WSAVA Policies

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Contents Privacy Policy ........................................................................................................ 2 Code of Conduct for the use of WSAVA Social Media .................................... 12 Committee Member and Chair Nominations and Selection Process .............. 15 Exercising your right to vote: Frequently Asked Questions ........................... 17 WSAVA Travel Code of Conduct and Travel Policy ........................................ 21 Policy on the use of animals in WSAVA sponsored events ............................ 26 Policy on the Use of Live Animals or Cadavers ............................................... 27

Privacy Policy World Small Animal Veterinary Association (WSAVA) Last Review: April 2019

Your privacy is important to us. Our privacy statement explains what personal data WSAVA collects from you, through our interactions with you and how we use that data. 1. How We Use Personal Data WSAVA uses the data we collect to provide you with information relating to your membership benefits and events. We may use data to send you surveys or inform you about campaigns WSAVA is initiating. 2. We Never Share Personal Data Your information is stored securely on our system and we do NOT share your information with any other organisations. Anything you sign up to receive by email is sent directly by the WSAVA team and you can change your preferences with us directly at any time by sending an email to 3. Use of Cookies We use Google Analytics to analyse the use of our website. Google Analytics gathers information about website use by means of cookies. The information gathered relating to our website is used to create reports about the use of our website. Google's privacy policy is available at: . 4. Website By accessing the website, you agree to be bound by these terms and conditions. WSAVA reserve the right to vary or amend these terms and conditions at any time. 5. Your Rights Subject to applicable law, you have the following rights in relation to your Personal Data: Right of access: If you ask us, we will confirm whether we are processing your Personal Data and, if so, provide you with a copy of that Personal Data Right to rectification: If your Personal Data is inaccurate or incomplete, you are entitled to have it rectified or completed. Right to erasure: You may ask us to delete or remove your Personal Data and we will do so. Right to restrict processing: You may ask us to restrict or ‘block’ the processing of your Personal Data in certain circumstances.

Right to data portability: Effective 25 May 2018, you have the right to obtain your Personal Data from us. Right to object: You may ask us at any time to stop processing your Personal Data, and we will do so. Right to withdraw consent: If we rely on your consent to process your Personal Data, you have the right to withdraw that consent at any time. Right to lodge a complaint with the data protection authority: If you have a concern about our privacy practices, including the way we have handled your Personal Data, you can report it to the data protection authority that is authorized to hear those concerns. You may exercise your rights by contacting us as indicated under “Contact Us� section below. 6. Contacting Us You can contact us at any time to discuss the personal data we are holding or if you have questions about this privacy policy; by emailing You can unsubscribe at any time by clicking the link which appears at the bottom of our email communications.

Policy on Logo Usage World Small Animal Veterinary Association (WSAVA) Last Review: May 2019 The WSAVA logo is the graphic representation of the Association and displays the WSAVA name in a distinctive and proprietary form. The WSAVA logo consists of the WSAVA emblem, the Association title and tagline (see Appendix I - Picture 1). 1. Purpose These guidelines are created to ensure the integrity of the WSAVA logos and is directed at all WSAVA members, volunteers and employees as well as any other organization or individual. 2. Layout The logo should always be generated from the original digital master artwork. No component of the logo should be changed or amended under any circumstances. Any modification, such as scaling, should always be made to the logo as a whole. No different fonts, colors or other text-enhancing tools should be used to mimic/edit the logo. 2.1. Symbol – The WSAVA graphic symbol is an integral part of the WSAVA brand and the WSAVA logo. The symbol includes three key graphic elements: the blue globe, the WSAVA title and the Association logo illustration (see Appendix I - Picture 2). 2.2. Color – Whenever possible, the logo should appear in full color on a white background. When the logo needs to be used in black & white or on a conflicting background, the logo may be used in black & white (see Appendix I - Picture 3) or in white (negative) (see Appendix I - Picture 4). A distinct contrast between the WSAVA logo and the background should be provided in order to ensure visibility of the logo (see Appendix I – Picture 5). 2.3. Size – the logo may be reproduced in various sizes but should not be less than 40 mm in width as this will compromise its legibility and reproduction quality (see Appendix I – Picture 6). 2.4. Margins – a surrounding area should be maintained clear to ensure that the logo is not crowded by other textual information. The minimum acceptable margins are displayed in Picture 7 of Appendix I.

3. Mandatory usage All publications and materials created by the association should include the WSAVA logo, including but not limited to letter headings business cards certificates and awards


websites policy documents guidelines and toolkits press releases and articles promotional materials (e.g. banners, posters, flyers) merchandise (e.g. clothing, mugs, pins)

4. Internal use The logo may be used internally for Members, Committees, Projects, Guidelines or other relevant purposes. Any use of a WSAVA logo will be subject to the WSAVA logo style as provided by Kenes International. 4.1. Members - The Executive Board (EB) and Secretariat will encourage Members to display the WSAVA logo on all media platforms and publications. 4.2. Committees 4.2.1. All committee logos should be consistent with the association logo and other committee logo and are generated by Kenes International. 4.2.2. All publications and materials created by a committee should include the logo of that committee. 4.2.3. Sponsors of a committee should be acknowledged appropriately. No logos, other than the committee logo, will be included in all committee tools and guidelines, unless otherwise approved by the EB. The appropriate use of logos on WSAVA Guidelines and Tools has been outlined in Appendix II. 4.2.4. All committee and sponsor logos should be published separately. No joint logos should be used. 4.2.5. All artwork for committee logos must be sent to the Secretariat for approval 4.3. Projects & Guidelines – Project and Guideline logos should be consistent with the association logo and other project and guideline logos. Project and Guidelines logos are generated by Kenes International. 5. External use The logo may be used externally for Sponsor Acknowledgement, Endorsements, Events and other relevant purposes. 5.1. Request - Any sponsor, partner, other organization and individual may request to display the WSAVA logo on publications, materials and social media platforms. 5.2. Submission - all requests must be sent in to the WSAVA Secretariat via email or post and should receive a preliminary decision within 14 days. 5.2.1. All requests must include: information on the publication (e.g. purpose, audience, term), intended use (e.g. sponsorship relationship, endorsement) proposed graphic design/format 5.3. Preliminary Approval - Any request may be preliminary approved or denied by the discretion of the WSAVA Secretariat.

If the request is related to any project or committee, the Secretariat will request recommendations from the project managers or committee. Final Approval – If the preliminary decision is positive, the Secretariat will request a final design of the publication or material for final approval prior to production or publication 5.3.1.


6. Sponsor logo display by WSAVA Any sponsor logo may be displayed on WSAVA materials or publications but should be smaller in size than the WSAVA logo. 6.1. Footer – in case a footer is used, the notation on the footer should be flexible but cannot indicate exclusive sponsorship 6.2. Tagline – in case a footer is used, the following tagline should be added in the footer; “WSAVA thanks the generous sponsorship of <sponsor names><+/logos> for their support of the <project name> 7. Restrictions WSAVA has the right to withdraw any permission given at any point if the logo usage is deemed to violate the principles of or exploit the association. 7.1. Logo usage can only be permitted for content and/or materials that are related to WSAVA 7.2. No logo (including the WSAVA association logo and all committee logos) can be published on product advertisements or on the same page in which products are displayed. 7.3. Permission of the use of the logo can only be applied specifically to the final design (as described in point 5.4) that has received final approval. 7.4. The WSAVA EB reserves the right and power to approve the use of commercial logos in any WSAVA publications, or the use of the WSAVA logo by commercial sources.

Appendix I Picture 1 – WSAVA Logo

Picture 2 – WSAVA Emblem

Picture 3 – WSAVA Logo: Black & White

Picture 4 – WSAVA Logo: white (negative)

Picture 5 Appropriate use on a background background

Inappropriate use on a

Picture 6 – WSAVA Logo: Minimum Size

Picture 7 – WSAVA Logo: Margins

Appendix II WSAVA Sponsors or Partners who have elected to support specific WSAVA projects or guidelines may be acknowledged in the deliverables arising from such projects. The form of acknowledgement will depend upon the nature of the deliverable. 1. Scientific Papers - Where the deliverable is a peer-reviewed scientific paper in a journal, the form of acknowledgment will come as a written statement in the 'Acknowledgments' section of the manuscript. 1.1. Where multiple partners have supported that project, the names of the partners will be listed in alphabetical order. 1.2. Company logos cannot be used in scientific journals. 2. Translation - Where a company provides a translation of a WSAVA guideline that takes the form of a journal paper (e.g. the translations of WSAVA Guidelines), acknowledgement that the company has supported production of the translation may be given as a written statement to that effect on the front page of the translation. 2.1. Where multiple companies have supported a project, logos will be placed according to sponsorship level, in alphabetical order. 3. Hard copy or on-line tools and Guidelines - Where the deliverable is a hard copy or on-line tool or guideline, only the WSAVA logo and/or the WSAVA committee logo will be used. Company logos will not be used on any tools or guidelines, unless otherwise approved by the EB. 4. Lectures and Presentations - Where the deliverable is a face-to-face or on-line lecture or presentation (webinar), the WSAVA committee logo will be used on any title slide. Company logos may be used on a concluding slide or a slide presenting 'declarations of interest'. 4.1. Where multiple companies have supported a project, logos will be placed according to sponsorship level, in alphabetical order.

Code of Conduct for the use of WSAVA Social Media World Small Animal Veterinary Association (WSAVA) Last Review: September 2018


Introduction WSAVA strongly encourages members to actively take part in the WSAVA online community and participate in debate to share their views and experiences. One of the most accessible ways to take part in debate is through the WSAVA social media platforms. However, it is important that all members keep in mind that WSAVA is an international community with amazingly diverse members. All content should remain respectful and be respected by others. In this ‘Code of Conduct’, any points applied to members shall also be applied to WSAVA volunteers, board members and employees. This ‘Code of Conduct’ applies to any individual using any WSAVA social media platforms or any individual referencing to the WSAVA, the content of the WSAVA social media platforms or (one of) its members on any other social media platform



Social Media Platforms The WSAVA online community refers to any social media platform enabling an interactive form of online communication, including but not limited to; Facebook, Instagram and Twitter.


Purpose The purpose of this document is;  to encourage all members to take part in the WSAVA online community by using the WSAVA social media platforms  to ensure that all members feel comfortable participating in the WSAVA online community  to ensure a positive atmosphere is created on all social media platforms  to safeguard the principles and integrity of WSAVA on all social media platforms

Responsible Use of Social Media The opinion, knowledge and experiences of any member is considered valuable. Enabling interactive discussions between members online creates a unique opportunity that potentially aids the development of veterinary medicine locally, nationally, regionally and internationally. However, this can only exist when all Social Media platforms are used responsibly. 2.1.

WSAVA Information

2.1.1. Any content posted by WSAVA onto any social media platform may be shared by any member in its original form, without amending the content or rights. 2.1.2. No private information (including phone numbers, email address and addresses) of any member may be shared without their permission 2.1.3. No content may be posted on behalf of WSAVA without the permission of the Executive Board.



Member Information 2.2.1. No content published by or discussions between members may be shared with others without the permission of all members involved 2.2.2. No private information (including phone numbers, email address and addresses) of any member may be shared with others without their permission


Advertisement & Resources 2.3.1. No content may be published on any WSAVA social media platform without permission from the original author/creator. 2.3.2. No form of (commercial) advertising of services, products or events may be published on any WSAVA social media platform unless WSAVA has given permission for the specific advertisement.


General 2.4.1. No form of offensive language may be used. Any form of discrimination (e.g. age, religion, gender, sexual orientation, nationality, culture)will not be tolerated and steps of action will be taken (see point 3. Violations). 2.4.2. Members may only use the WSAVA social media platforms using their own name or association in the case that the association has given permission for the member to act on their behalf. 2.4.3. No content should be directed at another member personally. 2.4.4. All WSAVA members are equal and should be respected as such. 2.4.5. Discussion should remain respectful. Differences of opinion should be respected. Members may disagree, but subjective wording should be avoided. Members are advised to use phrases such as ‘I disagree with this argument/statement’ or ‘I find this argument untrue’ in discussions. 2.4.6. No content published by members or discussions between members on the WSAVA social media platforms may be shared with client without the permission of all members involved.

Violations WSAVA has the right to remove any content deemed inappropriate or any content that does not comply with this ‘Code of Conduct’. WSAVA will furthermore consider taking steps of actions as are specified under point 3.1. to 3.3.

3.1. 3.2.


WSAVA may remove any form of (commercial) advertising of any services, products or events at any point in time. Any member may report any content he/she finds inappropriate to the WSAVA CEO. WSAVA will assess the content and make a final decision regarding any further steps of action. Any member that has not complied with this ‘Code of Conduct’ on the WSAVA social media platforms will be investigated by the WSAVA. 3.3.1. A record will be kept of members that have not complied with the ‘Code of Conduct’ 3.3.2. The first incidence of a member not complying with the ‘Code of Conduct’ will result in an official warning by the WSAVA. 3.3.3. After the first incidence, any following incidences may result in the member being censured or banned based on the severity of the content. 3.3.4. Any repeated form of racism, sexism or discrimination will result in the member being banned from using any WSAVA social media platforms and their member association notified.

Committee Member and Chair Nominations and Selection Process World Small Animal Veterinary Association (WSAVA) Last Review: May 2019 Job Description When a committee requires a new member, a job description is to be drafted by the committee containing functions to be performed, the approximate time in hours per week/month this will take and the skill set(s) necessary for the committee. Requirements for attendance at committee meetings and for attendance at the WSAVA Congress should be included. This job description will be sent to the LNC. Call for Nominations The LNC will review the job description and send it to the secretariat, who will send it out to all Assembly Representatives, Committee Chairs and the website volunteer section for dissemination. There will be an end date deadline for all nominations. Nominees will be asked for a letter of intent, a current CV and a declaration of any conflicts of interest to be sent to the secretariat and forwarded to LNC. - The committee itself is also free to send in nominations of appropriate candidates - In the case of SPECIALITY COMMITTEES the area of specialization shall be clearly stated in the job description, but the nomination process will still be open. Requirements Nominees are to be WSAVA members unless there are special circumstances - for example SPECIALITY COMMITTEES, where members are expertise based and may not necessarily be veterinarians or members of a WSAVA association. Selection - The LNC will send all nominations on to the committee requesting the nomination. The committee will decide on the preferred candidate and inform the LNC of their choice, detailing the reasons for this choice. - The LNC will check there are no inconsistencies with the nomination and will ask the nominee to supply a letter of support from the WSAVA member association(s) of which they are a member. - The LNC will then pass the details of the chosen individual to the Executive Board for approval. - In the case of the LNC committee member nominations, the Executive Board will take on the role normally given to the LNC, unless the EB asks the Advisory Board to do this. Committee Chair Nominations For selection of committee Chairs, in accordance with the Terms of Reference for Committees, Chairs will ideally be chosen from within the existing committee. The LNC shall review the Chair choice. If this is not possible then the committee is to follow the

process above for open nominations. Formation of new committees The EB shall choose a person to lead the formation of a new committee. This person will draft a job description for members of the committee and forward this to the LNC. The procedure above will then be followed to canvas nominations for the new committee. The selection of committee members and the Chair will be decided by the person chosen to lead the formation (who may or may not become the Chair), the LNC and the EB. The process for finding new volunteers on committees will extend to volunteers of the Executive Board as well

Exercising your right to vote: Frequently Asked Questions World Small Animal Veterinary Association (WSAVA) Last Review: April 2019


Who has the right to vote?


How are votes allocated?


What are the vote options?


Why would anyone with the right to vote choose to abstain from voting?


What is the voting process?


What about special votes: secret ballots?


Who is a scrutineer and what are their responsibilities?


How is an issue brought before the membership for voting?


How does the consent agenda work?

1. Who has the right to vote? Every member association (full, associate, and affiliate) and all elected Members of the Executive Board. Each WSAVA member association has an Assembly representative who is the individual designated to officially vote on behalf of their association unless this vote is assigned by Proxy to another person (see below).

2. How are votes allocated? Each associate & affiliate member and each elected member of the Executive Board have one vote. For full member associations, their vote is weighted to reflect their membership numbers, being allocated 1 to 8 votes based on the weighting table below (WSAVA ByLaws 6.8) to ensure equitable voice representation. Number of Veterinarians Affiliate and Associate Members 0 – 100 101 – 400 401 – 900 901 - 1600 1601 – 2500 2501 – 3600 3601 – 4900 > 4900

Number of Votes 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

3. What are the vote options? All votes will have the following three options:

For/in favour – means that the member association is in favour of/supports the motion Against/not in favour - means that the member association is not in favour of/does not support the motion Abstain – means that the member association wants to abstain or decline in providing a for/against vote 4. Why would anyone with the right to vote choose to abstain from voting? There are many potential reasons that may include but are not limited to: Conflict of interest – when a member association or member of the Executive Board has a direct and vested interest in the vote outcome Insufficient knowledge/information upon which to make an informed decision – the member association should always make every effort to gain the information required to allow the association to render an informed yes/no decision and vote Inability to generate member association membership consensus on supporting or not supporting the motion up for vote 5.

What is the voting process? 5.1. Assembly Meeting 5.1.1. Direct Participation Voting The WSAVA member association Assembly representative is in attendance at the Assembly meeting and will register their association’s vote accordingly 5.1.2. Proxy Voting Should the WSAVA member association Assembly representative not be in attendance at the Assembly meeting, their vote (including its weighting) can be assigned to another member of their association or another member association’s Assembly representative who will be in attendance at the Assembly meeting. The Proxy vote holder will register the votes they hold at the time a motion is called to a vote. Assigning an association’s Proxy vote requires a letter of notification from the association President to the WSAVA Honorary Secretary a minimum of 3 weeks in advance of the scheduled vote (WSAVA By- Law 4.2). Should plans change and the Assembly representative becomes able to attend the Assembly meeting, the Proxy will be null & void and the Assembly representative shall re-assume their voting privileges. If attendance of the member association Assembly representative is uncertain, having a Proxy vote in place with the option to re-assume voting if present, will ensure that the member association will actively participate in Assembly meeting outcomes. 5.1.3. Ballot Voting Should the WSAVA member association Assembly representative not be in attendance at the Assembly meeting, their vote (including weighting) can be registered by completion and submission of a pre-


meeting ballot that will accompany the meeting announcement. The completed ballot must be received by the Honorary Secretary 14 days prior to the scheduled meeting (WSAVA By-Law 6.8). In the event that a postal ballot provides a vote to be held as “secret”, the YourWSAVA Manager will hold the same responsibilities as the scrutineers (see below) and affirm adherence to these in front of the Assembly. Interim Association Meetings Should the business needs of the WSAVA require an additional meeting of the association outside of/in addition to the annual Assembly meeting, the vote will occur through postal ballot as described in 5.1.3 above or via “secret ballot” as described in 6 below.

6. What about special votes: secret ballots? Agenda items requiring discussion and vote will arise that may be considered controversial and potentially polarizing where the ability to have a secret vote is crucial to ensuring member associations can vote without the fear of real or perceived repercussions. Items that will be subjected to a secret ballot are: Executive Board office elections Congress Steering Committee recommendation for the annual WSAVA World Congress winning bid & location New member applications 7. Who is a scrutineer and what are their responsibilities? Scrutineers are non-voting members of the WSAVA Assembly and have no vested interest in the outcome of the vote. In the event of a secret ballot, they will be responsible for destroying the secret ballots following acceptance of the vote outcome by the Assembly members and thereby ensure no member of the WSAVA voting body or leadership will have knowledge as to how individual votes were cast. They will be required to confirm their adherence to these responsibilities in front of the Assembly prior to assuming them. 8. How is an issue brought before the membership for voting? Any Assembly member representative can bring an issue to the Assembly members for consideration and/or vote. If this is to occur at the annual Assembly meeting, a discussion paper summarizing the issue and proposed motion needs to be received by the Honorary Secretary at least 30 days prior to the scheduled meeting (WSAVA By-Law 6.6) for inclusion onto the agenda. In select situations where an issue of WSAVA relevance/import has arisen within the 30 days prior to the scheduled Assembly meeting, a motion can be forwarded to place this on the agenda under Any Other Business; should the motion be seconded and pass by majority vote, the issue in question will be placed on the agenda for further discussion. Any Assembly member representative can petition the WSAVA Secretariat for an interim meeting of the WSAVA Assembly representatives as long as they have the support of 5% of the WSAVA member associations (WSAVA By-Law 6.3). This would also require the

requisite discussion form and proposed motion as outlined above. 9. How does the consent agenda work? The consent agenda represents a number of agenda items that for all intent & purposes are presented to the WSAVA Assembly representatives as informational items not accompanied by a motion and hence not requiring a vote specific to each individual item (e.g., committee reports, association annual updates, meeting reports, etc). The items in the Consent agenda will be voted on “en masse� for formal Assembly endorsement at the end of the Assembly meeting. However, should a participating Assembly representative feel that an item listed under the Consent agenda does require further discussion, they can request its removal when the consent agenda content is raised by the WSAVA President or meeting chair. This item will them be placed as an agenda item for discussion under the regular meeting agenda.

WSAVA Travel Code of Conduct and Travel Policy World Small Animal Veterinary Association (WSAVA) Last Review: January 2019

WSAVA Vision: Companion animals worldwide receive veterinary care that ensures their optimal health and welfare WSAVA Mission: To advance the health and welfare of companion animals worldwide through an educated, committed and collaborative global community of veterinary peers The WSAVA is beholden to its volunteers, and others who travel on behalf of the WSAVA to accomplish and/or participate in various WSAVA initiatives in different regions of the World. As much of this travel occurs in developing countries, it is critical that the WSAVA, individual(s) travelling on behalf of the WSAVA, and the local host/association take all appropriate precautions to manage any risk(s) that travel may encumber. Critical issues involve proper travel preparation, familiarization with regional customs and realistic travel expectations, ensuring a local contact, and planning for the unexpected. The person travelling on behalf of the WSAVA must recognize that they do so both to accomplish the reason for their travel but also as a representative/ambassador of the WSAVA; as such they should behave accordingly and with respect to local custom.

The following are intended as guidelines for all people travelling on behalf of WSAVA and are not intended to be an exhaustive overview of proper trip planning as different destinations may have unique requirements, which should be identified by following these guidelines and/or through the regional liaison. 1.

General 1.1. Confirmation - While travelling on behalf of the WSAVA entitles the traveller to be compensated for costs incurred, confirmation should be received ahead of travel regarding budgetary allowance that may impact on trip expense allowances (e.g., travel, hotel, meals, internal travel, etc). 1.2. Insurance - WSAVA does not have insurance coverage for individuals travelling on behalf of the association. As such, it is our stipulation that all travellers on WSAVA business must acquire adequate insurance for both personal & travel coverage prior to travelling on behalf of the WSAVA. Travel insurance costs for the duration of travel on WSAVA business can be claimed from WSAVA. 1.3. Safety - For countries deemed at-risk due to travel alerts and warnings as per the volunteer’s government advice or a schedule needs to be developed and shared that would minimize risk (e.g., known safe speaking venue in a safe region and always under the guidance of a national liaison from sponsoring association; staying in safe hotel; minimal to no sight-seeing; caution on photo taking; etc.). Itinerary should be provided to the WSAVA Secretariat prior to travel (


Travel 2.1. Travel Expenses - All travel on behalf of WSAVA will be reimbursed through lowest fare (economy) point-to-point routing. WSAVA will use google flights and multiple airline flight websites to quote flights. A fee for extra legroom or comfort zone may be bought if your flight is over 5 hours or if the cost of such an arrangement fits within the daily per diem maximum. The amount claimed can be up to 15% higher than this base fare based on traveller´s airline of preference, altering routing for personal reasons, or an upgradable fare. For claims greater than the base fare + 15%, the difference will be the responsibility of the traveller. Exceptions to these rules may be made when requested for medical reasons or other justified causes, but only if preapproval is requested and obtained from the Honorary Treasurer. It is recommended that all air travel be preapproved by treasury to ensure complete reimbursement may be made, and any air travel which will cost over 2500 USD prior approval from treasury is required. 2.2. Airlines - Airlines on the EU list of banned airlines are to be avoided. 2.3. Luggage - One piece of checked personal baggage can be claimed, when using an airline that charges for checked baggage. Extra bags and excess baggage charges will not be reimbursed. 2.4. Other Requirements - The procurement of any/all required travel documents (e.g., passport, VISA, vaccinations, etc.) and prophylactic health care are the traveller’s/volunteers responsibility to meet (+/- assistance local host association) Costs of VISAs may be claimed back from WSAVA. 2.5. WSAVA traveller/volunteer needs to understand that agreeing to travel on behalf of the WSAVA is the ultimate decision of the traveller/volunteer and entails the assumption of all the risks associated with travel. 2.6. Regional Travel - When travelling regionally, it is preferred to be done via local transportation services. Car rental on behalf of WSAVA business is discouraged; where/when required, the individual should ensure that all applicable insurance has been acquired. 2.7. Travel to and from the Airport 2.7.1. Home Airport - If the traveller’s own car is used for travel to and from the home airport, long-term parking should be used for any parking over 24 hour’s duration. The transfer/mileage rate of reimbursement is $0.50 per km to and from airport. The traveller should choose between driving and parking at the airport or taking a taxi, based on cost and choose whichever option is less expensive. 2.7.2. Destination Airport - If a shuttle bus service is readily available between the destination airport and the traveller’s hotel or business venue, this should be used. If several people are travelling together, a taxi may be more economical and can be used. 2.8. Risk Assessment - It is up to the traveller to monitor and respect any travel restrictions and/or risk associated with the region of travel. 2.9. It is recommended that the traveller have a sufficient amount of local currency to ensure ease of acquiring local services that might be needed upon arrival (e.g., taxi, meal, etc.)


Hotels and other Expenses during the trip 3.1. Hotel - WSAVA will reimburse hotels of 3 star quality or up to 150USD/night. However, if it is necessary to be at a (congress) hotel which costs more this will be reimbursed if approved by Committee chair or Honorary Treasurer. The amount of nights covered will depend on the amount of days necessary for the purpose of the travel, and the time of travel. For travel under 3 hours one way, and commitments of half a day or less, no hotel nights will be covered unless





transportation is unavailable. For commitments of more than a half day one night per day of commitments will be paid. For travel over 3 hours one way, an additional night will be paid to allow for arrival before the first and leaving after the last day of commitments. Travel over 20 hours - For travel of over 20 hours, or necessary lay overs of more than 6 hours WSAVA can reimburse, with prior approval, a hotel night at or near the connecting airport. Also, if your home is more than 2 hours away from the airport and you need to be at the airport before 6am, a hotel near the airport may be used the night before travelling. Other Expenses - For expenses during your stay, such as taxi´s and meals, a maximum of 100 USD/day can be claimed by sending in scanned copies of invoices. Your committee may decide on a per diem of max. 100USD/ per day to be requested according to amount of money spent. In this case add up all your meal and non-air travel expenses made while on WSAVA business and round off to nearest hundred, this will be your per diem claim. In the per diem system you do not need to send the receipts and invoices. Receipts must still be kept by the traveller for 7 years to be available for checking by auditor and treasurer where warranted. Alcoholic Beverages - WSAVA does not reimburse alcoholic beverages except when taken in combination with a meal and up to a maximum of two glasses per meal. WSAVA will not reimburse expenses related to hotel minibars, laundry and personal telephone calls. Contractors - WSAVA recognizes that our contractors will also often travel on Association Business. The same general principles for travel should apply to contractors as apply to volunteers as outlined in this document. One exception to this is that per diem payments (as outlined in Section 3.3) will not apply to contractors. Instead, contractors should submit receipted claims for all travel expenses.


Medical 4.1. Medical Insurrance - The person travelling on behalf of the WSAVA should purchase, ahead of travel, appropriate medical insurance coverage for the duration of the trip. . This can be expensed to theWSAVA. 4.2. Health Risk Assessment - The traveller should be familiar with and assess any health risks well ahead of travel (CDC resource: It is the responsibility of the traveller to ensure they acquire/receive any preventative health care required/recommended for travel destination (e.g., vaccination, infectious disease preventative medication [malaria, etc.], insecticides, etc.) well ahead of travel. 4.3. Medical Conditions - Travellers with medical conditions, should ensure an appropriate supply of any required medication for the duration of their travel. Ideally this should be accompanied by a physician’s note. 4.4. In regions where “travellers’ diarrhea is a potential affliction, appropriate therapy should be acquired via a physician ahead of travel.


Regional Customs and Liaison 5.1. Laws - Traveller must obey all laws regarding travel to designated countries, both applicable laws from origin (i.e., from his/her country of citizenship) and destination of travel. 5.2. Illegal Activities - WSAVA has zero tolerance towards the commission of a criminal act or the possession of substances deemed illegal in the country of volunteer activity.

5.3. It is recommended that the traveller make themselves aware of and respect any regional customs (religious, ethnic, political, appropriate dress/attire, expected behaviours between men & women, etc.) to ensure safe travel and that they act as a good ambassador of the WSAVA. 6.

Expense Claims 6.1. General - All up-front costs of travel are to be assumed by the individual travelling on behalf of the WSAVA. Costs assumed by the individual while working on behalf of the WSAVA will be reimbursed via an appropriate expense claim. 6.2. Expense Claim Form - Expense claim forms are available via the WSAVA Secretariat (finance@wsava,org). Once complete, and returned to same for processing with scanned invoices/receipts, they will be considered for reimbursement. 6.3. Claim Deadline - Claims must be received within 90 days of the event. Claims received more than 3 months after an event may not be honoured. 6.4. Payment - Payment options include cheque (USD, CAD funds), bank draft (USD, GBP, EURO, AUS, SGD, YEN), and wire transfer. 6.5. Bank Fees - Bank Fees for services related to payments are the responsibility of the WSAVA, unless incorrect or incomplete information was provided by claimant causing extra costs which will be the responsibility of the claimant. 6.6. Non-Receipt Items - Claims that include non-receipted items must also include a signed declaration by the claimant (form available from WSAVA secretariat ( In these cases the WSAVA Treasurer will decide whether payment is to be made for expenses up to 100USD. For larger amounts without receipt, the executive board (and if appropriate the relevant committee chair) will be consulted as to whether reimbursement should be made. 6.6.1. Cash Payments - Claims requiring cash payments are the exception, but if deemed necessary by the WSAVA Treasurer, must include a signed receipt from claimant with witness or notary along with any other documentary requirements as stipulated by the WSAVA auditors. 6.6.2. High-Risk Countries - Claims submitted from countries considered highrisk by the Canadian Government or the WSAVA bank must include: Two pieces of identification with photo and signature (ideally originals from which WSAVA directly makes photocopies, but the logistics of distance may preclude) Personal information and contact details (whilst complying with Canadian privacy laws) stating funds will not be transferred to third-parties unless legally required. Verification of funding use to include receipts, reports, and pictures of the event 6.7. Exchange rates and expense remuneration. 6.7.1. Within 90 days - Foreign exchange to be calculated: for claims received within 90 days of event: Receipts in a currency traded by Scotia Bank in the home currency of the claimant will be paid as actual. Claims with receipts in currencies not traded by Scotia Bank, or other than that of the claimant home currency, or in multiple currencies, will be calculated in USD, or CAD funds. Exchange amounts will be honoured as actual on credit card statements if provided. 6.7.2. After 90 days - Foreign exchange to be calculated: for claims received after 90 days of the event in case of positive decision for reimbursement: will be calculated at best rate for WSAVA during the period between the event

and approval of the claim. 6.8. Every attempt will be made to ensure timely payment of funds while minimising costs including bank fees to both WSAVA and the claimant. Whenever possible, and with agreement of the claimant, either cheque or bank draft to be used as the preferred method of payment. 6.9. Bank Fees 6.9.1. Responsibility of WSAVA - Bank fees for services related to payments are the responsibility of the WSAVA. 6.9.2. Responsibility of Claimant - Bank fees related to incorrect information provided by the claimant to be charged to the claimant, and subtracted from the payment, unless deemed to be the error of the bank. Bank fees by the recipient bank for wire transfers are the responsibility of the claimant, unless a request is made to the WSAVA secretariat ( and/or financial office ( for an additional verified amount of fees to be added to the claim prior to the payment of funds. Fees related to the replacement of received, but lost or un-cashed cheques or bank drafts will be the responsibility of the claimant. This document has been shared with all WSAVA volunteers through the respective committee chairs, as well as being made available on the WSAVA website. As all volunteers would have been made actively aware of this document, and recognizing that the document clearly states that the final decision, preparation, and responsibility for travel rests with the volunteer, by choosing to travel on behalf of the WSAVA the traveller thereby chooses to waive any/all rights to take action against the WSAVA stemming from any consequence occurring as a result of this travel.

Policy on the use of animals in WSAVA sponsored events World Small Animal Veterinary Association (WSAVA) Last reviewed: April 2019

The focus of the WSAVA sponsored events is primarily and ultimately to promote the health and wellbeing of animals. While it may be necessary for such events to include animals to demonstrate how their health and wellbeing may be promoted, it would be inconsistent to inflict physical or mental suffering on those animals taking part in such activities. The WSAVA sponsored events also provide for social and networking activities for veterinarians and veterinary affiliated staff. While there is a tendency to introduce an animal-related theme to these social events, it would once again be inconsistent with the aims of WSAVA to support activities where the health and wellbeing of animals used in entertainment has the potential to be compromised. It is important to respect the dignity of animals involved in such events by evaluating the interests of the animals with the interests of those who stand to benefit from such events. There are also diverse cultural perspectives on what constitutes entertainment and the use of animals. The Animal Welfare and Wellness Committee of the WSAVA strongly recommend that all activities involving the use of living animals at the WSAVA sponsored events are risk assessed for the potential to cause physical or mental suffering to the animals, and that the event respects the dignity of those animals taking part. Risk assessments should: Include an assessment by suitably qualified people of the likelihood of physical or mental suffering occurring Include appropriate mitigating actions for any risks Include an assessment of the interests of the animals versus the interests of those people attending the event Consider the cultural diversity of those attending the event and the likelihood of causing offense to people Be available for review by any interested party to demonstrate transparency

Policy on the Use of Live Animals or Cadavers World Small Animal Veterinary Association (WSAVA) Last reviewed: April 2019


The use of live animals or cadavers for clinical instruction will not be permitted unless the WSAVA Executive Board, WSAVA CE Chairperson and WSAVA Scientific Advisory Committee have approved the specific procedure.


The proposal to use live animals must include the following: Use of live animals is only permitted for non-invasive teaching that causes no pain or distress and does not require anaesthesia. Examples would include ultrasound, ophthalmology and physiotherapy practical classes. Animals may only be used with the permission of their owners and must be of suitable temperament to allow examination without stress to the animal or danger to the participant Owners of animals used in clinical instruction must sign a waiver releasing WSAVA and its agents from any liability related to the animal’s participation and involvement. All animals must have a regionally appropriate and verifiable vaccination status Demonstrators should be recognised authorities in their field The procedure should take place in a local Veterinary School or under its supervision Appropriate ethics approval should be obtained where relevant The audience number must be limited to an agreed number Detailed description of demonstration including type, number and source of animals and procedure. Use of individual animals should be limited to the minimum length of procedure Any animal which appears distressed should be removed from the demonstration immediately and its needs attended to The











The proposal to use animal cadavers must address the following: Only animal cadavers that have been donated with the owner's consent and knowledge of their use in continuing education of veterinarians or stray animals that would have been humanely euthanased in the normal course of events, will be used in any demonstrations or wet labs by the WSAVA Demonstrators should be recognised authorities in their field

The procedure should take place in a local Veterinary School or under its supervision The audience number must be limited to an agreed number Detailed description of demonstration including number of animal cadavers to be used How and where the animal cadaver is to be disposed

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