December 6, 2018

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Split Draw

History makers

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New Forsyth

W I N S TO N - S A L E M , N . C .

Volume 45, Number 14

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T H U R S D AY, D e c e m b e r 6 , 2 0 1 8

sheriff takes reins


The biggest courtroom in the Forsyth County Hall of Justice wasn't big enough on Monday afternoon as more than 500 people filled the seats and stood along the walls, eager to see Bobby Kimbrough Jr. officially sworn in as sheriff of Forsyth County. Kimbrough is part of a historic sweep across North Carolina. On Nov. 6, voters elected African-American candidates for sheriff in the state's seven largest counties, including Forsyth, and smaller Pitt County. A native of the Twin City, Kimbrough began his career in law enforcement with the Winston-Salem Police Department (WSPD). He then went on to serve as an arson investigator with the Winston-Salem Fire Department (WSFD). After a stint with the North Carolina Department of Probation and Parole, from 1995 until his retirement in 2016 Kimbrough served the United States Department of Justice as a special agent in the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA). As he addressed the hundreds of supporters in the courtroom on Monday, Dec.3, Kimbrough thanked the citizens of Forsyth County for their vote and ongoing support. "I'll never forget the people on this campaign trail who

City native Bobby Kimbrough Jr. is sworn in as sheriff of Forsyth County on Monday, Dec. 3, at the Forsyth County Hall of Justice.

Photo by Tevin Stinson

shaped me, that molded me. I'll never forget none of you," he said. "And what I'll promise you is that I'll give you the best of me." In his role of "Lord High Sheriff," Kimbrough has vowed to put more emphasis on the opioid epidemic, other drug use, and gang violence. He said he plans to spend the first few days on the job meeting with law

enforcement leaders across the county to build a working relationship. Kimbrough says he plans to enhance what incumbent Bill Schatzman has already done. He also mentioned that there won't be any immediate personnel changes. Kimbrough said, "As I said on the campaign trail still

Ex-Chronicle paper boy sponsors literary contest

See Sheriff on A2


McDaniel ushers in new era

County Commissioner Tonya McDaniel is sworn in while her daughter Crayola McDaniel and granddaughter hold the Bible. McDaniel is only the third black woman to serve as County Commissioner.

By Tevin Stinson


Monday, Dec. 3, marked a new era for the Forsyth County Board of Commissioners as Tonya McDaniel was sworn in as the new representative for District A and only the third African-American woman to serve on the board.

A native of Winston-Salem and Human Resources director of United Health Centers, McDaniel was the top vote getter in the 2018 primary election that put her up against incumbent candidates Everette Witherspoon and Fleming El-Amin. She and El-Amin advanced to run in the midterm election, unopposed.

McDaniel is also the second vice president of the local NAACP branch, third vice chairwoman of the Forsyth County Democratic Women, and chairwoman of the WinstonSalem chapter of the National Association of University Women. As a member of the Board of

"I'm the new commissioner that's elected for the people to provide equity in terms of funding for this county.” –Tonya McDaniel, County Commisioner

See New era on A2

Cedric Brown has lived for decades in northern California where he is a program executive for the Kapor Center, but he still considers North Carolina “home.” Growing up in Winston-Salem, he recalls his mother and grandfather reading The Chronicle, and he was once a Chronicle paper boy. “I remember going to The Chronicle and picking up a stack of papers with a list of where they needed to be delivered,” he said during an interview on Nov. 30 at Bookmarks,a Winston-Salem bookstore. Brown graduated from R. J. Reynolds High School and received his undergraduate degree from UNC-Chapel Hill in 1989. Photo by Judie Holcomb-Pack He then moved to Cedric Brown visits California and attended Bookmarks during his graduate school at recent trip to WinstonStanford. Salem from his home in Coming home to vaca- California. tion with family at Kure Beach, he enjoyed browsing in bookstores and noticed the lack of books by African-American writers, in particular local authors. He was frustrated by being unable to find much fiction or nonfiction that “conveyed the rich and

Outgoing county officials bid farewell


Last week several county elected officials, including longtime Sheriff Bill Schatzman, County Commissioner Everette Witherspoon, and school board members Robert Barr, Marilyn Parker, David Singletary, Deanna Taylor and Victor Johnson, bid farewell to their posts.

We Reent U-Haul H TTrrucks!

During their final meeting on Tuesday, Nov. 27, Winston-Salem/Forsyth County Schools Board Chairwoman Dana Caudill Jones recognized the outgoing school board members for their years of dedicated service to the board and the students across the district before each board member said their goodbyes during the public meeting. Board vice chairman and chairman of the


finance committee, Robert Barr, who has been a member of the board since 2014, said he enjoyed his time serving on the board. He said, "The four years I've been on the board have been a great experience. "... I look at the associate superintendents and SGAE, families, kids, and this board and our See Farewell on A2

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See Contest on A2

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A2 DECEMBER 6, 2018


from page A1

holds true. I won't harm nor hurt you, nor fire; we're a family now. "... This is the office of the people. All I want to do is enhance what Sheriff Schatzman has done. I want to build some bridges, I want to enhance and keep going with what he has started," he said. Before instructing Kimbrough to place his hand on the Bible and delivering the oath, Superior Court Judge Todd Burke noted although Kimbrough is the first black sheriff in Forsyth County and the black community should be proud, all the people of Forsyth County were responsible for Kimbrough's victory. "Although persons have made note about our sheriff-elect being black, Forsyth County elected Bobby F. Kimbrough sheriff. Our county is black, white, Latin, and I say this to people so often: The country and state will really be what it's supposed to be when everyone gets beyond this," Burke said as


from page A1

Superintendent and just say thank you for allowing me to serve," he said. David Singletary, who leads the BOE's policy committee, said the goal for every board member he worked with was to serve the community to the best of their ability. He said, "It’s been fun, it’s been an event, it's been exciting. I am blessed to have served with some wonderful people." Deanna Taylor, who has been on the board since 2014 and one of the few board members to speak out in support of a new Ashley Elementary School earlier this year, thanked her fellow board members and said it was an honor to serve. Although her time on the board has come to an end, Taylor said she she'll still be involved in making WS/FCS better for all students. "I'll be around, even if it's just sitting in the audience. I may be at the podium with the new board saying, ‘Here we need this,’ so I'll still be around," Taylor said. Marilyn Parker who rejoined the board in 2016 to replace Mark Johnson, who was elected to serve as State Superintendent, said she was honored to serve with almost a totally new board in her second stint as a member of the School


he pointed to his wrist to show his dark skin color. Cedric Russell, owner of Russell Funeral Home and Kimbrough’s assistant campaign manager, said although he questioned his fraternity brother’s decision to run for sheriff in the beginning, he saw firsthand how Team Kimbrough brought people together. "... The county responded in an arousing way. We started in East Winston and worked our way out to the perimeter. We presented the candidate with all of his qualifications, and you made the choice," said Russell. "Team Kimbrough fussed and fought, but we agreed to disagree and in the end I knew we had an amazing team. "... It caught on like wildfire, and every day I told him we were going to win. I used his favorite phrase, ‘We got this.’" In the end, Kimbrough upset three-time incumbent Bill Scahtzman by more than 9,000 votes. The final tally shows Kimbrough received 71,301 votes compared with 62,903 for

Sheriff Bobby Kimbrough Jr. was brought to tears during his swearing in ceremony on Monday, Dec. 3. Kimbrough is the first African-American elected to serve as sheriff of Forsyth County. ______________________________________ the ceremony included father to the public for first Schatzman. David Plyler, chairman Mayor Pro Tempore Vivian time as sheriff, Jamesen, of the County Board of Burke, Judge Denise who is a graduate of Carver Commissioners, told Hartsfield, former High School and current Kimbrough the board and Winston-Salem Mayor student at Winston-Salem the residents of Forsyth Martha Wood, Attorney State University, said County are behind him 100 Michael Grace, Bishop Sir watching everything tranpercent. "... We will all win Walter Mack, Bishop Todd spire over his campaign, he if we work together and Fulton, Olin Shuler, and is proud to call Kimbrough support this man," Plyler two of Kimbrough’s seven his father and best friend. sons, Jordan and Jamesen. He said, "I truly believe said. Other speakers during Before presenting his that everything you’re getPhoto by Tevin Stinson

board. In her first term, Parker served on the board for more than 15 years. When longtime board member Victor Johnson made his way to the podium, the entire board and most of the people seated in the audience stood up and applauded Johnson for his 21 years of service to the board. After years serving as a teacher and principal, Johnson was first elected to the board in 1997. While discussing the legend that is Vic Johnson, Caudill Jones said he has had a lifetime of service to kids in Winston-Salem and Forsyth County Photo Forsyth County. County Commissioner and Vice Chairman Don Martin, left, presents Everette "... Not just this, but we Witherspoon with a copy of a resolution recognizing his eight years of service as know about the golf tour- a County Commissioner on Thursday, Nov. 29. nament he puts on for students. We know how he the fellowship with these School, was first elected to Nurse Family Partnership, tutors kids and just the love young people. I think the Board of County a program that helps firsthe has for kids and people they’re doing a good job Commissioners in 2010 time mothers and others in in general," she said. "Mr. and I think we need to get and re-elected in 2014. need to promote healthy Johnson, it has been an behind them and do all we While also serving as the children and families. honor to serve with you. can to help them out," said chief executive of Chris After Martin presented Thank you for all you've Johnson. "I really appreci- Rehabilitative Services him with a copy of the resdone for the kids in this ate everything this school LLC in Greensboro, as olution, Witherspoon said, community." Commissioner “I’d like to thank all the citsystem has done for me County Johnson said after retir- and my family. I couldn't Witherspoon also served in izens of Forsyth County, ing for the first time in be happier to make this appointments on the particularly the citizens of 1993, he was persuaded by second retirement." Centerpoint Human District A, for allowing me voters to run for the vacanboard, to represent you for these The farewells contin- Services cy left on the board by ued on Thursday, Nov. 29, Commission on Ending eight years. It’s been one of Walter Marshall, who went at the Forsyth County Homelessness and the the most wonderful privion to serve as a Forsyth Government Building. Home and Community leges of my life.” County Commissioner. During Although he didn’t say the County Care Block Grant Advisory Johnson said it has been a Commissioners meeting, Committee. he would run for County pleasure because the proclamations were read again, The resolution present- Commissioner school system means so marking the services of ed by Vice Chairman Don Witherspoon did hint at a much to him. He also C o m m i s s i o n e r Martin recognized possible run when the seat encouraged the community Witherspoon and Sheriff Witherspoon as a “tireless for District A is up for to support the new board Schatzman. advocate for human servic- grabs again. members, who will be A Marine veteran and Witherspoon, a native es and education in Forsyth sworn in Dec. 11. of Forsyth County and County.” It also recognized retired FBI special agent, "I have really enjoyed graduate of Glenn High Witherspoon’s support of Schatzman was first elect-

from page A1

varied existence of black North Carolinians,” according to Brown. This frustration led Brown to decide to create a literary competition for African-American writers in North Carolina and he reached out to Jaki Shelton Green, the poet laureate of North Carolina, for help. She recommended that Brown get in touch with the N.C Writers Network and that led to a partnership with the Writers Network and the Creative Writing Program at UNC-Chapel Hill. When thinking about an appropriate name for the competition, Brown and Ed Southern with the Writers Network looked at early AfricanAmerican writers from North Carolina and found two. Harriet Jacobs was born in 1813 near Edenton and later escaped to Philadelphia, hiding for seven years in a crawl space in her grandmother’s ceiling. In 1861 she published her

autobiography, “Incidents in the Life of a Slave Girl.” She died in 1887 and was inducted into the N.C. Literary Hall of Fame in 1997. The second African-American writer was Thomas H. Jones, who was born into slavery in 1806 near Wilmington. He was able to purchase freedom for his wife and all but one of his children and moved to New York in 1849. He wrote a memoir, “The Experience of Thomas Jones,” in 1854. The inaugural literary competition is named the Jacobs/Jones African-American Literary Prize and is open to any African-American writer who lives in North Carolina. The deadline for entries is Jan. 2, 2019, and the prize is $1,000. There is an entry fee of $10 for members of N.C. Writers Network and $20 for nonmembers. The entries are for unpublished creative fiction and nonfiction, such as memoirs, up to 3,000 words. Details on how to enter can be found at, and click on the link for Jacobs/Jones African-American Literary Prize.

The winner of the prize will be published in The Carolina Quarterly, the literary journal of UNC-Chapel Hill. Rion Amilear Scott, an award-winning writer, will judge the contest. Brown hopes the literary prize will encourage black writers to “capture their lives through storytelling.” Brown is author of a book of poetry, “Tar Heel Born: A Native Son Speaks on Race, Religion and Reconciliation,” and the novella, “Eyes of Water and Stone: From Havana with Love,” which are available on Brown hopes this literary prize will encourage folks to “get their writing out there.” He would like to see a larger body of work created that reflects the stories of black North Carolinians. “I would like to see a thriving presence of African-American writers in North Carolina bookstores,” he said. “If a community grows out of this, that would be great.” He added that he would like to see “high-quality work not only in North Carolina, but out in the world.”


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New era from page A1

County Commissioners, McDaniel says her focus will be ensuring equity when it comes to funding across District A and the entire county. During an interview with The Chronicle, McDaniel said she wanted to be the catalyst for change in District A. "I'm the new commissioner that's elected for the people to provide equity in terms of funding for this county and I appreciate us truly being about to do this together," she said. "I need the constituents to know this seat isn't about me, this is about us. I'm sitting for every constituent who lives in Forsyth County, especially in District A, and I need them to stay close." As she made her way to the front of the Commissioners Meeting Room, dozens of McDaniel’s supporters came to their feet and

ting, you deserve. You worked hard for it. And to the community, you have elected someone that is going to do his best to improve this community and do everything that is needed." As part of the North Carolina election sweep, Paula Dance was voted as the first African-American sheriff in Pitt County and the first female AfricanAmerican sheriff in the state of North Carolina. "When I was born, there were no AfricanAmerican members of the North Carolina state legislature, no AfricanAmerican sheriffs, certainly no women minority sheriffs, and no black DAs," said the Rev. Dr. William Barber II, the president emeritus of the North Carolina NAACP, who spoke to in Durham. Voters in Wake, Durham, Cumberland, Mecklenburg, Buncombe, Forsyth, Guilford and Pitt all elected AfricanAmerican sheriffs Nov. 6. In all but Wake and Mecklenburg, it was the first time doing so.

ed as the sheriff of Forsyth County in 2002 and was reelected three times. Prior to joining the Forsyth County Sheriff ‘s Department, Schatzman also served as a senior agent and North Carolina police training coordinator. As sheriff, he acted as the North Carolina Sheriffs’ Association representative on the N.C. State Emergency Response Committee and the FBI Criminal Justice Information Services Advisory Board. After receiving his resolution, Schatzman said serving the citizens of Forsyth County has been a great privilege. He said, “It has been a high honor and great privilege to work at the Forsyth County Sheriff’s Office and be a part of Forsyth County. I’ve done a few things in my background, but this has been the best. “We have a great team, you all are part of that team, a team that has been very successful over 16 years, with all our bumps and grinds and ups and downs. It’s been a labor of love for everyone and I thank you all for the privilege to be a part of it.” Witherspoon’s and Schatzman’s successors were sworn in earlier this week. The new members of the Board of Education will be sworn in on Dec. 11 at the WS/FCS Education Building, 4801 Bethania Station Road.

cheered. Before delivering the oath, District Court Judge Denise Hartsfield said she was sure the late Earline Parmon, who was the second AfricanAmerican woman elected to serve as a County Commissioner, was smiling down on her. The first black woman commissioner was Maize Woodruff. In 2012, McDaniel served as Parmon's campaign manager. She credits Parmon for helping pave the way for her to serve the citizens of Forsyth County. "I am extremely proud to have you become a member of the Board of Commissioners, and I know Earline is smiling and shouting and giving praise with Almighty God in Heaven," Hartsfield said. In other business, Commissioner David Plyler was re-elected as the board chairman and Commissioner Don Martin was re-elected as vice chairman.

The Chronicle (USPS 067-910) was established by Ernest H. Pitt and Ndubisi Egemonye in 1974 and is published every Thursday by Chronicle Media Group, LLC, 1300 E. Fifth St., Winston Salem, N.C. 27101. Periodicals postage paid at Winston-Salem, N.C. Annual subscription price is $30.72. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to: The Chronicle, P.O. Box 1636 Winston-Salem, NC 27102-1636

Sparks honored for service to Dixie Classic Fair BY TEVIN STINSON THE CHRONICLE

During the Winston-Salem City Council Meeting on Monday, Dec. 3, Mayor Allen Joines presented a resolution recognizing David L. Sparks for 30 years of service to the City of Winston-Salem and the Dixie Classic Fair. Sparks, who served as the director of the Dixie Classic Fair for 25 years, joined the “Fall Classic” in 1988 as assistant director, and five years later he was promoted to director. Under his leadership, the Dixie Classic Fair has grown into the second largest agricultural fair in North Carolina, and non-fair facility bookings increased by 75 percent. Sparks also oversaw more than $10.2 million in capital improvements to buildings and infrastructure, including the Neil Bolton Home and Garden Building, the Thomas Fredericks Clock Tower, new entranceways, the development of Yesterday Village, and

improvements to the Kiddieland area and midway. Before presenting Sparks with a copy of the resolution, Mayor Allen Joines thanked him for his service to the city. “On behalf of City Council and more importantly the citizens of WinstonSalem, we want to thank you very much for your service to the city and the people of Northwest North Carolina,” Joines said. Sparks, who announced his retirement earlier this year, said he was humbled by the honor. ”I want to thank you all for this recognition. It’s humbling and it means a lot to me. “I can tell you 30 years goes by a lot faster than I imagined when I first started, but I want to thank you all for your support of the Fair and the Fairgrounds over the years, and I look forward for your continued support.”

During the school board meeting on Tuesday, Nov. 27, winners of the 2018 Holiday Card Contest were announced. Each year board members and the superintendent look through hundreds of submissions from students and select their favorite design.

Board of Education Chairwoman Dana Caudill Jones presents Alyssa Young, a fifth grader at Diggs-Latham Elementary School, with a certificate. Young was one of the winners of the 2018 Holiday Card Contest.

Photos by Tevin Stinson

Board of Education announces 2018 Holiday Card selections SPECIAL TO THE CHRONICLE

Every year during the holiday season, each member of the Winston-Salem/Forsyth County Schools Board of Education and the superintendent look through hundreds of original holiday cards submitted by students from across the district and pick their favorite holiday design. After the selections are made, the students who are chosen are recognized for their artistic talents with a certificate and their design displayed on the district’s website and the Cable 2 television network. During the board meeting on Nov. 27, the 2018 Holiday card winners were announced. This year’s winf ners are: Alyssa Young (Diggs-Latham Elementary), Grace Johnson (Southwest Elementary), Makenzie Akins (Southeast Middle), Saraiyah Abreu (Kimmel Farm Elementary), Ellie Hobbs (Southeast Middle), Kalina Bassett (Children’s Center), Michele Viola (Reagan High), Emma Mikita (East Forsyth High), Ama Lyles (Atkins A&T High), and Arden Gentry (Career Center).

Have a Story Idea? Let us Know


DECEMBER 6, 2018


During the City Council Meeting on Monday, Dec. 3, David Sparks, longtime director of the Dixie Classic Fair, was recognized for his 30 years of service.

Have an Opinion?

Photo by Tevin Stinson

Let us Know


A4 DECEMBER 6, 2018


‘The Maestra of Winston-Salem’ The WSSU Choir performs during the 2017 Holiday Concert. Check out the 2018 concert photos on page B3.

Maestra D’Walla Simmons-Burke

Submitted photo


Maestra D’Walla Simmons-Burke is Winston-Salem State University’s director of Choral and Vocal Studies for the Department of Music. Professionally, she has had leading roles as a soprano in operas such as “Lost in the Stars,” “LaTraviata,” “Amahl and the Night Visitors,” “The Telephone,” and “The Old Maid and the Thief.” For the past 30 years, Simmons-Burke has been pouring her knowledge and talents into the five choral ensembles that she founded at Winston-Salem State University. “I enter the classroom every day and take what I have and have them to understand that they have to be the best they can be. We don’t set goals of winning awards or things such as that. Our goals are very practical; it takes patience, it takes a sense of humor, it takes not taking yourself so seriously, and to understand what they’re bring-

ing to the table is valuable.” The gifted Maestra also teaches her students some tough and very real-life lessons. They were invited to sing for one of the University’s corporate sponsors at an international affair, with people from many different countries in attendance, and just before they were to perform, “… when we got there, the person that invited us came out and said, ‘you should not sing Negro Spirituals.’ I was stunned, and as soon as she went back in, I turned around and instructed my students to get on the bus.” I immediately thought to myself: good for her; way to go! That was a bold move by a bold woman. The students followed their courageous leader without hesitation. She continued, “On the way back I really understood the gravity of what I had just done, because it was a corporation here that supports the University here.” Then the phone rang; it was their

then Chancellor calling to ask what happened. Simmons-Burke said, “I told the Chancellor what transpired and the Chancellor at that time said I have no problem with that.” That didn’t stop The Singing Rams from moving forward. SimmonsBurke is the mastermind behind the renowned Winston-Salem State Choir, aka The Singing Rams, who has performed for President George W. Bush; Kweisi Mfume; former President/CEO of the NAACP; a five-term Democratic Congressman; Susan Taylor, former editor-in-chief of Essence Magazine from 1981 through 2000; former North Carolina Governor James Hunt; Maya Angelou; and Pope John Paul II, to name a few. The Singing Rams has become one of the most sought-after performances in the country. They were invited to sing at the world-renowned Carnegie Hall eight times. “We




received a call saying we’ve been following your group and we really think it’s time for them to make an appearance on a national stage at Carnegie Hall,” said Simmons-Burke. “I couldn’t believe it, and I said yes, of course, right away. I agreed with the organization, because it’s time for these students to be recognized on another level.” She said the students didn’t understand how big of a deal it was to perform at Carnegie Hall until afterward. “When they came back, they came [back] differently. So these exposures always offer our young people a different way about what it is that they’ve done, because other ears are hearing them that don’t get to hear every day.” The renowned choir also performed with the Gateways Symphony Orchestra; Winston-Salem Symphony Orchestra; D'Vorak Symphony Orchestra; Colour of Music Festival Symphony Orchestra; and the New



England Symphony Orchestra. Although Maestra Simmons-Burke and the Singing Rams don’t focus on winning awards, they have won a few and were nominated for a Grammy. With all that Maestra Simmons-Burke has accomplished, she stays very humble. “I ask myself how many times you can say this is a once-in-a-lifetime experience.” Maestra SimmonsBurke has a very impressive resume. She’s conducted the 105 Voices of History Concert Choir as a National Conductor at The John F. Kennedy Performing Arts Center, and in Nassau, Bahamas. She is a recipient of the 105 Voices of History Kennedy Center Performing Arts Award. During her time with the 105 Voices of History, Simmons-Burke was the National Choral Coordinator and one of three conductors who led the 105 Voices of History Concert Choir in their



R E Y N O L D A H O U S E . O R G / H O L I D A Y S



WSSU Photo

inaugural performance at the Grand Ole Opry. This past Sunday was Winston-Salem State University Choir’s Annual Holiday Concert. It's one of the most talked about holiday events in the Twin City, so I asked the Maestra what is the magic of the concert. SimmonsBurke responded, “I asked some community friends and they said it’s always a family-oriented concert. You always try to emerge some community group within your concert, and you can’t get a concert like this for free.” Go to our YouTube channel at Winstonsalem Chronicle to see the rest of my interview with “The Maestra of WinstonSalem,” D’Walla Simmons-Burke. You’ll feel her beautiful and warm spirit, hear her comments on performing for President George W. Bush and Pope John Paul II. She also shared how the community can help support her students, and the choir’s big plans for 2019.

What about those Bird electric scooters?


People on the Street

DECEMBER 6, 2018 A5


For The Chronicle’s People on the Street, on Friday, Nov. 30, I stopped by Zesto’s Burgers & Ice Cream on New Walkertown Road to ask diners: What do you think the City of Winston-Salem should do about the Bird electric scooters and why?

Photos by Judie Holcomb-Pack

Cookie Penn had this viewpoint: “I think they should not have them because I have experienced young people driving up at night and have not seen them. They are not responsible enough to know you should wear light colored or reflective clothing or wear a helmet.” Jamani Williams, age 16, answered like this: “I think we should keep them because they are a good thing for kids to get around.”

Jorden Conrad, age 13, said, “I don’t like them. They are annoying and they should take them away.”

Leonard Hay offered this comment: “I believe the scooters are great for young people like WSSU (Winston-Salem State University) students because they can get on one and go out to get something to eat. Maybe put an age limit of 16.”

Miles Medlin, age 24 and a WSSU student, said: “I feel like having the Birds on Winston-Salem streets would be fun for citizens of Winston-Salem, but they aren’t being utilized in the right way. Some are being broken and that should be stopped for the company’s sake.”

Willie B. Conrad Jr. responded: “I think they should get rid of them, to tell you the truth. The wrong kids are getting on them and using them for the wrong reason.”

The City Council has removed the Birds from the streets while it decides how to regulate them and establish guidelines for use. Do you have an opinion? Write us a letter at letters@wschronicle with the subject line “Letter to the Editor” and let us know.

Azia Wright, 21 and a student at WSSU, commented: “I feel they are very convenient and they should put them back out because it helps students get places on time and it’s cheap.

Fleming El-Amin, Forsyth County commissioner, offered his opinion as he was carrying a bag of take-out food (and slipped out without getting his picture made): “They must have an ordinance to protect the safety of the community and riders. It is convenient for people to go a short distance, but for people on the sidewalk, it’s dangerous, especially for seniors. And they should be taxed.”

A6 DECEMBER 6, 2018


J AMES TAYLOR J R . Publisher





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Will historic votes lead to historic results?

Voters made history across North Carolina Nov. 6. African-American candidates for sheriff in the state's seven largest counties and smaller Pitt County, won their races. Paula Dance became the first African-American sheriff in Pitt County and the first female AfricanAmerican sheriff in the state of North Carolina. Voters in Wake, Durham, Cumberland, Mecklenburg, Buncombe, Forsyth, Guilford and Pitt all elected African-American sheriffs Nov. 6. In all but Wake and Mecklenburg, it was the first time doing so. "When I was born, there were no African-

African-American sheriffs will have to face the trials and tribulations that come with the job, such as making sure jails meet voters’ standards.

American members of the North Carolina state legislature, no African-American sheriffs, certainly no women minority sheriffs, and no black DAs," the Rev. Dr. William Barber II, the president emeritus of the North Carolina NAACP, told in Durham. Dr. Barber was born in 1963. He was born just as civil rights were getting hot and heavy. No, there were no African-American sheriffs when he was born. But there are now. The question is, what difference will it make? We understand the historical value of the elections, but will the sheriffs be able to fight crime as they should? Will budget constraints keep them from hiring the best people and training those who are hired to become the best? Will unforeseen circumstances, such as in Forsyth County, lead County Commissioners to use what some consider a substandard vendor for inmate health care because no other vendor made a bid to provide that care? Will the jails be safe to keep inmates from dying? Several have died in the Forsyth County Jail. While history has been made, history should continue to be made. The African-Americans must overcome the obstacles they face to provide the best service to the residents of the counties they serve. It might take some new and innovative ways to overcome the obstacles. It might take new people to break through the tethers holding them back. It might take compassion and fortitude to overcome. Whatever it will take, the voters expect a lot from the new African-American sheriff. We wish them Godspeed and the will to overcome.

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Bush’s death prompts longing for ‘good ole days’ Ron Rogers

Guest Columnist

The passing of former President George H.W. Bush this past weekend really hit me. How time flies, eh? He died at age 94. My first real knowledge of him came on a cold night in January 1980. I was a news clerk for the now defunct Richmond News Leader. My job was to gather the copy and stories from the high-speed printers, separate them and leave them for the editors that came in starting at 5 in the morning. The News Leader was an afternoon paper. That night was the night of the Iowa caucus. Ronald Reagan, the conservative’s darling, was expected to win easily, but a candidate named George Bush had other plans. He pulled off an upset that shook the political world and got Reagan to get off his duff and fight for the

GOP nomination for president. Bush continued to challenge Reagan, but in the end he could not stop the Gipper’s steamroller. Bush did go on to become Reagan’s running mate. Over the years, I sort of liked Bush until 1988, when he ran for president. Now we’re getting personal. During the campaign, Bush and Michael Dukakis decided on a number of debates for the fall campaign. I was the graphics editor at the Gadsden Times in Gadsden, Alabama. Birmingham, which was about 70 miles from where I worked, was added to the list of debate sites. Sensing a creative

Cartoon courtesy of the Ron Rogers collection

opportunity, I could attend, draw sketches and cartoons of the event and share them on The New York Times Regional Network (NYTRENG). I ran the idea by my editor, Rusty Starr, who said go for it. I put in for credentials to attend, which I got. A few weeks later, I saw on the front page of the Birmingham Post-Herald that Bush and his campaign decided to drop the number of debates and Birmingham was one of the sites. Talk about angry; the guy dumped on my plans. I drew a lot of cartoons during that campaign. One of them had Bush hiding in a turtle’s shell behind a debate podium (Ouch!).

Bush went on to win the presidency. He did a lot of things I did not like and a few things that I did like. What really changed my attitude was how he handled the Gulf War. He had smart generals and aides around him. He considered the results of his actions and took the risk. How presidential of him. The run up to that war was really challenging for me. I did not support President Bush heading for war. The atmosphere was rough. Under President Bush’s leadership, the war was short with some casualties (News reports were predicting the possibility of 20,000 body bags being in the ready just in case.). I did not support President Bush in 1992. I was a Clinton voter. But I never lost respect for him. He was a great wartime president and former president. His passing makes us long to have somebody in the oval office that we know will have our backs as a country. Ron Rogers is an editorial cartoonist whose cartoons appear in The Chronicle.

S.C. senator will not support judicial pick James B. Ewers Jr.

Guest Columnist

Elected officials represent the electorate, but also represent themselves. Too many times recently, we have watched people we put in office make questionable votes. As a result, they have been booed out of restaurants. Just ask Sen. Mitch McConnell about some of his dining experiences. Also, don’t forget about Sen. Ted Cruz, who was booed out of a D.C. restaurant in September. People are becoming increasingly irritated over elected officials kowtowing to political pressure. The current administration is particularly good at this practice. Unfortunately, they have become puppets. You can guess who the ringleader is. He lives in Washington, D.C. and sees nothing wrong in cajoling power from elected officials and using it for his

personal gain. Sadly, he bloviates about these conquests as if he were a king. Since the passing of Sen. John McCain, the Senate has almost become benign. Individual thinking and robust discussions are now, in my opinion, a thing of the past. Back in the day, senators like Bob Dole, John Kerry, John McCain and Ted Kennedy all contributed mightily to the political discourse in our country. They disagreed and still maintained their respect for both each other and for the high standards of the body. The polarization in the Senate is at an all time high, in my opinion. Meanness seems to be the mantra of the day. Yet in this season of unprecedented discord, there may be a glimmer of light. Yes, a guiding light to lead us out of the darkness. Recently, Thomas Farr was nominated to become a U.S. District judge in my home state of North Carolina. Farr has already been linked to allegations of voter suppression and voter fraud. My suspicion is when men like Farr and

women like Cindy HydeSmith link themselves to racial inequality in any form, they think that they won’t get caught or that it doesn’t matter. Well, it does matter, and they will be caught. Sometimes your wiggle won’t waggle even if Mr. T stands by your side. While Mike Espy lost to Hyde-Smith in the Mississippi run-off election, I believe better days are ahead for the citizens of that state. I believe Thomas Farr thought that because he was nominated for this judgeship, that he was well on his way to getting it. Wrong! In fact, in one fell swoop, he went from fame to infamous. Tim Scott is the only black person in the United States Senate. He is from South Carolina and he has said no to Farr’s nomination. Jeff Flake, senator from Arizona, has also said no to Farr’s wanting to be a federal judge. At this moment, Thomas Farr reminds me of Little Anthony and the Imperials when they sang, “I’m on the outside looking in and want to be on the inside

with you.” Mr. Farr, you are on the outside and will be in the foreseeable future. Others weighed in on the Farr nomination. In a prepared statement, Stacy Abrams and Andrew Gillum said, “Thomas Farr’s record of hostility and disregard for fundamental civil rights disqualifies him for a lifetime appointment that will allow him to codify his discriminatory ideology into law.” Senator Scott, who also turned a deaf ear to the appellate nomination of Ryan Bounds, may become a much-needed voice of reason in the Senate. Somewhere in heaven, the late Sen. Edward Brooke is smiling and saying, Well done, Tim Scott. James B. Ewers Jr., Ed.D., is a former tennis champion at Atkins High School in Winston-Salem and played college tennis at Johnson C. Smith University. He is a retired college administrator. He can be reached at


DECEMBER 6, 2018


The road less taken Richard A. Davis Guest Columnist

He shared a crucible with a frightened bunch of social misfits who would do almost anything to quiet the anxiety of becoming an adult; that tug of war between childhood and adulthood that made them so insecure they would prefer almost anything to being

alone. They hadn’t set out to be dementors – mindless, hatefilled, soul-eating maggots – they grew into it. For Yogi Berra, the choice was simple: “When you come to a fork in the road, take it!” For Robert Frost, it was a dilemma; 45 degrees made a world of difference. “I never thought of them that way,” he said. “I don’t know what I thought of them, but not like that.” To him, they were just “hard-to-make” friends. He said in effect, “They just didn’t like the way I wore my hair, or the way I talked, or the clothes I wore, or the way I walked, or the way I looked, or any of the other little things that if I changed, they would like me just fine.” He didn’t think I would understand. But we both faced bullying, 50 years apart; he at Jefferson Middle School in Winston-Salem and I at Whitted Junior High School in Durham. Nostalgically, almost wistfully, we now foist onto it the fabricated embellishment of a war story: “It wasn’t so bad.” The arch-bullies at WJHS, Robert B. and Robert C., sotto voce, “the Two Bobbies,” like Ralphie’s nemeses in “A Christmas Story” - the yel-

low-eyed Scut Farkus and his little toady pal Grover, reigned terror before and after school, in classrooms and in hallways. To the bane of us all, they didn’t “come by ones.” Bullying is a perennial part of school life, especially in the middle grades because that’s such a vulnerable time. It collides with adolescence to create an experience that may last a lifetime, for bullies and their prey. When my grandson told me he was being bullied, I joked with him about my own experience with the Two Bobbies to relieve his pain and embarrassment. I let him down. I need to apologize to him as often as he needs it, and as often as I can face up to it. Having said that, I also need to say to the other adults involved: I followed protocol and took his story first to the principal and then to the assistant superintendent for middle schools. After a meeting in the principal’s office, the assistant superintendent turned to the principal she was charged with supervising and said, “Frank, can’t we all just get along?” I was surprised that neither administrator offered to address the issue with any of his teachers, or tormentors. In fact, they took no action whatsoever to address the bullying, as if the meeting solved the problem. This “black guardian angel” who proudly proclaims in private “to be there for black kids” didn’t feel the need to take any action to stop this black kid from being teased, taunted, ostracized, and threatened. He was what I imagine Yankee closer Aroldis Chapman was like in middle school - a lefty fireballer and star first baseman - that is, if Aroldis Chapman was also an honor student. Jackie Robinson became a national

hero for resisting bullies that were never criticized for tormenting him on and off the field. But a child shouldn’t need his forbearance to attend a public school in peace. There is something terribly wrong when being wellbehaved, well-dressed, well-spoken, and academically gifted, in a word, an all-round good guy, makes a child a target, when it should put him on the road to the White House, Senate leadership, or the Supreme Court. I told him what I would tell any child who is bullied: take down the name of every teacher, administer, secretary, janitor, school resource officer, and student you see during the incident, and with your parent or guardian, report it to the principal, the superintendent, and then the school board. But this brave young idealist said, “No, I’d rather handle it myself … because reporting it only makes it worse.” A year younger than most of his classmates, he knew he had to find “a separate peace.” His teachers obviously didn’t care that he was bullied in their classes, since the most egregious acts took place in their presence, or in hallways right outside their classrooms during those perilous ten minutes between classes. Finally, let me say, being bullied is no joke. (And oh yes, boys will be boys – but only if we let them!) Bullying has to be approached with the moral clarity of a child who is bullied, and of one who bullies.

Trump's environment

H a v e you ever had Marshall the experience when May walking down some Guest desolate Columnist road in the hot summer sun or abstaining from water for some hour or two? Suddenly your greatest desire is to feel a cool stream of liquid, more precious than gold, flowing past your cracked lips, parched mouth, and into your dehydrated body. Maybe you have been greatly alarmed at the prospect of subsisting without water for the rest of the day. If you have had these experiences, you know that clean water is more precious to you at these times than any amount of money. What would it matter to a man or woman if he or she gained all the comforts in this world, if he or she had no clean water to drink? Life is unsustainable without clean water. It is my guess that persons afflicted with this one disaster the loss of clean water - would give up all they once thought most necessary for life, only to secure a dependable, constant supply of water. It is more precious than gold. The rich can't obtain it once it is gone, no matter how much they are willing to spend. Mining operations and powerful plants that burn coal can affect our water supply, including rivers and lakes. After coal is removed from the ground and burned, coal ash remains. This coal ash is dumped into ponds. It can leak and contaminate drinking water. All coal ash contains concentrated amounts of toxic elements. In President Trump's State of the Union address he claimed that America had ended "the war on beautiful clean coal." Coal is neither beautiful nor clean.

Dr. Richard A. Davis is a social psychologist who writes about acceptable corruption in public institutions – an ordinary evil. He lives in Pfafftown with his wife Charlene and grandson Chase.

The safety of nuclear power plants has been called into question following the Japanese earthquake and resulting tsunami that occurred on March 11, 2011. The natural disasters caused nuclear meltdowns and the release of radioactive materials at the Fukushima Daiicchi Nuclear Power Plant. This may have been a wake-up call to all who felt complacency concerning nuclear power. Nearly 184 million Americans are within 50 miles of a nuclear plant. A leak could contaminate major waterways. America should be moving toward renewable energy. Coal is definitely not renewable. Nuclear energy is not renewable, despite the arguments of many. Nuclear energy depends on uranium to provide fuel for nuclear fusion. Uranium deposits are finite. Solar power and wind power are forms of renewable energy. It doesn't appear that the Trump Administration is taking renewable energy seriously. The Energy Department's Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy was given $2.04 billion for the past fiscal year. President Donald Trump does not take credit for last year's spending. For fiscal year 2019, the Trump administration proposed cutting spending to $661 million. The environment is a serious issue. I desire a planet that can sustain life. Life cannot be sustained if the water we depend on is poisoned. I don't want to abandon the coming generations to life on a little blue planet where their whole lives are spent struggling to subsist in "sh*thole" conditions. Marshall A. Mays is a writer and a lifelong resident of Winston-Salem. He has been studying President Donald Trump's environmental policy for the last two years.

‘Chomp, chomp’: the importance of oral health education

Sara R. Correa

Guest Columnist

The holiday season is upon us – prep your turkeys, mashed potatoes, corn on the cob, and pumpkin pies! For many of us, it is the time of year where we fill our bellies to the max and maybe even gain a couple pounds. It is also the season of sharing, giving, accepting, and being grateful for all that we have – especially our teeth! A large part of enjoying our holiday meals is actually being able to chew, taste, and swallow. All of this action occurs in our mouths and with the help

of our tidy teeth. Even though we may take them for granted at times and not provide them the care they deserve each day, they help us live well, eat well, and be happy. A report by the N.C. Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) stated that one of seven children go more than a year without seeing a dentist, which increases their likelihood three-fold of developing cavities into adulthood and missing school. One of the unfortunate causes of poor oral health lies greatly in the excessive costs for dental care and lack of dental insurance. As a result, athome oral health education is crucial to preventing tooth decay and large expenses in the future. If you do a quick

Google search on oral health education, you will see a variety of manuals, research studies, videos, and detailed graphics hoping to instill some knowledge into us. Truth is, how many of us actually have time to go through all of this information, or even the idea of doing a search on this topic to begin with? This sheds light on the real

issue for promoting oral health education – we need to motivate people to think about this topic regularly and provide easy access guides to people directly. In 2013 a systematic review on the effectiveness of oral health education programs stated that for programs to be successful, they needed to be combined with 1) group

actions, and 2) participant’s own desire for improving their personal oral health. This brings me back to the idea that we usually take our teeth for granted until we begin to experience pain or discomfort, loss of teeth, or more serious illnesses like oral cancer or heart disease. Being aware and informed is not enough for taking care of our teeth; we need to want it. There exist a variety of tools out there but finding them and choosing the right one for you can be a challenging task. Luckily, the NC-DHHS has also provided a quick guide on how to properly take care of your teeth. Making this a daily routine, if it isn’t already one, can be a challenge at the beginning. Remember, though, that

these four minutes of your day can make a world of a difference in your future. Take care of your teeth starting at home right now, so that you can chomp through that turkey leg or corn on the cob later. You can even make it a New Year’s resolution! Lastly, don’t forget about giving to those in need. Start a donation drive with your family members - it can be as easy as asking them to bring a toothbrush and toothpaste to the holiday dinner! Remember, every day matters for oral health. Sara Rubio Corea is currently a Master’s of Public Health student at UNC Chapel Hill, and plans to become a physician.


A8 DECEMBER 6, 2018

What’s Happening NOW in City Government

CityNOW Holiday festivities paint downtown W-S

The Christmas tree is lit up Dec. 1 at the 28th annual Winston-Salem Jaycees Holiday Parade and the Downtown Tree Lighting Ceremony.

Photo The City of Winston-Salem


The 28th annual Winston-Salem Jaycees Holiday Parade and the Downtown Tree Lighting Ceremony was the perfect kickoff to the beginning of the holiday season. The parade was held on Saturday, Dec. 1, at 5 p.m., beginning on 4th Street, moving down the street and ending at Corpening Plaza for the Tree Lighting ceremony. The grand marshal for the 28th annual parade was Mark Owens, president and CEO of the Winston-Salem Chamber of Commerce. He helped ignite the annual holiday event. The parade consisted of creative floats, dancers young and old, colorful costumes and spectacular cars. The parade began in 1999 and was created to bring holiday cheer to the Winston-Salem community. Willette Scales has been enjoying the festivities since the first parade. “I have been coming to the parade since the first one

and will return next year. I believe everyone should come to the parade to enjoy themselves,” she said. Scales expressed her favorite aspect about the parade: “I always enjoy all the people smiling in the parade, but my favorite thing I look forward to is the Moe Lucas dance group. I’ve been supporting the Moe Lucas group since my little girl danced with them. I will be back next year to hopefully enjoy the parade for another year.” The parade is also a family affair, bringing families out to celebrate the holiday. Lashanda Martinwhite explained the importance of the parade to her family. “My family has been coming to the parade for nine years. The parade does not get me in the holiday spirit, but it does get the kids excited and ready for the holidays.” Martinwhite did express what excites her most about the parade. “The high school bands excite me if they are in the parade, and Santa Claus, which my kids enjoy see-


Get your calendar out – it’s time to start penciling in all the wonderful holiday events that happen during “the most wonderful time of the year.” Below are highlights of a few of the events and activities that are sure to get you in the holiday spirit. *Kick off the holiday season with a trip to view the amazing light displays with over 1 million lights at Tanglewood’s Festival of Lights, 6 p.m. until 11 p.m. through Jan. 1. Over 100 separate displays spread over a four-mile route, a light-and-motion-filled adventure. *Enjoy the beauty of a Victorian Christmas at Korner’s Folly, 413 S. Main St., on WednesdaysSaturdays through Jan. 5, 10 a.m.-5 p.m. and Sundays 1 -5 p.m. Selfguided tours will include 22 decorated rooms. Tickets are $12 adults; $8 children ages 6-18 (under age 6 free). *Experience the beauty and smells of the holidays at the annual Candle Tea hosted by Home Moravian Church in the Single Brothers House, 600 S. Main St. in Old Salem. The Candle Tea will be held Dec. 6, 7 and 8 and 9 from 1-8:30 p.m., and Dec. 8, 11:30 a.m.-8:30 p.m. Sing carols, enjoy a cup of Moravian coffee and sugarcake, and end with hearing the Christmas story read while viewing a miniature scene of Bethlehem. Tickets are just $5 for adults and $1 for children 12 and under. *Bring the grandkids to

The Christmas Puppet Show: The Night Before Christmas at Korner’s Folly, on Dec. 7 at 6 p.m. Come hear the Korner’s spin on the classic 1820s poem by Clement Clarke Moore. The Puppet Show is followed by a visit from Santa so bring your camera for this great photo opportunity. Tickets are $5/person. *Showtune: The Holiday Edition will be presented by 40 Plus Stage Company through Dec. 6-8 at 7:30 p.m. and Dec. 8-9 at 2 p.m., at the Mountcastle Black Box Theatre of the Milton Rhodes Center for the Arts, 251 N. Spruce St. Tickets are $20 for adults, $15 for seniors and $10 for children. For tickets, visit or call (336) 747-1414. *An annual Christmas tradition is “A Christmas Carol,” Triad Stage’s holiday classic by Charles Dickens. The performances will be held at Hanesbrands Theatre, 209 N. Spruce St., through Dec. 23. Travel through the past, present and future with Ebenezer Scrooge. For dates and ticket information, visit or purchase tickets at *There will be an opportunity to enjoy Handel’s Messiah: Dec. 18 at 7:30 p.m., at Centenary United Methodist Church, 646 W. Fifth St., with music performed by the Winston-Salem Symphony and voices of the Messiah Festival Chorus. Tickets are $15 and up. For more information, visit *An Old Salem Christmas Carol will be

ing.” Following the parade, the Downtown Tree Lighting Ceremony was held at Corpening Plaza. The ceremony presented dancing from the Galilee Missionary Baptist Church Liturgical Dancers, singing from Sara Culler, and delicious hot chocolate along with food vendors. The ceremony had a special visit from Santa and Mrs. Claus before the official lighting of the tree. The ceremony was enjoyed by all in attendance. Constance Thompson said, “I have been coming to the Tree Lighting Ceremony for three years. The ceremony is important to my kids and it does get us in the Christmas spirit, along with Tanglewood Festival of Lights.” The anticipation ended with members of WinstonSalem City Council counting down to the lighting of the tree, with all in attendance gasping in amazement at the beautiful decorations.

presented Dec. 7 -9, 14-16, and 20 -22, at SECCA, 750 Marguerite Drive. A passing stranger is welcomed into Salem Tavern by a cheerful group celebrating Christmas Eve. The story he tells them is magical, and yet vaguely familiar. It’s 1887 and hard times have fallen on the people of Winston and nearby Salem. This heartwarming world premiere adaptation was written exclusively for The Little Theatre of WinstonSalem. For more information, visit *Prepare to be dazzled when The Nutcracker, Tchaikovsky’s renowned ballet and a long-time holiday tradition, returns for its 53rd year. UNCSA’s Nutcracker Orchestra will perform the music. This year’s performances will be held Dec. 7 -16 in the Steven’s Center, 405 W. Fourth St. Tickets range from $20 - $75 and are available at *A Kernersville Yuletide will happen on Dec. 8 from 10 a.m. -3 p.m. Make the trip to South Main Street in Kernersville and visit three destinations that have teamed up to create an enchanting holiday event. Stroll down South Main Street and stop by Kernersville Moravian Church to listen to music of the season, shop for some last-minute Christmas gifts, and visit the traditional Moravian tavern. Continue on to Korner’s Folly to explore the 188s house (regular tour admission applies). Then finish up at the Paul J. Ciener Botanical Gardens.

Snow day Day camp! 8 a.m. – 6 p.m. $10/day per child These Recreation Centers will be open when WS/FC Schools are closed due to bad weather Miller Park 400 Leisure Lane 336-727-2831 Hanes hosiery 501 Reynolds Blvd. 336-727-2428

Sedge garden* 401 Robbins Road 336-650-7694 *Teen Camp also available

georgia taylor 1471 W. Clemmonsville Rd. 336-650-7695

Holiday Collection Changes CITY OFFICES CLOSED DEC. 24 – 25 & JAN. 1 CityLink may be called at any time for water, sewer and other non-911 emergencies.

WEEK OF CHRISTMAS, DEC. 24 - 30 Garbage: All collections postponed one day; Friday on Saturday, Dec. 29 Recycling: Monday regular schedule. Tuesday - Friday postponed one day. Yard-Waste Carts: Monday & Tuesday on Wednesday, Wednesday & Thursday postponed one day

NEW YEAR’S WEEK, DEC. 31 - JAN. 6 Garbage: All collections postponed one day; Friday on Saturday, Jan. 5 Recycling: Monday regular schedule. Tuesday - Thursday postponed one day. Yard-Waste Carts: Monday regular schedule. Tuesday - Thursday postponed one day.


City of Winston-Salem

UNIVERSITY NOW ACCEPTING APPLICATIONS Class meets for 12 weeks starting Jan. 31, 2019 Graduation April 15, 2019 Applications due Dec. 28 Call CityLink 311 for an application or apply online at Applications due Dec. 28.

“CWSU is a fun, engaging program that teaches participants how the city operates. It offers a unique behind-the-scenes perspective on the cogs that keep the city running, and the people behind the curtains! Proud to have had the privilege to be a part of it.”– Nathan Borne, CWSU Class of 2018

No School Skate Days

during Christmas Vacation!! 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. Dec. 24–28, 31; Jan. 1 & 2; Check for hours on other days Admission $7 Skate Rental $3

Winston-salem Fairgrounds

annex Ice Rink

SHOWING THIS MONTH • Gentrification Forum


• Bowman Gray Stadium Plans • Carolina Thunderbirds Hockey

SPECTRUM Channel 13 AT&T UVERSE Channel 99 Live and on-demand: YouTube, Facebook, Instagram: City of Winston-Salem

Question or concern about city government services? City Link 311 (336-727-8000) is open to service all non-emergency calls, 7 days a week. The City of Winston-Salem does not discriminate on the basis of race, sex, color, age, national origin, religion or disability in its employment opportunities, programs, services or activities. Mayor: Allen Joines City Council: Vivian H. Burke, Mayor Pro Tempore, Northeast Ward; Denise D. Adams, North Ward; Dan Besse, Southwest Ward; Robert C. Clark, West Ward; John C. Larson, South Ward; Jeff MacIntosh, Northwest Ward; Annette Scippio, East Ward; James Taylor, Jr., Southeast Ward City Manager: Lee Garrity



Timothy Ramsey

Sports Columnist

Jacksonville Jaguars waste 2018 season

The Jacksonville Jaguars 2018 season has been one of the biggest disappointments in recent history. After an appearance in the AFC Championship game last season, the Jags seemed poised for a breakout season. Boy, was I wrong. The Jags currently have a record of 3-8 on the season. They got off to a hot start, winning three out of their first four games, but have lost seven games in a row. Their defense, which was supposed to be their calling card, has not looked like the same defense that dominated last season. It is obvious to anyone who knows football, that the biggest problem with Jacksonville is their quarterback Blake Bortles. Bortles was drafted third overall in the 2014 draft, out of the University of Central Florida, but has never matured into the franchise quarterback the team hoped. Bortles had an above average season in 2015, throwing for 35 touchdowns and 4428 yards. Since then, his numbers have continually dipped every season afterwards. I think Jacksonville was hoping that Bortles could have a season like 2015 that could propel them to the Super Bowl. I really have a problem with the wait-and-see approach Jacksonville has taken regarding their quarterback situation. Outside of the Patriots, teams have such a small window to try and win a Super Bowl. With such a great defense, I feel the Jags have wasted a golden opportunity this season by holding on to Bortles. If the Jags were smart, they would have made a move during the off season to address their need at quarterback. They could have gone after several signal callers such as Alex Smith, Joe Flacco or even Teddy Bridgewater, just to name a few. Tom Coughlin is the executive vice-president of football operations for the Jaguars. As a former Super Bowl winning head coach, Coughlin should know the value of the quarterback position. Coughlin had to deal with the question marks surrounding Eli Manning his last few years in New York, so I am really confused as to why he did not have a backup plan. I am certain that they will have to do something about their quarterback situation this upcoming off season. The window for Jacksonville is going to continue to shrink and I would hate for the fans to be denied a chance at a Super Bowl title. As a fan of the Washington Redskins, I have had to deal with years of incompetent play at the quarterback position. With a stout defense like Jacksonville has, having the right person under center can take them over the top. For me personally, I just hate to see a solid team in all phases of the game, but they are missing the most important piece. Hopefully, the front office will get it right and get the right quarterback to lead the team so they can reach See Ramsey on B2

Also More Stories, Religion and Classifieds

Wilder keeps heavyweight title, fights Fury to split draw DECEEMBER 6, 2018


LOS ANGELES — Tyson Fury dominated long stretches of his heavyweight title bout against Deontay Wilder with shifty technique and graceful defense. He still ended up flat on the canvas in the 12th round, his eyes rolling backward while Wilder celebrated above him. Fury somehow gathered his wits, rose and made it to the final bell. That's when both hulking men heard a verdict that didn't satisfy them, but nearly guaranteed a rematch of this exciting showdown. Wilder and Fury fought to a split draw Saturday night, with Wilder retaining his WBC heavyweight title after knocking down his British challenger twice. ``One hundred percent we'll do the rematch,'' Fury said. ``We are two great champions. Me and this man are the two best heavyweights on the planet.'' Wilder (40-0-1) floored Fury (27-0-1) in the ninth and final rounds, yet Fury

Deontay Wilder, left, and Tyson Fury, of England, trade punches during a WBC heavyweight championship boxing match, Saturday, Dec. 1, in Los Angeles.

AP Photo/Mark J. Terrill

clearly outboxed Wilder for large portions of their meeting at Staples Center. Fury appeared to be on his way to a decision victory when he came out for the final round and a minute later, he looked totally finished when Wilder put him on his back with a right-left combination. Yet Fury rose, summoning strength

at the critical moment of his comeback from a 2 1/2-year ring absence amid bouts of drug abuse and depression. ``I hope I did you all proud after nearly three years out of the ring,'' Fury said. ``I was never going to be knocked out tonight. I showed good heart to get up. I came here tonight and I fought my heart out.''

Glenn glides past Walkertown

While Wilder kept his belt, Fury remained the unofficial lineal champion of the heavyweight division by virtue of his victory over Wladimir Klitschko in November 2015. Judge Robert Tapper scored the fight 114-112 for Fury, while Alejandro Rochin favored Wilder 115-111. Judge Phil Edwards


Photos by Alphonso Abbott Jr.


See KJ on B2

upset by the verdict in front of a frenzied Hollywood crowd. They embraced warmly and immediately talked about a rematch in the spring. ``When you get two warriors, you get a great fight,'' Wilder said. ``That's what we proved tonight, and I'm ready to do it again.'' See Fight on B2

Last Friday, Nov. 30, the ladies from Glenn faced off against the Walkertown Wolfpack on the hardwood. After a hard-fought game from both sides, Glenn came away with the victory.

Henry recaps his first year at Clemson thus far

K.J. Henry had a stellar high school career at West Forsyth High School. Now in his freshman year at Clemson University, Henry reflects on his first campaign at the next level, thus far. Henry will redshirt his freshman year, but he was able to take advantage of the new rule and play four games before the decision to redshirt him came. He feels he is ready for a breakout year next season. “My first year is going great. I think obviously with

and The Associated Press scored it a 113113 draw, with Wilder's knockdowns compensating for Fury's superior technique. ``We gave each other all we've got,'' Wilder said. ``We're the best in the world. The respect was mutual.'' While both men thought they won, neither was overly

Henry will look to hit the ground running for his redshirt freshman season next year.

Photos by Clemson Athletics



from page B1

The bout was a rare meeting of two unbeaten heavyweight stars in their apparent primes, with both fighters putting aside caution and the typical squabbles over money or belts to stage one of the most compelling matchups in the glamour division's recent history. And the fighters delivered, each in his unique way. The 6-foot-9 Fury spent nearly every moment of the fight nimbly avoiding Wilder's punches in a masterful display except for the two moments when the 6-foot-7 Wilder viciously knocked him to


from page B1

me redshirting, I have used that and made that a good thing for me in the weight room and my skillset,” said Henry. “I feel like being able to work on things off the field and just getting myself ready to be successful next year was a big step for me over the course of this season.” The fact that Henry had the opportunity to play in four games before redshirting will serve him well going into next season, he said. “Whoever came up with this rule is really special, because it helped me realize things I needed to work on and at the same time allowed me to shake off some nerves,” he said. “Obviously, in your first couple of games playing college football, there are going to be some nerves



the canvas. A punch to the top of Fury's head shockingly put him down in the ninth, but he bounced up quickly. With just two minutes left in the fight, Wilder buckled Fury's knees with a right hand and knocked him senseless with a perfect left on the way down. Even though Wilder made a throat-slashing gesture and mouthed ``It's over,'' Fury beat the count and went back to work. Wilder failed to win for the first time since his semifinal bout at the Beijing Olympics, and he failed to knock out his opponent for only the second time in 41 career bouts. Yet the Bronze Bomber showed remark-

there. By game three and four I definitely felt more comfortable out there.” The Clemson defensive line boasts three potential first round draft picks for next year’s NFL draft. Henry says he has learned a lot playing and practicing alongside those great players. “The coaches talk about it all the time, because you don’t see that at a lot of schools where guys with this much potential and talent come back all in one year,” he said about his fellow defensive linemen. “With them leading us young guys, we didn’t have to figure things out ourselves. “We are just learning from them about what it’s like to win, what it’s like to work hard and really show us how to do things the right way,” he continued. “It’s been a blessing in disguise for me, especially with Clelin (Ferrell) being

from page B1

their full potential. That would be a great sight to see. The players seemed to have given up


able resourcefulness and power, avoiding what would have been a decision loss with those two knockdowns. ``We're both warriors, but with those two drops, I think I won the fight,'' Wilder said. ``I came out slow. I rushed my punches. I didn't sit still. I was too hesitant. I started overthrowing the right hand, and I just couldn't adjust.'' Fury responded admirably to a big step up in competition after a lengthy absence and two warmup bouts, but Wilder got him in just enough trouble to earn a draw. Staples Center had a frenzied atmosphere after the high-energy introductions, but the fighters set-

as successful as he has, he started his career as a redshirt as well and so I had the chance to talk to him about the path that I am taking. He has really been a helpful person for me.” Clemson will probably lose three of their four starters on the defensive line to the NFL, so next season will be a big one for Henry. He should be able to hit the ground running, learning from some of the best that college football has to offer. “For me, it’s just to play hard and that sounds very simple, but that is one of the biggest things that I have learned from these guys,” he went on to say about his expectations for next season. “At this level, when you have a skillset that is unmatched and then you put good effort with it, it becomes something special.” Henry stated that college was everything he

“The biggest thing for me was to definitely get stronger and then I wanted to fine-tune some things on the field as far as reading blocks and playing both defensive end spots,” he said. Working out on a more consistent basis and knowing your opponent by watching game film are the two biggest differences from playing high school football versus college. , he said The Clemson Tigers defeated the University of Pittsburgh in the ACC Championship game this

bout. On the undercard, Jarrett Hurd defended his WBA and IBF 154-pound belts with a fourth-round stoppage of Jason Welborn. Hurd (23-0, 16 KOs) overcame early trouble and floored the English challenger with one devastating right to the body. Cuba's Luis Ortiz knocked down Travis Kauffman three times before stopping him late in the 10th round, and British heavyweight Joe Joyce improved to 7-0 with a first-round stoppage of Joe Hanks.

past Saturday. They were selected as a participant in the college football playoffs and will face Notre Dame on Dec. 29. If victorious, they will face the winner of Alabama/Oklahoma in the National Championship game. Henry says the Tigers’ focus is to take it “one game at a time.” He said they did not take Pitt lightly because the Panthers beat Clemson two years ago. He says they will now focus their attention to the Fighting Irish.

wake forest men’s basketball

Photo by Timothy Ramsey

Former college basketball coach to hold book signing Former coaching great, Cyrus Alexander, will soon embark on a tour to promote his book “Beyond the Backboard.” Alexander had his first signing at his former coaching stop, South Carolina State University, but wanted to have a signing in his hometown of Winston-Salem. He will make two appearances in WinstonSalem, Dec. 22 at Twin City Hive Coffee Lounge and Dec. 23 at Grace Presbyterian Church, following the Sunday service. Alexander says he has received some great feedback from those who have had a chance to read the book. He said he hopes his “David vs Goliath” story will inspire people in and out of the world of sports. “The book talks about the various obstacles that I had to navigate and maneuver and sometimes

thought it was going to be. He says the reason why he took a long time during his recruiting process was to absorb as much information as possible, so he would not be surprised once he arrived on whichever campus he chose. The biggest point of emphasis on the field for Henry was for him to get stronger. He says he was “playing catchup” early on, because he did not lift as much during his junior and senior seasons in high school.

of the head from Wilder. The punch wasn't the biggest of the fight, but Fury was stunned and he responded by getting up and raising his aggression in an exciting round. Fury went right back to work in the next two rounds, and a decision appeared to be in reach. But Fury went down again and nearly everybody thought it was for good. The fight attracted the celebrity attention expected in Hollywood from actors and athletes alike. Everyone from Chadwick Boseman, Zlatan Ibrahimovic and Shaquille O'Neal to boxing stars Gennady Golovkin and Mikey Garcia gathered for the marquee heavyweight

on this season. I would hate to see players jump ship after this year because they did not have faith in the team. Come on Jacksonville, great defenses don’t come along that often.

Coach Cyrus Alexander has been in the coaching field for nearly 40 years.


tled into a technical bout early. Fury used his twitchy movement and near-constant feints to disrupt the rhythm of Wilder, whose trademark looping punches rarely found their mark. Fury struggled to generate consistent offense until a strong sixth round, likely costing himself early rounds. The Englishman made Wilder miss constantly, particularly ducking under Wilder's big right hand with grace. Fury was elusive and creative in the seventh and eighth rounds, and Wilder appeared to be out of answers. But early in the ninth, Fury went down when he absorbed a shot to the top

think outside of the box to be successful at HBCUs, basically my entire career,” said Alexander. The book was therapy for Alexander due to his mother and wife passing within a four-month time frame in 2014, he said. He said it also gave him the opportunity to chronicle his life and career, while giving back to the young guys in the coaching profession. Alexander says his former players and assistants will see that he was listening to them and really cared about them, once they read the book. He feels they will see that he had their best interest at heart with every decision he made. “I talk about the pros and cons of college athletics, the business side that you have to learn as a coach when you are at the level that I was for most of my career,” he said. Going forward,

Alexander plans to visit Nashville, Tenn., Greensboro, Charlotte, Raleigh/Durham, Atlanta and Washington, D.C. When it comes to jumping back into the world of coaching, Alexander said if the right opportunity came about, he would “definitely consider it. I am mentally and physically healthy now,” he said. In the forward of Alexander’s book, he included quotes from some of the biggest names in college basketball. He said it feels good to be respected by his peers. “I tried for 40 years to carry myself in a first class, professional manner and I tried to act a way that would automatically gain respect from people,” he said. “I always carried myself in a first-class manner knowing I was representing myself, my family and my institution.”

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Elder Richard Wayne Wood Sunday School Lesson

Choose to Love and Serve God

Lesson Scripture: Joshua 24:1-3, 13-15, 21-24 By the end of this lesson, we will *Declare our loyalty to God and God alone. *Resolve to put God first in all things. *Obey His teachings and commandments.

DECEMBER 6, 2018 B3

Williams says farewell as Ministers’ Conference president BY TIMOTHY RAMSEY THE CHRONICLE

On Saturday, Dec. 8, Mayor Allen Joines and the City of WinstonSalem, in collaboration with Diggs Memorial United Holiness Church, will host an appreciation banquet for Rev. Dr. Lamonte Williams at the Greater Church Family Life Center at 4 p.m. The banquet is in honor of Williams’ time as president of the Ministers’ Conference of WinstonSalem and Vicinity, to recognize his outstanding leadership, according to organizers. The Mistress of Ceremony for the event will be Judge Denise

Rev. Dr. Lamonte Williams will host his banquet this Saturday at at Greater Church.

Photo by Timothy Ramsey

Hartsfield and the keynote speaker will be Bishop James C. Hash Sr. “What the event will focus on is my leadership, locally as a pastor, but

more specifically, my leadership across the city,” said Williams. “I have been in the city for nine years and there have been a lot of community events that Diggs Memorial has pushed, through my leadership.” “The mayor is involved because of the level of community collaborations that have been brought to the table by the leadership of myself,” he continued. “One of my strengths is collaboration and networking.” According to Williams, a key point of emphasis throughout the banquet will be his work with disaster relief. “The goal is for it to

seem effortless and seamless, but behind that effort is a lot of attention to detail and that represents the level of leadership that someone has to rise to the occasion and put all of those logistics together,” he said about his disaster relief efforts. “So, what that does is speaks to the level of leadership that I have been blessed to be a steward of these last two years.” Several pastors from the eastern part of the state that collaborated with Williams for relief efforts following Hurricane Florence will be in attendance as well, he said.

See Farewell on B4

Background: Israel has been delivered from Egypt, crossed the Red Sea, lived in the wilderness for forty years, crossed the Jordan River and is in the Promised Land. The tribes have been assigned their lands and they are now dwelling in the lap of luxury. Joshua is ready to retire, but not before calling the nation together for a farewell address. Joshua calls all leaders specifically and the general population. He reviews for them all that God has done in Israel’s history starting before the flood and makes a point of saying all that God promised … He fulfilled and has always taken care of Israel. Now Israel needs to show some gratitude. See chapters 23 and 24 of Joshua.

Lesson: Joshua has assembled the twelve tribes and all leadership. His aim is to urge them to embrace his passionate commitment to the Lord. He reminds them of God’s initial promise to Abraham to multiply his seed, but he first had to leave the land of idol worship (verses 1-3). Abraham travels through Canaan preparing it for later possession. Verses 4-12 are a recounting of God’s provision, protection and awesome power shown toward Israel through the years. Joshua now says quoting God, “I gave you a land on which you had not labored, and cities which you had not built, and you have lived in them; you are eating of vineyards and olive groves which you did not plant” (verse 13). The condition of the land of “milk and honey” took years to prepare for their convenience because of God’s promise. Their stay in the wilderness was well worth the wait. Even though Israel faltered in their fidelity to God, He still kept His word to them. Joshua in his bluntness acknowledges that some of the people are even now interacting with false gods. But Israel is called to exclusive loyalty to God. Joshua is the example God has provided for all Israel and he states “but for me and my house, we will serve the Lord.” (verse 15) Joshua warns the people that just as God blesses, He also curses … “If you forsake the Lord and serve foreign gods, then He will turn and do you harm and consume you after He has done good to you.” (verse 20) There must be wholehearted service to God. Israel’s response: “No, but we will serve the Lord.” (verse 21) Israel is its own witness to confirm their accountability to their loyalty in service to God’s. Joshua again warns that they must turn from the idols that they possess and worship God only “incline your hearts to the Lord, the God of Israel.” (verse 23) This was a renewing of their vow to serve God only; they made the same vow to Moses in the wilderness where they were the only people. Now in a mix they must be more diligent and their hearts and actions must align with Gods commandments. “We will serve the Lord our God and we will obey His voice.” (verse 24) The population joined Joshua in their commitment to serve the Lord. (The MacArthur Study Bible, NIV Leaders Bible, UMI and the Oxford Bible Commentary.)

For Your Consideration: Israel received the fulfillment of God’s promise, but it was delayed by distractions. Do you recognize the distractions in your life hindering you from the promised fulfillment?

Life’s Application: Our level of commitment to the

See Lesson on B4

Dec. 7-8; 13-14 Sock Sale Goler Memorial Parent Body Missionary Society will have its annual Holiday Sock Sale on Dec. 7-8 and Dec. 13-14 at Goler Enrichment Center – 630 N. Patterson Ave. All socks are $1. The sale each day is from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. For more information, call (336) 529-2928 or

Dec. 8 Grief Care The St. Paul United Methodist Church will host a Grief Care seminar, “Surviving the Holidays,” on Dec. 8 at 10 a.m. St. Paul United Methodist Church is located at 2400 Dellabrook Road, Winston Salem. All are welcome to attend. For additional information, call (336) 723-4531 or (336) 722-5517.

Getting spiritual with WSSU choirs

The Little Singing Divas and Burke Singers perform during the Winston-Salem State University’s Singing Rams annual Holiday Concert Sunday, Dec. 2.


With the theme “Mary's Song: A 'Spiritual' Time,” the WinstonSalem State University’s (WSSU) Singing Rams presented their annual Holiday Concert at 4 p.m. on Sunday, Dec. 2, at K.R. Wiams Auditorium on WSSU's campus. The concert is annually one of WSSU’s biggest events. The Singing Rams – the Grammy-nominated WSSU Choir, the Burke Singers and the Singing Divas – performed holiday favorites as they told the story of the season.

WSSU photos

Maestra D’Walla Simmons-Burke is director of the Singing Rams.

Special guests were The Little Singing Divas of First Baptist Church (Highland Avenue) in Winston-Salem. The Angelic Choir (aka – “Little Singing Divas”) is designed to give children – from ages 3 years up to 7 years old an opportunity to sing together. Songs with simple words and repetitive phrases will be geared toward the young singer. This choir represents an integral part of the Music and Arts Ministry of First Baptist Church. In April 2017, the First Baptist Church’s Angelic Choir was reacti-


Dec. 8 Toy Drive Musical/Breast Cancer Awareness Anita “Boss Lady” Dean’s annual Toy Drive Musical/Breast Cancer Awareness Program will be at Morning Star on Dec 8 at 3 p.m., 1400 Fitch Street, where Dr. Dennis Leach is pastor. Everyone is invited to come out and bring an unwrapped toy or toys for boys and girls, ages 1 to 10. Or a donation for a toy or breast cancer awareness. Toys will be bagged and put together on Dec. 18 at the radio station beginning at 6 p.m. and given out on Dec. 20 at the radio station. Dec. 9 Christmas Musical There will be a Christmas Musical on Sunday, Dec. 9 at 5 p.m., presenting The Jubilee Community Choir directed by Kay Wright Norman, narrated by Dr. Ethel

vated at the request of parents who desired an opportunity for their children to sing “true” children songs for worship. Although currently there are only four active singers, they share their love for singing each second Sunday during regular worship service and do it so boldly and proudly. Originally, the Angelic Choir was organized in 1988 under the direction of the late Miss Louise Smith, who remained a faithful supporter and mentor until 1994. There have been several directors and See WSSU on B4

Revis at Red Bank Baptist Church located at 6405 Red Bank Road, Germanton, NC For more info, contact the church office at (336) 767-0981.

Dec. 9 Christmas Festival The annual festival of Christmas music is set for 10:45 a.m. and 5:30 p.m. on Dec. 9 at Knollwood Baptist Church. Admission is free. For information, call (336) 725-1343 or visit The church is at 330 Knollwood St. Dec. 9 Holiday concert The Atkins High School Class of 1971 is sponsoring a Holiday Concert featuring Atkins Alumni Eddie Bines, Jr. (Baritone), Raymond O'Neal (tenor) and Dr.

See Rel. Cal. on B6





from page B3

Their purpose is to speak to the seamless process from their perspective, Williams said. Williams said the same model used for Hurricane Florence was used for the relief efforts in Texas for Hurricane Harvey and in Goldsboro for Hurricane Matthew. He said the disaster relief model he has imple-


mented is one that will stand the test of time. “What I also wanted to use the banquet for, is to highlight partnerships, which I think have been critical to the success of me as a leader in the city,” he said. “I speak of not only partnerships for disaster relief, but also with other faith leaders. “For me it is a bittersweet moment, because it allows you to say, ‘you’ve been working hard for two years, but now it’s time to celebrate,” Williams said. “I look back as a person and I was handed the Ministers’ Conference and

my goal was to hand it off better than it was.” Williams says he expects the new office of the conference to continue with the progression the organization has made over the years. “I would just say that I hope the conference is more visible now than when I took office and two years from now, I hope that history and the community would say that it’s even more visible,” he said. “Not only more visible, but I hope the conference continues to evolve as well.”

from page B3

pianists over the years. Several students from WSSU serve as pianists for this choir. The current singers are: Bryleigh Henighan - age 6 of Ward Elementary School; Heaven Kimbrough - age 6 of Ward Elementary School; Kara Leak - age 6 of Summit School and Jolie Douglass-Steele - age 8 of The Arts Based School.Currently, Mrs. Jo Ann Brown and Mrs. Tandeka Boko serve as directors with Mr. Derensky Cooper, FBC Director of Music and Arts Ministry, as pianist. The Singing Rams, the Burke Singers and the Singing Divas have performed both nationally and internationally and recorded 11 CDs, which were for sale after the program. Maestra D’Walla Simmons-Burke is director; Dr. Myron Brown, accompanist; Dr. Ronald Patterson, bassist; and guest percussionists. Admission was free but donations were accepted. For more information, contact The Singing Rams perform their annual Holiday Concert on Sunday, Dec. 2.

WSSU photo

Barbara Burts gains honor for community service


Mayor Pro Tempore Vivian H. Burke submitted the following resolution to honor Barbara Burts: WHEREAS, Mrs. Barbara Burts was born in Forsyth County on October 20, 1946, to the late Willie and Mattie Keeks. She is the youngest of 10 children; and WHEREAS, she is married to Mr. Ernest Burts and they have been married for 34 years; and WHEREAS, Mrs. Burts attended high school at Atkins High School in WinstonSalem, North Carolina where she is now serving in her community of North Winston in the Northeast Ward. For many years, she has been a member of Macedonia Worship Center and she is often recognized for helping to make a dif-

Rel. Cal. from page B3

Marion "Pete" Thomas (organist). The concert will be held on Sunday, Dec. 9, at Shiloh Baptist Church, 916 East 12th St., at 4 p.m. Dr. Paul A. Lowe is the pastor.

Dec. 9 121st Missionary Day Rev. Keisha D. Bluford will address the Annual Missionary Day of New Bethel Baptist Church, 1016 North Trade St., on Sunday, Dec. 9 at 11 am. Rev. Dr. Kendall D. Jones Sr. is senior pastor.

Dec. 9 Worship services The Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Winston-Salem, 4055 Robinhood Road, will have two worship services on Sunday, Dec. 9. The Rev. Lisa Schwartz will speak at both services. The topic at the 9 a.m. Awake service will be “Let’s Talk About Whiteness.” At the 11 a.m. Traditional Service, she will explore good moral character and race and its impact on lives. At the Forum at 9:15 a.m., Dr. T.H.M.Gellar-Goad, will share his research into how satire affects intellectual inquiry and political discourse. At Exploration’s 9:15 a.m., Ann Zimmerman and Cynthia Dodge will lead a discussion. See for more information. Dec. 14

Lesson from page B3

ference in the surrounding community of the church; and WHEREAS, Mrs. Burts became the Chairperson of the North Winston Neighborhood Association in 1987 after her sister resigned from being the chairperson for several years. Mrs. Burts has always had a passion to serve in the community and be a part of what a positive impact can make in that community; and WHEREAS, Mrs. Burts is still a strong leader in the North Winston neighborhood and attends the, once a month, Monday community meetings faithfully. She has partnered with many police officers through the years and they have assisted with helping to keep the North Winston community a better and safer place to live and play; and WHEREAS, Burt’s leadership abilities

Port-A-Pit Chicken plates There will be Port-APit chicken plate sale on Dec. 14 at Goler Metropolitan A.M.E. Zion Church, 1435 E. Fourth St. Plates are $10 and include: chicken, baked beans, slaw, rolls and dessert. To purchase a ticket or for more info, call James Griffin at (336) 425-7707. The event is sponsored by the Winston-Salem District Men’s Booster Ministry.

Dec. 18 2018 Salem Band Holiday concert Join Salem Band and guest narrator/vocal soloist James Allbritten for the holiday concerts on Dec. 18 and 20. Both events are free and will begin at 7:30 p.m. On Dec. 18, the concert will be at New Philadelphia Moravian Church and at Trinity Moravian Church on Dec. 20. Visit www.salemb a n d . o r g /SalemBandFan/ for more info. Ongoing

Monday, Wednesday and Friday Food pantry, clothes closet Every Monday, Wednesday and Friday, from 1-4 p.m., Love Community Development Corporation, at 3980 N. Liberty St., will serve those in need of food and clothes. JobLink is also available

Lord is conditioned by our understanding of what He is doing in our lives. Israel had to be reminded and so do we. The call to commitment is a call to constant vigilance in maintaining and understanding the standards of the commitment. No matter the distractions, we need to maintain our focus on serving God. God calls us to be a people of commitment, first to Him and then to others. Then Jesus said to his disciples, “Whoever wants to be my disciple must deny themselves and take up their cross and follow me.” (Matthew 16:24)

Monday through Friday, from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. for those needing assistance with resumes or seeking employment. For more information, call (336) 306-8119.

Sundays Free breakfast Love Fellowship Outreach Church, 205 E. 25th St., offers a free community breakfast at 10:30 a.m. before Sunday morning Worship at 11 a.m. Family & Friends Day is every third Sunday, with a free fellowship dinner served immediately following worship. Wednesday Night Bible Study is held weekly at 6:30 p.m. Apostle Antonio L. Johnson Sr. is the pastor. Saturdays Join the


have earned her admiration and respect. She displays courage and devotion for her community and she is committed to helping to ensure that something is done in the Burts time of distress. Her willingness to lead, willingness to step up and to step forward is well noted. She says, “I don’t wait for other people in the neighborhood to do something, I see it and

Project at Mt Olive Baptist Church on Saturdays at 12:30 p.m. to enjoy free lunches for kids. Parents will receive vegetables. All kids in the East Winston area are welcome. Be a part of a movement making sure that fewer children are hungry in our community. Mt. Olive is at 1301 C.E. Gray, Winston-Salem. Call (336) 721-1959 for any question or concerns. Also visit to learn more about the H.O.P.E Project. The pastor is Dr. Charles E. Gray. 2nd Saturday Food, clothes available Every second Saturday of each month from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m., Calvary Hill Church of Greater Deliverance Inc. invites anyone who is in need of

I jump on the opportunity to do what I must do to help, because I live here. I always make the necessary calls to get what and who is needed to help us”; and NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that, I, Vivian H. Burke, Mayor Pro Tempore and Council Member of the Northeast Ward, of the City of Winston-Salem, do hereby recognize and celebrate all the blessings God has bestowed upon Mrs. Burts; and in honoring her for the community service, in which she has shown to the North Winston community of the North East Ward. Dated this 28th Day of November, 2018

food and clothes. The food pantry and clothes closet is at 4951 Manning St. Direct all questions to Missionary Tammy Orr at (336) 7443012.

Tuesdays Men Helping Men Be Men All men young and old are invited to fellowship with Calvary Hill Church of Greater Deliverance Inc., 4951 Manning St., during Men Helping Men Be Men every Tuesday from 6:30 to 8 p.m. For more information, contact (336) 744-3012. Sundays and Wednesdays Clothes closet The Ambassador Cathedral Clothes Closet will be open on Sundays

from noon to 2 p.m., and Wednesdays from 5 to 7:30 p.m. at 1500 Harriet Tubman Drive. Free to the public. For more information, call (336) 725-0901.

Emergency food giveaway Christ Kingdom Building Worship Center, 3894 Northhampton Drive, in partnership with Second Harvest Food Bank of Northwest North Carolina, provides to the community at large an Emergency Food Assistance Program on Tuesdays (2 p.m.); Wednesdays (4:30 p.m.); first and third Saturdays (10 a.m. to noon); and second and fourth Saturdays, (8 to 10 a.m.).


DECEMBER 6, 2018 B5

Community Calendar

The deadline is Sunday at 11:59 p.m. to have all calendar items submitted for that week’s paper. NOW – Dec. 7 – Toy Drive The Winston-Salem Police and Winston-Salem Fire Departments will conduct their annual toy drive until Friday, Dec. 7. Officers and firefighters

will be at the Walmart stores, located at 320 E Hanes Mill Road and 3475 Parkway Village Circle (off Peters Creek Parkway.) from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. each day. We are able to collect new, unwrapped toys. They can also accept cash, but not checks. For more info contact Sergeant Stan Karboski at (336) 4038193.

Community Briefs

ESR receives SunTrust Foundation’s award and grant Recognized for its philanthropic contributions to Forsyth County, Experiment in Self-Reliance (ESR) was awarded a 2018 Lighting the Way Award and $75,000 grant by the SunTrust Foundation. The SunTrust Foundation’s Lighting the Way Awards recognizes select nonprofit organizations that strengthen their local communities through programs that help people better their circumstances and gain financial confidence. “We’re committed to building stronger communities, and our nonprofit partners are addressing community needs in innovative and very meaningful ways,” said Stan Little, president of the SunTrust Foundation.“Financial education for the entire family is creating a connective impact for the growth and development of the family long-term,” said Twana W. Roebuck, executive director at ESR. “Our goal as an agency is to aid in reducing the effects of generational poverty. We are so grateful for the award and gift through SunTrust Foundation. … This award acknowledges the tremendous work started decades ago, and we continue to build on the legacy of asset and wealth building strategies.”

Wake Forest University purchases Deacon Place Reflecting its commitment to the residential student experience, Wake Forest University has purchased Deacon Place, a housing complex adjacent to the northeast edge of campus. Located on the corner of Long Drive and University Parkway, the development is about 300 yards from the University’s Polo Road entrance. Acquiring Deacon Place will provide expanded options for student housing, while fostering a vibrant living and learning community. Wake Forest purchased the 146,448 square-foot property on the 11-acre site from Deacon Place LLC. Deacon Place was built in 2017. The housing complex can accommodate 328 students in 10 buildings with both onelevel and townhome-style units. Each unit includes bedrooms with private bathrooms, a living room and a kitchen. Units range from 1,500 to 1,800 square feet and are fully furnished. Deacon Place also has a clubhouse with a study room and fitness center, as well as open outdoor spaces. Current leases will be honored and current residents will continue to live at Deacon Place for the duration of their leases. Deacon Place is adjacent to University-owned parking lots. The complex is already on the University’s shuttle route. Approximately 80 percent of undergraduate students live on campus. The most recent campus housing designated specifically for upperclassmen - Magnolia and Dogwood residence halls - opened in 2013. A phased renovation plan for the six original residence halls surrounding Hearn Plaza began in 2015 and will be completed by the end of the year. Maya Angelou Hall, which opened in 2017, is the newest residence hall built for first-year students. Forty free dog houses and bedding straw available Over forty dog houses are available at no cost to lower-income Forsyth County families thanks to the efforts of UNchain Winston volunteers, Forsyth County Animal Services, Forsyth Humane Society, and others. Free bagged bedding straw is also available to the public. Some of the dog houses are newly built and others are used houses that were donated by the public and refurbished by UNchain Winston. Much like humans, dogs do not “get used to” living in cold weather and can easily suffer from hypothermia or even freeze to death. Smaller dogs and puppies, older dogs, and short hair breeds such as pit-bulls, boxers, and hounds, are particularly vulnerable. County ordinances require that outdoor dogs have immediate access to a suitable shelter that includes walls, a roof and floor, are wind and rain resistant and are structurally sound. All of the houses meet local requirements and come in a variety of sizes and styles. To request a free dog house, Forsyth County residents can call (336) 703-2480 during normal business hours, go on-line at or visit the shelter at 5570 Sturmer Park Circle, Winston-Salem, NC. As our current stock of houses will soon need to be replaced, donations are always welcome at

Forsyth Tech wins federal funding for childcare stipends Forsyth Technical Community College will have about $99,000 a year to help students pay for childcare under a grant from the U.S. Department of Education’s Child Care Access Means Parents in School (CCAMPIS) Program. CCAMPIS at Forsyth Tech will provide eligible parent-students with stipends that cover up to 70 percent of childcare costs at a licensed facility; establish a Parent Resource Center to serve all parent-students; and create a climate responsive to the distinct challenges of parent-students. Based on the average costs for licensed childcare in Forsyth County, eligible, full-time students who need full-time childcare during a 15-week semester could receive stipends from $1,556 for 5-year-olds to $1,896 for newborns. The students’ portion of childcare costs for the semester would range from about $667 to $813.

NOW – Dec. 9 – Holiday Musical 40+ Stage Company presents Showtune – Holiday Edition, opening on Friday, Nov. 30 and running through Dec. 9 in the Mountcastle Black Box Theatre at the Milton Rhodes Center for the Arts. Tickets and showtimes are available at the Arts Council box office by calling (336) 747-1414 or online NOW – Dec. 14 – Holiday Music Series The ninth annual City Hall Holiday Music Series will be held on Dec. 5-14. This year’s series will showcase seven choral groups, Parkland Magnet High School, Thursday Dec. 6 at 11:30 a.m.; Salem College, Friday Dec. 7 at 11 a.m.; Glenn High School, Monday, Dec. 10 at noon; UNC School of the Arts, Tuesday, Dec. 11 at 11:30 a.m.; Reagan High School, Wednesday, Dec. 12 at 11:30 a.m. and East Forsyth High School, Friday, Dec. 14 at 11:30 a.m. All performances will be in the lobby of City Hall, 101 N. Main St.

NOW – Jan. 5, 2019 – Körner’s Folly Christmas tours Körner’s Folly will have Christmas tours from now until Jan. 5, 2019 on Wednesdays through Saturdays 10 a.m. – 5 p.m. and Sundays 1-5 p.m. Be sure to check the website for special closings on Christmas Eve & Day, and New Year’s Eve & Day. For more information, please visit or call (336) 9967922. NOW – Feb. 15, 2019 – Writing Contest The CDS Documentary Essay Prize will host a writing contest. Submission can be made until Feb. 15. To enter the contest or for more info, see cumentary-essayprize/how-to-enter

NOW – May 16, 2019 – Parent Academy/Community Institute Do you need to get your GED? Do you need an introduction to computers? Do you need to learn English as a second language or to learn conversational Spanish? Carver High School, 3545 Carver School Road, is sponsoring a Parent Academy/Community Institute in partnership with Forsyth Technical Community College every Tuesday and Thursday until May 16, 2019 from 5:45 - 8:45 p.m. Free child care will be provided. All of these benefits are free. For more information contact Mr. Javier Correa-Vega at (336) 727-2987, ext. 33048.

Dec. 6 – Night of Reflection Hospice of Davidson County, 200 Hospice Way, Lexington, is providing opportunities to remember loved ones and honor cherished memories through its annual ornament and luminary sale and Night of Reflection event on Dec. 6 at 5:30 p.m. To purchase ornaments, luminaries or RSVP to the free Night of Reflection event, please v i s i t or call (336) 475-5444. ing

Dec. 7 – Grand open-

Wildlight Wellness Collective, 612 N. Trade St., will have its grand opening event on Dec. 7 from 5-10 p.m. For more information, visit us at follow on Instagram @wildlight-

wellness and on Facebook.

Dec. 7 - 8 – WFU celebrates writers To celebrate Wake Forest writers and writing, the University will host “About Ammons” and “Words Awake” on campus Dec. 7-8. On Friday, Dec. 7, Wake Forest will present “About Ammons” to honor the legacy of poet and Wake Forest graduate A.R. Ammons at Porter Byrum Welcome Center from 6 – 7:45 p.m. On Saturday, Dec. 8, four writers will be inducted into the Wake Forest Writers Hall of Fame and will discuss their writing careers at “Words Awake.” The program begins at 9 a.m. in Benson University Center, Room 401. The events are free and open to the public.

Dec. 7-8, 13-14 – Sock Sale Goler Memorial Parent Body Missionary Society will have its annual Holiday Sock Sale on Dec. 7-8 and Dec. 13-14 at Goler Enrichment Center – 630 N. Patterson Ave. All socks are $1. The sale each day is from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. For more information, call (336) 529-2928 or

Dec. 7 - 16 – “The Nutcracker” UNCSA presents “The Nutcracker” on Dec. 7-16. The full performance schedule for the UNCSA production of “The Nutcracker” is: Dec. 7, 8, and 12-15 at 7:30 p.m.; and Dec. 8, 9, 15 and 16 at 2 p.m. Tickets are available at the Stevens Center box office and online at Dec. 7 - 19 – “Miracle on 34th St.” “Miracle on 34th St.” will be at Theatre Alliance, 1047 Northwest Blvd, on Dec. 7-19. Tickets range from $16 to $18. For more information or to purchase tickets, visit 59973.

Dec. 7 -22 – Old Salem Christmas Carol The Little Theatre of Winston-Salem will present An Old Salem Christmas Carol, opening Friday, December 7, at SECCA’s McChesney Scott Dunn Auditorium, 750 Marguerite Drive in Winston-Salem. Additional performances will be held December 89, 13-16 & 20-22. Thursday, Friday and Saturday performances are at 7:30 p.m. and Sunday matinees are at 2 p.m. Tickets are available online and the box office is open for phone sales Wednesday through Friday from 12–4 p.m. Call (336) 725-4001 for tickets or purchase them online at Dec. 8 – Jazzy Christmas On Saturday Dec. 8, a Jazzy Christmas in the

Winston-Salem and the Triad area will be held. Post Entertainment is presenting Marcus Anderson with special guest Toni Redd. The performance will begin at 8 p.m. at the Ramkat venue in Winston Salem. Tickets are on sale starting at $35 and can be purchased on line at the R a m k a t . m/. Dec. 8 – Santa at the Caboose By way of special delivery, Santa Claus will arrive at the Rural Hall Historic Train Depot on Saturday, Dec. 8 at 6 p.m. Event time is 6 - 8:30 p.m. Admission is free; donations are welcome. The Rural Hall Depot is a designated local historic landmark. For more information, please visit: or call (336) 767-7592.

Dec. 8 – Toy Drive Musical/Breast Cancer Awareness Anita “Boss Lady” Dean’s annual Toy Drive Musical/Breast Cancer Awareness Program will be at Morning Star on Dec 8 at 3 p.m., 1400 Fitch St., where Dr. Dennis Leach is pastor. Everyone is invited to come out and bring an unwrapped toy or toys for boys and girls, ages 1 to 10. or a donation for a toy or breast cancer awareness. Toys will be bagged and put together on Dec. 18 at the radio station beginning at 6 p.m. and given out on Dec. 20 at the radio station. Dec. 8 – Toy Run Saturday, Dec. 8 will mark the 21st anniversary of the Brenner Children’s Hospital Toy Run. To participate in this year’s toy run, please bring a new unwrapped toy or a $10 donation to Riding High Harley-Davidson in High Point. Registration begins at 10 a.m. followed by a police escorted motorcycle ride to Brenner Children’s Hospital in WinstonSalem at 1 p.m.

Dec. 9 – Food Drive The Washington Park neighborhood will host a fourth annual food drive for Sunnyside Ministry. The event is from 4:30 to 7:30 p.m. Sunday, Dec. 9, at the corner of Doune Street and Cascade Avenue. Activities include carriage rides (beginning at 5 p.m.), singing and refreshments, plus neighborhood homes will be lit up for the occasion. The event is free, but attendees are encouraged to bring canned goods for Sunnyside Ministry. The goal this year is to collect 1 ton of food! See for more info. Dec. 9 – Anniversary Soiree LEAD Girls of NC will hold its 3rd Annual Anniversary Soiree on Sunday, December 9 from 5 to 7:30 p.m. at the Village Inn Event Center,

6205 Ramada Drive, in Clemmons. For more information about LEAD Girls of NC, visit

Dec. 9 – Prayer circle Please join us this Sunday as we pray for our Winston Salem First Responders. Sunday, Dec. 9 from 3-4 p.m. Rain or Shine! If there is snow/ice, this event will be canceled. Dec. 9 & 10 – Auditions The Little Theatre of Winston-Salem will hold auditions for Shakespeare in Love on Sunday, Dec. 9, and Monday, Dec. 10, at the Winston-Salem Journal building, 418 N. Marshall Street in Winston-Salem. Auditions will be held from 6-9 p.m., but actors must arrive by 8 p.m. No appointment is necessary, and everyone is welcome to audition. Dec. 10 – “Berta, Berta” NC Black Rep will have a staged reading of our Living Room Theatre Reading Series: “Berta, Berta” on Dec. 10 from 68 p.m. at the Malloy/Jordan East Winston Heritage Center, 1110 East 7th St.

Dec. 11 – Holiday computer class The Carver School Road Branch Library, 4915 Lansing Drive, will offer a Pinterest Holiday Fun Computer Class on Tuesday, Dec. 11, 10 a.m. Come find all things holiday: recipes, decorations, crafts and more. This program is free and open to the public. Call (336) 7032910 for more information and/or to register. Space is limited.

Dec. 12 – “Collective Voices” SisterSong’s “Collective Voices” series seeks to lead conversations on groundbreaking work at the intersection of reproductive justice and other movements and issues. The next session is on Wednesday, Dec. 12 from 3 - 4:30 p.m. Register at 8.

Dec. 13 – Adult Creative Writing The Carver School Road Library, 4915 Lansing Drive, will offer Adult Creative Writing on Thursday, Dec. 13 at 11 a.m. Poem or short story, use your imagination. The writing prompt for this month’s meeting is "O Christmas Tree." Participants can write about their favorite tree, funniest tree, most beautiful tree, or no tree at all. This group is free and open to ages 18 and over. Call (336) 703-2910 for more information.


Utilities Department creates PR team T H E C H R ON I C LE

DECEMBER 6, 2018


Winston-Salem/Forsyth County Utilities has hired two staff members for its newly-created communications team. Gale Ketteler started Oct. 8 as utilities public information officer and Kira Boyd began Sept. 24 as utilities services communications coordinator. Ketteler moved to the Triad in 2014 and has decades of experience at radio and television outlets, along with stints in marketing and public

relations at nonprofits. Boyd earned a master’s in journalism from Northwestern University after working as a community educator. Her most recent media position was as a news producer at a local news station. Courtney Driver, the utilities director, said, “As our new communication plan took shape, the goal of remaining a top-performing utility led to the decision that we require dedicated professionals to promote the value of our services for the pub-

lic. Gale and Kira have both worked in broadcasting and will provide a new dedicated point of contact for the media.” The communications team will focus on sharing WinstonSalem/Forsyth County Utilities news and give a voice to the staff, who provide the water, sewer and solid waste services that people tend to take for granted. They will also implement public education campaigns.

New platform for tax map and sales information to replace GeoData Explorer SPECIAL TO THE CHRONICLE

For the past several years, Forsyth County Tax Administration has provided tax map and sales information through GeoData Explorer. Due to the retirement of GeoData Explorer on Dec. 31, Forsyth County Tax Administration will be providing this information through a new web application platform. The tax information currently on GeoData Explorer will now be housed on two primary web applications, Tax Parcel Viewer and the Sales App. The new web

applications can be found at MapForsyth has worked diligently to ensure the majority of the tax information supplied by GeoData Explorer will now be available through the new platform. Forsyth County Tax Administration’s primary location for tax information, the Detailed Property Information website (available at will remain the same. The new web applications also include links that direct users to the Detailed Property Information website to obtain specific tax information on prop-



erties within Forsyth County. Forsyth County Tax Administration is working with MapForsyth to further support our community by providing training sessions on the new web applications and the Detailed Property Information website. There is no appointment necessary to attend one of the training sessions and the training sessions are available at no cost to anyone in the community who wants to know more about these web applications and how to use them. These training sessions are being held every Tuesday and Thursday through the

end of 2018 at the Forsyth County Government Center, 201 N. Chestnut St., Winston-Salem, on the third floor in the Professional Development Center Training Room. Please see the training schedule below for specific dates and times: Tuesday, Dec. 11, 3 – 4 p.m.; Thursday, Dec. 13, 9 – 10 a.m.; Tuesday, Dec. 18, 9 – 10 a.m.; Thursday, Dec. 20, 3 – 4 p.m.

Applications sought for Youth Legislative Assembly SPECIAL TO THE CHRONICLE

Raleigh, N.C. – Leaders of the North Carolina General Assembly invite North Carolina high school students to apply for the 49th annual Youth Legislative Assembly (YLA). “North Carolina’s Youth Legislative Assembly offers students a unique opportunity to learn first hand about the legislative process and to develop leadership skills that will help them succeed in life,” said Senate President Pro Tempore Phil Berger and House Speaker Tim Moore. “We are proud to continue this long tradition of helping prepare our state’s future leaders.”

The Legislative Services Office, under the North Carolina General Assembly, is now accepting applications for the conference to be held April 12-14, 2019, in Raleigh. Applications will be accepted through Jan. 13. The application can be found online at The YLA teaches high school students about the laws governing North Carolina’s citizens, as well as the lawmaking process. Students draft, debate and vote on mock legislative bills while developing skills in research, interviewing, group facilitation and policy writing. As the bills are debated, the students get a chance to practice communicating their ideas, opinions and experiences in a

ESR seeks volunteers for tax program


Forsyth Free Tax, a program of Experiment in Self-Reliance (ESR), is looking for volunteers to help prepare taxes for low- to-moderate-income residents in Winston-Salem/Forsyth during tax season. Forsyth Free Tax is a part of the Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA) program in which qualified volunteers prepare taxes for free for people making $54,000 a year or less, or $65,000 or less for those who prefer to prepare their taxes online using The program works hard to ensure that every person who qualifies receives the Earned Income Tax Credit and other beneficial credits for low-moderate income residents. Volunteer roles include tax preparer,

quality reviewer, and intake coordinator. No prior experience is necessary. All volunteers must be certified by the IRS. IRS certification training is provided by Forsyth Free Tax and is offered online and in the classroom. Tax preparers are educated on tax credits and help people receive every tax credit for which they qualify. Volunteers will work at one or more of our community tax sites in WinstonSalem/Forsyth County to provide free tax preparation services during tax season. Volunteer hours can be flexible and can give continuing education credits, if applicable. For more information about volunteering, contact Marie Roberts at or call (336) 7229400 ext. 172.

team-building environment. At the conclusion of the three-day program, the participants have a better understanding of the lawmaking process as well as enhanced written and oral communication skills. YLA provides the opportunity for North Carolina’s youth to engage with peers from across the state in a structured, positive, youth-focused environment. The YLA program is open to students in North Carolina who are in good standing at a public, private, charter or home school. For more information please email YLA Coordinator or call (919) 301-1372.

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Opens Friday!

Avoid traffic, save time and pay your water bill online


With the Business 40 closing complicating access to the Bryce A. Stuart Municipal Building, WinstonSalem/Forsyth County Utilities is encouraging customers who travel downtown to pay their water and sewer bill in person to consider alternative payment methods. Payments can be made online, via telephone or at another location two miles north of downtown. Visit ue/Pay-Bills for several options to avoid construction traffic, save time and pay online. On, the city home page, select “Water/Stormwater” under the Online Bill Pay heading and click Go. You will need your account number and PIN (last four digits of customer number) to

login. Then you can sign up for paperless billing (e-notify), view your bill, make a payment by credit card or bank account, plus many other options. Other payment options include online bill payment through your personal bank, or you can complete an authorization for automatic draft on the website and send it in with your current bill, payment, and a voided check. The auto-draft will begin with your next statement. Telephone payment is also available with live agents through CityLink (311 or 336-727-8000) or the City’s automated telephone system at (336) 727-2355. In person payments can also be made at the Black-Phillips-Smith Government Center, located at 2301 North Patterson Avenue, Winston-Salem NC 27105. Customers can pay inside or at the drivethrough window.

Have a Story Idea?

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DECEMBER 7 – 16 | STEVENS CENTER (336) 721-1945

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WFU events to honor 2018 Writers Hall of Fame Inductees SPECIAL TO THE CHRONICLE

To celebrate Wake Forest writers and writing, the University will host “About Ammons” and “Words Awake” on campus Dec. 7-8. The events are free and open to the public. On Friday, Dec. 7, Wake Forest will present “About Ammons” to honor the legacy of poet and Wake Forest graduate A.R. Ammons at Porter Byrum Welcome Center from 6-7:45 p.m. Robert M. West, editor of the “The Complete Poems of A.R. Ammons,” will discuss Ammons’s poetry. The program, emceed by poet and biographer Emily Herring Wilson, will also feature readings by Wake Forest faculty and alumni of their favorite Ammons poems, as well as music by composer Ken Frazelle based on Ammons’s poetry. Ammons died in 2001. On Saturday, Dec. 8, four writers will be inducted into the Wake Forest Writers Hall of Fame and will discuss their writing careers at "Words Awake": *Linda Carter Brinson, former book-page editor and editorial page editor at the Winston-Salem Journal. *Betsy Teter, editor of the Hub City Press and founder of the Hub City Bookshop. *Jo DeYoung Thomas, former reporter, editor, foreign correspondent and bureau chief for The New York Times. *Douglas Waller, a former correspondent for Time and Newsweek and author of books including “Disciples: The World War II Missions of the CIA Directors Who Fought for Bill Donovan.” The program begins at 9 a.m. in Benson University Center, Room 401. Maria Henson, Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist and Wake Forest Magazine editor; Albert R. Hunt, Bloomberg News managing editor; and Wake Forest Provost Emeritus Ed Wilson will lead an 11 a.m. discussion of Wake Forest’s literary history. Hunt will deliver the keynote address at the 2018 Hall of Fame induction ceremony and banquet beginning at noon. For more information or to register for the banquet, email Wake Forest University combines the best traditions of a small liberal arts college with the resources of a large research university. Founded in 1834, the school is located in Winston-Salem, N.C. The University’s graduate school of arts and sciences, divinity school, and nationally ranked schools of law, medicine and business enrich our intellectual environment. Learn more about Wake Forest University at

Drop-in sessions center on Belews Lake


Forsyth County is considering the purchase, preservation and development of approximately 215 acres of Duke Energy land for a new public park site on Craig Road in Belews Creek. To gauge public interest and evaluate input, Forsyth County staff is holding two general information drop-in sessions at the Belews Creek Fire Department located at 7675 Belews Creek Road, Belews Creek, NC on Dec. 10, 2018 and Jan. 14, 2019, from 6-8 p.m. both evenings. An online survey will be available on Dec. 10 at The County anticipates any future development to be of the “passive park” variety with amenities like hiking trails, picnicking, and bank fishing. Detailed plans would not be developed unless and until County Commissioners approve the purchase. For more information, please contact Mike Anderson, Forsyth County Parks and Recreation, Director, at (336) 703-2500 or

W-S students participate in technology movement


Carter G. Woodson School will join communities across the country to promote computer science as Dec. 3- 9 kicks off “Computer Science Education” week. The event, named the “Hour of Code,” aims to introduce computer science early to spark students’ interest in the science and technology field. The Hour of Code began as a one-hour coding challenge to give students an introduction to computer science. It’s been described as the largest learning event in history, according to its website. The Hour of Code is being hosted by America’s Teen Technology in partnership with S.G. Atkins Community Development Corporation and the Southeast Neighborhood Association (SENA). This event will be held at The Enterprise Center at 1922 S. Martin Luther King, Jr. Drive. The Hour of Code will begin at 10 -11 a.m. in the center’s computer lab. Kanika Brown, founder of America’s Teen

Technology and president of the Morningside/Reynolds Park Neighborhood Association says, “it’s important for teens to understand computer science and develop a new mindset for their future.” She wants to encourage not only students, but parents to spend more time with their teens. The Hour of Code is designed for ages 4 to 104 years old. There will also be an Hour of Code for seniors during the week, as well. Berlita Mack of Carter G. Woodson will be facilitating the one-hour coding workshop. Elected officials are encouraged to support the Hour of Code. Southeast Ward Councilman James Taylor, who is also The Chronicle’s publisher, will be on hand for the event. For more information, contact Kanika Brown at (336) 995-7661 or The Enterprise Center at (336) 734-6916.


DECEMBER 6, 2018 B7


We accept major credit card payment on all classfied Ads. Email us your ad by Monday...see it on Thursday:


M/WBE BID NOTICES M/WBE BID NOTICES M/WBE BID NOTICES Jimmy R. Lynch & Sons, Inc. An Equal Employment Opportunity Contractor, NC General Contractors # 7706 Will Consider All Quotes Regardless of Race, Color, Religion, Sex, or National Origin and is Soliciting Bids for M/WBE Participation. We would appreciate a quotation from your firm for any and all work and/or materials on the following project: (1) Surry County, NC - 2017 Wastewater Treatment Plant Improvements. CWSRF No. CS370541-03 Bids: Tuesday, December 11, 2018 @ 2:00 PM We are soliciting subcontract bids for the following trades. Work may include, but not limited to: Materials, Water, Sewer, Earthwork, Electrical, Hauling, Concrete Work, Asphalt Paving, Aggregate Base Course, Interior & Exterior Piping & Valves, Concrete Structures, Landscaping, Metals, Finishes, Painting, Demolition, Fences/Gates, Temporary Facilities & Controls, Grouting, Planting, Doors, Frames & Hardware, Water Supply Well Abandonment & any incidentals and materials necessary for construction to complete the project. The Project consists of Wastewater Treatment Plant (WWTP) improvements, including rehabilitation (including epoxy injection and various coatings) of a 40’ dia. x 22’ digester and a 40’ dia. x 20’ holding tank, reconstruction of three 40’ x 100’ sand and gravel sludge drying beds, replacement of two waste activated sludge (WAS) pumps, construction of a concrete vacuum truck unloading station, various chain link fence repairs, drive areas rehabilitation (including approximately 590 tons of asphalt paving), insertion of a 10” and a 14” plug valve into active force mains, demolition of small abandoned structures, and miscellaneous site improvements.

The work performed under this Contract shall include, but may not be limited to: the furnishing of all labor, materials, equipment and services, whether specifically mentioned or not, that is required to complete the Construction of the Work of the project. All requirements of the State of North Carolina and all pertinent administrative regulations shall apply to this project as if herein written out in full. Contact Daniel Lynch if you have any questions about downloading the plans and specs or with any questions you may have about this project.

You may view plans & specs at the following locations: JRL Office @ 307 S. Academy St. Pilot Mtn, NC or Bidding Documents also may be examined at the following locations: The Issuing Office for the Bidding Documents is West Consultants, PLLC; 405 South Sterling Street; Morganton, NC 28655, the contact person is Kathy Jordan, phone: (828) 522-4725, email: Prospective Bidders may examine the Bidding Documents at the Issuing Office on Mondays through Fridays between the hours of 8 AM and 5 PM, and may obtain copies of the Bidding Documents from the Issuing Office as described below. Bidding Documents also may be examined at: -iSqFt – online at -McGraw-Hill Construction/Dodge – online at -Hispanic Contractors Association of the Carolinas (HCAC/iSqFt) – Charlotte, NC and at the Yadkin Valley Sewer Authority; 500 NC Highway 268 W; Elkin, NC 28621, on Mondays through Fridays between the hours of 9 AM and 4 PM.

If you need plans or specs., equip., credit lines, secure loans, joint payments, insurance or quick payments—call Daniel @ J.R.L. (J.R.L. will furnish bonds for all projects & will help you obtain the proper certification, (if you are not certified.)

Bonding: It is Jimmy R. Lynch & Sons, Inc. policy NOT to require M/WBE subcontractors to provide bonding to Jimmy R. Lynch & Sons, Inc. for their portion of the work. All M/WBE subcontractors will be allowed to work under Jimmy R. Lynch & Sons, Inc. Performance & Payment Bonds to the Owner.

Financial Assistance: Jimmy R. Lynch & Sons, Inc. will provide Joint Check Agreements to all M/WBE subcontractors. Please request a Joint Check agreement in writing if needed and Jimmy R. Lynch & Sons, Inc. will work with you and the material vendor to develop a Joint Check Agreement to satisfy all parties.

Quick Payments: It is Jimmy R. Lynch & Sons, Inc. policy to provide Quick Payments if needed to all M/WBE subcontractors. Jimmy R Lynch & Sons, Inc. will provide payment to all M/WBE subcontractors on a weekly and/or monthly basis if the work for which payment is being requested is complete and accepted by the Owner. JRL encourages 2nd tier M/WBE Subcontracting opportunities. We encourage our subcontractors to utilize 2nd and 3rd tier M/WBE Subcontractors. Please Submit Quote the Day Prior to Bid Opening Phone: 336-368-4047 Fax: 336-368-4613 The Chronicle December 6, 2018

Winston-Salem State University Science Building Request for Prequalification & Bid Opening Bid Package Release #3

RodgersDavis is accepting job specific trade contractor prequalification applications for the Winston-Salem State University Science Building project. The prequalification deadline for submission is no later than 5:00 PM on Thursday, December 20, 2018. Prequalification applications may be obtained at Prequalification applications submitted late or incomplete will not be reviewed. RodgersDavis strongly encourages minority, small and women owned businesses to prequalify and participate on this project. There will be no pre-bid meeting for this bid package release. Rodgers Davis will accept sealed bids from job specific prequalified trade contractors for the construction of WinstonSalem State University Science Building project on Thursday, January 17, 2019 @ 2:00 PM, located at WSSU University Architect’s office at 1604-C Lowery Street Winston-Salem, NC 27110. Any required re-bids will be received at the same location on Thursday, January 24, 2019 @ 2:00 PM.

Parking will be available without permits at either parking lot LSE numbered spaces only, or at parking spaces in front of Building 1600 marked “Visitor”.J Parking is not allowed at any other area. Winston-Salem State University Science Building

Bid Packages Release #3 Includes: 02M Unit Pavers, 02N Sidewalks, 12A Window Treatments

Previously Awarded Bid Packages: 02L Landscape / Irrigation, 03A Complete Concrete (Building), 04A Masonry/Precast/Stone, 05A Structural/Miscellaneous Steel, 05D Ornamental Handrails / Railings, 06D Cabinetry / Casework, 07A Roofing & Accessories, 07B Waterproofing & Sealants, 07C Fireproofing, 07E Exterior Metal Panel Systems, 08A Glass Assemblies, 08B Passage Door Assemblies, 08C Service Door Assemblies, 09A Drywall Assemblies, 09C Acoustical Assemblies, 09D1 Hard Tile / Stone, 09D2 Terrazzo, 09E Floor Coverings – Resilient and Carpeting, 09F Painting & Wall Coverings, 10A Building Specialties, 10B Signage, 10C Operable Partitions, 10D Lockers, 12B Laboratory Furnishings / Cold Rooms, 12E Access Flooring, 14A Elevators, 15A Fire Protection, 15B Plumbing Systems, 15C HVAC Systems, 15F Test & Balance, 16A Electrical, 16B Communications / Low Voltage, 18A General Works, 18B Final Cleaning, 18C Surveying Contact Matthew Thomas at or by phone 919-279-0907 for further information. The Chronicle December 6, 2018


Sealed proposals will be received until 2:00 pm on January 17, 2019 at the UNCG Camppus, Gray Home Facilities Design and Construction Office, 105 Gray Drive, Greensboro, NC 27412, for the construction of the RagsdaleMendenhall Dormitory Building and Site, at which time and place, bids will be opened and read. There will be a Pre-Bid Meeting at 2:00 pm on December 13th, 2018 at the Gray Home Facilites Design and Construction office, 105 Gray Drive, Greensboro, NC 27412. All bidders are encouraged to attend.

There are a number of Owner Preferred Alternates in the project including Door Hardware, Fan Coil Units (FCU), select, interior light fixtures, HVAC controls and cabling system warranty. As part of the Pre-Bid Meeting, there will be a Public Meeting to identify these Owner Prefeered Alternates. See Alternate Section 01 2300 in the Project Manual for a complete listing of these alternates. All bidders are to park at the McIver Street Parking Deck.

Complete plans and specifications for this project can be obtained from Lamber Architecture + Interiors at 418N. Marshall Street, Suite 300, Winston-Salem, NC 27101 during normal office hours after December 3, 2018. Plan Deposit: Thee Hundred, Fifty Dollars ($350.00) The state reserves the unqualified right to reject any all proposals. The Chronicle December 6, 2018

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NC Department of Military and Veteran’s Affairs Kernersville State Veterans Home Request for Prequalification

Rodgers is accepting job specific trade contractor prequalification applications for the NC Department of Military & Veteran’s Affairs – Kernersville State Veterans Home project. The prequalification deadline for submission is no later than 4:00 PM on Monday, December 24, 2018. Prequalification applications may be obtained at Prequalification applications submitted late or incomplete will not be reviewed. Rodgers strongly encourages minority, small and women owned businesses to prequalify and participate on this project.

The NC Department of Military and Veteran’s Affairs – Kernersville State Veterans Home bid packages include: 02B Site Electrical and Lighting, 03A Complete Concrete, 04A Masonry, 05A Structural/Miscellaneous Steel, 05D Load Bearing Cold Formed Metal Framing, 05E Light Gauge Metal Roof Trusses, 06B Casework, 07A Roofing Combination Package, 07A1 Roofing Area 1, 07A2 Roofing Area 2, 07A3 Roofing Area 3, 07A4 Roofing Area 4, 07A5 Roofing Area 5, 07B Waterproofing and Sealants, 07F Fiber Cement Siding, 08A Glass Assemblies, 08B Passage Doors/Frames and Hardware, 08C Service Doors, 08D Residential Windows, 09A Complete Drywall Combination Package, 09A1 Complete Drywall Area 1, 09A2 Complete Drywall Area 2, 09A3 Complete Drywall Area 3, 09A4 Complete Drywall Area 4, 09A5 Complete Drywall Area 5, 09C Acoustical Assemblies, 09D Hard Tile Assemblies Combination Package, 09D1 Hard Tile Assemblies Area 1, 09D2 Hard Tile Assemblies Area 2, 09D3 Hard Tile Assemblies Area 3, 09D4 Hard Tile Assemblies Area 4, 09D5 Hard Tile Assemblies Area 5, 09E Resilient Floor Assemblies Combination Package, 09E1 Resilient Floor Assemblies Area 1, 09E2 Resilient Floor Assemblies Area 2, 09E3 Resilient Floor Assemblies Area 3, 09E4 Resilient Floor Assemblies Area 4, 09E5 Resilient Floor Assemblies Area 5, 09F Interior Painting and Wall Coverings Combination Package, 09F1 Interior Painting and Wall Coverings Area 1, 09F2 Interior Painting and Wall Coverings Area 2, 09F3 Interior Painting and Wall Coverings Area 3, 09F4 Interior Painting and Wall Coverings Area 4, 09F5 Interior Painting and Wall Coverings Area 5, 10A Wall Protection, 10B Signage, 10C Lockers, 10D Operable Partitions, 10E Toilet Accessories/Fire Extinguishers and Cabinets, 10F Architectural Louvers/Flagpoles, 10G Pre-Manufactured Fire Places, 11B Food Service Equipment, 12A Window Treatments, 13C Swimming Pools, 18A Final Cleaning, 18B General Works, 21A Fire Protection, 22A Plumbing Systems, 23A Mechanical Systems, 23B Test and Balance, 23C Building Automation and Controls System, 23D HVAC and Plumbing Insulation, 26A Electrical Systems, 27A Low Voltage Systems, 27B Wanderguard System, 27C Turnkey Fire Alarm System, 27D Nurse Call System, 27E Paging and AV Systems, 28A Electronic Security and Access Control, 31A Complete Sitework, 31B Asphalt Paving, 31D Site Concrete, 32C Landscape and Irrigation. Contact William Satterfield at or by phone 704.537.6044 for further information. The Chronicle December 6, 2018



Having qualified as Fiduciary of the Estate of Barbara Jean Halvorsen Bulman (18E2403), also known as Barbara J. Bulman, deceased October 13, 2018, Forsyth County, North Carolina, this is to Notify all persons, firms, and corporation having claims against the Estate of said deceased to present them to the undersigned on or before March 3, 2018 this Notice will be pleaded in bar of recovery. All persons indebted to the said decedent or estate shall please make immediate payment to the undersigned. This the 29th day of November, 2018. Daniel Marion Bulman Fiduciary for Barbara J. Bulman, deceased 1152 Toms Creek Church Road Pilot Mountain, NC 27041

The Chronicle November 29 and December 6, 13, 20, 2018


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County employees raise $22,000 for United Way B8

DECEMBER 6, 2018


Forsyth County employees raised $22,000 for the United Way of Forsyth County during a month-long United WeCare campaign in October. County employees contributed through pledging money, which often involved them setting an amount per paycheck to go to the nonprofit. They also contributed through county-wide or department-wide fundraisers. County departments created their own fundraising events. They included paying to wear jeans to work, donation cans, raffles, a silent auction, candy jars, bake sales, a soup lunch, and a chili cook off. The campaign ended with the United Way Oktoberfest celebration, held on Oct. 31, which featured costume contests, food

trucks and live music. United Way of Forsyth provides funding for various local non-profits like the YMCA, Experiment in Self-Reliance, Family Services, Salvation Army, Community Care Center, American Red Cross and the YWCA. Contributing to the United Way has become an annual tradition that lets county employees help the community. “The county is invested in giving back to community organizations,” said Shontell Robinson, the county’s Human Resources director. United Way is one of only two organizations the county participates in fundraising campaigns for, the other being the Arts Council of Winston-Salem and Forsyth County.

Prepare now during Winter Weather Preparedness week SPECIAL TO THE CHRONICLE


State and local officials are encouraging North Carolinians to plan and prepare now, before potentially dangerous winter weather arrives, during Winter Weather Preparedness Week, Dec. 2 - 8. August Vernon, the director of WinstonSalem/Forsyth County Office of Emergency Management, noted that some areas already have seen early rounds of winter weather. “We want all residents to be sure they are prepared for winter weather,” Vernon said. “Take time now to review emergency plans, update emergency supply kits and always stay informed about weather forecasts.” Each year there are six to 12 winter storms in the Piedmont, 12 or more winter storms in the mountains and four or fewer winter storms that impact the coastal counties. When winter storms are expected residents should monitor local media weather reports and pay attention to winter weather warnings. A winter storm watch is issued when conditions are favorable for snow, sleet or freezing rain within 48 hours. If a winter storm is imminent, a watch will be upgraded to warning or an advisory. A winter storm warning is issued when confidence is high that a winter storm is likely to produce at least 3 inches of snow, or ice accumulations of a quarter of an inch or more, within the next 24 hours. A winter weather advisory is issued when lesser amounts of snow or ice accumulation are expected within the next 24 hours and could cause travel difficulties. Forecasters at the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Climate Prediction Center are expecting a weak El Niño pattern to develop and influence weather conditions this winter. This pattern favors wetter-than-normal conditions across the southeastern United States during the winter months, says Kevin Kalbaugh, a meteorologist for North Carolina Emergency Management. “A wetter-than-normal winter does not necessarily mean a snowier winter, ”Kalbaugh said. “Long-range snow forecasts are pretty much impossible, but we have an increased potential of seeing above normal precipitation between December and February.” To help ensure you are ready for winter weather, emergency management officials urge you to: *Always keep at least a three-day supply of non-perishable food in your home. *Keep fresh batteries on hand for weather radios and flashlights. *Dress warmly. Wear multiple layers of thin clothing instead of a single layer of thick clothing. *Properly vent kerosene heaters and keep any electric generators outside and away from open windows or doors to prevent carbon monoxide poisoning. Never burn charcoal indoors. *Use a National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration weather radio to monitor for changing weather conditions. *Keep alternative heating sources and fire extinguishers on hand. Be sure your family knows how to use them. *Store an emergency kit in your vehicle. Include scraper, jumper cables, tow chain, sand/salt, blankets, flashlight, first aid kit and road map. *Download the ReadyNC mobile app to have easy access to information about shelter locations, forecasts, road conditions, power outages and more. If you must travel during bad weather, emergency officials remind motorists to leave plenty of room between you and other vehicles and, if driving on snowor ice-covered roadways, reduce your speed. If conditions worsen, pull off the highway and remain in your vehicle. Do not set out on foot unless you can see a building close by where you can take shelter. Don’t forget to include pets in your emergency plans. To keep animals safe during winter weather, emergency management officials recommend you: *Make an emergency supply kit for your pet and include medical records, first aid kit, enough canned/dry food and water for three to seven days and pet travel bag or carrier. *Do not leave pets outside for long periods of time. *Ensure your pet has a well-fitting collar. *Bring pets inside when temperatures drop below freezing. More information on winter weather and overall emergency preparedness can be found on the ReadyNC mobile app and online at or Emergency Management also posts updated information on its ReadyForsyth Facebook page.

United Way’s Michael Heelan talks with Social Services employees (left to right) Di’Quasia Champ, David Nicoletta and Jessica Crawford, who won for Scariest Costume on Oct. 31 at the United Way Oktoberfest that ended the county’s WeCare fundraising campaign

Photo courtesy of Forsyth County


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