March 8, 2018

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Wolfpack awakes 75 cents

Upside down

• See Opinion/Forum pages on A8&9•

• See Sports on page B1•

Caldwell, Green gain top awards W I N S TO N - S A L E M , N . C .

Volume 44, Number 27

T H U R S D AY, M a rc h 8 , 2 0 1 8


For the 33rd year, The Chronicle is honoring those who serve with its Community Service Awards. The awards banquet will be 6 p.m. Saturday, March 24, at the M.C. Benton Jr. Convention Center. Former Reynolds American Vice President Lisa Caldwell and Z. Smith Reynolds (ZSR)


Foundation Executive Director Maurice “Mo” Green will be Woman and

Man of the Year. Judge Denise Hartsfield will be the mistress of ceremonies

and Dionn Owen & Renaissance will provide musical selections. “We’re just taking a moment to recognize those organizations and those individuals who have done great things in the community in the past year, and we want to acknowledge them and encourage others in the community to go forth and do some of the same things,” said Chronicle Publisher James Taylor. Caldwell recently

Community embraces targeted N.C. church See Awards on A6



WILMINGTON — They came to Speaks Temple A.M.E. Zion Church to show concern and support. They left with a message that they needed to do more to love. The pews were filled Sunday at predominately black Speaks Temple, with many white people attending, outraged by the angry racist letter sent to the church and its

Delta Invitational features variety of artists statewide This year the Delta Arts Invitational adopted the theme of “Legacy of the Creative Spirits.” Artists from around the state submitted paintings and drawings centered around people and abstract themes. Above art shows Muhammad Ali’s eyes and the Obamas dancing.

Photos by Tevin Stinson

Editorial cartoonist Ron Rogers is among the presenters BY TEVIN STINSON THE CHRONICLE

The Delta Fine Arts Center latest exhibit is designed to shine a light on artist from across the state and right here in our community. For the past six years The Delta Arts Invitational has brought North Carolinians together to showcase their works. This year 16 artists, including several from right here in

Winston-Salem, created masterpieces centered on the theme “Legacy of the Creative Spirits.” Although the invitational hasn't had a theme in the past Dr. Allison Fleming, a member of the board of directors who is working with the exhibit, said this year they wanted to try something new. "We put out a call to artists across the state of North Carolina and we're always pleased with the response we get," Fleming continued. "... This year we put out a more specific call to artist normally it's an open call for any kind of art but this year we construct-

Dr. Allison Fleming, left, member of the Delta Fine Arts board of directors, talks about the new exhibit designed to showcase artists based in North Carolina.

ed a theme for the entire year that was derived from homage to Mandela exhibi-

tion that closed last week. "We wanted to honor

Pastor Parker leads worship at Speaks Temple A.M.E. Zion Church on Sunday, March 4.

Photo by Cash Michaels

pastor, Diedre Parker, a week earlier. They wanted show that the unnamed racist who sent the inflammatory missive that talked about “porch monkeys … big lipped ape men … and blue gummed people [with illegitimate children everywhere] …” as being “Nigger town, of course ...” did not represent how they thought, or their respect for the black community. In fact, at least two white couples brought their black adopted toddlers, as a symbol that they were willing to stand up to racism for them. “Lord … the one who sent this … let’s call it what it is … a hate letter …,prayed Ken Sharpe, a visiting white minister, “… Father God, we don’t condone what this person did at all, we’re not a part of that. But we also just lift him up in prayer to you as well … that he would come to know the right, from the wrong, and that hatred is not you. You are love.” As much as Pastor Dierdre Parker said she intended to conduct a worship service, even she couldn’t ignore the outpouring of support, the new faces in the church, and the opportunity to use the ugly incident as a way to teach that racism is wrong, and God’s children need to come together to combat it. “We are here, Father, to let a hateful world know that

City sues opioid companies


The City of Winston-Salem is suing opioid distributors and manufacturers. The City Council voted on Monday, March 5, to declare the opioid crisis in the city a public nuisance and hire law firms to represent Winston-Salem in the lawsuit. Like the county’s opioid law-

See Artists on A7

suit, the law firms will be paid 25 percent of any monetary recovery, so the lawsuit won’t cost taxpayers money. Also, like the counSee related Cartoon ty’s lawon A8 suit, it will be grouped together with other similar suits in multi-district litigation, but will not be a class-action case.

We Reent U-HHaul TTrrucks!

The overuse of legal prescription opioids is being widely blamed for the current crisis of opioid addiction that is taxing first responders, jails and social services across the nation. Opioids are highly addictive and are easy to accidentally overdose on. The number of opioid related deaths in Forsyth County See Opioid on A7



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for first month

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See Church on A6

of Winston-Salem, LLC

Office Hours: Mon-Fri 9am-5pm; Sat 9am-3pm Gate Hours: 5am-10pm "ETHANIA 3TATION 2OAD s 7INSTON 3ALEM

Portion of Business 40 closing


A2 MARCH 8, 2018


N.C. Department of Transportation contractors will close a portion of Interstate Business 40 for project demolition work starting Friday in Winston-Salem. Starting at 9 p.m. on Friday, March 9, Business 40 will close in both directions between Cloverdale Avenue and Peters Creek Parkway for the demolition of the Fourth Street bridge. It will reopen to traffic by 11 a.m. on Sunday, March 11, weather permitting. “The Fourth Street bridge itself will close at 7 a.m. on Friday, March 9, and remain closed until completion of reconstruction in January 2019,” said NCDOT Division Engineer Pat Ivey. Travelers can detour using Cloverdale, First Street and Peters Creek Parkway in each direction. NCDOT reminds motorists to watch signs for construction information, stay alert, slow down in the work zone and obey the posted speed limit. For real-time travel information, visit or follow NCDOT on Twitter.

Paul Norby retiring as City-County planning director

U.S. Business 40 will close in both directions between Cloverdale Avenue and Peters Creek Parkway temporarily.

Chronicle file photo


Paul Norby, the planning director for Winston-Salem and Forsyth County since 1999, has announced that he will retire Aug. 1. He is the longest-serving planning director since the department was established in 1948. During his 19-year tenure, Norby was instrumental in furthering the Planning Department’s push to be a proactive partner with residents, developers and builders. These efforts include compilation of the Legacy Comprehensive Plan in 2001 and the Legacy 2030 update in 2014, downtown revitalization plans, development opportunities maps, area plans developed with participation of local residents, and master plans for greenways, parks and public art. Other initiatives were aimed at improving community appearance, boosting historic preservation and neighborhood conservation, increasing public participation and preserving green space in Forsyth County. Norby also oversaw the 2014 merger of the Planning Department and City-County Inspections into a joint Department of Planning and Development Services. Arnold King, the chairman of the City-County Planning Board, said it will be difficult to replace Norby. “In addition to being a very knowledgeable planner, Paul has also been a highly respected and effective manager who has developed a staff that provides excellent


service to the community. Paul possesses a unique skill set that is going to be tough to duplicate,” he said. Mayor Allen Joines said the Legacy 2030 Plan, which

Transit Authority launches new design of Route 100

“Access to Next Bus for Route 100 should go online within the next couple of weeks.”


The Winston-Salem Transit Authority (WSTA) has unveiled a brand new Route 100. The bus route has been redesigned to provide college students with direct access to grocery stores, restaurants, shopping centers and hospitals. Beginning at Union Station, Route Barnes 100 will travel to Winston-Salem State University (WSSU), Salem College, the University of North Carolina School of the Arts and Forsyth Technical Community College. It will then head north on Miller Street to Stratford Road and head west on Stratford

–Art Barnes, WSTA General Manager

to Silas Creek, where it will enter Hanes Mall. From there, it will return students to their campuses. While the primary target for Route 100 is college students, Route 100 is open to the public and bus stops have been placed along the entire route. The idea for the campus route was originally proposed by Councilman Derwin Montgomery. Citing the need for the route, Montgomery said, “The bus provides access to a variety of new options for

1300 E. Fifth St., Winston Salem, N.C. 27101 Advertising: Ext. 113

Circulation/Subscriptions: Ext. 100 Editor: Ext. 108

college students who don’t own automobiles. This has been needed for a long time.” Route 100 will operate seven days a week (Monday through Saturday, 8 a.m. to 10 p.m. and Sunday, 10 a.m. to 7 p.m.). Buses will complete the entire route every hour and 15 minutes. The fare for Route 100 is the standard $1 and traditional discounts for the disabled and elderly apply.


Main Phone Number: 336-722-8624

was recognized by the American Planning Association as the best comprehensive plan for 2014, typified the quality of Norby’s work. “Paul was an extraordinary leader of our community’s planning efforts,” Joines said. “He is principled and pragmatic at the same time, a trait that has served our city well.” David R. Plyler, the chairman of the Forsyth County Board of Commissioners, noted that Norby’s prior service as the planning director for Durham served him well. “When he got here, he was more prepared than the average person. He has a personality that doesn’t crack very easily. If you want to be critical he can take it, and he will work to find a solution. He’s very even-keeled.” The City-County Planning Board has retained Developmental Associates to help with the search for Norby’s replacement and will meet with the consultant today, Thursday, March 8, to discuss the search process, King said. King said he hopes to have Norby’s successor hired in time to allow for some overlap. Norby began his career in planning in 1974 with the Augusta-Richmond County (Georgia) Planning Commission. He later worked in Fort Wayne, Indiana, before serving as Durham’s planning director from 1980 to 1999. In 2006 he was inducted as a Fellow by the American Institute of Certified Planners.

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WSTA General Manager Art Barnes said, “Route 100 represents new opportunities for commercial establishments along the route to market their products and services.” Students will enjoy access to WSTA’s “Next Bus” system for Route 100. The system will allow students to see the location of their buses in real-time on their smart phones. “Access to Next Bus for Route 100 should go online within the next couple of weeks,” Barnes said. Major stops along the route include: Cloverdale Shopping Center, Publix, Whole Foods, Thruway Shopping Center, Hanestowne Shopping Center and Hanes Mall. The new route was unveiled on Feb. 25. For more information, visit

The Chronicle (USPS 067-910) was established by Ernest H. Pitt and Ndubisi Egemonye in 1974 and is published every Thursday by Chronicle Media Group, LLC, 1300 E. Fifth St., Winston Salem, N.C. 27101. Periodicals postage paid at Winston-Salem, N.C. Annual subscription price is $30.72. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to: The Chronicle, P.O. Box 1636 Winston-Salem, NC 27102-1636


Salem College group hosts Black History Month Finale Show

MARCH 8, 2018

(Above) Members of the Carver High School Marching Band perform during the Black History Month Finale on the campus of Salem College on Friday, March 2. (Upper left) Members of Salem College’s African Student Organization Dance Team perform during the Black History Month Finale last week.

Since 2015, Salem College’s BADU (Black Americans Demonstrating Unity) program has wrapped up Black History Month with their finale show and awards ceremony.

Photos by Tevin Stinson


On Friday, March 2 students, faculty and staff at Salem College invited the community to witness their annual Black History Month Finale Show. A culmination of several programs held through the year, the finale show is annually sponsored by Salem’s BADU (Black Americans Demonstrating Unity) organization. This year’s event, held inside the Hanes Auditorium, had enough entertainment to keep the entire family engaged. The show featured singing, dancing, spoken word and a show-stopping performance from the Carver High School Marching Band. The highlight of the evening was the awards ceremony. Throughout the event, which was staged like a starstudded award show, students were honored with awards that were named after song titles. For example; the “Cool Like That” Award, the “I Will Survive” Award, the “Get Like Me” Award and countless others were presented to students who stand out on campus. Since 2015, BADU has hosted the Black History Month Finale Show as a fundraiser and a way to honor students for their achievements and contributions to the Salem Community. This year more than a dozen students were honored during the event.

Forsyth Tech president set to retire

FEBRUARY 28 - MARCH 27,, 2018

During a press conference on Thursday, Feb. 22, Forsyth Technical Community College President Dr. Gary M. Green announced he will be retiring at the end of the year.

Photo by Tevin Stinson


Forsyth Tech Community College (FTCC) President Dr. Gary M. Green will be retiring from his position at the end of the year. Green, who began his tenure at FTCC in 2001, is the college’s longest serving president. Since joining FTCC , the college has transformed to keep up with the ever changing economy, and achieved his goal of achieving high student success and completion rates. During the Thursday, Feb. 22, press conference where Green’s retirement was made public, board chair Alan Proctor said it was tough news for the board to take because Green’s service has been so tremendous. He said during his 17 year career, Green radically evolved the educational experience for students at FTCC, by adding a broad array of new curriculum. “He’s added a broad array of new curriculum. He led more than $100 million in facility expansions and raised more than $33 million over two capital campaigns and turned this school into a national education model for biotechnology, cyber security, and motor sports technology,” Proctor said. “… He has also given to our city, our county, our state, and our country and you will always be a part of our family.” When discussing his time spent at FTCC, Green said, it has been the “professional opportunity of a lifetime.” He said, “I’ve been honored and enjoyed everyday I’ve been here working with our board and working with our team.” Although retirement is in sight, Green said there is still work to be done. He mentioned he will spend his last 10 months working to ensure all students are completing the programs. Green’s official last day is schedule for Dec. 31. According to Proctor the board of trustees will make a decision on the new president in January 2019. A search committee for the position will be co-chaired by Ann Bennett-Phillips of Capital Development Service and Edwin L. Welch Jr. of I.L. Long Construction.





A man of faith and strength

A4 MARCH 8, 2018


“You’ll go through stuff, but you don’t have to look like what you go through,” said Dr. Tony Lewis L. Buton III, PhD. Burton was 650 pounds, and he’s completely blind in his left eye. He’s now 240 pounds. “I lost 400 pounds, Busta.” I replied, not everyone believes they can do that. He gave me a warm and very confident smile and then replied, “But they can. You can do anything you wanna do. It’s all mental.” Dr. Burton attended University of Tennessee at Martin on a football scholarship, where he played offensive lineman. He was 350 pounds. “It was expectable to be that big, because it had its advantages when you’re playing offensive line.” He said eating big meals was a part of maintaining his football weight, and with the help from his coach, he worked out and lifted weights. “And I was playing sports all the time, so I was a healthy 350. I carried that weight in a



positive manner. When I graduated from college, I stopped playing sports and working out and not long after that I moved here. I kept those same eating habits, but not exercising. That’s how I got to that point of being 650 pounds.” Burton said it wasn’t the eating that caused the Photos submitted by Dr. Tony Burton fast and (Above) Tony Burton is shown here extreme when he was 650 pounds. weight gain. Dr. Tony Burton is shown “It was not e x e r c i s i n g . here how he looks today. “Back in Sexy began to cause big t h o s e problems. The weight took Plus I love to cook, so people came over days, believe it or not, I a toll on him mentally, my house and I would eat was called Big Sexy.” I physically, and personally. “When I went to a bufall the time, without work- said the name big sexy ing out. Then food became glamorized being over- fet, people would look at a crutch for me. It was weight. “It made me very me like, why in the world comfortable, I didn’t have are you here? This is what comforting,” he said. The Winston-Salem an issue with it. I was got you this way, so why businessman said he didn’t mobile and I enjoyed being are eating at the buffet?” notice the pounds piling on 650 pounds. At work they We laughed, yet we knew because of his lifestyle. “I called me Big Tony.” He the seriousness of his situawore tailor- made clothes; went on to say if you’re tion. “That’s the stigma I had nice vehicles and a comfortable with yourself, that came along with being charming personality,” he then everyone around you overweight, but my confiwill be comfortable with dence helped me get over said. it. I didn’t care what you At 650 pounds, he did- you as well. Dr. Burton came to a thought about me, because n’t lack confidence, and his inner circle loved him. realization that being Big I knew who I was, and that

Atkins wins District Academic Competition


Last week Atkins Academic & Technology High School faced off against West Forsyth in the final round of the District Academic Competition Championship. For the fourth year in a row, the Camels came out on top, defeating the Titans 236 to 190.

The competition included five rounds that covered a number of subjects, including English, math, science, social studies and general knowledge. Other high schools that competed in the competition include; Carver, East Forsyth, Glenn, Mount Tabor, North Forsyth, Parkland, Reagan and Reynolds.

God made me who I was. But he also told me it was time to make a change.” That message was clear when Burton had to take an epidural each day to help him walk, breathing treatments, and sometimes his veins would pop in the middle of the night. “Although I was confident with who I was and my friends were as well; I had to realize what I was doing to myself. The night I woke up with blood in my bed due to my veins popping, I knew I had to make a change, and quick.” Burton also shared his battle with losing complete sight in his left, and other trials and tribulations that he overcame with prayer, faith and hard work. Most men rarely show the beautiful and warm side of their personalities. Not Tony; it flows naturally. It comes out even moreso when he talked about his wife and how she stepped up as his rock. “She’s everything to me. There’s God and then my wife and children,” Burton said. Burton was educated at the University of

Tennessee at Martin (1989, BS Business Administration – Concentration: Administrative Data Systems), Winston-Salem State University (1996 Middle Grade Education – Concentration Math and Social Studies) and Columbus University (2003 MA– Education Administration and 2008 Doctor of Philosophy: Education Administration). Dr. Burton uses his various degrees and certifications to make a marked impact in the life of youth. Currently Burton servers as chief executive officer of Northwest Child Development Centers Inc., dba MudPies, a nonprofit child care organization providing services in Forsyth, Davie and Stokes counties with an annual average budget of $3 million. Check out the rest of my interview with Dr. Tony Lewis L. Burton III PhD to find out how he lost over 400 pounds, became a very successful businessman and one of the most influential in men Winston-Salem.

Photo by Kim Underwood

Atkins Academic & Technology High School students win the District Academic Competition Championship.

T H e C H R on i C le

MARCH 8, 2018 A5

Commissioners want to rebid jail food service County commissioners would like to rebid the food service at the Forsyth County Detention Center.

File Photo

By ToDD luCk THe CHRoniCle

Forsyth County commissioners approved paying more to Aramark for food services at the Forsyth County Detention Center, but also requested to rebid that service at the earliest opportunity. During a meeting on Thursday, March 1, commissioners approved Aramark’s request to increase the amount the county pays for its jail services from the $1,174,000 in its contract to $1,242,000. This increase of $68,000 is attributed to the kitchen renovation project at the jail and an increased inmate population. in its contract, Aramark can ask for an increase in food plate prices because it has to use mobile operations due to renovations. originally it was believed it would

be a 3-cent increase per plate but when the details of the renovations became more certain, that increase was upped to 14 cents a plate. The renovations are expected to last 20 weeks and the increase is supposed to cover increased labor costs of supervising the Martin mobile kitchen and plating area as well as the costs associated with a menu change. Also, the inmate population is up 11 percent from last year. County Commissioner vice Chair Don

‘Cops vs. Docs’ charity hockey game scheduled for March 10

SPeCiAl To THe CHRoniCle

The Winston-Salem Police Department will have its annual “Cops vs. Docs” ice hockey game to benefit Special olympics Forsyth County at 7 p.m. Saturday, March 10, at the Fairgrounds Annex. A team of Triad law enforcement officers and local players will play a team of personnel at Wake Forest Baptist Medical Center. There will also be door prizes and activities for children. Tickets are $5 and can be purchased at the door. Special olympics athletes will receive free admission.

Martin questioned if the increase in cost should have been that much. He suggested rebidding the contract at the earliest opportunity and the other commissioners agreed. “After five years in a competitive industry, i think its time to rebid the jail service,” said Martin. County Manager Dudley Watts said he’d have staff look into when that could happen and if it can be done without adverse effects. Aramark’s original contract was approved in 2012 for three years, with seven one-year extensions, the latest of which runs out on June 30 of this year. Also during the Thursday’s meetings: *Commissioners approved $179,038 in incentives over five years to Clearing House Payments Company llC to expand its local facility by investing at least

$24,614,000 in machinery and equipment and creating 50 full-time or full-time equivalent jobs with an average wage of $98,361 a year. *They also voted to give $1.5 million to the Smith Reynolds Airport so it can receive matching state and federal funds for moving one taxiway, extending another taxiway and removing a terrain obstruction near a runway. The county funds have zero percent interest for up to 10 years. *The commissioners gave the future idols Road business park a tentative name, which is the Tanglewood Business Park. *Martin said he’d like to renew discussion on his quarter cent county sales tax idea during today’s briefing because he said he’d had positive feedback from businesses leaders on the idea.

Human Relations Department honors 84 students

By Tevin STinSon THe CHRoniCle

on Thursday, Feb. 15 more than 80 students representing each public school in Winston-Salem and Forsyth County as well as some private schools were recognized during the 38th annual Human Relations Student Awards Banquet. Since 1980 the Winston-Salem Human Relations Department has held the awards banquet to recognize students in the area who exemplify positive human relations in their dealings with others on such issues as race, religion, and cultural differences. During the banquet held at embassy Suites Grand Pavilion, Wanda Allen-Abraha, human relations director said, “This is just one way we celebrate diversity that makes us outstanding as the city of Winston-

Salem.” Before presenting a proclamation to the Human Relations Department marking the day and the special occasion, Mayor Allen Joines said the annual event is one he looks forward to each year. He said when we recognize our young people we “re-energize” the future of our city, our state, and our country he said. “We have a lot of these but i can’t think of any one that’s more important,” Joines continued “… This is a great partnership and a great symbiotic effort to recognize these young people.” Mayor Pro Tempore vivian Burke, who helped establish the Human Relations Commission in Winston-Salem, said she was proud of what the department has become. The keynote address was delivered by Police Chief Catrina Thompson. Thompson, who is a 23-

year veteran of the Winston-Salem Police Department, was appointed as the city’s 15th chief last year. As she addressed the 84 students who were recognized during the banquet, Thompson encouraged the students to continue making a difference in the communities they live in. “All of you are being recognized for something that doesn’t cost money, it doesn’t ruin your reputation, nor does it injure the spirit of others,” she continued. “instead, you are being recognized for something that is basic, cost free, and beneficial to the human spirit. “you have been giving of your time, your energy and most importantly, your love. you all have committed to a cause much bigger than yourself and that commitment has not gone unnoticed. Whether you know it or not, you are changing lives.”

MARCH 8, 2018


Awards from page A1

retired as the executive vice president and chief human resources officer of Reynolds American after 27 years with the tobacco giant. She’s a 1986 graduate of Wake Forest University School of Law. Her community involvement includes Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, The Links, The Moles and various local boards. Green is director of ZSR, a family foundation that has invested more than $553 million in the state in the last 80 years. When he became executive director in March 2016, he conducted a yearlong strategic assessment, which included a “Mo Wants to Know" listening tour, that’s resulted in a new direction for ZSR. Prior to his current position, he served as superintendent of Guilford County Schools, the third largest school district in the state. Other awardees include:

Special Recognition Attorney Renita Thompkins-Linville, who initially started her law firm in 1987, serves on numerous boards and is the first lady of Piney Grove Baptist Church.


from page A1

there is love, and love exists, and love is action … ” Pastor Parker prayed passionately, as the congregation clapped and said “Amen.” “I thank you [Father] for those who don’t look like me, and those who don’t believe like me, but thought enough of me to show up today!” During her sermon, Pastor Parker was blunt, asking rhetorically that if it wasn’t for the hate-filled racist letter, “... would we all be worshipping together right now?” She then gave a social justice lesson to her white visitors, chiding the church overall for mostly staying silent in the face of rampant racism; criticizing those who call AfricanAmericans “race baiters” if they openly complain about unfair and unjust treatment at the hands of whites; and that even though she was deeply appreciative of the many


Winston-Salem Police Foundation, a nonprofit that supports the Winton-Salam Police Department whose latest initiative is an ice cream truck and book mobile for police outreach.

Curators of the Arts Endia Beal, a local artist, associate art professor and Diggs Gallery director, who serves on the Public Art Commission. Owens Daniels, a widely displayed local artist known for his dynamic photos and photographic art. Organizations of the Year ACEY Group, a Women’s Fund group that educates women and girls about the power of philanthropy. Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity for its service in the community, including scholarships and a youth auxiliary. Social Heart, a nonprofit that helps those in need. United Health Centers, which operates a series of patient-governed health centers devoted to affordable, holistic medical care. Lifetime Achievement Anita “Boss Lady” Dean Arnette, a local radio host on AM1300/1400 “The

who attended service to support Speaks Temple on Sunday, “ this is not a moment, but a movement.” “ Yo u can’t go home to y o u r everyday life thinking that you ended racism Rev. Parker j u s t because you went to a black church one Sunday…,” she declared, later adding, “So where’s the love? We have only been giving lip service to love, for love is action!” Parker urged that whites adopt the same policy that government officials have suggested when you see something suspicious you know is inherently wrong – “When you see something, say something.” In other words, if you see racism, challenge it, either right on the spot, or later when it counts. Rev. Parker said black people face being forced to live by a different set of

S ee the l etter endorsed by these organizations at N CW Center for Biological Diversity Hip Hop Caucus Food and Water Watch Friends of the Earth Rachel Carson Council Alliance for for Climate Education (ACE) Public Citizen 198 methods Holly wood United Bonnie Raitt, Musician/Activist Connie and Jesse Colin Y Young oung, Musicians/Activists Guacamole Fund Morning Sun Foundation NC Enviroonmental Justice Network Winston Salem NAACP Beloved Community Center Concerned Citizens of Tiller y Dogwood Alliance Appalachian V Voices oices Clean Water for North Carolina Clean Air Carolina North Carolina o Coastal Federation Blue Ridge Environmental Defense League NC Climate Justice Summit NC APPPL (Alliance to Protect Our People and the Places W Wee Live) 350 Triangle 350 Winston Salem 350 Asheville 350 Charlotte Canar y Coalition Cr ystal Coast Waterkeeper/ Coastal Carolina River watch Climate Reality Project: Triangle, NC Chapter UNC Asheville Divest Community Roots Chatham Research Group Triangle Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom Prootecting Progress in Durham Climate V Voices oices US Golden Egg Permaculture Moore Beatty Investments, LLC Wakaboomee Adventuree Traveling Education Program, LLC Working Films

rules every day, because there are whites who openly dispute the fact that racism does exist. “It’s time for us to stop being so afraid to have the hard conversation,” Parker continued, noting that blacks and whites are fearful of having a frank discussion about race. “If we don’t have these conversations, they will always be hard.” Parker concluded her sermon on race by saying,” When we get so cool … that I can come to your house and go into your refrigerator, and you can come to my house and go into [mine], then … that’s when things will change!” M e a n w h i l e , Wilmington Police had a patrol car parked across the street to monitor the church for safety. They say they still have no idea who sent the racist, unsigned hate letter a week ago, postmarked from Charlotte.

Light.” Rudolph Boone Sr., a former Carver High School band director who’s been involved in the community.

Community Service Emma Allen, the chair of the Citizens’ M/WBE Advisory Committee. Josh Howard Foundation, the charitable foundation of the former NBA basketball player that does an after-school program and other local outreach. Porsche Jones, a former Wake Forest basketball player who sponsors numerous youth basketball tournaments. Human Relations Rachel Jackson, for her work on the Human Relations Commission. Kenya Thornton, founder of Eliza’s Helping Hands and Community Intervention and Educational Services, for her community outreach. Businesses of the Year Body & Soul, a popular downtown afro-centric boutique. Char’s Hamburgers, a popular eatery on Waughtown Street. Ma’ati Spa, a successful downtown spa located on Main Street.

Sweet Potatoes, a noted downtown soul food restaurant that moved into a larger location last year.

Innovation Award Cook Medical, a locally headquartered medical equipment company. Young Professional Ashley Hardesty, co-owner of Forsyth Seafood. Youth of the Year Camden Myer, founder of Cam’s Coffee Creations. For Seniors Only! Award Mike Simpson, a local pastor and author of the book, “Fix Your Family.”

Tickets for the banquet are $30 each and come with six months of The Chronicle. Tables seat eight people. Call (336) 722-8624, ext. 100 for tickets or visit The Chronicle office at 1300 E. Fifth St., across from the historic Winston Mutual building, between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m. Monday through Friday. Deadline for ticket purchases is March 16.

D uke Energ y: HELP AVERT AVERT CLIMA CLIMA ATE TE CHAOS … BEFORE IT ’S TOO LA ATE FOR US A LL Scientists say the climate crisis is close e to a tipping point. Dramatic action must be taken. But Duke Energy is expan x ding its use of climate-wrecking “natural” gas from fracking and constan ntly raising rates. Clean energy solutions are cheaper and ready to go. Duke claim ms to be green – but is only 2% renewable. And its executives are blocking open discussion about NC Clean Path 2025.

Comm munities s across Nor th Carolina na are alrea eady ady suffering repeated floods, oo fires, dr d oughts and other o effects s of global warming.

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Tell Duke Energy CEO Lynn Lynn Good to cancel the Atlan Atlantic Coast st Pipeline and help avert climate chaos s instead of making it wo orse:, 704-594-6200, 526 6 S. Church St., Charlotte, NC 28202, and tweet @DukeEnergy with #ClimateAction


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MARCH 8, 2018 A7

What’s Happening NOW in City Government

CityNOW Forsyth Creek Week March 17 - 25, 2018

Local artist Faye Oldham takes a photo beside her painting featured in the Delta Arts Invitational on Thursday, March 1.

Photos by Tevin Stinson

CONNECT WITH OUR LOCAL WATERWAYS! Nine days of fun, recreational, educational and hands-on activities for all ages to help us enjoy and appreciate our local waterways!

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Locals admire the cartoons submitted by Ron Rogers during the opening reception for the Delta Arts Invitational on Thursday, March 1.


from page A1

the creative spirits of all types through our exhibition in the main gallery as well as our People's Gallery." The Invitational is in the Simona Atkins Allen main gallery. The exhibit, which opened on Thursday, March 1, includes a variety of paintings and drawings that pay tribute to individuals like Muhammad Ali, Maya Angelou and other greats; while other submissions are more abstract. All works by the artists are for sale, with Delta Arts receiving a percentage of the purchase price. Ron Rogers, graphic designer and editorial cartoonist for The Chronicle, submitted drawings centered around Barack Obama and his time spent in the White House. Rogers who has covered seven U.S. presidents throughout his career, said Obama was his favorite to draw. Rogers, who has won several awards and worked for some big-name publications throughout his

career including the South Bend Tribune in Indiana, said there was energy around Obama’s campaign that he had never seen before. "I was there [in Chicago] when he [Barack Obama] unofficially announced he was going to run. It was a lot of fun and excitement around his campaign." Rogers said. City native Faye Oldham said she got her inspiration for her painting of an African-American girl performing a dance routine in front of a church congregation from the dance troupe at her church, First Baptist Church (Highland Avenue). Oldham said she decided to submit the painting because the church has been a source of creativity in the African American community for generations. "The church inspired activist, artist, drummers, athletes I mean everybody," Oldham said. "The church has always been that force in the black community." Others artist featured in the exhibition are: Jerilyn Harney Baker of Winston-

Salem, Kevin Bell of Hillsborough, Latisha Coleman of WinstonSalem, Patrice Culbreth of Winston-Salem, Owen Daniels of Winston-Salem, Cheston Dooley of Raleigh, Joyce Fulton, Barbara Rizza Mellin of Winston-Salem, Hoyte Phifer of Greensboro, Brenda Pinkston of Charlotte, Crystal Pinkston of Charlotte, Kyla Stimpson of Greensboro, Chante Thompson of Winston-Salem and Ronald D. Williams Jr. of Winston-Salem. The Delta Arts Invitational will be featured until June 30. The current exhibit in the People's Gallery highlights 10 mixed media works by Dwight Smith, an artist from Fayetteville, and will be on view through the end of April. The Delta Fine Arts Center is free and open to the public TuesdaySaturday 11 a.m. – 3 p.m. (closed the third Saturday of each month). For more information on the exhibition call (336) 722-2625 or go to

Opioid from page A1

jumped from 13 in 2005 to 52 in 2015. According to a city memo from Feb. 27, the overdose reversal drug Narcan has been administered 31 times to 32 local patients in 2018 and there has already been six opioid related deaths. Nationally, there were 42,000 opioid related deaths in 2016. “One of the most effective things that we as a city can do to attack this problem is to ensure that that incentive to over recommend, over distribute, and ending in the result of over prescription of these drugs, is to change the economic situation, remove the incentive to do that,” said City Council Member Dan Besse. Besse and City Council Member Denise “D.D.” Adams both supported the suit, but recused themselves on the vote that selected the law firm to avoid the appearance of impropriety since they may have received campaign contributions from the parties involved. The city hired local attorney Garry Whitaker and McHugh Fuller Law Group, a Mississippi-based


Attorney Garry Whitaker said that the city is among more than 200 government entities that filled lawsuits against opioid companies. “There are established laws on the books regarding reporting requirements to the Drug Enforcement Administration and those were rules that were broken and as a consequence, we say folks are dying,” said Whitaker. “We certainly know the addiction rates have increased exponentially over the last 20 years.” The lawsuits are being overseen by U.S. District Judge Dan Polster in Ohio, who is pushing to have the DEA provide both sides in the lawsuits with information about legal opioid distribution, though that infor-



80+ Positions Available • Must be certified as lifeguard by the Red Cross or equivalent agency • Must be 16 by May 31, 2018

CERTIFICATION TRAINING AVAILABLE! Job application and certification training details at

BULKY ITEM COLLECTION IS BACK! Bulky item collection is underway and goes through Sept. 7 for single-family households in Winston-Salem. Consider donating gently used items to Habitat for Humanity’s ReStore. For FREE PICKUP Call: 336-893-8494

Collection guidelines and address look-up at or call CityLink 311 The Winston-Salem City Council voted this week to sue opioid distributors and manufacturers.

Photo by Todd Luck

firm, along with a consortium of about six other law firms, for the lawsuit.


mation won’t be made public unless there’s a trial. The lawsuits say that manufacturers overstated benefits and downplayed the risks of opioids while distributors failed to properly monitor and report suspicious orders of prescription painkillers. The Healthcare Distribution Alliance, which represents distributors, is pushing back against the lawsuits, saying that distributors do not drive demand for the drugs. The trade association also said the companies involved complied with the DEA’s rules and reported every opioid order to the DEA. “Those bringing lawsuits would be better served addressing the root causes, rather than trying to redirect blame through litigation,” said John Parker, the Alliance’s senior vice-president of communication. Also during the meeting, the City Council approved $147,834 in incentives over five years to Clearing House Payments Company LLC to expand its local facility in the Southeast Ward and create 50 new jobs with an average wage of $98,361 a year.

The Mixer A networking event for minority and woman-owned businesses to learn about opportunities to do business with the city and local contractors.

Wednesday, April 11, 2018 5:30 - 7:30 p.m. Benton Convention Center, Winston Room 301 W. Fifth St. Winston-Salem

Registration details at Sponsored by the City of Winston-Salem’s Office of Business Inclusion & Advancement, the Winston-Salem Black Chamber, the Winston-Salem Chamber of Commerce and the FTCC Small Business Center

Nominations Now Being Accepted The city is accepting nominations for the Arts, Cultural, and Entertainment Memorial Walk of Fame at the Benton Convention Center to recognize residents who have made significant contributions in the arts and entertainment. Nomination Deadline: April 30 Learn more at SHOWING THIS MONTH • East Ward Update


• Tu Comunidad • Winston-Salem Oral History: Integration of Winston-Salem Public Schools

SPECTRUM Channel 13 AT&T UVERSE Channel 99 Live and on-demand: YouTube, Facebook, Instagram: City of Winston-Salem

Question or concern about city government services? City Link 311 (336-727-8000) is open to service all non-emergency calls, 7 days a week. The City of Winston-Salem does not discriminate on the basis of race, sex, color, age, national origin, religion or disability in its employment opportunities, programs, services or activities. Mayor: Allen Joines City Council: Vivian H. Burke, Mayor Pro Tempore, Northeast Ward; Denise D. Adams, North Ward; Dan Besse, Southwest Ward; Robert C. Clark, West Ward; John C. Larson, South Ward; Jeff MacIntosh, Northwest Ward; Derwin L. Montgomery, East Ward; James Taylor, Jr., Southeast Ward City Manager: Lee Garrity




8, 2018









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The Chronicle is dedicated to serving the residents of Winston-Salem and Forsyth County by giving voice to the voiceless, speaking truth to power, standing for integrity and encouraging open communication and lively debate throughout the community.

Watch out for daylight saving time

Daylight saving time is controversial. That’s what Chris Pearce of Brisbane, Australia, author of a 400-page ebook on daylight saving time, says. He calls “The Great Daylight Saving Time Controversy” an encyclopedia. We will be facing that issue on Sunday. We all know the saying: Fall back (for standard time), spring ahead (for daylight saving time). That means in the fall, we turn clocks back an hour before we go to bed, thus getting an extra hour in the day. The new day would start when the clock says 2 a.m. We are to “spring ahead,” thinking of spring, and turn clocks forward an hour before we go to bed, thus losing an hour in the day. The new day would start when the clock says 2 a.m. The saying does not reflect the controversial issue of time, though. The author, in describing his book, says: “Daylight saving time has been described as one of the most controversial issues in modern history since it was first introduced nationally in 1916 by European countries on both sides of World War I to save fuel.” (Members of the public can obtain his book from Amazon ( Daylight saving time has been touted as a way to save energy in the United States. That’s how we got the new timing of daylight saving time. From the website of U.S. Rep. Fred Upton, RMichigan, comes the explanation: “As part of the 2005 Energy Bill, Reps. [Fred] Upton and [Edward J.] Markey [D-Massachusetts] amended the Uniform Time Act of 1996 to increase the portion of the year that is subject to DST, providing longer hours of daylight and helping consumers cut back on peak-hour electricity usage. The Upton-Markey Amendment extended the duration of DST in the spring by changing its start date from the first Sunday in April to the second Sunday in March, and in the fall by changing its end date from the last Sunday in October to the first Sunday in November.” Upton was a champion of this change. His measure passed Congress and was signed into law. The controversy in these parts could be with parents who have children going to bus stops in the dark under daylight saving time because the daylight comes later. Experts say more accidents happen because people are driving in the dark, which they are not used to that early, and fail to see students at the bus stops. Whether you want to read a 400-page book on the subject or just don’t care one way or another about it, it’s coming. Watch out for daylight saving time and those students at the bus stops.

We Welcome Your Feedback

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guest columns to 550 words or less. Letters and columns can also be mailed or dropped off at W-S Chronicle, 1300 E. Fifth St., W-S, NC, 27101; or sent via our website: We reserve the right to edit any item submitted for clarity or brevity and determine when and whether material will be used. We welcome your comments at our website. Also, go to our Facebook page to comment. We are at


What really makes America a great nation?

American great again.

Monica Cooper Winston- Salem

To the Editor:

What really makes a nation great? Is it leadership, location, resources, money, or democracy? Of course, all these things play a role, but more importantly it’s the people that make a nation great. The people who work hard and reap the rewards from their labor. The people who overcome the minor and major obstacles and challenges that life presents. The people who understand and know how to find light when

they are surrounded by darkness. The people who help their neighbors. The people who love each other. These are the things that make a nation great. America can’t boast of freedom when society shackles its members. America cannot boast of equality when its citizens are not treated equally. Yes, America can accumulate great riches and even greater debts; however this country will not truly be great if we don’t stop the violence and hatred toward each other. No one man, woman or race is responsible, no matter how small or large, we all play a role in our society and if we become complacent we are just as guilty as those who hate. I’m not suggesting that we all stand on the front line and protest, but I am saying we must all take responsibility and do more to make

Black man’s poem honors his heritage To the Editor: I was – I Am

What is my name do you remember me Do you know who I was Before we were brought across the sea I think I know you who you are Your name tells where you are from But my identity is unknown thus far Or the country from whence I come Did you see where my ancestors walked How they ruled in splendid majesty I am lost though when I hear them talk Who I am was stolen from me I am the fruit of Africa’s tree

Though I have not seen my native home I sense the vastness of its splendor And though I have not walked its streets Yet I never feel alone I am the fruit of Africa’s tree

The spirits of my native land They beacon me to come again To a home to me I never left The Kings and Queens who once did rule Have left their heritage upon myself What is my name do you remember me Or who I am and what I see Yes I am that fruit of Africa’s Tree The armor gallantly forged let me not forget Woven to be worn with humble strength Bringing to light the challenges met On the road of beginnings that has no length

Listen to the cry as mountains lament The agony of raping what God has sown Blood taken from a people without consent Left barren a seed with name unknown

How I long the golden hills of Motherland And drink of her fountains water pure To run unimpeded as her free man Taking back my home that I may endure There is a place to render me free In the shade of the heart of Africa’s tree Do you know who I am or what I see I am the fruit of Africa’s Tree

Ronnie L Sockwell Winston-Salem


Action T H E C H R ON I C LE


8, 2018


Florida victims need thoughts, prayers and America needs School shootings in the United States of America have made me numb almost with a sense of hopelessness. Recently, this country has been reduced to the wild Guest Columnist west because of these senseless acts of violence. Just a few weeks ago in Florida, mothers lost daughters, fathers lost sons and siblings lost each other. The shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School on Feb. 14 was a sad day in American history. The shooter was 19-year- old Nikolas Jacob Cruz, who walked in and killed 17 people with a gun that he purchased. Samantha Fuentes, a senior student at the high school, will not be returning to complete her senior year. She will instead take online courses to graduate. She said, “I want to live out the rest of my high school career normally. But there’s no such thing as normal anymore.” So, it seems that the word normal is no longer a part of the lexicon of some young people these days. These school shootings all have one thing in common and that is the purchase of firearms without much difficul-

James B. Ewers Jr.

ty. At some point, which I hope is sooner rather than later, we must make it tougher to purchase a gun. Right now, it is too easy. Will there be more stringent gun laws implemented? It depends upon whom you ask. It appears this latest shooting may have swayed the thinking of some previously not swayed. Legislators have pretty much given an array of answers to this problem. I believe over time constituents will push them to be more definitive. One of the biggest difference-makers in this gun issue is the students themselves. They are marching for stricter gun control measures. Some on the pro-gun side say the students are being persuaded to march and to protest. America’s high school students who are leading this movement are both reasonable and deeply concerned about what is happening in America today with guns. Another common theme in America’s violent present is the phrase, “We are sending our thoughts and prayers.” All of us are sending our thoughts and prayers. This expression has been a common thread in our society whenever our universal brothers and sisters meet with tragedy and sadness. And yes, we must continue to send our thoughts and prayers to the families in Florida. Yet in the minds of many these mass shootings are

happening way too often. It is time for something to be done, in my opinion, by elected officials. Everyday citizens like you and me read the reports and listen to the news and come away with the fact it is too easy to purchase a gun here. If you are a lawmaker with children, you send them to school and make the assumption they’ll be safe. This is the same assumption the parents in Connecticut and Florida made. You must do something now as the hour is getting later each day. People with bad intentions are trying to destroy this country. Stevie Wonder penned a tune some years back and here are some of the lyrics: “It’s that love’s in need of love today. Don’t delay send yours in right away. Hate’s goin’ round breaking many hearts. Stop it please before it’s gone too far.”

James B. Ewers Jr. Ed.D. is a former tennis champion at Atkins High School in Winston-Salem and played college tennis at Johnson C. Smith University, where he was all-conference for four years. He is a retired college administrator. He can be reached at

The student loan debt crisis is a civil rights issue

From attacks on voting rights to police killings of unarmed civilians and Wade growing Henderson inequities in earnings and wealth, the Guest Columnist civil rights gains of the past six decades are facing threat after threat. But one front in the fight for full equality – meaningful access to higher education – is particularly urgent. With 65 percent of jobs soon requiring more than a high school diploma, the need is greater than ever, especially for AfricanAmericans and other communities of color. More than 50 years ago, Congress passed the Higher Education Act (HEA), intending to open the doors to higher education by providing students with financial assistance and low-interest loans. Conventional wisdom has traditionally held two things: 1) Higher education is the great equalizer; 2) It is OK to take out debt for the tickets to upward mobility: a college education and a home mortgage. These life decisions – and the struggles and sacrifices that made them possible – helped to build and grow the Black middle class. Now, aspirations for advancement are colliding with the discriminatory legacy of the financial crisis. Our country’s student loan bill has skyrocketed. Student debt is now the second-largest source of household debt after housing. Forty-four million Americans have $1.4 trillion in student loan debt. One reason: Since the 1990s, the average tuition and fees at our universities have jumped an average of 157 percent to 237 percent, depending on the type

of institution. As with the Great Recession, people of color, poor people and predatory institutions are at the center of this socioeconomic catastrophe. They must also be at the center of the solutions. We must face up to the fact that students of color are more likely to borrow for their education and, unfortunately, to default on these loans. Even Black college graduates default on their loans at almost four times the rate of their White counterparts and are more likely to default than even White dropouts. This increased risk of defaulting on student loans is the direct result of inequities in financial resources, as well as discrimination in hiring, salaries and, all too often, social capital. In 2013, the median White family had 13 times more wealth than the median black family and 10 times more wealth than the median Latino family. AfricanAmerican students tend to take out more

Illustration by Ron Rogers for the Chronicle

debt than their White counterparts, and both Blacks and Latinos are more likely to default than Whites. Since Blacks with bachelor’s degrees earn only 79 percent and Latinos only 83 percent of what their White counterparts earn, AfricanAmerican and Hispanic students have a harder time repaying their loans. Further contributing to the crisis, Blacks and Latinos comprise 41 percent of the students at the high-cost, low-quality, for-profit colleges. These institutions frequently fail to prepare students for highsalary jobs, instead saddling them with exorbitant debts that they can’t repay. How then can we address these challenges? Education Secretary Betsy DeVos wants to ease regulations on the loan servicers and for-profit colleges that have gotten us into this mess. U.S. Rep. Virginia Foxx (R-N.C.) of the House Education and Workforce Committee would take this effort even further. Her proposal for reauthorizing the HEA, the

“PROSPER Act,” would ensure that students will have to borrow more to get a postsecondary education with the very real likelihood that they will never pay off the debt. This would all but guarantee that predatory, for-profit programs would continue to rise exponentially right alongside our national student debt bill. Efforts to make student aid more costly for students rather than hold institutions accountable for what they do with the aid reflects either a catastrophic misunderstanding of the root causes of this issue or something more disturbing: the blatant effort to recreate the system we had before the HEA was enacted. In this system, traditional college was by and large only accessible to the wealthy, who were usually White. Fixing our broken student debt system should not mean un-doing years of progress since the HEA or saddling marginalized groups with a lifetime of debt. Instead, we need to hold student loan servicers, debt collectors and institutions of all kinds accountable for their practices. African-Americans, Latinos and lowincome students from all backgrounds need more income-based grants, loans, financial assistance and admissions policies that tear down barriers of color, culture and class, not support them. Helping college graduates to repay their loans isn’t the only challenge. The challenge is enabling and empowering all our young people to make their fullest contribution to our country. This is, in the last analysis, a debt that all Americans owe to ourselves and our nation’s future.

Wade Henderson is a founding board member of the Center for Responsible Lending. You can follow Wade on Twitter @Wade4Justice.

Don't put off preparing for the worst Jennifer Stuart

Guest Columnist

What are advance directives? Advance directives are legal documents that state your wishes about your medical care, finances and property in case you become incapacitated or die. Here are the most common types: *Will: States who receives your property at death (your "beneficiaries") and who handles your affairs after you die (your "executor"). *Living


Describes when you would want certain medical care withheld if you are unable to speak for yourself. *Durable power of attorney: States who can handle your financial matters and make related decisions on your behalf if you are unable to do so. This remains in effect only while you are alive.

*Health care power of attorney: Allows another person to make medical decisions for you if you are unable to make those decisions yourself. When I prepare wills and other advance directives for clients, they often mention how long they have been putting off this task. Even as an attorney, I long procrastinated on preparing these documents

for myself. It's nobody's idea of a fun way to spend an afternoon. But one excuse that people often use to avoid this task needs to be addressed because it's based on a faulty assumption. People often tell me they'd rather just wait to prepare advance directives, like powers of attorney for financial matters and health care decisions, when there's really a need for those documents. Here's the problem with that excuse: Such triggering events could be exactly when it becomes too late to sign advance directives. What many people don't realize about advance directives is that they can only be authorized at a time when you have the legal capacity to make decisions and appoint others to handle

things for you. Once you lose the mental or physical ability to make and communicate decisions, you also lose the ability to create valid, enforceable powers of attorney. This also applies to a living will, a document that let doctors know under which circumstances you would want life-prolonging measures withheld. Once you no longer have the capacity to make decisions about what you want, including which individuals you would allow to make decisions for you, you cannot legally execute these documents and they will not be valid even if you sign them. To understand the importance of having advance directives in place before a triggering event, consider what can happen without them. If you become physically or men-

tally incapacitated and have not authorized anyone else to make decisions for you, doctors will look to your next of kin to make health care decisions. This may be fine for some, but it could be a nightmare if you're separated but not yet divorced, or if you are estranged from your closest relative. As far as finances go, if nobody has authority to write checks for you and pay your bills, you may rack up debt. The only remedy available will likely be legal guardianship. This means you must be declared incompetent and it will be too late then to choose who you wish to act as your legal guardian. If you are no longer competent, absolutely anyone can file a petition to become your guardian and it will be up to a clerk of

court, who has never met you before, to decide whether to grant any particular individual the power to make major decisions about your life. Advance directives were invented to avoid those drastic outcomes. Preparing them while you're mentally and physically able to do so gives you maximum options. So if you're aging, but happily still able to make decisions and do things for yourself, use that power now to extend your decisions into the future while you still can.

Jennifer Stuart is an attorney in Raleigh with Legal Aid of North Carolina's Senior Law Project (SLP). The SLP provides free civil legal help to North Carolinians who are 60 or older. To contact the SLP, call 1877-579-7562 (toll-free), Monday through Friday, 911 a.m. and 1-3 p.m.



MARCH 8, 2018

award recipients

Woman of the Year Lisa Caldwell

man of the Year Maurice “Mo” Green Organizations of the Year United Health Centers Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity Social Heart ACEY Group

Lifetime Achievement Boss Lady Anita Dean Arnette Rudolph Boone, Sr

Community Service Porsche Jones Emma Allen Josh Howard Foundation

Church of the Year The Love Church

Business of the year Sweet Potatoes Ma’ati Spa Char’s Hamburgers Body & Soul

Curator of Art Endia Beal Owens Daniels

Special Recognition Renita Thompkins-Linville W-S Police Foundation Lisa Caldwell

M a u ri ce “M o ” G re e n

Some of the other award Recipients

human relations Rachel Jackson Keyna Thornton

Young Professional Ashley Hardesty

Curator of Innovation Cook Medical P orSc hE Jones

Endia B eal

Owen s Dani els

Youth of the Year Camden Myers

Seniors only Award Mike Simpson Rudoplph Boone

Ken ya Thornton

Anita Dean

SPORTSWEEK Also More Stories, Religion and Classifieds

Freshman makes waves on the court and the field

Timothy Ramsey

Sports Columnist

March Madness preview

Finally we have reached the most anticipated collegiate sports month of the year, March Madness! Everyone, even those who are not sports fans, can't wait to fill out their brackets for the Men’s NCAA college basketball tournament. This year should be more fun than others in recent history because there is not a dominant team in the nation. For the past two years going into the NCAA tournament, the UNC Tar Heels went into the tournament as the consensus best team in the nation. They walked away with the 2017 national championship and were runner-up the year before. This year we don't seem to have a team that everyone is willing to place their bets on, so to speak. The rankings in the Top 10 have really been a revolving door all year. Going into the season, the Duke Blue Devils were ranked Number One. They are still one of the better teams in the nation, but following some questionable losses recently they are a question mark heading into conference tournament play. The Tar Heels lost a lot of pieces from their championship squad last year. They are a formidable team that looks to have a slight chance to make it to the Final Four, but the national championship looks to be out of reach. Some of the other blue blood basketball programs, such as Kansas and Kentucky, are good but not expected to cut down the nets in San Antonio, which leaves the door open for others to make a push. Virginia now sits atop the poll as the Number One team in the country. Since taking over the Cavalier program in 2009, head coach Tony Bennett has consistently maintained a quality team in Charlottesville. The one problem Virginia has had in recent years is their slow pace of play has not yeilded any deep runs in the tournament. Virginia plays tough defense but come tournament time, their offense doesn't always match up against their opponents. The Michigan State Spartans have hovered around the Top Five all season. They currently sit at 28-3 on the year and look to be a tough out come tournament time. They are the Number Two team in the rankings and with a good showing at the conference tournament, they very well may have a Number One seed come the tourney. Another team to look out for is the Villanova Wildcats. The Wildcats are the 2016 national champions and head coach Jay Wright has another talented team at his disposal. Led by junior guard Jalen Brunson, the Wildcats have a great chance to capture another chip. Other programs such as Xavier, Purdue and Gonzaga have positioned themselves very well for a See Ramsey on B2


As a freshman Camian Shell was the starting quarterback for the Parkland varsity football team along with being the starting point guard on the basketball team.

Photo by Alphonso Abbott Jr.

Nowadays it is not rare to see a freshman playing on the varsity level of a particular sport. Camian Shell of Parkland High School not only was a member of the varsity football and basketball teams, he was the starting point guard and quarterback. It is tough enough for an upper classmen to accomplish both of these feats, so for a freshman to start for both teams and excel against players as much as four years his elder is quite the feat.

MARCH 8, 2018

While he is a more than capable quarterback on the football field, basketball is where Shell really plays well beyond his years. Since the age of 3, the game of basketball has been his love. “Coming into high school I was kind of scared because I didn't know where I was going to play and I wound up being varsity,” Shell said. “My freshman year has been great so far,” he continued. “I was the starting quarterback on varsity and the starting guard on varsity and we made the playoffs in both sports, so that is a great accomplishment

for me.” Shell says between the two sports he prefers playing basketball. He says it was a good experience playing varsity football at such a young age. He feels he could have played better at the quarterback position but overall was happy with his performance throughout the year. It would be natural for someone to become cocky when they have achieved such early success, but not Shell. He is very aware of his shortcomings on the court and is willing to put in the work to get better.

Walkertown Wolfpack no longer a doormat

See Freshman on B2


Walkertown High School has been opened since the spring of 2012. They have not ever been known for their success in athletics, but when it comes to basketball that is no longer the case. The Wolfpack made it to the second round of the 2A state playoffs, losing a heartbreaker to Forest Hills High 83-81. In years past when opposing teams saw the Wildcats on the basketball schedule, they assumed a victory. This year Walkertown shocked a lot of teams around the county and Triad area as a whole with their high level of play. “I thought we had a really good season and we got better as the season progressed,” said Walkertown head coach Kevin Thompson. “We started to play really good defense and we were able to beat some good teams along the way.” The Wolfpack won their respective conference tournament and even beat the likes of Dudley out of Greensboro, who is known for traditionally fielding a good team. “I think if there were two more weeks left in the season, we would probably still be playing because we were playing at a high level,” Thompson continued. “I was proud of the way the guys adjusted and how hard they worked.” Thompson says it feels good to have the program come as far as it has. He credits a lot to his players and their development over the last few years. Their loss in the playoffs was a tough one, Thompson said. The Wolfpack were up double

Student athlete set to compete in Australia See Wolfpack on B2


This summer Nickolas Childs, a two-sport student athlete at East Forsyth High School, will have the opportunity of a lifetime, when he travels to Australia to represent N.C. and the United States in the

The Walkertown Wolfpack basketball team made it all the way to the second round of the 2A state playoffs, losing in heartbreaking fashion.

DownUnder Track & Field Championships. The annual D o w n U n d e r Championship is designed to showcase talent from across the country on a global stage. In 2016, nearly 300 athletes from the U.S., New Zealand and Australia competed in the

competition and this year Childs was invited to represent N.C. When he got the news that he had been chosen to compete, Childs, who will compete in the 100 meter dash and 200 meter dash, said he was shocked. "I know I'm pretty wellSee Student on B2

Photos by Alphonso Abbott Jr.

Nickolas Childs competes in the 2017 Outdoor Season 4x100 Track Meet at Mt.Tabor High School.

Submitted photo





from page B1

“I am just humble and I just say thank you and keep it going by working and going to the gym,” said Shell about the high praise he has received. Cory Baker, Parkland varsity assistant coach, says he has known Shell since his days at Flat Rock Middle School and knew he had the potential to be great. “He is a very hard working and smart student and has everything that it takes to continue to improve,” Baker says. “I'm sure he will go on to play at the college level, whether it be football or basketball.” At the beginning of the


year Baker says he knew what Shell could bring but did not know he would have the impact he has had on the team. “He just brings something different every night whether it's offense or defense,” Baker continued. “He really has it all and I definitely think he can play Division I basketball.” Shell has also impressed Parkland varsity head coach Travis Holcomb-Feye. He says he was able to see Shell's potential while playing on the AAU circuit last year. “He is a very high IQ basketball player with quick hands and deceptive speed,” said HolcombFeye. “He has been awesome for us this year. I knew he was going to be good but not sure he was


going to be this good.” “We play in one of the toughest 3A conferences in the state with Smith, Dudley, Southwest Guilford and Mount Tabor and he averaged over 19 points, four assists and four steals during conference play,” he continued. “He went head to head with some of the best in the state and out played them every time.” According to Holcomb-Feye, Shell is a “sure fire D1 point guard.” He says Shell is already one of the best players in the city as a freshman. As a former Divison I player, Holcomb-Feye says Shell is “better than I ever was.” “They don’t come around like him very often,” he went on to say. “I have been coaching in

From left to right are Parkland assistant basketball coach Cory Baker, Camian Shell and Parkland head coach Travis Holcomb-Feye.

Photo by Timothy Ramsey

this city for 12 years and he is the best point guard I have ever coached.” Not to be outdone in

Walkertown head coach Kevin Thompson, front, poses with Jalen Cone, Antione Lowery and Quintin Welch.

Photos by Timothy Ramsey

Wolfpack from page B1

figures in the third quarter but were hit by the injury bug that really affected their depth. Sophomore Jalen Cone along with seniors Quintin Welch and Antione Lowery were all key contributors to the Wolfpack's success this year. All three expressed their pleasure with how well the season went for them. “The season to me went great and it was better than what we planned at the beginning of the year,” said Cone. “I feel like everyone got better individually and as a team we got better.” Lowery added, “I think the season went really well, and as we progressed, our defensive intensity went up

Student from page B1

rounded in track, but to get that invitation to represent the state of North Carolina is a blessing. It shows that my hard work has not been in vain." Childs, who has been running track and playing football since the age of 6, is no stranger to hard work and it's starting to pay off.

Nickolas Childs attends Junior Recruitment Day at Coastal Carolina in February.

Last year as a sophomore Childs posted his best times in the100m dash (10.9) and the 200m dash (22.9). On the gridiron, Childs ended the season with more than 800 receiving yards and seven total touchdowns. He's also getting the job done in the classroom. Childs' currently holds a 3.5 grade point average, which has drawn early attention from several col-

leges. During a recent interview, Childs said he lives by the motto, "Be great or be forgotten." He said he got the saying from motivational speaker and author Eric Thomas. "He talks about the importance of being great and the importance of hard work paying off. The product is always more important than the process." The DownUnder Track & Field Championship is scheduled to begin on July 8. Childs said when he steps on the track in Australia, win or lose he's going to give it all he can. He said, "I owe it to myself my family and all my coaches to give it all I got and show that I'm ready to eventually compete internationally." When discussing her son's success, Yolonda Childs said she was just as excited as Nickolas was when she got the news. She said, "I say it was a blessing because we've made a lot of sacrifices. This in itself is a huge sacrifice. "The countless hours of getting up going to AAU track meets. We're now starting to see that pay off. Although I know this isn't the end all be all, I know this can be the start of something great." The Childs family has started a GoFundMe page to raise funds for the flight to and from Australia. For more information on how to support Nickolas, contact Yolanda Childs by phone at (336) 926-1070.

and that made our offense better on the other end.” “Our season went very good and it could have went better and our defense really helped us in the end,” said Welch. As two of the senior captains, Welch and Lowery say they were amazed by how far the program has come. They touched on the tough early years of the program but relished how much fun these last two years have been playing for a winning team. Cone is one of the most highly rated players in the county. He says as long as he and his teammates continue to put in the work they will be able to build on top of what the program has done the last two years. “This is just the beginning for what we are building here and what coach Thompson is building here so we are

the classroom, Shell carries a 3.4 grade point average at Parkland. He loves math and would love to

attend Duke University because of their excellent basketball and educational standards.

The Wolfpack are no longer an easy win on anyone’s schedule as they are a team to be reckoned with around Forsyth County.

Photos by Alphonso Abbott Jr.

only going to progress and get better,” Cone said. The players said they had high hopes for the year but it was better than what the expected. They said around the time mid- term exams came around, the team really buckled down on the defensive end, which gave them the push to get better. The young men said when they began their careers at Walkertown, they would receive texts from friends on other teams saying they would beat them by 30 points. They said it feels good to now have the tables turn in their favor. With Cone leading the way next season and a nice crop of players coming in from the junior varsity level, the Wolfpack should be able to surpass what they accomplished this year.

Father Paul Childs poses with his sons Morgan, middle, and Nickolas.

Submitted photos

Ramsey from page B1

great seed in the tournament. Granted these schools are not traditional powerhouses in college basketball, but with the lack of a true top dog in the field it's really anyone’s race. I must say it is a good year for college basketball when there is so much ambiguity as far as the best team is concerned. Sometimes a dominant team can take a little bit of the luster out of tournament and the Final Four. The conference tournaments will help sort things out

a little bit heading into the Big Dance. Normally the better teams rise to the top and play their best this time of the year. For me, my money is on the Michigan State University Spartans. Led by star sophomore Miles Bridges, the Spartans have the tools to win it all. I can't count out Duke or Villanova because of their quality coaches. I have no shame in admitting this year I will be filling out multiple brackets for the tournament, as I am not so certain in my choice of the Spartans. Last year I filled out one bracket as I was sure the Tar Heels would win it all, but this year, who knows.


Local tournament highlights regional basketball talent Young boys and girls from second grade to the high school level can participate in the BOND tournaments.

Teams from all over the Southeast region of the country come to play in the tournaments.


squad to see how they would fare. Now that she no longer has a team, Jones put together a team of people to assist her with the tournaments. According to Jones, BOND hosts about 32 tournaments per year. Starting last October, BOND held a tournament twice per month but beginning in early 2018 they hold a tournament every weekend. Each team is guaranteed at least three games and a champion is crowned in each age group. The tournaments include boys’ and girls’ teams from the second grade all the way up to the high school level. Teams from all over the Southeast region of the country come to play in the tournaments. Over 30 teams attend each week and as many as 60 attend during the peak season. “I think the biggest thing that allows us growing is that we care,” she said. “I think some people get into youth sports and think it is about them or how much money they can make. People who come to BOND like to feel like our family and we treat everyone the same way.” “We function like a business and we treat people the way we would want to be treated,” she continued. “The

Photos by Alphonso Abbott Jr.

Tournaments are one of the best ways to get noticed by coaches along with being a great measuring tool to see how you or your team stacks up against talent from around the nation. Porsche Jones, director of BOND events, has put together a series of tournaments throughout the year that allows kids of all ages to showcase their talents. Initially, Jones created BOND in 2008 to teach young ladies basketball skills and to assist them with their efforts to attract attention from colleges. To help supplement the cost of travel for the ladies, Jones decided to start hosting basketball tournaments. “We started out small and from the budgets we were able to create from the tournaments, we were able to travel a lot more,” Jones said. “11 out of the 13 players that were on that team were able to get full rides to college.” Over the years Jones says they were able to build up a pretty big following from getting teams to come to the tournaments. Also teams wanted to play her Team BOND

City is hiring lifeguards, offering certification training

The City of Winston-Salem needs to hire more than 80 lifeguards and other pool personnel for the 2018 pool season.

City of Winston-Salem photo



The city needs to hire more than 80 lifeguards and other pool personnel for the 2018 pool season and has raised the starting pay to $10.10, with experienced life-

guards eligible for more. Lifeguards must be 16 by May 31, and must be certified as a lifeguard by the American Red Cross or an equivalent agency.

Certification training will be offered in March and April, said Latoya Price, the city’s aquatic coordinator. “With the pending opening of the Winston Lake Aquatic Center and the addition of Long Creek Pool, we will need more lifeguards this year,” Price said. “To address this need, we have significantly raised our pay rates.” The city has also increased pay for pool jobs that require more experience. The pay for senior lifeguards (at least age 18 with two years of experience) will be $10.60 an hour. Pay for assistant pool coordinators will be $11.10 an hour and pool coordinators will earn $11.60 an hour. All city lifeguards’ swimming and rescue skills are tested before employment. During pool season, lifeguards have inservice training every week with their rescue, first aid and CPR skills practiced, observed and evaluated. Complete qualifications, information and dates for lifeguard certification training, and a link to the city’s job application can be found at

MARCH 8, 2018


From now until June, BOND will hold a tournament each week in Winston-Salem.

Have a Story Idea? Let us know

biggest thing I think they like is that they play in nice gyms that are air conditioned.” The tournaments are played at various locations around the city such as the Gateway YWCA, CP3 Academy and St. Peters World Outreach Center. Jones wishes there were more places that have multiple courts that will allow her to play more games at one location. For Jones she says she enjoys holding these tournaments because she wants other young basketball players to have the same opportunities to play on the next level like she did. “It makes me feel good that we can give kids that positive outlet,” Jones said. “We provide a good product, it's safe and it's positive for the parents and coaches. People are always looking for quality tournaments and if they want to reach for the stars playing basketball this is where they can start.” For more information on the BOND tournaments, visit or inquire via email at


Community Briefs MARCH 8, 2018

Food Lion associates restock WSSU’s student food pantry Associates from Food Lion restocked the Winston-Salem State University (WSSU) Rams Helping Hands Food Pantry with more than 6,000 meals on Friday, Feb. 23. Founded in 2016, the Rams Helping Hand Food Pantry provides in-need WSSU students with healthy, culturally appropriate emergency foods. This is part of Food Lion's ongoing efforts to end hunger in local communities. According to studies, one in five students on college campuses is food insecure – lacking reliable access to sufficient quantities of food – which can have a devastating impact on their ability to achieve academic success. Food Lion also provided additional shelving to make the pantry more efficient for volunteers. The effort comes at a time following the holiday season when food donations are generally lower and pantry shelves are at risk of being empty. Food Lion is donating more than 44,000 meals to WSSU and three other Central Intercollegiate Athletics Association (CIAA) colleges and universities last week. Other stops were at Livingstone College, Johnson C. Smith University and Virginia State University. Between June 2017 and February 2018, 102 students have used the pantry; this includes 70 new users. The WSSU Rams Helping Hands Food Pantry is staffed by dozens of student volunteers. No student fees are used.

Wake Downtown receives Downtown Excellence Award The Downtown Winston-Salem Partnership has honored Wake Downtown, Wake Forest University’s undergraduate presence in the Innovation Quarter, with a 2017 Downtown Excellence Award. Mayor Allen Joines presented the award at the DTWSP annual meeting. Wake Downtown opened in the rehabilitated former R.J. Reynolds Tobacco Company 60 series building, adjacent to the Bowman Gray Center for Medical Education, in January 2017. New academic programs in engineering and biomedical sciences anchor the curriculum at Wake Downtown. This semester, there are more than 750 students enrolled in more than 50 classes – a mix of science courses, labs and liberal arts courses such as historic preservation, community engagement and entrepreneurship. Other 2017 Downtown Excellence Award recipients include AFAS Center for the Arts, Benton Convention Center, Bookmarks, Forsyth County Central Library, Sweet Potatoes Inc. and Wise Man Brewing. Foundation announces establishment of new endowments The Winston-Salem Foundation announces that the former board of AIDS Care Service has established two new endowment funds at the Foundation – the Sister Eileen Dennis, AIDS Care Service, HIV/AIDS Fund and the Kitty Bowman, AIDS Care Service, LGBTQ+ Fund. The Sister Eileen Dennis, AIDS Care Service, HIV/AIDS Fund will support the Foundation’s Community Grants to health-related nonprofit organizations, with a preference for supporting organizations serving individuals with HIV/AIDS in Forsyth County. The Kitty Bowman, AIDS Care Service, LGBTQ+ Fund will support Community Grants to organizations serving the LGBTQ+ community in Forsyth County. AIDS Care Service was established in 1991 to care for those living with HIV/AIDS, providing a food pantry, housing and medical case management, and residential acute care/end of life care at their Holly Haven facility. The organization announced its closing in 2017 and officially dissolved earlier this year after the board and staff decided that given significant medical health advances over the years, the organization could transition remaining services to other community organizations, allowing funds from the sale of their Holly Haven property to endow two new funds at the Foundation to support grants to organizations serving the LGBTQ+ community and organizations supporting individuals with HIV/AIDS.

WFU School of Business and UNCSA announce partnership The Wake Forest University School of Business and the University of North Carolina School of the Arts announced a partnership to promote and support opportunities for UNCSA graduates to pursue graduate studies at the Wake Forest School of Business in its nationally-recognized Master’s in Management program. The collaboration offers UNCSA students an accelerated application process, and access to merit and need-based scholarship awards for highly-qualified students. The 10-month Wake Forest Master’s in Management program is designed for all recent non-business majors with limited work experience. The graduate program builds on the skills gained during undergraduate studies and provides business knowledge that can open new horizons for future careers. The Wake Forest Master’s in Management program is one of the largest programs of its kind in the U.S. This year, students in the program represent 69 colleges and universities and 48 unique majors. Within six months of graduation, 99 percent of Master’s in Management students are successfully employed.

National Park Service accepting proposals for preservation grants The National Park Service is now accepting applications for $4 million in grants to support the preservation of buildings on the campuses of Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCU) that are listed in the National Register of Historic Places. The HBCU grants program is funded through the Historic Preservation Fund, which uses revenue from Outer Continental Shelf oil releases, not tax dollars. Since the 1990s, the National Park Service has awarded almost $60 million in preservation grants to more than 80 HBCUs to identify and rehabilitate almost 100 historic structures considered to be the most historically significant and physically threatened. Applications for funding are now being accepted through through May 1, 2018 (11:59 p.m. EST). To be eligible, projects must involve physical preservation or the planning for that type of work to National Register-listed historic properties on accredited HBCU campuses. More information about the HBCU grants, including application materials, is available on the program website:

Community Calendar T H E C H R ON I C LE

Now- March 14 – Spring Arts Extravaganza W i n s t o n Salem/Forsyth County Schools is showcasing student art at a Spring Arts Extravaganza, Wednesday, March 7 through Wednesday, March 14, at the Milton Rhodes Center for the Arts in downtown Winston-Salem. The opening reception is 5-7 p.m., Friday, March 9. The show and the reception are both free and open to the public. For additional information, please contact Devon MacKay, The Arts Council at (336) 747-1417 or

Today, March 8 – Walter Marshall naming ceremony A ceremony to rename the Department of Social Services Building, 741 N Highland Ave, for the late County Commissioner Walter Marshall will be held on today, Thursday, March 8 at 11 a.m. Today, March 8 – Special board meeting The Forsyth County Board of Social Services will be held at 12:30 p.m. on Thursday, March 8 in the County Manager’s Large Conference Room, located on the 5th Floor of the Forsyth County Government Center at 201 North Chestnut Street, Winston-Salem, in regards to a personnel matter.

March 9 – Triad Developers Conference This year’s Triad Developers Conference “Culture in the Digital Age?” features over 30 expert speakers who will help enlighten us on what technologies, tools, and practices are needed to thrive in this new Digital era. The full day conference is being held on Friday, March 9 at Wake Forest Biotech Place in Winston-Salem. To register or for more information, visit

March 9 – Computer Clinic Forsyth Technical Community College Computer Technology faculty and students are sponsoring a Computer Diagnostic Clinic on Friday, March 9, from 9 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. in the Technology Building, Room 415, on Main Campus, 2100 Silas Creek Parkway,Winston-Salem. The clinic is free and open to the public. For the first 100 participants, Advast Antivirus Software Company will be on hand to give participants virus software licenses at no charge. March 9 – Bowl Event for Kids Big Brothers Big Sisters Services’ signature fundraising event, Bowl for Kids’ Sake, is expanding to Kernersville’s Countryside Lanes. In Kernersville, the event is set for Friday, March 9 from 4-6 p.m. Prizes will be given to the bowlers, and there is even an extra incentive to raise money early.

March 9 – Citizen’s Police Academy application deadline The Winston-Salem Police Department is accepting applications for the next Citizens’ Police Academy, which will start April 5. Enrollment is open to any citizen 18 years of age or older who resides, works or attends school in Winston-Salem. Anyone interested in attending the Citizens’ Police Academy may call the Winston-Salem Police Department for an application at (336) 408-8126, or complete an application online at The class is limited to 30 students. Applications must

be submitted by Friday, March 9.

March 9 – Documentary Screening The Southeastern Center for Contemporary Art (SECCA), 750 Marguerite Drive, will screen the documentary “Kampai! For the Love of Sake” on Friday, March 9, from 6 to 9 p.m. Attendees will have the chance to enjoy a sake tasting beginning at 6 p.m. The film will be screened at 7 p.m. This event is free and open to the public and is being held in conjunction with the exhibition Tohoku: Through the Eyes of Japanese Photographers, on display at SECCA through March 31. March 10 – “Cops vs. Docs” The Police Department will have its annual “Cops vs. Docs” ice hockey game to benefit Special Olympics Forsyth County at 7 p.m. Saturday, March 10, at the Fairgrounds Annex. A team of Triad law enforcement officers and local players will play a team of personnel at Wake Forest Baptist Medical Center. There will also be door prizes and activities for children. Tickets are $5 and can be purchased at the door. Special Olympics athletes will receive free admission.

March 10 – Information Session Habitat for Humanity of Forsyth County will host “The 4-1-1 on V.A. Benefits,” an information session designed to help military veterans learn about benefits available to them, on Saturday, March 10, from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. The event will take place at Habitat’s campus at 1023 West 14th Street, WinstonSalem. Lunch will be served. The event is free, but registration is suggested. Call (336) 306-8433. Those who register by March 5 will be included in a drawing for door prizes. Now- March 11 – Performance The N.C. Black Repertory Company will p r e s e n t “Topdog/Underdog” on March 1-11. Topdog/Underdog is a dark comedy revolving around two AfricanAmerican brothers: Lincoln and Booth. The event will be held at the Mountcastle ForumMilton Rhodes Center for the Arts, 209 Spruce St. N. Tickets are $25/adults and $21/seniors and students. Visit for more information and tickets. Performance dates and times are: Thursday, March 1, 7:30 p.m.; Friday, March 2,

7:30 p.m.; Saturday, March 3, 7:30 p.m.; Sunday, March 4, 3 p.m.; Thursday, March 8, 7:30 p.m.; Friday, March 9, 7:30 p.m.; Saturday, March 10, 7:30 p.m.; Sunday, March 11, 3 p.m.

March 11 – Prayer circle Please join us on Sunday, March 11 from 34 p.m. (Rain or Shine) to lift up the men and women who put their lives on the line for our safety every day. The prayer circle will be located at 725 N. Cherry St. March 12 – Poetry contest postmark deadline The annual N.C. State Poetry Contest is a free literary competition open to all North Carolina residents (including out-ofstate and international students who are enrolled in North Carolina universities). It remains one of the largest free-to-enter poetry contests in the South. This year’s guest judge is award-winning poet Marianne Boruch and features a grand prize of $500. The postmark deadline is March 12. For more information, visit

March 12 – Little Theatre auditions The Little Theatre of Winston-Salem will hold auditions for The Complete Works of William Shakespeare (Abridged) on Monday, March 12 at the Arts Council Theatre, 610 Coliseum Drive in Winston-Salem. Auditions will begin at 7 p.m.; actors should come to the lobby for check-in. No appointment is necessary, and everyone is welcome to audition. For more information, please visit www.TheLittleTheatreof March 12 & 13 – Stained Glass auditions Stained Glass Playhouse announces auditions for “Murder on the Nile”. The auditions will take place on March 12 & 13 from 7-9 p.m. at 4401 Indiana Avenue in Winston-Salem, NC. For more information about the show and available roles, visit

March 12, 19 & 26 – Retirement Workshop R e t i r e m e n t Reimagined, a four-week workshop is being offered by the Shepherd’s Center of Greater Winston-Salem. The sessions will take place on March 12, 19 and 26 from 6:30-8:30 p.m. A registration fee of $45 for the workshop covers the cost of books and resource material. Limited scholar-

ships are available. Registration is limited and reservations are required! If you have questions or wish more information on the workshop, contact the Shepherd’s Center at (336) 748-0217 or .

March 13 – Luncheon series Piedmont Opera and Foothill's are excited to announce a new partnership called La Lunch: Under Construction. Our luncheon series will be held at Foothill's new cafe Footnote Café, 634 W 4th St, Winston-Salem, on March 13 from 12-1:30 p.m. The cost is $20.

March 13 – Authors’ discussion Bookmarks is proud to present New York Times international bestselling author Kate Moore in conversation with WinstonSalem based, award-winning author Megan E. Bryant on Tuesday, March 13 in the Elberson Fine Arts Center at Salem College at 7 p.m. Moore and Bryant will discuss the “Radium Girls,” a group of American women from the Roaring Twenties who were poisoned by the radium paint they worked with and courageously fought for justice. The program is free and open to the public and is appropriate for ages 12+. Books will be available on-site by Bookmarks with a signing to follow. March 14 – Walkout Demonstration Parents and others outraged by the lack of action to prevent school shootings will converge on the Winston-Salem office of Sen. Richard Burr on Wednesday, March 14 at 10 a.m. When students walk-out of their classrooms, parents will rally to demand that Burr and his fellow senators take action. The demonstration will be held at Richard Burr’s Winston-Salem office, 2000 West 1st St.

March 15 – March Mixer Join the Winston Salem Urban League Young Professionals for the HERstory, Her Business panel discussion and networking event on March 15 from 6-8 p.m. The event will feature local black women entrepreneurs as panelists and will be held at Ma'ati Spa, 707 N Main St. Now-March 23 – Cereal Drive In recognition of National Nutrition Month, Crisis Control Ministry will hold its 18th annual “Wee Care! Cereal Drive” from March 1-23. For See Com. Cal. on B8


MARCH 8, 2018

Elder Richard Wayne Wood

Burkhead United Methodist Church has been selling pine needles as a fundraiser for 30 years.

Photo by Timothy Ramsey

Sunday School Lesson

There Is No God like You Lesson Scripture: 2 Chronicles 6:12-21

By the end of this lesson, we will *See the setting, the substance and the supplication in Solomon’s prayer. *Recognize that prayer is a unique activity in which we can engage. *Make our daily lives practically one continuous prayer.

Background: The time is 959 B.C. and the place is Jerusalem. The temple here is that one David wanted to build, but God passed on him and gave the task to Solomon. It is also built on Mount Moriah. David was told by God that his son would build the temple and was given the promise that as long as they continued to love and serve God as David did, there would always be a king from his lineage in Israel. Solomon started the construction of the temple in his fourth year of reign and its construction took seven years. David left plans and many of the supplies and items to outfit the temple. Solomon, following his father’s bidding, used only the best in supplies and labor to build God’s house, where the Arc of the Covenant would reside as well. Lesson: Our setting is at the temple with the whole of Israel assembled and Solomon’s acknowledgement that what God had spoken has now come to pass: The temple promised to be built by David’s son residing as king (verse 3-11). Solomon’s dedication was done from a bronze altar elevated so that all the people would see. He knelt with his arms stretched toward heaven signifying his humility and submission to God as the sovereign power (verses 12-13). In his prayer, Solomon expresses adoration and praise for God: “O Lord, the God of Israel, there is no God like You in heaven or on earth.” He also points out again that God has kept His promise and recognizes that he, too, and Israel must do the same. As God shows love to them, they must show love in return by living according to His word (verse 14-15). Solomon continues, “heaven and the highest heaven cannot contain You: how much less this house which I have built.” He pleads with God to be true to His promise to David of a perpetual kingdom, have regard to the prayers of supplication and to always be ever present in their lives. And when they pray from the dwelling place He chose, that He would hear and respond. Not only that, but when their prayers of supplication were made revealing their sins, which would surely come, that He would forgive them (verse 16-21). (The MacArthur Study Bible, The Modern Life Study Bible, UMI and the Oxford Bible Commentary) For Your Consideration: Is there a difference in the way God hears and regards prayers we do in church and those done in other places?

Life’s Application: The temple that Solomon built was a symbol of love for God and from God. The intricacies and grandeur of design, the elegance and opulence all reflect His splendor to the world. But as Solomon stated, its main purpose was a place where God had chosen to bless His people with His presence. So also are our churches today and as such are good for prayer, worship, teaching, and fellowship – every holy purpose we have been called to perform as followers of God’s commands. “… For he is good; for his mercy endureth for ever.” (2 Chronicles 7:3)

Have a Story Idea? Let us know

Now-March 21 Lenten services St. James A.M.E. Church is holding mid-week Lenten Services every Wednesday at 7 p.m. through March 21. Guest Ministers will bring the message each week. St. James is located at 1501 N. Patterson Avenue. The pastor is the Rev. Dr. Steven L. Lyons. The public is invited to attend.

March 10 Grief Care St. Paul United Methodist Church sponsors “Grief Care”, a support group for persons experiencing grief due to the death of someone close to them. The sessions feature biblical teaching on grief and recovery topics. The sessions are designed to give encouragement and support to persons on their journey from “Mourning to Joy.” Sessions are free, each is self-contained, meaning one does not have to attend the sessions in sequence. Guilt and Anger is the topic on Saturday, March 10 at 10


Church fundraiser hits 30-year mark


Fundraising helps a church support many of their ministries and community efforts. Burkhead United Methodist Church has a 30-year tradition of selling pine needles to assist in their minstries. The church acquires thousands of bundles of needles to sell to the community. People can come pick up bundles but the church delivers many of their bundles to the community. “It is a great fundraiser and we sponsor some of our

outreach programs through the funds raised,” said Murray Sink, organizer of the event. “ According to Sink, years ago they would sell over 6,000 bundles of needles per year. This year it has dropped to around 2,500 due to competition from schools and other churches who have followed suit by seedling needles as well. “We have a good base of customers and that has kept us going over the years,” Sink continued. “We call it a well-oiled machine because everyone knows what to do. It is fun because you get the chance to fellowship with See Church on B6

The theme for the women's fellowship was “Don't block my flow.”

Women fellowship to usher in conference


a.m. at St. Paul United Methodist Church, 2400 Dellabrook Road, Winston-Salem. For additional information, call (336) 723-4531 or (336) 722-5517.

March 11 Scholarship Service Emmanuel Baptist Church will celebrate its annual Scholarship Service at 10 a.m., March 11. The S. W. Mack, Sr. Memorial Scholarship Service is a dual tribute to the memory and contributions of Emmanuel’s former pastor, Dr. S. W. Mack, Sr. and an observance of the church’s commitment to supporting the academic and spiritual development of its college students. Emmanuel is at 1075 Shalimar Drive. Rev. Dr. John Mendez is the pastor. For additional information or to make contributions, contact Dr. Elva Jones at (336) 764-2550. March 11 Pastoral Anniversary The Rev. Ronald Eugene Speas will celebrate his

Photo by Timothy Ramsey


Bishop Marvin Cremedy and Pastor Clara Cremedy of Vessels of Honor Church Ministries held a women's fellowship as a kickoff to their annual conference last Friday. The point of the fellowship was to uplift the spirit of the women of the church and community before the conference. The theme of the fellowship was “Don't Block My Flow.” The keynote speaker for the event was Apostle Gaynell Walters of Christ in Control Ministries out of Holly Hill, South Carolina. “We are coming from the Book of John where it talks about the rivers flowing,” said Pastor Cremedy. “In other words, dont't let anything block us from letting the Holy Spirit flow through us. We want to get the women free and excited about the upcoming conference.” Vessels of Honor was established nine years ago by See Women on B6

third year at New Jerusalem Missionary Baptist Church on Sunday, March 11 at 3 p.m. New Jerusalem is located at 1212 Dunleith Avenue. The public is cordially invited to attend.

March 11 Worship Services The Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of WinstonSalem, 4055 Robinhood Road, will have services. At the 9 a.m., Awake service and the 11 a.m. traditional worship, a visiting speaker, the Rev. Liam Hooper, will discuss ways to take UU values and message into the wider community. At the Forum, 9:15 a.m., Jim Campbell will speak on “The Six Commandments of Jesus.” At Explorations, 9:15 a.m., David Blair will use the goddess Devi to explore Hindu spirituality. For more information, visit See Rel. Cal. on B6


MARCH 8, 2018


Church from page B5

The Rev. Dr. Carl Manuel, senior pastor of Burkhead United Methodist Church, poses with fundraiser organizer Murray Sink.

Photo by Timothy Ramsey

everyone. The fundraiser is a full church effort. The ladies of the church assisted with the order forms and the men were joined by the local Boy Scout troop along with the church softball team.” Don Pulsfort, Scout Master of Troop 911, said, “The church supports the troop and they are our charter sponsor and they provide us with facilities and equipment and this is just a way to give back to the church and the community. It is a win-win for everyone.” Burkhead United’s senior pastor, the Rev. Dr. Carl Manuel, says he is proud to be a part of a church that is so involved with the community. “What the community and city of Winston-Salem will see is that I am a community pastor,” he said. “I have concern for our community, especially our young people, so it was great to see the Boy Scouts and the softball team come out to help this morning. “It is great to see the community support the program, and I am excited about it and the community will continue to see me more,” he went on to say. “We are just one big family here, and it's always for one common purpose.”

The spirit filled Vessels of Honor Church Ministries attendees during their women's fellowship.

Photos by Timothy Ramsey

(Below) Pastor Clara Cremedy, left, stands with Apostle Gaynal Walters before the women's fellowship service.

Women from page B5

the Pastor Cremedy and her husband, the bishop. This is the first year the church has held the fellowship prior to the conference. Pastor Cremedy says she wanted to hold the conference because she feels women mean so much to the church. “This is important to me because women carry so much of a burden,” she said. “Women do so many things for so many people until they get burdened down and don't have a release, so my mission was to help women get free by establishing a relationship with our Lord and Savior.” “In the midst of everyday life, we lose focus of who we are and our purpose in life,” she continued. “So the mission for the women's fellowship is to

Rel. Cal.

from page B5

March 11 Prayer Circle Please join us on Sunday, March 11 from 3-4 p.m. (Rain or Shine) to lift up the men and women who put their lives on the line for our safety every day. The prayer circle will be located at 725 N. Cherry St. March 12-15 District Conference The Church of God in Christ (COGIC) WinstonSalem will host a district conference on March 1215, 7 p.m. at Wells Memorial COGIC, 1001 E. Washington St., Greensboro. The speakers are: *Monday - Greater North Carolina Jurisdictional Prelate, Bishop LeRoy Jackson Woolard *Tuesday - E. C. Cannon Memorial District Superintendent, Bishop Tommie Allen Murphy *Wednesday - WinstonSalem District Missionary, Wanda F. White *Thursday - WinstonSalem Superintendent, Dr. Herman George Platt. Join the COGIC Winston-Salem District for these inspiring, uplifting services. For more info, call Wells Memorial at 336.272.6564.

help us get free and be able to express ourselves in a way that we can come together with other women and for a unity circle.” Apostle Walters says she patterned her sermon from the theme of the event. She says the message was intended to lift the spirits of all the women in attendance. “The theme is ‘Don't Block My Flow,’ so that is where I will be ministering from,” said Walters. “I know it said don't block my flow, but it's God speaking to say don't block His flow.” “The Scripture says I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me, so we have to realize it's not by our might or strength but it is by the strength of the Holy Spirit that dwells within us,” she continued. Both Walters and

March 14-17 Empowerment Conference Galilee Missionary Baptist Church, 4129 Northampton Drive, will hold its seventh annual Worship and Arts Empowerment Conference on March 14-17. The empowerment conference is designed for everyone committed to the work of worship in the church. A forum and worship service will be held Wednesday and Thursday, March 1415, which are free and open to the public. On Friday and Saturday, March 1617, registration is required. Fees are $20 and $5 for children 12 and under. For more information, go to /gmbcwsnc/. March 17 Ricky Dillard concert Nationally renowned contemporary gospel singer, songwriter and choir master Dr. Ricky Dillard and a choir will perform at Fayetteville State University’s (FSU) Gospel Explosion at 6 p.m. on March 17 in the J.W. Seabrook Auditorium. Tickets cost $25 for the general public and $15 for alumni, faculty, staff and military. Tickets may be purchased at and FSU’s Seabrook auditorium at (910) 672-1724. March 17 76th Anniversary

Cremedy both echoed the same importance of uplifting the women in the congregation. They felt the women of the church should learn from one another as much as possible to show they are not alone. Every seat in the church was filled with the women of the congregation as well

The Livingstone College Gospel Choir will present a concert on March 17 at 5 p.m. at Goler Metropolitan A.M.E. Zion Church, 1435 East Fourth St. The concert is part of a two-day celebration of the church’s 76th Anniversary, which will continue on Sunday, March 18th with the burial of a time capsule following the 10 a.m. worship service. March 18 Missionary Day The Sarah Allen Women’s Missionary Society (WMS) will hold their Annual Day Sunday, March 18. The service begins at 10 a.m. The speaker for the occasion is Mrs. Nikki Walker Lyons, First Lady and the Western North Carolina Conference Branch WMS President.

March 23-24 Community Series Winston-Salem writer, director, educator and Emmy Award-winning actor Ron Jones will bring his show “The Movement: 50 Years of Love and Struggle” to Wentz Memorial United Church of Christ at 3435 Carver School Road, Winston Salem, March 23-24 at 7 p.m. Tickets ($12/adults and $6/children 12 and under) can be purchased through Wentz Church by calling (336) 722-0430 or online at: h t t p : / / w w w. b r o w n p a -

as those from the community. Everyone seemed to embrace the spirit of the event. “This is to help restore, revive and to awaken the sleeping giant that’s within us as women,” said Cremedy when asked what she hoped the women take away from the service. 581. For more information on Dialogues on Diversity:

BAILEY (August 19, 1928 – February 23, 2018) Eglon Balak Joseph Bailey, son of the late William Leopold Bailey and Irene Eugenie Cooper Bailey of Kingston Jamaica, passed February 23, 2018. Eglon was the third of four children born to this union.@ At the time of his death, he was living in Atlanta, Georgia with his devoted daughter, Irene Denise Bailey. Prior to relocating to Atlanta, Eglon Bailey was a very active resident of Winston-Salem, North Carolina, where he resided since 1951 when he received a track scholarship to attend WinstonSalem State University. He received his Bachelor of Science degree in Education from WinstonSalem State University and was subsequently inducted into its Hall of Fame. While at WinstonSalem State, he was a member of its award winning track team and was coached by the legendary Clarence “Big House” Gaines. He also received a Master of Science degree in Curriculum Development from North Carolina A &T State University. For 32 years, he was a teacher of language arts, social studies and mathematics in the WinstonSalem, Forsyth County

school system. He was one of the pioneering educators to teach at the North Carolina Advancement School. While in WinstonSalem, he was a dedicated member of Grace Presbyterian Church, where he was an ordained elder and served on the Men’s Council and Finance Committee. He was chosen Man of the Year in 2004. He was an active member of Psi Phi Chapter of Omega Psi Phi fraternity in WinstonSalem and served on numerous committees. When he moved to Atlanta in 2010,@ he continued his active involvement with Omega Psi Phi Fraternity by joining the Eta Omega chapter. He also enjoyed attending the Harriett G. Darnell and Vivian T. Minor Senior Centers. He also became a dedicated and faithful member of Radcliffe Presbyterian Church, where he was honored as a “Living Legend” in 2013. He leaves to cherish his memory his loving daughter Irene Denise Bailey; his sister Ruthlyn Bailey Robin; and his brother Winston Bailey. His brother Owen Bailey preceded him in death. He shared his life for 33 years with Ruth Gray Bailey. He also leaves to mourn his passing, a host of nieces, nephews, cousins and lifelong friends. An Omega Service was conducted on Tuesday, March 6, 2018 in Winston-Salem, North Carolina at the Grace Presbyterian Church, 3901 Carver School Road, Winston-Salem, at 10 am, followed by an 11 am service and interment.

the Mccarter legacy in ministry lives on t h e c h r on i c le

By BUSta BroWn the chronicle

Bishop McCarter

“My mother always told me to be good to people. i will never forget that. She said that’s the calling on your life and never let nothing stop you from fulfilling that calling,” said Bishop Sheldon M. Mccarter. Dr. r.t. and lady Mccarter were his parents. While his father ran a concrete business and pastored two churches, mom kept the family together. “She was our rock.” in 2003, she went on to be with the lord. lady Mccarter was 67. in 2015, Dr. r.t. Mccarter lost a battle with alzheimer’s. the Mccarter legacy in ministry began in 1961 with the patriarch of the family, his father Dr. r.t. Mccarter. “it all began in ayden, north carolina. My dad was pastoring two churches, one in vanceboro and Grifton, north carolina.” i could see a spirit of admiration as he shared his father’s story. “My dad also had a concrete business. My dad was a very hard worker. it was amazing how my dad would work all day long, and then preach at night during the week and on Sunday mornings. he would do five-day revivals all night, and get up at 3 in the morning and lay

MARCH 8, 2018

concrete all day.” Bishop Sheldon Mccarter has three siblings, and Dr. r.t. Mccarter was about church in their household. “it was a serious deal. church wasn’t an option for us. We had to go.” But the patriarch wasn’t too strict. “My dad was very relaxed. he allowed us to be children, and have fun. like school functions, listen to music on the radio, like parliament Funkadelic, the temptations, and play sports as well. he was real clear in letting us know that he was still ruler and authority.” every tuesday night he and his siblings were at Bible study, and during revivals, they were in church, “even if there was a football game. But he still allowed us to be children and do what children do.” Dr. r.t. was a great provider. “My dad made sure we didn’t have a care in the world.” Bishop Mccarter admired what his father did. “he was my role model. as a child i would mimic my dad. i knew i was going to be a pastor like him. it was something i gravitated to. after church, when we got home, i put on his big shirt; that was my robe. i would get in front of my mirror and preach a full sermon. and my sister would be the choir. i would tell my siblings to sit down and listen to me preach.”

Bishop Mccarter was born the day of his father’s initial sermon. “he always jokingly reminded me of that.” Dr. r.t. Mccarter pastored for 45 years in rocky Mount, virginia. “there were times he didn’t recognize us [because of his alzheimer’s], but one Sunday i was fortunate to have him introduce me before one of my sermons. he said ‘Sheldon is about to preach, hear him.’ Shortly after, he went on to be with the lord.” Bishop Mccarter and his three siblings – carlton, audrey and tiff – are now pastors. Sheldon was the first. Bishop Sheldon M. Mccarter is now the senior pastor of Greater church in Winston-Salem. he has served as senior pastor and teacher of the ministry since 1988. check out the rest of my interview with Bishop Mccarter, as he shares some very personal and intimate details about his trials and tribulations as pastor, husband and father. he also shares some intimate details about how he met his beautiful his wife and co-pastor Joyce Mccarter, and how she believed in him when no one else did; and she still does. it’s a powerful interview. Go to the chronicle’s youtube channel @ Winstonsalem chronicle.

Have an Opinion? Let us Know

Boxing program seeking community support

David Villada, founder of Beating up Bad Habits, makes a pitch to local business owners and activists during a meeting on Monday, Feb. 26.

photo by tevin Stinson

By tevin StinSon the chronicle

it has been exactly one year since the gym doors closed and David villada temporarily shut down his program, Beating Up Bad habits. in that time, villada, who started the program to keep children and teenagers off the streets, said he has lost three participants to senseless gun violence. "Within that time a lot of our kids have suffered because there is no extra curricular activities for them to do. a lot of our kids in the community have turned to the streets because they're bored," villada said. From the beginning, villada, who works as a Spanish translator, has provided the bulk of funds for the program, but last week, he called on the community he serves to help revive the program and take a step into the future. During a meeting on Monday, Feb. 26, widely attended by local business owners and community

activists, villada announced the possibility of partnering with pueblo Boxing, a program based in texas which provides the tools and instructions for a year-round youth, anti-bullying program. pueblo Boxing already sponsors gyms in Mexico, Spain, and cuba. Winston-Salem would be the first location to open in the U.S., according to the pueblo Boxing official website. the anti-bullying program is offered yearround for children ages 7 and older. there is also a summer camp, and "Future champs" camp offered to children ages 4 to 6 years old. "it's going to be called pueblo Boxing WinstonSalem, but the program is what matters. the service that we bring to these kids is what matters," villada said. "these people need us and we have the outlet to show them which way to go. Us giving them other avenues to deal with their anger is giving them another way of life." Beyond keeping local

children and teens off the streets for more than six years, Beating Up Bad habits has taught hundreds of young men in the community discipline, structure and other real life lessons. according to an article published in the chronicle last year, 75 kids were enrolled in the program. the program also allows participants to register with USa Boxing, a youth travel boxing league. along with adopting the new program, villada is also looking to relocate. in coming weeks, villada and his business partners are expected to announce where that location will be. the program was originally held at champion MMa and Boxing club, on old lexington road. When discussing the timeline for the start of the revived program, villada said he is looking to be up and running before summer. he said with help from the community, the program has the potential to be better than ever. Before leaving the meeting

Group gives back with snacks Special to the chronicle

the Daughters of Sethos court 105 brought smiles to teachers' faces when members donated a plethora of snacks to fifth-graders at north hills elementary School. the snacks consisted of crackers, water, juice packs, cookies, honey buns, oatmeal cakes, chips and fruit candy, just to name a few. thirty fifth-graders were going on a much anticipated trip to Washington, D.c.. to visit the african-american Museum, the Smithsonian and other national monuments in our nation's capital. Under the leadership of illustrious

commandress lisa W. Smith, members of the court will continue to address needs for the community, especially those dealing with the youth, as they are the leaders for the future, the group said in a press release. throughout the year, service activities by the members of the court will center around the court's theme "together We achieve all things" and the motto of "Service, charity and Benevolence." past commandress Wyvonia attucks serves as chairperson of the community involvement committee. past commandress eva l. McWillis serves as Deputy for the oasis of Winston-Salem.

last week, several attendees pledged to make donations to the program. “this is the first time we’re going to revive the whole movement. Being in the streets has got our kids in a lot of trouble, involved with gangs, victims of gangs, victims of crimes, locked up and some of them are even dead,” villada said. “We’ve been to these funerals and these bedsides. i ask for you guys to see our vision to help us get this back going. “they need our help. they aren’t asking for it but they need it. the streets are crying.” For more information on Beating Up Bad habits and the future of the program, email the organization at


Butterfield to evangelicals: Trump is not a moral leader


T h e C h r on i C le

MARCH 8, 2018

By Cash MiChaels For The ChroniCle

according to the Merriam-Webster dictionary, a definition of the term “evangelical” means, “… being in agreement with the Christian Gospel…,” and “ …emphasizing salvation through faith… through personal conversion….” and yet, when it comes to Pres. Trump – whose alleged ethical shortcomings range from sleeping with a porn star four months after his wife gave birth to their son, to dabbling with white supremacists – evangelical leaders, like Tony Perkins of the Family research Council, and rev. Franklin Graham, whose iconic father, evangelist Billy Graham died at age 99, and was buried last week, are quick to turn that definition on its head, because for the first time in a long time, they believe they have a president who will do their bidding. But not so fast, north Carolina Congressman G.

Com. Cal. from page B4

more information on Wee Care! or to become a participating collection location, contact Tricia Murphy at Crisis Control at (336) 724-7875, ext. 1040. Now-March 23 – North Carolina Resident Days Beginning March 1 until March 23, Mystery hill is excited to announce north Carolina resident days! all residents of north Carolina along with families and guest are invited to visit Mystery hill for only $2 each throughout March as part of “Dollar Days.” Mystery hill is located between Boone and Blowing rock on hwy 32. For more information visit or email or call at (828) 2642792.

Now – March 24 – Light installation The arts Council of Winston-salem and Forsyth County in partnership with the north Carolina Clean energy Technology Center and Clean air Carolina will sponsor a multi-story public art light installation in downtown Winston-salem beginning Thursday, Feb. 22 and ending March 24. The display is free and open to the public. Best viewing is the corner of West Fourth street and spruce street any evening from Feb. 22 – March 24 beginning at dusk. Now-Mar. 30 – Basketball Camp Scholarships energyUnited is giving two students an opportunity to hit the hardwood alongside their favorite college basketball athletes and coaches this summer, thanks to Touchstone energy sports Camp scholarships. applications are being accepted through March 30 and can be found online at eligible students who are interested in the scholarship can contact Donnie shoaf, Communications specialist at (704) 9242139 or

Now-Mar. 30 – TURN Application Deadline Beginning March 1, the Community Development Department with the City of Winston-salem will accept spring 2018 applications for both its rehab and TUrn home revitalization programs. The application period will close at 5 p.m. on March 30. applications received after this date will be

K. Butterfield (D-nC-1) warns them. “evangelicals may have a seat at the table, but the political interest that’s driving [Trump’s] agenda does not include evangelicals, because the president could care less about moral values and ethics, and respect for human beings,” Butterfield said in a recent interview with the Black Press. “This president is about making money for himself, and for his friends. he is completely unqualified to serve as president. The american people know it, and i’m waiting for the day…and it’s not far out… when the american people will say, “We’ve got to have an ethical president.” according to Franklin Graham, conservative and Christian americans have exactly what they need in Donald Trump. “our country’s got a sin problem,” rev. Graham recently told MsnBC. “We certainly don’t hold him up as the pastor of this country, and he’s not. But i

appreciate the fact that the president does have a concern for Christian values, he does have a concern to protect Christians — whether it’s here at home or around the world — and i appreciate the fact that he protects religious liberty and freedom.” indeed, white evangelicals voted overwhelmingly for Trump over Democrat hillary Clinton during the 2016 presidential campaign. in interviews with The Washington Post, evangelicals say they are well aware of Trump’s flaws, but “…perceive him as a fellow sinner willing to fight the forces of the establishment on their behalf.” label those “forces of the establishment” as liberal, represented by the media and the Democrats. as long as President Trump continues fighting those “forces,” evangelicals say they will stick him.” rev. Dr. William Barber, co-chair of repairers of the Breach, which is leading the

upcoming Poor People’s Campaign, says the problem is much bigger than Trump. “We can’t just lay this reality of what we’re seeing at the feet of Trump,” Dr. Barber told the program “Democracy now” recently. “Trump is a symptom of a deeper moral malady. and if he was gone tomorrow or impeached tomorrow, the senators and the house of representatives and ryan and McConnell and Graham and all them would still be there. no matter how crazy they call him or names they call him or anger they get with him, it’s all a front, because at the end of the day, they might disagree with his antics, but they support his agenda.” rep. Butterfield agrees. “you know, politics certainly has its place,” he said, “… but we also have to have a moral leader, and Donald Trump is not a moral leader.”

placed on a waiting list for the Fall 2018 program.Contact Donna Perry, senior Project supervisor, at 336-7341289 or for more information.

info, please call (336) 7272987 ext. 33048.

advance registration is required. Visit the for the online registration form or additional information, or call the admissions office at (336) 770-3290.

Now-April 19 – Volunteers Needed a call for volunteers for the 20th annual riverrun international Film Festival. Volunteer registration is now open for our 20th Festival, april 19-29! Contact Jane McKim at or follow the link to register: unteer/. Now-May 11 – Parent Academy Carver high school in partnership with Forsyth Technical Community College will offer Parent academy and Community institute classes. The classes will be held every Tuesday and Wednesday from 5:45-8:45 p.m. until May 11. Free child care will be provided. For more

March 22 – Medicare workshop The shepherd’s Center of Greater Winston-salem is offering a workshop for individuals turning 65 (as well as those who already have Medicare). The session will be held on Thursday, March 22 from 5:30 – 7:30 p.m. at the shepherd’s Center, 1700 ebert st. The session is provided at no cost. Because space is limited, reservations are required. Contact the shepherd’s Center at (336) 748-0217 for more information or to reserve a seat. March 23 – UNCSA’s open house students considering careers in the arts are invited to attend spring open house at the University of north Carolina school of the arts (UnCsa) from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. on Friday, March 23. The campus is located at 1533 south Main st. in Winston-salem.

March 23 – Opening Reception opening reception for Gateway Gallery's exhibit MasTerPieCes – celebrating the 35th anniversary of The enrichment Center will be held on March 23 from 5-7 p.m. The event is free and will be at Gateway Gallery at The enrichment Center, 1006 s Marshall street.

March 23-24 – Community conference The arc of north Carolina presents ‘rooted in advocacy: Planting seeds for a stronger Community’, a two day conference, on March 2324 from 10 a.m.- 9 p.m. The event will be held at the embassy suites, 460 n Cherry st., Winston-salem. register online at


The N.C. Department of Transportation will hold a public meeting regarding proposed widening of N.C. 66 (Old Hollow Road) from Harley Drive to U.S. 158 (Reidsville Road), in Forsyth County. The meeting will be held on Thursday, March 22, at Morris Chapel United Methodist Church, 2715 Darrow Road in Walkertown from 5 p.m. to 7 p.m. Interested citizens may attend at any time during the meeting hours. NCDOT representatives will be available to answer questions and receive comments regarding the project. Please note that no formal presentation will be made. All comments received will be taken into consideration as the project progresses.

As information becomes available, it may be viewed online at the NCDOT Public Meeting Website: Anyone desiring additional information may contact Brett Abernathy, P.E., NCDOT, Division Project Development Engineer, at 375 Silas Creek Parkway, Winston Salem, NC 27127, (336) 747-7800 or Comments should be submitted by April 23, 2018. NCDOT will provide auxiliary aids and services under the Americans with Disabilities Act for disabled persons who wish to participate in this meeting. Anyone requiring special services should contact Tamara Makhlouf via email at or by phone at (919) 707-6072 as early as possible, so that these arrangements can be made. Persons who speak Spanish who have a limited ability to read, speak or understand English, may receive interpretive services upon request prior to the meeting by calling 1-800-481-6494.

Aquellas personas que hablan español y no hablan inglés, o tienen limitaciones para leer, hablar o entender inglés, podrían recibir servicios de interpretación si los solicitan antes de la reunión llamando al 1-800-481-6494. The Chronicle March 8 and 15, 2018



Notice is hereby given by the City of Winston-Salem and Forsyth County regarding the availability of documents for review and comment pertaining to the draft 2018-2019 Annual Consolidated Housing and Community Development Plan for submission to the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) as follows:

The 2018-2019 Annual Plan reflects the first year implementation of the 2019-2023 Five-Year Consolidated Plan (CP). The CP is the process of planning and applying for federal funds that are provided to communities on an entitlement basis: Community Development Block Grant (CDBG), HOME Investment Partnership (HOME) and Emergency Solutions Grant (ESG) funds. The CP is a combined plan of the City and County as the WinstonSalem/Forsyth Housing Consortium and is a prerequisite to Consortium funding under the HOME program. 2018-2019 Annual Plan implementation includes proposed expenditures from estimated Federal Fiscal Year (FFY) 2018 appropriations - which have yet to be released by the federal government - of approximately CDBG ($1,973,957), HOME ($933.991) and ESG ($179,756), Housing Finance fund balance, Continuum of Care, carryover G.O. bond funds, and projected program income revenues with a projected total from all fund sources of up to approximately $8 million. A portion of the projected total includes available resources, derived from unexpended prior year funds, which have been allocated to projects and activities to be implemented during the 2018-2019 program year. Proposed program activities to be undertaken are single-family and multi-family housing rehabilitation, including removal of architectural barriers and control of lead-based paint; emergency repair assistance for owner-occupants; new construction of single-family units; mortgage financing for first-time home buyers, with or without rehabilitation; rental assistance; small business loans; contractor and construction training; and public services and facilities that specifically address housing and economic selfsufficiency. Funds are also budgeted for program administration and Section 108 loan repayment. The final CP will be submitted to HUD by May 15, 2018, or a date HUD specifies, following public review and comment beginning April 5, 2018 and ending May 4, 2018 and review and approval by the City Council at the April 16, 2018 City Council meeting. Summary of the Consolidated Plan

The 5-Year CP is a comprehensive planning tool to describe housing and community development needs of lower-income populations and the development of priorities, strategies and programs to address those needs. The goals of the plan will encompass strategies and programs in the following five areas:

1. Neighborhood Revitalization and Housing Conservation: Single and multi-family rehab and repair, neighborhood revitalization, and code enforcement to maintain the existing housing stock and ongoing neighborhood stability. 2. Housing Production and Neighborhood Development: Production of single-family and multi-family housing for lower income households and persons of special housing needs; sustainable development through new construction, conversion and adaptive reuse of housing and public facilities. 3. Expanding Access and Opportunities: Meet the shelter, housing and service needs of homeless and special needs populations; provide supportive services, self-sufficiency programs, and transitional and permanent housing resources; eliminate discriminatory practices in the sale, rental and financing of housing; build capacity of tenant and neighborhood organizations.

4. Expanding Economic Opportunities: Financial and technical assistance to small businesses; creation of jobs and employment opportunities; commercial revitalization in the Neighborhood Revitalization Strategy Area (NRSA), including the Central Business District. 5. Expanding Leveraging, Coordination and Accountability: Maximize funds through leveraging of other funds; ensure systematic evaluation and assessment of the impact of programs and policies; ensure that the planning process is inclusive of the range of entities representing community and special need populations; coordinate housing programs with citywide economic development strategies. Notice of Public Hearing

The proposed 2018-2019 Annual Plan will be presented for a public hearing review at the following time and location: Date: Time: Place:

Thursday, March 15, 2018 6:30 P. M. Hanes Hosiery Community Center 501 Reynolds Blvd., Winston-Salem

For necessary auxiliary aids, services and information, call Mellin Parker at (336) 734-1310. Persons requiring TDD service may call (336) 727-8319. All requests for assistance and/or interpretation services must be made at least 48 hours prior to the hearing. Notice of Public Review Document Locations

Copies of the draft 2018-2019 Annual Plan summary will be provided at the public hearing. The draft 2018-2019 Annual Plan and 2019-2023 Consolidated Housing and Community Development Plan will be available for public review and comment beginning Thursday, April 5, 2018 through 5:00 PM on May 4, 2018. Comments can be submitted by email to Mellin Parker at (Con Plan Comments in subject line) or mailed to Con Plan Comments, Community Development Department, City of Winston-Salem, PO Box 2511, Winston-Salem, NC 27102. The draft may be viewed at , or at the following locations: City of Winston-Salem Community Development Department, 100 E. First St., Suite 423 City Secretary's Office - Room 140, City Hall, 101 N. Main Street Forsyth County Community and Economic Development Department – 201 N. Chestnut St. Forsyth County Library – All Branches

The City of Winston-Salem does not discriminate on the basis of race, sex, color, age, national origin, religion, or disability in its employment opportunities, programs, or service. The Chronicle March 8, 2018


MARCH 8, 2018 B9

DeADLIne: monDAY 5:30 Pm • cALL cLAssIFIeDs At (336) 722-8624

We accept major credit card payment on all classfied Ads. email us your ad by monday...see it on thursday:


Smith-Rowe, LLC, 639 Old US 52 South, Mount Airy, NC 27030 is searching for additional HUB Certified M/WBE Companies for the following active project: City # FB 1795

City/County Winston-Salem/Forsyth

Description Roadway/Sidewalk Improvements along Ebert Street, Ardmore Road, Bethabara Road

We are interested in your quotations for materials, grading & drainage, pipe culverts, asphalt, concrete curb, concrete curb & gutter, concrete sidewalk, concrete driveway, concrete curb ramp, temporary traffic control, work zone signing, flagging, thermoplastic pavement marking lines, waterline, temporary silt fence, erosion control, seeding & mulching, milling, hauling, and any additional items that your company could provide as a subcontractor, supplier, and/or vendor. Call 336/7898221 if you would like to schedule a conference to discuss our needs for this project. You may call in your quotes to our Mount Airy office at 336/789-8221, fax to 336/789-6807, or email Cody Collins at . The Chronicle March 8, 2018

Notice to All Historically underutilized businesses, i.e. minorities, disabled persons and women owned and operated businesses BID Invitation For: “Catawba County Jail Expansion” Newton, NC

Seeking subcontractors for all divisions of work for the construction of “Catawba County Jail Expansion” on March 20, 2018 prior to 2:00 PM bid opening. The project architect is O’Brien/Atkins Associates, PA, 5001 S. Miami Blvd., Durham, NC 27703; Phone: (919) 941-9000: The project consist of demolition, site work, renovation and addition to a detention facility in Newton, North Carolina. Completed plans call for the addition of a 85,500-square-foot, 320 bed detention facility; for the demolition of a detention facility; and for site work for a detention facility.

Drawings and specifications will be made available to all bidders at the following locations: Hickory Construction Company, 1728 9th Ave. NW, Hickory, NC; the office of the Architect upon request, and at the County Purchasing Office, Catawba County Government Center. Contact for Hickory Construction Company is Chuck Moss, email address: or call at 828-322-9234. Hickory Construction Company PO Box 1769 1728 9th Ave. NW (28601 Hickory, NC 28603 Phone: (828) 322-9234

The Chronicle March 8, 2018


Crowder Construction Company is preparing a bid for Muddy Creek and Archie Elledge WWTPs Phase II Rehabilitation Project. We are soliciting in Winston-Salem, NC, and surrounding areas for pricing from subcontractors for the following: SCOPES of WORK (including, but not limited to): Erosion Control, Selective Demolition, Concrete Sawcutting, Hauling, Asphalt Paving, Concrete, Rebar, Masonry, Misc Metals, Roofing, Doors & Windows, Coatings, Process Pipe, Pipe Insulation, Plumbing, HVAC, and Electrical.

Quotes Due: Friday, March 16, 2018 @ close of business

Historically Underutilized Businesses including Minority and Women’s Business Enterprises and all others are encouraged to participate. Bid Proposals will be received at the following address: Crowder Construction Company 1111 Burma Drive Apex, North Carolina 27539 Telephone: (919) 367-2019 Fax: (919) 367-2097 Contact: Christina Jahrling / Email:

We request M/WBE companies include a copy of their certificate with their quote. Complete plans and specifications may be viewed at Crowder Construction Company at the address listed above. Contact us at the above phone number for a list of other locations where plans are available. The Chronicle March 8, 2018

Notice to All Historically underutilized businesses, i.e. minorities, disabled persons and women owned and operated businesses BID Invitation For: A New 911 Communications Center Mitchell County, NC

Seeking subcontractors for all divisions of work for the construction of “A New 911 Communications Center” on March 13, 2018 prior to 2:00 PM bid opening. The project architect is Stewart-CooperNewell Architects, 719 East Second Ave., Gastonia, NC; Phone: (704) 865-6311: The project consist of a new 911 communications center with a gross square footage of approximately 3,105 square feet located in Bakersville, Mitchell County, NC.

Drawings and specifications will be made available to all bidders at the following locations: Hickory Construction Company, 1728 9th Ave. NW, Hickory, NC; the office of the Architect; And for technical questions concerning the project please contact: Shane Cates, NCARB, Project Architect, by email via: Contact for Hickory Construction Company is Jeff Herman, email address:, or call at 828-322-9234. Hickory Construction Company PO Box 1769 1728 9th Ave. NW (28601 Hickory, NC 28603 Phone: (828) 322-9234

The Chronicle March 8, 2018


Adams Robinson Enterprises, Inc. is seeking bid proposals and quotes from certified MBE and WBE subcontractors for the City of Winston-Salem Muddy Creek and Archie Elledge WWTPs Phase II Rehabilitation project which bids on Tuesday March 20th, 2018 at 2:00 P.M. Plans may be viewed at Adams Robinson Enterprises, 2735 Needmore Rd., Dayton, OH 45414. Call (937) 274-5318 or email Online at, login: arco password: estimating; on file at City/County Purchasing Department, Room 324, City Hall Building, 101 North Main Street, Winston-Salem, NC; Construct Connect, 2825 Edwards Rd, Suite 800, Cincinnati, OH 45209; Black & Veatch International Company, 10715 David Taylor Drive, Suite 240, Charlotte, NC 28562; or Black & Veatch International Company, 11000 Regency Parkway, Suite 410, Cary, NC 27518. Items of work to be subcontracted include, but are not limited to the following: Asphalt Paving, Reinforcing Steel, Precast Concrete, Erosion Control, Glass & Glazing, Painting, Plumbing, Masonry, Electrical, Sidewalks, HVAC, Roofing, Caulking, Demolition, Landscaping, Site Grading, Instrumentation, Excavation & Backfill, Trucking & Hauling and Doors & Windows. We will assist interested parties, when possible, in obtaining bonds, limits of credit and/or insurance.

Tom Jobe can be contacted for further information. Submit written proposals until 1:00 p.m. on Tuesday, March 20th, 2018 to Adams Robinson Enterprises, 2735 Needmore Road, Dayton, OH 45414, Phone (937) 274-5318; Fax (937) 2740836 or email The Chronicle March 8, 2018


Having qualified as Administator of the Estate of Harold James Levy, also known as Harold Levy, deceased March 17, 2016, Forsyth County, North Carolina, this is to Notify all persons, firms, and corporation having claims against the Estate of said deceased to present them to the undersigned on or before June 10, 2018 or this Notice will be pleaded in bar of recovery. All persons indebted to the said decedent or estate shall please make immediate payment to the undersigned. This the 8th day of March, 2018.

John W. Leavy , Sr. Administrator for Harold James Levy, deceased 5136 Pressman Drive Winston-Salem, NC 27105 The Chronicle March 8, 15, 22 and 29, 2018

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Sealed bids will be received by the Winston-Salem/Forsyth County Board of Education at Maintenance Department Conference Room 4897 Lansing Drive, Winston-Salem up to 3:00 p.m. March 29, 2018 for General Construction Bids (Single Prime) and immediately thereafter publicly opened and read for the furnishing of labor, material and equipment entering into the construction of Winston Salem Prepatory Academy Kitchen Renovations. Bids will be received for General Construction (Single Prime). All proposals shall be lump sum.

A mandatory pre-bid meeting will be held for all interested bidders and vendors on March 13, 2018, 3:30 p.m. at Winston Salem Prep Academy 1215 N. Cameron Avenue, Winston-Salem , NC. Project specific questions, bidding procedures, perfered brand alternates, performance specifications and HUB information will be addressed for this project. Complete plans, specifications and contract documents will be open for inspection in the offices of the Architect. Minority participation questions should be directed to the Architect or WS/FCS Maintenance Department. Qualified General Contractors may obtain one DVD of the Bidding Documents at the office of Peterson/Gordon Architects, 3508 Vest Mill Rd., Winston Salem, NC. Bidders shall use complete sets of Bidding Documents in preparing bids; neither the Owner nor Architect assumes responsibility for errors or misinterperetations resulting from the use of incomplete sets of Bidding Documents. All contractors are hereby notified that they must have proper license as required under the state laws governing their respective trades.

The bidder shall identify, on the bid proposal, minority business participation it will use on the project. Forms are included within the Proposal Form in the bid documents. Failure to complete these forms is grounds for rejection of the bid. (GS143128.2c- Effective 1/1/2002.)

Each proposal shall be accompanied by a cash deposit or a certified check drawn on a bank or trust company, insured by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, of an amount equal to not less than five percent (5%) of the proposal, or in lieu thereof a bidder may offer a bid bond of five percent (5%) of the bid executed by a surety company licensed under the laws of North Carolina to execute the contract in accordance with the bid bond. Said deposit shall be retained by the owner as liquidated damages in event of failure of the successful bidder to execute the contract within ten days after the award or to give satisfactory surety as required by law. A performance bond and a payment bond will be required for one hundred percent (100%) of the contract price.

Payment will be made based on NC General Statute 143.134.1 or ninety percent (90%) of monthly estimates and final payment made upon completion and acceptance of work. No bid may be withdrawn after the scheduled closing time for the receipt of bids for a period of 40 days. The owner reserves the right to reject any or all bids and to waive informalities.

Designer: Peterson/Gordon Architects, PA 3508 Vest Mill Rd. Winston-Salem, NC Tel. (336) 760-1411 Winston-Salem/Forsyth County Board of Education Dr. Beverly Emory Superintendent

The Chronicle March 8, 2018


Having qualified as Administratrix of the Estate of Christopher Malloy (18 E 450), also known as Christopher Alfred Malloy, Forsyth County, North Carolina, this is to Notify all persons, firms, and corporation having claims against the Estate of said deceased to present them to the undersigned on or before June 3, 2018 or this Notice will be pleaded in bar of recovery. All persons indebted to the said decedent or estate shall please make immediate payment to the undersigned. This the 1st day of March, 2018.

Pamela Malloy Administratrix for Christopher Malloy, deceased 4343 Witherow Rd Winston-Salem, NC, 27106 The Chronicle March 1, 8, 15 and 22, 2018


Having qualified as Executor of the Estate of Doris M. Lindsay (17 E 1692), also known as Doris McHan Lindsay, deceased March 1, 2015, Forsyth County, North Carolina, this is to Notify all persons, firms, and corporation having claims against the Estate of said deceased to present them to the undersigned on or before June 10, 2018 or this Notice will be pleaded in bar of recovery. All persons indebted to the said decedent or estate shall please make immediate payment to the undersigned. This the 8th day of March, 2018.

Jane Lindsay Ferguson Executor for Doris M. Lindsay, deceased 4943 Germanton Rd. Winston-Salem, NC, 27105

The Chronicle March 8, 15, 22 and 29, 2018


Having qualified as Administrator of the Estate of Mary Louise Flowers (17 E 2386), also known as Mary L. Flowers, deceased November 6, 2017, Forsyth County, North Carolina, this is to Notify all persons, firms, and corporation having claims against the Estate of said deceased to present them to the undersigned on or before May 17, 2018 or this Notice will be pleaded in bar of recovery. All persons indebted to the said decedent or estate shall please make immediate payment to the undersigned. This the 15th day of February, 2018.

Troy Flowers Administrator for Mary Louise Flowers, deceased 3611 Maverick St. Winston-Salem, NC, 27106

The Chronicle February 15, 22, March 1 and 8, 2018 NOTICE TO CREDITORS

Having qualified as Executor of the Estate of Willie C. Williams (17 E 1185), also known as William Clarence Williams, deceased April 14, 2017, Dillion County, South Carolina, this is to Notify all persons, firms, and corporation having claims against the Estate of said deceased to present them to the undersigned on or before June 10, 2018 or this Notice will be pleaded in bar of recovery. All persons indebted to the said decedent or estate shall please make immediate payment to the undersigned. This the 8th day of March, 2018.

James M. Williams Executor for Willie C. Williams, deceased 1745 Twitty Drive Dillion SC 29536 The Chronicle March 8, 15, 22 and 29, 2018


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T H e C H r on i C le

B10 MARCH 8, 2018

Darryl Myers Jr., founder of DJ’s Cheesecakes, is making a name for himself with his one-of-a-kind gourmet cheesecakes.

Submitted photos

DJ’s Cheesecakes are starting to show-up in restaurants and other locations around the city.

After graduating from Triad Community Kitchen in December, Darryl Myers Jr., founder of DJ’s Cheesecakes, is making a name for himself.

With help from his instructors and classmates at Triad Community Kitchen, Darryl Myers Jr. now has products in restaurants and stores across the Triad.

He’s making a name in the cheesecake world By Tevin STinSon THe CHroniCle

When Darryl "DJ" Myers Jr. set out to start his own gourmet cheesecake business, his plan was to start out slow and gradually grow. While he admits he still has a lot of work to do, in just three months, Myers has already made a name for himself on the local dessert scene in the cheesecake world. Myers, who was born and raised in Winston-Salem, started DJ's Cheesecakes while perfecting his craft at Triad Community Kitchen (TCK), a nonprofit 13-week culinary training program offered by Second Harvest Food Bank of northwest nC. Around the holiday season, Myers was introduced to a red velvet oreo Cheesecake, and DJ's Cheesecakes was born. "i initially took the class to get a food truck, but when we made cheesecakes, everyone was saying it was the best they had ever had," Myers said. "So i figured if i could take it and make it into my own thing, with my own recipes, i could make my own business, and that's what i did." After graduating from TCK in December, Myers stayed busy in the kitchen creating his own recipes for oneof-a-kind cheesecakes. He followed his red velvet oreo with other fan favorites like the Strawberry Pound, Key lime, and

Fruity Peebles cheesecakes. Soon thereafter, Myers was given the opportunity to have his delectable delights featured at the Providence restaurant and Catering on University Parkway. "When my instructor first told me that i was going to be on the menu it kind of shocked me at first but from there i picked up several more locations." By using his personal social media accounts, Myers continued to share his ideas and the legend of DJ's has continued to grow. A photo of Myers' original Double layered Hersey's Cookies n' Cream oreo Cheesecake has been shared more than 4,000 times and liked more than 60,000 times on Facebook and Myers’ post on instagram has drawn attention from some heavy hitters in the cheesecake world, including Junior’s Cheesecakes in new york. other local stores and eateries are noticing DJ's as well. in less than a two months, Sweet Aromas, Cherry Street Mini Mart, Crown Smoke Shop and Convenience Store, and Silo's Bistro on reynolds road started selling DJ's Cheesecakes. Myers also delivers. on any given day, he can be seen with a cooler filled with cheesecakes slices, but you have to catch him early because they go fast. on most days, 100 slices of cheesecake

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are gone in less than two hours. Myers said he got the idea to sell single slices from a friend. He said at first he wanted to sell whole cakes, but at a place in time where a new diet or work out plan is trending every day, he decided selling slices was a good idea. “i get calls every day sometimes at like five in the morning people asking if i’m going to have cheesecake today,” Myers laughed. “i walked into Walmart the other day and people i don’t even know were coming up asking if i have any cheesecake. "it has just been an amazing journey all the way around. That response has just been amazing and that's what keeps me going. There has just been a steady building of momentum. i can’t complain at all about the way things are going." Despite all the early success, Myers is always looking to find ways to get better in the kitchen and improve his brand. He said, "it's a learning process because i'm doing everything myself. "From the baking to taking orders, to delivering and marketing, i'm doing it all myself so it's basically just one step at a time." As DJ's has continued to gain popularity, TCK has continued to support Myers as well. During an interview with The Chronicle last week, he said his professors

and classmates have been there for him every step of the way. last month they helped Myers arrange a cooking demonstration at Whole Foods and he's a regular at TCK teaching current students the art of cheesecake. "TCK, i can't sing their praises enough. They were the first to give me this opportunity and i'm truly grateful." Myers said. When discussing the future of DJ's Cheesecakes, Myers said although his goal is to one day own a restaurant, he wants to do it on his own time. now that he can't even walk inside Walmart without someone asking for a slice of cheesecake, Myers said he believes he's on the right path. "People are seeing my consistency and telling me i need to get a store front but i try to let them know that i'm moving at my own pace. i'm taking my time because i don't want to miss anything," he said. "i don't want anything to lack. My reputation is good right now and i want to make sure it stays that way. "i'm like a sponge right now. i'm learning and soaking up everything i can from reading books to watching youTube videos. it's never ending, almost."

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