
Transform Sacket Ave into a “Feature Street” and make streetscape and bicycle improvements
Create new Central Gateway Open Space
n lto
Fu Daisy Bush
Fulton Gateway es un lugar emblemático y acogedor, con un espacio abierto central que refleja la vitalidad del barrio, rodeado de tiendas y viviendas locales.
Police Station Fulton Branch Library
To Cleveland Metroparks Zoo
Improve pedestrian and bicycle connectivity, and streetscape improvements from Fulton Rd and Bush Ave. intersection to the entrance of the Cleveland Metroparks Zoo.
Executive Summary
METROHEALTH PARK The MetroHealth Park site will be transformed into a park with various programmatic spaces that stitch the neighborhood together. The MetroHealth Park site has the opportunity to support the goals of creating a more welcoming, accessible, and authentic public realm and open space network, building on the existing open and recreational spaces in the neighborhood through enhanced connectors. El terreno de MetroHealth Park se transformará en un parque con varios espacios programáticos que unirán el barrio. El terreno de MetroHealth Park tiene la oportunidad de apoyar los objetivos de crear una red de espacios abiertos y un entorno público más acogedor, accesible y auténtico, aprovechando los espacios abiertos y recreativos existentes en el vecindario mediante la mejora de los conectores.
NOTE: This concept design based on the initial input gathered from the Clark-Fulton Community, stakeholders, and MetroHealth System. Further engagement, studies and detail design will be required for the construction of the park. Se trata de un diseño conceptual basado en las aportaciones iniciales recogidas de la comunidad de Clark-Fulton, las partes interesadas y MetroHealth System. Para la construcción del parque serán necesarios más compromisos, estudios y diseños detallados.
Clark-Fulton Together - Final Plan
Jones Home Historic District
Trowbridge Ave
This 0.5mi central corridor stitches the neighborhood together with a new circulation system that enhances accessibility to the park, and creates a series of outdoor rooms
Marvin Ave
Daisy Ave
METROHEALTH GREEN The MetroHealth Green provides an extensive and flexible lawn space to accommodate both daily activities and seasonal events throughout the year
t hS
t 25
The Welcome Plaza allows for various scales of civic activities, including: outdoor games/dining, art exhibits, and markets & food trucks on a mix of hardscape and softscape spaces
d nR
an cr
The Clark-Fulton Commons offers versatile amenities and equipment for play, recreation and fitness that contribute to the health and wellness of the neighborhood
t an cr
The South Gateway is the entrance point from W 25th St’s overpass, acting as a critical station of the regional bike trail.
Executive Summary 43
MASTER PLAN DEFINITIONS The following key terms are used consistently throughout the document as they apply to the planning process and Clark-Fulton. Throughout the document, more terms and definitions will be provided as needed, and a complete glossary of terms can be found in the Appendix (Chapter 8). Los siguientes términos son importantes y se aplican al proceso de planificación y a Clark-Fulton. A lo largo del documento, se proporcionarán más términos y definiciones según sea necesario, y en el Apéndice (Capítulo 8) se puede encontrar un glosario completo de términos.
Accessibility Accesibilidad
Affordable Housing Vivienda Asequible
Bias Prejuicio
Built Environment Entorno Construido
Class Clase
Cultural Competence Competencia Cultural
Definition/Definición A general measure of the availability of transportation. Providing accessibility is superior to providing mobility, as mobility is crudely equated to speed, accepting that it does not matter how long it takes to get to a destination so long as the journey is fast while getting there. (CNU) Medida general para la disponibilidad del transporte. Proveer accesibilidad es más importante que proveer movilidad, ya que esta última se equipara a la velocidad, aceptando que no importa cuánto tiempo se tarda en llegar a un destino siempre y cuándo sea rápido para llegar allí.
Housing that has a sale price or rental amount that is within the means of a household that may occupy middle-, moderate-, or low-income housing. HUD sets a threshold of Housing Affordability at 30% of a household’s income, including housing costs, taxes, and utilities. Vivienda que tiene un precio de venta o alquiler que está dentro de las posibilidades de un hogar que puede ocupar viviendas de ingresos medios, moderados o bajos. HUD establece un umbral de asequibilidad del 30% de los ingresos del hogar, incluyendo el coste de la vivienda, impuestos y servicios.
A conscious or subconscious preference which interferes with impartial judgment. (Yale) Preferencia consciente o inconsciente que interfiere con un criterio imparcial.
Man-made structures, features, and facilities viewed collectively as an environment which people live and work. (Roots) Estructuras, elementos e instalaciones hechas por el hombre que colectivamente se entienden como el entorno en el que la gente vive y trabaja.
A group identity usually based on economic or social status. (Yale) Identidad de un grupo que normalmente se base en el estatus económico o social.
The ability to respond appropriately to people of varying cultures, ages, races, religions, sexual orientations, abilities, and ethnicities in a way that recognizes difference and allows individuals to feel respected and valued. (Yale) La habilidad de responder adecuadamente a la gente de culturas, edad, raza, religión, orientación sexual, habilidades y etnia variadas, de una manera que se reconozca la diferencia y se permita que los individuos se sientan respetados y valorados.
Clark-Fulton Together - Final Plan
Discrimination Discriminación
Definition/Definición A prejudice-based action taken by a dominant group member against a subordinate group member. These actions are used to limit another group’s opportunities, confidence, access, and ability to perform in society. (Yale) Acción basada en el prejuicio llevada a cabo por un miembro de un grupo dominante en contra de un miembro subordinado del mismo. Estas acciones se usan para limitar las oportunidades, confianza, acceso y habilidad para actuar en sociedad.
When residents can no longer afford to remain in their homes due to rising housing costs. Residents may also be forced out by lease non-renewals, evictions, eminent domain, or physical conditions that render homes uninhabitable as investors await redevelopment opportunities. (The Uprooted Project)
Displacement Desplazamiento
Diversity Diversidad
Equality Igualdad
Equity Equidad
Ethnicity Etnia
Cuando los residentes ya no pueden permitirse permanecer en sus hogares debido al aumento de los costes de la vivienda. Los residentes también pueden verse obligados a abandonar la vivienda por la no renovación del contrato de arrendamiento, los desalojos, el dominio eminente o las condiciones físicas que hacen que las viviendas sean inhabitables mientras los inversores esperan oportunidades para el nuevo desarrollo inmobiliario.
The condition of being different or having differences. Differences among people with respect to age, class, ethnicity, gender, health, physical and mental ability, race, sexual orientation, religion, physical size, education level, job and function, personality traits, and other human differences. (Yale) Condición de ser diferente o tener diferencias. Las diferencias entre personas debido a la edad, la clase social, la etnia, el género, la salud, la habilidad física y mental, el nivel de educación, el trabajo y la función en el mismo, el carácter personal, y otras diferencias humanas.
A state of affairs in which all people within a specific society or isolated group have the same status in certain respects, including civil rights, freedom of speech, property rights and equal access to certain social goods and services. (Triangle Diversity, Equity & Inclusivity Alliance) Estado de cosas en el cual todo el mundo dentro de una sociedad específica o un grupo aislado tiene el mismo estatus en ciertos respectos incluidos los derechos civiles, la libertad de palabra, derechos de la propiedad y derecho igualitario para el acceso a ciertos servicios sociales.
Takes into consideration the fact that the social identifiers (race, gender, socioeconomic status, etc.) do affect equality. In an equitable environment, an individual or a group would be given what was needed to give them equal advantage. This would not necessarily be equal to what others were receiving. It could be more or different. (Triangle Diversity, Equity & Inclusivity Alliance) Tiene en consideración que los identificadores sociales (raza, género, estatus socioeconómico, etc.) afectan a la igualdad. En un ambiente de equidad, a un individuo o un grupo se les daría lo que necesitan para darles una ventaja igualitaria. Esto no quiere decir necesariamente que lo que se les de sea igual que lo que los otros individuos reciben. Puede ser más o diferente.
Classification of human based on shared cultural heritage, such as place of birth, language, customs, etc. Do not use “race” as a synonym. (Yale) Clasificación humana basada en el patrimonio cultural compartido como puede ser el lugar de nacimiento, idioma, costumbres, etc. No usar “raza” como sinónimo.
Executive Summary 45
Term/Término Green Space Espacios Verdes
Health Salud
Housing Diversity Diversidad de Vivienda
Green Infrastructure Infraestructura Ecológica
Inclusion Integración
Livable Neighborhoods Vecindarios Habitables
Land Use Plan Plan de Uso del Suelo
Definition/Definición Wooded and grassy areas that provide sites for recreation and enjoyment of nature, often located in the midst of urban areas that are otherwise occupied by buildings and paved areas. (CLE CPC Glossary) Áreas boscosas y con césped que brindan sitios para la recreación y el disfrute de la naturaleza, a menudo ubicadas en medio de áreas urbanas que de otro modo estarían ocupadas por edificios y áreas pavimentadas.
Health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity. (WHO) La salud es un estado de total bienestar físico, mental y social, no se trata sólo de la ausencia de enfermedades.
Understanding the local supply, demand, occupancy, and pricing factors for a broad range of housing options. (RFP) El entendimiento de la oferta local, la demanda, la ocupación y los factores que afectan al precio para una amplia gama de opciones de vivienda.
The range of measures that use plant or soil systems, permeable pavement or other permeable surfaces or substrates, stormwater harvest and reuse, or landscaping to store, infiltrate, or evapotranspirate stormwater and reduce flows to sewer systems or to surface waters. (EPA) Amplia gama de acciones que utilizan plantas o sistemas de suelo, pavimento permeable u otras superficies o sustratos permeables, recolección y reutilización de aguas pluviales, o jardinería para almacenar, infiltrar o evapotranspirar las aguas pluviales y reducir los flujos a los sistemas de alcantarillado o aguas superficiales.
Strategy, an approach, or a concept focusing on all members playing a part in a group’s or an organization’s mission, and a level of respect which offers the opportunity to share unique perspectives and contribute individual strengths. (Yale) Estrategia, enfoque o concepto que se centra en que todos los miembros desempeñan un papel en la misión de un grupo u organización, y un nivel de respeto que ofrece la oportunidad de compartir perspectivas únicas y contribuir con las fortalezas individuales.
Neighborhoods that offer a good quality of life for their residents. Livable neighborhoods are characterized by safety, decent and affordable housing, high quality services and shopping, good schools, economic opportunities, and opportunities for healthy living. (CLE CPC Glossary) Vecindarios que ofrecen una buena calidad de vida para sus residentes. Los vecindarios habitables se caracterizan por la seguridad, la vivienda asequible, los servicios y comercios de alta calidad, buenas escuelas, oportunidades económicas y oportunidades para una vida saludable.
A guide for the location and intensity of future development in a community. A land use plan typically separates uses that are incompatible with each other while bringing together land uses that can be complementary. It also locates uses in proximity to supportive infrastructure. (CLE CPC Glossary) Guía para la ubicación e intensidad del desarrollo futuro en una comunidad. Un plan de uso del suelo generalmente separa los usos que son incompatibles entre sí al tiempo que reúne los usos que pueden ser complementarios. Un plan de uso de la tierra también ubica los usos en las proximidades de la infraestructura de apoyo.
Clark-Fulton Together - Final Plan
Master Plan Plan Maestro
Population Health Salud Pública
Racism Racismo
Definition/Definición A comprehensive long-range plan intended to guide growth and development of a community or region and one that includes analysis, recommendation, and proposals for the community’s population economy, housing, transportation, community facilities, and land use. (APA) Plan integral a largo plazo destinado a guiar el crecimiento y el desarrollo de una comunidad o región y que incluye análisis, recomendaciones y propuestas para la economía de la población, la vivienda, el transporte, las instalaciones comunitarias y el uso del suelo.
An interdisciplinary, customizable approach that allows health departments to connect practice to policy for change to happen locally. The approach utilizes non-traditional partnerships among different sectors of the community – public health, industry, academia, health care, local government entities, etc. – to achieve positive health outcomes. (CDC) Un enfoque interdisciplinario y personalizable que permite a los departamentos de salud conectar la práctica con la política para que ocurran cambios localmente. El enfoque utiliza asociaciones no tradicionales entre diferentes sectores de la comunidad (salud pública, industria, academia, atención médica, entidades gubernamentales locales, etc.) para lograr resultados de salud positivos.
The systemic oppression of a racial group to the social, economic, and political advantage of another. a belief that race is a fundamental determinant of human wwwvtraits and capacities and that racial differences produce an inherent superiority of a particular race. (Merriam-Webster) Opresión sistémica de un grupo racial en beneficio social, económico y político de otro. Creencia de que la raza es un determinante fundamental de los rasgos y capacidades humanas y que las diferencias raciales producen una superioridad inherente a una raza concreta.
The capacity of district stakeholders to survive, adapt and thrive when confronting the stresses and shocks they experience. Stresses weaken a district on a chronic basis (e.g. unemployment, crime); Shocks are sudden single event disruptions that threaten a district (e.g. flood, epidemic). (Eco District
Resilience Resiliencia
Togetherness Togetherness
La capacidad de las partes interesadas del distrito para sobrevivir, adaptarse y prosperar al enfrentar las tensiones y las conmociones que experimentan. Factores de estrés debilitan un distrito de forma crónica (por ejemplo el desempleo, la delincuencia). Los shocks son interrupciones repentinas que amenazan a un distrito (por ejemplo, inundaciones o epidemias)
The strength in partnership and collaboration that unites a community. It is a feeling of safety, security, and sense of belonging and encouragement from being a part of a vibrant, happy, and healthy community. La fuerza a través de la asociación y la colaboración que une a una comunidad. Es un sentimiento de seguridad, protección, pertenencia y estímulo por formar parte de una comunidad vibrante, feliz y saludable.
Executive Summary 47
02 Introduction Clark-Fulton is a vibrant and diverse neighborhood, from the residents to business owners and organizations that are working to maintain and preserve the culture of the community. This chapter offers a brief overview of the Study Area context, history, and the organizations that make this community what it is today, as well as previous efforts from which this plan builds. Clark-Fulton es una comunidad dinámica y diversa, desde los residentes hasta los propietarios de negocios y organizaciones que trabajan para mantener y preservar la cultura de la comunidad. Este capítulo ofrece una breve descripción del contexto del Área de Estudio, la historia y las organizaciones que hacen de esta comunidad lo que es hoy, así como los esfuerzos anteriores en los que se basa este plan.
01 46
Clark-Fulton Together - Final Plan
Introduction 47
3% 2%
The City of Cleveland has been steadily losing population since the 1950s. The population loss has had a heavier impact in neighborhoods like Clark-Fulton, where the decrease can be seen and felt. Recently, the neighborhood has been growing with more people moving in the community. However, this growth is only seen and not officially recorded due to low response rates to the census.
10% 46% STUD
1% RE
La ciudad de Cleveland ha ido perdiendo población de forma constante desde la década de 1950. Esta pérdida de población ha tenido un mayor impacto en barrios como Clark-Fulton, donde dicha disminución se puede ver y sentir. Recientemente, el barrio ha crecido ya que hay más gente que se muda a la
Legend Leyenda
comunidad. Sin embargo, este crecimiento sólo se ve y no se registra oficialmente debido a las bajos índices de respuesta al censo.
◌ ◌ ◌
White, non-Hispanic Black, non-Hispanic Asian, non-Hispanic
914,808 people
of Study Area residents since 2009 2018
383,793 people
Figure 2
wvCleveland’s Population
Resident Age
Ages 64+
Over half of the Clark-Fulton population is between the ages of 25 and 64, and largely mirrors the age
Ages 25 to 64
distribution of Cleveland. The elderly population in both geographies has grown over the past few years, hinting
Ages 18 to 24
towards a growing need for elderly care. Más de la mitad de la población de Clark-Fulton tiene entre 25
Ages 5 to 17
y 64 años y refleja en gran medida la distribución por edades de Cleveland. La población de edad avanzada en ambas zonas
geográficas ha crecido en los últimos años, lo que indica una creciente necesidad de atención a los ancianos.
Clark-Fulton Together - Final Plan
◌ Study Area ◌ Citywide
Ages 0 to 5
Figure 3
Residents’ Age Distribution
Education Educational attainment in Clark-Fulton remains low,
of residents 25 yr+ have
with a combined 69% of residents having no college
of Business Establishments, 2010 to 2017 education. Over one-third of residents in both Clark- Change in Number no college education Source: Reinvestment Fund analysis of National Establishment Timeseries Data, 2010 - 2017
Fulton and Cleveland do not have a high school diploma,
suggesting that educational levels may be a barrier forChange in Number of Business Establishments, 2010 to 2017 residents in the job market.
Source: Reinvestment Fund analysis of National Establishment Timeseries Data, 2010 - 2017
El nivel educativo en Clark-Fulton sigue siendo bajo, con un 69%
de residentes que no tienen ningún tipo de educación universitaria. Más de un tercio de los residentes tanto en Clark-Fulton como
labor force participation and the number of employed residents have increased over the last five years.
non-family households
Downtown Downtown
Bellaire-Puritas Bellaire-Puritas
Lee-Harvard Lee-Harvard
Euclid-Green Euclid-Green
Ohio CityOhio City
Old Brooklyn Old Brooklyn
Detroit Shoreway Detroit Shoreway
West Boulevard West Boulevard
Central Central
Mount Pleasant Mount Pleasant
Cudell Cudell
Buckeye-Woodhill Buckeye-Woodhill
Stockyards Stockyards
Hough Hough
Fairfax Fairfax
of residents live in poverty Buckeye-Shaker Buckeye-Shaker Square Square
and 16% of the labor force is unemployed. However,
Goodrich-Kirtland Goodrich-Kirtland Pk Pk
– 45% of working-age adults are not in the labor force
Cleveland. Employment rates in Clark-Fulton are low
Broadway-Slavic Broadway-Slavic Village Village
2014 -2018, compared to $35,191 across the City of
Collinwood-Nottingham Collinwood-Nottingham
Median income in Clark-Fulton is low, just $28,175 in
Union-Miles Union-Miles
median family income
Lee-Seville Lee-Seville
-11% BrooklynBrooklyn Centre Centre
Income + Poverty
Kinsman Kinsman
-24% St.Clair-Superior St.Clair-Superior
acceso al mercado de trabajo para los residentes.
CuyahogaCuyahoga Valley Valley
sugiere que los niveles educativos pueden ser una barrera de
North Shore North Collinwood Shore Collinwood
en Cleveland no tienen un diploma de escuela secundaria, lo que
married couples without children
El promedio de los ingresos en Clark-Fulton es bajo, sólo $28.175 en 2014 -2018, comparado con $35.191 en la ciudad de Cleveland. Las índices de empleo en Clark-Fulton son bajos. El 45% de los adultos en edad de trabajar no están en el mercado de trabajo y el 16% de
Housing and Household Size in the Clark-Fulton Study Area Source: American Communities Survey, Five Year Estimates, 2014 - 2018
la población activa está desempleada. Sin embargo, la participación Housing en el mercado laboral y el número de residentes con trabajo han
and Household Size 1 in 2 the 3 4Clark-Fulton 5 or more Source: American Communities Survey, Five Year Estimates, 2014 - 2018 Household Size (# of People)
aumentado en los últimos cinco años.
Household Size
Like the rest of the city, the most common household Household Size
Household Type & Size type in Clark-Fulton is non-family households, single individuals or unrelated individuals living together in
62% 1-2 people
Study Area
5 or more
16% size (# 32% Housing of Bedrooms)
a single home. Married couples without children and single parents also make up a large portion of the neighborhood. Most of the homes in the Study Area are larger than the households that live in the area. Al igual que en el resto de la ciudad, el tipo de hogar más común en Clark-Fulton son los hogares no familiares, personas solteras o sin parentesco que viven juntas en una sola casa. Las parejas casadas sin hijos y los padres solteros también constituyen una gran parte del vecindario. La mayoría de los hogares en el Área de Estudio son más multitudinarios que los hogares de la zona.
Bedrooms 0%
16% 20%
32% 40%
31% 60%
5% 100%
3+ Bedrooms80% 60%
62% of households have 2 or fewer people
◌ ◌ ◌ ◌ ◌
1 2 3 4 5+
Introduction 49
Migration history Cleveland, and specifically the Clark-Fulton neighborhood, is a landing pad for many immigrants. With a long history of being a welcoming place for immigrants, Clark-Fulton is a beacon of diversity and has long been a welcoming new home to many new immigrants from all over the world. Cleveland, y concretamente el vecindario de Clark-Fulton, es una zona de aterrizaje para muchos inmigrantes. Con una larga historia de acogida, Clark-Fulton es un faro de diversidad y desde hace tiempo es un nuevo hogar para nuevos inmigrantes de todo el mundo.
Early 1800s
Late 1800s - 1950
New Englanders Arrive
European Immigration + Industrialization
Clark-Fulton was part of the Connecticut Western
European immigrants from Germany, Slovenia,
Reserve. Like much of the west side, Clark-Fulton was
Czechoslovakia, Poland, and Italy were attracted
originally part of Brooklyn Township before it was
by an abundance of jobs at local breweries, the
annexed into the City of Cleveland later in the 1800s.
neighboring stockyards, and factories in The Flats.
Clark-Fulton formaba parte de Connecticut Western Reserve. Al igual que gran parte de la zona oeste, Clark-Fulton formaba
Commercial development picks up pace, beginning at the intersection of Clark Ave and West 25th Street.
parte originalmente del municipio de Brooklyn antes de ser
Los inmigrantes europeos procedentes de Alemania, Eslovenia,
anexionado a la ciudad de Cleveland a finales del siglo XIX.
Checoslovaquia, Polonia e Italia se ven atraídos por la abundancia de puestos de trabajo en las cervecerías locales, los astilleros cercanos y las fábricas situadas en The Flats. El desarrollo comercial se acelera, comenzando en la intersección de Clark Ave y West 25th Street.
Clark-Fulton Together - Final Plan
SURVEY RESULTS Clark-Fulton residents, business owners, and stakeholders were asked what aspects of the Identity or culture were most meaningful to them: Top 3 Responses: 1_ Multiculturalism & diversity 2_ Neighborliness, sense of community (people helping each other) 3_ Vibrant, colorful homes & gardens 3_ Murals & public art
1950 - 1980
1980 - Now
Economic Transition
Demographic Change, Crisis + Rebirth
I-71 and I-90 were built in the 1960s isolating
The 1980s brought major demographic shifts
the neighborhood and stunting real estate and
and a second wave of Puerto Rican migrants, and
construction. At the same time, breweries and
first wave of Black residents. The 2008 national
stockyards declined, causing the neighborhood’s
foreclosure crisis impacted the neighborhood. Then
population to plummet. Around this time, the first
the devastation of Hurricane Irma + Maria in 2017
wave of Puerto Rican migration came based on steel
brings a third wave of Puerto Rican migrants. Today,
mills’ recruitment of low-wage workers.
although the majority of Latinx residents identify
En la década de 1960 se construyeron la I-71 y la I-90, que aislaron el barrio y frenaron el sector inmobiliario y la
as Puerto Rican, there is also a growing number of residents from Central and South America
construcción. Al mismo tiempo, la actividad en las cervecerías
La década de 1980 trajo consigo importantes cambios
y los astilleros decayó y la población del vecindario disminuyó
demográficos y una segunda oleada de inmigrantes
en picado. Por esta época llegó la primera oleada de migración
puertorriqueños además de la primera oleada de residentes
puertorriqueña basada en la contratación de trabajadores con
negros. La crisis nacional de ejecuciones hipotecarias de 2008
salarios bajos por parte de las industrias del acero.
afectó al vecindario. La devastación del huracán Irma + María en 2017 trajo una tercera ola de migrantes puertorriqueños. Hoy en día, aunque la mayoría de los residentes latinx se identifican como puertorriqueños, también hay un número creciente de residentes de América Central y del Sur.
Figure 4
Hispanic Population Cleveland
Hispanics (excluding Black + Asian Hispanics) as a percentage of population by Census Tract
Figure 5
Refugee Population in Cleveland
Where refugees have resettled within greater Cleveland, 2008 - 2011
A Former “Gateway City” As a once major immigrant port of entry, Cleveland is one of fifty-seven “gateway” cities nationwide. Around 80% of all immigrants live within these 57 “gateway” areas. Like many other northeastern and midwestern cities, Cleveland was a landing pad for many immigrants because of the many manufacturing jobs were available for new immigrants. Cleveland had a population with a higher immigrant share than the national average from 1900 to 1930, followed by a foreign-born share lower than the national average in every decade since to the present.
Clark-Fulton Together - Final Plan
Cleveland, que en su día fue un importante puerto de entrada de inmigrantes, es una de las cincuenta y siete ciudades consideradas como punto de acceso de todo el país. Alrededor del 80% de los inmigrantes viven en estas 57 zonas de acceso. Como muchas otras ciudades del noreste y del medio oeste, Cleveland fue una zona de aterrizaje para muchos de ellos debido a los numerosos puestos de trabajo en el sector manufacturero que estaban disponibles para los nuevos inmigrantes. Cleveland tuvo una población inmigrante con un porcentaje superior a la media nacional de 1900 a 1930, seguida de un porcentaje de nacidos en el extranjero inferior a la media nacional en cada década desde entonces hasta el presente.
Refugee Economic Impact
Hispanic and Refugee Population in Cleveland In addition to hosting many immigrants, Cleveland also
Percent of refugees
employed after 2 years
who are employed after
resettled in Cleveland two years. The national average is 68.3%. Porcentaje de refugiados
has a large refugee population. Refugees are people
reubicados en Cleveland que
fleeing their home countries in fear of persecution to
tienen empleo después de dos años. La media nacional es
the US, and in 2015 nearly 70,000 refugees came to the
del 68,3%.
US. Since 2008, Northeast Ohio has received more than 2,500 refugees, with most coming from areas of conflict in Africa, Southeast Asia, and the Middle East. The top 5 countries were Bhutan, Somalia, Iraq, Burma, and the Democratic Republic of the Congo. Cleveland welcomes between 500 to 700 refugees every year. Trends show
Estimated total annual
million in household spending
spending in 2012. This
that refugees who settle in Cleveland are better off than
que huyen de sus países de origen por miedo a la persecución y se dirigen a los Estados Unidos. En 2015 llegaron casi 70.000
Gasto anual estimado de los
de gasto directo.
also make up a large portion of the workforce and have
una gran población de refugiados. Los refugiados son personas
direct spending.
2012. Incluye $22.2 millones
Services Collaborative of Greater Cleveland). Refugees
Además de acoger a muchos inmigrantes, Cleveland también tiene
includes $22.2 million in
hogares de refugiados en
refugees in other American cities (according to Refugee
a major impact in the economy of the city.
refugee household
38 businesses
Employing around 141 people, many of whom are refugees themselves. Que dan trabajo a unas 141
refugiados a los Estados Unidos.
personas, muchas de las cuales son refugiadas.
Desde 2008, el noreste de Ohio ha recibido más de 2.500 refugiados, la mayoría procedentes de zonas de conflicto en África, el sudeste asiático y Oriente Medio. Los cinco primeros países fueron Bután, Somalia, Irak, Birmania y la República Democrática del Congo. Cleveland recibe entre 500 y 700 refugiados cada año. Las patrones muestran que los refugiados que se instalan en Cleveland están en mejor situación que los de otras ciudades estadounidenses (según Refugee Services Collaborative of Greater Cleveland). Los refugiados también constituyen una gran parte de la mano de obra y tienen un gran impacto en la economía de la ciudad.
$48 million in economic impact
Includes refugee service organizations, household spending, and refugeeowned businesses in Cleveland. Incluye organizaciones que dan servicio a los refugiados, gasto de hogares, y negocios propiedad de refugiados.
Introduction 53
PLACE Clark-Fulton was shaped by the development patterns that resulted from population and industrial decline in the second half of the 20th century. Highways isolated Clark-Fulton and inhibited investments, leaving a high number of vacancies throughout the neighborhood. In recent years, as population has started to grow, Clark-Fulton has seen more investments and opportunities to reconnect, reimagine, and reshape the community. Clark-Fulton fue moldeado por los patrones de desarrollo resultantes del declive demográfico e industrial de la segunda mitad del siglo XX. Las autopistas aislaron Clark-Fulton e inhibieron inversiones económicas dejando un elevado número de propiedades vacantes en todo el barrio. En los últimos años, a medida que la población ha empezado a crecer, Clark-Fulton ha visto más inversiones y oportunidades para reconectar, reimaginar y remodelar la comunidad.
Creation of a Peninsula: 1950 - 2000
1953 ◌
Residential areas are upland
what changed? ◌
De-industrialization and
1994 ◌
Highways are built cutting off
with industrial areas and parks
population from the 1950s and
Clark-Fulton from Tremont and
along valleys
industrial peak
Brooklyn Centre.
There are uninterrupted
New highways are constructed and isolate the study area
Isolated pocket of Clark-Fulton, Tremont, and Ohio City are left between highways and valleys, inhibiting investment
Clark-Fulton Together - Final Plan
SURVEY RESULTS What are some of the PLACES you care about the most or that are the most meaningful to you: Top 3 Responses: 1_ Homes / Houses 2_ Restaurants & Bakeries 3_ Schools 3_ Streets & Alleys
Re-imagining of a City: 2000 - 2020
New Trails/Parks Vacant Buildings/Land
2000 ◌
Population and industry/job
what changed? ◌
losses leave many buildings vacant ◌
Increased vacancy/demo - an
2020 ◌
Vacant building/land
redevelopment systems are
Reconnecting the city to its
Community development
waterways through previous
efforts help stabilize property
industrial areas
Trail and multi-modal connectivity investments are
underway ◌
Overall opportunity to reconnect, reimagine and shape reinvestment
Introduction 55
Historic Districts and Block Clubs The Study Area has two historic districts and five block clubs that fall within its boundaries. Each of these districts and block clubs are managed by local community members. El Área de Estudio contiene dos distritos históricos y cinco asociaciones vecinales. Cada uno de ellos están gestionadas por miembros de la comunidad.
Jones Home District
Jones Home Historic District is located on the southern
n Rd
Jones Home Historic District está situado en el extremo sur del Área de Estudio, entre Woodbridge Ave y Library Ave, y W 25th and W 39th St. El distrito incluye muchas residencias unifamiliares
Jones Home Historic District
includes many historic single-family residences that add
W 25th St
nR d
Library Ave, and West 25th and West 39th St. The district to the charm and character of the neighborhood.
Ful to
W 44th St
W 41st St
Clark Ave
edge of the Study Area, between Woodbridge Ave and
Scranton South Side Historic District
históricas que añaden encanto y carácter al barrio.
Scranton South Side District
Figure 6
Historic Districts
Legend Historic Districts: ◌ Jones Homes - est. 2012 ◌ Scranton South Side - est. 2015
Block Clubs: Metro West: 1 Jones Homes ◌ 2 ◌
Bush Ave
◌ 3
Roberto Clemente
Scranton South Side Historic District is located along Scranton Road and expands north outside of the Study
Riverside Cemetery
Area boundary. The district also includes the residential neighborhood just north of the MetroHealth Campus and neighborhoods around Buhrer Dual Language School. Scranton South Side Historic District está situado a lo largo de Scranton Rd y se extiende hasta el norte, fuera del Área de Estudio. El distrito incluye un área residencial al norte de MetroHealth Campus y los barrios alrededor de Buhrer Dual Language School.
Block Clubs Block Clubs are resident led groups that meet regularly to discuss topics that involve their neighborhood (development, community programs, initiatives, etc). They are a way for residents to get involved in and stay engaged with their community. Las asociaciones vecinales son grupos son dirigidos por residentes
Tremont West: 4 ◌ Clark Scranton 5 ◌
Metro North
Clark-Fulton Together - Final Plan
que se reúnen periódicamente para debatir temas relacionados con su vecindario (desarrollo, programas comunitarios, iniciativas, etc.). Son una forma para que los residentes participen y se mantengan comprometidos con su comunidad.
Jones Homes Historic District Established 2012
NPS Form 10-900-a (Rev. 8/2002)
OMB No. 1024-0018
(Expires 5-31-2012)
United States Department of the Interior National Park Service
SCRANTON SOUTH SIDE Put Historic District Cuyahoga County, Ohio
National Register of Historic Places Continuation Sheet
NPS Form 10-900-a (Rev. 8/2002)
OMB No. 1024-0018
United States Department of the Interior
(Expires 5-31-2012)
SCRANTON SOUTH SIDE Put Historic District
National Park Service Section Number: Additional Documentation – Historic Images & Maps Page 22
National Register of Historic Places Continuation Sheet
Cuyahoga County, Ohio
Section Number: Additional Documentation – Historic Images & Maps
Page 6
NPS Form 10-900-a (Rev. 8/2002)
OMB No. 1024-0018
United States Department of the Interior National Park Service
National Register of Historic Places Continuation Sheet
(Expires 5-31-2012)
NPS Form 10-900-a (Rev. 8/2002)
SCRANTON SOUTH SIDE Put Historic District
Section Number: Additional Documentation – Historic Images & Maps
OMB No. 1024-0018
United States Department of the Interior National Park Service
Cuyahoga County, Ohio
National Register of Historic Places Continuation Sheet
Page 14
SCRANTON SOUTH SIDE Put Historic District Cuyahoga County, Ohio
Section Number: Additional Documentation – Historic Images & Maps
Page 7
_________________________________________________________________________________ Figure 6.a. Immanuel Evangelical Lutheran Church, After Tornado April 21, 1909.
Figure 22.a. Shell Service Station, 3237 Scranton, Photo 1937 (demolished)
Scranton South Side Historic District Established 2015
NPS Form 10-900-a (Rev. 8/2002)
OMB No. 1024-0018
United States Department of the Interior National Park Service
Figure 14.a. South Branch Carnegie Library, Photo ca. 1920.
National Register of Historic Places Continuation Sheet
(Expires 5-31-2012)
SCRANTON SOUTH SIDE Put Historic District Cuyahoga County, Ohio
Section Number: Additional Documentation – Historic Images & Maps
Page 8
Figure 6.b. Immanuel Evangelical Lutheran Church, Photo ca. 1912.
Figure 22.b. Shell Service Station, 3237 Scranton, Photo 1953 Source: The Cleveland Memory Project. Michael Schwartz Library, Cleveland State University. Available at Standard box type station used by Shell in the 1950’s.2 Source: Photography Collection. Scranton Ave. (Road). Cleveland Public Library. 2
Henderson, Wayne and Benjamin, Scott. Gas Stations. Osceola WI: Motorbooks International Publishers, 19 94, 132, 135; Preservation Brief 46. The Preservation and Reuse of Historic Gas Stations. National Park Service.
Figure 14.b. South Branch Carnegie Library, Photo ca. 1911, under construction.
Source: Cleveland Landmark Records and Nomination Files, Scranton Road. City of Cleveland Landmarks Commission.
Figure 8. St. Michael’s School, undated. Source: The Cleveland Memory Project. Michael Schwartz Library, Cleveland State University. Available at Figure 7. St. Michael
Streetcar, undated.
the Archangel Catholic Church at intersection of Scranton and Cla
Source: Photography Collection. Scranton Ave. (Road). Cleveland Public Library.
Introduction 57
Clark-Fulton Together - Final Plan
WHAT IS THE COMMUNITY SAYING? Community Ranking Community Ranking FAIR 3.1 - 3.4
POOR 2.2 - 2.9
◌ 5 Very Good ◌ 4 Good ◌ 3 Fair ◌ 2 Poor ◌ 1 Very Poor
POOR 2.6
Friendliness Civic Engagement Local Organizations / Institutions
What attracted you to live in Clark-Fulton? 1_ Affordable Homes 2_ To live near family/friends 3_ To be close to work 4_ Other
ACTIVITIES, PROGRAMS or EVENTS that you like to do and enjoy? 1_ Festivals / Events 2_ Welcoming 3_ Shopping 4_ Visiting neighbors at their homes
Introduction 59
INVESTMENT & INITIATIVES Clark-Fulton is in the midst of a surge of on-going and planned investments and initiatives. The neighborhood is seeing a lot of momentum and opportunities through a broad coalition of visionary leaders working to create positive change in the area. The following map shows all of the past, current and future work within the Study Area. Clark-Fulton se encuentra en medio de una oleada de inversiones e iniciativas que están tanto en curso como previstas para el futuro. El vecindario está viendo un gran impulso y oportunidades a través de una amplia coalición de líderes que trabajan para crear un cambio positivo en el área. El siguiente mapa muestra todo el trabajo que se ha realizado, que está en proceso y que se planea realizar dentro del Área de Estudio.
Ongoing Investments and Initiatives
Current/Ongoing Plans
Mayor’s Neighborhood Transformation Initiative
25Connects TOD Study
MetroHealth Campus Transformation
Citywide 10yr Housing Plan
Clark Ave. Resurfacing
Vision Zero Action Plan
Scranton Rd. Restriping
◌ Centro Villa 25 (2019) 5
Fulton Rd. Reconstruction
◌ 1
Clark Rec / Clark Elementary Expanded Green Space
◌ Meyer Pool Enhancements 2 ◌ The Pivot Center - New Cleveland Museum of Art 3 Community Center ◌ Aragon Ballroom 4
Lincoln West High School Replacement
Affordable Multifamily Housing
Clark-Fulton Together - Final Plan
Previous ◌
Clark-Fulton Target Area Plan (2019)
◌ CPL 150 Branch Plans (2019) 5 ◌
La Villa Hispana Action Plan (2016)
W25 Transit Development Strategy (2015)
Clark Ave Corridor Plan TLCI (2015)
CMSD Facilities Master Plan (2014)
W 25th St Corridor Initiative (2012)
OHIO CITY TREMONT Roberto Clemente Park
City Life Center
W 25th St
nR d
Lincoln West School
on Rd
Trent Park
Ful to
W 41st St
W 44th St
Clark Ave
MetroHealth Main Campus
Fulton Branch Library
Riverside Cemetery
Figure 7
Planned & On-Going Investments & Initiatives
1” = 250 FEET
Planning Context P1_ Cleveland Housing Plan 2030 Time Frame: 2020 - present Partners: City of Cleveland Create a robust housing market that will ensure access to decent housing, provide a full range of housing choices for existing residents, and attract new residents to Cleveland’s neighborhoods. The plan creates a blueprint for programs, policies, and investment tools to achieve the goal.
Transformation Initiative Time Frame: 2017 - present Partners: City of Cleveland City-led effort to offer new tools, programs, and resources to provide healthy, sustainable, and equitable opportunities to build wealth and stabilize historically fringed neighborhoods. It is being applied through public art and streetscape improvements highlighting Clark-Fulton’s diversity.
Crear un mercado de vivienda sólido que garantice el acceso a una vivienda digna, ofrezca una amplia gama de opciones a los residentes actuales y atraiga a nuevos residentes
Esfuerzo liderado por la ciudad para ofrecer nuevas herramientas, programas y recursos que proporcionen oportunidades saludables, sostenibles y equitativas para crear
a los vecindarios de Cleveland. El plan crea una ruta de
riqueza y estabilizar los vecindarios históricamente marginados.
programas, políticas y herramientas de inversión para lograr
Se está aplicando a través de arte público y mejoras en el
el objetivo.
paisaje urbano que destacan la diversidad de Clark-Fulton.
P3_ FHAct50 Affordable Housing Development and Target Area Plan
P4_ MetroHealth Campus Transformative
Time Frame: 2018 - present
Completion Date: 2014 - present
Partners: City of Cleveland, Metro West Community
Partners: MetroHealth System
Development Organization, MetroHealth System
MetroHealth’s new main campus will be a LEED-certified
The FHAct50 will help attract investments that will benefit
enhanced community anchor and center of the EcoDistrict.
residents and promote economic growth. The Target Area
Adding jobs, household income, and millions in tax
Plan addresses the housing and community development
revenue, it will serve as a catalyst for future community-
needs of the neighborhood within the framework of
drive and citizen-centric efforts for a more equitable and
the FHA50 to build a diverse, inclusive, and equitable
inclusive community.
MetroHealth Campus será un ancla comunitaria mejorada con
FHAct50 ayudará a atraer inversiones que beneficiarán a los
certificación LEED y el centro del EcoDistrict. Al añadir puestos
residentes y fomentarán el crecimiento económico. Target Area Plan aborda las necesidades de vivienda y desarrollo comunitario del vecindario en el marco FHA50 para construir un vecindario diverso, inclusivo y equitativo.
P2_ Mayor Frank Jackson’s Neighborhood
Clark-Fulton Together - Final Plan
de trabajo, ingresos familiares y millones en ingresos fiscales, servirá de catalizador para futuros esfuerzos centrados en la comunidad y en los ciudadanos para lograr una comunidad más equitativa e inclusiva.
P5_ 25Connects
P6_ Clark-Fulton Target Area Plan for FHAct50 Funding
Time Frame: 2020 - September 2021
Completion Date: October 2019
Partners: Greater Cleveland Regional Transit Authority,
Partners: City of Cleveland, Metro West Community
City of Cleveland
Development Organization, MetroHealth System
Provides design recommendations, guidelines, and tools
Addresses the housing and community development
to support a future West 25th Street corridor focused
needs of the neighborhood within the framework of
on walkable, transit-supportive, mixed-use community
the Fair Housing Act 50 Building Opportunity Fund
development that will support the RTA’s MetroHealth bus
(FHAct50). Identifies neighborhood priorities, development
rapid transit (BRT) line.
opportunities, and implementation strategies.
Proporciona recomendaciones de diseño, directrices y
Aborda las necesidades de vivienda y desarrollo comunitario
herramientas para apoyar un futuro corredor en W 25th St
del barrio en el marco de Fair Housing Act 50 Building
centrado en el desarrollo de una comunidad peatonal, que
Opportunity Fund (FHAct50). Identifica las prioridades del
apoya al tránsito y de uso mixto que apoyará la línea de
vecindario, las oportunidades de desarrollo y las estrategias
tránsito rápido de autobuses (BRT) de la RTA.
de implementación.
P7_ Centrol Villa 25
P8_ Cleveland Public Library Community Vision Plan + Branch Plans
Completion Date: September 2019
Completion Date: September 2019
Partners: Hispanic Business Center + Northeast Ohio
Partners: Cleveland Public Library (CPL)
Hispanic Chamber of Commerce, DSCDO, Thirdscape Action Lab
Initiative to prepare and provide services at its branches to better serve the community with changing
An economic development center for entrepreneurs
technologies. Provides recommendations in 4 four scales:
and space for small businesses and community-based
library building, library grounds, neighborhood, & services.
organizations. Provides more employment opportunities to increase self-sufficiency of low-income families, attract investments, and improve quality of life.
Iniciativa para preparar y proporcionar servicios en sus sucursales que sirvan mejor a la comunidad con las tecnologías que están en constante desarrollo. Ofrece
Un centro de desarrollo económico para empresarios y
recomendaciones a cuatro escalas: el edificio de la biblioteca,
un espacio para pequeñas empresas y organizaciones
el terreno de la biblioteca, el vecindario y los servicios.
comunitarias. Proporciona más oportunidades de empleo para aumentar la autosuficiencia de las familias con bajos ingresos, atraer inversiones y mejorar la calidad de vida.
Introduction 63
P9_ La Area Metro Collaborative EcoDistricts Imperatives Commitment
P10_ La Villa Hispana: The Intersection of Culture & Commerce - 2017-2022 Action Plan
Completion Date: February 2019
Completion Date: December 2016
Partners: MetroHealth System
Partners: Hispanic Business Center + Northeast Ohio
A tool to help build a healthy, sustainable, and just EcoDistrict right here in Clark-Fulton by focusing on how to create collective impact and advance a unified theory of change grounded in three areas - equity, resilience and climate protection. Una herramienta para ayudar a construir un EcoDistrict en Clark-Fulton que sea saludable y sostenible, y que se centre en cómo crear un impacto colectivo y avanzar en una teoría unificada de cambio basada en tres áreas: equidad, resiliencia y protección del clima.
Hispanic Chamber of Commerce, Hispanic Alliance Inc, MetroHealth System, Metro West, Ward 14 Councilwoman Jasmin Santana Identifies strategic areas of development and proposes strategies for implementation. Three foundational projects act as critical components for place-making projects that will create a present and visible Latino community. Identifica áreas estratégicas de desarrollo y propone estrategias para su aplicación. Tres proyectos fundacionales actúan como componentes críticos para los proyectos de creación de lugares que crearán una comunidad latina presente y visible.
P11_ W25 Transit Development Strategy
P12_ Clark Avenue Corridor Plan
Completion Date: April 2015
Completion Date: April 2015
Partners: Enterprise Community Partners, Cleveland
Partners: City of Cleveland, Tremont West Development Corporation, Metro West Community Development Organization, Northeast Ohio Areawide Coordinating
Neighborhood Progress Identifies viable transit solutions to improve livability and commerce by connecting to regional assets, serving employers, and addressing needs of residents. Corridor redesign enhances bus and bicycle travel and leverages opportunities to support transit infrastructure. Identifica soluciones de tránsito viables para mejorar la habitabilidad y el comercio, conectando con los activos
Agency (NOACA) Corridor configurations, streetscape standards, and redevelopment to stimulate reinvestment and improve quality of life. Recommendations for a safer, more vibrant, cohesive and healthier community for residents, merchants, and visitors.
regionales, sirviendo a los empleadores y atendiendo a las
Configuraciones de los corredores, normas de paisaje urbano
necesidades de los residentes. El diseño de los corredores
y reurbanización para estimular la inversión y mejorar la
mejora los viajes en autobús y en bicicleta y aprovecha las
calidad de vida. Recomendaciones para una comunidad más
oportunidades para apoyar la infraestructura de tránsito.
segura, vibrante, cohesionada y saludable para residentes, comerciantes y visitantes.
Clark-Fulton Together - Final Plan
P13_ Cleveland Metropolitan School District Facilities Master Plan
P14_ W. 25th Street Corridor Initiative
Completion Date: June 2014
Completion Date: January 2012
Partners: Cleveland Metropolitan School District
Partners: Cleveland City Planning Commission,
Addresses the long- and short-term needs of the District
MetroHealth System, Cleveland Neighborhood Progress
and community, while also providing flexibility for growing
Builds on existing assets to catalyze the revitalization
and shifting patterns. Identifies the opportunity to create a
of the corridor and adjacent neighborhoods. Identifies
“dynamic place” in the Clark-Fulton cluster to build La Villa
development opportunities along the corridor and
Hispana by improving the physical building and programs
leverage current and proposed plans.
offered at the centrally located Lincoln-West High School.
Aprovecha los recursos existentes para catalizar la
Aborda las necesidades a largo y corto plazo del distrito y de
revitalización del corredor y los barrios adyacentes. Identifica
la comunidad, a la vez que proporciona flexibilidad para los patrones de crecimiento y cambio. Identifica la oportunidad
las oportunidades de desarrollo a lo largo del corredor y aprovecha los planes actuales y propuestos.
de crear un “lugar dinámico” en Clark-Fulton a través de la construcción de La Villa Hispana, mejorando el edificio y los programas ofrecidos Lincoln-West High School.
Introduction 65
03 Community Engagement & Planning Process Community voices are the building blocks of the Clark-Fulton Master Plan. Despite challenges and setbacks from an unprecedented pandemic, residents and stakeholders gathered (virtually and in-person) to shape the future of our neighborhood. Las voces de la comunidad son los pilares del Plan Maestro de Clark-Fulton. A pesar de los retos y contratiempos que la pandemia nos ha traído consigo, los residentes y las partes interesadas se reunieron (virtualmente y en persona) para dar forma al futuro de nuestro vecindario.
01 66
Clark-Fulton Together - Final Plan
Community Engagement & Planning Process 67
PLANNING PROCESS The Clark-Fulton Together Master Plan is a
El Plan Maestro de Clark-Fulton Together es un esfuerzo
comprehensive and inclusive effort to create
exhaustivo e inclusivo para la creación de una guía
a roadmap for the Clark-Fulton neighborhood
para el vecindario de Clark-Fulton, en el lado oeste de
on Cleveland’s near west side. This plan offers actions to help bring positive change to this culturally diverse neighborhood. This plan serves as a tool to prioritize, integrate, and align the implementation of key ongoing and planned investment initiatives focused in Clark-Fulton over the next 10 years. The Master Planning process centered around
un cambio positivo a este vecindario culturalmente diverso. Este plan sirve como herramienta para priorizar, integrar y orientar la implementación de iniciativas de inversión clave que se encuentran en curso o están planificadas y que están centradas en Clark-Fulton durante los próximos 10 años. El proceso de Planificación Maestra se centró en las voces de los miembros de la comunidad. Utilizando un proceso
the voices of community members. Using a
impulsado por la comunidad, el compromiso inicial
community-driven process, initial engagement
reveló los grandes valores que muchos en la comunidad
revealed the great assets that many in the
aprecian, incluyendo: personas solidarias, espacios bellos
community value, including: caring people,
y negocios e instituciones ancla. El desarrollo de este
beautiful spaces, businesses, and anchor
Plan Maestro ofreció la oportunidad de resaltar estos
institutions. Development of this Master Plan provided the opportunity to highlight these assets while also creating a vision for the future of our community. In order to have a welcoming, inclusive neighborhood where everyone can thrive, this plan needed to be built from the ground up, through meaningful engagement with all of our neighbors. We believe that the most desirable change is fueled by the interests, energies, and commitments of the broadest
valores al mismo tiempo que se crea una visión para el futuro de nuestra comunidad. Para tener un vecindario acogedor e inclusivo en el que todos puedan prosperar, este plan debía construirse desde la base, a través de un compromiso significativo con todos nuestros vecinos. Creemos que el cambio más deseable se alimenta de los intereses, las energías y los compromisos de diversos miembros de la comunidad. El proceso de Planificación Maestra fue un esfuerzo de colaboración dividido en tres fases flexibles y
array of community members.
superpuestas que fueron de la mano de la participación
The Master Planning process was a collaborative
lugar a planes exhaustivos, viables y respaldados por la
effort divided into three flexible and overlapping
phases, that went hand-in-hand with community engagement. This sequence of phases has consistently delivered plans that are thorough, actionable, and supported by their community. Due to the global COVID-19 Pandemic, aspects of the planning process had to be adapted to follow social distancing guidelines. Engagement and outreach tools had to be flexible and easily accessible to everyone from safe distances in person or through other alternative engagement tools.
Cleveland. Este plan ofrece acciones que ayuden a traer
Clark-Fulton Together - Final Plan
de la comunidad. Esta secuencia de fases ha dado
Debido a la pandemia mundial de COVID-19, algunos aspectos del proceso de planificación tuvieron que adaptarse para seguir las directrices de distanciamiento social. Las herramientas de participación y divulgación tenían que ser flexibles y fácilmente accesibles para todos, con medidas de distancia social en el caso de ser en persona o a través de otras herramientas de participación alternativas.
Planning and Engagement Phases Phase 1: Inventory + Assessment January - September 2020 Learning about the neighborhood
Conocer las necesidades y oportunidades del
needs and opportunities by listening
vecindario, escuchando y aprendiendo a través
and learning through the eyes of the community. The goals of this phase was to validate the data, learn about the
de los ojos de la comunidad. Los objetivos de esta fase eran validar los datos, conocer los valores, las preocupaciones y las oportunidades iniciales.
assets, concerns, and initial opportunities.
Phase 2: Plan Development October 2020 - May 2021 Exploring issues, opportunities, and initial
Explorar los problemas, las oportunidades y las
design ideas in a multi-day Ideas + Action
ideas iniciales de diseño en la Semana de Ideas
Week through a series of interactive, “hands-on” engagement activities. The goal was to validate Phase 1 findings and work towards creating a Vision, Ideas and Actions.
y Acciones, de varios días de duración, mediante una serie de actividades de participación interactivas y prácticas. El objetivo era validar las conclusiones de la Fase 1 y trabajar para crear una Visión, Ideas y Acciones.
Phase 3: Final Plan March - October 2021 Final phase included working with
La fase final incluyó el trabajo con la comunidad
the community to validate the
para validar las recomendaciones e ideas del
recommendations and ideas in the Draft Plan. Gathering and synthesizing all comments, responses, and feedback from the community to produce a Final Plan to
Borrador del Plan. Recoger y sintetizar todos los comentarios, respuestas y opiniones de la comunidad para elaborar un Plan Final que guíe el futuro de Clark-Fulton.
guide the future of Clark-Fulton.
Community Engagement & Planning Process 69
Learning Abou t Nei g hborh ood N e e d s & Op p or t unit ie s
E xp lo r in g & D ra fti n g th e
January - September 2020
October 2020
June, 2020
Website & Social Media Launch
November, 2020
Virtual Project Launch Meeting (English + Spanish) 50 participants
Virtual Community Me
Launch Questionnaire
2-Day Open House
70 Respondents
100 participants
93 participants
Community Mapping 44 Respondents
Postcard Mailers 5,000 mailed
14 Focus Groups Meetings
6 Stakehodler Meetin
128 participants
40 participants
Steering Committee
Steering Committee
Ambassador Training Sessions 7 sessions
Surveys 71 Respondents
Ambassador Expres 4 sessions
Clark-Fulton Together - Final Plan
The Clark-Fulton Master Planning process kicked-off at
El proceso de Planificación Maestra de Clark-Fulton se inició al
the beginning of the global pandemic in March 2020
comienzo de la pandemia mundial en marzo de 2020, lo que supuso
creating a challenge to engage with the community while
un reto para comprometerse con la comunidad siguiendo las
following social distancing guidelines. The engagement
directrices de distanciamiento social. El plan de participación tuvo que ser recalibrado para incorporar herramientas de participación
plan had to be re-calibrated to incorporate high-tech
tecnológicas, de forma que se asegurara que todos los miembros
to no-tech engagement tools to ensure all members of
de la comunidad de Clark-Fulton tuvieran acceso a participar de
the Clark-Fulton community had access to participate in
diferentes maneras.
different ways.
Neig h b o r hood Vision
V a l i d a t ing t he N e ighb o r ho o d Visio n & Pla n Ad o pti o n
- May 2021
June - October 2021
June, 2021
Community Meeting 60 participants
October, 2021
2-Day Open House 100 participants
Steering Committee 12
ssion Series
Community Engagement & Planning Process
Community Engagement Process and Goals The goal of the planning process was to build
El objetivo del proceso de planificación era desarrollar la
capacity of residents, business owners, and
capacidad de los residentes, los propietarios de negocios y
stakeholders to learn ways to survive, adapt, and
las partes interesadas para que aprendieran a sobrevivir,
thrive when confronting shocks and stressors regardless of whether those impacts are economic, environmental, or social in origin. Especially important was building capacity in local social networks and organizations to help strengthen them to be able to continue to support ClarkFulton’s people, infrastructure, and economy beyond the timeline of this planning process.
adaptarse y prosperar cuando se enfrentan a las crisis y los factores de estrés, independientemente de si esos impactos son de origen económico, ambiental o social. Especialmente importante fue la creación de capacidad en redes y organizaciones sociales locales para ayudar a fortalecerlas para que puedan seguir apoyando a la gente, la infraestructura y la economía de Clark-Fulton más allá de este proceso de planificación. Para ello fue fundamental garantizar que el diseño y la ejecución del proceso fueran
Central to this was ensuring the design and
inclusivos, culturalmente competentes y bilingües, con muchas
implementation of the process was inclusive,
actividades y oportunidades prácticas.
culturally competent and bilingual with plenty of hands-on activities and opportunities.
Inclusive: Cultivate a welcoming
Buy-In: Ensure support from a diverse
all residents to provide input on a level
stakeholders. Garantizar el apoyo de una base
playing field. Cultivar un proceso acogedor que
diversa y representativa de residentes y partes
fomente la participación de todos los residentes
process that encouraged participation from
and representative base of residents and
para que hagan sus aportaciones en igualdad de condiciones.
Capacity Building:
residents and stakeholders to advocate
Trust: Cultivate trust and partnerships between the Core Team partners,
for their needs and participate in future
Community Ambassadors and other
planning processes and implementation
residents and stakeholders.Cultivar la
activities. Animar a los residentes y a las partes
confianza y las alianzas entre el Equipo Central, los
interesadas a defender sus necesidades y a
Embajadores de la Comunidad y otros residentes y
participar en futuros procesos de planificación y
partes interesadas.
actividades de ejecución.
Collaborative Vision:
opportunities for input from all members
Empowerment: Uplift community
members to hold decision making powers
of the community to ensure the community
to be active, involved participants in
voice was present in the Master Plan.
planning the future of their neighborhood.
Presentar oportunidades para que las aportaciones
Motivar a los miembros de la comunidad para
sean de todos los miembros de la comunidad, de
que tengan poder de decisión y sean participantes
froma que se garantice que la voz de la comunidad
activos e implicados en la planificación del futuro
esté presente en el Plan Maestro.
de su barrio.
Clark-Fulton Together - Final Plan
In-Person Commencement Community Meeting
Community Engagement & Planning Process 73
Outreach and Engagement Meetings, Events, Activities, and Tools Online Tools
Printed Materials
Postcard Mailers
Página Web
Social Media
Redes Sociales
Email Newsletters
Meeting in-a-box
Boletines Informativos
Reuniones “en la caja”
Meetings (Virtual + In-Person)
Open House Banners Pancartas para la Jornada de Puertas Abiertas
Steering Committee Meetings Reuniones del Comité Directivo
Focus Groups & Stakeholder Meetings Grupos de Discusión y Reuniones con las Partes Interesadas
Community Meetings
Online Activitites Survey Encuesta
Community Mapping Mapeo de la Comunidad
Reuniones con la Comunidad
Open Houses Open House Jornada de Puertas Abiertas
In-Person Activities Bike Ride Vuelta en bici
Ambassador Training and Series Community Expression Series
Mobility Experience Experiencia de Movilidad
Series de Expresión Comunitaria
Neighborhood Events Eventos Vecinales
Scooter Rides Paseos en Patinete
Scavenger Hunt Búsqueda del Tesoro
Clark-Fulton Together - Final Plan
Página Web The project website was created to promote
El sitio web del proyecto se creó para promover la transparencia,
transparency, information sharing, and a place to
el intercambio de información y un lugar para hacer aportaciones.
provide input. Online engagement tools included idea
Las herramientas de participación en línea incluían un mural
walls, surveys, community mapping, budgeting tools, among many others. The website was a virtual homebase, hosting general project information, including: ◌
Team + Process
Study Area
Project Press + News
Community Meeting Recordings
Community Meeting Presentations
Community Mapping
Community Surveys
Previous Plans + Current Initiatives
Send Us a Message!
Sign-up for Updates
de ideas, encuestas, herramientas de mapeo comunitario y herramientas presupuestarias entre otras. El sitio web era una base virtual que albergaba información general sobre el proyecto, entre otras cosas:
◌ ◌ ◌ ◌ ◌ ◌ ◌ ◌ ◌ ◌ ◌ ◌
El equipo y el proceso El área de estudio Los embajadores Preguntas frecuentes Prensa y noticias del proyecto Grabaciones de la reunión con la comunidad Presentaciones de las reuniones con la comunidad Mapeo comunitario Encuentas Planes pasados e iniciativas actuales ¡Envíenos un mensaje! Inscríbase para recibir actualizaciones
Community Engagement & Planning Process 75
Social Media Redes Sociales
Social media accounts were created on Facebook,
Se crearon cuentas de redes sociales en Facebook, Instagram
Instagram, and YouTube for community outreach and
y YouTube para la difusión y la particpación de la comunidad.
engagement. Followers were reminded about upcoming
Los seguidores accedieron a información sobre los próximos
events, project updates, and other engagement activities. People were also able to join community meetings via the “live” features, interact with the Team through Q&A sessions, community surveys, etc., all of which were presented with visually interesting graphics and videos. Information posted on social media also benefited from other local organizations and accounts spreading
eventos, las actualizaciones del proyecto y otras actividades de participación. La gente también pudo participar en reuniones comunitarias a través de las funciones “live”, interactuar con el equipo a través de sesiones de preguntas y respuestas, encuestas comunitarias, etc., todo ello presentado con gráficos y vídeos visualmente interesantes. Otras organizaciones y cuentas locales difundieran la información en sus propias cuentas, lo que benefició la difusión de información en redes sociales. Esto permitió que las actualizaciones del
the information on their own accounts. This allowed
proyecto llegaran más allá de nuestra audiencia para incluir a
project updates to reach beyond our audience to
los seguidores de otros importantes líderes de la comunidad,
include followers of other major community leaders,
como la concejala Jasmin Santana y la Metro West Community
including Councilwoman Jasmin Santana and Metro West
Development Organization.
Community Development Organization.
Además de las páginas de Clark-Fulton Together en las redes
In addition to the Clark-Fulton Together social media pages, the Community Ambassadors (Fab 5) created their own page to keep the community up-to-date on
sociales, los Embajadores de la Comunidad (Fab 5) crearon su propia página para mantener a la comunidad al día de los eventos comunitarios y los anuncios generales.
Clark-Fulton Instagram Profile
Clark-Fulton Together - Final Plan
Figure 9
Figure 8
community events and general announcements.
Clark-Fulton Facebook Page
Email Newsletters Boletines Informativos
Clark-Fulton Together Master Plan Newsletters Project Update People were invited to join a mailing list to receive periodic project updates. These newsletters were sent via email to give the latest updates on progress and upcoming events. ◌
Project Launch Update: the first newsletter
Boletines de Actualización del Proyecto del Plan Maestro de Clark-Fulton Together Se invitó a la gente a unirse a una lista de envíos de correo para recibir actualizaciones periódicas del proyecto. Estos boletines se enviaron por correo electrónico para ofrecer las últimas novedades sobre el progreso del proyecto y los próximos eventos.
Actualización del Lanzamiento del Proyecto: el primer boletín ofrecía una breve explicación de la misión y el propósito del Master Plan. Se presentó el calendario y las formas de participación a lo largo del proceso.
Actualización de septiembre de 2020: proporcionó una recapitulación de los esfuerzos guiados por la comunidad, incluyendo la presentación del Equipo de Embajadores y mostrando los resultados iniciales de las actividades de participación del lanzamiento del proyecto.
Actualización de octubre de 2020: presentó los resultados de la encuesta y profundizó en el calendario de eventos y reuniones. Esta actualización también anunció la Semana de las Ideas y Acciones para invitar a la comunidad a la participación, así como un vistazo a lo que vendría en las Fases 2 y 3.
provided a brief explanation of the assignment and purpose of the Master Plan. It presented the timeline, and ways in which to participate throughout the process. ◌
September 2020 Update: provided a recap of the community-guided efforts, including presenting the Ambassadors Team and showing the initial results from the project launch engagement activities.
October 2020 Update: presented survey results and further explored the events and meetings timeline. This update also announced the Ideas and Action Week to invite participation, as well as a look to what was to come in Phases 2 & 3.
Boletín de Ward 14 El Boletín de Ward 14 se envía trimestralmente y anuncia los
Ward 14 Newsletter
próximos eventos además de recursos para la comunidad.
The Ward 14 Newsletter is sent quarterly and announces upcoming community events and resources for the community.
When asked how they received neighborhood information, residents replied they keep up to date through the Ward 14 Office. Ward 14 Newsletter has helped spread the word by sharing the Clark-Fulton Together timeline and events. (collected via the Resident’s Survey. launched September 2020) Community Engagement & Planning Process 77
PRINTED MATERIALS Postcard Mailers Postales
Up to 5,000 postcards were sent
Se enviaron hasta 5.000 postales por
by mail to inform residents about
correo para informar a los residentes
the Master Plan, its partners, and to
sobre el Master Plan, sus colaboradores
encourage them to get creative and engage on social media through a family-friendly, fun coloring activity.
y para animarles a ser creativos y a participar en las redes sociales a través de una divertida actividad para colorear en familia.
Flyers Panfletos
THE TIME IS NOW. ¡VAMOS! Clark-Fulton Together is a community-driven master plan for the neighborhood. During a period of one year (from April 2020 to April 2021) we will work with you to envision strategies to create a more healthy, equitable and sustainable future community.
Flyers were created, in English and
Se crearon panfletos en inglés y español
Spanish, and distributed in the
y se distribuyeron en el vecindario y en
neighborhood and on social media
las redes sociales para promocionar
to promote events throughout the planning process.
Phase 1: Understanding
August - December 2020
January - March 2021
Phase 3: Deciding
Phase 4: Documentation
Exploring and drafting the neighborhood vision
Validating the neighborhood vision and initial strategies
Creating and adopting the final plan document
Phase 2: Exploration
April - August 2020
March - April 2021
los eventos a lo largo del proceso de planificación.
Learning about the community needs and opportunities
STAY CONNECTED! Visit our project website and sign-up for updates! Visite el sitio web del proyecto y registrese! Siganos en las redes sociales
Facebook, Instagram + YouTube STUDY AREA
Llene el cuestionario de la presentacion del lanzamiento del proyecto
+ ADD PLACES: Community Map Use the mapping tool to show us the locations of the places you like, and want to improve Dinos cuales son los lugares que le gustan, y los que le gustaria mejorar
MetroHealth System Main Campus
+ FILL OUT: Community Survey
+ FILL OUT: Launch Questionnaire
Reuniones “en caja”
+ WATCH: Project Launch Presentation Vea la presentacion del lanzamiento del proyecto
Follow us on social media
Meeting in-a-box
Llene la encuesta de la comunidad 71
A meeting-in-a-box package
Se creó un paquete de reuniones “en caja”
was created to encourage Team
para animar a los miembros del equipo
members and Community
y a los embajadores de la comunidad a
Ambassadors to host small group, in-person engagement activities. The package included informative flyers about events, coloring activity (refer to postcard mailers), and question boards for community members to share their input about what they want to see in the future.
organizar actividades de participación en persona en grupos pequeños. El paquete
What do you think this master plan should achieve? ¿Qué crees que este plan maestro debería lograr?
incluía panfletos informativos sobre los eventos, actividades para colorear (consulte las tarjetas postales) y tarjetas de preguntas para que los miembros de la comunidad compartieran su opinión sobre lo que querían ver en el futuro.
Clark-Fulton Together - Final Plan #clarkfultontogether #clarkfultonjuntos
Open House Banners Estandartes para las Jornadas de Puertas Abiertas
As part of the Open House events in Phases 2 & 3,
Como parte de los eventos de Puertas Abiertas de las Fases 2 y 3,
large banners were created to gather input from the
se crearon grandes estandartes para recopilar las opiniones de la
community. Each banner was dedicated to a plan topic,
comunidad. Cada estandarte estaba dedicado a un tema del plan, y
and residents were asked to vote on ideas and actions they wanted to see in Clark-Fulton, as well as share their own experiences and ideas on the presented material. Banners included English and Spanish translations to ensure accessibility for all residents.
Ideas and Actions Week (Phase 2) The banners for Ideas and Action Week included information that was gathered during Phase 1 and asked residents to provide feedback and initial ideas they wanted
se pidió a los residentes que votaran sobre las ideas y acciones que querían ver en Clark-Fulton, así como que compartieran sus propias experiencias e ideas sobre el material presentado. Los estandartes incluían traducciones al inglés y al español para garantizar la accesibilidad a todos los residentes.
Semana de Ideas y Acciones (Fase 2) Los estandartes presentados en la Semana de Ideas y Acciones incluían información recopilada durante la Fase 1 y pedían a los residentes que aportaran los comentarios e ideas iniciales que querían ver en el Master Plan. Se preguntó a los residentes sobre
to see in the Master Plan. Residents were asked about
las oportunidades y los retos presentes en Clark-Fulton y sobre sus
opportunities and challenges present in Clark-Fulton and
necesidades y aspiraciones para el futuro.
about their needs and aspirations for the future.
Fin de Semana de Iniciación (Fase 3)
Plan Commencement Weekend (Phase 3)
Cada uno de los Forward Moves del plan se presentó en un único
Each of the plan’s Forward Moves were presented on a
estandarte, exponiendo las ideas y acciones del Master Plan
single board, outlining the ideas and actions of the Master
en enunciados breves y claros. Se pidió a los miembros de la
Plan in short, clear statements. Community members were asked to vote on the actions and ideas they would like to
comunidad que votaran sobre las acciones e ideas que les gustaría ver priorizadas para ayudar a guiar el proceso de implementación.
see prioritized to help guide the implementation process.
Commencement Open House Weekend
Community Engagement & Planning Process 79
MEETINGS Steering Committee Meetings Reuniones del Comité Directivo The Steering Committee meetings were an opportunity
Las reuniones del Comité Directivo dieron la oportunidad a los
for committee members to provide feedback to ensure
miembros del comité de que dieran su opinión para asegurar que
that the Master Planning process was aligned with the
el proceso de Planificación Maestra estuviera alineado con las
needs of the community, and was positioned well to move successfully into implementation.
Phase 1 Steering Committee Meeting This first meeting provided the opportunity to present the findings and analysis gathered during Phase 1 through a Community Assessment Presentation. This
necesidades de la comunidad, y además de bien posicionado para pasar con éxito a la implementación.
Reunión del Comité Directivo en la Fase 1 Esta primera reunión fue una oportunidad para presentar los hallazgos y el análisis recopilados durante la Fase 1 a través de una Presentación de la Evaluación de la Comunidad. Esta fue la primera oportunidad para que todo el equipo revisara y discutiera
was the first opportunity for the entire team to review
los hallazgos a través de un análisis detallado en forma de datos
and discuss the findings through detailed data and
y mapas. Las conversaciones dieron lugar a ideas y preguntas
mapping analysis. Conversations led to initial ideas
iniciales sobre cómo avanzar en el proceso de planificación para
and questions on how to move forward in the planning
resaltar los recursos y abordar las preocupaciones descubiertas en
process to highlight the assets and address the concerns revealed in the first phase of the project.
Phase 2 Steering Committee Meeting This second workshop provided an opportunity to debrief on Ideas and Actions Week activities and to go over the key takeaways and next steps for the Master Plan. This was the first opportunity to collaboratively
la primera fase del proyecto.
Reunión del Comité Directivo en la Fase 2 Este segundo taller brindó la oportunidad de informar sobre las actividades de la Semana de Ideas y Acciones y repasar las conclusiones principales y los próximos pasos del Master Plan. Esta fue la primera oportunidad de identificar, en colaboración, los posibles catalizadores y sitios con oportunidad de desarrollo que se explorarán, evaluarán y desarrollarán en la siguiente fase.
identify potential catalyst and development opportunity sites to be explored, evaluated, and developed further in the next phase.
Phase 3 Steering Committee Meeting The first draft of The Clark-Fulton Plan Report was presented to the committee in the third and last meeting. The meeting shared the plan vision, guiding principles of the plan, and forward moves (goals + actions + recommendations), as well as a comprehensive overview of the outreach and engagement that led to the draft plan. Break-out group sessions asked Steering Committee members to provide initial feedback and began the conversation around plan implementation priorities, projects, partners, and funding sources.
Clark-Fulton Together - Final Plan
Reunión del Comité Directivo en la Fase 3 El primer borrador del Plan de Clark-Fulton se presentó al comité en la tercera y última reunión. En la reunión se compartió la visión y los principios rectores del plan y los pasos a seguir (objetivos + acciones + recomendaciones), así como una visión general de la participación y el compromiso con la comunidad que condujeron a dicho borrador. En las sesiones en grupo se pidió a los miembros del Comité Directivo que aportaran sus comentarios iniciales y se inició la conversación sobre las prioridades para aplicación del plan, los proyectos, los aliados y las fuentes de financiación.
Focus Groups & Stakeholder Meetings Grupos de Discusión y Reuniones con las Partes Interesadas Focus Group and Stakeholder meetings were held
A lo largo del proceso de planificación y participación se celebraron
virtually throughout the planning and engagement
reuniones virtuales con los grupos de discusión y las partes
process. These meetings were an opportunity for the
interesadas. Estas reuniones fueron una oportunidad para que
planning team to meet with Ambassadors, community members, local organizations, and other stakeholders to ensure all perspectives and adjacent plans and projects were acknowledged and properly incorporated in the plan. These topics ranged from mobility, public realm, economic vitality, development, sustainability, and health to neighborhood prosperity.
el equipo de planificación se reuniera con los embajadores, los miembros de la comunidad, las organizaciones locales y otras partes interesadas para asegurarse de que todas las perspectivas, los planes y proyectos adyacentes fueran reconocidos e incorporados adecuadamente en el plan. Estos temas abarcaron desde la movilidad, el espacio público, la vitalidad económica, el desarrollo, la sostenibilidad y la salud hasta la prosperidad del barrio.
Reunión de los Grupos de Discusión en la Fase 1
Focus Groups Meetings (Phase 1) As part of the Project Launch, 15 Focus Groups meetings were held with thematic focus on a topic that
Como parte del Lanzamiento del Proyecto se celebraron 15 reuniones de grupos de discusión centrados en un tema que requería un compromiso profundo y continuo.
required in-depth, continuous engagement.
Reunión de los Grupos de Discusión en la Fase 1
Stakeholder Meetings (Phase 2)
Las reuniones con las partes interesadas se diseñaron para
Stakeholder meetings were designed to engage
fueron una oportunidad para poner a prueba las conclusiones de
further on specific aspects of the neighborhood. These
las reuniones de los grupos de discusión y para desarrollar ideas,
meetings were an opportuntiy to test the takeaways
acciones y estrategias iniciales que aprovechen los recursos y
from the Focus Group meetings and to develop initial
programas existentes.
profundizar en aspectos específicos del vecindario. Estas reuniones
ideas, actions, and strategies that leverage existing assets, programs, and resources.
Virtual Stakeholder Meetings (Phase 2) Housing Discussion
Community Engagement & Planning Process
Community Meetings Reuniones con la Comunidad
Adapting to COVID-19 guidelines, two community-wide
Adaptándose a las directrices de COVID-19, se celebraron dos
virtual meetings took place, one in Phase 1 and one in
reuniones virtuales para la comunidad, una en la Fase 1 y otra en
Phase 2, ensuring the safety of all participants.
la Fase 2, de forma que se garantizara la seguridad de todos los
Project Launch Community Meeting (Phase 1): The Project Launch was an opportunity for the planning team to introduce themselves to the community and give a sneak peak into the planning process. An initial understanding of Clark-Fulton was presented, as well as the potential growth and development opportunities. Throughout the meeting, attendees were asked to participate in interactive polls about challenges, improvements, placemaking, etc. in the neighborhood.
Reunión con la Comunidad del Lanzamiento del Proyecto (Fase 1): El Lanzamiento del Proyecto fue una oportunidad para que el equipo de planificación se presentara a la comunidad e hiciera un resumen sobre el proceso de planificación. Se presentó una visión inicial de Clark-Fulton, así como posibles oportunidades de crecimiento y desarrollo. A lo largo de la reunión, se pidió a los asistentes que participaran en encuestas interactivas sobre los retos, las mejoras, la creación de espacios, etc. del barrio.
Ideas and Action Week Community Meeting (Phase 2)
Reunión con la Comunidad en la Semana de Ideas y Acciones (Fase 2)
To kick-off Ideas and Action Week, a virtual Community
Para dar comienzo a la Semana de las Ideas y Acciones, se celebró
Meeting presented all of the findings and analysis
una reunión comunitaria virtual en la que se presentaron todas
gathered during Phase 1. An abbreviated Community
las conclusiones y los análisis recogidos durante la primera fase.
Assessment was given to the community, as well as
Se entregó a la comunidad una Evaluación de la Comunidad
some initial ideas and goals, and next steps. Break-
abreviada, así como algunas ideas y objetivos iniciales y los
out group discussions were facilitated by members of the planning team to gather more feedback from the community.
próximos pasos. Los miembros del equipo de planificación facilitaron debates en grupos para recabar más información de la comunidad.
The planning team re-structured the entire community engagement process and created a set of high-tech to no-tech engagement tools to enable Clark-Fulton community members from all backgrounds to participate meaningfully in different ways. 82
Clark-Fulton Together - Final Plan
Plan Commencement Community Meeting (Phase 3)
La Reunión con la Comunidad de Inicio del Plan fue una
The Plan Commencement Community Meeting was an
de planificación. A través de una presentación, los residentes
opportunity to explore the vision that was developed
escucharon la visión, los objetivos y los Forward Moves
from their input throughout the planning process. Through a presentation residents heard about the vision, goals, and Forward Moves of the neighborhood, and were invited to engage in the planning process by collaborating on a rapid brainstorming session to
oportunidad para explorar la visión que se desarrolló a partir de sus aportaciones de la comunidad a lo largo del proceso
del vecindario y se les invitó a participar en el proceso de planificación colaborando en una sesión de brainstorming para crear soluciones a las discusiones pasadas de las Sesiones de Expresión Comunitaria sobre Raza e Inclusión y Desplazamiento y Envejecimiento en el Lugar.
create solutions to past Community Expression Series discussions on Race and Inclusion and Displacement and Aging in Place.
Google Jamboard Online Feedback Due to COVID-19, meetings and engagement activites had to be adapted to a virtual format. Including using online whiteboards to gather comments and feedback from community members and stakeholders.
Community Engagement & Planning Process 83
OPEN HOUSES Open House Jornada de Puertas Abiertas
The Open Houses were outdoor, family-friendly, and
Las Jornadas de Puertas Abiertas fueron eventos al aire libre,
interactive events for the community to meet the project
familiares e interactivos para que la comunidad conociera al equipo
team and provide input and feedback on the Master
del proyecto y aportara sus opiniones y comentarios sobre el Master
Plan. This was the first opportunity for residents to engage with the banners and organizations that operate in the neighborhood.
Ideas and Action Week (Phase 2): A hybrid open house was held to gather input and brainstorm ideas to turn into actions. Banners (see Open House Banners) were displayed in-person in the neighborhood as well as posted on the project website, for residents to react to what we had learned and to
participaran a través de los estandartes y con las organizaciones que operan en el vecindario.
Semana de Ideas y Acciones (Fase 2): Se celebró una jornada de puertas abiertas híbrida para recoger opiniones y aportar ideas que se convirtieran en acciones. Se expusieron estandartes físicos en el vecindairo (véase estandartes en las Jornadas de Puertas Abiertas) y se publicaron en el sitio web del proyecto para que los residentes reaccionaran a lo que habíamos aprendido y aportaran más comentarios e ideas sobre lo que querían
provide more feedback and ideas for what they wanted
ver en el futuro. También se invitó a los residentes a unirse a un paseo
to see in the future. Residents were also invited to join
en bicicleta por el vecindario para hablar de las condiciones de la
a neighborhood bike ride to discuss biking conditions
infraestructura ciclista y a participar en una búsqueda del tesoro de
and to participate in a scavenger hunt for Barrier-Free
Barrier-Free Cleveland para encontrar dónde las condiciones de las
Cleveland finding unsafe sidewalk conditions.
aceras son poco seguras.
Plan Commencement Weekend (Phase 3)
Fin de Semana de Iniciación (Fase 3)
Banners (see Open House Banners) were displayed to
Se expusieron estandartes (véase estandartes en las Jornadas de
seek input on the vision, forward moves, and initiatives put together by the Team. There was an interview corner where Ambassadors and residents could share their thoughts on the Plan and how they see the Clark-Fulton neighborhood in the future. Vendors and participants engaged with the residents to provide information about housing, organizations that operate in the neighborhood, local businesses, and mobility.
Plan. Esta fue la primera oportunidad para que los residentes
Clark-Fulton Together - Final Plan
Puertas Abiertas) para recoger opiniones sobre la visión, los avances y las iniciativas elaboradas por el equipo. Hubo un rincón de entrevistas en el que los embajadores y los residentes pudieron compartir sus opiniones sobre el Plan y cómo ven el vecindario de Clark-Fulton en el futuro. Los proveedores y los participantes se relacionaron con los residentes para proporcionarles información sobre la vivienda, las organizaciones que operan en el barrio, los negocios locales y la movilidad.
Ideas and Actions Week Open House, November 2020
Plan Commencement Weekend Open House, June 2021
Community Engagement & Planning Process 85
ONLINE ACTIVITIES Surveys Encuestas We administer 3 different surveys: 1) Residents, 2)
Administramos 3 encuestas diferentes: 1) Residentes, 2) Propietarios
Business Owners, and 3) Employees, both Online and
de negocios, y 3) Empleados, tanto en línea como impresas. Las
printed. The surveys were developed to learn more
encuestas fueron desarrolladas para aprender más sobre las
about the opportunities and challenges for residents of Clark-Fulton as part of Phase 1: listening and learning. The Surveys were built off of the input from initial Focus Group conversations and Community Mapping responses. The purpose of the surveys was to gain a more complex and nuanced understanding of the neighborhood’s needs and aspirations for the future. We received 3 surveys from local workers, 52 surveys from
oportunidades y desafíos de los residentes de Clark-Fulton como parte de la Fase 1: escuchar y aprender. Las encuestas se basaron en las aportaciones de las conversaciones iniciales de los grupos de discusión y las respuestas del Mapeo communitario. El propósito de las encuestas era obtener una comprensión más compleja y matizada de las necesidades y aspiraciones del vecindario para el futuro. Recibimos 3 encuestas de trabajadores locales, 52 encuestas de residentes y 16 encuestas de propietarios de negocios.
residents, and 16 surveys from business owners.
Community Mapping Mapeo de la Comunidad Residents were asked to engage in a participatory
Se pidió a los residentes que participaran en un ejercicio de
mapping exercise on the website where they could add
mapeo participativo a través del sitio web. En este ejercicio, los
places that they like and/or want to see improved, as
residentes podían añadir los lugares que les gustaban y/o querían
well as the option to upload pictures of the place. 44 places added via the virtual community mapping tool on our website with 22 likes or comments on those places
que se mejoraran, así como tenían la opción de subir fotos del lugar. 44 lugares añadidos a través de la herramienta de mapeo comunitario virtual en nuestro sitio web, con 22 “me gusta” o comentarios sobre esos lugares
Launch Questionnaire Votaciones As part of the Project Launch we created 6 poll
Como parte del lanzamiento del proyecto, creamos 6 preguntas de
questions and collected around 70 responses from the
encuesta y recogimos alrededor de 70 respuestas de la comunidad.
community. We asked the following questions: 1) What
Hicimos las siguientes preguntas: 1) ¿Qué cree que debería conseguir
do you think this master plan should achieve? 2) What are some of the places in Clark-Fulton you are about the most? 3) What are some activities, programs and events in Clark-Fulton you like to do and enjoy? 4) What are some aspects of the identity and/or culture of ClarkFulton that are the most meaningful to you? 5) What are some of the challenges that the Clark-Fulton community is facing today?
Clark-Fulton Together - Final Plan
este plan maestro? 2) ¿Cuáles son algunos de los lugares de ClarkFulton que más le importan? 3) ¿Cuáles son algunas actividades, programas y eventos en Clark-Fulton que le gusta hacer y disfrutar? 4) ¿Cuáles son algunos de los aspectos de la identidad y/o cultura de Clark-Fulton más significativos para usted? 5) ¿Cuáles son algunos de los retos a los que se enfrenta la comunidad de Clark-Fulton hoy en día?
Community Mapping
What is the community saying?
56789ÿ2ÿ 7 9 9 ÿ 98 8ÿ ÿ 86
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Launch Questionnaire Responses
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1 3
57 Q L7 Q J98Q K6 Q N ! Q * 6Q M 8 Q O Q * 9Q K6 9 57 8ÿ7 ÿJ9 97 ÿK9 Homes/Houses 9 8 L7 9 8 J98 7 7 8ÿ7 ÿM7 9 98Restaurants and bakeries K6 698 Schools N ! 7 98 Streets and alleys * 6 8 M 8 98898 Parks and recreation centers O 98ÿ1ÿO 898 * 99 8ÿ7 ÿP 9"8 - 69 ÿ5 9789ÿ8 9 "
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ÿ E9 8Multiculturalism " 34 Festivals/Events and diversity G F92 4 ÿ ÿ 7 8ÿ7 ÿ 9 9 8 0 H Walking Neighborliness, sense of community I H 82 J7 ÿ7 ÿI7 Jÿ 9 33 each other) K9 59 3 9ÿ87" ÿH Kÿ(people ÿ97 6ÿ 69 ÿ ÿ 69helping ÿ8 99 8 2 8 H7 8ÿ1ÿ H9 8 Shopping L6 L ! 27# Mÿ ÿ6 98ÿ7 ÿ 7 9 8 2$ Vibrant, colorful homes and gardens M 98 neighbors at their homes D 27 8ÿ7 ÿ ! ÿ7 328 ÿ 9 6! 8ÿ7 ÿ 69 ÿ6 Visiting N N 2 49 ÿ ÿ6 8 "ÿ7 ÿ69Murals 7 9 2$8 ÿ 9 6! 8ÿ7 ÿ" ÿ6 9 and public art Gardening O7 O 2P Q 89 ÿ7 9ÿ7 ÿ 98 9 988 3 9 and heritage P "ÿ ÿ 9 9ÿ69 ÿ9to 7 6ÿ history 69 R9 2 36! 988ÿ7 ÿ89 89ÿ ÿConnection 32 Q J 369 ÿ5 9789ÿ8 9 "
- 6Q
1_ 2_ 3_ 4_ 4_
WRT | Clark-Fulton Together - Community Assessment Presentation - DRAFT (FOR INTERNAL USE ONLY)
6 8 11 7 9 69 1 1 91 19! 98 817 7 "8 8
1 3 4
1_ 2_
3_ 3_ 4_
3# 2G 23 2G 34 34 20 G 3
Community Engagement & Planning Process 87
IN - PERSON ACTIVITIES Bike Ride Vuelta en bici Ideas and Action Week attendees went
Los asistentes a la Semana de Ideas y
on a neighborhood bike ride with stops
Acciones dieron un paseo en bicicleta
along the way to discuss the biking
por el vecindario con paradas en el
experience along different roads. The discussions focused on comfort and safety, as well as ideas for what would make the experience better in the future.
camino para debatir la experiencia de ir en este medio de transporte por diferentes calles. Los debates se centraron en la comodidad y la seguridad, así como en ideas para mejorar la experiencia en el futuro.
Mobility Experience Experiencia de Movilidad Commencement Open House
Los asistentes a la Jornada de Puertas
attendees were able to experience
Abiertas pudieron experimentar cómo
what it is like to travel along
es viajar por las calles del vecindario
neighborhood streets with a physical disability and participate in a conversation about initiatives and actions that can be taken to make Clark-Fulton a safer and more accessible place for everyone.
con una discapacidad física y participar en una conversación sobre las iniciativas y acciones que pueden llevarse a cabo para hacer de Clark-Fulton un lugar más seguro y accesible para todos.
Neighborhood Events Eventos Vecinales Throughout the planning process,
A lo largo del proceso de
Ambassadors and Core Team
planificación, los Embajadores y
members held various events in the
los miembros del Equipo Principal
neighborhood in collaboration with other organizations and block clubs to continue promotion of the Master Plan.
Clark-Fulton Together - Final Plan
celebraron varios eventos en el vecindario en colaboración con otras organizaciones y asociaciones vecinales para seguir promocionando el Master Plan.
Scooter Rides Paseos en Patinete During the Commencement Weekend Open House,
Durante la Jornada de Puertas Abiertas del Fin
attendees were able to experience new means
de Semana de Iniciación, los asistentes pudieron
of transportation. Dockless electric scooters and
experimentar nuevos medios de transporte. Hubo
bikes were available for a free test ride around the neighborhood.
scooters y bicicletas eléctricas que se pudieron probar gratuitamente por el vecindario.
Scavenger Hunt Búsqueda del Tesoro Participants went into the neighborhood to look for
Los participantes recorrieron el vecindario en busca
sidewalk concerns that create barriers to mobility, and
de problemas en las aceras que pueden crear
helped identifying barriers and obstacles that keep
barreras de movilidad y ayudaron a identificar
people with disabilities from a comfortable mobility experience. These concerns can range from high curbs, wide intersections, to unsafe crossings and other neighborhood conditions.
los obstáculos que impiden a las personas con discapacidad una experiencia de movilidad cómoda. Estos problemas pueden variar desde bordillos altos, intersecciones anchas, hasta cruces poco seguros y otras condiciones del vecindario.
Neighborhood Bike Ride at Ideas + Action Week Open House
Community Engagement & Planning Process 89
TRAINING AND EXPRESSION SERIES Community Expression Series Series de Expresión Comunitaria
The impact of this plan would be meaningless without
El impacto de este plan no tendría sentido sin la voz coherente y
the consistent and equal voice of the residents. The Fab
equitativa de los residentes. Los Embajadores de la Comunidad, Fab
Five Community Ambassadors were critical members of
Five, fueron miembros fundamentales del equipo de planificación y
the planning and implementation team. As advocates
ejecución. Como defensores de los residentes y del master plan, se sometieron a una rigurosa serie de capacitación y formación en el
for the residents and master plan champions, they
verano de 2020. Los embajadores ofrecieron su tiempo para aprender
underwent a rigorous capacity building and training
sobre el proceso de planificación y sobre cuáles podrían ser sus
series in the summer of 2020. The Ambassadors
volunteered their time to learn about the Master Planning process and what their roles could and would
Series de Expresión Comunitarias
En la fase 2, en noviembre de 2020, los Fab Five completaron
Community Expression Series
su formación oficial y lanzaron su propia Serie de Expresión
By Phase 2 in November 2020, the Fab Five completed
Comunitaria. Dirigieron conversaciones con la comunidad de
their official training and launched their own Community
Clark-Fulton sobre los problemas y las preocupaciones de la
Expression Series. They led conversations with the larger
misma, así como las expectativas, la visión y los objetivos para el
Clark-Fulton community about issues and concerns
as well as expectations, vision, and goals for the neighborhood.
Ambassador Training Series (June - November, 2020) The Clark-Fulton Community Ambassadors participated on seven training from June to November, 2020. Here is the summary of the topics of each training
June 18, 2020
July 9, 2020
July 23, 2020
Aug 6, 2020
Sep 3, 2020
Sep 17, 2020
Nov, 2020
Your Story and the Story of the Community
Understanding Expectations
Building Deep Community Relationships
Vision for Interconnected Neighborhood
Democracy Tools & Outreach
Understanding Power Dynamics
Training is Complete!
Community Expression Series (March - May, 2021) March 21, 2021
April 15, 2021
May 2, 2021
May 23, 2021
Aging in Place: Housing
Aging in Place: Health & Wellness
Race & Inclusion: Neighbor Relations
Displacement: Refugee Displacement
Displacement: Child Health & Education
Race & Inclusion: Lead Poisoning/SIDS
Aging in Place: Social Interaction
Ambassadors Expression Series Wrap-Up: welcoming, inclusive and safe community centered in equity and development without displacement
Displacement: Jobs + Transportation Race & Inclusion: Food Access
Clark-Fulton Together - Final Plan
Ambassador Training Series Series de Entrenamiento para los Embajadores June 18 Your Story and the Story of the Community July 9 Understanding Expectations July 23 Building Deep Community Relationships
Aug 6 Vision for Interconnected Neighborhood
Sep 3 Democracy Tools & Outreach
Sep 17 Understanding Power Dynamics
Nov 2020 Training is Complete!
Ambassadors got to know each other and shared personal stories while learning more about the Master Plan process.
Los embajadores se conocieron y compartieron historias personales a la vez que aprendieron sobre el proceso del Master Plan.
Ambassadors practiced talking through the Master Plan process and opportunities for engagement.
Los embajadores practicaron sobre cómo hablar del proceso del Master Plan y las oportunidades de participación.
Ambassadors learned community engagement strategies and relationship building skills and had 1-on-1 conversations with community members during COVID.
Los embajadores aprendieron estrategias de participación comunitarias y habilidades para construir relaciones, y tuvieron conversaciones individuales con los miembros de la comunidad durante el COVID.
Ambassadors met in person which brought a new, positive energy - boosting the relationship building process. The group talked through upcoming events, engaging with the community and provided clarity on the master planning process.
Los embajadores se reunieron en persona, lo que aportó una energía nueva y positiva que impulsó el proceso de creación de relaciones. El grupo habló de los próximos eventos, de su compromiso con la comunidad y de la claridad de sus objetivos.
Ambassadors reground themselves and dived into Human Centered design strategies.
Los embajadores se reafirmaron y se sumergieron en estrategias de diseño centrado en el ser humano.
Ambassadors shared their concerns and experiences in the neighborhood, as well as ideas on how to engage with the community.
Los embajadores compartieron sus preocupaciones y experiencias en el vecindario, así como ideas sobre cómo comprometerse con la comunidad.
Ambassadors finished their Training Sessions and began their own outreach in Clark-Fulton. Jumpstarting the “Ambassador Expression Series” at the Ideas + Actions Week with two sessions about Change & Inclusions: Race, Equity, & Safety and Displacement & Aging in Clark-Fulton
Los embajadores terminaron sus sesiones de formación y empezaron su propio trabajo de divulgación en Clark-Fulton. El inicio de la “Serie de Expresión de Embajadores” en la Semana de Ideas y Acciones se realizó a través de dos sesiones sobre Cambio e Inclusión: Raza, Equidad y Seguridad y Desplazamiento y Envejecimiento en Clark-Fulton.
Community Engagement & Planning Process
Clark-Fulton Together - Final Plan
The “Fab 5” Community Ambassadors
Community Engagement & Planning Process 93
PHASE 1: LAUNCH Inventory and Assessment. Learning about Neighborhood Needs & Opportunities May-June 2020 Phase 1 laid the foundation for a collaborative and inclusive planning process, with engagement in both English and Spanish. The project team learned about Clark-Fulton’s needs and opportunities. The goals of this phase were to validate the data, learn about the assets, concerns, and identify the initial opportunities.
May-June 2020
Virtual Project Launch
5 Events & Activities + 300 Participants
Phase 1 meetings and activities included: ◌
Virtual Community Launch Meeting (English and Spanish)
Focus Groups Meetings
Community Mapping
Concurrent with the community engagement meetings and activities, a Community Assessment Report was assembled and presented to the Core Team and Steering Committee at the end of Phase 1. La Fase 1 sentó las bases de un proceso de planificación colaborativo e inclusivo, siendo la participación tanto en inglés como en español. El equipo de proyecto conoció las necesidades y oportunidades de ClarkFulton. Los objetivos de esta fase eran validar los datos, conocer los recursos, las preocupaciones e identificar las oportunidades iniciales. Las actividades y reuniones de las Fase 1 incluyeron: Reunión Virtual con la Comunidad de Lanzamiento del Proyecto (Inglés y Español) ◌ Reuniones de Grupos de Debate ◌ Mapeo Comunitario ◌ Encuestas
Preguntas Cortas
Paralelamente a las reuniones y actividades de participación de la comunidad, se elaboró un Informe de Evaluación de la Comunidad que se presentó al Equipo Principal y al Comité Directivo al final de la Fase 1.
Clark-Fulton Together - Final Plan
Meetings and Events Schedule Website + Social Media Launch
Steering Committee Meeting
Project Launch Focus Group Presentation Meetings (June 10) (June 22-26)
Launch Questionnaire + Community Mapping
Ambassador Selection
Ambassador Training Sessions
Community Ambassadors Outreach - informing residents about the Master Plan
Community Engagement & Planning Process 93
Community Mapping Mapeo Comunitario
The participatory Community Mapping was launched in May 2020 on
May, 2020
the project website. Residents could add pins to places that they like
with the mapping. The mapping tool was accessible via computer
+50 Places Identified
and/or want to see improved, and add a picture of the place to assist and smartphone. Over 50 places were added to the inventory to help the team gain a deeper understanding of the places that were most meaningful to the community. The mapping results also helped the team begin to identify patterns and places of opportunity. El Mapeo Comunitario participativo se puso en marcha en mayo de 2020 en el sitio web del proyecto. Los residentes podían añadir pins en los lugares que les gustaban y/o querían que se mejoraran, y añadir una foto del lugar para ayudar al mapeo. La herramienta de mapeo era accesible a través de ordenador y smartphone. Se añadieron más de 50 lugares al inventario para ayudar al equipo a conocer mejor los lugares más significativos para la comunidad. Los resultados del mapeo también ayudaron al equipo a empezar a identificar patrones y lugares de oportunidad.
Clark-Fulton Together - Final Plan
Neighborhood Ambassador: Facebook Live Q&A Embajadores del Vecindario: Preguntas y Respuestas en Facebook Live
To engage and garner interest in the Community Ambassador program,
May 13, 2020
an informative meeting and Q&A session was facilitated by Neighborhood
Clark-Fulton Ambassadors, while informing residents about the role:
Participants 16, +200 views
Connections on Facebook Live on May 13, 2020. It helped to recruit an Ambassador is interested in building community, working as a team, values every member of the community, and is eager to learn. The meeting had more than 200 views on Facebook Live. Para involucrar y captar el interés en el programa de Embajadores Comunitarios, Neighborhood Connections facilitó una reunión informativa y una sesión de preguntas y respuestas en Facebook Live el 13 de mayo de 2020. Este evento ayudó a atraer a los embajadores de Clark-Fulton a la vez que informaba a los residentes sobre el papel de los mismos: un embajador está interesado en construir una comunidad, trabajar en equipo, valora a todos los miembros de la comunidad y desea aprender. La reunión tuvo más de 200 visitas en Facebook Live.
Community Engagement & Planning Process 95
Project Launch Presentation Reunión de Lanzamiento del Proyecto
The Project Launch was a virtual, hour and a half long presentation on
June 10, 2020
June 10, 2020. The purpose of the meeting was to introduce the project
Planning process. There were two versions of the presentation - one in
team, process, timeline, and all of the ways to get involved in the Master English and one in Spanish. During the meeting, the planning team posed
Participants 88
six (6) poll questions to the participants.
Engagement Launch Activity Questionnaire
El Lanzamiento del Proyecto fue una presentación virtual de una hora y media de duración que se llevó a cabo el 10 de junio de 2020. El propósito de la reunión era presentar al equipo del proyecto, el proceso, el calendario y todas las oportunidades de participación en el proceso de Planificación Maestra. Hubo dos versiones de la presentación: una en inglés y otra en español. Durante la reunión, el equipo de planificación planteó seis preguntas en forma de encuesta a los participantes.
en-casa Redes Sociales
Sitio Web ◌
Información del
Información del
Reuniones Virtuales ◌
Robo Calls
Facebook + Instagram + YouTube
Clark-Fulton Together - Final Plan
Grupos de
of residents that took the survey agree that houses
§ 490
£ ¤ 42
and businesses are
a vision that will help transform Clark-Fulton into a healthier, equitable, and sustainable community.
of residents would like safer streets for people biking, walking, or using a wheelchair
most about
of AVE residents would like STORER TROWBRIDGE AVE a variety of businesses,
the places they care W 44ST ST
create a resident-driven master planning vision for the Clark-Fulton neighborhood.
§ 71
MetroHealth System Main Campus
shopping, and services
¬ « 176
Clark-Fulton today.
Schools + Libraries
Parks + Recreation Centers
Arts + Culture
Vision Zero
Housing Study
Community Engagement & Planning Process 97
Focus Groups Meetings Reunión de los Grupos de Discusión
During the first phase of the project, fifteen (15) meetings were
June 22-26, 2020
organized to listen and learn from diverse community members and
related to a specific topic or theme. The meetings were well attended and
Participants 128 Engagement 15 Focus Activity Groups Meetings
key stakeholders about the assets, needs, challenges, and opportunities facilitated by the Consultant Team. The meetings took place the week of June 22-26, 2020, with over 30 hours of conversations with participants. The outcome of these meetings was a memo listing all of the current and past plans and initiatives, assets, concerns and initial ideas and opportunities of each of the themes. The Phase 1 Focus Group Takeaways Memo can be seen in Chapter 8: Appendix. Durante la primera fase del proyecto, se organizaron quince reuniones para escuchar y aprender de los diversos miembros de la comunidad y de las principales partes interesadas sobre los recursos, las necesidades, los retos y las oportunidades relacionadas con un tema específico. Las reuniones contaron con una gran asistencia y fueron facilitadas por el equipo de consultores. Las reuniones tuvieron lugar la semana del 22 al 26 de junio de 2020, con más de 30 horas de conversaciones con los participantes. El resultado de estas reuniones fue un memorándum en el que se enumeran todos los planes e iniciativas actuales y pasados, los recursos, las preocupaciones y las ideas y oportunidades iniciales de cada uno de los temas. El memorándum de la Fase 1 de los grupos de discusión puede verse en el Capítulo 8: Apéndice.
Clark-Fulton Together - Final Plan
Focus Group Meeting Topics: 1. West 25th Street TOD
9. Entrepreneurship, Workforce + Small Business
2. Complete Streets + Vision Zero
10. Education (Schools + Libraries)
3. Open Space + Trails
11. Arts + Culture
4. Sustainability
12. Religious Groups + Organizations
5. MetroHealth + City Health Initiatives
13. Neighborhood Prosperity - English
6. Community Development Corporations
14. Neighborhood Prosperity - Spanish
7. Real Estate Development (Residential +
15. Neighborhood Prosperity - MetroHealth Employees
living in Study Area
8. Housing Diversification
Community Engagement & Planning Process 99
PHASE 2. IDEAS & ACTIONS Plan Development. Exploring and Drafting a Neighborhood Vision November, 2020 During the Ideas and Action phase, the team shared what they had learned so far, gathered feedback on initial takeaways and suggestions, and began exploring Ideas and Actions for Clark-Fulton. The phase kicked-off with a multi-day, “hands-on” engagement activity where residents, stakeholders, and community ambassadors came together
November 2020
PHASE 2. IDEAS & ACTIONS Engaging to Move Forward
5 Events & Activities + 100 Participants
to validate the Phase 1 findings and offer input towards creating a Vision, Ideas, and Actions. The Phase 2 meetings and activities included: ◌
Virtual Community Meeting
Stakeholder Meetings
Steering Committee Meetings
Open House
Virtual Ambassador Expression Series
At the end of Phase 2, a Draft Plan was prepared with the Goals, Vision, and Forward Moves. Durante la fase de Ideas y Acciones, el equipo compartió lo que había aprendido hasta el momento, recopiló comentarios sobre las conclusiones y sugerencias iniciales y comenzó a explorar Ideas y Acciones para Clark-Fulton. La fase se inició con una actividad de participación práctica de varios días de duración en la que los residentes, las partes interesadas y los embajadores de la comunidad se reunieron para validar las conclusiones de la Fase 1 y ofrecer sus aportaciones para crear una visión, ideas y acciones. Las reuniones y actividades de la fase 2 incluyeron:
Reunión Virtual con la Comunidad
Reuniones con las Partes Interesadas
Reuniones del Comité Directivo
Jornada de Puertas Abiertas
Series Virtuales de Expresión de los Embajadores
Al final de la Fase 2, se preparó un Borrador del Plan con los objetivos, la visión y los avances.
Clark-Fulton Together - Final Plan
Meetings and Events Schedule CLARK-FULTON IDEAS & ACTION WEEK TIMELINE - NOV. 12-17
3 Sessions
TH U R SDAY 11/12
F R I DAY 11/13
S AT U R DAY 11/14
2 Sessions
Visioning Stations Scavenger Hunt
M O N DAY 11 / 1 6
T U E S DAY 11 / 1 7
4 SU N DAY 11 / 1 5
Continued Neighborhood Engagement
Visioning Stations Bike Ride
In-Person Open House in November 2020
Community Engagement & Planning Process 101
Community Meeting Reunión Comunitaria
A virtual Community Meeting was held to kick-off the Clark-Fulton
Nov 12, 2020
Together Ideas and Action Week. This was a two-part meeting. The
Community Assessment articulating initial ideas and goals. The second
Participants 101 Engagement 7 break-out Activity groups
first half highlighted the findings from Phase 1 with an abbreviated half facilitated small-group discussions to gather feedback on the proposed guiding principles and to produce a vision statement. The meeting was held on Zoom, but was also available for view on Facebook Live and posted on YouTube the next day. A total of 100+ people attended on the day, with 366 simultaneous Facebook Live viewers, and 33 YouTube views. Se celebró una Reunión Virtual con la Comunidad para iniciar la Semana de Ideas y Acciones de Clark-Fulton Together. Fue una reunión en dos partes: la primera parte resaltó los resultados de la Fase 1 con una evaluación abreviada de la comunidad que articulaba las ideas y los objetivos iniciales; la segunda parte facilitó debates en grupos para recopilar opiniones sobre los principios rectores propuestos y elaborar una declaración de visión. La reunión se celebró a través de Zoom, pero también se pudo ver en Facebook Live y se publicó en YouTube al día siguiente. Más de 100 personas asistieron ese día, con 366 espectadores simultáneos en Facebook Live y 33 visualizaciones en YouTube.
Clark-Fulton Together - Final Plan
Steering Committee & Stakeholder Meetings Reuniones con el Comité Directivo y las Partes Interesadas
The stakeholder and Steering Committee meetings for Phase 2 were held
Nov 13-14-17, 2020
in November 2020 over the course of three days. The meetings provided
ideas, actions, and strategies that leverage existing assets, programs, and
Participants 45
an opportunity to share what the team heard during the Focus Group Meetings in Phase 1, to test the takeaways, and begin to develop initial resources to capitalize on opportunities and address concerns in the neighborhood. The topics focused on Housing, Connectivity and Public Realm, School and Library Systems, West 25th St and the 25Connects plan, Economic Vitality, and Technology. After the Stakeholder Meetings, the Steering Committee met to debrief on the weekend’s activities and to go over the takeaways and next steps for the master planning process. During this meeting, the committee members and consultant team began to identify potential catalyst and development opportunity sites to be explored, evaluated, and developed further over the following months. Las reuniones de las partes interesadas y del Comité Directivo para la Fase 2 se celebraron en noviembre de 2020, con una duración de tres días. Las reuniones brindaron la oportunidad de compartir lo que el equipo escuchó durante las reuniones de los grupos de discusión de la Fase 1 para poner a prueba las conclusiones y comenzar a desarrollar ideas, acciones y estrategias iniciales que aprovecharan los recursos y programas existentes para capitalizar las oportunidades y abordar las preocupaciones del vecindario. Los temas se centraron en la vivienda, la conectividad y el espacio público, los sistemas escolares y de bibliotecas, West 25th St. y 25Connects Plan, la vitalidad económica y la tecnología. Tras las reuniones con las partes interesadas, el Comité Directivo se reunió para informar sobre las actividades del fin de semana y repasar las conclusiones y los próximos pasos del proceso de planificación general. Durante esta reunión, los miembros del comité y el equipo de consultores empezaron a identificar posibles lugares catalizadores y de oportunidad para el desarrollo que serían explorados, evaluados y desarrollados en los meses siguientes.
Community Engagement & Planning Process 103
In-Person Open House Jornada de Puertas Abiertas
An in-person Open House was held at an outdoor location in the
Nov 14-15, 2020
neighborhood on November 14-15, 2020, following social distancing
The Yard at Phunkenship
at each station were set up to help moderate questions and garner
Participants 77 Engagement Visioning Activity boards, bike ride, scavenger hunt
guidelines. Themed stations with visioning banners and a facilitator discussions. The feedback gathered at this event was crucial for the development of the draft plan and provided clear ideas about what the residents were looking for in their neighborhood. Los días 14 y 15 de noviembre de 2020 se celebró una Jornada de Puertas Abiertas en persona, en un lugar al aire libre del vecindario y siguiendo las directrices de distanciamiento social. Se instalaron estaciones temáticas con estandartes que explicaban la visión y en cada una de ellas se dispuso un facilitador para ayudar a moderar las preguntas y a reunir los aportes que se hicieron en los debates. Los comentarios recogidos en este evento fueron cruciales para el desarrollo del borrador del plan y proporcionaron ideas claras sobre lo que los residentes buscaban en su vecindario.
Bike Ride
Scavenger Hunt
Vuelta en Bici
Búsqueda del Tesoro
Seven (7) participants joined the neighborhood bike
As part of the Barrier Free Cleveland project, twenty
ride that toured the area while assessing the safety and
(20) participants ventured into the neighborhood to
comfort of biking on the streets. The 3-mile tour allowed
look for 15 sidewalk concerns that create barriers to
for several stops for discussion and input about the
mobility. These concerns could range from high curbs,
future of bicycle infrastructure in Clark-Fulton.
wide intersections, to unsafe crossings and other
Siete participantes se unieron al paseo en bicicleta por el vecindario, que recorrió la zona mientras los participantes evaluaban la seguridad y la comodidad de ir en este medio de transporte por las calles. El recorrido de 5 kilómetros permitió realizar varias paradas para debatir y aportar ideas sobre el futuro de la infraestructura ciclista en Clark-Fulton.
neighborhood conditions. Participants were asked to take photos and text them to the project phone number to help create a database of locations where improvements are needed. Como parte del proyecto Barrier Free Cleveland, veinte participantes se aventuraron en el vecindario para buscar quince problemas en las aceras que crean barreras para la movilidad. Estos problemas podían ser desde bordillos altos, intersecciones anchas, hasta cruces inseguros y otras condiciones del vecindario. Se pidió a los participantes que tomaran fotos y las enviaran por mensaje de texto al número de teléfono del proyecto para ayudar a crear una base de datos de los lugares donde se necesitan mejoras.
Clark-Fulton Together - Final Plan
Community Engagement & Planning Process 105
Ambassador Expression Series Series de Expresión de los Embajadores
Nov 15, 2020
Participants 19
Change and Inclusion: Race, Equity, and Safety The Clark-Fulton Together Ambassadors and co-hosts facilitated the first community conversation on inequity, racial tensions, and safety issues in the neighborhood. As an activity, participants brainstormed how to work towards systems that foster community engagement, leadership, and trust during development and change, and what resources are necessary for continued dialogue.
The Ambassadors kicked-off a series of activities, which included the first of the Ambassador Expression Series that continued in the coming months. The Ambassador Expression Series started with an exploration of how to create a welcoming, inclusive, and safe community in a way that centers equity and development without displacement. Los Embajadores dieron el pistoletazo de salida a una serie de actividades, entre las que se encuentra la primera Serie de Expresión de los Embajadores que continuaría en los próximos meses. La Serie de Expresión de los Embajadores comenzó con una exploración de cómo crear una comunidad acogedora, inclusiva y segura de manera que se centre en la equidad y el desarrollo sin desplazamientos.
Clark-Fulton Together - Final Plan
Displacement and Aging in Place The Clark-Fulton Together Ambassadors and co-hosts facilitated this community discussion and brainstorming session on issues such as rising taxes. These costs create displacement and prevent residents from enjoying stable long-term living within the developing Clark-Fulton area. The session began with a discussion about ways residents can own and drive the process to successfully age in place.
Cambio e Inclusión: Raza, Equidad y Seguridad Los Embajadores de Clark-Fulton Together y los coanfitriones facilitaron la primera conversación comunitaria sobre la desigualdad,w las tensiones raciales y los problemas de seguridad en el vecindario. Como actividad, los participantes fueron parte de un brainstorming sobre cómo trabajar para conseguir sistemas que fomenten el compromiso, el liderazgo y la confianza de la comunidad durante el desarrollo y el cambio, y qué recursos son necesarios para continuar el diálogo.
Desplazamiento y Envejecimiento en el Lugar Los Embajadores de Clark-Fulton Together y los coanfitriones facilitaron este debate comunitario y una sesión de intercambio de ideas sobre temas como el aumento de los impuestos. Estos costes crean desplazamientos e impiden a los residentes disfrutar de una vida estable a largo plazo en el área de Clark-Fulton. La sesión comenzó con un debate sobre las formas en que los residentes pueden apropiarse e impulsar el proceso para envejecer con éxito en su lugar.
“If we sit here, we will die. We need to make decisions for ourselves and our neighborhood; we need a platform to share thoughts and feelings without being judged.” - Expression Series Participant
Community Engagement & Planning Process 107
PHASE 3: COMMENCEMENT Final Plan. Validating the Neighborhood Vision, Actions, and Strategies June, 2021 Phase 3 was focused on validating the vision, goals, and actions of the Master Plan with the community through a series of meetings and activities. This phase was key in the planning process as it was a culmination of all of the previous listening, learning, and analysis activities and a forum for the community to
June 2021
4 Events & Activities + 150 Participants English + Spanish
measure their needs and aspirations for the neighborhood against the forward moves and actions presented in the Plan. Engagement activities in this phase were critical for the planning team to gather ideas, comments, reactions, and residents’ knowledge to refine the Final Plan to develop an achievable and implementable action plan for a thriving and sustainable community. The Plan Commencement Weekend Event included the following meetings and activities: ◌
Steering Committee Meeting
Community Meeting (in-person)
A 2-Day Open House
La Fase 3 se centró en validar la visión, los objetivos y las acciones del Master Plan con la comunidad a través de una serie de reuniones y actividades. Esta fase fue clave en el proceso de planificación ya que supuso la culminación de todas las actividades anteriores de escucha, aprendizaje y análisis, y un foro para que la comunidad midiera las necesidades y aspiraciones que tienen para el barrio con respecto a los avances y acciones presentados en el Plan. Las actividades de participación en esta fase fueron fundamentales para que el equipo de planificación recopilara ideas, comentarios, reacciones y conocimientos de los residentes para perfeccionar el Plan Final con el fin de desarrollar un plan de acción alcanzable y aplicable para una comunidad próspera y sostenible. El Fin de Semana de Inaguración incluyó las siguientes reuniones y actividades:
Clark-Fulton Together - Final Plan
Reunión del Comité Directivo
Reunión con la Comunidad (en persona)
Una Jornada de Puertas Abiertas de dos días de duración
Meetings and Events Schedule COMMENCEMENT WEEKEND
T U E SDAY 6/8
TH U R S DAY 6/10
S AT U R DAY 6 / 11
SU N DAY 6/12
Ambassador Expression Series Visioning Banners
JU LY 20 2 1
SEP 20 2 1
OCT 20 2 1
Visioning Banners City of Cleveland Mobility Demonstration Local Organization Tables Coloring Station Barrier-Free Cleveland Mobility Experience
Open House Banners for Community Members to provide feedback on proposed actions and projects
Community Engagement & Planning Process 109
Steering Committee Meeting Reunión del Comité Directivo
The first draft of the Clark-Fulton Together Master Plan Report was
June 8, 2021
presented on the Steering Committee meeting on June 8, 2020.
vision, guiding principles, and forward moves (goals, actions, and
Participants 26 Engagement 4 break-out Activity groups
The meeting consisted of two parts. The first part highlighted the recommendations). After the presentation, the Steering Committee members were divided into break-out groups to have focused conversations on two of the plan elements. This was an important activity to get the technical guidance and feedback from the committee members and was the beginning of the conversation around implementation and identifying partners and funding sources. El primer borrador del Master Plan de Clark-Fulton Together se presentó en la reunión del Comité Directivo del 8 de junio de 2020. La reunión consistió en dos partes: la primera parte destacó la visión, los forward moves y los avances (objetivos, acciones y recomendaciones). Tras la presentación, los miembros del Comité Directivo se dividieron en grupos para mantener conversaciones centradas en dos de los elementos del plan. Esta actividad fue clave para obtener la orientación técnica y los comentarios
The last Steering Committee included an interactive white board session for committee members to provide comments and feedback on the proposed actions and projects.
Clark-Fulton Together - Final Plan
de los miembros del comité y fue el comienzo de la conversación sobre la aplicación y la identificación de aliados y fuentes de financiación.
Community Meeting Reunión Comunitaria
An in-person community meeting was held on June 10, 2020, that was
June 10, 2021
also livestreamed on Facebook. This meeting presented the vision, guiding
Family Ministry Center
presentation offered an overview of all of the actions, projects, and
Engagement Community Activity Expression Series
principles, and forward moves to the community for the first time. The initiatives that are presented in the Master Plan. Residents were invited to engage with the team and provide feedback on the visioning banners present at the meeting and later in the weekend at the Open House. After the presentation, the Community Ambassadors led a rapid brainstorm session to discuss solutions to concerns around Race and Inclusion and Displacement and Aging in Place. El 10 de junio de 2020 se celebró una reunión comunitaria en persona que también se transmitió en directo por Facebook. En esta reunión se presentó por primera vez a la comunidad la visión, los forward moves y los avances. La presentación ofreció una visión general de todas las acciones, proyectos e iniciativas que se presentan en el Master Plan. Se invitó a los residentes a colaborar con el equipo y a dar su opinión sobre las estandartes con la visión para el vecindario y más tarde, durante el fin de semana, se pidió su opinión otra vez durante la Jornada de Puertas Abiertas. Después de la presentación, los embajadores de la comunidad dirigieron una sesión de brainstorming para debatir soluciones a las preocupaciones en torno a temas de Raza e Inclusión y el Desplazamiento y el Envejecimiento en el Lugar.
Community Engagement & Planning Process 111
Taste of Clark-Fulton Attendees were invited to taste the local eats in a reception before the community meeting
Clark-Fulton Together - Final Plan
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Open House Jornada de Puertas Abiertas
The Open House was an outdoor, family-friendly, and interactive
June 12-13, 2021
event held in the neighborhood on June 12-13, 2020. The Clark-Fulton
The Yard at Phunkenship
the propsed Master Plan vision, guiding principles, forward moves, and
Engagement Visioning Activity boards, mobility experience, scooter rides
community met the project team and provided input and feedback on actions. There were several stations where residents could engage with the banners and the planning team, as well with other organizations and programs that operate in the neighborhood. La Jornada de Puertas Abiertas fue un evento al aire libre, familiar e interactivo celebrado en el vecindario los días 12 y 13 de junio de 2020. La comunidad de Clark-Fulton se reunió con el equipo del proyecto y proporcionó información y comentarios sobre la visión del Master Plan propuesto, los foward moves, los avances y las acciones. Hubo varias estaciones en las que los residentes pudieron interactuar con los estandartes y el equipo de planificación, así como con otras organizaciones y programas que operan en el vecindario.
Mobility Experience
Scooter Rides
Experiencia de Movilidad
Paseos en Patinete
The Mobility Experience was a guiding tour to
Dockless bikes and scooters were available for
experience firsthand what it is like to travel through
residents to test and ride along Sackett, Trowbridge,
the neighborhood with a mobility aid. The experience
and West 32nd Street. Participants were asked to share
was an opportunity for community members to have
their feedback about what it was like to travel in the
a conversation about the things we can do together to
neighborhood on alternative modes, specifically about
make the neighborhood safer and more accessible for
safety and traffic.
everyone. La Experiencia de Movilidad fue una visita guiada para
Sackett, Trowbridge y West 32nd St. Se pidió a los participantes que
experimentar de primera mano lo que es viajar por el vecindario
compartieran su opinión sobre cómo era viajar en el vecindario en
con una ayuda de movilidad. La experiencia fue una oportunidad
modos de transporte alternativos, específicamente preguntando
para que los miembros de la comunidad mantuvieran una
sobre la seguridad y el tráfico.
conversación sobre las cosas que podemos hacer juntos para que el vecindario sea más seguro y accesible para todos.
Los residentes pudieron probar bicicletas y scooters a lo largo de
Clark-Fulton Together - Final Plan
In addition to the banners, an interview corner and vendor and participant tables were set up.
The Consultant Team developed 8 (eight)
Community Information Table
visioning banners with different themes
Jones Homes
that were displayed for the entire
Roberto Clemente Book Club
Towards Employment
Cleveland Public Library
EmpowerCLE/Digital C
Prosperity, Technology, Healing
Signs of the Times: Creative Fusion Project by LAND
studio and MetroHealth
Public Realm
Barrier-Free Cleveland
Catalyst Sites (two banners)
City of Cleveland Demonstration Project
Our Neighborhood Vision Mobility and Connectivity
Community Engagement & Planning Process 115
04 Clark-Fulton Today Clark-Fulton today is an asset-rich neighborhood with caring people, beautiful spaces, businesses, and anchor institutions. The following pages highlight the many assets and outline the concerns that are present in the neighborhood today. Clark-Fulton es un vecindario rico en recursos, con gente solidaria, espacios hermosos, negocios, e instituciones de referencia. Todos estos recursos se destacan en las siguientes páginas, además de esbozarse las preocupaciones que están presentes en el vecinadario hoy en día.
01 116
Clark-Fulton Together - Final Plan
Clark-Fulton Today 117
POPULATION Clark-Fulton is home to about 2% of Cleveland’s overall population, and has a large Hispanic community representing nearly half of the Study Area’s total population (46%). Despite the overall decline in population, there has been an influx of foreign-born residents in the area. Median income, employment rates, and educational attainment of residents is low. However, there has been a rise in labor force participation in the last 5 years.
Clark-Fulton alberga alrededor del 2% de la población total de Cleveland, y cuenta con una gran comunidad hispana que representa casi la mitad de la población total del Área de Estudio (46%). Ha habido una afluencia de residentes nacidos en el extranjero a pesar del descenso general de la población. El promedio de ingresos, los índices empleo y el nivel educativo de los residentes son bajos. Sin embargo, se ha producido un aumento de la participación en la población activa en los últimos 5 años.
12,801 residents Over the last five years, the area has seen an influx of non-Hispanic white residents, and exodus of non-Hispanic Black residents. 3% 10%
47% Legend
◌ ◌ ◌ ◌ ◌
Hispanic White, non-Hispanic Black, non-Hispanic Asian, non-Hispanic Other
Source: 2018 ACS for Clark-Fulton Study Area
Clark-Fulton Together - Final Plan
median family income
of residents live in poverty
non-family households
married couples without children
69% of residents 25 yr+ have no college education
All Photos Source: Nathan Migal Photography
Clark-Fulton Today 119
A Beacon of Diversity Cleveland, like many other US cities, is fairly segregated
All Racial/Ethnic Groups Represented
with many of the outer suburbs having predominantly one racial makeup. However, Clark-Fulton is a beacon of diversity in the middle of the city, with a wide-range of racial and ethnic groups living in and representing the neighborhood. Nearly half of Clark-Fulton residents are Hispanic (46%). This is a significant community for newcomers from Puerto Rico as well as other Latin American countries. Since 2009, the area has seen an influx of non-Hispanic White residents, a small increase in Hispanic residents, and an exodus of non-Hispanic Black residents. Cleveland, al igual que muchas otras ciudades de EE.UU., está bastante segregada y muchos de los suburbios tienen una composición racial predominante. Sin embargo, Clark-Fulton es un faro de diversidad en el centro de la ciudad, con una amplia
gama de grupos raciales y étnicos que viven en el vecindario y lo
1 dot = 1 person
representan. Casi la mitad de los residentes de Clark-Fulton son hispanos (46%). Se trata de una comunidad importante para los recién llegados de Puerto Rico y de otros países latinoamericanos. Desde 2009, el
◌ Hispanic ◌ Other
◌ White ◌ Black ◌ Asian
Suburban White Enclave
área ha visto una afluencia de residentes blancos no hispanos, un
pequeño aumento de residentes hispanos y un éxodo de residentes
Majority Black City
negros no hispanos.
Figure 10
Racial Density Map
Source:; 2010 Census data
LAKEWOOD Majority White Suburb
NEAR EAST SIDE Majority Black Neighborhoods
Clark-Fulton Together - Final Plan
Majority Black
Cleveland Puerto Rican Parade in Clark-Fulton Source: Nathan Migal Photography
A GATEWAY TO THE REGION 46% of Study Area residents are Hispanic
18% of Study Area residents have limited English proficiency
Clark-Fulton Today 121
DEVELOPMENT & REGULATION Primarily residential, nearly 93% of the buildings were built prior to 1979. Neighborhood character and proximity to surrounding employment centers has been an attraction to developers and there have been several new investments around the Study Area. However, the study area still shows signs of distress with high vacancy rates, code violations, and foreclosures.
Principalmente residencial, casi el 93% de los edificios fueron construidos antes de 1979. El caracter del vecindario y la proximidad a los centros de empleo que lo rodean ha sido el principal atractivo para los promotores, además de haberse realizado nuevas inversiones alrededor del Área de Estudio. Sin emabrgo, este área aún muestra signos de dificultad debido a los altos índices de desocupación, violaciones del código de vivienda y ejecuciones hipotecarias.
The following section outlines the current zoning
La siguiente sección describe las normas de zonificación
regulations and future land use designation in the
actuales y la designación del futuro uso del suelo en el
Clark-Fulton neighborhood, as well as an analysis of
vecindario de Clark-Fulton, así como un análisis de las
the existing conditions, trends, and characteristics in the neighborhood.
condiciones, tendencias y características existentes en el mismo.
FUTURE LAND USE To guide and provide recommendations for development, a future land use map and table was adopted as part of the 2000 Citywide Plan. The main additions and goals of the City between those years encouraged more mixeduse development, promoted walkable and transit-friendly neighborhoods, and suggested additional townhouses should be built in urban neighborhoods. Another priority was to increase access to open space for residents by adding more designated open space and recreational areas.
Clark-Fulton Together - Final Plan
Para orientar y ofrecer recomendaciones para el futuro desarrollo, se ha adaptado un plano y una tabla de futuros uso del suelo como parte del 2000 Citywide Plan. Las mayores incorporaciones y objetivos de la ciudad entre esos años, fueron fomentar un mayor desarrollo de uso mixto, promoviendo vecindarios más peatonales y amables con el tránsito, así como añadir más casas adosadas en los vecindarios urbanos. Aumentar el acceso a los espacios abiertos para los residentes es otra de las prioridades, añadiendo más espacios abiertos y áreas recreativas.
Zone Rec Center
Roberto Clemente Park
Clark Ave
Lincoln West
Meyer Pool
fult on
w 41st st
w 44th st
Trent Park
w 25th st
St Mary’s Cemetery
Scran ton Rd
Clark Rec Center
Clark Field
City Life Center MetroHealth Main Campus
6 . 17
Riverside Cemetery
Figure 11
Future Land Use
The Future Land Use map depicts the ways the City envisions the future development to occur. In Clark-Fulton, the area is to remain mainly residential, but encourages more mixed-use development. El plano del Futuro Uso del Suelo es la forma en que la ciudad prevé que se produzca el desarrollo futuro. En Clark-Fulton, la zona debe seguir siendo principalmente residencial, pero también debe incluir y fomentar un mayor desarrollo de uso mixto.
Mixed-Use ◌ Residential ◌ Live-Work
Industrial ◌ Light Industry ◌ Heavy Industry
Residential ◌ ◌ ◌ ◌
Commercial ◌ Office ◌ Commercial ◌ Commercial Parking
Proposed ◌ Recreation / Open Space ◌ Institutional ◌ Transportation / Infrastructure
Single Family Single / Two Family Townhouse Multi-Family
Clark-Fulton Today 123
Source: The Center for Urban Pedagogy - What is Zoning?; City of Cleveland Planning Commission
Development Process
Zoning is a tool to implement the plan—the law
As described on the following page, every
that regulates development. It is a set of rules
municipality has a process everyone must
and regulations about what you can build and
follow in order to develop new construction or
where. What can be built depends on the “zone”
conduct renovations in the City of Cleveland.
of the property. Zoning allows similar uses to be
The Development Process is a series of steps
in the same area, and keep away uses that are
every “developer” of a parcel, block, or property
not compatible—like heavy industrial sites next
must follow in order to get the legal approval
to residential.
for the work. This process maintains that all new
La zonificación es una herramienta para aplicar el plan, la ley que regula el desarrollo. Es un conjunto de normas
development follows the Land Use and Zoning codes for the city.
y reglamentos sobre lo que se puede construir y dónde.
Como se describe en la página siguiente, cada municipio
Lo que se puede construir depende de la “zona” en la que
tiene un proceso que todos deben seguir para desarrollar
se encuentre la propiedad. La zonificación permite que
nuevas construcciones o renovaciones en la ciudad de
haya usos similares en la misma zona y aleja los usos
Cleveland. El Proceso de Desarrollo es una serie de pasos
que no son compatibles, como la industria pesada junto
que todo promotor de una parcela, bloque o propiedad
a la residencial.
debe seguir para obtener la aprobación legal de la obra. Este proceso es la forma por la que la ciudad se asegura de
Land Use
que todo nuevo desarrollo se ajuste a los Códigos de Uso del Suelo y de Zonificación de la ciudad.
Land use is a guide for development. The most common land use categories are: Residential, Retail, Office, and Industrial—although there are
many more categories in Cleveland.
A parcel is a tract or plot of land. It describes
El uso del suelo es una guía para el desarrollo. Es la
Parcel sizes can range in size. Land use and
forma de describir el desarrollo del suelo. Las categorías
zoning designations are provided per parcel.
de uso del suelo más comunes son: Residencial,
portions of land that are divided and developed.
Comercial, Oficinas e Industrial, aunque puede haber y
Una parcela es una extensión o un terreno. Es la forma
hay muchas más categorías en Cleveland.
en que se dividen y urbanizan las porciones de terreno. El tamaño de las parcelas puede variar de pequeñas
Difference Between Land Use & Zoning
a muy grandes. El uso del suelo y las designaciones de zonificación se proporcionan por parcela.
Land use plans provide guidance on how to separate uses into similar districts, while zoning codes create the laws to regulate and enforce the development patterns created in the land
Block A Block is a collection of parcels that are bounded
together by roads. Typically surrounded by 4
Los planes de uso del suelo proporcionan una guía sobre
square shape.
roads enclosing the block into a rectangular or
cómo separar los usos en distritos similares, mientras
que los códigos de zonificación crean la ley para regular
Una manzana es un conjunto de parcelas delimitadas por
y hacer cumplir los patrones de desarrollo creados en el
carreteras. Suelen estar rodeadas por 4 vías que delimitan
uso del suelo.
la manzana en forma rectangular o cuadrada.
Clark-Fulton Together - Final Plan
Projects involving individually landmarked buildings or within mapped Local Landmark District. (includes new construction, renovations, alterations, signage) Projects located in mapped Design Review Districts. (includes new construction, renovations, alterations, signage)
Proposals for new buildings
TION ICA Housing Design Review Sub-Committee Near West Design Review
Approval / Recommendation
Landmarks Staff Review
New Construction
Design Review District
Landmark Building or Local District
Signed by Planning Director
Signed by Landmarks Secretary
All meetings are public and allow for comments / questions/ participation.
Review and provide comments to local groups & share with committees
WRITE TO COUNCIL REPRESENTATIVE Design Review Agendas are shared with Council Members.
PERMIT Clark-Fulton Today 125
ZONING Clark-Fulton is mainly zoned for Residential - Two Family homes. Three zoning overlay districts are applied along Clark Ave, Fulton Road, and West 25th Street to encourage walkability and design quality for urban streets. Residential Street Character
Clark-Fulton está zonificada principalmente para residencias bifamiliares. Se aplican dos distritos de superposición de zonificación a lo largo de Clark Ave, Fulton Rd y West 25th Street para fomentar la peatonalidad y la calidad del diseño de las calles urbanas.
Residential Character
56789 77SURVEY ÿ 9 7ÿ 6 RESULTS ÿ ÿ 9 87
8 ÿ$H
In a survey to Business Owners, we learned that the businesses are located in a variety of building types:
2" JI == =I
> 7 ÿ 8 ÿ$H
Industrial Character ◌
◌ ◌
2-story commercial Industrial
?9!67 8 ÿ$68 !89
Clark-Fulton Together - Final Plan
= = @ 3
Corridor Character
Zone Rec Center
Roberto Clemente Park
Clark Ave
Lincoln West Meyer Pool
Rd fult on
w 41st st
w 44th st
Trent Park
w 25th st
St Mary’s Cemetery
Scran ton Rd
Clark Rec Center
Clark Field
City Life Center MetroHealth Main Campus
6 . 17
Riverside Cemetery
Figure 12
Zoned mainly for residential, there are pockets of Commercial and Light Industrial along the main corridors. The MetroHealth Main Campus is also designed as an Institutional District overlay. The following pages will detail the specific regulations and permitted uses of the zoning categories found in Clark-Fulton. Zonificado principalmente para uso residencial, con focos comerciales e industria ligera a lo largo de los corredores principales. MetroHealth Main Campus también está diseñado como un distrito institucional superpuesto. En las siguientes páginas se detallan las regulaciones específicas y los usos permitidos de las diferentes categorías de zonificación que se encuentran en Clark-Fulton.
Residential ◌ Two Family ◌ Multi-Family
Industrial ◌ General Industry ◌ Semi-Industry ◌ Residence-Industry
Institutional ◌ Institutional-Research District
Commercial ◌ General Retail Business ◌ Limited Retail Business ◌ Local Retail Business
Districts ◌ Pedestrian Retail Overlay ◌ Urban Form Overlay
Clark-Fulton Today 127
ZONING REGULATIONS Overlays & Districts An overlay is applied over a zoning area that adds additional or stricter standards and criteria for those parcels. There are two overlay districts applied on two corridors in the Study Area. The Urban Form Overlay along Fulton Road and a portion of Clark Ave and the Pedestrian Retail Overlay along West 25th Street. Una superposición se aplica sobre un área de zonificación y añade normas y criterios más estrictos para esas parcelas. Hay dos distritos de superposición aplicados en dos corredores en el Área de Estudio: la superposición de la forma urbana a lo largo de Fulton Rd y parte de Clark Ave y la superposición de comercio peatonal a lo largo de W 25th Street.
Urban Form Overlay
Pedestrian Retail Overlay
Purpose: to foster a high level of
Purpose: to maintain the economic
Purpose: to provide appropriate
walkability and design quality for
viability of older neighborhood
locations and design standards
urban streets.
shopping districts by preserving the
for large-scale developments
pedestrian-oriented character and
of educational and medical
protecting public safety by minimizing
institutions, other institutions,
conflicts between vehicles and
research facilities and professional
offices, as well as residential and
The Urban Form Overlay requires pedestrian-oriented building features that preserve and enhance the architectural character of the
retail to support research-related
area and protect public safety
The overlay can only be applied in
by minimizing conflicts between
areas where at least 75% of the
vehicles and pedestrians.
underlying zoning is either Local
Objetivo: proporcionar ubicaciones
Retail or General Retail. In the overlay
apropiadas y normas de diseño para
district, every street frontage should be
desarrollos a gran escala de instituciones
Objetivo: fomentar un alto nivel de peatonalidad y calidad en el diseño para las calles urbanas. La Superposición de la Forma Urbana requiere elementos en los edificios que estén orientados a los peatones y que preserven y mejoren el carácter arquitectónico de la zona y protejan la seguridad pública minimizando los conflictos entre vehículos y peatones.
considered a pedestrian retail street
educativas y médicas, otras instituciones,
instalaciones de investigación y
Objetivo: mantener la viabilidad económica
residenciales y comerciales para apoyar
de los antiguos distritos comerciales del
los usos relacionados con la investigación.
vecindario, preservando el carácter orientado a los peatones y protegiendo la seguridad pública al minimizar los conflictos entre vehículos y peatones. La superposición sólo puede aplicarse en áreas en las que al menos el 75% de la zonificación subyacente es Comercio Local o Comercio General. En el distrito de superposición todas las fachadas de las calles deben considerarse fachadas de calles comerciales peatonales.
Institutional Research District
Clark-Fulton Together - Final Plan
oficinas profesionales, así como zonas
Commercial This zoning category includes businesses, retail, and certain types of entertainment centers and university districts. The major commercial zones in the Study Area are along the 3 main corridors – Fulton Road, Clark Avenue, and West 25th Street. There are smaller pockets of commercial zones along Meyer and Sackett Avenues. Esta categoría de zonificación incluye empresas, comercios y ciertos tipos de centros de entretenimiento y distritos universitarios. Las principales zonas comerciales del Área de Estudio se encuentran a lo largo de los tres corredores principales: Fulton Road, Clark Avenue y West 25th Street. Hay núcleos más pequeños de zonas comerciales a lo largo de las avenidas Meyer y Sackett.
Rear: 10’ min (where it abuts residential)
2x distance to street center*
General Retail Business Rear: 10’ min (where it abuts residential)
Rear: 10’ min
2x distance to street center*
Rear: 10’ min (where it abuts (where it abuts residential) residential)
Side: 10% of W or 5’
(L h en
Front: 15% of L, 30’ max
Front: 15% of L, 30’ max
Lot w idth (W)
Side: 10% of W or 5’
Lot w idth (W)
en tl Lo
Lot w idth (W)
2x distance to street center*
Front: 15% of L, 30’ max
Local Retail Business
Limited Retail Business
Side: 10% of W or 5’
*Max height - 60’
*Max height - 60’
*Max height - 60’
Limited Retail District is established
Daily local retail business address
General Retail Business District is
to provide zoning use in retail areas
local and neighborhood needs. This
zoned for for-profit enterprises for
undergoing planned redevelopment
zoning allows the following uses:
the convenience and service of the
and public reinvestment. This district has adequate regulatory controls
Family District
to restrict land and building uses for compatibility with the emerging
All uses permitted in Multi-
Kindergartens, Day Nurseries, and Children’s boarding homes
consumers. Uses here should not be harmful to surrounding districts. El Distrito de Comercio Minorista General está zonificado para empresas con fines de lucro, para la comodidad y el servicio de los
El Distrito de Comercio Minorista Limitado
El Comercio Minorista Local Diario
consumidores. Los usos aquí no deben ser
se establece para proporcionar el uso de
responde a las necesidades locales y del
perjudiciales para los distritos circundantes.
la zonificación en las áreas de comercio
vecindario. Esta zonificación permite los
minorista que se encuentran en un proceso
siguientes usos:
planificado de reurbanización e inversión pública. Este distrito cuenta con controles
Distritos Multifamiliares
normativos para restringir los usos del suelo y de los edificios, de forma que sean compatibles con el carácter emergente.
Todos los usos permitidos en los
Jardines de infancia, guarderías y residencias infantiles
Clark-Fulton Today 129
Residential This zoning category includes all types of buildings intended for residential purposes, including single family, multifamily, and mixed-use. The majority of the Study Area is zoned for Residential. While the City of Cleveland has four classifications, the Study Area only has Two-Family and Multi-Family Residential zoning. Esta categoría de zonificación incluye todos los tipos de edificios destinados a fines residenciales, incluidos los unifamiliares, multifamiliares y de uso mixto. La mayor parte del Área de Estudio está zonificada como residencial. Mientras que la ciudad de Cleveland tiene cuatro clasificaciones, el Área de Estudio sólo tiene zonificación residencial bifamiliar y multifamiliar.
Two Family
50’ max*
Rear: 20’ min
Min Lot Area: 2,400 sf
Side Yard: 3’ min Lot W idth: 50’
Front: 15% length of lot, max 30’
Front: No minimum
Rear: 50’ min
No m inimu
**Max height above grade = 375’
Two-Family Districts allow:
Multi-Family Districts allow:
Dwelling houses, each occupied
Row houses, apartment houses
Rooming houses, boarding
Los Distritos Bifamiliares permiten:
houses, tourist homes Los Distritos Multifamiliares permiten:
2 inquilinos.
Todos los usos permitidos en los Distritos Bifamiliares
Viviendas, cada una de ellas ocupada por no más de 2 familias, y no más de
All uses permitted in Two-Family
and no more than 2 roomers /
Family Districts
Side Yard: 20’ min
All other uses permitted in One-
◌ ◌
Todos los demás usos permitidos en los distritos unifamiliares
Clark-Fulton Together - Final Plan
Townhouse Clark-Fulton does not have any zoning areas for One Family or
*Building height at lot line = distance from lot to street centerline, max 35’
by no more than 2 families,
FAR: range 0.5 - 2
Based on height district**
Min Lot Area: 6,000 sf FAR: max 0.5
One Family
Casas en hilera y apartamentos Casas de huéspedes, pensiones, viviendas turísticas
Townhouse residential. Clark-Fulton no tiene ninguna zonificación para Viviendas Unifamiliares o Adosadas
Industrial This zoning category includes all types of uses and buildings that have industrial purposes. Semi-Industrial areas in the Study Area are limited to west of the Clark Ave and Fulton Road intersection. There are small pockets of ResidenceIndustrial north of Clark Avenue at West 25th St. Esta categoría de zonificación incluye todo tipo de usos y edificios con fines industriales. Las áreas semi-industriales en el Área de Estudio se limitan al oeste de la intersección de Clark Ave y Fulton Road. Hay pequeños focos de Residencia-Industrial al norte de Clark Ave en la W 25th St..
Residence-Industry Based on Residential
Min. 6’ Chain Link Fence
2x distance to street center* 200 f to Re t min siden tial
Entrance: Street Ce nterli ne (C 22ft min to C )
Loading: 80 ft min to C
Rear: 25’ min
Side: 25’ min
t Cen te
Loading: 50’ min to C
Semi-Industry Districts are areas adjacent to Retail
Residence-Industrial Districts are industrial areas that
Business Districts, or a more restricted use district,
are required to follow standards of:
where uses not detrimental to surrounding uses are permitted:
Character of occupancy
Manufacturing processes
Provision of off-street parking and loading
Driveway locations
Passenger or motor-freight transportation terminals
Setbacks from residential boundary lines & streets
Light Manufacturing
Setback open spaces to protect residential
Other semi-industrial operations
Los Distritos Semi-Industriales son áreas adyacentes a los Distritos
Los Distritos Residenciales-Industriales son áreas industriales que
Comerciales, o a un distrito de uso más restringido, donde se
requieren seguir standards de:
permiten usos no perjudiciales para los usos circundantes:
◌ ◌ ◌ ◌ ◌
Almacenamiento Venta al por mayor Terminales de transporte de pasajeros o de mercancías Fabricación ligera Otras operaciones semi-industriales
◌ ◌ ◌ ◌ ◌ ◌
Carácter de la ocupación Procesos de fabricación Provisión de estacionamiento y carga fuera de la vía pública Ubicación de vías de acceso Retroceso de los límites residenciales y de las calles Retroceso de los espacios abiertos para proteger el carácter residencial
Clark-Fulton Today 131
Over time, residential properties have been renovated to have storefront add-ons
PROPERTY CHARACTERISTICS Nearly 93% of homes in the Study Area were built
Casi el 93% de las viviendas en el Área de Estudio fueron
prior to 1979, when lead paint usage was common,
construidas antes de 1979 cuando el uso de la pintura con
and 9% of homes received a code violation for
plomo aún era común. El 9% de las viviendas recibieron una
maintenance issues or other health and safety deficiencies. Like the rest of the city, the number of home sales occurring in the Study Area has increased since 2009-2013. The assessed market value in ClarkFulton remains low but has increased in the five years between 2009 and 2013. The median price of a home in the Study Area was only $15,000, nearly
otras deficiencias de salud y seguridad. Al igual que el resto de la ciudad, el número de ventas de viviendas que se producen en el Área de Estudio ha aumentado desde 2009-2013. El valor de mercado en Clark-Fulton sigue siendo bajo, pero ha aumentado en los cinco años entre 2009 y 2013. El precio medio de una casa en el Área de Estudio fue sólo $15.000, casi un 50% más bajo que la media de la ciudad de $23.334. En los últimos cinco
50% lower than the citywide median of $23,334. In
años el precio medio ha aumentado en más de $10.000
the last five years, the median price has increased
a $35.750, aunque sigue siendo inferior a la media de la
by over $10,000 to $35,750, but remains below the
ciudad. Las nuevas construcciones e inversiones también
city median. New construction and investments
dan lugar a precios idiosincrásicos de la vivienda, ya que las
also lead to idiosyncratic home prices, with new
viviendas de nueva construcción se venden a un precio casi
construction homes selling at nearly 3 times the price of existing homes.
violación del código por problemas de mantenimiento u
Clark-Fulton Together - Final Plan
tres veces superior al de las existentes.
W 25 TH ST
W 25 TH ST
I-71 0'
Figure 13
Year Built
Figure 15
Assessed Market Value
◌ 1800 - 1890 ◌ 1891 - 1920 ◌ 1921 - 1950
◌ 1951 - 1980 ◌ 1981 - now
◌ ◌ ◌ ◌
◌ $100k - $200k ◌ $200k - $500k ◌ More than $500k
of respondents had a real estate agent or developer offer to purchase their home.
Source: Resident’s Survey (9/18/2020)
W 25 TH ST
Up to $10k $10k - $40k $40k - $80k $80k - $100k
I-71 0'
Figure 14
Last Sale Date
Legend ◌ Public ◌ 2010 - 2020 ◌ 2000 - 2009
◌ 1990 - 1999 ◌ 1980 - 1989 ◌ 1975 - 1979
Clark-Fulton Today 133
W 25 TH ST
Vacant lots
SIGNS OF DISTRESS Deteriorating building quality, mismatched housing sizes, and lack of access to cash pose challenges for homeowners and business owners in Clark-Fulton. This results in high vacancy, code violations and many foreclosures within the Study Area. El deterioro de la calidad de los edificios, la falta de adecuación del tamaño de las viviendas y la falta de acceso a dinero en efectivo plantean problemas a los propietarios de viviendas y negocios en Clark-Fulton. Esto se traduce en un alto nivel de desocupación, violaciones de códigos y muchas ejecuciones hipotecarias dentro del Área de Estudio.
Figure 16
Legend Publicly Owned ◌ City or County Land Bank ◌ Other Publicly Owned (not Vacant)
Privately Owned ◌ Land ◌ Buildings
Vacancy Vacancy rates, while high, were lower than the city average. A 2015 property survey conducted by the Western Land Conservancy, found that 14.8% of lots in the Study Area were vacant and 5.4% of homes were unoccupied. The vacancy is most consistent and alarming along West 25th Street between I-90 and MetroHealth. Three large vacant properties that stand out are (1) the future Astrup Awning redevelopment, (2) the recent Rally’s built at the intersection of Clark & Fulton, and (3) the St. Michael’s former school building. Las tasas de desocupación, aunque elevadas, eran inferiores a la media de la ciudad. Una encuesta de propiedades de 2015 realizada por Western Land Conservancy, encontró que el 14,8% de las parcelas en el Área de Estudio estaban vacantes y el 5,4% de las casas estaban desocupadas. La desocupación es más consistente y alarmante a lo largo de W 25th St entre la I-90 y MetroHealth. Tres grandes propiedades vacantes que destacan son (1) la futura reurbanización de Astrup Awning, (2) el reciente Rally’s construido en la intersección de Clark y Fulton, y (3) el edificio de la antigua escuela
Clark-Fulton Together - Final Plan
de St. Michael.
I-71 0'
Figure 17
W 25 TH ST
W 25 TH ST
Code Violations
Legend ◌ Condemnation ◌ Other
Figure 18
Foreclosure Filings
Legend less
Code Violations
Foreclosure Filings
The incidents of code violations in the Study Area
Foreclosures are most common in the interior, tucked-
indicate that property maintenance is a major concern.
away parts of the neighborhood that are less visible
9.4% of residential properties had a code violation
from corridors. Among commercial properties, 11.6%
issued between 2015 and 2019. That rate of code
are tax delinquent.
violations in the Study Area was among the highest in the City, with the area ranked 30th out of the 32 neighborhoods with code violation data.
Notable spots include (1) Just off of Meyer Avenue between Fulton Road and Meyer Pool, (2) among the internal blocks along Sackett, Storer and Trowbridge
Los incidentes de violaciones del código en el Área de Estudio
Aves on either side of the City Life Center, as well as in a
indican que el mantenimiento de la propiedad es una
small pockets throughout the neighborhood.
preocupación importante. El 9,4% de las propiedades residenciales tuvieron una violación del código emitida entre 2015 y 2019. Esa
Las ejecuciones hipotecarias son más comunes en el interior, en
tasa de violaciones del código en el Área de Estudio fue una de
las partes escondidas del barrio que son menos visibles desde
las más altas de la ciudad, y el área ocupó el puesto 30 de los 32
los corredores. Entre las propiedades comerciales, el 11,6% son
vecindarios con datos de violaciones del código.
delincuentes fiscales. Puntos destacados incluyen (1) Justo al lado de Meyer Ave, entre Fulton Road y Meyer Pool, (2) entre los bloques internos a lo largo de Sackett, Storer y Trowbridge Ave a ambos lados del City Life Center, así como pequeños núcleos en todo el vecindario.
Clark-Fulton Today 135
I-71 0'
Large Property Owners
Legend Private Owners ◌ Top 20 ◌ Top 40 ◌ Top 60
W 25 TH ST
W 25 TH ST
Figure 19
Figure 20
Large Parcel Sizes
Legend ◌ Other Private ◌ RailRd ◌ Public
Total Acreage of Parcels by Owner ◌ Up to 0.5 acres ◌ 2.1 - 3.0 acres ◌ 0.6 - 1.0 acres ◌ 3.1 - 5.0 acres ◌ 1.1 - 2.0 acres ◌ 5.1 + acres
PARCEL OWNERSHIP AND SIZE Top 20 Private Property Owners
1. St Mary’s Cemetery (7.5 Acres)
11. 2937 W 25, LLC (2.2 Acres)
2. St Rocco Church, Parish & Grounds (3.9 Acres)
12. Trent West 41 St Land Dev Inc (2.0 Acres)
3. Jones Home (3.8 Acres)
13. Gez, LLC / Gerald E Zahler (2.0 Acres)
4. A J Rose Manufacturing (3.7 Acres)
14. La Villa LP (1.8 Acres)
5. Zubal Books (2.6 Acres)
15. Thebay Presbyterian Church (1.8 Acres)
6. Hildebrandt Family (2.5 Acres)
16. HBC / NEOHCC / NEOHCED (1.8 Acres)
7. City Life Center (2.5 Acres)
17. TD & CD Properties LLC (1.7 Acres)
8. Metro Storage Cleveland LLC. (2.4 Acres)
18. Lumen West 41 Realty, LLC (1.7 Acres)
9. King Mountain Properties, LLC. (2.3 Acres)
19. Cadence Holdings, LLC (1.6 Acres)
10. LG Blanket Mill, LLC (2.2 Acres)
20. Gary Grace (1.5 Acres)
Clark-Fulton Together - Final Plan
Commercial at Fulton Rd and W 41st St
Large Parcel Sizes Most properties along the corridors that are more than
La mayoría de las propiedades de más de 5 acres a lo largo de los
5 acres are publicly owned by CMSD, MetroHealth, CPL,
corredores son de propiedad pública de CMSD, MetroHealth, CPL,
Cleveland Police, or one of the public land banks. Some
Policía de Cleveland, o uno de los bancos de tierras públicas. Otras
others are churches and private schools. There are very few large parcels in the interior residential parts of the neighborhood apart from the schools and scattered-site land bank properties. Of the mid-sized parcels, the most notable cluster is along Clark Ave where there is a mix of legacy industrial and family businesses alongside more recent franchises such as fast food companies and big-box format retail
son iglesias y escuelas privadas. Hay muy pocas parcelas grandes en las partes residenciales interiores del vecindario, sin contar las escuelas y las propiedades dispersas de los bancos de tierras. De las parcelas de tamaño medio, la agrupación más notable se encuentra a lo largo de Clark Ave, donde hay una mezcla de negocios industriales y familiares heredados junto con franquicias más recientes, como empresas de comida rápida y tiendas de gran formato que han agrupado parcelas más pequeñas. En las zonas residenciales, hay pocas propiedades en la parte norte: (1)
stores that have aggregated smaller parcels together.
cerca de Trent Park junto a Clark Ave y W 41st St, (2) en el cruce de
In the residential areas, there are few properties in
Fulton Road, donde hay un grupo de emplazamientos religiosas e
the northern part - (1) near Trent Park off of Clark Ave
industriales, y (3) escondido detrás de la esquina noroeste de Clark
and West 41st Street, (2) at the turning point of Fulton
Ave y W 25th St.
Road where there is a cluster of faith-based and former industrial sites, and (3) tucked behind the northwestern corner of Clark Avenue and West 25th Street.
Clark-Fulton Today 137
HOUSING Clark-Fulton has a desirable, historic housing character that is affordable for a wide range of incomes. However, the neighborhood struggles with a mismatch between household sizes and size of homes, which were built prior to 1979 when household sizes were larger. Also, while the neighborhood remains affordable, many residents are costburdened and struggle to access cash for down payments or improvements.
Clark-Fulton tiene un deseable carácter histórico de vivienda que es asequible para una amplia gama de ingresos. Sin embargo, el vecindario lucha con un desajuste entre el tamaño de los hogares y el tamaño de las casas, que fueron construidas antes de 1979, cuando el tamaño de los hogares era mayor. Además, aunque el vecindario sigue siendo asequible, muchos residentes están agobiados por los costes y tienen dificultades para acceder a dinero en efectivo para los pagos iniciales o las mejoras.
The assets and concerns were determined during
Los bienes y las preocupaciones se determinaron durante
the engagement process upon learning from
el proceso de participación a partir de lo aprendido en las
surveys, community meetings, and through analysis
encuestas, las reuniones de la comunidad y a través del
of current conditions, trends, and characteristics of local businesses in Clark-Fulton.
análisis de las condiciones actuales, las tendencias y las características de las empresas locales en Clark-Fulton.
Affordable Housing Stock
Housing Cost Burden
Strong Local Capacity
Vacant Lots and Buildings
Desirable Historic Character
Difficulty with Maintenance & Rehab
Anchors Attract Investment
Bad Actors in Real Estate
Clark-Fulton Together - Final Plan
Housing Character
What is the community saying? Community members were asked in a Project
En el Cuestionario de Lanzamiento del Proyecto se pidió
Launch Questionnaire to identify key features and
a los miembros de la comunidad que identificaran
sites in Clark-Fulton Relating to:
las características y los lugares clave de Clark-Fulton relacionados con:
Vibrant, colorful homes and gardens are one of the most meaningful elements in Clark-Fulton
Homes and Houses are the places that the community cares about the most in Clark-Fulton
Homeowners struggling to keep up with maintenance & economic demands, and absentee landlords
Better maintenance of private property, and more quality housing that meets community needs
Las casas y los jardines vibrantes y coloridos son uno de los elementos más significativos de Clark-Fulton
Los hogares y las casas son los lugares que más le importan a la comunidad en Clark-Fulton
Propietarios que luchan por mantenerse al día con el mantenimiento y las exigencias económicas, y propietarios ausentes
Mejor mantenimiento de la propiedad privada y más viviendas de calidad que satisfagan las necesidades de la comunidad
Identidad y Cultura
Source: U.S. Census Bureau and HUD
30% Income Standard
Median Family Income
Affordable: Household(s) that spend less than
Median family income represents
30% of their income on housing costs
the point at which half of all
Hogares que gastan menos del 30% de sus ingresos en gastos de vivienda
Cost Burden: Household(s) that spend over 30% of their income on housing cost Hogares que gastan más del 30% de sus ingresos en
families in a distribution earn more and half earn less. El ingreso medio de una familia representa el punto en el que la mitad de las familias de una distribución ganan más y la otra mitad ganan menos.
gastos de vivienda
Clark-Fulton Today 139
Clark-Fulton has a desirable housing stock with historic character and is a ‘landing pad’ for new community members.
The Residents survey showed
100% of renters are interested in owning a house in Clark-Fulton
Clark-Fulton tiene un stock de viviendas deseable con carácter histórico y es una zona de aterrizaje para los nuevos miembros de la comunidad.
Historic Housing Stock at Jones Homes
Historic Housing Stock at Jones Homes
The community and historic character of Clark-Fulton is a draw for new and existing residents. With two Historic Districts—Jones Homes and South Scranton—and a diverse, colorful housing stock, the neighborhood offers a variety of homes and styles. The area is a ‘landing pad’ for new community members, and remains so for Spanish speaking residents and small businesses.
Typical Residential Home
El carácter comunitario e histórico de Clark-Fulton es un atractivo para los residentes nuevos y existentes. Con dos distritos históricos -Jones Homes y South Scranton- y un stock de viviendas diverso y colorido, el vecindario ofrece una gran variedad de casas y estilos. La zona es un área de aterrizaje para los nuevos miembros de la comunidad, y lo sigue siendo para los residentes de habla hispana y las pequeñas empresas.
Typical Residential Block
Clark-Fulton Together - Final Plan
The Lofts at Lion Mills OHIO CITY
TREMONT Front Steps Housing (Supportive)
Zone Rec. Center
Roberto Clemente Park
Clark Ave
Lincoln West Meyer Pool
nR d Ful to
w 41st St
w 44th St
Trent Park
W 25th St
St Mary’s Cemetery
Scran ton Rd
Clark Rec. Center
Clark Field
City Life Center MetroHealth Main Campus
6 . 17
Riverside Cemetery
Infill Housing Projects
(Sackett Ave & Marvin Ave)
Figure 21
MetroHealth CCH Housing Projects
Neighborhood Housing Projects
There are at least 3 new housing projects planned around the Study Area. Of the new projects, many are being built by MetroHealth CCH Housing and will include both affordable and workforce housing units, as well as headquarters for economic opportunity, commercial, and MetroHealth Police HQ. Other housing projects will provide multi-family affordable housing and supportive housing options. Hay por lo menos 3 nuevos proyectos de vivienda planteados alrededor del Área de Estudio. De los nuevos proyectos, muchos
MetroHealth CCH Projects ◌ North - 72-unit Affordable Housing with Economic Opportunity Center (Via Sana) ◌ South - 100-unit Medical Resident Housing with first floor commercial ◌ Lincoln - Neighborhood Workforce Housing with new MetroHealth Police HQ
Other Projects
están siendo construidos por MetroHealth CCH Housing e incluirán
◌ Lion Mills - 36 units Affordable Housing
unidades de vivienda asequibles y para trabajadores, así como
◌ Front Steps Housing - permanent supportive
sedes para oportunidades económicas, comerciales y el cuartel general de la policía de MetroHealth. Otros proyectos de vivienda proporcionarán viviendas multifamiliares asequibles y opciones de viviendas temporales.
Clark-Fulton Today 141
TRENDS + CHARACTERISTICS Housing and Household Size in the Clark-Fulton Study Area Source: American Communities Survey, Five Year Estimates, 2014 - 2018
Housing and Household Size in the Clark-Fulton Study Area
1 Year 2 3Estimates, 4 5 or more How do household sizes, ownership, home prices, Source: American Communities Survey, Five 2014 - 2018 property sales and renovations in Clark-Fulton compare to 1 2 3 4 5 or more citywide and national averages?
Household Size (# of People)
Household ¿Cúal es la relación entre el tamaño de los hogares, la propiedad, los Size precios de las viviendas, las ventas de propiedades y las renovaciones
Household Size en Clark-Fulton con los promedios nacionales y de la ciudad?
34% 62%
1-2 people
Median Household Sizes
Average Home Sizes Income: Home Price Ratio
272 sq.ft per person
Bedrooms Bedrooms
978 sq.ft
2,640 sq.ft New Construction
1,048 sq.ft per person
non-family households
married couples without children
of households have 2 or fewer people
◌ ◌
3 4
Source: ACS, 5-year estimates, 2014-2018
One challenge in the Clark-Fulton Study Area is the
Most households in the Clark-Fulton Study Area were
discrepancy between household sizes and the size
occupied by renters (61%), as is the case across the
of homes. The figure above shows the distribution of
city of Cleveland. Notably, the Study Area saw a small
home sizes, measured by the number of bedrooms
increase in the number of homeowners between
in each home, with the distribution of household
2009-13 and 2014-18, while the city saw a decline. The
sizes, measured as the number of individuals in each
changes observed in the Study Area were small and
household unit. Most homes in the Study Area are larger
could be due to sampling error. La mayoría de los hogares en el Área de Estudio de Clark-Fulton
Uno de los retos del Área de Estudio de Clark-Fulton es la
estaban ocupados por alquileres (61%), como es el caso en toda
discrepancia entre el tamaño de los hogares y el de las viviendas.
la ciudad de Cleveland. En particular, el Área de Estudio vio un
La figura superior muestra la distribución del tamaño de las
pequeño aumento en el número de propietarios de viviendas entre
viviendas medido a través del número de dormitorios de cada una
2009-13 y 2014-18, mientras que la ciudad vio una disminución.
de ellas, con la distribución del tamaño de los hogares medido
Los cambios observados en el Área de Estudio fueron pequeños y
a través del número de individuos de cada unidad familiar. La
podrían deberse a un error de muestreo.
los hogares que viven en la zona.
Clark-Fulton Together - Final Plan
mayoría de las viviendas del Área de Estudio son más grandes que
52% 3+ Bedrooms80% 60%
Housing Size and Type
than the households that live in the area.
Housing size32%(# of Bedrooms) 16% 31%
Median Home Prices CLARK-FULTON
City of Cleveland
+$10,750 5 year change
$25,750 2014-2018
+$10,334 5 year change
$33,000 2014-2018
5 year change
5 year change
$700 2014-2018
Source: Reinvestment Fund Analysis of Cleveland Sales Records & American Communities Survey, Five Year Estimates
Home Prices
Monthly Payments
Home prices in the Clark-Fulton Study Area remain low,
Median rent levels in Clark-Fulton were just below city
but have increased. In the five years between 2009 and
averages and the distribution of rent levels roughly
2013, the median price of a home in the area was only
tracked the citywide distribution of rents from 2014-
$15,000, nearly 50% lower than the citywide median
18. While the number of rental units in the area has
home price at the time ($23,334). In the last five years,
declined since 2009-13, there was growth in the number
median prices in the Study Area have increased by over
of the least expensive units (rents below $300) and
$10,000 to $25,750 but remain below the city median.
in units with moderate rents (rents between $751 to
The distribution of prices skews low, with nearly half of
all homes (46%) selling for under $25,000.
La media de los niveles de alquiler en Clark-Fulton estaba justo
Los precios de las viviendas en el Área de Estudio de Clark-Fulton
por debajo de los promedios de la ciudad y la distribución de
siguen siendo bajos, pero han aumentado. En los cinco años
los niveles de alquiler seguía más o menos la distribución de los
entre 2009 y 2013, el precio medio de una vivienda en el área
alquileres en toda la ciudad de 2014 a 2018. Mientras que el
fue de solo $15.000, casi un 50% menos que el precio medio de
número de apartamentos de alquiler en la zona ha disminuido
la vivienda en toda la ciudad en ese momento ($23.334). En los
desde 2009-13, hubo un crecimiento en el número de los
últimos cinco años, los precios medios en el Área de Estudio han
apartamentos más baratos (alquileres por debajo de $300) y en
aumentado en más de $10.000 hasta los $25.750, pero siguen
los apartamentos con alquileres de tipo moderado (alquileres entre
estando por debajo de la media de la ciudad. La distribución de
$751 y $1.000).
los precios es baja, ya que casi la mitad de las viviendas (46%) se venden por menos de $25.000.
Clark-Fulton Today 143
Property Transactions and Sales Like the rest of the city, the number of home sales I-90
occurring in the Study Area has increased in the period between 2009-2013. Likewise, the number of mortgages being issued has increased as well. However, a
substantial share of homes purchased in the Study Area
2018 were all cash sales or sales without a mortgage.
Similarly, we estimate that 42% of all homes purchased
W 25 TH ST
estimate that 86% of all home sales between 2014 and
occur outside of the traditional mortgage market. We
over the last five years were sold to investors, a higher rate than the rest of the city (39%). Al igual que el resto de la ciudad, el número de ventas de viviendas que se producen en la Área de Estudio ha aumentado en el período comprendido entre 2009 y 2013. Del mismo modo, el número de hipotecas emitidas también ha aumentado. Sin embargo,
una parte sustancial de las viviendas adquiridas en el Área de Estudio se producen fuera del mercado hipotecario tradicional. Estimamos que el 86% de todas las ventas de viviendas entre 2014 y 2018 fueron ventas al contado o sin hipoteca. Del mismo modo, estimamos que el 42% de todas las viviendas compradas en los últimos cinco años se vendieron a inversores, un índice más alto que el resto de la ciudad (39%).
Figure 22
Last Sale Date
Legend ◌ Public ◌ 2010 - 2020 ◌ 2000 - 2009
◌ 1990 - 1999 ◌ 1980 - 1989 ◌ 1975 - 1979
Property Transactions
Clark-Fulton 2009-2018
Number of Home Sales
Number of Mortgages Issued
Estimated Share of All Cash Sales
Sales to Investor Buyers
813 - 966
71 - 136
91% - 86%
47% - 42%
Clark-Fulton Together - Final Plan
7 ¬ 7 7 7 7 ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ 7¬ 7 7 ¬ 7 ¬ 7 7 ¬ ¬ 7 ¬ 7 ¬ 7 ¬ 7¬ 77 ¬ ¬ 7 77 7 7 7¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ 7 7¬ ¬¬ ¬ 7 7 ¬ 7¬ 7 7¬ 7¬ ¬ ¬ 7 ¬ 7 7 ¬ 7 7 ¬ 7¬ ¬ ¬ 7 ¬ 7 7 ¬ ¬ 7¬ ¬ 7 7 7 ¬ 7¬ ¬ ¬ 7¬ 7 7 7 ¬ ¬ 7 7 ¬ 7 ¬ 7 ¬ ¬ 7 ¬ 7¬ 7 ¬ 7 7 ¬ ¬ 7 7 7¬ 77 ¬ 7 ¬ 7 ¬ 7 7 ¬ 7 ¬ 7¬ 7¬ ¬ 7 ¬ 7¬ 7 ¬ 7¬ 7 7 7 ¬ 7¬ ¬ 7 ¬ 7 ¬ ¬ 7 ¬ I-90 77 7 ¬¬ ¬ 7 ¬
7 7 ¬ 7¬ ¬ 7 7 7¬ ¬ 7 7 7 ¬ ¬ 77 ¬ 7 7¬ ¬7¬ 7 ¬ 7 New ¬ Constructions and Renovations ¬7 ¬ 7 ¬
7 ¬ 7 ¬ 7 7 ¬ 7 ¬
7 ¬
W 25 TH ST
7 ¬ 7 ¬ 7 ¬ 7 ¬ 7¬ 7 7¬ ¬ ¬¬ 7 7¬ 7 ¬
7 ¬ 7 ¬
Las oportunidades de empleo y el poder adquisitivo de MetroHealth
7 7¬ ¬
7 ¬ 7 ¬
of MetroHealth is an attraction to developers. Capital to Clark-Fulton.
7 ¬ 7 ¬
7 ¬ 7 ¬ 7 77 7 7 ¬ 7¬ ¬ 7 7 ¬ ¬ ¬ 7 7 7¬ 7 ¬ ¬ ¬ 7 ¬ 7 ¬ 7 ¬ 7 ¬ ¬ 7
The employment opportunities and purchasing power investments by MetroHealth have attracted developers
7 ¬
7 ¬ 7 7 ¬ 7 7¬ ¬ 7 ¬ 7 7 ¬ 7¬ 7 ¬ ¬ 7 ¬
son un atractivo para los promotores. Las inversiones de capital de MetroHealth han atraído a los promotores a Clark-Fulton.
Renovation Investments In addition to new developments, the renovation activity in Clark-Fulton was above the city average. The
7 ¬
neighborhood has the 19th highest level of permitting activity out of 32 neighborhoods. The area between
Fulton Road and West 25th Street near Jones Homes 0'
Figure 23
Historic District has seen the highest number of new construction permits and investment.
New Construction Permits
(2015 - March 2020)
Además de los nuevos desarrollos, las actividades de renovación en Clark-Fulton fueron superior a la media de la ciudad. El vecindario
Renovation Permits $0
7 ¬ $50k
Residential (30)
tiene el décimonoveno nivel más alto de actividad de permisos de
los 32 barrios. El área entre Fulton Road y West 25th Street, cerca
ones Homes Historic District, ha visto el mayor número de permisos de nueva construcción y de inversión.
Common investments include: cost-saving changes (windows, doors,
3bd, 3 ba New Construction
4 bd, 2 ba Existing Home
Home prices in the neighborhood vary. New construction homes are listed at almost 3x the price of existing homes.
and porch enclosures
Los precios de vivienda en el vecindario son variables. Las casas de nueva construcción se cotizan por tres veces el precio de las casas existentes.
over time.
Clark-Fulton Today 145
Clark-Fulton Neighborhood Housing Continuum ##% Percent Within Means
# Households Within Means # Housing Cost Burdened Households
##% Percent Within Means
RENTAL Households
High Income
Middle Income
Low Income
# Households Within Means # Housing Cost Burdened Households
Very Low Income
Extremely Low Income
28% 28%
Source: Reinvestment Fund Analysis of Cleveland Sales Records & American Communities Survey, Five Year Estimates
Affordability and Cost Burden The neighborhood is affordable to a wide range of incomes. Although residents likely struggle with down payments, the area’s prices are affordable for the middle- and lowermiddle-class households.
El vecindario es asequible para una amplia gama de ingresos. Aunque es probable que los residentes tengan dificultades para pagar la entrada, los precios de la zona son asequibles para los hogares de clase media y
Many residents in Clark-Fulton are “housing cost
Muchos residentes de Clark-Fulton están “agobiados por el coste
burdened” – a term that refers to households that spend over 30% of their income on housing costs. Between 2014-18, 2,257 of the 4,886 households in the Study Area (46%) were classified as housing cost burdened. While the number of cost burdened households has declined since 2009-12, the total number of cost burdened households remains high. Most cost burdened
de la vivienda”, un término que se refiere a los hogares que gastan más del 30% de sus ingresos en costes de vivienda. Entre 2014-18, 2.257 de los 4.886 hogares en el Área de Estudio (46%) se clasificaron como hogares con carga de costos de vivienda. Aunque el número de hogares con carga de costes ha disminuido desde 2009-12, el número total sigue siendo alto. La mayoría de los hogares con carga de costes eran alquileres (1.680), pero un número considerable de propietarios de viviendas de Clark-Fulton
households were renters (1,680) but a sizable number of
también tenían carga de costes. En 2014-18, 577 de los 1.911
Clark-Fulton homeowners were cost burdened as well.
propietarios de viviendas que viven en Clark Fulton tenían una
In 2014-18, 577 of the 1,911 homeowners living in Clark
carga de costes (30%).
Fulton were cost burdened (30%).
Clark-Fulton Together - Final Plan
14. What is your monthly housing cost (rent or mortgages + taxes)? Monthly Housing Costs: 17%
of respondents said meeting current housing expenses was Very Easy or Easy
had trouble finding or getting approved for a good quality, affordable home
15.4% 23.1% 17.3% 19.2%
Less than $200
$200 - $399
◌ ◌
Less than $200 $200 - $399
$400 - $599
$600 - $799
$1,000 - $1,499
$400 - $599
15. Right now meet your cur expense (rent utilities?)
Less than $200
$200 - $399
$400 - $599
Very easy
$600 - $799
Somewhat easy
$800 - $999
Somewhat difficult
$1,000 - $1,499
Very difficult
$1,500 - $1,999
$2,000 - $2,499
Very easy
16. In the past year, have you experienced any of the follow 60
Housing Character in Clark-Fulton Had difficulty making necessary repairs or changes to your home?
WHO STRUGGLES TO AFFORD HOUSING? Received a code violation?
Had trouble finding or getting approved for good quality, affordable home? Been treated poorly/disrespectfully by your landlord?
Had difficulty getting your landlord to make necessary repairs or do routine maintenance for your home? Had a real estate agent or developer offer you to purchase your home?
46% of households pay more than 30% of their income on housing costs. 46% de los hogares paga más del 30% de sus ingresos en gastos de vivienda
Retail Salesperson Earns:
Home Health Aid Earns:
$26,360 spend
$23,129 spend
Janitor & Building Cleaner
$21,239 spend
39% of annual earnings on housing
of annual earnings on housing
of annual earnings on housing
Clark-Fulton Today 147
CORRIDORS & LOCAL BUSINESS Clark-Fulton has a reputation as a welcoming, affordable, and safe place for newcomers, immigrant, and minorityowned businesses because of its affordable rents and supportive Latinx communities. The diverse corridors make the Study Area a hub for neighborhoodoriented businesses. However, businesses and corridors still suffer from instability due to lack of purchasing power and lack of access to capital and support.
Clark-Fulton tiene la reputación de ser un lugar acogedor, asequible y seguro para los recién llegados, los inmigrantes y los negocios propiedad de minorías debido a sus alquileres asequibles y a las comunidades latinas que los apoyan. Los diversos corredores hacen que el Área de Estudio sea un centro para los negocios orientados al vecindario. Sin embargo, los negocios y los corredores todavía sufren de inestabilidad debido a la falta de poder adquisitivo y de acceso al capital y al apoyo.
The assets and concerns were determined during
Los bienes y las preocupaciones se determinaron durante
the engagement process upon learning from
el proceso de participación a partir de lo aprendido en las
surveys, community meetings, and through analysis
encuestas, las reuniones de la comunidad y a través del
of current conditions, trends, and characteristics of local businesses in Clark-Fulton.
análisis de las condiciones actuales, las tendencias y las características de las empresas locales en Clark-Fulton.
Newcomer’s Haven
Residents’ Purchasing Power
Entrepreneurial Spirit
Challenges in Accessing Capital
Diverse Corridor Types
Instability of Owners
Anchor Employer Procurement
Ineffective Support
Clark-Fulton Together - Final Plan
Fulton Corridor
What is the community saying? Community members were asked in a Project
En el Cuestionario de Lanzamiento del Proyecto se pidió
Launch Questionnaire to identify key features and
a los miembros de la comunidad que identificaran
sites in Clark-Fulton relating to:
las características y los lugares clave de Clark-Fulton relacionados con:
Residents like to attend events and go shopping
Restaurants and bakeries are the places that the community care about the most in Clark-Fulton
Most of the residents shop outside of the Clark-Fulton Area
Better maintenance of private property and variety in business types
La mayoría de los residentes hacen compras fuera del área de Clark-Fulton
Mejor mantenimiento de la propiedad privada y variedad de negocios
A los residentes les gusta asistir a eventos e ir de compras
Restaurantes y panaderías son los lugares que más le interesan a la comunidad
Clark-Fulton Today 149
Firms Closed
Firms Moved Away
Firms Opened
Firms Moved Into
W 25 TH ST
W 25 TH ST
I-71 0'
TURNOVER: 480 firms
Figure 24
NET LOSS: 139 firms
Businesses that have closed
Figure 25
Businesses that have opened
Challenging Business Environment
Change in Number of Businesses
The high turnover of businesses in ClarkFulton implies that there is a challenging business environment in Clark-Fulton. Throughout the planning process, we heard from business owners that the lack of financial resources and ineffective support was a major hurdle in maintaining a successful business in Clark-Fulton.
The loss of establishments in the Study Area was among
La alta rotación de empresas en Clark-Fulton implica que existe un entorno empresarial desafiante en Clark-Fulton. A lo largo del proceso de planificación, escuchamos a los propietarios de dichas empresas que la falta de recursos financieros y el apoyo ineficaz eran un obstáculo importante para mantener un negocio exitoso en Clark-Fulton.
La pérdida de establecimientos en el Ärea de Estudio fue una
Clark-Fulton Together - Final Plan
the largest in the city. Between 2010-2017, the number of establishments citywide grew by 3%, while in ClarkFulton the number fell by 11%. Most (87%) establishments in the Study Area are small, with fewer than five employees. Between 2010-2017, the number fell by 116 or 11%, mostly driven by loss of small businesses.
de las mayores en la ciudad. Entre 2010-2017, el número de establecimientos en toda la ciudad creció un 3%, mientras que en Clark-Fulton el número cayó un 11%. La mayoría de los establecimientos en el Área de Estudio son pequeños (87%), con menos de cinco empleados. Entre 2010-2017, el número se redujo en 116 o el 11%, sobre todo impulsado por la pérdida de pequeñas empresas.
Household Expenditures Index
90 80
70 60
Cuyahoga Coun
MSA Communi
30 20 10 0
100 90 80
70 60
Cuyahoga County
MSA Community
30 20 10 0
Business Growth Potential Clark-Fulton spends half the nationwide average in each category, while the MSA / County is significantly closer to nationwide spending behavior. Business establishment trends suggest the
Las tendencias de los establecimientos comerciales sugieren que el vecindario carece de poder adquisitivo para mantener el stock de negocios existente. Aunque los ingresos más bajos limitan el poder adquisitivo local del vecindario, todavía hay categorías de comercio/negocios en los que los residentes gastan fuera del vecindario y que podrían captarse dentro del mismo.
neighborhood lacks purchasing power to support the existing stock of businesses. While lower incomes limit In the Resident Survey, residents were asked how often they shop in the Study Area:
the neighborhood’s local purchasing power, there are still retail/business categories where residents are spending outside the neighborhood that could be captured within the neighborhood.
Clark-Fulton gasta la mitad de la media nacional en cada categoría, mientras que el Área Estadística Metropolitana / Condado está significativamente más cerca del comportamiento del gasto a nivel nacional.
Household Expenditures Index
30.8% rarely 30.8% 3+ times a week 21.2% once a week 17.3%
twice a week
Source: Resident Survey (9/18/2020)
Clark-Fulton Today 151
I-71 0'
Figure 27
W 25 TH ST
W 25 TH ST
Last Sale Date
Figure 28
New Construction Permits
(2015 - March 2020)
Legend ◌ Public ◌ 2010 - 2020 ◌ 2000 - 2009
◌ 1990 - 1999 ◌ 1980 - 1989 ◌ 1975 - 1979
Renovation Permits $0
? ¬ $50k
Commercial (9) $150k
New Constructions and Renovations On average, commercial properties in the Study Area are
De media, las propiedades comerciales en el Área de Estudio son
older, have been held by their current owner for longer,
más antiguas y su propietario actual ha tenido su titularidad
and were less likely to be renovated than commercial
durante más tiempo, además de ser menos propensas a ser
properties in other neighborhoods. Only 33.5% of
renovadas que las propiedades comerciales en otros vecindarios.
commercial properties had renovation permits pulled between 2014 and 2018, compared with 59.7% citywide. West 25th Street and Clark Avenue has a notable lack of investment, which impacts the image of the neighborhood due to its visibility to visitors. The most dense and consistent renovation investment along the corridors is at the center of the neighborhood between the City Life Center and West 44th Street along Sackett, Storer and Trowbridge Avenues.
Clark-Fulton Together - Final Plan
Solo el 33.5% de las propiedades comerciales tuvieron permisos de renovación entre 2014 y 2018, en comparación con el 59.7% en toda la ciudad. West 25th Street and Clark Avenue tienen una notable falta de inversión, lo que impacta en la imagen del vecindario debido a su visibilidad para los visitantes. La inversión en renovación más densa y consistente a lo largo de los corredores se encuentra en el centro del vecindario, entre el City Life Center y West 44th St, a lo largo de Sackett, Storer y Trowbridge Ave.
Limited ROW to provide adequate space for: + Sidewalk space for pedestrian + Storefront activities + Transit station areas/bus shelter + Streetscape elements
Some intersections and sidewalks don’t meet ADA standards
Poor conditions of storefronts and buildings affects the character, image and safety perception of the streets
Lack of family-friendly bike lanes and lowstress connections for recreational, commuter and experience cycles.
Safe and visible crossings
CORRIDOR CONCERNS The most visible corridors - West 25th Street and Clark Avenue - have seen the least investment in the last 5 years. Los corredores más visibles West 25th St y Clark Avenue - son los que menos inversión han visto en los últimos 5 años.
Residents and Business Owners would like to see the following improvements on the corridors: RESIDENTS: 1_ Storefront improvements 2_ More street trees/planting; More trash and recycling receptacles 3_ Safer and visible crosswalks
BUSINESS OWNERS: 1_ Banners and signage to create a consistent identity 2_ Storefront improvements/ brighter lighting 3_ Safer and more attractive routes to the corridors
Clark-Fulton Today 153
JOYERIA VIEJO SAN JUAN Family owned and operated, Ramon Pagan started this jewelry buisness in 2000 after 8 years of of building loyal relationships with his customers in a small local barbershop. Joyeria Viejo San Juan is a community anchor in the Cleveland Hispanic Village and an example of a hard working small business in Clark-Fulton. De propiedad y operación familiar, Ramón Pagán comenzó esta joyería en el año 2000 después de construir relaciones leales con sus clientes en una pequeña barbería local durante 8 años. Joyería Viejo San Juan es un ancla de la comunidad en el pueblo hispano de Cleveland y un ejemplo de una pequeña empresa que trabaja duro en Clark-Fulton.
Clark-Fulton Together - Final Plan
of respondents have trouble getting repairs/maintenance done - regardless of whether they own or rent their business
Reason why business owners cannot improve the physical conditions of their business is access to cash
Types of physical improvements needed for Clark-Fulton’s Businesses 1_ Signage 2_ Storefront Rehab 2_ Roof 3_ Water leaks / Damage
should this be 3, 4, or was there a tie for the 2 ranking?
Challenge Accessing Capital/Support Business activity may be higher than recorded due
The support they receive is ineffective due to existing
to many working in the informal/shadow/hustle
Business Support Services lacking competency regarding
economies. Discrimination and cultural aversion
informality, health, trauma, and poverty. Many business
to debt among communities of color may also be
support organizations (especially those that are
a barrier. Bookkeeping and accounting practices
bilingual) also have capacity issues and requirements
sometimes preclude entrepreneurs from seeking grants,
from funders which prevent them from focusing on
fellowships, and loans.
high-impact aspects of the work.
La actividad empresarial puede ser mayor de lo registrado debido
Las empresas del vecindario tienen dificultades para planificar
a que muchos trabajan en la economía informal/en la sombra/
la sucesión. Los propietarios de negocios que llevan años
sumergida. La discriminación y la aversión cultural al endeudamiento
funcionando siguen viviendo en la pobreza. Se enfrentan
entre las comunidades de color también pueden ser un obstáculo. Las
a la inestabilidad debido a propietarios poco fiables, poco
prácticas de contabilidad financiera a veces impiden a los empresarios
comunicativos o explotadores.
solicitar subvenciones, becas y préstamos.
Instability / Poverty for Owners Businesses in the neighborhood struggle with succession planning. Business owners that have been operating for years still live in poverty. They face instability due to unreliable, uncommunicative, or
El apoyo que reciben es ineficaz debido a que los servicios de apoyo empresarial existentes carecen de competencias en materia de informalidad, salud, trauma y pobreza. Muchas organizaciones de apoyo empresarial (especialmente las bilingües) también tienen problemas de capacidad y requisitos por parte de los proveedores de fondos que les impiden centrarse en los aspectos de mayor incidencia del trabajo.
exploitive landlords.
Clark-Fulton Today 155
JOBS & WORKFORCE Clark-Fulton is near Cleveland’s largest employers, such as MetroHealth Systems and industrial employers in Stockyards. However, the local workforce faces substantial barriers to employment due to language barriers, low education levels, and childcare needs. These issues are further exacerbated by transportation barriers and the impact of the COVID-19 global pandemic.
Clark-Fulton está cerca de los mayores empleadores de Cleveland, como MetroHealth Systems y los empleadores industriales de Stockyards. Sin embargo, la población activa local se enfrenta a obstáculos substanciales para el empleo debido a las barreras lingüísticas, el bajo nivel educativo y las necesidades de cuidado de los niños. Estos problemas se ven agravados por las barreras de transporte y el impacto de la pandemia mundial COVID-19.
The assets and concerns were determined during
Los bienes y las preocupaciones se determinaron durante
the engagement process upon learning from
el proceso de participación a partir de lo aprendido en las
surveys, community meetings, and through analysis
encuestas, las reuniones de la comunidad y a través del
of current conditions, trends, and characteristics of local businesses in Clark-Fulton.
MetroHealth Systems
Proximity to Industrial Employers
análisis de las condiciones actuales, las tendencias y las características de las empresas locales en Clark-Fulton.
Preocupaciones Barriers to Employment
Low Employment Rate Misalignment of skills & available jobs Most residents work outside Cleveland Level & Access to Education
Clark-Fulton Together - Final Plan
Latin Touch Beauty Salon
What is the community saying? Community members were asked in a Project
En el Cuestionario de Lanzamiento del Proyecto se pidió
Launch Questionnaire to identify key features and
a los miembros de la comunidad que identificaran
sites in Clark-Fulton relating to:
las características y los lugares clave de Clark-Fulton
relacionados con:
Dificultades de los Residentes
Vida de los Trabajadores
Residents struggle with a lack of job opportunities, difficulty finding jobs, and issues with securing childcare
The majority of employees in Clark-Fulton’s local businesses live outside of the neighborhood
Residents struggle with unemployment or underemployment (COVID-19 related or other)
Better employment opportunities to meet community needs
La mayoía de los empleadores de los negocios locales de ClarkFulton viiven fuera del vecindario
Los residentes están abrumados con el desempleo o el subempleo (relacionado con COVID-19 u otros)
Los residentes están abrumados con la falta de oportunidades laborales, la dificultad para encontrar trabajo y los problemas para asegurar el cuidado de los niños
Mejores oportunidades de empleo para satisfacer las necesidades de la comunidad
Clark-Fulton Today 157
Jobs in
Fulton, 2017
Cleveland, 2017
6,721 (82.3%)
78,829 (24.9%)
2. Educational Services
428 (5.2%)
23,932 (7.5%)
3. Retail Trade
254 (3.1%)
15,162 (4.8%)
4. Manufacturing
252 (3.1%)
35,390 (11.2%)
5. Accommodation & Food Service
187 (2.3%)
190,699 (6.2%)
6. Wholesale Trade
141 (1.7%)
14,758 (4.7%)
7. Construction
54 (0.7%)
7,991 (2.5%)
Accommodation & Food Service (10%)
8. Other Services
43 (0.5%)
7,955 (2.5%)
9. Administrative & Support, and Waste Management & Remediation Services
22 (0.3%)
14,558 (4.6%)
Manufacturing (10%)
10. Professional, Scientific, Technical Services
20 (0.2%)
25,242 (8%)
1. Health Care & Social Assistance
Top 4 Resident Job Sectors Health Care & Social Assistance (20%)
Total Jobs in Clark-Fulton
Retail Trade (10%)
Total Jobs
Health Care & Social Assistance
Figure 29
Industry Classification of Jobs in Clark-Fulton
Source: Longitudinal Employer Household Dynamics Survey, 2017
Top Job Sectors and Industries A large share of Clark-Fulton residents work in health care and social assistance as well as manufacturing. This mirrors the two top industries in Clark-Fulton and citywide. Manufacturing is the 2nd top industry in Cleveland (11.2%) but is the 4th largest in Clark-Fulton, making up 3.1% of all jobs. Una gran parte de los residentes de Clark-Fulton trabajan en la asistencia sanitaria y social, así como en la fabricación. Esto refleja las dos principales industrias en Clark-Fulton y en toda la ciudad. La manufactura es la segunda industria más importante en Cleveland (11.2%) pero es la cuarta más grande en Clark-Fulton, constituyendo el 3.1% de todos los empleos.
Clark-Fulton Together - Final Plan
While health care workers are under-represented in Clark-Fulton, manufacturing workers are largely represented in the neighborhood. With both a low median household income and low educational attainment in Clark-Fulton, these jobs are likely to be minimum wage positions. The manufacturing sector in Stockyard, adjacent to Clark-Fulton, employs around 400 residents. There are other industrial employers near the neighborhood but do not staff Clark-Fulton residents. Mientras que los trabajadores de la salud están poco representados en Clark-Fulton, los trabajadores de la industria están ampliamente representados en el vecindario. Con unos ingresos medios bajos y un bajo nivel educativo en Clark-Fulton, es probable que estos puestos de trabajo sean de salario mínimo. El sector manufacturero en Stockyard, adyacente a Clark-Fulton, emplea a unos 400 residentes. Hay otros empleadores industriales cerca del vecindario, pero no dan empleo a los residentes de ClarkFulton.
! !
! ! !!
! !
! !
20-minute walk
!!! ! !
Employees live in Clark-Fulton
Mental Health & Additional Services
W 25 TH ST
MetroHealth Medical Center
9,977 2
! !
MetroHealth Medical Center
! !
1 mile
Cleveland Schools
! !
!! ! !
Employment Rate
Residents without college education
Figure 30
Walkshed around MetroHealth
Source: Longitudinal Employer Household Dynamics Survey, 2017
Employment An overwhelming number of jobs in the Study Area were in the Health Care & Social Assistance sector (82%). The largest employer in the area is the Metro Health Hospital System and Health Care & Social Assistance is also the largest job sector citywide. The area’s largest employer, MetroHealth, has the potential to positively impact the community through local purchasing and hiring. As an employer, they have the ability to encourage workers to move to the area and/or conduct local hiring.
Un número abrumador de puestos de trabajo en el Área de Estudio se encuentra en el sector de la asistencia sanitaria y social (82%). El mayor empleador de la zona es Metro Health Hospital System, y Asistencia Social es también el mayor sector de empleo de la ciudad.
El mayor empleador de la zona, MetroHealth, tiene el potencial de influir positivamente en la comunidad a través de las compras y contrataciones locales. Como empleador, tiene la capacidad de animar a los trabajadores a trasladarse a la zona y/o realizar contrataciones locales.
Barriers to Employment Employment rates in the Study Area are low—only 84% of working age residents in the labor forces were employed in 2014-2018. There are several factors that lead to low employment: language barriers, skills and training, childcare needs, and workforce readiness for modern jobs. Las tasas de empleo en el Área de Estudio son bajas-sólo el 84% de los residentes en edad de trabajar estaban empleados entre 2014-2018. Hay varios factores que conducen al bajo nivel de empleo: las barreras lingüísticas, las habilidades y la formación, las necesidades de cuidado infantil y la preparación de la población activa para los trabajos modernos.
Clark-Fulton Today 159
Pop-Up Events and Markets
WHERE DO RESIDENTS WORK? Most Clark-Fulton residents leave the Study Area for employment. Three of the top five most common commuting locations are outside of the city (Cuyahoga County outside of Cleveland, Summit County, and Lorain County). Many
of Clark-Fulton residents commute outside of Cleveland to work
of Clark-Fulton residents work in adjacent neighborhoods
of workers live and work in Clark-Fulton
residents also work in adjacent neighborhoods - Stockyards, Ohio City, and Tremont. La mayoría de los residentes de Clark-Fulton salen de la Área de Estudio para trabajar. Tres de los cinco lugares más comunes para desplazarse se encuentran fuera de la ciudad (el condado de Cuyahoga fuera de Cleveland, el condado de Summit y el condado de Lorain). Muchos residentes también trabajan en los barrios adyacentes: Stockyards, Ohio City y Tremont.
Clark-Fulton Together - Final Plan
Occupations and Average Wages
Misalignment of skills & available jobs
Listed below are the top 10 occupational categories that employ full-time workers in Clark-Fulton along with the average wage each occupation category paid countywide. For each occupation category, the average affordable monthly housing expense (30% of monthly income) is also listed.
While Health Care and Education are the top industries
In Clark-Fulton during 2014-2018, the median monthly housing expense for owners and renters was $691.
salarios más bajos en comparación.
A continuación se enumeran las 10 principales
Both transportation barriers to and from schools and
categorías ocupacionales que emplean a trabajadores a tiempo completo en Clark-Fulton junto con el salario medio que cada ocupación paga en todo el condado. Para cada categoría de ocupación, el gasto mensual promedio de vivienda asequible (30% de los ingresos mensuales) también se enumera.
a need for multi-lingual education options hinders
in Clark-Fulton, Office Support, Construction, Sales and Food Prep are the top occupations of residents. The top resident occupations have lower wages comparatively. Mientras que la Salud y la Educación son las principales industrias en Clark-Fulton, la Administración de Oficina, la Construcción, las Ventas y la Preparación de Alimentos son las principales ocupaciones de los residentes. Las principales ocupaciones de los residentes tienen
Education Levels & Access
residents from accessing education. 69% of adult residents don’t have a college education, which leads to the misalignment of skills residents have and the available jobs in the Clark-Fulton. Tanto las barreras de transporte hacia y desde las escuelas como la necesidad de opciones educativas multilingües dificultan el
Durante 2014-2018, el gasto medio mensual de ClarkFulton en vivienda para propietarios e inquilinos fue de $691.
acceso de los residentes a la educación. El 69% de los residentes adultos no tienen una educación universitaria, lo que conduce a un desajuste entre las habilidades que los residentes tienen y los puestos de trabajo disponibles en el Clark-Fulton.
Top 10 Occupations and Average Wages Source: Longitudinal Employer Household Dynamics Survey, 2017
Occupational Category
Office and Admin Support
Example Profession Bookkeeping, accounting, auditing clerks
Avg Cuyahoga Wage
Monthly Wage Allowance (30% Income)
Food service manager
Production Occupations
Painting Workers
Retail Salesperson
Material Moving
Warehouse Stocker
School Bus Driver
Healthcare Support
Home Health AId
Janitor & Building Cleaner
Fast Food & Counter Workers
Building Cleaning & Maintenance Food Prep & Service
2014-2018: Median
Monthly Housing expense was $691
Below Median Family Income ($28,175) and housing cost burden residents
Clark-Fulton Today 161
HEALTH, SAFETY & WELL - BEING Resident health is slightly above city averages across a number of outcomes. However, children in the Study Area have one of the highest rates of lead exposure in the city, likely a result of poor housing quality. Parts of the Study Area also lack access to full-service grocery stores that provide better access to fresh and healthy food. Public safety is also a concern, with the area experiencing elevated levels of both violent and property crime.
La salud de los residentes está ligeramente por encima
The assets and concerns were determined during
Los bienes y las preocupaciones se determinaron durante
the engagement process upon learning from
el proceso de participación a partir de lo aprendido en las
surveys, community meetings, and through analysis
encuestas, las reuniones de la comunidad y a través del
of current conditions, trends, and characteristics of local businesses in Clark-Fulton.
MetroHealth Institute for H.O.P.E. City of Cleveland Office of Minority Health
de la media de la ciudad en determinados resultados. Sin embargo, los niños del Área de Estudio tienen una de los índices más altos de exposición al plomo de la ciudad, probablemente como resultado de la mala calidad de las viviendas. Algunas partes del Área de Estudio también carecen de acceso a supermercados que proporcionan un mejor acceso a los alimentos frescos y saludables. La seguridad pública también es un problema, ya que la zona experimenta niveles elevados de delitos violentos y contra la propiedad.
análisis de las condiciones actuales, las tendencias y las características de las empresas locales en Clark-Fulton.
Preocupaciones Economic Opportunity & Structural Racism Access to Fresh Food
Perceptions of Safety Committees and Partnerships
Lead Exposure in Children
Emotional & Mental Health 162
Clark-Fulton Together - Final Plan
City Life Repair Source: Neighborhood Connections
What is the community saying? Community members were asked in a Project
En el Cuestionario de Lanzamiento del Proyecto se pidió
Launch Questionnaire to identify key features and
a los miembros de la comunidad que identificaran
sites in Clark-Fulton Relating to:
las características y los lugares clave de Clark-Fulton relacionados con:
SAFETY RANKING Ranking de Seguridad
Problemas de Seguridad
Neighborhood cleanliness and poor air quality are concerns
Top issues are Asthma/ breathing issues, depression, anxiety, PTSD, high blood pressure & arthritis
60% of residents feel safe during the day, but 40% of residents don’t feel safe at night
Top safety issues are Drug Activity, Abandoned Buildings, Gun Violence and Traffic
Los principales problemas son el asma y la respiración, la depresión, la ansiedad, el trastorno de estrés postraumático, la hipertensión y la artritis.
El 60% de los residentes se sienten seguros durante el día, pero el 40% de los mismos no se sienten seguros de noche
Los principales problemas de seguridad son la actividad de las drogas, los edificios abandonados, la violencia con armas y el tráfico
Ranking de Salud
La limpieza del vecindario y la mala calidad del aire son motivo de preocupación
Problemas de Salud
Social Determinants of Health
Food Insecurity
The goal of Social Determinants of Health is to “create social and physical environments that promote good health for all” by using a place-based framework around 6 key areas:
El objetivo de los Determinantes Sociales de la Salud es “crear entornos sociales y físicos que promuevan la buena salud para todos” utilizando una guía basada en el lugar y en torno a 6 áreas clave:
Community & Social Context
Contexto comunitario y social
Access to Quality Health Care
Economic Stability
Acceso a una atención sanitaria de calidad
Neighborhood & Physical Environment
Estabilidad económica
Vecindario y entorno físico
Food Quality & Stability
Calidad de los alimentos y Estabilidad
Food insecurity is when there is a lack of consistent access to enough food. It is different from hunger, a person is food insecure when they cannot afford enough food for the entire household. La inseguridad alimentaria se produce cuando no se tiene acceso constante a alimentos suficientes. Es diferente del hambre; una persona tiene inseguridad alimentaria cuando no puede permitirse comida suficiente para alimentar a todo el hogar.
Clark-Fulton Today 163
Lead Exposure
Life Expectancy
Children under seven
79 years (US 2019)
5 of 33 Cleveland Neighborhoods
years-old 2012 - 2016
30 of 33 Cleveland Neighborhoods
Clark-Fulton City of Cleveland
Figure 31
Life Expectancy (in years) Mortality Rate (per 1,000 pop.) Life Expectancy (in years) Mortality Rate (per 1,000 pop.)
73 0.083 74 0.102
Life Expectancy
Source: Cleveland Progress Index (Accessed 07/21/2020)
Lead Exposure
Life Expectancy
Lead exposure is a major concern for young children in
Life expectancy of residents in the Study Area is one
the Study Area. Among children under seven, 19% had
year shorter than the city overall, but the area’s mortality
elevated blood levels of lead in their blood. That rate
rate was lower by about 2 deaths per 1,000. The Study
was among the highest in the city, out pacing levels in
Area’s mortality rate ranked 5th lowest among other
30 of the 32 neighborhoods in the city. Lead exposure
neighborhoods in the city and is on par with the national
among children is likely tied to poor housing or school
mortality rate.
facility conditions in the Study Area. Nearly 93% of homes in the Study Area were built prior to 1979, when lead paint usage was common. La exposición al plomo es una preocupación importante que afecta a los niños del Área de Estudio. Entre los niños menores de siete años, el 19% tenía niveles elevados de plomo en la sangre. Este índice es una de las más altos de la ciudad, superando los niveles de 30 de los 32 barrios de la ciudad. La exposición al plomo entre los niños está probablemente vinculada a las malas condiciones de las viviendas o de las instalaciones escolares en el Área de Estudio. Casi el 93% de las viviendas del Área de Estudio se construyeron antes de 1979, cuando el uso de la pintura con plomo era habitual.
Clark-Fulton Together - Final Plan
La esperanza de vida de los residentes en el Área de Estudio es un año menor que la de la ciudad en general, pero los índices de mortalidad del área son inferiores, aproximadamente 2 muertes por cada 1.000. El índice de mortalidad del Área de Estudio es la quinta más baja entre otros vecindarios de la ciudad y está a la par con el índice de mortalidad nacional.
Residents working together at a City Repair event to paint alleys in Clark-Fulton Source: Neighborhood Connections
SURVEY RESULTS Residents were asked to rank the community on certain areas, here are the results: GOOD • There are several affordable healthcare facilities nearby FAIR • High-quality fresh fruits, vegetables, and food are widely available and affordable • There are many safe, good-quality places to exercise (gyms, parks, playgrounds) • This is a great neighborhood for walking • There are a lot of green spaces and tress throughout the neighborhood POOR • The neighborhood is clean, and the air quality is good City repair - alleys in Clark-Fulton Source: Neighborhood Connections
Clark-Fulton Today 165
! !
El acceso a alimentos frescos y saludables es una preocupación en ! muchas comunidades. En el Área de Estudio de Clark-Fulton, se estima que 5.665 residentes carecen de un acceso adecuado a un supermercado, situándose entre los peores vecindarios de la ciudad en cuanto a acceso a tiendas de alimentación.
10-minute walk
1/2 mile
I-71 0'
Figure 32
Grocery Stores in Clark-Fulton
5. Freddy’s Family Food 5
3 Rite Shop 3.
6 6. Betty’s Food Market
getting sufficient servings of fruits and
Population with Inadequate Access to Grocery Options Adults diagnosed with Diabetes
Food Serving
Residents also struggle with diabetes and
Adults reporting eating five or more fruit/vegetables serving per day
SNAP Benefits
households receive SNAP benefits.
4. Las Tienditas del Mercado 4
2 Save a Lot !2.
access to grocery stores in the City of Cleveland and nearly half of the
Households that received SNAP Benefits
30 of 34 Cleveland Neighborhoods
13 of 34 Cleveland Neighborhoods
vegetables. Clark-Fulton se clasifica como uno de los peores vecindarios en términos de acceso inadecuado a las tiendas de alimentación en la ciudad de Cleveland y casi la mitad de los hogares reciben beneficios SNAP. Los residentes luchan también contra la diabetes y la obtención de porciones suficientes de frutas y verduras.
Clark-Fulton Together - Final Plan
Food Access
neighborhoods in terms of inadequate
Source: Reinvestment Fund, 2018; 2017 CDC Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System, American Communities Survey, Five Year Estimates (2014-2018)
1. 1 Dollar General
Clark-Fulton ranks as one of the worst
W 25 TH ST
4 1 2 3
Access to fresh and healthy food is a concern in many communities. In the Clark-Fulton Study Area, an estimated 5,665 residents lack adequate access to a full-service grocery store, ranking among the worst neighborhoods in the city for grocery store access.
7 of 34 Cleveland Neighborhoods
2,252 Number of Households
COMMUNITY EXPRESSION SERIES - FOOD ACCESS Other Options for Healthy Food in Clark-Fulton are:
Food Access was a key
El acceso a los alimentos fue un
topic identified by the
tema clave identificado por los
Ambassadors who led a
embajadores, que dirigieron un
discussion on March 21, 2021. The following is a
debate el 21 de marzo de 2021. A continuación se presenta un resumen del debate:
Corner Stores
Small, independent grocery stores
The lack of full-service grocery options in the community
Food pantries
and low car ownership likely makes it difficult for residents
Produce Distributions
Community Gardens
summary of the discussion:
to access a variety of healthy food options. The inability to access fresh and healthy foods is apparent in other health related outcomes. The only grocery store in the neighborhood has very limited options for healthy food
Local Markets & Food Access Partners Tony’s Market on Clark Ave ◌
Local store with healthy food and culturally-important options
and residents describe it as “not clean or safe,” and unfriendly. Most residents leave the neighborhood to shop for groceries in Steelyard Commons, which is difficult to access by walking or public transit. Despite there being a lack of full-service grocery stores, there are 26 community gardens in Ward 14 and residents cite corner stores, independent grocery stores, food pantries, and produce distributions as alternative places
Heart Smarts
in the neighborhood for healthy food. These places
have culturally-important options. They are also open to
Meets residents where they are, bringing nutrition education, health, social services, and increased food access to local corner stores. Empower residents with the information and resources they need to improve their health.
are significant because they provide healthy food and community partnerships and programs, like Heart Smarts, for nutrition education and the sharing of other health resources. La falta de opciones en cuanto a supermercados en la comunidad y el bajo nivel de pertenencia de automóviles probablemente dificulta
Shalom Tranquility ◌
Provides fresh fruits, vegetables, herbs and create spaces to connect with neighbors
With the rise of food insecurity due
el acceso de los residentes a una variedad de opciones de alimentos saludables. La imposibilidad de acceder a alimentos frescos y saludables es evidente en otros resultados relacionados con la salud. La única tienda de comestibles en el vecindario tiene opciones muy limitadas de alimentos saludables y los residentes la describen como “no limpia o segura” y poco amigable. La mayoría de los residentes salen del vecindario para comprar alimentos en Steelyard Commons, al que es difícil acceder a pie o en transporte público.
to COVID, created a fresh produce
A pesar de la falta de supermercados, hay 26 jardines comunitarios en
distribution on Thursdays
el Distrito 14 y los residentes mencionan las tiendas de conveniencia, tiendas de alimentos independientes, despensas de alimentos, y la
MetroHealth’s Food Box Delivery Program
distribución de productos como lugares alternativos en el vecindario
Fresh produce distribution to help families
porque proporcionan alimentos saludables y tienen opciones que son
through COVID and food insecurity
culturalmente relevantes. Los residentes también están abiertos a las
para encontrar alimentos saludables. Estos lugares son importantes
asociaciones y programas comunitarios, como Heart Smarts, para la educación nutricional y el intercambio de otros recursos de salud.
Clark-Fulton Today 167
Residents working together at a City Repair event to paint alleys in Clark-Fulton Source: Neighborhood Connections
HEALTH COVERAGE & SAFETY Insurance Coverage Approximately 12% of Clark-Fulton’s residents do not have health insurance coverage, compared to 9% of Cleveland residents overall. Aproximadamente el 12% de los residentes de Clark-Fulton no tienen seguro de salud, en comparación con el 9% de los residentes de la ciudad de Cleveland.
Clark-Fulton Together - Final Plan
Residents without Health Insurance
12% 2009 2013
2014 2018
Residents with Insurance
Residents without Insurance
City of
Residents with Insurance
Residents without Insurance
Safety Ranking
Source: Resident Survey (9/18/2020)
I feel safe in my neighborhood during the day I feel safe in my neighborhood during the night I feel safe allowing my children to walk and play outside My neighborhood is safe for seniors I want to be involve in making my neighborhood safer Local police officers treat me with respect and dignity The presence & actions of local police officers make me feel safer I feel welcome in any place I go in Clark-Fulton
Top Safety Issues
40% 44% 30%
32% 42% 22% 34%
46% 34% 34%
64% 36% 46% 34%
Top Safety Impacts
1_ Drug Activity
1_ Dumping
2_ Gun Violence
2_ Litter in Public Areas
3_ Abandoned Buildings
3_ Existing Conditions of Alleys
4_ Traffic Safety
Safety Rates of both violent and property crime were higher in the Study Area than the city overall. Rates of violent and property crime were higher than the majority of neighborhoods in Cleveland. Los índices de delitos violentos y contra la propiedad fueron más altos en el Área de Estudio que en la ciudad en general. Estos índices eran más altas que en la mayoría de vecindarios de Cleveland.
Violent Crime
1,742 20 of 34 # of crimes per 100,000 Pop.
Cleveland Neighborhoods
Property Crime
5,976 27 of 34 # of crimes per 100,000 Pop.
Cleveland Neighborhoods
Source: Cleveland Progress Index (Accessed 07/21/2020)
Clark-Fulton Today 169
MOBILITY & CONNECTIVITY Clark-Fulton is the 8th most walkable neighborhood in Cleveland due in large part to its small blocks and on-going planning efforts to improve the area with Green Design Tools. However, the neighborhood suffers from safety issues, low transit usership, and poor connectivity to regional assets. The overwhelming majority of residents use cars as their primary mode of transportation.
Clark-Fulton es el octavo vecindario más transitable de Cleveland debido en gran parte a sus pequeñas manzanas y a los esfuerzos de planificación en curso para mejorar la zona con herramientas de Diseño de Espacios Verdes. Sin embargo, el vecindario sufre de problemas de seguridad, bajo uso del transporte público, y la mala conectividad a los recursos regionales. La inmensa mayoría de los residentes utilizan el coche como su principal medio de transporte.
The assets and concerns were determined during
Los bienes y las preocupaciones se determinaron durante
the engagement process upon learning from
el proceso de participación a partir de lo aprendido en las
surveys, community meetings, and through analysis
encuestas, las reuniones de la comunidad y a través del
of current conditions, trends, and characteristics of local businesses in Clark-Fulton.
análisis de las condiciones actuales, las tendencias y las características de las empresas locales en Clark-Fulton.
Assets & Connectivity
Commitment to Safe and Complete Streets
Public Transit
Commitment to Green Streets Design Tools
Partners for street/transit improvements
Comfort & Image
Clark-Fulton Together - Final Plan
Clark Ave
What is the community saying? Community members were asked in a Project
En el Cuestionario de Lanzamiento del Proyecto se pidió
Launch Questionnaire to identify key features and
a los miembros de la comunidad que identificaran
sites in Clark-Fulton relating to:
las características y los lugares clave de Clark-Fulton relacionados con:
Residents enjoy walking and biking around the neighborhood
Streets and Alleys are places that the community cares about the most in ClarkFulton
Residents would like to have better access to amenities and improvements of streets
Safer streets for people who are biking, walking, or using a wheelchair or stroller
Las calles y los callejones son los lugares que más importan a la comunidad en Clark-Fulton
Los residentes desearían tener un mejor acceso a los servicios y mejoras en las calles
Actividades & Programas
Los residentes disfrutan de los paseos a pie y en bicicleta por el vecindario
Calles más seguras para las personas que van en bicicleta, caminan o utilizan una silla de ruedas o un cochecito
Source: City of Cleveland, Smart Growth America
Vision Zero
Complete Streets
An initiative by the City of Cleveland in
Complete Streets are for everyone. They are
partnership with community groups and various
designed and operated to enable safe access for all
local agencies to eliminate all traffic fatalities
users, including pedestrians, bicyclists, motorists and
and serious injuries, while increasing safe,
transit riders of all ages and abilities.
healthy, equitable mobility for all.
Las Calles Completas son para todos. Están diseñadas
Una iniciativa de la ciudad de Cleveland, en colaboración
y operadas para permitir el acceso seguro de todos los
con grupos comunitarios y diversos organismos locales,
usuarios, incluidos los peatones, los ciclistas, los motoristas
para eliminar todas las muertes y lesiones graves por
y los usuarios del transporte público de todas las edades y
accidentes de tráfico, abogando al mismo tiempo por la
movilidad segura, saludable y equitativa para todos.
Clark-Fulton Today 171
ACCESS Clark-Fulton is the 8th most walkable neighborhood in Cleveland with a walk score of 70 out of 100. The existing walking culture is strong. The small blocks make it easier for residents to get to and from transit stops than in some other parts of the city.
Biking Conditions on Valentine Avenue
Clark-Fulton es el octavo vecindario más transitable de Cleveland con una puntuación de 70 sobre 100. La cultura de caminar es fuerte. Las pequeñas manzanas facilitan a los residentes un mayor acceso a las paradas de transporte público que en otras partes de la ciudad.
Crosswalks on Fulton Road
Walton Avenue
Typical Residential Alley
Clark-Fulton Together - Final Plan
Red Line Greenway Trail
Fult o
w 25th st
Clark Ave
ton Rd
nR d
MetroHealth Main Campus
Rt 6 . 17
Riverside Cemetery
Figure 33
Regional Access Legend
Clark-Fulton is served by two major highways and
◌ Highway System
has many GCRTA Bus Routes that run through the
◌ I-90
neighborhood connecting the region. Within the Study
◌ I-71
Area, there are three main corridors—West 25th Street, Clark Avenue, and Fulton Road, as well as existing bicycle infrastructure on some of the streets. Clark-Fulton tiene acceso a dos autopistas principales y a muchas rutas de autobús de GCRTA que atraviesan el vecindario y lo conectan con la región. Dentro del Área de Estudio hay tres corredores principales: West 25th Street, Clark Avenue y Fulton Road, así como infraestructura existente para bicicletas en algunas de las calles.
◌ Main Corridors (Study Area) ◌ West 25th Street ◌ Clark Ave ◌ Fulton Rd ◌ Bicycle Infrastructure (Existing) ◌ Trails ◌ Bicycle Lanes ◌ GCRTA Bus Routes ◌ GCRTA Red Line
Clark-Fulton Today 173
P15_ RTA: 25Connects
Other Plans Long Range Plan - NOACA
MetroHealth Line 3-Miles
Regional Strategic Plan, Going Forward, Together (2015) has an overarching goal to keep northeast Ohio sustainable, competitive in a global economy, and effective at moving people and freight.
Clark-Fulton Study Area
(2017) addresses the region’s transportation needs 20 years into the future.
AREA 3 Clark-Fulton
Long-range transportation plan AIM Forward 2040
Fiscally constrained Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) (2021) prioritizes highway, bikeway, and transit improvements over the next four years.
Partners: Greater Regional Transit Authority, City VIRTUAL PUBLIC KICKOFF EVENT -JULYCleveland 29 , 2020 TH
of Cleveland
About: A community planning process that aims to provide + design recommendations and tools to support a future
Complete and Green Streets ◌
Complete and Green Streets Ordinance (City)
Green Streets Guidelines (NOACA)
West 25th Street ◌
(RTA) ◌
million rides annually.
West 25th Street Transit Oriented Development Plan (RTA)
support the investment of the RTA’s MetroHealth Line bus rapid transit (BRT) line, one of the busiest routes, with 1.7
Pearl Rd/West 25th Street Transportation Corridor Plan (RTA)
West 25th Street corridor focused on walkable, transitsupportive, mixed-use community development that will
West 25th Street Bus Rapid Transit Development
West 25th Street Corridor Initiative (2012) (City MetroHealth - Neighborhood Progress)
Study Area: 25Connects study area spans across parts of five (5) neighborhoods extending from Detroit Ave to Metroparks Zoo, around 3 miles long. The Clark-Fulton Together Study Area is between Area 2 and 3.
Regional Bicycle Plan (2013) (NOACA)
Acerca de: Un proceso de planificación de la comunidad que
Bicycle and Pedestrian Report (2018) (NOACA)
tiene como objetivo proporcionar recomendaciones de diseño
Bikeway Master Plan (City)
que esté centrado en el desarrollo de una comunidad peatonal,
Dockless Scooters and Bike Share (City)
de apoyo al tránsito y de uso mixto que apoyará la inversión
The Cuyahoga Greenways Plan: This plan was
y herramientas para apoyar un futuro corredor en W 25th St
de la línea de tránsito rápido de autobuses (BRT) de RTA, una de las rutas más concurridas, con 1.7 millones de viajes al año.
completed a few years ago and served as a countywide vision for bike and pedestrian connectivity. A
Área de Estudio: El Área de Estudio de 25Connects abarca
multi-jurisdictional team is working to implement
partes de cinco vecindarios que se extienden desde Detroit Ave
the plan, including County Planning, Cleveland
hasta el zoológico Metroparks, con una longitud de unas 3
Metroparks, and the City.
millas. El Área de Estudio de Clark-Fulton Together se encuentra entre las áreas 2 y 3.
Bicycle and Pedestrian
Clark-Fulton Together - Final Plan
Fulton Rd Reconstruction
West 65th Street
Scranton Rd Resurfacing and Restriping
Zone Rehabilitation Rec Center
Roberto Clemente Park
Clark Ave
Lincoln West Meyer Pool
nR d Ful to
w 44th st
Clark Ave Corridor Plan & Streetscape
w 41st st
Trent Park
W 25th st
St Mary’s Cemetery
Scran ton Rd
Clark Rec Center
Clark Field
Tremont Towpath Trail Signage Plan Area
City Life Center
MetroHealth Main Campus
6 . 17
Buhrer Ave Pedestrian Bridge Improvements I-71
Figure 34
Neighborhood Plans and Projects
Riverside Cemetery
Legend On-Going Plans & Projects ◌ Clark Avenue Corridor Plan (2015) ◌ Tremont Towpath Trail Signage Plan (2017) Completed Projects ◌ Clark Avenue Streetscape ◌ Fulton Road Reconstruction ◌ Scranton Avenue Resurfacing and Restriping ◌ Buhrer Avenue Pedestrian Bridge Future Improvements ◌ West 65th Street Rehabilitation
Clark-Fulton Today 175
80% Source: American Communities Survey, Five Year Estimates (2014-2018)
Car ownership in the Clark Fulton Study Area was comparable to the ownership rate citywide, with 80% of households in the Study Area having access to a vehicle. La posesión de automóviles en el Área de Estudio de Clark Fulton era comparable a la de toda la ciudad, con un 80% de los hogares con acceso a uno.
Public Transit Use
Only 9% of the residents of the Clark-Fulton Study Area use transit as a primary mode of transportation to go to work, while 79% uses their cars. Sólo el 9% de los residentes del área de estudio de Clark-Fulton utilizan tránsito como modo de transporte principal para ir al
Source: American Communities Survey, Five Year Estimates (2014-2018)
trabajo, mientras que el 79% utiliza el coche.
Transportation Cost Clark-Fulton residents spend $7,089 annually in
of median family income
Transportation costs, which is 25% of their median family income. Transportation cost are considered affordable if they are 15% or less of median family income. Los residentes de Clark-Fulton gastan $7.089 anualmente en costos de transporte, que es el 25% de su ingreso familiar medio.
Source: HUD
Los costos de transporte se consideran asequibles si son el 15% o menos de los ingresos familiares medios.
Cuyahoga County
Adjacent Neighborhoods
Source: Longitudinal Employer-Household Dynamics (LEHD), US Census Bureau (2017)
Employment Destinations Most Clark-Fulton residents leave the Study Area for employment. The adjacent neighborhoods of Stockyards, Ohio City, and Tremont also have a number of residents commuting from Clark-Fulton for work. La mayoría de los residentes de Clark-Fulton salen del Área de Estudio para trabajar. Los vecindarios adyacentes de Stockyards, Ohio City y Tremont también tienen un número de residentes que se desplazan desde Clark-Fulton para trabajar.
Clark-Fulton Together - Final Plan
Limited Access Points !
w 25th st
Clark Ave
ton Rd
MetroHealth Main Campus
6 . 17
Riverside Cemetery
Figure 35
Mobility Challenges
Although the MetroHealth line has one of
Aunque la línea de MetroHealth tiene uno de los índices de usuarios más altos de la región, sólo el 9% de los residentes del Área de Estudio utilizan el transporte para ir al trabajo.
El Área de Estudio está rodeada de autopistas, lo que limita el acceso al barrio.
La infraestructura para bicicletas es limitada en toda el Área de Estudio.
Hay una falta de conectividad con los sistemas de senderos regionales.
the highest ridership rates in the region, only 9% of the residents of the Study Area use Transit to go to work. ◌ The Study Area is surrounded by highways, limiting access into the neighborhood. ◌ There is limited bicycle infrastructure throughout the Study Area. ◌ There is a lack of connectivity to regional trail systems.
Clark-Fulton Today 177
Mode of Transportation
N 12,3 RD 00
The majority of survey respondents use their cars as their primary mode of transportation to go to work, restaurants, groceries stores and neighborhood events.
W 25 TH ST
41% of respondents say it is VERY DIFFICULT to pay their transportation costs.
I-71 0'
The majority of employees and customers use their CARS as their PRIMARY MODE of transportation to get to local businesses. 1_ Car 2_ Bicycle 2_ Transit/Bus
Figure 36
Street Network and Hierarchy
Source: Volumes based on ODOT TIMS data
Legend Street Network ◌ Highways ◌ Key Corridors + Volumes ◌ Neighborhood Streets ◌ Alleys
Key Intersections ◌ Signalized Intersections
Street Network and Hierarchy Clark-Fulton has four types of streets—highways, key corridors, neighborhood streets, and alleys. The neighborhood is well served by neighborhood streets and alleys that provide access in the interior neighborhood and 6 key corridors. However, the surrounding highways limit access in and out of the area. Clark-Fulton tiene cuatro tipos de calles: carreteras, corredores principales, calles vecinales y callejones. El vecindario está bien servido por calles vecinales y los callejones que proporcionan acceso al interior del mismo y a los 6 corredores clave. Sin embargo, las autopistas circundantes limitan el acceso de entrada y salida del área.
Clark-Fulton Together - Final Plan
I-71 0'
Figure 37
Bicycle Infrastructure
Legend Bike Lanes/Sharrows ◌ Bike Lane ◌ Sharrow ◌ Recommended Bike Facility
W 25 TH ST
W 25 TH ST
Figure 38
Legend Trails ◌ Towpath Existing ◌ Towpath Recommended ◌ Red Line Greenway (Existing) ◌ Red Line Greenway (Under Construction)
Bus Routes + Stops ◌ Bus Stops ◌ MetroHealth Line (Route 51-51a) - W 25th St ◌ Route 18 - Storer Ave / Trowbridge Ave ◌ Route 45 - Fulton Rd ◌ Route 25 - Clark Ave / W 25th St
Bicycle Infrastructure
There is limited bicycle infrastructure throughout the
Only 9% of residents in Clark-Fulton use transit as a
neighborhood. Dedicated bike lanes are only on West
primary mode of transportation to go to work, while
44th Street, West 41st Street, and Scranton Road and
79% use their cars. The area is served by 4 major routes,
sharrows are only on Clark Avenue and a portion of
including the MetroHealth Line (Route 51) that is one
West 41st Street.
of the busiest routes in the city and is undergoing a
Clark-Fulton is close to many of the regional trail systems. The Towpath Trail and Red Line Greenway can connect the neighborhood to the region. La infraestructura para bicicletas es de carácter limitado en todo el vecindario. Sólo hay carriles de bicicleta en West 44th Street, West 41st Street y Scranton Road, y sólo carriles compartidos en Clark Avenue y en una parte de West 41st Street. Clark-Fulton está cerca de muchos de los sistemas de senderos
transition to becoming a Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) line to better serve the users. Sólo el 9% de los residentes en Clark-Fulton utilizan el tránsito como modo principal de transporte para ir al trabajo, mientras que el 79% utilizan sus coches. La zona está conectada por 4 rutas principales, incluida la línea MetroHealth (ruta 51) que es una de las más concurridas de la ciudad y que está en proceso de transición para convertirse en una línea de Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) para dar un mejor servicio a los usuarios.
regionales. Towpath Trail y Red Line Greenway tienen potencial para conectar el vecindario con la región.
Clark-Fulton Today 179
OPEN & RECREATIONAL SPACES Clark-Fulton has several open and recreational spaces, with most residents living within a 10-minute walk to an open space—which is better than the citywide average of 17%. However, many of the neighborhood spaces suffer from underutilization due to lack of programming, safety, and cost of maintenance.
Clark-Fulton cuenta con varios espacios abiertos y recreativos, y la mayoría de los residentes viven a menos de 10 minutos a pie de un espacio abierto, superando la media de la ciudad del 17%. Sin embargo, muchos de los espacios del vecindario están infrautilizados por falta de programación, seguridad y coste de mantenimiento.
The assets and concerns were determined during
Los bienes y las preocupaciones se determinaron durante
the engagement process upon learning from
el proceso de participación a partir de lo aprendido en las
surveys, community meetings, and through analysis
encuestas, las reuniones de la comunidad y a través del
of current conditions, trends, and characteristics of local businesses in Clark-Fulton.
Clark Recreational Center
análisis de las condiciones actuales, las tendencias y las características de las empresas locales en Clark-Fulton.
Preocupaciones Access & Programming
City Life Center Brookside Reservation & Zoo St. Mary’s Cemetery
Underutilized Facilities
Safety & Use
Roberto Clemente Field New MetroHealth Park 180
Clark-Fulton Together - Final Plan
Maintenance Cost
CITY GOALS 100% 83% Residents live within a 10-minute walk of a quality park
Residents live within a 10-minute walk of a quality park
Playground at Roberto Clemente Park
What is the community saying? Community members were asked in a Project
En el Cuestionario de Lanzamiento del Proyecto se pidió
Launch Questionnaire to identify key features and
a los miembros de la comunidad que identificaran
sites in Clark-Fulton relating to:
las características y los lugares clave de Clark-Fulton relacionados con:
Access to quality parks and recreational centers is a challenge for ClarkFulton
Parks and Recreation Centers are places that people care about the most in Clark-Fulton
Residents would like to have better access to and enhance community amenities
The community would like to see better access to quality parks and recreational spaces
El acceso a parques y centros recreativos de calidad es un reto para Clark-Fulton
Los parques y centros recreativos son los lugares que más importan a la gente en Clark-Fulton
Los residentes desearían tener un mejor acceso a los servicios comunitarios además de mejorarlos
La comunidad desearía un mejor acceso a parques y espacios recreativos de calidad
Clark-Fulton Today 181
City Life Center in Clark-Fulton Source:
Brookside Reservation Source: Cleveland MetroParks
Clark-Fulton Together - Final Plan
Clark Field
w 25th st Scran ton Rd
Clark Ave
fult on Rd
City Life Center
MetroHealth Main Campus
10-minute walk radius
6 . 17
Riverside Cemetery
2 !
Figure 39
Regional Open and Recreation Spaces
Cleveland has many great parks and recreation spaces with 18 reservations spanning over 24,000 acres, 300 miles of trails, 8 lakefront parks, and a nationally-acclaimed zoo (MetroParks). The city is committed to expanding its park system and its current reach, and have set a goal that every City of Cleveland resident lives within a 10-minute walk to a park. Cleveland tiene muchos parques y espacios recreativos estupendos, con 18 reservas que abarcan más de 24.000 acres, 300 millas de senderos, 8 parques frente al lago y un zoológico aclamado a nivel nacional (MetroParks). La ciudad se ha comprometido a ampliar su sistema de parques y su alcance actual, y se ha fijado el objetivo de que todos los residentes de Cleveland vivan a menos de 10 minutos a pie de un parque.
Legend Parks 1. Tremont Park 2. Brookside Park/Reservation + Zoo 3. Roberto Clemente Field (Clark-Fulton) 4. Trent Park (Clark-Fulton) Recreation Centers 5. Cleveland Michael Zone Rec. Center 6. Clark-Fulton Rec. Center Cemetery 7. St. Mary’s Cemetery 8. Riverside Cemetery Transportation ◌ ◌ ◌ ◌
Highways Main Corridors Bicycle Infrastructure GCRTA Bus Routes
Clark-Fulton Today 183
NEIGHBORHOOD PARKS Roberto Clemente Field
St. Mary Cemetery
3. Trent Park
Trent Ave
Play Structure + Picnic Tables
W 41st St
W 38th St
Seymour Ave
W 41st St
W 38th St
Play Structure + Picnic Tables
Basketball Courts Baseball Diamond
W 38th St
Baseball Diamonds
Newark Ave
Clark Ave
One of the most visited recreational
1.2 acres
facilities in the neighborhood.
7.3 acres
Baseball Diamond
3.7 acres
2 Basketball Courts
2 Baseball Diamonds
Play ! Structure
Play Structure
! 5. City Life Center
4. Meyer Pool Lincoln West High School Parking
6. Clark Recreation Center
Sackett Ave
W 34th St
W 32st St
Outdoor Pool W 30th St
Play Structure
Train Ct
W 33rd St
Athletic Fields
Meyer Ave
Indoor Gym / Center
Clark Ave
Trowbridge Ave
0.6 acres
A lot of activities for Youth and
Facility is located in a highly visible
Outdoor, public swimming pool
Teens. Residents want additional
place and wil be rehabbed and
funding for City Life so they can
Amenities & Activities needed the most in the neighborhood: 1_ Neighborhood Park 2_ Walking / Running Trails 3_ Playground
serve more youth.
0.4 acres
2.5 acres
Game Room
Baseball Diamond
Art Room
Athletic Fields
Play Structure
Meeting Room
Indoor Gym / Center
Indoor Pool
Computer Lab
Clark-Fulton Together - Final Plan
!Zone Rec Center
1 Roberto Clemente Park
Lincoln West School (Pool+Courts)
St Mary’s Cemetery
w 25th st
Lincoln West
Meyer Pool 4
fult on
w 41st st
w 44th st
Trent Park 3
Scran ton Rd
Clark Ave
Clark Rec Center
Clark Field
Future MetroHealth Park
City Life Center
MetroHealth Main Campus
6 . 17
10-minute walk radius
Riverside Cemetery
Figure 40
Neighborhood Open and Recreation Spaces
Legend 1. 1 Roberto Clemente Field
4. 4 Meyer Pool
2. 2 St. Mary’s Cemetery
5. 5 City Life Center (Private)
3 Trent Park 3. 11/5/2020
Residents&#039; Survey - English
! and your family or household member visit the following places? 32. How often do you
Boys-and-Girls Club (Tremont)
Roberto Clemente Park
St. Mary’s Cemetery
l Tr
pa w To
at rv se
n io
de si er
y er
et m s y’
ar .M St
Not very often 26 32 29 36 37 35
Riverside Cemetery
Brookside Reservation / Zoo
Towpath Trail
Towpath Trail
City Life Center
5 3
te en em
to er
Trent Park
A few times a year
Brookside Reservation / Zoo
Riverside Cemetery
ls ir -G nd
nt Ce -a
Clark Recreation Center
Source: Business Survey #28 (9/18/2020)
fe Li y
tP en
nt n
Boys-and-Girls Roberto Clemente St. Mary’s Club (Tremont) Park Cemetery A few times a year Not very often
About once a month
About once a month
Meyer Pool
City Life Center
Once a week
Brooklyn Branch Library
A few times a week 4
Trent Park Once a week
Clark Recreation Center A few times a week
Meyer Pool
* Most visited
Brooklyn Branch Library
South Branch Library
+ A few times a week
South Branch Library
+ Once a week
Fulton Branch Library
Fulton Branch Library
+ About once a month
+ A few times a year
+ Not very often
How often do you and your family visit the following places?
Clark-Fulton Today 185 27
ST. MARY’S CEMETERY “I love walking through here because it’s a serene greenspace in the neighborhood” - Neighborhood Resident
METROHEALTH CAMPUS TRANSFORMATION The future 12-acre park will be built as part of the Main Campus Transformation.
posed Long Term mpus Master Plan
El futuro parque de 12 acres será construido como parte de la transformación del Main Campus.
SURVEY RESULTS Some AMENITIES & PROGRAMS the community would like to see in the new Park: 1_ Multi-purpose central lawn/plaza for festivals, markets, performance, movies, and other large scale events
2_ Quiet, passive or natural areas 3_ Picnic tables and seating areas 4_ Game tables 5_ Play equipment for all ages and abilities
Clark-Fulton Together - Final Plan
Legend ◌ 12-Acre Park ◌ Proposed Towpath Trail Connection (TBD) ◌ Bus Stops
Existing Parks to be Enhanced
Zone Rec Center
Roberto Clemente Park
Clark Ave
Lincoln West Meyer Pool
Rd fult on
w 41st st
Clark Elementary + Clark Recreation Center Park
w 44th st
Trent Park
w 25th st
St Mary’s Cemetery
Scran ton Rd
Clark Rec Center
Clark Field
MetroHealth Proposed 12-acre Park
City Life Center MetroHealth Main Campus
6 . 17
Riverside Cemetery
Figure 41
Neighborhood Plans and Projects
Neighborhood Plans & Projects City of Cleveland Parks - Planned Improvements
Phunkenship Sackett Ave Pocket Park:
Clark Elementary & Clark Recreation Center Park
engagement strategies around parks (revolving around Clark Recreation Center). ◌
32nd Street and Sackett Avenue and is open to
In collaboration with the Trust for Public Land, an RFP will be released to build a resource list of
En colaboración con Trust for Public Land, se publicará una
Phunkenship owns a cluster of vacant land at West developing it as a community green space.
Phunkenship es propietario de un terreno vacante en W 32nd Street y Sackett Avenue y está abierto a desarrollarlo como espacio verde comunitario.
solicitud de propuestas para elaborar una lista de recursos estratégicos de participación en torno a los parques (en torno a Clark Recreation Center).
Existing parks to be enhanced: ◌
Trent Park
Meyer Pool
Roberto Clemente Field
Clark-Fulton Today 187
UNDERUTILIZED FACILITIES Many of the neighborhood parks are underutilized. Most residents either don’t know these spaces exist or don’t frequently visit them. The facilities also struggle with safety and maintenance costs. Facilities like the Clark Recreation Center are in high-traffic, exposed areas and do not feel as safe as other recreation centers. Existing open spaces also struggle to uphold high standards for quality, safety, maintenance, programming, and upkeep which leads to further decay and underutilization. Muchos de los parques del vecindario están infrautilizados. La mayoría de los residentes no saben que estos espacios existen o no los visitan con frecuencia. Las instalaciones también tienen problemas de seguridad y costes de mantenimiento. Instalaciones como Clark Recreation Center se encuentran en zonas muy transitadas y expuestas y no se sienten tan seguras como otros centros recreativos. Los espacios abiertos existentes también
luchan por mantener altos estándares de calidad, seguridad, mantenimiento, programación y conservación, lo que lleva a un
Trent Park Facilities
mayor deterioro y subutilización.
Source: Lisa Delong,
Source: Lisa DeJong,
Clark-Fulton Together - Final Plan
IE !
Limited Access Points !
Rd fult on
w 25th st
Clark Ave
Rt 6 . 17
Figure 42
Challenges with Recreation & Open Spaces
Access & Programming Both the region and neighborhood struggle from lack of family-friendly bike lanes and low-stress connections to open and recreational space.
Tanto la región como el vecindario luchan por la falta de carriles de bicicleta para toda la familia y de conexiones fáciles con espacios abiertos y recreativos.
The neighborhood lacks connections to the
El barrio carece de conexiones con los sistemas de senderos
regional trail systems and assets just outside of the
regionales y los recursos que se encuentran fuera de los
neighborhood boundary. The poor connections and overall quality of experience getting to these spaces deter residents from using most of the existing open and recreational spaces.
límites del vecindario. Las malas conexiones y la calidad general de la experiencia para llegar a estos espacios disuaden a los residentes de utilizar la mayoría de los espacios abiertos y recreativos existentes.
Clark-Fulton Today 189
INSTITUTIONS & ORGANIZATIONS Clark-Fulton has many dedicated and established groups committed to keeping the neighborhood a diverse, welcoming, and safe place. Community events led by faith-based organizations, artists, and local partners engage the community and increase capital for the development of other programs for residents. However, there are still gaps in the neighborhood that could be filled to make Clark-Fulton stronger.
Clark-Fulton tiene muchos grupos dedicados y establecidos que están comprometidos con mantener el vecindario como un lugar diverso, acogedor y seguro. Los eventos comunitarios dirigidos por organizaciones religiosas, artistas y socios locales involucran a la comunidad y aumentan el capital para el desarrollo de otros programas para los residentes. Sin embargo, todavía hay lagunas en el vecindario que podrían llenarse para hacer Clark-Fulton más fuerte.
The assets and concerns were determined during
Los bienes y las preocupaciones se determinaron durante
the engagement process upon learning from
el proceso de participación a partir de lo aprendido en las
surveys, community meetings, and through analysis
encuestas, las reuniones de la comunidad y a través del
of current conditions, trends, and characteristics of local businesses in Clark-Fulton.
análisis de las condiciones actuales, las tendencias y las características de las empresas locales en Clark-Fulton.
Vibrant Community Events
Early Child Education
Caring & Engaged Faith Organizations
Risk of Losing Authenticity in the Arts Scene
Well-Established Artist Community
Racial and Ethnic Divide
Strong Partners & Initiatives
Technological Divide
Clark-Fulton Together - Final Plan
Housing Character
Neighborhood Mural Source: Councilwoman Jasmin Santana’s Facebook
What is the community saying? Community members were asked in a Project
En el Cuestionario de Lanzamiento del Proyecto se pidió
Launch Questionnaire to identify key features and
a los miembros de la comunidad que identificaran
sites in Clark-Fulton relating to:
las características y los lugares clave de Clark-Fulton relacionados con:
Residents enjoy the festivals and events that take place in Clark-Fulton
Access to & enhance community amenities, and strengthen presence of arts, culture and neighborhood identity
Access to childcare, youth education and development are challenges residents face today
Residents would like to see a stronger sense of community and neighborliness
El acceso a las guarderías, la educación de los jóvenes y el desarrollo son retos a los que se enfrentan los residentes hoy en día
A los residentes les gustaría ver un mayor sentido de comunidad y vecindad
Actividades y Programas
Los residentes disfrutan de los festivales y eventos que se llevan a cabo en Clark-Fulton
Acceso a los servicios de la comunidad y mejora de los mismos, y refuerzo de la presencia de las artes, la cultura y la identidad del vecindario
Clark-Fulton Today 191
LOCAL ANCHORS Clark-Fulton has strong arts, education, and religious partners and initiatives that are committed to keeping the neighborhood a diverse, welcoming, and safe place. Clark-Fulton cuenta con sólidos socios artísticos, educativos y religiosos e iniciativas que se han comprometido a mantener el vecindario como un lugar diverso, acogedor y seguro.
Rally CLE
Local Partners & Initiatives: ◌
Digital C
The Cleveland Foundation
MetroHealth Institute for H.O.P.E.
MetroHealth Faith-Based Outreach + Engagement
Cleveland Museum of Art
Cleveland Public Theater
Julia de Burgos Cultural Arts Center
Art House
Building Hope in the City
IDENTITY AND/OR CULTURE aspects that are the most meaningful to the community: 1_ Multiculturalism and diversity 2_ Neighborliness and sense of community, people helping each other
3_ Schools
3_ Murals and Public Art
8_ Churches
4_ Connecting to history and heritage 5_ Welcoming to immigrants and newcomers
PLACES that you care about the most or that are most meaningful to you:
Clark-Fulton Together - Final Plan
6_ Libraries
LatinUs Theatre
Roberto Clemente Park
Clark Ave Trent Park
Lincoln West 1 Meyer Pool
Rd fult on
w 41st st
w 44th st
7 Scran ton Rd
St Mary’s Cemetery
8 w 25th st
Clark Rec Center
Clark Field
4 5
Zone Rec !
City Life Center MetroHealth Main Campus
6 . 17
6 Riverside Cemetery
10 Figure 43
Institutions & Organizations
Clark-Fulton has established strong educational institutions, arts organizations, and religious organizations that are working hard in the neighborhood. Public and private schools are located throughout the!neighborhood, and two Cleveland
◌1 Lincoln West School ◌ 2 Thomas Jefferson Newcomers Academy Libraries ◌ Fulton Branch 6
organizaciones artísticas y religiosas que trabajan intensamente en el vecindaro. Las escuelas públicas y privadas se encuentran en todo el área y dos bibliotecas públicas se encuentran en la sección noreste y suroeste del Área de Estudio. Las numerosas organizaciones religiosas se encuentran en todo el vecindario.
Southwest section of the Study Area. The many religious
Clark-Fulton cuenta con sólidas instituciones educativas,
Public Libraries are located in the Northeast and organizations are located throughout the neighborhood.
◌ Walton 3 ◌ Luis Munoz Marin School 4 ◌ Buhrer Dual Language 5
◌ South Branch 7
Art Organizations ◌ Astrup Building 8 ◌
CMA Community Center
Latin Us Theater Co
Inlet Dance Theater
◌ Julia de Burgos Art 9 Center
10 ◌ Art House
Religious Organizations (28) ◌
Iglesia Nueva Vidda
Scranton Rd Bible Church + Scranton Rd Ministry
Cleveland Hope Exchange Building Hope in the City
MetroHealth Faith Community Outreach
Clark-Fulton Today 193
Thomas Jefferson Academy
Walton Elementary
Parking Lot
Play Structure
Fulton Rd
W 44th St
W 46th St
W 30th St
W 31st St
Parking Lot
Play Structure
Walton Ave
Trent Ave
Parking Lot
Play Structure
Parking Lot
Clark Ave
Meyer Ave
School Reconstruction is co-
2 Play Structures
funded by State of Ohio; therefore,
Multi-Purpose Field
the budget has not yet been
Play Structure
passed due to COVID-19. The design has not been developed yet but will begin once the State
Buhrer Dual Language
Luis Munoz Marin School Castle Ave
investment. Will be reviewed by n Rd
the community.
Rowley Ave
Athletic Field
Parking Lot
Indoor Pool & Gym
Play Structure
W 15th St
of Ohio gives clearance for
Parking Lot
Buhrer Ave Clark Ave
South Branch Recently restored, with full ADA
Play Structures
2 Play Structures
Multi-Purpose Field
Paved play area
compliance; quiet study rooms; teen
large collection of Spanish movies, foto novelas, magazines, music, novels, and informational books; guitars for in-house
16,623 SF
Fulton Branch
Main Ped. Entry
Free WiFi and public computers; printing, copying, scanning and faxing services; English as a Second Language classes; American reads tutors; kids cafe to provide free bagged lunches for children; readers column.
Clark-Fulton Together - Final Plan
Fulton Branch Library
Clark Ave
ADA Ramp Entry
32,577 SF Bush Ave
Main Ped. Entry Rd
South Branch Library
Ful ton
multi-purpose room; meeting space;
Scranton Rd
and children’s spaces; sound booth,
Green Space Poe Ave
Source: Councilwomen Jasmin Santana Facebook Page
CMSD PARTNERSHIPS Digital C Working with Cleveland based nonprofit DigitalC, CMSD is working to extend high-speed internet services to thousands of families in the CMSD district, targeting areas where the digital divide is the worst. En colaboración con la organización sin ánimo de lucro DigitalC con sede en Cleveland, CMSD está trabajando para ampliar los servicios de Internet de alta velocidad a miles de familias del distrito CMSD, centrándose en las zonas donde la brecha digital es mayor.
MetroHealth Systems Say Yes to Education began in Cleveland in 2015 to increase education levels of Cleveland residents, boost and retain population, improve college access to middle- and low-income families, and spur economic growth and expansion. Say Yes to Education comenzó en Cleveland en 2015 para aumentar los niveles de educación de los residentes de Cleveland, impulsar y retener a la población, mejorar el acceso a la universidad de las familias de ingresos medios y bajos, y estimular el crecimiento y la expansión económica. Source:
Clark-Fulton Today 195
Source: Latin Us Theater
Source: Julia de Burgos Cultural Arts Center
Source: News 5 Cleveland Artist Antwoine Washington Utility Box at East 55th Street Corridor
NEIGHBORHOOD PROJECTS & PROGRAMS Cleveland Foundation’s Creative Fusion
Clark Ave Streetscape Public Art
Strengthening collaboration between
between West 41st Street and
A design-build program for middle/
local and visiting artists by focusing
Quigley Road as the percent-for-art
high school students run by the Kent
each Creative Fusion around a
public art component.
State CUDC.
Incluye 7 cajas de servicios públicos entre West
Un programa de diseño-construcción para
41st Street y Quigley Road como componente
estudiantes de secundaria y preparatoria
de arte público.
dirigido por Kent State CUDC.
Meyer Pool Mural
MetroHealth’s Arts-In-HealthProgram
theme. Artists engage directly with the community, making strong connections and exchanges. The 2020 Residency Focused on Clark-Fulton and the Census Count. Reforzar la colaboración entre los artistas
Includes 7 wrapped utility boxes
locales y los visitantes centrando cada
In-progress, seeking a local artist
Fusión Creativa en torno a un tema. Los
artistas se comprometen directamente con la comunidad, estableciendo fuertes conexiones e intercambios. La residencia de 2020 se
SAFE - trauma-informed, arts-based to help with managing stress.
En progreso, en la búsqueda de un artista local colaborador.
centró en Clark-Fulton y el recuento del censo.
“Making Your Own Space” DesignBuild Program
Clark-Fulton Together - Final Plan
SAFE - fundamentada por el trauma y basada en las artes para ayudar a gestionar el estrés.
Latin Us Theater
Inlet Dance Theater
CMA opened a Community Arts
Formed to fulfill the need for
Inlet embodies the longstanding
Center in the Former Astrup Awning
Hispanic/Latino artistic space
belief that dance viewing, training,
Company building (Spring 2021).
to share their voice, cultural
and performing experiences may
expressions and artistic
serve as tools to bring about
manifestations. The goal is to
personal growth and development.
The goal is to close the gap in museum programming and emphasize the need to create a permanent home for the community arts program, including a production studio for events, and provide free and affordable programming and spaces. CMA abrió un Centro de Artes Comunitarias en el edificio de la antigua Astrup Awning Company (primavera de 2021). El objetivo es cerrar la brecha en la programación del museo y enfatizar la
improve the cultural experience and quality of life of the Hispanic community in the Clark-Fulton neighborhood and the Greater Cleveland area by providing genuine theater productions in Spanish to promote and protect culture and traditions. Formado para satisfacer la necesidad de un espacio artístico hispano/latino para compartir su voz, expresiones culturales y manifestaciones artísticas. El objetivo
Inlet’s collaborative artistic staff build the company’s solid reputation for uplifting individuals and engaging new audiences via performances and education programming. Inlet encarna la antigua creencia de que las experiencias de danza relacionadas con la visión, el entrenamiento y la actuación pueden servir como herramientas para lograr el crecimiento y el desarrollo personal.
es mejorar la experiencia cultural y la
El personal artístico de Inlet colabora en la
calidad de vida de la comunidad hispana
construcciónde una reputación sólida de
en el barrio de Clark-Fulton y en el área de
la compañía para motivar a las personas
Cleveland, ofreciendo producciones teatrales
y atraer a nuevas audiencias a través de
espacios gratuitos y asequibles.
auténticas en español para promover y
actuaciones y programas educativos.
Julia de Burgos Cultural Arts Center (Brooklyn Centre)
Art House (Brooklyn Centre)
Their mission is to transform lives by
classes and workshops for adults
Specializes in creating original
preserving, educating, and promoting
and kids. There are also professional
performances with people in the
Latino heritage through the teaching
development opportunities for art
community sharing their own
and practice of history, culture,
educators and artists. Urban Bright:
visual, performing, and literary arts.
Arts-in-Education programming for
necesidad de crear un hogar permanente para el programa de artes comunitarias, incluyendo un estudio de producción para eventos, y proporcionar programación y
Su misión es transformar vidas preservando, educando y promoviendo la herencia latina a través de la enseñanza y la práctica de la historia, la cultura y las artes visuales, escénicas y literarias.
proteger la cultura y las tradiciones.
Art House provides studio art
Cleveland area schools. Community Culture Nights: featuring local artists who discuss their lives and work. Art House ofrece clases y talleres de arte para adultos y niños. También hay oportunidades de desarrollo profesional para educadores de arte y artistas. Urban Bright: Arts-in-Education para las escuelas de la zona de Cleveland. Community Culture Nights: presenta a artistas locales que hablan de su vida y su obra.
Cleveland Public Theater (Detroit-Shoreway)
Existing partnerships with CMHA public housing sites, Thomas Jefferson International Newcomers Academy, and MetroHealth. Se especializa en la creación de espectáculos originales con personas de la comunidad que comparten sus propias experiencias. Hay asociaciones con sitios de vivienda pública CMHA, Thomas Jefferson International Newcomers Academy, y MetroHealth.
Clark-Fulton Today 197
Cleveland Hope Exchange
Scranton Rd Ministry
An anchor in the community for over
A movement to combat hopelessness
Vision driven organization that
25 years that prides itself on being
across Greater Cleveland. With the
is focused on representing and
the “Happiest Church in Cleveland.”
mission to break the cycle of despair
investing in Cleveland’s youth and
In collaboration with MetroHealth,
rooted in poverty, hunger, human
families, and promoting community-
Iglesia Nueva Vida has been offering
trafficking, homelessness, and
based economic development.
free COVID-19 testing in the parking
addiction. Through their outreach
they strive to help individuals meet
Un ancla en la comunidad desde hace más
their needs.
25 años que se enorgullece de ser la “Iglesia
Un movimiento para combatir la
más feliz de Cleveland”. En colaboración con
desesperanza en Cleveland. Tiene la
MetroHealth, la Iglesia Nueva Vida ha estado
misión de romper el ciclo de desesperación
ofreciendo test gratuitos de COVID-19 en el
arraigado en la pobreza, el hambre, el
tráfico de personas, la falta de vivienda y la
Organización impulsada por una visión que se centra en representar e invertir en los jóvenes y las familias de Cleveland, y en promover el desarrollo económico de la comunidad.
adicción. A través de su alcance, se esfuerzan por ayudar a las personas a satisfacer sus necesidades.
Building Hope in the City
Ohio City Salvation Army
Redeemer Crisis Center
Mission: Advance the good of the city.
Leading by assessing needs,
Committed to building a community
Magnify the mission of Jesus. Unleash
delivering programs, and directing
of hope, through serving, witnessing,
the capability of underestimated
ministries for our local community.
and celebrating. The Redeemer
people. Offers support and programs
The Salvation Army is committed
Crisis Center offers a variety of
to build leadership, strengthen
to curing hunger, supporting
programs that serve and support the
community through programs and
older adults, empowering youth,
investments, and support to refugees
overcoming poverty, sharing God’s
and immigrants.
love, and brightening the holidays for
Misión: Promover el bien de la ciudad.
all in Cleveland.
comunidad basada en la esperanza a través del servicio, el testimonio y la celebración.
Magnificar la misión de Jesús. Liberar la
Son líderes de la comunidad local a
Redeemer Crisis Center ofrece una variedad
capacidad de personas subestimadas.
través de su servicio de evaluación de las
de programas que sirven y apoyan a la
Ofrece apoyo y programas para construir
necesidades, la entrega de programas y la
liderazgo, fortalecer la comunidad a través
dirección de los ministerios. El Ejército de
de programas e inversiones, y apoyo a los
Salvación se compromete a curar el hambre,
refugiados e inmigrantes.
apoyar a los adultos senior, empoderar a los jóvenes, superar la pobreza, compartir el amor de Dios y alegrar las fiestas para todos en Cleveland.
Comprometidos con la construcción de una
Clark-Fulton Together - Final Plan
Rally CLE Community Engagement Source: Rally CLE
Family Ministry Center
One Hope NEO
Cleveland Roots
A place and a people of refuge for
Partnering with local organizations
A community-based food hub
the Clark-Fulton neighborhood.
and community leaders, One Hope
and grower, offering educational
FMC practices a model of mutually
NEO helps coordinate community
programs, fresh produce and
engaged partnership with over twenty
clean up days, food distributions,
community gardens that help
organizations, with a committment to
coat drives, and much more.
neighbors take ownership of their
sustainable community development through urban renewal, altnerative education, church-planting, arts, international missions, transitional care for veterans, and more. Un lugar y un refugio para el vecindario
En colaboración con las organizaciones locales y los líderes de la comunidad, One Hope NEO ayuda a coordinar las jornadas de limpieza de la comunidad, la distribución de alimentos, la recogida de abrigos y mucho más.
food and health. Provides a place and programs to support community agriculture and empower people to grow their own food. Un centro alimentario y productor comunitario que ofrece programas
de Clark-Fulton. FMC practica un modelo
educativos, productos frescos y huertos
de asociación mutuamente comprometida
comunitarios que ayudan a los vecinos a
con más de veinte organizaciones, con un
hacerse cargo de su alimentación y su salud.
compromiso con el desarrollo sostenible
Ofrece un lugar y programas para apoyar
de la comunidad a través de la renovación
la agricultura comunitaria y capacitar a la
urbana, la educación alternativa, el
gente para cultivar sus propios alimentos.
cultivo de iglesias, las artes, las misiones internacionales, la atención de transición para los veteranos, y más.
Clark-Fulton Today 199
TECHNOLOGY The COVID-19 pandemic has pushed us to spend even more time connected to the internet, as schools, work, and events have moved online to support social distancing. Now, more than ever, there is a need for in-home internet connection to actively participate in society and access vital services. Unfortunately, many people are at risk of being left behind because of their lack of access to technology.
La pandemia de COVID-19 nos ha forzado a pasar aún más tiempo conectados a internet, ya que las escuelas, el trabajo y los eventos se han realizado online para apoyar el distanciamiento social. Ahora, más que nunca, es necesaria la conexión a Internet en casa para participar activamente en la sociedad y acceder a servicios vitales. Por desgracia, muchas personas corren el riesgo de quedarse atrás debido a la falta de acceso a la tecnología.
10x less class engagement from low-income peers
89.3% of the population in Ohio have access to broadband
42 million can’t purchase internet access in the US
Cleveland ranked nationally as the 4th worst Internet-connected city
1 in 4 students unable to access school online
28% of Cleveland’s population doesn’t have any Internet access
Source: Bike Cleveland, Smart Growth America
Digital Divide The digital divide is defined as the gap that exists between those who have reliable internet access and devices and those with very limited access or none at all.
Clark-Fulton Together - Final Plan
La brecha digital se define como la diferencia que existe entre los que tienen acceso a Internet y dispositivos fiables y los que tienen un acceso muy limitado o ningún acceso.
Residents&#039; Survey - English
tions? CLARK AVE
W 25 TH ST
The inequities of the digital divide have been amplified during the COVID-19 global Residents&#039; pandemic, as many daily Survey - English
Grocery Store
activities have moved online.
Restaurants + Shops
Neighborhood Events
Ride with friend typically Bicycle Bus to Taxi/Rideshare Not Applicable ow do you get the following destinations? Las desigualdades de la brecha
h friend
1 40
Figure 45
Internet 0Speeds
Legend Slow
250' 0
School/Job Training Walk
Walkrange from slow My Car Internet speeds in Clark-Fulton to fast,
with the majority of the neighborhood experiencing you have a computer with internet slower levels of speed. at home?
re + Shops
od Events
Las conexiones a internet en Clark-Fulton son entre lentas y 0 43 rápidas, aunque la mayoría del vecindario experimenta conexiones más lentas.
Accessing Government services 2
actividades del día a día como: 52.4%
Completar la declaración de la renta
Asistira clases y hacer deberes
◌ ◌
49% 49% 41. Do you have a computer with interne access at home? Excellent Good Poor Very Poor Excellent
Computer Access at home:
Very Poor
25 12
96% 96.2% Yes
Somewhat Buscar yeasy aplicar aSomewhat puestos difficult de trabajo Very difficult
Acceder a los servicios del gobierno
Connection Quality:
Conexión a internet en casa es necesaria para participar en
Very easy
everyday activities like:
Learning and applying for job opportunities
96.2% ight now, easy iscompleting it for you to ◌ how Attending class and homework your current transportation cost? ◌ Accessing services Yes Telehealth No
Completing tax returns
Ride with friend
42. If yes, how is the quality of the intern connection? SURVEY RESULTS
Grocery Store My Car
Ride with friend
In-home Internet connection is required to participate in
Not Applicable digital se han magnificado durante la pandemia mundial de 8 COVID-19 ya que muchas actividades cotidianas se 20 han trasladado a Internet.
No 50
2 Clark-Fulton Today 201
CITYWIDE PROJECTS & PROGRAMS The Cleveland Foundation’s Digital Excellence Initiative
DigitalC’s Empower Cle+
Digital Excellence is an initiative to
get online and become comfortable
Spearheaded by the Cleveland
ensure all residents can successfully
using the Internet. At $18 a month,
Foundation and Cuyahoga County,
participate in the digital world and
EmpowerCle+ brings reliable,
the Greater Cleveland Digital
economy and elevate the Greater
high-speed broadband Internet to
Equity Coalition is a partnership
Cleveland’s infrastructure, talent,
Cleveland’s under-connected and
of several organizations working
and research prominence in digital
unconnected communities.
with several communities and
technology and innovation. Digital Excellence es una iniciativa para garantizar que todos los residentes puedan participar con éxito en el mundo
This is an initiative to help Cleveland
DigitalC also provides other digital resources, training, and programs including live tech support.
digital y la economía digital y promover la
Se trata de una iniciativa para ayudar a
infraestructura, el talento y la prominencia de
Cleveland a conectarse y a sentirse cómodo
la investigación de Cleveland en materia de
utilizando Internet. Con un coste de $18 al
tecnología e innovación digitales.
mes, EmpowerCle+ proporciona Internet de banda ancha fiable y de alta velocidad
Cleveland Innovation Projects An alliance of the Cleveland Foundation, Fund For Our Economic Future, Greater Cleveland Partnership, JumpStart, and TeamNEO is leading a visioning exercise for technology-led growth and inclusion in Cleveland by 2030. Una alianza de Cleveland Foundation, Fund For Our Economic Future, Greater Cleveland Partnership, JumpStart y TeamNEO está liderando un ejercicio de visión para el crecimiento y la inclusión basados en la tecnología en Cleveland para 2030.
a las comunidades de Cleveland que están infraconectadas o desconectadas. DigitalC también ofrece otros recursos digitales, formación y programas que
grassroots organizations to address immediate and long-term needs surrounding broadband access, computing devices, digital literacy, and technology support. Encabezada por Cleveland Foundation y el condado de Cuyahoga, Greater Cleveland Digital Equity Coalition es una asociación de varias organizaciones que trabajan con varias comunidades y organizaciones para abordar las necesidades inmediatas y a largo plazo en torno al acceso a la banda ancha, los dispositivos informáticos, la alfabetización digital y el apoyo tecnológico.
incluyen asistencia técnica en directo.
MetroHealth The Internet of Things Collaborative
MetroHealth is currently working
A joint research effort between Case
with DigitalC and Dollar Bank on
Western Reserve and Cleveland State
bringing affordable internet access to
universites to establish new research
up to 1,000 homes near its campus
hubs to advance digital innovation in
through its EmpowerCle+ Initiative.
Northeast Ohio. Un esfuerzo conjunto de investigación entre las universidades Case Western Reserve y Cleveland State para establecer nuevos centros de investigación que hagan avanzar la innovación digital en el noreste de Ohio.
Greater Cleveland Digital Equity Coalition
Clark-Fulton Together - Final Plan
MetroHealth trabaja actualmente con DigitalC y Dollar Bank para proporcionar un acceso asequible a Internet para 1.000 hogares cercanos a su campus a través de su iniciativa EmpowerCle+.
Inequity increases as you move towards Cleveland
Source: City of Cleveland
CHALLENGES Connectivity issues and digital inequity increase as you move towards Cleveland. Los problemas de conectividad y la desigualdad digital aumentan a medida que se avanza hacia Cleveland.
Nearly half of households making less than $20,000 in annual income lack home internet access of any kind. More than half of seniors over the age of 65 have neither a home computer nor internet access of any kind. Casi la mitad de los hogares con ingresos anuales inferiores a $20.000 carecen de cualquier tipo de acceso a Internet en casa. Más de la mitad de los mayores de 65 años no tienen ni ordenador ni acceso a Internet de ningún tipo.
Clark-Fulton Today 203
05 Vision, Guiding Principles & Forward Moves The Vision, Guiding Principles, and Forward Moves are what drives this Master Plan and the future of ClarkFulton. With a vision in place and five overarching principles, the Forward Moves will yield actions that the community can use to implement the positive change they want to see in the Clark-Fulton. La Visión, los Principios Rectores y los Forward Moves son los que impulsan este Plan Maestro y el futuro de Clark-Fulton. Con una visión y cinco principios generales, los Forward Moves producirán acciones que la comunidad puede usar para implementar el cambio positivo que quieren ver en Clark-Fulton.
01 204
Clark-Fulton Together - Final Plan
Open House @ Phunkenship - June, 2021
Vision, Guiding Principles, & Forward Moves 205
.. rday. e t Yes
ay d o T
We were ...
We are ...
A community established by European immigrants, that flourished with strong commercial activity, which welcomed and celebrated Hispanic and other immigrant communities who helped build a strong housing stock for which we are known today.
A beacon of diversity and unique – no other neighborhood in Cleveland’s Westside is like us. Continuing to welcome the Latinx and other immigrant communities while preserving our heritage. Celebrating and expressing our diverse community culture and values. Providing new affordable housing opportunities. Embracing our entrepreneurs’ spirit. Welcoming inclusive and responsible investment.
Una comunidad establecida por inmigrantes europeos, que floreció con una fuerte actividad comercial que dio la bienvenida y celebró a las comunidades hispanas y a otros inmigrantes que ayudaron a construir un stock de viviendas sólido por el que se nos conoce hoy en día.
Clark-Fulton Together - Final Plan
Un faro de diversidad y único - ningún otro vecindario en el Westside de Cleveland es como nosotros. Seguimos dando la bienvenida a la comunidad latina y a otras comunidades de inmigrantes, preservando al mismo tiempo nuestro patrimonio. Celebramos y expresamos nuestra cultura diversa y valores comunitarios. Proporcionamos nuevas oportunidades de vivienda asequible. Acogemos el espíritu de nuestros emprendedore e inversiones inclusivas y responsables.
VISION STATEMENT Clark-Fulton is a community that is safe, unique, and welcomes diversity and multi-cultural expression. We enjoy the fragrance and color of our art, food, and festivals. We treat everyone with respect regardless of their race, age, and history. We love and support our local businesses. We ensure all community members have resources and opportunities to build wealth, and age-inplace. We are healthy and active with access to quality open space, amenities, and services. We empower people to be at the forefront of all decision making. Clark-Fulton es una comunidad segura, única y que acoge la diversidad y la expresión multicultural. Disfrutamos de la fragancia y el color de nuestro arte, comida y festivales. Tratamos a todos con respeto sin importar su raza, edad e historia. Amamos y apoyamos nuestros negocios locales. Nos aseguramos de que todos los miembros de la comunidad tengan recursos y oportunidades para crear riqueza y envejecer en casa. Nos mantenemos sanos y activos con acceso a espacios abiertos, instalaciones y servicios de calidad. Empoderamos a las personas para que estén al frente de la toma de decisiones.
rrow o Tom
Vision, Guiding Principles, & Forward Moves 207
GUIDING PRINCIPLES These principles guide the Master Plan. They are the umbrella under which the framework and vision for the plan were developed. These principles are intended to remain constant, providing a base line for new frameworks to be developed and the Master Plan to evolve to meet changing conditions as time progresses.
EQUITY & WELLBEING Clark-Fulton puts the People at the Center! and provides fair treatment, access, opportunity, and advancement tools to empower its community members to have access to a healthy, safe, and prosperous life.
¡Clark-Fulton pone a la Gente en el Centro! y proporciona un trato justo, acceso, oportunidades y herramientas de progreso para que los miembros de su comunidad tengan acceso a una vida sana, segura y próspera.
TOGETHERNESS Clark-Fulton is a community that honors the individualism and resources that each community member brings to the table. We provide a safe and respectful environment to all members and partners to collaborate on projects and initiatives focused on advancing our vision for the neighborhood.
Clark-Fulton es una comunidad que honra el individualismo y los recursos que cada miembro de la comunidad aporta. Proporcionamos un entorno seguro y respetuoso a todos los miembros y socios para colaborar en proyectos e iniciativas centradas en el avance de nuestra visión para el vecindario.
INCLUSIVE & CONNECTED Clark-Fulton is a connected and inclusive neighborhood. We enhance the quality of our homes, streets, and parks, and connect people to technology, amenities, training, and jobs. We welcome all people and generations and discourage displacement. 208
Clark-Fulton Together - Final Plan
Clark-Fulton es un vecindario conectado e inclusivo. Mejoramos la calidad de nuestras viviendas, calles y parques, y conectamos a las personas con la tecnología, los servicios, formación y el empleo. Acogemos a todas las personas y generaciones y desalentamos los desplazamientos.
Estos principios guían el Plan Maestro. Son el paraguas bajo el que se han desarrollado el marco normaitvo y la visión del plan. Se pretende que estos principios permanezcan constantes, proporcionando una línea de base para que se desarrollen nuevos marcos normativos y el Plan Maestro evolucione para satisfacer las condiciones variables a medida que avanza el tiempo.
IDENTITY & EXPRESSION Clark-Fulton is a multi-cultural community that is unique and celebrates expression. We are a welcoming, safe, and collaborative space for the community to express and share cultural identity and formative experiences through words, arts, and food. We use expression to bring people together, foster healing, reconciliation, pride, and mutual respect.
Clark-Fulton es una comunidad multicultural que es única y celebra la expresión. Somos un espacio acogedor, seguro y colaborativo para que la comunidad exprese y comparta la identidad cultural y las experiencias formativas a través de las palabras, las artes y la comida. Utilizamos la expresión para unir a la gente, fomentar la recuperación, la reconciliación, el orgullo y el respeto mutuo.
RESILIENT & SUSTAINABLE Clark-Fulton is a resilient and sustainable community. We embrace transformative changes, and adapt overtime to social, economic, technology, and climate changes, while preserving our community values.
Clark-Fulton es una comunidad resiliente y sostenible. Aceptamos los cambios transformadores y nos adaptamos a los cambios sociales, económicos, tecnológicos y climáticos, al tiempo que preservamos los valores de nuestra comunidad.
Vision, Guiding Principles, & Forward Moves 209
FORWARD MOVES These are the key actions and opportunities for the Core Team and Community to execute the Master Plan. The actions are organized within the following categories: policy and regulations, organizational and administrative, and physical improvements and are related to one another by the guiding principles of this Plan. Estas son las acciones y oportunidades clave para que el Equipo Principal y la Comunidad ejecuten el Plan Maestro. Las acciones están organizadas en las siguientes categorías: política y normativa, organizativa y administrativa, y mejoras físicas, y están relacionadas entre sí por los principios rectores de este Plan.
Together, we will...
Strengthen and create new community places and destinations. Reforzar y crear nuevos lugares y destinos comunitarios.
Foster healing, health, and inclusivity for a strong neighborhood. Fomentar la recuperación, la salud y la inclusión para un barrio fuerte.
Preserve and create housing opportunities without displacement. Preservar y crear oportunidades de vivienda sin desplazamientos.
Build community prosperity through equitable economic and educational empowerment. Construir la prosperidad de la comunidad a través del empoderamiento equitativo en términos económicos y educacionales.
Clark-Fulton Together - Final Plan
Cultivate unique, vibrant, and prosperous mixed corridors. Fomentar corredores mixtos únicos, vibrantes y prósperos.
Create welcoming, accessible, and authentic public realm network. Crear una red de espacios públicos acogedores, accesibles y auténticos.
Create a safer, smart, green, and connected neighborhood mobility network for all users. Crear una red de movilidad vecinal más segura, inteligente, ecológica y conectada para todos los usuarios.
Advance efforts to build capacity and infrastructure for an inclusive, accessible, and robust digital and resilient community. Impulsar los esfuerzos para crear capacidad e infraestructura para una comunidad digital inclusiva, accesible, robusta y resiliente.
Vision, Guiding Principles, & Forward Moves 211
F1 Strengthen and create new community places and destinations. Reforzar y crear nuevos lugares y destinos comunitarios. Identify, emphasize, and celebrate areas in Clark-
Identificar, enfatizar y celebrar las áreas de Clark-Fulton que son
Fulton that are currently under-recognized and
poco reconocidas y apreciadas actualmente. Al enfatizar y crear
under-appreciated. By emphasizing and creating
áreas de carácter distintivo, existe la oportunidad de apoyar usos
distinct character areas, there is an opportunity to support inclusive and diverse uses while encouraging
inclusivos y diversos, al tiempo fomentar el desarrollo positivo y orientado a la comunidad.
positive, community-oriented redevelopment in the neighborhood.
Bienvenidos! Welcome to Clark-Fulton!
o Fult
St st 41
n Rd
Cleveland Public Library Fulton Branch
Access & Connections Buffered Bike Lanes View of Fulton Rd Gateway Source: Google Earth
Clark-Fulton Together - Final Plan
F1-A Create seven distinct character areas. Crear siete zonas de carácter distintivo.
F1-B Identify, preserve, and restore iconic buildings. Identificar, preservar y restaurar edificios emblemáticos.
F1-C Identify and acquire sites for development opportunities. Identificar y adquirir terrenos para oportunidades de desarrollo.
Existing Fulton Rd Gateway
NOTE: All the actions presented in this chapter are community-driven and aspirational. Further studies, due diligence, and engagement may be required to implement some of the ideas and concepts proposed in this plan. Todas las acciones presentadas en este capítulo están impulsadas por la comunidad y son aspiracionales. Es posible que sean necesarios más estudios, diligencias y compromisos para poner en práctica algunas de las ideas y conceptos propuestos en este plan.
F1 Placemaking 213
Context Sensitive Design
Welcoming & Safe
SOCIABILITY Story-driven experiences
WHAT IS PLACEMAKING? Placemaking inspires people to collectively reimagine and reinvent public spaces as the heart of every community. Strengthening the connection between people and the places they share, placemaking refers to a collaborative process by which we can shape our public realm in order to maximize shared value. More than just promoting better urban design, placemaking facilitates creative patterns of use, paying particular attention to the physical, cultural, and social identities that define a place and support its ongoing evolution.
Four Elements of a Great Place: Access and Linkages: Accessible and well connected to other important places in the area. Acceso y Conexiones: Accesible y bien conectado con otros lugares importantes de la zona.
Comfort and Image: Comfortable and projects a good image. Comodidad e Imagen: Cómoda y proyecta una buena imagen.
El Placemaking inspira a la gente a reimaginar y reinventar colectivamente los espacios públicos como el corazón de cada comunidad.
Uses and Activities: Attracts people to
Al fortalecer la conexión entre las personas y los lugares
que comparten, el placemaking se refiere a un proceso de colaboración mediante el cual podemos dar forma a nuestro ámbito público para maximizar el valor compartido. Más que promover un mejor diseño urbano, el placemaking facilita patrones creativos de uso, prestando especial atención a las identidades físicas, culturales y sociales que definen un lugar y
participate in activities. Usos y Actividades: Atrae a la gente a participar en
Sociability: Sociable environment where people want to gather and visit often. Sociabilidad: Entorno sociable en el que la gente quiere reunirse y visitar a menudo.
apoyan su continua evolución. Source: Project for Public Spaces
Clark-Fulton Together - Final Plan
h 5t
nt cra
F1 Placemaking 215
FENWICK Roberto Clemente Park
St. Mary´s Cemetery
tt Ave
Trowb r
idge A ve
r Ave
Townpath Trail
to n
lt Fu
ra n
Police Station
d nR
Fulton Branch Library
City Life Center
Clark A ve
Store r
Lincoln West High School
Trent Ave
Walto n Ave
41 st
44 th
Valen tin
e Ave
Buhrer Ave PedestrianBridge
Cleveland Metroparks Zoo
Figure 46
Character Areas
Create seven distinct character areas. Crear siete zonas de carácter distintivo.
Distinctive character areas will help position Clark-Fulton as a vibrant, and mixed-use destination for residents, local business, and newcomers. These seven areas will attract sustainable growth, economic development, arts and culture, mixed-income housing development, restaurants, and service providers to Clark-Fulton. Each character area should be encouraged to grow individually, and as part of the connected series of community assets like key buildings, institutions, open space system, all while maintaining a connection to the low-density residential areas. Las áreas de carácter distintivo ayudarán a posicionar Clark-Fulton como un destino vibrante y de uso mixto para los residentes, los negocios locales y los recién llegados. Estas siete áreas atraerán el crecimiento sostenible a Clark-Fulton, el desarrollo económico, las artes y la cultura, el desarrollo de viviendas de ingresos mixtos, los restaurantes y los proveedores de servicios. Se debe fomentar el crecimiento de cada zona por separado y como parte de una serie de recursos comunitarios conectados, como edificios clave, instituciones y un sistema de espacios abiertos, manteniendo al mismo tiempo una conexión con las zonas residenciales de baja densidad.
Clark-Fulton Together - Final Plan
1. 2.
FENWICK Promote new infill residential
Promover un nuevo desarrollo residencial de
development along the edge of I-90.
redensificación a lo largo del borde de la I-90.
CLARK & WALTON: PLACE TO MAKE & CREATE Preserve the semi-industrial heritage
Preservar el patrimonio semi-industrial y los
and businesses seen on Clark Ave and
negocios que se ven en Clark Ave y fomentar más
encourage more business and activity
negocios y actividad a lo largo de los corredores.
along the corridors.
THE SCRANTON SOUTH SIDE HISTORIC DISTRICT A historic neighborhood district to
Un distrito histórico para preservar, mejorar y
preserve, enhance, and expand the
ampliar el carácter histórico de Scranton Historic
historic character of the Scranton
District y unir Clark-Fulton y Tremont.
Historic District and link Clark-Fulton and Tremont.
NEIGHBORHOOD CENTER Make the area around Meyer Ave a
Hacer de la zona de Meyer Ave un centro del
neighborhood center for residents of all
barrio para que los residentes de todas las edades
ages to gather, play, celebrate, entertain,
se reúnan, jueguen, celebren, se entretengan y
and shop.
FULTON WEST A vibrant residential neighborhood that
Un barrio residencial dinámico que tiene acceso
has access to Fulton Road shops, and
a las tiendas de Fulton Road, y sirve de enlace y
serves as a link and connection to the
conexión con la comunidad de Stockyards.
Stockyards community.
JONES HOMES HISTORIC DISTRICT A historic neighborhood district with
Un barrio histórico con carácter distintivo que
distinct character to be preserved and
debe ser preservado y mejorado, con mayores
enhanced, with increased mobility options
opciones de movilidad a lo largo de Daisy Ave y
along Daisy Ave and Trowbridge Ave.
Trowbridge Ave.
METROHEALTH CAMPUS An active and engaged institutional
Un campus institucional activo y comprometido
campus that provides amenities, services,
que proporciona comodidades, servicios y bienes
and goods to the Clark-Fulton residents
a los residentes de Clark-Fulton y a sus empleados.
and its employees.
F1 Placemaking 217
MEYER AVENUE : NEIGHBORHOOD CENTER This rendering is community driven and an aspirational concept. Further studies, engagement, and refinement are required before implementation.
Meyer Pool Improved amenity space
Active, community gathering space
Feature Street Improved roadway for safer pedestrian & bike travel.
Crosswalks + Other Safety Improvements
Clark-Fulton Together - Final Plan
Public Realm Landscape Features + Street Trees
Branding Signage & Wayfinding
Future Open Space Lincoln West High School
F1 Placemaking 219
W 25 TH ST
6 . 17
Legend Existing Buildings
Figure 47
Existing & Iconic Buildings
Identify, preserve, and restore iconic and existing buildings. Identificar, preservar y restaurar edificios emblemáticos.
Key existing and iconic buildings should be preserved and retrofitted for new purposes to reinforce the vision of the corridor. Preservation of iconic buildings is already occurring throughout Clark-Fulton, most notably at the Hildebrandt and Astrup Buildings. These renovations are bringing in new investments, activity, and promotion to the area. Los edificios existentes y emblemáticos que son clave deberían conservarse y readaptarse para nuevos fines a fin de reforzar la visión del corredor. La conservación de los edificios emblemáticos ya se está llevando a cabo en todo Clark-Fulton, sobre todo en los edificios Hildebrandt y Astrup. Estas renovaciones están atrayendo nuevas inversiones, actividad y promoción a la zona.
Clark-Fulton Together - Final Plan
Iconic Buildings The iconic building stock is a major asset to the character
Los edificios emblemáticos son un recurso importante para el
and identity of Clark-Fulton. There should be an effort to
carácter y la identidad de Clark-Fulton. Se debe hacer un esfuerzo
identify, preserve, and enhance many of these buildings
para identificar, preservar y mejorar muchos de estos edificios en
throughout the neighborhood, particularly along the corridors to encourage new investments and activity
todo el vecindario, especialmente a lo largo de los corredores para fomentar nuevas inversiones y la actividad en torno a la visión.
around the vision.
Repurposed Industrial Buildings
1 Hildebrandt Provisions
2 The Astrup
Single-Family Retrofits with First Floor Commercial 3 Joyeria Viejo San Juan
4 Virginia’s Beauty & Barber
Historical Buildings
5 Jaenette
6 M. Mazzone & Sons Bakery
Existing Residential Buildings
F1 Placemaking 221
Identify and acquire sites for development opportunities. Identificar y adquirir terrenos para oportunidades de desarrollo. To protect and preserve Clark-Fulton from gentrification pressures, the creation of a Community Investment Fund (CIF) will help place the power and wealth back into the hands of the community. The CIF is a tool to acquire land for meaningful development that will increase opportunity and quality of life for residents, while retaining the social fabric of the community. Para proteger y preservar Clark-Fulton de las presiones del gentrificación, la creación de un Fondo de Inversión Comunitaria (FIC) ayudará a devolver el poder y la riqueza a la comunidad. El FIC es una herramienta para adquirir terrenos para un desarrollo significativo que aumente las oportunidades y la calidad de vida de los residentes al tiempo que conserva el tejido social de la comunidad.
Clark-Fulton Together - Final Plan
WHAT IS A COMMUNITY INVESTMENT FUND? The Community Investment Fund (CIF) is a tool to preserve and protect ClarkFulton from gentrifying development. The CIF has the ability to acquire and invest in Clark-Fulton, to give ownership of land to the community and places restrictions on what types of development can occur. It is a tool that will create wealth and empower community members by giving them a seat at the table and a voice in the future development of Clark-Fulton. El Fondo de Inversión Comunitaria (FIC) es una herramienta para preservar y proteger ClarkFulton del desarrollo gentrificador. El FIC tiene la capacidad de adquirir e invertir en Clark-Fulton, dar la titularidad de la tierra a la comunidad y pone restricciones a los tipos de desarrollo que pueden suceder. Es una herramienta que creará riqueza y empoderará a los miembros de la comunidad al darles un asiento en la mesa y una voz en el futuro desarrollo de Clark-Fulton.
COMMUNITY INVESTMENT FUND The goal of the CIF is to develop a tool or mechanism that allows residents the opportunity to meaningfully invest in their community. The community investment fund is a way to build wealth and empower residents to be involved in the development of their community. El objetivo del FIC es desarrollar una herramienta o mecanismo que permita a los residentes la oportunidad de invertir significativamente en su comunidad. El fondo de inversión comunitario es una forma de crear riqueza y capacitar a los residentes para que participen en el desarrollo de su comunidad.
Steps to Designing a Viable Community Investment Fund: 1. Define the structure (CIF, investment type, targeted return). Definir la estructura (FIC, tipo de inversión, rendimiento previsto)
2. Build a coalition of stakeholders. Construir una coalición de partes interesadas
3. Resident survey-community capacity (protecting non-accredited investors). Encuesta a residentes - capacidad comunitaria (protección de los inversores no acreditados)
4. Real estate analysis - what buildings, assets, and/ or businesses should we be looking to acquire to get to appreciation we need, while maintaining residents. Análisis inmobiliario: qué edificios, activos y/o negocios deberíamos adquirir para conseguir la revalorización que necesitamos manteniendo a los residentes.
Seven Pillars Guiding Development: 1. Allow for small dollar investment. Permitir la inversión de pequeñas cantidades de dinero
2. Generate income as well as provide an opportunity for wealth transfer. Generar ingresos y proporcionar una oportunidad para la transferencia de riqueza
3. Provide community ownership of real-estate assets. Ofrecer a la comunidad la propiedad de bienes inmobiliarios
4. Allow shares to be philanthropically granted to long-time residents. Permitir que las acciones se concedan filantrópicamente a los residentes que llevan mucho tiempo en el área
5. Product must be scalable over time. El producto debe ser escalable en el tiempo
6. Professionally managed with low fees. Gestionado de forma profesional y con bajas comisiones
7. Target market rate returns. Que el objetivo sea la rentabilidad de mercado
The “MINT” Model A Mixed-Income Neighborhood Trust (MINT) is a place-
Un Mixed-Income Neighborhood Trust (MINT) es una cartera de
based rental portfolio designed to revitalize urban
alquileres basada en el lugar, diseñada para revitalizar los barrios
neighborhoods while protecting against displacement
urbanos y que al mismo tiempo protege contra el desplazamiento
by preserving affordability. It is comprised of two entities: a purpose trust and an operating company. This structure establishes accountability to community stakeholders and incentivizes efficient operations. The MINT develops, owns, and operates the rental portfolio. Initially renting at market rate, then over time capping units at today’s rent, with the small portion of market rate rentals subsidizing the properties.
preservando la asequibilidad. Se compone de dos entidades: un fondo con fines específicos y una empresa operativa. Esta estructura establece la responsabilidad ante las partes interesadas de la comunidad e incentiva las operaciones eficientes. El MINT desarrolla, posee y gestiona la cartera de alquileres. Al principio alquila a precio de mercado y luego, con el tiempo, limita las unidades a la renta actual con una pequeña parte de los alquileres a precio de mercado que subvencionan las propiedades.
F1 Placemaking 223
F1-C-1 Identify future redevelopment opportunity sites.
Identificar futuros lugares de oportunidad para el desarrollo.
F1-C-2 Areas of opportunity are along major corridors and have connections to other existing and planned assets in the Clark-Fulton. These areas can be acquired by the Community Investment Fund and developed following
the regulations and guidelines set in the Master Plan and
St st 41
corridor design guidelines. Las áreas de oportunidad se encuentran a lo largo de los principales corredores y tienen conexiones con otros recursos existentes y planificados en Clark-Fulton. Estas áreas pueden ser adquiridas por el Fondo de Inversión Comunitaria y desarrolladas siguiendo las normas y directrices establecidas en el Plan Maestro y las directrices de diseño de los corredores.
Special Development Opportunity Store r
To develop vacant or underutilized land to provide th
mixed-use destinations.
Desarrollar terrenos vacíos o infrautilizados para crear
41 st St
destinos de uso mixto.
Mixed-Use, mid-density To encourage visitors and local spending, while providing affordable housing in higher density setting. Fomentar el gasto de los visitantes y de la población local proporcionando al mismo tiempo viviendas asequibles en un entorno de mayor densidad.
Fulton Branch Library
Mixed-Use, low-density W
At Fulton Rd and West 41st St to provide more
st 41
housing and local commercial options for residents. En Fulton Rd y West 41st St para ofrecer más viviendas y opciones comerciales locales a los residentes.
MetroHealth Park A new community asset to serve the community and employees of MetroHealth. Un nuevo bien comunitario para servir a la comunidad y a los empleados de MetroHealth.
Clark-Fulton Together - Final Plan
d on R
Av e
t hS
rk A ve
Roberto Clemente Park
Walton School
St. Mary´s Cemetery
t 25
Astrup Building Walto n Ave
Hildebrandt Provisions Co.
Centro Villa 25
Clark A ve
Trent Ave
Lincoln West High School on
lt Fu
r Ave
to ra n Sc
Trowb r
idge A ve
tt Ave
Townpath Trail
City Life Center
Valen tin
e Ave
t hS
t 25
d nR
o nt
Future Redevelopment Opportunities Figure 48
F1 Placemaking 225
F2 Foster healing, health, and inclusivity for a strong neighborhood. Fomentar la recuperación, la salud y la inclusión para un barrio fuerte. The Community Ambassadors are working hard to
Los Embajadores de la Comunidad se esfuerzan por lograr un
bring long-lasting, impactful change to their community
cambio duradero y con impacto en su comunidad mediante
through community capacity building and fostering
la creación de capacidades comunitarias y el fomento de
difficult but crucial conversations about ways to improve quality of life in Clark-Fulton.
Clark-Fulton Together - Final Plan
conversaciones difíciles pero cruciales sobre las formas de mejorar la calidad de vida en Clark-Fulton.
Continue to build community capacity through Community Ambassadors.
Foster community conversations around race and inclusion
Seguir creando capacidad en la comunidad a través de los Embajadores de la Comunidad.
F2-B Retain and support residents to age-in-place and avoid displacement from gentrification.
Fomentar las conversaciones con la comunidad en torno a la raza y la inclusión
F2-D Ensure a healthy and safe life for all residents. Garantizar una vida sana y segura para todos los residentes.
Retener y apoyar a los residentes para que envejezcan en su hogar y evitar el desplazamiento por gentrificación.
Community Members coming together during an alley clean up event
NOTE: All the actions presented in this chapter are community-driven and aspirational. Further studies, due diligence, and engagement may be required to implement some of the ideas and concepts proposed in this plan. Todas las acciones presentadas en este capítulo están impulsadas por la comunidad y son aspiracionales. Es posible que sean necesarios más estudios, diligencias y compromisos para poner en práctica algunas de las ideas y conceptos propuestos en este plan.
F2 Community Healing, Health, & Safety 227
Continue to build community capacity through Community Ambassadors. Seguir creando capacidad en la comunidad a través de los Embajadores de la Comunidad.
F2-A-1 Develop a structure to induct new ambassadors. Desarrollar una estructura para la incorporación de nuevos embajadores. The first cohort of Community Ambassadors embarked on critical work that involved personal capacity building and training as well as extensive outreach with community members. Their contribution and work has been invaluable to the Master Plan process and will continue to be critical in the future. We must create a structure for community ambassadors to best utilize their skills and and align with the goals and needs of the community that considers the timeframe of ambassador cohorts and what their focus should be on (i.e., advocacy, Ambassador Expression Series, or
Engaging with the community must continue on a regular basis long after the Master Plan has been adopted. The Community Ambassadors have laid the groundwork for community involvement in creating opportunities for long-lasting, impactful change. It is important to continue this work and identify and uplift individuals to be Clark-Fulton ambassadors to keep the community involved and champion the Master Plan through implementation. El compromiso con la comunidad debe continuar de forma regular incluso después de la adopción del Plan Maestro. Los Embajadores de la Comunidad han sentado las bases para el compromiso de la comunidad a través de la creación de oportunidades para un cambio duradero y de impacto. Es importante continuar este trabajo e identificar y elevar a las personas para que sean embajadores de Clark-Fulton, para mantener a la comunidad involucrada y defender el Plan Maestro a través de la implementación.
Clark-Fulton Together - Final Plan
implementation of specific projects). The mission, goals, and role of the ambassadors should be considered and clearly relayed to ambassadors. El primer grupo de Embajadores de la Comunidad inició un trabajo crítico que implicó el desarrollo de la capacidad personal y la formación, así como una amplia divulgación entre los miembros de la comunidad. Su contribución y su trabajo han sido inestimables para el proceso del Plan Maestro y seguirán siendo fundamentales en el futuro. Debemos crear una estructura para que los embajadores de la comunidad utilicen de la mejor manera posible sus habilidades y se alineen con los objetivos y las necesidades de la comunidad, teniendo en cuenta el marco temporal de los grupos de embajadores y en qué deben centrarse (Ejemplo: la Serie de Expresión Comunitaria o la ejecución de proyectos específicos). La misión, los objetivos y el papel de los embajadores deben considerarse y transmitirse claramente a los embajadores.
F2-A-2 Uplift and highlight early action work done by Community Ambassadors. Potenciar y destacar el trabajo realizado en las fases tempranas por los Embajadores de la Comunidad. The first cohort of Community Ambassadors created and facilitated conversations with community members through the Ambassador Expression Series. These conversations focused on issues that many residents face. The ambassadors were able to harness collective experiences to identify issues and brainstorm potential solutions and steps the community can take to resolve these issues. It is important to publicize and uplift this work to encourage more members of the community to get
El primer grupo de Embajadores de la Comunidad creó y facilitó conversaciones con miembros de la comunidad a través de las Series de Expresión Comunitaria. Estas conversaciones se centraron en los problemas a los que se enfrentan muchos residentes. Los embajadores pudieron aprovechar las experiencias colectivas para identificar los problemas y llevar a cabo una lluvia de ideas sobre posibles soluciones y medidas que la comunidad puede tomar para resolverlos. Es importante dar a conocer y potenciar este trabajo para animar a más miembros de la comunidad a participar y ofrecer más oportunidades para que estas conversaciones continúen. Al tratarse de un plan impulsado por los residentes, las aportaciones periódicas y la dedicación de éstos son fundamentales para hacer realidad la visión. Trabajo llevado a cabo hasta día de hoy:
Capacidad de los Embajadores y Sesiones de Entrenamiento
Series de Expresión Comunitaria
involved and provide more opportunities for these conversations to continue. As a resident-driven plan, regular input and dedication from the residents is critical to making the vision a reality. Work that has been done to date: ◌ ◌
Ambassador Capacity and Training Series Ambassador Expression Series
Ambassador Expression Series Conversations @ Plan Commencement Community Meeting - June, 2021
Open House @ Phunkenship - June, 2021
F2 Community Healing, Health, & Safety 229
F2-A-3 Identify service/ministry work to address basic and spiritual needs of the community. Identificar el trabajo de oficio/ministerio para atender las necesidades básicas y espirituales de la comunidad. Partnership with faith-based institutions may develop a collective mission and vision that will encourage collaboration beyond basic needs. Identifying key leaders with a strong presence in the neighborhood to create a coalition will help fill the gaps of basic and spiritual needs of Clark-Fulton. Ways to bring communities together: ◌ ◌
Events such as block parties, festivals, markets, or pop-up events around the neighborhood. Projects around the neighborhood bring community together to brainstorm and implement ideas. Multi-faith institutions can identify common goals and issues to tackle together as a community. Multi-language institutions meet residents where they are and work to overcome current language barriers that may keep residents from being more involved.
F2-A-4 Help residents navigate institutional support programs. Ayudar a los residentes a explorar por los programas de apoyo institucional. There are many organizations, programs, initiatives, and projects that are underway and working in Clark-Fulton. Creating an easily accessible and digestible database of all the available resources and how to access them will help build community capacity and protect residents. Collaborate with organizations and institutions to develop integrated solutions on how to streamline resources and initiatives for a larger impact. This could be done through a “virtual neighborhood,” where residents can join a virtual database to learn about all of the different opportunities within the neighborhood. Institutions and organizations with a strong presence in the community: ◌ ◌ ◌ ◌ ◌ ◌ ◌ ◌
MetroHealth Institute for H.O.P.E. City of Cleveland Office of Minority Health Healthy Neighborhoods Committee Environmental Health Watch Cleveland Owns Global Health Metrics Cleveland Clinic University Hospitals
Una asociación con instituciones religiosas puede desarrollar
Hay muchas organizaciones, programas, iniciativas y proyectos
una misión y una visión colectivas que fomenten la colaboración
que están en marcha en Clark-Fulton. La creación de una base
más allá de las necesidades básicas. Identificar a los principales
de datos fácilmente accesible y digerible de todos los recursos
líderes que tienen una presencia fuerte en el vecindario para crear
disponibles y de cómo acceder a ellos ayudará a construir
una coalición que ayudará a llenar los vacíos de las necesidades
la capacidad de la comunidad y a proteger a los residentes.
básicas y espirituales de Clark-Fulton.
Colaborar con organizaciones e instituciones para desarrollar
Maneras de unir a las comunidades:
Eventos, como fiestas de barrio, festivales, mercado, o eventos emergentes en el vecindario
Los proyectos en el vecindario reúnen a la comunidad de forma que hagan una lluvia de ideas y los pongan en práctica juntos.
Las instituciones multiconfesionales pueden identificar objetivos y problemas comunes para abordarlos juntos como comunidad.
Las instituciones multilingües se reúnen con los residentes donde están y trabajan para superar las barreras lingüísticas que pueden impedir que los residentes se involucren más.
Clark-Fulton Together - Final Plan
soluciones integradas sobre cómo racionalizar los recursos y las iniciativas para lograr un mayor impacto. Esto podría hacerse a través de un “vecindario virtual”, en el que los residentes puedan unirse a una base de datos virtual para conocer todas las diferentes oportunidades dentro del vecindario. Instituciones y organizaciones con una fuerte presencia en el barrio:
◌ ◌ ◌ ◌ ◌ ◌ ◌ ◌
MetroHealth Institute for H.O.P.E. City of Cleveland Office of Minority Health Healthy Neighborhoods Committee Environmental Health Watch Cleveland Owns Global Health Metrics Cleveland Clinic University Hospitals
MetroHealth Institue for H.O.P.E Mobility Pantry Program
A 2021 Ford Transit van, nicknamed HOWie, along with a team of volunteers, is used to support the Institute’s mobile pantry program, which delivers fresh produce and other goods from the Greater Cleveland Food Bank to patients and community members in need. Una van Ford Transit 2021, apodada HOWie, junto con un equipo de voluntarios, se utiliza para apoyar el programa de despacho móvil del Instituto, que entrega productos frescos y otros bienes del Greater Cleveland Food Bank a pacientes y miembros de la comunidad necesitados.
F2 Community Healing, Health, & Safety 231
INITIATIVES & PROGRAMS MetroHealth Institute for H.O.P.E. Programs School Health Program
Economic Opportunity Center
Provides physical exams,
A neighborhood hub to
immunizations, or help with
bring together programs
on-going illnesses for students
and resources, creating
who may not have access to
opportunities for everyone in
health care at 13 Cleveland
the neighborhood. The center
Metropolitan School District
provides training, education,
and other resources for
Proporciona exámenes físicos,
vacunas o ayuda con enfermedades
Un centro vecinal que reune
existentes a estudiantes que no tienen
programas y recursos, creando
acceso a la atención médica en 13
oportunidades para todos en
escuelas del Cleveland Metropolitan
el vecindario. El centro ofrece
School District.
formación, educación y otros recursos para los residentes.
Mobiliy Pantry Program Nicknamed HOWie, along with
Open Table is a grass-roots
a team of volunteers, is used to
poverty transformation
support the Institute’s mobile
model that is made up of
pantry program, which delivers
volunteers to provide year-long
fresh produce and other goods
commitment to transform the
from the Greater Cleveland
lives of individuals or families
Food Bank to patients and
experiencing poverty or other
community members in need.
complex challenges.
Apodada HOWie, junto con un equipo
Open Table es un modelo de
de voluntarios, se utiliza para apoyar
transformación de la pobreza que
el programa de despacho móvil del
se compone de voluntarios que se
Instituto, que entrega productos
comprometen durante un año a
frescos y otros bienes del Greater
transformar la vida de personas o
Cleveland Food Bank a pacientes
familias en situación de pobreza u
y miembros de la comunidad
otros problemas complejos.
Clark-Fulton Together - Final Plan
Open Table Initiative
Other Citywide Programs & Initiatives City of Cleveland Office of Minority Health
Healthy Neighborhoods Committee
Committed to issues impacting
The mission is to create
minority communities. They
conditions where people
coordinate and oversee the
have equitable access to
Ohio Commission on Minority’
resources and opportunities
Health’s activities in Greater
to lead healthy lives. Currently
focused on messaging and how
Están comprometidos con los problemas que afectan a las
conditions in neighborhoods impact residents.
comunidades minoritarias.
La misión es crear condiciones en
Coordinan y supervisan las
las que las personas tengan un
actividades de Ohio Commission on
acceso equitativo a los recursos y
Minority’ Health en Cleveland.
oportunidades para llevar una vida sana. Actualmente se centra en la mensajería y en cómo las condiciones de los barrios afectan a los residentes.
Environmental Health Watch
Cleveland Owns
Educates, advocates, and
A non-profit incubator for
provides direct services to
cooperative enterprises.
families and works with policy
Cleveland Owns organizes
makers to spotlight and
multi-racial, grassroots
confront critical environmental
cooperatives to help build
health issues.
wealth and power through
Educa, defiende y presta servicios
collective ownership.
directos a las familias y trabaja
Una incubadora de empresas
con los responsables políticos para
cooperativas sin ánimo de
destacar y afrontar problemas
lucro. Cleveland Owns organiza
críticos de salud ambiental.
cooperativas multirraciales para ayudar a crear riqueza y poder mediante la propiedad colectiva.
F2 Community Healing, Health, & Safety 233
Retain and support residents to age-in-place and avoid displacement. Retener y apoyar a los residentes para que envejezcan en su hogar y evitar el desplazamiento por gentrificación.
F2-B-1 Provide resources to help residents ward off negative effects of gentrification. Proporcionar recursos para ayudar a los residentes a evitar los efectos negativos de la gentrificación. Educate and empower residents to protect themselves from the unexpected distress or development threatening their homes and community. Using the resources outlined in F3 Housing, residents can learn and get resources they need from the many organizations in the neighborhood working to ward off gentrification pressures. Organizations to work with for resources:
Clark-Fulton is a desirable, affordable neighborhood that is appealing to developers. This may lead to many residents living in fear of gentrification forcing displacement. Working with residents, local organizations, and the Community Ambassadors to identify shared concerns and issues can empower residents with the tools to avoid displacement. Continue to support and host Ambassador Expression Series on Displacement and Aging-in-Place to bring community members together to identify goals and strategies to protect and preserve the community. Clark-Fulton es una comunidad deseable y asequible que resulta atractiva para los desarrolistas. Esto puede llevar a muchos residentes a vivir con el temor de que la gentrificación les obligue a irse de sus casas. Trabajar con los residentes, las organizaciones locales y los embajadores de la comunidad para identificar las preocupaciones y los problemas y ayudar a proveer herramientas a los residentes para evitar el desplazamiento. Continuar apoyando y organizando la Serie de Expresiones de los Embajadores sobre el Desplazamiento y el Envejecimiento en el Lugar con el fin de reunir a los miembros de la comunidad e identificar objetivos y estrategias para proteger y preservar la comunidad.
Clark-Fulton Together - Final Plan
◌ ◌ ◌ ◌ ◌ ◌ ◌
Office of Councilwoman Jasmin Santana Metro West CDC Department of Aging Faith-Based Organizations Refugee Organizations Social Welfare Organizations MetroHealth
Educar y empoderar a los residentes para que se protejan de la angustia o el desarrollo inesperado que amenaza sus hogares y su comunidad. Utilizando los recursos descritos en F3 Housing, los residentes pueden aprender y obtener los recursos que necesitan de las muchas organizaciones del barrio que trabajan para evitar las presiones de la gentrificación. Organizaciones con las que trabajar para acceder a recursos:
◌ ◌ ◌ ◌ ◌ ◌ ◌
Office of Councilwoman Jasmin Santana Metro West CDC Department of Aging Faith-Based Organizations Refugee Organizations Social Welfare Organizations MetroHealth
F2-B-2 Place people at the center of all decision making.
F2-B-3 Unify residents across socio-economic and cultural lines.
Poner a la gente en el centro de la toma de decisiones.
Unificar a los residentes a través de las líneas socioeconómicas y culturales.
Empower and encourage residents to be active
Bridge the divide between diverse community members
participants during City of Cleveland public engagement
to work together against displacement and negative
period for new development applications. Work with
factors affecting everyone. Offer opportunities and
local leaders, neighbors, and block clubs to explain how
resources to bring residents together on a regular basis
the process works and how they can, as a group, review
to discuss ongoing and new issues through monthly
new development applications and submit questions
meetings or events. Provide a space for neighbors
and concerns to City Council and Planning Commission
to come together and share personal experiences,
before development is approved. Community members
resources, or tools to help each other.
should have the opportunity to express their opinions and be involved in the decisions that will affect their quality of life and community. Capacitar y animar a los residentes para que participen activamente durante reuniones públicas de la ciudad de Cleveland para las nuevas solicitudes de desarrollo. Trabajar con los líderes locales, los vecinos y los Block Clubs para explicar cómo funciona el proceso y cómo pueden, como grupo, revisar las nuevas solicitudes de desarrollo y
Reducir la brecha entre los diversos miembros de la comunidad para trabajar juntos contra el desplazamiento y los factores negativos que afectan a todos. Ofrecer oportunidades y recursos para reunir a los residentes de forma regular para debatir los problemas actuales y los nuevos mediante reuniones o eventos mensuales. Proporcionar un espacio para que los vecinos se reúnan y compartan experiencias personales, recursos o herramientas para ayudarse mutuamente.
presentar preguntas y preocupaciones al City Council y al Planning Commission antes de que se apruebe el desarrollo. Los miembros de la comunidad deben tener la oportunidad de expresar sus opiniones y participar en las decisiones que afectarán a su calidad de vida y a su comunidad.
City Repair Event - Source: Neighborhood Connections
F2 Community Healing, Health, & Safety 235
Foster community conversations around race and inclusion.
F2-C-1 Ensure inclusion is a community value that is established throughout the neighborhood. Garantizar que la inclusión es un valor comunitario que se establece en todo el barrio. As one of the most racially diverse neighborhoods in
Fomentar las conversaciones con la comunidad en torno a la raza y la inclusión.
Cleveland, Clark-Fulton has the opportunity to become
Bring residents together to inform, educate, and empower them to tackle issues they face in the community. The Ambassador Expression Series has started the conversation around food access, lead and, safety, offering a space for residents to learn about Clark-Fulton wide issues and voice their experiences.
Al ser uno de los vecindarios con mayor diversidad racial de Cleveland,
Reunir a los residentes para informarles, educarles y capacitarles para abordar los problemas a los que se enfrentan en la comunidad. La Serie de Expresión Comunitaria de los Embajadores han ayudado a iniciar la conversación sobre el acceso a los alimentos, el plomo y seguridad ofreciendo un espacio para que los residentes conozcan los problemas de Clark-Fulton y expresen sus experiencias.
a truly inclusive community. All residents, business owners, and visitors should have an equal voice and opportunity in Clark-Fulton regardless of race, ethnicity, language, or socio-economic status. There should be an established set of norms for community meetings, events, and festivals supports inclusion.
Clark-Fulton tiene la oportunidad de convertirse en una comunidad verdaderamente inclusiva. Todos los residentes, propietarios de negocios y visitantes deberían tener la misma voz y oportunidades en Clark-Fulton, independientemente de su raza, etnicidad, idioma o estatus socioeconómico. Debería haber un conjunto de normas establecidas para las reuniones de la comunidad, eventos y festivales, apoyen la inclusión.
PROGRAMS & PROJECTS Clark Avenue Streetscape Public Art Includes 7 wrapped utility boxes between West 41st Street and Quigley Road as the percent-for-art public art component. Incluye 7 cajas de servicios públicos entre West 41st Street y Quigley Road como componente de arte público.
Clark-Fulton Together - Final Plan
F2-C-2 Identify local leaders in the community to close the racial gap.
F2-C-3 Utilize the arts and food as a power of expression.
Identificar a los líderes locales de la comunidad para cerrar la brecha racial.
Utilizar las artes y la comida como poder de expresión.
Bringing in more advocates for the neighborhood to
Art is a powerful tool for community healing and
help build community capacity and expand the reach of
collaboration. It can bring different races, cultures, and
the work already being done. As one of the most racially
communities together to process and release emotional
diverse neighborhoods in Cleveland, Clark-Fulton has
trauma and challenges. Working with local organizations,
the opportunity to connect and bridge the racial gap
provide programs for long-term, consistent engagement
with local leaders already working to make an impact.
to celebrate and support the Clark-Fulton community.
Bringing leaders together will help identify common
Support and encourage these programs as a core
goals and issues that can tackled together. In order to
component of education.
maintain momentum, it is critical to gain the trust, voice, and reach of these individuals and organizations. La incorporación de más defensores communitarios para ayudar a desarrollar la capacidad de la comunidad y a ampliar el alcance del trabajo que ya se está realizando. Al ser uno de los vecindarios con mayor diversidad racial de Cleveland, Clark-Fulton tiene la oportunidad de conectar y salvar la brecha racial con los líderes
El arte es una herramienta poderosa para la recuperación y la colaboración de la comunidad. Hay que reunir diferentes razas, culturas y comunidades para procesar y liberar traumas y desafíos emocionales. Trabajar con organizaciones locales, proporcionar programas a largo plazo para celebrar y apoyar a la communidad de Clark-Fulton. Apoyar y fomentar estos programas como un componente central de la educación.
locales que ya están trabajando para lograr un impacto. Reunir a los líderes ayudará a identificar los objetivos y problemas comunes que se pueden abordar juntos. Para mantener el impulso, es fundamental ganarse la confianza, la voz y el alcance de estas personas y organizaciones.
Cleveland Foundation’s Creative Fusion
MetroHealth’s Arts-inHealth Program
Collaboration between local and
Trauma-informed, arts-based to
visiting artists around a theme. Artists engage directly with the community, making strong connections and exchanges.
help with managing stress. Fundamentado en el trauma y el arte para ayudar a gestionar el estrés.
The 2020 Residency Focused on Clark-Fulton and the Census Count. Colaboración entre artistas locales y visitantes en torno a un tema. Los artistas se comprometen directamente con la comunidad, estableciendo
Our Town Program A National Endowment that
“Making Your Own Space” Design-Build Program A design-build program for
provides project-based funding for projects that integrate arts, culture, and design activities
middle/high school students
that strengthen communities.
run by the Kent State CUDC.
Una dotación nacional que
fuertes conexiones e intercambios. La
Un programa de diseño-construcción
residencia del 2020 se centró en Clark-
para estudiantes de secundaria y
Fulton y el recuento del censo.
preparatoria dirigido por Kent State CUDC.
proporciona financiación basada en proyectos que integran actividades artísticas, culturales y de diseño que fortalecen las comunidades.
F2 Community Healing, Health, & Safety 237
Ensure a healthy and safe life for all residents.
Garantizar una vida sana y segura para todos los residentes.
F2-D-1 Create task force groups to lead neighborhood wide activities. Crear grupos de trabajo para dirigir actividades en todo el barrio. Task force groups are a way to get community members involved in specific activities and issues in Clark-Fulton. They can be completely resident led with support from larger organizations and institutions in the neighborhood for large scale support. Task force groups can be a tangible way to bring people together
As a culturally diverse community, with residents of all ages, Clark-Fulton is in need of support groups, programs, spaces, and amenities that cater to and support the community. These actions will help ensure that the community has access to the needs and services necessary to have a healthy and safe quality of life in Clark-Fulton, longterm. Como comunidad culturalmente diversa con residentes de todas las edades, ClarkFulton necesita grupos de apoyo, programas, espacios y servicios que atiendan y apoyen a la comunidad. Estas acciones ayudarán a garantizar que la comunidad tenga acceso a las necesidades y servicios necesarios para tener una calidad de vida saludable y segura en Clark-Fulton a largo plazo.
focused around a project or issue, and can help develop a deeper sense of collective mission and vision. Initial ideas for task force groups: ◌ ◌
Clean Ups (streets, alleys, vacant lots, parks, etc.) Neighborhood Watch
Organizations to partner with: ◌ ◌ ◌
City Repair events occurring in alleys throughout the neighborhood. Office of Ward 14 Metro West CDC
Los grupos de trabajo son una forma de involucrar a los miembros de la comunidad en actividades y problemas específicos de ClarkFulton. Pueden estar completamente dirigidos por los residentes con el apoyo de organizaciones e instituciones más grandes del vecindario para un apoyo a gran escala. Los grupos de trabajo pueden ser una forma tangible de reunir a la gente en torno a un proyecto o problema, y pueden ayudar a desarrollar un sentido más profundo de la misión y la visión colectivas. Ideas iniciales para los grupos de trabajo:
Limpiezas (de calles, callejones, parcelas vacantes, parques, etc.)
Vigilancia del Vecindario
Organizaciones con la que asociarse:
Eventos de City Repair que ocurren en los callejones por todo el vecindario
◌ ◌
Clark-Fulton Together - Final Plan
Office of Ward 14 Metro West CDC
F2-D-2 Identify spaces and programs to serve Legacy Stakeholders.
F2-D-3 Provide access to healthy and culturally appropriate food.
Identificar espacios y programas para servir a las partes interesadas. Community and neighborliness are some of the most valuable community characteristics to Clark-Fulton residents. There are not enough spaces where people can gather and build relationships. With gentrification pressures, there is a high turnover rate amongst the renter population. Additionally, residents are often kept from aging-in-place. Options and locations should be explored to build more community spaces (i.e., pocket
Proporcionar acceso a comida saludable y culturalmente apropiada. Clark-Fulton struggles with full-service grocery stores that do not have enough culturally appropriate and healthy options for residents. Food systems are a key driver of health, and residents should have the opportunity to access better options. Despite the lack of full-service grocery stores, there are 26 community gardens in Ward 14, CentroVilla 25’s plans for a mercado, and many organizations working to provide food services. Identify and publicize the community
parks, event spaces, etc.).
gardens and other food initiatives and programs
La comunidad y la vecindad son algunas de las características
available to residents to institute a healthy eating
comunitarias más valiosas para los residentes de Clark-Fulton. No hay suficientes espacios donde la gente pueda reunirse y establecer
Clark-Fulton se encuentra con dificultades ya que los supermercados
relaciones. Con las presiones de la gentrificación, hay una alta tasa
no tienen suficientes opciones culturalmente apropiadas y saludables
de rotación entre la población de inquilinos. Además, a menudo
para los residentes. Los sistemas alimentarios son un factor clave para
se impide a los residentes envejecer en el lugar. Deben explorarse
la salud, y los residentes deberían tener la oportunidad de acceder
opciones y ubicaciones para construir más espacios comunitarios (es
a mejores opciones. A pesar de la falta de supermercados, hay 26
decir, parques, espacios para eventos, etc.).
jardines comunitarios en el Distrito 14, CentroVilla 25 planea un mercado, y muchas organizaciones que trabajan para proporcionar
WHAT IS THE COMMUNITY SAYING? What do you think you and your neighbors need the most? ¿Cuáles crees que Clark-Fulton necesita más? Support Aging-in-Place Apoyar el Envejecimiento de los Residentes en el Area
servicios de alimentos. Identificar y dar a conocer los jardines comunitarios y otras iniciativas y programas alimentarios disponibles para los residentes para instituir un estilo de vida de alimentación saludable.
F2-D-4 Ensure residents have access to health services and providers. Garantizar el acceso de los residentes a los servicios y proveedores de salud. Currently 12%, of Clark-Fulton residents do not have health insurance coverage. There needs to be more options and providers that can reach and serve this population in innovative ways. Consider offering more Telemedicine solutions (mentioned further in Technology section).
Amenities for all ages Comodidades para todas las edades
Actualmente, el 12% de los residentes de Clark-Fulton no tienen
Housing Support Apoyo a la Vivienda
cobertura de seguro médico. Tiene que haber más opciones y proveedores que puedan alcanzar y servir a esta población de manera innovadora. Considerar la posibilidad de ofrecer más soluciones de telemedicina (mencionadas más adelante en la sección de Tecnología).
F2 Community Healing, Health, & Safety 239
F2-D-5 Provide security cameras and neighborhood watch to protect residents. Proporcionar cámaras de seguridad y vigilancia vecinal para proteger a los residentes. Safety is a concern for residents and business owners in Clark-Fulton. To support and improve the negative perception of safety issues, provide programs for residents and business owners to apply to receive grants and information on how to purchase and install security cameras that detect heat and movement
WHAT IS THE COMMUNITY SAYING? Feedback gathered at Plan Commencement Open House - June 2021
What do you think you and your neighbors need the most? ¿Cuáles crees que Clark-Fulton necesita más? Foster Community Conversations Fomentar las Conversaciones Comunitarias
throughout the night. This will help improve safety and
will also identify times when illegal dumping and other activities occur throughout Clark-Fulton.
La seguridad es una preocupación para los residentes y propietarios de negocios en Clark-Fulton. Para apoyar y mejorar la percepción negativa de los problemas de seguridad, de pueden proporcionar programas para que los residentes y propietarios de negocios soliciten recibir subvenciones e información sobre cómo comprar e instalar cámaras de seguridad que detecten el calor y el movimiento durante la noche. Esto ayudará a mejorar la seguridad
Ambassador Expression Series Embajador Serie de la expresión
Neighborhood/ Block Club Meetings Reuniones de Vecinos
y también identificará los momentos en los que se producen los callejones (alleys) s y otras actividades en todo Clark-Fulton
Ensure Health & Safety Garantizar la Salud y la Seguridad
Community Art Projects Proyectos Artísticos Comunitarios
Clark-Fulton Together - Final Plan
Community Clean Ups Limpieza Comunitaria
City Repair Event - Source: Neighborhood Connections
F2 Community Healing, Health, & Safety 241
F3 Preserve and create housing opportunities without displacement. Preservar y crear oportunidades de vivienda sin desplazamientos. Preserve, enhance, and develop affordable, mixed
Preservar, mejorar y desarrollar opciones de viviendas asequibles y
housing options to keep Clark-Fulton affordable and
mixtas para que Clark-Fulton siga siendo asequible y diverso y, al
diverse while also providing the resources and support
mismo tiempo, proporcionar los recursos y el apoyo necesarios a
needed to existing homeowners to take on renovation and home improvements.
Preserve Housing Stock to remain safe, livable, and efficient for residents.
los propietarios de viviendas existentes para que se encarguen de renovarlas y mejorarlas.
Create new housing opportunities
Acquire vacant / underutilized land in a Community Land Trust 242
Clark-Fulton Together - Final Plan
Ensure housing stock remains safe, livable, and efficient.
Build financial literacy, trade skills, and education of current and future residents.
Garantizar que el stock de viviendas siga siendo seguro, habitable y eficiente.
F3-B Develop housing supply to meet the needs of all current and future residents. Desarrollar la oferta de viviendas para satisfacer las necesidades de todos los residentes actuales y futuros.
Fomentar los conocimientos financieros, las habilidades comerciales y la educación de los residentes actuales y futuros
F3-E Create a community land trust to provide affordable housing in perpetuity. Crear un fondo de tierras comunitarias para proporcionar viviendas asequibles a perpetuidad.
Provide financial resources to increase home ownership and retention. Proporcionar recursos financieros para aumentar la posesión de viviendas y su conservación.
Existing Neighborhood Housing Character
NOTE: All the actions presented in this chapter are community-driven and aspirational. Further studies, due diligence, and engagement may be required to implement some of the ideas and concepts proposed in this plan. Todas las acciones presentadas en este capítulo están impulsadas por la comunidad y son aspiracionales. Es posible que sean necesarios más estudios, diligencias y compromisos para poner en práctica algunas de las ideas y conceptos propuestos en este plan.
F3 Housing 243
Ensure housing stock remains safe, livable, and efficient. Garantizar que el stock de viviendas siga siendo seguro, habitable y eficiente. Housing in Clark-Fulton needs investment to ensure that it remains safe, livable, and appealing to the next generation of residents. Working with local stakeholders, the project team identified three priority activities to ensure the durability of the area’s existing housing stock: provide home repair grants and loans, identify and support responsible investors and contractors, and utilize code enforcement and strategic land acquisition to mitigate effects of harmful and predatory investor activity. Las viviendas en Clark-Fulton necesitan inversiones para garantizar que sigan siendo seguras, habitables y atractivas para la próxima generación de residentes. En colaboración con las partes interesadas locales, el equipo del proyecto identificó tres actividades prioritarias para garantizar la durabilidad del stock de viviendas existente en la zona: proporcionar subvenciones y préstamos para la reparación de viviendas, identificar y apoyar a los inversores y contratistas responsables, y utilizar la aplicación de códigos y la adquisición estratégica de terrenos para mitigar los efectos de la actividad de los inversores perjudiciales y depredadores.
Clark-Fulton Together - Final Plan
F3-A-1 Provide Home Repair Grants and Loans. Proporcionar subsidios y préstamos para la reparación de viviendas. A number of existing programs in the city are available to help homeowners repair and improve their properties. The programs highlighted below focus on basic system repairs and weatherization for homeowners and could be expanded and more visibly publicized among residents in the Clark-Fulton Community. ◌ ◌ ◌ ◌ ◌ ◌ ◌
Repair-A-Home Loan (RAH) Senior Homeowner Assistance Grant (SHAP) Home Weatherization Assistance Program (HWAP) One and Two-Family Housing Rehab Program Lead Hazard Control Program (LHC) Housing Enhancement Loan Program (HELP) Energy Efficiency Audits
Metro West’s pilot rehab program will conduct housing assessments and repair 3 homes. They are also exploring another model that could help improve housing quality in the neighborhood. While focusing grant and loan programs on homeowners is critical, small to mid-sized landlords that own and operate the rental housing in Clark-Fulton may also need assistance. Programs targeting landlords should ensure that recipients are contributing to the health and vitality of the community and managing their properties responsibly. The programs highlighted on the next page describe two such program models from other cities: Existen varios programas en la ciudad para ayudar a los propietarios a reparar y mejorar sus propiedades. Los programas que se destacan a continuación se centran en las reparaciones básicas de instalaciones y la climatización para los propietarios de viviendas y podrían ampliarse y darse a conocer de forma más visible entre los residentes de la comunidad de Clark-Fulton.
◌ ◌ ◌ ◌ ◌ ◌ ◌
Repair-A-Home Loan (RAH) Senior Homeowner Assistance Grant (SHAP) Home Weatherization Assistance Program (HWAP) One and Two-Family Housing Rehab Program Lead Hazard Control Program (LHC) Housing Enhancement Loan Program (HELP) Energy Efficiency Audits
El programa piloto de rehabilitación de Metro West llevará a
garantizar que los beneficiarios contribuyan a la salud y la
cabo evaluaciones de la vivienda y reparará 3 casas. También
vitalidad de la comunidad y gestionen sus propiedades de forma
están explorando otros modelos que podría ayudar a mejorar
responsable. Los programas destacados en la página siguiente
la calidad de la vivienda en el vecindario.
describen dos modelos de programas de este tipo en otras
Aunque es fundamental centrar los programas de subsidios y
préstamos en los propietarios de viviendas y los pequeños y medianos arrendadores que poseen y gestionan las viviendas de alquiler en Clark-Fulton ya que también pueden necesitar ayuda. Los programas dirigidos a los propietarios deben
HOUSING INVESTMENTS: Roof Repairs & Weatherization Improvements
Facade Improvement Loans Figure 49
Housing Ownership Support
Outcomes of Home Repair Grants & Loans
F3 Housing 245
CASE STUDIES The Multifamily Loan Program is a rental housing
Philadelphia’s Rental Improvement Fund
preservation program operated by the Chicago-based
The Philadelphia Housing Development Corporation
Community Investment Corporation (CIC). The Fund
(PHDC) launched the Rental Improvement Fund to help
lends to small property owners interested in acquiring
small landlords in targeted communities address quality
or renovating moderately sized rental units ranging
and affordability issues in the city’s rental housing stock.
from five to one-hundred units in distressed Chicago
To be eligible, landlords must own fewer than ten units
communities into affordable housing. Loans are provided
of rental housing, and rent to residents earning 100%
using after-rehab valuations, allowing borrowers ample
or less than area median incomes and with one-third of
room to build renovation costs into their business plans.
tenants earning 50% or less than area median incomes.
To finance the program, CIC pools eligible loans and
Loans provide up to $24,999 with terms up to 10 years.
Chicago’s Multifamily Loan Program
conducts a note sale each quarter to a set of 37 financial
Pros – Provides double benefits by
institution partners for stabilized properties.
supporting small business owners to improve
Pros - Obtaining ‘after rehab’ valuations
the quality of their affordable rental housing
to secure financing is a strong incentive
for low income residents.
to rehabilitate distressed properties into affordable multi-family housing.
Challenges – Administering the program
Challenges – Securing private-sector
rather than absentee or out-of-town
to ensure it reaches the target population,
financing from multiple financial institutions may be challenging in Cleveland.
landlords will require time and attention. Philadelphia Housing Development Corporation (PHDC) puso en marcha el Rental Improvement Fund para ayudar a los
Multifamily Loan Program es un programa de conservación de viviendas de alquiler gestionado por la Community Investment Corporation (CIC), con sede en Chicago. El Fondo concede préstamos a pequeños propietarios interesados en adquirir o renovar entre cinco y cien unidades de alquiler de tamaño moderado en comunidades de Chicago y que tienen dificultades para convertirlas en viviendas asequibles. Los préstamos se conceden utilizando valoraciones posteriores a la rehabilitación, lo que permite a los
pequeños propietarios de determinadas comunidades a resolver los problemas de calidad y asequibilidad del stock de viviendas de alquiler de la ciudad. Para ser elegibles, los propietarios deben poseer menos de diez unidades de viviendas de alquiler, y alquilar a los residentes que ganan el 100% o menos de los ingresos medios de la zona y un tercio de los mismos deben ganar el 50% o menos de los ingresos medios de la zona. Los préstamos proporcionan hasta $24.999 con plazos de hasta 10 años.
prestatarios un amplio margen para incorporar los costes de
Pros - Proporciona un doble beneficio al apoyar a los propietarios
renovación a sus planes de negocio. Para financiar el programa, CIC
de pequeñas empresas para que mejoren la calidad de sus
agrupa los préstamos elegibles y realiza una venta cada trimestre
viviendas de alquiler asequibles para los residentes con bajos
a un conjunto de 37 instituciones financieras asociadas para las
propiedades estabilizadas.
Contras - Administrar el programa para garantizar que llegue a la
Pros - La obtención de valoraciones “después de la rehabilitación”
población objetivo, y no a los propietarios ausentes o de fuera de
para asegurar la financiación es un fuerte incentivo para
la ciudad, requerirá tiempo y atención.
rehabilitar propiedades en dificultades y convertirlas en viviendas multifamiliares asequibles. Contras - Conseguir financiación de múltiples instituciones financieras del sector privado puede ser un desafío en Cleveland. Source: financing_approaches_for_affordable_rental_housing_in_the_chicago_region_0.pdf
Clark-Fulton Together - Final Plan
Source: development-project-finance/rental-improveme
City Repair Event - Source: Neighborhood Connections
F3 Housing 247
INITIATIVES & PROGRAMS Existing State, County and City Housing Programs, Grants and Initiatives
Senior Homeowner Assistance Grant (SHAP)
One and Two-Family Housing Rehab Program
SHAP provides grants to
This existing program aims
Cleveland residents age 60+
to reduce the number of
or disabled adults who meet
vacant and abandoned
income eligibility guidelines
homes within the Stockyards,
and own single- or two-family
Clark-Fulton, and Brooklyn
homes in need of critical,
Centre neighborhoods. The
health, safety and maintenance
program saves properties
repairs. Applicants must live in
that would otherwise be
the property in question and be
demolished by offering existing
able to show clear title.
and new residents low-cost
El programa SHAP concede subvenciones a los residentes de Cleveland mayores de 60 años o a los adultos discapacitados que cumplan los requisitos de ingresos y sean propietarios de viviendas
opportunities to purchase and renovate vacant homes within the neighborhoods. By reducing the amount of vacant and abandoned properties this program can help strengthen,
unifamiliares o bifamiliares que
stabilize, and restore these
necesiten reparaciones críticas,
neighborhoods and improve
de salud, de seguridad y de
the quality of life for residents,
mantenimiento. Los solicitantes
business owners, and
deben vivir en la propiedad en
stakeholders in the community.
cuestión y ser capaces de mostrar un título de propiedad.
Este programa existente pretende reducir el número de viviendas vacías y abandonadas en los vecindarios de Stockyards, Clark-Fulton y
Repair-A-Home Loan (RAH)
Brooklyn Centre. El programa rescata propiedades que, de otro modo,
Low-interest loans ranging
serían demolidas, ofreciendo a los
from 0% to 3%, determined by
residentes actuales y a los nuevos
total household income. These
oportunidades de bajo coste para
loans are only for code related
comprar y renovar las casas vacías
repairs, mechanical repairs or
dentro de los vecindarios. Al reducir
health and safety repairs.
la cantidad de propiedades vacantes
Préstamos a bajo interés que oscilan
puede ayudar a fortalecer, estabilizar
entre el 0% y el 3%, determinado
y restaurar estos vecindarios y
por los ingresos totales de la familia.
mejorar la calidad de vida de los
Estos préstamos son solo para
residentes, los propietarios de
reparaciones relacionadas con el
negocios y las partes interesadas en
código, reparaciones mecánicas o
la comunidad.
reparaciones relacionados con salud y seguridad.
Clark-Fulton Together - Final Plan
y abandonadas, este programa
Lead Hazard Control Program (LHC)
Housing Enhancement Loan Program (HELP)
Home Weatherization Assistance Program (HWAP) This statewide program, which
The Lead Hazard Control
Available to all Cuyahoga County
Grant Program is designed to
investors as well as owner-
strategically advance efforts to
occupants and can be used to
increase lead-safe affordable
enhance properties with market
housing while eliminating
values below $250,000. This
the possibility of childhood
low interest loan program is not
lead poisoning in the City of
subject to income requirements.
a home inspection to identify
Disponible para todos los inversores
which can be used to pay state-
Cleveland. The LHC program provides lead risk assessments, identifies lead–based paint and provides grants to control lead-based paint hazards. The program strives to use a single approach to address various housing, health, and safety
del condado de Cuyahoga, así como para los propietarios que viven en la propiedad y se puede utilizar para mejorar las propiedades con valores de mercado por debajo de $250.000. Este programa de préstamos a bajo interés no está sujeto a requisitos de ingresos.
needs for low- and very low-
efforts will significantly improve the health of the community and quality of the housing stock.
the Cleveland Housing Network, provides energy efficiency grants to income-eligible homeowners and tenants. Participants receive necessary services and grants approved contractors to provide energy efficiency services and modifications that lower household energy bills. Este programa estatal, administrado por Cleveland Housing Network, ofrece subvenciones para la eficiencia
income families with children under the age of six These
is administered in Cleveland by
energética a los propietarios e
Energy Efficiency Audits Both Dominion Energy Ohio and First Energy provide free or low-
inquilinos que cumplan los requisitos de ingresos. Los participantes reciben una inspección de la vivienda para identificar los servicios necesarios y subvenciones que pueden utilizarse
El Programa de Subvenciones
cost energy efficiency audits for
para el Control del Peligro del
customers. The Dominion Energy
Plomo está diseñado para avanzar
Ohio’s EnergyStar Program, for
estratégicamente en los esfuerzos por
servicios de eficiencia energética y
example, provides homeowners
realicen modificaciones que reduzcan
with an energy audit and up to
las facturas de energía del hogar.
aumentar las viviendas asequibles libres de plomo y eliminar la posibilidad de envenenamiento por plomo en la infancia en la ciudad de Cleveland. El programa LHC proporciona evaluaciones de riesgo de plomo, identifica la pintura a base de plomo y proporciona subvenciones para controlar los peligros de este tipo de pintura. El programa se esfuerza por utilizar un enfoque único para abordar diversas necesidades de vivienda, salud y seguridad para las familias de bajos y muy bajos ingresos con niños menores de seis años. Estos esfuerzos mejorarán significativamente la salud de la comunidad y la calidad del stock de viviendas.
para pagar a contratistas aprobados por el estado para que presten
$1,250 in rebates for making energy related improvements such as air sealing and basicsystems upgrades. Tanto Dominion Energy Ohio como First Energy ofrecen a sus clientes auditorías de eficiencia energética gratuitas o de bajo coste. El programa EnergyStar de Dominion Energy Ohio, por ejemplo, ofrece a los propietarios de viviendas una auditoría energética y hasta $1.250 de reembolso por realizar mejoras relacionadas con la energía, como el sellado del aire y las actualizaciones de los sistemas básicos.
F3 Housing 249
F3-A-2 Identify and Support Responsible Contractors. Identificar y apoyar contratistas responsables. Finding responsible and affordable contractors who can perform necessary repairs was cited as a challenge in focus groups with residents. With construction among the top 20 most common jobs in the neighborhood, the
F3-A-3 Utilize Code Enforcement to Mitigate the Effects of Predatory Investor Activity. Utilizar la aplicación del código para mitigar los efectos de la actividad depredadora de los inversores.
issue of finding contractors may be more informational
While investors can provide helpful infusions of capital
than structural. Stakeholders should work on collecting
into a community, predatory investment activity and
and distributing lists of reliable contractors who live or
absentee landlords can be harmful and lead to blight.
work in the area. The list could be shared and updated
Local stakeholders should work with city officials to
periodically or held in a central location, such as a
ensure that the city is using its authority through code
community website, where residents could access it
enforcement to discourage blight from abandoned
when needed.
buildings. Some cities have developed special
Helping residents use sweat equity to rehab their properties is another promising approach favored by residents. Stakeholders should work to provide training and tools to residents to help them perform their own repairs and upgrades in their homes when it is safe to do so. Increasingly, neighborhood Tool Libraries provide one model of how this activity can proceed.
ordinances, like the one described below, that enable officials to address vacant and blighted properties that are harming otherwise stable communities. Si bien los inversores pueden aportar un capital útil a una comunidad, las actividades depredadoras de inversión y los propietarios ausentes pueden ser perjudiciales y provocar el deterioro. Las partes interesadas locales deben trabajar con los funcionarios municipales para asegurarse de que la ciudad aplica
Encontrar contratistas responsables y asequibles que puedan realizar
su autoridad a través del código para desalentar el deterioro de
las reparaciones necesarias se citó como uno de los retos en los
los edificios abandonados. Algunas ciudades han desarrollado
grupos de discusión con los residentes. Dado que la construcción
ordenanzas especiales, como la que se describe a continuación,
es uno de los 20 trabajos más comunes en el vecindario, encontrar
que permite a los funcionarios hacer frente a las propiedades
contratistas puede ser más informativo que estructural. Las partes
vacías y deterioradas que están perjudicando comunidades
interesadas deberían trabajar en la recopilación y distribución de
listas de contratistas fiables que viven o trabajan en la zona. La lista podría compartirse y actualizarse periódicamente o guardarse en un lugar central, como un sitio web comunitario, donde los residentes pudieran acceder a ella cuando la necesiten. Ayudar a los residentes a utilizar el capital de riesgo para la rehabilitación de sus propiedades es otro enfoque prometedor que ha sido favorecido por los residentes. Las partes interesadas deben trabajar para proporcionar formación y herramientas a los residentes de forma que se les ayude a realizar sus propias reparaciones y mejoras en sus hogares cuando sea seguro hacerlo. Cada vez más, las bibliotecas de recursos de los vecindarios ofrecen un modelo de cómo puede desarrollarse esta actividad.
“Rebuild / reuse some of our historical buildings and homes while teaching people the trades” - Ideas + Action Week Comment
Clark-Fulton Together - Final Plan
Philadelphia’s Windows and Doors Ordinance
Source: Property_Code_Enforcement-Report_2014.pdf
The Windows and Doors Ordinance is a powerful tool to help city officials compel property owners to remediate or sell vacant and blighted buildings. The ordinance enables the city to enact harsh penalties, up to $300 a day, for each uncovered window or door in communities where blighting homes are likely to have the largest negative impact on surrounding property values. In addition to harsh penalties the law empowers officials to attach fines and liens to a property owner’s other residences or properties, even if they are located outside of the city. An analysis of the program carried out in 2014, found that it was successful in encouraging investors to improve or sell blighted properties, resulting in increased property values and real estate tax revenue.
Columbus Tool Library Source:
Located in the Broadleigh neighborhood of Columbus, Ohio, the Modcon Tool Library offers members access to a library of over 4,000 hand and power tools for home repairs and projects. Membership is offered for individuals and organizations with membership fees
Pros – creates a strong disincentive for landlords not to meet minimal code standards with substantial penalties for non-compliance.
Challenges – requires time and effort by the City’s code enforcement team and can potentially lead to litigation in some instances.
based on a sliding scale based on income.
Windows and Doors Ordinance es una poderosa herramienta
Situada en el barrio de Broadleigh de Columbus, Ohio, Modcon
remedien o vendan los edificios vacíos y deteriorados. La ordenanza
Tool Library ofrece a sus miembros acceso a una biblioteca de más
permite a la ciudad aplicar duras sanciones, de hasta $300 al día,
de 4.000 herramientas manuales y eléctricas para reparaciones
por cada ventana o puerta sin cubrir en las comunidades en las
y proyectos domésticos. La membresía se ofrece a individuos y
que es probable que las casas en ruinas tengan el mayor impacto
organizaciones, con cuotas de membresía basadas en una escala
negativo en los valores de las propiedades circundantes. Además
móvil basada en los ingresos.
de las duras sanciones, la ley faculta a los funcionarios a imponer
para ayudar a los funcionarios de la ciudad a que los propietarios
multas y embargos a las demás residencias o propiedades del
Home Repair Resource Center Source:
A non-profit located in Cleveland Heights, Home Repair Resource Center empowers residents through knowledge and skills sharing on how to maintain home for sustainable and diverse communities. The organization offers classes, resources (how to guides), tool library, financial education and assistance. Home Repair Resource Center, una organización sin ánimo de lucro situada en Cleveland Heights, capacita a los residentes mediante el intercambio de conocimientos y habilidades sobre cómo mantener
propietario aunque estén situadas fuera de la ciudad. Un análisis del programa llevado a cabo en 2014, determinó que tuvo éxito al animar a los inversores a mejorar o vender las propiedades deterioradas, lo que dio lugar a un aumento del valor de las propiedades y de los ingresos por impuestos inmobiliarios. Pros – crea un fuerte desincentivo para los propietarios que no cumplan las normas mínimas del código, con importantes sanciones en caso de incumplimiento. Contras – requiere tiempo y esfuerzo por parte del equipo de aplicación del código de la ciudad y puede conducir potencialmente a un litigio en algunos de los casos.
el hogar para que las comunidades sean sostenibles y diversas. La organización ofrece clases, recursos (guías de cómo hacerlo), bibliotecas de herramientas, educación financiera y asistencia.
F3 Housing 251
Develop housing supply to meet the needs of all current and future residents. Desarrollar la oferta de viviendas para satisfacer las necesidades de todos los residentes actuales y futuros. While Clark-Fulton has a wide range of desirable and affordable housing options, there is a need for significant improvements to existing housing stock and introduction of new development to accommodate the communities’ growing needs. Through zoning and land use changes, adaptive reuse, and applications of mixed-income housing developments, housing supply can grow to meet the demand without displacing or imparting negative impacts on existing residents. Aunque Clark-Fulton cuenta con una amplia gama de opciones de vivienda deseables y asequibles, es necesario realizar mejoras significativas en el stock de viviendas existente e introducir nuevos desarrollos para acomodar las crecientes necesidades de las comunidades. Mediante cambios en la zonificación y el uso del suelo, la reutilización adaptativa y las aplicaciones de desarrollos de viviendas de ingresos mixtos, la oferta de viviendas puede crecer para satisfacer la demanda sin desplazar o impactar negativamente en los residentes existentes. 252
Clark-Fulton Together - Final Plan
WHAT IS THE COMMUNITY SAYING? Feedback gathered at Ideas & Action Week Open House - November 2020
What new housing types & styles do you want to see in Clark-Fulton? ¿Qué nuevos tipos y estilo de viviendas desea ver en Clark-Fulton?
Single Family
Single Family
Casa Unifamiliar
Casa Unifamiliar
Casa Adosada
Casa Adosada
Tiny Homes
Pequeñas Casas
Live/Work Vivir / Trabajar
Condo / Mixed Use
Condominio / Uso Mixto
F3-B-1 Create new set of building and land use standards for all neighborhood areas. Crear un nuevo conjunto de normas de construcción y uso del suelo para todas las zonas del barrio.
F3-B-2 Promote adaptive reuse of existing nonresidential sites and structures to provide additional housing opportunities.
Work with the City of Cleveland on the creation of
Promover la reutilización de sitios y estructuras no residenciales existentes para proporcionar oportunidades adicionales de vivienda.
guidelines (form-based code) for housing typologies
Clark-Fulton has a large inventory of buildings and
permitted in neighborhood areas. The housing typologies should encourage a wide range of housing types and styles to fit the needs of all current and future residents. During the planning process, community members were asked which housing types they would like to see in Clark-Fulton and the majority of residents were most interested in single-family homes, town homes, duplexes, and ADUs / tiny homes. ADUs are currently
structures that are currently underutilized (industrial, commercial, and residential) that can be retrofit to become housing sites. Metro West should work with the Community Investment Fund to identify and acquire the sites, and then partner with public and private developers, the city and state to provide more affordable housing opportunities in Clark-Fulton.
not permitted in the City of Cleveland, consider including
Clark-Fulton tiene un gran inventario de edificios y estructuras
ADUs as a building typology when creating the new
que actualmente están infrautilizados (industriales, comerciales
form-based code for Clark-Fulton.
y residenciales) que pueden ser readaptados para convertirse en viviendas.
See Chapter 6 for a detailed matrix of proposed building typologies permitted in each neighborhood area.
Metro West debe trabajar con el Fondo de Inversión Comunitaria para identificar y adquirir los sitios, para después asociarse con promotores
Trabajar con la ciudad de Cleveland en la creación de directrices
públicos y privados, la ciudad y el estado para proporcionar más
tipológicas de vivienda permitidas (código basado en la forma) en las
oportunidades de vivienda asequible en Clark-Fulton.
diferentes zonas del vecindario. Las tipologías de vivienda deberían fomentar una amplia gama de tipos y estilos de vivienda para satisfacer las necesidades de todos los residentes actuales y futuros. Durante el proceso de planificación, se preguntó a los miembros de la comunidad qué tipos de vivienda les gustaría ver en Clark-Fulton y la mayoría de los residentes estaban más interesados en las casas unifamiliares, casas adosadas, dúplex y ADUs / casas pequeñas. Las ADUs no están actualmente permitidas en la ciudad de Cleveland, se debería considerar incluir ADUs como una tipología de edificio cuando se cree el nuevo código basado en la forma para Clark-Fulton. Véase el Capítulo 6 para una matriz detallada de las tipologías de edificios propuestas y permitidas en cada zona del vecindario.
Metro West project to build low-income apartments at Blanket Mills complex
F3 Housing 253
F3-B-3 Facilitate partnerships to deliver mixed-income housing development. Facilitar las asociaciones para la construcción de viviendas de ingresos mixta. In order to provide mixed-income housing, there needs to be a balance between market-rate and affordable units. Mixed-income housing can be achieved through assistance, varied housing forms, densities, social support networks, and job training. Metro West should continue working with public and private developers, the City and state to explore options and locations to
F3-B-4 Consider different architecture tectonics. Considerar las diferentes tectónicas arquitecturales. Promote alternative and sustainable construction methods to provide a range of housing options. Promoting alternative construction methods, such as modular construction, allows for housing stock to grow and expand with the needs of the community by allowing flexibility in the design to allow additions. This type of housing and construction should be considered in Clark-Fulton as an option for multi-generational living and aging-in-place as it
support mixed-income housing in Clark-Fulton.
can offer incremental growth at an affordable rate.
Para proporcionar viviendas de ingresos mixtos es necesario que
Promover métodos de construcción alternativos y sostenibles para
haya un equilibrio entre las unidades a precio de mercado y las asequibles. Las viviendas de ingresos mixtos puede lograrse mediante ayudas, formas de vivienda variadas, densidades, redes de apoyo social y formación laboral. Metro West debe seguir trabajando con los promotores públicos y privados, la ciudad y el estado para explorar opciones y ubicaciones para apoyar la vivienda de ingresos mixtos en Clark-Fulton.
ofrecer una gama de opciones de vivienda. La promoción de métodos de construcción alternativos, como la construcción modular, permite que el stock de viviendas crezca y se amplíe con las necesidades de la comunidad al permitir la flexibilidad en el diseño para permitir adiciones. Este tipo de vivienda y construcción debería considerarse en Clark-Fulton como una opción para la vida multigeneracional y el envejecimiento en el lugar, ya que puede ofrecer un crecimiento incremental a un ritmo asequible.
CASE STUDIES Passive House Passive House is a voluntary standard for energy efficiency in a building, which reduces the building’s ecological footprint. It results in ultra-low energy buildings that require little energy for space heating or cooling. Passive House es un estándar voluntario para la eficiencia energética de un edificio que reduce la huella ecológica del mismo. Da lugar a edificios de muy bajo consumo energético que requieren poca energía para la calefacción o la refrigeración de los espacios.
Boxabl Boxabl tiny homes are modular structures built with long-lasting sustainability materials that are built off site and delivered to housing locations in shipping containers. The first model is 375 square feet, includes a full-sized bathroom and kitchen. Boxabl plans to continue to develop different models and options for add-ons for stackable and connected units. Las casas pequeñas de Boxabl son estructuras modulares construidas con materiales sostenibles de larga duración que se construyen fuera de las instalaciones y se entregan en contenedores de transporte. El primer modelo tiene 375 pies cuadrados e incluye un baño y una cocina de tamaño completo. Boxabl tiene previsto seguir desarrollando diferentes modelos y complementos para unidades apilables y conectadas.
Clark-Fulton Together - Final Plan
F3-B-5 Streamline development process, and promote community participation. Agilizar el proceso de desarrollo y promover la participación de la comunidad. Work with the City of Cleveland, Metro West and the
Trabajar con la Ciudad de Cleveland, Metro West y la Oficina de la
Office of Ward 14 Councilwoman Jasmin Santana to
Concejal del Ward 14 Jasmin Santana para crear mejores canales
create better channels of communication around new
de comunicación en torno a las nuevas solicitudes de desarrollo de
development applications to increase awareness and public input. Each organization should have a different role in notifying the public, encouraging participation, and gathering input to submit to Near West Design Review.
City of Cleveland
forma que se aumente la conciencia y las aportaciones del público. Cada organización debería desempeñar un papel diferente en cuanto a la notificación al público, el fomento de la participación y la recopilación de aportaciones para presentarlas a Near West Design Review.
Ciudad de Cleveland La ciudad de Cleveland debería reclutar activamente a miembros
The City of Cleveland should actively recruit community
de la comunidad para que formen parte del Comité de Revisión
members to sit on the Near West Design Review
de Near West Design, que revisa y aprueba todas las solicitudes de
Committee, which reviews and approves all development
desarrollo en el lado oeste de Cleveland.
applications on the near west side of Cleveland. Gaining new membership to the Near West Design Review Committee will involve more community members in the process, and will help spread the word about development through word of mouth throughout the community.
Metro West + Councilwoman Jasmin Santana Metro West Community Development Organization should create a separate page with a calendar and information about upcoming meetings on active development applications. This page and calendar should be regularly updated and promoted on social media and through word of mouth. Work with block
La incorporación de nuevos miembros al Comité de Revisión de Near West Design implicará a más miembros de la comunidad en el proceso, y ayudará a difundir el desarrollo a través del boca a boca en toda la comunidad.
Metro West + Concejala Jasmin Santana Metro West Community Development Organization debería crear una página independiente con un calendario e información sobre las próximas reuniones sobre las solicitudes de desarrollo que se encuentran activas. Esta página y el calendario deberían actualizarse con regularidad y promocionarse en las redes sociales y a través del boca a boca. Trabajar con los líderes de las asociaciones vecinales para distribuir la información a través del boca a boca, y animar a las mismas a revisar las solicitudes y presentar comentarios a Near West Design Review Committee.
club leaders to distribute information through word of mouth, and encourage block cubs to review applications and submit comments to the Near West Design Review Committee.
F3 Housing 255
Provide financial resources to increase home ownership and retention.
Aumentar el Acceso a los Bonos de Vivienda Housing choice vouchers are an important tool that give residents struggling with housing costs a way to choose where they live. The Cuyahoga Metropolitan Housing Authority operates the county’s Housing Choice Voucher
Proporcionar recursos financieros para aumentar la posesión de viviendas y su conservación.
program. Stakeholders should work with CMHA and
Residents and stakeholders affirmed a strong desire to help retain existing residents and increase homeownership opportunities, while not increasing property taxes. Doing so will require additional resources and programs to increase access to housing vouchers, support agingin-place, develop accessible loan products, and create new funding sources to support home maintenance and rehabilitation.
Authority gestiona el programa de bonos de elección de vivienda
Los residentes y las partes interesadas reafirmaron un fuerte deseo de ayudar a retener a los residentes existentes y aumentar las oportunidades de propiedad de la vivienda sin aumentar los impuestos a la propiedad. Esto requerirá recursos y programas adicionales para aumentar el acceso a los bonos de vivienda, apoyar el envejecimiento en el lugar, desarrollar productos de préstamos accesibles y crear nuevas fuentes de financiación para apoyar el mantenimiento y la rehabilitación de la vivienda.
F3-C-1 Increase Access to Housing Vouchers.
Clark-Fulton Together - Final Plan
others to advocate for sufficient funding for the agency’s Housing Choice Voucher program. Project based vouchers can be tied permanently to new housing units to ensure long-term affordability in the neighborhood. Los bonos de elección de vivienda son una herramienta importante que ofrece a los residentes que luchan por los costes de la vivienda una forma de elegir dónde vivir. Cuyahoga Metropolitan Housing del condado. Las partes interesadas deben trabajar con CMHA y otros para abogar por una financiación suficiente para el programa de bonos de elección de vivienda de la agencia. Los bonos basados en proyectos pueden vincularse permanentemente a las nuevas unidades de vivienda para garantizar la asequibilidad a largo plazo en el vecindario.
F3-C-2 Support Aging-in-Place.
Ciudades de todo el país han trabajado para desarrollar programas
Apoyar el envejecimiento en el lugar
permanecer en sus hogares a medida que envejecen. Los programas
Cities around the country have worked to develop programs designed to help long-term residents remain in their homes as they age. The programs described below help long-term residents manage increasing housing costs, and pay for the adaptive modifications they need to make their homes safe as they age: ◌ ◌
Philadelphia’s Longtime Owner Occupancy Program (LOOP) Akron’s Age-In-Place Program
diseñados con el fin ayudar a los residentes de larga duración a que se describen a continuación ayudan a dichos residentes a gestionar los crecientes costes de la vivienda y a pagar las modificaciones de adaptación que necesitan para que sus casas sean seguras a medida que envejecen:
◌ ◌
Philadelphia’s Longtime Owner Occupancy Program (LOOP) Akron’s Age-In-Place Program
En Ohio, la administración de las evaluaciones y la recaudación del impuesto sobre la propiedad se rige por la política estatal. Cualquier cambio o nueva exención, incluso a nivel local, debe ser autorizada por esta misma ley. Los líderes de la vivienda asequible de Cleveland y de
In Ohio, the administration of property tax assessments
todo el estado están trabajando actualmente con Greater Ohio Policy
and collection is governed by state policy. Any changes
Center (GOPC) para identificar recomendaciones de políticas estatales
or new exemptions, even at the local level, must be
viables que proporcionen un alivio del impuesto a la propiedad a los
authorized by state statute. Affordable housing leaders
residentes vulnerables. En 2020, hubo dos propuestas separadas,
from Cleveland and around the state are currently working with the Greater Ohio Policy Center (GOPC) to identify workable state policy recommendations that would provide property tax relief to vulnerable residents. In 2020, there were two separate proposals, SB 273 and SB 335, which aimed to reduce property tax
SB 273 y SB 335, que pretendían reducir la carga del impuesto a la propiedad mediante la limitación del aumento de los valores de propiedad evaluados. Ninguno de los dos proyectos de ley salió del comité antes del final de la 133ª Asamblea General, aunque se espera que se vuelvan a presentar versiones de estos proyectos de ley en 2021 como parte de la 134ª Asamblea General.
burden by limiting the increase on assessed property
El GOPC está trabajando activamente con los defensores de la vivienda
values. Neither bill moved out of committee before
asequible en todo el estado y con los responsables de la política estatal
the end of the 133rd General Assembly, though there
para desarrollar una recomendación de política que a) proporcione
is an expectation that versions of these bills will be re-introduced in 2021 as part of the 134th General Assembly. GOPC is actively working with affordable housing advocates around the state and with state policymakers to develop a policy recommendation that a) provides property tax relief to vulnerable residents, and b) anticipates “unintended consequences,” such as income reductions for local governments. A property tax cap can provide immediate relief to homeowners by either freezing the property value or indexing future assessments, though this policy can easily limit revenue collection for local jurisdictions that rely on property taxes, primarily impacting school districts across the state. Targeting this policy to low-income homeowners who are experiencing rapid increases to their property tax bills can mitigate some of the revenue-stinting externalities associated with a tax increase cap.
un alivio del impuesto a la propiedad a los residentes vulnerables, y b) prevea “consecuencias imprevistas”, como la reducción de ingresos para los gobiernos locales. Un tope del impuesto sobre la propiedad puede proporcionar un alivio inmediato a los propietarios de viviendas, ya sea congelando el valor de la propiedad o indexando las evaluaciones futuras, aunque esta política puede limitar fácilmente la recaudación de ingresos para las jurisdicciones locales que dependen de estos impuestos, afectando principalmente a los distritos escolares de todo el estado. Dirigir esta política a los propietarios con bajos ingresos que están experimentando rápidos aumentos en sus impuestos sobre la propiedad puede mitigar algunas de las externalidades que restringen los ingresos asociadas a un tope de aumento de impuestos.
“We need more housing opportunities for Seniors (Legacy Stakeholders)” - Ideas + Action Week Comment
F3 Housing 257
Philadelphia’s Longtime Owner Occupancy Program (LOOP)
Akron’s Age-In-Place Program
The LOOP program is designed to provide
in homes with elderly residents, Akron’s Age-In-
property tax relief for long-term residents whose property tax assessments have increased by 50% or more. The program is limited to residents
Designed to help pay for adaptive modifications Place program works with homeowners in their 50s and 60s to enter into responsible reverse mortgages. Proceeds from the mortgages are
that meet income limits and length of ownership
used to pay for home repairs.
requirements. Implementing a LOOP-like program
El programa Akron’s Age-In-Place, diseñado para ayudar
in Cleveland would require enabling legislation from the state.
a pagar las modificaciones de adaptación de las viviendas de los residentes de edad avanzada, trabaja con los propietarios de viviendas de entre 50 y 60 años para que
El programa LOOP está diseñado para aliviar los impuestos
suscriban hipotecas inversas responsables. Los ingresos de
sobre la propiedad de los residentes de larga duración cuyas
las hipotecas se utilizan para pagar las reparaciones de la
evaluaciones han aumentado en un 50% o más. El programa
se limita a los residentes que cumplen con los requisitos de ingresos y los requisitos de duración de la propiedad. La implantación de un programa similar al LOOP en Cleveland requeriría la aprobación de una ley estatal.
Clark-Fulton Together - Final Plan
F3-C-3 Develop Accessible Loan Products.
Para los residentes de Clark-Fulton interesados en la compra
Desarrollar productos de préstamo accesibles.
Además, es difícil encontrar bancos dispuestos a conceder
For Clark-Fulton residents interested in purchasing
préstamo-valor vigentes y para valores de mercado bajos como
homes, access to mortgage capital is a major barrier
los actuales en Clark-Fulton. Las partes interesadas deben trabajar
to homeownership. Additionally, finding banks willing to make home repair loans at prevailing loan-tovalue ratios and for low market values in Clark-Fulton is difficult. Stakeholders should work to create a mechanism to invest in single-family homes and create homeownership opportunities by partnering with local banks, such as CHN and Third Federal Savings and Loan, and the City, to create loan products that meet the needs of Clark-Fulton residents. The City’s Gap Financing program has been used to
de viviendas, el acceso al capital hipotecario es una barrera importante para la acceder a la propiedad de una vivienda. préstamos para la reparación de viviendas con los ratios de
para crear un mecanismo para invertir en viviendas unifamiliares y crear oportunidades de propiedad de la vivienda mediante la asociación con los bancos locales, como CHN y Third Federal Savings and Loan, y la ciudad, para crear productos de préstamo que satisfagan las necesidades de los residentes de Clark-Fulton. El programa Gap Financing de la ciudad se ha utilizado para ayudar a resolver el desajuste entre el coste de las nuevas construcciones y los valores de mercado existentes:
City of Cleveland Gap Financing program (CGF)
help address the mismatch between the cost of new
Para los propietarios de viviendas individuales, Cleveland tiene una
construction and existing market values:
serie de programas existentes destinados a ayudar a los residentes
City of Cleveland Gap Financing program (CGF)
For individual homeowners, Cleveland has a number of existing programs intended to help residents purchase homes when down payment or closing costs are the largest barrier: ◌ ◌
CHN Down Payment Assistance Ohio Housing Finance Agency Your Choice! Down Payment Assistance
Less support is available for buyers for whom the largest
a comprar casas cuando el pago inicial o los costes de cierre son el mayor obstáculo:
◌ ◌
CHN Down Payment Assistance Ohio Housing Finance Agency Your Choice! Down Payment Assistance
Hay menos ayudas para los compradores, para los que los mayores obstáculos son las normas bancarias en torno a las relaciones préstamo-valor:
Ohio Housing Finance Agency 203(k) Home Repair Loans
barriers are bank standards around loan-to-value ratios: ◌
Ohio Housing Finance Agency 203(k) Home Repair Loans
F3 Housing 259
INITIATIVES & PROGRAMS Existing City Loan Assistance Programs
CHN Down Payment Assistance
City of Cleveland Gap Financing Program (CGF)
CHN Housing Capital provides
The CGF was a temporary gap
down payment assistance to
financing initiative through the
low and moderate income
Department of Community
residents of Cuyahoga County.
Development to help close the
Eligible homebuyers can receive
gap between the cost of new
A 203(k) (Home Repair Loan)
up to $13,395 or 10% of their
construction in the city and
allows you to combine your
home price when purchasing
existing market values. Between
mortgage loan and repair
single family homes in in eligible
April 13 and July 1 the fund
costs into one long-term,
neighborhoods (Clark-Fulton is
made $1.4 million available to
fixed-rate mortgage to finance
currently not eligible).
invest in single family home
Ohio Finance Agency 203(k) Home Repair Loans)
both the purchase and the rehabilitation of a property. The total mortgage amount is based on the projected value of the property after all of the repairs and updates have been
CHN Housing Capital proporciona asistencia para el pago inicial a los residentes de ingresos bajos y moderados del condado de Cuyahoga. Los compradores de vivienda elegibles pueden recibir hasta
homes being sold below $250,000. By helping stimulate new construction in Cleveland, the program intended to stimulate and sustain private
$13.395 o el 10% del precio de su
construction investments
costs. The 203(k) (Home Repair
casa al comprar casas unifamiliares
that would establish higher
Loan) product is available to
en los barrios elegibles (Clark-Fulton
market values and make a
finance repairs up to $35,000.
no es elegible actualmente).
strong positive visual impact on
completed, including the labor
The property must be a one- to four-family home that has been
CGF fue una iniciativa temporal de
completed for at least one year. Un préstamo 203(k) (Home Repair Loan) le permite combinar su préstamo hipotecario y los costes
Ohio Housing Finance Agency Your Choice! Down Payment Assistance
de reparación en una sola hipoteca
The Your Choice! program
a largo plazo y a tipo fijo para
provides eligible homeowners
financiar tanto la compra como la rehabilitación de una propiedad. El importe total de la hipoteca se basa en el valor proyectado de la propiedad después de que se hayan realizado todas las reparaciones y actualizaciones, incluidos los costes de mano de obra. El producto 203(k) ((Home Repair Loan) está disponible para financiar reparaciones de hasta $35.000. La propiedad debe ser una vivienda de una a cuatro familias que se haya completado al menos hace un año.
construction projects where
Clark-Fulton Together - Final Plan
with 2.5% to 5% of their home’s purchase price to apply towards closing or downpayment costs. The assistance is forgiven after seven years. El programa Your Choice! ofrece a los propietarios de viviendas que reúnan los requisitos entre el 2,5% y el 5% del precio de compra de su vivienda para aplicarlo a los gastos de cierre o de pago inicial. La ayuda se condona al cabo de siete años.
financiación a través de Department of Community Development para ayudar a cerrar la brecha entre el coste de las nuevas construcciones en la ciudad y los valores de mercado existentes. Entre el 13 de abril y el 1 de julio, el fondo puso a disposición 1.4 millones de dólares para invertir en proyectos de construcción de viviendas unifamiliares que se vendieran por debajo de $250.000. Al ayudar a estimular la nueva construcción en Cleveland, el programa pretendía estimular y mantener las inversiones en construcción privada que establecerían valores de mercado más altos y tendrían un fuerte impacto visual positivo en los vecindarios. Source:
F3-C-4 Explore Alternative Finance Models. Explorar modelos financieros alternativos Alternative financing models, such as a Rotating Credit and Savings Association (ROSCA), are common in other cultures and may provide a helpful alternative to traditional banking institutions. Under a ROSCA, community members pool money into a common fund. Members are given the right to withdraw a lump sum from the fund on a rotating basis, paying back the funds they have withdrawn at the
WHAT IS THE COMMUNITY SAYING? Feedback gathered at Plan Commencement Open House - June 2021
What programs and resources are most needed for existing residents? What programs and resources are most needed for existing residents?
end of their cycle. Other crowd-funding platforms, such as
KIVA, offer more traditional forms of credit in small, “micro”
increments which allow un- and under-banked communities to access credit. Los modelos de financiación alternativos, como Rotating Credit and Savings Association (ROSCA), son comunes en otras culturas y pueden constituir una alternativa útil a las instituciones bancarias tradicionales. En una ROSCA, los miembros de la comunidad reúnen dinero en un fondo común. Los miembros tienen derecho a retirar una suma global del fondo
Facade Repairs Reparaciones de Fachadas
Interior Repairs Reparaciones Interiores
de forma rotativa, devolviendo los fondos que han retirado al final de su ciclo. Otras plataformas de crowdfunding, como KIVA, ofrecen formas
más tradicionales de crédito en micro incrementos que permiten a las
comunidades no bancarizadas acceder al crédito.
F3-C-5 Develop New Funding Sources for Home Maintenance and Rehabilitation.
Classes & Program Clases y programas
Desarrollar nuevas fuentes de financiación para el mantenimiento y la rehabilitación de viviendas.
Grants & Loans Ayudas y préstamos
Additional mechanisms to fund rehab and new development
may also be required. In other cities, city governments, philanthropies, local banks and CDFI’s have collaborated in different ways to create pools of grant funds, or low/no cost revolving loan funds, to support neighborhood development: ◌ ◌
Nationwide Children’s Hospital Rehab Program. Detroit’s Home Repair Program
También pueden ser necesarios mecanismos adicionales para financiar
Real Estate Knowledge Conocimiento de inmobiliarios
Household Finance Management Gestión de finanzas del hogar
la rehabilitación y el nuevo desarrollo. En otras ciudades, los gobiernos municipales, las organizaciones filantrópicas, los bancos locales y CDFI han colaborado de diferentes maneras para crear fondos de subvención o fondos de préstamos rotatorios de bajo o nulo coste para apoyar el desarrollo de los barrios:
◌ ◌
Nationwide Children’s Hospital Rehab Program. Detroit’s Home Repair Program
F3 Housing 261
CASE STUDIES Nationwide Children’s Hospital Rehab Program
Detroit’s Home Repair Program
With initial investments from the hospital, local
The Detroit Home Repair Program provides 0%
philanthropy and banking institutions, Nationwide
interest loans ranging from $5,000 to $25,000 to help
Children’s hospital created a collaborative pool of
homeowners make health, safety, and basic systems
capital, which is managed by a community development
repairs to their homes. The program, which was
corporation. The fund has been used to support the
capitalized through $4 million in CDBG and $4 million
completion deferred maintenance and rehabilitation
from Bank of America is administered through 14 intake
activities in the local community, as well as to acquire,
centers across the city and funded 450 applications in
rehab and rent affordable housing that is owned and
its first year.
operated by the CDC.
Source: home-repair-program#collapse-vbp-accordion-3276-2
Detroit Home Repair Program ofrece préstamos al 0% de interés
Con las inversiones iniciales del hospital, la filantropía local y las
que oscilan entre los $5.000 y los $25.000 para ayudar a los
instituciones bancarias, el hospital Nationwide Children’s creó un
propietarios a realizar reparaciones que tengan que ver con la
fondo común de capital que es gestionado por una corporación
salud, seguridad y sistemas básicos en sus viviendas. El programa,
de desarrollo comunitario. El fondo se ha utilizado para apoyar la
que se capitalizó con 4 millones de dólares del CDBG y 4 millones
realización de actividades de mantenimiento diferido y rehabilitación
del Bank of America, se administra a través de 14 centros de
en la comunidad local, así como para adquirir, rehabilitar y alquilar
admisión en toda la ciudad y financió 450 solicitudes en su primer
viviendas asequibles que son propiedad de CDC y están gestionadas
por el mismo.
Clark-Fulton Together - Final Plan
Build financial literacy, trade skills, and education of current and future residents. Fomentar los conocimientos financieros, las habilidades comerciales y la educación de los residentes actuales y futuros. Maintaining and improving the existing housing stock, and expanding access to financial capital will also depend on the successful development of human capital in the neighborhood. This will require investments in workforce education and training to help households qualify for stable and better paying jobs. El mantenimiento y la mejora del stock de viviendas existente y la ampliación del acceso al capital financiero dependerán también del éxito del desarrollo del capital humano en el vecindario. Para ello será necesario invertir en la educación y la formación de la población activa para ayudar a los hogares a acceder a puestos de trabajo estables y mejor remunerados.
There are a range of workforce development strategies that can support neighborhood residents’ efforts to stabilize their employment and overall financial situations. Programs described below are intended to support financial literacy and housing counseling and trade skills in construction and real estate investment. ◌ ◌ ◌
Jumpstart Germantown Rebuild Metro Nationwide Children’s Hospital
There are also a number of existing programs in the city, which could be leveraged to support Clark-Fulton: ◌ ◌ ◌
CHN Housing Partners Towards Employment Union Miles - Building Future
Whatever set of activities Metro West decides to pursue there is tremendous value in the creation and maintenance of an accessible and easy to use point of access for available housing resources in the neighborhood – this could be a physical location in the neighborhood, a virtual location on the internet, or some combination. The relative ‘success’ of these ‘information depots’ depends on how well known they are to neighborhood residents and developers and how relevant and timely the information is for those seeking it. Hay una serie de estrategias de desarrollo de la población activa que pueden apoyar los esfuerzos de los residentes del vecindario para estabilizar su empleo y su situación financiera general. Los programas que se describen a continuación tienen por objeto apoyar los conocimientos financieros y el asesoramiento en materia de vivienda, así como las habilidades comerciales en la construcción y la inversión inmobiliaria.
◌ ◌ ◌
Jumpstart Germantown Rebuild Metro Nationwide Children’s Hospital
También hay una serie de programas existentes en la ciudad que podrían aprovecharse para apoyar a Clark-Fulton:
◌ ◌ ◌
CHN Housing Partners Towards Employment Union Miles - Building Future
Independientemente de cual sea el conjunto de actividades que Metro West decida llevar a cabo, la creación y el mantenimiento de un punto de acceso accesible y fácil de usar para los recursos de vivienda disponibles en el vecindario tiene un enorme valor: puede ser un lugar físico en el vecindario, un lugar virtual en Internet o una combinación de ambos. El “éxito” relativo de estos “depósitos de información” depende de su grado de conocimiento por parte de los residentes y promotores del vecindario y de la relevancia de la información para quienes la buscan.
F3 Housing 263
Union Miles - Building Futures
A local employment and
The Building Futures is a
Provides financial and
training organization that
training program targeting ex-
homeownership counseling
connects people with
offenders and returning citizens
for residents including basic
careers. In addition to job
for employment in housing
financial and budgeting
readiness training, the
rehabilitation and property
principles as well as more
program provides supportive
maintenance. Participants
advanced topics such
services that help address
participate in a 6-month
as building credit, home
barriers to employment such
training and pre-apprenticeship
maintenance, and loan terms.
as transportation, legal, and
program taught by dedicated
wardrobe requirements.
instructors and retired
Una organización local de empleo
construction workers.
y formación que pone en contacto
Building Futures es un programa de
a las personas con carreras
formación dirigido a ex delincuentes
profesionales. Además de la
y ciudadanos que experimentan
formación de preparación para
una reinserción en la comunidad
el trabajo, el programa ofrece
para trabajar en la rehabilitación
servicios de apoyo que ayudan a
de viviendas y el mantenimiento
superar las barreras al empleo
de propiedades. Los participantes
como los requisitos de transporte,
asisten a un programa de formación
legales y de vestuario.
y preaprendizaje de 6 meses de
Source: https://www.towardsemployment. org/our-model/
duración impartido por instructores especializados y trabajadores de la construcción jubilados. Source: building-futures/
CHN Housing Partners
Clark-Fulton Together - Final Plan
Proporciona asesoramiento financiero y sobre la propiedad de la vivienda a los residentes, incluyendo principios financieros y presupuestarios básicos, así como temas más avanzados como la creación de crédito, el mantenimiento de la vivienda y las condiciones de los préstamos.
CASE STUDIES Jumpstart Germantown Source:
In the Germantown neighborhood of Philadelphia Jumpstart Germantown creates opportunities for local residents to invest in and improve their own neighborhoods while developing new skills, building wealth, and supporting a balance of market rate and affordable housing. The incubator program offers training, mentoring, and even financing to graduates to help them purchase and renovate homes in their communities. By improving the existing housing stock, the program homes to mitigate blight, and spur sustainable neighborhood improvements. En el vecindario de Germantown en Philadelphia, Jumpstart Germantown crea Jumpstart Courses help residents learn more about threal estate market.
oportunidades para que los residentes locales inviertan en sus propios vecindarios y los mejoren a la vez que desarrollan nuevas habilidades, crean riqueza y apoyan un equilibrio entre el precio del mercado y la vivienda asequible. El programa incubadora ofrece formación, tutoría e incluso financiación a los graduados para ayudarles a comprar y renovar viviendas en sus comunidades. Al mejorar el stock de viviendas existente, el programa contribuye a mitigar el deterioro e impulsar mejoras sostenibles en el vecindario.
Rebuild Metro
In the Oliver neighborhood of Baltimore Rebuild Metro uses a bottom-up community revitalization approach grounded in deep connections with the local community and a build from strength approach to identify and rehabilitate real estate in the neighborhood. Rebuild Metro combines a mix of practices that include employing local residents, developing pathways to ownership through rent-to-own agreements combined with housing counselling and financial literacy support to build the skills of local residents, and increase their credit worthiness to help build wealth while redeveloping the neighborhood. En el vecindario de Oliver en Baltimore, Rebuild Metro utiliza un enfoque de Rebuild Metro’s bottom-up revitalization approach
revitalización comunitaria ascendente basado en conexiones profundas con la comunidad local y un enfoque de construcción desde la fuerza para identificar y rehabilitar bienes inmuebles en el vecindario. Rebuild Metro combina prácticas que incluyen el empleo de residentes locales, el desarrollo de vías de acceso a la titularidad de una propiedad a través de acuerdos de alquiler con opción a compra y asesoramiento en materia de vivienda y apoyo a la educación financiera para desarrollar las habilidades de los residentes locales y aumentar su solvencia para ayudar a crear riqueza mientras se reconstruye el vecindario.
F3 Housing 265
Create a community land trust to provide affordable housing in perpetuity.
There is a widely shared belief that in Clark-Fulton a community land trust could help the neighborhood focus on resident retention, reduce turnover, and increase ‘the right types’ of investments to ensure new housing and commercial amenities can be enjoyed by existing residents. Community land trusts create permanently affordable housing by giving ownership of community land to a central organization and imposing restrictions
Crear un fondo de tierras comunitarias para proporcionar viviendas asequibles a perpetuidad.
on the resale price of homes built on that land. There
During the community engagement phase of the planning process residents and key real estate stakeholders expressed a strong desire to mitigate the effects of an increasing amount of observed investor activity perceived as speculative, exploitative, and irresponsible in the neighborhood. A community land trust could help the neighborhood manage neighborhood change proactively to ensure new residential and commercial investments don’t displace, undermine, underserve, or undervalue the current community.
might depress sales prices among surrounding non-
Durante la fase de participación de la comunidad en el proceso de planificación, los residentes y las principales partes interesadas del sector inmobiliario expresaron un fuerte deseo de mitigar los efectos de la creciente actividad de los inversores percibida como especulativa, explotadora e irresponsable en el vecindario. Un fondo de tierras comunitarias podría ayudar al vecindario a gestionar el cambio de forma proactiva para garantizar que las nuevas inversiones residenciales y comerciales no desplacen, socaven, infrautilicen o infravaloren a la comunidad actual.
Clark-Fulton Together - Final Plan
is existing research to suggest that community land trusts are effective ways to reduce foreclosures and help preserve affordable housing options. However, very little is known about the impact that community land trusts have on surrounding markets. It is possible that resale price restrictions on community land trust properties community land trust homes, which could harm other neighborhood residents. For this reason, administration of a community land trust in Clark-Fulton would need to balance the needs to preserve affordability while not discouraging market rate development that is also needed to catalyze broader revitalization in the neighborhood. Existe una creencia ampliamente compartida de que un fondo de tierras comunitarias en Clark-Fulton podría ayudar al vecindario a centrarse en la retención de los residentes, reducir la rotación y aumentar los “tipos adecuados” de inversiones para garantizar que las nuevas viviendas y los servicios comerciales puedan ser disfrutados por los residentes existentes. Los fondos de tierras comunitarias crean viviendas asequibles de forma permanente al otorgar la propiedad de los terrenos a una organización central e imponer restricciones al precio de reventa de las viviendas construidas en dichos terrenos. Existen estudios que sugieren que los fondos de tierras comunitarios son formas eficaces de reducir las ejecuciones hipotecarias y ayudar a preservar las opciones de vivienda asequible. Sin embargo, se sabe muy poco sobre el impacto que estos tienen en los mercados circundantes. Es posible que las restricciones de los precios de reventa de las propiedades de los fondos de tierras comunitarias debiliten los precios de venta de las viviendas circundantes no pertenecientes a los fondos, lo que podría perjudicar a otros residentes del vecindario. Por esta razón, la administración de dicho fondo en Clark-Fulton tendría que equilibrar las necesidades de preservar la asequibilidad sin desalentar el desarrollo a precio de mercado que también es necesario para catalizar una revitalización más amplia en el vecindario.
APPROACHES To create a Community Land Trust Create a completely new community land trust for Clark-Fulton. Crear un nuevo fondo de tierras comunitario para Clark-Fulton Pros - Creating an entirely new entity provides
Pros - La creación de una entidad totalmente nueva ofrece la
maximum flexibility to tailor its structure and
máxima flexibilidad para adaptar su estructura y funcionamiento
operations to the needs of the neighborhood.
a las necesidades del vecindario.
Challenges - Establishing an entirely new entity
Contras - La creación de una entidad totalmente nueva requiere
requires considerable administrative, financial and
considerables medios administrativos, financieros y jurídicos, lo
legal wherewithal to create, prolonging the time until
que prolonga el tiempo hasta que pueda empezar a adquirir,
it can begin to acquire, rehabilitate and put properties
rehabilitar y devolver las propiedades a su uso productivo.
back into productive use.
Expand the newly created community investment trust for commercial properties to include residential properties as well. Ampliar el fondo de inversión comunitaria recientemente creado para las propiedades comerciales para incluir también las propiedades residenciales. Pros - Building off this new resources will increase
Pros - Aprovechar estos nuevos recursos aumentará las
the likelihood for success and shorten the time to a
probabilidades de éxito y acortará el tiempo para que un fondo
community land trust being able to acquire property
de tierras comunitarias pueda adquirir propiedades en Clark-
in Clark-Fulton, and ultimately put properties back to productive use in the neighborhood. Challenges - There may be administrative and
Fulton y, en última instancia, devolver las propiedades a un uso productivo en el vecindario. . Contras - Puede haber obstáculos administrativos y legales para
legal hurdles to permit the inclusion of residential
permitir la inclusión de propiedades residenciales en el fondo de
properties into the community investment trust.
inversión comunitaria.
Work with the existing Near West Land Trust to expand its geographic footprint to include Clark-Fulton. Trabajar con Near West Land Trust para ampliar su huella geográfica e incluir a Clark-Fulton. Pros - Building off this existing resource will greatly
Pros - Aprovechar este recurso existente aumentará en gran
increase the likelihood for success and shorten the
medida las probabilidades de éxito y acortará el tiempo para que
time to a community land trust being able to acquire
un fondo de tierras comunitarias pueda adquirir propiedades en
property in Clark-Fulton, and ultimately put properties back to productive use in the neighborhood.
Clark-Fulton y, en última instancia, devolver las propiedades a un uso productivo en el vecindario.
Challenges - The Tremont Community Land Trust is
Contras - Tremont Community Land Trust no está gestionado por
not operated by a Clark-Fulton based entity.
una entidad con sede en Clark-Fulton.
F3 Housing 267
CONSIDERATIONS For establishing a Community Land Trust Identifying a Responsive Governing Structure. Identificación de una estructura de gobierno receptiva. The community land trust’s governing structure
La estructura de gobierno del fondo comunitario de
includes the legal entity that owns the land and
tierras incluye la entidad legal que posee el terreno y
potentially operates properties, as well as the
que potencialmente opera las propiedades, así como la
composition of the entity’s board, which should include housing and finance experts along with residents. It may be beneficial to examine the existing community land trust in Tremont.
composición de la junta de la entidad que debe incluir expertos en vivienda y finanzas junto con los residentes. Puede ser beneficioso examinar el fondo comunitario de tierras existente en Tremont.
Developing a comprehensive inventory of vacant buildings and publicly owned assets. Elaborar un inventario exhaustivo de los edificios vacíos y de los bienes de propiedad pública. A comprehensive land survey in Clark Fulton would help establish a baseline understanding of neighborhood conditions and the availability of parcels and projects that could be used by the community land trust.
Un estudio exhaustivo del terreno en Clark Fulton ayudaría a establecer un conocimiento de las condiciones del vecindario y de la disponibilidad de parcelas y proyectos que podrían ser utilizados por el fondo de tierras comunitario.
Creating a framework that outlines how the community land trust will prioritize the disposition of property. Crear un marco que describa el modo en que el fondo de tierras comunitario dará prioridad a la disposición de las propiedades. The plan or framework should provide a
El plan o marco debe proporcionar un conjunto de
set of transparent and accessible rules and
normas y procedimientos transparentes y accesibles que
procedures to govern the disposition and
rijan la disposición y asignación de los terrenos. Por
allocation of land. For example, the framework should identify when the community land trust will prioritize land for side-lots owned by residents over public gardens or parts, and when homes will be used for rental vs ownership housing.
Clark-Fulton Together - Final Plan
ejemplo, el marco debe identificar cuándo el fondo de tierras comunitarias dará prioridad a los terrenos para parcelas laterales propiedad de los residentes frente a los jardines o partes públicas, y cuándo se utilizarán las viviendas para el alquiler frente a las viviendas de propiedad.
Establishing an acquisition and development strategy. Establecer una estrategia de adquisición y desarrollo. The community land trust will need procedures
El fondo de tierras comunitarias necesitará
for acquiring properties through agreements
procedimientos para adquirir propiedades a través de
with the city and county land banks as well as
acuerdos con los bancos de tierras de la ciudad y el
through capital acquisition. Once properties are acquired, a streamlined development process will be needed to rehab or remediate parcels. This process should improve existing requirements for developing public land in Cleveland.
condado, así como a través de la adquisición de capital. Una vez adquiridas las propiedades, será necesario un proceso de desarrollo racionalizado para rehabilitar o remediar las parcelas. Este proceso debería mejorar los requisitos existentes para el desarrollo de terrenos públicos en Cleveland.
Defining scope of the trust’s activities.
Definir el alcance de las actividades del fondo. The community land trust could simply acquire
El fondo de tierras comunitarias podría simplemente
properties, facilitate redevelopment, and
adquirir propiedades, facilitar la reurbanización y luego
then sell them back into the open market.
venderlas de nuevo en el mercado abierto. El fondo de
The community land trust could also acquire, renovate, and then operate affordable rental housing units in Clark-Fulton. Or the community land trust could engage in some combination of
tierras comunitario también podría adquirir, renovar y luego operar viviendas de alquiler asequible en ClarkFulton. O bien, el fondo podría combinar estos dos enfoques.
these two approaches.
F3 Housing 269
F4 Building community prosperity through equitable economic and educational empowerment. Construir la prosperidad de la comunidad a través del empoderamiento equitativo en términos económicos y educacionales. Equipping residents and business owners in Clark-
Equipar a los residentes y propietarios de negocios en Clark-
Fulton with support, education, and resources will
Fulton con apoyo, educación y recursos ayudará a construir la
help build community prosperity throughout the
prosperidad de la comunidad en todo el vecindario. Esto incluye proporcionar apoyo y recursos a los propietarios de negocios
neighborhood. This includes providing support and resources to business owners to thrive and organizing workforce development and educational opportunities to expand the skills and training for residents.
para prosperar y organizar el desarrollo de la fuerza de trabajo y las oportunidades educativas para ampliar las habilidades y la formación de los residentes.
Joyeria Viejo San Juan
Strengthen and support ClarkFulton’s current business owners by connecting them to the resources and information they need to thrive.
Clark-Fulton Together - Final Plan
Strengthen and support ClarkFulton’s current business owners by connecting them to the resources and information they need to thrive.
Develop assets to support the growth of new small-scale entrepreneurs in next-gen manufacturing, construction, healthcare, food & beverage, technology and the arts.
Fortalecer y apoyar a los actuales propietarios de negocios de Clark-Fulton conectándolos con los recursos y la información que necesitan para prosperar.
Desarrollar recursos para apoyar el crecimiento de nuevos empresarios a pequeña escala en la fabricación de nueva generación, la construcción, la sanidad, la alimentación y las bebidas, la tecnología y las artes.
Create Opportunities for Workforce Development Training and Enhance Job Placement Programs to Support Clark-Fulton Residents. Crear oportunidades de formación para el desarrollo de la población activa y mejorar los programas de inserción laboral para apoyar a los residentes de Clark-Fulton.
NOTE: All the actions presented in this chapter are community-driven and aspirational. Further studies, due diligence, and engagement may be required to implement some of the ideas and concepts proposed in this plan. Todas las acciones presentadas en este capítulo están impulsadas por la comunidad y son aspiracionales. Es posible que sean necesarios más estudios, diligencias y compromisos
“Find ways to elevate and share resources and provide job training, and financial support” - Ideas + Action Week Comment
para poner en práctica algunas de las ideas y conceptos propuestos en este plan.
F4 Economic Vitality 271
Strengthen and support ClarkFulton’s current business owners by connecting them to the resources and information they need to thrive. Fortalecer y apoyar a los actuales propietarios de negocios de Clark-Fulton conectándolos con los recursos y la información que necesitan para prosperar.
F4-A-1 Create a mentorship network that supports organic business growth in Clark-Fulton. Crear una red de mentores que apoye el crecimiento orgánico de las empresas en ClarkFulton. The existing business owners and entrepreneurs in Clark-Fulton have years of experience and a deep understanding of the community. To help support the growth of the next generation of businesses in ClarkFulton, Metro West should build and manage a network of mentors and “business buddies” to help establish relationships between similar businesses. Los actuales propietarios de empresas y empresarios de ClarkFulton tienen años de experiencia y un profundo conocimiento de la comunidad. Para ayudar a respaldar el crecimiento de la próxima generación de empresas en Clark-Fulton, Metro West debería crear y gestionar una red de mentores y “compañeros de negocios” para ayudar a establecer relaciones entre empresas similares.
The small businesses and entrepreneurs working in Clark-Fulton have helped shape the identity of the community. The city, state, and federal government provide an array of resources that can help these entrepreneurs thrive and grow, but too few business owners in the community consistently access these resources. Working with stakeholders, business owners, and residents, the project team identified two priority areas to support existing business owners in Clark Fulton. Las pequeñas empresas y los empresarios que trabajan en Clark-Fulton han contribuido a conformar la identidad de la comunidad. La ciudad, el estado y el gobierno federal proporcionan una serie de recursos que pueden ayudar a estos empresarios a prosperar y crecer, pero muy pocos propietarios de negocios en la comunidad acceden sistemáticamente a estos recursos. Trabajando con las partes interesadas, los propietarios de negocios y los residentes, el equipo del proyecto identificó dos áreas prioritarias para apoyar a los propietarios de negocios existentes en Clark Fulton.
Clark-Fulton Together - Final Plan
La Villas Deli
F4-A-2 Create and actively promote a central hub that connects business owners, entrepreneurs, and future investors with resources they can use to grow their businesses.
CASE STUDY Building Thriving Main Streets Main Street America is a national organization
Crear y promover activamente un eje central que conecte a los propietarios de empresas, a los empresarios y a los futuros inversores con los recursos que pueden utilizar para hacer crecer sus negocios.
that supports the development and
Stakeholders noted that organizations like the Hispanic
Promotion, and Economic Vitality. Design
Business Center, HFLA of Northeast Ohio, and the City
work involves transforming the area’s visual
already provide many resources that would be beneficial
assets to create a distinct identity for the
to small businesses in Clark-Fulton, but that too
areas. Organization work involves creating
many local businesses do not take advantage of their
partnerships and fostering community
resources. The community stated that local business
involvement to bring resources to the area.
owners from the Latinx community have a cultural
Promotion work is intended to position
aversion to borrowing and using debt to finance their
the area as a hub of economic activity and
businesses. Others identified transportation, time-
Economic Vitality work focuses on using
constraints, and language as the largest barriers to
capital and other financial tools to catalyze
accessing business support resources.
property development and support new and
To better leverage existing resources, and future federal funding, the project team recommends creating a central hub with information about programs and supports and a strategy to actively connect resources to those that need them. The hub will need a permanent home and a strong communication strategy to educate the community about available supports. Las partes interesadas señalaron que organizaciones como Hispanic Business Center, HFLA of Northeast Ohio, y la ciudad proporcionan muchos recursos que serían beneficiosos para las pequeñas empresas en Clark-Fulton, pero que un gran número de empresas locales no aprovechan sus recursos. La comunidad declaró que los propietarios de negocios latinos locales tienen una aversión cultural a pedir préstamos y utilizar la deuda para financiar sus negocios. Otros identificaron el transporte, las limitaciones de tiempo y el idioma como las mayores barreras
revitalization of commercial districts across the county. The approach, which has been used successfully in cities from Washington, DC to Natchitoches, LA, supports communitydriven revitalization efforts by focusing on four key areas: Design, Organization,
existing businesses. Main Street America es una organización nacional que apoya el desarrollo y la revitalización de los distritos comerciales de todo el país. El enfoque, que se ha utilizado con éxito en ciudades desde Washington, DC a Natchitoches, LA, apoya los esfuerzos de revitalización impulsados por la comunidad centrándose en cuatro áreas clave: Diseño, Organización, Promoción y Vitalidad Económica. El trabajo de diseño implica la transformación de los recursos visuales de la zona para crear una identidad propia. El trabajo de organización implica la creación de asociaciones y el fomento de la participación de la comunidad para atraer recursos a la zona. El trabajo de promoción pretende posicionar la zona como un centro de actividad económica y el trabajo de vitalidad económica se centra en el uso de capital y otras
para acceder a los recursos de apoyo empresarial.
herramientas financieras para catalizar el desarrollo
Para aprovechar mejor los recursos existentes y la futura
de la propiedad y apoyar a las empresas nuevas y
financiación federal, el equipo del proyecto recomienda crear un centro con información sobre programas y apoyos y una estrategia para conectar activamente los recursos con aquellos que los necesitan. El centro necesitará un hogar permanente y una fuerte estrategia de comunicación para educar a la comunidad sobre los apoyos disponibles.
F4 Economic Vitality 273
Create Opportunities for Workforce Development Training and Enhance Job Placement Programs to Support Residents.
F4-B-1 Strengthen existing youth development programs that promote academic achievement, skills training, and higher learning. Reforzar los programas de desarrollo juvenil existentes que promueven el rendimiento académico, la capatización de habilidades y el aprendizaje superior. Both the city and community have a wealth of resources to support youth. The Max Hayes High School, for
Crear oportunidades de formación para el desarrollo de la población activa y mejorar los programas de inserción laboral para apoyar a los residentes de Clark-Fulton.
example, is already a leader in educating young adults
Compared with residents in the City as a whole,
de Cleveland una beca final monetaria para pagar casi cualquier
residents in Clark-Fulton have, on average, lower
for careers in manufacturing and trades. Citywide, the Say Yes Cleveland initiative, will provide any graduate of a public high school in Cleveland with a final dollar scholarship to pay for nearly any university, college, or certificate program. Tanto la ciudad como la comunidad cuentan con una gran cantidad de recursos para apoyar a los jóvenes. Max Hayes High School, por ejemplo, es líder en la formación de jóvenes adultos para carreras de fabricación y oficios. En toda la ciudad la iniciativa Say Yes Cleveland proporcionará a cualquier graduado de un instituto público universidad, colegio o programa de certificación.
income, and lower levels of formal education. Recent census data reveal that for 69% of residents, a high school diploma was the highest level of education they had attained. Low levels of educational attainment are a barrier to attaining fullfilling jobs and family supporting wages. The project team recommends three strategies to support the community.
En comparación con los residentes del conjunto de la ciudad, los residentes de Clark-Fulton tienen de media ingresos más bajos y niveles de educación más bajos. Los datos recientes del censo revelan que para el 69% de los residentes la escuela secundaria era el nivel más alto de educación que habían alcanzado. Los bajos niveles de educación son una barrera para conseguir trabajos satisfactorios y salarios que mantengan a las familias. El equipo del proyecto recomienda tres estrategias para apoyar a la comunidad.
Clark-Fulton Together - Final Plan
F4-B-2 Leverage existing jobstraining and development programs to better serve Clark-Fulton residents. Aprovechar los programas de formación y desarrollo de empleo existentes para servir mejor a los residentes de Clark-Fulton.
F4-B-3 Work with local businesses and industries to promote local hiring. Trabajar con las empresas e industrias locales para promover la contratación local. The project team heard repeatedly that the largest employers in the community, such as MetroHealth, could do more to promote local hiring. Hospital and healthcare employers are well suited to support the
While there are a number of job training programs
community. Healthcare employers have multiple entry
that are citywide, access to these programs for Clark-
points and career paths that can support individuals
Fulton residents is limited by transportation and
like those in Clark-Fulton without post-secondary
language barriers. A number of initiatives are currently
education. The ViaSana development, which has plans
underway to create new programs and resources in the
to include a jobs training partnership between Tri-C and
community that can help increase the education and
MetroHealth, would be an ideal platform to promote
skill levels of residents:
local hiring into the hospital and healthcare industries.
◌ ◌ ◌
ViaSana: Housing & Job Training Cleveland Foundation: DigitalLearn Towards Employment: Training for Trades
Si bien hay una serie de programas de capacitación laboral que están presentes en toda la ciudad, el acceso a estos programas para los residentes de Clark-Fulton está limitado por las barreras del transporte y del idioma. Actualmente se están llevando a cabo una serie de iniciativas para crear nuevos programas y recursos en la comunidad que puedan ayudar a aumentar los niveles de educación y habilidades de los residentes:
◌ ◌ ◌
El equipo del proyecto escuchó repetidamente que los mayores empleadores de la comunidad, como MetroHealth, podrían hacer más para promover la contratación local. Los hospitales y el sector sanitario están bien preparados para apoyar a la comunidad. El sector sanitario tiene múltiples puntos de entrada y trayectorias profesionales que pueden apoyar a personas como las de ClarkFulton, que carecen de educación post secundaria. El desarrollo de ViaSana, que tiene planes para incluir una asociación de formación de empleos entre Tri-C y MetroHealth, sería una plataforma ideal para promover la contratación local en las industrias hospitalarias y de la salud.
ViaSana: Housing & Job Training Cleveland Foundation: DigitalLearn Towards Employment: Training for Trades
ViaSana: Housing & Job Training
Cleveland Foundation: DigitalLearn
Towards Employment: Training for Trades
In partnership with Tri-C,
Working with a wide range of
Towards Employment, a leader
Metrohealth is working to
partners, Cleveland Foundation
in workforce development
include a space for a workforce
has created a digital hub with
and training, is expanding its
training program inside of
free online courses and tutorials
training programs to support
the new ViaSana housing
on basic computer skills to help
new CNC and Carpentry
development at the corner of
train residents for 21st Century
courses in the Clark-Fulton
Sackett and West 25th streets.
En colaboración con Tri-C,
En colaboración con un amplio
Towards Employment, líder en el
Metrohealth está trabajando para
abanico de socios, Cleveland
desarrollo de la población activa
incluir un espacio para un programa
Foundation ha creado un centro digital
y la formación, está ampliando
de formación de la población activa
con cursos y tutoriales gratuitos en
sus programas de formación para
dentro del nuevo desarrollo de
línea sobre conocimientos informáticos
apoyar nuevos cursos de CNC y
viviendas de ViaSana, en la esquina
básicos para ayudar a formar a los
Carpintería en la comunidad de
de Sackett St & West 25th Street.
residentes en los empleos del siglo XXI.
F4 Economic Vitality 275
CASE STUDY Nationwide Children’s Hospital
Source: healthy-neighborhoods-healthy-families/workforce-development
In Columbus, Ohio Nationwide Children’s Hospital has made a multi-year, multi-million-dollar investment in revitalizing the neighborhood around the hospital and supporting the local community. As part of the Hospital’s economic development strategy, they partner with local social service and training agencies to provide free career training programs to help residents in local zip-codes get hired at Nationwide Children’s Hospital. Training is provided on site at an affordable housing development in the community. En Columbus, Ohio, Nationwide Children’s Hospital ha realizado una inversión multimillonaria durante varios años para revitalizar el vecindario que rodea al hospital y apoyar a la comunidad local. Como parte de la estrategia de desarrollo económico del hospital, se asocian con agencias locales de servicios sociales y de formación para ofrecer programas gratuitos de formación profesional que ayuden a los residentes de los códigos postales locales a ser contratados en Nationwide Children’s Hospital. La formación se imparte in situ en viviendas asequibles de la comunidad.
Mercy Corps Northwest Online MicroMentor Group Sign Up
Building a Community Investment Vehicle for Low Income Residents In Portland, Mercy Corps Northwest, a social service
En Portland, Mercy Corps Northwest, una organización de servicios
and community development organization, developed a
sociales y desarrollo comunitario, desarrolló una herramienta
financing tool to give local low-income residents a way
de financiación para ofrecer a los residentes locales con ingresos
to invest in their own community. For as little as $10 per month, low-income residents who complete a financial literacy course through Mercy Corps can purchase shares in a local strip-mall owned and managed by a Community Investment Trust. Income from business rents pay down the property’s mortgage and remaining income is distributed to the trust’s investors as a divided.
Clark-Fulton Together - Final Plan
bajos una forma de invertir en su propia comunidad. Por tan sólo $10 al mes, dichos residentes que completen un curso de educación financiera a través de Mercy Corps pueden comprar acciones de un centro comercial local propiedad de un Community Investment Trust y que está gestionado por el mismo. Los ingresos procedentes de los alquileres de los negocios pagan la hipoteca de la propiedad y los ingresos restantes se distribuyen entre los inversores del fondo en forma de dividendos.
As part of the La Villa Hispana investment in Clark-Fulton by the Northeast Ohio Hispanic Center for Economic Development, Centro Villa 25 is a major catalytic development in creating culturally response community-economic development. Como parte de la inversión de La Villa Hispana en Clark-Fulton por parte de Northeast Ohio Hispanic Center for Economic Development, CentroVilla 25 es un importante desarrollo catalizador en la creación de un desarrollo comunitario-económico con respuesta cultural.
CentroVilla 25 is an adaptive reuse project of the
CentroVilla 25 es un proyecto de reutilización adaptativa del antiguo
former HJ Weber building that is being repurposed for
edificio HJ Weber que se está reutilizando para “Comunidad + Cultura
“Community + Cultural + Commerce.” Located near the
+ Comercio”. Situado cerca de la inersección de W 25th St y Clark Ave,
inersection on W 25th St and Clark Ave, Centro Villa 25 will include space for 21 microenterprises: ◌ ◌ ◌ ◌ ◌ ◌ ◌ ◌ ◌
Commercial kitchen with food-based business incubator Galleria space Marketplace Storefront retail Restaurant space Educational programming Workforce development opportunity Community economic development (HBC + Metro West shared space) La Plaza and Parking Lot
CentroVilla 25 incluirá espacio para 21 microempresas:
Cocinas comerciales con incubadoras de negocios basados en alimentos
◌ ◌ ◌ ◌ ◌ ◌ ◌
Espacios de galería Plaza del mercado Tiendas de venta al por menor Espacios para restaurantes Programación educativa Oportunidad de desarrollo de la mano de obra Desarrollo económico de la comunidad (HBC + espacio compartido con Metro West)
La Plaza y el aparcamiento
Impact Once completed, CentroVilla 25 will: ◌
◌ ◌ ◌
House up to 60 sustainable employment and business opportunities, with at least 45 opportunities for TANF recipients Increase self-sufficiency of low-income individuals and families Attract additional investment Improve quality of life
Una vez completado, CentroVilla 25:
Albergará hasta 60 oportunidades de empleo y negocios sostenibles, con al menos 45 oportunidades para los beneficiarios del TANF
Aumentará la autosuficiencia de las personas y familias con bajos ingresos
◌ ◌
Atraerá más inversiones Mejorará la calidad de vida
F4 Economic Vitality 277
Develop assets to support the growth of new small-scale entrepreneurs in next-gen manufacturing, construction, healthcare, food & beverage, technology, and the arts. Desarrollar recursos para apoyar el crecimiento de nuevos empresarios a pequeña escala en la fabricación de nueva generación, la construcción, la sanidad, la alimentación y las bebidas, la tecnología y las artes.
Clark-Fulton Together - Final Plan
In addition to supporting the existing businesses and residents in Clark-Fulton, the community also expressed a strong desire to use the availability of former industrial properties to help attract the next generation of entrepreneurs to the neighborhood. In particular, there was an interest in supporting new businesses that would help create a circular economy where resident’s spending could be recycled through local businesses, particularly in the areas of food and construction. Doing so will require the creation of new businesses owned by residents that serve the needs of the community. The project team identified three priorities: Además de apoyar a las empresas y los residentes existentes en Clark-Fulton, la comunidad también expresó un fuerte deseo de utilizar la disponibilidad de antiguas propiedades industriales para ayudar a atraer a la próxima generación de empresarios al vecindario. En particular hubo interés en apoyar a las nuevas empresas que ayudarían a crear una economía circular en la que el gasto de los residentes podría reciclarse a través de las empresas locales, en particular en las áreas de la alimentación y la construcción. Para ello será necesario crear nuevos negocios propiedad de los residentes que sirvan a las necesidades de la comunidad. El equipo del proyecto identificó tres prioridades:
F4-C-1 Support physical spaces for small business and entrepreneurs. Apoyar los espacios físicos para las pequeñas empresas y los emprendedores. The Hildebrandt building, a former meat-packing warehouse that has been recommissioned as a flexible office space for artists and food entrepreneurs, is one model for re-purposing formerly industrial space for new uses that attract entrepreneurs. The project team recommends replicating and building on this example.
F4-C-3 Study funding mechanisms that can support small business growth. Estudiar mecanismos de financiación que puedan apoyar el crecimiento de las pequeñas empresas. The project team recommends exploring the creation of a special purpose fund to help support new business activity in the community. Various existing funds have different levels of risk tolerance and resource
El edificio Hildebrandt, un antiguo almacén de empaquetado de carne
requirements. Finding ways to stake various types of
que se ha reconvertido en un espacio de oficinas flexible para artistas
capital sources together could be a low-cost way to
y empresarios del sector alimentario, es un modelo de reutilización de
finance the needs of new businesses in Clark-Fulton.
espacios industriales antiguos para nuevos usos que atraigan a los
A separate task force should be formed to study the
empresarios. El equipo del proyecto recomienda replicar y aprovechar este ejemplo.
F4-C-2 Leverage the existing community to turn Clark-Fulton into a hub for Latinx arts and culture. Aprovechar la comunidad existente para convertir Clark-Fulton en un centro de arte y cultura latina. For many residents, Latinx culture is central to the identity of the community. The project team identified the arts as an industry, particularly Latinx arts and culture, as niche Clark-Fulton was uniquely positioned to fill. In fact, the area is already home to a number of prominent arts and culture organizations such as CMA’s Community Arts Center, the Latin Us Theater, the Inlet Dance Theater, Julia de Burgos Cultural Arts Center, Art
needs of new businesses in Clark-Fulton and the availability of existing resources. The task force should look into the feasibility of creating a Rotating Credit and Savings Association (ROSCA) as a way for members to pool money into a general fund, creating an informal financial institution. El equipo del proyecto recomienda explorar la creación de un fondo para fines especiales que ayude a apoyar la nueva actividad empresarial en la comunidad. Varios fondos existentes tienen diferentes niveles de tolerancia al riesgo y requisitos. Encontrar formas de poner en juego varias fuentes de capital podría ser una forma de bajo coste de financiar las necesidades de las nuevas empresas en Clark-Fulton. Debería formarse un grupo de trabajo independiente para estudiar las necesidades de las nuevas empresas de Clark-Fulton y la disponibilidad de los recursos existentes. El grupo de trabajo debería estudiar la viabilidad de crear una Asociación de Ahorro y Crédito Rotativo (ROSCA) como forma de que los miembros reúnan dinero en un fondo general, creando una institución financiera informal.
House, and the Cleveland Public Theater. Efforts should be taken to develop an eco-system that supports and attracts artists from the Latinx community. Para muchos residentes, la cultura latina es fundamental en la identidad de la comunidad. El equipo del proyecto identificó el sector de las artes, en particular el de las artes y la cultura latinas, como un nicho que Clark-Fulton estaba en una posición única para llenar. De hecho, la zona ya alberga varias organizaciones artísticas y culturales destacadas, como CMA’s Community Arts Center, Latin Us Theater, Inlet Dance Theater, Julia de Burgos Cultural Arts Center, Art House, y Cleveland Public Theater. Hay que esforzarse por desarrollar un ecosistema que apoye y atraiga a los artistas de la comunidad latina.
F4 Economic Vitality 279
F5 Cultivate unique, vibrant, prosperous mixed corridors. Fomentar corredores mixtos únicos, vibrantes y prósperos. The corridors have the opportunity to welcome
Los corredores tienen la oportunidad de acoger y fomentar
and encourage place-based development
un desarrollo basado en el lugar que respete el carácter
that respects the character and identity of the
y la identidad del vecindario. Las siguientes acciones
neighborhood. The following actions provide a framework for building safe and inviting corridors for local businesses and offer resources that will help build, preserve, and enhance the history and
proporcionan un marco normativo para construir corredores seguros y acogedores para los negocios locales y ofrecen recursos que ayudarán a construir, preservar y mejorar la historia y la cultura de Clark-Fulton.
culture of Clark-Fulton.
Clark Avenue
Create a unique brand and character for each corridor!
Clark-Fulton Together - Final Plan
Create a brand and character for each corridor to become places of destination.
Develop adequate parcel and block infrastructure guidelines.
Crear una marca y un carácter para que cada corredor se convierta en un lugar de destino.
F5-B Provide support to property owners for property and safety improvements. Proporcionar apoyo a los propietarios para mejorar la propiedad y la seguridad.
Desarrollar directrices de infraestructura de parcelas y bloques que sean adecuadas.
F5-E Create a new set of building and land use standards for all proposed corridor character areas. Crear un nuevo conjunto de normas de construcción y uso del suelo para todas las áreas características propuestas en cada corredor.
Establish programs that offer support and help stabilize local businesses. Establecer programas que ofrezcan apoyo y ayuden a estabilizar los negocios locales.
Auto-Related Business on W 25th Street
NOTE: All the actions presented in this chapter are community-driven and aspirational. Further studies, due diligence, and engagement may be required to implement some of the ideas and concepts proposed in this plan. Todas las acciones presentadas en este capítulo están impulsadas por la comunidad y son aspiracionales. Es posible que sean necesarios más estudios, diligencias y compromisos para poner en práctica algunas de las ideas y conceptos propuestos en este plan.
F5 Corridors 281
CLARK AVE A place to teach, produce, and create!
Roberto Clemente Park St. Mary´s Cemetery
Trent Ave
tt Ave
Trowb r
idge A ve
FULTON GATEWAY ¡Bienvenidos!
Townpath Trail
Valen tin
e Ave
Buhrer Ave PedestrianBridge
MEYER & SACKETT A place for neighborhood gatherings
W 25TH ST A mixed-use destination for health & entertainment Riverside Cemetery
Cleveland Metroparks Zoo
Figure 50
r Ave
to n
Rd th
lt Fu
ra n
d nR
Fulton Branch Library
Store r
City Life Center
Lincoln West High School
FULTON RD A place for small, local, mom & pop shops
Walto n Ave
Clark A ve
41 st
44 th
Corridor Character Areas
Create a brand and character for each corridor to become places of destination.
Use branding to reinforce the identity and character of each corridor to drive placebased development and activity. This will create unique places that attract residents and visitors to each corridor for specific activities and engagement.
Crear una marca y un carácter para que cada corredor se convierta en un lugar de destino.
Utilizar una marca para reforzar la identidad y el carácter de cada corredor de forma que impulse el desarrollo y la actividad basados en el lugar. De esta manera, se crearán lugares únicos que atraigan a residentes y visitantes a cada corredor para realizar actividades específicas y participar en ellas.
Clark-Fulton Together - Final Plan
F5-A-1 Create six unique, vibrant, inclusive, and mixed corridors. Crear seis corredores únicos, vibrantes, inclusivos y mixtos. The vision for each corridor will drive future development and activity. The corridors should grow as a connected series of commercial, retail, and mixed-use development. This will focus time, effort, and investment toward building unique corridors with different opportunities that exist in both the public and private realm. La visión de cada corredor impulsará el desarrollo y la actividad en el futuro. Los corredores deben crecer como una conjunto conectado de desarrollo comercial y de uso mixto. De este modo, el tiempo, el esfuerzo y la inversión se centrarán en la creación de corredores únicos a través de las diferentes oportunidades que existen tanto en el ámbito público como en el privado.
CLARK AVENUE A place to teach, produce, and create. Preserve the semi-industrial heritage and businesses seen on Clark Avenue and encourage more business and activity along the corridors.
Un lugar para enseñar, producir y crear. Preservar el patrimonio semi-industrial y los negocios que se ven en Clark Avenue y fomentar más negocios y actividad a lo largo de los corredores.
FULTON ROAD A place for small, local mom and pop shops. Protect the mixeduse residential and retail character along Fulton Road, and encourage
Un lugar para los pequeños comercios locales. Proteger el carácter mixto residencial y comercial a lo largo de Fulton Road, y fomentar el comercio local en el vecindario.
neighborhood and local retail.
FULTON GATEWAY Bienvenidos! A strong welcome to
¡Bienvenidos! Una fuerte bienvenida al
the neighborhood, showing the local
vecindario, mostrando el carácter y el orgullo
character and pride through branding and wayfinding and local shops.
local a través de la marca y la señalización y los comercios locales.
W 25TH STREET A mixed-use destination for health and entertainment. Extend the reach of MetroHealth and leverage the accessibility the MetroHealth BRT line
Un destino de uso mixto para la salud y el entretenimiento. Ampliar el alcance de MetroHealth y aprovechar la accesibilidad que aportará la línea BRT MetroHe.
will bring.
MEYER & SACKETT A place for neighborhood gatherings. Continue to foster neighborliness by creating smaller, localized corridors for residents to visit and enjoy.
Un lugar para las reuniones del vecindario. Seguir fomentando la vecindad mediante la creación de corredores más pequeños y localizados para que los residentes los visiten y disfruten.
F5 Corridors 283
F5-A-2 Establish a strong virtual and physical identity and brand for each corridor. Establecer una identidad virtual y física para cada corredor. Build a unique brand for each of the corridors that is consistently seen on street banners, websites, and social media. Work with local business owners and organizations to ensure that the branding showcases the local character and pride. Construir una marca única para cada uno de los corredores de forma que sea consistente en los estandartes situados en las calles, los sitios web y las redes sociales. Trabajar con los propietarios de negocios y organizaciones locales para garantizar que la marca muestre el carácter y el orgullo locales.
DC Arts District Banners Washington DC Arts District introduced wayfinding and branding street banners. Banners include three logos and an image representing the area relating to arts or a historic characteristic of the neighborhood. Branding was chosen through an extensive public process, including three public dialogue meetings, two public design reviews, online polling, and other surveys and consultations. Washington DC Arts District introdujo estandartes de señalización y marca en las calles. Los estandartes incluyen tres logotipos y una imagen que representa la zona en relación con las artes, o una característica histórica del vecindario. La marca se eligió a través de un amplio proceso público que incluyó tres reuniones de diálogo público, dos revisiones públicas de diseño, una encuesta en línea y otras encuestas y consultas.
Clark-Fulton Together - Final Plan
WHAT IS THE COMMUNITY SAYING? What type of business you want to see in Clark-Fulton? ¿Qué tipo de negocios le gustaría ver en Clark-Fulton?
Medical Offices Consultorios Medicos
Grocery Stores Automercados
Food/Beverage Comida/Bebidas
Day Care Guardería
At the Clark-Fulton Ideas and Action Week Open House Event on November 2020, the community identified Grocery Stores, Food and Beverage, Day Care and Medical Offices as the top four business they want to see in ClarkFulton.
Trabajo Colaborativo
“Placeholder for community member quote ” - Resident Quote
Maker Spaces Espacios para fabricantes
Auto Auto
F5 Corridors 285
F5-A-3 Work with local organizations to create seasonal and multi-cultural events. Trabajar con organizaciones locales para crear eventos estacionales y multiculturales. Offering more seasonal and multi-cultural events will help showcase local businesses to a wider audience. Working with the many cultural, arts, and local support organizations already doing this work, neighborhood events like the Cleveland Puerto Rican Parade will bring more attention and visitors to the corridors on a regular basis and increase more spending in the neighborhood. Ofrecer más eventos estacionales y multiculturales ayudará a mostrar los negocios locales a un público más amplio. Trabajando con las
“Togetherness means music and many languages ”
numerosas organizaciones culturales, artísticas y de apoyo local que ya realizan esta labor, los eventos del vecindario como Cleveland Puerto Rican Parade atraerán más atención y visitantes a los corredores de forma regular y aumentarán el gasto en el vecindario.
Cleveland Puerto Rican Parade attracting visitors to Clark-Fulton - Source: Nate Migal Photo Gallery
Clark-Fulton Together - Final Plan
- Resident Quote
F5-A-4 Maintain the collaboration with the arts community.
Mantener la colaboración con la comunidad artística. Continue to identify and foster community collaboration in public art and beautification projects. Uplift local organizations and programs working to provide more opportunity for arts education and healing through public area. Identifying facades for murals in targeted locations to improve storefronts, as well as street furnishings like crosswalks, benches, and trash and recycling bins. There are a number of organizations and programs already in place in Clark-Fulton that are focused on bringing local and visiting artists together with communities to create public art. Seguir identificando y fomentando la colaboración comunitaria en proyectos de arte público y embellecimiento. Potenciar las organizaciones y programas locales que trabajan para ofrecer más oportunidades de educación artística y recuperación a través
Philadelphia Mural Arts Program
Source: home-repair-program#collapse-vbp-accordion-3276-2
del espacio público. Identificar fachadas para realizar murales en
The Mural Arts program centers around
lugares específicos para mejorar los escaparates, así como mejorar
creating art that transforms public spaces and
el mobiliario urbano: pasos de peatones, bancos y contenedores de
individual lives by fostering a collaborative
basura y reciclaje.
process that brings artists and communities
Hay una serie de organizaciones y programas que ya están marcha en Clark-Fulton y que se centran en reunir a artistas locales y visitantes con las comunidades para crear arte público.
together. The program engages in 50-100 public art projects annually, revolving around the core areas of Art Education, Restorative Justice, and Porch Light to produce unique learning opportunities for communities. El programa de Artes Murales se centra en la creación de arte que transforme los espacios públicos y las vidas de las personas mediante el fomento de un proceso de colaboración que reúne a los artistas y las comunidades. El programa realiza entre 50 y 100 proyectos de arte público al año, que giran en torno a las áreas centrales de Educación Artística, Justicia Restaurativa y Porch Light para producir oportunidades de aprendizaje únicas para las comunidades.
F5 Corridors 287
Provide support to property owners for property and safety improvements. Proporcionar apoyo a los propietarios para mejorar la propiedad y la seguridad. The corridors and businesses in ClarkFulton need support and investments to properties to maintain appeal and safety for business owners, residents, and visitors. Business owners in ClarkFulton identified access to capital as one of the main barriers to improving their properties and storefronts. Los corredores y los negocios de ClarkFulton necesitan apoyo e inversiones en las propiedades de forma que se mantenga el atractivo y la seguridad para los propietarios de los negocios, los residentes y los visitantes. Los propietarios de negocios de Clark-Fulton identificaron el acceso al capital como una de las principales barreras para mejorar sus propiedades y fachadas comerciales.
Facade Improvements to local businesses
F5-B-1 Provide façade, basic building, and site improvements grants. Proporcionar subsidios para fachadas, edificios y las mejoras del terreno. Building façade and site improvements are a quick way to improve the aesthetic of the corridor and help prevent crime. The City of Cleveland and Metro West Community Development Organization have a number of programs and initiatives that provide grants and loans to help small businesses and entrepreneurs get the support and assistance they need for physical improvements. Las mejoras en la fachada de los edificios y en el terreno son una forma rápida de mejorar la estética del corredor y de ayudar a prevenir la delincuencia. La ciudad de Cleveland y Metro West Community Development Organization cuentan con una serie de programas e iniciativas que ofrecen subsidios y préstamos para ayudar a las pequeñas empresas y a los empresarios a obtener el apoyo y la asistencia que necesitan para realizar las mejoras físicas.
Clark-Fulton Together - Final Plan
Trees & Landscape Shrubs, Flowering Ground cover
Branding Signage & Wayfinding Murals Or paint facades
Figure 51
View of Corridor with Facade Improvements
Trees & Landscape
Signage & Branding
Building Facade Repairs
F5 Corridors 289
F5-B-2 Follow Crime Prevention through Environmental Design Guidelines (CPTED) to improve the character and safety.
Seguir las directrices de prevención de la delincuencia a través del diseño ambiental (CPTED) para mejorar el carácter y la seguridad.
Designs that encourage “eyes on the street” by
CPTED is a multi-disciplinary approach to build a sense
Diseños que fomentan “la mirada a la calle”, creando
of community through urban design techniques. The
calles más activas y transitables que tengan actividad
guidelines offer strategies that will physically improve
creating more active and walkable streets with activity throughout the day and evening.
durante todo el día y la noche.
the character of areas while also ensuring safety of the areas. CPTED es un enfoque multidisciplinar para construir el sentido de comunidad mediante técnicas de diseño urbano. Las directrices ofrecen estrategias que mejoran físicamente el carácter de las zonas, al tiempo que garantizan la seguridad de las mismas.
F5-B-3 Establish a law and code task force. Crear un grupo de trabajo sobre leyes y códigos. A multi-jurisdictional “Law and Code” Task Force for non-residential uses along the corridor to help create
Natural Access Control Smart entry designs minimize blind spots, unsupervised access, or compromised security and clearly show where visitors are welcome. Los diseños de entrada inteligentes minimizan los puntos ciegos, el acceso no supervisado o la seguridad comprometida y muestran claramente dónde son bienvenidos los visitantes.
Territorial Reinforcement
programs to prevent crime and improve the aesthetic of
Clear boundaries between private and public
the corridors. Task force can be responsible for:
spaces in the form of fences, hedges, or other
◌ ◌
Directing businesses to grants for security measures Provide assessment and consulting to business owners to make properties safer using CPTED guidelines Create a business watch program
Un grupo de trabajo multijurisdiccional “Ley y Código” para los usos no residenciales a lo largo del corredor que ayude a crear programas para prevenir la delincuencia y mejorar la estética de los corredores. El grupo de trabajo puede encargarse de:
◌ ◌
Orientar a los negocios hacia las subsidios como medida de seguridad Proporcionar asesoramiento y consultoría a los propietarios de negocios para hacer que sus propiedades sean más seguras utilizando las directrices de CPTED Crear un programa de vigilancia de negocios
Clark-Fulton Together - Final Plan
barriers to show clear distinctions. Límites claros entre los espacios privados y públicos en forma de vallas, setos u otras barreras para mostrar distinciones claras.
Maintenance Continued upkeep and maintenance demonstrates oversight and care, while reinforcing a sense of communal stewardship. La conservación y el mantenimiento continuos demuestran la supervisión y el cuidado, al tiempo que refuerzan el sentido de la cuidado comunitario.
INITIATIVES & PROGRAMS Existing City Initiatives & Programs Municipal Small Business Initiative
Equipment Loan Program
Vacant Property Initiative
This grant helps small
This program offers long-term,
Funding can be used to
businesses reduce their
fixed rate financing to help
acquire, construct, or renovate
equity in a SBA funded
businesses acquire machinery,
commercial and industrial
project from 25% to 10%,
equipment, furniture, and/
buildings at least 20 years old
leveraging financing to
or fixtures to businesses in
with 40% or more vacant for at
benefit small businesses to
the manufacturing technology
least 2 years.
help create more jobs and
related commercial, service,
provide financing to help with
green/sustainable industry, or
property acquisition, new
grocery store.
construction, or renovation, acquiring equipment, furniture and fixtures needed for improvements. Esta subvención ayuda a las pequeñas empresas a reducir su participación en un proyecto financiado por la SBA del 25% al 10%, potenciando la financiación
más puestos de trabajo a la vez que proporcionan financiación
largo plazo y con un tipo de interés
que tienen al menos un 40% de
fijo para ayudar a las empresas
desocupación durante 2 años o más.
del sector comercial a adquirir maquinaria, equipos, mobiliario y/o accesorios relacionados con la tecnología de fabricación, los servicios, la industria ecológica/ sostenible o los supermercados.
Neighborhood Retail Assistance Program
propiedades, nuevas construcciones o
and start-up retail related,
necesarias para las mejoras.
Mayor’s NTI Loan Program This program is available to business owners and landlords to help fill vacancy
This program assists existing
el mobiliario y las instalaciones
edificios comerciales e industriales de al menos 20 años de antigüedad
para ayudar con la adquisición de renovaciones, adquiriendo el equipo,
para adquirir, construir o renovar
Este programa ofrece financiación a
para beneficiar pequeñas empresas de forma que las ayuden a crear
La financiación puede utilizarse
restaurant or grocery businesses to upgrade exterior and interior appearance of
and reactivate commercial corridors. Este programa está a disposición de los propietarios de negocios y de los arrendadores para ayudar a cubrir las vacantes y reactivar los corredores comerciales.
their stores. Este programa ayuda a los negocios existentes y a los startup relacionados con el comercio minorista, la restauración o la alimentación, a mejorar el aspecto exterior e interior de sus tiendas.
F5 Corridors 291
Establish programs that offer support and help stabilize local businesses. Establecer programas que ofrezcan apoyo y ayuden a estabilizar los negocios locales.
F5-C-1 Establish Clark, Fulton, and W 25th in the Main Street America Program Establecer Clark, Fulton y W 25th en Main Street America Program Working with the City and local businesses to designate the three main corridors following the four transformative strategies for corridor revitalization. Joining the Main Street America Program will unlock several grants and a supportive national network that will link Clark-Fulton to other corridors facing similar issues nationwide. Trabajar con la ciudad y las empresas locales para designar
Clark-Fulton is a welcoming, affordable, and safe place for immigrant and new business owners; however, it is a challenging business environment with a large turnover. Business owners face instability due to ineffective support and lack of access to money. Providing programs that offer targeted support and unlock a network of tools will help stabilize Clark-Fulton’s diverse corridors. Clark-Fulton es un lugar acogedor, asequible y seguro para los inmigrantes y los nuevos propietarios de negocios. Sin embargo, es un entorno empresarial difícil con un gran volumen de rotación. Los propietarios de negocios se enfrentan a la inestabilidad debido a un apoyo ineficaz y a la falta de acceso al dinero. Proporcionar programas que ofrezcan un apoyo específico y un desbloqueo de una red de herramientas ayudará a estabilizar los diversos corredores de Clark-Fulton.
Clark-Fulton Together - Final Plan
los tres corredores principales siguiendo las cuatro estrategias transformadoras para la revitalización de los mismos. Unirse al programa Main Street America desbloqueará subvenciones y una red nacional de apoyo que vinculará a Clark-Fulton con otros corredores que se enfrentan a problemas similares en todo el país.
CASE STUDY Main Street America is a national
Main Street America es un programa y
program and movement that is
movimiento nacional que se centra en
centered around strengthening
el fortalecimiento de las comunidades a través del desarrollo económico basado en
communities through preservation-
la preservación. Es conocido por celebrar
based economic development. Known
el carácter de la comunidad, preservar
for celebrating community character, preserving local history, and generating economic returns and can widely benefit the Clark-Fulton Neighborhood. The Program follows a Four Point Approach to Transformation, a community-based approach to
la historia local y generar rendimientos económicos, y puede beneficiar ampliamente al vecindario de Clark-Fulton. El programa sigue un Enfoque de Cuatro Puntos para la Transformación, un enfoque comunitario para la revitalización que pretende adaptar a las condiciones locales.
revitalization that is intended to be tailored to local conditions.
FOUR POINT APPROACH TO COMMUNITY TRANSFORMATION + Build a diverse economic base + Catalyze smart new investment + Cultivate strong entrepreneurship ecosystem
+ Create an inviting, inclusive atmosphere + Celebrate historic character + Foster accessible people-centered public spaces
COMMUNITY TRANSFORMATION ORGANIZATION + Build leadership and strong organizational capacity + Ensure broad community capacity + Ensure broad community engagement + Forge partnership across sectors
PROMOTION + Master district’s defining assets + Communicate unique features through storytelling + Support buy-local experience
F5 Corridors 293
Future Parcel / Block Configuration: Opt 1 SHARED PARKING
La creación de directrices para los propietarios de negocios existentes y futuros permitirá que el desarrollo y los negocios prosperen, al tiempo que se protegen las zonas residenciales adyacentes. Estas directrices proporcionarán requisitos básicos de diseño para fomentar un entorno más transitable y estéticamente agradable.
Creating guidelines for future and existing business owners will allow development and businesses to thrive, while still protecting the adjacent residential areas. These guidelines will provide basic design requirements to foster a more walkable, and aesthetically pleasing environment.
Desarrollar directrices de infraestructura de parcelas y bloques que sean adecuadas.
Develop adequate parcel and block infrastructure guidelines.
Existing Parcel / Block Configuration
Future Parcel / Block Configurate: Opt 2
Clark-Fulton Together - Final Plan
F5-D-1 Establish uniform parcel depth of 200 feet Establecer una
F5-D-4 Install stormwater system Instalar sistemas de aguas pluviales
profundidad uniforme de parcela de 200 pies.
Apply stormwater systems for blocks between the
Higher density development requires additional
parking area and adjacent residential homes as a buffer.
functional depth to provide building pads, parking, and proper transition adjacent areas. By establishing
The system can be shared among parcels. Other ways to treat stormwater is by using a Low Impact Development
a uniform parcel depth, commercial properties will be
(LID) design.
better able to support street front buildings and rear
Implementar sistemas de aguas pluviales en los bloques, entre el
parking, service cross access and stormwater, and provide an adequate buffer between the commercial use and residential homes. Los desarrollos de mayor densidad requieren una profundidad adicional para proporcionar protección al edificio, parking y áreas de transición adyacentes que sean adecuadas. Al establecer una profundidad de parcela uniforme, las propiedades comerciales podrán tener una mejor distribución con una fachada a la calle, parking traseros, accesos transversales de servicio y aguas pluviales, y proporcionar un amortiguador adecuado entre el uso comercial y las
área de parking y las viviendas residenciales adyacentes de forma que funcione como un área amortiguador. El sistema puede ser compartido entre las parcelas. Otra forma de tratar las aguas pluviales es utilizando un diseño de desarrollo de bajo impacto (LID).
F5-D-5 Require larger minimum building setbacks Exigir mayores retranqueos mínimos de los edificios
viviendas residenciales.
Place new buildings to face primary streets and with a
F5-D-2 Use alleys for access from side streets Usar los callejones como punto
minimum setback of 18 feet from ROW line to provide
de acceso desde las calles laterales
space, 10-foot sidewalks with a minimum 5-foot
Site access should include an alley when possible, to provide access to parking from side streets so primary
more space for public realm elements – wider sidewalks, trees, lighting, and bicycle racks. When there is sufficient landscape strip should be applied. Colocar los edificios nuevos enfrentados a las calles principales
street edges can be maintained as an active street.
y con un retranqueo mínimo de 18 pies desde la línea de la calle
Los accesos a los recintos deberían incluir un callejón cuando sea
público: aceras más anchas, árboles, iluminación y aparcamientos
posible de modo que proporcione acceso a la zona de parking desde
para bicicletas. Cuando haya espacio suficiente, deberían aplicarse
las calles laterales, para que los límites con las calles primarias
aceras de 3 metros con una franja ajardinada de 1,5 metros como
puedan mantenerse activos.
para proporcionar más espacio para los elementos del ámbito
F5-D-3 Limit parking to back or side of parcels Limitar el parking a la zona trasera o lateral de las parcelas Without eliminating or removing parking spaces, parking should be located at the rear of the parcel to encourage shared parking among uses to avoid fragment parcels and allow space to be utilized efficiently. Sin ánimo de eliminar los espacios de parking, este debería estar situado en la parte trasera de la parcela para fomentar el parking común entre usos de forma que se evite fragmentar parcelas y se permita que el espacio sea utilizado eficientemente.
33’ 47’ ROW
F5 Corridors 295
Create a new set of building and land use standards for all proposed corridor character areas. Crear un nuevo conjunto de normas de construcción y uso del suelo para todas las áreas características propuestas en cada corredor. Formalize guidelines, building typologies, and permitted uses to protect the integrity of the main corridors. Establishing character areas will allow Clark-Fulton’s main corridors and feature streets to remain functional, while requiring best management practices for stormwater, new construction, and renovations to keep the character intact. Formalizar directrices, tipologías de edificios y usos permitidos para proteger la integridad de los corredores principales. El establecimiento de áreas características permitirá que los corredores principales y las calles características de Clark-Fulton sigan siendo funcionales, al tiempo que se requieren las mejores prácticas de gestión de aguas pluviales, nuevas construcciones y renovaciones para mantener el carácter intacto.
Clark-Fulton Together - Final Plan
Planned Via Sana building which will house mixed-uses including an employment center and affordable housing units
F5-E-1 Encourage a mix of complementary building typologies for each corridor character area. Fomentar una mezcla de tipologías de edificios para cada área característica de cada corredor. Work with the City of Cleveland on the creation of guidelines (form-based code) for the building typologies along each corridor. The building typologies should encourage mixed-use and complementary uses. See Chapter 6 for a detailed matrix of proposed building typologies permitted in each corridor. Trabajar con la ciudad de Cleveland en la creación de directrices para las tipologías de edificios a lo largo de cada corredor (código basado en la forma). Las tipologías de edificios deberían fomentar los usos mixtos y complementarios. Véase en el Capítulo 6 una matriz detallada de las tipologías de edificios propuestas y permitidas en cada corredor.
two, or beside ar in
artment andards.
t size
trance ssed
ng shall e (not ons hall be ntage eways of th.
round all be
W 25th Street
Clark/Walton Avenue
Scranton Historic District
Fulton Road DAISY AVE
Jones Homes located at the rear of the lot and accessed by alley or driveway of not more than 10’ in width.
C. Open Space Standards Figure 52
F. Landscape Standards
Description - All yards shall be landscaped consistent with the following specific standards. Walks from adjacent sidewalks to building entrances are allowed in all yards.
Corridor Character Areas
Rear Yards - Rear yards shall be no less than 15% of the area of each lot. Front Yards - Front yards are defined by the applicable zone setback and frontage type requirements.
Front Yards - If the front yard is less than 5’ deep, the yard shall contain landscape and hardscape consistent with the identified future design of the adjacent sidewalk. Front yards more than 5’ deep shall contain Services All utility access, above ground at least one understory tree for- every 30 linear feet of front equipment, lot line. Trees may and trash receptacles shall be be placed in groups so long as the total located at the rear of the lot and accessed number of trees satisfies the requirement. byyard alley or contain driveway of not more than 10’ in The remainder of the shall width. shrubs or ground cover which may be planted on the ground or in planters less than 36” in height.
D. Facade Standards
Required Frontages -The building must comply with the following facade requirements: Primary Facades
% Min
% Max
Side Yards - Side yards contain at yards organized as a Rearshall Yards - Rear least one understory tree for every linear courtyard are30the primary shared open feet of side lot line. Trees may be placed in space shall groups so long as the totaland number of be treesno less than 15% of the area ofThe each lot. of satisfies the requirement. remainder the yard shall contain shrubs, ground cover, or turf; at least 40%Front of the Yards area shall be - Front yards are defined by the planted in shrubs and/or ground cover.
applicable zone setback and frontage type
requirements. Rear Yards - Rear yards shall contain at least A. General Orientation - Service Standards areas shall be oriented one shade tree for every 50 linear feet of - Afrontages. building containingrear lot line. Trees may be placed in groups towardDescription rear yard or alley Side Yards - Side yards are required with multiple dwellings above and/or beside so long as the total number of trees satisfies Apartment the requirement. The remainder building of the yardtypes and shall be at each other. E. Building Size and Massing least 5’ in width. shall contain shrubs, ground cover, or turf; Standards at least 40% of the area shall be planted in Massing shall-be composed Lot- Buildings Standards Lots containing Apartment shrubs and/or ground cover. of multiple volumes following the D. Facade Standards buildings shall meet the following standards. requirements of the applicable zone. In Required Facades - The building lotwith width: 75’ order to provide forMinimum a streetscape must comply with the following facade Maximum width: varying building heights, height lot ratios for 200’ Duplex-Quadraplex buildings shall be as requirements: shown below. Half stories are allowed within the roof form.
Tiny Home / ADU
Unit Size Standards - Minimum unit size
shall 850 square feet. Corner Lots be - Building on corner lots shall be designed with a front facade on each street frontage.
B. Access Standards
Building Entrance - The entrance to the building shall be through lobby accessed at street level. Alternatively, ground floor units may have direct sidewalk access.
Mixed-Use (2-3 story)
Primary Facades
Description - The following photos illustrate the design intent of the DuplexQuadplex building type.
3.7.2 Building Type: Apartment
Porches, Stoops, and Patios - Porches and stoops may encroach upon any required setbacks to the extent allowed by zone standards. Private patios are allowed to encroach only on side or rear setbacks to the extent allowed by zone standards.
G. Illustrative Photos
varying building heights, height ratios for Apartment Buildings shall be as shown below.
F. Landscape Standards
% Min
% Max
Commercial (4+ Office story)Orientation - At the ground level, living
Interior Circulation - Interior circulation to individual units shall be through an internal corridor.
areas (living room, dining room, etc...) should be oriented toward street frontage to the greatest degree possible; service areas shall be oriented toward rear yard or alley frontages.
Parking Access - Garages and parking shall
E. Building Size and Massing
Description - The following photos illustrate the design intent of the Apartment building type.
Description - All yards shall be landscaped consistent with the following specific standards. Walks from adjacent sidewalks to building entrances are allowed in all yards. Front Yards - If the front yard is less than 5’ deep, the yard shall contain landscape and hardscape consistent with the identified future design of the adjacent sidewalk. Front yards more than 5’ deep shall contain at least one understory tree for every 30 linear feet of front lot line. Trees may be placed in groups so long as the total number of trees satisfies the requirement. The remainder of the yard shall contain shrubs or ground cover which may be planted on the ground or in planters less than 36” in height.
Duplex & Quadruple Townhouse (2-story)
G. Illustrative Photos
Side Yards - Side yards shall contain at least one understory tree for every 30 linear feet of side lot line. Trees may be placed in groups so long as the total number of trees satisfies the requirement. The remainder of the yard shall contain shrubs, ground cover, or turf; at least 40% of the area shall be planted in shrubs and/or ground cover.
Rear Yards - Rear yards shall contain at least one shade tree for every 50 linear feet of rear lot line. Trees may be placed in groups so long as the total number of trees satisfies the requirement. The remainder of the yard shall contain shrubs, ground cover, or turf; at least 40% of the area shall be planted in shrubs and/or ground cover.
Apartments (4-5 story)
Public Buildings
F5 Corridors 297
Blue Roof
Renewable Energy Fiber Cement Panels
Energy Star Rated Windows
Mass Transit
Zipcar Bicycle Storage Infiltration Basin
Green Roofs
Green Streets
Paseo Verde Mixed-Used Development , Philadelphia, PA (WRT Project) Low-Impact Development Diagram
John C. Anderson Senior Philadelphia, PA (WRT Project)
F5-E-2 Develop design guidelines for each character area.
F5-E-3 Target specific community desired uses and services.
Desarrollar guías de diseño para cada área característica.
Fijar usos y servicios específicos que sean deseados por la comunidad.
Each character area should have clear, easy to access
Continue working with community members, existing
guidelines and regulations that provide detail around
land owners, and entrepreneurs on how to position
architectural and public realm aesthetics, and, when
the neighborhood to attract desired services, activities,
needed, specifics around maintaining historic character.
amenities, and businesses. Consider starting with
These guidelines should also include minimum
identifying a location on Clark Ave for grocery store, and
requirements for stormwater management and best
more food and beverages on Fulton Rd, W 25th St, and
management practices for existing and new business
Sackett Ave. Continue working with local organizations
owners to implement.
to expand the arts footprint along W 25th St.
Cada área característica debe tener directrices y reglamentos
The table on the next page illustrates the input gathered
claros y de fácil acceso que proporcionen detalles sobre la estética
at a community Open House in June 2020.
arquitectónica y del espacio público y, cuando sea necesario, detalles sobre el mantenimiento del carácter histórico. Estas directrices
Continuar trabajando con los miembros de la comunidad, los
también deberían incluir requisitos mínimos para la gestión de las
propietarios de terrenos existentes y los empresarios sobre cómo
aguas pluviales y mejores de gestión para los propietarios de negocios
posicionar al vecindario para atraer los servicios, actividades,
existentes y nuevos.
comodidades y negocios deseados. Considerar la posibilidad de comenzar con la identificación de una locaclización en Clark Ave para un supermercado, y más alimentos y bebidas en Fulton Rd, W 25th St, y Sackett Ave. Seguir trabajando con las organizaciones locales para ampliar la huella artística a lo largo de W 25th St. La tabla de la página siguiente ilustra las aportaciones recogidas
Clark-Fulton Together - Final Plan
en la Jornada de Puertas Abiertas en junio de 2020.
WHAT IS THE COMMUNITY SAYING? Feedback gathered at Plan Commencement Open House - June 2021
Where do you think these businesses should be located in Clark-Fulton? Where do you think these businesses should be located in Clark-Fulton?
Grocery Stores
Food / Beverage
Day Care
Medical Offices
F5 Corridors 299
F6 Create a welcoming, accessible, and authentic public realm and open space network. Crear una red de espacios públicos acogedores, accesibles y auténticos. Building on the existing open and recreational
Aprovechando los espacios abiertos y recreativos existentes
spaces in the neighborhood, there are
en el vecindario, existen oportunidades para mejorar
opportunities to enhance the public realm in
el ámbito público de forma innovadora, equitativa y
innovative, equitable, to help foster a resilient community in Clark-Fulton.
auténticamente para ayudar a fomentar una comunidad resiliente en Clark-Fulton
Enhance existing neighborhood parks
Trent Park
Clark-Fulton Together - Final Plan
Create a comprehensive open space framework with systematic design tools to implement.
Emphasize gateways as opportunities to welcome, celebrate, and engage the Clark-Fulton community.
Crear marco normativo para los espacios abiertos que incorporen herramientas de diseño sistemáticas para su aplicación.
Enfatizar los gateway como oportunidades para dar la bienvenida, celebrar y atraer a la comunidad de Clark-Fulton.
Ensure connectors promote safety through the creation of complete and resilient streetscapes that enhance the sense of place.
Promote healthy, flexible, and vibrant open space amenities, for all ages, that improve the quality of the public realm experience, building upon the neighborhood’s existing infrastructure.
Garantizar que los conectores promueven la seguridad mediante la creación de paisajes urbanos completos y resilientes que mejoren el sentido del lugar.
Promover espacios abiertos saludables, flexibles y dinámicos, para todas las edades, que mejoren la calidad del espacio público, aprovechando la infraestructura existente en el vecindario.
NOTE: All the actions presented in this chapter are community-driven and aspirational. Further studies, due diligence, and engagement may be required to implement some of the ideas and concepts proposed in this plan. Todas las acciones presentadas en este capítulo están impulsadas por la comunidad y son aspiracionales. Es posible que sean necesarios más estudios, diligencias y compromisos para poner en práctica algunas de las ideas y conceptos propuestos en este plan.
F6 Public Realm 301
OVERVIEW OF EXISTING PUBLIC REALM Clark-Fulton has main corridors and historic districts that contribute to its identity, and are in close proximity to many regional assets. Understanding and building on these existing conditions will help create a more contextualized and inclusive public realm. Clark-Fulton tiene corredores primarios y distritos historicos que contribuyen a su identidad y está muy cerca de muchos activos regionales. Comprender y aprovechar las condiciones existentes ayudará a crear un ámbito público más contextualizado e inclusivo.
WHAT IS THE COMMUNITY SAYING? Feedback gathered at Ideas + Action Week - November 2020
What type of improvements are needed for streets and alleys? ¿Qué tipos de mejoras se necesitan en las calles y callejones?
Instalación de Bicicletas
Paso de Peatones
Transit Stops
Paradas de Autobus
Bike Facility
Bancos y Luces
Benches + Lights
Plantas y Arboles
Banners Estandartes
What outdoor activities you want to have in Clark-Fulton? ¿Qué actividades al aire libre te gustaría ver en Clark-Fulton?
ART Artes
Clark-Fulton Together - Final Plan
Gardening Jardinería
Wellness Bienestar
10-Minute Walk Radius (From Existing Open Spaces)
4 5
7 RD
Figure 53
Neighborhood Open and Recreational Spaces
Clark-Fulton has several neighborhood
open and recreational spaces, and most
◌ A Roberto Clemente Field
residents live within a 10-minute walk to
◌ B St. Mary’s Cemetery
an open space, compared to Cleveland’s
◌ C Trent Park
citywide average of 17%. However, many
◌ D Meyer Pool
! of the neighborhood spaces suffer from underutilization due to lack of programming, safety, and the cost of maintenance.
◌E City Life Center (Private)
◌4 Luis Munoz Marin School ◌5 Buhrer Dual Language
del 17% en Cleveland. Sin embargo, muchos de
los espacios del vecindario están infrautilizados
◌ 6 Fulton Branch
el costo de mantenimiento.
◌2 Thomas Jefferson Newcomers Academy
y recreativos y la mayoría de los residentes
debido a la falta de programación, la seguridad y
Highways Main Corridors Bicycle Infrastructure GCRTA Bus Routes
◌1 Lincoln West School ◌3 Walton Elementary School
espacio abierto en comparación con una media
◌ ◌ ◌ ◌
Clark-Fulton cuenta con varios espacios abiertos viven a menos de 10 minutos caminando de un
◌7 South Branch
F6 Public Realm 303
Provide outdoor programs & amenities FOR ALL AGES + Enhance NATURAL RESOURCES
Safe & Welcoming: The proposed open space network prioritizes pedestrian and bike connectivity throughout the neighborhood, and accessibility to open spaces, via connectors that will incorporate historic and natural elements to foster a welcoming experience and sense of place.
Seguro y Acogedor: La red de espacios abiertos propuesta da prioridad a la conectividad peatonal y ciclista y la accesibilidad a los espacios abiertos en todo el vecindario a través de conectores que incorporarán elementos históricos y naturales para fomentar una experiencia acogedora y un sentido del lugar. Salud y Bienestar: Los espacios abiertos ofrecen programas versátiles al aire libre, servicios y conexiones con la naturaleza para personas de
Health & Wellness: The open spaces offer versatile outdoor programs, amenities, and connections to nature for people of all ages. These connections generate physical, social, economic, and environmental benefits for
todas las edades. Estas conexiones generan beneficios físicos, sociales, económicos y ambientales para los residentes actuales y nuevos, asegurando que la evolución de la comunidad apoya el bienestar y la sostenibilidad a largo plazo.
existing and new residents, assuring that the community’s
Identidad: El plan de espacios abiertos propuesto restaura y
evolution supports long-term well-being and sustainability.
sintetiza los recursos locales culturales, naturales y económicos,
Identity: The proposed open space plan restores and synthesizes the local cultural, natural, and economic
fomentando la espontaneidad y las reuniones informales y cultivando una identidad auténtica que sea vibrante y resiliente para el vecindario de Clark-Fulton en su conjunto.
resources, fostering spontaneity and informal gatherings, and cultivating an authentic identity that is vibrant and resilient for the Clark-Fulton neighborhood as a whole.
Create a comprehensive open space framework with systematic design tools to implement. Crear marcos normativos para los espacios abiertos que incorporen herramientas de diseño sistemáticas para su aplicación. 304
Clark-Fulton Together - Final Plan
Develop innovative, equitable and authentic open spaces that maximize the Clark-Fulton’s need to foster a resilient community. Desarrollar espacios abiertos innovativos y equitativos que maximicen la necesidad de ClarkFulton de acoger una comunidad resiliente.
Roberto Clemente Park St. Mary´s Cemetery
32 nd
Trent Ave
Luis Munon Marin School
Walto n Ave
Clark A ve
41 st
44 th
r Ave
Meyer Pool
Trowb r
idge A ve
Townpath Trail
tt Ave
Valen tin
e Ave
Buhrer Ave Pedestrian Bridge
to n
lt Fu
Lincoln West High School
Fulton Branch Library
d nR
ra n
City Life Center
Store r
Trent Park
Cleveland Metroparks Zoo
Figure 54
Proposed Public Realm and Open Space Network
Legend Streetscape Network ◌ Main Corridors ◌ Feature Streets ◌ Bikeways ◌ Improved Highway Crossings
New Open Spaces
1 ◌ 2 ◌ 3 ◌ 4
◌ MetroHealth Park
◌ 5
Neighborhood Plaza (Center) Neighborhood Park (City Life)
Enhanced Open Spaces ◌ 6
Trent Park
7◌ ◌ 8
Luis Munoz Marin School Park
Gateway Plaza Walton School Park
Roberto Clement Field (under renovation)
◌ 9
St. Mary’s Cemetery
◌ New Pocket Parks
◌ Gateways
F6 Public Realm 305
F6-A-1 Develop systematic design tools that apply to the open space framework. Desarrollar herramientas de diseño sistemático que se apliquen al marco normativo de los espacios abiertos. The following design tools are common techniques that can be applied individually or together for different types of open space conditions. These strategies can contribute to the sense of place for the future of Clark-Fulton. Las siguientes herramientas de diseño son técnicas comunes que pueden aplicarse individualmente o en conjunto para diferentes tipos de condiciones de los espacios abiertos. Estas estrategias pueden contribuir al sentido del lugar para el futuro de Clark-Fulton.
The use of various paving materials can unify
The use of native plants will enhance natural
spaces, as well as differentiate uses between
conditions, and add visual interest in a
pedestrian, bicyclist, and vehicles. Materiality
pedestrian-friendly environment. Planting
can also highlight open space elements and
will also enforce the identity and sense of
define the identity of the public realm.
community in the neighborhood.
El uso de diversos materiales de pavimentación puede
El uso de plantas autóctonas realzará las condiciones
unificar los espacios así como diferenciar los usos entre
naturales y añadirá interés visual en un entorno
peatones, ciclistas y vehículos. La materialidad también
agradable para los peatones. La vegetación también
puede resaltar los elementos del espacio abierto y
reforzará la identidad y el sentido de comunidad del
definir la identidad del ámbito público.
Clark-Fulton Together - Final Plan
Mobiliario Urbano
Street furnishings will accommodate multiple
The use of wayfinding and interpretative
needs for all types of visitors, add more
signage will celebrate local history, culture,
visual interest in the public realm, as well as
and raise awareness of public life in Clark-
encourage more outdoor activities, informal
Fulton. It will also improve connectivity and
social gatherings and visitor retention.
accessibility throughout the neighborhood.
El mobiliario urbano se adaptará a las múltiples
El uso de la señalización de orientación e
necesidades de todo tipo de visitantes, añadirá más
interpretación celebrará la historia y la cultura locales,
interés visual al espacio público y fomentará más
y dará a conocer la vida pública en Clark-Fulton.
actividades al aire libre, reuniones sociales informales y
También mejorará la conectividad y la accesibilidad en
la retención de visitantes.
todo el vecindario.
Infrastructura Verde
Lighting features like street lights, bollards,
Green infrastructure is an effective tool for
ground lighting, and catenary lights will
streetscapes, gardens and plazas to improve
improve visibility and create a safer
local stormwater management, and sustain
environment, as well as highlight gateway
and position the community for a more
features and landscape elements.
resilient future, at a variety of scales.
Los elementos de iluminación como las farolas, los
La infraestructura verde es una herramienta eficaz
bolardos, el alumbrado del suelo y las catenarias,
para que los paisajes urbanos, los jardines y las plazas
mejorarán la visibilidad y crearán un entorno más
mejoren la gestión local de las aguas pluviales y
seguro además de resaltar las características de los
sostengan y posicionen a la comunidad para un futuro
gateway y los elementos del paisaje.
más resiliente en una variedad de escalas.
F6 Public Realm 307
Roberto Clemente Park St. Mary´s Cemetery
41 st
Lincoln West High School
Trowb r
idge A ve
tt Ave
Rd to n
Townpath Trail
ra n
r Ave
l Fu
Buhre St
Rd ton
Fulton Branch Library
Store r
City Life Center
Walto n Ave
Clark A ve
Trent Ave
44 th
Valen tin
e Ave
Buhrer Ave PedestrianBridge
Legend Main Corridors Feature Streets
Figure 55
Neighborhood Streetscapes
Bikeways Improved Highway Crossings
Ensure connectors promote safety through the creation of complete and resilient streetscapes that enhance the sense of place. Garantizar que los conectores promueven la seguridad mediante la creación de paisajes urbanos completos y resilientes que mejoren el sentido del lugar. 308
Clark-Fulton Together - Final Plan
Identifying and prioritizing a hierarchy of connectors throughout the neighborhood will facilitate the application of systematic design interventions. This connectivity will create safe and welcoming corridors that enhance the character and identity of unique contexts across the Clark-Fulton neighborhood. Identificar y priorizar una jerarquía de conectores en todo el vecindario facilitará la aplicación de intervenciones sistemáticas de diseño. Esta conectividad creará corredores seguros y acogedores que mejorarán el carácter y la identidad de contextos únicos en todo el vecindario de Clark-Fulton.
F6-B-1 Main Corridors - Narrow Sidewalk Corredores principales - Aceras estrechas On Main Corridors where it is not appropriate to narrow
Clark Ave
W 25th St
traffic lanes to provide more sidewalk space, smallerscale paving, planting, furnishings and environmental graphic interventions can be utilized to reclaim space on the existing narrow sidewalks and improve the walking conditions, and safety, for pedestrians. These techniques will also foster more activity, retaining visitors along these businesses corridors. En los Corredores Principales en los que no es apropiado reducir los carriles de tráfico para proporcionar más espacio en las aceras, se pueden utilizar intervenciones de pavimentación, plantación, mobiliario y gráficos ambientales a menor escala para reclamar el espacio en las aceras estrechas existentes y mejorar las condiciones de paseo y la seguridad para los peatones. Estas técnicas también fomentarán una mayor actividad, reteniendo a los visitantes a lo largo de estos corredores comerciales.
Main Corridor (Narrow Sidewalk) Design Tools
Building Facades Distinct Store Signage Lexington Streetscape, Lexington
Source: projects/lexington-downtown-streetscape
Natural Features
Small-Scale Solutions
Environmental Graphics
This variety of street furnishing can provide multi-benefit opportunities on narrow sidewalks: offering planting, a safe buffer from the street, and seating.
Riga, Latvia
F6 Public Realm 309
F6-B-2 Main Corridors - Wide Sidewalk Corredores principales - Aceras anchas
improve walkability and encourage more pedestrian activity
nR d
along main corridors. Lighting features and art installations make spaces feel safe at all times. Street furnishings create
Ful to
vibrant and flexible spaces for outdoor activities. The
W 25th St
Clark Ave
Streetscapes with wider sidewalks present opportunities to
use of planting buffers and green infrastructure provide welcoming and sustainable opportunities that further enhance safety and identity. Los paisajes urbanos con aceras más anchas ofrecen oportunidades para mejorar la transitabilidad y fomentar la actividad peatonal a lo largo de los corredores principales. Los elementos de iluminación y las instalaciones artísticas hacen que los espacios sean más seguros. El mobiliario urbano crea espacios vibrantes y flexibles para las actividades al aire libre. El uso de zonas de buffer y de infraestructura verde proporciona oportunidades acogedoras y sostenibles que mejoran aún más la seguridad y la identidad.
Main Corridor (Wide Sidewalk) Design Tools
Greenery & Welcoming
Walkability & Safety Visible Sidewalk with Planting Buffer
Green Infrastructure Lexington Streetscape, Lexington
Castro Valley Redevelopment
Source: lexington-downtown-streetscape
Source: WRT Design
Vibrant & Flexible Outdoor Dining / Seating / Event Spaces Miracle Mile, Florida
Clark-Fulton Together - Final Plan
F6-B-3 Create social and cultural environments on feature streets. Crear entornos sociales y culturales en las calles de las características. Feature streets are identified as smaller, neighborhood-
Trent Ave
scale streetscapes that foster social and cultural
Meyer Ave
interactions, connecting neighbors and neighborhood
Sackett Ave
amenities. Feature streets should feel safe and walkable with visible, well-maintained sidewalks, proper lighting
Storer Ave
at night, and planting buffers. Social and cultural spaces can be provided by occupying parking spots to create parklets or utilizing street bump-outs for green infrastructure, or gathering spaces. Las calles características se identifican como paisajes urbanos más pequeños, a escala de vecindario, que fomentan las interacciones sociales y culturales conectando a los vecinos y los servicios del vecindario. Las calles características deben ser seguras y transitables, con aceras visibles y bien mantenidas, una iluminación adecuada por la noche y zonas de buffer con plantas. Los espacios sociales y
Feature Streets Design Tools
culturales pueden incorporarse ocupando plazas de aparcamiento para crear parklets o utilizando los salientes de las calles para crear infraestructuras verdes o espacios de reunión.
Social & Cultural Parklet/Street Bumpout Street Patio Congress Ave, Austin, TX Source:
Safe & Walkable 24/7
Green Infrastructure
Visible Sidewalk with Planting Buffer
Stormwater Management Strategies
Virginia Beach, VA
Portland, OR
Source: Flickr, Justin Martin
F6 Public Realm 311
F6-B-4 Provide safe and accessible connections along bikeways. Proporcionar conexiones accesibles y seguras a lo largo de las vías de bicicletas.
through bike lanes and decorative crossings. Accessible connections can provide visual continuity with clear and cohesive wayfinding and branding techniques to orient
W 41st St
important along these streets. Safety can be achieved
W 44th St
the neighborhood, ensuring safety and connectivity is
Scranto n Rd
As major connectors for pedestrians and cyclists within
W 32nd St
Walton Ave
Valentine Ave
Daisy Ave
users where they are in the neighborhood. Al ser las principales vías de conexión para peatones y ciclistas dentro del vecindario, es importante garantizar la seguridad y la conectividad a lo largo de estas calles. La seguridad puede lograrse mediante carriles de bicicleta y cruces decorativos. Las conexiones accesibles pueden proporcionar una continuidad visual con técnicas de señalización y marcas claras y cohesivas para orientar a los usuarios dentro del vecindario.
Bikeways Design Tools
Safety & Connectivity
Greenery & Health
Buffered Bike Lane/ Decorative Safe Crossing
Green Infrastructure/Health & Wellness Opportunities
Indianapolis, IN
Lexington Streetscape, Lexington
Source: VisitIndy
Social & Accessible Touring Opportunities / Art Installation Indianapolis Cultural Trail
Clark-Fulton Together - Final Plan
F6-B-5 Improve highway crossings. Mejorar los cruces de las autovías the transition into Clark-Fulton. Using lighting, art
buffers will also create safer environments for bicyclists and pedestrians traversing these conditions at the
nR d Ful to
connectivity. Decorative fences, planting, and green
W 41st St
make the journey safer, and help maintain visibility and
W 44st St
markers at highway underpasses and overpasses to
W 25th St Scranto n
Clark Ave
installations, and other wayfinding tools and visual
Create safe crossings at highway thresholds to ease
edges of the Clark-Fulton neighborhood. Crear cruces seguros en los umbrales de las autopistas para facilitar la transición a Clark-Fulton. Utilizar iluminación, instalaciones artísticas y otras herramientas de orientación y marcadores visuales en los pasos subterráneos y elevados de la autopista para hacer más seguro el trayecto y ayudar a mantener la visibilidad y la conectividad. Las vallas decorativas, la vegetación y las zonas verdes también crearán entornos más seguros para los ciclistas y los peatones que atraviesen estos nodos en los límites del vecindario de Clark-Fulton.
Highway Crossings Design Tools
Lighting & Visual Connectivity Lonsdale Street Dandenong, Melbourne
Art Installation/ Wayfinding
Decorative Fence / Green Buffer
Mural Arts
28th/31st Avenue Connector, Nashville, TN
Atlanta Beltline
Greenery / Art / Safety Source:
F6 Public Realm 313
Roberto Clemente Park
W 25 + CLARK
St. Mary´s Cemetery
Lincoln West High School
Rd Sacke
idge A ve
Townpath Trail
tt Ave
Trowb r
r Ave
ra n
n lto Fu
Fulton Branch Library
Store r
to n
41 st W
Trent Ave
City Life Center
Walto n Ave
Clark A ve
44 th
Valen tin
e Ave
Figure 56
Buhrer Ave Pedestrian Bridge
Neighborhood Gateways Gateways Design Tools
Emphasize gateways as opportunities to welcome, celebrate, and engage the Clark-Fulton community. Enfatizar los gateway como oportunidades para dar la bienvenida, celebrar y comprometer a la comunidad de Clark-Fulton.
F6-C-1 Create Permanent and Temporary Gateways. Crear Gateways Permanentes y Temporales Gateways are identified at important interfaces of connectors, open space, and public institutions (like schools and churches) in the neighborhood. These nodes represent opportunities to create a safe and welcoming threshold that enriches the surrounding public realm. Across the neighborhood, gateways can integrate both permanent and temporary approaches. Los gateway se identifican en los nodos importantes de los conectores, los espacios abiertos y las instituciones públicas (como escuelas e iglesias) del vecindario. Estos nodos representan oportunidades para crear un umbral seguro y acogedor que enriquezca el ámbito público circundante. Los gateway pueden integrar estrategias tanto permanentes como temporales en todo el vecindario.
Clark-Fulton Together - Final Plan
Permanent Gateway Samples Visibility / Threshold Identity / Threshold
Gateway Lighting
Beacon / Art Installation
Tiramarama Way, NZ
Boyle Heights, Los Angeles, CA Source: Nico Marques
Unifying The Intersection Table Top/Decorative Crossings Seattle, WA
Temporary Gateway Samples Unifying The Intersection Art on the ground Vercorin, Switzerland Source:
Identity / Threshold Temporary Structures Rosslyn, VA
Visibility / Threshold Decorative Crossings Jacksonvilla, FL
Source: Cultural Council of Greater Jacksonville
F6 Public Realm 315
Roberto Clemente Park
St. Mary´s Cemetery
Trowb r
idge A ve
tt Ave
to n
Rd Sacke
r Ave
ra n
lt Fu
Fulton Branch Library
Store r
Lincoln West High School
41 st W
Trent Ave
City Life Center
Walto n Ave
Clark A ve
44 th
Valen tin
e Ave
Figure 57
Neighborhood Open Spaces
Promote healthy, flexible, and vibrant open spaces, for all ages, that improve the quality of the public realm experience, building upon the neighborhood’s existing infrastructure. Promover espacios abiertos saludables, flexibles y dinámicos, para todas las edades, que mejoren la calidad de la experiencia del 316
Clark-Fulton Together - Final Plan
espacio público, aprovechando la infraestructura existente en el vecindario. The public realm and open space network creates a strategy for the addition of new parks, plazas, and pocket parks that offer versatile outdoor programs and amenities for all ages at various scales. There are also plans for enhancing existing open spaces, adapting their programs and functions within the neighborhood context, and establishing trail connections.
La red de espacios públicos y abiertos crea una estrategia para añadir nuevos parques, plazas y parques que ofrezcan programas versátiles al aire libre y servicios para todas las edades a distintas escalas. También hay planes para mejorar los espacios abiertos existentes adaptando sus programas y funciones dentro del contexto del vecindario, y estableciendo conexiones con senderos.
F6-D-1 Neighborhood Center Plaza Plaza del Centro del Vecindario create a connection to Meyer Pool and W 25th St as a
of natural and cultural features to build community identity and ownership of this plaza space.
nR d Ful to
space with shade, site furnishings, and the incorporation
W 41st St
outdoor gatherings by providing a welcoming outdoor
W 44st St
plaza will accommodate both seasonal events and daily
W 25th St Scranto n
Clark Ave
neighborhood plaza for residents and students. The
Renovate Lincoln West High School’s parking lot and
Renovar el estacionamiento de Lincoln West High School y crear una conexión con Meyer Pool y W 25th St como plaza del vecindario para los residentes y estudiantes. La plaza acogerá tanto eventos estacionales como reuniones diarias al aire libre, proporcionando un espacio exterior acogedor con sombra, mobiliario urbano y la incorporación de características naturales y culturales para construir la identidad de la comunidad y la pertenencia de este espacio.
Neighborhood Center Plaza Design Tools
Multicultural Social / Events La Placita Event @ Clark-Fulton
Market / Festival
Outdoor Seating
Skovde, Sweden
Monheim am Rhein, Germany
Source: Tobias Andersson
F6 Public Realm 317
F6-D-2 Neighborhood Park Parque Vecinal Work with City Life to build and enhance the programming of their existing open space area and
Clark Ave
create a new multi-functional neighborhood park.
Ful to
programs for the wider Clark-Fulton community, as a
W 25th St
Space has the opportunity to provide more services and
nR d
Centrally located in the neighborhood, City Life Open
destination, facilitating connectivity. Trabajar con City Life para construir y mejorar la programación de su área de espacio abierto existente y crear un nuevo parque de vecindario multifuncional. Situado en el centro del vecindario, el espacio verde de City Life tiene la oportunidad de ofrecer más servicios y programas para la comunidad de Clark-Fulton como destino, facilitando la conectividad.
Neigborhood Park Design Tools
Seasonal Programs
Multi-Functional Amenities New York, NY
Dallas, TX
Source: SCAPE, Ty Cole
Multi-Generational & Welcoming San Juan, PR
Clark-Fulton Together - Final Plan
F6-D-3 School Parks Parques escolares Renovate, expand and enhance existing, and underutilized, school fields and facilities to
Clark Ave
accommodate a wider variety of uses for students and
Renovar, ampliar y mejorar los campos e instalaciones escolares existentes e infrautilizados para dar cabida a una mayor variedad
W 25th St
active recreational and sporting facilities.
Ful to
nature and flexible play, educational learning, as well as
nR d
local residents. Incorporate features that can support
de usos para los estudiantes y los residentes locales. Incorporar elementos que puedan respaldar la naturaleza y el juego flexible, el aprendizaje educativo, así como instalaciones recreativas y deportivas activas.
School Parks Design Tools
Art/Play Plaza Scottsdale, AZ
Nature/Flex Play Santa Monica, CA
Source: Studio-MLA
Recreational/Sports Park Melbourne, Australia
F6 Public Realm 319
F6-D-4 Pocket Park Opportunities Oportunidades para parques de bolsillo Beyond the existing parks and open spaces, there is
to provide multi-functional pocket parks for seasonal activities and passive uses that are welcoming of all
nR d
and renovate key sites throughout the neighborhood
Ful to
spaces. Working with the community land trust, acquire
W 41st St
W 44st St
neighborhood to increase access to sustainable green
W 25th St
Clark Ave
opportunity to build more pocket parks throughout the
ages. Además de los parques y espacios abiertos existentes, existe la oportunidad de construir parques pequeños en todo el vecindario para aumentar el acceso a espacios verdes sostenibles. En colaboración con el fondo de tierras de la comunidad, se pueden adquirir y renovar sitios clave en todo el vecindario para proporcionar parques de bolsillo multifuncionales que acojan actividades estacionales y usos pasivos que sean acogedores para todas las edades.
Pocket Park Design Tools
Seasonal Programs
Philadelphia, PA
Source: PHS, Rob Cardillo
All Age Group friendly Pracinha Oscar Freire, Brazil
Clark-Fulton Together - Final Plan
F6-D-5 Trail Connectivity Conectividad con los senderos more regionally, explore opportunities to enhance
encourage other visitors to utilize adjacent trails to access the Clark-Fulton community.
nR d
adjacent open space and natural resources, but also
Ful to
provide residents with the opportunity to access
W 41st St
W 44st St
Fulton neighborhood. Trail connectivity will not only
W 25th St Scranto n
Clark Ave
connectivity to adjacent trail systems from the Clark-
Facilitate connections to other areas in Cleveland, and
Facilitar las conexiones regionales a las otras zonas de Cleveland y explorar oportunidades para mejorar la conectividad con los sistemas de senderos adyacentes desde el vecindario de ClarkFulton. La conectividad de los senderos no solo proporcionará a los residentes la oportunidad de acceder a los espacios abiertos y recursos naturales adyacentes, sino que también animará a otros visitantes a utilizar estos senderos para acceder a la comunidad de Clark-Fulton.
Trail Connectivity Design Tools
Lighting & Visual Connectivity Indianapolis Cultural Trail
Signage & Wayfinding Burlington, Canada
Source: Burlington Mayor
Safety & Connectivity Indianapolis Cultural Trail
F6 Public Realm 321
Gateway Pavilion at Daisy Avenue
Future BRT Stop Connection at W 25th St
Clark-Fulton Together - Final Plan
Community Play Areas promoting Health and Wellness Activities
F6 Public Realm 323
F7 Create a safer, comfortable, smart, green, and connected neighborhood mobility network for all users. Crear una red de movilidad vecinal más segura, cómoda, smart, verde y conectada para todos los usuarios. Strengthening mobility and improving connectivity
El fortalecimiento de la movilidad y la mejora de la conectividad
within Clark-Fulton and the rest of the region will
dentro de Clark-Fulton y el resto de la región hará que Clark-
make Clark-Fulton safer, provide residents with more
Fulton sea más seguro, proporcionará a los residentes un
access to opportunity, and attract jobs, investment and activity to the community. The following actions will provide Clark-Fulton with a plan for addressing its mobility needs by improving multi-modal connections while supporting and complementing its other planning goals.
Clark-Fulton Together - Final Plan
mayor acceso a oportunidades y atraerá puestos de trabajo, inversiones y actividades a la comunidad. Las siguientes acciones proporcionarán a Clark-Fulton un plan para abordar sus necesidades de movilidad mediante la mejora de las conexiones multimodales al tiempo que apoyan y complementan sus otros objetivos.
Develop a comprehensive mobility and connectivity framework for all modes and users.
Preserve and improve character and use of alleys.
Desarrollar un marco regulatorio de movilidad y conectividad para todos los modos y usuarios.
F7-B Improve and invest in the bicycle network. Mejorar e invertir en la infraestructura ciclista.
Mantener y mejorar el carácter y el uso de los callejones.
F7-E Increase use of public transit and improve shelters through regional collaboration. Incrementar el uso del transporte público y mejorar las paradas mediante la colaboración regional.
Re-design key corridors and leverage new development. Rediseñar los corredores clave y aprovechar el nuevo desarrollo.
NOTE: All the actions presented in this chapter are community-driven and aspirational. Further studies, due diligence, and engagement may be required to implement some of the ideas and concepts proposed in this plan. Todas las acciones presentadas en este capítulo están impulsadas por la comunidad y son aspiracionales. Es posible que sean necesarios más estudios, diligencias y compromisos para poner en práctica algunas de las ideas y conceptos propuestos en este plan.
Forward Move - Mobility 325
HIGHWAY CROSSINGS Roberto Clemente Park
St. Mary´s Cemetery I-90 44 th
Trent Park
Walto n Ave
Clark A ve
Trent Ave
Rd tt Ave
to n
idge A ve
Trowb r
r Ave
ra n
lt Fu
d nR
Fulton Branch Library
Store r
City Life Center
41 st
Lincoln West High School
Valen tin
e Ave
Buhrer Ave PedestrianBridge
Consider working with MetroParks to turn 41st & 44th into an extension of
the regional trail system. Cleveland Metroparks Zoo
Figure 58
Riverside Cemetery
Mobility & Connectivity Framework
Develop a comprehensive mobility & connectivity framework for all modes and users. Desarrollar una guía global de movilidad y conectividad para todos los modos y usuarios. 326
Clark-Fulton Together - Final Plan
Legend Main Corridors
Barrier Free Cle Priorities
Feature Streets
Bus Routes
Bus Stops
Neighborhood Streets
Regional Trails
Enhanced Intersections Enhanced Highway Crossings
This framework is a guideline to provide a comprehensive understanding of the role of the different streets and what future improvements are needed to ensure safe and efficient mobility for all modes and users. Este marco regulatorio proporciona una comprensión completa del papel de las diferentes calles y qué futuras mejoras necesarias para garantizar una movilidad segura y eficiente para todos los modos y usuarios.
MAIN CORRIDORS These roadways have a significant
Estas vías tienen una funci’on de transporte importante
transportation function serving commercial,
que sirve a los usos comerciales, de oficinas y
office, and residential uses and providing
residenciales y que proporciona acceso al vecindario
access to the neighborhood from the region. Main corridors connect places, people and goods and are used for a wide range of trip
desde la región. Los corredores principales conectan lugares, personas y mercancías y se utilizan para una variedad de propósitos y modos de viaje.
purposes and modes.
FEATURE STREETS Streets with a local connectivity function, that
Calles cuya función es la conectividad local, las
are pedestrian-priority, connecting residents
cuales son prioritarias para los peatones y conectan
to local destinations. These streets contribute
a los residentes con los destinos locales. Estas calles
to the character of the area and fulfill the vision of the area, attracting and supporting new businesses and housing.
contribuyen al carácter de la zona y cumplen la visión de la misma, atrayendo y apoyando nuevos negocios y viviendas.
BIKEWAYS Bikeways prioritize pedestrian and bike
Los vías de bicicletas dan prioridad a los
travel by using additional treatments that
desplazamientos de los peatones y de las bicicletas
give roadway priority to bicycle users.
mediante intervenciones que dan prioridad a estos
These treatments are intended to improve safety, comfort, convenience, and low-stress connections to transit, local destinations, and regional trail systems.
medios de transporte. Estas intervenciones pretenden mejorar la seguridad, la comodidad, la conveniencia y las conexiones de bajo estrés hacia el tránsito, los destinos locales y los sistemas de senderos regionales.
NEIGHBORHOOD STREETS These streets have local connectivity function
Calles cuya función es la conectividad local que sirve a
serving Clark-Fulton residents. Roadway
los residentes de Clark-Fulton. Se debe dar prioridad a
priorities should be given to pedestrians and
los peatones y a los ciclistas, proporcionando un buen
bicyclists, providing good access to transit. Providing on-street parking should be a
acceso al tránsito.Se debería considerar proporcionar parking en la calle. (NOACA Complete & Green Streets)
consideration. (NOACA Complete & Green Streets)
ALLEYS Smaller lanes typically used for pedestrian
Carriles más pequeños utilizados para el acceso
or residential access that run between or
peatonal o residencial y que discurren entre o detrás
behind buildings through the middle of blocks
de los edificios a través de la mitad de las manzanas
and parcels. Alleys should be utilized when possible, to maintain active street edges on primary street fronts.
y parcelas. Los callejones deben utilizarse siempre que sea posible, para mantener activos los bordes de las calles principales.
Forward Move - Mobility 327
AAA bike connections are comfortable for users of all ages and abilities. A low-stress, comfortable, AAA experience is acheived through physical separation from fast moving vehicles; the selection of quiet, slow streets; or a combination of these strategies.Las conexiones ciclistas del AAA son cómodas para usuarios de todas las
edades y capacidades. Una experiencia AAA de bajo estrés y cómoda se logra a través de la separación física de los vehículos de
Euclid Ave Cleveland, OH
movimiento rápido; la selección de calles tranquilas y lentas; o una combinación de estas estrategias. Source: NACTO Designing of all Ages & Abilities and FHWA’s Bikeway Slection Guide
W Superior Ave Cleveland, OH
LorainCarnegie Bridge Cleveland, OH
Towpath Trail Cleveland, OH
MORE COMFORTABLE West 76th St Cleveland, OH
DetroitSuperior Bridge Cleveland, OH
Planned Concepts Cleveland, OH
Clark-Fulton Together - Final Plan
WHAT ARE COMPLETE STREETS? Complete Streets are for everyone.
Las Calles Completas son
Complete Streets are Green Streets that are designed to prioritize safety, comfort, and access to destinations for all people.
Las Calles Completas son calles verdes diseñadas para dar prioridad a la seguridad, la comodidad y el acceso a los destinos para todas las personas.
Complete & Green Streets are unique to the community context, and should respond to the needs of the community to help create livable communities and improve equity, safety, and public health while reducing transportation costs and traffic concerns.
para todo el mundo.
Las Calles Completas y Verdes son únicas en el contexto de la comunidad y deben responder a las necesidades de la misma para ayudar a crear comunidades habitables y mejorar la equidad, la seguridad y la salud pública, al tiempo que se reducen los costes de transporte y los problemas de tráfico. Source: national-complete-streets-coalition/publications/what-are-complete-streets/
How street users benefit from Complete & Green Streets
1 People Walking
5 People Conducting Business
2 People Using Transit
6 People Residing
NOTE: Complete Street designs should follow the City of Cleveland policy and NOACA’s 2013 Complete
People Bicycling
People Working / Performing Maintenance
and Green Streets Typology Document.
4 People Driving Motor Vehicles
Forward Move - Mobility 329
F7-A-1 Develop a prioritized program of transportation improvement projects for Clark-Fulton.
F7-A-2 Integrate neighborhood priority improvements with infrastructure reconstruction projects.
Desarrollar un programa prioritario de proyectos de mejora del transporte para Clark-Fulton. Metro West and City Planning will collaborate on mobility
Integrar las mejoras prioritarias del vecindario con los proyectos de reconstrucción de infraestructuras.
goals for Clark Fulton to inform capital investment
Clark-Fulton has significant infrastructure assets of
priorities, considering safety, mobility, and development needs. Project identification and concept development will be coordinated with the City of Cleveland Mayor’s Office of Capital Projects, Division of Traffic Engineering, RTA, NOACA, and key neighborhood stakeholders and organizations. Clark Fulton’s transportation program will provide the neighborhood and the City with a resource for identifying neighborhood priority projects for advancement through the City’s Maintenance and Capital Improvement program and the NOACA, ODOT and Cuyahoga County Engineer’s Transportation Improvement Programs. Metro West y City Planning colaborarán para crear objetivos de movilidad para Clark Fulton que orientarán las prioridades de inversión de capital considerando las necesidades de seguridad, movilidad y desarrollo. La identificación de proyectos y el desarrollo de conceptos se coordinarán con City of Cleveland Mayor’s Office of Capital Projects, Division of Traffic Engineering, RTA, NOACA y las principales partes interesadas y organizaciones del vecindario. El programa de transporte de Clark Fulton proporcionará al vecindario y a la ciudad un recurso para identificar los proyectos prioritarios para su avance a través del programa City’s Maintenance and Capital Improvement y de los programas de mejora del transporte NOACA, ODOT y del condado de Cuyahoga.
regional and national importance, owned, maintained and funded by a range of local, regional and statewide agencies. Maintenance and reconstruction projects should be evaluated for opportunities to address goals for neighborhood safety and mobility improvements. Stakeholders, including City Planning, should seek to integrate mobility recommendations from this plan in the earliest stages of planning and design for routine capital investments in the neighborhood. ODOT’s Buhrer Avenue Pedestrian Bridge improvement project offers a potential opportunity to include safety and access improvements and reflect substantive neighborhood input in the reconstruction of this bridge, which plays a role in this locally-critical piece of infrastructure. Clark-Fulton cuenta con importantes recursos de infraestructura de importancia regional y nacional, que son propiedad de una serie de organismos locales, regionales y estatales que los mantienen y financian. Los proyectos de mantenimiento y reconstrucción deben ser evaluados en busca de oportunidades para abordar los objetivos de mejora de la seguridad y la movilidad del vecindario. Las partes interesadas, incluido el departamento de planificación de la ciudad, deberían intentar integrar las recomendaciones de movilidad de este plan en las primeras fases de planificación y diseño para inversiones de capital rutinarias en el vecindario. El proyecto de mejora del puente peatonal de Buhrer Ave de ODOT ofrece una oportunidad potencial para incluir mejoras en la seguridad y el acceso y reflejar las aportaciones sustanciales del vecindario en la reconstrucción de este puente, que desempeña un papel principal en esta pieza de infraestructura crítica.
Highway Crossing on Buhrer Ave Pedestrian Bridge
Clark-Fulton Together - Final Plan
F7-A-3 Collaborate with groups working on projects in the neighborhood. Colaborar con los grupos que trabajan en el vecindario. Remain involved and connected with local and regional
A capital improvement program forecasts
groups working on transportation improvements
a community’s infrastructure, facility and
projects to identify, assess, and implement
equipment needs, and creates a strategy for
improvements within the neighborhood.
funding and implementing projects to address those needs. In Cleveland, Capital Projects include public assets that provide a public benefit and have a useful life for many years. Un programa de mejoras de capital prevé las necesidades de infraestructura, instalaciones y equipamiento de una
Including, but not limited to: ◌ ◌
Vision Zero Task Force Barrier-Free Cleveland project by Kent State Urban Design Collaborative
GCRTA’s 25Connects Plan
comunidad y crea una estrategia para financiar y ejecutar
Seguir participando y conectando con los grupos locales y
proyectos que aborden esas necesidades. En Cleveland,
regionales que trabajan en proyectos de mejora del transporte
los proyectos de capital incluyen bienes públicos que
para identificar, evaluar y aplicar mejoras en el vecindario.
proporcionan un beneficio público y tienen una larga vida útil. Source: publications/2019CapitalImprovementPlan.pdf
Incluye, pero no limitado a:
◌ ◌ ◌
Vision Zero Task Force Barrier-Free Cleveland project by Kent State Urban Design Collaborative GCRTA’s 25Connects Plan
WHAT IS VISION ZERO? Vision Zero is a strategy to eliminate all traffic fatalities and serious injuries, while increasing safe, healthy, equitable mobility for all. It is an initiative of the City of Cleveland and City Council in partnership with community groups and is guided by the Vision Zero Taskforce. Vision Zero is a strategy to eliminate all traffic fatalities and severe injuries, while increasing safe, healthy, equitable mobility for all. An initiative of the City of Cleveland and City Council in partnership with community groups and is guided by the Vision Zero Taskforce. Source:
Forward Move - Mobility 331
Working to eliminate barriers to everyday life in Cleveland neighborhoods. Barrier-Free Cleveland is identifying and addressing the physical barriers that limit access within the neighborhood. Working with residents, this project will develop a toolkit around the needs of bodies in space to feel safe and comfortable. Using the findings and recommendations from Barrier-Free Cleveland will increase the safety, access, and character of Clark-Fulton. Barrier-Free Cleveland está identificando y solucionando las barreras físicas que limitan el acceso dentro del vecindario. Trabajando con los residentes, este proyecto desarrollará un conjunto de herramientas en torno a las necesidades de las personas de sentirse seguras y cómodas. El uso de las hallazgos y recomendaciones de Barrier-Free Cleveland aumentará la seguridad, el acceso y el
carácter de Clark-Fulton.
Design for Inclusion ◌ ◌ ◌
Neighborhood Destinations Parks & Public Spaces Transit & Connectivity
Design for Inclusion ◌ ◌ ◌
Neighborhood Destinations Parks & Public Spaces Transit & Connectivity
Adaptive Technology ◌
Information & Communications Technology (ICT) Enabling Environments
Adaptive Technology ◌ ◌
Information & Communications Technology (ICT) Enabling Environments
Accessibility Programs ◌ ◌ ◌
Source: Barrier-Free Cleveland - Kent State CUDC, Cleveland State University, DigitalC, Cleveland Foundation
Mobility Services Accessibility Audits Mutual Aid Networks
NOTE: This toolkit and recommendations are taken from the draft plan of Barrier Free CLE. Work with the Kent
Accessibility Programs ◌ ◌ ◌
Mobility Services Accessibility Audits Mutual Aid Networks
Clark-Fulton Together - Final Plan
State Urban Design Collaborative to act on and implement their final recommendations and identify the opportunity sites.
Este conjunto de herramientas y recomendaciones se han extraído del proyecto de plan de Barrier Free CLE. Trabaje con la Kent State Urban Design Collaborative para aplicar sus recomendaciones finales e identificar los lugares de oportunidad.
A transit-oriented development plan for W 25th Corridor 25Connects provides design recommendations and tools to support a future W 25th Corridor focused on walkable, transit-supportive, mixed-use community development that will support the RTA’s new MetroHealth bus rapid transit (BRT) line. The project provides recommendations for the
A TRANSIT-ORIENTED DEVELOPMENT PLAN FORand design guidelines that will impact design of the new bus stops, policy PLAN WEST 25TH STREET new transit-oriented development (TOD) along the corridor. OBJECTIVES PLAN DE DESARROLLO ORIENTADO TRÁNSITO 25Connects ofrece AL recomendaciones de diseñoPARA y herramientas para apoyar un futuro A BRT vision for the entire EL design CORREDOR W.25TH corredor W 25th centrado en el desarrollo de comunidades peatonales, de apoyo al corridor - highlighting the common themes and expressing the unique
tránsito y de uso mixto que apoyará la nueva línea de tránsito rápido de autobuses
TH de RTA. El proyecto ofrece recomendaciones para el diseño de las nuevas paradas VIRTUAL PUBLIC KICKOFF EVENT -JULY 29(BRT) , 2020 character of each community where autobús, así como directrices de política y diseño que afectarán al nuevo desarrollo EVENTO PÚBLICO VIRTUAL - 29 DE JULIO de 2020
orientado al tránsito (TOD) a lo largo del corredor.
A foundational policy and urban design
BRT Stations (Typology, Character, & Location)
toolkit to implement new transit-
The plan offers concept designs of
El plan ofrece diseños conceptuales de
BRT stations that could be used in
estaciones de BRT que podrían utilizarse
that supports walkable, transit-focused
varying conditions along the W 25th
en diversas condiciones a lo largo del
Corridor. The concepts also include
oriented development along West 25th Street in a consistent manner
25CONNECTS.COM review of current 25CONECTA.COM
market conditions
and financial tools available to provide opportunity for new transit-oriented development along West 25th Street. Identification of factors that will provide equitable housing opportunities along the corridor, ensuring displacement and
a standardized family of furnishing to accommodate a variety of station depths. Typologies include: ◌ ◌ ◌ ◌ ◌
Wide Station Regular Station Narrow Station Constrained Station Cycle Track Station
gentrification are kept to a minimum. Una visión del diseño del BRT para todo el corredor, destacando los temas comunes y expresando el carácter único de cada comunidad cuando sea posible. Una política fundamental y un conjunto de herramientas de diseño urbano para
disponibles para ofrecer la oportunidad de un nuevo desarrollo orientado al tránsito a lo largo de W 25th St. Identificación de los factores que proporcionarán oportunidades equitativas de vivienda a lo largo del corredor, asegurando que el desplazamiento y la gentrificación se mantengan al mínimo.
tipologías incluyen:
◌ ◌ ◌ ◌ ◌
Estación ancha Estación regular Estación estrecha Estación restringida Estación de carril bicicleta
typologies for TOD development
de edificios para el desarrollo del TOD a
along the corridor. The mix of the
lo largo del corredor. La mezcla de las
typologies breaks the monotony in options and ground floor retail to
mercado y de las herramientas financieras
variedad tamaños de estaciones. Las
El plan ofrece también seis tipologías
al tránsito a lo largo de W 25th St de una
Una revisión de las condiciones actuales del
mobiliario urbano para acomodar una
The plan also offers six building
the built form and provides housing
peatonales y centradas en el tránsito.
incluyen una familia estandarizada de
TOD Recommendations
implementar un nuevo desarrollo orientado manera consistente, que apoye las comunidades
corredor W 25th. Los conceptos también
create transit-supportive housing densities and active streets. The building typologies proposed are: ◌ ◌ ◌ ◌ ◌ ◌
Townhomes Stacked Flats Multi-Family Residential Office Building Mixed-Use (Retail + Residential) Mixed-Use (Retail + Office + Residential)
tipologías rompe la monotonía de la forma construida y ofrece opciones de vivienda y comercio en la planta baja para crear densidades de vivienda que apoyen el tránsito y calles activas. Las tipologías de edificios propuestas son:
◌ ◌ ◌ ◌ ◌
Casas Adosadas Apartamentos Apilados Residencial Multifamiliar Edificio de Oficinas Uso Mixto (Comercial + Residencial)
Uso Mixto (Comercial + Oficina + Residencial)
Forward Move - Mobility 333
Improve and invest in the bicycle network.
Ampliar la infraestructura ciclista en todo el vecindario para que el uso de la bicicleta sea una opción de transporte más segura y atractiva para los viajes de corta y media distancia. Mejorar las condiciones de los carriles de bicicleta y las instalaciones norte-sur existentes, y designar calles este-oeste de bajo estrés para proporcionar instalaciones más seguras que conecten con el transporte público, las escuelas, las bibliotecas, los senderos, los parques y otros destinos y servicios del vecindario.
Rowley Ave Scranto n Rd
W 32nd St
W 41st St
Expand bicycle infrastructure across the neighborhood to make bicycling a safer and more attractive transportation option for short-to medium-distance trips. Improve conditions on bikeways and existing north-south facilities, and designate low-stress east-west streets to provide people with safer facilities to connect with public transit, schools, libraries, trails, parks, and other neighborhood destinations and amenities.
W 44th St
Mejorar e invertir en la infraestructura ciclista.
Walton Ave
Valentine Ave
Daisy Ave
F7-B-1 Enhance or create low-stress, comfortable bike facilities for users of all ages and abilities. Mejorar o crear instalaciones para bicicletas que sean cómodas y poco estresantes para usuarios de todas las edades y capacidades. Few streets in Clark-Fulton have low-stress, comfortable bike facilities, with most bike facilities in the neighborhood consisting of shared streets. On some streets, the bike facilities vary by segment, with some segments designated as bike lanes, others as shared streets, or with bike lanes discontinued in intersection areas. In some places, paint and striping of bike lanes and “sharrows” designating shared street segments have faded. Redesign or enhance “Bikeway” streets to create low-stress, AAA bike connections following the facility type guidance on the page with the information about Bike Facility Types for all Ages and Abilitie. Pocas calles en Clark-Fulton tienen instalaciones para bicicletas cómodas y de bajo estrés, y la mayoría de estas consisten en calles compartidas. En algunas calles, las instalaciones para bicicletas varían según el segmento, con algunos de ellos designados como carriles para bicicletas, otros como calles compartidas, o con carriles de bicicletas descontinuados en las áreas de intersección. En algunos lugares, la pintura y el rayado de los carriles de bicicleta y las marcas que designan segmentos de calles compartidas se han desvanecido. Rediseñar o mejorar las “vías de bicicleta” para crear conexiones bajo estrés y de tipo AAA siguiendo la guía de tipos de instalaciones de la página con la informacion de Tipos de instalaciones para bicicletas para todas las edades y habilidades
Clark-Fulton Together - Final Plan
F7-B-2 Locate parking for shared and micro-mobility devices and personal bicycles.
Situar parking para dispositivos de movilidad compartida y micro-movilidad y bicicletas personales.
Shared and micro-mobility devices are (typically)
Work with the City, RTA, developers, and private land
remain locked until activated by a user.
owners to locate bike racks and shared mobility parking infrastructure in key locations to provide additional transportation options and maintain order in the rightof-way. Parking locations should be located near key destinations along feature streets and main corridors. Trabajar con la ciudad, RTA, los promotores inmobiliarios y
dockless electric scooters and bicycles that can be rented by the minute through a smart phone app. These devices are parked on sidewalks and
Los dispositivos de movilidad compartida y de micromovilidad son (normalmente) patinetes y bicicletas eléctricas que pueden alquilarse por minutos a través de una aplicación de celular. Estos dispositivos se aparcan en las aceras y permanecen bloqueados hasta que un usuario los activa.
los propietarios de terrenos privados para situar areas para estacionar bicicletas e infraestructura de movilidad compartida en lugares clave, de manera que proporcionen opciones de transporte adicionales y mantengan el orden de la preferencia de paso. Las ubicaciones de las areas de estacionamiento deberían estar situadas cerca de los destinos clave a lo largo de las calles características y los corredores principales.
Planning Team testing how safe is to ride Scooters on Clark-Fulton Streets
Forward Move - Mobility 335
W 41st St
W 44th St
West 44th Street Improve biking conditions by narrowing travel and parking lane. Evaluate the potential to establish a buffer or vertical barrier between the bike lane and motor vehicle travel lanes. Mejorar las condiciones ciclistas estrechando el carril de circulación y de
F7-B-3 Redesign Bikeway Streets to be complete streets with adequate bicycle facilities and green infrastructure.
parking. Evaluar la posibilidad de establecer una barrera vertical entre el carril bici y los carriles de circulación de vehículos.
Rediseñar las vías de bicicleta para que sean calles completas con instalaciones adecuadas e infraestructuras verdes. Using the best practices and recommendations outlined by NACTO and NOACA’s Complete & Green Streets Policy framework, redesign bikeway streets
West 41st Street
to improve safety and conditions for all users.
Evaluate the potential to create a safer walking and biking
As a long-term, aspirational idea, consider working with MetroParks to turn these two streets into an extension of the regional trail system to further connect Clark-Fulton to the region. Rediseñar las vías para bicicletas para mejorar la seguridad y las condiciones para todos los usuarios utilizando las mejores prácticas y recomendaciones descritas por NACTO y NOACA’s Complete & Green Streets Policy,.
environment by limiting on-street parking and introducing a buffered bikelane. Evaluar la posibilidad de crear un entorno peatonal y ciclista más seguro limitando el aparcamiento en la calle e introduciendo un carril de bicicleta protegido.
Como idea a largo plazo, considerar la posibilidad de
At the Plan Commencement Open House
trabajar con MetroParks para convertir estas dos calles en
Event, community members were asked what
una extensión del sistema regional de senderos para conectar
they’re priorities were for transportation in the
a Clark-Fulton con la región.
neighborhood. The majority of respondents said they wanted to feel safe and protected while walking, driving, and riding their bikes in ClarkFulton. The community felt Fulton Rd and W 25th St should be prioritized, with feature streets like Walton and Daisy Ave being next.
Clark-Fulton Together - Final Plan
W 44th Street
W 41st Street
48’ ROW
57’ ROW
Proposed Re-design Narrow travel & parking lanes
Narrow travel & parking lanes
5 One-way buffered bike lane
One-way buffered bike lane
48’ ROW
57’ ROW
Remove on-street parking on one side
Two-way buffered bike lane
These street designs are community driven and aspirational concepts. Further studies, engagement, and refinement are required before implementation.
Review and work with Division of Traffic
Narrow travel & parking lanes
Engineering for traffic concurrence. Traffic analyses, access management studies, and sight line assessments will be required to ensure that these recommendations can be safely designed and implemented.
37’ 57’ ROW
Forward Move - Mobility 337
Walton Ave
Daisy Ave
Walton Avenue Create two-way buffered bike lane by narrowing down traffic lane widths, while keeping it a two-way, two-lane street. Formalize on-street parking to the left to allow the two-way bike lane to exist on the right. Crear un carril bici de doble sentido reduciendo la anchura de los carriles de tráfico aún manteniendo una calle de doble sentido y dos carriles. Formalizar el parking en el lado izquierdo de la calle para permitir que el carril bicicleta de doble sentido se sitúe a la derecha.
WHAT IS THE COMMUNITY SAYING? Feedback gathered at Plan Commencement Open House - June 2021
Bike Lanes Carriles Bici
Painted Crosswalk & Crossbike Cruce Pintado & Cruce Ciclista
Clark-Fulton Together - Final Plan
Daisy Ave Narrow planting area within the right-of-way and introduce wide sidewalks as multi-purpose path to accommodate pedestrians and bicyclists. Reducir la zona de vegetación e introducir aceras anchas que sirvan para varios propósitos como acomodar a peatones y ciclistas.
Walton Ave
Daisy Ave
56’ ROW
88’ ROW
Proposed Re-design Narrow travel lanes
Two-way buffered bike lane
Two-way, two-lane on-street parking
Formalized onstreet parking
Multi-purpose path (wide sidewalks)
40’ 88’ ROW
NOTE: These street designs are community driven and aspirational concepts. Further studies, engagement, and refinement are required before implementation.
Review and work with Division of Traffic
37’ 56’ ROW
MULTI-PURPOSE PATH Wide sidewalks (min. 10’) that can be used by pedestrians and bicyclists together. Aceras anchas (mín. 10’) que pueden ser usadas por peatones y ciclistas.
Engineering for traffic concurrence. Traffic analyses, access management studies, and sight line assessments will be required to ensure that these recommendations can be safely designed and implemented.
Forward Move - Mobility 339
Re-design key corridors and leverage new development.
Walton Avenue Re-design
Rediseñar los corredores clave y aprovechar el nuevo desarrollo.
New Infill Development
Key corridors in Clark-Fulton can benefit from re-design of the actual roadways to provide more room for multi-modal travel and usable public space. Los corredores clave de Clark-Fulton pueden beneficiarse del rediseño de la via para proporcionar más espacio para los viajes multimodales y el espacio público.
NOTE: These street designs are community driven and aspirational concepts. Further studies, engagement, and refinement are required before implementation. Estos diseños de calles son conceptos aspiracionales e impulsados por la comunidad. Es necesario realizar más estudios, una mayor participación y un
Planting and Stormwater Planter Area
mayor desarrollo antes de ponerlos en práctica.
NOTE: This street design is conceptual, additional studies and refinement are required before implementation.
Clark-Fulton Together - Final Plan
Area Banner
On-Street Parking
Low-Stress Bike Facility
Forward Move - Mobility 341
W 25th St
W 44th St
Ful ton W 41st St Rd
Fulton Road Introducing more space for street trees to make a more pleasing corridor. The proposed zoning overlay will also recommend increase building setback on new development to allow space for planting, wide sidewalks, and outdoor seating areas. Introducir más espacio para árboles para hacer del corredor
F7-C-1 Redesign Main Corridors to provide space to encourage development and public realm improvements.
un sitio más agradable. La propuesta de superposición de zonificación también recomendará aumentar el retranqueo de los edificios en los nuevos desarrollos para dejar espacio para vegetación, aceras anchas y zonas de descanso al aire libre.
Rediseñar los corredores principales para proporcionar espacio para fomentar el desarrollo y mejoras en el ámbito público. Using the best practices and recommendations outlined by NACTO and the Complete Streets policy framework, travel lanes on the main corridors can be narrowed to improve safety for pedestrians and to
West 25th Street
provide more space for landscape and other
The 25Connects Plan is concurrently underway and will
public realm improvements. Utilizando las mejores prácticas y recomendaciones de NACTO y el marco de la política de Calles Completas, los carriles de circulación de los principales corredores
provide specific design recommendations for the entire W 25th Corridor. This plan recommends a zoning overlay to allow increased building setbacks on new development to allow space for public realm improvements (i.e., planting strips, wide
pueden estrecharse para mejorar la seguridad de los
sidewalks, outdoor seating areas, lighting, banners, etc). Refer
peatones y proporcionar más espacio para el paisaje y
to the 25Connects Plan for street re-desing, improvements
otras mejoras del ámbito público.
and zoning recommendations. El Plan 25Conecta se está llevando a cabo y proporcionará recomendaciones de diseño específicas para todo el corredor W 25th. Este plan recomienda una superposición de zonificación que permita aumentar los retranqueos de los edificios en los nuevos desarrollos para dejar espacio a las mejoras del ámbito público (es decir, franjas de vegetación, aceras anchas, zonas de asientos al aire libre, iluminación, estandartes, etc.).Consulte el Plan 25Connects para conocer el rediseño de calles, las mejoras y las recomendaciones de zonificación.
Clark-Fulton Together - Final Plan
Fulton Road
W 25th Street
62’ ROW
47’ ROW
Proposed Fulton Re-design & Public Realm Improvements to W 25th St Landscape Median Two-way with center turn lane
17 Planting / Outdoor Seating
Planting / Outdoor Seating
33’ 47’ ROW
62’ ROW
NOTE: These street designs are community driven and aspirational concepts. Further studies, engagement, and refinement are required
New lighting & planting strip
Underground Utility
before implementation.
Review and work with Division of Traffic Engineering for traffic concurrence. Traffic analyses, access management studies, and sight line assessments will be required to ensure that these recommendations can be safely designed and implemented.
44’ 62’ ROW
Forward Move - Mobility 343
Roberto Clemente Park
Transit connection to Steelyard Commons
41 st
Walto n Ave
Clark A ve
Trent Ave
Lincoln West High School
Rd to n
St th 25
tt Ave
idge A ve
Valen tin
e Ave
Cleveland Police Department
Buhrer Ave Pedestrian Bridge
Cleveland Metroparks Zoo
Figure 59
r Ave
Trowb r
ra n
City Life Center
d nR
lt Fu
Store r
44 th W
St. Mary´s Cemetery
Riverside Cemetery
Areas of Further Study
F7-C-2 Identify Areas and Streets for Further Study. Identificacion de Áreas y calles para mayor estudio Clark Avenue and Fulton Road Clark Avenue and Fulton Road obviously are the key
Clark Ave y Fulton Rd son los corredores clave este-oeste y norte-
east-west and north-south corridors through the
sur respectivamente que atraviesan el núcleo del vecindario, pero
neighborhood’s core, but the optimal combination of
la combinación óptima de conexiones secundarias este-oeste
secondary east-west and north-south connections is
y norte-sur está lejos de ser obvia. El plan ha identificado una
far from obvious. The plan has identified the series of Feature Streets and Bikeway Streets described above to provide secondary commercial corridors and appropriate streets for bike traffic, but further planning and traffic analysis at a more detailed level would benefit the design of improvements on specific combinations.
Clark-Fulton Together - Final Plan
serie de calles características y vías de bicicleta, ambas descritas anteriormente, para proporcionar corredores comerciales secundarios y calles apropiadas para el tráfico de bicicletas. Una mayor planificación y análisis del tráfico a un nivel más detallado beneficiaría el diseño de las mejoras para ver combinaciones específicas.
Fulton Gateway (Bush-Fulton Intersection)
El análisis de esta zona de intersección y las posibles conexiones
The Fulton Road corridor connects Clark-Fulton to core
(situado al sur de la I-71 y la intersección Archwood-Dennison),
areas of Ohio City north of I-90 and to I-71, the Zoo
además de las otras mejoras de Fulton Rd y West 41 St propuestas
and Old Brooklyn to the south. The Fulton-Bush Ave intersection serves as one of the neighborhood’s most important gateways, less than a quarter mile north of
del carril bicicleta con el zoológico de Cleveland Metroparks
en este plan, proporcionarían un ámbito de trabajo clave para un proyecto financiado por el TLCI o una subvención similar.
the four way interchange with I-71.
Valentine Avenue
The Bush-Fulton intersection alone could warrant
Valentine Ave is an important connection between
significant additional traffic and transportation planning
Scranton Rd, I-71, and connections to the regional trail
analysis, to optimize traffic movements, improve
pedestrian safety, and identify how transportation changes could promote development of the underutilized land surrounding this intersection area. Possible changes that would require further analysis, but could significantly improve transportation movement and safety, would include potentially closing West 41st Street access at Bush or Daisy Avenues, eliminating the fifth “leg” of the intersection and routing traffic to West 41st via Daisy. Analysis of this intersection area and potential bikewaypedestrian connections to Cleveland Metroparks Zoo
Located north of the MetroHealth Campus and south of the Scranton Historic District, Valentine Avenue serves two different functions - coming off the highway ramp and being a safe neighborhood street. During the planning process, many stakeholders expressed the desire to close to the ramp to control high-speed traffic to address safety concerns. Further traffic studies and analysis of this route is needed in order to determine the best mobility solutions for Valentine Ave.
(located south of I-71 and the Archwood-Dennison
Valentine Ave es una conexión importante entre Scranton Rd, la
intersection), in addition to the other improvements
I-71 y las conexiones con el sistema regional de senderos.
to Fulton and West 41 St proposed in this plan, would provide a significant scope of work for a TLCI or similar grant-funded project. El corredor de Fulton Road conecta Clark-Fulton con las zonas centrales de Ohio City al norte de la I-90 además de conectar con la I-71, el Zoo y Old Brooklyn al sur. La intersección de FultonBush Ave es una de las puertas de entrada más importantes del vecindario, ya que se encuentra a menos de un cuarto de milla al norte del nodo de intercambio de cuatro vías de la I-71.
Situada al norte del campus de MetroHealth y al sur de Scranton Historic District, Valentine Ave cumple dos funciones diferentes: ser la salida de la autovía y ser una calle vecinal segura. Durante el proceso de planificación muchas partes interesadas expresaron el deseo de cerrar la rampa de salida de la autovía para controlar el tráfico de alta velocidad de forma que se aborden las preocupaciones de seguridad. Se necesitan más estudios de tráfico y análisis para determinar las mejores soluciones de movilidad para Valentine Ave.
La intersección Bush-Fulton por sí sola podría justificar un importante análisis adicional de planificación del tráfico y transporte con el fin de optimizar los movimientos del tráfico, mejorar la seguridad de los peatones e identificar cómo los cambios en el transporte podrían promover el desarrollo de los terrenos infrautilizados que rodean esta zona de intersección. Los posibles cambios que requerirían un mayor análisis, pero que podrían mejorar significativamente el movimiento y la seguridad del transporte, incluirían el cierre potencial del acceso a W 41st St en su intersección con Bush o Daisy Ave, eliminando la quinta “pierna” de la intersección y dirigiendo el tráfico a W 41st St a través de Daisy Ave.
Forward Move - Mobility 345
Alleys throughout Clark-Fulton vary in condition and use. Located mostly on residential blocks, alleys in the Study Area were intended to provide access to the back of homes and garages, leaving the primary street fronts clear of parked cars. Los callejones de Clark-Fulton varían en términos de estado y uso. Situados en su mayoría en manzanas residenciales, los callejones del Área de Estudio estaban pensados para dar acceso a la parte trasera de las casas y a los garajes, dejando los frentes de las calles principales libres de carros aparcados.
Ful ton
W 41st St
Conservar y mejorar el carácter y el uso de los callejones.
W 44th St
Preserve and improve character and use of alleys.
Daisy Ave
F7-D-1 Prioritize and encourage use of alleys as service roads for cars and parking, particularly in alleys adjacent to bikeway streets. Priorizar y fomentar el uso de los callejones como vías de servicio para los carros y el parking, especialmente en los callejones adyacentes a las vías de bicicleta. On residential blocks where alleys are present, use alleys to access individual garages and parking in the back of lots to keep primary street edges for building edge and pedestrian and bicycle use. Alleys near bikeways should be encouraged for residential car access to remain low stress for bicyclists and pedestrians using the bikeway streets. En las manzanas residenciales en las que haya callejones, estos se deberían utilizar para acceder a los garajes individuales y a las zonas de estacionamiento en la parte trasera de las parcelas de forma que se mantengan los bordes de las calles principales para el uso de los edificios y de los peatones y las bicicletas. Los callejones cercanos a las vías de bicicleta deberían fomentarse como la zona de acceso de los carros a las zonas residenciales con el fin de mantener un bajo nivel de estrés para los ciclistas y los peatones que utilizan las vías de bicicleta.
Clark-Fulton Together - Final Plan
WHAT IS THE COMMUNITY SAYING? Feedback gathered at Plan Commencement Open House June 2021
Clean & Improve the Neighborhood Alleys Limpiar y mejorar los callejones del barrio.
F7-D-2 Continue working with local organizations on alley clean-up projects. Continuar trabajando con organizaciones locales en la limpieza de los callejones. Build capacity and continue working with local
partners to revitalize Clark-Fulton’s alleys. Focus initial improvement projects on alleys located behind Bikeway Streets and Main Corridors. Crear capacidad y seguir trabajando con socios locales para revitalizar los callejones de Clark-Fulton. Centrar los proyectos de
Clean Up Event Evento para Limpieza de los Callejones
Alley After a Clean Up
mejora iniciales en los callejones situados detrás de las vías de bicicleta y los corredores principales.
Callejón Después de la Limpieza
TYPICAL ALLEYS Alleys in Clark-Fulton typically have a 10’ feet wide right-of-way and are one-way access roads to residential garages. Many alleys are enclosed by private lot fences or overrun with poor paving conditions. Los callejones en Clark-Fulton suelen tener un derecho de paso de 10 pies de ancho y son vías de acceso unidireccionales a los garajes residenciales. Muchos callejones están cerrados por vallas de parcelas privadas o tienen una pavimentación deficiente.
Alleys are common on residential blocks in Clark-Fulton
Forward Move - Mobility 347
Increase use of public transit and shelter improvements through regional collaboration. Incrementar el uso del transporte público y mejorar las paradas mediante colaboración regional.
F7-E-1 Work with RTA to maximize transportation and development benefits of the West 25th Street MetroHealth Line project. Trabajar con RTA para maximizar los beneficios de transporte y desarrollo del proyecto de la línea MetroHealth a lo largo de W 25th St. RTA’s recently completed West 25th Street TransitOriented Development (TOD) project, proposed recommendations to promote transit-oriented development along and near West 25th Street to support the MetroHealth Line transit project, which will improve transit service and facilities all along West 25th Street from Broadview, State, and Pearl north to downtown. The plan identified bus rapid transit (BRT) “station” locations to replace the existing bus stops along West 25th Street, and proposed improvements
There are dozens of bus stops and multiple
to the stations, streetscape, crosswalks and other
bus routes, including the planned BRT line
pedestrian infrastructure along West 25th Street and
on W 25th St, that serve Clark-Fulton - along
to connect West 25th to nearby development. The
Clark and Fulton, Scranton, Storer, and
TOD project included extensive public and stakeholder
Trowbridge. These bus stops present Clark-
outreach, and the recommendations reflect extensive
Fulton stakeholders, the City, and RTA with
input from Clark-Fulton area organizations and
opportunities to attract transit users, promote
stakeholder groups.
safety, and bring beauty and order to locations throughout the neighborhood by enhancing the transit waiting environments at these stops. Most Clark-Fulton area bus stops lack significant amenities to make using transit safer
Metro West, City Planning, and other stakeholder groups in Clark-Fulton should continue to work with RTA through the MetroHealth Line’s design and construction process to provide input and help secure funding for
and more comfortable.
the project. The involvement of the neighborhood and
Hay docenas de paradas de autobús y múltiples rutas
streetscape designs maximize the transportation, safety,
que sirven Clark-Fulton, incluyendo la línea de BRT prevista en W 25th St, - a lo largo de Clark y Fulton, Scranton, Storer, y Trowbridge. Estas paradas de
the City in the process will help ensure that station and and development benefits to the neighborhood and to minimize disruptions during the construction process.
autobús ofrecen a las partes interesadas de Clark-
Refer to the 25Connects Plan for more detailed
Fulton, a la ciudad y a RTA la oportunidad de atraer
information about the project and next steps.
a los usuarios del transporte público, promover la seguridad y aportar belleza y orden a los lugares del
El proyecto de desarrollo orientado al tránsito (TOD) en W 25th St
vecindario mediante la mejora de los entornos de espera
recientemente completado por la RTA, propuso recomendaciones
del transporte público. La mayoría de las paradas de
para promover el desarrollo orientado al tránsito a lo largo de
autobús de la zona de Clark-Fulton carecen de servicios
W 25th St de forma que apoye el proyecto de tránsito de la línea
significativos para que el uso del transporte sea más
MetroHealth que mejorará el servicio y las instalaciones a lo largo
seguro y cómodo.
W 25th St desde Broadview, State y Pearl St hacia el norte hasta el centro. El plan identificó las ubicaciones de las “estaciones” de tránsito rápido de autobuses (BRT) para reemplazar las paradas
Clark-Fulton Together - Final Plan
de autobús existentes a lo largo de la calle y propuso mejoras en
Las partes interesadas de Clark-Fulton pueden trabajar con RTA
las estaciones, el paisaje urbano, los cruces peatonales y otras
para evaluar las condiciones y los patrones de uso de las paradas
infraestructuras peatonales a lo largo de la W 25th St además de
de autobús a lo largo de las rutas 25, 45 y 18 para determinar qué
conectar la calle con el desarrollo urbano cercano. El proyecto de
puntos de la ruta se beneficiarían de las mejoras. Las ubicaciones
TOD incluyó divulgación al público y las partes interesadas, y las
objetivo para las mejoras del entorno de espera del tránsito
recomendaciones reflejan las aportaciones de las organizaciones
incluirían las paradas que tienen altos niveles de pasajeros, están
de la zona de Clark-Fulton y de los grupos interesados.
cerca de los principales centros de actividad, o sirven a lugares
Metro West, City Planning y otros grupos de interés de Clark-Fulton deberían seguir trabajando con RTA durante el proceso de diseño y construcción de la línea MetroHealth para aportar su opinión y ayudar a garantizar la financiación del proyecto. La participación del vecindario y de la ciudad en el proceso ayudará a asegurar que los diseños de la estación y del paisaje urbano maximicen los beneficios de transporte, seguridad y desarrollo para el vecindario y ayudarán minimizar las interrupciones durante el proceso de construcción. Consulte el Plan 25Connects para obtener información más detallada sobre el proyecto y los próximos pasos.
F7-E-2 Improve transit stops and shelters throughout the neighborhood. Mejorar las paradas
donde un gran número de personas mayores, discapacitados y/o niños utilizan el autobús. Los lugares en los que los pasajeros hacen transbordo entre rutas de autobús, como en las intersecciones de Clark-Fulton y Storer/Trowbridge-Fulton, también son posibles lugares de mejora. Las mejoras potenciales se extienden más allá de plataformas pavimentadas y paradas de autobús para incluir potencialmente bancos, señalización y mejoras en la iluminación que aumenten tanto la comodidad como la seguridad de los pasajeros del autobús. Estas mejoras se extenderían a las zonas que rodean las paradas y a las estaciones de movilidad compartida, así como a los parking para bicicletas. La colaboración entre Metro West, City Planning y RTA puede identificar mejoras en las paradas y la financiación de varias recursos públicos y sin ánimo de lucro para cubrir el coste del diseño y la implementación.
de tránsito y las marquesinas en todo el vecindario. Clark-Fulton stakeholders can work with RTA to evaluate conditions and ridership patterns at bus stops along routes 25, 45 and 18 to determine where stops would benefit from improvements. Target locations for transit waiting environment improvements would include stops that support high ridership levels, are near major activity centers, or serve locations where large numbers of seniors, disabled people and/or children use the bus. Locations where passengers transfer between bus routes, such as at the Clark-Fulton and at Storer/ Trowbridge-Fulton intersections, also are possible target locations for improvements. Potential improvements extend beyond paved standing pads and bus shelters to potentially include benches, signage and lighting improvements that enhance both comfort and safety for bus passengers. These improvements would extend to the areas around the stops and shared mobility stations and bike parking for bicycle users. Collaboration among Metro West, City Planning, and RTA can identify packages of improvements at stop locations and identify funding from various public and non-profit sources to cover the cost of design and implementation.
Forward Move - Mobility 349
F8 Advance efforts for an inclusive, accessible, and robust digital and resilient community. Impulsar los esfuerzos para crear capacidad e infraestructura para una comunidad digital inclusiva, accesible , robusta y resiliente. The COVID-19 global pandemic has increased the
La pandemia mundial de COVID-19 ha aumentado la necesidad
need for digital and technological advances to
de avances digitales y tecnológicos para garantizar que Clark-
ensure Clark-Fulton is growing in an inclusive and
Fulton crezca de forma inclusiva y resiliente. Trabajando con la
resilient way. Working with the City and other digital literacy programs and advocates, we must continue advancing the effort to bridge the digital divide, and provide access to reliable infrastructure in ClarkFulton.
Enhance existing community spaces to serve as resilience and digital hubs
Clark-Fulton Together - Final Plan
ciudad, defensores y otros programas de alfabetización digital, debemos seguir avanzando en el esfuerzo por reducir la brecha digital y proporcionar acceso a una infraestructura fiable en Clark-Fulton.
Close the digital divide by focusing on literacy and skills development programs.
Partner with local and regional coalitions working to advance digital and sustainable technology.
Cerrar la brecha digital centrándose en programas de alfabetización y desarrollo de habilidades.
Asociarse con coaliciones locales y regionales que trabajen en el avance de la tecnología digital y sostenible.
Provide adequate investments to infrastructure to support advancing technologies.
Position Clark-Fulton to be an example in energy resilience during and after storm events.
Proporcionar inversiones de infraestructura adecuadas para apoyar el avance de las tecnologías.
Posicionar a Clark-Fulton para que sea un ejemplo de resiliencia energética durante y después de las tormentas.
NOTE: All the actions presented in this chapter are community-driven and aspirational. Further studies, due diligence, and engagement may be required to implement some of the ideas and concepts proposed in this plan. Todas las acciones presentadas en este capítulo están impulsadas por la comunidad y son aspiracionales. Es posible que sean necesarios más estudios, diligencias y compromisos para poner en práctica algunas de las ideas y conceptos propuestos en este plan.
F8 Technology 351
Close the digital divide by focusing on literacy and skills development programs. Cerrar la brecha digital centrándose en programas de alfabetización y desarrollo de habilidades. Clark-Fulton residents and youth face difficulties adapting to new technology due to lack of access, skills, and digital literacy options. In order to close the gap, a system needs to be built to ensure future generations do not face the same barriers without technical knowledge and resources. Los residentes y los jóvenes de Clark-Fulton tienen dificultades para adaptarse a las nuevas tecnologías debido a la falta de acceso, habilidades y la falta de opciones de alfabetización digital. Para cerrar la brecha es necesario construir un sistema que garantice que las generaciones futuras no se enfrenten a las mismas barreras sin conocimientos técnicos ni recursos.
F8-A-1 Create a “Digital Ambassadors” program. Crear un programa de embajadores digitales. The Digital Ambassadors is a program spearheaded by the Cleveland Foundation to serve as a conduit between residents and technological opportunities. Work with the Cleveland Foundation to recruit and form a Digital Ambassador program where local digital experts can work together to support existing programs, offer peerto-peer guidance, advice on best practices for training and teaching programs, and provide a network of support to the residents and business owners in ClarkFulton. Los Embajadores Digitales es un programa encabezado por Cleveland Foundation y que sirve de enlace entre los residentes y las oportunidades tecnológicas. Trabaja con Cleveland Foundation para reclutar y formar un programa de Embajadores Digitales en el que los expertos digitales locales puedan trabajar juntos para apoyar los programas existentes, ofrecer orientación entre compañeros, asesoramiento sobre las mejores prácticas para los programas de formación y enseñanza, y proporcionar una red de apoyo a los residentes y propietarios de negocios en Clark-Fulton.
F8-A-2 Create a digital and sustainability hub. Crear un centro digital y de sostenibilidad. A central location to serve as a hub for community members to go to for advice, training, and other skills development, as well as a space to test and teach residents about new advanced and emerging technologies. The digital and sustainability hub can be the central location and pilot space for existing and new programs and resources, and the home base for the Digital Ambassadors. It should have the resources and technology to provide support for all ages and skill levels – senior citizens, scholars, and/or strivers. Un lugar central que sirva de platafotma para que los miembros de la comunidad acudan en busca de asesoramiento, formación y desarrollo de otras habilidades, así como un espacio para probar y enseñar a los residentes las nuevas tecnologías avanzadas y emergentes. El centro digital y de sostenibilidad puede ser la ubicación central y el espacio piloto para los programas y recursos existentes y nuevos, y la base de operaciones de los Embajadores Digitales. Debería contar con los recursos y la tecnología necesarios para ofrecer apoyo a todas las edades y niveles de habilidad: personas mayores, becarios y/o aspirantes.
Clark-Fulton Together - Final Plan
CASE STUDIES StartUp Box StartUp Box is a social enterprise designed to increase underserved community members’ opportunities to be a part of the tech economy by creating technology and an entrepreneurial ecosystem. “StartUp Boxers” test games and other software across a range of devices and operating systems from start to finish, using industry protocols for bug reporting while gaining exposure to a wide range of product failures not normally observed by consumers. Teamwork is essential in tackling error detection challenges across platforms, so communications, record keeping, and related team management skills are reinforced Source: majora-carter-startup-box-enterprise-digitalrenaissance-south-bronx
StartUp Box es una empresa social diseñada para aumentar las oportunidades de los miembros de la comunidad con pocos recursos para que formen parte de la economía tecnológica mediante la creación de un ecosistema tecnológico y empresarial. Los “StartUp Boxers” prueban juegos y otros programas en una serie de dispositivos y sistemas operativos de principio a fin, utilizando los protocolos aplicados en la industria para la notificación de errores, al tiempo que se exponen a fallos del producto que normalmente no observan los consumidores. El trabajo en equipo es esencial para afrontar los retos de la detección de errores en todas las plataformas, por lo que se refuerzan las comunicaciones, el mantenimiento de registros y las habilidades de gestión de equipos relacionadas.
Connected Futures (Detroit, MI) Streamlined due to the COVID-19 pandemic, a coalition of partners invested $23 million to support students with wireless tablets and internet access for in-home use for students and families to continue with their education during stay-at-home orders. Additional Technology and Family Resource Hubs were provided at schools across the school district providing direct resources to families, including: digital device troubleshooting, repair, replacement, and online learning support. Optimizado debido a la pandemia de COVID-19, una coalición de socios invirtió 23 millones de dólares para apoyar a los estudiantes con tablets y acceso a Internet para su uso en el hogar, de forma que los estudiantes y las familias puedan continuar Source: connectedfutures,
con su educación durante la cuarentena en el hogar. Se proporcionaron Centros de Recursos Tecnológicos y Familiares adicionales en las escuelas de todo el distrito para proporcionar recursos directos a las familias, incluyendo: solución de problemas de dispositivos digitales, reparación, sustitución y apoyo para el aprendizaje en línea.
F8 Technology 353
F8-A-3 Support and publicize currently available tutorials and courses.
F8-A-4 Partner with Cleveland Innovation Projects to bring training programs to Clark-Fulton.
Apoyar y dar a conocer los tutoriales y cursos disponibles.
Asociarse con Cleveland Innovation Projects para llevar programas de formación a ClarkFulton.
There are many programs that are provided by or available through the Cleveland Public Libraries, CMSD,
The Cleveland Innovation Project has identified Health
and other partners that are focused on increasing digital
Innovation and Smart Manufacturing as top sectors
literacy in Clark-Fulton. Stakeholders should continue to
in Cleveland for opportunity, potential impact, and
support and actively promote these programs to raise
readiness for scaled growth. Partnering with this
digital literacy and expand the reach of the work of these
project will help bring more educational resources,
organizations. Encourage participation in the Digital
training, and opportunities to Clark-Fulton residents and
Ambassador program to get more community members
business owners. These programs can be an important
involved in these programs.
catalyst to equipping residents and business owners
Potential courses can focus around informing and educating residents on how to access current City services online. Programs and initiatives in the community: ◌ ◌ ◌ ◌
JumpStart DigitalLearn CHN Housing Partners Technology Training and Resources PCs for People
with the workforce development they need to pursue opportunities. Topics and courses that could be beneficial to ClarkFulton community members: ◌ ◌ ◌ ◌ ◌ ◌
Healthcare Trends are Telemedicine Artificial Intelligence Against COVID-19 the Internet of Medical Things (IoMT) Virtual and Augmented Reality Data Security Artificial Intelligence
Hay muchos programas que están suministrados por o están
Cleveland Innovation Projects ha identificado la Innovación en
disponibles a través de Cleveland Public Libraries, CMSD, y
Salud y la Fabricación Inteligente como los principales sectores
otros socios. Estos programas se centran en el aumento de la
en Cleveland en cuanto a oportunidades, impacto potencial y
alfabetización digital en Clark-Fulton. Las partes interesadas deben
preparación para el crecimiento a escala. La asociación con este
seguir apoyando y promoviendo activamente estos programas
proyecto ayudará a llevar más recursos educativos, formación y
para aumentar la alfabetización digital y ampliar el alcance del
oportunidades a los residentes y propietarios de negocios de Clark-
trabajo de estas organizaciones. Fomentar la participación en el
Fulton. Estos programas pueden ser un catalizador importante
programa de embajadores digitales para que más miembros de la
para equipar a los residentes y propietarios de negocios con
comunidad participen en estos programas.
el desarrollo de la fuerza laboral que necesitan para buscar
Los posibles cursos pueden centrarse en informar y educar a los residentes sobre cómo acceder a los servicios en línea de la ciudad. Programas e iniciativas en la comunidad:
◌ ◌ ◌
JumpStart DigitalLearn CHN Housing Partners Technology Training and Resources
PCs for People
oportunidades. Temas y cursos que podrían ser beneficiosos para los miembros de la comunidad de Clark-Fulton:
◌ ◌ ◌ ◌ ◌ ◌
Healthcare Trends are Telemedicine Artificial Intelligence Against COVID-19 the Internet of Medical Things (IoMT) Virtual and Augmented Reality Data Security Artificial Intelligence
Source: Technology Trends in Healthcare in 2021: The Rise of A.I. (
Clark-Fulton Together - Final Plan
F8-A-5 Work with MetroHealth to offer training around telehealth and digital operations. Trabajar con MetroHealth para ofrecer talleres sobre telesalud y operaciones digitales. MetroHealth is in a unique position to empower and help local residents grow. As a leader in telehealth operations and digital medical records, MetroHealth can offer short-term training programs or classes in how to use telehealth services, access digital medical records, and manage appointments for better health outcomes. Working with local organizations, these classes can be administered in small group settings to help users of all ages and levels of computer comfort learn and adapt to the system.
WHAT IS THE COMMUNITY SAYING? Which of the following do you want to see to make sure Clark-Fulton has access to reliable technology? ¿Cuál de los siguientes programas le gustaría ver para asegurar que ClarkFulton tiene acceso a una tecnología fiable? Promote Digital Skills & Literacy Programs Promover Programas de Alfabetización y Habilidades Digitales
MetroHealth está en una posición única para capacitar y ayudar
a crecer a los residentes locales. Como líder en operaciones de telesalud y registros médicos digitales, MetroHealth puede ofrecer
programas o clases de capacitación a corto plazo sobre cómo utilizar los servicios de telesalud, acceder a los registros médicos digitales y gestionar las citas para obtener mejores resultados de salud. En colaboración con las organizaciones locales, estas clases pueden impartirse en grupos reducidos para ayudar a los usuarios de todas las edades y niveles de habilidad informática a aprender y adaptarse al sistema.
Outreach Digital Ambassadors Embajadores para Divulgación Digital
Computer Classes for All-Ages Clases de computación para todas las edades
F8 Technology 355
INITIATIVES & PROGRAMS Existing Digital Literacy Programs CHN Housing Partners Technology Training & Resources Offers hotspot internet devices and free one-on-one or group training for all levels of technology users. Customizable classes at computer labs or local libraries based on the interest and needs of the participants. Ofrece dispositivos de conexión
Digital Learn By the Cleveland Public
Focused on making an
Library, offers a wide range of
equitable digital future.
online computer classes (i.e.,
Provides access to free
online shopping, Facebook,
digital resources, training,
Microsoft Office) to bridge the
and programs. Partnered
digital divide through short,
with CMSD to extend high-
easy to digest courses for
speed internet services to
any skill level. Cleveland Public
thousands of CMSD families,
Library ofrece una amplia gama de
and Clark-Fulton is a priority
clases de informática en línea (por
ejemplo, compras en línea, Facebook, Microsoft Office) para reducir la
Centrado en la creación de un futuro
brecha digital mediante cursos breves
digital equitativo. Proporciona acceso
y fáciles de digerir para cualquier
a recursos, formación y programas
nivel de conocimiento.
digitales gratuitos. Se asoció con
CMSD para ampliar los servicios de Internet de alta velocidad a miles de
a Internet y formación gratuita
familias del CMSD, y Clark-Fulton es
individual o en grupo para
un vecindario prioritario.
usuarios de todos los niveles. Clases personalizadas en laboratorios informáticos o bibliotecas locales según el interés y las necesidades de los participantes. Source: https://chnhousingpartners. org/housing-and-community-services/ technology-training-resources/
PCs for People
affordable internet to lowincome households. Committed to environmental sustainability recycling services and
Launched in 2017, this initiative is focused on bringing access to the digital world and economy to all residents of Greater Cleveland.
refurbishment for distribution. Online resource and learning center to build computer skills.
MetroHealth, in partnership with DigitalC and Dollar Bank, is working to bring affordable internet access to up to 1,000 homes. The first households began receiving subsidies in
asequible para los hogares con
April 2020.
ingresos bajos. Comprometidos con la sostenibilidad medioambiental, ofrecen servicios de reciclaje de aparatos electrónicos y
se centra en dar acceso al mundo
reacondicionamiento de los mismos
digital y a la economía a todos los
para su distribución.
Clark-Fulton Together - Final Plan
Ordenadores de bajo coste e Internet
Esta iniciativa lanzada en 2017
residentes de Cleveland.
Low-cost computer and
and offer secure electronic
Cleveland Foundation Digital Excelence Initiative
MetroHealth, en colaboración con DigitalC y Dollar Bank, está trabajando para dar acceso a Internet a precios asequibles a un máximo de 1.000 hogares. Los primeros hogares comenzaron a recibir subvenciones en abril de 2020.
Cleveland Innovation Projects
Greater Cleveland Digital Equity Coalition
Internet of Things Collaborative (IoT)
Alliance of organizations on a
Spearheaded by Cleveland
Collaboration between Case
mission to establish Cleveland
Foundation and Cuyahoga
Western Reserve University and
as the Midwestern example
County, the Digital Equity
Cleveland State University, IoT
for technology-led growth
Coalition has several
was formed to bring together
and inclusion by 2030. The
organizations under its
the expertise and resources
focus in Cleveland will be
umbrella and offers support to
of the universities to drive
on: Smart Manufacturing,
communities and grassroots
research and engagement
Health Innovation, and Water
organizations leading the
around new smart cities
Technologies. Alianza de
charge to close the gap in the
technology and implementation
organizaciones con la misión de
digital divide.
in Cleveland. The mission
convertir a Cleveland en el ejemplo del medio oeste para el crecimiento y la inclusión impulsados por la tecnología con objetivo 2030. En Cleveland se centrará en: la fabricación inteligente, la innovación sanitaria y las tecnologías del agua. Source: https://www.clevelandfoundation. org/news_items/cleveland-innovation-project/
Encabezada por Cleveland Foundation y el condado de Cuyahoga, Digital Equity Coalition cuenta con varias organizaciones bajo su paraguas y ofrece apoyo a las comunidades y organizaciones base que lideran la lucha para cerrar la brecha digital. Source: https://www.clevelandfoundation. org/news_items/cleveland-innovation-project/
of IoT is to drive economic transformation and improve quality of life by making Cleveland a leader in digital innovation. Colaboración entre Case Western Reserve University y Cleveland State University, IoT se formó para reunir la experiencia y los recursos de las universidades para impulsar la investigación y el compromiso en torno a la tecnología de las smart cities y su implementación en Cleveland.
Jump Start Empowers entrepreneurship through workshops and support programs to help small businesses and communities thrive. Workshops range from business plan strategy to social media and digital marketing. Fomenta el espíritu empresarial mediante talleres y programas de apoyo que ayudan a las pequeñas empresas y comunidades a prosperar. Los talleres abarcan desde la estrategia del plan de negocio hasta las redes sociales y el marketing digital.
La misión de IoT es impulsar la
Digital Equity Fund Established by the Digital Equity Coalition, funds are used to address immediate and long-term needs around
transformación económica y mejorar la calidad de vida convirtiendo a Cleveland en líder de la innovación digital. Source: https://www.clevelandfoundation. org/news_items/cleveland-innovation-project/
broadband access, computing devices, digital literacy, and technology support. Establecidos por Digital Equity Coalition, los fondos se utilizan para abordar las necesidades inmediatas y a largo plazo en torno al acceso a la banda ancha, los dispositivos informáticos, la alfabetización digital y el apoyo tecnológico.
F8 Technology 357
Provide adequate investments to infrastructure to support advancing technologies. Proporcionar inversiones adecuadas a la infraestructura para apoyar el avance de las tecnologías. In order to provide adequate support and access to reliable and affordable internet and other technology, investments need to be made to the aging infrastructure in Clark-Fulton. Investments will not only go towards closing the digital divide but will also allow other new and emerging technological advancements to be implemented in the neighborhood and will create more opportunities for Clark-Fulton to be the location for pilot projects for smart city applications. Con el fin de proporcionar un apoyo adecuado y el acceso a un Internet fiable y asequible y a otras tecnologías, es necesario invertir en la envejecida infraestructura de Clark-Fulton. Las inversiones no solo servirán para cerrar la brecha digital, sino que también permitirán implementar otros avances tecnológicos nuevos y emergentes en el barrio y crearán más oportunidades para que Clark-Fulton sea la ubicación de proyectos piloto para aplicaciones de ciudades inteligentes.
F8-B-1 Identify locations for communication antennas. Identificar las ubicaciones de las antenas de comunicación. Communication antennas are needed to provide reliable and consistent internet access throughout the neighborhood. The latest technology has evolved to require a minimum of a 3-4 stories high line-of-sight between tall buildings for extending access via towers. Digital technology and placement should be considered and accounted for in all future development projects in the neighborhood. In addition to supporting widespread internet coverage, communication antennas can also be plugged into new smart city technology. Finding locations and fundraising to build communication antennas can help position Clark-Fulton to be a pilot neighborhood for new technology testing. Las antenas de comunicación son necesarias para proporcionar un acceso a Internet fiable y constante en todo el barrio. La tecnología más reciente ha evolucionado hasta requerir una línea de visión de al menos 3 ó 4 pisos de altura entre edificios altos para extender el acceso a través de torres. La tecnología digital y su ubicación deben ser consideradas y tenidas en cuenta en todos los futuros proyectos de desarrollo del barrio. Además de apoyar una amplia cobertura de Internet, las antenas de comunicación también pueden conectarse a la nueva tecnología de la ciudad inteligente. La búsqueda de ubicaciones y la recaudación de fondos para construir antenas de comunicación pueden ayudar a posicionar a Clark-Fulton como un barrio piloto para probar nuevas tecnologías.
Clark-Fulton Together - Final Plan
Partner with local and regional coalitions working to advance digital and sustainable technology. Asociarse con coaliciones locales y regionales que trabajen en el avance de la tecnología digital y sostenible.
F8-C-1 Create an online hub with real-time information. Crear un centro online con información en tiempo real. Partner with institutions and organizations that are working to digitize and share City and neighborhood data relevant to community members, such as safety, mobility issues and delays, and other services. This hub can be a central resource for residents, business owners, and visitors to Clark-Fulton to get real time updates on travel delays or safety incidents. The online hub can take shape in an app format for smartphones and as a website that visitors can easily access. Asociarse con instituciones y organizaciones que estén trabajando para digitalizar y compartir datos de la ciudad y del vecindario relevantes para los miembros de la comunidad, como la seguridad, los problemas de movilidad y los retrasos, y otros servicios. Este centro puede ser un recurso central para que los residentes, propietarios de negocios y visitantes de Clark-Fulton obtengan actualizaciones en tiempo real sobre retrasos en los viajes o incidentes de seguridad. El centro en línea puede adoptar la forma
There are many organizations and institutions working throughout the city to make Cleveland a national example of a smart city. Clark-Fulton is uniquely positioned to become a pilot neighborhood for many actions and projects that will soon be ready to implement. Joining forces with these coalitions will help bring more digital access and exposure to new technologies and will bring the neighborhood into the future.
de una aplicación para teléfonos inteligentes y de un sitio web al que
Hay muchas organizaciones e instituciones trabajando en toda la ciudad para hacer de Cleveland un ejemplo nacional de ciudad inteligente. Clark-Fulton está en una posición única para convertirse en un vecindario piloto para muchas acciones y proyectos que pronto estarán listos para ser implementados. La unión de fuerzas con estas coaliciones ayudará a que haya más acceso digital y exposición a las nuevas tecnologías y llevará al vecindario al futuro..
businesses. JumpStart’s workshop model can be adapted
los visitantes puedan acceder fácilmente.
F8-C-2 Provide support for small business training. Apoyar la formación de las pequeñas empresas. As ecommerce continues to grow, it is important to provide support and training for small businesses in Clark-Fulton on ways they can capitalize and adapt to ecommerce and remain economically resilient. Partner with organizations, like JumpStart, to offer support and training on online marketing and social media to gain exposure and capture a spending market will help small to create workshops tailored to Clark-Fulton small business conditions. A medida que el comercio electrónico sigue creciendo, es importante proporcionar apoyo y formación a las pequeñas empresas de ClarkFulton sobre las formas en que pueden capitalizar y adaptarse al comercio electrónico y seguir siendo económicamente resistentes. Asociarse con organizaciones, como JumpStart, para ofrecer apoyo y formación sobre marketing online y medios sociales para ganar exposición y captar un mercado de gasto ayudará a las pequeñas empresas. El modelo de taller de JumpStart puede adaptarse para crear talleres adaptados a las condiciones de las pequeñas empresas de Clark-Fulton.
F8 Technology 359
Position Clark-Fulton to be an example in energy resilience during and after storm events. Proporcionar inversiones de infraestructura adecuadas para apoyar el avance de las tecnologías.
F8-D-1 Pilot a renewable energy and storage solution project. Guiar un proyecto de solución de energía renovable y almacenamiento. Look into the different opportunities for bringing renewable energy and storage solutions to ClarkFulton, like a micro-grid. Clark-Fulton is a great location for a pilot micro-grid project to be a selfsufficient energy producing neighborhood. Partner with local utility companies and large users of energy in the neighborhood (i.e. MetroHealth) to create a neighborhood micro-grid. To begin, the microgrid can be used as a backup generator in case of emergencies, or at a specific high-energy consuming location to help cut costs. Examinar las diferentes oportunidades para proporcionar energía renovable y soluciones de almacenamiento a Clark-Fulton, por ejemplo una microrred. Clark-Fulton es un lugar ideal para un proyecto piloto de microrred, de forma que se convierta en un vecindario autosuficiente en términos energéticos. Asociarse con las empresas locales de servicios públicos y los grandes usuarios de energía del vecindario (por ejemplo, MetroHealth) para crear una microrred en el vecindario. Para empezar, la microrred puede utilizarse como generador de reserva en caso de emergencia, o puede utilizarse en un lugar específico que consuma mucha energía para ayudar a reducir los costes.
Clark-Fulton Together - Final Plan
WHAT IS A MICROGRID? A self-sufficient energy system that serves a discrete geographic footprint, such as a college campus, hospital, business center or neighborhood. Un sistema de energía autosuficiente que da servicio a una huella geográfica reducida como un campus universitario, un hospital, un centro de negocios o un vecindario.
WHY SHOULD WE CONSIDER IT? It’s local A microgrid generates power close to those it serves. The generators are near and within the building, or in the case of solar panels, on the roof.
It’s independent A microgrid can disconnect from the central grid and operate independently.
It’s intelligent A microgrid intelligence emanates from what’s known as the microgrid controller, the central brain of the system, which manages the generators, batteries, and nearby building energy systems with a high degree of sophistication.
Una microrred genera energía cerca de las personas a las que sirve. Los generadores están cerca o dentro del edificio o, en el caso de los paneles solares, en el tejado.
Una microrred puede desconectarse de la red central y funcionar de forma independiente.
La inteligencia de una microrred emana de lo que se conoce como el controlador de la microrred, el cerebro central del sistema, que gestiona los generadores, las baterías y los sistemas energéticos de los edificios cercanos con un alto grado de sofisticación.
F8 Technology 361
F8-D-2 Create Resilience Hubs to provide support during storm events. Crear centros de resiliencia para proporcionar apoyo durante las tormentas. Resilience Hubs can help support the community in times of disruption, and provide emergency services, supplies, and information. In Clark-Fulton, community spaces like libraries, schools, and the MetroHealth Campus can serve dual purposes and become Resilience Hubs during times of emergency. Resilience Hubs are meant to remain stable during these times because of the way they are designed, and serve purpose before, during, and after recovery. Los centros de resiliencia pueden ayudar a la comunidad en tiempos de interrupción de la red y proporcionar servicios de emergencia, suministros e información. En Clark-Fulton, los espacios de la comunidad como las bibliotecas, las escuelas y el campus de MetroHealth, pueden tener un doble propósito y convertirse en centros de resiliencia en momentos de emergencia. Los centros de resiliencia están pensados para permanecer estables durante estos tiempos debido a la forma en que están diseñados, y sirven de propósito antes, durante y después de la recuperación.
Clark-Fulton Together - Final Plan
CONSIDERATIONS for establishing successful Resilience Hubs Programming Programación Year-round programming and activity in the
Programación y actividad durante todo el año en el
resilience hub, so in case of emergency the
centro de resiliencia, para que en caso de emergencia
community already knows about the available
la comunidad ya conozca los recursos y ayudas
resources and aid.
Structure Estructura The facility should be structurally sound and
La instalación debe ser estructuralmente sólida y capaz
able to withstand the emergency.
de soportar la emergencia.
Power Energía The facility should have infrastructure in place
La instalación debe contar con una infraestructura que
to produce enough back-up power to continue
produzca suficiente energía de reserva para continuar las
operations during emergency events (i.e.,
operaciones durante los eventos de emergencia (es decir,
stored power from solar panels, microgrid, etc.)
energía almacenada de paneles solares, microrredes, etc.)
Communications Comunicaciones Resilience Hub must have the ability to inform
El Centro de Resiliencia debe tener la capacidad de
community members about its services and
informar a los miembros de la comunidad sobre sus
availability, in times of need and not.
servicios y su disponibilidad, en tiempos de necesidad y cuando no la haya.
Operations Operaciones Systems and plans are in place in case of any
Sistemas y planes se establecen en caso de emergencia
emergency so that the Resilience Hub knows
para que el Centro de Resiliencia sepa cómo responder.
how to respond.
F8 Technology 363
06 Master and Regulatory Plan & Catalyst Sites This Master Plan is a comprehensive framework and regulatory roadmap to envision and guide the growth of the Clark-Fulton neighborhood in Cleveland. The Master Plan features five catalyst sites that illustrate visions for development, mobility and open space with transformative potential, including a new 12-acre park at the MetroHealth Campus.
NOTE: All the actions presented in this chapter are community-driven and aspirational. Further studies, due diligence, and engagement may be required to implement some of the ideas and concepts proposed in this plan.
Este Plan Maestro es un marco normativo integral y directrices regulatorias para prever y guiar el crecimiento del vecindario de Clark-Fulton en Cleveland. El Plan Maestro presenta cinco sitios catalizadores que ilustran visiones con potencial transformador para el desarrollo, la movilidad y el espacio abierto, incluyendo un nuevo parque de 12 acres en el Campus de MetroHealth.
01 364
Clark-Fulton Together - Final Plan
Todas las acciones presentadas en este capítulo están impulsadas por la comunidad y son aspiracionales. Es posible que sean necesarios más estudios, diligencias y compromisos para poner en práctica algunas de las ideas y conceptos propuestos en este plan.
Master and Regulatory Plan & Catalyst Sites 365
The Master Plan provides conceptual illustrations of future physical improvements to Clark-Fulton, to be implemented in the next 10 years. The intent is to demonstrate the neighborhood’s potential. El Master Plan ofrece ilustraciones conceptuales de las futuras mejoras físicas de Clark-Fulton, que se llevarán a cabo en los próximos 10 años. La intención es demostrar el potencial del vecindario.
Development Proposed Infill Development Desarrollo de Redensificación Propuesto
Existing Buildings Edificios Existentes
Institutional Buildings Edificios Institucionales
Existing and New Parks Parques Existentes y Nuevos
Mobility Network Main Corridors
Schools 1 Clark Elementary School 2 International Newcomers Academy 3 Lincoln Park Academy 4 Walton Elementary School 5 Lincoln West High School 6 Luis Munoz Marin School 7 Buhler Dual Language
Calles Principales
Feature Streets Calles Características
Bikeways Vías de Bicicleta
Bus Stops
Paradas de Autobus
Clark-Fulton Together - Final Plan
Roberto Clemente Park
St. Mary´s Cemetery
Walton Ave
6 South Branch Library
CentroVilla 25
Buhrer Ave
Rd Ful t
Meyer Pool
Sackett Ave
on Rd
Meyer Ave
Buhrer Ave Pedestrian Bridge
W 25th St
W 41st St
Valentine Ave
Storer Ave
Fulton Branch Library
Daisy Ave
Police Station
Steelyard Commons
MetroHealth Main Campus
City Life Center
.1 Rt
d Metroparks Zoo
Trent Ave Trent Park
W 44th St
W 32nd St
Riverside Cemetery
Master and Regulatory Plan & Catalyst Sites 367
REGULATORY FRAMEWORK This framework identifies corridors and neighborhood character areas for zoning & land use regulations, and mobility network. The purpose of the framework is to inform proposed building typologies and future uses of new development, as well as better define relationships with streets and transportation improvements.
Esta marco regulatorio identifica los corredores y las áreas características del barrio en términos de normas de zonificación y uso del suelo, y la red de movilidad. El propósito es informar sobre las tipologías propuestas para las edificaciones y los futuros usos de los nuevos desarrollos, así como definir mejor las relaciones con las calles y las mejoras del transporte.
Corridor Areas
Neighborhood Areas
Clark/Walton Avenue
W 25th Street
Seymour/West Fulton /The Center
Fulton Road
Jones Homes and Scranton Districts
Meyer/Sackett Avenue
Mobility Network Main Corridors Calles Principales
Feature Streets Calles Características
Bikeways Vías de Bicicleta
Neighborhood Streets Calles Vecinales
Bus Stops
Paradas de Autobus
W 25th St Proposed BRT Stops Paradas de BRT en W 25th St
Gateways and Intersection Nodes
Gateways y Nodos de Intersección
Clark-Fulton Together - Final Plan
W 25th Street
Clark/Walton Avenue
Roberto Clemente Park
Walton Ave
St. Mary´s Cemetery
Clark Ave CentroVilla 25
on Rd
Meyer Ave
Buhrer Ave Pedestrian Bridge
W 25th St
Buhrer Ave
Scranton Historic District
Ful t
W 41st St
Fulton Road
Sackett Ave
Storer Ave City Life Center
Trowbridge Ave
Valentine Ave Steelyard Commons
MetroHealth Main Campus
Daisy Ave
.1 Rt
d Metroparks Zoo
Trent Ave Trent Park
W 44th St
W 32nd St
Riverside Cemetery
Jones Homes
Master and Regulatory Plan & Catalyst Sites 369
BUILDING TYPOLOGIES Para ayudar a respaldar las oportunidades de To help support diverse and affordable desarrollo diverso y asequible es imperativo que las development opportunities, it is imperative normas de zonificación y uso permitan diferentes the zoning and use regulations allow different tipologías de edificios. Basándose en las aportaciones building typologies. Based on the input located at the rear of the lot and accessed F. Landscape Standards G. Illustrative Photos 3.7.5 Building Type: recogidas de los miembros de la comunidad durante by alley or driveway of not more than 10’ in Description - All yards shall be landscaped Description - The following photos gathered members Duplex-Quadplex from the community width. consistent with the following specific illustrate the design intent of the Duplexstandards. Walks from adjacent sidewalks to Quadplex building type. el proceso de planificación maestra, a continuación building is entrances are allowed in all yards. C. Open Space Standards during the master planning process, here Rear Yards - Rear yards shall be no less than sethanpresenta una tabla con las tipologías de edificios Front Yards - If the front yard is less 15% of the area of each lot. 5’ deep, the yard shall contain landscape a table with the proposed building typologies and hardscape consistent with the identified Front Yards - Front yards are defined by the propuestras en cada corredor y zona del vecindario. future design of the adjacent sidewalk. zone setback and frontage type Front yards more than 5’ deep shall contain in each corridor andapplicable neighborhood area. requirements. at least one understory tree for every 30
Description - A building containing two, three, or four dwellings above and/or beside each other in a building that is similar in form to a large single-family house.
linear feet of front lot line. Trees may be placed in groups so long as the total number of trees satisfies the requirement. The remainder of the yard shall contain shrubs or ground cover which may be planted on the ground or in planters less than 36” in height.
D. Facade Standards
Side Yards - Side yards shall contain at least one understory tree for every 30 linear feet of side lot line. Trees may be placed in groups so long as the total number of trees satisfies the requirement. The remainder of the yard shall contain shrubs, ground cover, 3.7.6 Building Type:beHouse or turf; at least 40% of the area shall planted in shrubs and/or ground cover.
Required Frontages -The building must comply with the following facade requirements:
Lot Standards - Lots containing Apartment buildings shall meet the following standards. Minimum lot width: 50’ Maximum lot width: 100’
Primary Facades
Ful to
Building Entrance - The primary entrance to each residential unit shall be accessed directly from and face the street. Parking Access - Garages and parking shall be accessed through an alley or side (not frontage) street. In mid-block locations without existing alleys, new alleys shall be provided and accessed from the frontage street by a driveway or multiple driveways of not more than 20’ in aggregate width. Services - All utility access, above ground equipment, and trash receptacles shall be 70
% Max
W 25th St
B. Access Standards
nR d
W 41st St
W 44st St
Unit Size Standards - Minimum unit size shall be 850 square feet.
% Min
n Rd
Clark Ave
A. General Standards
Porches, Stoops, and Patios - Porches and stoops may encroach upon any required setbacks to the extent allowed by zone standards. Private patios are allowed to encroach only on side or rear setbacks to the extent allowed by zone standards.
Orientation - Service areas shall be oriented toward rear yard or alley frontages.
E. Building Size and Massing Standards
Massing - Buildings shall be composed of multiple volumes following the requirements of the applicable zone. In order to provide for a streetscape with varying building heights, height ratios for Duplex-Quadraplex buildings shall be as shown below. Half stories are allowed within the roof form.
City of Ocoee Downtown Plan
Clark-Fulton Together - Final Plan
byof alley drivewayillustrate of not more consistent with the following specific theth illustrate the design intent theorHouse 3.7.4 Building Type: Tuck-Under by alley orstandards. drivewaybuilding ofWalks not more 10’ insidewalks - If the front width. Front groups so long as the total number of trees fromthan adjacent toYardsQuadplex bui type. Townhouse width. 5’ deep, the yard shall con the requirement. The remainder of building entrances are allowed in all yards. Front Yards - Front yards shall be no less C. Open satisfies Space Standards andSpace hardscape consistent the yard shall contain shrubs, ground cover, C. Open Standards than 10’ deep and are defined by the Rear Yards - Rear yards shall be no less than future- design of the or turf; at least 40% of the area C. shall be Front Frontthan Yards Front yards are adjac defin applicable zone setback and frontage type - If the front yard is less Open SpaceYards Standards 15% of the area of each lot. applicable zone setback fronta Front yards moreand than 5’ planted in shrubs and/or ground cover. requirements. 5’-deep, the yard contain Rear Yards Rear yards shallshall be no less landscape requirements. at least one understory tr hardscape consistent with the identified of the area of each lot. Yard space Front Yards - Front yards are defined bythan the 15% and linear feet of front lot line Rear Yards - Rear yards shall contain at least future design of the adjacent sidewalk. between detached garages and the primary applicable zone setback and frontage type D. Facade Standards Privatebe Patios - Each dwellingsosha placed in groups lo one shade tree for every 50 linear feet of unit counts toward thismore requirement. Front yards than 5’ deep shall leastcontain 200sf of private patio space. requirements. Required Facades - The building number of trees satisfies t rear lot line. Trees may be placed in groups at least one understory tree for every 30 must comply with the following facade The remainder of the yard so long as the total number of trees Frontsatisfies Yards - Front are lot defined theD. linear feetyards of front line. by Trees may requirements: Porches, Stoops, and Patios Porches and Facade Standards shrubs or ground cover w the requirement. The remainder of the yard applicable zone setback and frontage be placed in groups so longtype as the total Facades -The building m Required stoops may encroach anyground required planted on the ground or shall containupon shrubs, cover, or turf; number of trees satisfies the requirement. comply with the following facade Primary Facades % Min % Max setbacks to extent allowed byshall zoneberequirements. than 36” in height. at the least 40% of the area planted in requirements: The remainder of the yard shall contain standards.shrubs Private patiosground are allowed Porch -100 and/or cover. to or ground cover which may be Side Yards - Side yards sh Facadeshrubs Standards encroach only on side or rear setbacks A. toD.General Standards Stoop -25 Primary Facades % Min on theabuilding ground or in planters less Required planted Facades - The - A building on lot with no the extent allowed by zone standards. Description least one understory tree A. General Standards Porchfeet of side lot line.--Trees thanwith 36”multiple in height. rear yard containing dwellings must comply the following facade A. General Standards A. General Standards beside each other in a commonwall areas shallDescription be oriented- A building containing requirements: Stoopgroups so long as the -- tot DescriptionOrientation - A building- Service containing two, Description - A building containing one Facadebeside Standards multipleD. dwellings each other in a condition where located under toward rear yard or alley frontages. Sidegarages Yards are - Side yards shall contain atsatisfies the requirement. three, or four dwellings above and/or beside primary residence (may also accommodate Required Frontages -The building Facades % Mintree % thePrimary rear of the building and accessed by an commonwall condition. least one understory forMax every 30 linear the yard shall contain shru each other in a building that is similar in commercial uses) must comply with the following facade alley. Orientation Service areas be feet of side lot line. Trees may be placed in Porch -100 or turf; at least 40%shall of the E. Building Size and Massing form to a large single-family house. requirements: Lot Standards - Lots containing Townhouse toward rear yardinorshrubs alley frontages groups long as-the total 50 number of planted trees and/or LotStoop Standards - Lots so containing House Lot Standards - Lots containing House Standards buildings shall meet the following standards. satisfies thefollowing requirement. The remainder of buildings shall meet the standards. buildings shall meet the following standards. Lot Standards - Lots- containing Apartment Massing Buildings shall be composed Primary Minimum lot width: 80’ Facades % Min % Max the yard contain cover, E. Building Size and Massing Rear Yards - Rear yards s Minimum lotshall width: 100’ shrubs, ground Minimum lot width: 40’ buildings shall the standards. of 1meet and/or 2 following story volumes following the Maximum lot width: 150’ - Service areas shall Maximum lot least width: 200’ or turf; at 40% of be theoriented area shall beone shade tree for every 5 Standards -100Orientation Maximum lot width: 75’ Minimum lot width: requirements of the50’ applicable zone. HalfPorch toward rear yard orinalley frontages. - Buildings comp lot line. shall Treesbemay be planted shrubs and/or groundMassing cover.rear Maximum width: 100’ stories arelot permitted within the Unit roof Size form. Standards - Minimum unit-size Stoop 50 Unit Size Standards - Minimum unit size of 2 and/or 3 story volumes so long as the total followi numb shall be 850 square feet. Minimum unit shall be 850 square feet. Minimum unit B. Access Standards requirements of the applicable zon requirement. The rem Rear Yards - Rear yards shall contain atthe least E. Building Unit Size Standards - Minimum unit size frontageOrientation shall be 20’. - Service areas shall be oriented frontage shall beSize 22’. and Massing Building Entrance - Each residential unit F. Landscape Standards one shade tree for every 50 linear feet shall of contain shrubs, grou Standards shall be 850Description square feet.- All yards shall be landscaped Corner Lots - Building on corner lo shall be accessed directly from the street. toward rear yard or alley frontages. at least 40% of the area sh lot line. Trees may be placedbeindesigned groups -rear Buildings shall be composed with a front facade on B.Massing Access Standards consistent with the following specific B. Access Standards shrubs and/or ground cov so3long asvolumes the totalentrance numberthe of trees satisfies of 2 and/or story street frontage. Building Entrance - The primaryfollowing Parking Access - Garages and parkingB. shall sidewalksEntrance to - The primary entrance Access standards. StandardsWalks from adjacentBuilding the requirement. Thezone. remainder of the yard requirements of the applicable E. Building Size and Massing to each residential unit shall be accessed be accessed through an alley or side (not building -entrances are allowed yards. toall each residential unit shall be accessed Building Entrance The primary entrancein shall contain shrubs, ground cover, or turf; directly from and face the street. F. Landscape Standards Standards frontage) street. In mid-block locations and face the street. to each residential unit shall be accessed directly from at least 40% and of the areashall shall be planted in Parking Access - Garages parking without existing alleys, access shall be directly from from Massing - Buildings shall be composed Corner Lots - Building on corner lots shall Description - All yards shall be lan Front - Front yards shall contain at and Yards face the street. bebeaccessed through alley ground or side (not shrubs cover. consistent with the following speci designed with and/or aanfront facade on each the frontage street by a driveway of not of multiple volumes the Parking Access - Garages andfollowing parking shall least one understory tree for every 25 linear frontage) street. In mid-block locations standards. Walks from adjacent sid street frontage. more than 12’ in width. requirements of the applicable zone. In be accessed through an alley, or side (not feet of front lot line. Trees may placed in without existing alleys, new alleys shall be Parking Access - Garages and parking shall building entrances are allowed in a order to provide for alocations streetscape with provided and accessed from the frontage frontage) street. In mid-block so an long as the total(not number of trees be accessedgroups through alley or side Services - All utility access, above ground F. Landscape Standards street by a driveway or multiple driveways of heights, height without varying existing building alleys, new alleys shall beratios for satisfies requirement. The remainder Front Yards - If the front yard is les frontage) street. In the mid-block locations not more than 20’ in yards aggregate equipment, and trash receptacles shall be Description - All shallwidth. be landscaped 5’ deep, the yard shall contain land and accessed from the frontage Duplex-Quadraplex buildings shall be as of thealleys, yard shall shrubs or ground without existing newcontain alleys shall be provided Services - Allwith utilitythe access, above specific ground located at the rear of the lot and accessed consistent following and hardscape consistent with the byshown a driveway or multiple driveways of cover which may on street the ground below. Half stories are allowed provided and accessed frombe theplanted frontage equipment, and trash receptacles shall be future design of the adjacent sidew by alley or driveway of not more than 10’ in not morewithin than 20’ aggregate in planters less thandriveways 36” in height. the in roof form. width. street by a or driveway or multiple of located at the rear of the lot and accessed Front yards more than 5’ deep shal width. not more than 20’ in aggregate width. Corner Lots - Building on corner lots shall be designed with a front facade on each Services - All utility access, above ground street frontage. equipment, and trash receptacles shall be
15% of the area of each lot.
Rear Yards - Rear yards shall contain at least one shade tree for every 50 linear feet of rear lot line. Trees may be placed in groups so long as the total number of trees satisfies the requirement. The remainder of the yard shall contain shrubs, ground cover, or turf; at least 40% of the area shall be planted in shrubs and/or ground cover.
Tiny Home / ADU
Corner Lots - Building on corner lots shall be designed with a front facade on each street frontage.
located atType: the rear of -the lotyards and shall accessed Services utilityG.access, above ground standards. Walks from ad Side Yards Side contain at -F.All Landscape Standards G. Illustrativ 3.7.5 Building Type: C. Open Space Standards 3.7.3 Building Illustrative Photos Townhouse alley orleast driveway of not more than in 30 linear equipment, and trash receptacles shall be building entrances are allone understory tree for 10’ every Description - All yards shall be landscaped Description Rear Yards - Rear yards shall be no less by than Description - The following photos Duplex-Quadplex width. located at in the rear of the lot and accessed feet of side lot line. Trees may be placed
Duplex & Quadruple
Townhouse (2-story)
City of Ocoee Downtown Plan
City of Ocoee Downtown Plan
Townhouse (4-story)
City of Ocoee Downtown Plan
ghts, height ratios for s shall be as shown
This matrix provides an initial framework for the City to create a more robust set of development standards for Clark-Fulton. Moving forward we recommend including these additional regulations: building placement and setbacks, lot and parking requirements, site and building access, facade and landscape requirements, as well as open G. Illustrative Photos Description - The following photos space, streetscape standards. illustrate theand design intent of the Apartment
Esta matriz proporciona un marco inicial para que la ciudad cree un conjunto más sólido de normas de desarrollo para Clark-Fulton. En el futuro, recomendamos incluir estas normas adicionales: ubicación de los edificios y retranqueos, requisitos para las parcelas y parking, acceso al sitio y a los edificios, requisitos para las fachadas y el paisaje, así como espacio abierto y normas para el paisaje urbano.
building type.
rds shall be landscaped following specific om adjacent sidewalks to are allowed in all yards.
front yard is less than all contain landscape istent with the identified adjacent sidewalk. an 5’ deep shall contain ory tree for every 30 ot line. Trees may so long as the total isfies the requirement. e yard shall contain over which may be und or in planters less
ards shall contain at y tree for every 30 linear Trees may be placed in he total number of trees ment. The remainder of in shrubs, ground cover, of the area shall be nd/or ground cover.
ards shall contain at least every 50 linear feet of may be placed in groups number of trees satisfies he remainder of the yard , ground cover, or turf; area shall be planted in nd cover.
3.7.2 Building Type: Apartment
3.7.1 Building Type: Commercial
Services - All utility access, above ground Building and trash receptacles shall be equipment, located at the rear of the lot and accessed by alley or driveway of not more than 10’ in width.
C. Open Space Standards
Rear Yards - Rear yards organized as a courtyard are the primary shared open space and shall be no less than 15% of the area of each lot.
A. General Standards
Description - A building containing multiple dwellings above and/or beside each other. Lot Standards - Lots containing Apartment buildings shall meet the following standards. Minimum lot width: 75’ Maximum lot width: 200’
Apartments (4-5 story)
Unit Size Standards - Minimum unit size shall be 850 square feet.
B. Access Standards
Building Entrance - The entrance to the building shall be through lobby accessed at street level. Alternatively, ground floor units may have direct sidewalk access. Interior Circulation - Interior circulation to individual units shall be through an internal corridor. Parking Access - Garages and parking shall be accessed through an alley, or side (not frontage) street. In mid-block locations without existing alleys, new alleys shall be provided and accessed from the frontage street by a driveway or multiple driveways of not more than 20’ in aggregate width.
Front Yards - Front yards are defined by the applicable zone setback and frontage type requirements.
A. General Standards
Side Yards--ASide yardsconfigured are required Description building forwith Apartment typesuses and on shall retail, service,building and/or office thebe at least 5’floor in width. ground and upper floors configured for office or residential uses.
Mixed-Use (2-3 story)
D. Facade Standards
Lot Standards - Lots -containing Commercial Required Facades The building buildings shall meet the following following standards. must comply with the facade • requirements: Minimum lot width: 50’ • Maximum lot width: 200’ Primary Facades % Min % Max Residential Unit Standards - For buildings Porch -100 containing residential units above the Stoop -50 ground floor: • Minimum Res. Unit Area: 850 sqft
B.Orientation Access Standards - At the ground level, living
Building Entrance entrance the areas (living room,- The dining room, to etc...) non-retail uses within toward the building be should be oriented streetshall frontage through a lobby accessed at street service level. to the greatest degree possible; Alternatively, ground floortoward residential units or areas shall be oriented rear yard may have direct sidewalk access. All ground alley frontages. floor retail uses shall have direct sidewalk access.
E. Building Size and Massing
Interior Circulation - Interior circulation to Standards individual shall beshall through an internal Massingunits - Buildings be composed corridor. of multiple volumes following the requirements of the applicable zone. In order to provide for a streetscape with
City of Ocoee Downtown Plan
City of Ocoee Downtown Plan
varyingAccess building heights, height ratios for Parking - Parking shall be accessed Apartment Buildings as shown through an alley, or sideshall (not be frontage) below. street. In mid-block locations without existing alleys, new alleys shall be provided and fromStandards the frontage street by a F. accessed Landscape driveway or multiple driveways more Description - All yards shall of benot landscaped than 20’ in aggregate consistent with the width. following specific standards. Walks from adjacent sidewalks to Services - All utility access, above in ground building entrances are allowed all yards. equipment, and trash receptacles shall be located the rear of the lot yard and accessed FrontatYards - If the front is less than by5’ alley or driveway of not more than 10’ in deep, the yard shall contain landscape width. and hardscape consistent with the identified future design of the adjacent sidewalk.
more than 5’ deep shall contain C. Front Openyards Space Standards
at least understory tree for every Rear Yardsone - Rear yards organized as a 30 linear feet front lot line. Trees may courtyard areof the primary shared open be placed in groups so long theoftotal space and shall be no less than as 10% the number oflot. trees satisfies the be requirement. area of each This yard may provided of the yard shall contain onThe the remainder ground or on a podium. shrubs or ground cover which may be planted on- the ground or indefined planters Front Yards Front yards are byless the than 36”zone in height. applicable setback and frontage type requirements. Side Yards - Side yards shall contain at one understory tree for every 30 linear D. least Facades feet of side lot line. Trees may be placed in Required Facades - The building groups so long as the total number must comply with the following facade of trees satisfies the requirement. The remainder of requirements: the yard shall contain shrubs, ground cover, or turf; at least 40% of the area shall be Primary % Min Max plantedFacades in shrubs and/or ground % cover.
Mixed-Use (4+ story)
G. Illustrative Photos F. Landscape Standards
G. Illustrative Photos
Front Yards - When a front yard is present, the yard shall contain landscape and hardscape consistent with the identified future design of the adjacent sidewalk.
Rear/Side Yards - Rear or side yards shall be no less than 10% of the area of each lot. Front Yards - Front yards are defined by the applicable zone setback and frontage type requirements.
Required Frontages - The building must comply the applicable zone frontage requirements.
Side Yards - Side yards, where present, shall contain at least 40% coverage by shrubs or ground cover. Rear Yards - Rear yards shall contain at least one shade tree for every 50 linear feet of rear lot line. Trees may be placed in groups so long as the total number of trees satisfies the requirement. The remainder of the yard shall contain shrubs, ground cover, or turf; at least 40% of the area shall be planted in shrubs and/or ground cover.
% Min
% Max
Industrial Facade
Description - A building that houses activities related to the manufacture, storage, or distribution of goods. Lot Standards - Lots containing industrial buildings shall meet the following standards. Minimum lot width: 125’ Maximum lot width: n/a
E. Building Size and Massing Standards
B. Access Standards
Building Entrance - At least one pedestrian entry shall be oriented to the primary frontage, though the building may have several entrances. Parking Access - Vehicle parking areas may be accessed from the frontage street. Where practicable, truck access should be separated from vehicular access via a secondary driveway, though this is not always possible. Services - All utility access, above ground equipment, and trash receptacles shall be located at the rear of the lot and accessed by alley or driveway.
All Street Facades
Orientation - At the ground level, office spaces should be oriented toward street frontage to the degree possible; service areas shall be oriented toward rear yard or
A. General Standards
Commercial (4+ story)
City of Ocoee Downtown Plan
C. Open Space Standards
D. Frontage Standards
Commercial Facade 75 100 Rear Yards - Rear yards shall contain at least Porch -100 one shade tree for every 50 linear feet of Stoop -- placed in10groups rear lot line. Trees may be so long as the total number of trees satisfies the requirement. of Max the yard Secondary FacadesThe remainder % Min % shall contain shrubs, ground cover, or turf; Commercial 45 be planted 100 in at least 40%Facade of the area shall shrubs and/or ground cover. Porch -100 Stoop
3.7.8 Building Type: Industrial
Building Description The following photos Description - All- yards shall be landscaped Description - The following photos illustrate illustratewith thethe design intentspecific of the Apartment the design intent of the Commercial consistent following buildingand type. standards the general landscape building type. standards. Walks from adjacent sidewalks to building entrances are allowed in all yards.
Side Yards - Side yards, where present, s contain at least 40% coverage by native shrubs and ground cover. The remainde the yard may be turf.
Rear Yards - Rear yards shall contain at l one shade tree for every 50 linear feet of rear lot line. Trees may be placed in grou so long as the total number of trees satis the requirement. At least 20% of the are shall be planted in native shrubs and gro cover. The remainder of the yard may be turf.
alley frontages.
Public Buildings
Massing - Buildings shall be composed of multiple volumes following the requirements of the applicable zone.
F. Landscape Standards
Description - All yards shall be landscaped consistent with the following specific standards. Walks from adjacent sidewalks to building entrances are allowed in all yards. Front Yards - Front yards shall contain at least three shade trees per 100 feet of frontage. In addition, the front yard shall contain a continuous hedge. At least 40% of the front yard shall contain native shrubs and ground cover. The remainder of the yard may be turf.
Master and Regulatory Plan & Catalyst Sites 371
Building Typologies The following are the description of each proposed building typologies. A continuación se describen las tipologías de edificios propuestas.
Tiny Homes / Accessory Dwelling Units (ADU)
ADUs or tiny homes are secondary homes that are built on existing
Mixed-use buildings are those with retail or commercial space
single-family home lots. They can be additions to the house, built
on the first floor and residential or office space in the floors
in basements, and in or above garages, or they can be separate,
above. These provide active street frontages, while providing a
smaller structures.
mixture of uses.
Las ADU o casas pequeñas son viviendas secundarias que se construyen en parcelas
Los edificios de uso mixto son los que tienen espacios comerciales o de venta al
de casas unifamiliares ya existentes. Pueden ser adiciones a la casa, construidas en
por menor en la planta baja y espacios residenciales o de oficinas en las plantas
sótanos, y dentro o encima de garajes, o pueden ser estructuras separadas y más
superiores. Estos proporcionan fachadas activas a la calle, a la vez que ofrecen
una mezcla de usos.
A more common, single-family detached house that typically
Commercial buildings can include space for offices, retail, or
houses one family and does not share walls with other units or
other non-residential spaces.
structures. This is the most common building type existing in Clark-Fulton. Una casa unifamiliar más común que suele albergar a una familia y no comparte
Los edificios comerciales pueden incluir espacios para oficinas, tiendas u otros espacios no residenciales.
paredes con otras unidades o estructuras. Este es el tipo de edificio más común en
Office buildings are typically multi-story buildings with multiple
Duplex & Quadruple A duplex is a residential building with 2 units attached (sharing a wall), and a quadruple is a residential building with up to 4 units
units leased to tenants or organizations to work. Los edificios de oficinas suelen ser construcciones de varias plantas con varias unidades alquiladas a inquilinos u organizaciones para trabajar.
housing multiple families.
Un dúplex es un edificio residencial con 2 unidades adosadas (que comparten una
Industrial buildings house uses that are related to warehousing,
pared), y un cuádruple es un edificio residencial con hasta 4 unidades que albergan
manufacturing, storage, or office. These buildings typically have
a varias familias.
Townhouse Townhouses are multi-level residential units that typically house a family but share walls with other townhouse units and families. 4 story townhouses can have a narrower width but are taller to provide the same square footage.
a larger footprint and are 1-2 stories tall. Los edificios industriales albergan usos relacionados con el almacenamiento, la fabricación o las oficinas. Estos edificios suelen tener una huella de edificación mayor y una altura de 1 a 2 plantas.
Public Buildings These buildings can be public schools, house community
Las casas adosadas son unidades residenciales de varios niveles que suelen albergar
services, government, and religious institutions, and can be
a una familia, pero que comparten paredes con otras unidades adosadas y familias.
different shapes and sizes.
Las casas adosadas de 4 pisos pueden tener una anchura menor pero son más altas para ofrecer la misma superficie.
Apartments (4-5 stories) Multi-family apartment buildings have multiple housing units in the same building. Each unit is rented or owned by different families. Los edificios de apartamentos multifamiliares tienen múltiples unidades de vivienda en el mismo edificio. Cada unidad está alquilada o es propiedad de diferentes familias.
Clark-Fulton Together - Final Plan
Estos edificios pueden ser escuelas públicas, albergar servicios comunitarios, de gobierno o instituciones religiosas, y pueden tener diferentes formas y tamaños.
WHAT IS THE COMMUNITY SAYING? At the Plan Commencement Open House Event, we asked the community what type of residential building typology they want to see on the main corridors, as well as on the feature, bikeway and neighborhood streets. The two building typologies with the higher scores were Single Family (House) and Mixed-Used.
Townhomes &/ or Duplex
Single Family
Vivir / Trabajar
Tiny Homes &/or Accessory Dwelling Units
Casa Unifamiliar
Casa Adosada o/y Dúplex
Pequeñas Casas y/o Unidad de Vivienda Accesoria
Mixed-Use Uso Mixto
Live/Work Vivir/Trabajar
Townhomes &/ or Multi-Family Casa Adosada y/o Multi-Familiar
Master and Regulatory Plan & Catalyst Sites 373
41 st
FULTON GATEWAY A gateway that shows the local character and welcomes residents and visitors to the neighborhood
La Visión del Master Plan se aplica en todo el vecindario en cinco lugares catalizadores. Los sitios ilustran escenarios de oportunidad para proyectos de desarrollo, calles y espacios abiertos impulsados por los Forward Moves. El diseño de los sitios catalizadores es conceptual y requerirá la debida diligencia y el perfeccionamiento antes de su aplicación.
At the Plan Commencement Open House Event, we asked the community - which of the five proposed catalyst sites we should focus on first. With 32 responses the community selected MetroHealth Park as their first option, followed by Neighborhood Center with 25 responses and Life and Entertainment Center with 20 responses.
The Master Plan Vision is applied throughout the neighborhood at five different catalyst sites. The sites illustrate opportunity scenarios for development, streets, and open space projects driven by the Forward Moves. The Catalyst Sites design are conceptual and they will require additional due diligence and refinement before implementation.
Store r
Mobility Network Main Corridors Calles Principales
Feature Streets Calles Características
Police Statio
Bikeways Vías de Bicicleta
Fulton Branch Library
Neighborhood Streets Calles Vecinales
Enhanced Intersections Intersectiones Mejoradas
Development Proposed Infill Development Desarrollo de Redensificación Propuesto
Existing Buildings Edificios Existentes
Institutional Buildings Edificios Institucionales
Existing and New Parks Parques Existentes y Nuevos
Clark-Fulton Together - Final Plan
Cleveland Metroparks Zoo
MAKERS & ARTIST AVENUE Spaces for makers and artists to showcase and produce their work
Roberto Clemente Park Hildebrandt Provisions Co.
St. Mary´s Cemetery
25 NEIGHBORHOOD CENTER A neighborhood center for residents to gather, play, celebrate, and entertain
Walton School
Astrup Building
I-90 CentroVilla 25
Walto n Ave
Clark A ve
Rd ra n
City Life Center
Towpath Trail
Buhrer Dual Language
tt Ave
ge Ave
r Ave
Meyer Pool
Trowb rid
lto Fu
d nR
Lincoln West High School
tS t
Trent Ave
Luis Munoz Marin School
Valen tin
e Ave
Buhrer Ave Pedestrian Bridge
20 LIFE & ENTERTAINMENT CENTER A place for the community to enjoy recreation and entertainment activities
METROHEALTH PARK A new neighborhood park and destination for the community
Riverside Cemetery
Master and Regulatory Plan & Catalyst Sites 375
MAKERS & ARTISTS AVENUE Walton Avenue will be transformed into a complete and green street, featuring protected bikelanes, and the home for makers and artists to showcase and produce their work. Walton Avenue will connect a series of key buildings and destinations from the St. Mary’s Cemetery, Hildebrandt Provision and the Astrup building. Walton Avenue se transformará en una calle completa y verde, con carriles de bicicleta protegidos, y en el hogar de fabricantes y artistas para exponer y producir sus obras. Walton Avenue conectará una serie de edificios y destinos clave como St. Mary’s Cemetery, Hildebrandt Provision y el edificio Astrup.
PROJECTS AND IMPROVEMENTS Development Desarrollo D1: Work with existing business and land owners in the
rehabilitation and retrofit of existing buildings along Clark and Walton Avenue.
D2: Identify new mixed-use redevelopment sites along Clark Avenue and Walton Avenue.
D3: Identify and create new medium density residential projects along Clark Avenue, Walton Avenue, West 25th Street, and around St.Mary’s Cemetery.
D4: Work with the Cleveland Municipal School District (CMSD) and re-envisioning the future of the Walton Elementary School site.
D5: Work with CMSD and re-envisioning the existing
Luis Munoz Marin School site, to allow new housing infill development on surrounding sites, and improve access and connectivity to the school and the Buhrer Dual Language School.
Mobility Network
Roberto Clemente Park
Main Corridors
Hildebrandt Provisions Co.
Calles Principales
Feature Streets Calles Características
St. Mary’s Cemetery
Enhanced Intersections
41s t
Calles Vecinales
Neighborhood Streets
Vías de Bicicleta
Proposed Infill Development Desarrollo de Redensificación Propuesto
Existing Buildings Edificios Existentes
Institutional Buildings Edificios Institucionales
Existing and New Parks Parques Existentes y Nuevos
Clark-Fulton Together - Final Plan
O2 Trent Park
Trent Ave
Fu lt
on Rd
Intersectiones Mejoradas
Streets Calles
Open Spaces Espacios Verdes
S1: Re-Design Walton Avenue from St. Mary’s Cemetery
O1: Continue Improvements on Roberto Clemente Park.
to Scranton Road as a new green and complete street (See proposed street design options on Chapter 5, F7-B3)
O2: Work with City of Cleveland on the re-design, improvement, and programming of Trent Park.
S2:Continue Clark Avenue streetscape improvements
O3: Work with CMSD on the creation of a park on the
and make the following intersections along Clark Avenue as key neighborhood gateways destinations. @ 41st Street (St. Mary’s Cemetery) @ Fulton Road, and @ Scranton Road, @ W 25th Street (See Chapter 5, F6).
Walton Elementary School Site.
O4: Work with CMSD on the re-design of the existing Luis Munoz Marin School Park.
S3: Re-design and improve intersections along Walton
Ave. and other bikeway streets to accommodate safer pedestrian and bicycle crossings.
S4:Work with CMSD to extend Walton Ave. through the Luis Munoz Marin School, and provide a direct street connectivity to the Buhrer Dual Language School.
D4 O3
Walton Elementary School
Walto n
I-90 Astrup Building
D3 Ave
Walton Ave. extension
S4 D5
Luis Munoz Marin School
th St
to ra n Sc
CentroVilla 25
South Branch Library
Re-design Walton Ave. as a new green complete street
r Ave
Residential infill development
Buhrer Dual Language School
Master and Regulatory Plan & Catalyst Sites 377
WALTON AVENUE This rendering is community driven and an aspirational concept. Further studies, engagement, and refinement are required before implementation.
New Infill Development
Area Banners
Planting and Stormwater Planter Area
Clark-Fulton Together - Final Plan
Two-Way LowStress Bike Facility On-Street Parking
Master and Regulatory Plan & Catalyst Sites 379
PROJECTS AND IMPROVEMENTS Development Desarrollo D1: Work with existing business and land owners in the
Make the area around Meyer Pool and Lincoln West School new neighborhood center for residents to gather, celebrate, entertain, and shop.
rehabilitation and retrofit of existing buildings along Meyer Avenue and Sackett Avenue.
Convertir la zona que rodea Meyer Pool y Lincoln West School en
D3: Work with the Cleveland Municipal
el nuevo centro del vecindario para que los residentes se reúnan, celebren, se entretengan y compren.
LIFE AND ENTERTAINMENT CENTER Make Sackett Avenue a place for the community to enjoy recreation and entertainment activities. Convertir Sackett Ave en un lugar para que la comunidad disfrute de actividades de ocio y entretenimiento.
Mobility Network Main Corridors
D2: Identify new mixed-use and housing redevelopment sites along Meyer and Sackett Avenues. School District (CMSD) and the community on the re-design and programming of the Lincoln West School. Consider including a new neighborhood park and shared parking area.
D4: Continue site and building improvements on Meyer Pool and plan for future expansion.
D5: Leverage on the work and design of CentroVilla 25 as a future community and economic development center. Integrate the programs and amenities of the site with surrounding development and community programs.
WHAT IS THE COMMUNITY SAYING? At the Plan Commencement Open House Event, the community stated that the main improvements they want to see are streetscape and bicycle connectivity improvements, followed by the validation of the re-design of Lincoln West School.
Calles Principales
Feature Streets
Calles Características
Bikeways Vías de Bicicleta
lt Fu
Neighborhood Streets
Calles Vecinales
Enhanced Intersections Intersectiones Mejoradas
d nR
Store r
Development Existing Buildings Edificios Existentes
Institutional Buildings Edificios Institucionales
Existing and New Parks Parques Existentes y Nuevos
Clark-Fulton Together - Final Plan
Desarrollo de Redensificación Propuesto
Family Ministry Center
City Live Center
Proposed Infill Development
Trowb rid
ge Ave
Streets Calles
Open Spaces Espacios Verdes
S1: Make streetscape and bicycle improvements along
O1: Work with CMSD on the
Meyer Avenue, Sackett Avenue, and Buhrer Avenue (See Chapter 5, F6-B-3).
creation of a new neighborhood park/plaza on the Lincoln West School Site.
S2: Re-design and improve intersections along
Meyer Avenue, Sackett Avenue and Buhrer Avenue to accommodate safer pedestrian and bicycle crossings.
O2: Consider expanding Meyer
Pool to the adjacent parcels when they become available.
S3: Work with CMSD on the
re-design of Meyer Avenue to better integrate the future proposed park/plaza with the Meyer Pool. Consider creating a table-top condition in front of the school and pool site.
O3: Create a temporary pocket park on the corner of
Meyer Avenue and 30th Street, as a part pilot program to test possible park usages for the future neighborhood park/plaza at the Lincoln West School.
O4: Consider working with City Life Center on the
S4:Enhanced pedestrian and bicycle
creation of a new neighborhood park on existing lawn facing Sackett Avenue.
connectivity along Buhrer Avenue from Lincoln West School, to Buhrer Dual Language School and across the Bridge.
D5 D3
O5: Encourage the creation of temporary pocket parks along Meyer Avenue and Sackett Avenue.
Luis Munoz Marin School
Centro Villa 25 Clark A ve
Lincoln West School
D2 Sacke
tt Ave
th St
r Ave
S3 S2
ra nt o
Meyer Pool
Buhrer Pedestrian Bridge
Scranton Historic District
Via Sana
Buhrer Dual Language School
Towpath Trail
S2 Valen tin
e Ave
Master and Regulatory Plan & Catalyst Sites 381
MEYER AVENUE : NEIGHBORHOOD CENTER This rendering is community driven and an aspirational concept. Further studies, engagement, and refinement are required before implementation.
Meyer Pool Improved amenity space
Raised Intersection and Street / Table Top
Crosswalks + Other Safety Improvements
Clark-Fulton Together - Final Plan
Branding Signage & Wayfinding
yer Pool Future Expansion
Future Neighborhood Park/Plaza at Lincoln West High School
Master and Regulatory Plan & Catalyst Sites 383
FULTON GATEWAY Fulton Gateway is an iconic, welcoming place, with a central open space that reflects the vibrancy of the neighborhood surrounded by local stores and homes. Fulton Gateway es un lugar emblemático y acogedor, con un espacio abierto central que refleja la vitalidad del vecindario, rodeado de tiendas y viviendas locales.
Development Desarrollo D1: Work with existing business and land owners in the
rehabilitation and retrofit of existing buildings along Fulton Rd. and 41st St.
D2: Encourage mixed-use and residential compact infill development.
Streets Calles S1: Work with MetroParks to improve pedestrian and
bicycle connectivity and streetscape improvements from the Fulton Road and Bush Avenue intersection to the entrance of the Cleveland Metroparks Zoo.
S2: Work with the City Planning and Transportation
Departments in the Re-design of the Fulton Rd. and Bush Ave. intersection.
S3: Consider closing the segment of West 41st Street
Mobility Network Main Corridors Calles Principales
Feature Streets Calles Características
Bikeways Vías de Bicicleta
Neighborhood Streets Calles Vecinales
from Daisy Avenue to Bush Avenue as one of the solutions to improve bicycle and pedestrian crossing and traffic flow through the Bush Avenue and Fulton Road intersection.
S4: Make streetscape and bicycle improvements along Bush Avenue, Daisy Avenue, and West 41st Street (See Chapter 5, F6-B-3).
S5: Re-design and improve intersections along Fulton Avenue and West 41st Street to accommodate safer pedestrian and bicycle crossings.
Open Spaces Espacios Verdes
Enhanced Intersections Intersectiones Mejoradas
Development Proposed Infill Development Desarrollo de Redensificación Propuesto
Existing Buildings Edificios Existentes
Institutional Buildings Edificios Institucionales
Existing and New Parks Parques Existentes y Nuevos
Clark-Fulton Together - Final Plan
O1: Work with land owners on the acquisition of key sites to create Gateway Plaza on the wedge space between Fulton Rd. and W 41st St.
O2: Work with the Fulton Branch Library and the land
owners of the vacant parcel to the south of the library to create a new outdoor open space as an expansion of the Library on the enhancement of their outdoor space.
Street Network Main Corridors
Proposed Infill Development
Calles Principales
Intersecciones Mejoradas
Feature Streets
Existing Buildings
Calles Características
Edificios Existentes
Institutional Buildings
Vías de Bicicleta
Edificios Institucionales
Enhanced Intersections
Existing and New Parks Parques Existentes y Nuevos
Intersectiones Mejoradas
Store r
O1 St 41 st
Create new Central Gateway Open Space
Re-design intersection to improve traffic and provide safe bicycle and pedestrian movement and crossing
S4 S5
To Cleveland Metroparks Zoo
Police Station
D2 S1
d nR
lto Fu
Fulton Branch Library
Improve pedestrian and bicycle connectivity, and streetscape improvements from Fulton Rd and Bush Ave. intersection to the entrance of the Cleveland Metroparks Zoo.
Master and Regulatory Plan & Catalyst Sites 385
OUR NEIGHBORHOOD VISI FULTON WEST A vibrant residential neighborhood that has the access to Fulton Rd shops and serves as a link and connection to the Stockyards community.
BIKEWAYS These streets have bike lanes and sidewalks that make it easy and safe to get around the neighborhood. Greenways will connect to the regional trail system.
St. Mary’s Cemetery
Trent Park
Sto rer Av e
St th
St st 41
FULTON ROAD A place for small, local, mom & pop shop.
n Fulto
Tre nt
t Av e
Vibrant and Historic Neighborhood City Life Center
Fulton Branch Library
FULTON GATEWAY ¡Bienvenidos! A strong welcome to the neighborhood, showing the local character and pride through branding, wayfinding, and local shops.
Clark-Fulton Together - Final Plan
Av e
Tro w
ION NEIGHBORHOOD CENTER A neighborhood center for residents to gather, play, celebrate, and entertain. Roberto Clemente Park
W 25TH ST A mixed-use destination for health and entertainment. Extend the reach of MetroHealth and leverage the accessibility the BRT line will bring.
Walton Elementary School
rk A ve
I-90 Wa lto
n Av e
Centro Villa 25 Me
Luis Munoz Marin School
Buhrer Dual Language
Meyer Pool
eA ve
t hS
t 25
rer Ave
Vibrant and Historic Neighborhood
d nR
o nt
Va le
Buhrer Pedestrian Bridge
MetroHealth Campus
Av e
CLARK & WALTON AVE A place to teach, produce, and create! 1 Preserve the I-7 semi-industrial heritage, businesses, and encourage more business and activity.
METROHEALTH PARK A new neighborhood park and destination for the community.
Master and Regulatory Plan & Catalyst Sites 387
Development Desarrollo
The MetroHealth Park site will be transformed into a park with various programmatic spaces that stitch the neighborhood together. The MetroHealth Park site has the opportunity to support the goals of creating a more welcoming, accessible, and authentic public realm and open space network, building on the existing open and recreational spaces in the neighborhood through enhanced connectors.
Streets Calles
El terreno de MetroHealth Park se transformará en un parque con varios espacios programáticos que unirán al vecindario. MetroHealth Park tiene la oportunidad de apoyar los objetivos y crear una red de espacios abiertos y un entorno público más acogedor, accesible y auténtico, aprovechando los espacios abiertos y recreativos existentes en el vecindario
D1: Continue working on mixed-use redevelopment projects along W 25th St.
S1: Work with GCRTA on the re-design of West 25th Street. See 25 Connects proposed street design.
S2: Work with GCRTA on the final location and enhancements of the BRT stops along West 25th Street.
S3: Re-design and improve intersections along West 25th
Street and Scranton Road to accommodate safer pedestrian and bicycle crossings. Work with GCRTA on the improvements.
S4: Improve pedestrian and bicycle connectivity from Daisy
Avenue and West 25th Street to the entrance of the Riverside Cemetery.
S5: Work with MetroParks, ODOT, NOACA to improve
pedestrian and bicycle connectivity to the Towpath Trail from Quingly Road, through I-71, to Valentine Avenue.
mediante la mejora de los conectores.
S6: Make Valentine Avenue a safer street for residents.
Mobility Network
S7: Make the intersections of Daisy Avenue and West 25th a
Main Corridors Calles Principales
S8: Make the intersections of Scranton Road, and Valentine
Feature Streets
Avenue a secondary gateway of the park.
S9: Re-design Daisy Avenue, and Scranton Road as primary
Calles Características Vías de Bicicleta
Neighborhood Streets Calles Vecinales
Enhanced Intersections Intersectiones Mejoradas
Development Proposed Infill Development Desarrollo de Redensificación Propuesto
Existing Buildings Edificios Existentes
Institutional Buildings Edificios Institucionales
Existing and New Parks Parques Existentes y Nuevos
primary gateway to the neighborhood and park.
Clark-Fulton Together - Final Plan
Open Space Espacios Verde See the following pages with the initial vision, concept and programming ideas for the proposed 12-acre park.
CentroVilla 25
Lincoln West School
r Ave
City Life Center
nR d Sc
ra n
t t Ave
Meyer Pool
Scranton Historic District
Jones Homes Historic District
Trowb rid
ge Av e
idge A ve
To Towpath Trail
Valen tin
e Ave
Wood br
S5 S6
S7 S4
Riverside Cemetery
Master and Regulatory Plan & Catalyst Sites 389
OUR VISION FOR THE PARK ROOM 1 - METROHEALTH GREEN The MetroHealth Green provides an extensive and flexible lawn space to accommodate both daily activities and seasonal events throughout the year.
ROOM 2 - WELCOME PLAZA The Welcome Plaza allows for various scales of civic activities, including: outdoor games/ dining, art exhibits, and markets & food trucks on a mix of hardscape and softscape spaces.
t hS
ROOM 3 - CF COMMONS The Clark-Fulton Commons offers versatile amenities and equipment for play, recreation, and fitness that contribute to the health and wellness of the neighborhood.
t 25
ROOM 4 - SOUTH GATEWAY The South Gateway is the entrance point from W 25th St’s overpass, acting as a critical station of the regional bike trail.
t an cr
STITCH This 0.5mi central corridor stitches the neighborhood together with a new circulation system that enhances accessibility to the park, and creates a series of outdoor rooms.
Clark-Fulton Together - Final Plan
Scranton Historic District
t an cr
NOTE: This concept design based on the initial input gathered from the Clark-Fulton Community, stakeholders, and MetroHealth System. Further engagement, studies and detail design will be required for the construction of the park. Se trata de un diseño conceptual basado en las aportaciones iniciales recogidas de la comunidad de Clark-Fulton, las partes interesadas y MetroHealth System. Para la construcción del parque serán necesarios más compromisos, estudios y diseños detallados.
Master and Regulatory Plan & Catalyst Sites 391
WHAT IS THE COMMUNITY SAYING? At the Plan Commencement Open House Event, we asked the community what the most meaningful amenities and programs would be in MetroHealth Park to stitch the neighborhood together. The responses revealed an attention to greenery and vegetation, markets and festivals, and activities pertaining to wellness and gathering spaces.
Market/Festival Mercado/Festivales
Greenery Vegetación
Recreation Recreación
Zonas de Juego
Wellness Trail
Sendero para el Bienestar
Picnic, Mesas & Sillas
Event Lawn
Pradera para Eventos
Social Pod
Áreas Sociales
Outdoor Fitness
Zonas de Deporte Exterior
Play Juego
Outdoor Fitness
Zonas de Deporte Exterior
Art Pop-Up/Installation Arte Pop-Up/Instalaciones
Pop Up Pop Up
Picnic, Tables & Chairs
Summer pop up Pop Up Veraniegos
Winter pop up Pop Up Invernales
Plaza Seating
Zonas de Asiento en las Plazas
Art Exhibits/Installation
Exhibiciones Artísticas/Instalacion
Interactive Water
Juegos Interactivos con Agua
Key themes that arose from community engagement sessions included opportunities for plaza spaces that could support: festivals, fairs, markets, and community events. May also include opportunities for play, educational learning, health and wellness, gardens, and connectivity to trails and sports. Los temas clave que surgieron de las sesiones de participación con la comunidad incluyeron oportunidades para espacios de plaza que podrían albergar festivales, ferias, mercados y eventos comunitarios. También pueden incluir oportunidades para el juego, el aprendizaje educativo, la salud y el bienestar, los jardines y la conectividad con los senderos y los deportes.
Clark-Fulton Together - Final Plan
The Park Site 12-Acre Park Future BRT Stops Bus Stops Historic Districts Towpath Trail Connection Open Space Corridors Green Street Featured Streets Highway Crossing
MetroHealth 12 acre Park
The MetroHealth park site is framed by complex context including historic districts, MetroHealth campus, affordable housing blocks, West 25th Street with 3 future BRT stops, and extension of Towpath Trail. The community aspires to a series of flexible and multi-purpose amenities in the park. El emplazamiento de MetroHealth Park está enmarcado en un contexto complejo que incluye distritos históricos, el campus de MetroHealth, bloques de viviendas asequibles, W 25th Street con 3 futuras paradas del BRT y la extensión del Towpath Trail. La comunidad aspira a una serie de servicios flexibles y polivalentes en el parque.
Master and Regulatory Plan & Catalyst Sites 393
Scale Comparison
Millennium Park, Chicago The Mall, Cleveland
Edgewater Park, Cleveland
Public Square, Cleveland
12 acres is a significant size for a neighborhood park. The scale of the MetroHealth park can be visualized when comparing to existing well known parks and open spaces like The Mall or Edgewater Park in Cleveland or the Millennium Park in Chicago. Although all 3 parks have decent size open lawn, they only constitutes half of the 12 acre MetroHealth park. 12 acres es un tamaño significativo para un parque de vecindario. La escala del parque de MetroHealth puede visualizarse si se compara con parques y espacios abiertos conocidos como The Mall o Edgewater Park en Cleveland o el Millennium Park en Chicago. Aunque los tres parques tienen un tamaño decente de césped abierto, sólo constituyen la mitad de los 12 acres del parque de MetroHealth.
Clark-Fulton Together - Final Plan
Conceptual Approach Stitch The park aims to promote well-being, arts and culture, innovation, and education. The design stitches the neighborhood together with a new circulation system that enhances accessibility to the park and creates a series of outdoor rooms.
Unión El parque pretende promover el bienestar, el arte y la cultura, la innovación y la educación. El diseño une al vecindario con un nuevo sistema de circulación que mejora la accesibilidad al parque y crea una serie de áreas al aire libre.
Room MetroHealth Green
1 2 ClarkFulton Commons
Welcome Plaza
3 4
South Gateway
All rooms are flexible to accommodate seasonal events like markets & food trucks or permanent facilities like playgrounds and soccer fields that can mature overtime.
Áreas Todas las áreas son flexibles para acomodar eventos estacionales como mercados, food trucks o instalaciones permanentes como el parque infantil y el campo de fútbol que pueden madurar con el tiempo.
Link The edges of the park, along West 25th Street (blue) and Scranton Road (Pink), define important thresholds that create a safe edge condition, while also extending programs.
Link Los bordes del parque, a lo largo de West 25th Street (azul) y Scranton Road (rosa), definen importantes umbrales que crean una condición de borde seguro, al tiempo que amplían los programas.
Master and Regulatory Plan & Catalyst Sites 395
Stitch The Neighborhood
To Business Clustered Zone
Towpath Trail Extension
MetroHealth Towers
The park stitches the neighborhood by providing a series of public “rooms” along a park trail that connects all areas of the park. All rooms are flexible, accommodating
25th Link
seasonal programs like markets, food trucks, athletics, art exhibits, or permanent facilities like playgrounds, fitness equipment, and educational opportunities. El parque une el vecindario proporcionando una serie de áreas públicas a lo largo de un sendero que conecta todas las áreas del mismo. Todas las áreas son flexibles y pueden albergar programas estacionales como mercados, food trucks, deportes o exposiciones de arte, o instalaciones permanentes como zonas de juego, equipos de fitness y oportunidades educativas.
MetroHealth Link
Clark-Fulton Together - Final Plan
Illustrative Site Plan toricHs tricDs
9 ed trClus one Z
To Busine
Tothwpa Trail Extensio
4 2
9 3
1 5
toricHs tricDs Comunity
6 9 1
oHealth Mr
4 1 Main Park Trail
2 MetroHealth Green [Room 1] 3 Fountain Jet Plaza
4 Market/Civic Space 5 Multi-Purpose Trail 6 Welcome Plaza [Room 2] 7 Clark-Fulton Commons [Room 3]
8 South Gateway [Room 4] 9 Intersection Improvements Parking Garage for Park Users
1” = 300 FEET
BRT Station 400'
Pavilion/Shade Structure
Master and Regulatory Plan & Catalyst Sites 397
Room 1_MetroHealth Green
Weekend Event
Health & Wellness
1 Play! _Summer
Play! _Winter
1” = 140 FEET
Summer Pop-up
The MetroHealth Green is an approximately 3 acre flexible lawn space designed as a hub for the community. With the goal of delivering a new space for the neighborhood, the lawn accommodates weekend and seasonal events, health and wellness activities, and large gatherings. MetroHealth Green es un espacio de césped flexible de aproximadamente 3 acres diseñado como centro para la comunidad. Con el objetivo de ofrecer un nuevo espacio para el vecindario, el césped acoge eventos de fin de semana y de temporada, actividades de salud y bienestar y grandes reuniones.
Clark-Fulton Together - Final Plan
Winter Pop-up
Room 2_Welcome Plaza
The Grove
Community Art
2 Interactive Water
Social Pod / Chalk Board
1” = 140 FEET
Winter Interest
The Welcome Plaza offers a gathering space between the Clark-Fulton community and MetroHealth, facilitating connections between West 25th Street and Scranton Road that provide groves of trees, community art, social opportunities, and the potential for interactive water play areas. Welcome Plaza ofrece un espacio de encuentro entre la comunidad de Clark-Fulton y MetroHealth, facilitando las conexiones entre West 25th Street y Scranton Road. Proporciona arboledas, arte comunitario, oportunidades sociales y el potencial de áreas de juego acuático interactivo.
Winter Pop-up
Master and Regulatory Plan & Catalyst Sites 399
Room 3_CF Commons
Outdoor Classroom
Weekend Festival
Urban Fitness Pod
1” = 140 FEET
Urban Play Pod
The Clark-Fulton Commons is an opportunity to introduce new programs to the neighborhood that will engage the community around outdoor education, play, fitness and community health, with programs in the Commons responding to community engagement input. Clark-Fulton Commons es una oportunidad para introducir nuevos programas en el vecindario que involucrarán a la comunidad en torno a la educación al aire libre, el juego, fitness y la salud de la comunidad, con programas en Commons que responden a la participación de la comunidad.
Clark-Fulton Together - Final Plan
Community Health
Room 4_South Gateway
Bike Station
Environmental Graphics
Plaza & Tree Canopy
1” = 140 FEET
Given the unique context of the South Gateway, this space functions primarily as a beacon to welcome people as they enter the Clark-Fulton neighborhood. There is space for a welcoming beacon, a plaza space with tree canopies, and a bike station for fitness, leisure or commuting. Dado el contexto único de South Gateway, este espacio funciona principalmente como un faro para dar la bienvenida a la gente cuando entra en el barrio de Clark-Fulton. Hay espacio para un señal de bienvenida, un espacio de plaza con árboles y una estación de bicicletas para el ejercicio físico, el ocio o los desplazamientos.
Master and Regulatory Plan & Catalyst Sites 401
Gateway Pavilion at Daisy Avenue
Future BRT Stop Connection at W 25th St
Clark-Fulton Together - Final Plan
Community Play Areas promoting Health and Wellness Activities
Master and Regulatory Plan & Catalyst Sites 403
Programs_The 0.5 Mile Line
ed trClus one Z
Tothwpa Trail Extensio
To Busine
Picnic, Tables and Chairs
toricHs tricDs Comunity
2000FT Fitness
1” = 500 FEET
The ‘stitching’ of the park includes the 0,5 mi line. This undulating, central corridor provides accessibility to each of the rooms and program areas, and can also incorporate a fitness trail with markers for a 1-mile journey (down and back), with recreation and furnishings. La “unión” del parque incluye la línea de 0.5 millas. Este corredor ondulado y central proporciona accesibilidad a cada una de las áreas de programa, y también puede incorporar un sendero de fitness con marcadores para un recorrido de 1 milla (ida y vuelta), con recreación y mobiliario urbano.
Clark-Fulton Together - Final Plan
Programs_Arts + Cultural Opportunities
ed trClus one Z
To Busine
Tothwpa Trail Extensio
Ground Mural/Paving
Signage & Flex Exhibit Space
toricHs tricDs Comunity
Flex Exhibit Space
Signage & Art Installation
1” = 500 FEET
Gateway Art Installation
The design of the park intends to accommodate numerous arts and cultural opportunities to engage the community, from more permanent signage, art, and gateway installations, to flexible and temporary events and programs that can be held in and throughout the open spaces. El diseño del parque pretende dar cabida a numerosas oportunidades artísticas y culturales para involucrar a la comunidad, desde la señalización más permanente, el arte y las instalaciones de la pasarela, hasta los eventos y programas flexibles y temporales que pueden celebrarse en los espacios abiertos.
Outdoor Classroom/Flex Event
Master and Regulatory Plan & Catalyst Sites 405
Circulation_ Entry Point
ed trClus one Z
Tothwpa Trail Extensio
To Busine
1 Trowbridge Ave
4 1 2 Marvin Ave
toricHs tricDs Comunity
5 oHealthMr
3 Daisy Ave Toswer
4 Scranton North
1” = 500 FEET
5+6 MetroHealth North/South
Park entry points are critically important considerations in ensuring safety and accessibility to the park, from the Clark-Fulton neighborhood, and from MetroHealth. Utilizing gateway features that will promote visibility can ensure safe connections at entry points. Los puntos de entrada al parque son considerados de importancia crítica para garantizar la seguridad y la accesibilidad tanto desde el vecindario de Clark-Fulton como desde MetroHealth. El uso de elementos de entrada que promuevan la visibilidad puede garantizar conexiones seguras en estos puntos.
Clark-Fulton Together - Final Plan
7 South Gateway
Green Systems ◌ Bio Infiltration Basin ◌ Bio Infiltration Isle
ed trClus one Z
toricHs tricDs
To Busine
Tothwpa Trail Extensio
◌ Underground Storage ◌ ◌ ◌ ◌ ◌
Green Infra Pod - Permeable Paving - Bio Infiltration Basin - Retention Basin - Underground Storage
Comunity Bio Infiltration West
Bio Infiltration Isle
1” = 500 FEET
Bio Infiltration Pod
The site will also prioritize green systems, considering the highest and best use of the site with green stormwater infrastructure (GSI) strategies, including: bioinfiltration basins and isles, underground storage basins, and permeable paving and retention basin opportunities. El sitio también dará prioridad a los sistemas verdes, considerando el mejor uso del sitio con estrategias de infraestructura verde de aguas pluviales (GSI), incluyendo: cuencas e islas de bio-infiltración, cuencas de almacenamiento subterráneo, y oportunidades de pavimentación permeable y tanques de retención.
Bio Infiltration East
Master and Regulatory Plan & Catalyst Sites 407
Circulation_Walk ◌ Main Park Entrance
To Business Clustered Zone
◌ Secondary Park Entrance
Towpath Trail Extension
◌ ◌ Main Park Trail ◌ ◌ Park Loop ◌ Park Path ◌ Regional Towpath Trail Connection ◌ Future BRT Stops
Historic District Community
MetroHealth Towers
Main Park Trail
1” = 500 FEET
Park Loop
Traversing the central, undulating 0,5 mile path are a series of walkways that seek to connect the Clark-Fulton community across the site from West 25th St to Scranton Road and MetroHealth. These walkways will also facilitate connections to future BRT stops as well as the regional Towpath Trail. Atravesando el camino central y ondulado de 0.5 millas, hay una serie de pasarelas que pretenden conectar la comunidad de Clark-Fulton a través del sitio desde West 25th St hasta Scranton Road y MetroHealth. Estas pasarelas también facilitarán las conexiones con las futuras paradas de BRT, así como con el sendero regional Towpath Trail.
Clark-Fulton Together - Final Plan
Park Path
Circulation_ Ride ◌ Regional Towpath Trail
ed trClus one Z
To Busine
Tothwpa Trail Extensio
◌ Existing Bike Lane ◌ Proposed Multi-Purpose Lane ◌ Proposed Bike Lane ◌ Proposed Bike Hub ◌ Future BRT Stops ◌
toricHs tricDs Comunity
Multi-Purpose Lane
1” = 500 FEET
Bike Lane
Expanding the site’s ability to offer multiple forms of transportation, future BRT stops are situated at strategic areas of the site and proposed bike and multipurpose lanes enhance connectivity to the Towpath Trail. Proposed bike hubs may also be adjacent to important connectors. Ampliando la capacidad del sitio para ofrecer múltiples formas de transporte, las futuras paradas de BRT están situadas en áreas estratégicas del sitio y los carriles para bicicletas y multiusos propuestos mejoran la conectividad con Towpath Trail. Los nodos de bicicletas propuestos también pueden estar junto a conectores importantes.
Bike Hub
Master and Regulatory Plan & Catalyst Sites 409
Material Strategy- Hardscape 8 8 1 8
1 Colored Concrete
2 Resin Bond
3 Rubber
4 Unit Pavers
5 Stone Fines
6 Wood Deck
7 Asphalt
8 Table Top Pavers
6 2
4 6 3 9 1 5
1” = 500 FEET
The hardscape strategy creates identifiable areas by types of activities across the site, from play areas, to walking/running areas, and opportunities for flexible and seasonal gathering. La estrategia del paisaje crea áreas que son identificables por tipos de actividades, desde áreas de juego, hasta áreas para caminar y correr, y oportunidades para reuniones flexibles y estacionales.
Clark-Fulton Together - Final Plan
Material Strategy- softscape
1 4
1 Park Trail Forest
2 Tree Grove
3 (Scranton Rd) Trail Planting
3 (25th St) Street Planting
4 Plaza Planting
5 Lawn
6 Garden
7 Edible Garden
6 1 4
6 2
7 5
1” = 500 FEET
The softscape palette increases the urban tree canopy, while introducing plantings by typology of spaces, from lawns, to gardens, and buffered zones to prioritize pedestrian safety. La paleta de paisaje vegetal aumenta el arbolado urbano, a la vez que introduce plantaciones por tipología de espacios, desde céspedes hasta jardines, y zonas de buffer para dar prioridad a la seguridad de los peatones.
Master and Regulatory Plan & Catalyst Sites 411
07 Implementation This action plan identifies three levels of improvement: basic improvement projects, progressive projects, and transformational projects that are responsive to the opportunities of individual places working to create a unified, consistent infrastructure for the overall region. The projects can be implemented over many years, piece by piece, with a focus on all three levels of improvement simultaneously as part of a sustained initiative to achieve success on large and small scales over time. Este plan de acción identifica tres niveles de mejora: proyectos de mejora básica, proyectos progresivos y proyectos de transformación. Estos responden a las oportunidades individuales de los lugares y de manera conjunta crean una infraestructura unificada y coherente para la región. Los proyectos pueden ejecutarse a lo largo de muchos años, pieza por pieza, centrándose en los tres niveles de mejora simultáneamente como parte de una iniciativa sostenida para lograr el éxito a gran y pequeña escala a lo largo del tiempo.
01 412
Clark-Fulton Together - Final Plan
Implementation 413
NOW: 0-3 Years
Policy [Code and Regulations]
SHORT: 3-5 Year
Organizational [Administrative and Program]
MEDIUM: 5-10 Years
Funding [Private, Public, Non-Profit]
LONG: 10 + Years
Built Environment [Buildings, Streets, Parks, etc.]
Strengthen and create new community places and destinations.
F1-A: Create seven distinct character areas. F1-B: Identify, preserve, and restore iconic and existing buildings. F1-C: Identify and acquire sites for development opportunities.
Foster healing, health, and inclusivity for a strong neighborhood.
F2-A: Continue to build community capacity through Community Ambassadors.
F1-C-1: Identify future redevelopment opportunity sites.
ACTIONS F2-A-1: Develop a structure to induct new ambassadors. F2-A-2: Uplift and highlight early action work done by Community Ambassadors. F2-A-3: Identify service/ministry work to address basic and spiritual needs of the community. F2-A-4: Help residents navigate institutional support programs.
Clark-Fulton Together - Final Plan
Large scale projects and actions that will
Proyectos y acciones de gran envergadura que
help move the directions of the community.
ayudan a la direccionalidad de la comunidad.
Substantial efforts that could have
Esfuerzos sustanciales que podrían tener un gran
major impacts in the community. Can be
impacto en la comunidad. Pueden aplicarse por
implemented in a phased approach with
etapas con financiación y socios adicionales.
additional funding and partners.
Extend existing effort, prepare for
Ampliar el esfuerzo existente, preparar para trabajo
progressive and transformational work,
progresivo y de transformación a corto plazo con
short-term with low-cost and minimal
bajo coste y mínima coordinación.
Built Environment
City of Cleveland, Metro West
Transformational Medium (510 years)
Policy + Built Environment
Metro West
Short (3-5 years)
Cleveland Restoration Society
City of Cleveland, Metro West
Short (3-5 years)
Investors, Cleveland Foundation, Mixed-Income Neighborhood Trust (MINT)
Metro West, Ward 14 Office
Now (0-3 years)
Former Ambassadors
Metro West, Ward 14 Office
Short (3-5 years)
Former and new Ambassadors
Metro West, Ward 14 Office
Now (0-3 years)
Religious Groups/ Organizations
Metro West, Ward 14 Office
Short (3-5 years)
MetroHealth Institute for H.O.P.E., City of Cleveland Office of Minority Health, Healthy Neighborhoods Committee, Environmental Health Watch, Cleveland Owns, Global Health Metrics, Cleveland Clinic, University Hospitals
Implementation 415
F2 Continued...
GOALS F2-B: Retain and support residents to age-in-place and avoid displacement.
ACTIONS F2-B-1: Provide resources to help residents ward off negative effects of gentrification
F2-B-2: Place people at the center of all decision making. F2-B-3: Unify residents across socio-economic and cultural lines.
F2-C: Foster community conversations around race and inclusion.
F2-C-1: Ensure inclusion is a community value that is established throughout the neighborhood. F2-C-2: Identify local leaders in the community to close the racial gap. F2-C-3: Utilize the arts and food as a power of expression.
F2-D: Ensure a healthy and safe life for all residents.
F2-D-1: Create task force groups to lead neighborhood wide activities. F2-D-2: Identify spaces and programs to serve Legacy Stakeholders. F2-D-3: Provide access to healthy and culturally appropriate food. F2-D-4: Ensure residents have access to health services and providers. F2-D-5: Provide security cameras and neighborhood watch to protect residents.
Clark-Fulton Together - Final Plan
Organizational + Funding
Metro West, Ward 14 Office, City of Cleveland
Now/Short (0-5 years)
Department of Aging, Faith-Based Organizations, Refugee Organizations, Social Welfare Organizations, MetroHealth Institute for H.O.P.E
Metro West, Ward 14 Office, City of Cleveland
Now/Short (0-5 years)
Metro West, Ward 14 Office, City of Cleveland
Transformational Now/Short (0-5 years)
Metro West, Ward 14 Office, City of Cleveland
Now/Short (0-5 years)
Neighborhood Connections, Block Clubs, Faith-Based Organizations
Metro West, Ward 14 Office, City of Cleveland
Now/Short (0-5 years)
Block Clubs, Faith-Based Organizations, Community Ambassadors
Metro West, Ward 14 Office, Cleveland Foundation
Now/Short (0-5 years)
Arts Group/Organizations/ Individuals, Restaurants, Faith-Based Organizations, Block Clubs, LAND studio
Metro West
Now (0-3 years)
Faith-Based Organizations, Community Ambassadors, Block Clubs
Metro West, City of Cleveland
Short (3-5 years)
Department of Aging, Faith-Based Organizations, Community Ambassadors
Metro West, MetroHealth
Short (3-5 years)
MetroHealth Institute for H.O.P.E, community gardens
Metro West, MetroHealth
Short (3-5 years)
Metro West, Ward 14 Office
Now (0-3 years)
Implementation 417
Preserve and create housing opportunities without displacement.
F3-A: Ensure housing stock remains safe, livable, and efficient.
ACTIONS F3-A-1: Provide Home Repair Grants and Loans F3-A-2: Identify and Support Responsible Contractors. F3-A-3: Utilize Code Enforcement to Mitigate the Effects of Predatory Investor Activity.
F3-B: Develop housing supply to meet the needs of all current and future residents
F3-B-1: Create new set of building and land use standards for all neighborhood areas. F3-B-2: Promote adaptive reuse of existing nonresidential sites and structures to provide additional housing opportunities. F3-B-3: Facilitate partnerships to deliver mixed-income housing development. F3-B-4: Consider different architecture tectonics. F3-B-5: Streamline development process, and promote community participation.
F3-C: Provide financial resources to increase home ownership and retention.
F3-C-1: Increase Access to Housing Vouchers. F3-C-2: Support Aging-inPlace. F3-C-3: Develop Accessible Loan Products.
F3-C-4: Explore Alternative Finance Models. F3-C-5: Develop New Funding Sources for Home Maintenance and Rehabilitation. 418
Clark-Fulton Together - Final Plan
Built Environment + Funding
Ward 14 Office, City of Cleveland, Metro West
Now (0-3 years)
*ARPA Funding, City of Cleveland, Cleveland Foundation
Metro West
Now (0-3 years)
*ARPA Funding, Realtors, Community Members, Library, Schools
City of Cleveland, Metro West
Short (3-5 years)
Code Enforcement Department
City of Cleveland
Now (0-3 years)
City of Cleveland Planning Department
Built Environment
Metro West
Transformational Now/Short (0-5 years)
*ARPA Funding, Realtors, Community Members, Library, Schools
City of Cleveland, Metro West
Code Enforcement Department
Built Environment
City of Cleveland, Metro West
Transformational Now/Short (0-5 years)
Architects, Developers, Contractors, Universities
City of Cleveland
Now (0-3 years)
City of Cleveland Planning Department
City of Cleveland
Now/Short (0-5 years)
Cuyahoga Metropolitan Housing Authority
Police + Built Environment
City of Cleveland, Metro West
Now/Short (0-5 years)
*ARPA Funding,City of Cleveland, State of Ohio, Greater Ohio Policy Center (GOPC)
Policy + Organizational
City of Cleveland, Metro West
Now/Short (0-5 years)
City of Cleveland, CHN, Third Federal Saving Loan, Ohio Housing Finance Agency
Funding + Organizational
City of Cleveland, Metro West
Short (3-5 years)
Community Trust Fund Stakeholders/Members, Cleveland Foundation
Funding + Organizational
City of Cleveland, Metro West
Short (3-5 years)
Community Trust Fund Stakeholders/Members, Cleveland Foundation
Now/Short (0-5 years)
Implementation 419
F3 Continued...
F3-D: Build financial literacy, trade skills, and education of current and future residents.
Building community prosperity through equitable economic and educational empowerment.
F3-D: Create a community land trust to provide affordable housing in perpetuity.
Create a community land trust - to help manage neighborhood change proactively to ensure new residential and commercial investments don't displace, undermine, underserve, or undervalue the current community.
F4-A: Strengthen and support Clark-Fulton’s current business owners by connecting them to the resources and information they need to thrive.
F4-A-1: Create a mentorship network that supports organic business growth in Clark-Fulton.
F4-B: Create Opportunities for Workforce Development Training and Enhance Job Placement Programs to Support Residents.
F4-B-1: Strengthen existing youth development programs that promote academic achievement, skills training, and higher learning.
F4-A-2: Create and actively promote a central hub that connects business owners, entrepreneurs, and future investors with resources they can use to grow their businesses.
F4-B-2: Leverage existing jobstraining and development programs to better serve ClarkFulton residents. F4-B-3: Work with local businesses and industries to promote local hiring.
Clark-Fulton Together - Final Plan
Ward 14 Office, Metro West, and MetroHealth
Organizational + Built Environment
Metro West and Cleveland Foundation
Transformational Short (3-5 Years)
Now (0-3 years)
PARTNER & RESOURCES CHN Housing Partners, Towards Employment, Union Miles - Building Future Near West Land Trust, Cleveland Foundation
Ward 14 Office and City of Cleveland, Metro West
Now (0-3 years)
*ARPA Funding, City of Cleveland, Cleveland Foundation
Ward 14 Office and City of Cleveland, Metro West
Now (0-3 years)
Hispanic Business Center, HFLA of Neareast Ohio
Ward 14 Office, Metro West
Short (3-5 Years)
Max Hayes High School, Say Yes Cleveland Initiative, Libraries
MetroHealth, Metro Basic West
Now (0-3 years)
MetroHealth Institute for H.O.P.E, Digital Learn, Towards Employment, Northeast Ohio Hispanic Center for Economic Development
MetroHealth, Metro Transformational Short (3-5 Years) West
MetroHealth, Tri-C, Northeast Ohio Hispanic Center for Economic Development
Implementation 421
F4 Continued...
GOALS F4-C: Develop assets to support the growth of new small-scale entrepreneurs in nextgen manufacturing, construction, healthcare, food & beverage, technology and the arts.
ACTIONS F4-C-1: Support physical spaces for small business and entrepreneurs. F4-C-2: Leverage the existing community to turn Clark-Fulton into a hub for Latinx arts and culture. F4-C-3: Study funding mechanisms that can support small business growth.
Cultivate unique, vibrant, prosperous mixed corridors.
F5-A: Create a brand and character for each corridor to become places of destination.
ACTIONS F5-A-1: Create six unique, vibrant, inclusive, and mixed corridors. F5-A-2: Establish a strong virtual and physical identity and brand for each corridor. F5-A-3: Work with local organizations to create seasonal and multi-cultural events. F5-A-4: Maintain the collaboration with the arts community.
F5-B: Provide support to property owners for property and safety improvements.
F5-B-1: Provide façade, basic building, and site improvements grants. F5-B-2: Follow Crime Prevention through Environmental Design Guidelines (CPTED) to improve the character and safety. F5-B-3: Establish a law and code task force.
Clark-Fulton Together - Final Plan
Built Environment
Metro West
Short (3-5 years)
*ARPA Funding, Community Trust Fund Stakehodlers/Members, Cleveland Foundation, Realtors
Metro West
Now (0-3 years)
CMA, Latin Us Theater, the Inlet Dance Theater, Julia de Burgos Cultural Arts Center, Art House, and the Cleveland Public Theater
Funding + Organizational
Metro West
Now/Short (0-5 years)
Community Trust Fund Stakehodlers/Members, Cleveland Foundation
Organizational + Built Environment
Metro West, City of Cleveland
Short (3-5 years)
City of Cleveland Planning Department, Local Business
Organizational + Built Environment
Metro West
Short (3-5 years)
Local Business
Ward 14 Office, Metro West
Now (0-3 years)
Local Business, Religious Groups, Arts Organization, Restaurants
Ward 14 Office, Metro West, Cleveland Foundation
Now (0-3 years)
Independent Local Artist, CMA, Latin Us Theater, the Inlet Dance Theater, Julia de Burgos Cultural Arts Center, Art House, and the Cleveland Public Theater, LAND studio
Organizational + Built Environment
Metro West, City of Cleveland
Now (0-3 years)
Current funders, Municipal Small Business Initiative, Equipment Loan Program, Neighborhood Retail Assistance Program, Mayor’s NTI Loan Program
Organizational + Built Environment
Metro West, City of Cleveland
Short (3-5 years)
Neighborhood Retail Assistance Program, Mayor’s NTI Loan Program
Metro West, City of Cleveland
Short (3-5 years)
Local Business, Code Enforcement
Implementation 423
F5 Continued...
F5-C: Establish programs that offer support and help stabilize local businesses.
F5-C-1: Establish Clark, Fulton, and W 25th in the Main Street America Program.
F5-D: Develop adequate parcel and block infrastructure guidelines.
F5-D-1: Establish uniform parcel depth of 200 feet. F5-D-2: Use alleys for access from side streets. F5-D-3: Limit parking to back or side of parcels. F4-D-4: Install stormwater system. F4-D-5: Require larger minimum building setbacks.
F5-E: Create a new set of building and land use standards for all proposed corridor character areas.
F5-E-1: Encourage a mix of complementary building typologies for each corridor character area. F5-E-2: Develop design guidelines for each character area. F5-E-3: Target specific community desired uses and services.
Clark-Fulton Together - Final Plan
Metro West, City of Cleveland
Transformational Medium (510 years)
City of Cleveland
Short (3-5 years)
Built Environment
City of Cleveland
Medium (510 years)
City of Cleveland
Medium (510 years)
Built Environment
City of Cleveland
Medium (510 years)
City of Cleveland
Short (3-5 years)
City of Cleveland
Short (3-5 years)
City of Cleveland
Medium (510 years)
Metro West
Short (3-5 years)
PARTNER & RESOURCES Main Street America
Local Business, investors, entrepreneurs
Implementation 425
Create a welcoming, accessible, and authentic public realm and open space network.
F6-A: Create a comprehensive open space framework with systematic design tools to implement.
F6-A-1: Develop systematic design tools that apply to the open space framework.
F6-B: Ensure connectors promote safety through the creation of complete and resilient streetscapes that enhance the sense of place.
F6-B-1: Main Corridors - Narrow Sidewalk. F6-B-2: Main Corridors - Wide Sidewalk. F6-B-3: Create social and cultural environments on feature streets. F6-B-4: Provide safe and accessible connections along bikeways. F6-B-5: Improve highway crossings.
F6-C: Emphasize gateways as opportunities to welcome, celebrate, and engage the ClarkFulton community.
F6-C-1: Create Permanent and Temporary Gateways.
F6-D: Promote healthy, flexible, and vibrant open spaces, for all ages, that improve the quality of the public realm experience, building upon the neighborhood’s existing infrastructure.
F6-D-1: Neighborhood Center Plaza.. F6-D-2: Neighborhood Park. F6-D-3: School Parks. F6-D-4: Pocket Parks Opportunities. F6-D-5: Trail Connectivity.
Clark-Fulton Together - Final Plan
Built Environment
City of Cleveland
Medium (510 years)
City of Cleveland Division of Recreation, MetroParks, NOACA
Built Environment
City of Cleveland
Medium (510 years
Built Environment
City of Cleveland
Medium (510 years
City of Cleveland Public Works Department, MetroParks, NOACA, GCRTA
Built Environment
City of Cleveland
Medium (510 years
Built Environment
City of Cleveland
Medium (510 years
Built Environment
City of Cleveland
Medium (510 years
Built Environment
City of Cleveland, Metro West, MetroHealth
Medium (510 years
Built Environment
City of Cleveland, Metro West
Transformational Medium (510 years
Built Environment
City of Cleveland, Metro West
Medium (510 years
City Life Center, Cleveland Foundation
Built Environment
City of Cleveland, Metro West
Medium (510 years
CMSC, Cleveland Foundation
Built Environment
City of Cleveland, Metro West
Short (3-5 years)
Land Bank, Community Gardens, Cleveland Foundation
Built Environment
City of Cleveland, Metro West
Medium (510 years
MetroParks, NOACA, City of Cleveland Public Works Department
City of Cleveland Public Works Department, City of Cleveland Division of Recreation MetroParks, NOACA, GCRTA, Tremont CDC, Artist Community, LAND studio CMSC (Lincoln West School), Cleveland Foundation, NOACA
Implementation 427
Create a safer, comfortable, smart, green, and connected neighborhood mobility network for all users.
F7-A: Develop a comprehensive mobility and connectivity framework for all modes and users.
ACTIONS F7-A-1: Develop a prioritized program of transportation improvement projects for ClarkFulton. F7-A-2: Integrate neighborhood priority improvements with infrastructure reconstruction projects. F7-A-3: Collaborate with groups working on projects in the neighborhood.
F7-B: Improve and invest in the bicycle network.
F7-B-1: Enhance or create lowstress, comfortable bike facilities for users of all ages and abilities. F7-B-2: Locate parking for shared and micro-mobility devices and personal bicycles. F7-B-3: Redesign Bikeway Streets to be complete streets with adequate bicycle facilities and green infrastructure.
F7-C: Re-design key corridors and leverage new development.
F7-C-1: Redesign Main Corridors to provide space to encourage development and more public realm improvements. F7-C-2: Identify Areas and Streets for Further Study.
F7-D: Preserve and improve character and use of alleys.
F7-D-1: Prioritize and encourage use of alleys as service roads for cars and parking, particularly in alleys adjacent to bikeway streets. F7-D-2: Continue working with local organizations on alley cleanup projects.
Clark-Fulton Together - Final Plan
Built Environment + Policy
Metro West, , City of Basic Cleveland
Short (3-5 years)
Built Environment
City of Cleveland
Short (3-5 years)
Built Environment + Organizational
City of Cleveland
Now/Short (0-5 years)
Vision Zero Task Force, Kent State Urban Design Collaborative, GCRTA’s 25Connects Plan
Built Environment + Policy
City of Cleveland
Short (3-5 years)
Vision Zero Task, GCRTA’s, NOACA, MetroParks, City’s Planning and Eng. Department
Built Environment + Policy
City of Cleveland
Now (0-3 years)
City’s Planning and Eng. Department
Built Environment + Policy
City of Cleveland
Short (3-5 years)
Vision Zero Task, GCRTA’s, NOACA, MetroParks, City’s Planning and Eng. Department
Built Environment + Policy
City of Cleveland
Short (3-5 years)
GCRTA’s, NOACA, City’s Planning and Eng. Department
Built Environment + Policy
Metro West, MetroHealth, City of Cleveland
Medium (510 years
GCRTA’s, NOACA, City’s Planning and Eng. Department
Built Environment + Policy
Metro West, City of Cleveland
Short (3-5 years)
NOACA, City’s Planning and Eng. Department
Metro West
Now (0-3 years)
Neighborhood Connections, Faith Organizations, Block Clubs
ODOT, City of Cleveland Mayor’s Office of Capital Projects, Division of Traffic Engineering, RTA, NOACA, and key neighborhood stakeholders and organizations.
Implementation 429
F7 Continued...
GOALS F7-E: Increase use of public transit and improve shelters through regional collaboration.
Advance efforts for an inclusive, accessible, and robust digital and resilient community.
F8-A: Close the digital divide by focusing on literacy and skills development programs.
ACTIONS F7-E-1: Work with RTA to maximize transportation and development benefits of the West 25th Street MetroHealth Line project. F7-E-2: Improve transit stops and shelters throughout the neighborhood.
ACTIONS F8-A-1: Create a “Digital Ambassadors” program. F8-A-2: Create a digital and sustainability hub. F8-A-3: Support and publicize currently available tutorials and courses. F8-A-4: Partner with Cleveland Innovation Projects to bring training programs to ClarkFulton. F8-A-5: Work with MetroHealth to offer training around telehealth and digital operations.
Clark-Fulton Together - Final Plan
F8-B: Provide adequate investments to infrastructure to support advancing technologies.
F8-B-1: Identify locations for communication antennas.
F8-C: Partner with local and regional coalitions working to advance digital and sustainable technology.
F8-C-1: Create an online hub with real-time information.
F8-D: Position ClarkFulton to be an example in energy resilience during and after storm events.
F8-D-1: Pilot a renewable energy and storage solution project.
F8-C-2: Provide support for small business training.
Organizational + Built Environment
Metro West, City of Cleveland
Short (3-5 years)
GCRTA’s, NOACA, City’s Planning and Eng. Department
Organizational + Built Environment
Metro West, City of Cleveland
Medium (510 years
GCRTA’s, NOACA, Kent State Urban Design Collaborative
Metro West
Short (3-5 years)
Cleveland Foundation, Digital Equity Fund
Metro West
Short (3-5 years)
Cleveland Foundation, Digital Equity Fund
Metro West
Short (3-5 years)
Cleveland Foundation, Digital Equity Fund, Digital Learn, JumpStart, CHN Housing Partners
Now (0-3 years)
Cleveland Foundation
Short (3-5 years)
MetroHealth, Tri-C
Built Environment + Policy
Metro West, City of Cleveland, MetroHealth
Transformational Medium (510 years
Metro West
Short (3-5 years)
Cleveland Foundation, Digital Equity Fund
Metro West, MetroHealth
Short (3-5 years)
Cleveland Foundation, Digital Equity Fund
Built Environment + Policy
City of Cleveland
Transformational Medium (510 years
Digital C
Implementation 431
08 Appendix Throughout the master planning process, many activities, surveys, and focus groups were administered to gain a deeper understanding of the neighborhood and the aspirations of the community members. The following chapter holds the results from the resident, employee, and business owner surveys, as well as detailed memos from the Phase 1 focus group conversations and a glossary of terms seen throughout the Master Plan. A lo largo del proceso de planificación maestra se llevaron a cabo muchas actividades, encuestas y grupos de discusión para obtener un conocimiento más profundo del vecindario y de las aspiraciones de los miembros de la comunidad. El siguiente capítulo recoge los resultados de las encuestas realizadas a residentes, empleados y propietarios de negocios, así como las memorias detalladas de las conversaciones de los grupos de discusión de la Fase 1 y un glosario de los términos que aparecen en el Master Plan. Glosssary
Data Memo
Focus Group Memo
01 432
Clark-Fulton Together - Final Plan
Appendix 433
GLOSSARY The following terms apply to the planning process and Clark-Fulton, generally. This is a comprehensive list of all of the terms and definitions that are used throughout the Master Plan. Los siguientes términos se aplican al proceso de planificación y a Clark-Fulton en general. Se trata de una lista exhaustiva de todos los términos y definiciones que se utilizan a lo largo del Master Plan.
Clark-Fulton Together - Final Plan
Accessibility Accesibilidad
Accessible Accesible
Accesory Use Uso Accesorio
Affordable Housing Vivienda Asequible
Definition/Definición A general measure of the availability of transportation. Providing accessibility is superior to providing mobility, as mobility is crudely equated to speed, accepting that it does not matter how long it takes to get to a destination so long as the drive is fast while getting there. (CNU)
Medida general para la disponibilidad del transporte. Proveer accesibilidad es más importante que proveer movilidad, ya que esta última se equipara a la velocidad, aceptando que no importa cuánto tiempo se tarda en llegar a un destino siempre y cuándo sea rápido para llegar allí. (CNU) The extent to which public spaces and land, including buildings, are physically accessible to everyone, regardless of their physical, cognitive, or mental ability. Specific areas of public spaces and buildings shouldn’t be designed for people with specific disabilities; all public spaces should work for everyone. (ASLA, APA) Medida en la cual los espacios públicos y los terrenos, incluyendo edificios, son físicamente accesibles para todo el mundo independientemente de sus habilidades físicas, cognitivas o mentales. Áreas específicas de los espacios públicos no deben diseñarse para personas con discapacidades específicas, pero todos los espacios públicos deben ser funcionales para todo el mundo. (ASLA, APA) A use, activity, structure, or part of a structure that is subordinate and incidental to the main activity or structure on the site. (APA)
Uso, actividad, estructura o parte de una estructura que está subordinada y es complementaria a la actividad principal o estructura del sitio. (APA) Housing that has a sale price or rental amount that is within the means of a household that may occupy middle-, moderate-, or low-income housing. HUD sets a threshold of Housing Affordability at 30% of a household’s income, including housing costs, taxes, and utilities. Vivienda que tiene un precio de venta o alquiler que está dentro de las posibilidades de un hogar que puede ocupar viviendas de ingresos medios, moderados o bajos. HUD establece un umbral de asequibilidad del 30% de los ingresos del hogar, incluyendo el coste de la vivienda, impuestos y servicios. Characteristics of a development that increase its desirability to a community or its marketability to the public. Amenities may differ from development to development but may include such things as a unified building design, recreational facilities, views, landscaping and tree preservation, or attractive site design. (APA)
Servicios, Equipamientos Características de un desarrollo urbano que aumentan su atractivo para la comunidad o su comerciabilidad para el público. Estos servicios pueden ser diferentes de un desarrollo a otro, pero pueden incluir un diseño del edificio unificado, instalaciones recreativas, vistas, jardinería y vegetación o un diseño atractivo del sitio. (APA)
A conscious or subconscious preference which interferes with impartial judgment. (Yale)
Bias Prejuicio
Preferencia consciente o inconsciente que interfiere con un criterio imparcial. (Yale)
Appendix 435
Bicycle Facilities
Definition/Definición Improvements and provisions which accommodate or encourage bicycling, including parking facilities, maps, signs, bike lanes, multi-use paths, and shared roadways designated for bicycle use. They explicitly provide for bicycle travel, whether it is within the street and rights-of-way or along separate and independent corridors. (APA)
Infraestructura Ciclista Mejoras o provisiones que adaptan o fomentan el ciclismo incluyendo los sitios de parking, mapas, señales, carriles bici, caminos multiuso y carriles compartidos que están designados para el uso ciclista. Estos son exclusivos para uso ciclista ya sea en la vía o en vías separadas e independientes.
Bike Share Bicicletas de Uso Compartido
Built Environment Entorno Construido
Bike sharing is an innovative transportation solution, ideal for short distance, point to point trips. These systems provide users the ability to pick up a bicycle at any self-serve bike station and return it to any other bike station located within the service area. (DOT)
Las bicicletas de uso compartido son una solución innovativa para el transporte, ideales para trayectos cortos, de sitio a sitio. Estos sistemas dotan al usuario de la habilidad de coger una bicicleta en cualquiera de las estaciones y devolverla en otra estación que esté localizada en el área de servicio.
Man-made structures, features, and facilities viewed collectively as an environment which people live and work. (Roots)
Estructuras, elementos e instalaciones hechas por el hombre que colectivamente se entienden como el entorno en el que la gente vive y trabaja.
A network of transit, automobile, bicycle, and pedestrian rights-of-way that connect origins and destinations. (APA)
Circulación Sistema de vías de tránsito, automóviles, bicicletas y peatones que conectan orígines y destinos.
A group identity usually based on economic or social status. (Yale)
Class Clase
Climate Change Cambio Climático
Identidad de un grupo que normalmente se base en el estatus económico o social.
A change in global or regional climate patterns, in particular a change attributed largely to increased levels of atmospheric carbon dioxide produced by the use of fossil fuels. (Roots)
Cambio en los patrones climáticos globales o regionales, en particular el cambio atribuido mayoritariamente a los niveles elevados de dióxido de carbono en la atmósfera producido por el uso de combustibles fósiles.
Clark-Fulton Together - Final Plan
Climate Resilience Resiliencia Climática
Community Trust Fund Fondo Fiduciario de la Comunidad
Compatibility Compatibilidad
Cultural Competence Competencia Cultural
Design Guidelines Guías de Diseño
Definition/Definición The capacity for a socio-ecological system to: (1) absorb stresses and maintain function in the face of external stresses imposed upon it by climate change and (2) adapt, reorganize, and evolve into more desirable configurations that improve the sustainability of the system, leaving it better prepared for future climate change impacts. (Wiki)
La capacidad de un sistema socio-ecológico de: (1) absorber el estrés y mantener una función de cara a estrés externo impuesto por el cambio climático y (2) adaptar, reorganizar y evolucionar a una configuración más deseable que mejore la sostenibilidad del sistema dejándolo preparado para los futuros impactos del cambio climático.
Nonprofit corporation that holds land on behalf of a place-based community, while serving as the longterm steward for affordable housing, community gardens, civic buildings, commercial spaces, and other community assets on behalf of a community.
Corporación sin ánimo de lucro que posee terrenos en nombre de una comunidad a la vez que actúa como administrador a largo plazo de viviendas asequibles, jardines comunitarios, edificios cívicos, espacios comerciales y otros activos comunitarios en nombre de una comunidad.
Design which utilizes accepted site planning (e.g. building placement, orientation, and siting) and the elements of architectural composition within the context of the surrounding area. Similar adjacent land uses or square footage shall not necessarily constitute architectural compatibility. (APA)
Diseño que utiliza la planificación aceptada del sitio (por ejemplo, la localización y orientación del edificio) y los elementos de la composición arquitectónica típicos del contexto en el que se encuentra. Los usos del suelo adyacentes o la superficio no constituye necesariamente la compatibilidad arquitectural.
The ability to respond appropriately to people of varying cultures, ages, races, religions, sexual orientations, abilities, and ethnicities in a way that recognizes difference and allows individuals to feel respected and valued. (Yale)
La habilidad de responder adecuadamente a la gente de culturas, edad, raza, religión, orientación sexual, habilidades y etnia variadas, de una manera que se reconozca la diferencia y se permita que los individuos se sientan respetados y valorados.
Design guidelines are sets of recommendations towards good practice in design. They are intended to provide clear instructions to designers and developers on how to adopt specific principles, such as intuitiveness, learnability, efficiency, and consistency. (Interaction)
Las guías de diseño son una serie de recomendaciones para la buena práctica del diseño. Deben proporcionar instrucciones claras a los diseñadores y aquellos que desarrollan el diseño sobre cómo adoptar principios específicos como la intuición, la capacidad de aprendizaje, la eficiencia y la consistencia.
Appendix 437
Development Rights Derechos de Proyecto
Discrimination Discriminación
Definition/Definición The right to develop land by a land owner who maintains fee simple ownership over the land or by a party other than the owner who has obtained the rights to develop. Such rights usually are expressed in terms of density allowed under existing zoning. (APA)
El derecho a desarrollar la tierra por un propietario que mantiene la propiedad simple sobre la tierra o por una parte que no sea el propietario pero que ha obtenido los derechos para desarrollar la misma. Dichos derechos generalmente se expresan en términos de la densidad permitida bajo la zonificación existente.
A prejudice-based action taken by a dominant group member against a subordinate group member. These actions are used to limit another group’s opportunities, confidence, access, and ability to perform in society. (Yale)
Acción basada en el prejuicio llevada a cabo por un miembro de un grupo dominante en contra de un miembro subordinado del mismo. Estas acciones se usan para limitar las oportunidades, confianza, acceso y habilidad para actuar en sociedad.
When residents can no longer afford to remain in their homes due to rising housing costs. Residents may also be forced out by lease non-renewals, evictions, eminent domain, or physical conditions that render homes uninhabitable as investors await redevelopment opportunities. (The Uprooted Project)
Displacement Desplazamiento
Cuando los residentes ya no pueden permitirse permanecer en sus hogares debido al aumento de los costes de la vivienda. Los residentes también pueden verse obligados a abandonar la vivienda por la no renovación del contrato de arrendamiento, los desalojos, el dominio eminente o las condiciones físicas que hacen que las viviendas sean inhabitables mientras los inversores esperan oportunidades para el nuevo desarrollo inmobiliario.
A subarea of a community with a distinct identity, character and/or planning area boundary; equivalent to neighborhood. (Eco Districts Protocol)
Distrito Sub área de la comunidad con una identidad, carácter y/o área de estudio distintivos, equivalente a un barrio.
The condition of being different or having differences. Differences among people with respect to age, class, ethnicity, gender, health, physical and mental ability, race, sexual orientation, religion, physical size, education level, job and function, personality traits, and other human differences. (Yale)
Diversidad Condición de ser diferente o tener diferencias. Las diferencias entre personas debido a la edad, la clase social, la etnia, el género, la salud, la habilidad física y mental, el nivel de educación, el trabajo y la función en el mismo, el carácter personal, y otras diferencias humanas.
Clark-Fulton Together - Final Plan
Design Review Committee Comité de Revisión del Diseño
Equality Igualdad
Equity Equidad
Ethnicity Etnia
Definition/Definición A board composed of design professionals, those who work with the built environment and citizens who approve or disapprove design plans for development projects. This board may be advisory only. The composition and size of the board varies by community. (APA)
Junta compuesta por profesionales del diseño, los que trabajan en el entorno construido y ciudadanos que aprueban o no los planes para los proyectos de desarrollo. Esta junta puede ser sólo de asesoramiento. La composición y el tamaño de la junta varían según la comunidad.
A state of affairs in which all people within a specific society or isolated group have the same status in certain respects, including civil rights, freedom of speech, property rights and equal access to certain social goods and services. (Triangle Diversity, Equity & Inclusivity Alliance)
Estado de cosas en el cual todo el mundo dentro de una sociedad específica o un grupo aislado tiene el mismo estatus en ciertos respectos incluidos los derechos civiles, la libertad de palabra, derechos de la propiedad y derecho igualitario para el acceso a ciertos servicios sociales.
Takes into consideration the fact that the social identifiers (race, gender, socioeconomic status, etc.) do affect equality. In an equitable environment, an individual or a group would be given what was needed to give them equal advantage. This would not necessarily be equal to what others were receiving. It could be more or different. (Triangle Diversity, Equity & Inclusivity Alliance)
Tiene en consideración que los identificadores sociales (raza, género, estatus socioeconómico, etc.) afectan a la igualdad. En un ambiente de equidad, a un individuo o un grupo se les daría lo que necesitan para darles una ventaja igualitaria. Esto no quiere decir necesariamente que lo que se les de sea igual que lo que los otros individuos reciben. Puede ser más o diferente.
Classification of human based on shared cultural heritage, such as place of birth, language, customs, etc. Do not use “race” as a synonym. (Yale)
Clasificación humana basada en el patrimonio cultural compartido como puede ser el lugar de nacimiento, idioma, costumbres, etc. No usar “raza” como sinónimo.
Allows market demand to determine the mix of uses within the constraints of building type set by the community. It establishes zones of building type and allows building owners to determine the uses. The look and layout of a street is carefully controlled to reflect neighborhood scale, parking standards, and pedestrian accessibility but a certain flexibility will still be allowed. (APA)
Form-based Code Código Urbanístico basado en la Forma
Permite que la demanda del mercado determine la combinación de usos dentro de las limitaciones del tipo de edificio establecidas por la comunidad. Establece zonas por tipo de edificio y permite que los propietarios de los mismos determinen los usos. La apariencia y el diseño de una calle se controlan cuidadosamente para reflejar la escala del vecindario, los estándares de estacionamiento y la accesibilidad de los peatones, aunque se permite cierta flexibilidad.
Appendix 439
Definition/Definición A grant by a property owner to the use of land by the public, a corporation, or persons for specific purposes as the construction of utilities, drainage ways, and roadways.
Easement Derecho de Acceso
Una concesión otorgada por el dueño de una propiedad para el uso de la tierra por parte del público, una corporación o personas para propósitos específicos como la construcción de servicios públicos, vías de drenaje y carreteras.
Wooded and grassy areas that provide sites for recreation and enjoyment of nature, often located in the midst of urban areas that are otherwise occupied by buildings and paved areas. (CLE CPC Glossary)
Green Space Espacios Verdes
Áreas boscosas y con césped que brindan sitios para la recreación y el disfrute de la naturaleza, a menudo ubicadas en medio de áreas urbanas que de otro modo estarían ocupadas por edificios y áreas pavimentadas.
Health is a state of complete physical, mental, and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity. (WHO)
Salud La salud es un estado de total bienestar físico, mental y social, no se trata sólo de la ausencia de enfermedades.
Housing Diversity Diversidad de Vivienda
Understanding the local supply, demand, occupancy, and pricing factors for a broad range of housing options. (RFP)
El entendimiento de la oferta local, la demanda, la ocupación y los factores que afectan al precio para una amplia gama de opciones de vivienda.
The rehabilitation and resettlement of low- and moderate- income urban neighborhoods by middle- and high-income professionals. (APA)
Gentrification Gentrificación
La rehabilitación y relocalización de barrios urbanos de ingresos bajos y moderados por parte de profesionales de ingresos medios y altos.
Development that minimizes energy consumption and minimizes pollution and the generation of wastes, while maximizing the re-use of materials and creating healthful indoor environments. (CLE CPC Glossary)
Green Building Edificios Verdes
Proyecto que minimiza el consumo de energía, la polución y la generación de residuos a la vez que maximiza la reutilización de materiales y crea ambientes interiores saludables.
Clark-Fulton Together - Final Plan
Green Infrastructure Infraestructura Ecológica
Definition/Definición The range of measures that use plant or soil systems, permeable pavement or other permeable surfaces or substrates, stormwater harvest and reuse, or landscaping to store, infiltrate, or evapotranspirate stormwater and reduce flows to sewer systems or to surface waters. (EPA)
Amplia gama de acciones que utilizan plantas o sistemas de suelo, pavimento permeable u otras superficies o sustratos permeables, recolección y reutilización de aguas pluviales, o jardinería para almacenar, infiltrar o evapotranspirar las aguas pluviales y reducir los flujos a los sistemas de alcantarillado o aguas superficiales.
Roads, bridges, utilities, stormwater and sanitary sewers, broadband, rail lines and similar physical facilities that support and service urban development. More broadly defined, the term can also include parks and open space, schools, libraries, fire stations, parking, bike facilities and other community facilities that support neighborhoods. (CLE CPC Glossary)
Infrastructure Infraestructura
Carreteras, puentes, servicios públicos, aguas pluviales y alcantarillado sanitario, vías férreas e instalaciones físicas similares que apoyan y dan servicio al desarrollo urbano. Definido de manera más amplia, el término también puede incluir parques y espacios abiertos, escuelas, bibliotecas, estaciones de bomberos, estacionamientos, instalaciones para bicicletas y otras instalaciones comunitarias que apoyan a los vecindarios.
Land Revitalization Revitalización del Terreno
The sustainable redevelopment of abandoned properties. It encourages communities and land owners to reuse and redevelop land that was previously contaminated and turns it into public parks, restored wetlands, and new businesses. (EPA)
La remodelación sostenible de propiedades abandonadas. Alienta a las comunidades y a los propietarios de tierras a reutilizar y reconstruir la tierra que estaba previamente contaminada y convertirla en parques públicos, humedales restaurados y nuevos negocios.
A private, nonprofit conservation organization formed to protect natural resources, such as productive farm and forest land, natural areas, historic structures, and recreational areas. Land trusts purchase and accept donations of conservation easements. They educate the public about the need to conserve land, and some provide land-use and estate planning services. (APA)
Land Trust Fondo Común de Tierras
Una organización de conservación privada sin ánimo de lucro formada para proteger los recursos naturales como tierras agrícolas y forestales productivas, áreas naturales, estructuras históricas y áreas recreativas. Los fondos comunes de tierras compran y aceptan donaciones de derechos sobre propiedades. Educan al público sobre la necesidad de conservar la tierra, y algunos brindan servicios de planificación patrimonial y de uso de la tierra.
Appendix 441
Definition/Definición Strategy, an approach, or a concept focusing on all members playing a part in a group’s or an organization’s mission, and a level of respect which offers the opportunity to share unique perspectives and contribute individual strengths. (Yale)
Inclusion Integración
Strategy, an approach, or a concept focusing on all members playing a part in a group’s or an organization’s mission, and a level of respect which offers the opportunity to share unique perspectives and contribute individual strengths. (Yale)
Infill Development Desarrollo de Parcelas Vacantes
Development on relatively small vacant or underutilized sites in urbanized areas, making use of existing infrastructure and community facilities. Infill development in the urban core of a metropolitan area is one means of reducing urban sprawl. (CLE CPC Glossary)
Desarrollo en sitios relativamente pequeños que están desocupados o subutilizados y se sitúan en áreas urbanizadas, haciendo uso de la infraestructura existente y las instalaciones comunitarias. Los proyectos de relleno en el núcleo urbano de un área metropolitana es un medio de reducir la expansión urbana.
A building, property or object that has a special character or special historical or aesthetic interest or value as part of the development, heritage, or cultural characteristics of the city, state, or nation. (NYC)
Landmark Icono
Edificio, propiedad u objeto que tiene un carácter especial o un valor histórico, físico o artístico de especial interés o valor como parte del desarrollo, el patrimonio o las características culturales de una ciudad, estado o nación.
The difficulty in getting people from a transportation hub, especially railway stations or bus stops to their final destination. Solutions to the last mile problem in public transit have included the use of feeder buses, bicycling infrastructure, and urban planning reform between others. (Wiki)
Last Mile Última Milla
Dificultad de movilidad entre un centro de transporte como puede ser una estación de trenes o paradas de autobuses, hasta el destino final. Las soluciones a este problema de transporte público han incluido el uso de autobuses, infraestructura ciclista, y la reforma de la planificación urbana entre otros.
Neighborhoods that offer a good quality of life for their residents. Livable neighborhoods are characterized by safety, decent and affordable housing, high quality services and shopping, good schools, economic opportunities, and opportunities for healthy living. (CLE CPC Glossary)
Land Use Plan Plan de Uso del Suelo
Vecindarios que ofrecen una buena calidad de vida para sus residentes. Los vecindarios habitables se caracterizan por la seguridad, la vivienda asequible, los servicios y comercios de alta calidad, buenas escuelas, oportunidades económicas y oportunidades para una vida saludable.
Clark-Fulton Together - Final Plan
Definition/Definición Recommended changes in land use and zoning designations in a neighborhood, particularly along the commercial corridors in order to better position the neighborhood for redevelopment. (RFP)
Land Utilization Utilización del Suelo
Cambios recomendados en el uso del suelo y las designaciones de zoning en un barrio, particularmente a lo largo de corredores comerciales para la mejor ubicación.
A comprehensive long-range plan intended to guide growth and development of a community or region and one that includes analysis, recommendation, and proposals for the community’s population economy, housing, transportation, community facilities, and land use. (APA)
Master Plan Plan Maestro
Plan integral a largo plazo destinado a guiar el crecimiento y el desarrollo de una comunidad o región y que incluye análisis, recomendaciones y propuestas para la economía de la población, la vivienda, el transporte, las instalaciones comunitarias y el uso del suelo.
Mixed Income Housing Vivienda de Ingresos Mixtos
Residential development that includes housing for a variety of income levels. Mixed-income housing is proposed to promote economic integration and prevent economic isolation, with the principal goal of expanding economic opportunities for lower-income individuals. (City of Cleveland)
Desarrollo residencial que incluye viviendas para diferentes niveles de ingresos. Se hace esta propuesta para promover la integración económica y prevenir el aislamiento económico, con el objetivo principal de ampliar las oportunidades económicas para las personas de menores ingresos.
Mixed Use
The combination of two or more land uses – typically retail and residential – in a single development project. Optimal mixed-use development promotes pedestrian activity and the creation of vibrant urban environments. (City of Cleveland)
Uso Mixto La combinación de uno o más usos del suelo, normalmente comercial y residencial, en un solo proyecto. El uso mixto óptimo promueve la actividad peatonal y la creación de espacios urbanos dinámicos.
Multi-modal Transportation Transporte Multimodal
Accommodating the many ways public transportation users get to and from a public transportation spot to access a public transportation service. Those methods include walking, bicycling, riding feeder public transportation systems, and driving. Providing the infrastructure and support services for multiple modes to public transportation will increase use of the public transportation system and result in health benefits. (DOT)
Adaptar las diversas formas en que los usuarios del transporte público llegan y salen de un centro de transporte público para acceder a un servicio de transporte público. Esos métodos incluyen caminar, andar en bicicleta, usar sistemas de transporte público y conducir. Proporcionar la infraestructura y los servicios de apoyo para múltiples modos de transporte público aumentará el uso del sistema de transporte público y será beneficioso para la salud.
Appendix 443
Definition/Definición All living and non-living things occurring naturally (through nature) not artificial or man-made. (Roots)
Natural Environment Entorno Natural
Neighborhood Greenways Senderos Verdes
Todos los seres vivos y no vivos que ocurren de forma natural (a través de la naturaleza), no artificiales o creados por el hombre.
Natural areas that take the form of corridors, often following streams or rivers, and provide opportunities for trails and bike paths connecting scenic areas and other destinations. (City of Cleveland)
Áreas naturales que toman la forma de corredores, a menudo siguiendo arroyos o ríos, y que brindan oportunidades para senderos peatonales y de bicicletas que conectan áreas escénicas y otros destinos.
Neighborhood Nodes Nodos Barriales
Areas in a neighborhood where there are existing concentrations of investment and that show the highest levels of current pedestrian activity, marked by existing or planned investments, and can serve as small scale walkable areas in the community. (RFP)
Áreas en un barrio donde existen concentraciones de inversión y que muestran los niveles más altos de actividad peatonal, marcadas por inversiones existentes o planificadas, y que pueden servir como áreas transitables de pequeña escala en la comunidad.
Any land or area, the preservation of which in its present use would: (1) conserve and enhance natural or scenic resources; or (2) protect streams or water supply; or (3) promote conservation of soils, wetlands, beaches, or tidal marshes; or (4) enhance the value to the public of abutting or neighboring parks, forests, wildlife preserves, nature reservations, or sanctuaries; or (5) enhance recreation opportunities. (APA)
Open Space Espacios Libres
Cualquier terreno o área que en su uso actual: (1) conserva y mejora los recursos naturales o escénicos; o (2) protege los arroyos o el suministro de agua; o (3) promueve la conservación de suelos, humedales, playas o marismas; o (4) aumenta el valor para el público de los parques, bosques, reservas de vida silvestre, reservas naturales o santuarios colindantes o vecinos; o (5) mejora las oportunidades de recreación.
A noncommercial, not-for-profit facility designed to serve the recreation needs of the residents of the community. Such facilities include neighborhood parks, community parks, regional parks, and special use facilities, all as described in the recreation and open space element of the plan. (APA)
Park Parque
Una instalación no comercial y sin fines de lucro diseñada para satisfacer las necesidades de recreación de los residentes de la comunidad. Estas instalaciones incluyen parques del vecindario, parques comunitarios, parques regionales e instalaciones de uso especial, según como se describe en el elemento de recreación y espacios abiertos del plan.
Clark-Fulton Together - Final Plan
Definition/Definición A small scale preliminary project conducted in order to evaluate feasibility, duration, cost, adverse events, and improve upon the project design prior to performance of a full-scale project. (Wiki)
Pilot Project Proyecto Piloto
Un proyecto preliminar de pequeña escala que se lleva a cabo con el fin de evaluar la viabilidad, la duración, el coste, los eventos adversos y la mejora de un proyecto antes de la ejecución de un proyecto a escala real.
Planning Ordenación Urbana y del Territorio
The decision-making process in which goals and objectives are established, existing resources and conditions analyzed, strategies developed, and controls enacted to achieve the goals and objectives as they relate to cities and communities. Furthering the welfare of people and their communities by creating convenient, equitable, healthful, efficient, and attractive environments for present and future generations. (APA)
El proceso de toma de decisiones en el que se establecen las metas y objetivos, se analizan los recursos y las condiciones existentes, se desarrollan las estrategias y se implementan los controles para lograr las metas y los objetivos relacionados con las ciudades y las comunidades. Promover el bienestar de las personas y sus comunidades mediante la creación de entornos convenientes, equitativos, saludables, eficientes y atractivos para las generaciones presentes y futuras.
An interdisciplinary, customizable approach that allows health departments to connect practice to policy for change to happen locally. The approach utilizes non-traditional partnerships among different sectors of the community – public health, industry, academia, health care, local government entities, etc. – to achieve positive health outcomes. (CDC)
Population Health Salud Pública
Un enfoque interdisciplinario y personalizable que permite a los departamentos de salud conectar la práctica con la política para que ocurran cambios localmente. El enfoque utiliza asociaciones no tradicionales entre diferentes sectores de la comunidad (salud pública, industria, academia, atención médica, entidades gubernamentales locales, etc.) para lograr resultados de salud positivos.
Stabilizing and maintaining a structure in its existing form and preventing further change or deterioration. (APA)
Preservation Conservación
Estabilización y mantenimiento una estructura en su estado actual y la prevención contra los cambios o deterioros en la misma.
Any visual work of art displayed for two weeks or more in an open city-owned area, on the exterior of any city-owned facility, within any city-owned facility in areas designated as public area, lobbies, or public assembly areas, or on non-city property if the work of art is installed or financed, either wholly or in part, with city funds or grants procured by the city.
Public Art Arte Público
Cualquier obra de arte visual exhibida durante dos semanas o más en un área abierta de la ciudad, en el exterior de cualquier instalación de propiedad de la ciudad, dentro de cualquier instalación de propiedad de la ciudad en áreas designadas como áreas públicas, vestíbulos o áreas de reunión pública, o en propiedad fuera de la ciudad si la obra de arte se instala o se financia, total o parcialmente, con fondos de la ciudad o subvenciones adquiridas por la ciudad.
Appendix 445
Definition/Definición Publicly accessible streets, plazas, parks and comparable outdoor areas; public facilities such as schools, libraries, and indoor recreation complexes. (Eco Districts Protocol)
Public Space Espacio Público
Calles, plazas, parques y áreas abiertas comparables a estos que sean públicos y accesibles. Lugares públicos como escuelas, bibliotecas y áreas de recreación interior.
The systemic oppression of a racial group to the social, economic, and political advantage of another. A belief that race is a fundamental determinant of human traits and capacities and that racial differences produce an inherent superiority of a particular race. (Merriam-Webster)
Racism Racismo
Opresión sistémica de un grupo racial en beneficio social, económico y político de otro. Creencia de que la raza es un determinante fundamental de los rasgos y capacidades humanas y que las diferencias raciales producen una superioridad inherente a una raza concreta.
The refreshment of body and mind through forms of play, amusement, or relaxation. The recreational experience may be active, such as boating, fishing, and swimming, or may be passive, such as enjoying the natural beauty of the shoreline or its wildlife. (APA)
Recreation Recreación
El descanso del cuerpo y la mente a través de formas de juego, diversión o relajación. La experiencia recreativa puede ser activa, como pasear en barca, pescar y nadar, o puede ser pasiva, como disfrutar de la belleza natural de la costa o su vida silvestre.
The repair, preservation, and/or improvement of substandard structure. (APA)
Rehabilitation Rehabilitación
La reparación, conservación, y/o mejora de una estructura deficiente.
The capacity of district stakeholders to survive, adapt, and thrive when confronting the stresses and shocks they experience. Stresses weaken a district on a chronic basis (e.g. unemployment, crime); Shocks are sudden single event disruptions that threaten a district (e.g. flood, epidemic). (Eco District Protocol)
Resilience Resiliencia
La capacidad de las partes interesadas del distrito para sobrevivir, adaptarse y prosperar al enfrentar las tensiones y las conmociones que experimentan. Factores de estrés debilitan un distrito de forma crónica (por ejemplo el desempleo, la delincuencia). Los shocks son interrupciones repentinas que amenazan a un distrito (por ejemplo, inundaciones o epidemias).
The sense of height, bulk, and architectural articulation of a place or individual building, often in relation to the size of a human body. (Wiki)
Scale Escala
La sensación de altura, masa, y articulación arquitectónica de un lugar o edificio y que normalmente está en relación al tamaño del cuerpo humano.
Clark-Fulton Together - Final Plan
Definition/Definición A plan, to scale, showing uses and structures proposed for a parcel of land as required by the regulations. Includes lot lines, streets, building sites, reserved open space, buildings, major landscape features—both natural and manmade—and, depending on requirements, the locations of proposed utility lines. (APA)
Site Plan Plano del Lugar
Un plano a una determinada escala que muestra los usos y estructuras propuestas para una parcela tal y como requieren los reglamentos. Este incluye la división parcelaria, las calles, los lugares de edificación, espacios libres, edificios, elementos paisajísticos (naturales y artificiales) y, dependiendo de los requerimientos, las localizaciones de los servicios propuestos.
Social Enterpreneur Emprendedor Social
An approach by individuals, groups, startup companies, or entrepreneurs, in which they develop, invent, fund, and implement solutions to social, cultural, or environmental issues. (Roots)
Enfoque hacia los individuos, grupos, empresas emergentes o emprendedores, en el que se desarrollan, inventan, financian e implementan soluciones a problemas sociales, culturales o ambientales.
Socioeconomic Status Estatus Socioeconómico
The social standing or class of an individual or group. It is often measured as a combination of education, income and occupation. Examinations of socioeconomic status often reveal inequities in access to resources, plus issues related to privilege, power, and control. (AmerPsy)
La posición social o clase de un individuo o grupo. A menudo se mide en combinación en términos de educación, ingresos y ocupación. Los exámenes de la situación socioeconómica a menudo revelan desigualdades en el acceso a los recursos, además de cuestiones relacionadas con los privilegios, el poder y el control.
Zoning and building codes that encourage smart growth, sustainable development, and green building. (CLE CPC Glossary)
Smart Codes Smart Codes
Códigos de zoning y edificación que promueven crecimiento inteligente, el desarrollo sostenible y los edificios verdes.
Metropolitan area development characterized by compact, mixed-used districts, efficient use of land and infrastructure, choices in travel mode, and protection of environmental resources and open space. (CLE CPC Glossary)
Smart Growth Smart Growth
Desarrollo a nivel metropolitano que se caracteriza por distritos compactos y de uso mixto, un uso del suelo e infraestructura eficiente, la posibilidad de elección en el modo de transporte y la protección de los recursos medioambientales y los espacios abiertos.
Improved physical and social conditions and higher property values in a neighborhood. (HUD)
Stabilization Estabilización
Condiciones sociales y físicas mejoradas y propiedades de alto valor en un barrio.
Appendix 447
Definition/Definición The view along a street from the perspective of a driver or pedestrian, particularly views of natural and built elements in the street right-of-way, including street trees, signs, street lights, above-ground utilities, sidewalks, bus shelters, bike racks, street furniture and public art. The quality of a streetscape has a major impact on the perception of an adjacent retail or mixed-use district. (CLE CPC Glossary)
Streetscape Paisaje Urbano
La vista a lo largo de una calle desde la perspectiva de una persona que conduce o camina, en particular la vista de elementos naturales y construidos incluyendo árboles, señales, farolas, aceras, paradas de autobus, mobiliario urbano y arte público. La calidad del paisaje urbano tiene un impacto determinante en la percepción del distrito en el que se encuentre.
Sustainability (Sustainable Development) Sostenibilidad (Desarrollo Sostenible)
Development that maintains or enhances economic opportunity and community well-being while protecting and restoring the natural environment upon which people and economies depend. Characteristics of sustainable communities include compact mixed-use development, pedestrian-friendly and bicycle-friendly neighborhoods, common open space, and diversity in housing opportunities between others. (CLE CPC Glossary)
Desarrollo que mantiene o mejora las oportunidades económicas y el bienestar de la comunidad al mismo tiempo que protege y restaura el entorno natural del que dependen las personas y las economías. Las características de las comunidades sostenibles incluyen desarrollo compacto de uso mixto, vecindarios amigables para los peatones y las bicicletas, espacios libres y diversidad en las oportunidades de vivienda entre otros.
Technology Innovation Innovación Tecnológica
New and innovative solutions to be applied to a district for wireless and broadband connectivity for residents of a neighborhood. (RFP)
Soluciones nuevas e innovativas que se aplican a un distrito para que los residentes del vecindario tengan una conectividad sin cables y de banda ancha.
Passenger services provided by public, private, or nonprofit entities such as the following surface transit modes: commuter rail, rail rapid transit, light rail transit, light guideway transit, express bus, and local fixed route bus. (APA)
Transit Tránsito
Servicios de pasajeros proporcionados por entidades públicas, privadas o sin fines de lucro, como por ejemplo los siguientes modos de tránsito de superficie: tren de cercanías, tránsito rápido de ferrocarril, tránsito de tren ligero, tránsito de guías ligeras, autobús express y autobús de ruta fija.
Techniques intended to reduce the negative impacts of motor vehicles on neighborhoods by reducing vehicle speeds and by providing safe spaces for pedestrians and cyclists. (CLE CPC Glossary)
Traffic Calming Alivio del Tráfico
Técnicas que pretenden reducir los impactos negativos de los vehículos de motor en los vecindarios mediante la reducción de la velocidad de los vehículos y proporcionando lugares seguros para los peatones y ciclistas.
Clark-Fulton Together - Final Plan
Term/Término Walkable (Community) Peatonal (Comunidad)
Definition/Definición A community where housing, workplaces, shopping areas, schools and recreation facilities are laid out in a manner that makes them relatively accessible by walking as well as by cycling . (CLE CPC Glossary)
Comunidad en la que la vivienda, los lugares de trabajo y compras, las escuelas y los lugares de recreación están diseñados de manera que los hace relativamente accesibles a pie y en bici.
Youth Opportunity and Engagement
Opportunities for youth in a neighborhood, providing them with the choices necessary to be successful. (RPF)
Oportunidades para Jóvenes y Participación
Oportunidades para la juventud de un vecindario, proporcionándolos de las elecciones necesarias para tener
Zoning Districts Distritos de Zonificación
A section of the city in which zoning regulations and standards are uniform. (APA)
Sección de la ciudad en las que las regulaciones de zonificación son uniformes.
Appendix 449
DATA MEMO To get a base understanding of the neighborhood and how it compares to the city over time, data was collected and analyzed in the beginning stages of the planning process. This information helped lay the foundation for the planning team’s understanding of the neighborhood and helped provide a framework for the initial ideas and actions. Data was collected and analyzed for: Population and Demographics, Workforce Characteristics, Local Business, Mobility, Housing, Health & Safety, and Technology. The following memo provides an overview of the takeways from recorded data. Para obtener una comprensión básica del vecindario y su comparación con la ciudad a lo largo del tiempo, se recogieron y analizaron datos en las primeras fases del proceso de planificación. Esta información ayudó al equipo de planificación a sentar las bases del conocimiento del vecindario y ayudó a proporcionar una guía para las ideas y acciones iniciales. Se recopilaron y analizaron datos sobre: Población y Demografía, Características de la Población Activa, Negocios Locales, Movilidad, Vivienda, Salud y Seguridad, y Tecnología. El siguiente memorándum ofrece una visión general de los resultados de los datos registrados.
Clark-Fulton Together - Final Plan
POPULATION AND DEMOGRAPHICS The Clark-Fulton study area is home to a large Hispanic population, where nearly one in five residents has limited English proficiency. Married couples with children comprise just nine percent of all households in the study area, which has been slowly losing population, driven by an exodus of the study area’s Non-Hispanic Black population.
Resident Race and Ethnicity
City of Cleveland
White, Non-Hispanic Black, Non-Hispanic Asian, Non-Hispanic Hispanic Other Race Total Population White, Non-Hispanic Black, Non-Hispanic Asian, Non-Hispanic Hispanic Other Race Total Population
2009 – 2013
2014 – 2018
4,052 (31%) 2,582 (20%) 119 (1%) 5,864 (45%) 322 (2%) 12,940 (100%) 182,773 (38%) 236,650 (49%) 9,192 (2%) 41,832 (9%) 12,138 (3%) 482,585 (100%)
4,654 (36%) 1,909 (15%) 66 (1%) 5,933 (46%) 239 (2%) 12,801 (100%) 174,274 (37%) 223,728 (47%) 11,773 (2%) 49,107 (10%) 16,116 (3%) 474,998 (100%)
Five Year Change +602 -673 -53 +69 -83 -139 -8,499 -12,922 +2,581 +7,275 +3,978 -7,587
Source: American Communities Survey, Five Year Estimates
The table above shows the racial makeup of the Clark-Fulton study area, which is home to about 2% of Cleveland’s overall population. Hispanic residents comprised the largest group in the community, representing nearly half of the study area’s total population (46%). By way of comparison, citywide only 10% of residents identified as Hispanic. Over the last five years, the area has seen an influx of non-Hispanic White residents, and an exodus of nonHispanic Black residents. Since 2009-13, the area has seen a small population decline.
Residency and Language
ClarkFulton City of Cleveland
Foreign-Born Population Residents with Limited English Proficiency Foreign-Born Population Residents with Limited English Proficiency
2009 – 2013 (Share of Total Population) 765 (6%)
2014 – 2018 (Share of Total Population) 926 (7%)
1,900 (15%)
2,325 (18%)
27,099 (6%)
30,529 (6%)
20,740 (4%)
26,156 (6%)
Five Year Change
+161 +425 +3,430 +5,416
Source: American Communities Survey, Five Year Estimates
Appendix 451
Despite an overall decline in population, between 2009-2013 and 2014-2018, there has been an influx of foreign-born residents and residents with limited English proficiency throughout the study area. Notably, residents with a limited English proficiency now represent almost one-fifth (18%) of the study area’s population. Citywide, residents with limited English proficiency make up only 6% of the population.
Household Type
City of Cleveland
Non-Family Households Married Couple, Without Children Married Couple with Children Single Parents Total Households Non-Family Households Married Couple, Without Children Married Couple with Children Single Parents Total Households
2009 – 2013
2014 – 2018
1,901 (39%) 1,581 (33%) 360 (7%) 978 (20%) 4,821 (100%) 100,484 (49%) 56,896 (28%) 16,806 (8%) 32,592 (16%) 206,678 (100%)
2,005 (41%) 1,514 (31%) 460 (9%) 907 (19%) 4,886 (100%) 106,908 (51%) 56,389 (27%) 15,131 (7%) 31,100 (15%) 209,528 (100%)
Five Year Change +104 -67 +100 -71 +65 +6,424 -507 -1,675 -1,492 +2,850
Source: American Communities Survey, Five Year Estimates
Like the rest of the city, the most common household type in the Clark-Fulton study area is non-family households, single individuals or unrelated individuals living together in a single home. Married couples without children and single parents also make up a large proportion of the neighborhoods. Nearly one in five households in the study area (19%) were a single parent household in 2014-2018. From 2009-2013 to 2014-2018, there was a small, but notable increase in the share of married families with children and non-family households moving into Clark-Fulton. A decline in population coupled with a small increase in the total number of households suggests that household sizes in the target area are increasing.
Veterans The table below shows the number of veterans over 18 living in Clark-Fulton and citywide in 2009-13 and 2014-18. Five percent of residents over 18 in Clark-Fulton were veterans in 2014-18, approximately the same rate as the city overall. Since 2009-13, the number of veterans living in Clark-Fulton has fallen by 288.
ClarkFulton City of Cleveland
Civilian Population, Over 18 Veteran Population, Over 18 Civilian Population, Over 18 Veteran Population, Over 18
Source: American Communities Survey, Five Year Estimates
Clark-Fulton Together - Final Plan
2009 – 2013
2014 – 2018
9,402 (92%) 768 (8%) 370,346 (92%) 30,925 (8%)
9,539 (95%) 480 (5%) 369,889 (94%) 23,241 (6%)
Five Year Change +137 -288 -457 -7,684
The plurality of veterans living in Clark-Fulton served in the Vietnam War or Other Conflicts, which is similar to the rate citywide. Nearly 27% served in Iraq/Afghanistan, or the Gulf Conflict.
City of Cleveland
Afghan/Iraq War Gulf Conflict Korea Vietnam WWII Other Conflicts Total Veterans Afghan/Iraq War Gulf Conflict Korea Vietnam WWII Other Conflicts Total Veterans
Source: American Communities Survey, Five Year Estimates
2009 – 2013
2014 – 2018
22 (3%) 129 (17%) 14 (2%) 328 (43%) 26 (3%) 249 (32%) 768 (100%) 2,021 (7%) 3,162 (10%) 3,141 (10%) 10,409 (34%) 2,437 (8%) 9,755 (32%) 30,925 (100%)
62 (13%) 66 (14%) 22 (5%) 151 (31%) 10 (2%) 170 (35%) 480 (100%) 2,600 (11%) 2,605 (11%) 1,834 (8%) 8,488 (37%) 927 (4%) 6,787 (29%) 23,241 (100%)
2009 – 2013
2014 – 2018
1,122 (9%) 2,416 (19%) 1,449 (11%) 6,800 (53%) 1,153 (9%) 12,940 (100%) 30,849 (6%) 81,288 (17%) 51,618 (11%) 255,678 (53%) 63,152 (13%) 482,585 (100%)
997 (8%) 2,240 (17%) 1,282 (10%) 6,907 (54%) 1,375 (11%) 12,801 (100%) 29,969 (6%) 75,047 (16%) 51,118 (11%) 251,240 (53%) 67,624 (14%) 474,998 (100%)
Five Year Change +40 -63 +8 -177 -16 -80 -288 +579 -557 -1,307 -1,921 -1,510 -2,968 -7,684
Resident Ages
City of Cleveland
Ages 0 to 5 Ages 5 to 17 Ages 18 to 24 Ages 25 to 64 Ages 64+ Total Population Ages 0 to 5 Ages 5 to 17 Ages 18 to 24 Ages 25 to 64 Ages 64+ Total Population
Five Year Change -125 -176 -167 +107 +222 -139 -880 -6,241 -500 -4,438 +4,472 -7,587
Source: American Communities Survey, Five Year Estimates
With over half of the study area population between the ages of 25 and 64, the Clark-Fulton study area largely mirrors the age distribution of Cleveland. The elderly population in both
Appendix 453
geographies has grown over the past few years, hinting towards a growing need for elderly care.
Poverty Rates The table below shows the number of people and households that earned below the federal poverty threshold ($12,784 for one individual or $19,985 for a household of three). Just over 40% of residents in Clark-Fulton were in poverty in 2014-18, and nearly one in five seniors were in poverty. Between 2009-13 and 2014-18, the number of single parents with children living in poverty grew from 54% of single parents with children to 65% of single parents with children. Citywide the proportion of single parents with children in poverty was stable over the same time period.
City of Cleveland
Seniors (65+) in Poverty Families in Poverty Single Parents with Children in Poverty Total Residents in Poverty Seniors (65+) in Poverty Families in Poverty Single Parents with Children in Poverty Total Residents in Poverty
Source: American Communities Survey, Five Year Estimates
Clark-Fulton Together - Final Plan
2009 – 2013
2014 – 2018
237 (22%) 1,046 (36%) 665 (54%) 5,363 (41%) 9,623 (20%) 26,310 (31%) 18,587 (55%) 135,926 (35%)
256 (20%) 1,009 (35%) 689 (65%) 5,286 (42%) 10,551 (21%) 24,852 (30%) 17,075 (55%) 130,548 (35%)
Five Year Change +19 -38 +24 -77 +928 -1,458 -1,512 -5,378
WORKFORCE CHARACTERISTICS Households in the study area have low incomes, and low engagement with the workforce. Education levels are low and many residents work in industries such as health care, manufacturing, and retail. Despite proximity to downtown, the modal worker travels outside of the city for work.
Employment and Income
City of Cleveland
Median Family Income Number of Working Age Residents Residents Actively in the Labor Force Residents Employed Median Family Income Number of Working Age Residents Residents Actively in the Labor Force Residents Employed
2009 – 2013
2014 – 2018
$27,331 9,830 5,118 3,945 $32,808 384,223 230,006 186,917
$28,175 9,845 5,462 4,569 $35,191 382,767 228,342 197,264
Five Year Change +$844 +15 +344 +624 +$2,383 -1,456 -1,664 +10,347
Source: American Communities Survey, Five Year Estimates
Median income in the Clark-Fulton study area is low, just $28,175 in 2014 – 2018, compared to $35,191 across the city of Cleveland. Employment rates in the study area are low – just 84% of working age residents participating the labor force were employed in 2014 – 2018. However, labor force participation and the number of employed residents have increased over the last five years.
Educational Attainment
City of Cleveland
Less than a High School Diploma High School Diploma Some College or Associates Degree Bachelor’s Degree or higher Total Residents 25+ Less than a High School Diploma High School Diploma Some College or Associates Degree Bachelor’s Degree or higher Total Residents 25+
2009 – 2013
2014 – 2018
3,080 (39%) 2,527 (32%) 1,939 (24%) 407 (5%) 7,953 (100%) 65,509 (21%) 104,430 (33%) 93,413 (29%) 55,378 (17%) 318,730 (100%)
2,779 (34%) 2,895 (35%) 1,896 (23%) 711 (9%) 8,282 (100%) 58,743 (18%) 102,585 (32%) 96,550 (30%) 60,986 (19%) 318,864 (100%)
Five Year Change -301 +368 -43 +304 +329 -6,766 -1,845 +3,137 +5,608 +134
Source: American Communities Survey, Five Year Estimates
Educational attainment in Clark-Fulton remains low, with a combined 69% of residents having no form of a college education. Over one-third of residents in both Clark-Fulton and Cleveland do not have a high school diploma, suggesting that educational levels may be a barrier for residents in the job market.
Appendix 455
Industry Classification of Jobs Employing Clark-Fulton Residents, 2017 Health Care and Social Assistance Manufacturing Accommodation and Food Service Retail Trade Administrative and Support and Waste Management and Remediation Services Wholesale Trade Professional, Scientific, Technical Services Educational Services Transportation and Warehousing Other Services Finance and Insurance Construction Public Administration Management of Companies and Enterprises Arts, Entertainment, and Recreation Real Estate and Rental and Leasing Information Utilities Agriculture, Forestry, and Fishing, and Hunting Mining, Quarrying, and Oil and Gas Extraction Total Jobs with Industry Information
Clark-Fulton, 2017
City of Cleveland, 2017
623 (15%) 597 (15%) 507 (12%) 490 (12%)
34,756 (20%) 17,797 (10%) 18,075 (10%) 16,645 (10%)
366 (9%)
14,559 (8%)
198 (5%) 192 (5%) 186 (5%) 153 (4%) 142 (3%) 123 (3%) 113 (3%) 104 (3)
7,521(4%) 8,526 (5%) 10,891 (6%) 6,010 (3%) 5,255 (3%) 7,088 (4%) 4,434 (3%) 6,126 (4%)
78 (2%)
4,679 (3%)
69 (2%) 63 (2%) 59 (1%) 20 (0.5%)
3,571 (2%) 2,882 (2%) 2,707 (2%) 1,112 (1%)
11 (0.3%)
152 (0.09%)
2 (0.05%)
122 (0.07%)
4,096 (100%)
172,908 (100%)
Source: Longitudinal Employer-Household Dynamics (LEHD), US Census Bureau
A large share of Clark-Fulton residents work in Health Care and Social Assistance, and Manufacturing, which mirrors two of the most common industries for workers citywide. While Health Care workers are underrepresented in Clark-Fulton, Manufacturing employs a large share of the workers in the neighborhood. With both a low median household income and low educational attainment in Clark-Fulton, these jobs are likely to be minimum wage positions.
Clark-Fulton Together - Final Plan
Industry Classification of Jobs Located in Clark-Fulton, 2017
6,721 (82.3%) 428 (5.2%) 254 (3.1%) 252 (3.1%) 187 (2.3%) 141 (1.7%) 54 (0.7%) 43 (0.5%)
Jobs in City of Cleveland, 2017 78,829 (24.9%) 23,932 (7.5%) 15,162 (4.8%) 35,390 (11.2%) 19,699 (6.2%) 14,758 (4.7%) 7,991 (2.5%) 7,955 (2.5%)
22 (0.3%) 20 (0.2%) 18 (0.2%) 14 (0.2%) 11 (0.1%) 2 (0.0%) 2 (0.0%) 1 (0.0%) 0 (0.0%) 0 (0.0%) 0 (0.0%) 0 (0.0%) 8,169 (100%)
14,558 (4.6%) 25,242 (8%) 13,759 (4.3%) 13,486 (4.3%) 4,676 (1.5%) 7,503 (2.4%) 12,247 (3.9%) 7,499 (2.4%) 54 (0%) 301 (0.1%) 2,291 (0.7%) 11,789 (3.7%) 317,121 (100%)
Jobs in ClarkFulton, 2017 Health Care and Social Assistance Educational Services Retail Trade Manufacturing Accommodation and Food Service Wholesale Trade Construction Other Services Administrative and Support and Waste Management and Remediation Services Professional, Scientific, Technical Services Finance and Insurance Public Administration Real Estate and Rental and Leasing Arts, Entertainment, and Recreation Transportation and Warehousing Information Management of Companies and Enterprises Utilities Mining, Quarrying, and Oil and Gas Extraction Agriculture, Forestry, and Fishing, and Hunting Total Jobs in Clark-Fulton Source: Longitudinal Employer Household Dynamics Survey, 2017
The table above shows the number of jobs located in the Clark-Fulton study area by industry classification. An overwhelming number of jobs in the study area were in the Health Care and Social Assistance sector (82%), which is unsurprising given that the largest employer in the area is the Metro Health Hospital system and that Health Care and Social Assistance is also the largest job sector city wide.
Appendix 457
Top 15 Location of Jobs Employing Clark-Fulton Residents, 2017 Clark-Fulton Residents, 2017 Cuyahoga County (outside of Cleveland) Downtown Summit County Lorain County Ohio City Lake County Tremont Fairfax Franklin County Bellaire-Puritas Medina County Old Brooklyn Central Jefferson Stockyards
1,397 (35%) 372 (9%) 168 (4%) 135 (3%) 124 (3%) 119 (3%) 108 (3%) 94 (2%) 91 (2%) 89 (2%) 78 (2%) 71 (2%) 65 (2%) 57 (1%) 55 (1%)
City of Cleveland Residents, 2017 64,663 (38%) 22,462 (13%) 6,704 (4%) 3,934 (2%) 2,204 (1%) 4,750 (3%) 2,550 (1%) 7,097 (4%) 3,166 (2%) 2,547 (1%) 1,904 (1%) 2,108 (1%) 3,771 (2%) 1,777 (1%) 948 (1%)
Source: Longitudinal Employer-Household Dynamics (LEHD), US Census Bureau
Most Clark-Fulton residents leave the study area for employment. The chart above shows the Top 10 Cleveland neighborhoods and Ohio counties employing Clark-Fulton residents. Of the top five most common commuting locations for residents, three are outside of the city of Cleveland (Cuyahoga County outside of Cleveland, Summit County, and Lorain County). The adjacent neighborhoods of Stockyards, Ohio City, and Tremont also have a number of residents commuting from Clark-Fulton for work.
LEHD – Inflow Outflow Live in CF Work Elsewhere Work in CF Live Elsewhere Live and Work in CF
Total Workers (2017) 39,47 8,030 139
Source: Longitudinal Employer-Household Dynamics (LEHD), US Census Bureau
Top Occupations and Average Wages The table below lists the top 10 occupational categories that employ full-time workers in Clark-Fulton along with the average wage each occupation category paid countywide. For each occupation category, the average affordable monthly housing expense (30% of monthly income) is also listed. In Clark-Fulton in 2014-2018, the median monthly housing expense for owners and renters was $691. 458
Clark-Fulton Together - Final Plan
Production Occupations Food Prep and Service Office and Admin Support Sales Material Moving Building Cleaning and Maintenance Construction Healthcare Support Management Transportation
Number of Workers
Average Cuyahoga Wage
622 (13%) 560 (12%) 497 (10%) 417 (9%) 367 (8%)
$37,501 $16,394 $34,800 $44,212 $31,125
Monthly Housing Allowance (30% Income) $938 $410 $870 $1,105 $778
297 (6%)
241 (5%) 229 (5%) 212 (4%) 182 (4%)
$35,725 $24,192 $86,370 $31,125
$893 $605 $2,159 $778
Source: Reinvestment Fund analysis of American Communities Survey, Five Year Estimates; IPUMS, University of Minnesota,
The table below provides an example of a specific occupation under each occupational category found in Clark-Fulton along with the average county-wage for that profession. For a full list of occupations under each occupational category see: Occupational Category Production Occupations Food Prep and Service Office and Admin Support Sales Material Moving Building Cleaning and Maintenance Construction Healthcare Support Management Transportation
Example Profession Painting Workers Fast food and counter workers Bookkeeping, accounting, auditing clerks Retail Salesperson Warehouse Stocker Janitor and building cleaner Carpenter Home Health Aid Food service manager School Bus driver
Average Cuyahoga Wage
Monthly Housing Allowance (30% Income
$26,350 $26,138
$659 $653
$27,276 $23,129 $37,379 $25,239
$682 $578 $934 $631
Source: IPUMS, University of Minnesota,
Appendix 459
LOCAL BUSINESS Business Environment Recent trends suggest that the business environment inside of the study area is challenged. The area has been losing businesses, while other areas in the city have seen a small increase. Jobs in the study area are highly concentrated to a few small employers, particularly those in the health care sector, which provide 82% of all jobs in the study area.
Size and Number of Businesses Establishments in Clark-Fulton, 2010 to 2017 2010
Change 2010 to 2017
981 (89%)
858 (87%)
Establishments with 6 – 50 Employees
99 (9%)
108 (11%)
Establishments with Over 50 Employees
22 (2%)
20 (2%)
1,102 (100%)
986 (100%)
Establishments with Less than 5 Employees
Number of Establishments
Source: Reinvestment Fund analysis of National Establishment Timeseries Data, 2010 – 2017
The table above shows the number of establishments by employee size in the Clark-Fulton study area between 2010 and 2017. Most establishments in the study area (87%) are small with fewer than five employees. Between 2010 and 2017, the number of establishments in the study area fell by 116 or 11%, mostly driven by a loss of small businesses.
Change in Number of Business Establishments, 2010 to 2017 +23%
Source: Reinvestment Fund analysis of National Establishment Timeseries Data, 2010 – 2017
Clark-Fulton Together - Final Plan
Cuyahoga Valley
Ohio City
Old Brooklyn
Detroit Shoreway
Buckeye-Shaker Square
West Boulevard
North Shore Collinwood
Mount Pleasant
Goodrich-Kirtland Pk
Broadway-Slavic Village
Brooklyn Centre
The loss of establishments in the Clark-Fulton study area was among the largest in the city. Between 2010 and 2017, the number of establishments citywide grew by 3%, while in the study area the number fell by 11%.
Commercial Properties The table below describes commercial properties located in Clark-Fulton. On average, commercial properties in the target study area were older, have been held by their current owner for longer, and were less likely to be renovated than commercial properties in other neighborhoods. Commercial properties in Clark-Fulton, were on average, older than the average commercial property in 23 of the city’s 33 neighborhoods with data. The average commercial property has been held by its current owner for 13 years, longer than 19 of the city’s 33 neighborhoods with data. Only 33.5% of commercial properties had renovation permits pulled between 2014 and 2018, compared with 59.7% citywide. Almost 12% of commercial properties had delinquent taxes. Rank Among Cleveland Neighborhoods (Lower is Better)
Average Age of a Commercial Property Average Years Since Last Sale Commercial Properties Share of Commercial Properties with Renovation Permits, 2014 - 2018 Share of Tax Delinquency Commercial Properties Average Age of a Commercial Property Average Years Since Last Sale Commercial Properties Share of Commercial Properties with Renovation Permits Share of Tax Delinquency Commercial Properties
79 years
23 of 33
13 years
19 of 33
26 of 33
14 of 33
75 years 13 years 59.7% 17.7%
Source: Reinvestment Fund Analysis of City Parcel Records, NEOCANDO
Appendix 461
MOBILITY Transportation
City of Cleveland
Housing Units with Access to Vehicle Housing Units without Access to Vehicle Total Housing Units Housing Units with Access to Vehicle Housing Units without Access to Vehicle Total Housing Units
2009 – 2013
2014 – 2018
4,821 (77%)
4,886 (80%)
1,457 (23%)
1,243 (20%)
6,278 (100%) 201,154 (81%)
6,129 (100%) 205,660 (81%)
47,664 (19%)
46,688 (19%)
248,818 (100%)
252,348 (100%)
Five Year Change +65 -214 -149 +4,506 -976 +3,530
Source: American Communities Survey, Five Year Estimates
Car ownership in the Clark-Fulton study area was comparable to the ownership rate citywide, with 80% of households in the study area having access to a vehicle. Notably, the number of households without vehicle access has declined since 2009 – 2013.
Clark-Fulton Together - Final Plan
HOUSING The study area is comprised primarily of single-family homes and duplexes. A comparison of household size and home size shows that many houses are larger than what area families typically require. Most households are renters and face challenging housing costs, despite homes in the area selling for low prices. The housing market has shown signs of recovery with permitting activity increasing and only moderate levels of foreclosure and vacancy.
Housing Types
City of Cleveland
Single-Family Homes Duplex Small Multi-Family (3 to 19 Units) Large Multi-Family (20+ Units) All Housing Units Single-Family Homes Duplex Small Multi-Family (3 to 19 Units) Large Multi-Family (20+ Units) All Housing Units
2009 – 2013
2014 – 2018
3,014 (50%) 2,133 (35%) 648 (11%) 272 (4%) 6,066 (100%) 140,934 (54%) 47,086 (18%) 38,783 (15%) 33,650 (13%) 260,453 (100%)
3,133 (51%) 2,032 (33%) 666 (11%) 331 (5%) 6,163 (100%) 139,327 (54%) 45,342 (17%) 37,629 (14%) 37,337 (14%) 259,635 (100%)
Five Year Change +120 -101 +18 +60 +97 -1,607 -1,744 -1,154 +3,687 -818
Source: American Communities Survey, Five Year Estimates
The table above shows the types of housing available in the Clark-Fulton study area. Across the study area, and the city of Cleveland the most common housing type are single family homes, which comprised nearly half (51%) of all housing units in the study area. An additional third (33%) of homes were duplexes. The neighborhood had only a small number of small or large multi-family properties.
Appendix 463
Housing and Household Size in the Clark-Fulton Study Area
Household Size
40% 1
60% 3
5 or more
Source: American Communities Survey, Five Year Estimates, 2014 – 2018
One challenge in the Clark-Fulton study area is the misalignment between household sizes and the size of homes. The figure above shows the distribution of home sizes, measured by the number of bedrooms in each home, with the distribution of household sizes measured as the number of individuals in each household unit. As seen above, most homes in the study area are larger than the households that live in the area. Sixty-two percent of households have two or fewer members, but 52% of homes have three or more bedrooms.
Resident Tenure
ClarkFulton City of Cleveland
Renters Homeowners Total Households Renters Homeowners Total Households
2009 – 2013
2014 – 2018
3,015 (63%) 1,806 (37%) 4,821 (100%) 111,499 (54%) 95,279 (46%) 206,778 (100%)
2,975 (61%) 1,911 (39%) 4,886 (100%) 119,994 (57%) 89,534 (43%) 209,528 (100%)
Five Year Change -40 +105 +65 +8,495 -5,745 +2,750
Source: American Communities Survey, Five Year Estimates
Most households in the Clark-Fulton study area were renters (61%), as is the case across the city of Cleveland. Notably, the study area saw a small increase in the number of homeowners between 2009-13 and 2014-18, while the city saw a decline. The changes observed in the study area were small and could be due to sampling error.
Rents Median rent levels in Clark-Fulton were just below city averages and the distribution of rent levels roughly tracked the citywide distribution of rents in 2014-18. While the number of
Clark-Fulton Together - Final Plan
rental units in the area has declined since 2009-13, there was growth in the number of the least expensive units (rents below $300) and in units with moderate rents (rents between $751 to $1,000).
City of Cleveland
Rents Below $300/mo Rents $301/mo to $500/mo Rents $501/mo to $750/mo Rents $751/mo to $1,000/mo Rents Over $1,000/mo Total Rental Units Median Rent Rents Below $300/mo Rents $301/mo to $500/mo Rents $501/mo to $750/mo Rents $751/mo to $1,000/mo Rents Over $1,000/mo Total Rental Units Median Rent
2009 – 2013
2014 – 2018
240 (8%) 374 (12%) 1,153 (38%) 678 (22%) 571 (19%) 3,015 (100%) $663 12,466 (14%) 12,076 (13%) 31,427 (34%) 20,128 (22%) 15,892 (17%) 91,989 (100%) $659
259 (9%) 317 (11%) 1,132 (38%) 775 (26%) 493 (17%) 2,975 (100%) $685 12,473 (13%) 9,903 (10%) 3,2073 (32%) 2,3647 (24%) 21,327 (21%) 99,423 (100%) $700
Five Year Change +19 -57 -20 +97 -78 -40 +$23 +7 -2,173 +646 +3,519 +5,435 +7,434 +$41
Source: American Communities Survey, Five Year Estimates
Distribution of Rents in 2014-18 40% 35% 30% 25% 20% 15% 10% 5% 0%
Rents Below $300/mo
Rents $301/mo to $500/mo
Rents $501/mo to $750/mo
Rents $751/mo to $1,000/mo
Rents Over $1,000/mo
Source: American Communities Survey, Five Year Estimates
Homeowners The table below shows the number of homeowners and renters in Clark-Fulton, the City of Cleveland, Cuyahoga County, and Nationwide.
Appendix 465
City of Cleveland Cuyahoga County
United States
2009 – 2013
2014 – 2018
Five Year Change
3,015 (63%)
2,975 (61%)
1,806 (37%)
1,911 (39%)
Total Households
4,821 (100%)
4,886 (100%)
111,499 (54%)
119,994 (57%)
95,279 (46%)
89,534 (43%)
Total Households
206,778 (100%)
209,528 (100%)
209,087 (39%)
223,765 (42%)
325,389 (61%)
314,766 (58%)
Total Households
40,534,516 (35%)
43,285,318 (36%)
75,075,700 (65%)
76,444,810 (64%)
115,610,216 (100%)
119,730,128 (100%)
Total Households
Source: American Communities Survey, Five Year Estimates
Common Permits and Code Violations The table below shows the ten most common residential renovation permits issued in the Clark-Fulton study area between 2014 and 2018. The most common permits largely mirrored the types of permits being issued citywide with home renovation and alterations, plumbing, and basic electrical work making up the majority of permits issued in ClarkFulton and citywide.
Renovation Alteration Plumbing Electrical – Misc (inspection, alteration, re-wire) HVAC Demolition Correct Code Violation Fence-Garage-Deck-Pool Electrical - Service Upgrade Parcel Usage New Construction All Other Permits Total Permits
Clark-Fulton (2014 to 2018) 394 (27%) 253 (18%)
Citywide (2014 to 2018) 14,151 (25%) 9,192 (17%)
244 (17%)
10,038 (18%)
204 (14%) 153 (11%) 66 (5%) 64 (4%) 23 (2%) 11 (1%) 9 (1%) 21 (1%) 1,442 (100%)
8,965 (16%) 6,319 (11%) 1,690 (3%) 2,572 (5%) 856 (2%) 220 (0%) 483 (1%) 1,081 (2%) 55,567 (100%)
Source: Reinvestment Fund Analysis of Permit Records
Clark-Fulton Together - Final Plan
Residential Property Transactions ClarkFulton
City of Cleveland
Number of Home Sales Number of Mortgages Issued Estimated Share of All Cash Sales Sales to Investor Buyers Number of Home Sales Number of Mortgages Issued Estimated Share of All Cash Sales Sales to Investor Buyers
2009 – 2013 813 71 91% 47% 25,565 8,255 68% 41%
2014 – 2018 966 136 86% 42% 34,452 13,860 57% 39%
+153 +65 -5% -5% +6,887 +5,605 -11% -2%
Source: Reinvestment Fund Analysis of Cleveland Sales Records.
The table above shows trends in property transactions across the Clark-Fulton study area. Like the rest of the city, the number of home sales occurring in the study area has increased since 2009-2013. Likewise, the number of mortgages being issued has increased as well; however, a substantial share of homes purchased in the study area occur outside of the traditional mortgage market. We estimate that 86% of all home sales between 2014 and 2018 were all cash sales or sales without a mortgage. Similarly, we estimate that 42% of all homes purchased over the last five years were sold to investors, a higher rate than the rest of the city (39%).
Home Prices
City of Cleveland
Median Home Prices Homes Sold Below $25k Homes Sold $25k to $50k Homes Sold $50k to $75k Homes Sold Above $75k Total Homes Sold Median Home Prices Homes Sold Below $25k Homes Sold $25k to $50k Homes Sold $50k to $75k Homes Sold Above $75k Total Homes Sold
2009 – 2013
2014 – 2018
$15,000 597 (73%) 134 (16%) 52 (6%) 30 (4%) 813 (100%) $23,334 13,286 (52%) 5,488 (21%) 2,719 (11%) 4,072 (16%) 25,565 (100%)
$25,750 448 (46%) 355 (37%) 113 (12%) 50 (5%) 966 (100%) $33,000 12,589 (39%) 8,389 (26%) 4,332 (13%) 7,142 (22%) 32,452 (100%)
Five Year Change +$10,750 -149 +221 +61 +20 +153 +$10,334 -697 +2,901 +1,613 +3,070 +6,769
Source: Reinvestment Fund Analysis of Cleveland Sales Records.
Home prices in the Clark-Fulton study areas remain low but have increased. In the five years between 2009 and 2013, the median price of a home in the study area was only $15,000, nearly 50% lower than the citywide median home price at the time ($23,334). In the last five years, median prices in the study area have increased by over $10,000 to $25,750 but remain below the city median. The distribution of prices skews low, with nearly half of all homes (46%) selling for under $25,000.
Appendix 467
Housing Affordability
ClarkFulton City of Cleveland
Cost Burden Homeowners Cost Burden Renters All Cost Burden Residents Cost Burden Homeowners Cost Burden Renters All Cost Burden Residents
2009 – 2013
2014 – 2018
671 (14%) 1,865 (39%) 2,536 (53%) 32,324 (16%) 57,980 (28%) 90,304 (44%)
577 (12%) 1,680 (34%) 2,257 (46%) 23,103 (11%) 57,768 (28%) 80,871 (39%)
Five Year Change -94 -185 -279 -9,221 -212 -9,433
Source: American Communities Survey, Five Year Estimates
Despite low home prices, many residents in Clark-Fulton are “housing cost burdened” – a term that refers to households that spend over 30% of their income on housing costs. In 2014-18, 2,257 of the 4,886 households in the study area (46%) were classified as housing cost burdened. While the number of cost burdened households has declined since 200912, the total number of cost burdened households remains high. Most cost burdened households were renters (1,680), but a sizable number of Clark-Fulton homeowners were cost burdened as well. In 2014-18, 577 of the 1,911 homeowners living in Clark-Fulton were cost burdened (30%). Rank Among Cleveland Neighborhoods (Lower is Better)
City of Cleveland
Share of Homes with Substantial Renovation Permits, 2015-19 Share of Homes with Code Violations, 2015-2019 Share of Properties with Foreclosure Filings, 2015-19 Share of Vacant Lots, 2015 Share of Vacant Homes, 2015 Share of Homes with Substantial Renovation Permits, 2015-19 Share of Homes with Code Violations, 2015-2019 Share of Properties with Foreclosure Filings, 2015-19 Share of Vacant Lots, 2015 Share of Vacant Homes, 2015
19 of 32
30 of 32
10 of 32
14.8% 5.4%
14 of 34 12 of 34 n/a
9.4% 6.7% 9.3% 17.5% 7.7%
n/a n/a n/a n/a
Source: Western Land Conservancy, “Cleveland Property Survey,” 2015; Reinvestment Fund Analysis of Code Violations, Properties with Renovation Permits, Foreclosure Filings. Data Provided by NEOCANDO. Note: Two neighborhoods did not have sufficient numbers of residential properties or records to calculate renovation, code violation, or foreclosure rates.
Clark-Fulton Together - Final Plan
The table above summarizes indicators of housing distress and housing market pressure. The Clark-Fulton study area exhibited both signs of recovery and concern. Compared with other neighborhoods, the study area had average levels of housing renovation, as indicated by the share of homes with substantial renovation permits. While the level of renovation activity was above the city average, the neighborhood had the 19th highest level of permitting activity out of 32 neighborhoods. Like much of Cleveland, foreclosure rates were high, nearly 7% of homes had a foreclosure filing between 2015 and 2019, which was the 10th lowest among 32 neighborhoods. Similar vacancy rates, while high, were lower than the city average. A 2015 property survey conducted by the Western Land Conservancy, found that 14.8% of lots in the study area were vacant and 5.4% of homes were unoccupied.
Appendix 469
HEALTH Resident health is nearly or slightly above city averages across a number of outcomes. However, children in the study area have one of the highest rates of lead exposure in the city, likely a result of poor housing quality. Parts of the study area are also lacking in access to full-service grocery stores, which can provide better access to fresh and healthy food. Public safety is a concern, with the area experiencing elevated levels of both violent and property crime.
Mortality Rank Among Cleveland Neighborhoods (Lower is Better) 12 of 33 5 of 34 n/a n/a n/a n/a/
2012 - 2016 ClarkFulton City of Cleveland US
Life Expectancy (in years) Mortality Rate (Per 1,000 Pop.) Life Expectancy (in years) Mortality Rate (Per 1,000 Pop.) Life Expectancy (in years) 2018 Mortality Rate (Per 1,000 Pop.)
73 0.083 74 0.102 78.7 0.087
Source: Cleveland Progress Index (Accessed 07/21/20), CDC (Accessed 11/02/20)
The table above shows the average life expectancy and mortality rate per 1,000 residents in the Clark-Fulton study area, the city of Cleveland, and nationally (from the CDC). While the life expectancy of residents in the study area was one year shorter than the city overall, the area’s mortality rate was lower by about 2 deaths per 1,000. In fact, the study area’s mortality rate ranked fifth lowest among other neighborhoods in the city and is on par with the national mortality rate.
Housing Conditions Rank Among Cleveland Neighborhoods (Lower is Better) ClarkFulton
City of Cleveland
Pct. Children Under 7 with Blood Lead Level (+5.0 μg/dL), 2017 Pct. Homes Built Prior to 1979, 2014 – 2018 Share of Homes with Code Violations, 20152019 Pct. Children Under 7 with Blood Lead Level (+5.0 μg/dL), 2017 Pct. Homes Built Prior to 1979, 2014 – 2018 Share of Homes with Code Violations, 20152019
30 of 32
21 of 34
30 of 32
Sources: Cleveland Progress Index (Accessed 07/21/20); American Communities Survey, Five-Year Estimates; Reinvestment Fund Analysis of Cleveland Code Violation Records
Clark-Fulton Together - Final Plan
Lead exposure is a major concern among young children in the Clark-Fulton study area. Among children under seven, 19% had elevated levels of lead in their blood. That rate was among the highest in the city, out pacing levels in 30 of the 32 neighborhoods in the city with data childhood lead exposure. Lead exposure among children is likely tied to poor housing or school facility conditions in the study area. Nearly 93% of homes in the study area were built prior to 1979, when lead paint usage was common, and 9% of homes received a code violation for maintenance issues or other health and safety deficiencies. Both of these rates exceeded city averages.
Food Access Rank Among Cleveland Neighborhoods (Lower is Better)
City of Cleveland
Population with Inadequate Access to Grocery Options, 2016 Pct. Adults Reporting 5 or More Servings of Fruit and Vegetables per Day, 2013 Adults Ever Diagnosed with Diabetes, 2013 Adults with BMI Over 30, 2013 Population with Inadequate Access to Grocery Options, 2016 Pct. Adults Reporting 5 or More Servings of Fruit Vegetables per Day, 2013 Adults Ever Diagnosed with Diabetes, 2013 Adults with BMI Over 30, 2013
30 of 34
7 of 34
12% 36%
13 of 34 13 of 34
14% 38%
n/a n/a
Sources: Reinvestment Fund, 2018; 2017 CDC Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System
Access to fresh and health food is a concern in many communities. In the Clark-Fulton study area, access to full-service grocery stores is limited. Using the Reinvestment Fund’s Limited Super Market Analysis (LSA), we estimate that 5,665 residents in the study area lack adequate access to a full-service grocery store, ranking among the worst neighborhoods in the city for grocery store access. The lack of full-service grocery options in the community and low car ownership likely makes it difficult for residents to access a variety of healthy food options. The inability to access fresh and healthy foods is apparent in other health related outcomes. Only 14% of residents report eating five or more servings of fruit and vegetables per day, while 12% and 36% of residents have been diagnosed with diabetes or have a BMI over 30, which would qualify as obese, respectively.
Public Safety 2017 ClarkFulton
Violent Crime (Per 100,000 Pop.) Property Crime (Per 100,000 Pop.)
1,742 5,976
Rank Among Cleveland Neighborhoods (Lower is Better) 20 of 34 27 of 34
Appendix 471
City of Cleveland
Violent Crime (Per 100,000 Pop.) Property Crime (Per 100,000 Pop.)
1,630 5,206
n/a n/a
Source: Cleveland Progress Index (Accessed 07/21/20)
The table above shows the rate of violent crime and property crime per 100,000 residents in the Clark-Fulton study area and citywide. Rates of both violent and property crime were higher in the study area than the city overall. Rates of violent and property crime were higher than 20 and 27 of the 34 neighborhoods in Cleveland, respectively.
Health Insurance Coverage The table below shows the number and share of the resident population with and without health insurance.
ClarkFulton City of Cleveland
2009 – 2013
2014 – 2018
Five Year Change
10,322 (79%)
11,192 (88%)
2,702 (21%)
1,559 (12%)
13,024 (100%) 322,483 (83%)
12,751 (100%) 348,009 (91%)
-274 25,526
65,578 (17%)
33,247 (9%)
388,061 (100%)
381,256 (100%)
Residents with Insurance Residents without Insurance Total Residents Residents with Insurance Residents without Insurance Total Residents
Source: American Communities Survey, Five Year Estimates
Disability, Subsidy, and Income Sources The table below shows the number and share of residents in 2014-2018 that received public assistance income. The census defines public assistance income as cash or in-kind benefits (e.g., TANF, SNAP) to individuals and families from government entities.
City of Cleveland
Households with Public Assistance Income Households without Public Assistance Income Total Households Households with Public Assistance Income Households without Public Assistance Income Total Households
Number of Households
Share of All Households
4,616 4,886
94% 100%
160,143 169,365
95% 100%
Source: American Communities Survey, Five Year Estimates
The table below shows the number and proportion of households that were recipients of food stamps/SNAP in the last 12 months.
Clark-Fulton Together - Final Plan
ClarkFulton City of Cleveland
Households that Received SNAP Benefit Households that Did Not Receive SNAP Total Households Households that Received SNAP Benefit Households that Did Not Receive SNAP Total Households
Number of Households 2,252 2,677 4,929 58,527 110,838 169,365
Share of All Households 46% 54% 100% 35% 65% 100%
Source: American Communities Survey, Five Year Estimates
The table below shows the number and proportion of households where at least one person had a disability.
1+ Person with Disability No Persons with Disability Total Households
Number of Households 1500 3428 4,929
Share of All Households 30% 70% 100%
Appendix 473
TECHNOLOGY Technology Access (2014-2018) The table below shows the number and share of households with any type of computer and with any type of internet access in 2014-2018.
City of Cleveland
Households with Computers (2014-18) Households without Computers (2014-18) Total Households (2014-18) Households with Internet Access (2014-18) Households without Internet Access (201418) Total Households (2014-18) Households with Computers (2014-18) Households without Computers (2014-18) Total Households (2014-18) Households with Internet Access (2014-18) Households without Internet Access (201418) Total Households (2014-18)
Source: American Communities Survey, Five Year Estimates
Clark-Fulton Together - Final Plan
Number of Households
Share of Households
3,797 1,089 4,886 3,366
78% 22% 100% 69%
1,520 4,886 134,393 34,972 169,365 120,533
31% 100% 79% 21% 100% 71%
48,832 169,365
29% 100%
Appendix 475
FOCUS GROUPS MEMO During the week of June 22-26, 2020 the WRT team (prime planning consultant) led 15 Focus Group Meetings to listen and learn from the diverse community members and key stakeholders about the assets, needs, challenges, and opportunities related to a specific topic or theme. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, these focus group meetings were held virtually, with a total of 128 participants across all meetings throughout the week. Durante la semana del 22 al 26 de junio de 2020, el equipo de WRT (consultor principal de planificación) dirigió 15 reuniones de grupos de discusión para escuchar y aprender de los diversos miembros de la comunidad y de las principales partes interesadas sobre los recursos, las necesidades, los retos y las oportunidades relacionadas con un tema específico. Debido a la pandemia de COVID-19, estas reuniones de grupos de discusión se celebraron de forma virtual, con un total de 128 participantes en todas las reuniones celebradas a lo largo de la semana.
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Memo FOCUS GROUPS TAKEAWAY MEMO OVERVIEW During the week of June 22-26, 2020 the WRT Team lead the following Focus Groups Meetings: West 25th Street TOD Complete Streets + Vision Zero Open Space + Trails Sustainability MetroHealth + City Health Initiatives Community Development Corporations Real Estate Development (Residential + Commercial) 8. Housing Diversification 9. Entrepreneurship, Workforce + Small Business
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.
10. 11. 12. 13. 14.
Education (Schools + Libraries) Arts + Culture Religious Groups + Organizations Neighborhood Prosperity – ENGLISH Neighborhood Prosperity – SPANISH (this meeting was canceled due to lack of turnout) 15. Neighborhood Prosperity – MetroHealth Employees Living in Study Area
The meetings were well attended and facilitated by WRT (Claudia Ray, Woo Kim, Zoe Mueller), WSP (Nancy Lyon-Stalder, Tim Rosenberger) and Reinvestment Fund (Michael Norton, Jacob Rosch) The goal of each of these 15 meetings was to listen and learn from diverse community members and key stakeholders about the assets, needs, challenges, and opportunities related to a specific topic or theme. The COVID-19 pandemic has made outreach and engagement efforts even more challenging than expected, with all meetings and efforts being virtual. However, it has also highlighted the critical need for civic engagement now more than ever. A total of 128 participants took part in this meeting series in addition to the Planning Team. Participants included: Core Team (4/5) Freddy Collier Greg Zucca Keisha Gonzalez Ricardo Leon Together Team (13) Adam Gifford Dro Sohribian Irwin Lowenstein Joel Wimbiscus
Kevin De Leon Kris Harsh Kristyn Zollos Matt Moss Morgan Bulger Sarah O'Keeffe Selina Pagan Susan Underwood Tiffany Graham
Ambassadors (9/15) Brian Ruiz Ebonie Randle Elizabeth Semidei Gordon Martin Jacqueline Ruiz Julie Miragliotta Kivin Bauzo Rhonda Peoples-Jones Rodney Lewallen Page 1 of 44
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Page 2 of 44 Steering Committee Key Stakeholders (5/7) Cory Riordan David Jurca
Grace Gallucci Maribeth Feke Neil Mohney
Other Stakeholders: 84 Oher Residents + Business Owners: 13
OUTLINE This memo provides a summary of the key takeaways by topic. For each topic we describe the meeting(s) purpose, participants, current and past plans and initiatives, assets, concerns, initial ideas and opportunities, case studies and resources, and next steps. This memo provides the Consultant Team (WRT, Reinvestment Fund, and WSP) analysis and interpretation of the conversations, and provides initial input on some of the opportunities and case studies that relate back to the content of the conversations. Overview ..................................................................................................................................................................................................... 1 Outline ........................................................................................................................................................................................................ 2 Mobility ....................................................................................................................................................................................................... 3 West 25th Street TOD corridor Study ................................................................................................................................................................3 Key Corridors + Neighborhood Streets............................................................................................................................................................6 Next Steps for Mobility ................................................................................................................................................................................... 10 Open + Recreational Spaces ................................................................................................................................................................... 10 Next Steps for Open + Recreational Spaces ................................................................................................................................................. 14 Health + Sustainability ............................................................................................................................................................................ 15 Health ............................................................................................................................................................................................................... 15 Sustainability ................................................................................................................................................................................................... 18 Next Steps for Health + Sustainability .......................................................................................................................................................... 21 Housing ..................................................................................................................................................................................................... 21 Next Steps for Housing................................................................................................................................................................................... 26 Economic Vitality ..................................................................................................................................................................................... 27 Workforce ........................................................................................................................................................................................................ 28 Entrepreneurship + Small Business .............................................................................................................................................................. 29 Commercial Corridors .................................................................................................................................................................................... 32 Next Steps for Economic Vitality.................................................................................................................................................................... 34 Educational Institutions (Schools + Libraries) ...................................................................................................................................... 34 Next Steps for Educational Institutions ........................................................................................................................................................ 38 Arts and Culture....................................................................................................................................................................................... 38 Next Steps for Arts + Culture ......................................................................................................................................................................... 40 Community Capacity Building AND HEALING ...................................................................................................................................... 40 Next Steps for Community Capacity Building + Healing ............................................................................................................................. 44
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MOBILITY The Mobility Focus Groups considered how community members get around the neighborhood and the experience of getting to community assets such as recreation centers, libraries, schools, parks, and plazas. Some of the issues these focus groups addressed included connectivity and accessibility, safety, public transit, recreation, complete streets (including green infrastructure), and the overall experience of being in the neighborhood’s streets and public spaces.
WEST 25TH STREET TOD CORRIDOR STUDY This Focus Group addressed the planning process and opportunities for coordination with the ongoing West 25th Street Transit Oriented Development (TOD) Study being conducted by Stantec and Seventh Hill on behalf of the Greater Cleveland Regional Transit Authority (RTA). This was a critical step to ensure that the TOD Study and Clark-Fulton Together are integrated into a unified vision for the West 25th Street bus-rapidtransit (BRT) corridor. Participants included members of the Planning Team, Core Team and Together Team as well as: City of Cleveland + Calley Mersmann (City Planning, Bike and Pedestrian Coordinator) NOACA: + Grace Gallucci + Kathy Sarli GCRTA + Maribeth Feke + Mandy Metcalf + Amy Snell 25 Connects Project Team + Craig Sklenar (Stantec) + David Jurca (Seventh Hill) PROJECT OVERVIEW (SOURCE: 25Connects is a community planning process that aims to provide the design recommendations and tools to support a future West 25th Street corridor focused on walkable, transit-supportive, mixed-use community development that will support the investment of the RTA’s MetroHealth Line bus rapid transit (BRT) line. Project Name 25Connects Project Timeline April 2020 – February 2021 Consultant Team Stantec: David Dixon (Project Director), Craig Sklenar (Project Manager)
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Seventh Hill: David Jurca (Engagement Strategy Lead), Roberta Duarte (Ethnographic Research), Jacinda Walker (Communication Design)
Project Area The project area focuses efforts along West 25th Street between Detroit Avenue and Broadview Road. About the MetroHealth Line The MetroHealth Line is among RTA’s busiest routes, with 1.7 million rides annually. The consultant team will provide designs, recommendations, and policy initiatives that will support the next phase of design, which will support a formal application for federal funding to construct the BRT line on West 25th Street. The services include preparing development concepts, a market analysis and financial toolkit, urban design, land use, and zoning recommendations; all generated through a public engagement process. Plan Goal + Objectives Through public input, the project aims to provide recommendations for the design of the new bus stops and for the policy and design guidelines that will impact new transit-oriented development (TOD) along the corridor.
A BRT design vision for the entire corridor – highlighting the common themes and expressing the unique character of each community where possible.
A foundational policy and urban design toolkit to implement new transit-oriented development along West 25th Street in a consistent manner that supports walkable, transit-focused communities.
A review of current market conditions and financial tools available to provide opportunity for new transit-oriented development along West 25th Street.
Identification of factors that will provide equitable housing opportunities along the corridor, ensuring displacement and gentrification are kept to a minimum.
ASSETS There is already strong ridership on W25 lines (aka MetroHealth Line) and on the Storer/Trowbridge Line (Route #81). The walkable street network with small blocks makes it easier for residents to get to and from transit stops than in some other parts of the city. Existing bus fare incentives help expand access to transit: + Free for up to 3 children under the age of 7, if they are with an adult. + RTA offers a discount for students during school hours (not after 6 pm). + MetroHealth is piloting an employee transit subsidy. CONCERNS Lack of adequate sidewalk space for pedestrian activities. Lack of adequate space for station areas. Some intersections and sidewalks along West 25th Street don’t meet ADA standards. Limited pedestrian and bicycle connectivity between the Clark-Fulton Study Area to the adjacent amenities and recreational facilities (Regional Trails, Cemetery, Employment/Shopping Centers).
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According to some residents, current transit fair is not affordable, but if you compare RTA’s rates to other cities, like Philadelphia, Chicago, New York City it is affordable. + Monthly Pass: $97 a month. + Discounts for students are only during school hours. + Large strollers are “frowned upon” or not allowed. Drug activities at some of the bus stops, especially the ones with benches, has led to the removal of transit waiting area amenities at some stops as a way of discouraging gathering and undesirable uses.
INITIAL IDEAS + OPPORTUNITIES Increase sidewalk and planting space along West 25th Street. + Consider a 10’ Easement or ROW acquisition in front of MetroHealth Campus. + Request new building setback/easement on new development projects to increase the width of the existing sidewalk. + Utilize the existing on-street parking space for sidewalk/planting area. Improve the last ¼ and ½ mile pedestrian and bicycle experience from the neighborhood to the new proposed station areas. Some initial ideas are: + Intersection’s improvements: Reducing crossing distance by adding bump-outs. Soft-hit “flex” posts and planter barriers designed to protect bicyclists/pedestrians. Painted intersections. New striping. + New bike lanes. + New signals for pedestrian and bicycles. PROJECT COLLABORATION OPPORTUNITIES RTA and the 25Connects Consultant Team are open to collaborate with the Clark-Fulton Together Planning Team on: Public Engagement Activities + Project Kick-Off + Walking Tours + Stakeholder Meetings + Steering Committee Participation Share the findings of the 25Connects Market and Finance Feasibility Toolkit. The 25Connects Consultant Team will share the findings of their market analysis with the Clark-Fulton Together Planning Team. Leverage the MetroHealth Campus Transformation to help resolve some vehicular circulation problems that negatively impact transit, pedestrian, and cyclists along West 25th. + Potential to relieve or reduce the vehicular congestion/burden along West 25th St and make room for more multi-modal improvements. + Desire to create a 4-way intersection with West 25th and I-71 that would allow employees, ambulances, truck traffic, deliveries to get directly from highway to the hospital as a way of reducing the congestion/burden along Daisy and West 25th goes the length of the block, so people are negotiating that turn off a residential street.
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Pursue complete streets standards and enhanced street design. + Collaborate on the development of preferred street cross-sections for key segments of the corridor, including recommendations for additional Right-of-Way and pedestrian realm expansion where appropriate. + Improve transit waiting environments for other bus routes serving this neighborhood that operate on streets other than West 25th Street (for example: Route 21 on Clark Avenue, Route 81 on Trowbridge Avenue). + Improving the pedestrian and bike network connections and providing green space relief for at least a few blocks from the West 25th Street corridor to get people TO the corridor. Collaborate on the identification of Station Area locations and design. + The Station locations have not changed since the earlier planning work that was completed in the corridor. The 25 Connects team will be looking at easements and setbacks to provide breathing room for stations and future-proof them for potential expansion needs. Current areas of focus being evaluated for potential stations are: Three expected along MetroHealth campus frontage – most likely: • Southpoint Drive / Marvin Avenue / Daisy Avenue. • Trowbridge Avenue. • Metro Health Drive and W. 2th Street. Meyer Avenue (Lincoln West High School and Meyer Pool). Clark Avenue (La Placita, Esperanza and Hispanic Business Center). Seymour Avenue (Las Tienditas, new Cleveland Museum of Art Community Art Center at the Astrup Awning Building). Wade Avenue (key connection to the bridge over I-90). Collaborate on the development of zoning update recommendations. Ensure that there is a coordinated approach and framework for zoning along the West 25th Street corridor and throughout the neighborhood so there isn’t any disconnect between the two. + The 25Connects Team will focus on the existing and proposed land uses along the West 25th Corridor within the Clark-Fulton Study area. + The Clark-Fulton Together Team will focus on the existing and proposed uses in the rest of the Study Area boundary.
KEY CORRIDORS + NEIGHBORHOOD STREETS This Focus Group offered the opportunity to discuss key issues and opportunities to create a network of streets in Clark-Fulton that are safe, comfortable, and welcoming for all ways of getting around – by car, by bus, by bike, by wheelchair, by stroller or by foot. This also offered the opportunity to learn about the City of Cleveland’s ongoing work to advance Vision Zero – an effort to eliminate traffic- and pedestrian-related fatalities and serious injuries through changes in street design, policy, and enforcement. Participants included members of the Planning Team, Core Team and Together Team as well as: City of Cleveland + Calley Mersmann (City Planning, Bike and Pedestrian Coordinator) + Darnell Brown (Operations / Vision Zero Task Force) + Terrell Cole (Operations / Vision Zero Task Force)
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+ Pegah Nourifard (City Planning, Urban Design) NOACA + Grace Gallucci + Kathy Sarli Bike Cleveland + Jacob VanSickle
CURRENT/PAST PLANS + INITIATIVES Vision Zero Task Force NOACA + Transportation for Livable Communities Initiative (TLCI) – planning and implementation grant program: + Street Supplies Initiative. + New Complete and Green Streets Policy was just adopted this year. Clark Avenue Corridor Plan (2015) + TLCI plan submitted to NOACA, not yet implemented or funded for implementation. Clark Avenue Reconstruction: + Phase 1 construction is active now, which will include reconstruction of the bridge, as well as curbs, catch basins, sidewalks and lighting. No painting or striping changes are expected. It will include sharrows but will not provide a low-stress bicycling connection. Fulton Road Reconstruction + Recently completed. Scranton Avenue Resurfacing and Restriping + Scranton was resurfaced and restriped with one lane of traffic and one lane of bike travel in each direction. The project doesn’t go further south towards MetroHealth because of the changes expected as part of the MetroHealth Campus Transformation. Buhrer Avenue Pedestrian Bridge Future Improvements West 65th Street Rehabilitation – Enhanced Lakefront Connection: West 65th provides a key north-south connection from Lake Erie and the Lakefront Reservation (Edgewater Park, etc.) through area neighborhoods, including Clark-Fulton. The recently completed Vision for the Valley project recommended upgrades to the roadway, the project is open for comments. ASSETS Existing culture of walking is strong. Many residents and community members indicated walking and biking were some of their favorite activities. Small walkable blocks provide “good bones” but sidewalks undermine this good foundation. Active bicycle community (Bike Cleveland). Commitment from the City to safer streets and reduction of fatalities (Vision Zero Task Force). Recent and ongoing improvements on Clark Avenue and other streets.
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Page 8 of 44 CONCERNS Some residents don’t feel safe walking on the streets at night. Perception that some of the streets are not safe. Some residents have identified drugs and prostitution activities. Character and image of the streets is weak in some areas because of the number of vacant lots and buildings in the neighborhood. Substandard sidewalk width, unsafe street crossings, and unprotected bicycle lanes. Lack of through-streets (east-west) in Clark-Fulton’s local neighborhood street network makes it challenging to create simple and direct low-stress bike and pedestrian connections to regional assets. Unsafe/Undesirable Circulation at North of MetroHealth Campus: + Valentine Avenue and Towpath Trail alignment through MetroHealth campus are both unsafe currently due to vehicular circulation, parking lot access, and high traffic volumes. Transit Accessibility and Affordability: + Perception that transit is not affordable + Insufficient student discount + Accessibility non-compliance all limit mobility and accessibility + Jobs and Amenities INITIAL IDEAS + OPPORTUNITIES PARTNERSHIPS + PROJECTS Strengthen the relationships with NOACA and Bike Cleveland. Build on the City of Cleveland’s Maintenance and Capital Investments to re-envision street design to meet complete street standards. + Leverage City’s Pavement Condition Report to anticipate what “low hanging fruit” there is to improve neighborhood streets thoughtfully as part of a routine maintenance program + Additional wayfinding for the pedestrian bridges would also be desirable. Leverage Clark Avenue Reconstruction project to recommend extra features. + Coordinate with the City’s Transportation and Public Works Department + Advance the Clark Avenue Corridor Plan recommendations through NOACA’s TLCI grantmaking. Identify key recommendations from the Clark Avenue Corridor Plan for near-term implementation and for inclusion in the Clark-Fulton Together master plan. Identify additional improvements based on NOACA’s new Complete and Green Street Standards. Identify resources and prioritization to execute those key recommendations and additional improvements. REGIONAL Improve overall pedestrian and bicycle connectivity to regional trails and amenities. + North: Red Line Greenway, Lakefront Park System (Edgewater Park, Wendy Park, Whiskey Island), West Side Market, Downtown Cleveland Leverage Improvements at West 65th Street, Fulton Road, and Scranton Road Improve highway interchange portions of West 44th Street and West 41st Street
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Explore Train Avenue Greenway Concept + West: Clark Recreation Center, Zone Recreation Center and 65th Street Red Line Rapid Stop + East: Steelyard Commons, Clark Field, and Towpath Trail Identify route of Towpath Trail connection through MetroHealth Campus Build on the potential for a new connection to the south via Brighton Park and Treadway Creek Trail instead of Denison Avenue, which many noted is VERY unsafe for bicyclists. + South: Riverside Cemetery, Brooklyn Branch Library, Cleveland Metroparks Zoo, Brookside Reservation + new Brighton Park Improve the multi-modal circulation patterns and safety at the northern edge of the MetroHealth Campus. + Connections and safety surrounding the Northern edge of the MetroHealth Campus + Improve links to Valentine Avenue, I-71 and the Quigley Road – West 14th Street Roundabout + Build on recent Scranton Road Resurfacing and Restriping to extend this multi-modal design into the portion of Scranton Road that goes through the MetroHealth campus
NEIGHBORHOOD Leverage vacant land, new development, and periodic sidewalk bump-outs to systematically enhance the quality and experience of neighborhood streetscapes. + Green infrastructure, planting, and restoration of the street tree canopy where there is sufficient Right-of-Way and commitment to stewardship + Provide enhanced seating areas and transit waiting environments Make targeted intersection improvements to increase safety and comfort. + Provide adequate sidewalk space for pedestrians and safe crossings + Identify unsafe, high-injury intersections for priority improvements + Identify intersections that are critical for connections to transit and neighborhood assets + Systematically upgrade all intersections to be compliant with the latest ADA Accessibility requirements and universal design best practices Identify the desired low-stress bike network that connects to recreation/greenspace assets, trail attractions, and commercial corridors. Consider how alleys and vacant land can help reconnect streets internally and provide more relief from the relentless stress of the street. Also, consider if introducing “wiggles and weaves” through residential streets may be more effective as a low-stress network than the fewer through-streets that provide direct (but higher stress) connections. + West 41st Street & West 44th Street are low-stress except for the bridges and intersections near the I-91 highway onramps. + Scranton Road as a low-stress link that complements West 25th Street Explore the following corridors as potential east-west neighborhood connections for pedestrians and bicycles. + Walton Avenue + Sackett Avenue (Phunkenship and City Life help to anchor an emerging Neighborhood Amenities corridor along Sackett Avenue, which already has one of the bus lines – Route 81 – that has the highest ridership in the neighborhood apart from West 25th Street) + Woodbridge Avenue
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Meyer Avenue (Connects the High School and Pool) Bush Avenue (Connects West 41st Street, West 44th Street, and Fulton Road)
CASE STUDIES + RESOURCES Standards to take in consideration: NACTO Street Design Guidelines: NACTO Green Infrastructure Guidelines: Some ideas for pilot and early action projects: Painted Intersections (The Asphalt Art Guide): Tactical Urbanism Guide: San Francisco Parklet Manual: Bloomberg administration bike and pedestrian safety improvement measurement - establish a baseline then measure the same thing after each main investment designed
NEXT STEPS FOR MOBILITY Core + Together Team Responsibilities Clarify roles and study areas for the development of zoning update recommendations between the 25 Connects and Clark-Fulton Together consultant teams. Get the latest traffic count and crash data for the Study Area Get detailed drawings for Clark Avenue Reconstruction Get detailed drawings for Scranton Road Resurfacing and Restriping Get the latest information from ODOT and the City on the opportunities and constraints for multimodal improvements along Quigley Road, I-71 and Valentine Avenue Get detailed, dimensioned MetroHealth Campus Transformation Site Plan Get detailed plans for Buhrer Avenue Pedestrian Bridge improvements (and any other pedestrian bridge enhancements relevant to the Study Area) Consultant Team Responsibilities Continue to coordinate on community engagement and ensure cross-participation of planning team members for 25 Connects and Clark-Fulton Together Identify resources to add complete/green street elements to the ongoing Clark Avenue Reconstruction project Map the latest Towpath Trail segments constructed with detailed trailhead information
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Page 11 of 44 This Focus Group addressed all public recreation and open space resources in and around the Clark-Fulton neighborhood. This included an inventory and evaluation of existing places like parks, plazas, cemeteries, public pools, playgrounds, athletic fields, nature preserves, natural waterways, and trails. We discussed underutilized resources such as vacant land, institutional campuses, and the planned new MetroHealth Community Park and how they could help to meet the need for natural and green spaces as well as more program-specific and urban event spaces. Participants included members of the Planning Team, Core Team and Together Team as well as: Ambassadors o Kivin Bauzo City of Cleveland o Calley Mersmann (City Planning, Bike, and Pedestrian Coordinator) o Ata Adeel (Office of Capital Projects/Real Estate) Metroparks o Brian Zimmerman o Kelly Coffman Big Creek Connects: Bob Gardin The Trust for Public Land: Shanelle Smith Whigham Ohio Canalway Partners: Tim Donovan County Planning: Michael Mears CURRENT/PAST PLANS + INITIATIVES City of Cleveland Parks - Planned Improvements: + City Park Access Goal: 100% of residents within a 10-minute walk of a safe, programmed park. 17% of people in the City are not within a 10-minute walk of a park. Trying to focus on the alignment of programming to community needs/desires. + New park space planned close to Clark Elementary and Clark Recreation Center, planning efforts for this new park are part of a collaboration with the Trust for Public Land. RFP being released to build out a menu of engagement strategies around parks (revolving around Clark Recreation Center) + Considering decommissioning Train Park due to poor safety/visibility and land use conflicts + Existing parks to be enhanced: Trent Park Meyer Pool (Councilwoman Santana has helped create a vision for an enhanced plaza and mural at this public pool facility and is seeking local mural artists) Roberto Clemente Field Phunkenship Sackett Avenue Pocket Park: Phunkenship owns a cluster of vacant land at West 32nd Street and Sackett Avenue and is open to developing it as a community greenspace. Brighton Park: this new 26-acre Metroparks park will be located on a former landfill south of Bike Creek in Old Brooklyn. It will be just east of (and connected to) the existing Brookside Reservation and Cleveland Metroparks Zoo within the Big Creek Watershed. This park will be part of a new trail linking Fulton Road and West 25th Street (Pearl Road) to the Towpath Trail via the existing Treadway Creek Trail.
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Clark Avenue Towpath Trail Trailhead Recently Constructed: a recently constructed phase links to the Towpath Trail via Clark Avenue on the eastern edge of the planning area. Red Line Greenway Under Construction: The Red Line Greenway is currently under construction (funded by a TIGER Grant) along the north edge of the Study Area. This trail will connect Ohio City, Detroit Shoreway, and Clark-Fulton to downtown Cleveland, the Towpath Trail, and the Cleveland Foundation Centennial Trail. The western terminus is Zone Recreation Center and West 65th. The Cuyahoga Greenways Plan: This plan was completed a few years ago and served as a countywide vision for bike and pedestrian connectivity. A multi-jurisdictional team is working to implement the plan, including County Planning, Cleveland Metroparks, and the City.
ASSETS Proximity to regional trails and open space attractions: + North: Lakefront Parks, Riverfront Trails and Parks, Red Line Greenway (future) + East: Towpath Trail + South: Metroparks Zoo and Creekside Reservation Existing open spaces and recreation centers serving the neighborhood: + Roberto Clemente Field + Trent Park + Meyer Pool + Zone Recreation Center (Public) + Clark Recreation Center (Public) + City Life Center (Private) + Estabrook Recreation Center (Old Brooklyn) Pool and basketball courts More of a campus feel, less traffic, less exposed than Clark Recreation Center + St Mary’s Cemetery + Riverside Cemetery Public institutions (schools, libraries, MetroHealth) + Lincoln West High School is one of only two CMSD schools that have an indoor pool – a valued amenity. The basketball court is up against the school and is used in the evenings by the community. + Other schools and branch library campuses also have open space and recreation amenities that could be enhanced and opened up for more extensive community use. + City Life Center (former Boys & Girls Club) is currently private. Still, it is open to making the facility available for public/community use as long as maintenance funding is identified to account for increased wear and tear on the facilities. + Future MetroHealth Community Park (high-level planning will be a part of the Master Plan). CONCERNS Insufficient access to high-quality and well programmed parks. + Existing open space struggles to uphold a high standard for quality, safety, maintenance, programming, and upkeep. + Most of the existing open and recreational spaces are not centrally located within the study area. + Lack of well-programmed recreational and open spaces.
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Poor overall connectivity and quality of experience getting to open and recreational spaces. + Lack of connectivity to regional trail systems. + Lack of street canopy and greenery. + Lack of family-friendly bike lanes and low-stress connections to open and recreational. spaces – both locally within the neighborhood and to regional attractions beyond the neighborhood boundaries. Poor placement or design of existing parks/facilities leads to underperforming or underutilized assets. + Clark Recreation Center is in a high-traffic, exposed area, and some feel it is not as safe as other recreation centers. + Trent Park is underutilized, and some residents don’t know that it exists The risk that new MetroHealth Community Park could become a green moat if not designed and programmed effectively.
INITIAL IDEAS + OPPORTUNITIES PARTNERSHIPS + CURRENT PROJECTS MetroHealth: Leverage the Well Building Standard and the idea of social prescribing of nature and/or food (Institute for HOPE) as a foundation or framework for the design of the MetroHealth Community Park. Ideas for the new Community Park from the MetroHealth employees and residents focus group included: + A food-producing, handicap-accessible “edible garden” that can support meaningful conversations with patients about nutrition and health through food + Food preparation and cooking classroom space + A gym that serves the hospital and the community + Some kind of interactive, family-oriented water feature to help people cool down + Reading/literacy and early childhood learning programs + History/storytelling + Theater Schools: Leverage the relationship with the School District and plans to re-build Lincoln West High School and other schools. + Potential to propose a design for the High School to include new recreational and open space for the community and other programs + Explore the synergy with the surrounding assets Recreation Centers: + Clark Recreation Center (new/expanded park space planned) + City Life Center (former Boys & Girls Club) Libraries: + South Branch: existing (new) outdoor community space available for programming + Fulton Branch + Brooklyn Branch City Parks: + Continue to build on the Councilwoman’s ongoing work to improve Meyer Pool. + Work with the City of Cleveland to improve Trent Park through design, programming, and maintenance initiatives. Digital C: Expand the value-add of parks by making them sites for other services needed like the internet.
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Page 14 of 44 REGIONAL Improve Clark-Fulton’s access to the three major trail attractions and other regional recreation and open space destinations. This inequity must be addressed. + North: Red Line Greenway, Lakefront Park System (Edgewater Park, Wendy Park, Whiskey Island) + West: Clark Recreation Center, Zone Recreation Center + East: Clark Field and Towpath Trail + South: Riverside Cemetery, Cleveland Metroparks Zoo, Brookside Reservation + new Brighton Park NEIGHBORHOOD Create a street tree restoration program that focuses on public health. + The trees were originally planted to help improve Cleveland's air quality. + Opportunity to work with the Cleveland Tree Plan to install a new generation of street trees in the neighborhood with a focus on environmental sustainability and public health. Identify new locations for neighborhood parks. Leverage vacant land, new development and institutional campuses (e.g. schools, libraries, churches) to create a fine-grain neighborhood open space network that complements the connections to big regional trail attractions and destination parks. CASE STUDIES + RESOURCES INSTITUTIONAL PARTNERSHIPS Green Schoolyards Programs – NYC, Austin Passive Recreational Use and Community Stewardship of Cemeteries – Austin, European Cities, Latin American Cities Cleveland Clinic’s Akron General Hospital LifeStyles Facility: The Akron General Hospital created a recreation center that is used for rehab of patients, but that is also a paid facility for community members that bring in revenue and can be used for social prescribing. Parks built around the country where health/equity are central to the design/program – e.g., Railroad Park in Birmingham and Gathering Place in Tulsa SCATTERED-SITE GREENING + PLACEMAKING Pocket Park case studies or ideas (e.g., Tactical Urbanism Guide) Philadelphia Mural Arts Program Tree giveaway program (Orlando, Philadelphia) Fleet Farming (Orlando – Vacant Lots) Local resources: Re-imagining Cleveland
NEXT STEPS FOR OPEN + RECREATIONAL SPACES Core + Together Team Responsibility Make an introduction to Phunkenship owners. Make an introduction to appropriate WRLC/TCI staff member for tree planting and vacant land programs. Report out on Meyer Pool project elements, timeline, and progress to date.
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Page 15 of 44 Consultant Team Responsibility Discuss with Phunkenship owners the end-use and design for a cluster of vacant land at West 32nd Street and Sackett Avenue that could become a community greenspace. Continue to discuss future community recreation and open space opportunities as part of the Lincoln West High School facility redevelopment. Coordinate on new City Park Planning with Jessica Gift and the City Land Bank. Explore appetite and capacity of Metroparks, Cuyahoga County, and the Trust for Public Land to help strengthen connections to regional open and recreational spaces and to support a higher quality of stewardship, design, and programming at neighborhood open and recreational spaces. Explore existing and potential future greening programs at WRLC/TCI. + Tree Planting Program. + Groundworks Vacant Land Care Program. High-level planning of the MetroHealth Community Park Plan.
HEALTH + SUSTAINABILITY The two Focus Groups addressing “Sustainability, Health + Wellness” looked at social determinants of health outcomes hand in hand with issues of sustainability, resiliency, and climate change to establish a holistic understanding of what is needed to support health and wellness for Clark-Fulton’s natural ecosystem alongside its people.
HEALTH This focus group explored existing and proposed public health initiatives led by MetroHealth and the City of Cleveland and began to identify gaps that need to be addressed. The discussion included an inventory and overview of what programs exist already, an assessment of how effective or ineffective they are, and an open-ended exploration of what challenges and barriers community members are currently facing that undermine their health and wellness – physical, mental, and behavioral – in their daily lives. Participants included members of the Planning Team, Core Team and Together Team as well as: Ambassadors + Jacqueline Ruiz City of Cleveland + Jason Wood, Chief of Sustainability + Kristin Hall, Office of Sustainability + Frances Mills, Office of Minority Health MetroHealth + Sarah Hendrickson, MetroHealth + Marielee Santiago, MetroHealth + Jim Misak, MetroHealth – Family Medicine Healthy Neighborhood Committee (UH): Danielle Price Environmental Health Watch: Kim Foreman Global Health Metrics: Greg Davis Old Brooklyn CDC: Jeff Verespej
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CURRENT/PAST PLANS + INITIATIVES City advanced legislation declaring racism as a public health crisis (Frances Mills, City Office of Minority Health). MetroHealth Institute for H.O.P.E is addressing the Social Determinants of Health Food Distribution. MetroHealth School Health Program: Provide medical at 13 Cleveland Metropolitan School District schools. Open Table initiative using their social capital to transform a life. VIDA! Program: working with Latino and Hispanic congregations to recreate traditional recipes into healthier versions. Connect area residents in need of assistance with organizations including the Greater Cleveland Food Bank, Goodwill Industries, CHN Housing Partners, Domestic Violence & Child Advocacy Center, Legal Aid Society of Cleveland. Economic Opportunity Center: this center will provide training and education to residents of the Clark-Fulton neighborhood in partnership with Cuyahoga County Community College and Digital C. ASSETS MetroHealth Institute for H.O.P.E. Strong community of industry-leading healthcare institutions: MetroHealth. Active, creative and collaborative public agency leadership at City and County level. Healthy Neighborhoods Committee leadership. Dynamic, innovative local organizations such as Environmental Health Watch and Cleveland Owns. CONCERNS Economic opportunity and structural racism are the root causes of social determinants of health that lead to divergent outcomes. Experts believe that roughly 80% of a person’s health depends on factors beyond medical care: where you live, what’s going on around you, your socioeconomic status, your education level, your habits. Residents and stakeholders shared consensus on the largest health concerns in Clark-Fulton, regarding: + Access to fresh food + Perceptions of safety + Emotional/mental health (expressed through elevated levels of substance abuse, adolescent pregnancy, adolescent depression, and experiences of trauma) Lead exposure among children in Clark-Fulton is higher than in other communities in Cleveland. + Elevated lead levels were due to housing quality rather than drinking water + The city water utility tracks the location of lead pipes. Lead poisoning is more likely coming from building maintenance. Infant Mortality Heat Island effect in the middle of Study Area + Not at the lowest of tree canopy in the City, but it is on the lower end. It can be challenging to gain insight into what is contributing to poor mental health without re-traumatizing
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Page 17 of 44 INITIAL IDEAS + OPPORTUNITIES Leverage the work and initiatives the Institute for H.O.P.E. is currently doing to improve the health in the Clark-Fulton Community. Leverage the relationship with City Health Initiatives, Global Health Metrics, and Environmental Health Watch. Continue and expand the partnership with Meals on Wheels. Identify metrics for community health that can be impacted by the built environment and improve: Social Support, Housing, Transportation, Food insecurity, employment, education, and utilities need. CASE STUDIES + RESOURCES Source:
Social Support: The Geisinger Health System relies on community health assistants (CHAs) to help improve patients’ outcomes by addressing certain social needs, including social isolation. CHAs are often non-licensed professionals who assess patients’ needs, connect with primary care and case management teams, and coordinate referrals. CHAs also spend time listening to patients, as social isolation is a critical factor in health and health care. CHAs are regarded by the health system as an important resource to reduce readmissions and help patients manage the challenges of their conditions outside the hospital. Housing: SBH Health System in New York City’s Bronx borough sold part of its campus to a developer to build low-income housing. It opened an urgent care center and other outpatient facilities in the new development. In Portland, Oregon, five hospitals and a nonprofit health plan in the state are donating more than $20 million to help build nearly 400 housing units for homeless and low-income people. Transportation: Some hospitals and medical providers are partnering with ride-hailing services to address transportation barriers. In certain cases, these rides may be covered by Medicaid and other insurance plans. MedStar Health, a nonprofit health care system with hospitals in Maryland and the District of Columbia, began a partnership with Uber last year. It allows patients to access the ride service while on the hospital’s website and set reminders for medical appointments. Medicaid patients who might not have access to the Uber app can also arrange the ride by calling the hospital’s patient advocates. Hackensack UMC, a hospital in New Jersey, and Sarasota Memorial Hospital in Florida have also set up similar partnerships. Food insecurity: In summer 2017, Seattle Children’s Hospital is launching a 10-week pilot of Kids Café, which brings wholesome snacks and meals to kids at community sites such as libraries, Boys & Girls Clubs, and others. Similar to the National School Lunch Program which provides free and reduced-price lunches to children from low-income families, the program is reimbursed by the federal government. Food Lifeline, a nonprofit organization in Seattle that collects 40 million pounds a year of surplus food from farmers, restaurants, grocery stores, and food manufacturers to distribute through a network of 275 food banks throughout western Washington, supplies the food and administers the program. Other community partners provide space and supervision for the children while they eat. Unemployment: Hennepin Health, a patient-centered care program at Hennepin County Medical Center in Minneapolis, works to address the medical and social needs—including unemployment—
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of low-income patients who have complex or multiple conditions. Hennepin Health has partnered with Rise, Inc., a local organization that offers patients resources to find employment. In addition, the two organizations work together to provide patients with appropriate housing, as increases in wages may displace patients from low-income housing. These efforts have decreased health care costs for program participants by 60 percent. Education: WellCare Health Plans, Inc., a provider of government-sponsored health care, offers free General Educational Development (GED) testing for eligible Medicaid members. Recognizing that many social determinants factor into the health of an individual, family, and community, WellCare aims to help members remove financial barriers that may prevent them from furthering their education and employment opportunities. WellCare first offered the GED benefit to Georgia members in 2012 and has since expanded the benefit to three other states. The company is considering expanding the program.
SUSTAINABILITY This Focus Group explored what is already contributing to the environmental sustainability of the ClarkFulton neighborhood while also exploring what is missing from the neighborhood that would help it become a greener, healthier place to live. The discussion addressed things like urban gardens and food systems, urban tree cover and shade, transit-oriented development, park and trail improvements, green stormwater infrastructure and flooding, waste and recycling, emergency preparedness, and energy efficiency. Participants included members of the Planning Team, Core Team and Together Team as well as: Ambassadors: + Julie Miragliotta City of Cleveland + Jason Wood, City of Cleveland Chief of Sustainability + Kristin Hall, City Office of Sustainability MetroHealth + Jennifer Bier – community-facing nutrition/dietitian services, food-as-medicine program Cleveland Urban Design Collaborative (Reimagining Cleveland co-creator): Terry Schwarz Cuyahoga County Sustainability: Monica Busam CURRENT/PAST PLANS + INITIATIVES City of Cleveland Climate Action Plan: 2018 update with 5 focus areas and 4 cross-cutting priorities addressed in all 5 focus areas. The cross-cutting priorities are (1) Social and Racial Equity, (2) Good Jobs, Green Jobs, (3) Climate Resilience, and (4) Business Leadership. See: + Energy Efficiency & Green Building + Clean Energy + Sustainable Transportation + Clean Water and Vibrant Green Spaces + More Local Food, Less Waste Reimagining A More Sustainable Cleveland: a vacant land reuse grant program initiated in 2008 through a partnership of the City of Cleveland, Kent State Cleveland Urban Design Collaborative
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(CUDC), Cleveland Neighborhood Progress, and LAND studio. See: -or + Initially modeled off the Philadelphia PHS Land Care program, but Cleveland’s version was conceived of as an experimental program rather than a systematic program + Many things have been tried, but not many stuck. Community gardens, for the most part, did not last. There were a lot of lessons learned, and a few projects emerged as models for others, but many struggled to sustain themselves both financially and socially. + Clark-Fulton is full of “abandoned Reimagining projects.” MetroHealth Food-as-Medicine Program see: City of Cleveland Tax Abatement – green building standards are required for new development to qualify for the tax abatement.
ASSETS MetroHealth Initiatives and Campus Transformation + Institute for H.O.P.E. + New Community Park Cemeteries and Regional Park System (Zoo, Brookside Reservation, Towpath Trail, etc.) Vacant Land Local organizations focused on Food and Gardening Mayor committed $1mil for tree planting – need to figure out the operations of this program. CONCERNS Access to Quality Parks: + Insufficient park access + Poor stewardship of existing parks – maintenance, capital improvements, programming – may reveal a systems-level problem with the financial and operational framework for taking care of the open space assets in Clark-Fulton. Vacant Land Reuse + Large inventory of vacant land but lack of clarity on whether that vacant land should become part of the open space network or be primed for housing or commercial development. + To successfully repurpose vacant land, we need to know the underlying soil conditions and hydrology. This is especially true for vacant land that is identified as a potential location for an open space amenity. Food Systems, Food Security, and Economic Empowerment: + More than ½ residents of Clark-Fulton meet the definition of a food desert. + Clark-Fulton has poor access to fresh food – Save-a-lot is the only grocery store + There is a need to tie fresh food access to economic empowerment, to ensure diversity of ownership is part of the solution Air Quality, Carbon Sequestration and Heat Island Effect + Clark-Fulton has a lack of street trees, especially on larger through-streets with public transit. This is an air quality, health, and carbon sequestration concern as well as a quality of life, pedestrian safety, and comfort issue.
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Housing, Energy Efficiency and Green Building: + Clark-Fulton’s older housing stock has issues with energy efficiency and weatherization these are all issues that affect economic well-being, health, and sustainability. + High Cleveland Public Power (CPP) electricity rates aren’t affordable/competitive. + Existing home weatherization assistance does not adequately provide for middle-income homeowners in need of financial support to weatherize their homes.
INITIAL IDEAS + OPPORTUNITIES Explore opportunities for CDC collaborations across different efforts and neighborhoods to support and elevate one another’s work. Create self-sufficient and well-programmed parks. Vacant Land Reuse + TLCI / WRLC new program – Groundwork. + Pursue more targeted/strategic vacant land reuse. + Be attuned to the culture of greening and how people are already doing it, rather than proposing something new or describing greening in a way that excludes what neighbors are already doing. + Encourage gardening and compost on vacant lots. Food Systems and Wealth Building: work with MetroHealth and Cleveland Owns on food security and fresh food access opportunities. + Increase access to food. + Encourage home gardening on lawns. + Create a circular economy around food: growing, harvesting, selling. + Leverage the current efforts that Institute for H.O.P.E. and MetroWest are doing. + Cleveland Owns is working on the development of a food co-op in Central-Kinsman, looking to find sites. The Steering Committee for this initiative is half residents, half local institution members. + Create events around healthy food. Carbon Sequestration + Increase tree canopy by partnering with the County, Mayor of Cleveland and WRLC/TCI on a tree giveaway program. + Composting: Encourage expansion of composting through services like Rust Belt Riders Housing, Energy Efficiency, and Green Building: + Explore how municipal building policies can incentivize green building and passive housing. + Expand the current incentives to improve and rehab homes. Existing Home Weatherization program for low income could expand to include a wider range of incomes. There is an unmet need here. + Look into Community solar alternatives to bring down electricity costs (especially for CPP customers) – Work with local utility companies. CASE STUDIES + RESOURCES Resources Slow Food / Slow Money (National organizations). Community Solar.
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Middle-Income Home Weatherization Circular Food Economy and Cleveland’s East-Side Food Coop: Cleveland Owns is working on the development of a food coop in Central-Kinsman and looking to find sites. The Steering Committee for this initiative is half residents, half local institution members.
Case Studies Fleet Farming, Orlando FL Philadelphia’s PHS Land Care Program Street Tree Stewardship (e.g., Philadelphia’s Street Tree Program) Greenspace/Landscaping Workforce Development Program + Philadelphia/University City District’s Green City Works: + Cleveland/Union Miles Development Corporation’s Agriculture & Green Landscaping Incubator:
Rid-All Green Partnership: (local)
NEXT STEPS FOR HEALTH + SUSTAINABILITY Core + Together Team Responsibilities Inventory former Reimagining sites, determine the current status Make an introduction to appropriate WRLC/TCI staff member for tree planting and vacant land programs Reach out to Sarah Hendrickson to get public safety data on things like gunshots, domestic violence calls. Get and share the latest information on the Mayor’s Street Tree commitment Consultant Team Responsibilities Reach out to Greg Davis of Global Health Metrics to learn methods to measure stress and determine if it is applicable/relevant for work in our Study Area. Establish baseline metrics to track Green Space, Distance to Parks, Tree Canopy Analyze public safety information to understand concern vs reality and potential hot spots. Explore existing and potential future greening programs at WRLC/TCI + Tree Planting Program + Groundworks Vacant Land Care Program Evaluate use/effectiveness of existing home weatherization subsidy and see if any other program could help to improve health and efficiency of legacy homes.
HOUSING This is a summary of the takeaways from multiple focus groups – housing diversification, real estate development (residential and commercial), CDCs, as well as the resident-focused neighborhood prosperity focus groups. These focus groups all explored or touched on the existing housing typologies present in the Clark-Fulton neighborhood and whether they are meeting the community’s needs and desires for housing.
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Page 22 of 44 We discussed issues like unit types, size, amenities, lifestyle, culture, and affordability in an effort to better understand what needs are being met by existing housing and what new or different housing is needed to address unmet housing needs in the community. Participants included members of the Planning Team, Core Team and Together Team as well as: Ambassadors: + Rhonda Jones + Rodney Lewallen + Elizabeth Semidei Residents + Community Members: + Charles “Mike” Thomas: resident, did HOME grant repainting their home, background in interior architecture, been teaching for 15 years at Kent State. In 2006 spring semester did a project looking at the revitalization of this neighborhood. + Pastor Gordon Martin - Prince of Peace Ministries + Danielle Grabianowski – resident, 6yr locally 9yr total in Cleveland, born in Cleveland, traveled elsewhere and came back to Cleveland. ESL teacher. Mom of 4. + Diane Zellmer – director redeemer crisis center, food pantry 30th & Walton – have worked there since 1980. Have seen many changes over that time—passion for youth and seniors. + Courtney Reynolds – resident since 2016, own a few properties in Clark-Fulton and Tremont. Husband is CMSD teacher, many students in the neighborhood. + Nitza Rondon – resident, 20yr+, Mom of 2, Software Dev Fed Reserve + Glorimar Molina – 26 year resident of Clark-Fulton, 19 years employed in HR at MetroHealth + Dayleen Rivera –25 year resident of Clark-Fulton, MetroHealth Interpreting Dept. + Julie Nations – resident, MetroHealth community engagement + Betsy O’Connel – resident, MetroHealth employee + Edwardo Muñoz – resident, property owner, MetroHealth employee + Grace French – resident, works at Jefferson Branch of Library in Tremont Developers + Eden: Michael Doud + Front Steps Housing: Sherri Brandon + GC Habitat: Bob Whitney + Foran Group (CMA/Astrup Awning Building Developer): Rick Foran + NRP Group: Scott Skinner + Aarons Pechota + Levin Group: Mort Levin + Kevin Hudson CHN: Lisa McGovern Metro West + Kris Harsh (Housing Director) + Morgan Bulger Other CDCs + Adam Stalder (Detroit Shoreway CDO) + Jeff Epstein (MidTown) + Christopher Alvarado (SVD) + Jeff Verespej (Old Brooklyn CDC) + Cory Riordan (Tremont West) + Anya Kulcsar (Detroit Shoreway CDO) + Joy Johnson (Burten, Bell, Carr Development, Inc)
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City of Cleveland + Marka Fields (Chief Planner) + James Green (Dept. Community Development, Commissioner Neighborhood Development) + Tania Menesse (Dir. Community Development) + Ayonna Blue Donald (Dir. Building and Housing) + Mike McBride (Housing Development) + Terry Robbins (City Land Bank) County Land Bank + Gus Frangos (Director) + Matthew Thomas (GIS/Research, former DSCDO) MetroHealth Institute for H.O.P.E.: Karen Cook
CURRENT/PAST PLANS + INITIATIVES MetroHealth System CCH Development Corporation Projects + MetroHealth North (Affordable Housing): 72 affordable units, 5,000 sf of Economic Opportunity Center for workforce training, housing education, digital literacy + MetroHealth South (MetroHealth Medical Resident Housing): 100-unit housing project for MetroHealth Residents that will include first floor mix of business + MetroHealth Lincoln (Neighborhood Workforce Housing): Workforce housing project for community residents that will include a new HW for the MetroHealth Police Department. Other Housing Projects in Clark-Fulton + Front Steps Housing Location: Queen and W25th Sept opening, 100% lease-up by end of Oct Behavioral health services + Greater Cleveland Habitat for Humanity affordable homeownership rehab and new construction 20 homes in this area over last 5 years, 6 homes one block + CHN Low-income homeownership Building 30 SFO in La Villa / Clark-Fulton Our ambassador Rhonda bought through CHN, worked with Third Federal Savings and Loan + Sacket Avenue Market Rate Application (Pending): ASSETS MetroHealth System CCH Development Corporation Joint capacity of County Land Bank and City Land Bank to systematically stabilize and repurpose distressed housing and vacant land. Metro West Programs and Initiatives (e.g. One and Two Family housing Rehab) The employment opportunities and purchasing power of MetroHealth is an attraction to developers. The Capitol investments by MetroHealth are what have attracted developers to ClarkFulton, but they acknowledge that the neighborhood is far behind others in terms of development. Desirable housing stock with historic character is a draw if it can be maintained.
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The neighborhood remains, on paper, affordable to a wide range of incomes. Although residents likely struggle with down payments, the area’s prices are affordable for the middle class and lower-middle-class households in Cleveland. The area is a ‘landing pad’ for new community members. The area remains a landing pad for Hispanic speaking residents and small businesses.
CONCERNS Realtors and investors are offering cash to existing homeowners and pressuring them to sell. These sales are often times below market value in a way that exploits local property owners and concentrates properties and profit in the hands of a few. Relators lack understanding of community assets and value. Vacant land and abandoned housing are undermining market confidence and quality of life. + Many residents expressed their love of the current housing stock and a sense of loss associated with the character-less and low-quality new infill housing products. Residents are concerned with absentee landlords and high renter turnover. + Absentee landlords were noted as a concern by other CDCs in nearby and similar areas and may be a growing concern in Clark-Fulton. + Right now, the rate of investor purchasing in Clark-Fulton appears high (~45%) but is actually below other peer neighborhoods. + Exploitative investor purchases from community members for less than their property is worth is also a concern. Deteriorating housing quality and mismatched housing sizes pose challenges for owners. + The age of homes in Clark-Fulton, like much of Cleveland, is high, with many properties facing expensive maintenance needs (e.g., roof, basement, heating systems, lead). + The large size of homes, many built to accommodate larger household sizes in the pre-WWII era, elevate maintenance costs. + 5-bedroom house is a “unicorn” in some neighborhoods, but abundant in Clark-Fulton. + Residents expressed difficulty in accessing credit to fund repairs. The inability to access rehab financing is an affordability opportunity squandered as well as a public health concern. + Residents note that homes in the community are being torn down due to a lack of capital to make repairs and renovations. + Need for both a contractor pool and a financial model to address barriers to the rehab of existing housing stock. Need for senior housing and estate planning to avoid having properties confronted with tangled title challenges after their owner’s passing. Area not primed for new market-rate housing investment without substantial subsidy. INITIAL IDEAS/OPPORTUNITIES Understanding current home values vs. replacement/improvement value are crucial. Explore how best to use a Community Land Trust model – whether that is using the existing Land Trust infrastructure or creating a new one. + Discourage speculative, exploitative, and irresponsible housing investor activity.
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Page 25 of 44 Focus on resident retention, reducing turnover, and increasing investment in place by strategically combatting outdated perception and increasing the amenities and characteristics of residents' value. + Manage neighborhood change proactively to ensure new investment (residential AND commercial) doesn’t displace, undermine, underserve, or undervalue the current community. Encourage local contractors to do small but meaningful housing rehab in the area. + Help seed the market for later investments by more professional and responsible investors. + Explore how this could be integrated with a small multifamily owner-occupant training program. + Increase homeownership. + Support sweat equity rehab as a tool for affordability. Create an integrated program for existing and new homeowners to rehab with contractor training, approval, and customized financing tools. + The neighborhood needs a mechanism to invest in the existing single-family homes and create homeownership opportunities and address maintenance and lead abatement issues. + Mortgage capital is very constrained, and participants need access to capital and education on how to do responsible rehabs so that that renovated homes contribute to market recovery. Explore more models to deliver workforce housing for diverse sub-markets. + There is a need for unsafe and obsolete housing to be replaced. Clark-Fulton needs an infill product that fits the market. Pre-empt or discourage absentee landlords and irresponsible investor owners. Utilize the county Land Bank Strategic Acquisition/Rehab pipeline for stabilization. + Finding ways to consistently transition properties out of the land bank to responsible developers could help build momentum in the neighborhood. Create programs that focus on the retention of existing residents. + This will build community wealth, prosperity and economic empowerment. + What are the natural inflows – why are they leaving? How can we keep them here? + Leverage culture, sounds, excitement and figure out how to support people remaining. Explore opportunities for CDC collaborations across different efforts and neighborhoods to support and elevate one another’s work. Set the tone for the future mode of operation for the CDC industry. +
CASE STUDIES + RESOURCES Slavic Village Recovery is a good example of how a strategic land bank acquisition/rehab pipeline can lead to stabilization. Local Community Land Trusts – Assess Capacity, Pros/Cons + Near West Land Trust + Hough CLT + Brooklyn Acres CLT “Windows and Doors” Ordinance. A bill in Philadelphia that allowed code enforcement to place very harsh penalties on vacant and blighted properties on otherwise stable blocks. The bill allowed the city to place liens on the property owner’s other homes, even if they were outside of the city, creating an even greater incentive for compliance. Bad Investor and Absentee Landlord Programs.
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Page 26 of 44 WRT experience in Paterson and Newark are relevant - in both cities, one successful solution is tapping into the local entrepreneurial ecosystem and fast-tracking those developments while building capacity. Like fighting fire with fire. + There was legislation in PA designed to address the absentee landlord issue. RF studied it back in 2014, and it was very impactful: Jumpstart Germantown Sweat Equity Rehab and Community Wealth Building: + Columbus, OH Nationwide Hospital Rehab Program. They created a collaborative pool of capital, working through a development corporation that is conducting a deferred maintenance and rehab program - could look at doing this for the near west side. Middle Neighborhoods Loan Program Longtime Owner Occupancy Program (LOOP) - Philadelphia + Our Ohio General Assembly is open to LOOP as enabling legislation for municipalities and avoids linkage fees amongst struggling communities. + People were for Tax Abatement but frustrated that there weren’t similar projects that supported and protected existing residents. Akron Age-In-Place Housing Support Program - about a decade ago, it was a bit like a reverse mortgage for individuals in the late 50s/60s in houses that were run-down, local non-profit would finance the rehab and then be the recipient of the property after the seniors passed away. This type of initiative helps prevent the zombie home problem (when houses have no will to pass along that property to the next generation). +
NEXT STEPS FOR HOUSING Core + Together Team Responsibilities Matthew Thomas from the County Land Bank completed a study of property conditions and vacancy for Ward 14. We should follow up to see if he can share data. Identify/explain the overlap/coordination needed on the 10-year Citywide Housing Study and Comp Plan that follows next year. Consultant Team Responsibilities Explore change in investor ownership compared with other peer neighborhoods. Explore the age of area homeowners. Could this help make a case for aging in place programs? Compare to other surrounding neighborhoods - not just Tremont, Ohio City, Detroit Shoreway: + Old Brooklyn + Brooklyn Center + Stockyards + Slavic Village
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ECONOMIC VITALITY The summary below is a hybrid of input received in several focus group discussions - Entrepreneurship and Small Business, Developers (Commercial + Residential), CDCs, Education (Schools + Libraries), and the resident-focused Neighborhood Prosperity focus groups. Participants included members of the Planning Team, Core Team, and Together Team as well as: Ambassadors: + Rhonda Jones + Rodney Lewallen + Elizabeth Semidei + Ebonie Randall + Richard Sampson Residents + Community Members: + Charles “Mike” Thomas: resident, did HOME grant repainting their home, background in interior architecture, been teaching for 15 years at Kent State. In 2006 spring semester did a project looking at revitalization of this neighborhood. + Pastor Gordon Martin - Prince of Peace Ministries + Danielle Grabianowski – resident, 6yr locally 9yr total in Cleveland, born in Cleveland traveled elsewhere and came back to Cleveland. ESL teacher. Mom of 4. + Diane Zellmer – director redeemer crisis center, food pantry 30th & Walton – have worked there since 1980. Have seen many changes over that time. Passion for youth and seniors. + Courtney Reynolds – resident since 2016, own a few properties in Clark-Fulton and Tremont. Husband is CMSD teacher, many students in the neighborhood. + Nitza Rondon – resident, 20yr+, Mom of 2, Software Dev Fed Reserve + Glorimar Molina – 26 year resident of Clark-Fulton, 19 years employed in HR at MetroHealth + Dayleen Rivera –25 year resident of Clark-Fulton, MetroHealth Interpreting Dept. + Julie Nations – resident, MetroHealth community engagement + Betsy O’Connel – resident, MetroHealth employee + Edwardo Muñoz – resident, property owner, MetroHealth employee + Grace French – resident, works at Jefferson Branch of Library in Tremont Developers + Eden: Michael Doud + Front Steps Housing: Sherri Brandon + GC Habitat: Bob Whitney + Foran Group (CMA/Astrup Awning Building Developer): Rick Foran + NRP Group: Scott Skinner + Aarons Pechota + Levin Group: Mort Levin + Kevin Hudson CDCs + Adam Stalder (Detroit Shoreway CDO) + Jeff Epstein (MidTown) + Christopher Alvarado (SVD) + Jeff Verespej (Old Brooklyn CDC) + Cory Riordan (Tremont West) + Anya Kulcsar (Detroit Shoreway CDO) + Joy Johnson (Burten, Bell, Carr Development, Inc)
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City of Cleveland + Marka Fields (Chief Planner) + James Green (Dept. Community Development, Commissioner Neighborhood Development) + Tania Menesse (Dir. Community Development) + Ayonna Blue Donald (Dir. Building and Housing) + Terry Robbins (City Land Bank) + Jessica Fox-Gift (Mayors Office of Capital Projects) + David Ebersole MetroHealth + Karen Cook (Institute for H.O.P.E.) + Brant Silvers (Principal - Clinical Transformation, Institute for H.O.P.E.) + Katie Davis (Director - School Health Program) + Marielee Santiago (MetroHealth Institute for H.O.P.E.) CMSD + Eric Gordon, CEO/Superintendent + Anthony Battaglia, Director of Career and College Readiness + Patti Choby, Cobalt Group + Michael J. Houser, policy and labor liaison, Lincoln West Alum Cleveland Public Library + Jaime Declet, South Branch Manager for 20 years + Charles Byrd, Director of Education Joe Cimperman (Global Cleveland) Susan Porter (Digital C, Director of Strategic Projects) Andrew Cox (Tri-C, director of access and engagement) Entrepreneurship + Small Business Specialists + Jenice Contreras (HBC / NEO Hispanic Center for Economic Development) + Roberta Duarte (JumpStart Inc.) + Michael Elliot (CNP) + Katy Fuerst (HFLA of Northeast Ohio) + Selina Pagan (Metro West / Young Latino Network // Old San Juan Jewelers) + Christopher Whitmore (Scranton Road Ministries Dev Corp) + Jessica Coffee (Lending, GCP)
WORKFORCE The Neighborhood Prosperity Focus Groups were open only to residents and business owners in ClarkFulton and were designed to discuss the neighborhood's existing issues, challenges and opportunities, and brainstorm solutions of how we can envision a more prosperous place. The Education focus group explored the strengths, challenges, issues, and opportunities for educational organizations and institutions in the neighborhood, primarily schools and libraries. The discussion addressed youth development as well as adult learning. Based on an understanding of the institutions already serving the community, this focus group compared existing educational facilities and resources against the needs and aspirations and brainstormed ideas of how these institutions can collaborate and leverage one another’s work to better meet community needs in the coming years.
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Page 29 of 44 ASSETS The area’s largest employer, Metro Health, has the potential to positively impact the community through local purchasing and hiring. As an employer, they have the ability to encourage workers to move to the area or do more local hiring. Industrial employers exist in proximity to the community but appear not to hire Clark-Fulton residents. Adjacent to Clark-Fulton, there is a manufacturing sector, that employs about 400 residents in Stockyard. CONCERNS The local workforce faces substantial barriers to employment and potential misalignment with local employers. Major barriers to employment include language barriers, low education levels, and childcare needs. Workforce readiness for modern jobs (training, education, and retooling residents) will be critical. Families in the neighborhood struggle to access quality education. Specifically, there are transportation barriers to and from schools, and there is a need for multi-lingual orientation to education options. The impact of the global pandemic on employers and employees INITIAL IDEAS/OPPORTUNITIES Create a workforce development training hub in Clark-Fulton. + Create more jobs to match the skill level of the community (market-driven) or increase education and skill level of residents. + Create medical manufacturing and tech factories in the community help bring jobs back and elevate skill sets and aspirations. + Match workforce development with land use opportunities. + Ability to consider what reskilling/retooling for the existing/post-COVID economy will look like. + Leverage the Tri-C Access Center via MetroHealth helps to scale the pipeline – overcoming the transportation issue to bring services to the neighborhood. Need to tie this into existing organizations– use it to support and scale the workforce development ecosystem. + The City of Cleveland needs to create and implement a city-wide retraining and job service program, which will unify all training, resources, and residents. CASE STUDIES The case for hospitals doing more local hiring:
ENTREPRENEURSHIP + SMALL BUSINESS Clark-Fulton has an entrepreneurial spirit and a wealth of creative, dynamic community members already contributing to the economy through things like at-home catering businesses, general contracting and landscaping companies, flower arrangement, event management, and auto repair shops. This focus group primarily explored what entrepreneurs and small business owners need to regain their footing after COVID-
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Page 30 of 44 19 and what support will help them grow, adapt, and thrive in the years to come. Additionally, we touched on the workforce and commercial corridor needs. CURRENT/PAST PLANS + INITIATIVES Network Business Growth Collaborative. There are 11 organizations that all are working to collaborate and build capacity ASSETS Entrepreneurial spirt of the local immigrant community. Clark-Fulton has a reputation as a welcoming, affordable, and safe place for newcomers. CONCERNS Business establishment trends suggest the neighborhood lacks purchasing power to support the existing stock of businesses. Trends in business openings and closures suggest that the area has been losing businesses, while the city as a whole has seen an increase. + Inability to Run Profitable Businesses Along the Corridor. Long-time business owners referenced their inability to make ends meet running small community-serving businesses in the neighborhood. It was unclear if this was COVID related or a long-time concern. + Starting small businesses has been a successful path out of poverty for immigrant communities in some cities, but requires start-up resources, tremendous effort, local support, and often some luck to be successful. Existing Business Support Services are ineffective due to a lack of sensitivity to or competency in dealing with intersecting issues of health, trauma, poverty, cultural competency, and work-life balance. + Residents suspect that business activity is higher than is currently being recorded, due to many working in the informal/shadow/hustle economies. + A cultural aversion to debt among communities of color may also be a barrier + Micro-level barriers: a lot needs to be addressed before we get to the big-picture collaboration The instability created by unreliable, uncommunicative, or exploitative landlords Business owners that have been operating for years still live in poverty Bookkeeping and accounting practices sometimes preclude entrepreneurs from seeking grants, fellowships, and loans. The language used (jargon) isn’t accessible to community members because they don’t feel welcome/comfortable Need the people staffing these programs to CONNECT with those business owners and entrepreneurs without jargon Business support organizations have a capacity issue and report that requirements from funders undermine their capacity to focus on aspects of the work that are most impactful. + Succession Planning: Stakeholders report that across the board businesses, institutions, and organizations in the neighborhood struggle with succession planning
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Scale, Staff, and Bilingual Services: For example, HBC: 400 clients/year with a team of 6 – capacity is a huge challenge. Have to double all the sessions to support Spanish-speaking as well as English speaking. Funders do not reward building trust, partnerships, and individual growth as a success. There is a mismatch between local funder’s requirements and actual realities. Common metrics like job creation, the number of businesses served, dollars out the door, etc. should not be the only metrics of success. When working with small businesses, the real impact will not be observed within a funding cycle. Success is a collaborative effort that helps transform low-income and traditionally under-represented community residents into a skilled workforce with a vision for their future and the in-demand skills to secure sustainable success and a commitment to community reinvestment. How we track it: We measure matriculation, graduation, job placement, and advancement rates for ongoing program refinement, community reporting, etc. Most of the funding is focused on the execution and implementation of the plan and not on the outreach and planning.
INITIAL IDEAS + OPPORTUNITIES Leverage the resources the City of Cleveland has for small businesses. + The Clark-Fulton community members struggle to access these resources. Transportation, language, and time constraints were cited as major barriers. Create education programs/awareness to help with the cultural aversion to debt. Need to build a mentorship network and overcome the east-west divide + The creation of business buddies would be a great way for businesses to establish relationships with similar businesses to form some type of collaborations. Track entrepreneurship success by measuring enrollment, graduation, job placement, and advancement rates for ongoing programs, community reporting, etc. Better educate funders on the cost of community outreach, engagement, capacity building, effort in the community, which are needed to develop new opportunities. Most of the funding now is focused on the execution and implementation, but not planning. CASE STUDIES + RESOURCES
Start-Up Box (Bronx, NY): StartUp Box is a social enterprise designed to increase opportunities for underserved community members to be a part of the tech economy, by creating technology and entrepreneurial ecosystem. It creates accessible on-ramps to tech jobs through Quality Assurance (QA) as a subcontractor to NYC developers. "StartUp Boxers" test games and other software across a range of devices and operating systems from start to finish, using industry protocols for bug reporting, while gaining exposure to a wide range of product failures not normally observed by consumers. Teamwork is essential in tackling error detection challenges across platforms, so communications, record keeping, and related team management skills are reinforced. + Build from within Alliance: This organization has been working across the country to build business incubators for immigrant residents:
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COMMERCIAL CORRIDORS The “Development” Focus Groups each revolved around a different element of real estate development in the Clark-Fulton neighborhood. They addressed the physical, financial, social, infrastructural, and political factors that are impacting decisions to invest or not invest in the buildings and places that make up the Clark-Fulton neighborhood. The Commercial and Residential Developers focus group revolved around market trends and market-rate real estate development in Cleveland neighborhoods with a particular focus on how those trends are impacting Clark-Fulton. We explored what aspects of Clark-Fulton’s character, location, and amenities are appealing to investors, what perceived risks make investors hesitant to work in Clark-Fulton, and what controls and incentives are needed to manage potential negative impacts of marketrate development. CURRENT/PAST PLANS + INITIATIVES Existing Financing Tools + Tax abatement + Historic Tax Credit + City Loan + Vacant land donation Blanket Mills + Started with LIHTC + 60 unit 2nd/3rd floor with ground floor commercial + Ground floor commercial, looking at non-profit office + Just now following the initial LIHTC effort with commercial and market-rate development Astrup Awning Redevelopment + Community arts and cultural center. CMA, inlet dance theater. Scheduled to open in October or November of this year. ASSETS Immigrant and minority-owned businesses choose Clark-Fulton because of affordable rents and supportive Latinx communities. The purchasing power of Metro Health could support more local firms. From catering to business services, anchor employers can support a diverse set of local businesses by prioritizing buying from local businesses. Residents report that the Fulton Corridor is a hub for neighborhood-oriented businesses. This contrasts with what residents see on Clark or West 25th, which are more challenged. CONCERNS Business Mix Goals: Bedroom Community or Workforce Hub? + The neighborhood is currently a bedroom community, with most residents traveling outside of the neighborhood for work. Based on past business trends and stories from local business owners, it does not seem likely that the corridors in Clark-Fulton could serve as a workforce hub that employs meaningful numbers of residents. Most residents are likely to continue to seek employment outside of the neighborhood. Code Enforcement, Image, and Lack of Identity. Developers asked for more active and consistent code enforcement to help create a set of property standards, especially along the West 25th Street
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commercial strip. They expressed that the area lacked authentic branding and gateway to the community, which would help support commercial revitalization along the area’s corridors. + Enforcement of signage and display regulations (e.g., auto parts store), so that undesirable tenants/uses still have a look/feel that will attract desirable future tenants. + Think about the message that the façade sends – e.g., chain link fence, bricked-up windows. There is a perception of crime/safety problems which isn’t real. + The public realm environment needs to support retail Streetscape work Identity/placemaking – gateway sculpture (e.g., Victorian Village) Special lighting Residents report structural barriers to local business success. Residents reported unfair and predatory leasing and insurance practices and inadequate commercial spaces that adversely affected local businesses. Residents were also concerned that corporate chains in the areas were harming local businesses. Landlords who owned commercial spaces were not viewed as responsive to neighborhood needs and negligent with the condition of their properties. + Corporate Competition, Predatory Lending, and Rent and Bureaucratic Barriers + Space and Landlords: There is a lack of secure commercial spaces for entrepreneurs to lease. So many of our available spaces are owned by bad landlords, cost too much for what is being offered, and require a lot of investment by the entrepreneur. We have a lot of entrepreneurs looking for spaces, but there are few move-in ready and affordable spaces to direct them to.
INITIAL IDEAS + OPPORTUNITIES Beautification + Create clear signage, gateway, and branding for the corridors + Explore how residents feel about stricter code enforcement on the corridor. Is this something they support or is this just the developers? Attract New Anchor Businesses/Uses + Attract a grocery store? Reinvestment Fund’s LSA analysis suggests the area could support a full-service grocery store. Grocers provide a lot of jobs for workers with the education profile of people living in the community. Create a resident entrepreneur pipeline for new mixed-use spaces on corridors. + Developers shared the dilemma they face trying to fill new commercial space in Clark-Fulton. Do you fill spaces as quickly as possible or do you try to fill spaces in a way that is intentionally aligned with the aspirations for the neighborhood – a lot of people will not wait on a vacancy when they aren’t getting top-quality rents. + Multiple developers referenced in-progress or recently completed commercial space renovations in need of tenants. Is there an opportunity to inform what/who goes into these spaces? + Can we prepare existing shadow businesses to go into new mixed-use spaces? The City of Cleveland could pair them with their economic development loan program for the retail incubator through the Mayor's transformation initiative, then Metro West or HBC could provide the wrap-around supports.
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Explore Specialization/Complementary Focus for W25 vs. Clark vs. Fulton Commercial Corridors. How can these be differentiated from one another to support specialized business mixes that support one another and create a strong triangle at the core of the neighborhood?
Main Street America: Main Street America is a program of the National Main Street Center that focuses on the revitalization of older and historic commercial districts to build vibrant neighborhoods and thriving economies. Currently, the Historic Gateway Neighborhood Corporation in Cleveland is part of this network. + H Street, Washington DC. For months, then years, then decades, the resurgence of the once vibrant H Street district seemed impossible. Empty lots pockmarked the neighborhood, entire storefronts were gone, and crime and drugs were rampant. Things began to change in 2002 when the neighborhood became an official Main Street America program dedicated to working with private and local partners to encourage and support small business growth and revitalization. Each year since the founding of the organization, at least 25 new businesses have moved into the district and 5,000 new jobs have been created. o
NEXT STEPS FOR ECONOMIC VITALITY Core + Together Team Responsibilities Share an inventory of existing workforce, entrepreneurship and small business support programs and initiatives run by the City of Cleveland, Councilwoman Jasmin Santana, Metro West, MetroHealth as well as other local service providers. Consultant Team Responsibilities Understand more about types of businesses residents want to see in the community. Compare to other surrounding neighborhoods - not just Tremont, Ohio City, Detroit Shoreway: + Old Brooklyn + Brooklyn Center + Stockyards + Slavic Village Explore opportunities for CDC collaborations across different efforts and neighborhoods to really support and elevate one another’s work.
EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTIONS (SCHOOLS + LIBRARIES) The Educational Institutions focus group explored the strengths, challenges, issues, and opportunities for educational organizations and institutions in the neighborhood, primarily schools and libraries. The discussion addressed youth development as well as adult learning. Based on an understanding of the institutions already serving the community, this focus group compared existing educational facilities and
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Page 35 of 44 resources against the needs and aspirations and brainstormed ideas of how these institutions can collaborate and leverage one another’s work to better meet community needs in the coming years. Participants included members of the Planning Team, Core Team and Together Team as well as: Ambassadors: + Ebonie Randall + Richard Sampson Residents + Community Members: + Charles “Mike” Thomas: resident, did HOME grant repainting their home, background in interior architecture, been teaching for 15 years at Kent State. In 2006 spring semester did a project looking at revitalization of this neighborhood. + Pastor Gordon Martin - Prince of Peace Ministries + Danielle Grabianowski – resident, 6yr locally 9yr total in Cleveland, born in Cleveland, traveled elsewhere and came back to Cleveland. ESL teacher. Mom of 4. + Diane Zellmer – director redeemer crisis center, food pantry 30th & Walton – have worked there since 1980. Have seen many changes over that time. Passion for youth and seniors. + Courtney Reynolds – resident since 2016, own a few properties in Clark-Fulton and Tremont. Husband is CMSD teacher, many students in the neighborhood. + Nitza Rondon – resident, 20yr+, Mom of 2, Software Dev Fed Reserve + Glorimar Molina – 26 year resident of Clark-Fulton, 19 years employed in HR at MetroHealth + Dayleen Rivera –25 year resident of Clark-Fulton, MetroHealth Interpreting Dept. + Julie Nations – resident, MetroHealth community engagement + Betsy O’Connel – resident, MetroHealth employee + Edwardo Muñoz – resident, property owner, MetroHealth employee + Grace French – resident, works at Jefferson Branch of Library in Tremont CMSD + Eric Gordon, CEO/Superintendent + Anthony Battaglia, Director of Career and College Readiness + Patti Choby, Cobalt Group + Michael J. Houser, policy and labor liaison, Lincoln West Alum Cleveland Public Library + Jaime Declet, South Branch Manager for 20 years + Charles Byrd, Director of Education Joe Cimperman (Global Cleveland) Susan Porter (Digital C, Director of Strategic Projects) Andrew Cox (Tri-C, director of access and engagement) CURRENT/PAST PLANS + INITIATIVES CMSD Facilities Investments/Changes + Clark Elementary (PreK-8): Plans to rebuild the school. Other nearby schools will be used as swing space (Marin, Scranton, and Buhrer Elementary) Walton Elementary School will be closed after swing space, and available for future redevelopment The plan and design for each school site, still needs to be determined, creating an opportunity for the Clark-Fulton Together team to provide input.
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Page 36 of 44 City Capital Projects: selected by the state for national review grant opportunity to create outdoor recreation space near Clark Recreation Center and Clark Elementary. Will find out in December 2020 if they will receive that grant. Lincoln West High School: Will be re-construct. There is no timeframe available. Reconstruction is co-funded by State of Ohio; therefore, budget has not yet been passed due to COVID Design is not developed yet, will be run with the community, which would begin once the State of Ohio gives clearance for investment
CMSD Say Yes to Education Initiative: Continuing to Deepen Investment + This program links Capital and Social Capital to address family support needs and to ensure that students, after graduation, are going on to continued education. The support programs and initiatives include: Social worker support on anything from housing stability to food insecurity to hygiene to legal support. The initiative also provides for expanded out-of-classroom and after-school programming, including things like internships and learn-to-earn programs. + 2020-2021 year will have 42 school sites with these wrap-around supports, and by 2023 all will have additional program support in place:
CMSD-DigitalC Internet Access Partnership: + CMSD They are currently providing 9,000 hot-spots with a 1-year subscription through May 2020 Cost to family: $16/month Using CPP network, CMSD is putting infrastructure on the roofs of their buildings and is the customer for the duration of the family’s time as part of the CMSD community. CMSD being the customer, enables the district to educate and build the capacity of the families so that they can take over the internet account after they leave CMSD. Clark-Fulton is one of the first communities where we are providing services + Non-CMSD: the CMSD scale gets the infrastructure started, and the Greater Cleveland Partnership, the City, and MetroHealth are all helping to extend coverage. CMHA: Scranton Castle (senior public housing towers) just provided internet MetroHealth is helping to underwrite/subsidize other connections with a priority on • Non-CMSD schools • Strivers: unemployed and underemployed • Seniors: e.g., Scranton Castle
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Page 37 of 44 ASSETS Libraries provide access to the internet and rent hotspots to members. Local Branch Libraries: There are two branches within the Clark-Fulton Study area. The two branches (South + Fulton) really serve the same community. The Brooklyn Branch is located south of our Study Area. + South (Carnegie) Branch – maintained large Spanish collection of books, music, comic books, movies, entertainment, non-fiction due to historic role as a center-point for the Hispanic community and offers bilingual programs for all ages. Proximity to 5 CMSD schools, so there are lots of after-school children visiting this library due to its location. The building was rehab in 2013. The newly renovated facility incorporated a large community meeting room and added outdoor space – patio with seating – in response to community engagement. + Fulton Branch – renovation upcoming, in the next bracket, had some community engagement last year in the neighborhood.
MetroHealth – Looking at programming to leverage the trust at schools and libraries to build the capacity of staff and run workshops to support health. Not only physical but also mental and emotional health. + Existing collaboration with Digital C to expand internet access to Non-CMSD schools, Strivers (unemployed and underemployed), and Seniors (e.g. Scranton Castle). + Institute for H.O.P.E. at MetroHealth: + SAFE – trauma-informed, arts-based to help with managing stress + School Health Program and CMSD Say Yes to Education: MetroHealth is already involved in many of task-forces and committees related to Health and Education MetroHealth support builds the capacity of staff to help provide that referral CMSD Schools and Leadership – Particularly Lincoln West High School and Thomas Jefferson International Newcomers Academy.
Early Childhood Learning - the transportation logistics, access, and quality of childcare is really difficult for this neighborhood, especially because there are a lot of single mothers and shift workers. Look into existing work on this topic, including the Pre4CLE initiative, Starting Point, and initiative addressing childhood trauma at recreation centers. Access to the internet and computers Inclusion of recreational and open spaces in the new campus.
INITIAL IDEAS/OPPORTUNITIES Libraries Leverage the existing programs and support Increase computer and internet access Continue to invest in strengthening immigrant/newcomer support
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Page 38 of 44 Opportunity to work with the Fulton Branch location on the re-design and programing of their outdoor spaces. Digital C Continue to expand DigitalC Internet Access Provision Partnerships. + Needs to extend to (1) providing the device to access the internet and (2) training to provide digital literacy. + Pressure non-CMSD schools and institutions to have sweat equity in the game to make affordable, high-quality internet access a reality for all Clark-Fulton residents. + Leon Wilson @ the Cleveland Foundation is attempting to convene partners around this. Schools Work together with the school district on the re-design and recreational program of Lincoln West High School and other schools within the Study Area.
NEXT STEPS FOR EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTIONS Consultant Team Responsibilities Organize a future Early Childhood Learning Focus Group Research Case Studies and Resources Coordinate with Patti Choby, from Cobalt Group and Eric Gordon, CEO/Superintendent for CMSD on the next steps of the re-design of Lincoln West High School.
ARTS AND CULTURE Arts and Culture contribute to a thriving, dynamic economy in so many ways – some easy to quantify and some more intangible. This focus group explored how arts and culture can become drivers of economic development and community wealth building as well as intangible things like community healing and selfexpression for the Clark-Fulton community. Participants included members of the Planning Team, Core Team and Together Team as well as: Tarra Petras (Public Art Coordinator, City of Cleveland) Stefanie Taub (Cleveland Museum of Art, Associate Director of Community Arts) Linda Jackson (Director, Arts in Health, The MetroHealth System) Raymond Bobgan (Executive Artistic Director, Cleveland Public Theatre) Meg Matko (Arts Cleveland, community relations manager) Valerie Schumacher (Director of Programs and Services, Arts Cleveland) Letitia Lopez (Executive Director, Julia de Burgos Cultural Arts Center) Jen Craun (Artist, Teaching Artist Coach + Consultant) Tanya Gonzalez (resident, Art from my Heart LTD) Susie Underwood (Arts & Civic Engagement Coordinator at Metro West CDO) CURRENT/PAST PLANS + INITIATIVES Cleveland Museum of Arts (CMA) Community Arts Center – in former Astrup Awning Company building
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Page 39 of 44 Program: CMA will be one of the anchor institutions, using 2/3 of the factory space. The complex will include: Arts/community gallery Studio space + Backstory/Intent: The goal of the project is to close the East-West gap in CMA programming and emphasized the need to create a permanent home for the community arts program, including a production studio for events. CMA wants to work with the Clark-Fulton community in the visioning and programming of the Center. The goal is to provide free and affordable programming and spaces for members and newcomers. + Status: Currently, in the construction phase, it will be opening late spring 2021. Creative Fusion: A program of The Cleveland Foundation. Since 2008, the Cleveland Foundation has brought more than 90 accomplished or rapidly rising artists from around the world to Cleveland as part of an international arts residency program. Each year, artists from Creative Fusion cohorts are hosted by local cultural institutions during a three-month residency. Creative Fusion artists collaborate with local Cleveland artists on a commissioned project during their stay and engage directly with the community, making strong connections and exchanges. Beginning in 2016, the program strengthened collaboration between local Cleveland artists and the visiting artists by focusing each Creative Fusion cohort along a theme. The 2020 Residency Focused on Clark-Fulton and the Census Count. Clark Avenue Streetscape Public Art: The City of Cleveland’s Clark Avenue reconstruction project is going to include a total of seven wrapped utility boxes as the percent-for-art public art component. LAND studio (Vince) was involved in that process. “Making Your Own Space” Design-Build Program: a design-build program for middle/high school students run by the Kent State CUDC. Well established local Arts Community MetroHealth’s Arts-In-Health Program Myers Pool Mural (in-progress, seeking a local artist collaborator) +
ASSETS Future CMA Astrup Building Community Arts Center Cleveland Public Theater (Detroit-Shoreway) + Specializes in creating original performance with people in the community sharing their own experiences + Existing partnerships with CMHA public housing sites, Thomas Jefferson International Newcomers Academy, MetroHealth + Home of Teatro Publico de Cleveland and Arabic-focused theater groups Julia de Burgos Cultural Arts Center (Brooklyn Centre) The positivism of the local artist community and willingness to work together toward to strength the arts in Clark-Fulton CONCERNS Equity, Authenticity, Agency, and Economic Empowerment in the Arts/Culture Sector: + Excessive curation/co-opting of existing arts and culture scene causing a loss of authenticity and organic sense of community
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Arts-based development tends to economically enrich everyone but the artists – need to ensure equity is embedded from the beginning
INITIAL IDEAS/OPPORTUNITIES Support the Existing, Informal Arts Community + Provide more spaces and opportunities for the existing artist to manifest their talent and contribute in all the elements of the master plan, from infrastructure improvement projects (signage, bus stops, murals, etc.) to events and programs. + Leveraging collaboration and existing effort to create more by coming together. Create virtual and physical places to gather to allow for informal connections. Create institutional homes for organization/gathering that embed the arts into other work (e.g., schools, MetroHealth Arts in Health, Cleveland Museum of Art Community Arts Center). Maintain the organic and culturally competent quality of the art scene. Leverage arts and culture to support economic vitality, equity, and economic empowerment. How to embed the individuals and organizations doing the work to transform the community so that they benefit financially from their work and have the agency to keep arts at the center of future development (Gordon Square Arts District in neighboring Detroit-Shoreway is a bit of a warning story in this respect)? CASE STUDIES + RESOURCES Gordon Square Arts District – profile the loss of economic power of the original arts community Mural Arts Program in Philadelphia Whitepaper/research on the role of the arts in health:
NEXT STEPS FOR ARTS + CULTURE Core + Together Team Responsibilities Creative Fusion in Clark-Fulton: overview, schedule, residency, work produced, event documentation, takeaways/lessons learned Consultant Team Responsibilities Formalize partnership with Stefanie Taub from CMA Follow up with Letitia Lopez, from Julia de Burgos Art Center Bring Susie Underwood at Metro West on-board to help with the arts and engagement component of the master plan Develop more Case Studies
COMMUNITY CAPACITY BUILDING AND HEALING This theme was not an explicit focus of any one focus group, but it surfaced as a key issue in several – namely, in the focus groups on religious groups and organizations, arts and culture, entrepreneurship and small business, and health.
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In addition to members of the Planning Team, Core Team and Together Team, key contributors and participants in the conversations that led to the creation of this theme include: Ambassadors: o Rhonda Jones o Jacqueline Ruiz Residents and Community Members: o Pastor Gordon Martin - Prince of Peace Ministries o Danielle Grabianowski – resident, 6yr locally 9yr total in Cleveland, born in Cleveland, traveled elsewhere and came back to Cleveland. ESL teacher. Mom of 4. o Diane Zellmer – director redeemer crisis center, food pantry 30th & Walton – have worked there since 1980. Have seen many changes over that time—passion for youth and seniors. o Courtney Reynolds – resident since 2016, own a few properties in Clark-Fulton and Tremont. Husband is CMSD teacher, many students in the neighborhood. o Nitza Rondon – resident, 20yr+, Mom of 2, Software Dev Fed Reserve o Selina + Sandra Pagan – family that owns/operates Joyeria Viejo San Juan Religious Groups and Organizations Focus Group Participants: o Tropher Noyes, Iglesia Nueva Vida –Holmden Ave, between W25/Scranton, 25 years o Joe Abraham, Scranton Road Bible Church + Scranton Road Ministry o Megan Gallagher – Cleveland Hope Exchange o Anthony Giambroni, Building Hope in the City o Vatreisha Nyemba, Building Hope in the City – Leader of Development o Tony Minor, MetroHealth Manager of Faith Community Outreach Arts + Culture Focus Group Participants: o Tarra Petras (Public Art Coordinator, City of Cleveland) o Stefanie Taub (Cleveland Museum of Art, Associate Director of Community Arts) o Linda Jackson (Director, Arts in Health, The MetroHealth System) o Raymond Bobgan (Executive Artistic Director, Cleveland Public Theatre) o Meg Matko (Arts Cleveland, community relations manager) o Valerie Schumacher (Director of Programs and Services, Arts Cleveland) o Letitia Lopez (Executive Director, Julia de Burgos Cultural Arts Center) o Jen Craun (Artist, Teaching Artist Coach + Consultant) o Tanya Gonzalez (resident, Art from my Heart LTD) o Susie Underwood (Arts & Civic Engagement Coordinator at Metro West CDO) CURRENT/PAST PLANS + INITIATIVES Kent State CUDC and Digital C received a grant from The Cleveland Foundation to Illuminate/eliminate barriers to everyday life in Hough and Clark-Fulton. Building Hope in the City and Cleveland Hope Exchange have both chosen to focus their ministry (faith-based service) and community-building work in Clark-Fulton in part due to its unique mixture of need, potential, diversity, and immigrant/newcomer population. Journey Church / Cleveland Hope Exchange “Hope Week” August 3rd – 9th: volunteer week all over Cleveland, will work with Councilwoman Santana to identify the need ASSETS Faith-Based Community
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Arts and Culture / Food / Festivals (e.g. La Placita) Places, elements, characteristics, activities that are already beloved by the community: + Restaurants/bakeries Brunos Big Bites Las Villas Caribe Half Moon El Taino (Castle & Scranton) La Morenita Dos Fronteras + Churches Great events 30th & Clark – important community Mostly smaller, 10-20 membership + Homes/Houses Characteristics Nice to have affordable new housing + Streets/Walking New Cleveland Museum of Arts (CMA) Community Arts Center Well established local Arts Community MetroHealth’s Arts-In-Health and Faith-Based Outreach Program
CONCERNS There aren’t enough places to meet people – to gather. Community/Neighborliness is one of the things people value most about Clark-Fulton, but it is also one of the things that needs to improve in Clark-Fulton. Why is that? Because this is a diverse and fragmented community that needs healing and community building across social, cultural, racial, ethnic, and class divides. + Transience and high turnover, especially among renter population undermines relationship building. + Careful to ensure that equity/balance among different ethnic/racial groups – very easy for resentment to build up when one culture or race is receiving too much attention/favor. One example: Latino festivals every weekend, but no other culture was brought to the forefront. + How to blend and celebrate all cultures? Right now, some work has to be done. Some other cultures have been stifled – have to reach out to allow them to stand up and invite them to share in the space. Naming – events, places Every ethnic group needs an event/festival + How to reach out to individual ethnic/national groups? Building Hope in the City / Brian Upton Active Native American group
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Page 43 of 44 INITIAL IDEAS + OPPORTUNITIES Very local sense of community – block by block – how to reinforce and grow these microcommunities? Identify local leaders in the community that can help close the racial divide gap. Possible candidates are Rhonda Jones (Ambassador), Anthony Giambroni (Building Hope in the City), and Tanya Gonzalez (Local Artist) Help residents navigate institutional support programs + Create an easily digestible database of how to access all these programs + Collaborate across organizations and institutions and develop integrated solutions. Identify service/ministry work that can bring together the faith-based community to meaningfully address the basic and spiritual needs of the Clark-Fulton community. + Use tangible events and projects to bring people together (e.g. COVID-19 testing as a starting point to bring together these faith communities). + Develop strategies to overcome the current language barrier to organizing together + Develop a deeper sense of collective mission/vision that will animate collaborative work to go beyond basic needs: helping people thrive and improving quality of life by removing barriers. Religious organizations need to be part of the work to address issues of racial injustice and racial reconciliation. + Create safe places for people to reflect on where they are in the systems of racial oppression and injustice, what role they want to have, and to express and heal in community with others. + Encourage community leaders and institutions to move beyond statements, and to instead take responsibility for and commit to doing the hard work of building relationships across cultures and experiences and inspiring people to overcome trauma and grief and hurt. + Build on the work of the existing group of pastors, mostly 40 years old and younger, trying to deal with it in a positive way. Bringing together the Black and Brown community around the arts, food, and culture. + Create shared spaces for the community to express their culture through food and arts. Example: there was a well-attended performance piece around the preparation of collard greens with sharing stories. + Make art expressing diversity and inclusion by leveling the playing field and neutralizing the barriers to entry. + Create the infrastructure to govern – disruption in context. + Leverage the current efforts the arts community is putting on the creation of new spaces Integrate arts and culture education/awareness into the neighborhood as a way to build community, heal, and foster empathy and emotional resilience. + YOUTH: The arts are a critical way for children/youth to vent and process their emotional traumas and challenges, to release those frustrations, and to provide a platform for them to be celebrated and supported - arts are a form of spiritual survival and a gateway to healing and health. Need long-term, consistent engagement with youth and parents – the shorter programs are a gateway, but they don’t increase consistent mastery and support. It cannot be an “extracurricular” – it is a core component of education. + ADULTS: Connect the arts to workforce, education + Reinforce Health and Arts Link through social prescribing of arts/culture
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Continue to build on MetroHealth’s faith-based outreach efforts with the lens of racism as a public health crisis. Reinforce the importance of faith-based community leaders bringing up and meaningfully addressing racial prejudice, violence, and oppression. Connect this work back to social determinants of health and use it to build alliances and a sense of common purpose and collaboration between different leaders in the faith community.
Case Studies + Resources Harvey Rice school partnership in Shaker-Buckeye via Street Luke’s Foundation – wrap-around services, getting artists face-to-face, providing an avenue for the community (and parents) NYC Caribbean Cultural Center Curation program – a curation program specifically for those of AfroCaribbean descent
NEXT STEPS FOR COMMUNITY CAPACITY BUILDING + HEALING Consultant Team Responsibilities Capacity building and community healing needs to be at the forefront of all the Clark-Fulton Master Plan efforts Continue the work with the project ambassadors Develop case studies and resources to provide evidence to support future initiatives that leverage arts, culture, food/gardening, education, and religious programming to build capacity and cultivate healing and a sense of common ground.
Clark-Fulton Together - Final Plan
Appendix 521
SURVEYS As part of the Listening and Learning phase, surveys were administered during the launch presentation to get an initial idea about what community members were hoping to gain from the master planning process, and a longer forum questionnaire to residents, business owners, and people who work in the Study Area. The surveys asked questions about the overall character and image of the neighborhood, access and connectivity, services, amenities, transportation, safety, and resources, in addition to questions about the survey taker and their household or business pertaining to housing, employment, health, and technology. All responses were confidential, the following are the aggregated results from all survey takers. Como parte de la fase de Escucha y Aprendizaje se llevaron a cabo unas encuestas durante la presentación de lanzamiento para obtener una idea inicial de lo que los miembros de la comunidad esperaban obtener del proceso de planificación maestra. También se administró un cuestionario más largo a los residentes, propietarios de negocios y personas que trabajan en el Área de Estudio. En las encuestas se hicieron preguntas sobre el carácter y la imagen general del vecindario, el acceso y la conectividad, los servicios, las comodidades, el transporte, la seguridad y los recursos, además de preguntas sobre el individuo y su hogar o negocio y su empleo, salud y tecnología. Todas las respuestas fueron confidenciales. A continuación se presentan los resultados combinados de todos los encuestados.
Clark-Fulton Together - Final Plan
Phase 1 Engagement Questions - English
Relationship to the neighborhood
10/27/2020 Phase 1 Engagement - English 10/27/2020 PhaseQuestions 1 Engagement Questions - English
Phase Phase 11 Engagement Engagement Questions Questions -- Spanish Spanish
con Clark-Fulton hip to the neighborhood 18.2% elationship to the to neighborhood Relationship the Relación neighborhood Relación con Clark-Fulton 69.7%
Business Owner
33.3% 33.3%
Business Owner
Phase 1 Engagement Questions - Spanish
Stakeholder or Service Provider
Business Owner Resident BusinessWorker Owner
Relación con Clark-Fulton Other
66.7% 66.7%
Soy Residente Soy1/2 Residente 6
Soy Soy Residente Residente
Interes Interes general general
What do you think this master plan should achieve? Please select up to 5 options Interes 1 Interes general general 1 What¿Qué do you this master plan should achieve? select creethink que este plan maestro debería lograr? Por favorPlease seleccione hasta 5 opciones up to 5 options. 1 Worker 1
rusiness Owner
Service Provider takeholder or Service Provider
Strengthen trust and collaboration among the Planning Team, community members, and stakeholders
2 and strategic goals Develop a clear vision
¿Qué crees que este plan maestro lograr? Por fav ◌ Provide inclusive and debería equitable community engagement 6 6 step of the process opportunities at every seleccione hasta 5 opciones. ◌ Improvement of our streets (complete streets) ◌
Other 20
Soy Residente
Interes general
10 Soy Residente
Improve access to and enhance community amenities (e.g. parks, trails, recreation centers, schools, libraries)
◌ 2Support and strengthen our local businesses and enterpreneurs
youInteres think this master plan should Please select What dogeneral you think this master plan achieve? should achieve? Please select ◌ 1Strengthen the presence of arts, culture, and neighborhood 0 identity … … … … … … … … … … ptions. v v h e p p p h p to 5 options. tre Pro Ot Im Im De De Su En Str S2 ◌ Enhance job opportunities, prosperity and community wealth Choice
Strengthen trust and collaboration among the Planning Team, community members and stakeholders
Develop new housing opportunities to meet community needs 11
Other. Please Specify ¿Qué crees que este plan maestro1 debería lograr? Por favor Develop and strategic goals 9 1 30 a clear vision seleccione hasta 5 opciones. ◌
Provide inclusive and equitable community engagement opportunities at every step of the process
20 Improvement of our streets (complete streets) 3
Fortalecer la confianza y la colaboración entre el equipo de 14 planificación, los miembros de la comunidad y los stakeholders
Desarrollo de una 13 visión, objetivos y estrategias claras
… … r… ss… oo… … … …participación … ejj… ejj… y eeinclusivas ppde ppoo… ◌M eejj…Oportunidades M M IInnccr… comunitaria D O Me Me en A M equitativas D A O cada fase del proyecto Improve access to and enhance community amenities (e.g. parks, trails, recreation centers, schools, libraries) 21 Choice Choice ◌ Mejora de nuestras calles 2/8 2 10 Fortalezer equipo de planificación, los miembros de yy los ◌ el y la calidad las comodidades de la Fortalezer la la confianza confianza yy colaboración colaboración entre entre elMejora equipodel deacceso planificación, losde miembros de la la comunidad comunidad los ss
rt… … FFoort
… ess… D De
comunidad (por ejemplo, espacios públicos, centros de
recreación, esucelas, bibliotecas) Desarrollo Desarrollo de de una una visión, visión, objetivos objetivos yy estrategias estrategias claras claras 0 ◌ Apoyo y fortaleza de negocios locales y emprendedores … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … v v h h e p p p o v h Incremento de la presencia de las artes y la cultura en el ht pn pu o er ree ev tD De Sptr PIrm Ot◌ inclusivas Im ImS Oportunidades yy equitativas Dcomunitaria EnO SuE DeIm Sde StrP 0 Oportunidades de participación participación comunitaria inclusivas equitativas en en cada cada fase fase del del proceso proceso vecindario Choice Choice … … … … … … … … … j j j t r r e e e c es es po po 1
Mejora de las oportunidades laborales, la propsperidad y la
Mejora de nuestras calles Choice and collaboration the Planning community members and stakeholders 11 Mejora de nuestras calles trengthen trust andamong collaboration amongTeam, the Planning Team, community members and stakeholders riqueza comunitaria
Fortalezer la confianza y colaboración entre el equipo de planificación, los miembros de la comunidad stakeholders 1 ◌ y los Desarrollo de nuevas viviendas asequibles
Mejora de (por espacios 9 Mejora del del acceso acceso yy la la calidad calidad de de las las comodidades comodidades de la la comunidad comunidad (por ejemplo, ejemplo, espacios públicos, públicos, centros centros 9 ◌ Otro. Por favor, especifique 2 recreación, escuelas, escuelas, bibliotecas) bibliotecas) erovide and equitable community engagement opportunities atopportunities everyenstep ofatthe process 14 inclusive anddeequitable community every step of the process 14 Appendix 523 Oportunidades participación comunitaria engagement inclusivas y equitativas cada fase del proceso 1 Apoyo y fortaleza de negocios locales y emprendedores Apoyo y fortaleza de negocios locales y emprendedores Mejora(complete deour nuestras calles 313 our streets streets) mprovement of streets (complete streets) 13
vision and strategic evelop a clear visiongoals and strategic goals
Desarrollo de una visión, objetivos y estrategias recreación, claras
Develop new housing opportunities to meet community needs
Other. Please specify.
What are some places in Clark-Fulton that you care about the most or that are What are some of the Places in Clark-Fulton that you care about mostormeaningful to you? Please select applicable the most that are most meaningful to you?all Please selectanswers all ¿Cuáles son los lugares en Clark-Fulton significativos para usted y que más le interesan? Por favor applicable answers. 10/27/2020
seleccione todas las respuestas aplicables Phase 1 Engagement Questions - Spanish
Mejoro de las oportunidades laborales, la prosperidad y la riqueza comunitaria 30
Parks and Recreation Centers 1
Desarrollo de nuevas viviendas asiquibles
Restaurants and bakeries
Other. Please Specify
Parques y Centros de Recreación
¿Cuáles son los LUGARES en Clark-Fulton signifactivos usted y ◌ para Businesses ◌ Homes/Houses que más le interesan? Por favor seleccione todas las respuestas 0 ◌ Streets and Alleys aplicables. … i… r… r… r… s… h… e… h… u… us Ho Pa Ot Ga Lib Sc Re Str Ch Choice
Parks and Recreation Centers 3
9 Jardines
Restaurants2and Bakeries
Restaurantes y panaderías 22
16 Bibliotecas
Casas 21
Libraries 0
s li… c… g… sa ro… Ne Questions Ca Bib PhaseE1s Engagement Ot - English Choice
Parques y Centros de Recreación Homes / Houses
Otro. Por favor, especifique 18 26
are some the activities, programs, and events in Clark-Fulton you like to WhatWhat are some of theofActivities, Programs and Events in ClarkJardines Streets and you Fulton like to doPlease and enjoy? select allanswers applicable21 1 doAlleys and enjoy? selectPlease all applicable Restaurantes yspecify. panaderías 1 answers. Other. Please ¿Cuáles son las actividades, programas y eventos en Clark-Fulton2 que disfruta y le gusta participar? Iglesias
Por favor seleccione todas las respuestas aplicables
Walking 2 Driving
Other. Please specify
20 10/27/2020 Phase 1 Engagement Questions - Spanish Negocios
3 1
10 Casas 3 ◌ en Visiting neighbors at their homes ¿Cuáles son las ACTIVIDADES, PROGRAMAS y EVENTOS Clark◌ Hosting neighbors at your home Fulton que disfruta y le gusta participar? Por favor seleccione Otro. Por favor especifica. 1todas ◌ Gardening 0 las respuestas aplicables. g ◌ Cooking it… s… o… o… iv… st… al… th… kin ar…
Ho Vis Choice
13 bicicleta Manejar
Atender a festivales
Ir de compras
Jardinería 18
2 Festivals / Events Shopping 1 Visiting neighbors at…their homes … … n… n… Ca Ir d Ate Ma Ma Choice Hosting neighbors at your home
Caminar 10
Manejar un carro/auto
… oc
Caminar 524 Gardening
Manejar un carro/auto Cooking
Clark-Fulton Together - Final Plan
14 12
Phase 1 Engagement Questions - English
What are some aspects of the identity and/or culture of Clark-Fulton that are What are some of the aspects of the Identity and/or Culture of most meaningful to you? Please select applicable Clark-Fulton that are most meaningful to you?allPlease selectanswers all ¿Cuáles son los aspectos de la identidad o la cultura de Clark-Fulton que son más significativos para applicable answers. usted? Por favor seleccione todas las respuestas aplicables 30
Phase 1 Engagement Questions - Spanish
Multi-culturalism and diversity
Welcoming to immigrants and newcomers
Hispanic and Latinx culture
People saying Hi! to each other on the streets
Vibrant, colorful homes and gardens
Murals and public art
Multiculturalismo y diversidad de la comunidad
¿Cuáles son los aspectos de la IDENTIDAD o CULTURA Clark-to history and heritage ◌ de Connection ◌ Do-it-yourself attitude and resourcefulness Fulton que son más significativos para usted? Por favor seleccione 0 ◌ Neighborliness and sense of community - people helping each todas las urespuestas … … … … aplicables. … l… i… r… lt… ibr eo on o-I other His Ne We Mu V
Multi-culturalism and diversity 2 Welcoming to immigrants and newcomers Hispanic and Latinx culture 1 People saying Hi! to each other on the streets Vibrant, colorful homes and gardens Murals and0public art lt… lt… rl… Cu Da Mu Connection to history and heritage
Multiculturalismo y diversidad de la comunidad Do-It-Yourself attitude and resourcefulness
r… Mu Choice
17 Darle la bienvenida a los nuevos inmigrantes
Cultura hispana y latinx
Casas y jardines
17 público Murales y arte
Conexión con la historia y el patrimonio
Actitud de ingeniosidad
Vecindad y sentido de la comunidad: personas que se ayudan 20 mutuamente
c Ve
Phase 1 Engagement Questions - English
2 7 What are some of the challenges that the Clark-Fulton community is facing Darle la bienvenida a nuevos inmigrantes 2 Neighborliness sense of community - people helping each other 24 today? Please select all applicable What areand some of the challenges that theanswers Clark-Fulton community hispana y latinxson algunos 2 ¿Cuáles los desafíos que ustedanswers. y la comunidad Clark-Fulton se enfrenta hoy en día? Por isCultura facing today? Please de select all applicable
favor seleccione todas las respuestas aplicables
Casas y jardines
Murales y arte 30 público Conexión con la historia y el patrimonio 20 Actitud de ingeniosidad
Phase 1 Engagement Questions - Spanish
1 Absentee or disengaged landlords and property owners
Homeowners struggling to keep up with maintenance and 1 economic demands
Unemployment or underemployment (COVID-19 related or 1 other)
Fragility and vulnerability of small businesses (COVID-19 related 1 or other)
Vecindad y10 sentido de comunidad: personas que se ayudan mutuamente 2 ◌ Poor health, chronic disease, trauma, and/or mental health ¿Cuáles son algunos de los desafíos que usted y la comunidad ◌ Aging in place Clark-Fulton se enfrenta hoy en día? Por favor seleccione todas las ◌ Childcare, youth education, and development 0 respuestas aplicables. ◌ Access to quality parks and recreational spaces il… c… s… ri… o… o… e… gi… th… ra…
A Ch Choice
Absentee or disengaged landlords and property owners 3 Homeowners struggling to keep up with maintenance and economics demands 2
Unemployment or Underemployment (COVID-19 related or other) Fragility and vulnerability of small businesses (COVID-19 related or other) 1
Crime and safety
Other. Please specify
Propietarios ausentes o desconectados de sus viviendas y 22 negocios
5/8 por mantenerse al día con sus Propietarios que luchan 15 demandas económicas
Desempleo o16 subempleo (relacionado con COVID-19 u otro)
Poor health, chronic disease, trauma, and/or mental health 0 Aging in place
… Pro
… Pro
… es
… Fra
D Childcare, youth education, and development
l… Ma
i… Cu
Propietarios ausentes o desconectados sus viviendas y negocios Access to quality parks and recreational spaces Propietarios que luchan por mantenerse al día con las demandas económicas Crime and Safety
i… Cr
Fragilidad y vulnerabilidad de las pequeñas empresas (relacionado con 11 COVID-19 u otro)
Mala salud, enfermedades crónicas, trauma y salud mental
Cuidado de niños, educación y desarrollo juvenil
Acceso a parques y espacios recreativos 17
Crimen y seguridad 1 15
2 23
Appendix 525
What would you like to Phase see1 improve in Clark-Fulton? Please select all applicable Engagement Questions - English answers What¿Qué would you likemejorar to seeenimprove in Clark-Fulton? Please select le gustaría Clark-Fulton? Por favor seleccione todas las respuestas aplicables all applicable answers.
More quality housing that meets community needs
Better maintenance of private property (residential, commercial and vacant lots)
Better employment opportunities
Safer streets for people who are biking, walking, or using a wheelchair or stroller
Better access to quality support services and programs for seniors, families, and children
Variety in businesses, shopping, and services on neighborhood commercial corridors
Better access to quality parks and recreational spaces
Cleaner and better-maintained streets and public spaces
Stronger sense of community and neighborliness
La calidad y cantidad de viviendas asequibles
El mantenimiento de la propiedad privada (viviendas, comercios y lotes baldíos/vacíos) 22
… ri…1 Engagement tt… Phase tt… CleQuestions h… o…- Spanish Ot Va Be Str Choice
More quality that meets community needsen Clark-Fulton? Por favor◌seleccione ¿Qué lehousing gustaría MEJORAR Other. Please 20 specify todas las respuestas aplicables. Better maintenance of private property (residential, commercial and vacant lots) 23 Better employment opportunities 3 Safer streets for people who are biking, walking or using a wheelchair or stroller
Oportunidades de empleo
Better access to quality support services and programs for seniors, families and children 2
Variety in businesses, shopping, and services on neighborhood commercial corridors
15 Calles más seguras para las personas que andan en bicicleta, caminan o usan una silla de ruedas
Mejor acceso a servicios y programas de apoyo de calidad para personas mayores, familias y niños
Más variedad en negocios, compras y servicios en los corredores comerciales 19
1 Better access to quality parks and recreational spaces Cleaner and better-maintained streets and public spaces 0 j… ll… c… s… o… El… Me Ca Má Opneighborliness Stronger senseLaof community and Choice
Other. Please viviendas asequibles La calidad y cantidad
20 14
Mejor acceso y calidad de parques y espacios recreativos
20 públicos más limpios y mejor mantenidos Calles y espacios
Mayor sentido de comunidad y vecindad 2 2
El mantenimiento de la propiedad privada (viviendas, comercios y lotes baldíos/vacios)
Oportunidades de empleo
Calles más seguras para las personas que andan en bicicleta, caminan o usan una silla de ruedas
Mejor acceso a servicios y programas de apoyo de calidad para personas mayores, familias y niños
Más variedad en negocios, compras y servicios en los corredores comerciales
Mejor acceso y calidad de parques y espacios recreativos
Calles y espacios públicos más limpias y mejor mantenidas
Mayor sentido de comunidad y vecindad
Clark-Fulton Together - Final Plan
Phase 1 Engagement Questions - English As part of the MetroHealth Campus transformation, they are planning to create a large community park. What amenities or programs would you like to see in the As part of MetroHealth the MetroHealth Campuspark? Transformation, they new community Please select allare applicable answers planning to create a large new community park. What amenities or Como parte de la transformación del MetroHealth Campus, está planeado la creación de un nuevo programs would you like to see in the new MetroHealth parque central la comunidad. Diganos: ¿Qué actividades o programas le gustaría ver en el nuevo community park? para Please select all applicable answers.
parque? Por favor seleccione todas las respuestas aplicables
Phase 1 Engagement Questions - Spanish
Quiet, passive, or natural areas
Food-producing garden area
Picnic tables + seating areas
Game tables (e.g. chess, checkers, dominoes, etc) Como parte de la transformación del MetroHealth Campus, está ◌ Social and gathering places planeado la creación de un nuevo parque central para ◌ la Multi-purpose athletic fields/courts 10 comunidad. Diganos: ¿Qué actividades o programas le ver(all ages & abilities) ◌ gustaría Play equipment ◌ Trail/wellness en el nuevo parque? Por favor seleccione todas las respuestas loop with exercise equipment 0 ◌ Multi-purpose central lawn or plaza (e.g. festivals, markets, … aplicables. i… il… lt… lt… y… o… n… ci… Ga performances, games, movies) Qu Fo Mu Mu Tra Pic So Pla 20
Quiet, Passive or Natural Areas 3 Food-Producing Garden Area
Game Tables (chess, checkers, dominoes etc.) 1 Social and Gathering Places 0 Athletic Fields/Courts Multi-Purpose … … s… Áre Áre Me Play Equipment (All Ages & Abilities)
Áreas tranquilas, pasivas o naturales
Área de jardín9para cosechar alimentos Mesas de picnic y para sentarse
2 + Seating Areas Picnic Tables
n… Ca Choice
20(ajedrez, damas, dominó, etc) Mesas de juego
Lugares de reunión y sociales
Canchas o campos deportivos multipropósito
Áreas de juego/playgrounds (todas las edades y habilidades) 16
Caminerías con equipo de ejercicio (circuito de bienestar)
Plaza o cesped central multipropósito (por ejemplo, festivales, mercados, actuaciones, juegos, películas)
15 16
Áreas tranquilas, pasivas o naturales Trail/Wellness Loop with Exercise Equipment
Área de jardín para cosechar alimentos Multi-Purpose Central Lawn or Plaza (e.g. festivals, markets, performances, games, movies)
Mesas de picnic y para sentarse
Mesas de juego (ajedrez, damas, dominó, etc.)
Lugares de reunión y sociales
Canchas o campos deportivos multipropósito
Areas de juegos/playgrounds (todas las edades y habilidades)
Caminerías con equipo de ejercicio (circuito de bienestar)
Plaza o césped central multipropósito (por ejemplo, festivales, mercados, actuaciones, juegos, películas)
Appendix 527
nglishacknowledge the challenging times we are dents'inSurvey English - do you -want to be contacted by a
y, we RESIDENTS’ want to of our 1. Do you in you the find Clark-Fulton Study member team tolive help the SURVEY ng times wethe are Area? e you start survey, we to 1. Do you live in th support you need to want get through the tactedBefore bythe a challenging owledge times we are Area?times we are starting theof survey, we want to acknowledge the challenging hardships COVID-19? inwant - find do youto want to becontacted contacted by a member elp you thebe o you by a of our team to help you find the need to get through the hardships of COVID-19? hrough theyou ber ofsupport our team to help you find the ort you need to get through Residents&#039; Survey -the English ships of -COVID-19? 39; Survey English- English ents&#039; Survey 13.7%
you live in the Clark-Fulton Study ?Clark-Fulton Fulton StudyStudy 5. Race 5. Race 13.7%
Yes me about C… Yes, please contact
No Yes, please contact me about COVID-19 support
Do you live in the Clark-Fulton Study 86.3% No, I am not interested in COVID-19 support Area?
5. Race
No, I am not interested in COVI… 46 6
No, I am not interested in COVI…
6. Are you Hispanic or Latino?
44 contact me about COVID-19 support
7 44
am not interested in COVI…
Yes, please contact me about C… 7
interested in COVID-19 support
7. Wha languag
Black / African American
no? 7. What is language is your primary language? e you Hispanic or Latino? 7. What is languag Are you Hispanic or Latino? What language is your primary language? language?
Black / AfricanBlack American Caucasian White / African American Caucasian / White Black / /African American 30%
46Black / AfricanBlack American / African American
Caucasian / White
6 Caucasian70% / White Caucasian / White
Or more races
Or more racesOr more races
30% Other Yes
Other Yes
No 15
96.2% English
hat is language is your primary 8. How long have 528 Clark-Fulton Together - Final Plan uage? Fulton Study Area r primary 8. How lived theinClark is your primary 8. long Howhave long you have you in lived the 15English
8. How you lived in Clarkthe Clark8. How longlong havehave you lived in the Fulton Study Area? Fulton Study Area? How long have you lived in the Clark-Fulton Study Area?
Less than one year
Residents&#039; 1-5 years
6-10 years
Less than one year years 6-10 years 9. What attracted you to live in1-5ClarkLess than one Fulton? (Select up 4) Less than one year What attracted youto toyear live in Clark-Fulton? (Select up to 4) 30
1/2 5
1-5 years 1-5 years
To live near family and friends
I was born here
6-10 years 6-10 years
To be close to work
Accessibility of amenities, such as community center and stores
More than 10 years More than 10 years
Proximity to public transportation
School for my children
I don't live in the Clark-Fulton I don't live in the Clark-Fulton Study AreaStudy Area
Affordable homes
I am a business owner in the area
No choice/nowhere else to go
l To
a Iw
b To
c… Ac
… Pro
h Sc
o… am… Aff I
To live near family and friends
I was born here
To be close to work
Accessibility of amenities, such as community center and stores
Proximity to public transportation
Schools for my children
Affordable homes
I am a business owner in the area
No choice / nowhere else to go
1/13 1/13
Appendix 529
PPh h
PPh h
PPh h
PPh h
SSc c
O Ov v
Residents&#039; Survey - English VeryGood Good Very
Residents&#039; Survey -
How would you rate each of the following aspects of this community?
. How would you rate each of the following aspects of this community?
acterand andimage imageof ofthe theneighborhood neighborhood acter
How would you rate each of the following aspects of this community?
nditions ofhomes homesininthe thecommunity community ditions of
nditions ofbusiness businessand andstorefronts storefronts ditions of
Fr i…
… Sa
… Ph
O v…
10 nditions ofstreetscape streetscape (sidewalks,streets streetstrees, trees,lighting, lighting,banners, banners,benches) benches) ditions of (sidewalks,
Residents&#039; Survey -
Residents&#039; Survey - English Residents&#039; Survey - English
. How of would this community? you rate eachofofthis thecommunity? following aspects of this community? hpects of the following aspects Very Good
Very Poor
Very Good
ecommunity community
Very G
racter and image of the neighborhood
Sc …
O v…
0andrecreational nditions ofparks parksand recreationalfacilities facilities ditions of
ofneighborhoods neighborhoodsininthe thecommunity community of
nditions of homes the community all character and in image of the neighborhood 20 nditions ols ement ment of business and storefronts
2 0
nditions of streetscape10(sidewalks, streets trees, lighting, banners, benches)
cal conditions of homes in the community
nditions of parks and recreational facilities
y in the community ◌ Overall character of the neighborhood all character and image of the neighborhood nizations/Institutions
Fair Very Good
Fair Very Good
Civic engagement6
Local organizaations/institutions
2 health, loans/capital) Distributions of resources (jobs,
8 17 Levels of social capital, trust, and racial equity
Organizations/Institutions lighting, banners, benches) cal conditions of business and storefronts
Friendliness of neighborhoods3 in the community 0
Sa Le… … …
Safety in the community 10
Good 10 6
Ph D… i… C i…
Very Good Very Poor Good
◌ School dliness of neighborhoods in the community ols of resources (jobs,health,loans/capital) ◌ Physical conditions of homes in the community engagement ◌ Physical conditions of businesses and storefronts cial conditions capital, trust, racial cal of and homes in equity the community
Physical conditions of streetscape (sidewalks, street trees,
Ph C… i… …
Poor Very Poor Very Good Good
Ph Fr … i… Ph …
SSac… … …
s of neighborhoodsVery in the community Good
cal conditions parksand and facilities cial capital,of trust, andrecreational racialequity equity cial capital, trust, racial
O Phv… … Ph …
cal conditions of business and storefronts 0 e ofcommunity resources(jobs,health,loans/capital) (jobs,health,loans/capital) of resources cal conditions of streetscape (sidewalks, streets trees, lighting, banners, benches)
Ph Lo… …
izations/Institutions zations/Institutions
Very Poo 0
4 3 8 0 2 0
you currently currently rent rent or or own own your your 12. Please Please tells tells us us oo you 12. e, or live live with with aa family family or or friend? friend? e, or o you currently rent or own your 12. Please tells us about your household:
◌ (jobs,health,loans/capital) Physical conditions of parks and recreational facilities bution of resources cal conditions of streetscape (sidewalks, streets trees, lighting, banners, benches) nners, benches) s of social capital, trust, and racial equity cal conditions of parks and recreational facilities
Do you currently rent or own your y in the e, orcommunity livehouse, with or a family friend? live withor a family or friend?
dliness of neighborhoods in the community
. Do you currently rent or own your 19.2% use, or live with a family19.2% or friend?
bution of resources (jobs,health,loans/capital)
s of social capital, trust, and racial equity
40 40 13
20 20 22
10 15
11 2
12. Please tells us about your hous 9
e Ov
I live with family or friends
2 Please tell us about your household
19.2% 75% 75% Rent
Over 18
… nd
Over 18
Under 18
12 8
17 …
… Dis
e Ov
… ee… OOvv
2 5 2
… dd… UUnn
Disabled persons .own Please Do you tells currently us about rent your or own household: 13. 12. What Please type tells of home about doyour you hous liveo Over18 18us Over ◌ Over 55 your 12. Please tellsyour us about your household: 13. What type or live with a family or friend? 10 Under18 18 10 Under ruse, friend?
Rent Rent
mily or friends
Own Own 75%
livewith withfamily familyor orfriends friends I Ilive
I live with family or friends
Disabled persons
Over 55
530 0
e Ov
19.2% 20
0… Dis
Disabledpersons persons Disabled
Over55 55 Over
Under 18
Dis Choice
Disabled persons 20 Over 55
39 39
Clark-Fulton Together - Final Plan d Un
Over 18 40
with family or friends
mily20 orfriends friends mily or
Under 18
e Ov
e… Single Ov Family Home …
d… is… Un Duplex (2 units) D
19 14
14 6
Residents&#039; Survey - English
14. What is your monthly housing 14. What is your monthly housing cost using cost 15. Right now, how easy is it for you to 13.type What ofyour home do you or live mortgages + taxes)? hat oftype home do you(rent live in? (rent or mortgages meet current housing costin? and+ taxes)? 2
16 11
11 14
10 13
13 13
13 11
3 type of home 15 14 15 What do you live in?
14 13 2monthly housing 2 13 What is your cost
expense (rent or mortgages/taxes and (rent or mortages+taxes)? 9 21 21 11 6 6 9 11 utilities?)
12 22
22 7
7 2
16 17
17 5
5 15.4%
23.1% 2
1723.1% 2
21 17
5 easy (2 units) Somewhat easy Somewhat Very difficult Single Family Home Duplex 1/2 Lessdifficult than $200 Single8Family Home Duplex (2 units)Very Less 1/2 than $200 $200 - $399$200 - $399 $400 - $599$400 - $599
ousehold: 13.type What of do home old: 13. What oftype home youdo liveyou in?live in? 11/5/2020
Residents&#039; Survey - English
Very easy
Single Family Home 45 Less than $200 Home 45 Less than $200 Right how easy is it for your current costs and expense 14. What is yournow, monthly housing cost 15. you Right to now,meet how easy is it for you to housing 10 Somewhat easy 23 (rent or (rent mortgages + taxes)? meet your current housing cost and and utilities)? (2 units) or mortages/taxes 3 $200 $399 s) Duplex12 3and $200 - $399 expense (rent or- mortgages/taxes Somewhat difficult 9 utilities?) 6 Very difficult 4 Duplex/Townhome (3-4 units) 1 home (3-4 units) 1 $400 - $599$400 - $599 15.4% 1
Less than $200
$200 - $399
$400 - $599
Less than $200
$200 - $399
$400 - $599
$600 - $799
$800 - $999
$1,000 - $1,499
$1,500 - $1,999
Very easy
Somewhat easy
12 Somewhat difficult
$1,000 - $1,499 $1,000 - $1,499 86.5%
Very difficult
Very easy
Somewhat easy
Somewhat difficult
$1,500 - $1,999 Very difficult $1,500 - $1,999
Single Family Home Single Family Home Duplex (2 units) Duplex (2 units) 1 $2,000 - $2,499 $2,000 - $2,499
$2,000 - $2,499
44.2% $800 - $999$800 - $999
u experienced any of the following? …
17.3% Mid-Rise/Mixed-Use Development (10-19 units) $600 - $799$600 - $799 ed-Use Development (10-19 19.2%units)
e Ov
36In the Single Family Home Single Family Home Inpast the past year, have you experienced 16. year, have you experienced any of the following? any of the following? 18
Duplex (2 units) Duplex (2 units)
Duplex/Townhome (3-4 units) Duplex/Townhome (3-4 units)
16. Inpast the past year, have you expe 16. In the year, have3/13 you experien 3/13
H… Mid-Rise/Mixed-Use Development (10-19 Mid-Rise/Mixed-Use Development (10-19 units) Yes Yes No units) No N/A
Had difficulty making the necessary repairs or changes to Received a code violation?your home? Had difficulty making necessary repairs or changes to your home?
Received a code violation?
Had trouble finding or getting approved for good quality, affordable home? Been treated poorly/disrespectfully by your landlord?
Had trouble finding or getting approved for good quality, Had difficulty getting your landlord to make necessary repairs or do routine maintenance for your home? affordable home?
Had a real estate agent or developer offer you to purchase your home?
0 46 Had difficulty getting your landlord to make necessary 8 23 repairs or do routine maintenance for your home?
21 Been treated 60 poorly/disrespectfully by your landlord?
Had a real estate agent or developer offer you to purchase 40 2 10 40 your home?
16 33 35 13
ne maintenance for your home?
Appendix 531 Had difficulty making repairs necessary repairs or to your home? Had difficulty making necessary or changes to changes your home?
17. What type of improvements does your 18. W Residents&#039; Survey - English home currently need? (Select all that apply) landlo
nts does your 18. What is preventing you or your 19. If you curre What types of improvements does your home currently need? (Select all that t all that apply) landlord from improving your home? in owning a hou apply) 22.4%
18.4% 42.9%
ents&#039; Survey - English Residents&#039; Survey - English Residents&#039; Survey - English 39;RoofSurvey - English 1/3 Access to cash Access to repair loans 1/3 ◌ Improvements on exterior ◌ Plumbing Improvements on exte…
Porch and entryway
Porch and entryway Access to cash ◌ 11 Roof
Garage or carport
1/3 21
ng 18. you What or your is preventing 19. Ifcurrently you yourcurrently are If you youcui is preventing you your 19. Ifrent, you currently uhat or your 19.orIfyou youor rent, are intere ving landlord your home? from improving in your owning a house in Clark-Fulton in owning a ord from improving your home? inClark-Fulton? owning a house your home? in owning aIfhome? house inrent, What is preventing you or your you currently are you ◌ ◌
Improvements on exterior Basement
I don’t know
5 7
Residents&#039; Survey - English
landlord fromMyimproving home? 1 home does not needyour improvements
17. What type of improvements does your Basement home currently need? (Select all that apply) 3 Other Heating / Cooling 22.4% 30.6% 18.4% Plumbing
The amount of improvements cost exceeds the value of my home Porch and entryway
Access to repair loans
12.2% entryway Roof GaragePorchorandcarport
Improvements on exte…
Roof Basement
N/A I am currently aAccess homeowner to
The amount o
Access to cash
My home doe 21.7% 21.7%
21.7% 3
42.9% 12.2%
Porch and entryway
18.4% 12.2%
Improvements on exterior
Access to cas
Maybe, I have never thought about it.
interested in owning a6house in 18. What is preventing you or your 19. If you currently rent, are you interested 9 landlord from improving Clark-Fulton? your home? in owning a 9house in Clark-Fulton? I don’t know
Access to repair loans
Access to cash
Access to repair loans
The amount of improvements cost exceeds the value of my home
I don’t know
Maybe, I have never thoug…
N/A I am currently a homeo…
76.1% 76.1% Maybe, I have never thought about it. 2 Yes
10 1
N/A I am currently a homeowner
sepair know if any1/3ofAccess following types ofYesprograms/information or assistance wo loans tothe cash Yes I have 1/3 Maybe, I have never thoug… N/AMaybe, Ia am Yes currently Access to cash Access to1/3 repairAccess loans to repair loans 1/3 Maybe, Yescurrently I have na never thoug… N/A I am homeo… Other 15 home. Heating / Cooling
My home does not need improvements
Garage or carport
Bathroom to cash sh Access Other
21 Yes
2 15
21 Yes
If yes or maybe: please let us know if any of the following types of programs/
1Maybe, I haveMaybe, I have never 1 Maybe, I haveabout neverit.thought pairAccess loans to repair loans I have never thought 1 never thought aboutthought it. 1 about it. Maybe, If yes orinformation maybe: please let or us know if any of thewould followingbe types of programs/information or assistance would be helpful for you assistance helpful for you to work towards purchasing a to work towards purchasing acost home. e of The my amount home ofcost improvements exceeds value 5N/A I of home N/A I a am currently a homeowner 5 I am currently N/Aa Ihomeowner am currently a homeow of improvements exceeds the value home 5 N/A 5 of my the ammy currently homeowner home I don’t know
If yes or maybe: please let us know if any of the foll work towards purchasing a home. 7
My need homeimprovements does not need improvements es not 6
Other Credit repair counseling Financial management Homebuyer education
Credit repair counseling
Financial management 3
Homebuyer education
1 3
… Ho Very helpful
Somewhat helpful Somewhat helpful
6 Clark-Fulton Together - Final Plan 0 3
Ho Neutral
Somewhat helpful
6 o…
9 helpful Very Very helpful
Very helpful
Home repairs and maintenance Down payment assistance
H Neutral9 Not helpful
Somewhat helpful 1 1 5
Not helpful
Home repairs and maintenance
Down payment assistance 0 Other
Not helpful 9 Neutral
◌ ◌
Neutral 1 1 0
20. isWhat your current employment did 21. unemp mployment 21. If unemployed, loseIf your jo hat youriscurrent employment If unemployed, (Choose one) because because of Ifthe current global pandemi ?status? (Choose one) because of the of curt What is your current employment unemployed, did you lose your 13.5%
status? (Choose one)
jobEmployed, because the current global full-time ofEmployed, part-time pandemic? Employed, full-time
1/3 27
Employed, part-time
Employed, multiple part-time jobs
13.5% 51.9%
Unemployed, looking for a job
Unemployed, not looking for a job
Unable to work
Employed, full-time part-time Employed, part-time 1/3 Employed, full-time Employed,
you are employed, where 24. doIfyou unemployed, what are some of the reasons or struggles you are facing today ? If you are employed, where do you If unemployed, what are some of the
Employed, full-time -time
Employed, part-time rt-time
Employed, ltiple part-timemultiple jobs part-time2jobs
k Unable to work
6 19.4%
27 Yes
No all that 23 No to find or3 stay on 3a job? (Check reasons or struggles you are facing apply) 2 2
Unemployed, 5 ooking for a job looking for a job
16.7% notUnemployed, looking for a not job looking for 7a job
today to find or stay on a job? (Check all that apply) 5 5
fi… Dif
fi… Dif Choice
◌ Clark-Fulton ◌ or Having a or handicap or disability caring for Clark-Fulton Study AreaStudy Area Other Near West Side Neighb…Having a handicap 1/4 disability caring for someone with aor disability ◌
someone with a disability
Other near West Side Neighborhoods (Ohio City/ Market District, Tremont, Detroit-Shoreway)
24. If unemployed, what are of some re some of thewhat are unemployed, some the of the reasons or struggles you are facing are facing today ns or struggles you are facing today today to on a(Check job? (Check allor that dheck orfind stay onstay a job? all thatall that apply) Study Area ◌ ◌
Issues finding◌childcare Issues
Stockyards, Brooklyn Center or Old Brooklyn
8 Difficulty reading
Lacking the skills/education for available jobs
Difficulty reading
Downtown Cleveland
finding childcare
Lacking the skills/education for available jobs West Side Neighborhoods 9 opportunities ◌ University(Ohio CircleCity / Market District, Tremont, Detroit-Shoreway) ◌ Not enough job in the lcoal area
Other Cleveland area suburbs
◌ opportunities Difficultyin finding available Not enough job the local area
Brooklyn Centre Old Brooklyn ◌ orOutside of Cleveland area (e.g. Akron, Lorain, Elyria, Mentor)
3 5
1 Criminal history
I am in furlough, and I am hoping to get my job back 7
Difficulty finding available jobs
Criminal history
I am in furlough, and I am hoping to get my job back
and Area Suburbs 6
leveland Area (e.g. Akron, Lorain, Elyria, Mentor)
i… vr… HaC
0 r … … … …i… … fthe Issuac… Diffiot… Laciffi… um… HavO N L D Dif IsI sa
t… fi… NoCri… Difam… I
r … ri… CO the I am
he Ot
Appendix 533
education and career training local schools huth of theeducation following aspects this community? ality hools of youth and careerat training at localof schools
ult earby education and career training available nearby ality available of adult nearby education and careerprograms training programs available nearby
11/5/2020 mployment centers / jobs ess to employment centers / jobs
Residents&#039; Survey - English
25. HowHow would would you rate each the following aspects this community? youofrate each of the of following aspects of this community? s in of thejobs neighborhood ality in the neighborhood
blic services the community ality of publicinservices in the community 20 10
aining at local
Quality of adult education and career training Access to employment centers / jobs Quality of jobs in the neighborhood 0 Quality of programs youth education and career training atnearby local Quality of adult education and career training Access to employment centers / jobs Quality of jobs in the neighborhood Quality of public services in the community available Access to employment centers / jobs Quality of jobs in the neighborhood schools programs available nearby Very GoodGoodGood Fair Very Poor Very Good Fair Poor Poor Very Poor
Very Good
Quality of youth education and career training at local schools
Very Good
Very Poor
Quality of youth education and career training at local ◌ schools ◌ Very Good Quality of adult education and career training programs ◌ available nearby
Very Good
Access to employment centers/jobs
Quality of pub
Very Poor
re ntrepreneurship you interested in27. entrepreneurship often do you shop How at often the do y 6. inAre entrepreneurship you interested inHow 27. entrepreneurship How often do27. you 27. shop How atoften the ss tarting in Clarknew business businesses in Clarkon Clark Ave., businesses Fulton on Rd.,Cla nd siness starting ina Clarka new business businesses in Clarkon Clark businesses Ave., Fulton on Rd Are you interested in and/or How often25th do you shop at theWest n? West 25th St.? and/or 25th25 ulton? and/or West St.? and/or West Quality of adult education and career training programs available nearby Access to employment centers / jobs
Quality of jobs in the neighborhood
2 in the neighborhood Quality of jobs Good 1 5 17
Quality of public services in the community
Quality of public services in the community 2 4 12 23 0
7 8
4 3
0 8 15 228. Where do you usually shop 4 26. Are you interested in entrepreneurship 27. How often do you shop at the (groceries, and starting a new business in Clarkbusinesses on Clark Ave., Fulton Rd., clothing, home supplies...etc)? 6 a 25th St.? businesses on1 Clark Ave., Fulton Rd., 1 5 17 Fulton? enterpreneurship and starting and/or West
business in Clark-Fulton?
and/or W 25th St.?
Maybe, I have never t…
N/A I am currently a b…
Once a week
Two times a week
3+ times a week
6 21.2% Steelyard21.2% Clark-Fulton Com… Brooklyn Centre… 30.8%
Once a week
Steelyard Commons
Two times a week
Brooklyn Centre and/or Old Brooklyn
Maybe, I have never thought about it.
3+ times a week
Ohio City, Tremont and/or Detroit-Shoreway
I rarely shop at the businesses on Clark Ave., Fulton Rd., and/or West 25th St.
28. Where do y clothing, home
N/A I am currently a business owner
26.9% 46.2%
15.4% 15.4% repreneurship 27. How often do you shop at the 30.8% 26.9% in Clarkbusinesses on Clark Ave., Fulton Rd., 26.9% and/or West 25th St.?
8 1 1
ow often do you shop at11/5/2020 the 28. Where do you esses on Clark Ave., Fulton Rd., clothing, home sup 29. What services/business would you 3 or West 25th St.? 30.8%
I am currently No b… Maybe,a Ib… have never t… never t… N/A I am currently Once a a21.2% week b… Two times Two a week 3+ timesOnce a3+ week a week Two tim everN/A t…Yes N/A Yes I amacurrently No Maybe, I have N/A Once aaweek b… times a week times Once a week a 1/2 week 30.8%I am currently 8
Once a week Once a week
Once a week
8 Once a week enjoy having in the area that areyou not Where do you usually shop (groceries, What services/business would 30.8% 26 Two times Two 26 Two timesTwo aup week currently available? (Select toa 4) 26 times a weekenjoy 26 in the times week clothing, home supplies, etc.)? a week having area that are not 8
/A I am currently a b…
Once a week
Two times a week e never thought it. about14 3+ times a3+ week ybe, I have neverabout thought it. 14 times a week
Once a week
Two times a week
3+ times a week
ently business 4 I am acurrently a owner business owner 30.8%
3+ times a week 1/2 Clark-Fulton currently available? (Select up to 4) 14 3+ times a3+week 14 times a week 11
Steelyard Commons
Brooklyn Centre and/or Old Brooklyn
Ohio City, Tremont and/or Detroit-Sho
I rarely shop at the businesses on Clark Ave., Fulton Rd., and/or West 25th St.
r d… o-… off… Hot… ha… Rid… de… Far… A n… Per… rts… icClark-Fulton e… fte… Othe C A A P C L In Choice
at theshop businesses on Clark 4 Ave., Fulton Rd., I rarely and/or shop West atand/or the 25th businesses St. on 4 21.2%I rarely shop I rarely at the businesses on 4Clark Ave., Fulton IRd., rarely shop West at the25th businesses St.Clark Ave., on C
30.8% ◌
Steelyard Commons
Brooklyn Center and/or Old Brooklyn
Ohio City, Tremont and/or Detroit-Shoreway
Once a week
Two times a week
3+ times a week
Medical facilities or clinic
Medical facilities 1/2 or clinic
Farmers/Food market
Co-workin space/small Clark-Fulton ◌ A new grocey store business incubator Co-working space / small business incubator ◌ Personal care services ◌ Coffee shop/bakery ◌ Arts/Gallery 11 Steelyard Commonsspace ◌
Coffee shop/bakery
Hotel/Bed and breakfast
Pharmacy Hotel/Bed and◌Breakfast Pharmacy
Ridesharing services
Licensed day care facilities
Steelyar 4 11 21
Brooklyn Centre and/or Old Brooklyn11 ◌
at the businesses on Clark Ave., Fulton Rd., and/or West 25th St.
Clark-Fulton Together - Final Plan
After school programs
Independently-owned ◌ Other 16 Ohio City, Tremont and/or Detroit-Shoreway Ridesharing servicesrestaurants 3
s c (
Independently-owned restaurants 16 Farmers/Food Market (Mercado) A new grocery store
Online Other
20 25 26
Residents&#039; Survey - English Residents&#039; Survey - English
30. What improvements do you think 31. Which of the following amenities What improvements do you think Which the following following amenities are are t should improvements ofofthe amenities be madedo toyou the think commercial 31. Whichneeded most in your neighborhood? becommercial made to the commercial needed needed most in your becorridors madeshould toto the most in your make them more inviting? (Select up toneighborhood? 4)neighborhood? corridors makeinviting? them more s(Select to make more (Select(Select up to up 4) to 4) upthem to 4)to p to 4) inviting? (Choose up to 4) 30
20 20 10
20 10
r r… pd… tor… he n… Ot Mo Ba S U Choice r … … f… f… r… pd… tor◌ r… lighting r… he n… ◌ OtBanners and signage Sa ◌ BenBrighter Sa Mo Mo Mo Ba S U Playground/tot lot Brighter lighting 22 to create a consistent Choicetrees and ◌ More street ◌ f…
ig… Mor…
More street trees andflowers flowers
Safer, more visible d flowers Safer, more visible crosswalks sidewalks
◌ Safer, more attractive rosswalks Safer, more attractive routes to the corridors
routes to the corridors
e routes to the Benches (orcorridors other furniture)(or ◌ street Benches
other street
reetMore furniture) trash and recycling receptacles 20 ◌ More trash and recycling
… … … … the l… ar… at… ei… rot… Co Dog Pub Mult L N O Wa W P Choice r e y… oa… al… Lar… at… ei… rot… Co… og… ub… ult… th N O W W B P P D M Pla Playground/tot lot Choice y…
Playground/tot lot
More parking
Neighborhood park
Board game tables (chess, domino, checkers, cards, etc)
Board game tables ◌ (chess, domino, etc.)cards, etc) ◌ Board game domino, checkers, 29 tables (chess, Walking/running trails Walking/running trails
Protected bicycle facilities Community gardens
Dog park
29 Walking/running trails Large lawn space for events/markets and movies in the park 27 Updated parking meters/ ◌ Large lawn space for ◌ Public art/murals kiosks events/markets and 27 Large lawn movies + in splash the park 22 space for events/markets Water featuresand (fountains ◌pads) Multicultural Storefront movies in the park family-friendly events improvements/ 22 Water features + splash pads) 17 ◌(fountains Neighborhood park Water features ◌ Other beautification (fountains+splash pads) 17 Neighborhood park 29 Protected bicycle facilities Residents&#039; Other
clingBanners receptacles and signagereceptacles to create a consistent identity
Protected 19bicycle facilities Community gardens
22 18 17 29 Survey 13
. How often do you and family or household member visit the following How often do you andyour your family or household member visit the following
e toMore create a consistent identity parking
Community 13 gardens
Dog park
Dog park2
Public art/murals
ters/kiosks Storefront improvements/Beautification
Public art/murals 34
Multicultural family-friendly events
ents/Beautification Other
Multicultural events 10 family-friendly Other
Updated parking meters/kiosks
Residents&#039; Survey - English
29 2 Residents&#039; Survey -
Residents&#039; Survey - English
. How often do you and your family or household member visit the following member the following places?visit the following places? ur familyvisit or household member 0
n Branch Library
South Branch Library
Brooklyn Branch Library
Meyer Pool
Clark Recreation Center A few times a week
Trent Park
Once a week
City Life Center
Boys-and-Girls Club (Tremont) About once a month A few tim
A few times a week
Once a week
About once a month
h Branch Library
klyn Branch Library
r Pool
Fulton Branch Library
0 Branch 0 Trent Park Fulton Branch South Branch Brooklyn Meyer Pool Clark Recreation City Life Center 2 Boys-and-Girls Library Library Library Center Club (Tremont) n Trent Park City Life Center Boys-and-Girls Roberto Clemente St. Mary’s Riverside Cemetery Brookside Towpath Trail times a week OnceClemente a week About once a month A few tim Recreation 0Reservation 2Riverside Cemetery BrooklynCenter Branch Meyer Pool Clark Recreation Trent0Park Park City Life Center A fewBoys-and-Girls Roberto St. Mary’s Club (Tremont) Cemetery / Zoo Library Club (Tremont) Cemetery Once a week About once a month CenterA few times a year A few times Not very often a week OncePark a week About once a month A few times a week Once a 0week About once a month A few times a year Not very often Park 0 4 Once a week About once a month A few times a year Not very often n Branch Library 4 1 A few times a week Once a week About once a month A few 4 times a year Life Center 3 0 1 1 4 12 26 h Branch Library 0 2 2 4 1 4 12 -and-Girls Club (Tremont) 0 2 0 2 2 7 32 klyn Branch 1 1 5 0 Library 2 2 7 rto Clemente Park 4 5 0 1 5 5 29 r Pool 0 0 2 1 1 5 5 ary’s Cemetery 0 0 1 535 0 2 3 36 Recreation Center 0 0 2 0 0 2 3 side Cemetery 2 3 10
ee with the following statements:
I feel safe in my neighborhood at night I feel safe in my neighborhood at night
My neighborhood is safeMy forneighborhood seniors me with is safe for seniors Local police officers treatLocal policr Yes Sometimes Yes No Sometimes No
borhood during theneighborhood day I feel safe in my during the day
11/5/2020 borhood at night I feel safe in my neighborhood at night
Residents&#039; Survey - English
33. Please indicate you agree with y children to walk and my play outside toifwalk I feel safe allowing children and play outside
theagree followingwith statements: Please indicate if you the following statements:
afeMy forneighborhood seniors is 40 safe for seniors
n making my safer my neighborhood safer I want to beneighborhood involved in making 20
eatLocal me with respect and dignity police officers treat me with respect and dignity
I feel safe allowing my children to walk and play outside I want to be involved in making my neighborhood safer The presence and actions of local police of 0 I feel in my neighborhood during the day I feel safe allowing children to walk and play outside I want to be involved in making my neighborhood safer The presence and actions of local police officers me feel safer fe in my neighborhood atsafenight Mymyneighborhood is safe for seniors Local police officers treat memake with respect and dignity I feel safe in my neighborhood at night My neighborhood is safe for seniors Local police officers treat me with respect and dignity I feel welcome any place I go in Clark-Fulton ions of presence local police officers make me police feel safer The and actions of local officers make me feel safer Sometimes No Yes Yes Sometimes No
aceI Ifeel go welcome in Clark-Fulton any I go in Clark-Fulton ◌ place Iduring feel safe in my neighborhood I feel safe in my neighborhood the day
during the day
I feel safe in my neighborhood at night
I feel safe allowing my children to walk and play outside
I feel safe in my neighborhood at night
My neighborhood is safe for seniors
I want to be involved in making my neighborhood safer
Local police officers treat30me with respect and dignity Yes 16
21 The presence and actions9 of local police officers make me 30 7 11 feel safer
17 I feel welcome any place 12I go in Clark-Fulton
I feel safe allowing my children to walk and play outside My neighborhood is safe for seniors
4 20 22 16
I want to be involved in making my neighborhood safer
Local police officers treat me with respect and dignity
The presence and actions of local police officers make me feel safer
I feel welcome any place I go in Clark-Fulton
are What the top public safety 35. In your opinion, of the following 3 34. arethree the top three public safety 35. In yourwhich opinion, which of the follo What areneighborhood? the top(Select three public safety In your opinion, which of the following 12 your neighborhood? up(Select to issues impacts the g issues in your up tonegatively issues negatively impacts the issues in your neighborhood? (Select issues negatively 32 4) neighborhood? (Selectimpacts up(Select to the 4) up to 4) neighborhood? 34. Whatup areto the4) top three public safety issues in your neighborhood? (Select up to 4) 40
35. In your opinion, whichneighborhood? of the following 36. Where do you currently get your 18 issues negatively impacts the groceries? neighborhood? (Select 40 up to 4) 40 23 30
20 20
0 0
f… Tra
D Choice
Un Choice
e ois
l… Wa
c… Lo Choice
ublic safety 35. In your opinion, which of the following 36. Where do y ? (Select to issues◌ negatively impacts the conditions groceries? ◌ up Gang activity Domestic or child abuse ◌ Sidewalk ◌ Unsafe street crossings ◌ Drug activity ◌ Homelessness ◌ Existing conditions of ◌ Unsafe pedestrian and neighborhood? (Select up to 4) alleys bicycle crossings over ◌ Household theft ◌ Abandoned buildings ru…
0 u…
r r …f… ru… … …o… af…o… n… ouD he n…a… DoO…the Ho… o anra ba Ot D Gu DrugH activity G T 37 ExistingA conditions of allies Tr H H GuAb Choice Choice Household theft 13 Litter in public areas Gang activity
safety Gang Traffic activity
Gun violence
Drug activity Domestic or child abuse
Household theft
Traffic safety
Gun violence
Abandoned buildings
Sidewalk conditions
17 37
Sidewalk conditions 17
Local grocery store
15 Walmart 18 e … s…r… s… … o… … ise … her … r… … u…is… ac… o… Nois Ca S26id DExFood V Litte Un Ca Un Du Po Vac NoUns OtUns Drives 4 Po Choice Choice 34 Meals on Wheels 1
10 Sidewalk conditions
Dumping of trash in the neighborhood
Local Markets (bodegas/mercados)
Existing conditions of allies 37 Existing conditions of allies 23 Friends and family
Vacant lots
OtherUnsafe street crossings
Traffic safety
Car lots and auto repairs
Litter 13 in public areas 11/5/2020 ◌
Unsafe pedestrian and bicycle crossings over and under I-70 and I-90 Poor lighting in the neighborhood
Litter in public8 areas Other Litter in public areas
4 Car lots and autorepairs
21 ◌ repairs Dumping trash the Car 26 lots and auto Car lots and auto in repairs
Poor lighting in the Residents&#039; neighborhood
and under I-70 and I-90 30
Survey - En
◌ Other ◌ Vacant 29. What services/business would do youyou thin3 29. What services/business would you 30.lotsWhat improvements 10 20 in the area that not enjoy having inyou thecurrently area that made to are thebeen commercial s Has should anyone inbe your household Where do getare yournotenjoy having available? (Select to 4)more currently available? (Select up to 4) currently corridors make them invitinc 0 diagnosed with to any of theup following groceries? … l… c o Lo Wa F( (Select up to 4) 0 health conditions? 33
Gun violence
se Domestic or child abuse 11
8 Dumping of trash in the neighborhood 33 Dumping of trash in the neighborhood
Vacant lots 11
Vacant lots
Unsafe street crossings Unsafe street crossings 13
Abandoned buildings
Unsafe pedestrian and bicycle over under I-70 and over I-90 and under I-70 and I-90 31 Unsafecrossings pedestrian andand bicycle crossings
r … lighting Poor ise neighborhood Poor the he s… lighting s…neighborhood c… in the o… in Ot No Va 30Un Un Po
… Othera… Ab
O 30
4 is…
te… Car…
Noise 20
Sidewalk conditions
Existing conditions of allies
Litter in public areas
Car lots and auto repairs
r d… o-… off… Hot… ha… Rid… de… Far… A n… Per… rts… ice… fte… Othe C A A P C L Me In 33 Dumping ofChoice trash in the neighborhood
Local grocery store
Local markets
Medical facilities or 11clinic
Vacant lots
Co-working space ◌ / small Foodbusiness drives incubator
Coffee shop/bakery
Meals on Wheels
Hotel/Bed and Breakfast
Friends and family Unsafe street ◌crossings ◌
d… o-… off… Hot… ha… Rid… de… C P C In 0 … r… ◌ Asthma/breathing ig issues Mo Br Medical facilities or clinic 4 Me
Heart disease
Co-working 11 space business incubator ◌ / small Diabetes Brighter lighting
Coffee shop/bakery 21
More street trees and flowers
◌ ◌
Poor lighting in the neighborhood
Hotel/Bed and Depression, Safer, moreanxiety, visible crosswalks 11 ◌Breakfast Pharmacy 5
post-traumaric stress
Food Drives
Meals on Wheels
Local Markets (bodegas/mercados)
r r… n… er… rts… ice… fte… the Fa A O P A A L Online 39 Choice … f…◌ af… r… pd… tor… r… Highenblood pressure n… S Sa Mo Mo Ba B U 4S Friends and family 23 Choice ◌ Lead poisoning
Unsafe pedestrian and bicycle crossings over and under I-70 I-90 ◌ andArthritis
Clark-Fulton Together - Final Plan Noise
Ridesharing services
Other ps:// 0
Local grocery store
Obesity Other
4 21
11 21 11
Safer, more attractive routes to the corridors
Benches (or other street furniture)
16 8
2020 11/5/2020
Residents&#039; Survey - English
00 37. Please rate therate following: Please the following:
Work Work
School/Job Training School/Job Training Walk MyM Walk
Walk Walk
My Car My Car
This is a great neighborhood for walking Residents&#039; Survey - English 0
There are many safe, good-quality places to There are several affordable healthcare 0 High-quality fresh fruits, vegetables, and food There are many safe, good-quality places to There are several affordable healthcare Work exercise (gyms, parks, playgrounds) facilities nearby Work are widely available and affordable exercise (gyms, parks, playgrounds) facilities nearby Very GoodGoodGood Very Good
High-quality fresh fruits, vegetables, and food are widely School/Job Training School/Job Training available and There are many safe, good-quality places to exercise (gyms, affordable parks, playgrounds) ◌
to the following destinations? ◌
There are many safe, good-quality places to exercise Grocery Store Grocery (gyms, parks,Store playgrounds)
There are several affordable healthcare facilities nearby
The neighborhood is clean, and the air quality is good
++ Shops There are a lot of green spaces Restaurants and trees throughout the neighborhood 11/5/2020 Restaurants Shops
Very Poor
Very Good
There are a lot of greenquality spaces and trees 33 is good 33throughout the neighborhood
10 1 Residents&#039; Survey - English
School/Job Training Work
Grocery Store Grocery Store
38 13 38
My Car
◌ My Work 0 Car 0 … … … t… a… h… n… School/Job Training ep ea… School/job As ◌H Hig Dia L0e Dtraining Art Ca Choice
◌ 33Grocery store
Restaurants + Shops Heart disease
Neighborhood Events Diabetes
… be
Bicycle Bicycle
Ride with friend
Ride 33with friend
Car Ride with friend RideMywith friend
My Car
Grocery Store Asthma/breathing issues
Restaurants + Shops Neighborhood Events
3 7
Not Applicable Taxi/Rideshare
Restaurants+shops 0 0 Bicycle
0 0 Neighborhood events
41. 41.Do D access acces
Not Applicable
Not Applicable
Right now, how easy is it for you to meet your current transportation cost? 43 0 0 0 0 4
Depression, anxiety, post-traumatic stress
High blood pressure
Lead poisoning
Not applicable
for you to ation cost? Very easy
Somewhat easy
4 1 easy Very Very easy
41. Do you have a computer with internet access at home?
42. If yes, how i connection?
Very Poor
Somewhat difficult Somewhat difficult
Somewhat easy Somewhat easy
Very difficult Very difficult
Very Poor
Very easy Very easy
Yes Yes
Somewhat easy Somewhat easy 4
18 Somewhat difficult Somewhat difficult
Very difficult Very difficult
19 3 22 Yes
Very difficult
Somewhat difficult
Very difficult
52.4% 52.4%
35.7% 35.7%
Somewhat difficult
e… easyot… Somewhat N Ob
42. If yes, of the internet 0 how is the quality 1 connection?
52.4% Very easy 22
Very difficult
41. Do you have a computer with internet 2 access at home?
Restaurants + Shops
Taxi/Rideshare Bus
40. Right now, 38 how easy is it for you 0 to meet your current transportation cost?
40. 40.Right Rightnow, now,how howeasy easyisisititfor foryou youto to sehold been meet meetyour yourcurrent currenttransportation transportationcost? cost? llowing health School/Job Training
17 16 7 0 There are lots of green spaces and43 trees throughout the 09 0 43 2 12 13 12 9 neighborhood 0 9
Very Poor
39. HowHow do you typically to the following destinations? Neighborhood Events 88 do youget typically Neighborhood Events get to the following destinations? 38. Has anyone in your household been diagnosed with any of the following health conditions?
0 9 11 The neighborhood is clean, and the19air quality is good10
This is a great neighborhood for walking
Very Poor
The neighborhood is clean, and the air
The neighborhood is clean, and the air quality is good
Very for Good This is a 0great walking 20 9 10 15 0 neighborhood 20
There are several affordable healthcare facilities nearby
High-quality fresh fruits, vegetables, and food are widely available and affordable
This is a great neighborhood for walking
Ride Rid
Good Poor Very Poor
Appendix 537
o you a computer 42. If yes, howinter is t er with internet 42. yes, how of ter withhave internet 42.IfIfwith yes,internet howisisthe thequality quality ofthe the inte ss at home? connection? connection? Do you have a computerconnection? with internet If yes, how is the quality of the access at home?
internet connection?
21.6% 21.6%
23.5% 23.5%
Re 96.2%
49% 49%
your internet needs are not met at 44. How do you ty e, how do you and members of your Residents&#039; aboutSurvey your neighb - English How do you typically find information your internet needs are not met at ehold Ifaccess the internet? Yes
Excellent Excellent
Good Good
50 Excellent Excellent
Poor Poor
Very VeryPoor Poor
about your typically neighborhood? home, how do and members of44. How 2Good Goodfind information 2525 Good ur internet needs areyou not met at do you 40 your household access internet? ow do you and members ofthe your about your neighborhood? Poor Poor 1212 Poor ld access the internet? Very VeryPoor Poor
42.9% 42.9%
Very Poor
0 0
Cell phone
Tablet or another similar device
In a local computer or lab (library, community 18 center, etc.)
another… l phoneCell phone Tablet or another…TabletInor a local comput…
lar device
a local comput…
o me/my household
r… Wo
1/2 ◌
C Fly Choice
… or… Ne r W e … … t
x Te
4 21
Word of mouth, friends, Instagram, Twitter, Word of mouth, friends, family family Snapchat)
Flyers and yard signs
Newspaper ◌ Community emails and
MetroWest (newsletters, MetroWest (Newsletters, robo-calls, events) events) robo-calls,
MetroWest (Newsletters, robo-calls,30 events)
Council Jasmin ◌ Meetings) Text message Council Woman◌Jasmin SantanaWoman (Newsletters and Community Santana (newsletters and community meetings) Social Media (Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Snapchat) ◌
Local television/radio
24 ◌ Woman Other Jasmin Santana (Newsletters Council
Social Media (Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, S
Flyers and Yard Signs
Flyers and Yard Signs
Text message Local television / Radio Other
13 15
Community emails and newsletters
6 8 3
Text message
ou aware of all the initiatives and s the City of Cleveland offers to munity? 538
Clark-Fulton Together - Final Plan
Social media (Facebook,
Community emails and newsletters
t apply to me/my household
Word of mouth, friends, family
◌ This does not apply to me/my household ther similar device b (library, community center, etc) 4
mputer lab (library, community center, etc)
4 p c
Local television / Radio
47. Are you aware of all the initiatives and Other programs the MetroHealth Systems offers to the community?
re you aware of all the and of all the initiatives a 46.initiatives Are you aware ams Metro West offers to the the City of Cleveland offers t programs munity? the community? Are you aware of all the initiatives and Are you aware of all the initiatives and
man Jasmin Santana (Newsletters and Community Meetings)
a (Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Snapchat)
ard Signs
emails and newsletters
programs Metro West offers to the community?
ion / Radio
programs that the City of Cleveland 6 offers to the community? 8
re you aware of all the initiatives and ams the MetroHealth Systems offers e community? Are you aware of all the initiatives and Yes
Somewhat Yes
programs the Metro Health Systems 24 No offers to the community? Somewhat
Somewhat 4 31 17
Somewhat 6 29 17
Appendix 539
BUSINESS SURVEY Business Owners Survey - English
Business Owners Survey - English
Before you start the survey, we want to acknowledge the times we are you to contacted by a challenging times we Before you start thein—do survey, wewant want tobe acknowledge the orechallenging you start the survey, we want to acknowledge the member of our team to help you find the support you need to get are in—dowe youare want to be contacted by a of our team findde Negocios 10/27/2020 Encuesta Propietarios allenging in—do you want tomember be contacted byto ahelpdeyou throughtimes the hardships of COVID-19? support get through hardships of COVID-19? mber ofthe our teamyou to need helptoyou find thethe support you need to get 10/27/2020
Encuesta de Propietarios de Negocios
Antes de comenzarof la encuesta, queremos reconocer los tiemposdifíciles en los que nos ough the hardships COVID-19? 13. ¿Ha solicitado ayuda municipal, estatal o federal? encontramos: ¿desea que un miembro de nuestro equipo nos contacte para ayudarlo a encontrar el Encuesta de Propietarios de Negocios apoyoque necesita para superar las dificultades de COVID-19? 46.7%
53.3% Antes de comenzar la encuesta, queremos reconocer los tiempos difíciles en los que nos encontramos: ¿desea que un miembro de nuestro equipo nos contacte para ayudarlo a encontrar el apoyo que necesita para superar las dificultades de COVID-19? 46.7% Yes, please contact me about C… 53.3%
No, I am not interested in COVI…
Yes, please contact me about COVID-19 support
No, I am not interested in COVID-19 support
Yes, please contact me about C…100% No, I am not interested in COVI…
What challenges are currentlySifacing please12. contact me about COVID-19 support
your business because of 7 1 What challenges are currently facing COVID-19? (Choose all that are applicable) your business because ofCOVID-19? (Choose am not interested in COVID-19 support 8 all that are applicable) Sí, contácteme sobre el soporte de<br />COVID-19
¿Qué desafíos enfrenta actualmente su negocio debido a COVID-19? (Elija todos los que correspondan)
15 Sí, contácteme sobre el soporte de COVID-19
◌ resto Fear of having my business 16. ¿Dónde vive el deto lose sus empleados? ◌ Fear of facing eviction 10 ◌ Making payroll What challenges are currently facing your business because of ◌ Keeping myself and my staff safe 12. ¿Qué desafíosall enfrenta actualmente su negocio debido a 5 VID-19? (Choose that are applicable) ◌ Attracting customers back to my business
COVID-19? (Elija todos los que correspondan) 0
Fear of having to close my business
10 Fear of facing eviction
Miedo a tener que cerrar mi negocio
6 de clientes de vuelta a mi negocio Atracción
Gastos de reapertura
1 Making payroll
4 5
5 Keeping myself and my staff safe
Fuera del área de Cleveland (por<br />ejemplo, Akron, Lorain, Elyria, Men…
0 Attracting customers to my business Miedoback a tener que cerrar Atraccion decclientes de Gastos de reapertura mi negocio vuelta a mi<br />negocio 0 Choice Fuera del área de Cleveland (por Funding reopening expenses … … … … … … …
a a e ak Fe Fe Ke M Miedo a tener que cerrar mi negocio
r Att
n Fu
h Ot
ejemplo, 5Akron, Lorain, Elyria, Mentor) 1
Atraccion decclientes de vuelta a mi negocio
Gastos de reapertura
of having to close my business
of facing eviction
ng payroll
Clark-Fulton Together - Final Plan 540
ping myself and my staff safe
4 10/27/2020
Encuesta de Propietarios de Negocios
ve you applied for any City, State or Federal Aid? 13. ¿Ha solicitado ayuda municipal, estatal o federal? 100% Have you applied for any City, State, or Federal Aid? ¿Ha solicitado ayuda municipal, estatal o federal?
Si 100%
16. ¿Dónde vive el resto de sus empleados? Si
Business Owners Survey - English No
Where of your employees 16. Where do do thethe restrest of your employees live? live? Si 12
¿Dónde vive el resto de sus empleados? 3
16. ¿Dónde vive el resto de sus 100% empleados?
Other near West Side
i… Un Choice
◌ deFuera del area de Cleveland (porAkron, ejemploLorain, Akron, Elyria, Men… Cleveland (por<br />ejemplo, River Valley, Lake Erie, Fuera Train del área Lorain,5 Elyria, Mentor)
Other Near WestNeighborhoods Side Neighborhoods(Ohio (Ohio City/ City / Market District, Detroit-Shoreway) AveTremont, Corridor)
Market District, Tremont, Detroit-Shoreway)
Stockyards, Brooklyn Centre or Old Brooklyn
University Circle
100% Elyria, Mentor) Fuera del área de Cleveland (por ejemplo,8 Akron, Lorain,
Other Cleveland area Stockyards, Brooklyn Center, suburbs Downtown ◌ Cleveland or Old Brooklyn Business Owners Survey - English ◌ Outside Cleveland area (e.g. 10/27/2020 Industrial Valley River Valley, Lake Erie, Train Ave corridor) ◌ (Cuyahoga Downtown Cleveland Akron, Lorain, Elyria, Mentor) ◌ Industrial Valley (Cuyahoga ◌ Other University Circle
Encuesta de Propietarios de Negocios
1 2
at prevents you from hiring 17. local¿Qué people? te impide queLorain, viveElyria, enMen… Clark Fuera del área decontratar Cleveland (por<br gente />ejemplo, Akron, What prevents you from hiring local people?
¿Qué le impide contratar gente que vive en Clark-Fulton?
Other Cleveland Area Suburbs
Outside of Cleveland Area (e.g. Akron, Lorain, Elyria, Mentor) Other
21.4% 100%
21.4% 35.7%
Lack of skills
Lack of experience/ training
Lack of skills
Lack of experienc…
◌ I do not hire often
erience / training
Fuera del área de Cleveland (por ejemplo, Akron, Lorain, Elyria, Mentor)
My employees can work from anywhere ◌ I hire people from I don’t hire often 1/2 Yo contrato a personas queen<br viven />Clark-Fulton en Clark-Fulton the Clark-Fulton Yo◌contrato personas que viven neighborhood ◌
Yo contrato personas que viven en Clark-Fulton
1 1 1
Appendix 541
Yo contrato personas que viven en<br />Clark-Fulton Yo contrato personas que viven en Clark-Fulton
Business Owners Survey - English
0 8. What isWhat the mode of transportation of your is the spreferred mode of transportation ofmodo your employees? all de sus empl r preferred k ¿Cuál es preferido de(Choose transporte … … el al18. y… Ca c u W i Rid B B applicable) (Elija todos mployees? (Choose all that are los que correspondan) that are applicable) Choice
¿Cuál es el modo preferido de transporte de sus empleados? (Elija 14 todos los que correspondan)
19. ¿Usted alquila o es dueños del espacio de su ne
share/Taxi 0
Encuesta de Propietarios de Negocios
… us
lk Wa
y… Bic
… Rid
Choice 10/27/2020
Carro 14
Choice Encuesta de Propietarios de Negocios
19. ¿Usted alquila o es dueños del espacio de su ne Does your business own or rent your space?
Do you own or rent your space?
¿Usted alquila o es dueño del espacio de su negocio? 1
Alquilo 100%
9. Does your business own or rent your space? 57.1%
Business Owners Survey - English 42.9%
If you currently rent your57.1% space/building are you interested in 20. Si actualmente alquila su espacio / edificio, ¿está If you currently rent your space/building are you interested in becoming an Alquilo 1 8 coming an owner? convertirse en propietario? owner?
Si actualmente alquila su espacio/edificio, ¿está interesadoen convertirse en propietario? Own Rent
20. Si 8actualmente alquila su espacio / edificio, ¿está 6 convertirse en propietario?
Maybe, I have never thoug…
N/A, I currently own my bu… Si
be, I have never thought about it.
Si 100% 6
I currently own my business space/building.
Clark-Fulton Together - Final Plan Si
Si 5 1
I currently own my business space/building.
22. Antes de la actual pandemia global, ¿qué tan fác1 Algo difícil usted era cubrir los costos y gastos de alquiler o hip impuestos y servicios públicos? Before the current global pandemic, how easy was it for you to thebusiness current global pandemic, howmomento, easy(rent was itor for you to meet your 23. Enexpenses este ¿qué tan fácil es para usted cu et your Before current cost and current business cost and expenses (rent or mortgages/taxes and utilities)? rtgages/taxes and utilities)? y gastos de alquiler o hipotecas / impuestos y servic Antes de la actual pandemia global, ¿qué tan fácil fue parausted era cubrir los costos y gastos de alquiler o hipotecas /impuestos y servicios públicos? 100% 20% 40%
100% Algo difícil
40% Algo difícil Very easy
1 Algo difícil
Business Owners Surveydifficult - English Somewhat easy Somewhat
Algo difícil
Righthow now, how it for youEn to este meet current business cost andes para usted cu Right now, easyeasy is itisfor you to meetyour your current business 23. momento, ¿qué tan fácil expenses (rent mortgages/taxes easyexpenses 6 stewhat and (rentoror mortgages/taxes and utilities)? y gastosand de utilities)? alquiler o hipotecas / impuestos y servic
ewhat difficult
En este momento, ¿qué tan fácil es para usted cubrir los costosy gastos de alquiler o hipotecas / 3 impuestos y servicios públicos?
33.3% 33.3%
Very easy easy
Somewhat easy
Somewhat difficult Algo difícil
Very difficult
Algo difícil 1
ewhat easy
ewhat difficult
Appendix 543
In the past year have you experienced any of the following? En el último año, ¿ha experimentado alguno de los siguientes? ◌ ◌ ◌
Had difficulty making necessary repairs or changes to your business/building? Received a code violation? Had trouble finding or getting approved for loans to repair or improve your business? Had difficulty getting in touch with your landlord? Been treated poorly/disrespectfully by your landlord? Been threatened with eviction by your landlord? Had difficulty getting your landlord to make necessary repairs or do routine maintenance to the building in which your business is located?
◌ ◌ ◌ ◌
¿Tuvo dificultades para realizar las reparaciones o cambios necesarios en su negocio / edificio? ¿Recibió una violación de código? ¿Tuvo problemas para encontrar o obtener aprobación para préstamos para reparar o mejorar sunegocio/edificio? ¿Tuvo dificultades para ponerse en contacto con su arrendador? ¿Ha sido tratado mal / irrespetuosamente por su arrendador? ¿Ha sido amenazado con desalojo por su arrendador? ¿Tuvo dificultades para hacer que su arrendador haga las reparaciones necesarias o realice elmantenimiento de rutina del edificio en el que se encuentra su negocio?
◌ ◌ ◌ ◌ ◌ ◌ 10/27/2020
◌ ◌ ◌
3 1 2
◌ ◌ ◌
4 6 3
◌ ◌ ◌
6 6 8
◌ ◌ ◌ ◌
0 1 1 2
◌ ◌ ◌ ◌
4 1 1 3
◌ ◌ ◌ ◌
9 11 11 8
◌ ◌
0 0
◌ ◌
1 1
◌ ◌
0 0
◌ ◌ ◌ ◌
0 0 0 0
◌ ◌ ◌ ◌
1 1 1 1
◌ ◌ ◌ ◌
0 0 0 0
Business Owners Survey - English
What type of physical improvements does your business/building currently need? 25. What typeallofthat physical improvements does your (Select apply) business/building currently need? (Select all that apply) ¿Qué tipo de mejoras físicas necesita actualmente su negocio /edificio? (Seleccione todas las que correspondan) 6
4 10/27/2020
Encuesta de Propietarios de Negocios
Storefront rehab
Water leaks/damage
25. ¿Qué tipo de mejoras físicas necesita actualmente su negocio / 0 edificio? (Seleccione todas correspondan) f las que r t… r… oo he g… o… Sto
Wa Choice
Storefront Rehab 2 Signage
1 Water Leaks/Damage
Flooring Other
2 0
Otro Choice
Clark-Fulton Together - Final Plan
26. ¿Qué le impide mejorar las condiciones físicas de su negocio?
Business Owners Survey - English 10/27/2020
Encuesta de Propietarios de Negocios
at prevents from hiring local people? What you is preventing you from improving physical conditions of your business? 17. ¿Qué te the impide contratar gente que vive en Clark ¿Qué tipo de mejoras físicas necesita actualmente su negocio /edificio? (Seleccione todas las que correspondan) Business Owners Survey - English
at type of building is your21.4% business is located in?
Access to cash
Access to repair loans
Lack of skills
erience / training
Lack of experienc…
I don’t hire often
The cost of26.7% improvements exceeds the value of my business/building
I do not know
◌ ◌
Encuesta de Propietarios de Negocios
Acceso a efectivoque viven en<br />Clark-Fulton Yo◌contrato personas
1 encuentra su negocio? 27. ¿Enpersonas qué que tipo edificio se Yo contrato vivende en Clark-Fulton
Business Owners Survey - English 10/27/2020 My business does not need improvement 26.7% Other
1 Encuesta de Propietarios de Negocios
at type What of building is yourisbusiness is te located in?contratar1 gente que vive en Clark type of building your located in? ¿Qué impide 18. ¿Cuál es el modo preferido de transporte de sus es can work from anywhere 3 ¿Qué tipo debui… mejoras físicas necesita actualmente su negocio /edificio? (Seleccione todas las que One-story commercial Two-story commercial bui… 1/2 (Elija todos los que correspondan) correspondan)
e from the Clark-Fulton neighborhood ommercial building
ommercial building
3 20%
5 100% 3
100% Edificio industrial 4
1 Edificio industrial
One-story commercial building
Two-story commercial building
One-story commercial bui…
Two-story commercial bui…
Edificio industrialque viven en<br />Clark-Fulton Yo◌contrato personas
Industrial w satisfied◌ are youbuilding with the physical0 location of your Carro ommercial building ◌ Other 3 Yo contrato personas que viven en Clark-Fulton ss? Choice la ubicación física d 28. ¿Qué tan satisfecho está con
How satisfied are you with the physical location of your business? ommercial building 4 Carro
¿Qué tan satisfecho está con la ubicación física de su negocio? 13.3%
18. ¿Cuál es el modo preferido de transporte de sus 4 (Elija todos los que correspondan)
w satisfied are you46.7% with the physical2 location of your ss? Very Satisfied
Somewhat Satisfied
Not Satisfied 1
Muy Satisfecho 13.3%
Muy Satisfecho 6 7
Appendix 545
Business Owners Survey - English 10/27/2020
Encuesta de Propietarios de Negocios
w do the majority of your clients get to your 29. ¿Cómo llega business? la mayoría de sus clientes a su nego How do the majority of clients get to your business? ¿Cómo llega la mayoría de sus clientes a su negocio?
15 following aspects of the area where your Carro How would you rate each of the business is located?
¿Cómo calificaría cada uno de los siguientes aspectos del área donde se encuentra su negocio?
◌ ◌ ◌ ◌ ◌ ◌ ◌
◌ ◌ ◌ ◌ ◌ ◌ ◌
Overall character and image Cleanliness Physical conditions of buildings + storefronts Physical conditions of streetscape (sidewalks, street trees, lighting, banners, benches) Safety Friendliness of customers Parking for customers
Caracter general e imagen Limpieza Condiciones físicas de los edificios y fachadas/vitrinas Condiciones físicas del paisaje urbano (aceras, calles, iluminación, pancartas...) Seguridad Amabilidad de los clientes Estacionamiento para clientes
Very good
Very poor
◌ ◌ ◌ ◌
2 1 2 1
◌ ◌ ◌ ◌
4 4 4 4
◌ ◌ ◌ ◌
6 6 5 6
◌ ◌ ◌ ◌
2 2 2 2
◌ ◌ ◌ ◌
0 1 1 1
◌ ◌ ◌
1 3 4
◌ ◌ ◌
0 6 5
◌ ◌ ◌
5 4 3
◌ ◌ ◌
7 0 1
◌ ◌ ◌
1 0 0
Muy bueno
Muy pobre
◌ ◌ ◌
0 0 0
◌ ◌ ◌
0 0 0
◌ ◌ ◌
0 0 0
◌ ◌ ◌
1 1 1
◌ ◌ ◌
0 0 0
◌ ◌ ◌
0 0 0
◌ ◌ ◌
0 1 0
◌ ◌ ◌
0 0 0
◌ ◌ ◌
1 0 1
◌ ◌ ◌
0 0 0
Clark-Fulton Together - Final Plan
32. En este momento, ¿qué esfuerzos de mercadeo e 10/27/2020 Encuesta de Propietarios de Negocios para atraer clientes?
Business Owners Survey - English
Right now, what marketing efforts are using to attract clients? 17. ¿Qué teyou impide contratar gente 32. Right now, what marketing efforts are you doing to attract clients?En este momento, ¿qué esfuerzos de mercadeo está haciendopara atraer clientes?
que vive en Clark
100% 5
100% 0
r… Ya
Yard signs
Word of mouth
Special promotions
Magazine and newspaper ads
Fly Flyers Yard signs Word of mouth
r… Wo
ci… So Choice
◌ ◌
… We
Anuncios en redes sociales
Social media ads Anuncios en redes sociales Website ads
◌ Radio ads Business Owners Survey - English ◌ Other
Anuncios en las que redesviven sociales Yo◌contrato personas en<br />Clark-Fulton 2
Yo contrato personas que viven en10Clark-Fulton
w satisfied are you with the opportunities Clark-Fulton offers 33. ¿Qué tan satisfecho está con las oportunidades q How satisfied are you with the opportunities offers to you and and businesses? Fulton le ofrece Clark-Fulton a usted y su negocio? businesses? 18. ¿Cuál es el modo preferido de transporte de sus ¿Qué tan satisfecho está con las(Elija oportunidades le ofrece a usted y su negocio? todos que losClark-Fulton que correspondan) Special promotions
Magazine and newspapper ads
Social media Ads
Website ads
Radio ads
100% 64.3% 1 Very satisfied
Somewhat satisfied 0 Algo satisfecho
Algo satisfecho 5
Carro Choice
9 Carro
Appendix 547
34. ¿Qué mejoras crees que deberían hacerse en los comerciales para hacerlos más atractivos? (Seleccion respuestas) 10/27/2020
Encuesta de Propietarios de Negocios
Business Owners Survey - English
What improvements do you think34. should made to the commercial ¿Québe mejoras crees que deberíancorridors hacerse en los corre to make them more inviting? (Select up to 4) comerciales para hacerlos más atractivos? (Seleccione has 8. What is the preferred mode of transportation of your 2 mployees? (Choose that are applicable) ¿Qué mejorasall crees que deberían hacerserespuestas) en los corredorescomerciales para hacerlos más atractivos? (Seleccione hasta 4respuestas) 15
10 1
lk Wa
Menos basura Programas extracurriculares para<… Más cámaras de seguridad en esp… Programas de abuso de drogas y Choice 0 Menos basura Programas extracurriculares para<… Más cámaras de seguridad en esp… Programas de abuso de drogas y<… Choice
Menos basura
Menos basura
Brighter lighting
More street trees and flowers
Safer, more visible crosswalks
◌ ◌
◌ para Programas de abuso de drogas y sustancias Safer, more attractive routes to the corridors Programas extracurriculares jóvenes Programas extracurriculares para jóvenes 5 Benches (or other street furniture)
More trash and recycling receptacles
Banners and signage to create a consistent identity
More parking
Storefront improvements
Menos basura14 ◌
cámaras de seguridad en espacios públicos Más cámaras de seguridad enMás espacios públicos ◌
Programas extracurriculares para jóvenes
Más cámaras 3de seguridad en espacios públicos
Programas de abuso de drogas y sustancias
Programas de1abuso de drogas y sustancias
Business Owners Survey - English
35. ¿Conoce las iniciativas y programas para negocios que
35. ¿Conoce las iniciativas y programas para negocio you aware of aware the business initiatives andand programs MetroWest ofrece a la MetroWest comunidad? Are you of the business programs offers to the 9. Does your business own or rent your initiatives space? MetroWest ofrece a la comunidad? West offers to the community? community? ¿Conoce las iniciativas y programas para negocios queMetroWest ofrece a la comunidad?
100% 57.1%
46.7% Own
100% Mas o menos
Rent Mas o menos 8
Mas o menos
Mas o menos
2 6
you aware of the business initiatives and programs the City Clark-Fulton Together - Final Plan eland548 offers to the community?
Business Owners Survey - English 10/27/2020
Encuesta de Propietarios de Negocios
you aware of aware the business initiatives andand programs 36. ¿Conoce las iniciativas programas para negocio Are you of the business initiatives programs they City of Cleveland West offers totothe offers the community? community?ciudad de Cleveland ofrece a la comunidad? ¿Conoce las iniciativas y programas para negocios que laciudad de Cleveland ofrece a la comunidad?
Somewhat No
No 7
2 6
you aware of the business initiatives and programs the City eland offers to the community?
Somewhat 5 4 6
Appendix 549 18/18
ÿ&+,ÿ6("7#$ #ÿ6&%&ÿ3'((%$(ÿÿ '*&+ +, ÿ?-/(<'ÿÿ 6. 3ÿ("ÿ/ 2+0$%1 $2&3,6ÿ'&+ÿ/((<ÿ6&ÿ0(6 ÿ37,<231$2ÿ&5ÿ@ABCD.EFG 4(5EMPLOYEE &,(ÿ'&+ÿ267,6ÿ63(ÿ2+,-(SURVEY '8ÿ9(ÿ97/6ÿ6&ÿ7:;/&9%(<0(ÿ63( :37%%(/01/0ÿ61#(2ÿ9(ÿ7,(ÿ1/=<&ÿ'&+ÿ97/6ÿ6&ÿ>(ÿ:&/67:6(<ÿ>'ÿ7 #(Before #>(,starting ÿ&5ÿ&+,ÿthe 6(7survey, #ÿ6&ÿ3we(%$want ÿ'&+toÿ?acknowledge /<ÿ63(ÿ2+$the $&,challenging 6ÿ'&+ÿ/((times <ÿ6&ÿwe 0(6are 63,in&+- do03you ÿ63(want ÿ37,to<2424beW31$contacted 2ÿ&5ÿ@ABbyCD. EFG a member of our team to help you find the support you need to get through the hardships of COVID-19?
56789 ÿ ÿ ÿ5 8
+,-./0,1ÿ)&ÿ2H9/Iÿ3Jÿ ,06ÿ) 94 ÿ ÿ ÿKLMJN 20U! ÿ1V 779
ÿ ÿKLMJN 20ÿ 779
56789 ÿ ÿ ÿ5 8
" # ÿ % & ' ÿ ( ) * ÿ +, . / 0 , 1 ÿ ) & ÿ 2 / 3 , 0 ) 4 H9IÿJÿ 6ÿ 9 ÿ ÿ ÿKLMJN 20ÿ 779
== =>H9IÿJÿ 6ÿ 9 ÿ ÿ ÿKLMJN 20U! ÿ1V 779
?? >
Are you Hispanic or Latino?
== =>
2 XX W 3
?? >
5 69 K 1S T OO OW 5 012313434 56789 ÿ ÿ ÿ5 2 8 3X W X What language is your primary Please tell us about your household 69 # $ ÿ & ' ( ) * ( ÿ + ( ''ÿ2,*ÿ)-.,+ÿ/.,0ÿ1.,*(1.'2 3 language?
3 K 1S
K 1S 244> T 617 1 9 121 ! 9 6 8 1 8
5 8
3 ÿ24 3 ÿ55
7 11 8 8 9 9 9617 1 9 121 ! 9 6 8 1 8 = 550
Clark-Fulton Together - Final Plan
3 C ◌
Over 18
Over 55
B 9
3 C 3 2
56789 ÿ ÿ ÿ5 8
#$%ÿ'()*ÿ+,-*ÿ.,I-I /IJ01+,-ÿ*(,ÿ12.3-*04ÿ453ÿ65078ÿ9:(55-,ÿ52 ; , / 1 < 4 = .,0ÿ9,00(What :+ÿ(;< ' . / ;( : + ÿ * + ) + , * = ÿ > ?1 . . * ( ÿ . : ( @ is your current employment What best describes the industry you > 8 ÿ? ÿ ÿ 9 8ÿ@
status? (Choose one)
> 8 ÿ? ÿ ÿ 9 8ÿ@ 5 9 8ÿ "" "D A
5 9 8ÿ
work? (Choose one and specify)
2 2 2
#B%ÿ'()*ÿ1-567 ÿ*(89, ÿ (Aÿ 1 C88 ( 6 ,-*ÿD,3 E , Dÿ5<ÿ,.3> / )8 *ÿ1? 5 2 ÿ ÿ 4 5ÿ 93 ÿ )8ÿ@ / ( 1 , E ,.85 9 8ÿ > 8 ÿ? ÿ ÿ 9 8ÿ@ 5 9 8ÿ A
3 What is the highest level of education you achieved? 2
KK 567 J 89 ÿ ÿ ÿ5 8
1C(ÿ,(*-*9ÿÿD,,:E:ÿ,*D(ÿ5ÿ0<1ÿ,..ÿ/3./*)/*1:5.2ÿ;1 ÿ45*3ÿÿ:5)</.(1,E,.8 #$%ÿ'(ÿ)*+ÿ,--.-ÿ+#/Bÿ%0ÿ1'( .ÿ2F )3* ÿ# 1-894 ÿG* ÿÿ5( 6 , 7 ÿ *( 8. H9 6 . ) ÿ ÿ5 ÿ ) *+ÿ ;501ÿ)*+=ÿ,//9*>58,0.:)ÿ1*;ÿ8+71ÿ8* .,96ÿ:,?0ÿ).,9@ A . . ÿ ? / . 7 5 ( ) ÿ ;1 5 7 1 ÿ * ( ÿ 0 1 . ÿ ( * : : * ;5 6 B ÿ 5 6 7 * 8. ÿ 9 , 6 B . ? ÿ C . ? 0 ÿ . ? 7 9 5 C . ? F : If, 89? G ÿ 2 the 2019 income for allB of the people who6 live with you, 617 1 9 ) 1* 2+ 1 9 !you 91 6 added ? 8 . 1 1 8 * up : "C 123. ÿ * + ÿ 5 6 7 * 8. D ÿ E 5 6 7 : + 5 6 ÿ + 6 . 8/ : * ) 8. 0 ÿ 6 . F 03?=ÿ5(which of H9 ÿ approximately how much money did you earn last year? Please specify ,//the:57following ,C:.G@ income ranges best describes your household income: II IJ (including unemployment benefits, if applicable)
JJ JM 7 11 8 8 9 9 9617 1 9 F 12 1 8!9 9G 6 ÿ 8 1 8
H9 ÿ H3"I444ÿ ÿHJKI000 H3"I444ÿ ÿHJKI000 H"4I444ÿ ÿH KI000 L9 ÿ ÿH "I444
KK J JJ JM F 89 G ÿ
H9 ÿ "123
H"4I444ÿ ÿH KI000
L9 ÿ ÿH "I444
7 11 8 8 9 9 9617 1 9 121 ! 9 6 8 1 8
2 2 2 Appendix 551
2 3
56789 ÿ ÿ ÿ5 8
Where do you live?
not live in the Clark-Fulton "#$ÿ&'ÿ()*ÿ+),-.IfStudy ÿ/0you 12ÿ0,ÿdo . 3 2 ÿ4/5are 6789*any /.),ÿ:.the *+(ÿ5625;ÿ562ÿ5,(ÿ)'ÿ.32 ')//)<0,=ÿ>6212preventing ,.ÿ()*ÿArea, '6)?ÿ/you 010,=from ÿ.326of 2@livingfollowing there? 3
56789 ÿ ÿ ÿ5 8
A AA AB B 8 3ÿ8 ÿ ÿ ÿ48 ◌ 5 I8 live 9 @in the Clark-Fulton 7 ÿ8 Study ÿ9 Area ÿ ÿ8 @
B 8
A 9 C F E 9
7 ÿ48 8 ÿ6 ÿ @
3 2
character and image A !9 99 ÿ ÿ ◌ ÿ 6 Neighborhood ◌ Other near West Side neighborhoods (Ohio City/ ◌ Quality of housing options 9 ÿ ÿ6 Market District, Tremont, Detroit-Shoreway) B 8 ÿ 9 ÿ97 9 ◌ Access to quality food 2 and goods ◌ Other Cleveland area suburbs ◌ Access to open and recreational spaces C ÿ 9ÿD 8 ÿ 99 ÿ ÿ 99 ◌ Safety ÿ8 !9 99 ÿ:7 9ÿ4 ÿ1ÿ; ÿ< =ÿ> 69 =ÿ< 9 C 9
? 2 ÿ 9ÿ97 ÿ ÿ 9 8ÿ 7 34 56789 ÿ ÿ ÿ5 8 you
ÿ ! ! What mode of transportation do What mode of2transportation do you
#C%ÿ'()*ÿ+,-.ÿ,/ÿ*0)123,0*)*4,1ÿ-,ÿ5,6ÿ30./.0ÿ*,ÿ62.ÿ*,ÿ9 :,0;<ÿ=>(,,2.ÿ,1.@
#$%ÿ'()*ÿ+, -.ÿ,/ÿ*0)12use 3,0*to)*4go ,1ÿto -,ÿwork? 5,6ÿ760(Choose 0.1*85ÿ62.ÿ*,ÿ9,ÿ*prefer , to use to go to work? (Choose currently :,0;<ÿ=>(,,all2.applicable) ÿ)88ÿ*()*ÿ)0.ÿ)33847)?8.@ one)
A B 8
3 3 2 2 3
A ◌
A 9 012313434
B 8 3 2
56789 ÿ ÿ ÿ5 8
D 1E
""#ÿ%& -.*)/01)you -2*))ÿenjoy 34156ÿ74having 1ÿ*2847ÿ&in',-the 29ÿ-2area ÿ(&*ÿ'+that *'ÿ(&'(are not currently A ' (ÿ)*+, What services/business would ' + * ÿ 2 4 ( ÿ . 1 + + * 2 ( 5 7 ÿ ' , ' 5 ' 0 5 * : ÿ ; < * 5 * . ( ÿ 1 = ÿ ( 4 ÿ > ? available? (Select up D to 1E 4)
#C%ÿ'()*ÿ+,-.ÿ,/ÿ*0)123,0*)*4,1ÿ-,Eÿ5,6ÿ30./.0ÿ*,ÿ62.ÿ*,ÿ9,ÿ*, :,0;<ÿ=>(,,2.ÿ,1.@ 3 7 11 8 8 9 9 9617 1 9 121 ! 9 6 8 1 8 2
@ O
A9 O A9 O
B9 O D O
F O Iÿ O A 9
@ 8ÿ 8◌ ÿ9 ÿ Medical 8 facilities or clinic ◌ Farmers/food market 2 HH G business ◌ A new grocery store 3 6 88ÿ! ÿ space/small ! 9 A9 9 ÿ ◌7 ÿ1ÿCo-working A9 7 1ÿ1 8 8 9 9 9 61 7 1 9 1 2 1 ! 9 Personal 8 1 care 8 services 3 incubator ◌ 6 971◌! Coffee shop/bakery ◌ Arts/gallery space C 1 E 2 B9A 81 C ÿ ◌ ÿ D Hotel/bed and breakfast ◌ Licensed day care facilities ÿ E D 7 ◌8 9 Independently-owned restaurants A 3 F 6 1F99 ÿ@ ÿG@ 9H 3 D 1E 2 3 Iÿ ÿ 9 ÿ 9 552 Clark-Fulton Together Final Plan J 9 8ÿ ÿ ÿG 8ÿ 89 Kÿ ÿ 89 ÿ9 ÿ! ! Kÿ ÿ 8 H 2 9617 1 9 121 ! 9 6 8 1 8 I 1L 88 ÿ 7 "1232
3 2
How often do you do the following in the Clark-Fulton neighborhood?
◌ ◌ ◌ ◌ ◌ ◌ ◌ ◌ ◌
Spend time in Clark-Fulton after work Go grocery shopping in Clark-Fulton Eat in local restaurants/ bars Visit the parks and recreational centers Visit Riverside Cemetery Use city/regional trail system Use the library Attend school events Attend neighborhood events/festivals
A few times a week
Once a week
Every two weeks
Every month
◌ ◌
0 0
◌ ◌
0 0
◌ ◌
0 0
◌ ◌
0 0
◌ ◌
2 2
◌ ◌
1 1
◌ ◌ ◌
0 0 0
◌ ◌ ◌
0 0 0
◌ ◌ ◌
0 0 0
◌ ◌ ◌
1 1 0
◌ ◌ ◌
1 1 2
◌ ◌ ◌
1 1 1
How would you rate each of the following aspects of this community?
◌ ◌ ◌ ◌ ◌ ◌ ◌ ◌ ◌ ◌ ◌ ◌
Overall character and image Cleanliness of the community Physical conditions of homes in the community Physical conditions of business and storefronts Physical conditions of streetscape (sidewalks, street trees, lighting, banners, benches) Physical conditions of parks and recreational facilities Safety in the community Friendliness of neighbors in the community Civic engagement Local organizations/institutions Distribution of resources (jobs, health, loans/ capital) Levels of social capital, trust, and racial equity
Very good
Very poor
◌ ◌ ◌ ◌ ◌
0 0 0 0 0
◌ ◌ ◌ ◌ ◌
1 0 0 0 0
◌ ◌ ◌ ◌ ◌
0 1 2 2 2
◌ ◌ ◌ ◌ ◌
2 0 0 1 0
◌ ◌ ◌ ◌ ◌
0 2 1 0 1
◌ ◌ ◌ ◌ ◌
0 0 0 0 0
◌ ◌ ◌ ◌ ◌
0 1 0 1 1
◌ ◌ ◌ ◌ ◌
1 2 1 1 2
◌ ◌ ◌ ◌ ◌
1 0 2 1 0
◌ ◌ ◌ ◌ ◌
1 0 0 0 0
Appendix 553
Please rate the following:
◌ ◌ ◌ ◌ ◌ ◌
High-quality fresh fruits, vegetables, and food are widely available and affordable There are many safe, good-quality places to exercise (gyms, parks, playgrounds) There are several affordable healthcare facilities nearby This is a great neighborhood for walking The neighborhood is clean and the air quality is good There are a lot of green spaces and trees throughout the neighborhood
Clark-Fulton Together - Final Plan
Very good
Very poor
◌ ◌
0 0
◌ ◌
0 0
◌ ◌
1 1
◌ ◌
1 1
◌ ◌
1 1
Appendix 555
Plan Prepared By:
Wallace, Roberts, and Todd (Prime Consultant)
Prepared for: