UPDATE Magazine Summer 2024

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Grateful & Hopeful



by Joel E. Kim
"This is how one should regard us, as servants of Christ and stewards of the mysteries of God. Moreover, it is required of stewards that they be found faithful."


Westminster Seminary California (WSC) exists for Christ, his gospel, and his church. We maintain that the gospel is a treasure which the Lord has entrusted to his church to proclaim to the world. It is a treasure which is not intended to be hoarded or hidden, but to be cherished, defended, and preached. In other words, the church is called to be “servants of Christ and good stewards of the mysteries.” WSC’s mission is to prepare pastors, teachers, and church leaders who will steward the gospel as servants of Christ.

WSC stewards the gospel by being faithful to its teaching. Our rigorous, structured education centers on the Scriptures in their original languages. We are one of the few seminaries in North America that maintains such requirements.

In this issue, I discuss faithful stewardship according to the Apostle Paul. Biblical stewardship acknowledges the providence of God as the source of all good gifts (p. 4). Alumnus Ted Hamilton, after more than 24 years of ministry as Senior Pastor at New Life Presbyterian Church (PCA) Escondido, reflects on the pastoral ministry as a faithful stewarding (p. 18). Arie Van Weelden, 2024 graduate, expresses his gratitude for the preparation that he has received for the “ordinary faithful ministry” (p. 8).

Thank you for your faithful stewardship of the Lord’s resources as you consider your support of Westminster Seminary California.

Cordially in Christ,



Joel E. Kim


Mary Van Weelden


Megan York


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MISSION: The purpose of UPDATE is to showcase WSC’s distinctively Christcentered, graduate education through the work of its faculty, students and alumni who are serving as pastors, teachers, missionaries, and leaders worldwide in light of our overarching mission, “to glorify God through graduate theological study. . . for those who will serve in the Christian community and the larger society.”

Since 1979, WSC has offered a distinctly Reformed and rigorous education in order to glorify Christ, promote his gospel, and serve his church. The strength of our degree programs lies in our faculty’s unified commitment to the inerrant Scriptures and the Reformed confessions. WSC is the only dually accredited seminary in the Western United States serving confessionally Reformed churches.


Mr. Daniel J. Bryant

Rev. William Chang

Rev. CJ Den Dulk

Rev. Joel D. Fick

Rev. Dr. David W. Hall

Mr. Milton D. Hodges

Dr. Solomon Jo

Rev. Eric Landry

Mr. Mark Memmelaar

Rev. Steven D. Oeverman

Dr. James D. Paauw

Mr. Ronald W. Prins

Mr. Timothy W. Townsend

Rev. Dale A. Van Dyke

Dr. Thomas D. Vander Veen

Rev. Brian D. Vos

©2024 Westminster Seminary California


Our Aim is Love: 2024 Annual Conference Semper Reformanda + Ministry WSC Welcomes Dawn Dirksen From Student to Steward: The Call to Ordinary Ministry by Ted Hamilton Alumni Spotlights Alumni News 2024 Cambodia Vision Trip Faculty Writing Honorarium + Memorial Gifts UP CLOSE with Ron Prins 04 08 10 14 17 18 20 22 24 27 30 28

All rights reserved. A Faithful Stewardship by Joel E. Kim Trained for the Ordinary by Arie Van Weelden

A Faithful Stewardship

“This world is no friend to grace.”

With these words, Eugene Peterson begins his book, A Long Obedience in the Same Direction: Discipleship in an Instant Society. He then continues, “A person who makes a commitment to Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior does not find a crowd immediately forming to applaud the decision or old friends spontaneously gathering around to offer congratulations and counsel. Ordinarily there is nothing directly hostile, but an accumulation of puzzled disapproval and agnostic indifference constitutes, nevertheless, surprisingly formidable opposition.”1

This is true of ministry in general. I’ve been blessed to be surrounded by many who have become models for me as a Christian and as a leader of an institution. My first and favorite lesson so far is that leadership is the art of disappointing people at a rate that they can stand. This has been very difficult being the people-pleaser that I am. The second is related: leadership is keeping the main things, the main things. Perhaps you feel this way. You walk into your office thinking about ABC and the whole day is spent on XYZ. Or the priorities of the family end up playing second fiddle to what’s more wanted or seemingly popular. Churches and institutions drift from their main mission due to good but secondary priorities and needs. Our culture keeps telling us that there are more important things and more pressing matters that should occupy our time and attention. If this is as true for you as it is for me, we need to listen to Paul from 1 Corinthians. Paul offers a cultural diagnosis in this passage. For Christians in Corinth, cultural pressures and expectations were immense. The city of Corinth was the chief city of its region, a hub of commercial activity, a gathering place for many who were hungry for socioeconomic and political advancement. Power was often expressed in military might, financial abundance, political status, or social standing. Even the desire for wisdom, a commodity treasured and desired, was not street smarts or practical abilities, but the ability to “make sense” of life, systems that plausibly but, ultimately, futilely explained life—albeit with wit, eloquence, and persuasiveness.

At its core, the desire for power and wisdom was about becoming somebody. Wisdom and power were gained not by careful study or life experiences but, often, by knowing the right people. Called the patronage system, where “who you know” was much more important than “what you do,” impressing others provided a way to scramble up the social ladder. Powerful patrons and benefactors provided their clients with money, contacts, and inclusion. In return, clients were expected to be loyal to their benefactors, promote their reputation for honor and generosity, and play the endless game of carefully calibrated self-promotion.

Even if this described the prevailing culture, surely the church in Corinth was different? Unfortunately, no. The social pressures upon the church and individual believers were immense, and these cultural priorities were shaping them. Instead of the culture being saturated by the power of the gospel, the churches and the Christians therein were being transformed by the power of society’s cultural priorities. A church full of people who are hungry to impress others and climb a little higher up the scales of social status will not be a church characterized by deep spiritual maturity and unity. This is why one of the issues tackled

“When both temptations and distractions are many, how do we as ministers and leaders keep the main thing, the main thing?”

by Paul in 1 Corinthians was the division over whom the congregation chose to follow: “For it has been reported to me by Chloe’s people that there is quarreling among you, my brothers. What I mean is that each one of you says, ‘I follow Paul,’ or ‘I follow Apollos,’ or ‘I follow Cephas,’ or ‘I follow Christ’” (1 Cor 1:11–12). It seems the Corinthian believers were unimpressed with Paul’s lack of “eloquent wisdom” (1 Cor 1:17) and his appearance of weakness and meekness before them (1 Cor 2:3; 2 Cor 10:10).

The Christians in Corinth were distracted, following the priorities and demands of the world around them. When both temptations and distractions are many, how do we as ministers and leaders keep the main thing, the main thing?

Image One: Servants and Stewards

We want to listen to Paul by focusing on two rich images in two passages known for their focus on Paul as a minister. First is the image of servants and stewards in 1 Corinthians 4:

This is how one should regard us, as servants and stewards of the mysteries of God. Moreover, it is required of stewards that they be found faithful. But with me it is a very small thing that I should be judged by you or by any human court. In fact, I do not even judge myself. For I am not aware of anything against myself, but I am not thereby acquitted. It is the Lord who judges me.

—1 Corinthians 4:1–4

Paul employs two descriptions, often translated as “servants” and “stewards,” and declares that this is how he regards himself and his ministry. We can say that the word “servant” often means an assistant or junior officer—in classic Greek, an “under-rower.” We can also point out that “stewards” usually implies managing a household (often a slave) or even an estate manager—someone who handles the money and affairs of a household. But for this message, we want to focus on two implications of these images: delegated authority and divine accountability.

First, the ministers and leaders in the church have delegated authority. In other words, Paul and other leaders of the church have no authority on their own. Of course, they were entrusted with something precious: “the mysteries of God.” But it is important to remember that Paul was not an independent guru or an extraordinarily gifted leader—any and all authority that ministers and leaders in the church possessed were given to them by Christ Jesus our Lord. Those of us who teach and the seminarians who study here need to hear this over and over again: we are mere servants, and we serve one master.

As a servant, Paul speaks of one specific responsibility: to be stewards of the mysteries of God. Note well that both the call to ministry and the message are received and given, not self-introduced or self-produced. As Paul says in 2 Corinthians 2:7: “But we impart a secret and hidden wisdom of God, which God decreed before the ages for our glory.” Paul is not saying that the gospel is mysterious, but reminding the mystery- and wisdom-seeking Corinthians that the real mystery is God’s plan of salvation that was hidden in the ages past and is now revealed in Christ Jesus. In an age craving for wisdom, this is the revelation of God’s wisdom preached by Paul: Jesus Christ and Him crucified (cf. Col 1:25–28).

Him we proclaim—only and always. This is what we are called to do—exalting him in our preaching and teaching, displaying him in our lives and our conduct.

Second, ministers and leaders in the church are accountable to one. More precisely, they are accountable to the One. If Paul and his fellow apostles are “servants” and “stewards,” possessing authority not of their own, two questions naturally follow: first, to whom are they accountable? Second, on what basis will they be judged?

Many in the church of Corinth seem to have judged Paul already as someone unworthy. But that is of no concern to Paul. Paul is not being dismissive or denying the importance of wise and godly counsel from others.

Sometimes, the acceptance and approval of others may be a guide and encouragement, but often it can lead ministers and leaders astray. Our judgments are easily guided by the priorities this culture glorifies, even deifies: winning and winners, optimized efficiency, impact and influence, size and success, busy-ness and popularity. The game of comparison is constantly played in our heads.

In addition, the self is not the boss: “In fact, I do not even judge myself” (1 Cor 4:3). Our emotions about ourselves are unreliable and our view of self changes constantly, always filled with the desire for better, more, and greater— even on our best days. Feeling good or bad about our own ministry may have some value, but it has no ultimate significance.

Then whose approval do we seek? “It is the Lord who judges me” (1 Cor 4:5). What matters to Paul is what his Master thinks. And the only judgment that counts is the final one (see 4:5). The new reality in Christ has already begun and the present-day preoccupation with human judgments is passing away, giving proper place to the judgment of God. Thus, what the Corinthian church was doing, in judging Paul and the apostles, was “beyond their paygrade.”

God is the only judge, the only Lord. And how does the Lord judge? By the servant’s faithfulness (cf 1 Cor 4:2). What is required? Not eloquence. Not wisdom. Not one’s presence and strength. Not “leadership.” Not wealth. Not prominence or impact. What is needed is simply to “be found faithful.” It is always worth reminding ourselves that godliness is more important than giftedness, and that faithfulness is more needed in the church than accomplishments.

Image Two: Nursing Mother

In addition to servants and stewards, Paul uses another powerful imagery— that of a nursing mother:

But we were gentle among you, like a nursing mother taking care of her own children. So, being affectionately desirous of you, we were ready to share with you not only the gospel of God but also our own selves, because you had become very dear to us. —1 Thessalonians 2:7–8

In what is certainly one of Paul’s “richest descriptions” of ministry, Paul—as he does in Corinthians—describes a ministry that is not beholden to popularity but focused on God. Then Paul describes a servant who pleases God as someone who is “gentle among them.” There is a lot of discussion about the translation “gentle” because it is possible to translate the term as “infant” based on a textual variant.

But for our purposes, I want to draw your attention to an example of what this gentleness looks like in ministry.

Paul states that ministers and leaders should serve like a nursing mother. The word behind “nursing mother” is not the usual word for a mother but more technically a “wet nurse,” someone often hired in the ancient world to nourish and nurture children. But our translation rightly highlights the relationship between the infant and the wet nurse: she is taking care of her own children. What is emphasized by this metaphor? The love that a servant has for the people of God.

A servant is like a nursing mother taking care of her own children. The translation “taking care” seems to simply focus on the needs of the children being met. But the term is even more intimate—it is a rare word that implies

“Ministry is not a detached, disengaged, intellectual pursuit of preaching and teaching. It is about life lived together, holiness modeled, and love shared.”

something akin to “cherish.” This love for her own child is reinforced in verse 8 as the whole verse is enveloped by love. It begins with “being affectionately desirous of you,” and this is complemented by the closing phrase, “you had become very dear [or “beloved”] to us.” This is certainly not the image of someone who is hoping to use people for his own gain through flattery, nor is this an image of someone who is a thief or a robber or a hired hand (cf. John 10), but rather a lasting and present love and longing for Paul’s congregation.

This is powerful imagery. I recently read the book, Please Look After Mom, by Kyung-Sook Shin, a novel translated from the original in Korean. It’s about a family whose mother disappears and the family’s struggles with their loss and what they missed about her. The author uses “mom” as a motif that ties chapters together. In one description, the daughter explains, “The word ‘Mom’ is familiar and it hides a plea: Please look after me. Please stop yelling at me and stroke my head; please be on my side, whether I’m right or wrong. You never stopped calling her Mom. Even now, when Mom’s missing. When you call our ‘Mom,’ you want to believe that she’s healthy. That Mom is strong. That Mom isn’t fazed by anything. That Mom is the person you want to call whenever you despair about something in the city.”

For Paul, love for other people—the sheep under his care—is an indispensable requirement for ministry. This is not because ministering to people is easy. As many of us know well, sheep do bite! We read about Demas who was initially an important figure among Paul’s inner circle, his “fellow worker,” someone who was with Paul when he was in prison as Paul’s final greetings indicate in his letters to the Colossians and Philemon. Not much is known about Demas except that he ultimately abandoned Paul and, seemingly, his faith: “For Demas, in love with this present world, has deserted me and gone to Thessalonica” (2 Tim 4:10). People often make ministry hard.

Yet ministry is not a detached, disengaged, intellectual pursuit of preaching and teaching. It is about life lived together, holiness modeled, and love shared. As Paul says of his own ministry that he and his fellow servants were “ready to share with you not only the gospel of God but also our own selves” (1 Thess 2:8). This means that ministry requires coming near the congregation. It does not stand apart but serves from within so that we can “Rejoice with those who rejoice, weep with those who weep” (Rom 15:12). As John Calvin comments on this passage, “In the mean time, we

must bear in mind, that all that would be ranked among true pastors must exercise this disposition of Paul—to have more regard to the welfare of the Church than to their own life, and not be impelled to duty by a regard to their own advantage, but by a sincere love to those to whom they know that they are conjoined, and laid under obligation.”


One book I enjoyed reading was Memoirs of an Ordinary Pastor: The Life and Reflections of Tom Carson by D. A. Carson, a well-known New Testament scholar. The book is about his father, Tom Carson, who labored faithfully but without distinction in Quebec. Perhaps it speaks to me so powerfully because my father was also a pastor. The biography ends with these words: “When he died, there were no crowds outside the hospital, no editorial comments in the papers, no announcements on television, no mention in Parliament, no attention paid by the nation. In his hospital room there was no one by his bedside. There was only the quiet hiss of oxygen, vainly venting because he had stopped breathing and would never need it again…But on the other side all the trumpets sounded. Dad won entrance to the only throne room that matters, not because he was a good man or a great man—he was, after all, a most ordinary pastor—but because he was a forgiven man. And he heard the voice of him whom he longed to hear saying, ‘Well done, good and faithful servant; enter into the joy of your Lord.’”2

Our hope and prayer is that we as faculty and staff along with our students will be like servants, stewards, and nursing mothers, who remain faithful to the Lord and to His Word and love the church as Christ loved the church.

1 Eugene H. Peterson, A Long Obedience in the Same Direction: A Discipleship in an Instant Society (Downers Grove, IL: InterVarsity Press, 2000), 15.

2 D. A. Carson, Memoirs of an Ordinary Pastor: The Life and Reflections of Tom Carson (Wheaton, IL: Crossway, 2008), 148.

Pray for WSC

Our Faculty

We are grateful for the Lord’s provision in bringing new faculty to our seminary. They are a good and faithful fit. Please pray for the faculty's continued unity, fidelity, and fruitfulness.

Trained for the Ordinary

“The aim of our charge is love that issues from a pure heart and a good conscience and a sincere faith” (1 Tim 1:5). The apostle Paul, in one of the most informative biblical books on pastoral ministry, gives this charge to his beloved child of the faith, Timothy. While written nearly 2,000 years ago, the charge and goal of this verse has not changed. I fondly remember examining this verse in my first practical theology class with Dr. Troxel. Through studying the various components of the verse, the goal for students of Westminster Seminary California who are preparing for pastoral ministry became clear: ordinary, faithful ministry.

As I prepare to graduate from seminary and enter into pastoral ministry, I am profoundly grateful for, not only the education I received at WSC, but the emphasis on pastoral ministry to the local church. Even outside of my practical theology classes, I observed the focus on ordinary, faithful ministry from each of my professors in their various disciplines. It was sweet to see all the curricula and professors work together in harmony as they sought to instill the same mission in their students.

In the preaching classes, the focus was being faithful to the text and proclaiming Christ and the beauty of his gospel—a stark contrast to popular preaching today, in which the focus and importance is on the preacher, not Christ. Dr. Troxel frequently tells us that the best sermons are the ones where the preacher gets out of the way and where the beauty of Christ and his benefits becomes the shining centerpiece. The prominence of this idea has shaped the way I think about preparing and delivering sermons.

Additionally, I am grateful for the Practical Theology department’s emphasis on internships at the local church. Through service to the church, interns gain not only more experience, but also have a chance to practically apply what they have learned about preaching, discipleship, and counseling as they minister to God’s people.

In my biblical studies classes, our professors have equipped us by teaching us the original languages, enabling us to become deeper and better students of God’s Word. Understanding the various genres in both the Old and New Testament has been helpful in giving me paradigms for how to better interpret each unique book in its own context. In particular, I am grateful to Dr. Estelle who introduced me to and had me read the likes of Geerhardus Vos and Meredith G. Kline. Both of these biblical theologians helped me understand my Bible better and were hugely influential in helping me read Scripture as one organically united story focused on Jesus Christ. In an age where many Christians are becoming less and less familiar with their Bibles, I hope to use the tools I’ve been given to help me teach the Scriptures faithfully to God’s people.

I am deeply indebted to my systematic theology professors for the way that they have helped me understand biblically and theologically not only what the Reformed tradition has believed, but why they have believed those doctrines. This has allowed me to engage and dialogue with church members from youths to adults who have good, practical questions about doctrine and its impact on the Christian life and our worship.

My church history professors and classes gave me traceable narratives throughout history and incredibly

“The focus and treasure of ministry is not our successes in ministry, but bringing glory to Christ and loving his Bride, the church, faithfully.”

helpful frameworks to better understand historical theology. Through all the councils, events, and theologians studied, these professors helped cultivate a deeper sense of appreciation for all the brothers and sisters that have gone before us. Furthermore, they instilled in me a humility in seeing God’s faithfulness to the church, even in the midst of some very bleak moments. Ultimately, the lessons from church history taught me that Christ is the head of the church, and, like all the other faithful ministers of the past, we are merely servants of the great King.

While there is nothing fancy or flashy about what I have received in my education at WSC, it is more than I could have hoped for. In the current climate of the church, there is a great need for well-trained and faithful ministers of the Word. Ordinary ministry should still be equipped ministry. In a church culture that emphasizes book deals, conference gigs, podcast downloads, and sermon bites, members in the local church long for ministers who feed their flock from the Word, walk with them through the joys and sorrows of living in a sincursed world, and serve them faithfully every week.

While ordinary faithful ministry is unlikely to spark biographies or create pastors of great renown, that is the beauty of this approach: honoring and glorifying the name of Christ rather than his servants. As I prepare to graduate seminary and move into pastoral ministry, I look back on my education at WSC with great fondness. Thinking about the focus of my education—this ordinary faithful ministry—I remember that seminary is not an end in and of itself. Rather, the education here is seeking to equip pastors for a lifetime of everyday faithfulness to their churches.

For this reason, I am increasingly thankful for my time as a student here. My seminary education has given me a

foundation and tools to build upon for a lifetime of learning, but also a good posture and attitude for ministry. Far from pushing their students to write books or start new podcasts, my professors, above all, encouraged us to preach Christ, love our people well, die and then be forgotten. Dr. Troxel once painted a beautiful hypothetical scenario where two older church ladies remark on the faithful ministry of a pastor they had, but are not able to remember his name.

This disposition is my hope as I enter into pastoral ministry: a love for the local church, love for Christ and his gospel, and not spurning the privilege of having ordinary moments where a minister gets to hold up the beauty and glory of Christ to weary pilgrims. The focus and treasure of ministry is not our successes in ministry, but bringing glory to Christ and loving his Bride, the church, faithfully. A minister’s true reward for faithful ministry is the joy of standing before our beautiful Savior one day and hearing from his lips, “Well done, good and faithful servant. You have been faithful over a little; I will set you over much. Enter into the joy of your master” (Matt. 25:23). Until that day comes, I pray and give thanks for WSC, and hope that the Lord continues to bless this institution that values ordinary faithful gospel ministry and seeks to instill that value in each student.


for WSC Current Students

We are grateful to see another graduating class commence their service, even as we welcome the next incoming class to the community. Please pray for their wisdom, humility, teachability, and growth in grace.

Among the final words of Paul to his “son” Timothy was a reminder of why we do what we do in the church: “the aim of our charge is love” (1 Tim 1:5). No goal is more noble, more demanding, or more gratifying. How do we, as the church, keep our sight set on love as we carry out the ministry of Word, sacrament, and discipline? How do we, as believers, faithfully carry out the stewardship of God’s grace entrusted to us so that we build one another up in love?

This year, the annual conference (Jan. 19–20, 2024) of Westminster Seminary California (WSC) took aim at such questions with a view to encouraging all who attended, both in their individual callings in the church and in our mutual vision for the church, to pursue purity of heart and sincerity of faith.

“If the love of Christ compels us to grow in our relationships so that we have the context and the opportunity for private admonition—to admonish, to exhort, to rebuke, to correct, to pray in love with our people—then the household of God will more and more be characterized by mutual love and service,” Dr. Bradley J. Bitner said during his lecture at the conference.

Dr. Bitner was one of five faculty speakers—including Dr. A. Craig Troxel and President Joel E. Kim as well as the faculty’s newest appointments, Dr. David E. Briones and Dr. Jason Pickard—each of whom spoke on an as-

“We’re interested in the heart and the fact that Christ sings a sweeter song than this world. ”

pect of this great exhortation found in 1 Timothy 1:5. Beyond the edification and fellowship it facilitates, the annual conference provided WSC an opportunity to introduce especially our newer faculty to the larger seminary community. The seminary is grateful to the Lord for continuing to provide qualified instructors who are confessionally committed, academically accomplished, and pastorally sensitive.

Dr. Pickard, who delivered a lecture entitled “A Good Conscience,” aptly said of the conference, “One of the benefits of the conference and one of the ways that we love each other is by being together.”

Pickard joined the faculty at the beginning of the 2023-24 academic year as Associate Professor of Systematic Theology, having previously taught at Grace Theological College in Auckland, New Zealand (2021–22) as well as select courses at Westminster Theological Seminary (Philadelphia) since 2018. Pickard’s lecture in which he encouraged Christians to draw near to the Lord, examined one facet of the 1 Timothy 5 theme. “The call of the pastor is to love his people,” he said, “but the way we love our people best is by loving God most.”

After registration and a time of greetings and reconnection, Dr. Bitner opened the conference on Friday evening with the titular lecture: “Our

Aim Is Love.” The conference resumed Saturday morning with Dr. Troxel’s message, “A Pure Heart,” in which he described a love that is rightly ordered toward Christ.

“What we’re interested in is not mere behavior,” Dr. Troxel explained. “We’re interested in the heart and the fact that Christ sings a sweeter song than this world. In the end, it’s about what your heart loves more.”

Dr. Briones lectured on “A Sincere Faith.” As the newest member of the New Testament department at WSC, he has brought a robust approach to Greek scholarship as well as a pastoral eye for the life of the students. His address on sincere faith was an eloquent reminder of the hope on which our salvation rests. He said, “Although that faith can be weak at times and strong at others, assailed in many ways, sincere faith will get the victory—not because of you, but because of Christ, who is the author and finisher of our faith and the lover of our souls.”

In addition to taking in the lectures, those gathered for the conference welcomed the opportunity to sing together various psalms and hymns. Each lecture was followed by a time of refreshment and fellowship, as well as opportunities to explore the campus, library, and bookstore. Guests were able to join faculty speakers and other members of the WSC staff, ad-

14 1,200+ 188 states represented Youtube livestream views total attendees

“Until that day when we see him face to face, love your people as Christ loved them.”

ministration, and student body for a catered lunch, before returning for the final plenary session with an address by President Kim: “A Faithful Stewardship.”

Kim’s address on the responsibility that Christians, and especially Christian leaders, have to care for God’s people summed up the message of 1 Timothy 5.

“Until that day when we see him face to face,” Kim exhorted attendees, “love your people as Christ loved them.”

Throughout the conference, the speakers emphasized the intimate and necessary relationship between the love received from the Father, in the Son, through the Holy Spirit and the love we share with one another in Christian fellowship. We love the Lord and others as those who are beloved by God.

The final event of the conference was a Q&A session with the speakers, moderated by Dr. Ryan Glomsrud, the seminary's Academic Dean.

The entirety of the conference, including the Q&A session, was livestreamed for those unable to attend in person, and opportunity was given to those joining online to submit questions for discussion. The lectures and the Q&A are available on the Westminster Seminary California YouTube channel.

The annual conference is always a refreshing and encouraging time to reconnect with old friends and to make new ones, as well as to learn together. It is with pleasure that we invite you to join us at next year's conference, the theme of which will be, “The Sufficiency of Scripture.” The dates for the conference are January 24–25, 2025.

Westminster Village Update

More than four decades ago, the founding fathers of Westminster Seminary California (WSC) had a vision for on-campus student housing. The vision has become a reality, and most students now live in our on-campus housing—the Westminster Village. Construction on this project, which was funded by the largest capital campaign in WSC's history, began ten years ago and was completed in 2024. The timeline here summarizes the highlights of this initiative.

We give thanks for the Lord’s provisions and pray that the funds will be secured to eliminate the remaining debt during this calendar year (2024). Please prayerfully consider how the Lord would have you participate in this project, which has transformed the life of WSC students and made a profound contribution to the sustainability of Westminster Seminary California.


adjacent to the south end of the 10-acre campus, an additional 9.5 acres are purchased through a gift, doubling the size of the campus


Westminster Village (WV) opens for students, with 1-, 2-, and 3-bedroom apartments

2016 on the newly acquired land, construction of 64 apartments and a Commons Building begins



construction begins on the ninth residential building (8 apartments, all 3-bedroom)

WV is 100% occupied, with 202 residents (81 students & spouses; 73 children)

1 9


the ninth residential building opens to students, bringing the total to 72 apartments; WV is now complete


at this point, God’s people have funded 90% of this nearly $30 million initiative


remaining debt on the WV building initiative is about 5%

“Him we proclaim. That is our ministry. We preach Christ in all of the Scripture.”


Can you teach a new church old doctrine? To this question and more, Rev. Chad Vegas, the founding pastor of Sovereign Grace Church in Bakersfield, CA, provided insightful commentary on the continuing reformation of local churches. His two-part series, “Semper Reformada and Ministry,” was brought to Westminster Seminary California (WSC) as the Spring 2024 Robert G. and Nellie B. den Dulk Lectures on Pastoral Ministry. (These lectures are available on the Westminster Seminary California YouTube channel.)

The den Dulk lecture series is intended to promote the shepherding and growth of future ministers. Rev. Vegas, who has been privileged to minister among the same congregation for more than 23 years, delivered two lectures which addressed the question: what gives ministers and elders the courage to reform the piety and practice of the church entrusted to their care?

As a pastor who has led a church through these changes, Rev. Vegas demonstrated how doctrine, taught in Scripture and rightly summarized in the Reformed confessions, provides the courage and convictions necessary to reform Christ’s church. He spoke from a place of experience, sincerity, and compassion, detailing Sovereign Grace’s own reformation as the church leadership began examining the intersection between doctrine and worship and the challenges, blessings, and surprises that came with those reflections.

From where does the courage arise? Rev. Vegas examined the spiritual, physical, and relational challenges Paul faced while ministering in Corinth, challenges that could have led to fear or despair. But Paul was confident and emboldened. Paul noted that the courage comes from the Lord (2 Cor 3:12; 4:1; 4:7–18). The courage doesn’t come

from self-sufficiency but from confidence in the gospel of Christ and the Christ of the gospel. Rev. Vegas said of the apostle Paul, “His boldness is based upon his trust in the Word of Christ and his Spirit through his Word.”

Rev. Vegas noted, “Paul is not speaking of courage that is bravado…he is not saying steel up your spine, be a man. This is the courage that comes from being overwhelmed by the love of God and the grace of God in Christ Jesus (2 Cor 5:4).” Reflecting on his own experience, he commented, “We didn’t think of ourselves as courageous…we saw ourselves as so overwhelmed by the covenant grace and mercy of our Lord that we could do no other…It didn’t feel costly as much as it felt compelled by the Word of God…rather than building a name or protecting a brand, we proclaim Christ and his glory no matter the cost.”

The second lecture, entitled "The Commitment Necessary to Reform the Church," explored the importance of being confident in the preached word and in biblical worship. There are many messages, means, and methods that easily distract the church from her primary message and method. Rev. Vegas highlighted the necessity of the church to be committed to the means of grace (Word and sacraments), as God’s means of rescuing and reconciling sinners to himself, as well as reforming the church. Paul’s message in 2 Corinthians was to forsake any message or method other than preaching Christ (2 Cor 4:5; 5:16–21).

“It is not that we preach reconciliation, justification, and the forgiveness of sin, it’s that we proclaim Christ in

whom we have the forgiveness of sins, and justification and reconciliation with God,” said Rev. Vegas. “Him we proclaim. That is our ministry. We preach Christ in all of the Scripture.”

Rev. Vegas brought his second lecture to a close by asking pastors or seminary students, “What is your goal in preaching? …Do you desire to hear, ‘that’s the greatest sermon I’ve ever heard,’ or ‘that man is the greatest preacher I have ever heard,’ or do you desire to hear, ‘that preacher has the greatest God of whom I’ve ever heard. That is the greatest gospel of grace I’ve ever heard proclaimed’?”

What a fitting end to the lecture series as it aligns with the reason WSC exists: for Christ, his gospel, and his church. We are grateful for God’s grace and mercy to his people in the past and hopeful for the proclamation of the gospel until the king returns. We are honored and humbled to participate in training men and women to know and share the love of Christ and the good news that we are saved by grace alone, through faith alone, in Christ alone, for the glory of God alone, according to the Word of God alone.

Rev. Vegas received an MA in Theology from Talbot School of Theology, and is the founding board chairman of Radius International, an organization that trains people to plant churches among unreached language groups. He is a published author and adjunct faculty at two seminaries. He is also a founding board member of Providence Classical Academy. He has been married to Teresa since 1994, and they have two children and one grandson.

WSC Welcomes Dawn Dirksen

as VPF&O

Westminster Seminary California (WSC) is very pleased to welcome Ms. Dawn Dirksen as Vice President for Finance & Operations (VPF&O).

Ms. Dirksen brings to WSC a wealth of experience in higher education, having served at Providence Christian College in Pasadena, CA, for over two decades. Since 2011, she has been its Vice President of Finance and Operations, overseeing finances, organizational operations, and human resources. She received an MBA in executive management from Claremont Graduate University after receiving a BS in Computer Information Science

from Coleman University. Her education and experience make her an ideal candidate for the new position as she engages all aspects of the growing needs of the seminary.

As President Joel Kim notes, “We are delighted to have Dawn join our team at WSC. Her knowledge of higher education and years of experience in administration will be invaluable for us as we prayerfully prepare for the institution’s future and growth.” We are thankful for the Lord’s provisions and look forward to laboring together with Ms. Dirksen as WSC seeks to glorify Christ, proclaim his gospel, and serve his church.

Let God be God!

with Dr. Michael Horton

October 25, 2024

WSC Campus

"Her knowledge of higher education and years of experience in administration will be invaluable for us as we prayerfully prepare for the institution’s future and growth."

The monk Martin Luther wasn’t looking for a gracious God but the real God.

This brought him first to deep despair that drove him to Christ in the gospel. Today, especially younger people are expected to be their own creators, judges, and saviors. Despite unprecedented material prosperity, anxiety and even suicide are through the roof. Never has there been a greater need— and opportunity— to “let God be God.”

From Student to Steward:


Ipulled into the seminary parking lot on the first day of Greek I on an already-hot summer morning in 1997. I had commuted from my home in Irvine. It’s a long drive—fueled by coffee. I ran into the men’s room at the top of the back stairs. I didn’t know him then, but Dr. Bergsma was in there already—his suit jacket off, sleeves rolled up, tie tucked in his vest. He was kneeling down, a toolbox next to him. He was fixing the toilet.

I knew I had come to the right school.

When the New Testament speaks about gospel ministry, there is a virtual absence of Greek words using the prefix “arch”—which communicates “ruling.” In fact, most of the biblical descriptors of gospel ministry center around words signaling, in one way or another, “serving.” I suppose that has always been countercultural, but it seems particularly so today. In a cultural moment that is all about strong and visible leadership, celebrity, maximizing your exposure, and building a platform for your brand—cultural values that have sadly become ministry values—the notion that a Ph.D. credentialed professor and pastor would stoop to fix toilets is virtually unthinkable.

Not to Jesus.

I’m in my 24th year as Senior Pastor of New Life Presbyterian Church (PCA) in Escondido. It’s been a great ride, filled with highs and lows, happiness and sadness, contentment and dissatisfaction, encouragement and discouragement, successes and failures. But, like many of the readers of this magazine, as one called to pastoral ministry, I wouldn’t—couldn’t—trade it for anything. I’ve learned a lot—about Jesus, about myself, about the church. And much of what I’ve learned has built on what I earlier learned at WSC.

First, I’ve learned that ministry happens in a stewardship context. As a minister, I am a steward. A steward is a servant. A steward may have authority over property and other servants, but nothing belongs to him. His whole job revolves around serving the interests of another. It’s never about the steward; it’s about his master. The Wall Street Journal recently reported on a former Disney executive who had become a successful social media influencer—a world, as the article said, “where you are personally the product.” He couldn’t keep up his carefully and constantly cultivated image and finally drugged himself to death. He was found with his phone on his chest. Thankfully, as stewards, we are not “the product.” It’s not about us at all. It’s about our master, Jesus. As his steward, my job is to be found faithful—not famous.

Second, I’ve learned that polity matters. At WSC, we learned about the apostles appointing elders over the churches they had planted. The senior pastor is not, or at least should not be, primus inter pares—first among equals. He’s one of a plurality of elders who together rule the

church. This goes against the grain of so much contemporary secular wisdom on leadership. It also goes against our egos. But I have learned over the years that the elders acting together are smarter, wiser and more pastoral than I am acting alone. I recently learned that an elder on our session, who himself was battling cancer, had made multiple visits to one of our members also fighting cancer. She survived. He did not. Her husband told me how much they appreciated his ministry to them. I didn’t even know about it. But I was thankful for it. This may be why some pastors today are crashing and burning. In their conscientious attempts to lead their churches in paths of righteousness for the sake of Christ’s name, they have seized all the prerogatives of leadership for themselves and tried to lead alone and get others to follow. It may work for a while, but it cannot be sustained. Faithful stewards of God’s grace need one another. Gospel ministry, it turns out, is a team effort.

Third, I’ve learned that Paul was right in saying when we’re weak, we’re strong. The last four years or so of ministry have been the hardest for me. I know I’m not alone. It was, in some ways, a movement from (apparent) strength to weakness. The polarization and divisiveness we faced exposed my heart idols—like human approval, success by the standards of the world, and the sinful pride that wants to be bigger and better than the other guy. But when those idols were thrown down, I was thrown back on to the Lord Jesus, where I should have been all along. Jesus is the source of my security, identity and confidence. I wouldn’t want to go through that difficult time again, but I’m glad for how the Lord used it in my life to restore my worship, my priorities, my identity in Christ and my joy in his salvation. So, when I’m stretched to the limit of my own resources, I find myself being strengthened with a power not my own, according to his glorious might, for all endurance and patience with joy. It’s counterintuitive, but being a faithful steward means being weak in myself but strong in the Lord.

Fourth, as over against so many contemporary attempts to make the ministry attractive to culturally sophisticated people, I’ve learned that Jesus, more often than not, calls those whom Robert Farrar Capon labeled “the last, the lost, the least, the little and the dead.” Jesus has a heart for people that cultured sophisticates tend to pass by. After all, Jesus said the kingdom belonged to children—culturally among the last, least and little. Jesus commended ministry “to the least of these, my brothers.” And Paul reminded the Corinthian Christians that “not many of you were wise according to worldly standards, not many were powerful, not many were of noble birth.”

I am grateful to another one of our pastors at New Life for helping me learn these things in a hands-on way. He and his wife are parents of a son with special needs, and

through their work New Life has become a church where families touched by various disabilities are finding a home. This ministry development has not been without its challenges. Because of their unique needs, these brothers and sisters can occasionally make distracting noises or movements during worship, and, after worship, they typically want and need our time and attention more than others— time and attention that in the past I would have liked to direct toward people whom I believed might do more for the church. What I see now is that our differently-abled family members have taught us and blessed us in many unique and rich ways. I’ve learned that being a faithful steward of the gospel means I must go after all the people whom Jesus calls.

Fifth, I’ve learned that part of being a faithful steward of the gospel involves committing to excellence in the performance of our duties. Think about it—people are giving us 30-40 minutes of their uninterrupted time each week to listen to what we have to say. That is a remarkable privilege—and a daunting responsibility. Every Sunday, those people deserve my best efforts on the sermon. When I think back to the diligence I expended as a lawyer drafting briefs, contracts and leases, how could I do less on a sermon, when I’m speaking the very words of God and when life and death hang in the balance? I’m grateful every week for the toolbox WSC gave me to help me preach with as much as excellence as I can muster by God’s grace.

Sixth, and finally, I’ve been speaking in the past tense here about some of the things I’ve “learned” (aorist) in my years at New Life after coming out of WSC. The fact is, I’m still “learning” (present participle). In ministry, as in life, the learning—and the repenting—never cease. By God’s grace, faithful stewards keep learning. By our own weakness, we keep failing and repenting. But as I confess and repent of my sin, the Lord, by his grace, always forgives me and receives me back. I’ve long appreciated John Newton as a model for pastoral ministry, and I appreciate what he said near the end of his life: “My memory is nearly gone, but I remember two things: that I am a great sinner, and that Christ is a great savior.” That’s the testimony of a faithful steward.

“It’s counterintuitive, but being a faithful steward means being weak in myself but strong in the Lord.”

Alumni Spotlights

With almost 1,300 alumni all across the globe, the fruit of Westminster Seminary California's mission to glorify Christ, teach his gospel, and serve his church through graduate theological study is abundant and evident. Our alumni are called to a myriad of vocations—from pastoral ministry and church planting, to Christian education, cross-cultural mission work, writing and speaking ministries, family discipleship, and more. By the Lord's ongoing grace to this institution and faithful stewardship, a WSC education continues to equip men and women for these various callings.

Here we have highlighted a few stories that capture the diversity of ways in which our alumni are serving the church, today. The Lord is building his church, just as he said that he would, and we are grateful and humbled to see how he is using WSC graduates to accomplish this work.

Meet more current students and alumni at WSCAL.EDU/MEET-SOME-STUDENTS

Shane Lems

What work or ministries have you been involved with since graduation?

I’ve been doing church plant work and pastoral ministry since graduating from Westminster Seminary in 2007. Have you pursued/completed further education since graduation?

I am currently in the final stages of completing a DMin from RTS (Orlando). Lord willing I’ll get my degree in May 2024.

How has your seminary education been valuable in your current vocation? Has it been valuable in ways you weren’t expecting?

Yes, my seminary education at Westminster has helped me in various ways throughout my 16+ years of pastoral ministry and church planting. The extensive biblical and theological training I received at WSC has helped me exegete, interpret, and preach Scripture in a Christ-centered manner. There have been times when other pastors I know have lamented the fact that they didn’t learn this or that in seminary. To be honest, there aren’t too many times I could agree with that sentiment. Also, I found that my WSC education helped me get through my DMin courses well because some of the topics and books for my DMin studies I had already read/studied at WSC.

What would you say to someone who is currently considering seminary education at WSC?

I would tell anyone looking at pursuing a degree at WSC: Yes, certainly go for it. It is well worth the time and investment. I still look back at my seminary days with much fondness and no regrets. In my opinion, WSC is the best Reformed seminary in the US, if not the world. (To be sure, I’m thankful there are many good seminaries in the US and throughout the world.)

Jonathan Landry Cruse Amy Warren

MDIV / 2017

What work or ministries have you been involved with since graduation?

During my last of year of seminary, I accepted a call to pastor Community Presbyterian Church (OPC) in Kalamazoo, MI. I was installed as pastor in the summer of 2017. This was a revitalization work, and God has been very gracious to bless us with growth—such that we actually outgrew our building! At the start of 2024, after a three year search, we moved into a new building to house our congregation. It is five times larger than our previous facility, and provides not only ample space for our flock, but also a place to serve needs within the community. God has again proven to us that he gives more than we can ask or imagine!

Beyond the regular work of pastoring, I serve the wider church whenever I am able through a writing ministry. Most recently, I have contributed to P&R’s Blessings of the Faith series (edited by Jason Helopoulos) with a volume on church membership (releases June, 2024). I was so grateful for the opportunity to share my passion for the local church in this way, and pray it will be a useful resource for pastors and church leaders as they seek to convey the blessings of belonging to God’s people.

What would you say to someone who is currently considering seminary education at WSC?

Seminary education aims to cultivate deep knowledge alongside deep piety, which is no easy task! At WSC, I experienced pastor-professors who shared the burden of Paul: desiring to see Christ formed in me (Gal. 4:19). This formed a genuine love between the students and faculty and a joyful atmosphere even amidst the rigors of academia. I always recommend WSC to prospective ministers; not only because I believe it will make them competent pastors, but because I believe it will make them better Christians.

MAHT / 2022

What work or ministries have you been involved with since graduation?

I’ve volunteered in a variety of roles in several churches post graduation. I was on staff at a church as a communications coordinator soon after graduating, then accepted a job at Crossway Good News Publishers in Wheaton, Illinois. I work in the Bible department as a project manager, and have also had opportunities to contribute to Study Bibles and devotional resources. As project manager, I make sure all of the Bibles and commentaries stay on track to meet their publication date. This includes helping select, invite and send out contracts to contributors, answering any questions the editors or contributors might have, accepting and organizing the completed assignments, and then guiding the writings through the editorial and production processes. At my current church in Wheaton, I volunteer in the women’s ministry department, the young adults ministry, as well as being a member on our church’s mission board.

How has your seminary education been valuable in your current vocation? Has it been valuable in ways you weren’t expecting?

My seminary education is incredibly valuable and precious to me. Although the knowledge and information that I received may not help me in my day-to-day work (although you would be surprised how often William Blake comes up), the writing skills, research skills, and just the general wisdom I absorbed from being in the presence of so many talented theologians guides all my work. Even if I was not in the position I am in now, working in Christian publishing, I would say that the sanctification that the Lord brought about through both the challenging academic workload and the sweetness of the relationships with fellow students, staff, and faculty was beyond valuable and completely lifechanging.

Alumni News

If you have an update to share, we'd love to know! Email us at alumni@wscal. edu and be sure to include your name, graduation year, and degree received.


David Reiter (MAR) has been serving as a Professor of Philosophy at Erskine College in Due West, SC since 2007 and recently contributed a chapter to the forthcoming volume “The Gates of Hell Shall Not Prevail: Essays on Ecclesiocentric Postliberalism,” edited by James R. Rogers and Peter J. Leithart.


James Adams (DMin) is continuing his Spanish-language ministry in Latin America with a new book entitled, Un Poema de Amor: Un Analisis de 1 Corintios 13, published by La Confraternidad Latinoamericana de Iglesias Reformadas (CLIR).


Jim Talarico (MDiv) and his wife of four years, Rita, recently traveled to Southeast Asia with Equipping Leaders International to lead two marriage conferences for local pastors and their spouses.


Scott Brazil (MAR) authored a new book entitled, Jesus and YHWH-Texts in the Synoptic Gospels, which was published by Bloomsbury USA/T&T Clark in March 2024 as part of The Library of New Testament Studies series.


Dr. Danny Hyde (MDiv) recently delivered a paper at the International William Ames Conference in Rotterdam (Netherlands), entitled, “To Prepare Ourselves for the World to Come: Eschatology as the End of the End of Living Well to God”, which will be published in a forthcoming volume by Brill.


Matthew Cotta (MDiv) was installed as Pastor of Pasadena OPC at its particularization in March 2023, after serving as an evangelist/church planter since 2017. Matthew and the congregation of

Pasadena OPC give thanks for the grace of the Lord and the loving, generous, and prayerful support of the OPC, the Presbytery of Southern California of the OPC, and many individual church members and friends for making this possible.


Marcus McArthur (MAHT) began serving as Vice President of Operations at Trinity Valley Community College in Athens, TX, in February 2024 after 10 wonderful years as Vice President of Administration at WSC.


Stephen Coleman (MDiv) collaborated with Andrew D. Gross and Andrew W. Litke to edit Mallephana Rabba: Aramaic Studies in Honor of Edward M. Cook. The Festschrift (honorary book of essays) was presented to renowned Aramaic scholar Dr. Edward M. Cook at the 2023 meeting of the Society of Biblical Literature.


Stephen Fix (MDiv) co-authored a commentary on 1 & 2 Samuel for The Gospel Coalition Bible Commentary with the late Robert Vannoy. It is available online through TGC’s website.


Richard Cunningham (MDiv) is graduating this May with a PhD in Religion: New Testament and Christian Origins from Claremont School of Theology.


Sherrene DeLong (MATS) successfully defended her dissertation on December 11, 2023, in fulfillment of her PhD in Higher Education from Azusa Pacific University. Her chair and methodologist was Dr. Alexander Jun, a beloved Ruling Elder in the PCA.


JB Hellman (MDiv) and his wife, Miraluna, welcomed their daughter, Kathleen Sinama Hellman into the world on February 7, 2024.

Justin McGeary (MDiv) was recently accepted as a PhD candidate by the religion and theology faculty at the Vrije

Universiteit Amsterdam. He continues to serve as Director and Assistant Professor of Christian Studies at John Witherspoon College.


Harrison Perkins (MDiv) has written a book entitled, Reformed Covenant Theology: A Systematic Introduction, which was published by Lexham Press in 2024.


Heather Frick (MATS) successfully defended her dissertation, under the supervision of Dr. Sarah Samman, entitled “Contextual Factors Influencing the Male Partner’s Grief After Miscarriage: A Mixed Methods Study of How Religious/Spiritual Coping and Perceived Social Support Affect Paternal Grief” and graduated with a PsyD in Marriage & Family Therapy from Alliant International University in May 2023. She currently works as a Licensed Marriage & Family Therapist and also as an adjunct professor in the Clinical Mental Health Counseling program at Cornerstone University.

Seung-Joo Lee (MAHT) published his dissertation with Brill in March 2024, entitled The Orders of Nature and Grace: Thomistic Concepts in the Moral Thought of Franciscus Junius (1545-1602).


Bryce Souve (MDiv) was installed at Bethel Reformed Presbyterian Church (OPC) in Fredericksburg, VA on Saturday, April 6. Dr. Bryan E. Estelle preached at the installation service.


Norman Paran (MDiv) started an internal Christian fellowship at the company he works for, Booz Allen Hamilton, that has grown to include over 150 employees across the country and globe. He and his wife, Jackie, welcomed their fourth child in April 2024.


Tyler Gregory (MABS-MATS) began serving as the Campus Minister Associate with Reformed University Fellowship (RUF) at the University of Southern California (USC) in June 2023. After two

years of teaching, he and his family are happy to be home in Los Angeles engaged in gospel ministry at this historic institution.

Jeffrey Karel (MDiv) was installed as the minister at the United Reformed Church of Sunnyside, WA on February 11, 2024, after serving as intern and subsequently associate pastor of Covenant Reformed Church in Missoula, MT. The installation service was led by Rev. Chris Coleman (MDiv, 2011).

Mi Lo (MATS) married Tien earlier this year. After a brief return to the States, they plan to continue serving the Lord together as missionaries in Vietnam.


David Chin (MDiv) was ordained on January 26, 2024, under the Evangelical Church Alliance (ECA) and is continuing to serve in his role at Assistant Pastor at Promise Church of Orange County (KPCA).

Cassady Gilmour (MABS) and her husband, Stephen, welcomed their first daughter, Josina Leeanne Gilmour, on November 21, 2023.

Dustin Karzen (MDiv) began serving as Stated Pulpit Supply at Westminster Orthodox Presbyterian Church in September 2023.


Drew Admiraal (MDiv) was ordained as a Minster of Word and Sacrament at Grace United Reformed Church in Torrance, CA on March 23. WSC’s Dean of Students Rev. Chuck Tedrick (MDiv, 2010) preached at the service and fellow alumnus Rev. William Godfrey (MDiv, 2010) gave the charge to Drew. Christian Bland (MDiv) was ordained as Assistant Pastor of Spring Meadows Presbyterian Church (Las Vegas) and a Teaching Elder in the Pacific Presbytery of the PCA on November 12, 2023. He and his wife, Michaela, also welcomed their first son, Asher John Bland, into their family on October 20, 2023.

1: Rev. Zach Keele and Dr. Bryan Estelle at Bryce Souve's ordination service 2: Rev. Chris Coleman at Jeffrey Karel's ordination service 3: Laying hands on Christian Bland 4: Laying hands on Drew Admiraal 5: Cassady and Stephen Gilmour
with baby Josina 6: Stephen Coleman with Aramaic scholar Dr. Edward M. Cook

2024 Cambodia Vision Trip

Easter Sunday in the Village

Lord’s Day morning March 31, 2024, was memorable for myself and five students from Westminster Seminary California. It was the final day of our week-long spring break mission trip to Cambodia. We awoke early to greet the children from the village of Angk’jeay in Kampot province who arrive eagerly at 6:30 a.m. for their Sunday school classes at Eternal Life in Christ Church (ELCC). The relative cool of the morning is precious because Spring is the hot, dry season in Cambodia. By midmorning as we gathered for worship, the temperature was heading for the upper 90s. Nevertheless, it was a great privilege to worship with our Khmer brothers and sisters in Christ at ELCC. The church planter, Rev. Luke Smith (PCA pastor and Mission to the World missionary) called us to worship from God’s word. We sang praises to God in both Khmer and English. Then WSC student Ryan Yoon exhorted the congregation from 1 Peter 1:3–5 on the theme of “Our Living Hope.” With the help of a translator (Sokha Smith, Luke’s wife), Ryan pointed everyone present by faith to the crucified and resurrected Lord Jesus Christ.

The Gospel in Cambodia

Cambodia desperately needs this kind of clear proclamation of the gospel. It also needs stable, growing Presbyterian and Reformed churches. But the challenges are many. Cambodia has a brutal modern history and no cultural concept of the image of God and the value of human life. Materialism is increasingly rampant in the capital,

Phnom Penh. All the enticements of digital media and consumerism from the developed world have taken root in recent years. And, tragically, the region is home to a dark tourist industry of sexual exploitation. The Cambodian government reports that of its 17 million people, 80% are Buddhist, 19% practice Islam, animism, or atheism, and only 1% are Christian. Worshiping the spirits of ancestors still marks both city and village life. But despite so much spiritual darkness, the Lord is blessing the efforts of MTW missionaries and the Cambodian pastors they support. Presbyterian churches have been planted and are growing. A Cambodian Presbytery has been formed and is finalizing a Book of Church Order. There is a vibrant gospel outreach, both in Phnom Penh and more rural villages. Both the Westminster Shorter Catechism and the Heidelberg Catechism have been translated into the national language of Khmer. And because of this diligent mission work, men, women, and children are coming to faith in Jesus Christ and growing as his disciples.

The WSC team in Cambodia

Our WSC team was delighted to serve the Cambodian churches. On our first Lord’s Day in Phnom Penh, seminarian Alex Kiess exhorted the Khmer Christian Church (KCC) congregation from Philippians 3:1–10 with a translator’s help. Later that week, another WSC student, Roy Kim, led a college age and young adults Bible study at KCC. Roy focused on putting on the armor of God (Eph. 6:10–20) with insights from the Puritan

"We came away encouraged by the ways the Lord is working to save his people in Cambodia and inspired by the diligence of the missionaries and pastors as they engage in the work of ministry."

William Gurnall. I led a two-day miniconference for the Khmer pastors on the topic of Paul’s pattern for building up the church in 1 Corinthians.

Toward the end of the week, in the village of Angk’jeay, everyone on the WSC team, including Hannah Huyck and Sen Zorilla, taught English and Bible lessons to children, who are an important part of ELCC.

In addition to serving, we were challenged and encouraged by observing and learning. The first Sunday morning, we arrived at KCC to find Pastor Samath teaching an adult Sunday school class on the Westminster Confession of Faith I.8.

Rev. Paul Lee, one of the MTW team leaders and Southeast Asia regional director, briefed us on the strategy for supporting a biblical, reformed, and contextualized theological education for pastors and elders in the Cambodian Presbytery. We were both emotionally jarred and encouraged by the work of

Dr. Mark Ambrose and his wife Laura as they help girls who have been sexually exploited. They help them to recover physically and then introduce them to the powerful truth of the gospel and bring them into the new family of Christ’s church. We witnessed the fruit of Luke and Sokha Smith’s ministry centered at ELCC in Angk’jeay through which a generation of children have been brought to faith in Christ; some who are now young adults have joined the work of the church in various ways both in the city and the village. Luke led us on a tour of the village and arranged for the WSC students to be welcomed into the homes of some of the village residents. Many of these parents and grandparents do not yet believe but some are now attending ELCC because their children are part of the church.

We came away encouraged by the ways the Lord is working to save his people in Cambodia and inspired by the diligence of the missionaries and

pastors as they engage in the work of ministry. Our team was also struck by the opportunities for supporting them by prayer, by regular communication, and by sending others to join in the work—whether as interns or as longer term missionary partners.

For Christ, His Gospel, and His Church

Our trip to Cambodia is part of a larger global church initiative at WSC. In the seminary’s founding documents, there is a clear vision, not only for serving the West (in terms of Reformed and Presbyterian churches on the west coast of the United States), but also for reaching the world (with a special focus on the Asia-Pacific region and Latin America). In 2023, WSC sent a vision trip team to work with one of our alumni in Japan. This year we journeyed to Cambodia. We hope in 2025 to take a similar trip with a team of students to Latin America.

"We are motivated by faithfulness to our mission to reach the world by preparing students for ministry in Christ’s church."

Our goals are several: to keep global mission front and center for the seminary community and the churches we serve; to provide opportunities for students to go, see, learn, and serve; to develop mission partnerships that are mutually encouraging; and to identify potential international students whom we might bring to WSC, train, and send back again for building up the global church.

In all of this, we are motivated by faithfulness to our mission to reach the world by preparing students for ministry in Christ’s church. In Psalm 22:27, David hinted at this global work of God when he wrote, “All the ends of the earth shall remember and turn to the LORD, and all the families of the nations shall worship before you.” Especially in our new covenant age we long to see this gospel advancing around the world. Indeed, as Calvin commented on Psalm 22:27, “Christ, we know, penetrated with amazing speed, from the east to the west, like the lightning’s flash, in order to bring into the Church the Gentiles from all parts of the world.” What a privilege to see the Lord’s work among the nations in Cambodia.

Top photo from left to right: Hannah Huyck, Dr. Bitner, Alex Kiess, Sen Zorilla, Roy Kim, and Ryan Yoon

Faculty Writing

For more faculty books, see the bookstore ad on p. 31 or visit us online at wscal.edu/bookstore BOOKS


Discussions of the rapidly increasing number of people identifying as "spiritual but not religious" tend to focus on the past century. But the SBNR phenomenon and the values that underlie it may be older than Christianity itself.

Michael Horton reveals that the hallmarks of modern spirituality—autonomy, individualism, utopianism, and more—have their foundations in Greek philosophical religion. Horton makes the case that the development of the shaman figure in the Axial Age—particularly its iteration among Orphists—represented a “divine self.” One must realize the divinity within the self to break free from physicality and become one with a panentheistic unity. Time and time again, this tradition of divinity hiding in nature has arisen as an alternative to monotheistic submission to a god who intervenes in creation.



“The Shape of Πίστις in 1 Corinthians: How Faith Receives, Boasts, and Discerns,” Reformed Theological Review 82.3 (2023): 181-211.


“Caring for Those in the Household of God,” Table Talk (December 2023).


“Why You Should Change Your Mind About Reformed Scholasticism” in Credo Magazine volume 14.1 (April 12, 2023).


“Hezekiah’s Tunnel,” “Lachish Letters,” “Ketef Hinnom Scrolls,” “Pool of Siloam,” and “Crucified Man at Givat Hamivtar,” Tabletalk (September 2023): 15-20.


“Truth With Kindness,” MR 32, No. 4 (July/August 2023).


“Church and Kingdom: Not Putting Asunder What Christ Brought Together,” Unio Cum Christo Vol. 9, No. 2 (October, 2023) 23-43.


“Law and the Cardinal Virtues,” Journal of Christian Legal Thought 13.2 (2023): 1-6.



2-4 | President Joel E. Kim speaks at Sojourner Presbyterian Church Retreat (Hackensack, NJ).

5-9 | Dr. A. Craig Troxel speaks at Southwest Reformed Youth Summer Camp (Palomar Mountain, CA).

11 | Rev. Chuck Tedrick preaches at Calvary URC (Loveland, OR).

11 | President Joel E. Kim preaches at Christ Central of Southern California (Fullerton, CA).

22-23 | Dr. David Briones speaks at Calvin Christian School High School Retreat (Escondido, CA).


1 | Dr. David VanDrunen preaches at Westminster OPC (Westminster, CA).

9-11 | President Joel E. Kim speaks at Conference for North American Presbytery of the KAPC (Philadelphia, PA).

27-29 | Dr. Bradley J. Bitner speaks at New Life PCA La Jolla Family Retreat (La Jolla, CA).

28-29 | Dr. David VanDrunen speaks and preaches at Bethel Reformed Presbyterian Church (Fredericksburg, VA).


4-6 | President Joel E. Kim and Dr. A. Craig Troxel speak at Suh Moon Presbyterian Church Conference (Garden Grove, CA).

8-10 | Joel E. Kim speaks at Banner of Truth West Coast Conference (Felton, CA).

11-12 | Dr. David VanDrunen speaks at Omaha Bible Church Pactum Conference (Omaha, NE).

15-17 | Dr. A. Craig Troxel speaks at Muskoka Bible Camp Eastern Ministerial Conference (Ontario, Canada).

25-26 | Dr. A. Craig Troxel speaks at Grace United Reformed Church Conference (Portland, OR).

Honorarium & Memorial Gifts


Dr. Richard W. Bishop III

Mrs. Diane Bishop

Rev. Dr. R. Scott Clark

Mr. and Mrs. Richard C. Wolfe

Mr. Henry and Mrs. Dawn Doorn

Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Bohrer

Rev. Melvin Dotinga

Mr. and Mrs. Ian G. McClure

Ms. Marilyn Jean Frank

Mr. Burton D. Santee Jr.

Rev. Dr. W. Robert Godfrey

Timothy K. Andrews Family

Dr. Philip C. Bom

Rev. Joel E. Kim

Rev. John C. Kong

Mr. and Mrs. Clyde and Carol Lems

Mr. and Mrs. Christopher J. Kuperus

Mr. Benjamin E. Sasse

Mr. John Truschel

Rev. Dr. Robert B. Strimple

Dr. and Mrs. Richard W. Bishop III

Rev. Charles and Mrs. Michele Tedrick


Dr. and Mrs. Gregory L. Weigler

Rev. Dr. A. Craig Troxel

Dr. and Mrs. William J. Montgomery

Mr. Michael Yuhan

Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Yuhan


Mr. John K. Andrews

Mr. and Mrs. Henry Doorn

Rev. William C. Godfrey

Rev. Dr. Derke P. Bergsma

Mr. and Mrs. Leslie J. Kolk

Mr. and Mrs. Dan W. Van Prooyen

Mrs. Joyce Blauw

Mr. and Mrs. Richard J. Blauw Jr.

Mr. Elko Brouwer

Mrs. Clara Brouwer

Mr. Adam (Chau-Dung) Chang

Mrs. Su-Yin Chang

Mrs. Connie Lou Clark

Mr. and Mrs. Henry Doorn

Mr. Paulus F. De Bruin

Mrs. Maria De Bruin

Mr. David B. DeBoer

Mr. and Mrs. Rick Bierling

Mr. and Mrs. Scott M. Bishop

Mr. and Mrs. Henry Doorn

Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Faber

Mr. Michael Kanz

Mr. Mark Smith

The Ben Steenwyk Family

Mr. and Mrs. Brett A. Watson

Gifts Received from Oct. 18, 2023 through May 17, 2024

Mr. and Mrs. Pete de Jong

Mr. and Mrs. Mark Bousema

Mr. William L. Graham

Mr. and Mrs. Alex Watson-Wong

Rev. Dr. William H. Kooienga

Mrs. Marilyn Kooienga

Mrs. Mari A. MacVey

Rev. and Mrs. Robert M. Godfrey

Rev. William C. Godfrey

Mrs. Elizabeth Paauw

Mr. and Mrs. Henry Doorn

Rev. and Mrs. Joel E. Kim

Dr. James D. Paauw

Mrs. Jane E. Prins

Rev. and Mrs. Dale A. Van Dyke

Mrs. Janet Ramig

Dr. Alexander Ramig

Mr. Roy Spoelstra

Mr. and Mrs. Henry Doorn

Rev. Jae S. Suh

Rev. and Mrs. Sam S. Suh

Mrs. Maria Elena Ybarra

Mr. Shawon Ybarra

Mrs. Linda Yuhan

Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Yuhan

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2. How much can I give?

When giving from your IRA, you can make a one-time gift (or multiple QCDs within a single year) totaling no more than $53,000*, to fund a gift that pays income. This specific type of IRA gift can only be done once in your lifetime.

* As of January 2024. Indexed for inflation annually.

3. Does this help satisfy my required minimum distribution (RMD)?

Yes. Any QCDs given to ministry, including those given toward a life income gift, help satisfy all or part of your RMD.

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No. Because the IRA assets haven’t been taxed, no deduction is allowed. You will, however, reduce your taxable income.


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Is funding a life income gift from your IRA the right solution for you?

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LIFE INCOME GIFTS are wonderful solutions for Christians who wish to give in a substantial way, but are concerned about having enough retirement income.

Up Close with Ron Prins

What led you to become involved at WSC as a donor and ultimately a Board member?

I first became acquainted with Westminster Seminary California (WSC) after Jane and I moved our young family from San Diego to Escondido in 1983. At that time, the Escondido CRC (later the Escondido URC) was between pastors and most of the pulpit supply was provided by WSC faculty members, primarily Dr. Bob Godfrey and Dr. Derke Bergsma. Both Jane and I were profoundly impacted by the effectiveness of the preaching and the clear articulation of the gospel. I was drawn further into the work of WSC and, eventually, after developing friendships with Keith Vander Pol, Dr. Bob Godfrey, and Bob den Dulk, I was asked to serve as a Trustee.

You have served as the Board Chair for many years. What are the main purposes of the Board and how do they help ensure the seminary’s fidelity to her mission to serve Christ, His Gospel, and His Church?

WSC has a model of shared governance with particular roles for the faculty, administration, and board of trustees. The primary role of the Trustees is to oversee and ensure, as fiduciaries, that WSC remains faithful to and carries out its founding mission, which is to serve the church as an institution committed to the Word of God and Reformed theology, and to offer a distinctly Reformed theological education in order to glorify

Christ, promote his gospel, and serve his church. The board is made up of pastors, teaching elders, and ruling elders. Each board member is required to subscribe to the doctrinal standards, generally the Three Forms of Unity and the Westminster Confession of Faith.

In 2030, WSC will be celebrating 50 years of serving Christ’s church. What are your reflections on important benchmarks during its first decades? How is WSC is positioned for the future?

In 2030, Lord willing, WSC will celebrate 50 years of serving Christ’s church. Looking back at the last 20 plus years as a trustee I see first-hand how profoundly blessed WSC has been by both the kindness of God in providing for our needs, and by the evidence of the impact of the graduates in churches and pulpits all over the world.

Remaining faithful to our founding mission involves at least two things. First, preserving our theological integrity based on our commitment to the inerrancy and sufficiency of Scripture, as well as to our Reformed creeds and confessions. We have been blessed by leaders and faculty members who have been instrumental in preserving this commitment.

The second part of remaining faithful to the mission is to provide, by God’s grace, the resources necessary to remain a financially viable institution. WSC remains committed to a rigorous, face-to-face, residential educa-

tion model, including a commitment to understanding and teaching the Bible in the original languages. This educational commitment is proving to be contrary to the trend in most other seminaries, which is to offer an online educational alternative and to reduce the related rigor, both in terms of credit hours and instruction in original biblical languages. We recognize that there may be a place for other approaches, but our Board, administration, and faculty are united in a commitment to our historical educational model. A critical strategic challenge as we move toward 2030 is continuing to find resources to pay for this more expensive, but—we believe—more effective educational approach, while keeping tuition as low as possible.

We are grateful that the Westminster Village housing project was recently completed nearly debt free, which has allowed WSC not only to provide housing at a cost of about 50 percent of the market rate and to create and an additional source of income, but also to integrate this believing community of students and families into the education process, to enhance relationship building and spiritual formation.

One of our next strategic initiatives to undertake between now and 2030 is to seek to increase the size of WSC’s endowment and funded scholarships in order to provide needed financial support.

“I see first-hand how profoundly blessed WSC has been by both the kindness of God in providing for our needs, and by the evidence of the impact of the graduates in churches and pulpits all over the world."

Faculty Books Available Now

Shaman and Sage, The Roots of "Spiritual but Not Religious" in Antiquity by Michael S. Horton (Eerdmans, 2024)

Transfiguration and Transformation by Hywel R. Jones (Banner of Truth, 2021)

The Primary Mission of the Church Engaging or Transforming the World? by Bryan D. Estelle (Mentor, 2022)

Natural Law

A Short Companion by David VanDrunen (B&H Academic, 2023)

Saving the Reformation

The Pastoral Theology of the Canons of Dort by W. Robert Godfrey (Reformation Trust Publishing, 2019)

The Majesty on High Introduction to the Kingdom of God in the New Testament by S. M. Baugh (CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform, 2017)

Learning to Love the Psalms by W. Robert Godfrey (Reformation Trust, 2017)

Recovering Our Sanity

How the Fear of God Conquers the Fears that Divide Us by Michael Horton (Zondervan, 2022)


2-Volume Series, New Studies in Dogmatics by Michael S. Horton (Zondervan, 2018)

Journeys with Jesus

Every Path in the Bible Leads Us to Christ by Dennis E. Johnson (P&R, 2018)

Rediscovering the Holy Spirit

God's Perfecting Presence in Creation, Redemption, and Everyday Life by Michael S. Horton (Zondervan, 2017)

Politics after Christendom

Political Theology in a Fractured World by David VanDrunen (Zondervan, 2020)

What is the Priesthood of Believers?

Basics of Faith Series by A. Craig Troxel (P&R, 2019)

Echoes of Exodus

Tracing a Biblical Motif by Bryan D. Estelle (IVP Academic, 2018)

Aquinas Among the Protestants

Edited by David VanDrunen (Wiley-Blackwell, 2017)


Evangelical Exegetical Commentary by S. M. Baugh (Lexham Press, 2016)

God's Glory Alone

The Majestic Heart of Christian Faith and Life by David VanDrunen (Zondervan, 2015)

Calvin on the Christian Life

Glorifying and Enjoying God Forever by Michael S. Horton (Crossway Books, 2014)




WSC Annual Conference

January 24-25, 2025

WSC Campus

Details coming soon


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