April 16, 2015

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Volume 41, Number 31

Spring football

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Ellison voted chairman of Forsyth Co. Democrats

W I N S TO N - S A L E M , N . C .

T H U R S D AY, A p r i l 1 6 , 2 0 1 5



Sharpton praises response to fatal SC police shooting Angela Caraway, of Raleigh, N.C., looks up during a moment of prayer during a vigil at the scene where Walter Scott was fatally shot by a white police officer after he fled a traffic stop, Sunday, April 12, in North Charleston, S.C. The officer, Michael Thomas Slager, has been fired and charged with murder.

AP Photo/David Goldman


A 73-year-old Oklahoma volunteer sheriff’s deputy who authorities said fatally shot a suspect after confusing his stun gun and handgun was booked into the county jail Tuesday.


NORTH CHARLESTON, S.C. — Demonstrators in the North Charleston area say they will press local officials for broader civilian oversight of the city's police force after the shooting death of Walter Scott. The Rev. Al Sharpton called for unity Sunday, April 12, at a vigil on the grassy vacant lot where Scott, 50, was killed. Other speakers invited people to the state Capitol this week for discussions on proposed legislation on body cameras for officers in the state. Black Lives Matter leaders said in an open letter that they want people to begin recording police officers as part of a project titled #WeAreWatchingYou.

See page A2

During a sermon at a North Charleston church Sunday morning, Sharpton said swift action taken by a white mayor and police chief in the South could set the tone for handling future questions of police misconduct across the country. “It's not about black and white. It's about right and wrong,” Sharpton said. “What this mayor did is what we've been asking mayors to do all over the country: Not do us a favor, just enforce the law.'”

The tone of the local community's response has been different than other instances of unarmed black men being fatally shot by white police officers, including the violent demonstrations from people in Ferguson, Missouri, after Michael Brown's death. Sharpton preached at the Charity Missionary Baptist Church and commended Mayor Keith Summey and Police Chief Eddie Driggers — both of whom were in the congregation and at the vigil. The shooting was captured on video that was taken by a witness. Scott was shot after fleeing a traffic stop by then-officer Michael Slager. The officer initially said Scott was shot after a tussle over his Taser, but the witness video that later surfaced

Eric S. Ellison, an attorney in Winston-Salem, has been elected chairman of the Forsyth County Democratic Party. He replaces Susan Campbell. Ellison, who said he has worked with elections for 22 years, expects to lead the party in preparing citizens for the 2016 North Carolina Voter ID law, especially AfricanAmericans, who will most likely be adversely affected by the law. He has started working already, three days after being elected chairman on Saturday, April 11. This week he spoke to The Chronicle outside the county Democratic headquarters, where a phone bank has been set up to contact voters who possibly could be affected by the new law. “This election cycle is critically important to the African-American community,” Ellison said. “The Ellison African-American community could potentially be particularly harmed by this voter ID law.” Ellison said his experience working with elections has prepared him for the challenge. “For me, I stepped up because I thought it was an opportunity to make sure our community is able to address this problem,” he said. “I think this is historical.” Ellison mentioned the movie “Selma,” which portrayed the efforts of civil rights workers to get the 1965 Voting Rights Act passed in Congress because so many African-Americans had been denied their right to vote. Their efforts were successful. “Now, 50 years later, we’re going back to Selma,” he said, because of the North Carolina Voter ID law, which forces people to provide government-issued identification in order to vote. Ellison has been involved with the Forsyth County Democratic Party since 2002. He has served as party attorney, party third vice chair, chair of Forsyth County Young Democrats, campaign manager for Hartsfield for District Court Judge Campaign, Triad attorney for Obama for America and executive committee member for Valene Franco for Judge Campaign. Other officers elected at the party’s convention on Saturday, April 11 are:

*First Vice Chair, Marilynn Baker, who has extensive experience in marketing and business strategy, and com-

School Board member maintains that Hanes and Lowrance schools were safe

Winston-Salem/Forsyth County School Board Member Elisabeth Motsinger said that she was concerned about the school system moving Hanes and Lowrance Middle Schools in the middle of the school year for what she amounts to fear-mongering. “Obviously the safety of our children is the utmost importance to me, but to close the school when we have data that

clearly says the school is safe for students and to spend those kind of resources when we have real needs in our district that are going unmet, doesn’t make any sense,” she said. “This will end up costing the district millions of dollars. The data absolutely says that the room air was safe and always have been safe.” At the March 24 meeting, the WinstonSalem/Forsyth County School Board heard the final report on the vapor-

intrusion testing from Will documents, sub-slab soil Service, an vapor samples were environmental collected from 31 toxicologist locations to test for with Midcontainments that A t l a n t i c maybe under the Associates. building. The The company chemical PCE was collected detected at levels indoor air samexceeding screenples from 45 ing levels in 14 locations withsamples. Those levMotsinger in the schools, els were compared and no contamto state targets for inates exceeded residential health risks, with only one screening levels in any of of the 14 exceeding the tarthe locations. get. According to WS/FCS In February, the

See Democrats on A4

Winston-Salem/ Forsyth County School Board voted to move the students from the school because of a vapor intrusion from chemicals in the soil, although a consultant determined that those vapors were not at significant levels. The board voted 7-2, with Motsinger and David Singletary dissenting, on Feb. 11 to move Hanes and Lowrance Middle Schools off their current site in response to concerns about safety at the site.

That move took place on March 2. Hanes Magnet school was moved to two different places. The sixth-graders were moved to Smith Farm Elementary, while the seventh- and eighth-graders moved to the former Hill Middle School, which hadn’t been used since the school merged with Philo Middle in 2012-2013. Splitting Hanes up is a temporary move, according

‘Maya Angelou chose to love me,’ Tavis Smiley said of his friend

Author, broadcaster and publisher Tavis Smiley encouraged residents to find their path by walking it themselves as he spoke to more than 100 people Thursday night who packed the auditorium of the Southeastern Center for Contemporary Art (SECCA) to talk about his personal journey with the late Dr. Maya Angelou, chronicled in his book “My Journey with Maya.” “I remember when she died. I remember look-

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ing out of the hotel window in New York and just wanting everything to just stop,” he told the crowd of the woman he thought of as a mother figure. “We are who we are because somebody loved us. I am who I am in part because Maya Angelou chose to love me.” Smiley is the author of 16



See Tavis on A2

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books, the host of Tavis Smiley on PBS, The Tavis Smiley Show and Smiley & West from Public Radio International, and the daily radio show, Tavis Talks, on the Tavis Smiley Network. He is the founder of the Tavis Smiley Foundation that focuses on promoting young leaders through workshops and conferences. The event was designed to celebrate Angelou, who died on May 28, 2014. She

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See Safe on A10



See SC Shooting on A2


A2 APRIL 16, 2015


from page A1

would have had a birthday on April 4, and both Smiley’s book and a stamp commemorating her from the United States Post Office were released on April 7. “That’s a wonderful tribute to her. On one day there’s a book out that’s a tribute to you and a postage stamp that people are rushing to get copies off. She’s going to be regarded and remembered for years to come as the greatest Renaissance woman in America,” he said. “I don’t know another woman who did all of the things she did, and did them all well. She is the quintessential example of a Renaissance woman. In the months and years to come she’ll be remembered as such.” The book is a memoir that chronicles his 25-year friendship with the late Angelou that began when Smiley was just 21 years old and accompanied her in Africa after a devastating blow to his then budding political career. “When I met her briefly at the age of 21 while presenting her with a proclamation from the Mayor of Los Angeles, Mayor Bradley, her presence was so powerful and meeting her was so poignant that even for those few minutes that I committed to myself that at some point I would get to spend some time with her,” he said. “In Africa is where our friendship began to blossom.” In the book, Smiley struggles with feeling like he deserves the friendship of Angelou. He said that he still doesn’t know what he could’ve done to deserve her friendship. “I didn’t know then, and I still don’t know almost 30 years later, what I did to deserve being in her space,” he said. “She opened her head, heart and home to me. I don’t know what I did to deserve that

Lydia Stuckey waves after Smiley acknowledges her in his opening. She was the personal assistant to Dr. Maya Angelou. Tavis Smiley speaks at the but it is clearly one of the seminole, defining relationships in my life.” Smiley wouldn’t hear from Angelou again until he was fired from Black Entertainment Television. She called to uplift him and encouraged him to write a thank you letter thanking Bob Johnson for the opportunity that he gave him. He said he doesn’t think he would have gone as far as he did without the firing, something Angelou knew would happen. “My grandfather use to tell me all the time, you can’t see the whole parade if you’re on the float. I was in that one space and I couldn’t see the forest for the trees. I didn’t know what else was out there for me to claim. So it just stunned me when she said that. Who knew that the decision would have been one of the best decisions of my life,” he said. “Sometimes in life you have to push and sometimes you have to jump, but you cannot stand still. If you are going to advance, grow or mature, you have to move. She said that this would be a blessing down the road and she was right about that.”

event. From that point on they would talk regularly. Smiley said that he and Angelou disagreed on a number of things including the use of the N-word, the nomination of Clarence Thomas and even the presidential run of now-president Barack Obama. That issue is addressed in the book as well. Smiley took national criticism for applying what some viewed as “unnecessary pressure” on the candidate about his plans for Black America when elected. At one point, Maya Angelou called to tell him to lay off, according to the book. He said that the call didn’t bother him at all. “Maya Angelou never did or said anything to offend me. I knew that she loved me and cared for me, so getting a phone call and getting a critique by Maya wasn’t like reading cyber hate on the Internet,” he said. “I don’t believe that there’s anything that we ever have to say to another human being that we cannot find a way to say in love. I wasn’t offended by her phone call or conversation and she wasn’t offended by my push back.” Smiley maintains that

Photos by Erin Mizelle for The Chronicle

while he loves Obama, and voted for him, he doesn’t think that his critics understood that he loves AfricanAmericans more. Enough to ask the tough the questions. “My job has always been to raise these critical questions and issues that advance a conversation about how to do better by us. The election was the beginning but how now do you take that symbolism and turn it into substance,” he said. “What are the demands that we have to put on the table of this president, or any president, to do better by black people? Once we had that conversation and I explained that to her (Maya), the conversation ended as every conversation did, on a love note.” Bookmarks Executive Director Ginger Hendricks said that the agency was thrilled to host Smiley on the book tour. "It was amazing that he was featured on “The Daily Show” with Jon Stewart on Wednesday night and then was at SECCA in WinstonSalem on Thursday night. Even though the visit was bittersweet (as he talked about in his presentation, it was his first visit to Cory Young/Tulsa World via AP

In this Friday, April 10, photo, Tulsa County Sheriff’s Office Capt. Billy McKelvey, left, speaks next to Jim Clark, an independent consultant, during a news conference about the investigation of the death of Eric Harris in Tulsa, Okla. Police say a reserve sheriff’s deputy thought he was holding a stun gun, not his handgun, when he fatally shot Harris during an arrest that was caught on video in Tulsa.

Reserve deputy in Okla. county turns himself in to face manslaughter charge


TULSA, Okla. — A 73year-old Oklahoma volunteer sheriff’s deputy who authorities said fatally shot a suspect after confusing his stun gun and handgun was booked into the county jail Tuesday, April 14 on a manslaughter charge. Robert Bates surrendered to the Tulsa County Jail and was released after posting $25,000 bond. Bates’ attorney, Clark Brewster, told reporters that his client would not make a statement, then ushered him into a waiting SUV. Brewster said Bates is due to make an initial court appearance April 21. The Tulsa County Sheriff’s Office said Bates, an insurance executive who was volunteering on an undercover operation in Tulsa, accidentally shot 44year-old Eric Harris on

April 2. Tulsa County District Attorney Steve Kunzweiler charged Bates on Monday with seconddegree manslaughter, punishable by up to four years in prison. A video of the incident recorded by a deputy with a sunglass camera and released Friday shows a deputy chase and tackle of Harris, who authorities said tried to sell an illegal gun to an undercover officer. A gunshot rang out as the deputy wrestled with Harris on the ground and a man says: “Oh, I shot him. I’m sorry.” Harris was treated by medics at the scene and died at a hospital. In a phone interview after the booking, Brewster said “there’s no question” his client is not guilty and described Bates’ actions after the shooting as “honest and transparent.” A spokeswoman for Kunzweiler said he would

not comment on the case Tuesday. In the video, another deputy appears to restrain Harris by holding his head to the ground with his knee. When Harris complains that he has been shot and is struggling to breathe, a deputy replies in a profanity-laden outburst that he was shot because he ran and that he should stop talking. A Harris family statement released Tuesday said while there are “many good deputies” at the sheriff’s office “who perform their jobs in the right way,” Harris’ treatment “clearly shows that there is a deepseated problem within” the Tulsa County Sheriff’s Office. “Sheriff (Stanley) Glanz’s recent public statements also make it clear that he does not even see the problem and has no plans to change the practices within the TCSO,” the

statement said. “While Sheriff Glanz acknowledges that an ‘error’ was made when Eric was killed, he has yet to even apologize to our family.” A spokesman for the sheriff’s office declined to comment on the statement Tuesday. Andre Harris, the victim’s brother, has said he does not believe the shooting was racially motivated. Bates is white and Harris is black. Tulsa Police Sgt. Jim Clark, who investigated the shooting as an independent consultant at the request of the sheriff’s office, concluded that Bates had been so engrossed in the stress of the moment that he did not think clearly about what he had in his hand when he fired his handgun rather than a stun gun. Reed reported from Little Rock, Arkansas.

Winston-Salem since Dr. Angelou's death), it was extremely interesting to hear his stories of his time with Dr. Angelou. Some made the audience want to cry; others made us laugh out loud,” she said. “I now feel like I have a better understanding of this amazing woman who took the time to mentor Tavis for 28 years, beginning in his early twenties, when he needed it most." Smiley has recently announced that the book would be turned into a Broadway play. “I’m humbled that Kenny Leon would have read the book, been completely enthralled by it and for him to want to do the play is a huge honor,” he said. “I don’t have a language to explain how it feels. I can see it as a play but how Kenny pulls it together, who writes it or who plays whom is beyond me.” Smiley said that it’s important for the book to have been published because it takes Angelou's fans inside her world. “For all those people, who have adored her and wondered what it would have been like to get to know her. I want this book of my 28-year relationship with her to escort people into her space, her world, to see what it was like to be

SC shooting from page A1

video that was taken by a witness. Scott was shot after fleeing a traffic stop by then-officer Michael Slager. The officer initially said Scott was shot after a tussle over his Taser, but the witness video that later surfaced showed Scott being shot at eight times as he ran away. Slager was fired and has been charged with murder. Scott's death was criticized as yet another fatal shooting involving an unarmed black man by a white officer under questionable circumstances. Some North Charleston community members said they suspect abuse of power and the abuse of public trust played more of a role than race in the shooting. “t's not about the color of your skin, it's about social justice. When we all practice social justice, we're all free,'” said Mattese Lecque, a North


mentored by her, counseledT and advised by her as a young man who is trying to find his way in this world.”t When asked by Thel Chronicle which one heU believed was the greatestm — love or courage —l Smiley laughs and with at smile in his voice, sticks tof his original choice of love.i The debate was a regulars between Angelou andt Smiley and plays out in the book. He said that the joyn of the debate was to gop back and forth with thist iconic thinker despite nevert agreeing. t “I’m still with love andg I can hear Maya speakingp from heaven saying ‘I’ms still with courage.’ Herm assessment was that it takesa courage to love and myp response is that I’ve nevers acted courageously oni behalf of, in defense of ors because of anything that It didn’t have an abiding lovet for. I suspect that if she wase still here today, we woulds still be having that conver-t sation.” a Signed copies of Smiley’s books are avail-a able at Bookmarks. Fors more information aboutt author visits or to purchase signed books, visits www.bookmarksnc.org orr call 336-747-1471. w n w

Charleston resident who heard Sharpton preach. ``Sometimes it takes disaster to bring about change, and that's what's happening now.'' The chants, hymns and calls for more police accountability during small rallies in North Charleston have echoed those in Ferguson, Missouri. However, many in the North Charleston area have said they don't want to see the burned-out buildings, broken windows and social tension that characterized Ferguson after Brown's shooting — and the announcement that a grand jury wouldn't indict the officer who shot him. Residents say they're more focused on pursuing justice for Scott's family, not violent demonstrations. “We're not gonna tear it up, we're not gonna have that,” said Dwayne German, 56, of Charleston. “If you want to vent anger, take it out when it's time to vote.”

“It's not about the color of your skin, it's about social justice. When we all practice social justice, we're all free,” –Mattese Lecque North Charleston resident

Laying the ground work: Coach focuses on academics over athletics


Roderick Fluellen is busy focusing on the student part of the city’s student-athletes. The former Winston-Salem State University football player has founded a mentor group that would offer student-athletes a place to cast their worries and focus on what’s important: being a student before making the plays. True Elite, is a nonprofit, agency that provides mentoring, tutoring and preparation for higher educaRichardson tion. The agency’s goal is to provide positive relationships, in the form of mentors, for student athletes that promotes pro-social relationships, community involvement, selfsufficient skills and the understanding of the importance of education. Its website Fluellen said that it believes that this will enhance the chances of their athletes becoming productive citizens. Fluellen, a football and baseball coach at Northwest Middle and Carver High schools, said that he tried to do everything to help his players. “As an athlete, I found myself getting stressed and overwhelmed due to classroom expectations,” Fluellen said. “As I was coaching and talking to the players, I noticed that they were feeling the same way I once felt. I found a plethora of


APRIL 16, 2015

Submitted photos research that indicates that Students who participated in True Elite went into elementary classrooms and read to stustudent athletes are more dents as part of Read Across America day. stressed, overwhelmed and are becoming learned from True Elite when he begins at depressed due to high North Carolina Agricultural and Technical demands. In worst State University. cases, students are “This helps me to get higher test scores committing suicide and to become more of an independent due to not being able thinker,” Richardson said. “In college, it to find that balance.” will help me become a better student. If So he created True you don’t have the resources at the time, if Elite. you’ve already been trained and tutored, Along with then you should already know what you’re Fluellen, other board doing.” members include E. Fluellen said that the program would Tyron Scott, Gregory also include community service projects Wilson, Tanya Purdie including Read Across America, raising and Jamaine Mack, all money for children who need sports supformer athletes. plies, school supplies and sponsoring famThe organization ilies during the holiday season. targets middle and “Other children are looking up to them high school athletes in who want to play high school sports,” he the Winston-Salem True Elite participants have activities such as reading to said. “They’re role models. area and wants to help elementary students. Most importantly he hopes the prothem find a balance gram gives athletes a future. that allows them to be “We preach that it’s called student-aththe parents of Northwest and Carver. successful on and off the field. lete for a reason. Student comes before “I’ve been receiving a lot of positive The program is open to students ages feedback,” he said. “My goal is to do a athlete so before you can be an athlete you 13 to 18 years old. Students would be pilot program to open it up to other stu- need to be a student,” he said. “We want required to show up for an hour of tutoring dents. It’s a lot of students who don’t have them to be able to have all the qualificabefore going to practice. During that time, a great support system and fall between the tions needed to get accepted for higher students are expected to do homework or cracks. They can’t keep their grades up, education.” study subjects in which they have low can’t play and then stop coming to school.” For more information on the True Elite grades or need assistance in per the stuprogram, visit www.trueelite-ws.com. Jalin Richardson said that dents’ report cards and progress reports. he loves the program. Participants are required to maintain a “It helps me in class and The Chronicle (USPS 067-910) was established by Ernest minimum grade point average of 3.0, grad- it also helps me become a H. Pitt and Ndubisi Egemonye in 1974 and is published uate with their class, meet all qualifica- better person. He’s a great every Thursday by Winston-Salem Chronicle Publishing tions to ensure graduation and receive the mentor and it’s a great aca- Co. Inc., 617 N. Liberty Street, Winston-Salem, N.C. proper online sports-related exposure. demic program to have for 27101. Periodicals postage paid at Winston-Salem, N.C. “Even if they have good grades, I still our athletes. Especially those Annual subscription price is $30.72. try to make them attend so they can do who need a lot of help in POSTMASTER: Send address changes to: peer tutoring,” he said. class,” he said. Fluellen said that he has gotten good The Chronicle, P.O. Box 1636 The 17-year-old said he feedback from the students, teachers and would use the skills he Winston-Salem, NC 27102-1636



















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A4 APRIL 16, 2015

Democrats from page A1

petitive intelligence.

*Second Vice Chair, Phillip Carter, employed by Forsyth Technical Community College in the Learning Technology Division and by the Salvation Army as Outreach Specialist for Homeless Veterans. *Third Vice Chair, Trent Harmon, who graduates in May from the University of North Carolina at Greensboro with a B.A. in History and Political Science. *Secretary, Cam Choiniere, a self-employed graphic designer.

In the photo above, Sonjia Kurosky, executive director of Samaritan Ministries, right, scans the crowd right after saying a prayer at the end of a special ceremony during the organization’s open house on Sunday, April 12. At top right, a type of oven is used to heat clothes when homeless men come in to Samaritan Ministries. This is to kill bed bugs. At left, the John 3:16 room provides a place for the “guests” at Samaritan Ministries to have quiet time alone or with family members.

All photos by Donna Rogers

*Treasurer: Donald Dunn, a sales consultant with a large pharmaceutical company. Each officer was elected to a two-year term.

Samaritan Ministries shows new building to community BY DONNA ROGERS THE CHRONICLE

All was bright as Samaritan Ministries opened its new building to the public on Sunday, April 12. The nonprofit that helps homeless men and hungry people has been operating out of the building since December. “What a great place,” one visitor remarked. “It’s open and airy,” with plenty of windows. The $4.1 million, 20,000-square-foot building at 414 E. Northwest Blvd. houses an 80-bed shelter and special features like a “healing room” for sick homeless clients, a computer lab where residents can look for jobs, a larger kitchen with more room to store and prepare food, space that allows employees, and business partners who treat and work with the homeless men who live there, to have their own offices, and a

staff break room. The larger soup kitchen serves between 350 to 450 lunches to hungry people in the community each day. The new dining area has 96 seats, compared with 47 seats in the old dining room. The building also has weapons to fight bed bugs. “A lot of places don’t prepare for that,” said tour guide Willis Miller, assistant director. He said the nonprofit has several ways to kill the bed bugs, which he said have been a problem in the city. Men who live at Samaritan Ministries must have their clothes treated when they initially come into the building. They must be heated on trays at 120 to 125 degrees for 20 minutes to kill any bugs that might be lingering on clothes.

Also, the facility has dryers to treat the clothes if the trays are being used. If treatment is needed in the bedroom area, large outlets have b e e n installed to handle a heating appliance to heat the beds, which have seamless mattresses and Miller m e t a l frames. “The great things about adding these features is the preventative nature of them,” Miller said. Also new are the dorm rooms for people in the Project Cornerstone program, which is designed to help men break free of addiction issues and start new lives outside Samaritan Ministries. Two

City holds inaugural College Summit to promote Winston-Salem SPECIAL TO THE CHRONICLE

On Saturday, April 11, college students from Winston-Salem State University, Salem College, Wake Forest University and Forsyth Technical Community College participated in the inaugural “College Summit” in the Biotech Place in the Wake Forest Innovation Quarter. The event was designed to expose college students to career and community leadership opportunities in Winston-Salem, with the goal of influencing them to stay in Winston-Salem after they graduate. The summit was organized by the College Advisory Board and the Human Relations Commission, both of which are advisory boards to the City Council and administered by the Human Relations Department. The Summit included an opening session, guided tours of downtown with information about restaurants,

The College Summit attendees take a break.

Submitted photo

recreation opportunities, and other quality-of-life attractions, and a networking luncheon where students networked with representatives of businesses, community nonprofits and government agencies that offer internships and entrylevel jobs. Participating community agencies included Forsyth Technical Community College, the Winston-Salem Urban League, the WinstonSalem/Forsyth County Schools, the Housing Authority of WinstonSalem (HAWS) and the

Winston-Salem Jaycees. Participants included Council Members James Taylor and Derwin Montgomery. Jason Thiel, president of the Downtown Winston-Salem Partnership, also addressed the students. The College Summit was sponsored by Forsyth Technical Community College, Triad Intrapreneur and WinstonSalem Transit Authority. Food sponsors were Bib’s Downtown, Krispy Kreme, and District Rooftop Bar & Grille.

bedrooms are designated for those men, who attend classes and gain tools needed to be free of addictions. “We’re very proud of this program,” Miller said. “It has about a 75-percent success rate. … We don’t let them go until they’re ready.” Miller spoke of the expanded space in the building to offer more meeting space and the increase in the number of televisions, which allow people greater access to TV viewing, including in meeting rooms. Another new feature is a room for the homeless men to use to meditate. They also can meet with family members there. It’s called the John 3:16 room, named after the John 3:16 Scripture in the Bible. This is “where they can go in and have peace and quiet,” Miller said. Learn more at samaritanforsyth.org.

In addition, the record crowd of Democratic delegates to the convention also elected new members to the Democratic Party State Executive Committee and Congressional District Executive Committee. Ellison said in an earlier news release: “Making sure that each Forsyth County citizen’s right to vote is protected is our first and foremost agenda item. Further, we look forward to building a record voter turnout in the 2016 presidential election cycle. We fully expect Forsyth County to continue its trajectory towards becoming a Democratic stronghold in the State of North Carolina.”

For more information about the voter ID law, please contact Eric S Ellison at 336-918-4368 or email at ellisonlaw@earthlink.net. The Democratic Party’s website is http://forsythdemocrats.org /fd/.

Build a Better Future F O R Y O UR C O MM UN I T Y. Together, we can do great things. Apply for our annual Flagship program to engage with other leaders in the communit y, expand your local knowledge, and help shape the future of the place you’re proud to call home.

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APRIL 16, 2015


Delta Arts Center hosts community day, shows off improvements

The interior and exterior painting of the Delta Arts Center was made possible by a generous gift from James Watson, proprietor of 360° Painting of the Triad, shown above.

Photos by Erin Mizelle for The Chronicle


The Delta Arts Center threw a party to show off its new look. The nonprofit held a Community Day on Saturday, April 11, where residents were able to check out the center’s new look while participating in fun, food and fellowship. “It was timely because it represents a year for us under new leadership,” said Nadiyah Quander, executive director at the center. “We are opening it back up to the community and we are hoping that the improvements at Delta echo the improvements for the entire community. It’s a special place and its back to looking very special. That’s very exciting.” The event included live music, local vendors, a raffle and arts and crafts for families in attendance. The new paint also marked the agency’s 10th year at its current location at 2611 New Walkertown Road.

The agency is a funded partner of the Winston-Salem Forsyth County Arts Council. It also receives support from the North Carolina Arts Council Department of Cultural Resources. The nonprofit has been going strong for 42 years and is designed to “enrich the lives of neighborhood and area residents by stimulating interest throughout the entire community in American arts and humanities, with emphasis on the contributions of African-Americans; to increase awareness and knowledge of the contributions of African-Americans to the arts and humanities in America and build pride in these contributions; to encourage individual creativity; and to provide quality cultural and educational programming for the entire community.” The facility upgrades were made possible by Mr. James Watson, who donated all the time and materials needed for the project. Watson is the franchisee of 360 Painting Company and offered to paint the

Face-painting was available as part of Delta Arts Center’s Community Day on Saturday, April 11.

interior and exterior of the building. “A business approached us and asked if we would be interested in a in-kind paint job,” she said. “Mr. Watson has been painting for years but he just purchased a franchise. They did an awesome job.” Quander said that the partnership is a good example of how a nonprofit and small business can team up to assist their communities. “We were really in need and didn’t know how we were going to meet that need. It was just the perfect partnership for a small business,” she said. “It lets people know that if they have a small business and a set of skills, and you see a need in your community, just use them.” She hopes that the new facelift will continue through the surrounding community. “It’s exciting to think that there’s a fine arts gallery right in the middle of the community. There is so much infrastructure in the community that has fallen to the way-

side,” Quander said. “We can revitalize it, we can bring things back to life and make them gathering centers and places to celebrate.” Cheryl Watson, who was visiting from Indiana, called the event lots of fun and said that she was looking forward to going in and checking out the quilt display. “There are a lot of activities for the kids and great food,” Watson said. “I think it’s great to have this here. Arts is very important. It helps educate and well-round people.”

For your information

Winston-Salem Delta Fine Arts Center 2611 New Walkertown Road Phone: 336-722-2625 Email: delta2611@bellsouth.net website: www.deltaartscenter.org/donate Gallery Hours: Tuesday-Friday 10 a.m .to 5 p.m. Saturday 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. *closed every third Saturday of the month The facility is available to rent.

More than $3.6 billion for education over the last eight years. That’s right. Together, North Carolinians have added classrooms, funded Pre-K programs, sent kids to college and kept teachers teaching. This year alone, more than half a billion dollars was contributed to the $11 billion NC education budget. To see what the money has done in your community, visit WeAllDidThis.com. Must be 18 to play.



APRIL 16, 2015

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The Chronicle is dedicated to serving the residents of Winston-Salem and Forsyth County by giving voice to the voiceless, speaking truth to power, standing for integrity and encouraging open communication and lively debate throughout the community.

Helping others can help our economy, too

Samaritan Ministries opened its new building to the public on Sunday for tours. Those who went on tours of the facility were shown impressive new features and much more space for several facets of the building, which holds 80 beds for homeless men. These men, for whatever reason, are homeless. Some of the men might have lost their jobs or were in the military and couldn’t find jobs in civilian life. That could render people homeless. Without the independence a job can bring, many people lose their homes, their automobiles and even their families. Jobs are important to people’s well-being. It’s easy to become depressed without a job. This depression can lead to destruction of self or of others. Jobs are important to the economy, too. The more people are working, the more people are contributing to the economy by spending money on housing, food, clothing and other necessities. People with jobs also pay taxes. Jobs are the linchpin that holds lives together. Jobs allow people to feed their families and pay for their homes so that they won’t become homeless. Fortunately for some homeless people, organizations are helping them get back on their feet. They are providing stopgap measures until they can get jobs and provide for themselves, and for others too. Whole Man Ministries is another organization that is providing homes for the homeless — veterans — and some low-income families. This organization, Samaritan Ministries and others like them make sure that some people without basic necessities have them. But those organizations and others like them need help to do their work. They need money and volunteers to help them fill a void that might not otherwise be filled in Winston-Salem. They seek help to help others. The organizations have received help from large donors and grants. Samaritan Ministries received help from a housing fund agency. Whole Man Ministries received help from several businesses. These donors recognize the importance of what these organizations are doing. And volunteers help keep their organizations going. Willis Miller, assistant director at Samaritan Ministries, spoke highly of his organization’s volunteers on Sunday. “We have the best volunteers in Winston-Salem and the state of North Carolina,” he said. “I’m not bragging; I know that for a fact!” While some people can’t volunteer to help the organizations, many more can give money, which usually is tax-deductible. Giving of time and money is helping the economy. Eighty men are not living on the street as a burden to public safety agencies. They are encouraged to be working toward being contributing citizens to the Winston-Salem community. Just imagine if that happens. People’s lives will be changed, and money will be flowing into the economy. Samaritan Ministries has portions of Scripture from the Bible on the donor wall of its new building. The words are from Matthew 25:35 — “for I was hungry and you gave me food … I was a stranger and you took me in.” Helping an organization that helps others is good for the economy, and will probably be good for the soul, too.

Visitors look at the wall of donors at the new Samaritan Ministries building on Sunday, April 12.

Photo by Donna Rogers


Where is leadership from Roy Cooper?

A personal plea for action

Where was the chief law enforcement officer of this state, Attorney General Roy Cooper, before the North Charleston [S.C.] shooting? Where was Roy Cooper on body cameras during the Ferguson and Eric Garner tragedies? In December 2014, when it was not popular to call for police video body cameras, I sent a letter to Gov. Pat McCrory calling upon him to join me in seeking legislative support for requiring local law enforcement officers to wear body Spaulding cameras as they carry out their official duties. This occurred at a tenuous time when demonstrations and emotions were very heated and high. Attorney General Roy C o o p e r Cooper remained politically timid, shy and silent. As usual, he offered no leadership or constructive solutions to address a major problem for so many minorities and citizens in North Carolina and across this country. Now after an obvious video showing in North Charleston, Roy Cooper wants to finally show up and support the use of body cameras in North Carolina. He has been a day late and a dollar short for so long when it comes to the need for courageous leadership. If Roy Cooper is proving he cannot lead as Attorney General, then how can we trust his leadership as Governor? Ken Spaulding, Durham, N.C. Democrat, North Carolina gubernatorial candidate

PETA and possums To the Editor:

House Bill 574 — which would decriminalize cruelty to opossums and nullify every other law relating to opossums in North Carolina between Dec. 29 and Jan. 2 each year — makes a mockery of the legal system and puts animals in danger. This bill caters to the interests of one man — the organizer of Clay County’s New Year’s Eve “Opossum Drop.” It would allow him to continue terrorizing opossums by capturing them, confining them in a tiny box, dangling them above a rowdy crowd, and bombarding them with loud music and fireworks. Wildlife experts warn that the stress of such abuse can be fatal to these shy animals. If passed, this bill would also grant anyone in North Carolina carte blanche to torture, dismember or otherwise abuse and kill opossums during that time period. A similar law was passed last year, but PETA’s legal challenge ensured that no live opossum was tormented at last year’s Opossum Drop, and it is expected that the law will be permanently struck down by the court. But now, the sponsors of HB 574 are trying to replace one unconstitutional law with another. I urge readers to ask their state representatives to oppose this shameful bill today. Visit www.PETA.org to learn more.

Amy Elizabeth, Writer The PETA Foundation Black Mountain, N.C., branch

EDITOR’S NOTE: On the website of the organizer of Clay County’s New Year’s Eve “Opossum Drop,” it states: “We just want to let you know that we do ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to harm the ‘possum. We celebrate in honor of this marsupial!”

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Submit letters and guest columns to letters@wschronicle.com before 5 p.m. Friday for the next week’s publication date. Letters intended for publication should be addressed “Letters to the Editor” and include your name, address, phone number and email address. Please keep letters to 350 words or less. If you are writing a guest column, please include a photo of yourself, your name, address, phone number and email address. Please keep guest columns to 550 words or less. Letters and columns can also be mailed or dropped off at W-S Chronicle, 617 N. Liberty St., W-S, NC, 27101; or sent via our

n M S l a i d e t m e

e m My name is Charles R. Peet. I A reside in Troutman, N.C. and I am a f t career Army veteran who filed a t claim for PTSD in the year 1990. This claim has been active since that time. Eventually I sought legal coun- i sel with the case and after several l n attempts, my claim was awarded. This took a long time in which my r o lawyer had to take the case to a Supreme Court Judge in Washington, e D.C. My dilemma is that I’ve never R b been compensated for this case. I o have made numerous trips to the Veteran’s Administration inquiring A about the matter. I have been given E the run-around every time. Several n employees at the VA in WinstonSalem told me that AfricanAmericans have a hard time getting compensated, whereas whites don’t seem to have as much trouble. I even went as far as to write to Senator Kay Hagan and Congressman Stanley Purple about this matter. They also were given little help. They were told that my paperwork was on the desk at the Finance Department. This led me to believe that my case was in the process of being settled … to date nothing has happened. On my visit to the VA in WinstonSalem, the man that was helping me said that I was paid retroactive payments for my four dependents. The amount that he showed me were $280 and $800. I disputed the $800 payment. I was told by the Salisbury, N.C. Veteran’s Administration prosthetics department that the $800 payment was my yearly clothing allowance. The information that he gave to me was from an employee. I have made several attempts to speak with her to no avail. How can $280 be retroactive pay to four dependent children with a claim that has been running since 1990? To the Editor:

To the Editor:

t f y

Charles R. Peet, Army Retired

website, www.wschronicle.com. We reserve the right to edit any item submitted for clarity or brevity and determine when and whether material will be used. We welcome your comments at our website. Also, go to our Facebook page to comment. We are at facebook.com/WSChronicle. Send us a tweet on Twitter. We are at twitter.com/WS_Chronicle.


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APRIL 16, 2015


Economic devastation in U.S. is still real for Blacks and Latinos THE STATE OF BLACK AMERICA: JOBS

‘The hardest work in the world is being out of work.’ – Whitney M. Young, National Urban League President 1961-1971

One of the advantages of my position as the president and CEO of Guest the National Columnist U r b a n League is that I have both the opportunity and platform to speak to so many of our nation’s young people. I was presented with another opportunity recently as a featured speaker of the Medgar Evers College Global Lecture Series. As I addressed that crowd of future lawyers, IT professionals and perhaps even a president of the National Urban League, it struck me that for a number of these students — our future workforce — they may encounter an America, and a job market, that is hostile to the principles of economic mobility on which our country was founded. Five years after the widely-accepted end of the global economic downturn commonly known as the Great Recession, America’s economy inches ever closer to full recovery. In fact, the start of 2015 saw the most sustained period of job creation this century. But the dark cloud inside this silver lining is that too many people are still being left behind — particularly in our communities of color, where unemployment remains at a crisis level, even as our economy continues to rebound. For Blacks and Latinos in America, the economic devastation of the Great Recession is as real today as it was when it began in 2007, and what we’ve found in our newly released 2015 State of Black America® report – “Save our Cities: Education, Jobs + Justice” is a mixed economics bag that reflects a stark tale of two

Marc Morial

unemployment. To address this problem, we need to look beyond simply returning to the pre-recession status quo and implement policies aimed at ensuring that everyone who is willing and able to work has a job.” A central focus of the National Urban League is workforce development, and being in the business of creating jobs and proposing solutions to our longstanding challenges, our organization has advanced the following public-policy recommendations:

*Passage of a transportation infrastructure bill with a targeted jobs component.

*Passage a targeted, large-scale summer youth/young adult jobs bill. Americas. The U.S. economy added 295,000 jobs in February of this year. For the first time since 1997, we have seen 12 straight months of private-sector job growth above 200,000 and unemployment is down to 5.5 percent – its lowest rate since May 2008. But despite this encouraging news, the Black unemployment is twice that of White unemployment, wages are stagnant and many working people are not earning enough to make ends meet. The Equality Index in the State of Black America® report catalogued Black, Hispanic and White unemployment and income inequality in the nation’s largest metropolitan areas. Overall, the Black unemployment rate was at 11.3 percent and the Latino unemployment rate stood at 7.4 percent versus a White unemployment rate of 5.3 percent. Of the 70 cities ranked for Black-White unemployment, almost

half (33 cities) had a Black unemployment rate above 15 percent. In seven of those cities we discovered Great Depression era Black unemployment rates of 20 percent or higher. It is clear that for far too many Blacks and Latinos, our nation’s economic recovery is only something they read or hear about. According to our analysis, America’s comeback is bypassing large swaths of people in Black and Brown neighborhoods – and that is dangerous – not only to those communities, but to our nation. A recovery that leaves millions of its citizens behind will ultimately threaten America’s sustained growth. In a recent report on jobs and unemployment in the Black community, Economic Policy Institute economist Valerie Wilson said, “Even before the Great Recession, black unemployment has consistently been twice as high as white

*Raising the minimum wage to a living wage.

Earlier this month, the U.S. Department of Labor published the March jobs report. While we applaud every stride our country makes in resuscitating our once battered economy, we remain vigilant – and concerned – about the disparity of access to these benefits among our nation’s citizens as revealed in the State of Black America® report. I am concerned for all Americans, but especially for all the students I meet who live in those communities in crisis and are working so hard in their classrooms now while they dream of a better future. For more details and essays from leading figures on the economy, visit www.stateofblackamerica.org.

Today is National Health Care Decisions Day Ann Gauthreaux Guest Columnist

It’s been said that in life there are only two things that are certain: death and taxes. Everyone recognizes that April 15 is the deadline for completing your taxes. Not many people know that the following day, April 16, has been designated National Health Care Decisions Day. In support of this national effort, Governor

McCrory has issued a proclamation designating April 16 “Health Care Decisions Day” for North Carolina. We plan for college, marriage, a baby and retirement, but we don't prepare for the end of life. In fact, less than 30 percent of all adults have their healthcare wishes documented. In this region, we invite you to participate in changing this trend. With an aim of reaching healthcare consumers well before a healthcare crisis, several regional healthcare leaders have united to create awareness, provide education and encourage

“Over 55 public and private workshops are planned in April and early May” – Ann Gauthreaux

important conversations about your healthcare wishes. This coalition is called the Community Partnership for Compassionate Care. We recently launched a campaign called “Got Plans?” to encourage all citizens over the age of 18 to think about who they would want to speak for them if they ever lost the ability to make and communicate their own healthcare decisions. We have created

tools to guide conversations about these issues and make it easy for folks to document their wishes through advance directives. The steering committee of the Community Partnership for Compassionate Care includes representatives from Novant Health, Wake Forest Baptist Health, Hospice & Palliative CareCenter and Rowan Hospice & Palliative Care. This year, the coalition is spotlighting the impor-

Marc H. Morial, former mayor of New Orleans, is president and CEO of the National Urban League.

tance of discussing, deciding and documenting your healthcare wishes. We are encouraging conversations so that your healthcare providers and those you love can know and honor your wishes if you ever lose the ability to speak for yourself. We are united in ongoing regional efforts to provide you with advance healthcare planning tools so that making your plans is as simple as 1,2,3. Over 55 public and private workshops are planned in April and early May – all of which can be found on our www.GotPlans123.org

website, under the workshops tab. The greatest gift you can give to a loved one is sharing your wishes about future healthcare and documenting those wishes well in advance of a healthcare crisis. Register today for one of our free workshops and let us know if you would like to host a workshop.

Ann Gauthreaux is Regional Director of Public Relations, Hospice & Palliative CareCenter. She writes this column on behalf of the Community Partnership for Compassionate Care.

The worst proposals thus far in the 2015 legislative session Rob Schofield

Guest Columnist

North Carolina lawmakers treated themselves and everyone else to a spring break last week. Committee meetings and floor votes were suspended and most lawmakers stayed away from the capital city. In many ways, it was kind of a fitting dead spot in what has been a strange, start-and-stop session. As lawmakers near the midway point of the legislative year, the list of significant accomplishments is a very

short one. And while this is a fact that many will see as a great improvement over recent years in which the flood of radically regressive proposals came on like a torrent, the overall lack of purpose that afflicts the General Assembly speaks volumes about what government looks like when many of the people in charge reject the idea of intentional, public solutions to the problems and challenges that confront society. Just because there’s been a relative shortage of new laws thus far, however, doesn’t mean there aren’t a lot of terrible and regressive ideas under consideration on Jones Street. The deadline for state House members to introduce bills

won’t arrive until this week (a fact that guarantees the arrival of hundreds of more bills) and already, the list of backward-looking and even downright frightening proposals is a long one. Here is a far-from-exhaustive list featuring a dozen of the worst we’ve seen thus far:

*Promoting LGBT discrimination – As has been widely reported, the nation’s rapid progress in moving toward providing legal equality to lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgendered people has provoked an ugly backlash in some places. Sadly, North Carolina makes that list with multiple bills under consideration to allow discrimination by businesses

that serve the public and government officials who perform marriages under the guise of “religious freedom.”

*Reversing the results of local elections – As Chris Fitzsimon noted recently, the very lawmakers who constantly rail about the supposed mad consolidation of power in Washington with respect to the states have been only too happy to practice what they preach against when it comes to the relationship between the state and local governments. Witness, among many other such examples, the bald-faced power grabs against Wake County and the City of Greensboro wherein state lawmakers have moved to

reverse recent elections by redrawing electoral maps against the will of local communities.

*Another disastrous tax proposal from the Senate – If there’s a most irresponsible proposal of the 2015 session at this point, it’s probably the one advanced by Senate leaders to further slash state income taxes. Despite the state’s persistent budget shortfalls that have resulted from the Robin Hood-inreverse 2013 tax cuts, the Senate recently proposed slashing another billion dollars in state revenue by cutting personal and corporate income taxes. When Senator Bob Rucho, one of the plan’s chief authors, was asked how he planned

to pay for the additional billion dollar tax cut, his response was: “that’s not the issue.”

*Raising taxes on people struggling to stay in their homes – And speaking of regressive tax proposals, one of the more outrageous and least-well reported acts of the 2015 session has been the enactment of a new law – buried in the much-ballyhooed gas tax legislation – that removes a tax break for homeowners who have managed to hold onto their homes by obtaining debt relief assistance. Under the new law, the debt relief will be taxed as income – thus undermining the purpose of the relief in the first place: See Worst on A8

RiverRun’s free discussions, panel events include black pros T H E C H R ON I C LE

A8 APRIL 16, 2015

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able to shine a much needed light on the lack of substantial roles for black actors and the misrepresentation of people of color in film and television ad was a resounding independent success, grossing more than $5 million in the first 10 months of release.


The RiverRun International Film Festival will hold free tribute, discussion and panel events during the upcoming festival April 16-26, starting today, Thursday. These free events featuring conversations with renowned filmmakers and educational panels include:

NC Filmmakers Panel, Sunday, April 19 / 1 p.m. / at a/perture 3 Sit down with some of the N.C. filmmakers from RiverRun features and shorts screened at this year’s Festival to further discuss their films and filmmaking in North Carolina. Presented in conjunction with the Made in Winston-Salem film series coordinated by a/perture cinema, New Winston Museum, and Piedmont Triad Film Commission. Spotlight Conversation with Charles Burnett & Robert Townsend Monday, April 20 / 6 p.m. / Milton Rhodes Center for the Arts – Mountcastle Forum In conjunction with RiverRun’s 2015 Spotlight on Black American Cinema 1971-1991, a six-film series exclusively featuring cinematically significant films directed by black filmmakers, RiverRun will also host a discussion with Charles Burnett and Robert Townsend, two of the Spotlight film selection directors. Everything But the Burden: Black Film & the Politics of Representation Panel Tuesday, April 21 / 7 p.m. / WinstonSalem State University – Diggs Gallery As part of RiverRun’s 2015 Spotlight program on Black American Cinema, this public conversation panel will bring together artists and scholars to discuss the complex issues around race and representation in film and in filmmaking. Hosted by Winston-Salem State University.

Pitch Fest & Panel Friday, April 24 / 10 a.m. / Hanesbrands Theatre In an effort to further promote the development of new filmmaking talent, RiverRun is again partnering with universities around the state to present the annual Pitch Fest competition. Pre- selected student filmmakers will pitch their documentary shorts projects to a panel of industry experts, receive advice on how to proceed, and vie for the chance to win prizes and industry recognition. This panel is free and open to the public. Sponsored by Wells Fargo. Conversation with Stanley Nelson (Master of Cinema Award) Friday, April 24 / 2 p.m. / Milton Rhodes Center for the Arts – Mountcastle Forum RiverRun will host an on-stage moderated conversation and tribute to awardwinning director Stanley Nelson, Jr. (Freedom Summer, Freedom Riders, The Murder Of Emmett Till) with a film clip

Robert Townsend, right, starred in and directed “Hollywood Shuffle.”

overview of his career following at a Conversation with Stanley Nelson, following the screening of “Black Panthers: Vanguard Of The Revolution.” Conversation with Heidi Ewing & Rachel Grady (Emerging Masters Awards) April 25 / 1 p.m. / Milton Rhodes Center for the Arts – Mountcastle Forum Directing duo Rachel Grady and Heidi Ewing of Loki Films will be honored with RiverRun Emerging Masters Awards at the Festival. RiverRun will host a tribute ceremony, with an on-stage moderated conversation with the honorees and a film clip overview of their accomplished careers. Also, as part of its six-film Spotlight on Black American Cinema from 1971-1991, exclusively featuring films directed by black filmmakers, RiverRun will feature the following films (Tickets are required for film screenings. Purchasing information is below):

“Shaft,” 7:30 p.m. Friday, April 17 | UNCSA Gold Director: Gordon Parks USA / 1971 / 100 MIN. / Rating: R / 35mm Private detective John Shaft is a bad mother–well, you know the rest–in this touchstone of the blaxploitation genre by director Gordon Parks, featuring a classic score by Isaac Hayes. Hired by a Harlem mobster to find his kidnapped daughter, Shaft enlists the help of gangsters and African nationals to get the job done. Widely considered a prime example of the Blaxploitation genre, Shaft was selected in 2000 for preservation in the National Film Registry by the Library of Congress for being “culturally, historically, or aesthetically significant.” “Killer of Sheep,” 7 p.m. Saturday, April 18 | UNCSA Gold Director: Charles Burnett Director Charles Burnett will attend

Photo from http://riverrunfilm.com/

screening. USA / 1979 / 83 + 10 MIN. / Rating: MT / 35mm In this standout work of neorealism from Charles Burnett, a Watts, LA slaughterhouse worker must negotiate the neighborhood’s retrograde influences and fight his own personal demons in order to keep from going under in the ghetto. Killer of Sheep was one of the first 50 films to be selected for the Library of Congress’s National Film Registry and listed as one of the “100 Essential Films” by the National Society of Film Critics. The UCLA Film & Television Archives carefully restored the film on 35mm. “She’s Gotta Have It”, 7 p.m. Sunday, April 19 | UNCSA Gold Director: Spike Lee USA / 1986 / 84 MIN. / Rating: R / 35mm An early Spike Lee joint, She’s Gotta Have It gets personal with Nola Darling, who’s having simultaneous sexual relationships with three different men. All three fellows want her to commit solely to them, though Nola resists being “owned” by a single partner. As Spike Lee’s first feature-length film as a writer and director, this film was the catalyst for the beginning of his influential career. It is also considered a landmark film in independent American cinema and was a welcome change in the representation of AfricanAmericans in cinema. “Hollywood Shuffle,” 7:30 p.m. Friday, April 24 | UNCSA Gold Director: Robert Townsend Director and star Robert Townsend will attend screening. USA / 1987 / 78 MIN. / Rating: R / 35mm An actor limited to stereotypical roles because of his ethnicity, dreams of making it big as a highly respected performer. As he makes his rounds, the film takes a satiric look at African-American actors in Hollywood. Through comedy this film was

“Daughters of the Dust,” 7 p.m. Saturday, April 25 | UNCSA Gold | Director: Julie Dash USA / 1991 / 112 MIN. / Rating: MT / 35mm Set in 1902, this film takes a languid look at the Gullah culture of the sea islands off the coast of South Carolina and Georgia. African folkways were maintained well into the 20th Century in this isolated region, and it was one of the last bastions of these mores in America. As the first feature film by an AfricanAmerican woman distributed by Hollywood theatrically in the United States, this film opened to great critical acclaim, played at Sundance and Toronto film festivals, and in 2004 was added the National Film Registry.

“Boyz n the Hood,” 1:30 p.m. Sunday, April 26 | UNCSA Main Director: John Singleton USA / 1991 / 112 MIN. / Rating: R / 35mm The film debut for both Ice Cube and Morris Chestnut, this life-in-the-hood drama highlights a group of interrelated subjects as they struggle to either accept or deny the fate of their South Central Los Angeles upbringing. Also starring Cuba Gooding, Jr., Laurence Fishburne, Nia Long and Angela Bassett. John Singleton was the first African-American nominated for an Academy Award for both Best Director and Best Original Screenplay.

Also, “David’s Reverie,” a short film by Neil Creque Williams, who is from Winston-Salem, will be shown 7 p.m. Sunday, April 19 at SECCA and 7:15 p.m. Friday, April 24 at Hanesbrands Theatre. In “David's Reverie,” a jazz musician struggles to prevent his epilepsy diagnosis from derailing his emerging jazz career.

Tickets and information: RiverRun’s Ticket Samplers, which include 10 film vouchers for the price of nine, are now on sale at the Stevens Center Box Office. General tickets can be purchased at the Stevens Center Box Office via www.riverrunfilm.com or over the phone at 336-7211945.

The RiverRun International Film Festival is a non-profit cultural organization dedicated to the role of cinema as a conduit of powerful ideas and diverse viewpoints. Founded in 1998, RiverRun is a competitive event that annually showcases new films from both established and emerging filmmakers around the world. Each spring, RiverRun screens new narrative, documentary, short, student and animated films, offering both audience and jury prizes in competition categories.

DCCC’s spring fling brings back memories of the 1970s SPECIAL TO THE CHRONICLE

THOMASVILLE – Davidson County Community College students stepped back to the 1970s era of bellbottoms, flower children and peace signs during the annual Spring Fling celebration


from page A7

keeping struggling families in their homes.

*New assaults on reproductive freedom – Will Pat McCrory get another chance to equivocate and waffle on his seemingly iron-clad 2012 campaign promise to support no further restrictions on a woman’s right to obtain a safe, legal abortion? He will, if lawmakers move forward with recently introduced legislation to radically alter state law in a way that would make abortions almost completely inaccessible. Go to http://pulse.ncpolicywatch.org/2015/04/02/new -legislation-would-all-butend-access-to-safe-legalabortions-in-north-carolina/ to read the list of “horribles” in the new legislation.

*Further degrading the environment – On the “regulatory reform” front, there’s the “Regulatory

sponsored by the college’s Student Government Association held Wednesday, April 8, on the Davidson Campus. “We always try to do something new for Spring Fling and thought dressing up for the ‘70s would be fun,” says SGA President

Reform Act of 2015.” As the good folks at the North Carolina League of Conservation Voters point out, this 34-page measure includes provisions:

**“…abolishing the Sedimentation Control Commission; requiring the Coastal Resources Commission to relax its rules on those huge beachfront “sandbag” walls; repealing university energy audit requirements; creating a new loophole for polluters to get out of paying penalties by reporting their own violations; and other creative tools for fun, pollution, and profit.”

*Reversing a 150year-old ban on garnishing wages – Quick: What’s the best way to dramatically increase the number of North Carolinians who file bankruptcy each year? If you answered “allow credit card companies and predatory national ‘debt buyer’ outfits to garnish the wages of average people” give yourself a gold star. As veteran Raleigh bankruptcy lawyer William

Yesika Zelaya. “We hold these events for students to show that DCCC is more than just classrooms – it’s a community.” Students, faculty and staff participated in activities such as guessing ‘70s television theme songs, bouncing through the

Brewer explained in this essay yesterday, a huge spike in bankruptcies is exactly what will happen if state lawmakers repeal a 150-year-old law that allows North Carolina families to avoid garnishment by run-of-the-mill creditors if the money in their bank accounts is necessary to meet basic family needs. *Jacking up rates yet again on small, high interest loans – And speaking of vulnerable consumers who stand to fall even further behind if some in the General Assembly get their way, don’t forget the recent Senate proposal described in this Raleigh News & Observer article that would send already absurd interest rates on small loans into the stratosphere.

The proposal – which would drive the effective interest rates on some loans to 60 percent or more – is enough to make a body wonder how the bottomfeeding usurers behind it find the courage to look in the mirror each morning.

inflatable Ironman obstacle course, riding the self-propelled G-Force Twin Spin and mechanical bull, and on a more serious note, talking with representatives of four-year colleges concerning transfer options. "I love Spring Fling. It gets more exciting every

*Rewriting the U.S. Constitution – Every time you start to think that the state’s Tea Partying far right has been tamed by the corporate-funded politicos calling the shots in Raleigh, you’re brought back to reality by proposals like the one detailed in this recent Greensboro News & Record editorial. As the paper explained earlier last week: “We thought the state legislature convened in Raleigh. Last week, it apparently met in Fantasy Land.” How else to explain the House Judiciary I committee debating for an hour whether North Carolina should join the call for a ‘Convention of the States’ to discuss amendments to the U.S. Constitution that would limit the federal government’s power?” *Meddling in U.S. foreign policy – And speaking of extreme, fringe ideas, one can always count on Lt. Governor Dan Forest and his friends to weigh in to keep things interesting. Three weeks ago, Forest

year,” said student Angela Handy. "The best part about the event is the mechanical bull. I love that bull!" The Total Image Cosmetic Arts Club was one of the many student clubs and organizations raising funds for projects

co-announced the introduction of legislation in the Senate (along with Senator Rick Gunn) that is billed as the “Iran Divestment Act.” The proposal was clearly pushed forward as part of the far right’s ongoing and often improper national resistance to the President’s authority to conduct foreign policy in dealings with Iran. It’s good to know that local conservative pols are still taking their marching orders from Fox News.

*Guns, guns and more guns! – And in case you thought state leaders had succeeded in putting killing machines into every conceivable nook and cranny of the state, think again. A House proposal would make sure that guns could be lawfully brought to a host of new places by numerous people currently barred from doing so. *Denying health care to hundreds of thousands of people – And finally, no list of dreadful General Assembly actions and proposals would be close to complete without the

and activities through sales of food and other items. The esthetics and cosmetology students contributed to the theme by selling floral head wreaths and bracelets that reflected the flower power culture of the decade.

year’s most obvious and destructive policy omission – the ongoing failure to close the Medicaid gap that is preventing hundreds of thousands of working people from securing decent and affordable health coverage. As was explained in a recent excellent article (http://www.newsobserver.com/opinion/editorials/a rticle17346896.html), North Carolina’s stubborn and ideologically based decision to turn down billions of federal dollars is literally costing us tens of thousands of jobs and bringing on the early deaths of thousands of people each year.

Send your suggestions for ideas and proposals that should have been included in this list to http://pulse.ncpolicywatch.org/. We’ll publish a supplemental list on The Progressive Pulse blog in the near future.

Rob Schofield is policy director for N.C. Policy Watch. Find his columns at http://pulse.ncpolicywatch.org/.

Phi Beta Sigma Heritage Awards Gala honors three


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Members of the Delta Sigma chapter of Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity, Inc. held their annual Darryl A. Prince, Sr. Heritage Awards Gala on Saturday, March 28. The Enterprise Conference and Banquet Center was painted Blue and White as three outstanding leaders were presented awards on behalf of the fraternity. Those individuals were Chief Barry D. Rountree, the Rev. Dr. Nathan E. Scovens Sr. and William Frasier, Jr. Barry D. Rountree started his career with the WinstonSalem Police Department in 1988. He was awarded the Advanced Law Enforcement Certificate in August of 1994 by the North Carolina Criminal Justice Education and Standards Training Commission. He was appointed Chief of Police for the City of Winston-Salem on July 1, 2013. The WSPD is a full service police department with 560 sworn police officers and 163 non-sworn employees that serves a population of 240,000 residents. Dr. Nathan Scovens, Sr., is the spirited, gifted and anointed Pastor and Teacher of Galilee Missionary Baptist Church. He was called to GMBC as its fifth pastor in March 2007. His leadership has guided the church

APRIL 16, 2015


through a period of tremendous growth. Since his arrival, the church’s membership growth has tripled. Dr. Scovens preaches, Submitted photos teaches and unequivocally believes that we’ve been blessed to be a blessing. Phi Beta Sigma honors three men. The awardees are (L-R): Dr. Nathan Scovens The Winston-Salem Sr., William Frasier, Jr. and Barry D. Rountree. Chronicle recently awarded young African-American male students. Dr. Scovens their Man of the Year. The Founders, Honorable A. Langston Taylor, William Frasier, Jr., joined Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity, Inc. during the spring semester of 1999 at Francis Marion Honorable Leonard F. Morse, and Honorable Charles I. University through the Pi Chi Chapter. He currently Brown, wanted to organize a Greek letter fraternity that serves as the 18th Regional Director for the Southeastern would truly exemplify the ideals of brotherhood, scholarRegion (NC, SC and Eastern TN) and is a member of the ship, and service. Today, Phi Beta Sigma has blossomed into an internaBeta Rho Sigma Alumni Chapter in Charlotte. Mr. Frasier’s motto in life is, “There are 3 P’s to Success: Plan, tional organization of leaders. No longer a single entity, Plant and Preserve,” to every situation that one may members of the Fraternity have been instrumental in the establishment of the Phi Beta Sigma National Foundation, encounter. Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity Inc. was founded at Howard the Phi Beta Sigma Federal Credit Union and The Sigma University in Washington, D.C., January 9, 1914, by three Beta Club Foundation.

Sigma Gamma Rho inducts new members to organization


The Alpha Mu Sigma Alumnae and Rho Undergraduate chapters of Sigma Gamma Rho Sorority, Inc. inducted five new members in February. AMS chapter is delighted to welcome three area ladies. Shamale Higgins, an UNCG marketing graduate, is a manager for Wells Fargo Bank. Sade Littlejohn who also graduated from UNCG and is employed by Allegiance. Donna Taylor is an associate attorney with Kennedy, Kennedy, Kennedy, & Kennedy LLP. She is also a member of Americans Business Women’s Association. The Rho undergraduate chapter located on the campus of Winston-Salem State University welcomed Ashley Silver and Brejea Colvin. Sigma Gamma Rho Sorority, Inc. was organized on November 12, 1922, in Indianapolis, Ind. The group became an incorporated national collegiate sorority on December 30, 1929, when a charter was granted to Alpha chapter at Butler University. Alpha Mu Sigma was chartered in Winston-Salem in 1943.


Submitted photo

Front Row (Left to Right): Bri`jea Colvin, Ashley Silver, Shamale Higgins, Sade` Littlejohn, Attorney Donna Taylor. Second Row (Left to Right): Courtney Hunt, Shirka Morrison, Mae Moore, Demetrice Smith, Christen Jordan, Dr. Johanna Porter Kelley, Danielle Dove, Carlisa Galloway, Naomi Jones, Angela Sowell, Brittney Clinton.


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A program program of


A10 APRIL 16, 2015


from page A1

money to move them out of a safe school when we need books, we need our kids to learn how to read and we have children who are living in Winston-Salem who aren’t getting their needs met? That’s where I want our money to go. I have to protect resources to make that possible for them.” The city’s Stormwater and Erosion Control department recently announced their newest project to measure soil that may be contaminated. The city will implement monitoring wells in the area that will determine how far the pollutant plum surrounding Kaba Ilco has migrated and how it impacts surrounding residents and the city from 28th Street on down. The company has signed an agreement with officials from the state to implement a plan to treat the soil and remove the vapors. Stormwater Manager Keith Huff told citizens at a recent town hall meeting that the main pollutants found in the ground were tetrachloroethene, trichlorothene and 1Dichloroethene, all common chemicals that can be found in common household agents. The solvents are used in dry cleaning, cleaning of metal machinery and to manufacture consumer products and chemicals. Those vapors can come up through the soil, and in enough concentrations, can make its way through a slab in the buildings. The city will sample the groundwaters, soil, soil vapor, surface water and the drinking water system in areas south of 28th Street.

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Police Department employees receive commendations




Winston-Salem Police Chief Barry D. Rountree presented several commendation awards to police department employees on Friday, April 10 in the Public Safety Center Auditorium.

The awards presented were the 2014 Employee of the Year, 2014 Officer of the Year and the Medal of Merit Award. *2014 Employee of the Year - Public Safety Communication Supervisor J. F. Koppang

*2014 Officer of the Year - Police Officer M. P. Moore *The Medal of Merit Cpl. D. G. Smith and Officer D. W. Smith

Corporal (Cpl.) D. G. Smith and Officer D. W. Smith were awarded the Medal of Merit for their actions on January 17, 2015 at 9:04 p.m. involving a traffic accident with reported injuries.

The Medal of Merit is awarded when an employee performs in a manner that exceeded department standards, and; such act


included some degree of hazard to the life and limb of the nominee, and; was intended to prevent a probable loss of life or serious injury.

Officer M. P. Moore was awarded Officer of the Year for his actions on May 4, 2014, when Moore saved a woman’s life from a burning home.

PSCS Julie Koppang was awarded 2014 Employee of the Year for her work in helping to locate a missing person by acting as a liaison between police and a cell phone carrier.

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For more information on a list of sites, visit http://portal.ncdenr.org/c/d ocument_library/get_file?u uid=bc36cebd-0da1-4199b e 4 c 1044a7f1343c&groupId=3 8361.



with a goal of bringing all the grades back together on the same campus in Fall 2015. Lowrance Middle moved to Atkins High School, a countywide magnet high school with a STEM focus. For the 2015-2016 school year, Hanes Middle will be housed at the former Hill Middle School and Lowrance will stay at Atkins High School. Documents made public by WS/FCS state that the school system became aware of possible contamination beneath the schools in 1995, when Kaba Ilco asked to install underground monitoring wells on the property. The system placed emphasis on the fact that drinking water was not affected because the schools are served by a public water supply not drawn to the groundwater. Indoor air quality tests have also been done since 2005. Studies found that there were elevated levels in roughly three classrooms in 2006. The air inside Hanes and Lowrance schools was tested in May 2014 after Kaba Ilco and WS/FCS discussed installing a remediation system on the Hanes/Lowrance property and the possibility of WS/FCS building on the site. Those levels, analyzed by engineering firm S&ME, were found to be “below the applicable standards, and generally less than or equal to the prior tests results.” “I spent a lot of time talking with DENR, both in Winston-Salem and Raleigh ... two people from Piedmont Geological, and I’ve since talked to several environmental engineers and nobody supports closing the school in the scientific community. Given that it was a STEM school, I would especially hope that we pay attention to scientific data to drive our decision,” Motsinger quipped. She went on to say that there are 93 sites like this in Forsyth County that are on the inactive hazardous waste site list and that Hanes/Lowrance is not one of them. She said that she feels the problem could have been fixed with education, without the “sensationalism of the WinstonSalem Journal and parents who did not live in the neighborhood.” “To me, the public really needs to understand that all of the urban counties in the state have some of this contamination as a legacy. We used to not test, we used to not have NC DENR and the EPA, and regulations that said what you can and can’t test. So when people were pouring these chemicals directly in the dirt, they had no idea what the consequences would be. There will be no safe place for your children if we poison our water. That’s the big message. All of our children will be effected by the environmental choices we make,” Motsinger said. “There is no danger. It’s about concentration. Some soil vapor intrusion dissipates so fast that there really isn't a danger for kids to be outside playing in the playground or in the grass. It’s not that I’m ignoring it. It’s not that I don’t care. The air quality of the building there is no different than my house, their house, where you go to work or where I go to work.” The school board voted unanimously on March 10 to spend $15.5 million to build a new Lowrance Middle School on the campus of Paisley IB Magnet School. The money will come from a $42.6 million request from the Forsyth County Commissioners for building projects. Board member Vic Johnson said that he feels the parents made the decision to close the school when they stopped sending their children. “When over 100 kids a day started staying out of school, sometimes 180,

that’s disruptive. They made a decision that they would not send their kids,” he said. Johnson said that at the time the school board didn’t know how serious the problem was or if they could test every year. He said that ultimately determined why the move was needed, for him. He said that Motsinger is allowed her opinion and he admits he doesn’t know the magnitude of the problem. “The school is 65 years old. We can’t build anything else on the property. I felt we needed to move the kids since we had the space at another school,” he said. “This isn’t one of those right or wrong questions. My kids went to Lowrance and Hanes. I imagine if that situation rose at that point in time I would want my kids out of there. We don’t know what the problems could’ve been later on. Safety is the number one thing I’m concerned about and I wouldn’t bet my life on it. You just don’t know.” Unlike Johnson, Motsinger maintains that the children could have stayed in the school without being in danger. “I would never send our kids to school if I thought it was not safe for them to be there. We didn’t close it (the school) because it was unsafe. It got closed for political reasons, but not for true safety reasons. It was fear, not reality,” she said. “If I thought that kids who lived there were unsafe, then I would be up in arms about it. The reality is that those kids don’t stop being our kids just because they’re not in school. They’re our kids 24 hours a day, seven days a week.” Motsinger said that she feels that the money spent on testing, what she estimated as $85,000, could have been better used elsewhere in the school system. “To spend that type of


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APRIL 16, 2015

Judge Hatchett leads female students in an exercise stressing power and independence.

Young prospects at Main Street Academy get lesson from TV’s Judge Hatchett Judge Hatchett with students from Main Street Academy and Carver High School.


On Friday March 20, the Leadership Academy of Main Street Academy and Branded for Knowledge hosted a program with guest speaker Judge Glenda Hatchett, of the “Judge Hatchett Show” With guest attendees from Carver High. Judge Hatchett encouraged the girls to dream and put forth the work to accomplish those dreams. She shared history of her obstacles while on her journey. She conveyed there were “haters,” but the way to get them off of her was to ful-

Leadership Winston-Salem seeks applicants SPECIAL TO THE CHRONICLE

Leadership WinstonSalem is accepting applications for the nine-month 2015-16 Flagship Program which offers rare, behindthe-scenes insights into our community. The program allows participants to develop rich relationships while discovering ways to use their unique talents to help Winston-Salem and Forsyth County thrive. Anyone interested in learning more about the program can attend an information reception on Tuesday, April 21 from 5:30 to 6:30pm. There is no fee, but pre-registration is required as space is limited. Register at leadershipws.org. Information and the program application are also available on the website. Selection for the program is based on a variety of criteria designed to select a class of participants who reflect the demographic diversity of Forsyth County. Previous classes have included existing and emerging leaders from business, government, education, healthcare, and the nonprofit sector as well as a mixture of ethnicity, age and gender. An ideal candidate will also have demonstrated experience in community involvement, an interest in learning more about Forsyth County, and a strong desire to improve the community. Leadership WinstonSalem, founded in 1984, offers two unique programs: the nine-month Flagship Program and INSIGHT: WINSTONSALEM, an invitation-only program for senior level executives of large organizations who have recently relocated, are new to their position, or desire more community involvement – and for their significant others.

Submitted photos

fill her dream. Judge Hatchett organized the girls in groups based on their dream choices. She believes that having support gives you strength. The girls were instructed to call each other by their titles instead of their names. This helps to keep their dreams alive. Hatchett's conversation was direct. “Nobody dreams of being a drug dealer or a pimp. Keeping your dreams in front of you motivates you to work hard toward achievement.” Tawnee Smith, President of Leadership

Council at Main Street Academy said, “Knowing someone of Judge Hatchett’s stature has made mistakes makes me feel less stressed about my mistakes. She was transparent with us.” Tawnee also believes she can overcome her obstacles and achieve her dreams. Prasyla Martinez, Leadership Secretary said that she felt a connection with the other students. “We all have different situations, as females, we should empathize with each other and not hate on one another.” Branded for

Knowledge, a partner of Main Street Academy has been essential to exposing our students to various resources, which helps our students make informed decisions about their lives and post-secondary. Bobby Kimbrough, Founder of Branded for Knowledge and Denise Smith, his assistant, regularly visit Main Street Academy to mentor the students and assist in various ways. Their presence is greatly influential to our students.

Judge Hatchett discussing the importance of acting as ladies.



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Boulware satisfied with Rams’ football progress this spring Also Community, Religion and Classifieds

APRIL 16, 2015

Red vs. White

Team Red defeats Team White, 20-16, in scrimage game


Michael Bloomfield (40) anchors the Rams defensive line. BY CRAIG T. GREENLEE we’ve made,” said WSSU Coach FOR THE CHRONICLE Kienus Boulware, whose team finished up at 9-2 last season. Springtime is in full swing, and “Everybody was able to get acclithe start of the next football season is mated to our new system.” still five months away. Even so, The burning question as to who expectations are high at Winston- will start at quarterback wasn’t Salem State University. Rams fol- resolved during spring practice. lowers got a glimpse of the not-so- Freshmen Rod Tinsley and distant future at the annual Spring Demetrius Lewis showed promise, Game played last Saturday, April 11 but neither was able to establish a at Glenn High School in clear advantage over the other. Kernersville. For now, it’s a neck-and-neck The Red team emerged with a 20- race between the two. “They’re new 16 win over the White team. and they’re learning as they go,” Quarterback Rod Tinsley delivered Boulware said. the game-clincher with a six-yard With 140 days to go before the touchdown run with less than three season kicks off at UNC Pembroke minutes left to play in the fourth on Sept. 3, it’s too early to tell what Kienus Boulware addresses his team after the quarter. conclusion of Saturday’s Spring Game. “I’m satisfied with the progress See Boulware on B2

Photos by Craig T. Greenlee

The WSSU Red Team’s quarterback, Rod Tinsley, scored on a six yard run with 2:52 left to play, to give the Red Team a 20-16 win over the White Team Saturday in the Winston-Salem State University Spring Game. Kicker William Johnson opened the scoring for the White Team in the first quarter with a 33 yard field goal. The Red Team answered in the second quarter, as William Johnson tied the game with a 47-yard field goal. The White Team scored the day’s first touchdown, on a Demetrius Lewis to William Belcher pass and catch for a touchdown. William Johnson would bring the Red Team closer, and bring the fans to their feet when, with one second left before the half, he would connect on a 54-yard field goal to bring the score to White Team 10, Red Team 6 at the half. The Red Team would take their first lead of the day when Kenneth Sharpe would go off the right side for a 21-yard touchdown run to put the Red Team on top, 13-10. The White Team answered back with a run of their own, when Entrone Jones went 45 yards through the middle for a score, to put the White Team back out in front 16-13. But it was the Red Team with the final answer, as Rod Tinsley would take it himself around the left end for a six-yard touchdown run with 2:52 remaining to give the Red Team with 20-16 win. Kenneth Sharpe led the Red Team in rushing with seven carries for 48 yards and one touchdown, while Malik Moseley rushed five times for 27 yards. Rod Tinsley added one rushing touchdown. Tinsley finished 10 of 21 for 96 yards with two interceptions. Rashan Williams had two catches for 50 yards, while Anthony Bowen (25 yds), Julian Primus (10 yards), Markus Kershaw (2 yards) and Malik Moseley (2 yards) each had one catch. Canard Brown had three catches for 4 yards. Defensively for the Red Team, Anthony

Track winners gearing up for championships BY CRAIG T. GREENLEE FOR THE CHRONICLE

West Forsyth's Vernon Espinoza leads the pack in the 800-meter run.

Photos by Craig T. Greenlee

West Forsyth pulled off a satisfying double in winning the boys’ and girls’ team titles at the Scott Brent Track and Field Invitational held last weekend at Mount Tabor. “The Brent” is also known as the Forsyth County Championships. It’s the one meet during the season in which all the public high schools in the county compete against one another. Even though the Brent is considered one of the season’s highlights, it also serves as a building block for the remainder of the season. Now, these track athletes turn their attention to their respective conference championships scheduled over the next two weeks. The Piedmont area has several athletes who appear in the state rankings on the NC Runners website (nc.milesplit.com).

At the start of this w e e k , Deacons s e n i o r Matt Pirro led the ACC in pitching wins.

Tiara Patterson-Mills of Mount Tabor in action.

Deacons looking to make late-season surge

Sprints In retrospect, the boys’ 200-meter dash turned out to be a race of county champions. Photo by Craig T. Greenlee

Carver’s Brian Sessoms was expected to repeat his double as 100/200 champ from a year ago. Sessoms won the 100 in a tightlycontested race over West Forsyth’s Breon Jenkins with wind-aided 10.88 seconds. Jenkins bounced back to even the score in the 200. He closed with a rush over the final 20 meters to win by a step over Sessoms. Jenkins was clocked in at 21.98 (wind-aided). Sessoms and Jenkins will not have a rematch. Carver (2-A) and West Forsyth (4A) compete in different conferences and they’re in different classifications. Because of that, the schools won’t face each other in the same regional and state championships. The boys’ 200 featured another Brent winner, Chace Washington-Saunders of Reagan who claimed the gold by winning the 400 earlier in the day. WashingtonSaunders won the 400 easily in 49.0 and finished third in the 200 (22.34 windaided). With the track season entering its final

See Spring Game on B2


See Track on B2

With a little under a month left in the regular season, Wake Forest remains hopeful that it has enough left in its tank to make a serious run in the ACC Baseball Tournament. When it comes to league play, the Deacons (9-9) have gotten mixed results. The most recent example was a road trip vs. Pitt. In losing twice in the three-game series, Wake Forest was victimized by spotty pitching in the opener (8-3 defeat) and lack of bat production in the third game. The Deacons’ bats were silent in an 8-4 loss in which

they went 1-for-12 at the plate with runners in scoring position. In the middle game, however, the Deacons drilled eight extra-base hits in a 12-4 victory. Stuart Fairchild went 4-for-5 and drove in five runs. Gavin Sheets hit a three-run home run and Will Craig drove in three runs. There’s still enough time left for Wake to put together a late-season surge. Even so, it could be an uphill battle. Right now, the Deacons are in the midst of a two-week stretch that included road trips for nine See Wake on B2

Lowrance takes bragging rights in matchup with rival Carter T h E C h r on i C lE

B2 APRIL 16, 2015

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By Erin MizEllE For ThE ChroniClE

lowrance Middle School and VS Carter Vocational reunited once again, over a basketball game in Kennedy high School’s gymnasium. it’s not only a game; it is an opportunity for staff, community, cheerleaders and student athletes from both schools to cheer on and watch their students compete and work together for a common goal. Both schools educate special needs students. The final score was 17-6, with lowrance Middle School the victor. Both teams finished the game with shaking hands and fist bumps. Many people after the game gave affirmation and confirmation about the great job of both teams and how the student athletes from lowrance Middle were grasping and understanding the fundamental coaching points from head Coach Juwon Crowell and assistant coach Sir James Maxie during the game. ronnie Caviness, head coach of Carter Vocational high School, and his team of assistants were coaching intensely, telling his team to keep playing and working hard no matter the score. “Each and every one of us in the world has a special need, which is to feel loved, valued and respected,” says Crowell. “it is all any of us need."


(Upper left) Head Coach Juwon Crowell talks strategy with his team. (Lower left) Jemari L. (#41) takes in the atmosphere of the day as he plays defense. (Upper right) Assistant Coach Sir James Maxie celebrates with his victorious team. Photos by Erin Mizelle for The Chronicle

Spring Game from page B1

who does his best work running between the tackles. Massey, however, has the speed to make tacklers miss and break long runs. WSSU won’t have to depend on Massey to the rams offensive identity might be. Much will depend on how much the quarterbacks continue to shoulder the entire rushing load. Malik Moseley, a grow in their understanding and execution of the rising sophomore transfer from old Dominion, will get his share of touches this fall. Moseley (5-feet-9, playbook. What is clear for now is that WSSU will sport a 192 pounds) is an elusive runner who makes good different look on offense. A year ago, they used the use of his speed and field vision. At wide receiver, Canard pistol formation and Brown (Jackson State transfer) averaged 35.7 points has the tools to emerge as a per game. This year, big-play threat. rashan they’re returning to Williams could also step forthe multiple pro-style ward as a key contributor in the offense employed durpassing game. ing the rams threeon defense, look for year run in the nCAA Winston-Salem State to add playoffs under former some new wrinkles to its base coach Connell 4-2-5 alignment. During the Maynor. Spring Game, the defenses on The formations both sides took center stage will vary from the and combined for six intercepspread look of last seations. For this season, the game son. WSSU will run plan will call for defense force empty backfield with action more than it has in four wide receivers, recent ones. but will also run sets “We’re going to revamp a with two backs and few things,” Boulware said. double tight ends. “We’ll play more man cover“We ran a lot of age on the back end and use shot-gun last year,” more blitz packages up front to Boulware said. “This generate more pressure on the year, the quarterback passer.” will be under center a rising senior Michael lot more. We want to Photo by Craig T. Greenlee Bloomfield (6-feet-3, 245 avoid being one- Tyree Massey breaks free to gain yardage. pounds) will figure prominentdimensional.” ly in the defensive scheme. Whoever winds up being the starting QB will have a solid offensive line Bloomfield’s upper-body strength and exceptional to operate behind. Jac’que Polite (6-feet-5, 300 quickness off the ball makes life difficult for oppospounds) is the prime protector at left tackle. The ris- ing offensive linemen. “Any time you talk about our ing junior from ridgeland, S.C., started out last sea- defense, there’s one name that always comes to son on the defensive line, but switched positions mind, and that’s Michael Bloomfield,” Boulware midway through the season when it became clear said. “Michael is a workaholic and he applies presthat he wouldn’t get much playing time. Polite uses sure on every snap.” inside linebackers Kyrell Williamson and his size, strength and speed to neutralize defenders. Jaitavius Jackson, along with crafty cornerbacks Don’t be surprised if the rams become more of a “ground-and-pound” team. rising senior Tyree Kailan Chavis and Cameron Sullivan, are expected Massey (5-feet-11, 235 pounds) is a burly bruiser to have stand-out seasons. from page B1


from page B1

The outlook for Brooks in the 300 hurdles is very favorable. She’ll enter the PTC Championships as the no. 1 seed whose time of 47.65 seconds is by far the fastest in the conference this season. Brooks’ closest rival is nascha Blue of Glenn, who she defeated convincingly at the county meet.

Talley finished with seven tackles, 2.5 tackles for loss and three sacks, while Michael Bloomfield finished with five tackles 2.5 tackles for loss and two sacks. Amyl Smith also had five tackles, 1.5 tackles for a loss and two sacks. Michael Douglas had four tackles, a half a tackle for a loss and one sack, while James Bullock, Andre Green, Kyrell Williamson and Brian James each had three tackles. Wesley Crosby added two sacks, Xavier Gregory had one sack, and Krell Williamson added a fumble recovery. Joseph Grant had two interceptions, while Brian James and Cameron Sullivan each had one interception. The White Team was led in rushing by Tyree Massey, who rushed 13 times for 88 yards, while Entrone Jones rushed five times for 46 yards and one touchdown. Demetrius lewis finished 9 of 22 for 79 yards and one passing touchdown, with four interceptions. Eric Williams led the White Team receivers with three catches for 20 yards, while William Belcher added three catches for 20 yards and one touchdown. Anthony Everett had one catch for 16 yards, Paris harris had one catch for 12 yards, and Trey Foggie had 2 catches for -1 yards. William Johnson averaged 29 yards per punt on the afternoon, as he punted and kicked for both teams. Johnson went

(2:20.30) is a 400 specialist who runs the 800 from time to time. Whether or not she competes in this race at the conference is anyone’s guess. if she does run the 800, Mcneill will most likely face a stiff challenge from versatile sophomore Tiara Patterson-Mills of Mount Tabor (2:21.85). That doesn’t mean that it will be a two-runner race race. Ellen Spencer and Mackenzie newsome of West Forsyth will contend for top honors. The girls’ 4x800 relay should deliver some pulsating moments. Mount Tabor rates as the pre-race favorite. The Spartans foursome of Jenna lineberry, leah Messenkopf, Emily reichert and Patterson-Mills clocked 9:57.86 to win at the Brent. Even so, with conference bragging rights on the line, reagan (10:03.12) and West Forsyth (10:19.10) will push the Spartans to the limit.


from page B1

three of four on field goals, with the highlight a 54 yard attempt that split the uprights good. Defensively for the White Team, Tiqeece Brown finished with 5 tackles, one and half tackles for a loss and one sack. Albert Mclean also had five tackles, three tackles for a loss and a sack. Kariym Gent had four tackles, while Sadarious Byers had three tackles, two tackles for a loss and a sack. Devin Baber added three tackles and two tackles for a loss. Joe Wright and Daniel Kwaku also had one sack each, and Deshawn littlejohn had two interceptions. “i think we piggy-backed off our last practice on Thursday, and the guys came out and were on fire. Everyone was sharp and focused, and we capped it off with a good performance today,” said head coach, Kienus Boulware. “now we get to go back and watch the film for the last time as we go through this evaluation period, but overall i am pleased with our spring,” added Boulware. “Tyree Massey had a great day. Massey sort of takes us back to 2010 and 2011. he is in the mold of nick Cooper. Massey is about the toughest thing we have had in the backfield with his bruising running style downhill, since Cooper. if that ends up being our bread and butter, then we will run the football,” said Boulware.

Winston-Salem State will open the 2015 football season on Thursday, Sept. 3, at UNC Pembroke.

of its next 10 games through April 21. Wake returns to town for a fourgame home stand that starts on April 24. “it’s up to us to play to Middle distance races our level of ability,” said in the boys’ 800, Vernon Espinoza Coach Tom Walter. of West Forsyth and Mount Tabor’s “offensively, we’re balKenny Kniesel will be primed to win anced. There’s power in at the Central Piedmont Conference the lineup to hit home Championships. Both are ranked runs. But we can also among the state’s top 10. Espinoza is steal bases and manufacno. 4 at 1 minute, 56.15 seconds and ture runs. This team is Kniesel is eighth at 1:57.30. At the built to beat opponents in Brent, Espinoza called on his 400different ways.” meter sprinter’s speed to pull away in Wake Forest (22-16 as the late stages of the race. of April 13) ranked sevPerhaps the most intriguing matchenth nationally in team up at the CPC meet could be the girls’ batting average (.313). 800. Parkland’s McKinley Mcneill Statistically, the Deacons rank among the ACC’s top three in most offensive categories, including batting average, runs batted in, home runs, slugging percentage and total bases. Craig has emerged as a key factor in Wake attack. The sophomore first baseman is having an All-American kind of season. At the start of this week, Craig ranked among the national leaders in home runs (12), rBis (54), total bases (110) and batting average (.407). Photos by Craig T. Greenlee “There’s no denying that Will Craig has excepThree Brent Invitational champs squared off in the boys 200. West tional ability,” Walter Forsyth's Breon Jenkins (second from right) won the 200. Brian East Forsyth sprinter/hurdler Isis Brooks said. “But there’s more to Sessoms of Carver (middle) won the 100 and Chace Washington- (in black) won three individual events at it than him being a talentSaunders of Reagan (second from left) won the 400. the county championships last weekend. ed player. he’s a hard

month, Washington-Saunders has the look of a legitimate contender for a state outdoor title. he ran 48.48 earlier this season, which is the second-fastest in north Carolina. East Forsyth’s isis Brooks was a multiple winner at the Brent (100 meters/200 meters /300-meter hurdles). Still, Brooks could be hard pressed to pull off a triple at the Piedmont Triad Conference Championships. Brooks (12.31 seconds in the 100; 25.42 in the 200)) will face-off against two of the area’s best sprinters in high Point Central’s Tamara Clark and Charla Ward of ragsdale. Clark has a hand-held time of 11.54, which is the fastest in the state.

Photos by Erin Mizelle for The Chronicle

Rickey Burns II, No. 31, grabs at a player on the red team during the Spring Game.

worker who puts in the time and makes every effort to perfect his craft. When you put all of that together, you get outstanding results.” Craig hasn’t had to be a one-man demolition crew. he gets ample assistance from nate Mondou, who’s hitting .366 with nine homers and 49 rBis. Fairchild (.370) also ranks among the ACC’s Top 5 in hitting. Wake Forest has proven itself as a runscoring outfit. yet, the ability to go deep in conference tournament play and the nCAA playoffs hinges a lot on quality pitching. on the whole, the Deacons pitching staff has had its struggles this season (5.70 ErA is the highest in the ACC). in ace right-handers Matt Pirro and Parker Dunshee, Wake Forest has two starting pitchers who have more than held their own this season. Pirro (6-2, 3.04 ErA) led the conference in wins and he’s struck out 49 batters in 47 1/3 innings. Dunshee (5-0 with 51 strike-outs in 46 innings) is equally impressive. his ErA of 2.54 was ninthbest in the league. “Matt and Parker throw as well as anybody in the ACC,” Walter said. “When you have premier pitchers like those two, you always have a chance.”

Slow start urges strong finish from Lady Rams softball


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The Winston-Salem State Lady Rams (11-17) broke out of an offensive slump in a big way when the team took a 5-1 win at Limestone (19-11). The Lady Rams took the win behind a great overall effort as they recorded five runs on eight hits while holding the Saints to just one run on seven hits. After going scoreless in the first three innings of the game and falling behind, 10, the Lady Rams broke out for five runs in the fourth and fifth innings to take the win. Sophomore pitcher Mercedes Hargett broke things open with a fourth-inning solo home run to tie the game 1-1 before senior short stop Katrina Bartlett scored on a Limestone fielding error to put the team ahead, 2-1. Hargett struck again in the fifth inning when she hit a three-RBI home run that scored freshman catcher Melissa Carillo and sophomore second base Chyna

Riley and put the Lady Rams on top 5-1 for good. The Lady Rams’ offense made the most of their offense with five runs scored on eight hits. Hargett powered the WSSU win with a pair of home runs, two runs scored and four RBI in the game while Riley added a two-for-four effort at the plate with a run scored. In addition to her hitting efforts, Hargett (7-9) took the pitching win, going all seven innings with seven hits and just one earned run allowed. She also added seven strikeouts in the game as well. Game two of the scheduled doubleheader was cancelled due to rain. With the win, the Lady Rams snap a three-game skid. The team will get a bit of a break before their next action as they will return to action on April 17 when they host the Barton Bulldogs.

APRIL 16, 2015

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WSSU tennis triumphs over Livingstone, will proceed to JCSU



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The Winston-Salem State Lady Rams (6-6, 6-5 CIAA) got a key Central Intercollegiate Athletic Association (CIAA) Southern Division win on Thursday, April 9 when the team took a 72 win at Livingstone (2-12, 2-11 CIAA). The win was an important one for the Lady Rams down the final stretch of the season as it keeps the Lady Rams in third place in the division. The Lady Rams got things going right away with a pair April 15 – April 21, 20155 of 8-0 wins at #2 and #3 doubles, respectively. The Lady Rams completed the doubles sweep when sophomores Deja Stewart and Gabrielle Lindsay took an 8-3 win at #1 doubles. Things continued to go the Lady Rams’ way in singles play when the team went 4-2 to complete the 7-2 victory. Freshman Aja Grant got things started when she took a 60, win by retirement, victory at #4 singles. Sophomore Anye Waters also took an impressive win when she scored a 6-0, 6-0 win at #6 singles. Sophomore Gabrielle Lindsay kept things going with a 6-0, 6-1 win at #3 singles. Freshman Zakia Spencer rounded out the effort with a 6-1, 6-0 win at #5 singles as well. With the win, the Lady Rams improve to 6-5 in CIAA play.

Lady Rams tennis honors CIAA Player of the Week


The Winston-Salem State Lady Rams tennis program got a big honor, Wednesday morning, April 8, when sophomore Gabrielle Lindsay was named the Central Intercollegiate Athletic Association (CIAA) Player of the Week. She was the first WSSU player to earn a weekly honor this season. Lindsay took home the honor after posting an undefeated week in a pair of matches. She took a 6-0, 6-0 win at #3 singles in a key CIAA Southern Division match against Livingstone, followed by a 6-4, 6-3 Lindsay win at local rival Salem College. She also joined teammate Deja Stewart for an undefeated week in doubles play with an 8-1 home win over Livingstone and an 8-2 win at Salem College.

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WSSU baseball comes out victorious over Wingate




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rC oup

Winston-Salem State scored four runs in the ninth inning to come away with a 7-4 win over the Wingate Bulldogs on Wednesday, April 8 at the Ron Christopher Stadium and Plyler Athletic Field. With the win, the WSSU Rams improve to 23-12 overall, while the Wingate Bulldogs fall to 22-16 on the season. The Wingate Bulldogs wasted no time getting out in front of the Rams, as they scored one in the first and two more runs in the second inning to jump out to a quick 3-0 lead. WSSU answered with one run in the third inning, on a sacrifice fly from Connor Andrus, scoring Taylor Idol, to cut the lead to 3-1. The Rams would come up with two more runs in the fifth inning, as Des Roberts would single home Rashad Webster, and Andrus would drive home Idol, to tie the game at 3-3 heading into the late innings. The Bulldogs surged back ahead in the seventh, on a leadoff, solo home run, to go back out in front 4-3. WSSU, mired in a six-game losing streak, refused to bow, and came into the ninth inning seeing red. Gavin Culler walked to start the inning, followed by Roberts being hit by a pitch. Andrus would reach on an error from the third baseman that allowed Culler to score from second base. Jacob Barber would single through the left side, scoring Roberts and Andrus. Alex Grubb would later single scoring Webster to give the Rams a 7-4 lead heading to the bottom of the ninth. Jordan Cummings came in and closed the door on Wingate, giving the Rams a 7-4 come from behind victory. Eric Corlett picked up his sixth win of the season going 2.0 innings out of the bullpen, allowing one run on two hits, with one walk and four strikeouts. Cummings picked up his third save, pitching the ninth inning, allowing one hit with one walk and one strikeout. Tyler Scearce was the starter for the Rams, going 3.0 innings, giving up three runs on three hits, with a strikeout and five walks. Sam Burton also pitched for the Rams, going 3.0 innings, allowing two with two walks and three strikeouts. WSSU was led by two RBI’s each from Andrus and Barber. Andrus was zero for two, with a run scored, and Barber went one for four with a run scored. Culler went two for three on the night, with a run scored, and Roberts went two for four with a run scored and a run batted in. Alex Grubb was two for five with a run batted in, and Taylor Idol finished one for three with two runs scored. Rashad Webster went one for four with a run scored.


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B4 APRIL 16, 2015



April 17

Women’s Fellowship Ministry Bishop Marvin, Pastor Clara Cremedy &Vessels Of Honor Church Ministries, 3608 Ogburn Ave., will sponsor a Women's Fellowship Ministry on Friday, April 17. Intercessory prayer will begin at 6 p.m. Ministering the word of God at 7 p.m. Light refreshments will be served. For more information or transportation, call Pastor Clara Cremedy at 336-624-9351 or send an email to claracremedy@yahoo.com. Bishop Marvin and Elder Clara Cremedy are the host pastors.

Choir Concert Calvary Hill Church of Greater Deliverance Inc. on Friday, April 17 at 6:30 p.m. will have its Joyful Noise Men Choir Concert. The public is invited. There will be guest choirs performing. Contact Deacon Reginald Fleming at 336-661-6687.

Special Event The Fruit of the Vine World Garden is sponsoring a special event on Friday, April 17 at 11 a.m. at The Winston Salem Hotel & Spa, located at 3050 University Parkway. Speakers include WinstonSalem Mayor Allen Joines, author and motivational speaker Rudy Ferraro, World Garden Founder the Rev. Steve Johnson, Dr. James Fulwood, Majic 99.9 radio talk show host Robyn Tatum, Winston Salem Police Department, Forsyth County Sherriff’s Department, Winston-Salem Fire Department and other community very important people. RSVP to the Rev. Johnson, founder of the World Garden, at 336-987-9953 or Steve@fruitofthevineworldgarden.com. April 18

Living Legends St. James A.M.E. Church will hold a Living Legends Celebration on April 18 at 10 a.m. in the Steven Lyons Fellowship Hall at the church, 1501 N. Patterson Ave., across from the post office.

Antique Auto Show Fruit of The Vine Garden will sponsor an Antique Auto Show on Saturday, April 18 from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. at the Winston Salem Hotel & Spa located at 3050 University Parkway. There will be free food. Donations will go to The Vine World Garden, a nonprofit organization. Donations will help provide seeds for individuals to “plant a seed, feed the world.” There will also be live book signings from author Rudy Ferraro. The public is invited.

‘Save Our Girls’ On Saturday, April 18, the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan will be delivering a message to women only via webcast called “Save Our Girls.” It can be viewed at 1530 Martin St. Doors open at 9 a.m. For more information, contact Sister Shelia Muhammad at 336-497-8603. Concert Ministry For Christ Church, 2341 N. Patterson Ave., and Senior Pastor Bishop Andrea Nash are hosting a concert with the Big Four Choir on Saturday, April 18, at 6 p.m. Special guest is The Big Four Choir the Omega Psi P h i - P h s i Chapter. The community is invited.

Choir anniversary St. Matthew Apostolic Temple Church of Jesus Christ, 3640 New Walkertown Rd., where Bishop Joseph P. Lowery is pastor, invites the public for a two-day celebration of the “Sanctuary Choir Anniversary" on Saturday, April 18, at 6:30 p.m. Mistress of ceremony will be Evangelist Beverly Alexander. Special guest will be Dionn Owen and Renaissance Choir and other guest choirs from the city. Sunday, April 19, at 4 p.m., the celebration continues, with Bishop James E. Wiley Jr. and his church Greater Liberty Temple Church from Shelby as guest speaker. If you have any questions, feel free to contact: Minister of Music : Brother Kenny Anderson at 336-345-8922 or Church secretary: Sister Janet Tucker at 336-682-6241 or call the church telephone at 336-724-1780 or email Smatinc@att.net.

Young Adult Summit Generation of Voices of Piney Grove Baptist Church, 4715 Indiana Ave., will host a Young Adult Summit for ages 5-18 on Saturday, April 18, from 8:30 a.m. to noon. There will be workshops on finding your purpose as Christian young adults, money management, bullying and social media. The public is invited. Call 336-744-5759 for more information. April 19

Fruit of the Spirit Program Steward’s Chapel A.M.E. Zion Church, 198 Anderson Road, Rural Hall, will hold its Fruit of the Spirit Program on Sunday, April 19 at 3 p.m. There will be different speakers for this event. The Rev. Eddie L. Forston is the host pastor. The public is invited to attend.

Men’s and Women’s Day Bethania A.M.E. Zion Church, 2120 BethaniaRural Hall Road, will celebrate Men’s and Women’s Day on Sunday, April 19 at the 11 a.m. worship service. The speaker will be Thomas Baldwin, II, of Huntersville, N.C. Rev. Dr. Karen Roberts Miller is the host pastor. The public is invited to attend.

See Religion on B5


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Kimberly Park Holiness celebrates 96th anniversary SPECIAL TO THE CHRONICLE

Services celebrating its 96th anniversary are set for Kimberly Park Holiness Church on Sunday, April 19. At 11 a.m. Kimberly Park’s ministerial staff members are scheduled to speak: Pastor Elder Robert Edmond, Elder Preston Jones, Minister/Lady Carolyn Edmond and Dr. Evangelist Vanessa D Winfield. The guest church and pastor slated for the 4 p.m. service are Bishop Arnie Joyce of Miracle Mount Carmel Holiness Church of West Virgina. A dinner fellowship will follow the morning service on Sunday. Kimberly Park Holiness Church was organized in a two-story framed building at Derry and Glenn Avenue. It was the year 1919. The location at the time was a thickly clustered area with bushes with a nearby stream. The group comprised of 10 chartered members and came together under the name of ‘Union Mission Sanctified Church.’ Elder Frank Caesar was the founding pastor along with Elder W. M. Smith as assistant pastor. Deacon Solomon M. Caesar, Sister Nellie Caesar (wife of Frank Caesar), Deacon Willie Caesar, Brother Jim Caesar, Sister Agnes

Caesar, Sister Winnie Gray as church mother, group as charter members. Since its founding, Kimberly Park Holiness Church has been under the leadership of several eminent pastors: Elder W.M. Smith, Bishop S.M. Caesar, Bishop T.R. Rice, Bishop L.S. Tate, Elder Hilton Stone and Elder Paul Sherard. Our current pastor is Elder Robert R. Edmond, Jr. The chosen theme for this 96th year celebration is Acts 20:28, “Take heed therefore unto yourselves, and to all the flock, over the which the Holy Ghost hath made you overseers, to feed the church of God, which he hath purchased with his own blood.” Elder Edmond and the entire membership of Kimberly Park Holiness Church welcome the public to the services.

Youth shine in First Waughtown Baptist showcase


More than 20 youth displayed their talents in the fourth annual Music and Arts Seminar program at First Waughtown Baptist Church on Sunday, March 29. Thirteen of them earned cash prizes ranging from $5 for Honorable Mention to $20 for First Place in six creative competitions. Below is the list of winners. Performing Arts 1st Place– Shandi McDaniel – vocal 2nd Place– Terrell Robinson, Jr., instrumental 3rd Place– Nykiera Stubbs – vocal Honorable Mention – Jasyah Holiday – vocal Oratory 1st Place– Shandi McDaniel 2nd Place– Krisalin Simon

Arts & Crafts 1st Place– Shamyah Coleman 2nd Place– Corian Wardlow 3rd Place– Jaidon

Craft Honorable Mention– Nevaeh Harris Honorable Mention– Shamara Boston

Original Artwork 1st Place– I’zaah Gray 2nd Place– Demarkus Bishop 3rd Place– Syncere Blackwell Photography 1st Place– Shamyah Coleman Creative Writing 1st Place– Shamara Boston

Judges for the competitions were Arnita Miles, audience development/PR representative for the North Carolina Black Repertory Company; Dr. Soncerey Montgomery, associate professor of speech at Winston-Salem State University, radio personality, author and motivational speaker; and Sylvia Sprinkle-Hamlin, director of the Forsyth County Public Library System and executive director of the North Carolina Black Repertory Company. In addition to the pres-

The winning first place drawing by I’zaah Gray.

First Waughtown Baptist Church photo by Minister Tamara Moore

entation of contest winners, the program featured musical and dance performances, recitations and teen discussions applying biblical principles to current issues that was facilitated by Minister Theodis Chunn. Minister Chunn is an academic success counselor at Winston-Salem State University, motivational speaker, and founder of TCJ Motivations, a nonprofit youth mentoring organization. Bria Lindsay, a junior at West Forsyth High School, served as mistress of ceremonies. The Music and Arts Seminar was coordinated by Minister Tamara Moore. Pastor Dennis W. Bishop is senior pastor at First Waughtown Baptist Church.

Nykiera Stubbs

GQ Club and First Presbyterian clean-up Cook Elementary


Volunteerism is one of the tenants of Christian service. It is also one of the fundamental principles of Gentleman’s Quorum Inc., a mentorship program at Elementary School Academy. As community volunteers from First Presbyterian Church came out to Cook Elementary last Saturday during the church’s First Serve effort, Gentleman’s Quorum pitched in to help beautify the campus, helping clean inside and outside of the school and with school’s landscaping. First Presbyterian sponsors the clean-up effort twice each year, once in the fall and again in the spring. First Presbyterian has already planned its next First Serve for the fall. It will occur in October. In addition to providing help with clean-up around the school, First Presbyterian also provides monthly meals for teachers and staff at Cook Elementary, helps with its “backpack” lunch program and provides 24 volunteers for Cook’s “lunch buddies” program. Gentleman’s Quorum was founded last year by Sam Davis, a member of the school’s staff, at Elementary

School Academy. Elementary School Academy is housed at Cook Elementary. One of the criteria for membership in Gentleman’s Quorum is that members must perform at least 10 hours of community service each year. “We expect all of the gentlemen in GQ to perform community service,” said Elliot Miley, one of GQ’s advisors. “They get hands-on experience performing a variety of needed duties. It also gives them an opportunity to meet various members of the community and have an opportunity to interact with them. It is a privilege for our kids to get this type of experience and provide service to the community in the process.” Jahaun King, a member of GQ said he had fun and got some valuable experience helping out. “I really enjoyed having the opportunity to come out and help my school,” he said. “I learned a lot today and I look forward to doing it again.” Stefano Buffert, another member of GQ, said he liked the way students and volunteers worked together to help beautify the campus. “This is my school and I take pride in helping make it look better,”

Shandi McDaniel

Gentleman’s Quorum members Joshua Williamson, Jahaun King, Stefano Buffert and T'Andre Williams help beautify the campus at Cook Elementary.

Submitted Photo

he said. “It was fun.” T’Andre Williams said volunteering helps him understand how to exercise citizenship, which is one of GQ’s fundamental principles. “We talk about citizenship and some of us didn’t really understand how that works,” he said. “But this gave me a chance to use it by helping out my community by volunteering.”

God’s Love Is Guaranteed

Jesus. Chapter four opened with John cautioning them to “test the spirit” that they experienced. If the teacher/spirit didn’t acknowledge Jesus as fully human and divine, then it was the “antichrist.” He went on to say that their Mildred faith in Christ has overcome the false Peppers teachers. Therefore, the one (Holy Spirit) who dwells in them is greater than false teachers. The world listens to Sunday them but believers follow God. Do you Background: This circular letSchool Lesson know His voice? Loving one another ter was sent to various churches in (with all their faults and ours) is the eviAsia Minor. John, the beloved disdence that believers are of God. The ciple, probably penned it in relationship between believers and God Ephesus. The early churches faced many doctrinal ideas that made the believers doubt. The is based on love; nothing else! God loved first; He gave apostle wrote to expose false teachers and to assure them His only Son for humanity! You can’t beat that! John preof their Salvation. He boldly declared that the foundation of their relationship with God was love through Christ See Peppers on B5

Lesson Scripture: I John 4:13-5:5 By the end of this lesson, we should Understand • that love holds a community together • Give examples of love conquering evil • Live a life of love; not fear

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Religion from page B4

Annual Missionary Day The Union Bethel A.M.E. Church Women’s Missionary Society, 1716 Richard Allen Lane (formerly Trade Street), will be celebrate their Annual Missionary Day on Sunday, April 19 at 11 a.m. Katrina Cheek, SED/WMS Development Community Representative for the WNCC, is the guest speaker. The theme is “Missionaries Accepting Your Assignment.� The public is invited to attend. The host pastor is Rev. Jas Hemby.

Guest speaker Pastor James A. Gilliam of Antioch Christian Church, 1432 Underwood Ave., will be the guest speaker at United Progressive on Sunday, April 19, at 3 p.m.

Pastoral Anniversary The Bethlehem Missionary Baptist Church, 1711 N. Claremont Ave., will celebrate the 12th Pastoral Anniversary of Pastor Dr. Dwight Hash Sr. And First Lady Constance Hash. The celebration will start at 11 a.m. on Sunday, April 19. The guest for the afternoon will be Dr. Clarence Johnson and the Elm Grove Baptist Church of Reidsville. For more information, contact the church at 336-723-1297. Starting April 20

Spring Revival Hickory Grove A.M.E. Zion Church, 3791 Harper Road, Clemmons, will hold Spring Revival Monday through Wednesday, April 20-22, 7 p.m. nightly. Starting April 24

Fashion Show The Women’s Department of Greater Tabernacle Worship Center, 1410 Attucks St., presents Springtime in Paris Fashion Show on April 24 at 6:30 p.m. On April 25, at 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. Feed Our Guest. Other activities on April 26, at 4 p.m. “The Remnant.� Host pastor is Apostle B J McCloud. For more information, contact Tamica Patterson at 336-995-3045. April 24

Pastor’s Anniversary Dr. Rev. James and Hattie Fulwood of St. Mark Baptist Church will celebrate their 41st Anniversary on Friday, April 24 from 6 to 8 p.m. at the Winston-Salem e Hotel & Spa, 3051 University Parkway. This event is sponsored by New Day Ministries. Contact Steve Johnson at 336-987-9953 for more information. April 25

Crusade Evangelical Baptist Ministries and Rock of Ages Baptist Church are sponsoring a "Let Your Light Shine For Jesus Christ" Crusade, the fourth Saturday, April 25, at 4 to 6 p.m. at the 25th Street Grill, 858 25th St. (at corner of 25th and North Liberty Street). The following ministers and Christian friends will participate: The Rev. Ernest Ford, senior pastor of Rock of Ages Baptist Church; the Rev. Arnette L. Ford, pastor of Rock of Ages Baptist Church; the Rev. Virginia Wofford, founder of Evangelical Baptist Ministries in Winston-Salem, Rev. Darrell Hampton, pastor of Union Gospel Baptist Church, Germanton; and Rev. Dr. Linda Beal, Pastor of New Liberty FGB Ministries.

Spring Gala The Celestial Voices of Hanes Memorial C.M.E. Church is sponsoring a Spring Gala, Saturday April 25, at The Enterprise Center, 1922 South Martin Luther King, Jr. Drive, from 5 p.m. until 9 p.m. Entertainment will include vocalists Diana Tuffin, Jackie Sinclair, Catina Straw, Music in Action from WSSU, and comedy by Tammy Monroe. Music by D.J. Kingfish. Donation- $30 includes dinner. Contact Janice Benjamin at 336-744-0506 and Marvin Blackmon 336414-1829 for more information.

Starting April 25 Family And Friends Weekend New Hope A.M.E. Zion Church, 7000 Shallowford Road in Lewisville, will celebrate its “Family and Friends Weekend Honoring Our Champions of Faith.� On Saturday April 25, there will be a dinner and comedy show at 4 p.m. with a donation of $15. On April 26, morning worship will be at 11 a.m., with the pastor, the Rev. Dairl L. Scott Sr., speaking. Lunch at 1:30 p.m. At 3 p.m., worship service with the Rev. Frederick D. Smalley and congregation from Sanctuary of Faith Worship Center. All are invited. Contacts are Catherine


from page B4

sented the concept of “loving one another� as evidence that believers love God.

Lesson: John declares that a lifestyle of love through the indwelling Spirit is living proof that believers have the real thing! True faith is not revealed by some mystery, ritual, or a memorized statement. There is no need to fear the Judgment because believers live in love that comes from God alone. He loved first, His Children follow His lead. Love drives out fear because God knows each of His Children; if they are sincere, their Salvation is a guarantee! The ultimate contradiction of the love of God is hate and indifference towards others. His grace removes all fear. You see, fear is related to punishment; love drives it out! The Children of God can love because of their faith and the power of the Holy Spirit. Their love for God leads them to become obedient to Him. Believers have, are and will overcome the world’s systems. Can you name a few? Each time they stand where God stands, even in the face of persecution and/or death, victory is the outcome.

Life’s Application: As our faith grows our fears diminishes. How do we know that we are on God’s side? Examine the “man in the mirror� to determine if you live by love. We come up short at times but grace steps in. What I’m saying is basically does the sum total of your life today shows more love than hate or indifference? Our Salvation is not based on the standards of the world but God’s love!! We can’t love God and harbor hate in our hearts for others. God is love, shouldn’t we resemble love? God expects His Children to stand where He stands. It may not be easy, convenient, or safe but His love inspires us and gets us through the rough places. That’s obedience! We may not understand how it all works but His love conquers on all levels. If we are on God’s side don’t doubt; it is the right side!


APRIL 16, 2015

Hawkins-Speller 336-407-6415 or Marie Jamerson 336-577-6752.


Aging ng with Grrace ace

April 26

Pastor's anniversary Senior Pastor Ernest L. Ford and Pastor Arnette L. Ford will celebrate their second anniversary Sunday, April 26. Dinner will be served at 1 p.m. and service will begin at 2 p.m. Guest church will be Union Gospel Baptist Church, of Germanton. Pastor Darrell Hampton will be preaching.

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Pastor's anniversary On Sunday, April 26, Zion Memorial Missionary Baptist Church, 101 N. Dunleith Ave. and the Rev. Dr. Joseph Jones will celebrate his 34th anniversary during the 11 a.m. morning worship service.

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Choir Anniversary New Birth Worship Center (NBWC), 1033 Newbirth Drive, East Bend, will celebrate its Inspirational Choir's 18th anniversary on Sunday, April 26, at 3:30 p.m. The guest choir will be Mt. Zion Baptist Church of Greensboro Mass Choir. In addition, the NBWC "Angels of Mercy" Dance Ministry will perform. The pastor at NBWC is Dr. James L.E. Hunt. Everyone is invited to attend. For more information, please call 336-699-3583 or visit www.newbirthworshipcenter.org.

Restaurant A member of St. James A.M.E. Church is the new owner of Kool Running Jamaican Restaurant, 1521 E. Fifth St. Hours of operation are Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, 11 a.m. to 9 p.m., and Friday and Saturday 11 a.m. to 10 p.m. Ongoing

Noon-Day Express New Liberty Baptist Ministries, 5009 Voss St., will host a Noon-Day Express on Wednesdays from noon to 12:45 p.m. Guest speakers from around the city and area will encourage hearts at midweek, preaching the Gospel of power and commitment. A lunch will be offered. The public is invited. Rev. Dr. Linda M. Beal is the pastor. For more information, contact Tracee Spears, church secretary, at 336-429-0512, or Deacon Beal at 336-528-3256.

Boutique SJ Boutique at St. James A.M.E. Church, 1501 N. Patterson Ave., will be open every second, fourth & fifth Saturday of each month from 10 a.m. - 2 p.m. This free clothes boutique is open to the public.

Men Helping Men Calvary Hill Church of Greater Deliverance Inc., 4951 Manning St., sponsors “Men Helping Men Be Men� every Tuesday from 6:30 to 8 p.m. All men are invited. Come and be apart of Men Helping Men. Contact Elder Kevin Gary for more information at 336767-4326. Sunday service Trinity Chapel Church, 4670 N. Patterson Ave. in Hidden Valley Business Park, invites the public to attend its services every Sunday. Sunday School is from 9:45–10:45 a.m. and morning worship service is at 11 a.m. Call 336-723-4626 or 336-978-0801 for more information. The host pastors are Rev. James E. Gaskins and First Lady Donese Gaskins.

Macedonia Holiness Church Of God Of The Apostolic Faith, Inc.

Sunday Services Sunday School . . . . . . . . . . . . 9:45 a.m. Morning Worship . . . . . . . . . 11:00 a.m. M.Y.P.U . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6:30 p.m.

Bishop R.L. Wise, Sr.

D.D.; S.T.D. - Pastor

Wednesday Services Prayer & Bible Study . . . . . . . 7:30 p.m. 4111 Whitfield Drive Phone: 336-767-3700 Fax: 336-767-7006

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B6 APRIL 16, 2015

Under and by virtue of the authority vested in John T Burgiss, the Forsyth County Tax Assessor/Collector, by Section 105-369 of the General Statutes of North Carolina and pursuant to an order of the Board of Commissioners of Forsyth County, dated February 9, 2015, the said Forsyth County Tax Assessor/Collector hereby advertises tax liens for the year 2014 upon the real estate identified below. The amounts advertised represents only the principal taxes for tax year 2014 that remain unpaid. The actual amount owed will be increased by all taxes owed for prior tax years, interest, fees and costs. The omission of prior years’ taxes and interest, fees and costs from the amounts advertised will not constitute a waiver of the taxing units’ claim for these items. A brief description of each parcel of real estate to which a lien has attached, the name of the person to whom the property is listed for taxes or the name of the record owner as of January 6, 2015 or subsequent owners and the statement of principal amount of taxes constituting a lien against the real estate are set out below. If these taxes remain unpaid, the lien may be foreclosed by the taxing unit and the property sold subject to the lien to satisfy the taxing units’ claim for taxes. The list of tax liens will be divided for purposes of advertisement in more than one newspaper. The newspapers in which the advertisements will appear are the Winston-Salem Journal, WinstonSalem Chronicle, The Clemmons Courier, The Kernersville News, and the Weekly Independent. This advertisement will be published during the week of April 13, 2015. OWNER

1102 Ivy Partners 2011 2012 Opportunity Fund 6 1 Llc 40 Acres Property Llc 4421 NORTH CHERRY STREET LLC A & R Property Investments Llc A & R Property Investments Llc A M Express Moving Systems Inc A&r Property Management Division Llc A&r Property Management Division Llc A&r Property Management Division Llc A&r Property Management Division Llc A&r Property Management Division Llc Abbott, Alphonso C Action Drives Inc Action Drives Inc Action Drives Inc Action Drives Inc Action Drives Inc Action Drives Inc Adams, Joseph Jr. Addison, Edward Adiches, Alphonzo Aiken, Sedequa Aiken, Zaytuna Akers, Daniel Ernest Akinsanmi, Akintunde Akinsanmi, Akintunde Aladwan Grp Inc Alawar, Fouad Nagih Albright, Betty A Alexander, John H Jr. Alexander, Katie V Alford, Virginia D Ali Mar Properties Llc Ali Mar Properties Llc Ali-Mar Properties Llc Allen Wayne Builders Llc Allen Wayne Builders Llc Allen, Denise A Allen, Elizabeth Pauline Allen, Reba Crutchfield Allen, Reba Crutchfield Allen, Reba Crutchfield Allen, Theodore L Allen, Tina Michelle Allen, Venita Lynn Allen, Virginia W Allen, William B Alley, Terry Alliance 2009 Llc Alliance 2009 Llc Alliance 2009 Llc Alliance 2009 Llc Alliance Realty Capital Llc Allison, Mary M Alspaugh, William H Alston, Charlie Alston, Florence D Alston, Saralyn Alston, Saralyn Alston, Saralyn T Alston, Saralyn T Alston, Saralyn T Alydar Financial Inc Ambassadors For Christ Revival Ambrosio, Luis Cortes American Dietetic Assoc Founr Amos, Annie Amos, Bradley Dale Anders, Margaret Anders, Margaret Anders, Margaret Anders, Ruby B Andersen, Vicki Ferris Anderson & Associates Contract Anderson Sandra Builders Inc Anderson, Christine Anderson, David Anderson, Dorothy B ANDERSON, JERRY Anderson, Jerry Anderson, Marie Anderson, Mavis Eaton Anderson, Mazoe Augusta Anderson, Shirley Caudle Anthony, Virginia Fitch Antonio, Adiel Lopez APAC ATLANTIC INC Apariz, Sergio Ar Restora Llc Archer, Leora Miller Archie, Edwin L Archie, Olga Oswald Arkwright Inc Arrington, Katherine Asap Property Management Llc Asbury, James L Ash-Bn Properties Inc Ashley, Brian Gray Atkins, Pearl Atlantic Management Services LLC Attucks, Eugene Attucks, Richard N Austin, Anthony S Ayers, Ronnie E B & M Storage & Distb Inc B. Jones Enterprises, Inc. Bailey, Barbara Spease Bailey, Emaline Bailey, Joe W Bailey, Joe W Bailey, Joe W


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BAILEY, MARY A Bailey, Mattie B Bailey, Rodney Bailey, Roger R Bailey, Roger R Baker, John W Balderston, Charles Balderston, Charles Balderston, Charles G Baldwin, Virginia Anne Ballard, James E Bankers Trust Co Of California Banks, Wendy W Banner, Purcell Banner, Thelma W Banner, Vernetta L Bannister, Bobbie Jean Barksdale, Albert Barksdale, Elisabeth Barksdale, Elisabeth Barnes, Gary Lee And Barnes, Joseph Jr. Barr, Anthony D Bass & Jones Construction Co Bass & Jones Construction Llc Bass & Jones Construction Llc Bass, Kevin R Baucum, Carrie R Bauguess, David Wayne Beal, Timothy Evon Beal, Timothy Evon Beata Inc Beaver, Vicky H Bee, Essie C Beedoe, Jordan S Bell, Addie Laura Bell, Gwendolyn S Bell, S Ilene Bell, William Avery Bellamore Properties LLC Bellamy, Timothy Belt, Marvin Belton, Jessie E Benbow, Dean Lorenzo Benitez, Manuel Benjamin, James Benjamin, James Benjamin, Robert Bennett College Bennett, Gladys F Bennett, Warren Earl Benton, Kevin R Benton, Leroy Jr. Benton, Troy T Berean International Church Berrier, Jonathan Stacey Berry, Wayne M Bess, James E Bess, James E Bess, James E Bess, James E Bethea, Cleveland Bethea, Cleveland Bethea, Cynthia Millicent Bethea, David III Bethlehem Holiness Church God Bevis, Ashley Bryan Bias, Robert Neal Bigelow, James Reginald Biggie Inc Bines, Steven Bines, Steven K Bines, Steven K Binkley, Elizabeth H Binkley, Elizabeth H Bitting, Marvin L Black, Ethel H Blackburn, Laura Ann Blackburn, Oscar Blackledge, Barbara S Blackmon, Austina N Blackwell, Jacqueline D Blackwell, Victoria Williams Blair, Earline Blair, Leo Sutton Blair, Theodore Franklin Blake, Roy L Jr. Blake, Samantha S Blakely, Thomas L Blakes, Margaret M Blakley, Thomas L Blakley, Thomas L Blakley, Thomas L Blakley, Thomas L Blakley, Thomas L Blakley, Thomas L Blakley, Thomas L Blakley, Thomas L Blakley, Thomas L Blalock, Shelby T Blalock, Shelby T Blankenship, Michael Blevins, Thomas Blizard, Mary B Blue, Arthur Lee Jr. Blue, Tammy C Bmb Enterprises Llc Of Nc Bobbeck Enterprises Ltd Boddie, William E Boddie, William E Boddie, William F Body Of Christ Assembly Apostolic Temple Bohannon, Booker T Bohannon, Booker T BOHANNON, K BLAKE BOHANNON, K BLAKE BOHANNON, K BLAKE BOHANNON, K BLAKE BOHANNON, K BLAKE Bohannon, Peggy L Bolden, Yolanda F Bolding, Arvella A Boles, Harry A Boles, Harry A Boles, Harry A Boles, Harry A Boles, Harry A Boles, Harry A Bomani, Anwar Bomani, Anwar A Bomani, Anwar A Bomani, Anwar A Bondurant, David James Bondurant, David James Bondurant, David James Bonham, Jimmie Lee Bonilla, Jose Bonilla, Jose B Bonilla, Jose B Bonner, Anthony J Bonner, Lillian M Booker, Maggie Pilson Booker, Valaree Jackson Boozer, Lucille Borrero, Ana Bost, Sylvia Jean Boston, Johnny O Boston, Johnny O Boston, Johnny O Bottoms, Cherie Bovender, Jerry G Bowen, Arlene Foster Bowen, Horatious III Bowles, Pamela H Bowman, Joseph W Bowman, Patricia Jenkins Boyd, Effie M Boyd, Joe Boyd, Joseph Boyd, Nashica Boyd, Tammy Boykins, Ivan Juhann Brabham, Stanley Braddy, Annie M Bradford, Arthur L Bradley, E E Bradley, Frances M Bradley, Mary H Bradley, Rashawndra Bramham, Susan Branch, James Branch, Monroe C Branscome, Lucy J Branton, Penny Michelle Bratton, Annie M Bray, Gladys W Brazier, Joshua W Brew, David T Brewer, Jay Christopher Brewington, Rodney W Brim, Sharon B Brim, Sharon Vanessa Brittle, Tommie Nelson Jr. Brooks, Mildred C Brookshire, Donald J Sr. Brower, Keith B Brown Gaither, Trevonia C Brown, Ada Settles Brown, Albert E Brown, Angles J Brown, Angles J Brown, Becky Lee Maynor Brown, Benjamin Brown, Benjamin Brown, Carlis C


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6847-23-2610.00 6847-64-2715.00 6826-83-7279.00 6847-97-5516.00 6847-97-5616.00 6836-82-8410.00 6838-61-1364.00 6845-29-6126.00 6837-62-3740.00 6835-16-2720.00 6836-91-9836.00 6847-38-6062.00 6856-08-9040.00 6847-87-0859.00 6837-98-6519.00 6839-07-3580.00 6845-37-1926.00 6837-03-6057.00 6829-90-0028.00 6829-90-0178.00 6847-33-3725.00 6835-77-4519.00 6836-15-0991.00 6847-87-7709.00 6846-68-0893.00 6847-97-0714.00 6835-99-4974.00 6836-74-3318.00 6847-39-4046.00 6848-39-4882.00 6849-30-6001.00 6827-82-4396.00 6847-28-6445.00 6826-73-4101.00 6846-96-0070.00 6847-14-0618.00 6835-87-6493.00 6837-03-7926.00 6827-76-9132.00 6828-60-7061.00 6836-74-9028.00 6846-13-6540.00 6838-44-8073.00 6836-85-1318.00 6836-36-0021.00 6836-71-9704.00 6836-82-8806.00 6847-08-4801.00 6836-71-5874.00 6829-95-3401.00 6847-23-5570.00 6847-26-3752.00 6837-88-0040.00 6836-13-9071.00 6835-76-6928.00 6837-49-0100.00 6846-77-0398.00 6845-37-7932.00 6845-38-5158.00 6845-38-8002.00 6845-38-8376.00 6826-85-4647.00 6827-69-5668.00 6836-26-9954.00 6829-03-0817.00 6845-29-5844.00 6856-06-5308.00 6829-91-6760.00 6826-82-7485.00 6839-11-2924.00 6846-37-2665.00 6836-72-2063.00 6845-57-2864.00 6838-30-5715.00 6838-30-6906.00 6846-12-3415.00 6836-92-7536.00 6836-14-9909.00 6826-82-2290.00 6825-90-2278.00 6836-93-4332.00 6837-89-0984.00 6836-25-5675.00 6837-74-8996.00 6837-31-6915.00 6838-80-0375.00 6837-24-2100.00 6837-29-5587.00 6837-39-6336.00 6837-05-5214.00 6836-54-6545.00 6836-64-8595.00 6837-39-8882.00 6838-30-8424.00 6838-40-2751.00 6838-40-3679.00 6838-40-7487.00 6838-41-3381.00 6838-41-4192.00 6838-75-1705.00 6838-75-2733.00 6848-30-1931.00 6856-79-9898.00 6825-83-7463.00 6835-76-2964.00 6838-15-8573.00 6836-32-6734.00 6836-69-4576.00 6846-37-9374.00 6846-77-1968.00 6846-77-0881.00 6836-30-0317.00 6826-90-3991.00 6826-91-4015.00 6828-52-7954.00 6828-52-8865.00 6828-52-8910.00 6828-52-8985.00 6836-04-4875.00 6838-11-8136.00 6847-15-9334.00 6846-58-1902.00 6839-70-5485.00 6839-70-9910.00 6839-71-4513.00 6839-71-4644.00 6839-71-8094.00 6839-72-4026.00 6837-62-3790.00 6826-75-9974.00 6847-05-0778.00 6847-05-0976.00 6838-61-3905.00 6838-62-1057.00 6838-62-3040.00 6836-82-3321.00 6836-81-4189.00 6837-64-9976.00 6838-73-2383.00 6829-51-5224.00 6826-90-3347.00 6826-83-6223.00 6846-00-0287.00 6837-99-1341.00 6825-91-5678.00 6838-27-8995.00 6846-30-7363.00 6846-30-7473.00 6847-20-0999.00 6838-04-4935.00 6847-24-7502.00 6846-59-9553.00 6836-25-4831.00 6829-92-4023.00 6848-03-3915.00 6838-81-9017.00 6835-97-5019.00 6826-90-1943.00 6837-98-4894.00 6846-05-5210.00 6835-12-2359.00 6836-25-1010.00 6846-02-5673.00 6846-26-9704.00 6847-01-9500.00 6857-72-3338.00 6846-04-6949.00 6828-30-5393.00 6837-53-2158.00 6849-10-2416.00 6829-52-0452.00 6839-06-6683.00 6835-01-1156.00 6845-87-1986.00 6847-13-8419.00 6835-76-4538.00 6847-28-5422.00 6836-26-2013.00 6857-40-0101.00 6846-96-3165.00 6838-22-8105.00 6826-73-6101.00 6838-75-4367.00 6856-67-9716.00 6837-59-8329.00 6829-03-7287.00 6836-90-2318.00 6835-85-2851.00 6846-88-4291.00 6827-69-2257.00 6836-38-3503.00 6867-14-3869.00 6836-52-3314.00 6836-52-3400.00 6828-84-3150.00

4105 Carver School RD 4009 Oak Ridge DR 1631 Harrison AVE 4409 Winnabow RD 0 Winnabow RD 1414 N Cameron AVE 5245 Pine View DR 712 Barbara Jane AVE 815 Akron DR 315 310 Spruce ST 0 Addison AVE 0 Doris ST 0 Forest Valley DR 143 Huff CIR 0 Motor RD 6030 Woodmont CT 2817 Rowell ST 100 Parkwood AVE 0 Pine Lake DR 1034 Pine Lake DR 5068 Bismark ST 0 E Fifth ST 133 Kilkare CT 0 Torrey Pines CT 0 Alice ST 415 Torey Pines CT 923 Camel AVE 1404 E Twenty Second ST 2230 School ST 0 Old Hollow RD 0 Old Hollow RD 4025 Reich ST 2153 Bristol ST 949 Gillette ST 3745 Crusade DR 4224 Whitfield RD 1807 E Fourth ST 260 Parkwood CT 228 Lodge ST 111 Granada CT 1526 E Twenty First ST 329 Eldora ST 0 Old Rural Hall RD 2424 N Jackson AVE 210 E Twenty Seventh ST 1318 N Jackson AVE 1607 Gray AVE 2053 School ST 1324 N Dunleith AVE 0 Fulton Farm RD 5033 Noble ST 4455 Old Carver School RD 4516 Baux Mountain RD 113 Five Royales DR 1504 E Third ST 787 Motor RD 3425 Big Woods RD 0 Old Greensboro RD 0 Mount Vernon AVE 0 Old Greensboro RD 528 Barbara Jane AVE 2517 Hempstead DR 162 Joel AVE 2825 Bon Air AVE 101 Grainwood CT 701 Barbara Jane AVE 3945 Silver Chalice DR 5655 Germanton RD 1415 Harrison AVE 669 Old Hollow RD 2500 Craver ST 1412 Fourteenth ST 380 Nash AVE 105 Crescent RD 0 Crescent RD 1440 Douglas ST 0 Addison AVE 2400 Druid Hills DR 1350 Thurmond ST 0 Hutton ST 1721 Shady Mount AVE 5037 Scenic DR 2506 Gilmer AVE 1115 Cayuga ST 3858 Leo ST 5075 Scenic DR 3955 Burnham CIR 0 Starmount DR 0 Starmount DR 355 Alspaugh ST 917 Twenty Second ST 1217 E Twenty Second ST 0 Starmount DR 4701 Starmount DR 0 Dawson ST 809 Dawson ST 0 Ogburn AVE 0 Oak Summit RD 0 Oak Summit RD 5622 Pine View DR 5618 Pine View DR 0 White Rock RD 0 Whirl Win DR 0 Gregory ST 231 Wheeler ST 5600 Fairway Forest DR 408 E Sixteenth ST 3307 N Liberty ST 3220 Tracy ST 3401 Laree DR 0 Parrish RD 220 E Eleventh ST 847 W 11Th ST 838 W Twelfth ST 201 Barlow CIR 209 Barlow CIR 205 Barlow CIR 208 Kevin DR 309 W Twenty Third ST 4820 Stonewall ST 4960 Carver Glen LN 3460 New Walkertown RD 5700 Marshallgate DR 5745 Marshallgate DR 5800 Marshallgate DR 5810 Marshallgate DR 5755 Marshallgate DR 5830 Marshallgate DR 819 Akron DR 715 W Twenty Sixth ST 4611 Lansing DR 0 Lansing DR 0 Pine View DR 5320 Pine View DR 0 Pine View DR 0 E Fourteenth ST 1217 Hattie AVE 1003 Cayuga ST 113 Cecil DR 5470 Angel Oaks DR 805 Haywood ST 1628 Harrison AVE 2208 Slater AVE 0 Baux Mountain RD 1034 Crestwood DR 5807 Old Rural Hall RD 2530 Beechmont ST 0 Beechmont ST 3722 Prospect DR 4405 Whittier RD 5018 Page ST 0 Solon ST 2521 Greenway AVE 564 Old Hollow RD 4441 White Rock RD 0 Pleasant View DR 0 Maryland AVE 871 W Eleventh ST 0 Wentworth RD 2201 E Twenty Fourth ST 633 Mulberry ST 2403 NW Druid Hills DR 114 Dellabrook RD 2701 Rosemary DR 3040 Draper CT 4684 Reidsville RD 2208 E Twenty Fourth ST 5117 Britt RD 623 Efird ST 1450 Old Hollow RD 5616 Harrington Village DR 5952 Germanton RD 818 Shober ST 207 Stedman ST 3065 Bainbridge DR 124 N Dunleith AVE 2147 Bristol ST 2532 Greenway AVE 0 Palace AVE 3785 Crusade DR 4233 Oak Pointe DR 939 Gillette ST 5595 Pine View DR 907 Sportsmans DR 4914 Ohio AVE 5751 Fox Chase DR 1031 Rich AVE 145 S Graham AVE 3487 La Casa BLVD 124 Styers RD 3045 N Patterson AVE 0 Old Belews Creek RD 1400 N Liberty ST 1404 N Liberty ST 302 Oak Summit RD


701.05 79.30 493.92 1,726.84 198.57 392.18 555.51 554.25 323.00 632.33 30.16 25.14 182.24 747.80 55.30 501.93 463.76 569.33 294.09 294.09 927.90 57.81 426.06 21.37 7.54 3.77 187.26 305.40 507.75 48.91 532.32 491.41 418.51 45.24 1,638.11 363.22 295.35 607.03 803.64 976.53 216.17 33.93 20.11 25.14 436.11 158.36 270.21 425.28 56.56 342.37 100.08 678.67 316.71 776.70 46.50 664.85 412.23 173.44 142.02 237.54 218.68 181.70 1,320.17 524.09 916.90 461.25 1,039.37 5.84 1,149.97 859.65 454.96 231.25 302.89 596.98 555.51 304.15 30.16 590.70 499.89 187.26 305.40 36.45 374.53 59.07 290.47 314.20 293.91 106.83 105.57 380.81 61.94 169.20 1,168.82 356.34 172.18 250.57 75.41 368.24 191.03 159.61 1,598.65 6.28 264.04 46.50 52.79 100.00 368.24 2,820.46 769.16 204.86 385.84 105.57 532.88 40.22 138.25 138.25 138.25 93.00 328.02 1,251.77 951.40 372.01 138.72 115.46 97.82 97.82 115.46 138.72 258.90 227.48 448.68 8.80 30.16 240.05 215.45 81.69 221.20 561.79 560.53 1,422.70 444.91 568.07 350.65 39.90 972.76 875.99 2,549.27 142.02 429.83 569.23 216.17 25.14 413.49 473.96 892.33 47.76 47.76 390.86 43.99 417.26 643.48 337.65 11.31 209.53 996.64 3.98 384.58 811.89 310.43 343.98 1,314.61 213.28 1,237.95 491.85 1,079.53 57.81 573.10 654.79 43.03 1,323.96 1,669.03 295.35 130.71 1,078.16 544.19 1,297.02 894.84 222.45 2.48 1,293.25 208.63 143.94 260.16 52.79 658.56


Brown, Claudia J Brown, Corine Brown, Donald C Brown, Donald Ray Brown, Doris D Brown, Dorothy L Brown, Francis H Jr. Brown, Fred J Brown, Fred J Sr. Brown, George R Brown, George R Brown, George R Brown, George R Brown, George Russell Brown, George Russell Brown, Gladys G BROWN, HAYWOOD Brown, Helen T Brown, Jake Brown, James H Brown, James H Brown, Jerry Raymond Jr. Brown, Linda Hampton Brown, Louise S Brown, Margie Brown, Margie Brown, Margie Brown, Margie Brown, Margie Brown, Mary M Brown, Norma S Brown, Norman Franklin Brown, Ola A Brown, Oscar P Brown, Ovelia Brown, Pamela B Brown, Ricky Brown, Ricky Brown, Shirley R Brown, Teresa Brown Brown-Miller, Teri D Brunson, Bernice B Brunt, Vivan D Bryan, Clay H Jr. Bryant, Alvin M Buchanan, Valerie Buey, Debbie Bufford, Jodria Melissa Green Bunkley, Kimberly Lentz Burch, James III Burch, Joe Burford, Craig S Burgess, Barbara T Burgess, Jimmy D Burks, Shanna K Burney, Ernie K Burns, Hubert B IV Burns, John L Sr. Burns, W George Burrell, Gary Burrell, Merly G Burris, Michael Land Burroughs, Abraham Jr. Burton, Christine Burton, Elton M Burton, Elton M Burts, John Albert Bush, Tommy Ray Buston, Earline L Buston, Michael R Bustos, Marleni Butcher, Lewis A Butler, Mcreadell M Byers, George F Bynoe, Anthony Hilton Byrd, Eboni Byrd, Eboni D Byrd, Eboni Dawn Byrd, Rick Valensik C T Taylor Enterprises Llc C&l Real Estate Llc C&m Properties Of Winston Salem Llc C&M Real Estate LLc Caesar, John Henry Cain, William Edward JR Cain, William Henry Jr. Caldwell, Mamie H Caldwell, Mamie L Caldwell, Shirley Harris Calhoun, Fayenita Laverne Calhoun, Ruth P Calhoun, Ruth P Callahan, Douglas Camacho, Jacinto Montor Cameron, Earnest Jr. Cameron, Sank Camp, Thamer Campbell, Devay Campbell, Harry L Jr. Campbell, James Cannon, Lydia M Canter, April S Canter, Terry W Canty, Rosa B Capers, Bridgetta I Carle, John K Carlson & Jury Properties Llc Carlton, Edward Cardwell Carolina Conf Assoc Of Seventh Day Adven Carpenter, Andrea Monica Carpenter, Andrea Monica Carpenter, Andrea Monica Carpenter, Andrea Monica Carpenter, Andrea Monica Carpenter, Curtis W Carpenter, Curtis William Carpenter, Curtis William Carpenter, Curtis William Carpenter, Daniel S Carpenter, Wayne S Carr, Bethsheba Settle Carr, Bethsheba Settle Carr, Bethsheba Settle Carrigan, Debora F Carson, Christopher L Carson, Christopher L Carson, Larry B Carson, Regina B Carson, Tangela R Carter, Brian T Carter, Brian T CARTER, CARROLL MARIE Carter, Evelyn Bohannon Carter, Gwyndolin Carter, Gwyndolin Carter, Rebecca J Carthern, Geno Carvana, Lawrence P Jr. Cashwell, Malcolm D Cason, Milton J Cassaberry, Rachael Cassaberry, Rachael Castleman, Barbara Castleman, Barbara Cates, Michael William Cates, Michael William Cates, Pender C Sr. Cathcart, Ernestine G Cathcart, Frank Cathcart, Frank Cathcart, Frank Cathcart, Frank Cathcart, Frank Cathcart, Frank Cathcart, Frank Caudle, Darla Rae Caudle, Elizabeth K Caudle, Jacquline Ceasar, Dianne W Cercy, Robert W Chadwick, Nancy W Chamu, Jose Velediaz Chandler, Jean H Chandler, Samantha Leigh Charles A Phillips Pllc Charles, Keithian Tamar Chaudhary, Shahid Chaudhry, Sardar Muhammad Shad Cheek, Claudine B Cherry, Darryl W Childress, Edith Pauline Chisholm, James Chism, Dexter M Chism, Dexter M Chois Homes Llc Choopani, M Chrh Enterprises Inc Christ Redemption Ministries, Inc. Church, Russell Kenneth Ciseros Sosa, Pedro Damian Cklm Holdings Llc Clark, Edna W Clark, Stephen Neal Clark, Tywanon T Clauer, Lilly Welch Clawson, Betty Clay, Tijuan Clay, Tijuan Clayton Electric Co Inc Clayton, David W Clayton, Denise Clemmons, Marilyn R Cline, Kim Diane Pratt Clingman, Iola H Cloud, Aldine C


6825-92-0911.00 6826-75-6625.00 6837-43-7557.00 6857-31-3571.00 6836-39-7489.00 6846-13-0075.00 6835-86-6285.00 6835-86-4636.00 6836-51-3248.00 6836-55-7628.00 6836-55-7729.00 6846-37-5805.00 6847-20-0358.00 6846-47-0354.00 6846-47-1324.00 6836-02-7115.00 6836-94-6456.00 6827-69-6695.00 6846-83-2492.00 6846-82-1899.00 6857-21-0792.00 6828-70-8653.00 6826-85-0241.00 6826-83-4393.00 6845-47-9899.00 6845-57-0845.00 6845-57-0895.00 6845-57-1845.00 6845-57-1895.00 6845-18-3328.00 6846-40-6575.00 6836-15-5660.00 6826-74-7271.00 6835-89-4421.00 6837-02-9870.00 6829-97-8531.00 6846-82-3972.00 6846-83-3052.00 6837-48-7648.00 6836-84-6556.00 6845-79-0695.00 6828-41-8125.00 6846-12-4396.00 6836-81-5398.00 6828-41-4411.00 6839-06-2664.00 6835-65-4381.00 6847-32-1001.00 6836-26-0532.00 6846-47-1554.00 6836-82-8901.00 6836-65-8784.00 6847-19-6402.00 6848-71-2666.00 6826-81-3159.00 6837-59-1423.00 6845-49-5053.00 6847-53-6964.00 6826-83-4184.00 6856-15-2581.00 6847-44-1659.00 6835-14-8210.00 6847-65-1364.00 6836-85-0270.00 6846-05-2310.00 6846-05-2315.00 6837-13-1620.00 6836-83-6045.00 6836-95-7119.00 6837-52-0741.00 6846-12-7291.00 6835-08-1307.00 6827-87-7445.00 6847-20-6317.00 6846-37-5611.00 6846-70-1256.00 6845-69-6323.00 6846-70-2227.00 6846-99-0924.00 6828-39-3366.00 6825-89-5961.00 6836-34-4762.00 6836-27-4808.00 6847-20-2682.00 6835-03-4917.00 6846-01-2344.00 6826-84-9656.00 6826-91-4212.00 6836-27-4704.00 6836-36-1903.00 6847-78-5759.00 6847-79-6021.00 6845-38-2853.00 6845-37-3421.00 6836-24-6570.00 6836-62-9674.00 6845-48-7783.00 6836-12-9053.00 6836-85-3201.00 6835-66-6716.00 6847-54-2245.00 6856-75-9595.00 6848-14-1062.00 6835-88-0093.00 6836-37-1808.00 6837-99-4733.00 6836-32-4353.00 6836-32-6329.00 6849-11-9142.00 6826-84-7472.00 6826-94-7559.00 6826-94-8595.00 6826-94-9546.00 6826-94-9597.00 6837-64-0185.00 6836-51-0580.00 6836-51-1552.00 6836-51-2408.00 6835-89-4320.00 6847-14-5545.00 6846-03-2094.00 6846-03-8257.00 6846-13-1569.00 6846-00-5407.00 6826-84-6038.00 6826-94-0130.00 6826-81-2143.00 6836-03-3215.00 6846-14-7798.00 6838-92-3253.00 6838-92-3490.00 6828-30-3447.00 6836-24-3489.00 6835-66-7405.00 6845-29-8115.00 6845-48-8787.00 6826-73-8859.00 6848-03-6564.00 6848-19-3440.00 6847-13-2111.00 6836-04-7855.00 6836-94-7909.00 6835-04-3109.00 6835-04-3133.00 6837-96-2828.00 6837-96-3633.00 6846-06-2315.00 6836-93-2342.00 6845-16-9905.00 6845-26-2162.00 6845-27-8011.00 6845-69-2586.00 6846-72-5760.00 6846-72-6583.00 6846-72-6601.00 6847-78-6184.00 6835-21-0633.00 6857-14-4221.00 6845-38-2312.00 6829-90-1302.00 6835-13-8755.00 6836-39-4260.00 6836-37-6593.00 6825-65-5973.00 6835-05-4028.00 6847-87-6506.00 6846-98-5001.00 6837-85-3697.00 6847-42-2010.00 6836-83-1699.00 6838-42-0368.00 6826-73-6256.00 6839-90-0409.00 6839-90-2519.00 6837-96-3434.00 6827-77-2995.00 6828-73-8156.00 6847-67-3863.00 6838-59-5412.00 6827-67-6705.00 6825-65-3155.00 6835-96-0460.00 6856-38-9216.00 6837-79-5898.00 6838-50-5801.00 6835-28-9888.00 6826-74-9444.00 6826-84-1862.00 6828-64-8159.00 6829-31-1349.00 6836-90-8499.00 6835-12-6601.00 6827-76-0958.00 6846-12-9797.00 6846-13-1876.00



411 Spaugh ST 171.95 749 W Twenty-Fifth & One-Half ST 292.83 549 Mccreary ST 304.15 5120 Largo DR 745.36 407 Thirty Third ST 208.63 2324 Dunbar ST 321.37 1821 Maryland AVE 534.14 144 N Cameron AVE 428.57 1225 N Liberty ST 1,346.03 2500 N Liberty ST 721.40 2600 N Liberty ST 673.64 3330 Carver School RD 482.61 3700 Prospect DR 2,275.44 3224 Tracy ST 482.61 0 Tracy ST 52.79 1370 Underwood AVE 397.15 2059 Bowen BLVD 192.29 158 Joel AVE 1,151.23 1546 Harvest DR 979.05 0 Blaine ST 62.84 0 Largo DR 76.49 140 Garner RD 414.74 722 W Twenty Fifth ST 275.24 1631 Thurmond ST 228.74 0 Cadillac ST 37.70 0 Nash AVE 37.70 0 Nash AVE 37.70 0 Nash AVE 37.70 0 Nash AVE 37.70 579 Kinard DR 257.64 2521 Wallingford RD 1,411.39 101 W Twenty Fifth ST 373.27 2019 K Court AVE 266.44 844 Gray AVE 56.56 210 Clayton ST 664.85 6030 Meadowdale DR 523.58 0 Harvest DR 62.84 0 Harvest DR 59.07 880 Motor RD 462.59 1635 Twenty Second ST 263.93 3510 Delane DR 459.99 125 Mayfair DR 999.16 1433 Douglas ST 241.31 1212 Gray AVE 892.33 118 Mayfair DR 928.78 5910 Meadowdale CT 251.77 1207 Excelsior ST 604.95 3300 Cumberland RD 1,619.46 2728 Greenway AVE 1.22 3225 Tracy ST 1,130.73 1611 Gray AVE 206.12 1216 E Twenty Sixth ST 294.09 2106 School ST 2,597.81 4827 Thornbrook LN 424.95 1126 Thurmond ST 547.96 4639 Ogburn AVE 563.05 540 Chandler ST 366.99 4117 Oak Ridge DR 478.84 1609 Thurmond ST 485.12 4177 Reidsville RD 754.08 5030 Promise Land CT 705.64 411 405 S Marshall ST 2,449.50 4401 Orchid DR 402.18 1537 E Twenty Fourth ST 208.63 2413 Manchester ST 106.83 2415 Manchester ST 108.08 219 Parkwood AVE 733.97 1702 Gray AVE 121.91 1941 E Twenty Fourth ST 559.28 3911 Ogburn AVE 255.13 1423 Emerald ST 99.29 712 Chatham RD 625.89 259 Melody LN 945.11 0 Bates DR 211.14 3318 Carver School RD 765.39 415 Wales ST 75.41 419 Byerly RD 251.36 0 Wales ST 75.41 3733 Barnwell DR 133.25 5954 University PKWY 3,355.01 921 Thurmond ST 633.43 2306 N Glenn AVE 478.84 2942 Gilmer AVE 672.39 3711 Prospect DR 77.92 308 Broad ST 50.60 2133 Gerald ST 400.92 0 W Twenty Third ST 26.39 837 W Twelfth ST 169.67 2932 Gilmer AVE 72.89 2822 N Patterson AVE 443.65 0 Old Walkertown RD 16.34 0 Oakdale DR 86.72 2950 Galaxy CT 706.32 2816 Old Greensboro RD 231.25 2333 Montrose AVE 452.90 1520 Claremont AVE 688.73 3135 Old Greensboro RD 150.82 113 Jazer LN 678.67 1609 Twenty Fourth ST 28.91 1304 E Second ST 265.18 5215 Butterfield DR 402.18 350 Walkertown-Guthrie RD 171.44 4517 White Rock RD 173.64 526 N Graham AVE 268.96 2944 N Patterson AVE 270.53 0 Baux Mountain RD 7.54 0 Fifteenth ST 3.77 406 E Fifteenth ST 495.18 1451 Old Hollow RD 660.68 2033 Harrison AVE 207.37 627 N Cherry ST 37.70 623 Burton ST 353.16 619 Burton ST 476.33 615 Burton ST 434.85 731 Ontario ST 544.19 718 E Thirteenth ST 113.11 0 E Thirteenth ST 110.60 1254 N Liberty ST 1,519.47 828 Gray AVE 155.84 4217 Rosa ST 389.61 0 Attucks ST 37.70 0 Eldora ST 37.70 0 Eldora ST 26.39 2311 Slater AVE 343.11 2006 Harrison AVE 515.29 2006 Lincoln AVE 560.53 1113 Manly ST 377.04 1513 Pittsburg CT 739.01 2448 Caledonia DR 399.66 1515 Darien BLVD 544.20 0 Darien BLVD 182.24 5128 Britt RD 980.55 2335 Greenway AVE 451.19 1310 Lawrence ST 55.30 702 Barbara Jane AVE 154.59 3209 Old Greensboro RD 145.79 912 W Twentieth ST 497.69 4441 Carlton CIR 644.74 5329 Phelps DR 60.14 3041 Woodfin PL 500.00 237 W Twenty Third ST 37.70 1936 E Twenty Fourth ST 366.99 232 S Broad ST 723.19 234 S Broad ST 1,490.36 1304 Don AVE 640.97 4460 Lane ST 537.91 2601 Manchester ST 106.83 1720 Shady Mount AVE 38.96 2228 Flag ST 372.01 2330 E First ST 433.60 2655 Belews Creek RD 157.10 3474 Old Greensboro RD 457.48 0 Fries DR 59.07 0 Fries DR 46.50 1422 Fries DR 898.61 4591 Garden ST 360.70 810 S Poplar ST 1,552.15 2960 Sell RD 7.47 0 Mount Vernon AVE 75.41 1030 Pine Lake DR 1,485.37 212 Tanners Mill CT 153.97 305 E Thirty Second ST 1,015.49 2915 N Glenn AVE 415.55 230 N Sunset DR 275.71 640 Brookstown AVE 64.58 310 Torey Pines CT 1,476.74 3725 Forest Valley DR 1,201.50 4324 Old Rural Hall RD 1,148.72 3461 Cumberland RD 1,599.91 1695 Ashley School CIR 296.60 5441 Helen AVE 41.47 930 Taft ST 307.92 1331 Old Hollow RD 1,068.00 0 Old Hollow RD 207.67 4444 Lane ST 294.09 0 Retnuh DR 113.11 5218 Germanton RD 4,317.25 4749 Oak Ridge DR 441.96 1100 Cedarview TRL 1,072.05 20 Childress ST 795.55 1425 W First ST 10,167.27 228 Terrace AVE 245.08 4416 Reidsville RD 534.14 1234 Shouse BLVD 443.65 5315 Cox BLVD 292.83 744 Chestnut ST 1,453.20 2034 Cannon AVE 41.05 2071 Cannon AVE 382.91 4281 N Patterson AVE 17.67 250 Coral DR 628.40 1166 Addison AVE 284.39 622 S Poplar ST 580.63 118 Melody LN 540.42 0 Booker ST 23.88 2216 Bowen BLVD 707.58

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Cloud, Broderick Cloud, Carl L Jr. Clowers, Annie Mae Clyburn, Jennie W Clyburn, Jennie W Coad, Myrtle Banner Coad, Myrtle Banner Cobb, Michael G Beck Cobb, Michael G Beck Cochrane, Phyllis P Cochrane, Stephen L Cockerham, Avery Jr. Cockerham, Floyd L Cody Enterprise Codys Hair Design INC Codys Hair Design Inc Codys Hair Design Inc Codys Hair Design Inc Coe, Michael Coe, Michael G Coe, Michael G Coe, Michael G Coggins, Sharon P Cole, Steven G Coleman, Johnny Lee Collins, Erin Rebecca Collins, Gordon Geoffrey Collins, Jason T Collins, Marian S Collins, Tommy R Commodore, Betty R Connor, Loretta J Conrad, Mary S Conrad, Tanya R Conrado, Nidia Conrex Keystone Residential Properties Llc Conrex Keystone Residential Properties Llc Conrex Keystone Residential Properties Llc Conrex Keystone Residential Properties Llc Conrex Keystone Residential Properties Llc Conrex Residential Property Group 2012-2 Cook Womack, Claudette Cook, Darryl L Cook, Glenn E Cook, Pamela Cook, Pamela Cook, Roger L 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Lowell Crosby, Lois L Cross, Willie Cross, Willie Lee Crosskey, Janice Elaine Crouch, Juanita E Crouse, Rodney Gene Crowell, Emmanuel L Croxton, Ethel Hairston Crumblin, Jacqueline M Crump, Crystal Crumpton, Ellen B Cruthers, Maxine Cruz-Cardenas, Gaudencio Cuadra, Gregorio Cuadra, Gregorio Cuadra, Miguel A Cuadra, Miguel A Cundiff, George Cunningham, Robert G Jr. Curry, Darian D Curry, Robert Dr D&J Brothers Inc Dabco Holding Inc Dabco Holding Inc Dabco Holding Inc Dabco Holding Inc Dabco Holding Inc Daisy L Hinton Irrevocable Trust Daisy L Hinton Irrevocable Trust Daisy L Hinton Irrevocable Trust Daisy L Hinton Irrevocable Trust Daisy L Hinton Irrevocable Trust Dancy, Norman L Jr. DAOHEUANG, TIFFANY Daugherty, James A Davenport, Simon L David, Nympha Davidson, Patricia Ann Davidson, Percell Jr. Davidson, Percell Jr. Davis, Angel Nicole Davis, Angel Nicole Davis, Bevelena S Davis, Daniel P Davis, Denice Davis, Deve Davis, Dock III Davis, Evelyn L Davis, Fannie D Davis, Harold Davis, 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6846-02-3444.00 6846-28-8543.00 6836-85-7211.00 6846-13-0347.00 6846-13-1347.00 6847-13-5840.00 6847-13-5847.00 6838-93-0716.00 6838-93-0843.00 6828-30-3430.00 6847-57-6464.00 6835-99-8100.00 6827-67-4544.00 6845-48-9442.00 6826-90-5436.00 6826-94-8543.00 6837-13-9046.00 6845-17-5713.00 6835-27-0852.00 6835-26-0964.00 6835-26-1944.00 6835-27-2854.00 6826-95-1946.00 6835-24-9263.00 6836-92-2924.00 6837-43-2175.00 6846-14-3609.00 6826-81-8380.00 6847-03-9406.00 6837-77-8003.00 6826-82-4989.00 6846-70-2608.00 6836-84-8762.00 6826-80-2841.00 6826-80-3964.00 6828-43-3655.00 6845-48-3478.00 6847-30-7908.00 6848-42-8240.00 6867-24-8776.00 6847-54-6435.00 6836-83-5180.00 6846-77-9975.00 6848-57-2949.00 6835-86-2012.00 6837-74-1978.00 6829-24-0110.00 6829-14-9196.00 6829-14-9280.00 6838-38-4433.00 6846-99-2869.00 6839-05-2542.00 6819-52-1441.00 6838-94-0543.00 6836-27-2548.00 6847-30-1738.00 6836-36-1808.00 6835-89-4128.00 6826-86-9019.00 6825-74-4014.00 6828-60-3873.00 6838-72-5802.00 6836-71-8041.00 6847-12-8195.00 6835-67-8267.00 6846-26-2723.00 6845-57-5814.00 6847-70-2729.00 6836-95-6655.00 6837-96-7311.00 6826-82-7978.00 6836-82-8801.00 6847-64-5216.00 6835-21-1198.00 6845-69-5935.00 6847-39-8680.00 6847-39-9660.00 6835-02-4126.00 6835-28-9781.00 6836-32-3765.00 6839-06-8680.00 6839-18-3152.00 6837-78-3009.00 6845-69-7422.00 6846-97-7099.00 6829-33-1426.00 6829-33-1582.00 6856-42-1397.00 6839-50-5629.00 6855-19-6757.00 6856-41-9835.00 6857-09-2541.00 6857-09-5608.00 6857-09-5658.00 6829-33-2569.00 6836-45-6561.00 6845-49-0790.00 6846-28-2074.00 6838-70-0140.00 6836-05-7290.00 6836-27-0837.00 6826-83-4189.00 6836-51-2823.00 6836-91-7530.00 6827-49-0349.00 6837-33-7493.00 6836-97-8367.00 6826-96-2008.00 6835-86-4844.00 6835-77-0495.00 6846-13-8246.00 6827-74-8835.00 6825-93-5689.00 6847-39-2094.00 6848-21-2897.00 6835-12-2639.00 6836-96-8375.00 6836-84-3703.00 6847-25-0315.00 6836-64-5722.00 6836-64-8742.00 6837-88-3243.00 6827-77-8126.00 6836-37-8155.00 6836-97-8076.00 6837-45-6507.00 6846-13-8411.00 6835-65-6231.00 6835-86-3987.00 6836-73-5835.00 6846-02-8871.00 6847-24-8481.00 6835-14-7046.00 6835-17-7022.00 6835-20-4507.00 6845-15-7986.00 6826-93-3883.00 6836-15-8993.00 6836-51-1836.00 6837-98-7479.00 6857-19-7860.00 6857-19-7893.00 6827-39-9810.00 6846-19-5528.00 6846-15-4181.00 6827-77-7443.00 6836-64-8545.00 6836-84-6752.00 6836-35-8552.00 6826-96-0234.00 6847-14-2806.00 6847-14-3555.00 6847-14-3657.00 6847-14-3753.00 6847-14-3759.00 6847-14-5749.00 6847-14-5845.00 6847-14-7726.00 6847-14-9402.00 6847-26-0325.00 6836-38-4088.00 6837-77-9076.00 6845-47-1374.00 6845-58-2786.00 6847-61-3352.00 6826-90-4941.00 6839-10-0112.00 6826-73-9171.00 6845-58-4201.00 6828-60-7971.00 6845-49-8013.00 6845-27-4360.00 6828-40-8347.00 6845-26-4746.00 6828-40-0166.00 6848-62-5018.00 6835-14-1452.00 6837-13-2778.00 6836-16-7552.00 6826-75-6923.00 6826-96-1048.00 6835-86-4313.00 6836-52-4486.00 6845-49-5348.00 6829-14-6619.00 6848-39-2123.00 6837-66-6032.00 6847-90-5147.00 6847-90-7137.00 6839-88-5298.00 6856-77-5114.00 6849-10-0959.00 6845-68-3847.00 6835-88-9949.00 6845-49-2361.00 6826-95-7315.00 6846-19-6377.00 6835-86-4526.00 6836-95-6881.00 6836-65-5476.00 6837-33-1901.00 6837-33-2839.00 6837-33-2898.00 6845-49-4413.00 6857-04-4548.00 6826-84-1367.00 6838-19-9973.00 6849-10-2470.00 6848-17-4259.00 6848-17-5258.00 6838-42-9745.00 6836-64-1711.00 6838-04-6905.00 6846-84-8943.00 6846-85-7134.00 6846-85-8168.00 6846-85-8647.00 6846-85-8942.00 6846-95-0367.00 6846-95-1125.00 6846-95-2175.00 6846-95-7259.00 6846-95-7434.00 6846-95-7522.00 6846-95-8138.00 6846-95-8387.00 6846-95-9032.00 6856-05-0601.00 6856-05-6937.00 6856-15-1922.00 6856-15-3629.00 6856-15-4665.00 6856-15-5718.00 6856-15-5971.00 6856-16-2065.00 6856-16-6023.00 6856-16-6198.00 6846-85-8390.00 6846-85-9165.00 6846-94-8947.00 6846-95-0134.00 6846-95-0300.00 6846-95-1195.00 6846-95-1237.00 6846-95-3156.00 6846-95-4136.00 6846-95-5116.00 6846-95-7147.00 6846-95-7346.00 6846-95-9136.00 6856-05-0435.00 6856-05-0589.00 6856-15-4600.00 6856-15-4782.00 6856-15-5844.00 6856-15-5997.00 6856-15-7809.00 6856-16-1213.00 6856-16-6049.00 6856-16-6230.00 6835-97-0673.00



109 Dellabrook RD 4939 Milton DR 1641 Twenty Fourth ST 0 Eldora ST 0 Eldora ST 4101 Rosa ST 4107 Rosa ST 0 Baux Mountain RD 4820 Baux Mountain RD 5124 Britt RD 4634 Oak Ridge DR 0 Ferrell AVE 3 Childress ST 425 Cadillac ST 1104 Rundell ST 627 Burton ST 3920 Burtis ST 806 Rankin ST 520 N Liberty ST 110 W Fourth ST 104 W Fourth ST 521 N Liberty ST 445 W Twenty Sixth ST 411 S Main ST 0 Shady Mount AVE 0 Mineral AVE 2212 Elbon DR 885 W Twelfth ST 2995 Bainbridge DR 1132 Ada AVE 1603 Thurmond ST 3650 Old Greensboro RD 1650 E Twenty Third ST 1009 Row ST 1110 Thurmond ST 155 Laura AVE 3101 Old Greensboro RD 3936 Glen Oak DR 5036 Davis RD 4605 Royal Gate RD 4212 Orchid PL 0 Gray AVE 0 Parrish RD 0 Old Hollow RD 0 S Cameron AVE 0 Cayuga ST 5725 Virginia Lake RD 0 Virginia Lake RD 0 Virginia Lake RD 273 Karen CIR 0 Tulip DR 5900 Germanton RD 0 Tommys Lake RD 4852 Baux Mountain RD 2921 Greenway AVE 3600 Kinghill DR 2816 N Patterson AVE 820 Gray AVE 460 Bacon ST 0 Crafton ST 0 Vance CT 5341 Day RD 1527 Twelfth ST 3150 Flanders DR 1308 E Fourth ST 2805 Teresa AVE 340 Nash AVE 3725 New Walkertown RD 1917 E Twenty Fifth ST 4422 Stowe ST 1607 Harrison AVE 1603 Gray AVE 5306 Oak Ridge PL 907 S Broad ST 3510 Old Greensboro RD 0 Pendry ST 4920 Pendry ST 629 Hunter AVE 706 Chestnut ST 310 E Sixteenth ST 0 Germanton RD 0 Germanton RD 1131 Wooded AVE 420 Crews ST 3310 Beeson Acres RD 5742 Stanleyville DR 5750 Stanleyville DR 4369 Old Greensboro RD 1100 Old Hollow RD 0 Myer Lee DR 0 Old Greensboro RD 5404 Old Walkertown RD 5416 Old Walkertown RD 5420 Old Walkertown RD 0 Stanleyville DR 622 E Twenty Fifth ST 3130 Apollo DR 3001 Carr CT 1102 Pleasant View DR 239 W Twenty Fourth ST 2942 Greenway AVE 1613 Thurmond ST 1318 N Liberty ST 1278 Addison AVE 136 Cherryview LN 4025 Leo ST 2825 Ansonia ST 440 Bacon ST 236 N Cameron AVE 1405 E Fourth ST 0 Emerald ST 4331 Indiana AVE 1008 Albert ST 4901 Monte Vista ST 4648 White Rock RD 612 S Broad ST 2601 Ansonia ST 1608 E Twenty Third ST 4970 Carver Glen LN 1134 E Twenty Third ST 1214 E Twenty Third ST 4529 Baux Mountain RD 0 Melody LN 0 Ivy AVE 2803 Ansonia ST 0 Newton ST 0 Emerald ST 1300 Excelsior ST 1710 E Third ST 1437 Bethlehem LN 2308 Booker ST 5026 Page ST 411 204 S Marshall ST 265 W Fourth ST 1101 S Broad ST 2225 E First ST 1718 N Cherry ST 2526 Druid Hills DR 0 Old Northwest BLVD 0 Motor RD 0 Old Walkertown RD 0 Old Walkertown RD 5035 Farmoor CIR 4785 Lennox RD 2305 Elbon DR 210 Melody LN 1213 E Twenty Second ST 1636 E Twenty Third ST 418 E Twenty Fifth ST 453 Bacon ST 0 Whitfield RD 4216 Rosa ST 4226 Rosa ST 0 Rosa ST 4236 Rosa ST 0 Rosa ST 0 Rosa ST 4230 Viking DR 2201 White ST 0 Carver School RD 3010 N Glenn AVE 4612 Old Rural Hall RD 420 Barbara Jane AVE 3312 Old Greensboro RD 3730 Danube DR 843 W Eleventh ST 1263 Marlborough LN 1610 Cannon AVE 435 Nash AVE 116 Vance CT 525 Chandler ST 0 Old Greensboro RD 5023 N Cherry ST 2640 Belews Creek RD 125 Blaze ST 5041 Wind Spring DR 434 Brookstown AVE 232 Forest Hill AVE 0 W Twenty Eighth ST 751 W Twenty Sixth ST 444 Bacon ST 122 N Cameron AVE 1411 N Liberty ST 559 Chandler ST 215 Matthews ST 1565 Old Hollow RD 814 Kapp ST 3745 Tulip DR 0 Diamond Hill RD 2851 Shiloh Church RD 490 Guthrie CT 1441 Sixty Six HWY 3420 Old Greensboro RD 815 N Cameron AVE 3095 Apollo DR 431 Twenty-fourth & One Half ST 4790 Lennox RD 138 N Cameron AVE 2516 Ansonia ST 1138 E Twenty Fifth ST 201 Autoserve ST 0 Autoserve ST 400 Autoserve ST 0 Chandler ST 2852 Amber LN 2029 Cannon AVE 5930 Old Rural Hall RD 1456 Old Hollow RD 4816 Three Hills DR 0 Three Hills DR 5523 Old Rural Hall RD 1102 E Twenty Third ST 5500 Legare DR 3608 Turret CT 3601 Turret CT 3609 Turret CT 3710 Crusade DR 3715 Crusade DR 3624 Signet DR 3633 Turret CT 3649 Turret CT 4130 Moat DR 4150 Moat DR 4160 Moat DR 3709 Turret CT 3712 Signet DR 3716 Turret CT 3720 Signet DR 3852 Crusade DR 0 Signet DR 170 Glasmere CT 175 Glasmere CT 155 Glasmere CT 135 Glasmere CT 120 Stillmere CT 115 Glasmere CT 3800 Stillmere DR 3608 Signet DR 3617 Turret CT 3708 Turret CT 3625 Turret CT 3616 Signet DR 3641 Turret CT 3632 Signet DR 3657 Turret CT 3665 Turret CT 3673 Turret CT 4120 Moat DR 4140 Moat DR 3717 Turret CT 3716 Signet DR 3724 Signet DR 185 Glasmere CT 165 Glasmere CT 145 Glasmere CT 125 Glasmere CT 0 Reidsville RD 3873 Crusade DR 105 Glasmere CT 3810 Stillmere DR 1851 E Fourth ST

240.05 311.35 169.67 22.62 21.37 59.07 184.75 65.35 659.82 710.09 320.48 21.37 510.26 226.22 565.56 238.79 1,132.38 416.00 1,797.98 942.76 9,764.30 6,460.60 270.21 4,274.78 33.93 16.34 10.61 561.79 990.36 354.42 529.11 388.28 370.76 696.27 45.24 1,055.71 838.29 716.38 723.22 830.62 635.94 3.77 43.99 37.69 11.31 110.60 768.53 89.35 44.62 1,000.41 203.60 416.14 492.67 751.57 532.88 399.66 507.75 140.76 323.00 80.44 82.95 1,025.55 382.88 843.31 187.35 197.32 677.42 770.42 118.14 501.46 366.99 229.99 395.89 1,812.98 779.01 85.46 319.23 849.60 1,710.79 6.28 16.04 20.85 1,178.88 60.33 1,313.36 571.84 446.16 2.80 960.20 26.39 15.08 731.24 315.91 174.00 147.05 400.92 720.15 287.81 1.71 427.31 400.00 2.46 1,784.66 507.75 255.15 716.38 206.12 271.47 375.78 400.00 36.45 1,123.58 609.55 764.13 889.81 643.48 124.42 448.68 854.77 172.18 31.42 405.95 51.53 120.65 41.47 21.37 30.16 79.18 253.87 356.93 209.89 578.13 4,170.06 1,296.70 2,376.61 294.06 37.70 220.21 114.37 47.76 37.34 29.22 1.12 1,162.54 1,318.38 677.42 114.37 31.42 558.02 12.57 65.35 65.35 65.35 153.33 292.18 65.35 65.35 71.64 177.21 46.50 379.31 1,104.73 75.41 75.41 215.42 573.10 1,075.82 294.09 307.92 705.06 361.96 61.58 296.94 75.41 785.50 487.49 3,864.66 634.68 36.45 285.29 272.73 446.16 270.73 213.66 398.41 121.17 397.15 869.71 183.49 160.36 982.81 796.99 5,107.64 183.49 398.41 222.45 1,758.26 61.58 130.71 442.39 388.35 71.64 375.78 75.41 131.10 398.41 901.13 125.08 768.49 80.99 91.75 38.96 1,362.37 184.75 142.02 153.33 175.95 184.75 184.75 148.30 175.95 164.64 184.75 194.80 93.00 145.79 140.76 130.71 326.77 7.54 204.86 204.86 204.86 204.86 204.86 204.86 204.86 70.38 184.75 175.95 184.75 164.64 139.50 174.70 184.75 184.75 174.70 184.75 174.70 93.00 159.61 184.75 204.86 204.86 204.86 204.86 28.91 184.75 204.86 204.86 712.61



Doner Mikal Inc Donley, Douglas E Dorado Realtors Llc Double D Ventures Inc Douglas, Jeanette Douglas, Michael R Sr. Douthit, Cynthia G Douthit, Cynthia G Douthit, Cynthia G Douthit, Delores A Douthit, Pearl Dover, Ranzy C Jr. Dowell, Robert Darrell Drummond, Mary Duckett, Shirley D Dudd Llc Dudley Webb & Companies Inc Dufort, Victor B Dufort, Victor Baldwin Duggins, William L Duke, Hilda S Dula, Barbara N Dula, Barbara Nichols Dula, Barbara Nichols Dula, Barbara Nichols Duncan, Alfonzo Christopher Duncan, James W Duncan, Lisa Duncan, Shawn Duncan, Timothy Dunlap, Annie Mae Dunlap, Barbara H Dunlap, Velma Dunnagan, Donald L DURAN, ANGELA M Duval, Yvonne C Duvall, Rodney Bryan East Winston Community Dev Corporation Inc East Winston Community Dev Corporation Inc East Winston Community Dev Corporation Inc East Winston Community Dev Corporation Inc East, Teddy L Eastside Properties Llc Eastside Properties Llc Eastside Properties Llc Eaton, Nellie B Eaton, Violet Ebron, David E Edwards, Cora S Edwards, Doretha P Edwards, Kenneth G Edwards, Lois Edwards, Lula Mae Edwards, Lula Mae H Edwards, Sallye Joyce EH Pooled 1211 LP El, Fernette Black Elaasar, Ibrahim A Elephant Holdings Llc Ellerbe, Jannie Lee Elliott Enterprises Inc Ellis, Cynthia D Ellis, Fannie E Ellis, Frances P Ellis, Frances P Ellison, Eric S Ellison, Eric S Ellison, Eric S Ellison, Lillian L Epperson, Susan L Equity Trust Co Equity Trust Company Corp Equity Trust Company Custodian Ervin, George W Jr. Ervin, Sande Lloyd Espinoza Alvarez, Julio ETC Custodian FBO Z143586 IRA Eubanks, Larry L Jr. Evans, Donald L Evans, Donald L Evans, E Larry Evans, Ernest Larry Evans, George JR Evans, Larry Evans, Mark Alan Evans, Mark Alan Evans, Mildred D Evans, Nathan Jr. Evans, Robert L Everclear Properties Inc Everclear Properties Inc Everhart, Bill W Everhart, L C Everhart, Lawrence C Everhart, Norma S EW PROPERTY LLC Ewing, Darlene E Fachkoul, Moncef Ismail Fair Oaks Water Assoc Inc Faithful, Mamie B Falls, Helen W FARABEE, CHRISTOPHER G Jr. Farmer, Larry C Faulk, Mary H Faulkner, Georgia F Faulkner, Georgia F Faulkner, Lucille Faust, Dorothy E Faye, Phyllis M Featherson, Ruth Shannon Fellowship Baptist Church Fellowship Baptist Church Felts, Robert E Ferguson, Barbara Ferguson, Barbara B Ferguson, Maria L Ferman, Jorge A Vanegas Ferner, Judith P Ferner, Judy P Ferree, Billy K Fields, Tom Fincher, Frank Fincher, Frank Hrs Fine Homes Assoc Inc & Montice Fine Homes Association Inc Fine, Robert First Heritage Properties, Llc Fischak, Walter Fishel, James David Flat Iron Holdings Llc Fletcher, Charles R Flinchum, Timothy M Flinchum, Timothy M Flinchum, Timothy M Flinchum, Timothy M Flippen, Charles W Flippin, Janie M Flores, Alith Asuncion-vergara Flores, Floren K Flores, Mario Dominquez Flores, Mario Dominquez Flores, Mario Dominquez Flowers, Edna Flowers, Ozzie S Floyd, Henrietta C Floyd, James M Floyd, Peggy A Flynn, John M Fogle, Franklin R Jr. Foote, Buford Sylvester Foote, Mary J Ford, Annie L FORD, ELBERT Jr. Ford, Lisa Denise Ford, Lisa Denise Forrester, Bobby Lee Roy Forrester, Bobby Lee Roy Fortin, Phillip G Foster, Charles Gilbert Jr. Foster, Charmeka Foster, Elizabeth Foster, Gloria M Foster, Gloria M Foster, Louis T Foutz, Kenneth James Frasier, Betty L Frazier, Betty L Frazier, Elizabeth J Frazier, Tobbie A Freedom Baptist Church Of Ws Freeman, Brian L Friend, Robert Clifton Friende, Marquitta W Fry, Bob Fulk, Jimmy Lee Fulp, Benjamin Franklin Fulp, Blanche D Fulp, Richard A Fulp, Richard O Fulp, Richard O Fulp, Richard Osbourne Fulton, Mary Fulton, Roseanna Fultz, Mellonee E Fulwood, Dwan Fulwood, Dwan Funderburk, Michael E Funderburk, Michael E Funderburk, Michael E Funderburk, Rodney Funderburk, Sherman Furches, Brian C Furches, Carmella W Furches, William Jr. Furches, William Leo Furr, Jerry S Furr, Jerry S Furr, Jerry S Furr, Jerry S Furr, Jerry S Furr, Jerry S Furr, Jerry S Furr, Jerry S Furr, Jerry S Furr, Jerry S Furr, Jerry S Furr, Jerry S Furr, Jerry S Furr, Jerry S Furr, Patricia D G L G Corp G L G Corp G L G Corp G L G Corp G L G Corp G L G Corporation G L G Corporation G L G Corporation G L G Corporation G L G Corporation G L G Corporation G L G Corporation G L G Corporation G L G Corporation G L G Corporation G L G Corporation G L G Corporation G L G Corporation G L G Corporation Gaddy, Henry G Gaither, Johnny R Gaither, Trevonia Brown Gallagher, Jay Dennis Gallimore, Rosa M Galloway, Brenda M Galloway, Charline S Gambill Jr, Paul Homer Gambit Inc Gamble, Belvia M Gamble, Bobbiette Allen Gamble, Samuel Gantt, Bonnie Louise Garcia, Alejandro Garcia, Heber Eduardo Mota Garcia, Hector Nexai Anorve Garcia, Magdalena Lopez Garcia, Magdalena Lopez Garcia, Maria Mariche Garcia, Ricarda Hernandez Gardner, Ernest GARDNER, LUCY L Gardner, Nathan Bradley Garner Const & Development Inc Garner, Hattie M Garvey, Thurman W Jr. Garvin, Robert D Gaskins, James E GATEAU INVESTMENTS LLC Gates, Dorothy L Gato, Yirla L Gattis, Faye D


6836-84-2004.00 6857-04-9941.00 6839-09-6681.00 6825-88-6889.00 6836-25-0880.00 6845-18-6689.00 6847-24-0337.00 6847-24-0444.00 6847-24-0562.00 6837-88-9574.00 6836-27-2893.00 6836-71-7644.00 6848-31-6138.00 6847-54-9094.00 6836-36-8358.00 6827-87-2188.00 6845-46-9536.00 6825-74-1567.00 6825-74-4833.00 6847-67-7943.00 6836-95-7406.00 6846-75-7868.00 6846-29-7704.00 6846-29-7788.00 6847-30-2544.00 6846-77-6714.00 6837-12-5717.00 6846-60-8229.00 6845-06-8394.00 6836-92-1834.00 6836-95-2089.00 6847-02-5163.00 6836-35-6390.00 6827-88-2309.00 6837-55-5966.00 6838-05-3713.00 6856-89-0426.00 6836-73-3491.00 6836-73-3691.00 6836-73-6379.00 6836-73-7498.00 6839-01-6409.00 6846-04-0193.00 6846-04-1029.00 6846-04-1066.00 6836-75-4149.00 6837-78-7491.00 6836-84-1921.00 6845-18-6540.00 6836-42-5881.00 6837-23-4064.00 6845-38-2745.00 6846-04-9153.00 6846-04-8192.00 6847-31-2137.00 6835-88-1963.00 6836-51-8520.00 6829-91-7520.00 6835-27-1056.00 6837-98-3436.00 6856-05-2776.00 6835-89-9740.00 6846-05-9050.00 6829-91-3293.00 6829-91-4389.00 6826-83-7171.00 6836-26-0431.00 6837-03-4835.00 6828-50-4104.00 6846-27-0122.00 6845-48-8583.00 6836-36-0498.00 6825-93-2416.00 6837-14-3903.00 6847-77-7648.00 6835-03-1306.00 6856-69-8914.00 6837-57-4291.00 6836-04-8805.00 6836-35-8250.00 6825-83-8681.00 6825-93-0792.00 6845-28-3248.00 6825-83-8528.00 6829-20-4370.00 6829-20-5128.00 6846-01-1430.00 6846-13-3312.00 6845-37-0477.00 6846-12-9933.00 6846-13-9031.00 6856-02-2832.00 6825-86-7731.00 6825-92-2911.00 6857-20-7264.00 6826-95-9613.00 6836-15-8108.00 6837-53-7394.00 6838-11-8214.00 6836-61-9979.00 6836-93-8231.00 6836-03-3135.00 6825-88-7780.00 6835-87-7145.00 6827-86-2570.00 6827-86-3620.00 6847-12-9780.00 6845-27-5382.00 6827-87-6875.00 6835-99-2108.00 6846-05-2685.00 6846-05-3685.00 6829-21-9740.00 6847-23-8105.00 6847-14-7402.00 6826-95-2263.00 6847-76-6749.00 6825-84-3472.00 6825-84-3674.00 6825-77-6650.00 6847-56-9817.00 6835-99-5787.00 6835-99-4764.00 6837-42-2969.00 6837-42-6956.00 6845-28-5845.00 6837-46-6281.00 6835-76-9773.00 6838-73-1430.00 6836-81-4792.00 6847-23-4174.00 6826-84-6137.00 6827-84-7305.00 6836-14-0855.00 6836-32-2794.00 6845-27-0530.00 6826-85-2975.00 6836-29-8099.00 6837-68-5120.00 6837-29-8575.00 6837-29-9737.00 6837-39-2707.00 6838-60-1051.00 6827-39-8916.00 6846-74-0281.00 6826-84-3100.00 6846-57-3983.00 6856-03-8921.00 6837-12-0772.00 6847-88-1690.00 6836-83-0762.00 6835-87-8656.00 6837-15-1394.00 6836-62-5085.00 6836-62-6025.00 6838-41-1935.00 6838-42-0081.00 6838-73-2902.00 6847-85-3609.00 6838-74-0318.00 6836-27-7863.00 6846-69-0548.00 6846-69-1549.00 6846-01-3092.00 6829-20-5510.00 6836-74-0595.00 6836-95-9109.00 6836-65-3229.00 6847-61-7106.00 6836-62-7072.00 6856-26-5578.00 6836-84-7782.00 6826-83-7472.00 6826-93-3768.00 6825-91-2598.00 6825-93-8263.00 6856-24-3422.00 6845-47-0129.00 6838-70-8128.00 6838-70-8221.00 6838-70-8218.00 6847-12-0150.00 6846-19-3850.00 6847-07-3977.00 6826-82-2390.00 6836-80-0196.00 6836-64-1947.00 6836-92-5601.00 6837-40-3839.00 6845-58-0666.00 6836-71-2597.00 6837-43-8061.00 6836-03-4035.00 6835-89-7265.00 6827-95-2289.00 6827-72-6198.00 6827-82-1665.00 6827-82-1760.00 6827-82-4093.00 6827-82-4488.00 6827-82-4492.00 6827-82-4670.00 6827-82-5120.00 6827-83-2231.00 6827-83-2275.00 6827-83-3392.00 6827-83-5744.00 6827-85-6100.00 6827-96-0030.00 6827-82-1569.00 6836-36-6998.00 6837-48-9815.00 6847-96-0439.00 6847-96-0535.00 6848-02-8248.00 6827-75-8341.00 6827-75-9258.00 6836-28-3426.00 6836-81-8706.00 6837-59-6509.00 6837-65-4608.00 6837-65-4801.00 6845-26-0769.00 6845-26-1856.00 6847-26-4776.00 6847-88-1108.00 6848-02-8140.00 6848-09-0783.00 6848-09-0881.00 6836-85-7016.00 6837-62-0933.00 6836-83-0124.00 6835-27-3637.00 6836-24-5419.00 6826-75-9039.00 6826-83-1715.00 6847-07-3504.00 6836-00-4402.00 6837-13-4771.00 6829-51-5702.00 6847-96-5914.00 6836-36-3303.00 6837-05-4254.00 6837-67-8013.00 6837-65-0739.00 6847-90-9901.00 6857-00-0921.00 6846-05-5842.00 6847-56-1588.00 6837-14-1232.00 6847-75-4472.00 6829-21-9673.00 6856-12-7486.00 6836-75-9694.00 6839-03-1536.00 6847-71-1643.00 6836-95-1626.00 6827-76-2928.00 6826-80-3461.00 6828-60-5643.00 6828-46-9497.00



1600 Ashley School CIR 222.45 4110 New Walkertown RD 364.89 6070 Germanton RD 255.78 816 Decatur ST 619.60 2507 Druid Hills DR 453.70 611 Kinard DR 261.41 0 Carver School RD 55.30 0 Carver School RD 81.69 0 Carver School RD 32.68 0 Motor RD 80.44 6 E Thirtieth ST 60.33 1315 N Dunleith AVE 179.72 0 Northwest DR 115.63 4106 Oak Ridge DR 416.00 2720 Ivy AVE 84.21 245 Melody LN 1,679.08 0 Boulder Park CT 11.31 1041 West End BLVD 2,427.97 130 Piedmont AVE 3,796.79 4521 Vanhorn ST 525.34 1924 E Twenty Fifth ST 228.74 3255 Parrish RD 1,956.84 0 Branch DR 87.98 0 Branch DR 131.96 5012 Longbrook CIR 399.66 3439 Parrish RD 241.31 315 Clayton ST 127.62 3602 Old Greensboro RD 197.32 2105 E First ST 124.42 1911 E Sixteenth ST 33.93 1937 Bowen BLVD 466.27 3826 Barkwood DR 156.62 2419 Glenn AVE 201.09 4805 Burnett DR 336.49 650 Kapp ST 644.74 4465 Whittier RD 35.29 3900 Char Win DR 691.79 1801 Locust AVE 164.64 1817 Locust AVE 54.04 1805 N Dunleith AVE 86.72 1810 Lafayette ST 71.64 1211 Stoneway CT 2,062.41 0 Bowen BLVD 31.42 2123 Bowen BLVD 121.91 0 Bowen BLVD 31.42 1421 E Twenty Fourth ST 317.97 4827 Old Rural Hall RD 52.79 1541 Twenty Third ST 232.51 885 Rankin ST 360.70 618 E 16Th ST 344.36 3690 Patterson AVE 10,660.18 2940 Galaxy CT 292.83 0 Bowen BLVD 204.86 2221 Bowen BLVD 570.59 3641 Kinghill DR 473.81 802 Graham AVE 163.38 1219 Highland AVE 877.25 1113 Twin Oak DR 1,342.26 105 W Fourth ST 2,475.42 0 Motor RD 126.94 3733 Signet DR 6.28 907 N Cameron AVE 148.30 2228 E Twenty Fourth ST 731.46 0 Germanton RD 72.89 1104 Twin Oak DR 630.91 1621 Harrison AVE 816.92 2724 Greenway AVE 326.77 133 Clayton ST 661.08 129 Elm DR 547.86 2719 Teresa AVE 127.71 3200 Old Greensboro RD 328.02 2728 N Patterson AVE 573.10 309 Beaumont ST 9.73 410 Forest Hill AVE 323.00 208 Huff CIR 105.57 918 Apple ST 500.21 4625 Stanley CT 837.44 4474 Carrie AVE 25.14 233 W Twenty Third ST 177.21 2408 Ivy AVE 462.50 1130 Apple ST 485.12 1113 Apple ST 390.86 0 Gardner ST 40.22 1134 Apple ST 429.83 180 Sunburst CIR 820.69 0 Hanes Mill RD 35.19 2121 Gerald ST 343.11 1612 Douglas ST 33.93 2803 Old Greensboro RD 226.22 0 Dunbar ST 90.49 0 Dunbar ST 27.65 4118 Old Greensboro RD 295.35 405 Summit ST 999.99 1105 Franklin ST 498.95 109 Brevard ST 598.68 419 W Twenty Fifth ST 328.65 2421 W Kilkare AVE 394.64 708 Mccreary ST 187.26 0 Stonewall ST 22.62 1234 E Fourteenth ST 62.84 2037 E Seventeenth ST 586.34 1509 Pittsburg CT 930.03 837 W Seventh ST 351.90 1811 E Third ST 65.35 236 Lodge ST 736.48 0 Lodge ST 104.31 3161 Butterfield DR 764.13 510 Edna ST 206.12 296 Melody LN 1,190.66 831 Rich AVE 216.17 2107 E Twenty Fifth ST 412.23 0 E Twenty Fifth ST 70.38 0 N University PKWY 18.85 0 Pressman DR 128.19 2119 White ST 211.14 2407 N Cherry ST 37.70 4223 Garden ST 5.73 212 Westdale AVE 527.86 154 Westdale AVE 700.04 915 Carolina AVE 55.55 0 Northwoods CIR 57.81 0 Ferrell AVE 56.56 909 Camel AVE 56.56 0 Mineral AVE 15.08 0 Efird ST 5.03 0 Tanders ST 56.56 585 Kapp ST 295.47 221 N Jackson AVE 353.16 5441 Pine View DR 106.83 1317 Hattie AVE 301.63 5012 Pressman DR 605.78 2012 Harrison AVE 328.02 4244 Indiana AVE 104.31 213 W Twenty Third ST 131.96 1515 N Patterson AVE 305.40 0 Old Greensboro RD 263.93 2601 Thurmond ST 175.21 3122 Indiana AVE 696.27 215 Quail DR 520.12 609 Jandel LN 128.19 610 Jandel LN 96.77 690 Jandel LN 120.65 705 Voss ST 421.03 136 Blaze ST 1.79 3120 Shaftesbury LN 2,719.72 2004 Thurmond ST 829.49 0 Kem DR 43.99 304 Grover ST 795.55 300 Clayton ST 638.45 108 Huff CIR 755.34 1834 N Jackson AVE 272.73 1820 E Fifth ST 284.00 430 Alspaugh DR 752.82 1355 N Cleveland AVE 432.34 1204 E Fourteenth ST 45.24 0 Helen AVE 59.07 5430 Helen AVE 175.95 5475 Pine View DR 447.42 145 Winterbrook CT 81.69 5510 Pine View DR 65.35 2940 Bon Air AVE 468.79 313 Solon ST 334.31 311 Solon ST 438.62 2141 Twelfth ST 354.42 165 Sunburst CIR 663.59 1235 E Twenty Second ST 74.15 2009 E Twenty Fourth ST 393.38 1117 E Twenty Fourth ST 31.42 3815 Danube CT 255.85 1218 E Fourteenth ST 67.87 0 Reidsville RD 169.67 1640 E Twenty Third ST 223.71 0 Harrison AVE 36.45 1716 N Cherry ST 277.75 1110 Crestwood DR 613.32 409 Granville DR 500.21 4134 Hubbard RD 578.13 419 Mount Vernon AVE 1,356.89 0 Scenic DR 12.57 0 Scenic DR 12.57 5062 Scenic DR 222.45 3850 Draper ST 517.80 3600 Sawyer DR 1,123.58 1531 Motor RD 1,259.31 1404 Thurmond ST 45.24 0 Jackson AVE 76.66 2315 Woodland AVE 31.42 2009 Dellabrook RD 339.34 3616 Hemlock DR 30.16 3218 Old Greensboro RD 32.48 1304 Locust AVE 1,085.88 3940 Ogburn AVE 1.30 1500 Clark AVE 310.43 836 N Cameron AVE 135.73 224 Marvin BLVD 363.22 4018 Dalton ST 510.26 4038 Reich ST 584.41 4040 Reich ST 546.71 4013 Reich ST 477.58 4033 Reich ST 536.65 4029 Reich ST 521.57 4037 Reich ST 546.71 4015 Reich ST 604.52 242 E Polo RD 521.57 238 E Polo RD 497.69 230 E Polo RD 662.33 211 Polo RD 760.36 41 Motor RD 590.70 127 Motor RD 723.92 4036 Reich ST 539.17 2823 Glenn AVE 480.10 4600 Ogburn AVE 416.00 4353 Wakeman DR 919.98 4357 Wakeman DR 844.57 4734 Carlton DR 561.79 48 Hoskins RD 801.84 44 Hoskins DR 1,119.81 3 Inverness ST 35,304.77 1324 Cameron AVE 365.73 606 Voss CT 556.76 4340 Breck AVE 757.85 4356 Breck AVE 788.01 0 Lula ST 442.39 2245 Lula ST 443.65 4810 Freddy ST 541.68 125 Huff CIR 702.55 4728 Carlton DR 899.87 1645 Brown ST 557.26 1643 Brown ST 628.61 1640 E Twenty Fourth ST 28.91 728 Efird ST 30.16 1714 Jackson AVE 302.89 1 205 W Fifth ST 15.50 2336 Montrose AVE 545.45 633 W Twenty Fourth & Half ST 281.52 1735 Cannon AVE 250.86 0 Circle DR 1.21 1045 N Cherry ST 2,507.32 233 Forest Hill AVE 521.57 5530 Angel Oaks DR 1,647.66 4379 Winnabow RD 436.67 2715 N Patterson AVE 369.50 351 Alspaugh ST 447.42 1032 Ada AVE 134.48 4350 Tise AVE 231.25 0 Clara LN 339.34 0 Clara LN 849.60 2513 Machine ST 233.76 4550 Oak Ridge DR 747.80 335 Parkwood AVE 636.46 4166 Northampton DR 527.23 6117 University PKWY 1,079.59 4035 Salem Landing DR 618.44 1529 E Twenty Fifth ST 188.52 5761 Germanton RD 191.95 3865 Northampton DR 6.81 1807 E Twenty Fifth ST 566.82 132 Melody LN 242.56 1022 Thurmond ST 467.53 121 Vance CT 509.99 0 N Patterson AVE 5.03


Gentry Mcfarlin Llc Gentry, Cynthia White Gentry, Dulcie E Geralds, Earl L Gerhard, William J Gholston, Robert C Gibbs, Evander M Gilkey, Yussef L Gill, Lovinder S Gillespie, James E Gillespie, Sue Anne Gilliam, Bo A Gilliam, James A Gilmore Rental Properties Inc Gilmore Rental Properties Inc Gilmore, Alphonso T Gilmore, Jeanette D Gilmore, Jeanette D Gilmore, Jerry C III Gilmore, Jerry C III Gilmore, Jerry C III Gilmore, Jerry C III Gilmore, Jerry C III Gilmore, Jerry C III Gilmore, Jerry C III Gilmore, Jerry C III Gilmore, Jerry C III Gilmore, Jerry C III Gilmore, Jerry C Jr. Gilmore, Jerry III Gilmore, Rayshella E Gilreath, Allen P GIROUX, STANLEY J Jr. Gist, Margaret J Glascoe, Garland J Glaspy, Eloise R Glasscock, James Lonnie Glenn, Edna J Glenn, Eric A Glenn, Roosevelt Glenn, Willie Reginald Jr. Glenn-Jackson, Patrice Glg Corp Glg Corporation Glg Corporation Glg Corporation Glg Corporation Glg Corporation Glg Corporation Glg Corporation Glg Corporation Glg Corporation Glg Corporation Glg Corporation Glg Corporation Go Invest Wisely Llc Goad, Michael Gray Godfrey, Mark A Goins, Jack L Golden State Mutual Life Ins Gonzalez, Dagoberto Gonzalez, Diana Gonzalez, Diana Gonzalez, Jose C Davila Good, Claudette M Goode, Edward L GOODE, EDWARD L Goode, Edward L Goode, Edward L Goode, Edward Lee Goode, EDWArd Sr. Goode'S Enterprises Inc Goodin, Jaqueline D Goodman, Sallie S Goodson, Cassandra J Goodson, Julius L Goodwill, Glenda D Goodwin, Eula Mae Gordon, Michael D Gordy, Charlie L Gore, Elizabeth Ann Gore, Mamie D Grace, Anthony T Grace, Deborah H Grace, James R III Grace, Michael A Grace, Michael A Grafton, Linda Graham, Anne Newton Graham, Anne Newton Graham, Anne Newton Graham, Winifred D Grand Architect Real Est Llc Granger, Lee Oliver Grant, Ada H Graves, Clifton E Graves, Clifton E Graves, Clifton E Sr. Gray, Ruby Gre Management Llc Greater Damascus Baptist Churc Greater Hope Of Glory Baptist Church Greater Tabernacle Worship Center Greater Tabernacle Worship Center Green Tree Servicing Llc GREEN, ADRIENNE NAOMI Green, Cheryl Bernice Green, Daryl L Sr. Green, Ella B Green, Frank D Green, Leon B Green, Timothy Shawn Green, Wendy M Greene, Mary L Greene, Stacey A Greenwood, Jerry W Gress, Mark Grier, Christine P Grier, Sylvia O Griffin, Lela M Griffin, Randy Keith Griffin, Shirley Griggs, Annie D Grizzard, Alan Grizzard, Alan T Grubbs, James A JR Grubbs, James A JR Gunnings, Mary E Guthrie, Booker T Gutierrez Pioquinto, Kenia Lizeth Gutierrez, Claudia Santos Guy, John Guy, John D Guy, John D Guy, John D Guzman, Argelia Guzman, Marcelino P Pavia Gwyn, Donald R Gwyn, Francis Wooten Gwyn, Lois W Gwyn, Miriam Lash Gwyn, Robert Lee Gwyn, Scott L Gwyn, Thomas Jefferson Gwyn, Zachary James Gwyn, Zachary James Gwynn, Brenda K H & K Investment H&d Hospitality Corp Hackett, Donald Ray Hackett, John W Hackett, John William HAGAMAN, WILLIAM MCCARTNEY Hagaman, William Mccartney Hairston, Brian K Hairston, James W Hairston, Jennifer Nicole Hairston, Mabel Hairston, Raiford Leon Hairston, Vickie G Hairston, Virginia D Hale, Don A Hale, Nathan D Haley, Timothy Lynn Hall, Gerald J Hall, Joyclyn B Hall, Krystal Brooke Hall, Peggy L Hallenbeck, Roswell J III Hamadani, Masaud Hamilton, Kenneth M Hand, Oscar E Hanes, Roosevelt Hanes, Roosevelt Haney, Shawnee Leontyne Hansley, Norma H Harbour Portfolio Viii Lp Hardesty, Virginia Hardy, Burnu A Hardy, Carolyn R Hardy, Carolyn R Hardy, Carolyn R Hardy, Carolyn R Hardy, Larry T III Hardy, Larry T Jr. Harley, James E Harrington, Viola Harris, Annie R Harris, Georgia Ratliff Harris, Irene Hrs Harris, James Harris, Roland Emory Harris, Walter L Harrison, James E Harrison, Retha Harrison, Robert R Harrison, Thomas SR HARRISON, VIRGINIA M Hart, Hazel Hart, Hazel Hartman, Charles G Harvin, Marilyn D Hatcher, Samuel E Hatley, Josephine B Hatley, Josephine B Hawkins, Cecil M Hawkins, David HAWKINS, VELMA P HAWKINS, VELMA PENN Hawks, Leonard E Hawks, Ronald L Hawks, Ronald L Hawks, William Wayne Hay, Paul Woodrow Hayes, Charles F Hayes, Donna B Hayes, Edward S Hayes, Phyllis Hayes, R H Hayes, Shirley E HAYLYN LLC Haynie, Taren D Hedgecock, Dorothy L Hedrick Thomas Const Co Et Al Hegwood, Hassell H Henderson, Annette Henderson, Bettie J Henderson, Keith Levon Hendricks, Ben Julis Hendricks, Ben Julis Hendrix, Frances Henley-Amos, Cathy Herb, Lydia Herb, Lydia E Herb, Ronald Herb, Ronald C Herbies Investments I Llc Herbies Investments Ii Llc Herbies Investments Iii Herbies Investments Iii Llc Herbies Investments Iv Llc Herbies Investments Llc Herbies Investments Vi Llc Herbies Investments Vi Llc Herbies Investments Vi Llc Herbies Investments Vii Llc Herbies Investments Vii Llc Hernandez, Bernardino Perez Hernandez, Emigdio Hernandez, Emigdio Hernandez, Emigdio Hernandez-Garcia, Emilina M Herrera, Marina Herrera, Marina Martinez Herring, Marvin Eugene Herron, Phillip G Hewett, Danny Wayne Hiatt, Kimberly Hickerson, Cleester C Hickman, Gubie Jean Hicks, Trevor

APRIL 16, 2015


6836-82-3775.00 6829-91-8274.00 6837-44-2643.00 6836-04-5875.00 6828-33-1915.00 6826-83-2691.00 6826-86-8013.00 6827-83-1134.00 6835-01-8372.00 6837-67-4073.00 6835-19-0475.00 6837-69-5211.00 6837-69-5272.00 6836-52-2640.00 6836-52-2750.00 6835-78-6092.00 6836-52-0939.00 6836-53-2161.00 6836-52-1880.00 6836-52-1939.00 6836-52-1989.00 6836-53-6107.00 6836-55-8377.00 6836-55-8482.00 6836-55-9427.00 6836-96-6480.00 6847-14-3459.00 6847-14-3651.00 6836-52-3906.00 6836-52-2936.00 6835-86-7314.00 6836-84-0063.00 6835-08-3165.00 6845-47-3858.00 6839-03-8394.00 6846-29-9021.00 6835-17-8911.00 6835-96-0353.00 6836-74-8358.00 6837-23-1345.00 6836-25-7275.00 6836-11-0455.00 6847-16-9658.00 6835-89-9954.00 6836-04-0805.00 6836-38-1100.00 6836-38-1127.00 6837-44-6184.00 6837-56-7322.00 6838-15-4963.00 6847-16-5559.00 6847-16-6537.00 6847-16-7525.00 6847-96-7118.00 6856-25-7906.00 6837-56-4588.00 6847-77-6988.00 6837-14-3807.00 6838-91-4289.00 6836-25-7809.00 6845-69-8297.00 6838-60-9894.00 6838-61-9180.00 6846-12-4778.00 6847-13-2907.00 6836-04-8957.00 6836-36-4723.00 6846-14-3801.00 6847-03-6477.00 6838-70-2041.00 6836-95-9345.00 6836-97-6095.00 6848-30-6380.00 6825-83-8499.00 6836-24-8912.00 6839-07-4907.00 6825-73-7538.00 6847-12-7520.00 6837-38-9533.00 6848-61-2545.00 6828-30-5151.00 6826-95-3926.00 6856-44-0550.00 6826-73-9595.00 6835-89-7879.00 6856-34-9611.00 6856-44-2437.00 6825-74-7431.00 6826-81-9239.00 6838-51-0296.00 6838-51-3118.00 6846-35-3586.00 6846-13-8341.00 6845-26-0117.00 6836-74-1753.00 6845-06-9116.00 6845-15-3667.00 6845-15-4974.00 6846-49-7182.00 6846-33-7127.00 6836-54-5365.00 6845-57-4843.00 6846-02-1944.00 6847-17-5864.00 6838-63-3870.00 6837-02-5553.00 6837-04-6548.00 6836-25-5838.00 6836-45-4998.00 6836-91-9939.00 6835-76-7779.00 6826-75-9552.00 6826-84-1462.00 6826-75-2358.00 6838-02-6304.00 6847-20-4707.00 6836-37-8053.00 6835-99-6617.00 6836-54-8149.00 6828-55-2366.00 6837-04-4399.00 6847-55-6070.00 6826-75-2353.00 6825-83-9784.00 6846-07-0125.00 6838-61-8489.00 6838-61-8683.00 6836-74-3368.00 6847-11-3321.00 6847-26-5944.00 6838-60-6728.00 6836-54-4722.00 6836-42-0430.00 6836-54-3677.00 6836-54-4626.00 6837-78-8583.00 6836-91-9128.00 6846-47-4310.00 6838-64-7073.00 6836-24-8601.00 6847-34-8337.00 6847-20-1806.00 6837-12-7408.00 6835-08-2571.00 6836-35-4522.00 6837-33-5094.00 6847-21-0095.00 6828-52-5173.00 6828-26-9938.00 6846-60-0102.00 6846-60-2001.00 6846-50-8122.00 6825-85-1294.00 6825-91-0207.00 6856-46-7536.00 6835-79-9504.00 6825-82-5746.00 6846-13-2680.00 6836-38-4083.00 6847-55-1434.00 6826-80-3363.00 6846-45-3856.00 6846-97-2467.00 6825-93-5290.00 6846-36-2516.00 6835-66-4562.00 6846-14-3705.00 6847-57-6315.00 6827-76-0774.00 6837-89-5896.00 6825-89-8410.00 6856-09-9488.00 6837-97-8193.00 6837-97-8198.00 6846-01-0251.00 6829-63-4131.00 6826-94-4210.00 6835-66-8239.00 6826-94-1891.00 6835-89-9847.00 6835-97-3400.00 6836-34-1908.00 6847-55-9050.00 6835-99-4066.00 6835-98-4860.00 6836-91-7236.00 6836-83-9289.00 6837-05-6808.00 6826-84-3712.00 6836-74-0546.00 6845-38-4725.00 6849-12-3685.00 6856-49-9458.00 6857-21-8707.00 6829-20-6326.00 6839-02-9056.00 6836-40-0188.00 6846-04-9229.00 6847-34-1692.00 6847-34-1900.00 6837-33-1889.00 6847-54-0259.00 6826-92-9637.00 6826-83-7274.00 6826-83-7363.00 6847-22-8876.00 6837-49-3144.00 6846-12-4691.00 6846-12-7690.00 6857-05-2356.00 6819-62-2303.00 6819-62-4320.00 6819-61-3876.00 6826-95-9264.00 6837-33-7696.00 6847-28-2003.00 6836-71-8399.00 6847-53-0937.00 6849-30-3063.00 6825-74-1355.00 6827-76-6000.00 6855-39-0394.00 6847-39-0288.00 6825-83-5341.00 6827-94-1850.00 6827-83-1452.00 6846-35-4757.00 6836-85-4221.00 6836-64-7396.00 6836-64-8346.00 6839-02-2232.00 6847-69-9300.00 6846-36-6810.00 6845-38-5600.00 6846-26-0644.00 6846-35-5586.00 6846-60-3113.00 6827-49-1509.00 6845-39-8354.00 6838-62-9752.00 6826-85-3488.00 6826-84-3207.00 6837-24-0489.00 6847-54-8137.00 6847-64-4449.00 6847-53-3996.00 6847-53-7606.00 6837-58-3900.00 6837-54-9853.00 6837-54-9955.00 6837-64-0884.00 6837-33-5594.00 6838-73-1215.00 6837-47-8930.00 6847-47-3805.00 6835-27-3657.00 6856-25-1477.00 6849-10-8496.00 6837-77-7452.00 6827-95-4284.00 6845-26-2081.00




1440 Hattie AVE 237.54 1129 Twin Oak DR 1,538.32 0 Mineral AVE 7.54 301 W Twenty Third ST 167.39 5581 University PKWY 7,089.61 1718 Thurmond ST 45.24 2607 N Cherry ST 385.84 302 Polo RD 629.66 925 W Walnut ST 1,182.65 1008 Ada AVE 552.99 817 N Cherry ST 1,493.92 716 Essex RD 52.79 718 Essex RD 333.05 1502 N Liberty ST 167.15 0 Liberty ST 256.39 523 N Dunleith AVE 188.52 711 E Sixteenth ST 255.13 1700 N Liberty ST 541.68 722 E Sixteenth ST 99.29 715 E Sixteenth ST 351.90 717 E Sixteenth ST 148.30 915 E Seventeenth ST 140.76 2425 N Liberty ST 125.68 0 N Liberty ST 130.71 0 N Liberty ST 242.56 2606 Ansonia ST 106.83 0 Rosa ST 65.35 0 Rosa ST 65.35 1600 N Liberty ST 654.79 721 E Sixteenth ST 81.69 1829 Maryland AVE 403.43 1532 E Twenty First ST 279.01 66 West End BLVD 1,459.14 431 Barbara Jane AVE 418.51 1607 Pugh DR 220.09 4944 Milton DR 1,341.01 530 503 N Trade ST 7,167.67 224 Terrace AVE 211.14 1518 E Twenty Second ST 2.33 3931 Burtis ST 120.65 2420 Gilmer AVE 475.07 0 W Northwest BLVD 38.96 4505 Carver School RD 819.43 927 N Cameron AVE 292.83 409 W Twenty Third ST 373.27 3006 N Patterson AVE 423.54 3010 N Patterson AVE 828.23 533 Ontario ST 516.54 4415 Carrie AVE 277.75 5661 Novack ST 1,441.55 4530 Carver School RD 808.12 4520 Carver School RD 820.69 4510 Carver School RD 752.82 4230 Church Hill RD 1,045.66 305 Gaither RD 1,100.96 4434 Carrie AVE 501.46 0 Garden ST 2.72 400 Forest Hill AVE 640.97 4703 Baux Mountain RD 305.76 2523 Gilmer AVE 30.16 3441 Delane DR 349.39 138 Sycamore CIR 154.59 134 Sycamore CIR 335.57 2404 Booker ST 18.85 4115 Whitfield RD 290.87 226 W Twenty Fourth ST 294.09 315 E Twenty Eighth ST 374.53 2220 Elbon DR 392.12 2977 Bainbridge DR 639.71 1217 Shouse BLVD 404.69 2416 E Manchester ST 113.11 2800 Ansonia ST 106.83 4743 White Rock RD 89.23 0 Apple ST 36.45 2381 Okalina AVE 542.94 6110 Meadowdale DR 509.15 205 A Crafton ST 509.00 3120 Butterfield DR 485.12 0 Motor RD 20.11 5001 Kaybrook DR 284.91 157 Blaze ST 721.40 433 W Twenty Sixth ST 329.28 396 Gaither RD 1,163.89 1716 Cannon AVE 723.92 920 N Cameron AVE 315.46 390 Gaither RD 1,720.29 0 Gaither RD 27.89 1134 West End BLVD 1,367.40 879 W Twelfth ST 45.24 5336 Old Rural Hall RD 1,699.19 809 Old Rural Hall RD 182.24 2504 Atlee ST 196.06 1613 Emerald ST 32.68 0 First ST 30.16 1238 E Twenty Third ST 202.34 0 E First ST 174.70 0 E First ST 136.99 2163 E First ST 71.64 0 New Walkertown RD 93.00 301 Walkertown AVE 41,160.20 910 Twenty Second ST 31.42 350 Nash AVE 75.41 1410 Attucks ST 1,501.95 4686 Old Walkertown RD 6,769.42 1003 Curtis DR 505.23 3912 Indiana AVE 2,403.00 250 Pine Tree RD 614.58 2524 Gilmer AVE 578.13 608 E Twenty Seventh ST 360.70 0 Addison AVE 30.16 222 N Jackson AVE 81.69 720 W Twenty-Fifth & One-Half ST 336.82 2033 Cannon AVE 203.80 2516 Kirkwood ST 238.79 105 Azalea DR 119.40 0 Carver School RD 46.50 2828 Ivy AVE 109.59 902 Ferrell AVE 174.70 945 E Twenty First ST 674.91 5533 Dogwood DR 180.00 172 Pine Tree RD 324.25 4201 Fern PL 496.44 2512 Kirkwood ST 208.63 1121 Apple ST 530.37 2808 Manchester ST 152.07 131 Knott ST 130.71 1146 Cook ST 478.84 1412 E Twenty Second ST 31.42 3044 Airport RD 298.41 4821 Freddy ST 541.68 105 Sycamore CIR 462.50 2308 N Liberty ST 383.32 502 Fifteenth ST 477.58 815 E Twenty Third ST 110.60 2300 N Liberty ST 99.29 4835 Old Rural Hall RD 1,264.34 1225 Addison AVE 620.86 3320 New Walkertown RD 627.14 1032 Pacific DR 129.45 2354 Okalina AVE 207.01 0 Page ST 25.14 3720 Prospect DR 282.47 0 Perimeter Point BLVD 80.44 654 Buxton ST 658.56 316 E Twenty Fifth ST 426.06 3980 Leo ST 599.49 3726 Prospect DR 629.66 0 Elm DR 75.41 200 Mercantile DR 10,669.48 221 Crews ST 390.86 0 Old Greensboro RD 339.34 220 Crews ST 206.12 110 Westdale AVE 803.10 1155 Montgomery ST 471.30 460 Rickard DR 311.69 848 N Jackson AVE 56.56 1202 Poe ST 967.74 0 Eldora ST 33.93 3002 N Glenn AVE 85.46 4453 Oak Ridge DR 688.73 1018 Thurmond ST 567.44 3701 Spaulding DR 1,312.31 4391 Moat DR 980.59 1016 Wachovia ST 431.45 3016 Myra ST 192.29 122 N Laura Wall BLVD 355.67 2216 Elbon DR 471.30 4618 Oak Ridge DR 128.02 119 Melody LN 271.47 0 Northview ST 15.08 0 W Northwest BLVD 12.57 3769 Drexel ST 1,229.15 0 Renigar ST 43.99 0 Renigar ST 43.99 2120 Gerald ST 555.51 5715 Cannoy ST 729.90 2016 N Cherry ST 359.99 1321 E First ST 214.86 0 W Twenty Third ST 6.28 919 N Cameron AVE 61.58 1939 E Third ST 284.04 2366 N Patterson AVE 476.33 4309 Orchid DR 418.51 823 Camel AVE 159.61 2001 New Walkertown RD 684.96 1242 Addison AVE 346.88 1818 E Eighteenth ST 248.85 4252 Cody DR 622.12 2060 Thurmond ST 547.96 1231 E Twenty Second ST 31.42 2935 Galaxy CT 698.78 3834 Mountain Brook TRL 34.48 4526 Reidsville RD 964.81 5065 Largo DR 389.70 160 Sunburst CIR 46.50 655 Old Hollow RD 648.51 978 N Liberty ST 804.35 2240 E Twenty Second ST 804.35 5027 Page ST 211.14 0 Page ST 154.59 0 Autoserve ST 3.05 5220 Butterfield DR 473.81 805 Garfield CT 759.15 0 Harrison AVE 36.45 0 Harrison AVE 31.42 5023 Butterfield DR 492.67 0 Motor RD 64.10 0 Douglas ST 37.70 1455 Emerald ST 46.50 2847 Amber LN 513.41 1145 Ziglar RD 951.40 0 Ziglar RD 529.11 0 Ziglar RD 31.42 408 Twenty Fourth & Half ST 18.85 4037 Leo ST 419.77 4840 Merrimac ST 113.11 1240 N Jackson AVE 183.49 4215 Oak Ridge DR 409.72 0 Old Hollow RD 46.50 1516 Jarvis ST 1,604.93 207 Methodist DR 958.94 203 Timberline DR 573.10 4926 Monte Vista ST 579.38 0 Gregory ST 108.08 4211 Shamel ST 545.45 237 Polo RD 607.03 2513 Atlee ST 193.55 1621 Twenty Fourth ST 98.03 1210 E Twenty Second ST 248.85 1214 E Twenty Second ST 202.34 0 Old Hollow RD 202.34 4750 Dippen RD 611.69 3124 Carver School RD 197.32 2915 Galaxy CT 602.01 2804 Teresa AVE 208.63 2501 Atlee ST 202.34 3523 Old Greensboro RD 400.92 129 Cherryview LN 816.92 620 Amanda PL 686.21 5357 Pine View DR 706.32 613 W Twenty Fifth ST 404.69 2020 Thurmond ST 355.67 4020 Burnham CT 639.71 4105 Oak Ridge DR 432.34 5311 Oak Ridge PL 400.92 5203 Butterfield DR 429.83 5149 Poppy LN 509.00 921 Motor RD 279.01 0 Newton ST 30.16 0 Newton ST 30.16 4264 Tise AVE 661.93 4034 Leo ST 531.63 101 Cecil DR 716.38 4522 Ogburn AVE 821.95 4645 Lasley DR 681.19 1 207 W Fifth ST 2,000.00 226 Gaither RD 688.73 1465 Old Hollow RD 841.07 0 Old Rural Hall RD 329.28 215 Marvin BLVD 42.73 108 Hicks ST 405.95

B8 APRIL 16, 2015 OWNER

Higgins, Charles B Sr. Hildreth, Janice Hill, Alvonia A Hill, Geneva C Hill, Geneva C Hill, George W Hill, Harold Dean Hill, Thomas Steven Hill, Walter Hrs Hill, Walter Hrs Hine, Judy Lynn Hines, Louis James Hinton, Daisy L Hinton, David C Hinton, Johnnie Chester Hinton, Pamela Johnson Hiott, Curtis Austin Hodges, Rickey Gray Holiday, Fletcher Mrs Holland, Samuel Holmes, Allen HOLMES, ALLEN Holmes, Allen Sr. Holmes, Bryant Holmes, Doretha E Holmes, Isaac Jr. Holmes, Jimmie L Holt, Phillip E Holt, Phillip E Holy Trinity Full Gospel Bapt Home Tech Construction Inc Home Tech Construction Inc Home Tech Construction Inc Home Tech Construction Inc Home Tech Construction Inc Home Tech Construction Inc Home Tech Construction Inc Home Tech Construction Inc Home Tech Construction Inc Homemax North Carolina Inc Hood, Ruth E Hope, Daniel K Hopson, John E Horn, Sylvester Horne, Gregory Horsman, John S Horton, Anna Hosch, Clarence J Hoskins, Oliver J Housing League Holdings Nc Llc Houston, Priscilla Howell, Cynthia Elaine Howell, Timothy W Howell, William Jr. Howie, Soloman Hoyle, L T Jr. Hubbard Rlty/Ramey Dev Corp Hubbard, Marlon O Huff, Quentin B Hunder, James Y Sr. Hunt, Dorothy Hursh, Emma Hursh, Emma Hursh, Emma J Hursh, Samuel R Hurst, Steven Hutchins, Bobbie L HUTCHINS, ROBIN M Hutchinson, Calvin Hutson, Gerald A Hutson, Gerald A Hyde, Timothy Michael Hyman, Dorothy K Iglesia Cristiana Wesleyana Ch Ih2 Property North Carolina L.p. Ih2 Property North Carolina L.p. Ih2 Property North Carolina L.p. Ijames, Genesta Cannady Imes, Ruth Mae Ingram, Lizzie W Ingram, Renee A International D&s Garage, Inc Irineo, Jose Luis Iris Stop & Shop Inc Isaiah, Barbara Isom, Julia Itehualeres, Martin Ivor Enterprises Inc Ivy House Center For Self Sufficiency J & A Property Investments LLC J & A Property Investments Llc J & A Property Investments LLC J & A Property Investments LLC J & F Partners J&a Property Investments Llc Jackson, Anna F Jackson, Annie M Jackson, Arthur G Jackson, Donald Jackson, Grady Ruel Jackson, Henry Hrs Jackson, Kevin Jackson, Lewis D Jackson, Pamela M Jackson, Roberta P Jackson, Ronald L Jackson, Rufus Jackson, Thomas R Jackson, Thomas S Jacobs, Nicole H Jacobsen Family Trust James A Higgins Sr Revocable Trust James, Carletta Twitty James, Donnie James, Flonnie I James, Henry Mae Jarvis, Robin Lee Jdbi Llc Jdbi Llc Jeffares, Raymond D Jefferson, Cecil Jefferson, Cecil Jefferson, Cecil R Jefferson, Frances M Jeffreys, Golden O Jr. Jeffries, Anna E Jeffries, Hubert Jr. Jeffs Business Inc Jembere, Gaunzie W Jenkins, Anthony Wilson Jenkins, Betty C Jenkins, Betty C Jenkins, Betty C Jenkins, Betty C Jenkins, Donald Ray Jennings, Dwight F Jerry E Byrd Revocable Trust Jerry E Byrd Revocable Trust Jerry E Byrd Revocable Trust Jerry E Byrd Revocable Trust Jerry E Byrd Revocable Trust Jerry E Byrd Revocable Trust Jerry E. Byrd Revocable Trust Jerry E. Byrd Revocable Trust Jerry E. Byrd Revocable Trust Jerry E. Byrd Revocable Trust Jerry E. Byrd Revocable Trust Jerry E. Byrd Revocable Trust Jerry L Byrd Revocable Trust Jerry L Byrd Revocable Trust Jessup, Adam J Jessup, Kesa Coleman Jeter, Alphonso Jevi Investments Jiles, Tara N Jkt Enterprises Jnmc Properties Inc John D Guy Transportation Llc Johnson, Ada Smith Johnson, Alline B Johnson, Anthony Lashawn Johnson, Chenita B Johnson, Deborah Johnson, Ida P Johnson, Inez Johnson, Inga Johnson, Jake J Johnson, James Johnson, James Johnson, James A Johnson, James F Johnson, Jeremy Johnson, Julia I Johnson, Julia M Johnson, Linda G Johnson, Mabel H Johnson, Martha Verona Hamm Johnson, Maxine F Johnson, Nina Johnson, Norma Jean Tracey Johnson, R D Johnson, Richard W Johnson, Robert W Johnson, Thomas X Johnson, Truelove B Johnson, Vallie Johnson, Vallie Johnson, Vallie Johnson, Walter T Jr. Jones, Artanzia R Jones, Artanzia R Jones, Billy E Jones, Clarence L Jr. Jones, Clarence L Jr. Jones, Clifton L II Jones, Clifton L Jr Jones, Deborah D Jones, Duwood A Jr. Jones, Duwood A Jr. Jones, Earlene Jones, Hubert Oliver Jones, John H Jr. Jones, Kimberly Renee Parrett Jones, L Elizabeth G Jones, Louis C Jones, Louise R Jones, Pearl H Jones, Pearline Joanne Smart Jones, Perry L Jones, Rodney Jones, Rose M Jones, Sandra Miller Jones, Tiffany N Jones, Vanglee Sr. Jones, Victor Jones, William K Joplin, John B Jordan, Charlie J Jordan, Christopher Jordan, Christopher Jordan, Christopher Jordan, Christopher A Jordan, Christopher Antonio Jordan, Jackie L Jordan, Kendra M Jordan, Louie D Joyce, Thomas D Joyner, Rosetta L Joyner, Roy E Jr. Jp Morgan Chase Bank Trustee Jpa Inc Jpmorgan Chase Bank National Association Jpmorgan Chase Bank National Association Juan, Max Andres Juarez, Sandra G Juma, Aya Raji Karden Property Investments Llc Karden Property Investments Llc Kdt Grading Inc Kearse, Samuel E Keaton, Ethel M Keaton, Willa Deane Keene, Steven Ray Keeping Simple Pleasures Llc Keith, Robert Kelley, Edward L Kelly, Gladys L Kelly, Patricia Ann Kelly-Holmes, Jessie K Kennedy Management Corp Keplew Llc Kershaw, Mae C Key Management Llc Key, Claudette Kiger, Bobby G Kiger, Bobby G Kiger, Kathy Kim, Daniel Kimber, Robert C Kimber, Robert C Kimber, Virginia P


6836-82-1383.00 6848-61-2985.00 6847-10-5957.00 6836-82-3870.00 6836-83-4698.00 6835-97-7350.00 6836-02-3825.00 6848-57-1628.00 6845-15-2799.00 6845-15-2878.00 6837-43-4158.00 6847-14-0116.00 6836-75-2427.00 6857-32-5323.00 6847-20-2982.00 6847-01-6544.00 6838-88-6856.00 6866-29-3571.00 6846-15-6150.00 6845-69-7222.00 6846-74-0877.00 6930-60-3012.00 6826-83-6622.00 6837-74-7946.00 6835-99-0554.00 6836-27-4801.00 6835-97-3117.00 6838-86-4186.00 6838-87-1220.00 6837-52-4853.00 6827-69-1914.00 6828-60-1013.00 6828-60-1150.00 6828-60-1177.00 6828-60-2214.00 6828-60-2321.00 6828-60-2348.00 6828-60-2466.00 6828-60-2583.00 6839-71-8205.00 6836-75-6483.00 6848-30-7568.00 6827-87-0999.00 6847-10-0568.00 6836-65-8734.00 6835-05-2785.00 6828-30-3237.00 6826-94-6948.00 6826-81-5342.00 6836-83-8249.00 6836-73-6668.00 6846-36-6723.00 6825-82-7284.00 6838-98-4614.00 6836-81-1324.00 6837-24-4532.00 6838-13-2539.00 6835-37-6209.00 6836-37-1401.00 6846-13-6044.00 6836-90-9734.00 6838-50-6033.00 6846-14-5529.00 6846-00-0417.00 6838-78-9172.00 6837-34-0545.00 6837-68-5251.00 6838-38-1493.00 6847-90-0800.00 6835-67-6231.00 6835-67-6238.00 6855-39-1404.00 6837-14-7983.00 6825-83-8341.00 6856-37-6288.00 6856-37-7077.00 6856-37-7346.00 6847-03-2656.00 6846-60-9319.00 6846-04-3245.00 6846-78-7668.00 6837-78-4173.00 6847-27-5912.00 6836-26-5484.00 6847-64-4225.00 6826-94-0666.00 6846-05-5355.00 6836-04-9805.00 6836-42-0480.00 6835-77-6996.00 6835-78-8230.00 6836-75-4647.00 6837-69-1637.00 6847-35-5662.00 6837-89-8291.00 6856-26-9863.00 6836-27-0435.00 6835-87-5812.00 6836-26-5554.00 6826-83-4697.00 6847-09-3703.00 6836-33-6088.00 6846-86-0313.00 6835-99-7834.00 6826-80-8040.00 6846-47-4524.00 6836-36-1308.00 6847-54-7834.00 6835-86-7977.00 6847-46-1675.00 6847-78-2735.00 6837-86-6807.00 6836-34-6783.00 6835-86-0287.00 6845-18-7330.00 6836-82-1454.00 6835-01-0565.00 6845-37-0309.00 6845-48-6813.00 6838-80-1965.00 6845-58-5616.00 6846-36-7212.00 6826-75-2755.00 6836-65-2078.00 6856-36-7329.00 6847-24-7277.00 6846-00-0175.00 6836-35-6948.00 6847-20-4545.00 6835-76-9198.00 6857-28-5393.00 6857-28-6135.00 6857-28-7502.00 6857-38-0307.00 6835-98-6603.00 6836-73-1864.00 6845-48-6039.00 6846-38-4282.00 6847-28-3836.00 6847-28-4816.00 6847-28-4876.00 6847-28-5836.00 6835-78-8034.00 6835-78-8130.00 6836-73-6683.00 6836-75-6645.00 6836-84-2507.00 6845-26-0955.00 6836-85-2684.00 6845-26-3812.00 6835-96-7950.00 6847-12-0128.00 6827-39-6788.00 6826-95-7454.00 6845-16-8763.00 6847-36-2355.00 6835-16-7746.00 6836-54-2763.00 6846-12-5201.00 6847-21-3235.00 6835-87-0998.00 6836-35-3215.00 6826-75-7435.00 6835-97-7078.00 6835-88-0138.00 6836-92-7436.00 6835-96-3145.00 6836-85-2211.00 6836-85-2261.00 6835-99-6268.00 6847-07-1644.00 6847-14-8412.00 6826-94-4610.00 6826-95-0294.00 6847-63-3835.00 6836-62-0190.00 6828-93-4744.00 6838-80-5392.00 6826-85-1583.00 6847-51-2563.00 6829-96-5979.00 6826-75-7473.00 6836-73-6468.00 6836-75-5043.00 6846-37-7936.00 6845-28-3243.00 6845-28-5117.00 6845-28-5212.00 6846-83-1740.00 6836-37-6598.00 6836-82-5536.00 6846-58-6534.00 6836-04-5679.00 6836-04-6619.00 6837-41-8477.00 6836-52-3511.00 6847-20-8181.00 6835-87-3793.00 6835-97-0506.00 6837-13-8309.00 6846-40-7461.00 6835-88-6300.00 6826-95-5965.00 6846-27-1047.00 6835-99-6702.00 6826-83-1515.00 6835-98-4961.00 6828-51-2159.00 6838-87-4313.00 6829-51-6694.00 6846-37-5710.00 6838-17-4754.00 6836-90-2847.00 6847-75-3072.00 6847-54-9653.00 6835-97-4279.00 6828-73-5040.00 6837-84-1698.00 6826-92-2670.00 6828-60-6971.00 6846-29-1085.00 6836-36-4574.00 6835-87-9156.00 6837-04-8639.00 6837-13-6119.00 6826-83-6324.00 6829-22-5153.00 6835-86-5162.00 6828-81-1021.00 6846-05-2716.00 6837-84-2872.00 6827-87-3820.00 6847-28-1168.00 6836-24-5308.00 6826-82-8085.00 6835-05-1206.00 6826-85-8387.00 6836-14-1658.00 6827-98-9822.00 6847-10-1139.00 6826-85-5055.00 6837-42-2960.00 6838-79-9001.00 6835-23-6231.00 6847-01-3972.00 6847-64-3849.00 6849-12-1750.00 6847-01-8327.00 6826-75-4297.00 6836-84-0266.00 6835-02-7422.00 6836-24-2949.00 6835-27-2809.00 6826-74-8987.00 6856-85-0133.00 6856-85-6295.00 6837-67-5356.00 6837-85-8726.00 6846-59-4300.00 6846-59-5410.00 6846-06-0123.00



1535 E Fourteenth ST 67.87 4840 Shulbrook DR 564.47 3725 Sawyer DR 1,068.28 1444 Hattie AVE 260.16 0 Bethlehem LN 28.91 1973 Maryland AVE 364.47 1413 Pittsburg CT 816.92 5425 Davis RD 650.93 0 Lowery CT 8.80 0 Lowery CT 8.80 521 Efird ST 186.01 4132 Whitfield RD 270.43 1400 E Twenty Fifth ST 265.18 0 Vista Lindo CT 75.70 3729 Prospect DR 384.58 3015 Draper CT 666.55 5088 Ozark RD 277.44 737 Sagebrush TRL 121.11 0 Bowen BLVD 77.92 415 Byerly RD 292.83 3170 Shaftesbury LN 2,475.60 6145 Narrow Way LN 1,616.21 1716 Harrison AVE 529.11 0 Cayuga ST 61.58 860 Rich AVE 1.34 2940 Gilmer AVE 530.37 1926 E Third ST 272.17 0 Pine View DR 7.05 0 Ozark RD 1.19 0 Efird ST 23.88 311 Styers RD 51.53 317 Styers RD 51.53 323 Styers RD 55.30 329 Styers RD 55.30 335 Styers RD 64.10 341 Styers RD 51.53 347 Styers RD 51.53 353 Styers RD 51.53 359 Styers RD 51.53 1200 Listonbrook CT 115.46 1502 E Twenty Fifth ST 106.83 4920 Manning ST 535.40 205 Retnuh DR 677.04 3014 Colgate DR 925.00 1214 E Twenty Sixth ST 325.51 126 Shady BLVD 1,958.09 5116 Britt RD 507.75 442 W Twenty Fourth ST 287.81 0 Twelfth ST 45.24 1810 E Eighteenth ST 27.65 1827 N Dunleith AVE 361.80 3120 Carver School RD 208.63 1130 Bank ST 506.49 5033 Baux Mountain RD 1.26 1237 N Jackson AVE 136.99 0 N Patterson AVE 6.43 5550 Brookfield Ridge DR 221.20 401 202 E Fourth ST 487.01 2910 N Patterson AVE 495.18 1516 Emerald ST 403.43 1183 Addison AVE 489.60 613 Voss ST 1.05 2205 Elbon DR 7.99 1156 Addison AVE 426.06 4990 Appalachian RD 324.89 4181 Winnepeg ST 432.34 213 Quail DR 819.43 5824 Mcgee ST 1,406.36 3779 Barnwell DR 826.05 305 N Laura Wall BLVD 43.99 1302 E Fourth ST 599.49 103 Timberline DR 573.10 523 Alspaugh DR 654.79 321 Gregory ST 3,275.22 0 Stokesdale AVE 142.02 0 Rickard RD 101.80 4332 Stokesdale AVE 142.02 2815 Bainbridge CT 1,029.32 3618 Old Greensboro RD 349.39 2132 Machine ST 482.61 3505 Parrish RD 1,322.15 4818 Old Rural Hall RD 1,467.94 0 Old Walkertown RD 40.22 2725 Gilmer AVE 441.14 5310 Oak Ridge PL 1.71 2050 Lincoln AVE 485.12 2417 Machine ST 104.31 225 W Twenty Third ST 198.57 504 Fifteenth ST 224.97 521 N Dunleith AVE 203.60 612 N Jackson AVE 186.01 1417 E Twenty Fifth ST 438.62 5011 Ohio AVE 487.64 5100 Lansing DR 16,330.86 4625 Baux Mountain RD 515.29 323 Rickard DR 414.74 2914 Greenway AVE 458.88 509 N Cameron AVE 595.72 100 E Twenty Eighth ST 578.13 0 Thurmond ST 22.62 4667 Baux Mountain RD 272.73 410 E Seventeenth ST 301.63 3725 Selkirk DR 659.54 917 Ferrell AVE 150.82 849 Haywood ST 502.72 0 Tracy ST 47.76 2720 N Patterson AVE 405.95 4306 Kimball LN 473.81 1812 E Third ST 366.99 4521 Lasley DR 1,156.26 4706 Maxwell RD 165.99 1204 Don AVE 702.55 2303 N Glenn AVE 463.76 112 N Graham AVE 307.92 836 Crawford ST 315.46 1405 N Jackson AVE 128.19 728 Granville DR 203.32 2721 Old Greensboro RD 236.28 520 Chandler ST 174.70 1231 Pleasant View DR 238.79 421 Buick ST 208.63 3020 Carver School RD 202.34 2548 Kirkwood ST 246.33 1114 E Twenty Fourth ST 310.43 396 Rickard RD 1,005.44 5065 Noble ST 997.90 2200 Slater AVE 486.38 400 E Twenty Seventh ST 501.46 0 Carver School RD 65.35 1611 First ST 294.09 4438 New Walkertown RD 643.76 4434 New Walkertown RD 732.24 4440 New Walkertown RD 770.40 4450 New Walkertown RD 494.39 2020 New Walkertown RD 883.48 1407 Bethlehem LN 31.42 445 Stratton AVE 615.83 3410 Carver School RD 735.23 2133 School ST 794.30 0 School ST 75.41 2145 School ST 186.01 0 School ST 75.41 514 N Jackson AVE 323.00 516 N Jackson AVE 196.06 1823 N Dunleith AVE 281.52 1501 E Twenty Fifth ST 291.58 2201 Jackson AVE 731.46 2232 Flag ST 409.72 1607 E Twenty Fifth ST 368.24 0 Lula ST 150.82 1955 Kentucky AVE 131.51 3858 Draper ST 1,711.76 5030 Farmoor CIR 801.84 426 W Twenty Fifth ST 61.58 0 Lula ST 60.33 0 Berl ST 188.52 207 W Third ST 1,843.77 805 E Twenty Third ST 1,162.54 1421 Douglas ST 440.36 3197 Airport RD 69.12 522 N Graham AVE 221.20 2411 N Patterson AVE 441.90 2522 Ocono ST 256.39 0 Maryland AVE 90.49 0 N Jackson AVE 7.54 1480 Addison AVE 40.22 1881 Kentucky AVE 262.67 1601 Jackson AVE 28.91 1605 Twenty Fourth ST 28.91 2039 Temple ST 139.50 4880 Circle DR 395.89 2125 White ST 157.10 2054 N Cherry ST 10.15 2408 N Cherry ST 764.13 5212 Larkspur DR 94.26 1124 E Fourteenth ST 554.25 332 Oak Summit RD 2,484.01 4651 Northview ST 346.49 700 W Twenty Fifth & One Half ST 465.02 3559 Sellwood RD 1,356.09 0 Pebblebrook RD 83.39 0 Ocono ST 55.30 1813 N Dunleith AVE 42.73 1426 E Twenty Fourth ST 60.33 3345 Carver School RD 938.83 0 Gardner ST 36.45 648 Glenbrook DR 165.90 0 Glenbrook DR 75.41 0 Blaine ST 134.48 2919 N Glenn AVE 228.91 1425 Hattie AVE 163.38 3412 Jeketer DR 938.55 304 W Twenty Third ST 37.70 0 Twenty Third ST 17.60 3722 Ogburn AVE 397.15 0 N Liberty ST 96.77 0 Carver School RD 119.40 1715 E Fifth ST 335.57 1835 E Fourth ST 261.41 3929 Waddill ST 697.52 2511 Kingsgate DR 670.30 1768 New Walkertown RD 674.90 417 W Twenty Sixth ST 297.86 2708 Drewry LN 189.78 908 Ferrell AVE 120.32 1716 Grant AVE 317.97 811 Camel AVE 125.68 5171 Sunrise TER 1,034.35 0 Ozark RD 60.94 5525 Angel Oaks DR 1,689.14 0 Carver School RD 104.31 5840 Brookway DR 1,877.66 0 E Twelfth ST 47.76 4124 Northampton DR 894.60 4222 Orchid DR 114.37 1942 E Third ST 354.42 4221 N Patterson AVE 1,423.95 4209 N Liberty ST 365.73 1436 N Cherry ST 689.98 120 Vance CT 755.34 3524 Prospect DR 575.61 316 E Twenty Eighth ST 465.02 1901 E Third ST 256.39 271 Pine Tree RD 700.04 3920 Waddill ST 556.76 0 Harrison AVE 45.24 6146 University PKWY 2,165.32 1801 Maryland AVE 374.53 0 Patterson AVE 11.31 2515 Manchester ST 118.14 4215 N Liberty ST 314.20 224 Retnuh DR 1,363.63 4860 Merrimac ST 584.41 2330 Montrose AVE 397.15 1375 Tyndall ST 1,067.02 712 W First ST 461.70 509 Twenty Fourth & Half ST 323.00 204 W Twenty Third ST 209.89 346 Motor RD 3,839.52 3501 Fieldstone DR 432.36 0 Thurmond ST 27.65 3981 Mineral AVE 307.92 5017 Natalie Temple LN 776.95 524 Salt ST 3,887.28 3701 Whitfield RD 886.04 4104 Sunflower CIR 412.23 6051 Baux Mountain RD 98.71 3020 Draper CT 345.62 2508 Amhurst ST 368.24 1533 Twenty First ST 260.16 617 S Green ST 981.24 2378 Greenway AVE 60.33 527 N Liberty ST 1,924.58 636 Twenty Fourth & Half ST 219.94 332 Walkertown Guthrie RD 722.44 333 Walkertown - Guthrie RD 200.78 235 Quail DR 312.66 4318 Old Walkertown RD 6,904.86 3526 New Walkertown RD 1,007.95 3530 New Walkertown RD 81.69 2542 Manchester ST 133.22



Kimbrough, Landis Mardine Sr. Kimbrough, Sylvia Denise King, Barbara King, Carl King, David Jr. King, Florence F King, James H King, James Henry King, Mary King, Willie L Kingdom Trust Company Kinnard, Harold F Jr. Kinser, Brenda B Kirby, Michael Dean Kirby, Willie Mae Kirkland, Tammy L Kirkpatrick, David M Kirven, Brentwood L Knox, Ulysses B Knuckles, Louise W Knuckles, Louise W Knuckles, Louise W Koller, Stephen T Ksssd Inc Kyle, Mary Mitchell Kyle, Mary Mitchell Kyle, Mary Mitchell Ladson Properties Llc Ladson, Earl D Laflor Imperial Llc Laflor Imperial Llc Laflor Imperial Llc Laflor Imperial Llc Laflor Imperial Llc Lambert, Tommy Landon, Johnnie A Jr. Landon, Johnnie A Jr. Lane, Donald Vernon Laney, Anita Wright Laney, Anita Wright Langley, Lisa D Langley, Lisa D Lanier, James Wesley LARNED, DAVID T Jr. Larrimore, Kelly Stafford Crews Larrimore, Kelly Stafford Crews Larrimore, Kelly Stafford Crews Larrimore, Kelly Stafford Crews Larrimore, Kelly Stafford Crews Larrimore, Kelly Stafford Crews Larrimore, Kelly Stafford Crews Larrimore, Kelly Stafford Crews Larrimore, Kelly Stafford Crews Lash, Hattie Lash, Hattie Lash, Hattie E Lash, Hattie Evans Lasley, John Archie Jr. Lassiter Development Corp Lassiter Development Corp Lassiter Development Corp Latch Key Latch Key Latif, Khalid Lawrence, Sandra V Lawrence, William Byron Lawson, Barry G Lawson, J H Jr Lawson, James L Lawson, Junius R III Lawson, Melvin G Jr. Lawson, Melvin G Jr. Lawson, Raymond K Lawson, Raymond K Lawson, Thomas Lawson, Thomas Lawson, Thomas Spencer Layell, Jamie Elizabeth Leab, Christopher Burns Leach, Judy Karen Leach, Judy Karen Leach, Julia P Leagans, Emma Leagans, Emma Leak Ford, Tiwana N Leak, Beatrice S Leak, Marie B Leak, Willie T Lee, Okja Lee, Pearl C LEGENDS MARKETING & MANAGEMENT Leggett, Florence Legins, Jo Mo K Lehman, Jane R Leonard, H P M Lewis, Arcola S Lewis, Arcola S Lewis, Audrey Lewis, Evette Lewis, Janice D Lewis, Mae Lewis, N Robbins Lewis, Sonmi M Lewis, Terry A Lewis, Terry A Leyva, Yeimy Noyola Liles, Joe Jr. Lilly, Othar Limus, Kimberly Lindsey, Blonda H Lindsey, Daisy Lineberger, Council J Linton, Elmo Reece Jr. Linton, Paul H Linton, Samuel M Linville, David Keith Lipscomb, Birdie W Lipscomb, Leonice R Little, Edna W Little, Gaston Little, Gaston J Little, Joette Little, Linda F Littlejohn, Roger William Logan & Sons Llc Lomax, Jimmy Lopez, Henry M Lopez, Silvia Carolina Love, Allie L Love, Barbara J Love, Lillie G Lowe, Melanie M Lowe, Sidney R Lowery, Calvin Lowery, Charles B Lowery, Nicy T Lowery, Willie Lucas, Moses Lumpkin, Ida M Lunsford, Jerry Bruce Lyfe Enterprises, Llc Lyles, Devon W Jones-Patterson Lyles, Van B Lyles, Van B Sr. Lynch, April A Lyons, Doretha Lyons, Eva M M & G Investments M & G Investments M & G Investments M&G Investments M&g Investments Mabe, Ethel W Mabe, Jerry Dean Mabe, Jerry Dean Mabe, Jillian E Mabe, Timothy Ray Mabe,Atkins & Rydman Inc Macedo, Sabino Macedonia Pentecostal Church Macia, Jose Mack, Betty Lee Mack, Sir Walter Jr. Macko, Michael Mag Properties Of The Carolinas Llc Mahoney, Derek Sean Majette, Jethro Barnes III Malik, Sanjiv Malloy, Nelson L Jr. Malloy, Willie B Malone, Roslyn A Manning, Christopher Neal Manning, Sandra D Manns, Alease E Marcia, Jose A Marin, Carmelo Mario Noyola Marin, Evelin Bustos Marion, Annie L Marion, Cathy B Marsh, Deborah Marsh, Lillie Mae Marshall, Addie A Marshall, Sharon Hairston Martin, Archie B Mrs Martin, Avery C Martin, Bryan K Martin, Christine G Martin, Curtis A Martin, Ethel G Martin, John H Sr. Martin, Sherry Mae Martin, Shirley T Martin, Verna M Martin, Verna M Martin, Verna R Martinez, Jose Elisea Mason, Sharon B Massey, William B Matthews, Margaret C Maxie M Durant Revocable Living Trust May, James E Mayes Landscaping & Concrete Inc Mayes, Ricky M Mayes, Ricky M Mayfield, John H Jr. Mccants, Hiram Jr. Mcclamrock, J Ron Mcclelland, Randy Mccloud, Brenda D Mccloud, Ellen G Mcclure, Frederick John Mcconnell, Preston L Mccormick, Robert T B Mccoy, James McCoy, Paula J McCoy, Paula J McCoy, Paula J McCoy, Paula J Mccray, Delores Mccullough, Charlie J Mccullough, James W Mccullough, James W Mccullough, Leonard S Mcdaniel, Pauline T Mcdonald, Minnie Dawkins Mcfadden, Jacqueline R Mcfadden, Robert Mcfadden, Robert Lee Mcfadden, Sharon D Mcgill, Annie S Mcgill, Linda McGill, Viola B Mcguire Building Company Llc Mcguire Building Company Llc Mcguire, Jeffrey Allen Mchenry, Douglas Mchenry, Douglas Mcinnis, Allen A Mcinnis, Daniel P Jr. Mcintosh, Maurice Mcintyre, Lawrence E Mckinney, George Terry Mckinney, Viola Mckinney, Viola Mckinney, Zuella Mckinnie, Phyllis Diane Mcknight, Castine Mclain, Ruben D Mclaurin, Edna C Mclaurin, Mary T Mclaurin, Mary T Mclaurin, Milton L Mcmillan, Layton Mcmillan, Shirley R Mcneely, Lucretia A Mcneil, Anthony D Mcneill, Charles C Mcrae, Robert Mdc Investments Llc Mdc Investments Llc Meadows, Vernice G


6826-85-2443.00 6826-86-9264.00 6837-64-2939.00 6845-39-2043.00 6836-64-6687.00 6836-75-7451.00 6837-62-7736.00 6837-62-7992.00 6848-71-8671.00 6835-76-6723.00 6837-41-8616.00 6836-53-6197.00 6847-11-4408.00 6826-84-1360.00 6845-38-3550.00 6828-30-4742.00 6836-92-7103.00 6836-90-0263.00 6826-81-3405.00 6826-81-2251.00 6826-92-5951.00 6826-92-6902.00 6848-30-4061.00 6836-55-3617.00 6847-07-1454.00 6847-07-3306.00 6847-07-3404.00 6836-53-9395.00 6836-94-3896.00 6836-64-3772.00 6836-64-3922.00 6838-50-5623.00 6838-51-9321.00 6838-61-1262.00 6825-90-2038.00 6845-18-3702.00 6847-10-9143.00 6848-30-5712.00 6838-82-3920.00 6838-82-6913.00 6847-79-0855.00 6847-79-0946.00 6847-38-1859.00 6838-74-3370.00 6825-64-7909.00 6828-33-6967.00 6837-03-6344.00 6837-33-2753.00 6837-33-4547.00 6845-58-8676.00 6856-03-0352.00 6856-03-1328.00 6856-03-1463.00 6839-06-9957.00 6839-18-3192.00 6847-34-5455.00 6847-33-8926.00 6836-72-5054.00 6836-52-0870.00 6836-52-2645.00 6836-53-4378.00 6836-75-7149.00 6836-84-7204.00 6826-91-1018.00 6836-71-7339.00 6825-64-6779.00 6838-94-6411.00 6847-56-5624.00 6847-57-4738.00 6829-92-0450.00 6837-74-3705.00 6837-74-3755.00 6856-15-9321.00 6856-25-0278.00 6838-97-3626.00 6838-97-3732.00 6847-56-7697.00 6836-37-3523.00 6835-86-3712.00 6835-89-0768.00 6835-89-0863.00 6836-65-3279.00 6847-28-0013.00 6847-28-0039.00 6846-37-9564.00 6846-00-7951.00 6836-26-7144.00 6846-72-4877.00 6846-36-8460.00 6836-74-4516.00 6845-78-8133.00 6836-95-8877.00 6836-69-3175.00 6835-00-0859.00 6845-47-4976.00 6827-77-4764.00 6827-77-4833.00 6828-45-9387.00 6836-92-2729.00 6846-27-4964.00 6845-17-8741.00 6826-74-9237.00 6845-27-0254.00 6849-12-1531.00 6849-12-1640.00 6827-83-3168.00 6847-64-3458.00 6847-32-3021.00 6836-84-1214.00 6835-22-4422.00 6836-64-5366.00 6826-90-5661.00 6836-37-6937.00 6856-39-8688.00 6835-97-0559.00 6855-39-1408.00 6826-90-3941.00 6848-72-7054.00 6826-73-5256.00 6836-85-6477.00 6836-53-6565.00 6837-06-7171.00 6837-04-9266.00 6836-25-4922.00 6848-40-5372.00 6847-01-7197.00 6826-85-0306.00 6847-64-1044.00 6837-13-8109.00 6837-67-3284.00 6847-23-2735.00 6846-31-8262.00 6846-45-3503.00 6836-85-3644.00 6846-13-4538.00 6846-05-2416.00 6826-91-5015.00 6836-85-4486.00 6847-14-5645.00 6837-79-2841.00 6846-03-7437.00 6845-28-5517.00 6836-83-7808.00 6835-79-9707.00 6848-48-0058.00 6827-59-6231.00 6837-97-9006.00 6827-85-6127.00 6847-46-9903.00 6847-76-6418.00 6826-81-6239.00 6836-92-9123.00 6838-83-3358.00 6837-78-1446.00 6838-89-4256.00 6848-05-6390.00 6848-71-6144.00 6828-35-9138.00 6845-79-0797.00 6836-75-1756.00 6845-58-2660.00 6836-02-1468.00 6836-27-9451.00 6825-86-3137.00 6837-64-0118.00 6848-72-1499.00 6838-01-6163.00 6846-03-6187.00 6836-91-7144.00 6845-25-4761.00 6846-21-0679.00 6847-31-7298.00 6837-13-8908.00 6847-32-3963.00 6826-93-5026.00 6826-93-3197.00 6835-86-0240.00 6847-66-2408.00 6837-67-4724.00 6839-00-2238.00 6827-85-1042.00 6827-85-3031.00 6836-25-2528.00 6846-00-1969.00 6848-31-4127.00 6836-35-4270.00 6826-81-5808.00 6847-64-4131.00 6837-40-8353.00 6846-48-6150.00 6839-31-7907.00 6836-28-7450.00 6846-36-6539.00 6846-74-5423.00 6836-05-3808.00 6837-96-1240.00 6847-34-0663.00 6836-70-8098.00 6836-53-9524.00 6836-52-4484.00 6837-41-3131.00 6836-74-5358.00 6845-27-5576.00 6845-27-6542.00 6847-88-6668.00 6838-59-3262.00 6825-65-8052.00 6836-26-0137.00 6837-12-2519.00 6836-37-6393.00 6836-94-0712.00 6847-01-9555.00 6846-03-5350.00 6836-71-7438.00 6837-79-9040.00 6837-89-1501.00 6837-89-5496.00 6837-89-9681.00 6848-19-5480.00 6835-96-0870.00 6837-88-6154.00 6837-88-7134.00 6857-19-2372.00 6836-91-9218.00 6845-38-0873.00 6845-39-8643.00 6845-38-1162.00 6835-85-2646.00 6847-64-1809.00 6835-77-2650.00 6846-05-0729.00 6826-82-7386.00 6836-38-3413.00 6845-25-3884.00 6867-33-7331.00 6826-84-2019.00 6847-01-7941.00 6848-11-5982.00 6836-33-0790.00 6836-33-1814.00 6826-80-0229.00 6829-43-1561.00 6836-55-6481.00 6836-55-6497.00 6846-29-1770.00 6836-83-2101.00 6826-90-4621.00 6825-93-2591.00 6826-73-4256.00 6836-91-7826.00 6836-91-9932.00 6847-44-7886.00 6847-78-3234.00 6826-73-5705.00 6827-77-8780.00 6836-81-5598.00 6836-63-5957.00 6826-91-2087.00 6846-02-6687.00 6846-02-6782.00 6856-46-8841.00


701 W Twenty Fifth ST 457 Bacon ST 4271 Tise AVE 0 Barbara Jane AVE 2215 Cleveland AVE 1510 E Twenty Fifth ST 0 Glenn AVE 3920 Glenn AVE 4865 Dippen RD 141 N Dunleith AVE 3736 Ogburn AVE 923 E Seventeenth ST 3816 Sawyer ST 2021 Cannon AVE 2900 Galaxy CT 5144 Britt RD 2118 E Fourteenth ST 1016 Rich AVE 0 Thurmond ST 1120 Manly ST 922 Pittsburg AVE 0 Pittsburg AVE 4744 White Rock RD 815 E Twenty Fifth ST 4866 Circle DR 4867 Circle DR 4867 Circle DR 942 New Hope LN 2015 Bowen BLVD 1122 E Twenty Third ST 1119 E Twenty Third ST 5311 Cox BLVD 5242 Pine View DR 5235 Pine View DR 973 Hutton ST 594 Kinard DR 0 Shaw RD 4721 White Rock RD 234 Cecil DR 304 Cecil DR 0 Webster ST 4792 Dippen RD 4868 Monte Vista ST 5511 Pine View DR 1406 W First ST 123 Oak Summit RD 185 Clayton ST 4080 Sheraton ST 4055 Sheraton ST 311 Buick ST 4019 Hilda ST 4025 Hilda ST 4027 Hilda ST 0 Germanton RD 0 Germanton RD 0 Page ST 0 Bismark ST 0 E Fourteenth ST 714 E Sixteenth ST 0 N Liberty ST 1727 N Liberty ST 1507 E Twenty Fourth ST 1641 Ashley School CIR 858 W Twelfth ST 1233 N Dunleith AVE 110 S Sunset DR 4836 Reba DR 4561 Oak Ridge DR 0 Northwoods CIR 5705 White Oak DR 1016 Cayuga ST 0 Cayuga ST 0 Tamra LN 0 Donna AVE 0 Baux Mountain RD 0 Baux Mountain RD 0 Field LN 2919 N Patterson AVE 223 N Graham AVE 913 N Jackson AVE 0 N Jackson AVE 1119 E Twenty Fourth ST 4769 Mount Pleasant DR 4769 Mount Pleasant DR 3221 Tracy ST 2301 Gerald ST 2700 Bon Air AVE 0 Fries DR 3115 Carver School RD 1417 E Twenty Second ST 221 Stedman ST 2519 Ansonia ST 3301 N Liberty ST 840 Shober ST 0 Stratton AVE 0 Athens DR 144 Retnuh DR 5530 Dogwood DR 1602 Shady Mount AVE 2825 Drewry LN 730 Rankin ST 2018 Cannon AVE 2538 Old Greensboro RD 0 Baux Mountain RD 6045 Baux Mountain RD 4115 Reich ST 5315 Oak Ridge PL 3320 Cumberland RD 1539 E Twenty First ST 707 S Marshall D ST 1140 E Twenty Second ST 1120 Rundell ST 3001 N Glenn AVE 4609 Pee Wee CT 1847 E Fourth ST 101 Timberline DR 851 W Eleventh ST 4895 Dippen RD 938 Taft ST 1708 E Twenty Fifth ST 0 New Hope LN 4279 Cody DR 340 Parkwood AVE 2529 Greenway AVE 4920 Davis RD 3017 Airport RD 719 W Twenty Fifth ST 5228 Larkspur DR 3919 Waddill ST 1005 Ada AVE 4109 Carver School RD 2631 Wallingford RD 0 Spaulding DR 1611 E Twenty Fifth ST 0 Eldora ST 2104 E Twenty Fifth ST 830 W Twelfth ST 1622 E Twenty Fifth ST 4227 Rosa ST 5017 Old Rural Hall RD 417 Eldora ST 670 Glenbrook DR 1656 Ashley School CIR 914 N Jackson AVE 0 Old Hollow RD 4902 N Cherry ST 4558 Renigar ST 51 Motor RD 104 Northwoods CIR 4215 Garden ST 901 Twelfth ST 0 Addison AVE 233 Cecil DR 203 Quail DR 0 Dolphin DR 4820 Sandusky ST 4837 Dippen RD 5705 Robin Wood LN 3522 Delane DR 1236 E Twenty Sixth ST 439 Buick ST 1400 Pittsburg CT 2905 Bon Air AVE 942 W Fourth ST 727 Ontario ST 5060 Wind Spring DR 0 Fifty Two HWY 0 Eldora ST 1218 Addison AVE 124 Hicks ST 2704 New Walkertown RD 3935 Glen Oak DR 3947 Waddill ST 5045 Butterfield DR 923 Pittsburg AVE 1611 N Cherry ST 1615 E First ST 4531 Kimball LN 303 Dove ST 1210 Mardele LN 35 Hoskins DR 30 Motor RD 1 W Twenty Fifth ST 2117 E Twelfth ST 4711 Northwest DR 2410 Glenn AVE 1327 Thurmond ST 4051 Larkspur PL 721 Hanes AVE 3394 New Walkertown RD 5724 Sandhill DR 3020 Bon Air AVE 3112 Carver School RD 0 Parrish RD 2527 Pittsburg AVE 1003 Graystone DR 5027 Page ST 1000 Jackson AVE 939 New Hope LN 1409 N Liberty ST 3636 Hemlock DR 1430 E Twenty Second ST 0 Edna ST 0 Edna ST 4513 Northampton DR 1090 Chestnut View LN 1334 W First ST 17 W Twenty Seventh ST 306 Clayton ST 2849 N Glenn AVE 1664 E Twenty Third ST 3050 Draper CT 1611 Attucks ST 1241 N Dunleith AVE 1226 Victoria ST 5001 Scenic DR 0 Rosetta LN 4636 Baux Mountain RD 5276 Burdette DR 1909 Maryland AVE 0 Midway RD 1336 Midway RD 5450 Old Walkertown RD 2108 Gerald ST 0 Barbara Jane AVE 645 Amanda PL 620 Mount Vernon AVE 157 S Graham AVE 4308 Orchid DR 1418 E Fifth ST 2514 Manchester ST 1405 Harrison AVE 3035 N Patterson AVE 0 Hicks ST 4665 Gallant LN 815 W Twentieth ST 3831 Barkwood DR 0 White Rock RD 0 Greenway AVE 2206 N Patterson AVE 0 Shrub ST 5555 Gyddie DR 2430 N Liberty ST 2434 N Liberty ST 3552 Prospect DR 1709 N Jackson AVE 0 Haywood ST 0 Apple ST 946 Taft ST 1332 Addison AVE 0 Addison AVE 4374 Oak Ridge DR 5316 Doris ST 921 Roosevelt ST 181 Athens DR 1220 Gray AVE 2002 N Cleveland AVE 848 W Twelfth ST 0 Eldora ST 602 Eldora ST 455 Rickard RD

TAX DUE 295.35 270.21 525.34 45.24 23.88 273.98 23.88 378.30 546.41 266.44 379.55 414.74 661.08 360.00 144.36 867.26 467.53 605.36 81.69 458.73 539.17 75.41 739.00 71.64 49.02 581.90 86.72 193.55 350.65 31.42 31.42 336.82 257.64 326.77 708.84 262.67 212.40 811.89 101.80 291.58 54.04 160.36 56.56 893.58 1,402.59 512.77 588.18 339.34 477.58 194.80 971.51 507.75 509.00 25.66 20.85 6.28 194.80 62.84 99.29 224.97 134.48 31.42 31.42 42.73 56.56 41.27 24.88 574.36 28.91 463.13 61.58 80.44 118.14 174.70 4.49 4.41 174.70 439.88 375.78 129.45 56.56 263.93 13.41 2.11 981.23 360.70 123.15 59.07 1,514.44 247.59 516.54 41.47 2,000.00 858.39 150.82 8.80 1,309.43 484.36 509.00 74.63 339.34 588.18 663.59 26.46 80.83 735.23 421.97 1,280.68 3.96 1,134.89 236.28 42.73 20.11 311.12 360.70 570.59 476.16 358.47 436.11 26.39 31.42 624.63 437.55 547.96 1,129.86 738.46 315.46 495.18 436.11 657.31 842.06 2,782.56 516.54 380.81 20.11 213.66 75.41 4.47 148.30 285.29 198.57 180.98 372.52 126.94 19.24 325.51 653.54 1,407.62 324.25 584.41 307.92 30.16 640.97 833.26 104.23 485.83 533.58 894.84 212.40 250.10 170.92 425.24 1,214.07 5,450.74 170.92 515.56 848.34 26.39 353.16 345.62 888.56 1,242.98 383.07 208.86 397.15 316.71 118.14 480.10 541.68 1,936.73 941.34 747.86 446.16 343.11 145.79 439.88 247.59 476.33 418.51 287.12 182.01 9.05 399.66 179.72 328.02 550.48 936.32 775.45 40.22 536.65 348.13 338.08 71.64 75.41 147.08 1,014.12 1,565.97 307.92 881.02 3.15 379.55 1,294.50 382.07 42.73 49.02 36.45 106.83 16.34 816.23 8.08 109.34 458.73 324.18 360.70 213.66 667.36 140.76 285.29 328.12 57.81 61.58 942.60 413.49 62.84 609.55 815.66 928.78 258.90 59.07 442.39 50.27 1,618.76 111.70 149.80 86.72 187.92 45.24 110.60 276.50 20.11 33.93 830.00 95.52 488.90 985.33 961.45 191.03 81.69 37.70 251.36 589.44

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Mederos, Leonardo Mellennium Group Inc Melton, Lewis R Melton, Shirley Mendoza, Brenda I Garcia Mercy Rahma Inc Mercy Rahma Inc Mercy Rahma Inc Merritt, Jeffrey L Merritt, Thelma Yvonne Messer, David Andrew Messiah Community Christian Church Mhc Construction Llc Mhc Construction Llc Mickens, Benjamin F Mickens, Preston Mid South Industries Inc Mid State Management Inc Miles, Darryle Miles, Lenell Miller, Alexis T Miller, Annette D Miller, Antione T Miller, Bruce Miller, Bruce A Miller, Carlos Stefon Miller, Clarice M Miller, Cynthia D Miller, David G Miller, Edward L Miller, Glenda S Miller, John H Jr. Miller, Kay Weir Miller, Kay Weir Miller, Kay Weir Miller, Lanny W Miller, Lanny Wayne Miller, Lanny Wayne Miller, Magalene Miller, Mercedes L Miller, Minnie Wilson Miller, Richard M Miller, Richard M Miller, Richard M Miller, Richard M Miller, Richard M Miller, Richard M Miller, Richard M Miller, Richard M Miller, Richard M Miller, Richard M Miller, Richard M Miller, Richard M Miller, 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Claude Jr. Moore, Daisey C Mrs Moore, Edward L Moore, Emanuel Moore, Epherine Z Moore, Eric Moore, Helen C Moore, James H Jr. Moore, Jimmy L Moore, Norman Moore, Paula L Moore, Ronnie L Moore, Ronnie Lee Moore, Ronnie Lee Moore, Ruby F Moore, Warren C Moore, Warren G Moore, William Lamon Jr. Moore, Yvonne Denise Morales, Juan Carlos Perez Moreland, Steven Moretz, Charles Craig Morgan, Carlton D Morgan, Carlton Dennis Morgan, James W Jr. Morningstar Baptist Church Morris, Ella A Morris, Gwendolyn F Morris, Louis III Morris, Louis III Morris, Stefan C Morris, Willie B Morrison, Alberta S Morrison, Charles J Morrison, Junine C Morrison, Marlon Jermaine Morrison, Mozzell Morrison, Selina Morrow, Arnold Lee Moser, William Kent Moser, William Kent Moses, Clifton Moses, Mary D Moses, Mary D Moses, Mary D Moses, Mary D MOSIAC PROPERTY SOLUTIONS LLC Mosley, Stephanie Moss Hines, Natalie N Moss, Cedric Moss, Mark R Motsinger, Gary Lee Moultry, Mia Mt Calvary Holiness Ch/Ws Inc Mt Calvary Holiness Church Mt Olive Apostolic Holiness Church Mt Olive Apostolic Holiness Church Muhammad, Warith F Muhammed, Warith Farad Muhammed, Warith Farad Mumford, Willie J Muneton, Helio Munson, Kanda Kay Murdock, Christine Murphy, Betty Jean Murrell, Bernice D Murrell, Bernice D Murrell, Bernice D Murrell, Linda H Murrell, Linda H Murrell, Linda Howell Murrell, Ola R Sims Myers, James A Myers, Jerome A Myers, Jesse D Myers, Lawrence E Myers, Nellie Myers, Victoria L Myers, Victoria L Nail, Betty K Nance, Maude D Nance, Maude D Nash, Andrea M National Adverttising Co Inc Nations, Tony Nationsbank Of Nc Trst Et Al Nazario, Simon Perez Neal, Clyde H NEAL, MATTIE W Neely, Velvet Jean Nelson Chapel Holiness Church Nelson, Harry Wilbur Nelson, Jaclyn Crews Nelson, Lucille B Little Nesbitt, John D Sr. Nesbitt, Robert Hayden Nesby, Joe B Mrs New Gospel Tabernacle Newsum, E P Newton, Reba B NEXT PROPERTY LLC NEXT PROPERTY LLC NEXT PROPERTY LLC NEXT PROPERTY LLC Nguyen, Binh Nguyen, Binh Nguyen, Thang Cao Nichols, Helen W Nichols, Roger L Nicholson, Charles W Nifong, Hendrix Nivens, Cynthia Noble, Brenda R Noble, Brenda R Noel, Rubin M III Norman, LaJuan Norman, LaJuan Norman, Veronica North Star Properties Of NC Inc North Star Properties Of NC Inc Northington, Marianne Dehart Northington, Marianne Dehart Northside Glass Inc Northwest Child Development Centers Inc Norwood, Norris Mcswain Norwood, William L Noyola, Accel Hernandez Noyola, Carmelo Mario Noyola, Emperatriz Campos Noyola, Marlen Ramirez Noyola, Nayeli Villarreal Oakes, Edward S Oakes, James Oakes, Tim L Oakes, Timothy Ocwen Federal Bank Fsb Odell, Glenn Dexter Ogburn Village Solutions Llc Oglesby Properties Llc Oglesby Properties Llc Oglesby Properties Llc Oglesby Properties Llc Oglesby Properties Llc OGLESBY, HARRY E Old Gold & Black Llc Old Gold & Black Llc Old Gold & Black Llc Old Gold & Black Llc Old Gold & Black Llc Oliva, Abad Doroteo Zarate Oliver, Patricia Olmedo, Juan Zarate Orozco, Fernando Ortega, Marco Antonio Tapia



6827-86-1701.00 6835-27-0618.00 6825-93-1742.00 6845-29-2242.00 6827-81-4784.00 6836-31-0928.00 6836-32-0048.00 6837-42-8173.00 6838-42-3018.00 6836-61-2490.00 6835-12-1588.00 6845-26-7942.00 6825-86-2152.00 6825-86-3292.00 6835-67-1226.00 6836-52-4580.00 6838-26-6263.00 6846-75-7170.00 6836-96-6281.00 6836-81-7960.00 6836-34-4667.00 6846-75-5828.00 6857-61-2085.00 6836-84-5307.00 6837-87-4704.00 6836-70-4228.00 6837-99-3052.00 6847-21-1872.00 6838-99-0585.00 6826-85-0975.00 6837-99-2052.00 6826-83-7672.00 6847-29-6986.00 6848-20-6283.00 6848-20-9306.00 6836-97-6295.00 6847-29-7867.00 6847-29-8768.00 6845-49-3106.00 6847-71-2904.00 6845-27-4711.00 6825-82-7644.00 6825-98-5585.00 6825-98-5596.00 6825-98-6408.00 6825-98-6417.00 6825-98-6419.00 6825-98-6429.00 6825-98-6504.00 6825-98-6505.00 6825-98-6513.00 6825-98-6524.00 6825-98-6531.00 6825-98-6532.00 6825-98-6533.00 6825-98-6534.00 6826-83-6825.00 6826-85-7243.00 6826-85-7284.00 6826-85-7321.00 6826-85-7344.00 6836-23-5502.00 6836-35-8701.00 6836-35-8740.00 6836-42-4987.00 6836-71-5378.00 6836-82-8987.00 6836-92-7531.00 6836-96-6991.00 6836-96-8076.00 6837-12-2834.00 6837-32-7796.00 6837-53-6354.00 6837-56-0280.00 6837-69-2812.00 6837-69-2892.00 6837-74-4947.00 6846-05-3360.00 6846-05-3968.00 6846-12-4695.00 6846-21-1756.00 6837-65-0086.00 6836-75-7093.00 6836-35-3917.00 6846-06-5753.00 6847-33-4195.00 6846-12-7983.00 6846-06-2112.00 6845-37-7776.00 6836-35-1912.00 6839-31-7160.00 6835-95-1921.00 6837-39-4688.00 6827-85-5714.00 6829-96-9842.00 6847-26-1912.00 6827-86-9443.00 6836-65-8099.00 6826-83-7577.00 6845-09-3926.00 6836-05-3654.00 6837-66-3057.00 6839-20-5900.00 6836-04-3679.00 6837-22-1747.00 6845-26-3196.00 6847-64-1601.00 6846-05-4416.00 6829-30-4698.00 6847-20-2887.00 6836-92-4719.00 6836-27-2741.00 6826-95-4336.00 6835-67-6036.00 6835-00-3766.00 6835-98-4866.00 6836-92-4351.00 6835-99-4664.00 6826-94-0206.00 6846-05-6406.00 6846-05-6471.00 6847-11-0496.00 6847-51-1300.00 6826-93-2873.00 6847-21-2093.00 6835-86-6507.00 6848-20-9150.00 6837-79-4178.00 6835-12-1098.00 6825-98-6685.00 6825-98-9484.00 6838-53-0539.00 6857-04-5569.00 6835-86-1828.00 6847-51-0084.00 6827-62-6671.00 6836-53-4261.00 6847-39-2183.00 6846-26-8580.00 6835-89-0459.00 6836-97-8271.00 6839-23-1702.00 6837-03-9067.00 6826-82-2783.00 6846-95-1474.00 6827-76-9888.00 6847-27-4669.00 6847-27-4950.00 6836-94-6428.00 6835-79-9218.00 6835-89-0259.00 6835-89-6103.00 6835-99-3036.00 6856-17-4741.00 6846-01-0092.00 6837-88-2863.00 6846-02-0842.00 6835-86-1612.00 6848-12-1527.00 6846-31-9178.00 6836-84-3557.00 6836-96-8878.00 6846-19-5628.00 6847-50-4907.00 6846-88-1208.00 6837-63-8156.00 6837-63-9116.00 6835-67-4497.00 6856-06-2674.00 6838-59-5287.00 6836-74-2368.00 6846-45-0166.00 6826-83-7687.00 6826-94-7958.00 6826-94-8908.00 6835-97-1732.00 6845-58-0858.00 6836-33-1826.00 6826-81-3607.00 6827-85-3158.00 6837-14-4886.00 6838-61-8813.00 6847-34-0385.00 6836-02-4934.00 6848-05-0016.00 6848-05-1030.00 6837-96-5863.00 6835-96-3924.00 6836-65-2400.00 6836-34-1401.00 6828-46-9505.00 6829-81-8126.00 6827-85-8371.00 6836-64-9993.00 6825-98-9684.00 6846-69-3893.00 6836-75-8093.00 6836-95-3496.00 6847-38-1636.00 6849-13-0587.00 6847-65-1082.00 6836-94-7672.00 6836-01-7813.00 6837-99-1415.00 6835-67-4086.00 6836-25-6432.00 6838-51-4130.00 6835-67-3198.00 6835-89-3010.00 6845-47-1270.00 6847-37-4964.00 6839-10-7590.00 6839-20-0510.00 6828-33-4996.00 6846-29-9888.00 6837-34-5827.00 6836-35-8958.00 6835-06-9181.00 6836-32-5923.00 6826-94-4030.00 6836-37-1608.00 6827-78-3834.00 6846-02-3759.00 6847-02-1076.00 6846-02-4778.00 6836-94-8766.00 6836-94-8862.00 6837-68-1943.00 6847-06-4870.00 6836-42-8198.00 6835-38-1774.00 6835-37-6390.00 6838-21-3890.00 6847-32-2320.00 6826-93-3280.00 6847-78-0595.00 6845-58-7676.00 6826-83-7477.00 6847-53-3464.00 6836-85-4426.00 6847-77-4055.00 6837-96-7619.00 6866-19-7669.00 6845-27-2232.00 6837-84-3922.00 6835-66-3758.00 6836-42-4881.00 6836-84-4902.00 6837-40-3341.00 6837-42-5754.00 6836-96-8671.00 6825-97-3245.00 6826-73-5151.00 6826-73-7151.00 6826-73-9101.00 6836-71-5974.00 6836-54-7791.00 6838-26-4990.00 6836-42-0797.00 6838-94-3769.00 6837-77-6043.00


239 Lodge ST 109.34 101 W Fifth ST 6,498.31 1109 Apple ST 403.03 730 Barbara Jane AVE 90.49 0 Reich ST 18.85 1338 N Patterson AVE 1,949.30 1348 N Patterson AVE 1,383.74 559 Akron DR 1,245.49 5425 Helen AVE 80.44 1181 Cleveland CT 685.24 617 Mulberry ST 796.81 2651 Belews Creek RD 373.27 952 W Fourth ST 7,520.69 936 W Fourth ST 5,768.71 1000 E Fourth ST 4,039.36 1419 N Liberty ST 1,000.41 240 Creeksedge CT 136.99 0 Parrish RD 241.31 2548 Ansonia ST 41.47 1334 Cameron AVE 1,219.10 2300 N Glenn AVE 721.40 3260 Parrish RD 481.16 4645 Kellys TRL 1,314.19 1624 Twenty Second ST 147.05 1233 Opportunity RD 688.73 1017 File ST 946.37 0 Wentworth RD 113.11 3170 Shaw Ridge ST 931.29 0 Baux Mountain RD 82.59 711 W Twenty Sixth ST 31.42 1344 Wentworth RD 516.54 1713 Harrison AVE 225.59 0 Monte Vista ST 99.29 0 Monte Vista ST 115.63 0 Monte Vista ST 149.56 2816 Ansonia ST 36.45 0 Monte Vista ST 104.31 0 Monte Vista ST 119.40 3075 Apollo DR 634.68 3881 Northampton DR 1,553.40 542 Edna ST 444.91 433 Gregory ST 349.39 665 7C N Spring ST 359.44 665 7B N Spring ST 359.44 665 1B N Spring ST 359.44 665 1C N Spring ST 359.44 665 2B N Spring ST 359.44 665 2C N Spring ST 359.44 665 6C N Spring ST 359.44 665 6B N Spring ST 359.44 665 5C N Spring ST 359.44 665 5B N Spring ST 359.44 665 3C N Spring ST 359.44 665 4C N Spring ST 377.04 665 4B N Spring ST 377.04 665 4A N Spring ST 270.24 1732 Harrison AVE 286.55 0 University PKWY 7.54 526 W Twenty Fourth & Half ST 149.56 0 University PKWY 10.05 525 Twenty Fourth & Half ST 189.78 118 N Glenn AVE 208.63 415 E Twenty Fifth ST 198.57 417 E Twenty Fifth ST 241.31 611 E Sixteenth ST 224.97 1230 N Dunleith AVE 173.44 1810 E Seventeenth ST 155.84 1472 Addison AVE 305.40 2720 Ansonia ST 90.49 2533 Ansonia ST 115.63 303 Clayton ST 563.05 3917 Leo ST 378.30 700 Mccreary ST 124.42 4403 Ogburn AVE 202.34 712 Voss ST 282.78 718 Voss ST 419.77 1021 Cayuga ST 183.49 2414 Machine ST 118.14 2520 Machine ST 106.83 1457 Douglas ST 189.78 2712 New Walkertown RD 236.28 4284 Tise AVE 510.26 1512 E Twenty Fourth ST 50.01 2527 N Patterson AVE 473.81 2711 Machine ST 41.47 5142 Pressman DR 501.71 1501 Emerald ST 94.26 2543 Manchester ST 101.80 2858 Old Greensboro RD 394.64 2522 N Patterson AVE 516.54 875 Old Hollow RD 115.09 1848 Kentucky AVE 364.47 4653 Starmount DR 1,063.25 86 Motor RD 766.65 1480 Pebblebrook RD 453.02 0 Old Carver School RD 69.12 152 Motor RD 810.64 1220 E Twenty Fourth ST 153.54 1711 Harrison AVE 345.62 2391 New Walkertown RD 470.04 315 W Twenty Fifth ST 296.60 0 Tise AVE 6.28 801 Old Hollow RD 459.61 320 W Twenty Third ST 42.73 0 Clayton ST 134.48 0 Hicks ST 56.56 4017 Oak Ridge DR 237.06 2118 E Twenty Fifth ST 119.40 124 Harmony ST 188.52 3723 Prospect DR 383.32 0 Shady Mount AVE 35.19 2937 Greenway AVE 710.09 455 Twenty Fourth & Half ST 265.18 239 N Laura Wall BLVD 285.29 1025 Shuman ST 1,684.11 805 Camel AVE 147.05 2019 E Fourteenth ST 184.75 901 Camel AVE 198.57 2020 Lincoln AVE 275.24 2206 E Twenty Fifth ST 120.65 0 Twenty Fifth ST 77.92 3039 Airport RD 491.41 3963 Cottington DR 1,433.39 514 W Twentieth ST 248.85 3731 Prospect DR 582.87 145 N Cameron AVE 423.54 4981 Monte Vista ST 240.77 4921 Old Rural Hall RD 4.95 706 West ST 700.04 177 West End BLVD 972.76 153 West End BLVD 664.85 5568 Old Rural Hall RD 177.72 2856 Amber LN 419.89 224 N Graham AVE 184.59 3574 Sellwood RD 1,286.96 4014 N Cherry ST 2,583.98 1713 N Liberty ST 461.25 0 Monte Vista ST 12.57 2617 Rosemary DR 252.62 845 N Jackson AVE 144.53 2813 Ansonia ST 118.14 5818 Merry Dale DR 740.86 205 Clayton ST 663.59 1436 Thurmond ST 614.58 3648 Signet DR 1,505.65 0 Methodist DR 129.45 4814 Old Walkertown RD 728.94 0 Old Walkertown RD 40.22 2055 Bowen BLVD 275.24 802 N Jackson AVE 109.34 813 N Jackson AVE 104.31 817 Gray AVE 201.09 2014 Temple ST 144.53 3878 Forest Valley DR 1,314.61 2113 E Twelfth ST 442.39 0 Motor RD 488.90 2058 Dellabrook RD 233.76 136 N Graham AVE 242.56 4749 Carlton DR 213.10 2621 Wallingford RD 388.23 1611 Twenty Second ST 197.32 0 Ansonia ST 81.69 0 Lennox RD 109.34 0 Sellwood RD 276.50 3409 Del Rio CT 379.87 851 Efird ST 25.14 863 Efird ST 163.38 404 N Laura Wall BLVD 728.94 3948 Silver Chalice DR 2.19 1105 Oakmont Ridge DR 911.18 1402 E Twenty Second ST 6.28 0 Spaulding DR 129.45 0 Harrison AVE 15.08 430 W Twenty Fourth ST 648.51 0 W Twenty Fourth ST 50.27 1850 E Fifth ST 316.71 3301 Old Greensboro RD 256.39 2208 N Patterson AVE 419.77 1312 Thurmond ST 491.75 38 Motor RD 446.73 401 Forest Hill AVE 157.06 1141 Cook ST 711.35 5032 Page ST 704.97 1440 Clark AVE 287.85 4840 Westmoreland DR 114.37 4834 Westmoreland DR 1,077.08 4501 Lane ST 25.75 0 Maryland AVE 50.27 0 E Twenty Fifth ST 3.77 2322 N Patterson AVE 179.60 0 N Patterson AVE 135.73 5657 Plantation DR 1,317.13 0 Motor RD 118.14 1227 E Twenty Third ST 271.47 730 Chatham RD 466.27 3619 New Walkertown RD 2,194.37 1518 E Twenty Fourth ST 31.42 1824 E Twenty Fifth ST 41.47 4846 Monte Vista ST 657.31 0 Baux Mountain RD 461.04 4316 Orchid DR 402.18 2040 Twenty Third ST 491.41 1330 Underwood AVE 1,056.97 4633 Baux Mountain RD 162.13 240 N Laura Wall BLVD 55.30 0 Gilmer AVE 60.33 0 Oak Summit RD 774.19 1205 E Third ST 1.33 805 Graham AVE 149.56 428 Barbara Jane AVE 446.16 4895 Doris ST 173.44 5942 Old Rural Hall RD 273.98 5944 Old Rural Hall RD 131.96 117 Oak Summit RD 591.95 0 Carver School RD 131.96 0 Industrial DR 566.82 418 E Twenty Seventh ST 257.15 0 W Second ST 13.82 319 E Sixteenth ST 131.96 2000 N Cherry ST 745.28 2930 N Patterson AVE 434.85 4809 Germanton RD 517.80 2200 Booker ST 1,033.09 3720 Whitfield RD 835.77 0 Booker ST 37.70 2305 Ansonia ST 439.88 2315 Ansonia ST 216.17 0 Motor RD 9.15 0 Circle DR 98.03 700 Edman CT 615.83 0 N Chestnut ST 24,944.08 401 403 E Fourth ST 1,032.46 544 Oak Summit RD 1,358.06 3311 Cumberland RD 794.29 1617 N Cherry ST 240.05 5216 Old Walkertown RD 1,045.66 401 Buick ST 324.25 1707 Harrison AVE 300.38 5141 E Butterfield DR 457.48 1616 E Twenty Fifth ST 25.10 4230 Garden ST 540.42 4454 Stowe ST 404.69 735 Magnum DR 797.60 2552 Old Greensboro RD 93.00 4219 N Liberty ST 1,446.58 1208 E Second ST 204.86 608 E Sixteenth ST 359.44 1617 E Twenty Third ST 267.70 3500 Hemlock DR 285.29 0 Peden ST 49.02 2617 Ansonia ST 100.54 811 201 W Fifth ST 761.62 941 Gillette ST 253.87 925 Gillette ST 218.68 909 Gillette ST 223.71 1330 N Dunleith AVE 398.41 916 E Twenty Third ST 245.08 5713 Haweswater RD 1,734.38 502 E Sixteenth ST 914.95 0 Baux Mountain RD 114.37 1128 Ada AVE 667.36

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Ortega, Marco Antonio Tapia Ortner, Gloria M O-S Auto Sales Osi, Lisa Albert Oubre, Hayward L Jr. Overbey, Ernest E Mrs Owens, Johnny E Owens, Johnny Edward Page, Brian Page, Viola B Paige, Renny G Pankey, David Jr. Pappas, Louis Parker, Douglas L Parker, Eula Mae Parker, Sandra Robertson Parks, Bertha Parks, Douglas Parks, Theressa E PARNELL, DEANNA H Parnell, Virgie L Pastrana, Teresa Pastrana, Valentina Patella, John H Patten, Kenneth L Patterson, Dorothy D Patterson, Miriam Elaine Patterson, Rebecca Davis Patterson, Richard J Patterson, Richard J Patton, Elizabeth Payne, Jeffrey C Payne, Jeffrey Craig Peacock, Marissa S Pearman, Robert Pearson, Harold L Peebles, Mattie M Peebles, Mattie M Pegues, Dorothy Pelaes-Cores, Mario Pelaes-Cores, Mario Pemberton, Mary Pender Real Estate Group Llc Penn, Greg Penn, Gregg Dinarde Sr. Penn, John C Penn, Rockford B PENNACHIO, MARK L People, Mattie C Peoples, Charles E Perez, Aurora Perryman, James Pet Memorial Park Pet Memorial Park Pet Memorial Park Peters, Iris E Petree, Jessie G Petree, Ola M Petree, Ola Mae Pettigrew, Cephus Pettigrew, Dorothy F Pettigrew, Iris Pettus, Richard Pettus, Richard Pf1 Llc Phelps, Eddie L Phifer, John H Jr. Phifer, Nathaniel Phifer, Nathaniel Phifer, Nathaniel Phillips, Annie L Phillips, Steven M Pinkney, Charlie Pinson, Odessa P Pittman, Peggy L Pittman, Peggy L Pittman, Peggy L Pittman, Wayne E Pitts, Olga H Pitts, Willie J Plater, Brenda A Poe, Carol Poe, Dana Patrice Poindexter, C B Polite, Christine R Pond, Anita J Poole, Dale A Pope, Amber Pope, Sharon Chappell Posey, Rosa L Poston, Smith R Sr. Potter, Elmer Dale Potter, Kelly E Potter, Lisa M Potts, Jeff Powell, George T Powell, George T Powell, George T Powell, George T Jr. Powell, Laura Powell, Louise Powell, Thomas Ellis Powers, Katherine R Pozharsky, Robin Alice Pratt, William Preston, Hazel K Prevard, Inez A Price, Annie M Price, Emma Price, Shirley U Priddy, Leslie T Pride, Ida Prime Land Properties Llc Prime Land Properties Llc Properties Of The Triad Llc Properties Of The Triad Llc Property Brokers Property Brokers Prophet Davis Investments Llc Protelsch, Joyce Hollomon Provident Bank Pruitt, H Odell Pruitt, H Odell Pruitt, Robert E Ptw Holdings Llc Ptw Holdings Llc Ptw Holdings Llc Ptw Holdings Llc Pulliam, Venice U Jr. Pvd Llc Pvd Llc Pvd Llc Pvd Llc Pvd Llc Pvd Llc Pvd Llc Quartz Mountain Note Workout Fund 1 Llc Ragmon, Betty H Raiford, Zora M RAM HOMES INC Ram Homes Inc RAM INVESTMENT PROPERTIES LLC Ramirez, Henry Ramirez, Norma Victoria Rann, Emery L III Ransby, Charlie L Ransom, Bryant M Rash, Linda Rash, Peggy M Rattler, Sheldon A Ray, Evan Romulus Ray, Jerry W Ray, R Lewis Raynor, Tyson Razzak, Akil Razzak, Khalic Sr. Razzak, Khalic Sr. Real Dream Properties Llc Real People Homes Llc Real People Homes Llc Real People Real Homes Real People Real Homes Llc Real World Properties Llc Rearden, James W Reaves, Clarence Reaves, James Redd, George S III Redeemed Christian Church of God Berean Redeemed Christian Church Of God Berean Reese, Harold F Reeves, Annestine B Reeves, Harold Dean Reguil Properties Inc Regula, Edward E Reich, Jack C Reid & Norwood Reid Alexander Lyon Post Reid Alexander Lyon Post 2938 Reid, Brian M Reid, Johnnie Richard SR Reid, Mabel B Reinhardt, Jeffery R Renaissance Real Estate Mgmt Renfrow, Melissa Rent It Inc Revealed Church Of Christ Inc Revealed Church Of Christ Inc Revealed Church Of Christ Inc Revel, Nathan McKinley Reyes, Honorio Valencia Reynolds, Marvin E Reynolds, Mary A Reynolds, Newlin C Rhody, Isaiah Rhody, Isaiah Rhody, Isaiah Rhone, Norman Rice, Clayton C Jr. Rice, Florence C Rice, James Rice, Russell Sr. Rice, Theodore N Jr. Richards, Johnnie Franklin Richardson, Errol N Richardson, George R Richardson, Larnettra B Richardson, Reginald B Richardson, Zachariah Rivers, Aggie Leon Rivers, Leon Hrs Robbins, Della Robert Miller Revocable Trust Roberts, Gail B Roberts, John Gregory Roberts, Mary Harris Robertson, Jean H Robertson, Thomasina R Robinson, Alfreda S Robinson, Janet C Robinson, Lionel Ray Robinson, Roger D Sr. Robinson, Sequella D Robinson, Wilson G Robison, Howard L Robison, Howard L Robosson, Joseph G Sr. Roddy, Eugene C Rodgers, Willie B Rodriguez, Daniel Aroldo Rodriguez, Domingo Rodriguez, German Moran Rodriguez, Martha Roebuck, Tilda D Rogel-Martinez, Serafin L Rogers, Ida Delores Rogers, Willie B Roland, Garther Rolle, Derrick Rolle, Derrick S Rolle, Derrick Selwyn ROMAN, GLADYS D Romero, Lilia Romero, Lilia Rorie, Martha H Rose, Barbara Boles Roseboro, Ardeal Roseboro, Haywood E Roseboro, Joann T Roseboro, Lenora H Rosenquist, Jerry Rothrock, Michael Dwayne Rothrock, Michael Dwayne Rothrock, Michael Dwayne Rothrock, Michael Dwayne Rothrock, R Keith Rothrock, R Keith Rothrock, Robert Keith Roundtree, Karen D Rowdy, Darryl Wayne Sr. ROWDY, PERRY W Rucker, Buddell


6837-87-2763.00 6828-70-0045.00 6835-28-4997.00 6845-37-2892.00 6845-28-1001.00 6837-44-4398.00 6836-84-4044.00 6845-47-0226.00 6826-93-2127.00 6846-17-8319.00 6837-79-2172.00 6848-11-7464.00 6857-50-8564.00 6856-48-9374.00 6826-94-7805.00 6856-48-3345.00 6836-24-4824.00 6826-73-6206.00 6857-42-0126.00 6839-20-1757.00 6856-59-9885.00 6836-84-0567.00 6836-74-0792.00 6825-89-5635.00 6827-87-1537.00 6836-42-2830.00 6846-01-3268.00 6836-31-7981.00 6836-61-2687.00 6836-61-2897.00 6837-78-1089.00 6857-09-6608.00 6857-09-7870.00 6825-90-8991.00 6826-73-5403.00 6828-30-6925.00 6846-48-1481.00 6846-48-6379.00 6837-13-4370.00 6856-15-1555.00 6856-15-1672.00 6845-58-9666.00 6836-95-8139.00 6836-74-7358.00 6836-84-6506.00 6827-96-3470.00 6847-01-8608.00 6826-83-0705.00 6836-35-5938.00 6847-02-8129.00 6837-76-0036.00 6846-13-6864.00 6839-06-0457.00 6839-06-2495.00 6839-06-4455.00 6826-74-9138.00 6836-34-4425.00 6836-34-4550.00 6837-88-3021.00 6846-58-7952.00 6837-63-9324.00 6835-87-9219.00 6838-01-6931.00 6838-11-1774.00 6836-32-5754.00 6856-48-1427.00 6847-08-5749.00 6836-23-8734.00 6836-23-9810.00 6836-33-0753.00 6847-03-8618.00 6836-24-4135.00 6836-64-9742.00 6837-68-8567.00 6836-45-1791.00 6837-64-2130.00 6845-38-2351.00 6836-85-0401.00 6846-26-4815.00 6838-04-9955.00 6835-65-3182.00 6826-73-6443.00 6836-65-9455.00 6846-07-3163.00 6837-65-3498.00 6857-42-2182.00 6838-97-1554.00 6856-37-0274.00 6856-37-2205.00 6845-47-0925.00 6838-11-7458.00 6855-39-0401.00 6826-92-0021.00 6838-73-0034.00 6838-29-1887.00 6835-66-8136.00 6835-76-0464.00 6836-55-9928.00 6836-56-1115.00 6826-85-8702.00 6847-20-2890.00 6827-84-9994.00 6847-54-8503.00 6838-04-4505.00 6836-65-2405.00 6835-88-3915.00 6835-85-5652.00 6835-79-9702.00 6826-75-8625.00 6847-28-9033.00 6845-27-5349.00 6835-04-3925.00 6838-40-3886.00 6838-41-3172.00 6835-03-4798.00 6835-05-2423.00 6836-52-0989.00 6836-53-4381.00 6846-35-0774.00 6839-25-3200.00 6836-32-7373.00 6838-64-6353.00 6838-64-6412.00 6847-79-8250.00 6836-16-7423.00 6837-14-8574.00 6837-15-1212.00 6837-86-7142.00 6835-13-7361.00 6836-90-3068.00 6836-90-3140.00 6836-90-3143.00 6836-90-3146.00 6836-90-3162.00 6836-90-3165.00 6838-70-2280.00 6845-38-6167.00 6845-39-6581.00 6847-02-3844.00 6828-91-7955.00 6828-92-3243.00 6828-92-1283.00 6827-67-9495.00 6848-30-2316.00 6837-48-8545.00 6826-81-2315.00 6848-10-1911.00 6856-89-3801.00 6857-09-2916.00 6838-59-9678.00 6835-05-9098.00 6825-89-2196.00 6846-02-2698.00 6836-64-6960.00 6837-43-8711.00 6836-54-4759.00 6846-04-0959.00 6836-32-7400.00 6837-65-2559.00 6846-37-5078.00 6827-83-5970.00 6826-81-7583.00 6835-27-1075.00 6845-16-8083.00 6847-65-5044.00 6837-88-5874.00 6836-83-6450.00 6835-77-2092.00 6835-76-5989.00 6846-81-1524.00 6826-81-6443.00 6838-31-5227.00 6855-59-2858.00 6825-84-3822.00 6836-64-1771.00 6835-47-1190.00 6837-98-1593.00 6837-98-1492.00 6825-90-0554.00 6836-95-9340.00 6827-79-0414.00 6835-02-0228.00 6835-66-9932.00 6847-00-9767.00 6837-25-2776.00 6845-27-8098.00 6845-27-9174.00 6845-37-0128.00 6835-86-7786.00 6837-74-6775.00 6846-34-6838.00 6837-06-9091.00 6837-12-5578.00 6836-02-8589.00 6837-54-0453.00 6847-48-1838.00 6836-26-0293.00 6845-48-4735.00 6836-37-4683.00 6836-63-5918.00 6837-15-1763.00 6828-33-7212.00 6838-59-2447.00 6856-36-6450.00 6836-55-8371.00 6846-88-6349.00 6845-57-9717.00 6836-25-6183.00 6847-03-6769.00 6836-65-4028.00 6826-81-9288.00 6835-18-6486.00 6836-27-0233.00 6827-68-2580.00 6847-64-8501.00 6857-00-2342.00 6837-15-7047.00 6836-53-6147.00 6847-12-6155.00 6847-27-4517.00 6837-77-0876.00 6847-01-7343.00 6846-00-4307.00 6835-76-1905.00 6835-77-3147.00 6848-17-7847.00 6847-13-3556.00 6836-85-1129.00 6848-62-8720.00 6847-30-3837.00 6839-60-0585.00 6838-89-6889.00 6826-82-4984.00 6847-14-3453.00 6846-26-5640.00 6837-57-1362.00 6845-15-7857.00 6836-95-3360.00 6836-54-1249.00 6836-75-2487.00 6836-35-3717.00 6849-22-1644.00 6849-22-5525.00 6835-99-0149.00 6827-71-5635.00 6836-36-3208.00 6836-95-5139.00 6845-38-6712.00 6846-12-3410.00 6847-78-4208.00 6847-65-8839.00 6847-75-1656.00 6847-75-1984.00 6847-76-3084.00 6857-37-0864.00 6857-37-1404.00 6857-37-3608.00 6836-93-2021.00 6836-96-8576.00 6836-27-7663.00 6847-11-0708.00



1219 Opportunity RD 365.73 4930 Germanton RD 128.19 1386 Martin Luther King Jr DR 1,235.02 2828 Rowell ST 365.73 2422 Pickford CT 364.47 4220 L ST 22.62 1614 Ashley School CIR 266.44 415 Mount Vernon AVE 409.89 1620 N Cherry ST 75.41 2704 Teresa AVE 192.29 4918 Old Rural Hall RD 282.78 1628 Sanford DR 404.60 4617 Kellys TRL 1,895.94 0 Dare AVE 180.98 435 W Twenty Third ST 218.68 114 Angel DR 1,679.08 2381 Greenway AVE 165.52 934 Taft ST 389.61 4756 Plata DR 204.78 750 Old Hollow RD 588.81 4600 Katies TRL 1,671.33 1533 Twenty Second ST 275.24 1236 E Twenty Third ST 294.09 875 W Northwest BLVD 3,503.96 226 Melody LN 842.34 1522 Harriet Tubman DR 422.26 2145 Gerald ST 211.58 421 E Thirteenth ST 520.32 1380 Dublin DR 819.45 1385 Dublin DR 718.12 0 Wooded AVE 77.92 5424 Old Walkertown RD 279.03 5436 Old Walkertown RD 903.63 849 Holland ST 1,058.23 941 Taft ST 45.24 5157 Britt RD 815.66 0 Carver School RD 662.55 0 New Walkertown RD 212.04 219 Forest Hill AVE 135.55 0 Reidsville RD 23.88 0 Signet DR 10.05 303 Buick ST 250.10 2001 E Twenty Fourth ST 454.96 1508 E Twenty Second ST 70.38 1621 Twenty Second ST 198.57 175 Motor RD 1,227.26 3045 Draper CT 395.89 901 Roosevelt ST 351.90 2520 Glenn AVE 547.96 3855 Barkwood DR 829.49 916 Kapp ST 394.64 1638 Emerald ST 125.87 0 Pet Memorial DR 121.87 0 Pet Memorial DR 116.27 1351 Pet Memorial DR 81.78 2006 Cannon AVE 250.35 2234 N Glenn AVE 535.40 2238 N Glenn AVE 262.67 0 Baux Mountain RD 23.88 3605 Northampton DR 263.93 864 Mccreary ST 256.39 1826 E Fourth ST 163.01 0 Oak Summit RD 177.21 0 Oak Summit RD 91.75 402 E Sixteenth ST 314.20 4426 Reidsville RD 1,554.66 0 School ST 110.60 215 N Glenn AVE 465.02 217 N Glenn AVE 519.06 2018 Greenway AVE 273.98 2986 Bainbridge DR 1,161.28 2302 Montrose AVE 570.59 1222 E Twenty Third ST 31.42 1110 Motor RD 40.22 515 E Twenty Fifth ST 368.24 4149 Tise AVE 436.11 619 Mount Vernon AVE 174.70 1530 E Twenty Fifth ST 359.44 2700 Raleigh AVE 228.74 5530 Legare DR 1,460.40 1200 Excelsior ST 309.17 929 Taft ST 472.56 1220 E Twenty Fifth ST 275.24 0 Machine ST 20.11 0 Breck AVE 33.93 4761 Plata DR 939.72 4950 Baux Mountain RD 51.88 4328 Reidsville RD 554.25 4330 Reidsville RD 603.26 2926 Old Greensboro RD 277.75 454 Mcgill DR 592.34 304 Timberline DR 305.88 1355 Tyndall ST 864.68 5395 Pine View DR 581.90 0 Old Rural Hall RD 36.45 1322 E First ST 46.50 124 Wheeler ST 55.30 2607 N Liberty ST 191.03 2701 Farmall ST 162.13 2518 N Cherry ST 383.32 3717 Prospect DR 384.58 4210 Shamel ST 893.58 4211 Orchid PL 496.44 4345 Whittier RD 1,410.13 1110 E Twenty Fifth ST 279.58 801 Graham AVE 154.59 123 S Cameron AVE 295.35 910 N Jackson AVE 56.56 733 W Twenty-Fifth and One-Half ST265.18 4860 Old Walkertown RD 185.95 0 Edna ST 135.73 0 Brookstown AVE 66.61 718 Oak Summit RD 350.16 717 Oak Summit RD 409.72 328 Broad ST 3,431.06 701 Brookstown AVE 1,080.85 713 E Sixteenth ST 100.54 1719 N Liberty ST 66.61 2527 Rosemary DR 246.33 5910 Graham Farm RD 1,014.28 0 Fifteenth ST 11.31 1021 Pacific DR 116.88 0 Pacific DR 77.92 4715 Oakdale DR 1,162.93 2715 Kilkare AVE 708.84 4050 Burnham CT 682.44 3915 Shamel ST 705.06 1215 Cornwallis ST 731.46 513 Tanners Park CT 86.92 1000 Camel Heights DR 628.40 1002 Camel Heights DR 628.40 1006 Camel Heights DR 628.40 1010 Camel Heights DR 628.40 1004 Camel Heights DR 628.40 1008 Camel Heights DR 620.86 1112 Pleasant View DR 343.11 505 Mount Vernon AVE 194.80 650 Amanda PL 586.93 3820 Whitfield RD 3.21 314 Azalea DR 213.66 371 Azalea DR 213.66 395 Azalea DR 351.90 4649 N Cherry ST 400.92 4728 White Rock RD 107.05 4566 Ogburn AVE 1,219.10 1011 Twelfth ST 720.15 1604 Jordan DR 1,205.08 0 Whirl Win DR 176.94 3055 Plantation RD 767.33 1140 Sycamore Ridge DR 776.95 133 S Poplar ST 169.67 835 Mill Works ST 1,030.58 0 Dellabrook RD 40.22 1201 E Twenty Third ST 409.72 4118 Ogburn AVE 373.27 2314 N Liberty ST 431.08 2020 E Twenty Fourth ST 515.29 412 E Fifteenth ST 104.31 4333 Tise AVE 803.10 3140 Carver School RD 260.16 214 Craft DR 1,226.64 1127 W Thirteenth ST 884.79 105 W Fourth ST 2,593.94 0 E First ST 62.84 4115 Sunflower CIR 475.07 1309 Wentworth RD 800.58 1720 Gray AVE 387.09 1420 E Third ST 52.79 1502 E Third ST 46.50 3812 Old Greensboro RD 353.16 1218 Thirteenth ST 304.15 652 Oak Summit RD 992.87 0 New Delhi DR 144.53 146 Westdale AVE 801.84 1106 E Twenty Third ST 31.42 509 E Third ST 349.02 1330 Motor RD 57.81 0 Motor RD 65.35 944 Hutton ST 549.05 2414 Manchester ST 345.62 4848 Germanton RD 26.04 611 Granville DR 220.64 1329 E Second ST 353.16 3019 Colgate DR 960.20 0 N Patterson AVE 1,060.74 0 Old Greensboro RD 65.35 2700 Old Greensboro RD 180.98 2710 Old Greensboro RD 1,029.32 264 Terrace AVE 268.96 1104 Cayuga ST 613.32 3603 Spaulding DR 641.43 3810 Shamel ST 842.06 318 Clayton ST 421.03 1417 Underwood AVE 60.33 4225 Ogburn AVE 265.18 4710 Davis RD 394.64 2712 Greenway AVE 541.68 505 Lunar CT 780.47 2920 N Glenn AVE 356.93 0 E Twenty First ST 31.42 3845 Shamel ST 628.40 126 Laura AVE 395.29 1085 Chestnutview DR 979.05 390 Rickard RD 865.94 2413 N Liberty ST 540.42 3706 El Santos CT 755.34 423 Mason ST 98.03 117 E Twenty Fourth ST 410.97 0 Bainridge DR 123.17 1126 E Twenty Fourth ST 31.42 875 W Twelfth ST 509.00 632 N Trade ST 652.93 0 Greenway AVE 54.04 4784 N Cherry ST 564.30 3924 Oak Ridge DR 436.11 3770 Diamond Hill RD 327.40 507 Alspaugh DR 364.47 919 E Seventeenth ST 133.00 3120 Flanders DR 540.94 4804 Old Walkertown RD 407.20 1114 Wooded AVE 67.47 3010 Draper CT 600.00 2301 Slater AVE 384.58 204 Wheeler ST 236.28 1423 E Third ST 297.86 4821 Three Hills DR 1,944.37 4010 Rosa ST 400.92 1541 E Twenty Fourth ST 196.06 4914 Thornbrook LN 538.81 3611 Kinghill DR 431.08 1130 Old Hollow RD 185.64 0 Hollow Forest RD 88.20 1601 Thurmond ST 692.50 4206 Rosa ST 317.97 2613 Raleigh AVE 196.06 4497 Ogburn AVE 666.10 0 E First ST 62.84 2440 John ST 164.64 2100 N Liberty ST 300.38 1412 E Twenty Fifth ST 653.54 2509 N Patterson AVE 559.28 0 Mountain Brook TRL 85.80 3178 Mountain Brook TRL 366.43 834 Rich AVE 159.61 410 Gossett ST 357.54 2713 N Patterson AVE 399.66 1927 E Twenty Fourth ST 608.29 620 Barbara Jane AVE 586.93 1436 Douglas ST 314.20 5320 Doris ST 375.78 0 Hester ST 507.75 0 Dixon ST 108.08 0 Garden ST 110.60 0 Garden ST 263.93 4419 New Walkertown RD 535.41 4419 New Walkertown RD 462.81 0 New Walkertown RD 111.22 1620 Shady Mount AVE 378.30 0 Ansonia ST 41.47 2920 Bon Air AVE 558.02 3075 Draper CT 806.87



Rucker, Burnu A Rucker, Burnu H Ruffin, Marquerite Gilbert Rush, Michael A Sr. Rush, Michael A Sr. Rushing, Jody Russell, Florrie S Russell, Mary L Russell, Tremus L Russorr Sable Enterprises Inc Sackcloth 2004, Apostle T Sackcloth 2004, Apostle T Saez, Rafael Saez, Rafael Jr. Sagilan, Wilberto Gonzalez Sales, Margaret L Sales, Milia Dubose Salgado, Benancio M SALINAS, JORGE Salley, George Salley, George Salley, George Salter, Kathlyn J Samuel, Marcus Samuels, Jonathon R Samuels, Ronnie L Samuels, Sharon Leretta Sanchez, Heriberto Nava Sanders, Sirena Janine Davis Sandler, Linda Sandoval, Alberto Santillan, Jose Delrefuglo Santos-herrera, Jose David Santos-herrera, Jose David Sar Ventures Llc Sasser, Robert L Sawyer, Katie G Scales, Bobbie B Scales, Darlene D Scales, Donald D Scales, Frances Scales, Robert L Jr. Scott, Brenda H Scott, Mary E SDS Investments LLC SDS Investments LLC SDS Investments LLC SDS Investments LLC SDS Investments LLC SDS Investments LLC SDS Investments LLC SDS Investments LLC SDS Investments LLC SDS Investments LLC SDS Investments LLC SDS Investments LLC SDS Investments LLC SDS Investments LLC SDS Investments LLC SDS Investments LLC Se Snyder Group #6 Llc Sell, Larry W Semones, Michael H Settle, Debbie F Settle, Debbie F Settle, Silette Idena Sewell, Mary Elizabeth Shanks, Andrea Bass Sharpe, Kimberly M Sharpe, Nealie Shaw, Richard H Sheff, Robert Jr. Shelf, Cassandra Shelton, Carolyn Shelton, Carolyn Shelton, Carolyn Shelton, Carolyn C Shelton, Carolyn C Shelton, Carolyn C Shelton, Carolyn C Shelton, J Donald SHELTON, WILLIAM CAIN Shepard, Sarah C Shephard, William Sherman, Willie Jr. Sherrill, Loretta Shockley, Homer G Shore, Diane B Shortt, Donald M Shouse, Mark V Shuler, Bruce Allen Shuler, Deloise Shuler, Mary J Shuler, Ulysses Siddall, Ernestine Sides, Antonio M Sides, Antonio M Sides, Charlotte G Silette Idena Settle Estate Silva, Cynthia Toribio Simmons, Carl E Simmons, Carol Brown Simmons, Darryl D Simmons, George Justin Simmons, John A Simmons, Sherman R Simpson, Thurmond H Simpson, Thurmond H Sr. Simpson, Thurmond H Sr. Simpson, Thurmond H Sr. Simpson, Thurmond H Sr. Simpson, Thurmond H Sr. Simpson, Thurmond H Sr. Simpson, Thurmond H Sr. SIMPSON, THURMOND H Sr. Simpson, Travis H Simpson, Verna B Sims, Otis Roberson Skinner, Ronnie Skinner, Ronnie E Slade Trading Post Inc Slade Trading Post Inc Slade Trading Post Inc Slade, Helen H Slate, Douglas Marvin Slater, Seth Sloan, Stephen M Jr. Sluder, Dwight Sluder, Dwight Sluder, Dwight Sluder, Dwight Sluder, Dwight Sluder, Dwight Smalls, Carl B Smalls, Carl B Smart, Eliza M Smart, Isaac Keith Smith, Ann L Smith, Barbara Smith, Carl E Smith, Carl E Smith, Celia W Smith, Chalmers C Jr. Smith, Chalmers C Jr. Smith, Chalmers C Jr. Smith, Clayton Otto Smith, Clem T Smith, Darius J Smith, Darius J Smith, Deborah Kaye Smith, Denise Mccormick Smith, Edward E Jr. Smith, Elester J Sr. Smith, Fred D III Smith, Gordon A Smith, Joe I Smith, Kennetta S Smith, Lowell Smith, Mandy Smith, Marcel SMITH, MAURICE DANIEL Smith, Richard E Smith, Robert Lee Smith, Rodney C Smith, Rodney C Smith, Rodney Stewart Smith, Ronald S Smith, Sonya Mitchell Smith, Susan D Smith, Timothy D SR Smith, Wanda Lowery Smoot, Susan S Smothers, Cheryl Odell Smythe, Jules W Jr. Snow, Edwin Craig Snow, Minnie Snuggs, Donald Sockwell, Ronnie L Sr. Solis, Florentin Duran Somme, Van Ryne O Sophal, Buhn T Soriano, Darlynn Soriano, Joquin Soriano, Yinmi Garcia Soul Zen Properties Llc Soul Zen Properties Llc Souphab Holding Group Llc SOUTHARD, ELLA K Southerland, Kimtara Southern, Arnold Southern, Rubert O Spanish Pines Enterprises Spaulding, William F Speaks, Reece Spears, Embra Gail Spears, Matthew Jr. Speas, Creola B Speas, Joseph B Speas, Margaret V Spencer Funeral Home Inc Spencer Funeral Home Inc Spencer, Author R Spencer, Paulette M Spillman, Gilmer Squire, Willie E Stafford, Gary Lynn Stafford, Lillie Hill Stafford, Ramona H Stanford, Shantea E Stanley, Ida G Stanleyville Llc Staplefoote, Phyllis Ka Kevia Starks, Mozetta Starnes, Curtiss Christopher Starnes, Natatia Juanette Staton, Sherry Adams Steading, Joan R Steading, Joan R Step By Step Day Care Ctr Inc Stephens, Draxton Stepping Stones Ministries Of The Triad Inc Stevens, Suzanne Stevenson, David Leon Stewart, Frank E Stewart, Ravon Stewart, Richard E Stewart, Runett C Stewart-Riddick, Shirelle Stidham, Douglas Stinson, Gloria B Stinson, Lizzie Green Stinson, Terri E Stokes, Loretta Stokes, Paulette Marie Ledbetter Stokes, Quincy Stone, Will J Stover, Joan M Stowe, Alvera M Strickland, Frances H Stupakewicz, Mary Ellen STUPAKEWICZ, MARY ELLEN Styers, Pauline Styers, Pauline Sue Investments Llc Suggs, Michael L Sullivan, Fannie Mcc Summers, Sylvia Y Suntrust Bank SUPERIOR ELECTRO FINISHES INC Sutphin, Larry W Swain, Henry Clay JR Swanson, Harry L Sweetney, Otis Sweetney, Otis Swetcoff, Walter H T & R Residential Properties T & R Residential Properties Llc T & R Residentional Properties T&R Residential Properties Llc T&R Residential Properties Llc


6836-03-4355.00 6826-94-1862.00 6836-04-1957.00 6836-85-6221.00 6836-85-6229.00 6848-51-1790.00 6846-04-5631.00 6838-02-7577.00 6847-10-9940.00 6835-01-7782.00 6846-28-6958.00 6836-20-8297.00 6836-20-9307.00 6836-74-5920.00 6836-42-6862.00 6836-64-2576.00 6826-85-6926.00 6836-97-6390.00 6835-87-3743.00 6835-89-3613.00 6848-44-2807.00 6848-44-2909.00 6848-45-2009.00 6847-02-2805.00 6826-95-9315.00 6847-30-3544.00 6836-33-0681.00 6836-61-5993.00 6826-85-1122.00 6847-49-1135.00 6836-81-4398.00 6835-98-2908.00 6847-48-3081.00 6836-74-9398.00 6836-84-0328.00 6826-80-2463.00 6829-24-0552.00 6845-38-2970.00 6845-37-4944.00 6835-89-9149.00 6836-24-2943.00 6826-73-5206.00 6847-00-6829.00 6826-96-5068.00 6836-34-4661.00 6825-74-5097.00 6825-74-6104.00 6825-74-6119.00 6827-75-4479.00 6827-75-4532.00 6827-75-4691.00 6827-75-5757.00 6827-75-5971.00 6827-75-6667.00 6827-75-6963.00 6827-75-7673.00 6827-75-7951.00 6827-75-8838.00 6827-75-9826.00 6827-76-8402.00 6827-76-8531.00 6836-34-6687.00 6848-17-1654.00 6838-31-1375.00 6846-94-2576.00 6846-94-3560.00 6846-03-8252.00 6827-71-9931.00 6828-89-9996.00 6846-28-1000.00 6847-44-9423.00 6836-35-4887.00 6838-70-3075.00 6837-79-9280.00 6826-73-8755.00 6836-38-4524.00 6846-05-1665.00 6835-86-1231.00 6836-74-4713.00 6836-75-2073.00 6836-97-6090.00 6848-06-7734.00 6839-97-2215.00 6845-39-7020.00 6837-89-0898.00 6836-95-3626.00 6847-14-0014.00 6848-17-9288.00 6845-28-7052.00 6846-02-5964.00 6837-96-7620.00 6836-65-2029.00 6846-03-8825.00 6836-46-2333.00 6847-43-9123.00 6826-94-4115.00 6837-04-4755.00 6837-04-4869.00 6846-10-0322.00 6846-03-8147.00 6837-54-8389.00 6828-40-6551.00 6846-40-8105.00 6856-18-1031.00 6836-94-6790.00 6829-80-0433.00 6826-83-4597.00 6836-65-8209.00 6835-67-7208.00 6835-67-7277.00 6835-89-7260.00 6836-65-9099.00 6836-80-9451.00 6836-94-4757.00 6846-04-7864.00 6846-27-8657.00 6835-67-7466.00 6835-88-6291.00 6836-46-4337.00 6836-75-3447.00 6836-51-8078.00 6836-37-4888.00 6836-37-7908.00 6836-94-6494.00 6836-65-7691.00 6867-01-1122.00 6838-81-2001.00 6839-44-3046.00 6847-07-6280.00 6847-07-7080.00 6847-07-7112.00 6847-07-8099.00 6847-07-9032.00 6847-07-9070.00 6837-99-1559.00 6837-99-1686.00 6835-99-8334.00 6837-15-4684.00 6836-32-7784.00 6847-23-5579.00 6837-43-6871.00 6837-43-6966.00 6836-85-6427.00 6835-97-5372.00 6837-98-0533.00 6837-98-1503.00 6847-87-4760.00 6845-58-0815.00 6847-91-7106.00 6847-91-8116.00 6846-59-7136.00 6856-24-3322.00 6845-18-7781.00 6846-14-1434.00 6846-05-6240.00 6835-00-6455.00 6846-37-0103.00 6826-75-3696.00 6837-40-6902.00 6829-53-1449.00 6838-92-3569.00 6838-11-3892.00 6856-18-0454.00 6836-74-7019.00 6836-74-1587.00 6837-77-0033.00 6828-60-3140.00 6836-82-9987.00 6836-36-6298.00 6827-49-2762.00 6847-00-7799.00 6846-13-5622.00 6835-00-0964.00 6839-71-9256.00 6825-65-5272.00 6848-50-9660.00 6826-83-0403.00 6826-90-6296.00 6846-05-7260.00 6837-55-7792.00 6838-02-5601.00 6827-95-4685.00 6847-78-8853.00 6836-64-4366.00 6836-64-2366.00 6825-91-2973.00 6825-92-2031.00 6835-16-7980.00 6829-43-3306.00 6847-14-2703.00 6838-11-3246.00 6838-94-6713.00 6846-88-8156.00 6835-99-6192.00 6845-28-3148.00 6836-24-5413.00 6836-81-1624.00 6826-90-7553.00 6826-80-3268.00 6826-81-3507.00 6835-65-5375.00 6835-96-0175.00 6847-12-5056.00 6837-89-3928.00 6826-70-8247.00 6845-49-1142.00 6828-29-7820.00 6845-16-3336.00 6836-90-2079.00 6825-93-2980.00 6825-74-3322.00 6829-23-9397.00 6835-99-0749.00 6826-84-1762.00 6847-56-1697.00 6828-54-4295.00 6827-85-1661.00 6838-91-8340.00 6838-91-9340.00 6837-76-9998.00 6846-17-9520.00 6837-79-3006.00 6835-05-3802.00 6846-35-1653.00 6837-79-6201.00 6835-89-3414.00 6846-45-3273.00 6846-71-8298.00 6835-96-3231.00 6838-19-1788.00 6847-54-8990.00 6846-12-8747.00 6857-20-8263.00 6826-90-7457.00 6846-36-5158.00 6836-51-9441.00 6837-97-9427.00 6847-34-5073.00 6836-75-2242.00 6835-76-7067.00 6837-55-1443.00 6837-55-1540.00 6847-76-4614.00 6847-89-3238.00 6827-75-5618.00 6835-18-8077.00 6846-47-5819.00 6836-84-5357.00 6826-95-2365.00 6827-84-9076.00 6827-95-2189.00 6847-37-2381.00 6828-59-5224.00 6826-85-4385.00 6845-26-4140.00 6848-10-6993.00 6847-64-2573.00 6847-61-2162.00 6847-63-1848.00 6827-39-3749.00 6846-36-6220.00

PROPERTY ADDRESS TAX DUE 1524 Clark AVE 519 W Twenty Third ST 400 W Twenty Fourth ST 1633 E Twenty Fourth ST 0 Newark ST 5003 Daysbrook RD 2200 E Twenty Third ST 122 Huckabee CIR 3661 Shaw RD 720 S Green ST 4936 Milton DR 216 E Eleventh ST 0 E Eleventh ST 1419 E Twenty Third ST 624 E Sixteenth ST 1117 E Twenty Second ST 513 W Twenty Sixth ST 2820 Ansonia ST 1713 E Fifth ST 901 Graham AVE 0 Davis RD 0 Davis RD 0 Davis RD 2921 Bainbridge DR 415 Twenty Fourth & Half ST 5016 Longbrook CIR 1804 N Patterson AVE 1327 N Cleveland AVE 617 Twenty Fourth & Half ST 4806 Davis RD 1235 Hattie AVE 815 Rich AVE 4941 Wanda WAY 1526 E Twenty Second ST 1528 E Twenty Second ST 1023 Manly ST 6370 University PKWY 2960 Galaxy CT 2836 Rowell ST 833 N Cameron AVE 2376 Greenway AVE 942 Taft ST 3001 Airport RD 416 Bacon ST 2244 N Glenn AVE 118 Crafton ST 116 Crafton ST 114 Crafton ST 0 Indiana AVE 0 Indiana AVE 111 Methodist DR 131 Methodist DR 0 Methodist DR 118 Connor RD 111 Connor RD 126 Connor RD 119 Connor RD 125 Connor RD 129 Connor RD 303 Methodist DR 311 Methodist DR 2301 N Glenn AVE 5001 Phelps DR 628 Oak Summit RD 129 Churchland DR 127 Churchland DR 426 Eldora ST 4005 Dalton ST 1042 Pine Lake DR 3009 Carr CT 4239 Oak Ridge DR 2516 Glenn AVE 1225 Shouse BLVD 1231 Victoria ST 907 Roosevelt ST 3062 Indiana AVE 2101 E Twenty Fifth ST 106 N Graham AVE 1416 E Twenty Third ST 1406 E Twenty Fourth ST 2728 Ansonia ST 0 Phelps DR 2980 Shiloh Church RD 660 Chandler ST 5035 Scenic DR 1823 E Twenty Fifth ST 4118 Whitfield RD 4850 Three Hills DR 628 Glenbrook DR 2219 Booker ST 4430 Stowe ST 1112 E Twenty Fourth ST 2208 Bowen BLVD 2716 Stokes AVE 5112 Butterfield DR 2014 Cherry ST 0 Marvin BLVD 0 Shamel ST 2434 New Walkertown RD 428 Eldora ST 721 Ontario ST 5101 N Cherry ST 2510 Kingsgate DR 3859 Forest Valley DR 2300 Ansonia ST 5602 Plantation DR 1723 Thurmond ST 1211 E Twenty Fourth ST 1304 E Fourth ST 1314 E Fourth ST 832 N Cameron AVE 1228 E Twenty Fourth ST 1029 N Cameron AVE 2023 Bowen BLVD 2213 E Twenty Third ST 2817 Raleigh AVE 1315 E Fourth ST 608 Terrace AVE 2721 Stokes AVE 1414 E Twenty Fifth ST 1011 E Twelfth ST 2948 N Glenn AVE 405 E Thirtieth ST 2063 Bowen BLVD 1211 E Twenty Fifth ST 4140 Rocky Ford LN 1301 Pleasant View DR 6463 Reubens Ridge DR 4623 Circle DR 0 Circle DR 4615 Circle DR 0 Circle DR 0 Circle DR 0 Circle DR 0 Baux Mountain RD 4655 Baux Mountain RD 827 Ferrell AVE 545 Shamel CT 416 E Sixteenth ST 5035 Noble ST 0 Ontario ST 539 Ontario ST 1704 E Twenty Fifth ST 1946 E Third ST 0 Motor RD 0 Motor RD 4419 Northampton DR 3223 Old Greensboro RD 0 Clara LN 3825 Clara LN 3525 New Walkertown RD 4128 Hubbard RD 617 Kinard DR 2201 Douglas Hill DR 2209 E Twenty Fourth ST 901 Granville DR 2721 Rosemary DR 2541 Kirkwood ST 3617 Hemlock DR 305 Old Hollow RD 4747 Baux Mountain RD 385 Mcgill DR 3827 Crickett LN 1504 E Twenty First ST 0 E Twenty Second ST 1050 Ada AVE 117 Granada CT 1900 E Seventeenth ST 2713 Glenn AVE 117 Cherryview LN 3006 Airport RD 0 Eldora ST 838 Shober ST 1210 Listonbrook CT 0 N Sunset DR 0 Webster RD 1704 Cannon AVE 1042 Rundell ST 2217 E Twenty Fourth ST 0 Carrie AVE 114 Huckabee CIR 255 Marvin BLVD 5308 Old Walkertown RD 1130 E Twenty Second ST 1114 E Twenty Second ST 606 Hutton ST 600 Hutton ST 202 Fourth ST 5535 Gyddie DR 4229 Whitfield RD 0 Hemphill DR 4433 Tekoa LN 0 La Casa BLVD 2042 Temple ST 0 Gardner ST 2334 Montrose AVE 1311 N Jackson AVE 1117 Rundell ST 1014 Thurmond ST 1304 Thurmond ST 1301 Excelsior ST 1837 Kentucky AVE 3853 Sawyer ST 0 Northview ST 1050 Shrub ST 3050 Apollo DR 174 Hanes Mill RD 0 Lowery CT 0 Tenth ST 870 Salem Pointe LN 1113 West End BLVD 6235 University PKWY 910 Rich AVE 2057 Cannon AVE 4554 Oak Ridge DR 205 Laura AVE 65 Hoskins DR 0 Jordan DR 1525 Jordan DR 4608 Old Rural Hall RD 3017 Fondly RD 4916 Old Rural Hall RD 134 Shady BLVD 2519 Rosemary DR 0 Victoria ST 843 Graham AVE 3511 Robinson CT 410 Barry ST 1889 Kentucky AVE 1272 Marlborough LN 4305 Orchid DR 0 Booker ST 105 Brevard ST 1113 Rundell ST 3100 Teresa AVE 1232 Dublin DR 0 Renigar ST 5077 Bismark ST 2407 N Claremont AVE 1514 E First ST 4333 Ogburn AVE 4343 Ogburn AVE 4218 Garden ST 0 Oakdale DR 125 Methodist DR 545 101 N Trade ST 0 Craver ST 1628 Twenty Second ST 467 Twenty Fourth & Half ST 0 Polo RD 218 Marvin BLVD 5101 Fredonia AVE 4549 Brassfield RD 0 W Twenty Fifth ST 109 Hicks ST 1626 Jordan DR 5319 Oak Ridge PL 3889 Cottington DR 5209 Oak Ridge CT 212 Blaze ST 3104 Teresa AVE

688.92 272.73 18.85 28.91 7.54 461.84 777.96 483.87 362.27 889.81 830.74 86.72 87.98 395.89 126.94 395.89 496.44 40.22 154.59 135.73 65.09 27.50 91.68 156.69 247.59 955.17 846.32 933.39 280.27 620.86 179.72 139.50 9.50 90.49 25.14 316.71 594.47 674.90 893.58 310.43 60.33 394.64 277.07 271.47 496.44 2,009.62 104.31 109.34 51.53 51.53 584.41 874.73 98.03 962.71 963.97 654.79 1,383.74 544.19 870.96 720.15 620.86 353.16 525.18 434.85 220.70 142.02 37.70 770.42 2,082.52 199.83 400.08 556.76 412.23 358.19 5.35 364.47 346.88 206.12 5.68 315.46 106.83 30.67 335.15 143.03 36.45 41.47 267.70 29.19 75.41 231.25 74.15 162.13 461.25 368.24 399.66 502.72 60.33 123.17 13.00 37.70 290.32 94.26 1,366.14 955.17 521.57 1,078.33 322.10 267.70 446.16 496.44 169.67 222.45 397.15 320.48 253.87 194.80 366.99 549.22 331.80 321.74 837.03 750.31 365.73 343.11 233.76 591.34 280.27 1.21 87.98 43.99 339.34 74.15 11.31 46.50 94.26 12.57 184.75 739.00 456.22 862.16 11.31 33.93 27.65 416.00 104.31 104.31 857.14 227.48 180.98 926.26 692.50 792.88 263.93 392.12 400.92 1,403.85 26.39 270.21 165.90 19.19 555.51 1,036.86 459.11 604.52 11.31 618.35 565.24 226.22 419.77 851.88 881.02 20.11 700.05 684.74 72.89 104.31 218.68 79.18 398.41 37.70 1,552.36 148.20 1,020.52 296.60 207.37 628.40 609.55 8,032.32 550.48 700.00 206.12 223.14 214.91 404.69 36.45 443.65 62.84 384.58 351.90 682.44 99.29 238.79 881.02 56.56 47.76 132.71 2,098.86 240.05 26.39 697.52 1,287.29 475.07 191.03 356.93 600.75 1,366.14 902.38 89.23 344.36 462.50 194.80 511.52 63.38 203.60 18.85 131.96 807.02 316.71 241.31 1,760.78 100.00 21.37 505.64 544.19 192.29 1,020.52 31.42 498.95 216.17 500.21 37.70 304.15 5.52 36.19 971.51 638.17 49.02 242.56 444.91 622.12 456.22 227.48 7.12 61.58 896.10 782.99 473.81 995.39 473.81 750.31 216.17


APRIL 16, 2015


T&R Residential Properties Llc 6847-65-9261.00 Talley, Thorman D 6837-31-2957.00 Tapia, Marco A 6837-87-5714.00 Tar Heel Paving Company Inc 6837-02-6481.00 Tate, Erline Hrs 6846-21-2755.00 Tate, Suzanna M 6835-99-9205.00 Taylor C T Enterprises Llc 6837-41-3803.00 Taylor, Suzan 6846-92-6905.00 Taylor, Suzan 6846-93-6140.00 Taylor, Tommy Lee 6826-73-6528.00 TCJ Smart Investments LLC 6827-84-6319.00 Teague, Belinda K 6827-79-3562.00 Teague, Linda 6848-11-4761.00 Teague, Tony H 6847-78-5220.00 Terry, James 6835-86-8927.00 Tesh, Daniel Alan 6848-20-1573.00 Thacker, Tarryton L 6846-14-1633.00 Thacker, Taryton 6826-91-1068.00 The G L G Corporation 6847-16-8872.00 The Glass Family Trust Of November 2000 6835-89-7160.00 The Glass Family Trust Of November 2000 6836-94-6938.00 The Glass Family Trust Of November 2000 6845-57-9910.00 The Glass Family Trust Of November 2000 6847-14-0218.00 The Glass Family Trust Of November 2000 6847-14-2800.00 The Glass Family Trust Of November 2000 6847-23-9609.00 Therrell, Brian 6848-13-3140.00 Thirty Six East Ltd Partnershi 6836-63-8583.00 Thirty Six East Ltd Partnershi 6836-73-3592.00 Thirty Six East Ltd Partnershi 6836-73-5512.00 Thirty Six East Ltd Partnershi 6836-73-8307.00 Thirty Six East Ltd Prtnshp 6836-73-5417.00 Thomas, Annie 6846-02-9974.00 Thomas, Annie 6846-12-0934.00 Thomas, Bonnie M 6845-29-7254.00 Thomas, Clara 6835-89-6613.00 Thomas, Deborah 6836-32-3318.00 Thomas, John E 6846-03-3348.00 Thomas, Ricky A 6839-06-1820.00 Thompson, Anthony L 6856-36-4490.00 Thompson, Audrey Alexander 6836-83-0554.00 Thompson, Bobby Joe 6836-34-3707.00 Thompson, Carolyn 6838-62-6151.00 Thompson, Donald R 6836-81-1729.00 Thompson, Gwendolyn A 6847-10-3819.00 Thompson, Gwendolyn A 6847-11-1050.00 Thompson, James A 6837-97-7582.00 Thompson, James A Jr. 6828-60-8645.00 Thompson, Kirby H 6826-84-6231.00 Thompson, Kirby H 6846-78-3343.00 Thompson, Kirby Harold 6847-11-2530.00 Thompson, Kirby Harold 6847-11-3510.00 Thompson, Mary B 6826-96-2387.00 Thompson, Mary Brannon 6857-01-0126.00 Thompson, Rayford J 6846-06-0345.00 Thompson, Wilford 6835-66-3433.00 THOMPSON, WILLETTE R 6846-11-8748.00 Thrift, Barbara C 6847-07-6729.00 Throckmorton, Erik Jason 6857-14-5115.00 Tibbs, William H V 6826-94-9855.00 Tilley, Betty L 6829-63-3586.00 Tilley, Joan C 6839-50-9652.00 Tilley, Linda Creech 6837-67-8234.00 Tilley, Michael Wayne 6835-18-1549.00 Tingle, Justin C 6837-42-5936.00 Tinsley, Sateria H 6847-64-0113.00 Titus Restoration & Investments Llc 6836-65-5436.00 Tobar, Carlos A. Mosquera 6839-08-5717.00 Tobias, Edith P 6825-97-2823.00 Todd, Carolyn W 6826-82-6813.00 Todd, Carolyn W 6836-95-4874.00 Todd, Robert S 6837-46-8816.00 Tolliver, Willie O 6836-81-5005.00 Tomrich Corp 6828-40-6265.00 Towler, Pamela 6847-09-4134.00 Towler, Pamela Bullock 6837-98-9110.00 Towler, Pamela Bullock 6847-08-1874.00 Townsend, Evelyn W 6835-76-6833.00 Trade Street Realty & Investment Co Llc 6835-18-8597.00 Trade Street Realty & Investment Company Llc 6835-18-6794.00 Trade Street Realty & Investment Company Llc 6835-18-7722.00 Trade Street Realty & Investment Company Llc 6835-18-8483.00 Trade Street Realty and Investment Company 6835-18-8387.00 Trannon, Jamika 6846-00-2294.00 Transou, Pauline T 6847-32-5683.00 Transou, Randal L 6835-10-8913.00 Transou, Sharon Denise 6846-36-6806.00 Treakle & Associates Inc 6837-86-3677.00 Triad Asset Management Llc 6835-66-8971.00 Triad Asset Management Llc 6835-76-2899.00 Triad Asset Management Llc 6835-76-4634.00 Triad Asset Management Llc 6835-76-7568.00 Triad Sports Weekly, Inc. 6836-75-7200.00 Trinidad, Pedro 6837-57-4090.00 Triplett, B Stephen 6835-11-6158.00 Triplett, B Stephen 6835-11-7202.00 Triplett, B Stephen 6835-11-7224.00 Triplett, B Stephen 6835-11-7297.00 Triplett, Buel Stephen 6835-11-8015.00 Trollinger, Michael L 6847-26-0178.00 Trollinger, Thomas 6846-74-3235.00 Trollinger, Thomas 6846-74-3327.00 Trollinger, Thomas P 6846-77-7985.00 Trollinger, Thomas P 6846-84-2703.00 Trollinger, Thomas P 6846-84-2907.00 Trollinger, Yolanda Rene 6846-75-5120.00 True Vine Pent Holiness Church 6845-08-9570.00 Tucker, Barbara 6827-39-7946.00 Tucker, Stephen Ray 6838-42-4218.00 Turner, James Edgar III 6835-76-7354.00 Turner, Walter R 6836-05-1634.00 Tutterow, Terry Eugene 6839-40-6400.00 Tuttle, Carolyn E 6847-20-5026.00 Tuttle, Don Barry 6837-04-1583.00 Tuttle, Don Barry 6837-04-4537.00 Tuttle, Larry Kent 6837-04-3366.00 Tuttle, Larry Kent 6837-04-4338.00 Twin County Properties 6837-63-7156.00 Twin County Properties Inc 6837-75-9182.00 Tyler, Yvonne 6837-75-8152.00 United Christian Outreach 6836-64-7503.00 United Christian Outreach 6836-83-0343.00 United Christian Outreach 6846-03-2179.00 United Family Prayer Services Inc 6838-74-0413.00 Unity Builders Inc 6825-92-3316.00 Unity Builders Inc 6826-84-3202.00 Unity Cathedral Church 6847-11-9508.00 Valente, Alfredo Lugardo 6836-36-4783.00 Valentin, Pastorini Patricio 6837-53-4304.00 Valentine, Annie B 6827-49-2616.00 Valentine, Early Jr. 6847-16-8230.00 Van Rijn, Roy H 6827-72-9628.00 Vanderpool, Anthony Stuart 6847-57-2209.00 Vanhoy, Leona I 6848-71-7886.00 Vanhoy, Leona I 6848-71-7955.00 Vasquez, Argelia G 6837-78-4558.00 Vaughn, Carlton D 6856-36-3441.00 Victory Financial Union Llc 6835-39-1375.00 Villani, Phyllis 6856-56-9150.00 Villani, Phyllis 6856-56-9269.00 Villatoro, Jose Elias 6827-73-8324.00 Visionaire Trust 6846-96-2680.00 VISIONZ ENTERTAINMENT COMPLEX INC 6836-53-2178.00 Vivar, Hector E 6836-24-1250.00 W D Mitchell,H D Rice Dev Llc 6837-69-7252.00 W W Disher Properties Inc 6837-85-2238.00 Wagg, John T 6837-48-7980.00 Walker Wilson, Ronnetta M 6847-02-2459.00 Walker, Charles Richard 6838-20-3121.00 Walker, Dewitt E 6837-96-2582.00 Walker, Fletcher A 6846-12-7171.00 Walker, Manetta E 6846-12-1008.00 Walker, Mark D 6846-26-5510.00 Walker, Mary 6838-53-1946.00 Walker, Wendell J 6849-12-1319.00 Walker-Lawson, Sarah L 6839-80-5489.00 Wall, Kristy 6835-89-4523.00 Wall, Odessa R 6835-89-0652.00 Wall, Stephen L 6819-34-7713.00 Wall, Sue P 6848-40-5682.00 Wallace Johansson, Rachael 6838-32-1021.00 Wallace, Annie T 6836-82-2700.00 Wallace, Annie T 6837-41-5521.00 Wallace, Mark L 6837-59-8761.00 Walsh, Ronald W 6838-10-8834.00 Walsh, Ronald W 6838-21-1050.00 Walters, Charles D II 6825-87-3925.00 Ward, Ronald 6847-75-4789.00 Warden, Joseph A III 6837-33-6302.00 Wardlow, Albert 6846-03-4057.00 Wardlow, Albert Jr. 6845-59-5306.00 Wardlow, Albert L 6845-59-5235.00 Wardlow, Luke 6845-26-1946.00 Wardlow, Luke Jr. 6845-27-6008.00 Warner, Denise W 6836-31-1516.00 Warren, Malchom N 6825-92-3357.00 Warren, Phyllis T 6836-97-8071.00 Warren, Rachel 6847-37-4310.00 Warren, Theodore R Jr. 6837-59-5780.00 Warren, Theodore R Jr. 6847-31-3867.00 Washington, Camille B 6828-40-1136.00 Washington, Garland E 6847-02-5055.00 Washington, Garland E Jr. 6837-55-3966.00 Washington, Garland Eugene 6836-55-8236.00 Washington, James Leon 6836-36-6543.00 Washington, Nelda 6847-13-9096.00 Washington, Susan 6836-54-4174.00 Watkins, Bernard Hampton 6857-32-7259.00 Watkins, Beverly 6846-03-9536.00 Watkins, Beverly 6846-03-9596.00 Watkins, Beverly 6846-13-0547.00 Watkins, Vera Jean 6835-99-7298.00 Watkins, Willie D 6845-37-8628.00 Watson, Dewey Wayne 6835-76-6418.00 Watson, James Donald Sr. 6857-19-9400.00 Watson, James Donald Sr. 6857-29-1643.00 Watson, Mildred M 6836-64-9545.00 Watson, Olin E 6846-29-1178.00 Watson, Sammy J 6827-85-3049.00 Watson, William Lewis 6847-20-2488.00 Watts, Dorothy M 6836-36-1608.00 Watts, Laura A 6836-22-3455.00 Waughtown Furniture Inc 6836-35-7741.00 Weaks, Willie E 6836-46-6402.00 Wearing, Christopher Allen 6847-06-1115.00 Weaver, Debra R 6845-47-0329.00 Weaver, Harold 6836-83-9186.00 Weaver, Wilson Sentell II 6846-35-7199.00 Webb Dudley & Companies Inc 6845-46-3264.00 Webb, Mona J 6848-31-1590.00 Webb, Mona J 6848-31-2319.00 WEIDL PROPERTIES LLC 6828-92-9607.00 Weids,Llc 6837-03-4208.00 Weisner, Teresa R 6856-03-8167.00 Welch, Nannie Ruth 6836-46-1167.00 Wells, Louise W 6827-76-1939.00 Werden, Christopher Ian 6846-95-6699.00 Werts, Pamela Jean 6836-15-9701.00 Wesley, Betty C 6847-74-2497.00 West Coast Properties Llc 6836-27-6104.00 West, Willie Mae 6836-34-6575.00 Westmoreland, Gertrude S 6847-38-8459.00 Westmoreland, Larry E 6839-13-7155.00 WFIQ HOLDINGS LLC 6835-47-0995.00 Wharton, Catherine W 6835-86-8977.00 Wharton, James O Jr. 6835-76-0899.00 Wharton, Michael B 6836-74-5960.00 Wharton, Robert W IV 6837-59-8666.00 Wharton, Ruby E 6836-27-4608.00 Wheeler, Oliver L JR 6846-69-2559.00 Whitaker, Margaret H 6825-84-3340.00 Whitaker, Margaret H 6825-84-3488.00 White, Derry 6835-76-8094.00 White, Derry A 6826-70-9403.00 White, Derry A 6835-20-2928.00 White, Derry A 6836-14-1618.00 White, Elbert D 6838-73-4384.00 White, James Edward 6836-83-9310.00 White, Juanita C 6837-63-6343.00 White, Palmer Marie 6826-80-3663.00 White, Taryn M 6846-13-0292.00 Whitley Investments Llc 6835-88-5034.00 Whitlock, Fred Henry 6826-93-3193.00 Whitworth, Ella M 6835-76-6523.00 Whitworth, Richard J 6838-63-9837.00 WHP Trust 6835-99-3510.00 Wilder, Anthony V 6836-38-4686.00 Wilkes, Frances Jr. 6838-60-3995.00 Wilkins Jr, Quether Stefan 6835-99-0244.00 Wilkins, Deborah H 6847-03-9174.00 Wilkins, Harvey L 6847-21-4459.00 WILKINS, QUETHER S JR 6837-12-3597.00 Wilkins, Raeford B 6826-75-8974.00 Wilkins, Raeford B 6826-84-3818.00 Willard, Thomas E 6839-87-0540.00 Willetts Family Llc 6848-18-2660.00 Williams, Aleys W 6837-18-6733.00 Williams, Bernard B 6828-30-3333.00 Williams, Brenda Dianne 6836-53-9574.00 Williams, Broderick 6836-75-8043.00 Williams, Broderick L 6845-69-3854.00 Williams, Broderick Lamont 6846-37-7289.00

PROPERTY ADDRESS 4130 Carnation DR 0 Sheraton ST 1241 Opportunity RD 0 Indiana AVE 0 New Walkertown RD 2119 New Walkertown RD 507 Akron DR 0 Reidsville RD 0 Reidsville RD 918 Roosevelt ST 4252 Indiana AVE 4863 Germanton RD 1617 Sanford DR 4596 Garden ST 1814 E Third ST 5033 Monte Vista ST 2213 Douglas Hill DR 0 W Twelfth ST 4525 Carver School RD 824 N Cameron AVE 1932 E Twenty Fourth ST 415 Mason ST 4140 Whitfield RD 4235 Whitfield RD 5038 Noble ST 4765 Ader DR 1225 New Hope LN 1805 Locust AVE 1818 N Dunleith AVE 1521 E Eighteenth ST 0 N Dunleith AVE 0 Booker ST 2315 Booker ST 706 Barbara Jane AVE 901 Gray AVE 1415 N Patterson AVE 1616 Attucks ST 5930 Meadowdale CT 380 Rickard RD 1818 N Jackson AVE 2351 N Patterson AVE 5315 Pine View DR 1323 N Jackson AVE 3038 Colgate DR 3037 Colgate DR 0 Renigar ST 100 Granada CT 2014 Harrison AVE 3496 Parrish RD 0 Airport RD 3045 Airport RD 434 W Twenty Seventh ST 3831 Clara LN 2600 Manchester ST 117 N Cleveland AVE 2701 New Walkertown RD 1645 Motor RD 2980 Sell RD 415 W Twenty Third ST 5750 Belle AVE 1122 Old Hollow RD 1035 Ada AVE 310 W Seventh ST 520 Efird ST 5236 Larkspur DR 1134 E Twenty Fifth ST 6060 Germanton RD 612 N Broad ST 1450 Harrison AVE 1906 Short ST 0 Ogburn AVE 1705 E Twelfth ST 0 Cherryview LN 0 School ST 0 Motor RD 2001 School ST 231 N Dunleith AVE 110 W Seventh ST 706 N Trade ST 704 N Trade ST 627 N Trade ST 619 N Trade ST 1034 Addison AVE 5050 Butterfield DR 903 Mulberry ST 3128 Carver School RD 4511 Old Rural Hall RD 1321 E Second ST 229 Wheeler ST 132 N Dunleith AVE 130 N Jackson AVE 1505 E Twenty Fourth ST 4472 Carrie AVE 619 Walnut ST 0 Walnut ST 615 Walnut ST 832 S Broad ST 620 W Walnut ST 0 Carver School RD 0 Shaftesbury LN 0 Shaftesbury LN 0 Parrish RD 0 Kittering LN 0 Kittering LN 3620 Chelmsford DR 0 Old Greensboro RD 144 Blaze ST 5430 Old Rural Hall RD 110 N Jackson AVE 403 W Twenty Fifth ST 5465 Grubbs ST 3563 Prospect DR 0 Alspaugh ST 0 Alspaugh ST 162 Pine Tree RD 0 Pine Tree RD 843 Efird ST 1120 Newport ST 1112 Newport ST 1203 E Twenty Second ST 0 N Jackson AVE 1600 Attucks ST 5514 Pine View DR 1052 Bank ST 2016 Thurmond ST 0 Airport RD 317 E Twenty Eighth ST 638 Mccreary ST 121 Cherryview LN 4906 Lansing DR 4103 Dalton ST 67 Northwoods CIR 4885 Dippen RD 0 Dippen RD 4834 Old Rural Hall RD 370 Rickard RD 893 N Liberty ST 493 Rickard DR 491 Rickard DR 305 Polo RD 3165 Beeson Acres RD 1712 N Liberty ST 2320 Greenway AVE 722 Essex RD 4300 Old Rural Hall RD 0 Motor RD 3770 Whitfield RD 0 Starmount DR 0 Lane ST 1415 Emerald ST 2350 Dellabrook RD 2609 Raleigh AVE 5577 Old Rural Hall RD 6011 Baux Mountain RD 1313 Old Hollow RD 848 Gray AVE 901 N Jackson AVE 1304 Tonya DR 4936 Davis RD 611 Oak Summit RD 1611 N Jackson AVE 3725 Hemlock DR 5016 Ohio AVE 0 Stonewall ST 0 Stonewall ST 634 Summit ST 4204 Northampton DR 4016 Leo ST 1541 Attucks ST 0 Waterworks RD 3405 Old Greensboro RD 2236 Flag ST 2271 Flag ST 1300 N Patterson AVE 1048 Bank ST 2727 Ansonia ST 0 Fredonia AVE 5009 Voss ST 3900 Glen Oak DR 121 Blaze ST 3820 Barkwood DR 630 Kapp ST 2403 N Liberty ST 400 E Twenty Eighth ST 4000 Carver School RD 915 E Twenty First ST 5145 Vista Lindo CT 413 Eldora ST 411 Eldora ST 409 Eldora ST 825 Ferrell AVE 416 Mount Vernon AVE 117 N Dunleith AVE 5475 Old Walkertown RD 5489 Old Walkertown RD 1221 E Twenty Second ST 3530 Prospect DR 34 Motor RD 3705 Prospect DR 2800 N Patterson AVE 1405 N Main ST 409 E Twenty Fifth ST 2714 Patrick AVE 4456 Old Walkertown RD 401 Mount Vernon AVE 1901 E Seventeenth ST 3630 Spaulding DR 2706 Boulder Park CT 0 Northwest DR 0 Northwest DR 255 Northoaks DR 174 Clayton ST 0 Granby ST 515 E Twenty Seventh ST 122 Melody LN 3700 Signet DR 2506 Druid Hills DR 3900 Oak Ridge DR 2837 Gilmer AVE 2241 N Glenn AVE 4958 Old Walkertown RD 1650 Pugh DR 0 N Research PKWY 1816 E Third ST 200 Wheeler ST 1427 E Twenty Third ST 5012 Ohio AVE 2930 Gilmer AVE 307 Solon ST 220 Westdale AVE 208 Westdale AVE 1602 E First ST 1055 Shrub ST 927 S Broad ST 208 W Twenty Third ST 205 Cecil DR 1814 E Eighteenth ST 836 Mccreary ST 1042 Thurmond ST 2325 Dunbar ST 601 N Cameron AVE 1609 N Cherry ST 119 N Dunleith AVE 5468 Pine View DR 858 Camel AVE 3079 Indiana AVE 0 Sycamore CIR 836 Rich AVE 3011 Woodfin PL 3806 Carver School RD 310 Clayton ST 719 W Twenty Sixth ST 2308 Thurmond ST 1255 Chevelle LN 5140 Morrell RD 521 Motor RD 5120 Britt RD 945 New Hope LN 1516 E Twenty Fourth ST 3500 Old Greensboro RD 3211 Carver School RD



426.06 123.17 382.07 380.81 16.34 182.24 3,122.59 124.42 196.06 373.27 505.23 794.30 162.29 233.76 459.99 1.98 389.61 40.22 801.84 129.45 284.04 271.47 349.39 175.95 380.81 185.43 1,367.40 1,432.75 716.38 716.38 37.70 37.70 366.99 299.28 1.83 118.14 233.76 352.06 845.83 96.71 422.28 6.29 184.75 936.32 886.04 31.42 756.89 40.22 847.08 142.02 1,650.18 583.54 1,147.59 32.68 240.05 898.61 419.77 266.79 37.70 347.88 474.95 689.98 1,712.90 242.56 462.50 164.64 1,218.74 2,123.99 816.92 174.70 1,143.69 1,109.75 42.73 67.87 21.37 709.79 304.15 1,086.87 479.46 366.33 643.77 2,554.88 52.79 1,739.41 840.80 260.16 707.58 241.31 407.20 143.28 369.50 366.99 377.20 1,170.08 72.89 1,149.97 427.31 1,206.53 82.95 120.65 168.41 15.08 217.43 217.43 1,792.20 70.38 989.10 213.66 302.89 373.27 198.32 847.08 168.41 113.11 610.80 49.02 150.82 433.60 370.76 18.85 37.70 86.72 76.66 502.72 45.24 386.98 403.43 222.45 745.28 545.45 623.37 267.70 466.65 59.59 627.14 1,004.18 9,295.38 64.54 90.84 4,520.71 1,148.72 519.06 539.23 272.70 1,379.97 65.35 899.87 280.27 25.14 32.68 475.07 217.43 98.03 90.74 550.84 4.35 158.36 1,607.07 231.00 377.04 105.57 376.14 114.37 158.36 158.36 2,460.81 862.16 255.13 380.89 75.41 353.16 368.24 123.17 813.15 530.37 41.47 43.99 853.37 1,753.24 963.97 962.71 731.19 307.92 444.91 982.82 221.20 768.91 256.39 277.75 291.58 91.75 90.49 295.35 281.70 43.03 317.97 646.00 984.07 273.93 330.54 552.28 345.62 344.36 339.34 238.79 299.12 1,764.55 251.36 114.37 136.99 1,163.80 569.33 108.36 388.35 517.80 1,491.82 326.77 412.23 368.24 81.69 809.38 459.44 8,128.98 11.31 593.21 323.00 242.56 514.03 453.51 521.57 302.89 248.85 635.94 602.01 212.40 526.60 443.65 236.28 399.66 41.47 351.90 75.41 279.01 152.07 148.30 1,682.86 31.42 95.52 796.81 496.70 319.23 292.83 354.42 3.01 555.65 559.28 770.42 172.18 31.42 409.72 698.78


Williams, C Ric Williams, Deborah D Williams, Deborah D Williams, Derrek Larae Williams, Donald A Williams, E R Williams, Edna Williams, F W Williams, Helen Williams, Irvin Jr. Williams, James Larry Jr. Williams, Linda Lou Rush Williams, Mary L Williams, Mary L Williams, Natasha Williams, Nettie A Williams, Ralph D Williams, Roger A Williams, Ronald Williams, Ronnie G Williams, Ruth B Williams, Sharon Brooks Williams, Susan S Williams, Victoria B Williams, Virginia F Williams, Willie C Williams, Willie Mae Williams-Mitchell, Joyce Wilson, Angela Wilson, Bobby Ray Wilson, Brenda W Wilson, Corinthia L Wilson, Douglas B Wilson, Douglas B Wilson, Herman L JR Wilson, Jean Wilson, Kim Renee Wilson, Laura M Wilson, Nathaniel H Wilson, Porcial W Wilson, Robert Wilson, Rosa Tribble Wilson, Rosa Tribble Wilson-Solomon, Joye D Winbush, Leslie Oldham Winemiller, Kevin Winn, Easter M Winsal Realty Company Winston Lake Recreation Corp Withers, Juanita WITHERSPOON GROUP LLC WITHERSPOON GROUP LLC WITHERSPOON GROUP LLC Witherspoon, Dorothy S Witherspoon, Jerome T Witherspoon, Jerome T Witherspoon, Jerome T Witherspoon, Lillie M Witherspoon, Richard Witherspoon, Willie Mae Withrow, John Conrad Wofford, Bobby T Wolfe, Brenda L Wolford, Jerry Michael Wood, Billy L Wood, Spurgeon Webster Jr. Woodruff, Evelyn K Woodruff, Melvin T Woodruff, Robert H Woodruff, Robert H Sr. Woods, Carmalene L Woods, Carmelene L Woods, Clarice Woods, Georgia L Wooten, Boyce A Wooten, Marion B Wooten, Misty Wooten, Nancy L Wooten, Terry L Sr. Wooten, Terry L Sr. Worthy, Mae Ella Wright, Elizabeth M Wright, Kelley D Wright, Larry Wright, Louise Ellis Wright, Nelsie Wulff, Dieter E Wynecoff, Roderick Wynes, Anthony Tyrone Wynn, Earther Grant Wynn, Earther Grant Wynn, Earther Grant Yarbrough, Elsie Shouse Yarbrough, Todd Alexander Yates, Anthony G Yates, Jonathan L Yates, Luther Franklin York, David Wayne Young, Ashley S Young, Carie D Young, Emma Gh Young, Lonnie A Young, Robert N Jr. Young, Verbena Young, Vickie H Younger, Antonio L Younger, Antonio L Younger, Ernest D Zeferino Escamilla, Ruben Zepeda, Edison F Zepeda, Maria


6838-43-2881.00 6836-35-6542.00 6836-56-0543.00 6846-02-9168.00 6829-97-5131.00 6837-18-6837.00 6836-84-7004.00 6836-05-1682.00 6837-40-5551.00 6836-27-2643.00 6845-18-8178.00 6838-96-2681.00 6846-04-7834.00 6847-10-1614.00 6838-62-7376.00 6826-96-6292.00 6826-96-7252.00 6856-05-5840.00 6836-15-8490.00 6837-03-6963.00 6837-15-0040.00 6847-64-3162.00 6827-85-1391.00 6836-24-9481.00 6836-46-2573.00 6837-48-8245.00 6847-23-5326.00 6825-94-1001.00 6846-02-5924.00 6846-00-4784.00 6837-79-4380.00 6837-06-7349.00 6836-74-8753.00 6837-14-4070.00 6836-93-1248.00 6826-92-8948.00 6835-03-6060.00 6836-61-1316.00 6836-51-8218.00 6847-95-4667.00 6847-95-4468.00 6836-25-2425.00 6846-14-6663.00 6825-91-2536.00 6847-22-6320.00 6855-39-4511.00 6846-26-0939.00 6825-94-2047.00 6846-85-4343.00 6846-04-7909.00 6846-09-6947.00 6847-01-0661.00 6847-11-7097.00 6836-12-9277.00 6847-11-8225.00 6847-11-9224.00 6847-12-9550.00 6836-91-9438.00 6847-10-0263.00 6836-94-4996.00 6836-27-6613.00 6847-02-5730.00 6829-87-6763.00 6849-10-0457.00 6837-41-8150.00 6845-47-1572.00 6835-77-2404.00 6847-10-2863.00 6826-84-6862.00 6827-88-4934.00 6835-75-9933.00 6836-35-1705.00 6836-25-7996.00 6836-81-6607.00 6825-92-7515.00 6846-47-6081.00 6836-54-8355.00 6866-07-9659.00 6819-51-1017.00 6819-51-1117.00 6836-15-9440.00 6846-04-2028.00 6838-51-0432.00 6839-07-9838.00 6846-13-8196.00 6845-39-7457.00 6835-16-1782.00 6836-15-2766.00 6838-59-6615.00 6838-53-6534.00 6838-54-0109.00 6838-54-0161.00 6837-96-5650.00 6856-79-7922.00 6827-75-5402.00 6836-32-7569.00 6829-22-9550.00 6839-68-6409.00 6836-38-7006.00 6836-74-1547.00 6845-48-8997.00 6847-41-9181.00 6835-86-4986.00 6835-89-7066.00 6819-61-2063.00 6837-33-4646.00 6846-37-4424.00 6829-97-5204.00 6847-37-6758.00 6848-72-1416.00 6827-95-2690.00


5622 Ruth AVE 400 E Twenty Fifth ST 722 E Twenty Eighth ST 0 Dellabrook RD 5917 Stoneybrook CIR 0 Motor RD 1634 Ashley School CIR 0 W Twenty Fifth ST 3515 Hemlock DR 2935 Greenway AVE 827 Crawford ST 4913 Baux Mountain RD 0 E Twenty Third ST 3018 Colgate DR 5323 Pine View DR 409 Bacon ST 405 Bacon ST 3745 Signet DR 26 W Twenty Fifth ST 250 Parkwood CT 3945 Shamel ST 5221 Larkspur DR 55 Hoskins DR 2335 Okalina AVE 520 E Twenty Eighth ST 4536 Ogburn AVE 0 Pressman DR 885 Salem Pointe LN 2213 Booker ST 2324 Slater AVE 4923 Old Rural Hall RD 4295 Cody DR 1518 E Twenty Third ST 305 Forest Hill AVE 1930 E Eighteenth ST 813 Kimberly RD 804 W Bank ST 1231 Dublin DR 1209 Highland AVE 400 Allison AVE 0 Winnabow RD 2434 Greenway AVE 2441 Caledonia DR 1114 Crestwood DR 3211 Cumberland RD 3314 New Greensboro RD 2731 Teresa AVE 865 Salem Pointe LN 0 Chelmsford DR 2212 E Twenty Fourth ST 0 Airport RD 0 Whitfield RD 0 Airport RD 112 Asher CT 3109 Airport RD 3113 Airport RD 3150 Butterfield DR 2101 Gerald ST 3507 Fieldstone DR 1910 E Twenty Fourth ST 2927 Gilmer AVE 3821 Whitfield RD 1325 Pebblebrook RD 1438 Old Hollow RD 3628 Ogburn AVE 416 Barbara Jane AVE 1415 E Fourth ST 3032 Colgate DR 715 Swanson CT 4836 Disher ST 115 S Jackson AVE 2508 N Patterson AVE 116 E Twenty Seventh ST 1224 Gray AVE 502 Granville DR 3761 Spaulding DR 936 Twenty Second ST 623 Conestoga TRL 1096 Tommys Lake RD 1100 Tommys Lake RD 22 W Twenty Fifth ST 2125 Bowen BLVD 5338 Old Rural Hall RD 6024 Germanton RD 0 Emerald ST 640 Amanda PL 315 302 Spruce ST 124 Kilkare CT 1115 Cedarview TRL 5545 Old Rural Hall RD 0 Old Rural Hall RD 0 Old Rural Hall RD 4459 Lane ST 1034 Whirl Win DR 4385 Indiana AVE 415 E Fifteenth ST 155 Noel DR 6909 Providence Church RD 3007 N Glenn AVE 1239 E Twenty Second ST 521 Chandler ST 3972 Cottington DR 1720 E Third ST 820 N Cameron AVE 897 Oakhaven Forest DR 4057 Sheraton ST 3222 Carver School RD 5921 Stoneybrook CIR 4629 Erin ST 5056 Wind Spring DR 0 Marvin BLVD


Information regarding the Advertisement of 2014 Tax Liens

223.71 432.34 414.74 86.72 507.17 15.08 315.46 3.77 5.86 584.41 542.94 1,618.51 5.03 451.19 4.76 267.70 155.28 1,481.77 348.13 868.45 257.12 390.86 963.97 490.15 60.33 1,276.91 128.19 633.43 208.63 390.15 1,400.08 320.48 31.42 586.93 248.85 815.66 598.24 820.69 1,216.58 997.90 61.58 331.80 447.42 613.32 863.02 620.86 196.06 12.42 651.02 413.49 642.22 178.47 247.59 614.58 69.12 69.12 387.65 673.64 922.49 402.18 575.61 907.41 519.57 382.46 326.77 267.70 305.40 869.96 547.96 712.49 379.55 624.63 153.33 519.18 850.85 1,478.00 291.58 1,710.73 223.71 1,099.70 393.38 492.67 47.76 633.42 13.82 745.28 641.76 480.10 853.37 3,343.09 67.87 67.87 385.72 386.85 306.77 571.84 972.76 47.67 1,170.08 609.55 292.83 1,253.03 319.23 189.78 396.65 363.22 240.05 552.17 551.74 513.96 69.12

North Carolina law requires local tax collectors to annually advertise current-year unpaid taxes levied on real estate. While it is true that some property owners may be embarrassed to see their names in the newspaper, the advertisement of tax liens is a very serious matter because it marks the initiation of the foreclosure process.

2014 taxes levied on real estate became past due on January 6, 2015. Our office has mailed tax notices to the property owners listed within this advertisement. In the case of property that has been conveyed to another, the tax notice should have the new owner’s name. The owner of record as of January 6, 2015 or any subsequent owner is responsible for the payment of taxes. Transfer of ownership relieves the owner of record as of January 1, 2014 of the tax liability. Proration agreements between buyers and sellers are just that – an agreement between the buyer and seller. As far as the Tax Collector is concerned, if the taxes remain unpaid, the current owner now bears the responsibility for payment according to G.S. 105-365.1 (b1). This advertisement is the first step toward the eventual foreclosure of the real estate.

The following list contains unpaid 2014 taxes that create a lien on the real estate which is listed in the name of the owner of record as of January 6, 2015 or any subsequent owner, along with the identifying PIN (parcel identification number) and address. The interest and any other fees due are not included. he listing reflects payments received in the Tax Collector’s Office through April 1, 2015. Any unpaid accounts after that date are subject to be charged advertisement costs in addition to applicable interest. Please note that properties that contain “Heirs”, “Estate” or “Trust” in the ownership name may not reflect that specific designation in this advertisement. For these instances, the name in this advertisement will more than likely reflect the name on the current deed. The Tax Collector’s Office is already utilizing enforced collection methods such as the garnishment of wages, attachment of bank accounts, levy, and impending foreclosure action. Foreclosed property sales are listed in the legal section of the Winston-Salem Journal and posted on the second floor of the Forsyth County Hall of Justice. A copy of this advertisement and a listing of upcoming foreclosure sales are available on the Tax Assessor/Collector web site at www.forsyth.cc/tax.

Do You Regularly Use Tax Assessment Data and Collection Data?

Our Geo-Data Explorer website, www.forsyth.cc/tax, was upgraded last spring. The search tools have changed to view the parcel map, ownership & assessment data and other data layers. Other data not related to tax information is available as well. The tax bill search now displays more history of paid tax bills.

Payment Methods

We are pleased to offer the convenience of using credit or debit cards and electronic-check (e-check) as additional property tax payment methods. To pay your tax bill online, visit the online tax bill services page on our website. There are two ways to pay online, by e-check or by credit card. The fee schedule for these payment types per transaction are as follows: $3.95 for Visa debit card; $1.50 for E-check and 2.35% of total amount due for credit card ($1.95 minimum). There is no provision under North Carolina law that allows a local government to extract the cost of this service directly from the property tax payment. If you find the convenience fee to be unacceptable, you may still mail your payment via check or money order or pay in person with cash, check or money order during our normal hours of operation. A payment drop box is located on the outside wall facing Chestnut Street near the parking deck entrance of the Forsyth County Government Center that can be utilized at any time.

If you pay a tax bill through your bank’s On-Line bill pay service, it is imperative that you use the correct account number for the bill that you are trying to pay. The account numbers change every year, so to avoid rejection of payment please verify that you are using the correct number. Unpaid accounts accrue interest monthly, so we encourage you to check the status of the bill on our web page to see if it is paid when using any electronic form of payment. www.forsyth.cc/tax/taxbill.aspx


Visit Our New Website www.WSChronicle.com

DEADLINE: MONDAY 5:30 PM • 25 WORDS FOR $20 CALL CLASSIFIEDS AT (336) 722-8624 We accept major credit card payment on all classfied Ads. Email us your ad by Monday...see it on Thursday. Fax (336) 713-9173


DeVere Construction Company, Inc. is currently soliciting quotes from interested MBE/WBE subcontractors and suppliers with HUB certification for the following project bidding on Wednesday, April 22, 2015 at 2:00 pm. Please submit prices to estimating@deverecc.us or Fax to 919363-6575 no later than 12:00 noon on bid day.

Project: South Fork Improvements Program Contract 1, Winston Salem, NC Scopes to include: clear & grub, cast-inplace and incidental concrete, aggregate, hauling, erosion control, jack & bore, paving, traffic control, blasting and seed & mulch.

Plans, specs and detailed bidding requirements can be viewed at the following:

Devere Construction Company, Inc. office at 8541A Glenwood Avenue, Raleigh, NC 27612, Devere FTP Site – www.deverecc.us/bid , password: SFIMPRO City/County Purchasing Dept., City Hall Rm. 324, 101 North Main St., Winston Salem, NC iSqFt plan room at www.isqft.com , 800364-2059 Hazen and Sawyer, PC, 4944 Parkway Plaza Blvd., Suite 375, Charlotte 28217

For more information or to quote prices contact Dalton Walker (Estimator) @ 919-363-6551.


Garney Construction is soliciting quotes from Certified Minority and Women Business Enterprises (Subcontractors/Vendors) for the Winston Salem, NC project: South Fork Improvements Program— Contract 1. Garney is asking bids for Surveying; Asphalt Paving; Material Testing; Bore/Jack; Traffic Control; Clearing and Grubbing; Grading/Drainage; NPDES Monitoring & Reporting; Fencing; Rock Excavation/Blasting; Trucking/Hauling; CIP Structures; Erosion Control; Bypass Pumping; Seeding/Landscaping; Dewatering; Concrete Flat Work; Concrete Pumping; CCTV & Pipe Cleaning; Structure Coatings; Small Tools; Bypass Pumps; Fiber Glass Pipe Materials; Dewatering Pumps; Aggregates; CMP Pipe; Ready Mix Concrete; Geo Textile Fabric; Concrete Accessories; DI Pipe Materials; Rip Rap; Pipe Accessories and Concrete Manholes.

All plans, specifications and addendums are available at Garney Companies, Inc. website plan room at www.garney.com. You will need to register but only takes a minute or two. Garney Construction will review any responsible quote and will negotiate terms, if appropriate. We will notify your firm if your bid was accepted for this project. Please contact me if you have not heard from us in regards to the status of your bid by April 24, 2015. If you need assistance with obtaining bonding, loan capital, lines of credit, insurance or joint pay agreements, please contact us so we can review your needs and direct you to available agencies for assistance. Garney Construction will also look at the possibility of a joint venture or partnership arrangement, if appropriate. Quick payment terms can be negotiated on a case by case basis.

Quotes should be emailed to emalvin@garney.com or faxed to our Atlanta office at fax number (770) 7544144; attention Eric Malvin, no later than April 21, 2015 C.O.B. The Chronicle April 16, 2015 Solicitation for Bids

State Utility Contractors, Inc. solicits subcontract proposals for the following work: Erosion Control, Traffic Control, Seeding & Mulching, Material Hauling, Concrete Repair, Bore & Jack, Surveying, Clearing, Fencing, Rock Excavation, CCTV for South Fork Improvements, Contract No. 1, Winston Salem, NC.

The bid date for this project is April 22, 2015 at 2:00 p.m. Minority businesses are encouraged to submit proposals for this work. If additional information is needed, please contact Justin Collins at (704) 2896400. EOE M/F The Chronicle April 16, 2015

Solicitation for Bids

State Utility Contractors, Inc. solicits subcontract proposals for the following work: Demolition, Hauling, Clearing and Grubbing, Erosion Control, Grassing, Concrete Formwork, Rebar Installation, Concrete Placing & Finishing, Asphalt Paving, Electrical, Excavation Shoring, Waterproofing, Caulking, Painting for Elledge Wastewater Treatment Plant Influent Flow Equalization Facilities, Winston Salem, NC.

The bid date for this project is April 21, 2015 at 2:00 p.m. Minority businesses are encouraged to submit proposals for this work. If additional information is needed, please contact David Lucas at (704) 289-6400. EOE M/F The Chronicle April 16, 2015


Crowder Construction Company is preparing a bid for the Elledge Wastewater Treatment Plant Influent Flow Equalization Facilities project. We are soliciting in Winston-Salem, North Carolina and surrounding areas for pricing from subcontractors for the following:

SCOPES of WORK (including, but not limited to): erosion control, site demolition, grading & storm drain, hauling, seeding, tree removal, asphalt paving, concrete, rebar, dampproofing, coatings, piping supplies, and electrical supplies

Bid Date: April 20, 2015 Business

Close of

Historically Underutilized Businesses including Minority and Women Business Enterprises and all others are encouraged to participate. Crowder Construction Company is willing to review any responsible quote and will negotiate terms, if appropriate.

If you need assistance with obtaining bonding, loan capital, lines of credit, insurance or joint pay agreements, please contact our office for review of your needs.

Bid Proposals will be received at the following address: Crowder Construction Company 1111 Burma Drive Apex, North Carolina 27539 Telephone: (919) 367-2000; Fax: (919) 367-2097 Contact: Kathy Shear

We request M/WBE companies include a copy of their M/WBE documentation with their quote. Complete plans and specifications may be viewed at Crowder Construction Company at the address listed above. Contact us at the above phone number for a list of other locations where plans are available. The Chronicle April 16, 2015 NORTH CAROLINA FORSYTH COUNTY



The undersigned, serving as counsel for the Administrators of the Estate of Virginia Harrison, Deceased, late of 2240 E. 22nd Street, Winston-Salem, Forsyth County, NC 27105, hereby notifies all persons, firms and corporations having claims against the decedent to exhibit them to the undersigned, Atty. Margaret A. Dudley, 806 Summit Avenue, Suite 202, Greensboro, Guilford County, NC 27405 on or before June 26, 2015, which date is three months after the date of the first publication of this Notice, or this Notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons, firms and corporations indebted to the Estate of Virginia Harrison, Deceased, will please make immediate payment to the undersigned, Atty. Margaret A. Dudley, 806 Summit Avenue, Suite 202, Greensboro, Guilford County, NC 27405. This the 23rd day of Match, 2015. Margaret A. Dudley Attorney for the Administrators 806 Summit Avenue Suite 202 Greensboro, NC 27405 (336)-373-0828

The Chronicle March 26 and April 2, 9, 16, 2015

Legal Advertisement Solicitation for Bids

Park Construction of NC, Inc. is seeking qualified Minority and Women-Owned Business Enterprises (M/WBE’s) for the South Fork Improvements - Contract #1 project for the City/County Utility Commission in Winston-Salem, NC. This project is bidding Wednesday, April 22, 2015 @ 2:00 pm. Subcontract and supplier opportunities include surveying; temporary erosion and sediment control; Temporary Silt Fence; clearing and grubbing; jack and bores; seeding and mulching; precast concrete; trucking and hauling; and pipe supplies and appurtenances and providing materials for the project. Plans and specifications will be made available upon request. Quick pay agreements may be available to qualified subcontractors and suppliers. Inquiries and quotations may be submitted to bids@parknc.com or 919812-2615 All bids must be submitted by April 21, 2015. The Chronicle April 16, 2015 Legal Advertisement Solicitation for Bids

Accepting HUB certified W/MBE quotes for hauling; erosion control services; seed, mulch; fence replacement; CCTV sewers; traffic control; coating of concrete structures; clearing, grubbing; by-pass pumping, locating existing utilities for South Fork Impmts. Cont. 1 - due on 4/21/15 @ 5 pm. Contact Sanders Utility Construction Co., Inc., 704-399-5600 or sherri@sandersutility.com, EEO, quick pay policy, assistance offered, negotiation available The Chronicle April 16, 2015 Request for Proposals

The City of Winston-Salem will accept proposals for a grants consultant to develop a Continuum of Care Homeless Assistance grant application to be submitted to the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). Consultants’ proposals are due by May 7, 2015. The detailed Request for Proposals is available at http://www.cityofws.org/departments/ community-and-businessdevelopment/planning/reports under the caption “CoC Consultant Request for Proposals”. Contact Mellin Parker at (336) 734-1310 or mellinp@cityofws.org for more information. The Chronicle April 16, 2015 MBE/WBE/HUB SUBCONTRACTOR BID SOLICITATION

DeVere Construction Company, Inc. is currently soliciting quotes from interested MBE/WBE subcontractors and suppliers with HUB certification for the following project bidding on Tuesday, April 21, 2015 at 2:00 pm. Please submit prices to estimating@deverecc.us or Fax to 919363-6575 no later than 12:00 noon on bid day.

Project: Elledge Wastewater Treatment Plant Influent Flow Equalization Facilities, Winston Salem, NC Scopes to include: Demolition, cast-inplace and incidental concrete, aggregate, sanitary sewer, hauling, erosion control, paving, doors & windows, electrical and seed & mulch.

Plans, specs and detailed bidding requirements can be viewed at the following:

Devere Construction Company, Inc. office at 8541A Glenwood Avenue, Raleigh, NC 27612, Devere FTP Site – www.deverecc.us/bid , password: ELLWWTP City/County Purchasing Dept., City Hall Rm. 324, 101 North Main St., Winston Salem, NC iSqFt plan room at www.isqft.com , 800364-2059 Black & Veatch, 10715 David Taylor Dr., Suite 240, Charlotte 28262

For more information or to quote prices contact Les Basnight (Estimator) @ 919363-6551.


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B10 APRIL 16, 2015


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FOR MORE INFORMATION, visit WSTA's website @ wstransit.com OR CALL 727.2000. The Chronicle April 2, 9, 16, 23, 2015 NOTICE TO CREDITORS

Having qualified as Administrator of the Estate of Mary Ellen Brannon Thompson (15 E 1563), deceased October 2, 2014, Forsyth County, North Carolina, this is to Notify all persons, firms, and corporation having claims against the Estate of said deceased to present them to the undersigned on or before June 26, 2015 or this Notice will be pleaded in bar of recovery. All persons indebted to the said decedent or estate shall please make immediate payment to the undersigned. This the 26th day of March, 2015.

Calvin Brannon, Administrator for Mary Ellen Brannon Thompson, deceased. 3831 Clara Lane Winston-Salem, NC 27105 March 26, April 2, 9, 16, 2015 NORTH CAROLINA FORSYTH COUNTY



This the 23rd day of March, 2015. Margaret A. Dudley Attorney for the Administrators 806 Summit Avenue Suite 202 Greensboro, NC 27405 (336)-373-0828

The Chronicle March 26 and April 2, 9, 16, 2015


A Community for Mature Adults (55 and Older) Located on the corner of Trade Street and Northwest Blvd in Winston-Salem An income based multi-level building with 2 elevators consisting of 100 one BR Apts, with handicapped accessible units, Section 8 Assistance Available; just minutes from the downtown business district, city bus depot, farmers market, main public library Office Hours: 8:30 am-4:30 pm Monday thru Friday for applications call 336-723-3633. Equal Housing Opportunity Managed By Community Management Corporation

Arbor Oaks & Aster Park Apartments

Bethabara Garden Apartments

Located on Bethabara Road at the corner of Silas Creek extension near Wake Forest.

One bedroom apartments with washer-dryer connections, pool, and water furnished. Only $410.00 per month

Please call 922-3141 for information

Towergate Apartments

Quiet, peaceful and affordable one and two bedroom apartments starting at $410.00 per month.

Pool and playground in a country setting near Bethabara Park Blvd. on Bethabara Road. Please call 922-4041 for information

ASSEMBLY TERRACE APARTMENTS A Community for 62 and older is now taking applications. Conveniently located in Winston Salem with Handicap Accessible units and Rental Assistance available. Call for an appointment at 336-759-9798. Office hours are from 8am – 4:30pm Monday thru Friday. TDD Relay 1-800-7352962 Equal Housing Opportunity Professionally Managed By Community Management Corporation

The Chronicle Call 722-8624 to Subscribe

The undersigned, serving as counsel for the Administrators of the Estate of Thomas Harrison, Deceased, late of 2240 E. 22nd Street, Winston-Salem, Forsyth County, NC 27105, hereby notifies all persons, firms and corporations having claims against the decedent to exhibit them to the undersigned, Atty. Margaret A. Dudley, 806 Summit Avenue, Suite 202, Greensboro, Guilford County, NC 27405 on or before June 26, 2015, which date is three months after the date of the first publication of this Notice, or this Notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons, firms and corporations indebted to the Estate of Thomas Harrison, Deceased, will please make immediate payment to the undersigned, Atty. Margaret A. Dudley, 806 Summit Avenue, Suite 202, Greensboro, Guilford County, NC 27405.


2 & 3 bedroom - 2 bath apartments convenient to downtown. Amenities include W/D connections, self-cleaning oven, refrigerator w/ice maker, microwave, DW & disposal. Ask about our rental specials.

Units available from $535 and up. Office Hours 8:30am -4:30pm Mon-Fri. For application information call-336703-0038, Handicap Units Available Equal Housing Opportunity Managed by Community Management Corp.

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Community Calendar


Dancing With the Stars Take The Lead Winston-Salem 2015 celebrates its 5th year of “Dancing With the Stars,” benefitting the Bethesda Center for the Homeless, this Thursday, April 16 at LJVM Coliseum on University Parkway in Winston-Salem in the LJVM Coliseum Arena. Coliseum Doors open at 6 p.m. Show begins at 7 p.m. (Exhibition Dance is at 6:45 p.m.) Twelve community “celebrities” and their “pro” partners will be “ stepping up to the line,” and stepping on a few toes to help others get back on their feet! Tickets are $35 on sale at the door (Table sales available on line). Free parking & easy access for all. Call 336-409-0672 for more information.

National Healthcare Decisions Day Hospice of Davidson County, in partnership with Novant Health: Thomasville Medical Center, is helping all citizens of Davidson County make decisions known by participating in National Healthcare Decisions Day on Thursday, April 16. That day, Hospice and hospital staff will offer information and assist the public with completing advance directive forms. The event will take place in the lobby of Thomasville Medical Center from 11 a.m. until 1 p.m. and 4 p.m. until 5:30 p.m. There is no cost for the service and pre-registration is not needed.

Indian Nation reading Reynolda House Museum of American Art will present a staged reading by members of the Sicangu Lakota Nation Thursday, April 16 at 7 p.m. The event is free and open to the public. For more information, please visit reynoldahouse.org or call 336758-5150.

Service providers workshop The Browning Of America: Implications And Strategies For Service Providers will be Friday, April 17, 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. at Gateway YWCA, 1300 S. Main St. The workshop costs $150 per participant (limited scholarships available $50 discounts for three or more). Please RSVP by Friday, April 10. Call 336722-8379, ext. 105.

Sweatathon Talkaboutit Entertainment presents Sweatathon, Children MatterSweating for Prevention and Health &Wellness Fair, celebrating the importance of family during Child Abuse Prevention Month, Friday, April 17, American Legion Post #55 111 Miller St. Classes offered: Zumba, CrossFit Amplitude, Bootcamp, Alter Ego Stiletto Fitness. Adult admission is $15 in advance, $20 at the door. Children admission is $5 (for ages 5-17). Childcare is provided for children 5 to 12 not participating in the event. A portion of the proceeds will be donated to Exchange/SCAN. For tickets, call 336-813-3025, 336-705-2757 or 336986-0109.

Food events, Clothing Giveaway A Fish-Fry, Bake Sale and Clothing Giveaway to support educational and economic development will be held Saturday, April 18 from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. in the Emmanuel Baptist Church Fellowship Hall, 1075 Shalimar Drive. Plates are $8, sandwiches are $5 and preorders will be accepted. Proceeds will support the Jabberwock Scholarship Pageant of the Winston-Salem Alumnae Chapter of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority Inc. Contact Terry and Wanda Fields at wfields66@triad.rr.com for further information.

"Chinese Auction" Everyone is invited to a "Chinese Auction" and Fish Fry in the Sun Room at Azalea Terrace, 100 Azalea Terrace Court, on Saturday, April 18 from 1 to 4 p.m. This event is sponsored by the Azalea Terrace Resident's Council. For more information, call Vickie (President) at 336-816-5406 or Betty, (Vice President) at 336-7235278.

Veterans Town Hall Meeting Veterans, their family members, military service members, Veteran Service Organizations, VA partners, and the public are invited to a walk-in clinic, resource center, and town hall for veterans, family members and the public sponsored by the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA), Winston-Salem Regional Office, and Goodwill Industries. The opportunity will be on Saturday, April 18 at Goodwill Industries, 2701 University Parkway and will provide assistance with VA claims, Loan Guaranty and Vocational Rehabilitation and Education benefits. Employees will be on hand to assist Veterans with filing and status of claims and other benefits services. Training will be provided on the VA Choice Program and

Understanding the Claims Process. This training is open to all attendees. Times: 9 a.m. to 2 p.m., with the town hall at 10 a.m.; Veterans Choice Program Training at 11:30 a.m. and Understanding the Claims Process Training at 1 p.m. Parking is available.

Hall of Fame The 2015 Atkins High School Hall of Fame Inductee applications are available. They can be picked up at Russell Funeral Home, 822 Carl Russell Ave. Interested persons also can write to: Atkins High School Hall of Fame, P. O. Box 1072, WinstonSalem, NC 27102 or contact Edward Russell at 336-749-3180 or any member of the Hall of Fame Committee. Deadline for the application is April 18.

Playground Safety Week The Phi Omega Chapter of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc. (WinstonSalem) was instrumental in obtaining a proclamation from North Carolina Gov. Pat McCrory declaring April 20 through April 24 as Playground Safety Week for the State of North Carolina. Phi Omega’s Environmental Ownership Committee drafted a letter to the Governor requesting that he issue the proclamation in order to help raise awareness on how to keep children safer on playgrounds. To encourage citizens to observe Playground Safety Week, Phi Omega will send playground safety tips compiled by the NPPS to school systems and daycare centers, as well as to health departments/medical professionals for distribution to students, parents, teachers, patients, and staff members. All of these individuals can help make and keep playgrounds safe by adhering to S.A.F.E. guidelines:

NC Black Summit The Alliance of North Carolina Black Elected Officials (ANCBEO) will hold its 10th annual NC Black Summit on Thursday and Friday, April 23-24, at the Raleigh Marriott Crabtree Valley, 4500 Marriott Drive. This year’s theme, “Investing In the Next Generation”, provides a platform for attendees to engage in thoughtful conversations regarding leadership, infrastructure and economic development opportunities to enhance local communities.

“America's First Medicinal Garden” On Thursday, April 23 at 5:30pm, New Winston Museum will host “America's First Medicinal Garden,” as part of the Museum’s second quarter Salon Series focusing on the role of medicine in our community. Kicking off the subject will be a discussion on the medicinal garden at Bethabara Park, which was the first of its kind in the country. The Bethabara garden is based on the oldest-known plan for a medical garden in the country and includes many unusual plants and several that are difficult — or even illegal — to grow, such as opium poppies. Harriet McCarthy will share some of this history behind the garden and its significance in Wachovia. This event is part of New Winston Museum’s 2015 Salon Series calendar. This event is free and open to the public. For more information contact the Museum at 336-724-2842 or info@newwinston.org.

Naming of Band Rooms The Bi 4 Alumni Association of Forsyth County. Inc. (the former Anderson, Atkins, Carver and Paisley High Schools prior to the integration of the school district) will sponsor "The Dedication Program for the Naming of Band Rooms in honor of: Rudolph V. Boone, Sr. (Carver), Bernard T. Foy, Sr. (Deceased) Paisley (Now Paisley IB Magnet School, and Harry D. Wheeler (Deceased) - Atkins (Now WinstonSalem Preparatory Academy) on Saturday, April 25, (2 - 4:30 PM) in the auditorium of Carver High School, 3545 Carver School Road. Individuals or groups (churches, clubs or other organizations or families) who wish to co-sponsor are asked to $100 or more. Names will be listed on the printed programs for donations recived before April 13 and will receive two complementary tickets. General admission is a $25 contribution. After expenses, any profits will go to scholarships and other community projects of the Big 4 organization. The coordinator for the event is Beverly F. Williams, 3141 Butterfield Drive, W-S, NC 27105. For further information, please call her home at 336-776-1893. The event is open to the general public, and former students, co-workers, parents, family members and friends of the honorees are encouraged to attend and support this historic cause. Eric Martin is president of The Big 4, and Robert Noble is treasurer. Any active member of the Big 4 and R. V. Boone, Sr. will have tickets to sell. Checks should be made to: The Big 4 AA of FC.

APRIL 16, 2015


Geneva Brown home-going service The home-going service for Geneva B. Brown will be held on Saturday, April 25, at the Simon G. Atkins Academic & Technology High School, 3605 O l d Greensboro Road. The service will begin at 4:30 p . m . Reception to follow. The event is open to the public for this celebration of her life. For more Brown information call 724-3226329.

Annual Spring Choral Concert The Winston-Salem Youth Chorus will hold their Annual Spring Choral Concert on Saturday, April 25, at 7 p.m. at Ardmore Baptist Church. All four ensembles of the WSYC will offer up an evening of choral delights sung in different genres and languages. This year’s concert is extra special because it is the final concert for Founding Artistic Director, Barbara C. Beattie, as she passes on her baton to her future successor. She will be retiring at the end of the 20142015 season after 22 years of musical training she has provided to hundreds of youth. All guests are invited to a reception in the church fellowship hall after the concert to honor our director and meet the WSYC singers. Tickets for the concert are $15 for adults and $10 for students and senior citizens. Tickets can be purchased in advance by calling 336-703-0001 Monday through Friday between 10 a.m.-4 p.m. or at the door the evening of April 25.

First Amendment issues Barry W. Lynn, the executive director of Americans United for Separation of Church and State and an ordained Church of Christ minister, will be in the pulpit at the UnitarianUniversalist Fellowship of WinstonSalem, 4055 Robinhood Road, on Sunday, April 26, at 9 and 11 a.m. A writer and lecturer, Rev. Lynn speaks on First Amendment issues. He is the author of “Piety and Politics: The Right Wing Assault on Religious Freedom” and the co-author of “The Right to Religious Liberty.”

Lupus chapter meeting Lupus Foundation of America, North Carolina Chapter, Monthly Support Group in Forsyth County, will meet Sunday, April 26, from 2:30 to 4 p.m. in Highland Presbyterian Church, Activity Building, 2380 Cloverdale Ave. The group meets on the fourth Sunday of each month. There is no charge to attend the meeting, and drop-ins are welcome. Contact the LFANC at info@lupusnc.org or at 877-849-8271, ext. 2. For more information, visit www.lupusnc.org.

Used book sale The Shepherd’s Center of Greater Winston-Salem will hold its 28th annual Used Book Sale on Thursday, April 30 and Friday, May 1 from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m., and on Saturday, May 2 from 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. The sale will be held in the Education Building at the Winston-Salem Fairgrounds. Entrance for parking is through Gate 5 from Deacon Boulevard. There is no admission or parking fee. There will be thousands of used books and other items on hand at exceptional prices. All proceeds of the sale benefit the ministry’s programs and services for older adults in our community. For more information contact the Shepherd’s Center at 336-748-0217 or visit www.shepherdscenter.org. The Shepherd’s Center is an interfaith ministry whose mission is to support and promote successful aging through direct services, educational, volunteer and support programs for older adults.

Class reunion The Class of 1965 A. H. Anderson Senior High School is approaching the 50th year of graduating. On Friday, June 12 through Sunday, June 14 is the date for the reunion. It has been determined that the cost of $100 per classmate and $75 per guest will be needed to cover the cost of the weekend events. Deposit is $25 per person as soon as possible. Make checks payable to A. H. Anderson High School Class of 1965. Scheduled activities thus far: Registration & “Meet and Greet” on Friday, June 12 from 7 p.m. – 11 p.m. with hors d’ oeuvres (while they last). Dinner/Social on June 13 from 7 p.m. – 12 p.m. St. Paul United Methodist Church at 11 a.m. worship service, Sunday, June 14.Email contact: delta13@triad.rr.com – Julia Perkins Chisholm for information.

B12 APRIL 16, 2015


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