Internal Constellation

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“Internal Constellation”

Our group was given the sentence “Internal Constellation”, when we first recieved this sentence we were quite confused upon the meaning behind it, but as we started exploring it, and taking each word on its own, we all determined our own thoughts and ideas that related to it. Initial ideas included the body, and the world, but these then expanded into idea’s about networks, countries, animals and mechanisms. Going through different workshops we created a varied amount of work, including monoprints, drawings, and photocopys. The drawings used various materials including paints, marker pens, and pastels, and the photocopies exploring colour and negatives. We all went off our seperate ways in our designs, each conveying in our final piece what came to mind when we really put thought into “Internal Constellation”, each of our ideas has its own meaning to ourselfs, but people can interpet the designs in their own way as well, and how it connects for them. Our designs all vary, some using collage, paintings, monoprints, or even string. When all bought together they create a bigger “Internal Constellation” by the way they all have been created around the same sentence, just different thoughts. We created multiple different idea’s on how to exhibit our final pieces, but many of our ideas were overthought, or relatively difficult to produce if we followed through with them. Combining several smaller ideas we created our final exhibition, pictured on the next page. This exhibition keeps all of our work in a internal space, and each of our pieces together create a constellation, therefore creating another “Internal Constellation”. We have used string to make connections above the work, leading to different ones, because it acts as a connection between designs, and it brings more to our exhibit.

This piece combines a series of images, which evoke a literal approach to the world “internal constellation�. The meaning behind this work is the dichotomy between internal and external; and the intrinsic sense of connection. Internal represented as the inside of the human body with the drawing of a rib and the red typography; and external represented in the collage of text, paper, and monoprints in the colour blue. Two main connections can be interpreted in this piece, one being the connection between letters to form a word, and the other, the connection between astrological signs and constellations (text). The methods used to acclomplish this work were a combination of drawing, monoprinting, photocopying and typography.

Maria Victoria Cedeno

‘Internal Constellation’, when I first read this sentence I started thinking about star constellations, my thoughts then expanded into idea’s about the body, including internal organs and senses, to the world and different cultures, places you go, and homes. But my main thoughts started revolving around Networks. There are many different types of networks, but I mainly started thinking about how transport routes are displayed, for example the ‘London Underground’ map, which uses different colours for different routes, and these lines are straight and direct.. My idea started forming around the idea of how each letter in ‘Internal Constellation’ is formed, and the main connection points that you use to create each one. In my final piece I have shown this by using white pins to show the connection points, and different coloured string for individual letters, so it maps out the construction of the letters. I used white pins because when you look up into the sky at night, the stars look white, so I thought this would be a good connection within my work.

Charlotte Scarrow

For this illustration project we where given the sentence ‘Internal Constellation’. We all went in different directions with the definitions we found. I went of and thought Internal means inside and Constellation means a group. I mapped out what things are in a group and are mainly inside. This gave me the idea of animals, because they are a group of different species and you get animals that are house pets, so inside. For my final design I picked to design a Cat. I used water colours for this design because I liked the way the colours mixed together and the way they let me get some detail in. I also used a piece of experimental mono printing behind the cat to make it stand out from the white background so you can see all detail and

Tom Knight

Cogs immediately came to mind when I thought of a group of things working together, my interpretation of a constellation. These are intricate and visually interesting when displayed in a group. I thought of the London transport services as a type of constellation as they work together to keep the city running. If one of them stopped working there would be chaos and it would be detrimental not only to London but to the country. I created a system of cogs using some mirrored paper and card to give them a metal texture. By cutting the top corner of the page out to outline the cog’s spokes, the design is much more interesting and alternative as well as looking more realistic when it is not restricted to the size of the paper.

Oliver Surey

When creating my final piece, I wanted to discover the literal meaning of ‘Internal Constellation’. I researched into the meaning of stars and was reminded of their use in the American flag, where each star represents different states in America. To me, America started to become ‘The’ internal constellation. I played with this by exaggerating the idea of ‘the Old Glory’ as it is sometimes known as. I experimented with making the piece look old. I looked at rituals of burning and discovered that the American Indians burnt herbs to cleanse and purify. My outcome symbolises what the flag means to America (the internal constellation). The paper is burnt to reveal a flag I created using textures from my development. The idea is that the flag, representing unity of many nations is revealed dramatically through the burning and cleansing of the paper.

Emily Barnes

For my idea for the “Internal Constellation” I worked on many different ideas and materials, but they didn’t work very well. I came up with this idea of making a door with light coming through during night time. I woke up late at night and saw my door with this light coming through. The first thing that came in my mind was the “internal constellation” which made it quite mysterious. From my point of view there is no image that could explain what the “internal constellation” is. Each person can imagine something different. I imagine mystery, darkness, fear, trust and hope because no one knows what the Universe has to offer, but it does make me feel safe. So the idea about the door is about feeling safe and confortable in my room, but there is this light, a mystery, of not knowing what is behind it. I cut out the word Internal and placed my monoprint behind it to give this dimensional look. Also I used pastels and white pen that represents the light. I drew a red door handle because it is commonly associated with danger, passion, love, and anger making this piece more special to me.

Maija Ziga

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