Submitted photo The 2022 scholarship recipient awards will be presented to Jarod Brown, Reynolds High School; Ashanti Evans, Mount Tabor High School; David “DJ” Henry, North Forsyth High School; Zion Dixon, Glenn High School; and Ilana Birch, Mount Tabor High School.
THURSDAY, August 11, 2022 8907632439 6 7 • See Opinion/Forum pages on A4 & A5 • • See Sports on page B1• Fabrics from
BY TEVIN STINSON THEEverCHRONICLEsinceshe was a young girl growing up in Newark, New Jersey, Lauranita Katende dabbled in sewing, knitting and embroidery, skills she picked up from her Aunt Gladys when she was only ten years old. It wasn’t until 2010 that she decided to turn those skills into a business, after she decided to sew some thing special for Aunt Gladys’s 90th birthday. Katende said that a gift for her aunt sparked an idea and Ita Designs was born. “For her 90th birthday I made what I call a ‘memory lane accent pillow,’ repurposed from two of her mother’s dresses … I don’t even think we were using the word repurposed then,” Ka tende laughed. “I couldn’t go to her birthday party because I was in Delaware, so I decided to re purpose these two dresses.” In addition to material from the two dresses, Katende also used fabric and beads that she purchased while visiting Africa a few years earlier. “The pillow was chock-full of stuff and from there I decided to make pillows and other things. Slowly but surely, over the years it’s just grown,” Katende said. “I had no idea it would grow the way it did. I just wanted to honor my grandmother and pro vide something for her daughter on her 90th birthday that she could have as a keepsake.”
world used to create one-of-a-kind handcrafted items Volume 48, Number NAACP49
And just like she did with Aunt Gladys’s pillow, Katende said she still uses repurposed fabric for a lot of her work. It’s rare that she throws anything away.While giving a tour of the Ita Designs studio, a small room in her home with a sewing machine and miles and miles of fabric, Katende was able to pull out pieces of fabric that date back to the 1960s. And every piece had its own“Everythingstory. has a story at tached. I can tell you a story about every little thing,” she said. “If I tell you where it came from, then there’s a story on why I was there and what I was do ing.”Although sewing and em broidery is something she has done since she was ten years old, Katende said she works on some thing every day. She said she takes pride in her work and do ing everything by herself. When asked what’s next for Ita De signs, Katende said she has been working on getting back into home decor and wall art pieces. She also mentioned working on cross-body bags for men.
Winston-Salem chapter presents scholarship awards ARTICLE
The scholarship com mittee of the WinstonSalem Chapter of the NAACP will award five scholarships in the amount $500 each to five se lected students of service to their community will receive the Reverend Dr. Carlton A. Eversley award.In 2020, in remem brance of the great Dr. Eversley, the organization decided to dedicate an award of recognition to the student who achieved the highest academic standing in his honor. Reverend Dr. Carlton Eversley passed away unexpectedly in Sep tember 2019. Eversley was a life-long member of the NAACP, serving vitally in the community as a civil rights activist. Additional ly, he served as chair of the NAACP education com mittee for a very long time and was affiliated with the Ministers’ Conference of Winston-Salem and Vicin ity. Eversley also actively served as the pastor of Dellabrook Presbyterian Church for 35 years. Each year, the Win ston-Salem Chapter NAACP hosts a Freedom Fund Banquet as a fund raiser to garner support to ward scholarship awards. Due to the continual crisis of the COVID-19 pan demic, the Freedom Fund Banquet was canceled.
Nevertheless, members of the fundraising commit tee sought out assistance from the community, local churches and businesses to garner support and raise the Thefunds.2022 scholarship recipient awards will be presented to Jarod Brown, Reynolds High School; Ashanti Evans, Mount Ta bor High School; David “DJ” Henry, North Forsyth High School; Zion Dixon, Glenn High School; and Ilana Birch, Mount Tabor High School. Ilana Birch, who obtained an unweight ed GPA of 3.9 and dem onstrated outstanding ex cellency in academia and service to the community, was selected to receive the Reverend Dr. Carlton A. Eversley Award. She will attend Wake Forest Uni versity in the fall and ma jor in norityeconomiccal,itselfChapterThepsychology.Winston-SalemNAACPpridesinensuringpolitieducational,socialandequalityformicitizensoftheUnitedStates.IfyouwouldliketomakeadonationtotheWinston-SalemChapterNAACPortoitsscholarshipfundtocontinuetohelpwiththeeconomicmobilityoftheyouthandcitizensofForsythCounty, please contact the office at 336-767-3470. For more information, please con tact Al Jabbar at 336-7673470. Downtown Winston-Salem
Today Ita Designs specializ es in handcrafted purses, pillows and totes that utilize fabric and textiles from across the world, from Mali mud cloth, to some of the most expensive fabric stores here in the U.S. and everywhere in between.“I’veworked with a lot of fabric from West Africa. Coun tries such as Benin, Mali, Ghana, Nigeria, and a few other coun tries. And not just only Africa,” Katende continued. “I have tex tiles from Nepal, Australia, Sin gapore, Thailand, Scotland, Eng land, and there’s some Caribbean pieces,Whiletoo.”most of her textiles were purchased while traveling, Katende has also built a network of friends across the globe who send her material. She’s also been known to find useful tex tiles at local Goodwill stores.
“Everything I make is oneof-a-kind and that’s why I always say handcrafted one-of-a-kind totes and bags,” Katende said. “Sometimes people don’t under stand what it takes and what goes into something that’s handmade. You’re not going to see this any where else. A lot of love and at tention went into it and it takes time to finish it.” For information on Ita De signs, visit “@Itamaker” on In stagram, by email at 336-577-6802.itaDesigns@gmail.comlauranita.orcall N.C. around the
Photos by Tevin Stinson Lauranita Katende repurposes fabrics in unique and innovative ways.

The Chronicle (USPS 067-910) was established by Ernest H. Pitt and Ndubisi Egemonye in 1974 and is published every Thursday by Chronicle Media Group, LLC, 1300 E. Fifth St., Winston Salem, N.C. 27101. Periodicals postage paid at Winston-Salem, N.C. An nual subscription price is $30.72. Like us on CONTACTING THE
Photo by Judie Holcomb-Pack Courtney Fisher and her daughter, Augusta, were among the many attendees at the NBTF Storytelling Festival on Friday, Aug. 5, at the Benton Convention Center.
The year was 1989. This was the place, Winston-Salem, N.C. and this was the beginning of The National Black Theatre Fes tival.The National Black Theatre Festival (NBTF) provides an op portunity to put on the official colors, purple and black, or dress up in whatever makes you feel again ready for theatre, celebrity andThecelebration.festival was back! The colors purple and black now seem synonymous with the NBTF and solidifies the impor tance and impact of the theatre in our community. During this week, whenever I would see the wearing of purple and black, I immediately thought there must be a connection with the NBTF and in most, if not all, instances conversations began with total strangers telling of individual associations with the NBTF. Everywhere you look there were purple and black ties, suits, dresses, ball gowns, slacks, shirts, tees, wraps, headdresses, shoes, scarfs, fans and of course this year my favorite accessory - the mask. With COVID con cerns I wore masks provided to me by Winslow Lowrey and the Ramsey Cathey/Kaisers. So many celebrities and at tendees walk from the Gala at the Benton Convention Center to the beating of the drums and dance. Like in previous years, celebrities are driven in as limo doors open to the flash of cam eras. In prior years, we all were entertained by the dance troupes but what seemed unique in 2022 was many celebrities partici pated in dance. Could it be that COVID-19 with its restrictions and limited interactions incited movement in their moment and moved them to dance? Rhythm and dance serves as the ultimate introduction to the NBTF prior to the initial theatre experience. This year many celebrities, ac tors and actresses from film & TV joined in and added an element of entertainment from those who danced in front of The Stevens Center in Downtown Winston -Salem. Our hometown-born actress, Faye Hauser Price, was one of the first celebrities to do her Withdance.concerns of COVID, some of the usual interaction with the celebrities was limited but I was thrilled to get photos with the likes of Ben Vereen. I remembered to take the picture quickly and mentioned I was concerned with the look of my eyes on the selfie, so we took one more as he stated, “You have beautiful eyes.” I thought Ben Vereen just told me I had beauti ful eyes. That made my night! It was good because in past years there was no reception to meet and greet the celebrities. Even with COVID, mask wearing for some, social dis tancing and caution for all, I am still excited being a resident of Winston-Salem, host city of The National Black Theatre Festival. Larry Leon Hamlin and his wife Sylvia Sprinkle Hamlin were committed to provide profes sional Black theatre right here in our own community. A real tribute to their legacies. The Na tional Black Theatre continues to be an international celebra tion of arts and the theatre and affords the opportunity to attend workshops, vendor markets and productions throughout the city. NBTF experience
Submitted photo Ben Vareen and Rayonette Crowder
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David Winship is an Appalachian storyteller, writer and retired educa tor from Bristol, Tennes see. He is a member of Winston-Salem Writers.
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A2 A ugust 11, 2022 t he C hroni C le Storytellers
tive of Michael Jackson. The ensemble Tuffcrowd performed a spoken word throw-down of social commentary with “What if I was white?” In a mid-performance break, Love McCall, am bassador from the George Floyd Family, spoke of the continuing grief and re solve to support the Black Lives Matter movement. Nia Franklin, 2019 Miss America, sang in support and led the audience sing ing in “We Shall Over come.”Performances contin ued with the junior com petitive dance team “Pep Rally” from the Institute of Divine Arts. This was followed by 11-year-old Zion Anderson who per formed a classical piece on cello. Joel Hurt per formed a high-octane eu rythmic dance, his body in motion reminiscent of a marionette without strings. Danielle Sanders present ed a monologue and sang “FreedomWinnersCalling.”ofthe Mar vtastic Talent Show were: First Place: Danielle Sand ers; Second Place: Joel Hurt; Third Place Tie: PG13 and Tuffcrowd. With the flair that all the performers exhibited, look to see many of these young people in future productions as they con tinue to develop their natu ral talent. David Winship is a retired educator who con tinues to work with youth in music and education in Bristol, Tennessee. He is a member of Winston-Salem Writers.
Photo by David Winship All the performers take the stage for the finale of the Youth Talent Showcase at the 2022 NBTF.
that captivate a audiencefamily-friendlyatNBTF
Youth showcase their talent at the National Black Theatre Festival
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BY DAVID TellingWINSHIPtalltales, true lies and gollywhoppers, the North Carolina Associ ation of Black Storytellers entertained an audience of young and old at the Sto rytelling Festival, part of the National Black Theatre Festival (NBTF), on Fri day morning, Aug. 5, at the Benton Center. Arrayed on stage were 12 storytellers attired in both traditional African and American dress, to deliver a variety of stories. Conveying wit and wisdom, these stories included traditional animal tales, true and fictional hu man stories, and retelling of familiar stories. Among the many par ents with their children were Courtney Fisher and her daughter, Augusta, who were on the front row enjoying the various tales. Dual tellers Kevin and Tracy Bell, performing as The Two Bells, engaged the audience with an en counter of Mister Man and Little Boy competing as to who was the champion liar. Sparkle Mosley told an instructional tale show ing how stumbling blocks can be seen as stepping stones. Currie Williams as The Apple Lady, told about Pig, who loved can dies, hiding out in a hol low tree gobbling choco late until he ate so much he couldn’t get out. Additional stories in cluded showing the wis dom that tribal elders can give in the story where an elder granny ant saved her colony from a flood with a song. Also, a tale of an ag gravating kid had the audi ence jumping in surprise, the story aptly named a “jumpPattitale.”Lambe, wearing uniform and cap, began her story with the phrase “Take me out to the ball game,” and the audience responded with an im promptu singing of the fa miliar baseball song. She related a story as Baseball Mom, recalling the years of youngsters learning the game. She told the story of kids playing in the field as a giant sandbox with but terflies and dandelions, where the mechanics of the game were less im portant than the social and play time. She reminded the audience of the im portance of recalling the names and deeds of forgot ten Negro League players, including Satchel Paige and Cool Papa Bell. The Storytelling Festi val closed with a beautiful tribute to Sylvia SprinkleHamlin with the audience repeating her name in a tra ditional call and response, ending with a quote from Sprinkle-Hamlin: “Make the work I’ve done speak for me, when I’m resting in my grave, when nothing else can be said.” The audience of chil dren, parents and grand parents eagerly responded to the gathered tellers and tales, embracing the en couragement that stories are meant to be shared and retold.
For advertising: Foradv@wschronicle.comemailsubscriptions:email CHRONICLE weave tales
The National Youth Talent Showcase, continu ing the tradition begun in 2003, was presented on Friday, Aug. 5, at noon in front of a panel of celebrity judges and an audience of family, fans, and National Black Theatre Festival (NBTF) attendees. With master of cer emony duties shared by brothers Qassim and Kahlil Middleton, the show opened with a swirl ing performance by in terpretive dancers from the Greater Vision Dance Company, outfitted in NBTF purple and black. Competition commenced with Kennedy O’Neil singing “Freedom Call ing.” Jazz dancers of The Pointe performed in black fedoras in a style reflec

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delivered to your mailbox! Special offer for new subscribers and those
Red flags are flying for democracy and democratic values. We need to pay at tention to the threats - and also to signs that we can work together to preserve our Thisfreedoms.summer’s pri mary elections are making it clear that our rights and freedoms are threatened by the rising power of extrem ists within the Republican Party.Consider the Aug. 2 primaries in Arizona. President Joe Biden’s 2020 victory in the state sent many Arizona support ers of former President Donald Trump down a deep hole of lies and con spiracy theories about the election. They engineered a ridiculous “audit” that stirred up election-deniers from across the country but failed to undermine Biden’sResponsiblevictory. Repub licans defended the elec tion and its outcome, but on Aug. 2, they were out voted by Trump’s troops. Mark Finchem, who claims against all evidence that the election was sto len from Trump, won the nomination to be secretary of state.Hehas called for the 2020 election to be decer tified. He wants to get rid of early voting and restrict voting by mail - and give legislators the power to override voters. Finchem, who was at the Capitol on Jan. 6, is a member of the Oath Keepers, the far-right group whose members were involved in planning and leading the assault. A state Republican consultant told The Atlan tic: “I would absolutely expect Finchem to both bend the meaning of laws and throw up roadblocks to the normal election proce dures.”Arizona Republicans have also nominated Blake Masters for the U.S. Sen ate. Masters’ campaign was backed and funded by far-right billionaire Pe ter Thiel, who has openly said he no longer believes in democracy. Masters has blamed gun violence on “Black people.” His cam paign has generated ex citement among the white nationalist crowd that was energized by Trump. The governor’s prima ry is close, but as I wrote this column the day after the election, it appeared that Trump endorsee Kari Lake will win the Repub lican nomination. Lake, an election conspiracy advo cate, calls President Biden “illegitimate” and has said that if she wins, she will in struct the attorney general to seize all voting equip ment in the state. Arizona is also home to politicians who openly em brace white nationalists, including Rep. Paul Gosar and state Sen. Wendy Rog ers, who both won their primaries. Other extremists have picked up Republican nominations this sum mer, including election conspiracy theorist Doug Mastriano, who has cam paigned with QAnon activ ists in his bid for governor of Pennsylvania; Trumpist election denier Dan Cox for governor of Maryland; Confederate sympathizer Michael Peroutka for attor ney general of Maryland, who has said laws passed by the state legislature are illegitimate because in his eyes, legislators broke God’s law by embracing marriage equality; and Big Lie promoter Kristina Kar amo for secretary of state in Michigan.Thelistgoes on - too many to name in a single column.This is bad news. In a political system dominated by two political parties, it is dangerous to have one party taken over by the kind of Court’spoints.erendumrejectedspotgavestandingcourageousWewinningourfueledthepleitarianism-embracingvoter-suppressing,truth-rejecting,authorpeowhoarestilldrivenbysameliesandragethattheJan.6attackoncountry.ButTrumpistsaren’talltheirraces.haveseenexamplesofRepublicansuptotheTrumpmob.AndvotersinKansasusanotherbigbrightonAug.2,whentheyananti-choicerefbymorethan20AftertheSupremehard-rightmajorityoverturnedRoev.Wade,
Our Mission The Chronicle is dedicated to serving the residents of Winston-Salem and Forsyth Coun ty by giving voice to the voiceless, speaking truth to power, standing for integrity and encouraging open communication and lively debate throughout the community Managing Editor Associate Editor Sports Editor/Religion Senior AdvertisingReporterManager Office Manager Graphic Designer James Taylor Jr. Publisher Bridget Elam Judie
anti-choice legislators have rushed to pass more extreme anti-abortion bills targeting health care work ers and even friends and family who help someone needing abortion care. Those bills represent the wishes of powerful reli gious-right groups that have a lot of influence in the Republican Party, but they don’t represent the public, which overwhelm ingly supports access to abortion.Given a choice about whether to strip abortionrights protections out of the state constitution and give legislators a green light to pass a ban, Kan sas voters overwhelmingly votedThatno. victory for pri vacy, freedom, and bodily autonomy was driven by huge voter turnout and the organizers who worked to achieve it. It is a promising sign that many Americans can be motivated to vote this year by the Supreme Court’s harmful embrace of a restrictive and regres sive social agenda. Let’s make it so. Ben Jealous serves as president of People For the American Way and Profes sor of the Practice at the University of Pennsylva nia. A New York Times best-selling author, his next book, “Never Forget Our People Were Always Free,” will be published by Harper Collins in Decem ber 2022.
Day August 15 National Relaxation Day August 15
Your Feedback Submit letters and guest columns to letters@ before 5 p.m. Friday for the next week’s publication date. Letters intended for publication should be addressed “Letters to the Editor” and include your name, address, phone number and email address. Please keep letters to 350 words or less. If you are writing a guest column, please include a photo of yourself, your name, address, phone number and email address. Please keep guest columns to 550 words or less. Letters and columns can also be mailed or dropped off at W-S Chronicle, 1300 E. Fifth St., W-S, NC, 27101; or sent via our website: www.wschronicle. com.We reserve the right to edit any item submitted for clarity or brevity and determine when and whether material will be used. We welcome your comments at our website. Also, go to our Facebook page to comment. We are at
BY STACY M. BROWN NNPAInNEWSWIREthepast,it hasn’t always been clear when a reces sion loomed, let alone when it has already begun. However, the silver lining now is that, unlike in pre vious downturns, the Federal Reserve and the U.S. gov ernment have already taken action by making critical adjustments to fiscal and monetary policies to regulate economic activity. “The United States currently has certain interim policies and tools, such as automatic stabilizers like the Earned Income Tax Credit and unemployment insur ance that are automatically triggered to inject funds into the economy and don’t require any government action to take hold in the event of a downturn,” said Mila Gar cia, a finance expert, and the founder of iPaydayLoans. “And while such programs have proven effective, they should have an even stronger effect with congres sional action being taken alongside them. So, if a down turn does hit, we can at least expect to be less vulnerable to economic troubles than before,” Garcia stated. Amid rising inflation and concerns of a looming re cession, many have shared their fears and what Amer ica should learn from the pandemic-induced economic downturn.“Given that Americans are struggling to pay their medical bills, inflation is rising quickly at a pace of 9%, and gas and food prices are at all-time highs, this sub ject is one of the most popular and alarming ones for all Americans,” said Rinor Zejna, a digital public relations specialist. Zejna offered some findings from research regarding bankruptcy in the United States, noting that one in three Americans struggle to pay medical bills and 750,000 file for bankruptcy each year. “Medical debt is the number one cause of bankruptcies,” Zejna offered. “And 58% of Americans live paycheck to paycheck.”
With extremism on the rise in Republican Party, Kansas voters turn out to preserve abortion rights Relaxation
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Home sales and building have dropped substantially over the past year, and consumer confidence has fallen to its lowest point since the pandemic’s beginning. Still, President Joe Biden remains optimistic. “Coming off last year’s historic economic growth and regaining all the private sector jobs lost during the pandemic, it’s no surprise that the economy is slowing down as the Federal Reserve acts to bring down infla tion,” Biden said in a statement. “But even as we face historic global challenges, we are on the right path, and we will come through this transition stronger and more secure,” the President continued. He insisted that the job market remains historically strong, with unemployment at 3.6% and more than 1 million jobs created alone in the second quarter. “My economic plan is focused on bringing inflation down without giving up all the economic gains we have made,” Biden asserted. “Congress has a historic chance to do that by passing the CHIPS and Science Act and Inflation Reduction Act without delay.” Still, corporations have experienced a decline in sales and earnings during recessions and continue to fear what may come. According to reports, the aver age U.S. corporation’s after-tax profit margin is around 16%. In traditional recessions, the rate drops down to singleMeanwhile,digits. those corporations are collectively sit ting on a record level of over $4 trillion in cash. “Companies may have raised these funds during the era of easy money and low-interest rates over the past decade,” Vishesh Raisinghani wrote for Yahoo Finance. “Now, this cash is acting as a buffer and could allow companies to retain staff despite the economic slow down.” Chronicle conveniently who have not
A4 A ugust 11, 2022 t he C hroni C le
Fearing a recession, many express misgivings about a looming downturn
ColumnistJealousBenGuest National

Clearly an official apology is hardly adequate for this egregious wrongone facet of the larger goal of genocide and continenttheft - but it does throw some raw, horrifying light on who “we” are … on the moral values of white, European, a.k.a., colonial, culture, which continues to hold enormous global power. Could the pope’s apology be the starting point of actual learning, troubling awareness and, good God, real change? What was to happen first, of course, is taking a look at the reality in ques tion. The phenomenon of residential schools, which permeated both the United States and Canada, may have had their origins in the early missions the white, Christian conquer ors began building in the 18th century, the point of which was to eradicate In digenous culture and con vert pagans to the true re ligion (and, oh yeah, grab theirByland).themid-19th centu ry, residential schools had become law in the U.S. Indigenous children were taken from their families without permission and, in essence, rebirthed as white people. The schools’ premise was infamously summed up in the words of Captain Richard Henry Pratt, headmaster of the Carlisle School in Penn sylvania:“Agreat general has said that the only good Indian is a dead one. In a sense, I agree with the sentiment, but only in this: that all the Indians there are in the race should be dead. Kill the Indian in him, and save the man.” This was not a plati tude, the evil opposite of “love thy neighbor.” This mandate was taken seri ously. The Indigenous Foundation points out some examples of the raw inhumanity to which the children were subjected, For “Attendanceinstance: to the boarding schools was made mandatory by the U.S. government regard less of whether or not In digenous families gave their consent. Upon ar rival, Native children were given Anglo-American names, bathed in kerosene, given military-style cloth ing in exchange for their traditional clothing, and their hair would be shaved off for the boys and cut into short bob styles for girls.”Let me repeat: bathed in kerosene! An aware ness of the monstrous in humanity being deployed suddenly goes straight up my Andnostrils.there’s more, of course:“Native students were not allowed to speak in their Native languages. They were only allowed to speak English regard less of their fluency and would face punishment if they didn’t. The discipline enforced at these boarding schools was severe … Ad ditionally, Native students were neglected and faced many forms of abuse in cluding physical, sexual, cultural, and spiritual. They were beaten, coerced into performing heavy la bor. Their daily regimen consisted of several hours of marching and … fasten your seatbelts: “ … recre ational time consisted of watching disturbing mov ies such as cowboys and Indians.”And then there’s all those, uh, unmarked graves. The Indigenous Foundation points out that medical attention was scarce and infectious dis eases sometimes ravaged a school and, guess what? Kids died. Lots of them died. And: “Parents were rarely informed of their children’s deaths.” Just sit with that for a moment.The dehumanization present here is virtually total. And it’s the work of government plus religion, opening up a question that, I fear, the pope did not ad dress: Who are we that we could do this? Can we begin answer ing this question? I can’t speak for Canada here, but the United States has spent most of its existence spiri tually encaged by what I might call the “critical race theory mandate.” Don’t look at it, don’t talk about it, don’t acknowledge it. Don’t make yourself (or me) uncomfortable. But, OK, if you insist, sorry about that. Sorry for slav ery as well. Sorry for the looming Armageddon. As Politico noted, re garding the pope’s visit to Canada: “Many he came to comfort say he failed to offer a concrete way for ward. Aside from a vague pledge to conduct a ‘seri ous investigation into the facts of what took place,’ many observers were left wondering what happens next. What concrete ac tions will the pope take to improve the lives of survi vors?”Iwould expand this question. Beyond repara tions, what, oh God, can we learn? Can we sit in a circle with the wound ed survivors and learn from them? It is, after all, the Indigenous cultures of the planet that, among so much else, have begun be queathing to the dominant culture such social sani ties as Restorative Justice: turning our focus from punishment to healing, from separation to whole ness.“All things are inter related,” notes Rupert Ross at the end of his book, ”Returning to the Teachings” (quoting from the book ”The Sacred Tree”). “Everything in the universe is part of a single whole. Everything is con nected in some way to everything else. It is there fore possible to understand something only if we can understand how it is con nected to everything else.” Can we learn this po litically? Can we stop be ing conquerors? Can we surrender power to rever ence?
Beyond the mulish, look to the stars
Surrendering power to reverence
Now more of these schoolrelated issues are appear ing on ballots. We want good schools and great teachers, so we are having to find the nec essary money to pay for them.Women’s rights are at a crossroads in the eyes of many citizens. Equity and parity are being de bated now more than ever, in my opinion. Over the years, women have dis agreed about the choices they make about their bod ies. Abortion is a sensitive topic, yet it is now in the public square for debate and dialogue. In June, the U.S. Supreme Court reversed Roe v. Wade. Justice Samuel Alito writ ing for the majority said, “Roe must be overruled because they were egre giously wrong, the argu ments exceptionally weak and so damaging that they amounted to an abuse of judicial authority.” If you are pro-life, you welcomed this decision. However, there is another side.Justices Stephen Brey er, Sonia Sotomayor and Elena Kagan said, ”That court decision means that young women will come of age with fewer rights than their mothers and grandmothers.” Simi lar sentiments have been voiced by many women. It is clear this issue has al ready become a ballot box issue in some states with more to come. The midterm elections will be held in November. Some critics are already saying that these elections will be the most impor tant in recent memory. As reports indicate, all 435 House seats and 35 of the 100 Senate seats will be on the Asline.citizens, we are ea gerly awaiting this elec tion cycle as we will vote for candidates who align with our righttantWhatperspectives.ismostimporisthatweexerciseourtovote.
Elections are always determined by the issues and concerns of the day. That is how it has always been and that is how it will alwaysLifebe.brings us a myriad of challenges and oppor tunities. How we navigate them is one of the keys to successful living. Many of them become ballot box issues. We look for candidates and orga nizations that share our views. When we do, we will vote for them, or we will use their services. I have voted for a num ber of candidates over the years. Some have won while others have lost. Elections are happen ing all over our country. Candidates are jockeying for position trying to ob tain endorsements and to win votes. Just from where I sit, more people are vot ing now. It could be that they now see the power of their vote. Races are now being won by close mar gins.A while back, a candi date lost a GOP primary in the state of Washington by one vote. Kevin Entze, a police officer who lost by a single vote, later found out that one of his fellow officers had a memory lapse and forgot to mail in his ballot. Entze said, “He left his ballot on his kitch en counter, and it never got sent out.” That was unfor tunate. Entze was probably sick.Communities and schools have become more vocal about their wants and needs. Money for them often comes about by we the citizens going to the polls to vote. Safety is on every body’s priority list. That means voting for addi tional monies to hire more police officers. Statistics show many police officers leaving their positions be cause of a lack of resourc es. Small towns and big cities are suffering from not having enough funds for much needed projects. In some instances, for ex ample, streets need fixing and traffic signals need replacing. Schools remain under-funded and understaffed.Unfortunately, this has become a disturbing trend.
Robert Wound.”ageHeningissyndicated(,KoehlerbyPeaceVoice,aChicagoaward-winjournalistandeditor.istheauthorof“CourGrowsStrongatthe
Nancy Pelosi’s stop over in Taiwan may be brave or foolhardy, but the Chinese reaction so far (lots of live-fire weapons drills close to the island nation, along with acts of cyber-sabotage) suggests how threatened the gov ernment of the Peoples’ Republic of China feels. The New York Times columnist Tom Fried man even suggested that her visit could touch off WW3. It’s a measure of the strangeness of politi cal “face” (we denigrate the Chinese preoccupa tion with “face,” as if our “credibility” did not amount to exactly the same thing) when the diplomatic visit of a lone government official can become the kind of spark that the as sassination of Archduke Ferdinand played in set ting off WW1. But almost any inadvertency could start WW3, because for deterrence to “work” (un til it doesn’t “work” that is) requires hair-trigger preparedness.It’sanoutrage, it’s evil, it’s incredibly stupid, and it ought to be illegal un der international law. Oh, wait a minute, it is illegal under international law. See the Kellogg-Briand pact against war, in force since 1929; the treaty on Nuclear Weapons Prolifer ation (NPT), in force since 1971; and also the United Nations Treaty on the Pro hibition of Nuclear Weap ons (TPNW) in the pro cess of being ratified by a majority of the world’s nations and having the force of international law applicable to all since Jan. 22, Democratic2021. nuclear powers rationalize their weapons as good because their governments are representative, but in real ity, world-ending weapons are all world-ending, not “good” nuclear weapons because they are in the hands of good people or “bad” nuclear weapons be cause they are in the hands of totalitarian dictators. The catastrophe resulting from escalating into even a limited nuclear war would render such a distinction meaningless.Nobody, including both the non-democracies and the democracies, wants war. Meanwhile, the deterrence system remains a holocaust waiting to hap pen that would dwarf the Nazi Holocaust. Nuclear policy consists of mulish refusal of nuclear nations to come together in their own self-interest and move beyond obsolete, unwork able games of chicken. All these smart people inter ested in wielding power seem blind to the reality that it is perfectly feasible technologically to verifi ably, reciprocally reduce nuclear weapons to zero, thereby raising human kind’s chances of survival considerably.Themerciless and pointless invasion of Ukraine and the equally pointless war China threat ens to make on Taiwan (or the second Gulf war for that matter) indicate a pro found sickness in power dynamics - the failure to act upon the truth that we are all in this together on one small planet, and we either are going to destroy everything or learn to get along and save everything. The cries of the hungry and displaced are not cries for trillions of dollars to be spent in endless arms renewal.President Biden is a good, decent public ser vant, but he presides over what Elaine Scarry calls a thermonuclear monarchy, identical to the nuclear monarchies of oligarchdictators like Putin and Xi Jinping.Where is citizen mo bilization around a larger vision of self-interest that would yield servant lead ership at the top? Limit less egocentricity insists that the whole nuclear sys tem continue merely for a few men to preserve their power. In the U.S. this egocentricity manifests, of course, in the phenom enon of Trump, who iden tifies with dictators and wouldn’t mind being one. The misunderstanding of power dynamics on the part of these leaders, the utter failure to see past the short-term to the actual state of the Earth at this moment in the great un folding story of the human experiment, is breathtak ing.Mulishness, even if it is an insult to mules, may be the word to describe this complete misunder standing, this narrowness of focus on remaining in power at all costs, includ ing the casual willingness to use even nuclear threats in defense of that power. When leaders try to main tain a deterrent system which can fail at any mo ment for the flimsiest of reasons, the far, far greater power of nuclear weap ons is going to inevitably come back to bite us all in our collective butts with its poisonous fangs. When it comes to the environment, the reality of our oneness as a species has begun to penetrate, but not nearly far enough into the collective soul to make the necessary differ ence. The ecophilosopher Thomas Berry asserts that this moment on the planet, the radical degradation of our oceans, our air, our soil, along with the rapid extinction of thousands of species of birds and in sects and other forms of life, represents the end of the 65 million year period of the Cenozoic, which be gan with the demise of the dinosaurs.Ourenergy as a species must now be focused upon bringing the whole Earth community together into a new moment of creative collaboration, which Berry has called the Ecozoic. That task far transcends the obsolete power dy namics, based in fear, hate and helplessness, that en ergizes not only the lead ers of too many nations but too many of their follow ers as Ultimately,well. nuclear weapons and environmen tal disaster represent an identical misunderstand ing of our interdepen dence with each other and the Webiosystem.are,as Berry says, at the end of an old, un workable story. The new story, whatever form it may take, involves the harnessing of our creative energies in the context of forces infinitely larger and more mysterious than the political ego. As one example of what might encourage us to move safely into the future, we need look no further than the Webb tele scope - to the cooperative spirit displayed by scien tists from 14 nations who realized the project. Even more importantly, let us look to the vision the Webb reveals of our place among hundreds of billions of gal axies. We humans are an integral part of 13.85 bil lion years of creativity. We are the universe looking at itself in wonder. That wonder has the potential to dissolve our obstinate mu lishness, re-energizing our politics, our economics, our religious convictions, and our understanding of self-interest. Winslow Myers, syn dicated by PeaceVoice, author of “Living Beyond War: A Citizen’s Guide,” serves on the Advisory Board of the War Preven tive Initiative. “I humbly beg forgive ness for the evil commit ted by so many Christians against the Indigenous Peoples.”Sosaid Pope Francis last week, at a powwow in Alberta, at the start of his “apology tour” across Canada - for the participa tion of the Catholic Church in the multi-century horror of Native American “resi dential schools” on this continent, which more ac curately might be called concentration camps for six-year-olds.Thispapal megaapology, while cheered by some, has been widely criticized as little more than a wimpy shouldershrug - sorry about that - for a theiringtheirdigenouscentury,lastingchurch-complicitgovernmental,policy,wellintothe20thofsnatchingInchildrenfromfamiliesandsqueeztheirculture,ifnotlife,outofthem.
T he C hroni C le A ugus T 11, 2022 A5 FORUM
Social issues may be tipping points in determining upcoming elections
James B. Ewers Jr., Ed.D., is a former tennis champion at Atkins High School in Winston-Salem and played college ten nis at Johnson C. Smith University, where he was all-conference for four years. He is a retired col lege administrator. He can be reached at Dr. James B. Ewers ColumnistGuestJr.

In 2003, according to Micha James, she expe rienced an unthinkable tragedy that would silence most women, “I was hand cuffed and raped with a knife put to my throat. I went to the police to dis cuss what happened, but I had washed off the DNA evidence, so it was my word against his,” said Mi cha. She added, “He law yered up and denied his actions, which left me to deal with the emotional re percussions. That was one of the most disheartening parts of my life.”
Micha said the effects of being violated can last a lifetime. “I’m in therapy to deal with the negative emotions from that experi ence, among other things.”
Submitted photo Micha James, blogger, vlogger, and trauma resilience trainer, with her son. See Vlog on A8
After living through something as terrifying and violating as rape, Mi cha’s drive to take control of her life is something to be admired. “I’ve learned to not be afraid to say what others in the room may be thinking. I know what it feels like to not be heard, so I unapologetically and fearlessly use my voice. That doesn’t mean I don’t get hurt or feel isolated, but I know the purpose of what I’m saying and why I’m saying it,’’ she said. James turned her pain into a passion to help oth ers navigate as parents, employees and life as Black people. In 2019, she started a blog called Mi “I used to chronicle on Facebook about my parenting and work experiences and my life in general. People would encourage me to write on a different plat form, but I didn’t think anyone would want to read what I had to say.” It was the feedback from her followers and be ing fired from a ghostwrit ing position that gave her the ammunition to take her Facebook chronicles on the road. “After writing a parenting chronicle about a situation with my son, someone messaged me to thank me for my transpar ency and shared they were experiencing something similar. I asked my son for permission to share any thing about him because social media can be vola tile. What I see as innocent can become embarrassing or a space for bullying af ter his peers read it, so I al ways make sure he’s com fortable with what I share. He approved, so I launched the blog,” said Micha. In 2020, Kellie Easton, who is the executive di rector of Action4Equity in Winston-Salem, of fered Micha an opportu Micha James uses her Vlog as a space to give the Black community a voice

*NCDOT Deputy Sec retary Ebony Pittman will keynote the event lun cheon on Thursday, Au gust*Dr.11th. James Johnson, Jr., William R. Kenan Jr. Distinguished Professor of Strategy and Entrepre neurship and Director, Urban Investment Strate gies Center, UNC Kenan Flagler Business School, will deliver remarks on the State of Diverse North Carolina on Thursday morning, August 11th.
*Natalie Madeira Co field, US Small Business Administration Assistant Administrator, will key note the Friday, August 12 luncheon. An awards ceremony will be held on Friday evening that highlights the amazing work and leadership of individuals throughout the diversity, equity, and inclusion at mosphere. The Executive Net working Conference started in the mid-1980s as a means of building relationships and market opportunities for minor ity business executives. Over the years it evolved into the state’s premier professional development and networking event, convening established and aspiring minority and women-owned business es, corporate executives, public- 3 sector decisionmakers, community lead ers, business lenders, eq uity investors, and other stakeholders engaged in advancing a diverse econ omy. Health and safety con tinue to be a top priority for the Institute and the Pinehurst Resort. Those who join in person will receive a mask in their registration packet and are asked to follow hotel and state guidelines at a mini mum.Members of the me dia who would like to attend any of the confer ence events should contact Jenine Stevenson, Proj ect Coordinator, at 919956-2323 or jstevenson@
A complete agenda and list of speakers can be found at
T he C hroni C le A ugus T 11, 2022 A7
*Sandra Norman, Division Administrator for Civil Rights with the Virginia Department of Transportation, will mod erate “You Heard It Here First: A Conversation with Prime Contractors” on Fri day, August 12.
SUBMITTEDDURHAMARTICLE–The Na tional Institute of Minority Economic Development (the Institute) has con firmed awardees and a full agenda for its Executive Networking Conference (ENC) to be held August 11– 13 at the Pinehurst Resort in Pinehurst, North Carolina. With a confer ence theme of Power For ward: Pivoting Towards Resiliency, the conference will mark the Institute’s expansion as a national leader in minority eco nomic development strate gies and best practices. In a March 2022 pod cast, Kevin J. Price, Presi dent and CEO, encour ages minority and women business owners to not only come to ENC to meet corporate procurement professionals and elected officials, but to take time to collaborate and network with each other. “I always encourage business own ers when they come to not just focus on the cor porations that are there, but other business owners that are there as well and how can we do business with each other; how can we collaborate and joint venture to be a bigger re sponse to the corporations that need services.”
I Got This!
*NC Secretary of State Elaine Marshall will kick off the activities with opening remarks on Thursday, August 11.
The Institute announces speakers, awardees for hallmark executive networking conference (ENC) WOMEN- AND MINORITY-OWNED BUSINESSES SCAN TO REGISTER or contact the NCDOT Business Opportunity and Workforce Development Office at 984-236-1234 or AUGUST 17, 2022 | 1–3 P.M. 5938 Julian Airport Road Liberty, NC 27298 Join NCDOT, Toyota and Ames Construction to discuss contracting opportunities available during construction of Toyota’s first hybrid battery manufacturing plant in North Carolina. Toyota Battery Plant Project— Small Business Incubator Launch Creating OpportunitiesContractingTogether Contracting opportunities and bid packages are available now!
COVID is unpredictable. I need to protect myself, my family, friends, and my community. So, I got my booster for extra protection against COVID’s worst outcomes and for powerful peace of mind. Paid for by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. Find COVID boosters near you at

A8 A ugust 11, 2022 t he C hroni C le Tickets on Sale facetoface.wfu.eduNow september 14 at 7 p.m. PRESIDENT GEORGE W. BUSH WITH JON MEACHAM Presented by LJVM Coliseum We are preparing for our annual back to school event, local community leaders are coming together to encourage the children in our community as they return to school. We want all students to have the necessary supplies and essentials as they return to school. We will be providing backpacks and school supplies and project rebuild basic need items food and more. Come join us in the fun, there will be life-size games, bounce house, and a special appearance by Paw Patrol and more! FREE KONA ICE (KIDS ONLY) FREE BACKPACKS & SCHOOL SUPPLIES FREE BASIC NEED ITEMS FREE FOOD FREE FUN & GAMES 1713 N. LIBERTY STREET WINSTON SALEM,NC 27101 336-920-0409 YOUR COMMUNITY LEADERS COMING TOGETHER WITH ONE MISSION! NEIGHBORHOODSHANDSGREENLIGHTREBUILD.ORG Visit our website for more ways to help! SUBMITTEDATLANTA,ARTICLEGa, –chromatic black™ launch es season two of the Ida B. Wells Fund and calls for entries in short filmmak ing and two new catego ries – visual arts and cre ative placemaking. This season the fund expands to offer awards ranging from $1,000 to $25,000, total ing nearly $200,000 for BlackTheartists.IdaB. Wells Fund competition is open to unique storytellers with fresh perspectives, mul tifaceted characters and unpredictable arcs. The fund partners with artistactivists across a spectrum of creative disciplines and this year is being directed under the new curatorial leadership of chromatic black’s artistic director, Jessica Green. “We are equity archi tects. We are building cul tural power by partnering with dope artists, creative teams and communities. For impact investors, we tie up the messy mid dle, connecting folks to the next wave of Black smarts, creativity, vision, grit, and determination,” says Angela Harmon, Em my-nominated storyteller, filmmaker, and co-founder and creative director of chromatic black. “We are thrilled to have Artistic Di rector Jessica Green at the helm of this Ida B. Wells season to curate a dynamic slate of powerful stories.”
Creative Place making Fund will support four creative placemak ers at $25,000 (a total of $100,000). Creative place making applications open on Oct. 1. The deadline for submission is Dec. 1. Win ners will be announced on Feb. 14, 2023. The Fund will invest in projects that critique dom inant social and historical narratives and embody artistic attributes: commit ment, communal meaning, disruption, cultural integ rity, emotional experience, risk-taking, coherence, openness, stickiness, and resourcefulness. Award re cipients will be chosen by an interdisciplinary panel composed of expert cura tors, filmmakers, produc ers, other arts profession als, scholars and winners from last year in a thor ough, multi-step review process.Inaddition, the 2022 Ida B. Wells Fund will ex pand to visual arts and cre ative placemaking. “Not only are artists producers of aesthetic objects and creators of experiences, they help to make places healthier, more equitable, and sustainable,” says Artistic Director Jessica Green. “The expansion of the fund to include cre ative placemaking is an acknowledgment of cre ativity as a radical act of resistance."Black placemaking is a reclamation of space rooted in remembrance. The fund acknowledges this praxis of remem brance, reclamation, and renewal as a creative act of resistance, and will partner with cultural bearers forti fying our participation in the public Winnerscommons.oflastyear’s film fund at $10,000 each included Lamard W CherAime’s “Captain Zero: The Animated Series” which speaks to the importance of mental health awareness in the Black communities, and Christine Swanson’s “Sunflower: The Fannie Lou Hamer Story” staring Academy Award nominee Aunjanue Ellis. “Ida B. Wells Fund enables filmmakers to take disruptive risks with new original works,” says Aunjanue Ellis, Os car nominee, actress, and writer.Visit Ida B Wells Fund to apply and for additional updates.
Application deadlines and grant awards: *The Short Film Fund applications will support five Black filmmakers with $15,000 each (a to tal of $75.000). Deadline for submission is Aug. 27, 2022. Short Film winners will be announced on Sept. 23, *The2022. Visual Art Fund will support 12 visual art ists at $1000 each (a total of $12,000). Visual arts applications launched on Aug. 1, 2022. Deadline for submission is Aug. 31, 2022. Visual arts winners will be announced on Sept. 23, *The2022.
chromatic black™ launches Ida B. Wells Fund providing nearly $200K in grants to Black filmmakers, visual artists and creative placemakers nity she couldn’t refuse. She’s now the voice and face of the Our Kijiji Vlog, where Kijiji means “vil lage” in Swahili. The Vlog is under the Action4Eq uity umbrella and Micha doesn’t take that lightly. “When Kellie asked me to do this, it felt great, but it also made me a bit nervous because I know how much of a powerhouse she is when it comes to all things Black and how impactful Action4Equity is to this community. I took on the challenge because, after feeling silenced in 2003, I was determined to speak up for those who feel like they don’t have a voice,” saidOnMicha.theVlog, the moth er of one encourages her 18-year-old son and his friends to be honest as they build trusting and loving relationships. “I recently talked to them about the importance of young men their age advocating for anyone who has been vio lated. He saying, ‘snitches get stitches.’ No! Speak up for people,’’ shared a very passionate Micha. Her ul timate goal “is to help the Black community be our best as it relates to socialemotional health and trauma resilience. All of that is being infused into the work I’m doing on the VlogInplatform.”additionto her many hats, Micha is a trauma resilience trainer through the Center for Trauma Resilient Communities. “We learn about traumainformed care. It’s almost like CPR, but for trauma.” Micha shared some info that most parents rarely know. “Students in the district are to learn 100 sight words by the end of their kindergarten year. I recently learned none of those include feeling words. There is a Feelings Wheel that lists several feeling words, but many of us can only name 10 to 15. We know how we feel after experiencing trauma, but most don’t know how to articulate what we’re feeling. That’s why feeling words, social-emotional learning, and trauma-in formed care are so impor tant,” said Micha. She add ed that these practices will not only help the Black community recognize and communicate their trau matic experiences, but will also push us to get help for them so that the gen erations to come will have much lower numbers of adverse childhood experi encesThe(ACEs).word is spread ing quickly about the Our Kijiji Vlog and the amaz ing work Micha is doing. “I’m receiving invitations to partner with others to facilitate this work and it makes me feel good be cause that means my part ners believe others can benefit from the transpar ency and authenticity of my Michavoice.” shared the im pact of having a website that gives the Black com munity access to Blackowned resources. “As I’m interviewing guests who have businesses or resources relevant to our community, I send a re quest to get them added to the site. I want Black peo ple to know the Vlog is a space for us. All of us. All generations to discuss all topics because I know I’m not the only parent who has a son walking around in 95-degree weather with a hoodie on,” joked Micha. She said this world can be so isolating for Black people, so we need a space that is “for us, by us, to help us be our BEST us!” My phenomenal Per son of the Week is Micha James. For more info, visit or @ ourkijiji on Instagram.
Vlog From page A6

THURSDAY, August 11, 2022Also Religion, Community News, and Classifieds
Honorable Mention: W. Forsyth, North ern Guilford, Oak Grove, N. Forsyth, Carver Friday Night Fowler’s Preseason Top 15 for the Triad
Brown always has high expectations for his team. He feels this year’s team has the talent to compete on a high level. “We are going to come out and compete every game,” he said. “We feel like we have a really good team. We got a senior quar terback, Semaj ReavesSmith. When you got that guy on your team, he can make things happen. He’s a hard worker, he’s a war rior on the field, and he is going to give you every thing he’s got and that rubs off on the other players on the “We’veteam. got some dy namic dudes on the offen sive side and I feel like I have a really strong de fense this year.”
Based upon the re ports that I have read, neither Mayfield nor Darnold have really sepa rated themselves from the other based on their per formance thus far during training camp, although Mayfield has performed slightly better. Both guys have made some ill-ad vised throws, along with turning the ball over by throwing interceptions. All I can do is won der why Mayfield has not taken advantage of this situation that was tailor made for him to walk into. Darnold has done nothing over his four-year career that would have given him the advantage over Mayfield. Even though Darnold started 11 games for the Panthers last sea son, it was very under whelming, only throwing for 2,527 yards with nine touchdowns and 13 inter ceptions.Before Darnold put on a Panthers jersey, he underperformed for the New York Jets for three seasons after being taken third overall in the 2018 NFL draft. Many thought a change of scenery out of the limelight of New York is just what Dar nold needed to unlock his full potential. The injury to Christian McCaffrey didn’t help his case, but Darnold definitely didn’t do enough on the field to warrant starting this sea son, which is why I felt it was a foregone conclu sion that Mayfield would take over. Mayfield was taken first overall in that same 2018 draft. Unlike Dar See Panthers on B2 BY TIMOTHY RAMSEY THETheCHRONICLEMt.Tabor
Still an forcompetitionopenPanthersQB1spot
The Spartans lost some dynamic players from last year’s team, but Brown feels he has some play makers and guys in the trenches that can come in and fill those roles “On offense we lost Noah Marshall and Lance Patterson, but with the Pe terkin brothers, we really don’t miss a beat… both of those guys are dynamic,” Brown said about losing some of his senior leaders. “Jamarien Peterkin, which they call him JP, he’s com ing back off of 1,000 yards from last “Betweenyear. him and Samaj, when Lance went down, he became our number one target, so that was a great experience for him. And his brother Snook Peterkin - his name is Shamarius, but they call him Snook - he’s dynamic. He’s got offers as a fresh man and to me, he’s one of the best players in the state. This guy can really get it “Offensivedone. line, we got a three-year starter coming back, two time all confer ence Austin Pittman. He is going to anchor our of fensive line and we are 300 lbs. across the board.” Brown stated that Mt. Tabor has always relied on their defense to win games and this year is no differ ent. He says they have a really strong defensive line with players like Deity Diablo, who Brown called a ‘specimen,’ and looks for him to make big plays on the defensive line, along with playmakers Chris At kins, D’Ivory Puryear and KevinTheFrazier.standards at Mt. Tabor are high every sea son, so Brown knows four wins is not good enough. He says even though they had a down season, the Spartans will still get every opponent’s full attention when they play them. “We are Mt. Tabor, re gardless of what our record was last year,” Brown said. “We were in every game going into the fourth quar ter. The difference between last year and this year is we have more depth. We cre ated depth throughout the summer and the spring. “Last year, we had a lot of guys going both ways and in a 4A-heavy con ference, those guys don’t go both ways, so we kind of got worn down in the fourth quarter. We really worked on that to create depth and we are going to be ready to go. And no body sleeps on Mt. Tabor, we are going to get their best shot every time.” The Spartans will kick off the season with a clash against Richmond County. The Spartans fell to the Raiders in a high scoring affair in last season’s open er 56-41. Brown is from that area so that gives him a chance to return home to play in front of family and friends.“Iam from Richmond County – that was one of those games I wanted to go back and play in front of my aunts, my uncles and my father. I still have a lot of family down there and they get a chance to kind of meet my team. “Last year, it was a high scoring game. We had our opportunities to tie the game up and possi bly win that game, but the ball didn’t bounce our way. This year, we are feeling good going down there. We know it’s going to be hostile territory, but we feel like we got an expe rienced enough team that went through it last year and we are going down there to make some noise.” For Brown and the Spartans’ coaching staff, the growth of his players is paramount. Wins are great; however, the growth of his team and the progression of his players is more im portant to him. “It’s not a win/loss thing,” he said. “I know we started off one season one and four and ended up winning 10 straight games, so it’s all about becom ing a team and loving one another. I got a thing that I always say here at Mt. Tabor about the three As: being all in, all together, in all three phases. As long as we come together as one, we are going to be fine.” Brown started his coaching career as a JV of fensive line coach back in 2004 and has risen through the ranks to become a head coach, so he has paid his dues. He is also one of the most respected coaches in the Triad area and says he tries to treat everyone with respect and has never lost touch with his roots, which keeps him humble.
12. Eastern Randolph 13. Cummings 14.15.StarmountReagan
1. Cardinal Gibbons 2. Shelby Scotland County 8. Butler 9. Mallard Creek 10. Richmond County 11. Weddington 12. Charlotte Catholic 13. Kings Mountain 14. Havelock 15. Wallace Rose-Hill
I am not sure if Pan thers head coach Matt Rhule is just posturing to keep opposing teams guessing, but he says he won’t make a “major de cision” about any position battles, including quar terback, until after the Aug. 19 preseason game against the New England Patriots.Forme, that is a to tal surprise because after trading for former Cleve land Browns’ quarterback Baker Mayfield, I felt he was going to be the obvi ous week-1 starter, espe cially based on how Sam Darnold performed last season.“I’m not putting a timetable on the quarter back position until after we get back from the Pa triots week,” said Rhule after Saturday’s scrim mage. “The Patriots week is a true litmus test for us. That will really show us where guys are.”
Top 15 for the State of North Carolina JamaalFowler 1. Dudley 2. E. Forsyth 3. Reidsville 4. Grimsley 5. E. Surry 6. Mt. Airy 7. Eastern Alamance 8. Salisbury 9.10.ThomasvilleMt.Tabor11.Glenn
Spar tans had a down year last season based on their usual standards, going 4-5 over all. Spartan head coach Tiesuan Brown was not pleased with the win/loss record but was happy with the development of several players and is very opti mistic about the Spartans bouncing back this year. The Spartans moved from 3A to 4A last season and the step up to another level of competition was apparent. The young men were able to put in a lot of work this offseason in preparation for the year. “Everything went well … we just needed to get in the weight room,” said Brown about the offsea son. “Moving from 3A to 4A was a jump for us and we didn’t have a real off season going into it, so just to get them guys back in the weight room, building that comradery, that team instead of me complex, and the weight room does that. It gives kids confi dence.“We had a great offsea son. We got a couple new pieces, but we got a lot of old faces that got a lot of experience last year and we are ready to roll.” The Spartans won the state championship during the spring adjusted season in 2021, so to only win four games last season was not what Brown and the staff were hoping for. “I was extremely dis appointed,” said Brown about last season. “I coach this game to win. I don’t coach to be mediocre, but we had a lot of unfortunate things that happened to us throughout the season and it was just a little bit too much for us to bounce back after having that 11-game run in the spring and hav ing that quick turnaround. We had some unfortunate things that happened to us at the school, so it was a lot to bounce back from.”
Honorable Mention: Seventy-First, New Bern, South Point, Wake Forest, Maiden Friday Night Fowler’s
Spartans look to rebound from down season

Angelou and Bearden: Forty Years Later August 16 · 5:30 p.m. · Free Reynolda House Museum of American Art
B2 A ugust 11, 2022 Now on Display
Panthers From page B1 2ND ANNUAL FUN RUN & 5K 8:00 AM / 8:30 AM Join Us For An End-Of-Summer Celebration! Saturday, August 27 5:30 PM – 9:00 PM Winston-Salem Fairgrounds Donations www.crisiscontrol.orgEncouraged FACEBOOK.COM/SHMEDFEST
In this collaborative program with Special Collections and Archives of Wake Forest University and Delta Arts Center, Reynolda will screen the 1982 recording of Romare Bearden and Maya Angelou’s conversation about what it meant to be a Black artist. A panel discussion about the enduring impact of Black artists will follow the film.
This exhibition has been made possible in part by the Winston-Salem (NC) Chapter of the Links, Incorporated and the National Endowment for the Humanities. nold, Mayfield has en joyed some success on the football field as he has taken his team to the play offs and has won a play off game. Mayfield had a down season last year due to injuries, but I felt he would return to form with a healthyAnotheroffseason.reason I thought Mayfield would be successful in Carolina was that he wouldn’t have to worry about looking over his shoulder as he would pretty much be guaran teed a starting position. The fact that he has not solidified his spot as QB1 has me wondering how the coaches are viewing the competition between the twoApparently,quarterbacks. Mayfield and Darnold have been splitting first team reps with the team. I think we all know that Darnold is not the answer as the starter, so I am confused as to why Rhule would have both guys splitting reps with the starting offense. We have seen what Dar nold has to offer, so why not let Mayfield soak up all the reps in order to have a better rhythm with the startingAccordingunit? to sources around the team, Mayfield has outplayed Darnold so far. He still has some adjusting to do to have a better chemistry, not only with his teammates, but also with the coaching staff.“Coming off three of his best practices, May field had a steady day throwing to a mix of first and second team targets,” said Ellis Williams of the Charlotte Observer. “The team did not practice with much tempo. There were no two-minute drills or nohuddle situations. So far during camp, Mayfield has played noticeably better when the reps reflect game situations.”Iamnot saying that I know football better than Matt Rhule because I know I don’t. However, if I am trying to get the best out of Mayfield, I would want him to take all the snaps during camp. Rhule has stated exactly what he is looking for in a starter and it seems that Mayfield is closer to that standard than“WeDarnold.tryto look at it straight across the board over time. It comes down to who can function within the scheme and has a great scheme mastery, who has production, who leads the team, who takes care of the football, and then who manages the situations. Great quarterbacks show up in the red zone. They show up in two-minute. They show up on third down. So we’re going to look at that over a long time and see, but those are the areas we’re looking frey, D.J. Moore and Rob bie Anderson at their best, the season could be a good one for Carolina. Everyone is expecting them to be a bottom-of-the-barrel team anyway, so they could shock a lot of teams with some good play by May field at the quarterback position. I for one think he has the tools and the moti vation to do so. I am not sure why so many people have writ ten Mayfield off as though he isn’t an above average starter in this league. I don’t think he is one of the upper echelon guys at the position, but I think he is definitely good enough to be the reason a team wins games and is not just a gameThismanager.yearcould poten tially be a lot better than people think for the Pan thers.
This exhibition examines the lives of the Black women and men who helped shape Reynolda as it evolved from a Jim Crow era working estate into an American art museum. Through art, letters, photographs, and audiovisual recordings, Still I Rise: The Black Experience at Reynolda examines Reynolda’s complicated past in a space designed for reflection and healing.
This program has been made possible in part by the National Endowment for the Humanities: Democracy demands wisdom.
Flora Pledger and Lillie Hamlin in Five Row, circa 1930

Submitted photo
First Waughtown Baptist Church (FWBC) conducted its annual Bible Boot Camp July 21-23. See Lord on B6
First Waughtown conducts Bible Boot Camp
Amina Black DeMarcus King, Jr. Nigel McClanahan Ciara Nelums Eden Truesdale Third Place - Tune Quad - $8 Chick-fil-A gift cards
Each SundaySundayservice Transformation Ministries will have service every Sunday at 10 a.m. We are located at 4880 Burnette Drive. Masks are required.
Aug. Church20 community day Greater St. Matthew Baptist Church, 149 Wheeler Street, will host its Annual Community Day Saturday, August 20, from 10 a.m. – 2 p.m. This event is free and open to the public. There will be free school supplies, the fire department, free food, health department screen ings and more. How to submit items to the Religion calendar: The deadline is Sunday at 11:59 p.m. to have all calendar items submitted for that week’s paper. Send your calendar items to You can also drop them off, Monday through Friday before 5 p.m., or mail your items to Winston-Salem Chronicle, 1300 E. Fifth St., Winston-Salem, N.C. 27101; or send them via our website,
Aug. 14 First Waughtown Baptist Church (FWBC) Dr. Dennis W. Bishop, Senior Pastor of First Waugh town Baptist Church (FWBC), will continue the series, Characteristics of the Holy Spirit, with a message on how the Holy Spirit reveals even the deep things of God to us today (reference scripture 1 Corinthians 2). Front doors will open at 9:15 a.m. for screening, devo tion, and announcements prior to the 10 a.m. service. Completed waiver forms and masks that cover the nose and mouth are required. The form can be submitted electronically on the FWBC website – www.firstwaugh -- click on RE-ENTRY 2022, and printed cop ies are available in the lobby. Other in-person protocols and information about 6 p.m. virtual Sunday School are accessible via the FWBC homepage RE-ENTRY link. Persons who prefer to worship virtually can find the service on YouTube, (First Waughtown); Facebook, FirstWaughtown/; and the First Waughtown website, (NOTE: Services are posted on a one-week delay.)
See City on B6 BY BRUCE UniversityBOYERof Con necticut women’s basket ball star, Paige Bueckers, was looking forward to the upcoming basketball sea son. She entered college as the top women’s high school player in the United States. Her freshman year of college was sensational, confirming her immense talent. She was the first freshman to win the col legiate Player of the Year award, among her nine in dividual awards that year. Paige was an excellent team player, adept passer and scorer. She incurred a knee injury early in her sophomore year, requiring her to sit out most of the season and limiting play ing time when she was able to play. She worked very hard to recover and prepare for her junior sea son, but a torn ACL this past week means she will sit out the entire season. You would think that she would be bitter over her continued misfortune. Did she blame God or say “woe is Listenme?”towhat she had to say, just days after her injury.Bueckers professed that she is “leaning on her faith to move forward.” That statement got my at tention. How frequently do world-class athletes talk about faith during difficult times? “It’s so, so crazy because you work so hard to get back healthy, you feel stronger than ever, and you are playing your best basketball, and with one sudden movement it Drawing strength from the Lord Submitted photo Paige Bueckers
T he C hroni C le A ugus T 11, 2022 B3
A New City
Background: The Bible uses numbers as an es sential key to understanding God’s Word and its design through the meaning of Biblical numbers. Each number has a particular symbolism attached to it by God. The number seven is used 735 times in the Bible, 54 times in Revelation. The number 12 is found 187 times and 22 are in Revelation. Both seven and 12 represent perfec tion. Seven represents a sense of fullness or complete ness. Twelve symbolizes God’s power and authority and serves as a perfect governmental foundation. The first 20 chapters of Revelation deal with the number seven; seven messages to churches, seven seals, seven trumpets, seven bowls, seven messages of judgment and seven visions. They bring us to the 12: 12 angels, 12 gates, 12 tribes, 12 apostles and 12 foundations. The sevens in heaven seem to be preparing for the twelves for the new heaven and new earth.
Scriptures: Revelation 21:9-21 By the end of this lesson, we will: *Explore the possibility of living in a new place; *Imagine the richness and serenity of living in New Jerusalem;*Celebrate God’s provision of a new city for believ ers throughout eternity.
3rd Friday of each month Women’s fellowship The Antioch Baptist Church (ABC) Women, 5061 Lansing Dr., cordially invites all women to join us the third Friday of each month at 7 p.m. for conversation as we share and embrace each other in these challenging times. Join us via conference call. Dial in: 267-807-9601 Access Code:189545592#. Rev. Frederick L. Barnes, Jr. is the senior pastor. For more information, call 336-9923751.
First Waughtown Baptist Church (FWBC) conducted its annual Bible Boot Camp July 21-23 with 19 camp ers ages 4-13 in attendance at the church at 838 Moravia Street. This year’s theme was I Live, I Move, I Breathe, based on Acts 17:22-31. The three-tier curriculum focused on Christ, culture, and community. Activities included Bible classes, crafts, travel to Greensboro, a community service project, and the closing awards ceremony. Each day included break fast, lunch, and snacks. Day one of boot camp was devoted to Bible study of “Who is God?” to show the youth how God is involved in their daily lives so they can decide to have a relation ship with Him - to know God (salvation) and make Him known (service). Interactive presentations kept the camp ers alert and involved in the lessons. Team exercises al lowed the participants to show what they learned in fierce but friendly competition. The group boarded two vans and traveled to Greens boro on Friday to visit the International Civil Rights Cen ter and Museum and The Historic Magnolia House, once listed on The Green Book of places Black celebrities and other travelers could stay during the Jim Crow era. After tours of both facilities and lunch at the Magnolia House, the group ended the excursion with physical fun at Triad Park in Kernersville before returning to the church. Saturday, the final day of camp, was particularly busy as the campers decorated and helped stuff 200 lunch bags as part of a community service project. One hundred lunch bags containing sandwiches, sweets, treats, and tracts were given to the Bethesda Center for distribution, 40 were given to persons on the FWBC weekly Wednes day meal list, and the remaining 60 were enjoyed by campers and family members at the close-out celebration where all campers received certificates based on years of participation and gift cards based on team competition. All first-year campers also received personal Bibles.
The following awards were presented: Participants by Rank SGT (6th Year): Syncere Blackwell, Jocelyn Hayes CPL (5th Year): L Zedikkyah Mims PFC (3rd Year): Celiah Cager, DeMarcus King, Jr. Pvt2 (2nd Year): Brian-Austin Cager, Arianna Goodine-Shore, Isaiah Goodine-Shore, Maxwell Har rison, Nigel McClanahan, Niles McClanahan, Ciara Nelums Pvt (1st Year): Saeed Cannon, Amina Black, Demari ona Frazier, Donovan McCrary, Alexa Nelums, Eden TruesdaleTeamStandings (Team names chosen by members)
First Place - Steph Curry - $12 Chick-fil-A gift cards
Brian-Austin Cager Saeed Cannon Demariona Frazier Arianna Goodine-Shore
Lesson: Beautiful Bride (Revelation 21:9-11). The beautiful bride is the church composed of Old Testa ment saints, Tribulation saints, and all those convert ed during the millennial kingdom. “Come here, I will show you the bride, the wife of the Lamb” (verse 9). The angel is showing John the bride on its way to meet the groom. There is a scenery change (verse 10) to see the holy city where all God’s people are gathered. The beautifully adorned bride is going to meet her groom. “… the holy city, Jerusalem, coming down out of heav en from God.” (verse 10). Just as we are awed by the beauty of a bride today, John was awed at God’s new city - “having the glory of God. Her brilliance was like a very costly stone …” John was not just awed by the beauty of the bride, but the radiant light shining from her (crystal clear). The glory of God is reflected in the jewels and the translucent gold of the city. John is wit nessing the beauty of a new creation. Beautiful Foundations (verses 12-17). The “great and high” wall shows that some will be excluded from the city. Here is where the meaning is at its height. “…, with 12 gates, … 12 angels,…12 tribes…” (verse 12). The name of the tribes on the gates convey the unity and heritage that the people of God have with Israel. Verse 13 gives the location of the 12 gates, verse 14 marries Old and New Testament with both Jews and Gentiles with the 12 foundation stones bearing the names of “twelve apostles of the Lamb” (verse 14). The angel speaking to John was also prepared to give measurements of the new city. “The city is laid out as a square … “ (verses 15-16) “… according to human measurements, which are also angelic measurements” (verse 17). Today it would be about two million square miles of ground space, providing ample room for all the Thursdays and Saturdays Free Meals Christ Rescue Temple Church, 1500 North Dunleith Ave., will serve hot meals as part of the People Helping People Feeding Program. Meals will be served every Thursday and Saturday from noon until 1 p.m. at the church’s location. For more information, call 336-7229841. Each WorshipSundayservices Green Street United Methodist Church, 639 S. Green St., Winston-Salem, invites you to join online worship services on Sundays at 11 a.m., or in-person services at 8:45 a.m. The 11 a.m. service, which is available via Facebook and YouTube, is a celebration of the diversity of the human family, a no-frills service that is thought ful, personal, and deeply spiritual. The 8:45 a.m. service is a quiet, contemplative space including prayer, scrip ture, preaching, and communion; masks and social dis tancing will be in effect in the sanctuary. Join us at www., on YouTube, or on Facebook.
Jocelyn Hayes Niles PatrickMcClanahanSmall,II Second Place - Blazers - $10 Chick-fil-A gift cards
Syncere Blackwell Celiah Cager Isaiah MaxwellGoodine-ShoreHarrison Donovan McCrary Zedikkyah Mims Alexa OperatingNelumsunder the leadership of Commander-inChief - The Father, Son and Holy Spirit, Camp Sergeant Major Dennis W. Bishop, senior pastor of FWBC, and Drill Sergeant Tamara Moore, program director, led a troop of camp staff and trip chaperones: Beverly Bishop, Brian Cager, Jo Celia Cager, Jay Carlton, Vera Carlton, Patrice Drone, Nodia Frazier, Gary Garlington, Myrtle Hairston, Rodney Hairston, Joël Jones, Jeanette Kelley, Dale Martin, Sr., Ashe Mock, Geneva Payne, Anastasia Polk-Bethea, Marilyn Roseboro, and Sandra White. Deja Hood, Nadia McClanahan, Terrell Robinson, Jr., and Kabari Walker served as teen assistants

We’ll be hosting this pop-up on August 17th at Sparq (486 N Pat terson Ave, Winston-Salem, NC, 27101). To register, visit
Aug. Saucy13Salsa contest
Aug. School13supply drive The Forsyth County GOP “School Supply Drive.” Drop off will be Sat., August 13, from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. at 300 Jonestown Rd., Suite 10, Winston Salem.
Aug. 19, Sept. 2, 14 Cinema Under the Stars Reynolda House Museum of American Art is excited to an nounce the line-up for the 2022 season of Cinema Under the Stars. The films showcased this season have been curated by a/ perture cinema and evoke the imagery and expression of Reyn olda’s fall exhibition, Chrome Dreams and Infinite Reflections: AmericanCinemaPhotorealism.UndertheStars kicks off Friday, August 19, with Spike Lee’s “Crooklyn,” the semi-au tobiographical film that follows the joys and heartbreaks of Troy Carmichael and her family as they navigate life in Brooklyn, New York during the summer of 1973. On Friday, September 2, the spotlighted film is “The Apartment,” the 1960 romantic comedy starring Jack Lemmon and Shirley MacLaine. The season concludes on Fri day, September 14, with “La La Land.” Released in 2016, this colorful, whimsical and musi cal film chronicles the highs and lows of struggling artists in Los Angeles.Beer and wine will be avail able for purchase on the grounds beginning at 7:30 p.m. and the movie will begin at sunset, around 8:30 p.m. Guests are encouraged to bring their own chair and/or blanket. In case of inclement weather, the showing will move indoors with limited seating. Aug. Movie20in the park series
Aug. 17 4 on 4th Winston-Salem Writers and Bookmarks will present several authors who will read from their works at the 4 on 4th event on Wednesday, August 17 at 7 p.m. The theme for August is “Sto ries from the South.” This free in-person event offers a chance to meet local authors and hear about their located at 634 W. Fourth St. #110, WinstonSalem. You can learn more about the event at
HUSTLE WS is hosting a free marketing workshop that’s open to the public. The work shop is titled Viral Videos: Mar keting Outside the Box and will be hosted on August 17th, 24th, and 31st at Flywheel Coworking (500 West 5th Street, 8th Floor, Winston-Salem, 27101) For more information, go to
Aug. Citizen12 Fire Academy ap plication deadline
Community Calendar B4 A ugust 11, 2022 t he C hroni C le VolunteersNOW needed Samaritan Ministries needs volunteers to help with lunch and dinner seven days a week 365 days a year. The lunch shift for volunteers is from 9 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. Monday through Saturday and from 10 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. on Sundays. The dinner shift is from 4 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. every night. For more information about Sa maritan Ministries and to sign up to volunteer, please visit samari Samaritan Minis tries is located at 414 East North west Boulevard near downtown Winston-Salem.
Aug. Medicare22 workshop
Aug. 10-Minute26-27 Play Festival
Walk with a Doc Join us for “Walk with a Doc!” This doctor led group is a fun and safe place to go for a walk, learn about health and meet new friends. The event is free, and all are welcome!
The Shepherd’s Center of Greater Winston-Salem is of fering a virtual workshop for individuals turning 65 (as well as those who already have Medi care) to learn about the different insurance options available. The session will be held on Monday, August 22, from 3 - 4:30 p.m. virtually through Zoom. The session is provided at no cost. Because space is lim ited, reservations are required. Contact the Shepherd’s Center at 336-748-0217 or Info@shep for more infor mation or to reserve a seat.
Aug. 17, 24 & 31 Marketing workshop
The Fairgrounds Farmers Market is seeking entrants for its annual “Saucy Salsa” contest at 10 a.m. Aug. 13. Contestants can enter in the “Hot” or “Mild” cat egories. Salsas must be submit ted the morning of the contest. The Saucy Salsa contest is open to all non-professional chefs 18 and older. All entries must be homemade and only one entry per category is allowed per per son. The salsas will be judged by local salsa connoisseurs. Com plete contest rules, judging crite ria and the entry form are posted at 16 Sign language storytime A very special sign language story time will be held at the High Point Public Library (901 North Main Street) on Tuesday August 16 at 11 a.m. The program will be held in the library story room and is open to all ages. Leading the story time, Kathy MacMil lan is a writer, nationally certi fied American Sign Language interpreter, librarian, and signing storyteller. You can find her on line at or on Twitter and Instagram at @ kathys_quill. This event is free and open to the public.
Sept. Retirement6 workshop reg istration deadline Your Next Chapter: A Work shop for Those Contemplating Retirement is a three-session workshop being offered by the Shepherd’s Center of Greater Winston-Salem. The workshop is for anyone who is contemplating retirement or is recently retired. The dates for the workshop are September 13, 20 and 27, 2022 from 6:30 – 8 p.m. Workshop limited to 18 participants. Reser vations are required by Septem ber 6. Registration fee of $25 for the workshop covers the cost of resource materials and refresh ments. If you have questions, or wish more information on the workshop, contact the Shep herd’s Center at 336-748-0217 or Oct. Oktoberfest1 Historic Körner’s Folly, 413 South Main Street, presents the Kernersville Oktoberfest, Sat urday, October 1, from 3-6 p.m. This year will be the 12th annual fundraising event in the spirit of a German Oktoberfest, featuring tastings of local beers and foodie favorites. Tickets went on sale JulyTickets20! include self-guided tour of the house, beer, wine, and food samples, as well as a Körner’s Folly souvenir tasting glass. Early Bird Tickets are $35 and will be sold through Septem ber 2; After September 2, Ticket price will increase to $40. For more information, visit www.ko or call (336) 9967922. How to submit items to the community calendar: We appreciate your commu nity news. Here’s how you can help us to process your news more efficiently: *Please give us complete in formation about the event, such as the sponsor and address, date, time and place of the event and contact information so that the public can contact someone for more information if needed. *Please submit items in doc ument form in an email or Word or PDF* as attach ments to emails as jpegs at least 4 inches wide by 6 inches deep rather than sent on documents. Please send captions with pho tos. *Please do not send jpeg fli ers only, since we cannot trans fer the information on them into documents.Thedeadline is Sunday at 11:59 p.m. to have all calendar items submitted for that week’s paper.Send your calendar items to You can also drop them off, Monday through Friday before 5 p.m., or mail your items to WinstonSalem Chronicle, 1300 E. Fifth St., Winston-Salem, NC 27101; or send them via our website,
Winston-Salem Writers is pleased to announce the winning entries in its 2022 10-Minute Play competition. The following six plays have been selected for performance: “Clearing the Air” by Lynn Hall and “The Short Timers” by Ed Robson, both of Winston-Salem; “The Cleansing Act” by Jonathan Stephens of Greensboro; “Baling Wire and Desperation” by Larry Bliss of Raleigh; “The Brooch” by Law son Caldwell of Charlotte; and “Dick and Jane Get Old” by Lela Chesson of Rocky Mount. Performances are scheduled for Friday and Saturday, Au gust 26 and 27, at 7:30 p.m. in The Mountcastle Forum in the Milton Rhodes Center, 251 N. Spruce Street, Winston-Salem.
* Please consult your physician before starting a new exercise regimen. ** Please note that event dates, locations, times and format are subject to change due to AARP Covid-19 protocols with little to no notice. By registering for this event or program you agree to assume all Covid-19 risk.
Walk with a Doc Every Second Saturday Starting August 13 | 9 – 10 a.m. Newell Massey Greenway 901 Waterworks Road Winston-Salem, NC 27101 Meet at the park right by the Ray Agnew Baseball Fields To learn more and pre-register,
The purpose of the WinstonSalem Fire Department Citizens Fire Academy is not to train an individual to be a firefighter, but to produce informed citizens and build long-lasting relationships with residents in our community. The Citizens Fire Academy is free and is open to residents 18 and older. Participants will be selected through an applica tion process and must commit to attending all eight classes. Class size is Applicationslimited. must be re ceived by Aug. 12. A link to the application is posted at Cityof For additional information contact Theresa Knops at 336-407-1343 or there
The WePLAY Movies in the Park series will show “Sing 2” on Aug. 20 at Crawford Park, 4226 Oak Ridge Drive. The movie series is being sponsored by Recreation and Parks, Com munity Development and the Winston-Salem Fire & Police departments. For more infor mation send an email to We

NOTICE TO CREDITORS Having qualifed as Fiduciary of the Estate of John Wesley Leavy, Sr. (22 E 1669), deceased July 7, 2022, Forsyth County, North Carolina, this is to No tify all persons, firms, and corporation having claims against the Estate of said deceased to present them to the undersigned on or before November 15, 2022 this Notice will be pleaded in bar of recovery. All persons indebted to the said decedent or estate shall please make immediate payment to the undersigned. This the 11th day of August, 2022. John Wesley Leavy, Jr. Fiduciary for John Wesley Leavy, Sr. deceased 3779 Carver School Road Winston-Salem, NC 27105
or older Handicapped and/or
Winston-Salem, NC 27105
BID INVITATION FOR: Additions & Alterations to Hickory Metro Convention Center (Project #2392), Hickory, NC 28602 Bid Date: Thursday, August 25, 2022 @2:30 p.m., local Location:time Hickory Metro Convention Center, 1960 13thAve. Dr. SE, Hickory, NC 28602 Bids will be thereafter publicly opened and read aloud. The project consists of a 45,349 sq. ft. addition and in terior alterations of 29,448 sq. ft. at the Hickory Metro Convention Center. The addition will consist of two new entrances, a furniture hall of fame area, and a new exhibit hall with sports flooring to host basketball and volleyball tournaments.
The Chronicle August 11, 2022
MANDATORY PREBID MEETING: The Owner and Architect will conduct a Pre-bid meeting that will ad dress specific questions, issues, bidding procedures and bid forms. The meeting is also to identify preferred brand alternates and their performance standards that the owner will consider for approval on this project.
BID INVITATION FOR: Valle Crucis School, Sugar Grove, NC 28679 Bid Date: Thursday, September 1, 2022 @3 p.m., local Location:time Watauga County Administration Building, 814 West King Street, Boone, NC 28607 (Owner Rep. Mr. Deron Geouque) Bids will be thereafter publicly opened and read aloud.
The work of Project is defined by the Contract Docu ments and includes, but is not limited to, the following: 1. Grading of the site to provide a new school. 2. Construction of a 2-story Pre-K through 8 school to include dining facility, gymnasium, media center, administration and support spaces, classroom spaces for general use, science instruction, and music and art instruction. 3. Construction of outdoor classroom areas, new play ground areas, and site development for exterior learn ing space. 4. Construction of driveways, parking, queuing for par ent drop-off and bus/service loop. 5. Other Work indicated in the Contract Documents. Hickory Construction Company, Hickory, NC is seek ing subcontractors for: Concrete reinforcing, cast-inplace and precast concrete, unit masonry/stone veneer, structural steel framing/joists/decking, cold-formed metal framing, metal fabrications and stairs, wood, plastics, and composites, thermal and moisture protec tion, h/m doors and frames, wood doors, access doors and frames, O/H coiling grilles, aluminum entrances, storefront, curtain walls, door hardware, glazing, lou vers and vents, non-structural metal framing, gypsum board, tile, ACT, wood athletic flooring, resilient floor ing and base, tile carpet, sound-absorbing wall units, painting, specialties, equipment, furnishings, convey ing equipment, fire suppression, plumbing, HVAC, electrical, communications, electronic safety and se curity, earthwork, exterior improvements, utilities, spe cial work for combined water treatment system. The trade work listed above is not all-inclusive. Project Architect: Clark Nexsen, Inc., Architecture and Engineering: 301 College Street, Suite 300, Asheville, NC 28801 Contact: Eve Szentesi, AIA (828-333-9783) Contact for Hickory Construction Company is: Shawn O’Neill at Phone: 828-381-4080 Hickory Construction Company will provide quick pay agreements and policies to enable minority contractors and suppliers to meet cash-flow demands.
The Chronicle August
The City of Winston-Salem seeks propos als for funding to design and develop a new Continuum of Care (CoC) web site. The Continuum of Care is comprised of various organizations who serve those experiencing homelessness, by provid ing emergency shelter, short term rental assistance and over forms of emergen cy assistance. This will be a concept to completion project. Submissions will be accepted beginning August 12th, 2022 Proposals are due on August 26th, 2022 at 12:00pm (noon). The full Request for Proposals with detailed information is available at sherekaf@cityofws.orgmation,org/2453/Homelessness.https://www.cityofws.FormoreinforpleasecontactSherekaFloydator336-734-1305.
REAL ESTATE ST. PETER’S HERITAGE PLACE APARTMENTS 3727 Old Lexington Road Winston-Salem, NC 27104 A Community for the Elderly (62 or Older) One-bedroom units conveinently located in Winston-Salem Handicap Accessible Units and Rental Assistance Available For more information call: 336-771-9028 Office Hours: 8:30am-4:30pm Mon.-Fri. NC Relay: 1-800-735-2962 Equal Housing Opportunity Professionally Managed by Community Management Corporation CHERRY HILL APARTMENTS A Community for Seniors Is now accepting applications for One (1) bedroom apartments: - Section 8 Assistance - Equal Housing -Handicap Accessibility -On-Site Laundry
Managed by EqualManagementCommunityCorpHousingOpportunity
Contact: Mandy Pitts Hildebrand, CEO (828-7812384) Project Architect: Holland & Hamrick Architects, P.A., 222 North Lafayette St., Suite 21, Shelby, NC 28150 Contact: A. Patrict McMurry, AIA, NCARB (704-4878578, x1009) Contact for Hickory Construction Company is: Shawn O’Neill at Phone: 828-381-4080 Hickory Construction Company will provide quick pay agreements and policies to enable minority contractors and suppliers to meet cash-flow demands. 11, 2022 Facility 840 W. 14th Street Winston-Salem, NC 27105 Call 336-723-7524
Hickory Construction Company, Hickory, NC is seek ing subcontractors for: Concrete reinforcing, cast-inplace concrete, tilt-up concrete, unit masonry, structural steel framing/joists/decking, cold-formed metal fram ing, metal fabrications, wood, plastics, and composites, thermal and moisture protection, h/m doors and frames, wood doors, o/h coiling doors, aluminum entrances, storefront, curtain walls, fiberglass-sandwich panel assemblies, door hardware, glazing, non-structural metal framing, gypsum board, tiling, wood flooring, wood athletic flooring, resilient base and accessories, tile carpeting, painting, specialties, athletic equipment, furnishings, fire suppression, plumbing, HVAC, elec trical, communications, electronic safety and security, earthwork, exterior improvements, and utilities. Project Owner: Hickory-Conover Tourism Develop ment Authority (HCTDA), dba Hickory Metro Con vention Center and Visitors Bureau, 1960 13th Ave. Dr. SE, Hickory, NC 28602
NOTICE OF PUBLIC SALE STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA FORSYTH COUNTY IN THE GENERAL COURT OF JUSTICE SUPERIOR COURT DIVISION BEFORE THE CLERK 21SP413 Under and by virtue of an order of the Clerk of Superior Court of Forsyth County, North Carolina, made and en tered June 4, 2022 in the action entitled Emma J. Moore v. Antonia Marie J. Means and Duane Johnson, Forsyth County File Number 21SP413, the undersigned Com missioner will, on the 31st day of August, 2022, at 12 p.m. shall offer for sale and sell for cash to the last and highest bidder at public auction, at 3824 Sterling Park Ct. Winston-Salem, North Carolina the following described real estate: Description: BEGINNING at a point in an un named 30 foot road, being in the J.R. Wilkins line, said point being South 89 degrees 14’ East 300 feet along said road from the southeast corner of the intersection of said unnamed 30 foot road and a road known as the extension of Manchester Road, said point also being 15 feet north wardly of the southeast corner of the two acres, more or less, deeded to Well Drillers, Inc. by deed recorded in Deed Book 830 , page 335 in the office of the Register of Deeds of Forsyth County, North Carolina (said 15 feet being taken as one-half of the unnamed 30 foot road herein referred to); thence along the northern margin of said unnamed 30 foot road North 89 degrees 14’ West 100 feet to a point; thence North 0 degrees 45’ East 166.73 feet to a point; thence South 89 degrees 30’ East 97.8 feet to a point; thence South 0 degrees 15’ West 167.2 feet to a point, the place of BEGINNING, and being the eastern end of Lot 28, Block 3205, Middle Fork No. 2 Township on the Forsyth County Tax Maps, said lot also being shown as Lot 4 on an unrecorded plat made by H.A. Burns, and having Forsyth County Tax Parcel Identifica tion Number 6847-21-0801.000 being located at 3824 Sterling Park Ct. Winston-Salem, North Carolina. YOU WILL BE REQUIRED TO MAKE A $10,000 DEPOSIT THE DAY OF THE SALE IN THE FORM OF CASH OR CERTIFIED FUNDS. BALANCE IS DUE WITH IN 30 DAYS AFTER THE FINAL BID IS ACCEPTED OR DELIVERY OF THE DEED. A 10-DAY UPSET BID PROCESS PROVIDED UNDER N.C.G.S. §1-339.25 WILL DETERMINE THE HIGH BIDDER. A DEPOSIT IN CASH OR BY CERTIFIED CHECK OR CASHIER’S CHECK SATISFACTORY TO THE CLERK IN AN AMOUNT GREATER THAN OR EQUAL TO FIVE PERCENT (5%) OF THE AMOUNT OF THE UPSET BID (BUT IN NO EVENT LESS THAN SEVEN HUN DRED FIFTY DOLLARS ($750.00)). THE DEPOSIT REQUIRED BY THIS SECTION SHALL BE FILED WITH THE CLERK OF THE SUPERIOR COURT WITH WHOM THE REPORT OF SALE OR THE LAST NOTICE OF UPSET BID WAS FILED, BY THE CLOSE OF NORMAL BUSINESS HOURS ON THE TENTH DAY AFTER THE FILING OF THE REPORT OF SALE OR THE LAST NOTICE OF UPSET BID, AND IF THE TENTH DAY FALLS UPON A SUNDAY OR LEGAL HOLIDAY WHEN THE COURTHOUSE IS CLOSED FOR TRANSACTIONS, OR UPON A DAY IN WHICH THE OFFICE OF THE CLERK IS NOT OPEN FOR THE REGULAR DISPATCH OF ITS BUSINESS, THE DEPOSIT MAY BE MADE AND THE NOTICE OF UP SET BID MAY BE FILED ON THE DAY FOLLOWING WHEN THE OFFICE IS OPEN FOR THE REGULAR DISPATCH OF ITS BUSINESS. AN UPSET BID MUST BE A 5% INCREASE ABOVE THE LAST BID. ALL UPSET BIDS WILL BE MADE AT THE FORSYTH COUNTY CLERK OF COURT’S OFFICE LOCATED AT 200 N MAIN ST. WINSTON-SALEM, NC 27101 DURING REGULAR BUSINESS HOURS MONDAY –FRIDAY 9:00 AM – 4:30 PM AND SHALL REQUIRE A 5% DEPOSIT. The Property is being sold “AS IS, WHERE IS.” Neither the Commissioner or Petitioner or Respondent make any warranty relating to title, posses sion, quiet enjoyment, or any physical, environmental, health or safety conditions existing in, on, at or relating to the Property and any and all responsibilities or liabilities arising out of or in any way related to such conditions are expressly disclaimed. This sale will be made subject to all outstanding city and county taxes and all local improve ment assessments against the above-described property.
This the 5th day of August,Attorney2022George A. “Trip” Payne Commissioner Kasper & Payne, P.A. P.O. Box 687 3626 Clemmons Road Clemmons, NC 27012 The Chronicle August 11, 2022
Meeting Date: Friday, August 5, 2022 Meeting Time: 10:00 a.m., local time Location: Existing Valle Crucis School, Room 164 at 2998 Broadstone Road, Sugar Grove, NC 28679 Prime bidders attendance is mandatory.
In the General Court of Justice, District Court Division, Before the Clerk In Re Katsue Johnson-Monroe v. Calvin Lee Monroe, Sr., 21 CVD 3533 (Forsyth County) TO MR. CALVIN LEE MONROE, SR.: Take notice that pleadings seeking relief against you have been filed in the above-ti tled action. The nature of the relief being sought is as ABSOLUTEfollowsDIVORCE You are required to make defense to such pleading not later than 9/21/2022 and upon your failure to do so the party seeking ser vice against you will apply to the court for the relief sought. This the 3rd day of August,Steve2022W. Grainger Attorney for Plaintiff State Bar No. 43973 Apple Payne Law, PLLC 900 Old Winston Road, Suite 212 Kernersville, NC 27284 Phone: 336.283.6198 Fax: 855.812.8332 The Chronicle August 11, 18, 25, 2022
Spring/Wachovia located Win ston-Salem, 62 yrs age disabled. 8 Call 336-251-1060. 8:30 a.m. - 12 p.m. on Mon. and Fri. 8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. on Wed. Equal Housing Opportunity.
The Chronicle August 4, 11, 18, 25, 2022 Request for Proposals for COTINUUM OF CARE HOMELESS ASSISTANCE GRANTS
This the 21 day of July, JosephAlden2022.HarveyExecutorforHarvey,deceased775West14thStreet
assistance available. Income restrictions apply.
The Chronicle August 11, 18, 25, and September 1, 2022 NOTICE TO CREDITORS Having qualifed as Fiduciary of the Estate of Donnell Julius. (22 E 1571), deceased November 18, 2022, Forsyth County, North Carolina, this is to No tify all persons, firms, and corporation having claims against the Estate of said deceased to present them to the undersigned on or before November 8, 2022 this Notice will be pleaded in bar of recovery. All persons indebted to the said decedent or estate shall please make immediate payment to the undersigned. This the 27th day of July, 2022. Dominique Julius Fiduciary for Donnell Julius, deceased 2300 Ivy Avenue Winston-Salem, NC 27105
The Chronicle August 11, 2022
The City of Winston-Salem seeks pro posals for funding to be available under the Continuum of Care Homeless Assis tance Grants Program (CoC) for bonus funding (DV Bonus Funding, CoC Bonus Funds, and Reallocation) for the FY22 Program Year. The CoC is a communi ty wide system of care with the goal of ending homelessness. Submissions will be accepted beginning August 8th, 2022. Proposals are due on August 19th, 2022 at 12:00pm (noon). This RFP is avail able to all eligible agencies that wish to participate in the FY 2021 Bonus Funding Application to operate a project within the Winston-Salem/Forsyth County CoC jurisdiction. The full Request for Propos als with detailed information is available at contactlessness.,pleaseSherekaFloydatsherekaf@city or 336-734-1305.
Having qualifed as Executor of the Estate of Joseph Harvey (22 E 1449), deceased February 28, 2022, Forsyth County, North Carolina, this is to Notify all persons, firms, and corporation having claims against the Estate of said deceased to present them to the undersigned on or before October 26, 2022 this Notice will be pleaded in bar of recovery. All persons indebted to the said decedent or estate shall please make immediate payment to the undersigned.
- Rent Based on income -Maintenance -Near Bus Route Apply at:
T he C hroni C le A ugus T 11, 2022 B5 CLASSI FIEDS DEADLINE: MONDAY 5:30 PM • CALL CLASSIFIEDS AT (336) 722-8624 We accept major credit card payment on all classified as. Email us your ad by Monday... see it on Thursday: LEGAL NOTICES LEGAL NOTICES M/WBE BID NOTICES LEGAL CHRONICLETHENOTICES to722-8624CallSubscribe
Meeting Date: Thursday, August 11, 2022 Meeting Time: 9:30 a.m., local time Location: Hickory Metro Convention Center, 1960 13thAve. Dr. SE, Hickory, NC 28602 Prospective prime bidders are required to attend.
Hill Apartments Managed by ManagementCommunityCorp. 1 Bedroom Units conveniently
M/WBE BID NOTICES Have a Story Idea? Let Us news@wschronicle.comKnow
The Chronicle July 21, 28, and August 4, 11, 2022
Notice to All Equal Employment Opportunity Historically Underutilized businesses (HUB), i.e. minorities, disabled persons and women owned and operated businesses, etc
The Chronicle August 11, 2022 Request for Proposals for Website Design & Development
Notice to All Equal Employment Opportunity Historically Underutilized businesses (HUB), i.e. minorities, disabled persons and women owned and operated businesses, etc MANDATORY PREBID MEETING:The Owner and Architect will conduct a Prebid meeting that will ad dress project scope, bidding procedures, and forms.

all shifts.” Bueckers con tinued, “It’s hard trying to make sense of it all now, but I can’t help but think that God is using me as a testimony as to how much you can overcome with Him by your side. Some little kid that just tore their ACL or had a major surgery might need this story.”Bueckers was deter mined for her situation to be a testimony to inspire others. She added, “The prayers and love mean so much to me, and the doubts that I won’t get back to where I was might mean even more. God put a dream in my heart, and even if I have to walk through a nightmare to get it, I’m going to keep be lieving.”Ifwe believe, God does carry us through tough times. He doesn’t cause injury, illness, or crisis situations. It is our faith in Him that helps us through those times. The Bible tells us, “God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble. Therefore we will not fear, though the earth gives way and the mountains fall into the heart of the sea, though its waters roar and foam and the mountains quake with their surging” (Psalm 46:13). Another verse reads, “So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dis mayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand” (Isaiah 41:10). Was it God’s plan for Paige to suffer this injury just to prove a point? God doesn’t work that way. God is about what is good in this world. This is the mes sage we have heard from him and proclaim to you, that “God is light, and in him is no darkness at all” (1 John 1:5). Ever since the disobedience of Adam and Eve, sin entered the world and bad things hap pen. We need God to bring the faithful through the di sasters they face. He gives strength to those who be lieve. We remember the fa miliar verse; “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me” (Philip pians 4:13). Furthermore, God can find a way to find good even out of bad situ ations. And we know that “God causes all things to work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called ac cording to His purpose” (Romans 8:28). That seems to be the goal of Paige Bueckers. She knows that many peo ple look up to her, includ ing children searching for role models, or trying to overcome adversity. We all face difficulties in our lives, but if we stay strong in the faith and draw our strength from the Lord, with God at our side, we can overcome adversity. Bruce Boyer lives in Kernersville and is the author of two devotional books and writes a weekly devotional email. A library of his stories is posted Review
The Z. Smith Reyn olds Foundation is pleased to announce that Alex andria Jones and Eniris Riddick will join the staff of the Foundation as pro gram officers, overseeing the social and economic justice priority area, later thisThemonth.Foundation has made these hires to sup port its mission and the strategies set forward in its All For NC Frame work for Grantmaking and Learning. Together, Alex and Eniris will work to develop effective strate gies for the Foundation to facilitate positive systemic change, analyze grant ap plications, support appli cants and grantee partners, help develop organiza tional capacity and evalu ate the effectiveness of the Foundation’s strategies. Their work will help in form final grant decisions made by the Foundation’s trustees.“We are excited to have Alex and Eniris join our team,” said Maurice “Mo” Green, executive director of the Z. Smith Reynolds Foundation. “Both have a deep understanding of systems-change strategies and experience with issue areas connected to social and economic justice. Thanks to their knowl edge and expertise, we can work toward making posi tive changes to state-level systems and structures to ensure that North Carolina is a place where all people can Alexthrive.”comes to the Foundation from her role as associate director of digital philanthropy with the University of North Carolina at Greensboro. She previously worked or consulted with a number of organizations, includ ing Organize 2020, Racial and Social Justice Caucus of the North Carolina As sociation of Educators; National Farm Worker Ministry; the Fund for Democratic Communities, and the United Methodist Church. Alex has a bache lor of science degree from Southern Illinois Univer sity.“The living legacy of Z. Smith Reynolds exists in every corner of North Carolina, and I feel truly honored to be given the opportunity to be a part of carrying out this work,” Alex said. “I am excited to begin connecting with the people and organizations across the state that are on the ground, day by day, working to create social change in North Carolina. Those who are both im pacted by social and eco nomic systems and who are leading the charge for change are at the heart of this work and I am look ing forward to learning from and being in service to them.”Eniris comes to the Foundation from her role as executive director of FaithAction International House. She previously worked with a number of organizations includ ing Trellis Supportive Care; Catholic Charities, Diocese of Charlotte; and Family Services, Inc. Eniris has a bachelor of arts and master of public administration, both from the University of Puerto Rico.“The Z. Smith Reyn olds Foundation is a pillar in the community, an or ganization that embraces change and continues learning and adjusting to the emergent needs of North Carolina,” Eniris said. “I am excited to start working to continue mov ing their mission forward. I am also looking forward to providing assistance and support to grantees to help them succeed in their programmatic efforts.” The Foundation posted the program officer posi tion in February 2022, which is based in WinstonSalem, NC. It received more than 125 applica tions for the two positions.
SUBMITTED ARTICLE After 66 years of min istry to the campus of Wake Forest University and the anddissolvetistshipcommunity,Winston-SalemthememberofWakeForestBapChurchhasvotedtoduetoadecliningagingmembership, limited financial resources, and a new rental policy imposed on the church by Wake Forest University. Wake Forest Baptist Church was organized in 1956 when Wake Forest College moved from Wake Forest, North Carolina, to Winston-Salem, thereby perpetuating a 125-yearold tradition of having a Baptist church at the cen ter of the campus. Since its founding, Wake Forest Baptist Church has been an innovator in local min istry and a prophetic voice of justice. Its ministers and members have been un afraid to confront systemic racism, promote health equity, and be a voice of hope for members of the LGBTQIA community. From marching for civil rights in the 1960s, providing care to AIDS patients in the 1990s, and being a tireless advocate for marriage equality in the 2000s, Wake Forest Baptist Church has never been afraid to fight for justice and share the ex pansive love of Christ. The impact this church has had on both the Winston-Salem and the Wake Forest Uni versity community cannot be overstated and it will be missed. But, while Wake Forest Baptist Church will cease to exist, the resilient faith held by its members will not and together we will move forward to do God’s work in new ways. No official closing date has been announced and the church will continue to worship together in Davis Chapel on the campus of Wake Forest University until further notice. Future updates will be released as available via the church’s homepage at
Terri Schlichenmeyer is The Book worm. Terri has been reading since she was three years old and she never goes anywhere without a book. She lives on a prairie in Wisconsin with one man, two dogs, and 16,000 books.
BY TERRI SCHLICHENMEYER What was your favorite possession when you were a child? Of course, you remember it, the weight of it in your hands, the way it fit your fingers, the envy of your peers, the pretending fun of it, and the security of knowing it would be waiting for you after school. Toys are essential in child hood, important in some adulthoods, and in the new book “What the Children Told Us” by Tim Spofford, they’re key in to understanding racism and inequality.
Kenneth and Mamie Clark had both grown up with the benefits that Black middle-class life bestowed on its mem bers in the 1930s and ‘40s. Still, they were both grad students when they eloped and after their marriage, his re search and her job kept them in differ ent cities. Her family didn’t approve of him; Kenneth was driven, Mamie was focused, and in those Jim Crow years, they both keenly understood the effects that racism has on the human psyche. Rather than let it deter them, though, they complemented and supported one another and used that inequality to form theirIncareers.1939, Mamie began studying the effects of racism on young children, determining that self-awareness of race was set by age four, and publishing three articles on findings that gained attention from established psychologists. The fol lowing year, Kenneth, who’d become quite passionate about psychology him self, helped Mamie to set parameters for a project based on some of the data that “gnawed at” her. He also found the main ingredients for that project: four plas tic baby dolls, identical except for their color.Then the Clarks invited 253 Black children ages three to eight to a confer ence room in an integrated school in the North and in the segregated South, and they asked the children a question: which doll – the white one or the brown one – looked more like you? Two-thirds of the Black children chose the white doll. Questions. You’re going to have a bunch of them, once you’re finished with “What the Children Told Us.” The first one will be: why haven’t the Clarks taken their place next to other influential people in Black history? The answer may be because most stories stop at the “doll test,” but not this one. Author Tim Spofford tells this de cades-long story almost in three pieces: the Clarks’ backstory, which unspools pleasantly like an old-time movie; the “doll test” years in which the study was refined and processed; and the Clarks’ many years after the test which, quite surprisingly, were so important that they almost turn everything else into a foot note.Indeed, readers who have, until now, been unfamiliar with the work of Mamie and Kenneth Clark will have their eyes opened. Spofford takes us well past a nationally-shocking study to the streets, schools, the White House, and into his tory.It’s a story you need to read, and it may leave you with more pesky ques tions. It may also inspire you because this is that kind of book. “What the Chil dren Told Us” shows that heroes exist and activism is not child’s play.
“What the Children Told Us: The Untold Story of the Famous ‘Doll Test’ the Black Who Changed the World” Tim Spofford 368 pages
Z. Smith Reynolds Foundation announces new program officers
Wake Forest Baptist Church to close after 66 years of ministry Have The Chronicle conveniently delivered to your mailbox! Order your subscription today by calling 336-722-8524, ext. 100 or order online at www. and click Order Subscription.
c.2022, Sourcebooks $26.99
B6 A ugust 11, 2022 t he C hroni C le Book
glorified saints to live. Beautiful Walls (verses 18-21). It would be easy to mistakenly see the symbolism of John’s de scription of unending and staggering beauty as a rep resentation of wealth and luxury. But the brilliance of light and transparency make it clear that John is conveying the glory and holiness of God. Eight of the 12 stones are found in the breastplate of the high priest. The jewels them selves picture a brilliant, indescribable array of beautiful colors that send forth the light of God’s glory. All of the stones have a version of them that is translucent (verses 18-20). (Look them up and see for yourself). “And the 12 gates were 12 pearls; each one of the gates was a single pearl.” (verse 21a). The pearl would be 1,400 miles high. (Certainly not from any oyster we’ve seen.) “And the streets of the city were pure gold, like transparent glass.” (verse 21b). The gold in heaven is not like the gold on earth. “The constant mention of transparency indicates that the city is designed to transmit the glory of God in the form of light without hindrance” (Walvoord). The jewels and the gold characterize the New Jerusalem as a temple-city adorned with all the fabulously radiant precious materials of Para dise. The city has no need for the sun because it is il luminated by the glory of God. Keep in mind when looking at the dimensions and descriptions given in Revelation that the ideas being conveyed are those of beauty, glory and splendor and the architect and maker is God. (The UMI Annual Commentary 2021-2022, The MacAr thur Study Bible, The New Interpreters Study Bible, The Book of Revelation Made Clear (Tim Lahaye and Timothy E. Parker) and The Oxford Bible Commentary). For Your Consider ation: Why does the City of God need walls? To de fend from attack? To ex clude people from God’s presence? What is the sig nificance of the tribes of Israel and the apostles to the New Jerusalem? Application: As we strive to build our lives on a solid foundation, let us not forget to reach out to someone else and let him or her know that God is welcoming them to also come into His presence with open arms. (UMI).
FYI: Forsyth County Sunday School Union will meet “virtually” every third Sunday at 3 p.m. with teaching and programs. You may join using the following “Zoom” creden tials: ID 819 7872 9662, Passcode 787444, Phone: 1-301-715-8592.
FromCitypage B3