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Volume 48, Number 36
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W I N S TO N - S A L E M , N . C .
THURSDAY, May 12, 2022
US Senate and NC General Assembly candidates pitch their priorities at forum BY TEVIN STINSON THE CHRONICLE
With less than two weeks until the primary election on May 17, last week some of the candidates vying for seats in the U.S. Senate and N.C. General Assembly came together to discuss their views on the future of the state during a nonpartisan forum held at the WinstonSalem Urban League. The forum, held on Thursday, May 5, was the last in a series of four forums designed to give voters a chance to ask questions of the candidates about their plans if elected. Before answering questions about education, Roe vs. Wade, and several other pressing issues, each of the candidates in attendance introduced themselves. In the race for District 71 in the N.C. General Assembly, no matter who wins, there will be a new representative. Incumbent Evelyn Terry announced she would not seek reelection last year. Voters will decide among Terry’s husband, Frederick Terry (D), a former member of the Winston-Salem City Council, or well-known community leaders Dave Moore (D), and Kanika Brown (D). Terry said his experience makes him the best candidate. He served two terms as representative of the Southeast Ward on the city council and on numerous boards. He also mentioned work he has done with the Winston-Salem Police Department and Winston-Salem Fire Department.
Photo by Tevin Stinson
Reginald McCaskill gives instructions during the candidates forum held at the Winston-Salem Urban League last week. tered environmental health Richard Burr announced “This is no time for ex- communities. “When the kids come specialist, said she decided he isn’t running for reperimentation. We need individuals who have shown into the program, I have to run because she would election, more than two or have an idea of what them write an essay to love to see a North Caro- dozen people filed to run they’re going to do,” said learn more about them. I’m lina that works for every- for the seat; including Terry during his opening also on the Gang Steering one. Expanding healthcare Democrats Dr. Tobias LaCommittee. I’m respected and making sure the public Grone, B.K. Maginnis, and statement.” Moore, who is the in this community,” Moore is safe is at the top of Day’s Rett Newton. LaGrone (D), a minfounder of the Southside said. “I can’t say I’ll stop list of priorities if elected. “I would love to see a ister and psychotherapist Rides Foundation and all the shootings and killProject MOORE (Mentor- ings, but I can promise you North Carolina that is for from Greensboro, said he all,” Day continued. “Ex- announced his candidacy ing Our Own and Rejuve- I can slow it down.” Brown did not attend panding healthcare, mak- last April because he didn’t nating the Environment), a ing sure our public schools see a candidate he would program that teaches stu- the forum. The primary race for are adequately funded, and vote for. LaGrone, who dents the auto body trade, along with how to be an District 74, which repre- making sure there is safety calls himself a “conservaentrepreneur, said he is the sents voters in Lewisville and justice for all so that tive Democrat,” said, “We best candidate because he and Clemmons, will come all of us can walk down have seen Democrats fall knows what our people down to Democrats Carla the street in our neighbor- behind because the leaders Catalan Day and Sean hoods and not fear being of the party have failed the need. people.” Moore said if elected Lew. The winner will face shot.” Talking points for LaSean Lew and Jeff his focus will be bring- Republican Jeff Zenger ing an end to gun violence in the General Election in Zenger were not in atten- Grone included voting rights for all, increased dance during the forum. and creating economic op- November. Since U.S. Senator economic opportunity, and Day, who is a regisportunities in underserved
social justice reform. “I’ve been voting Democrat for 35 years and we’ve seen promise after promise broken by the old Democratic leaders. We are behind in home ownership, economic opportunity, and we have experienced setback after setback,” LaGrone continued. “We don’t need a passive United States senator. Let it be clear, as a lifelong Democrat, I will not accept a timid, prim, and proper male or female version of Barack Obama. We need a senator who will go to Washington and make things happen.” Maginnis (D), who is a small business owner, lists his top three priorities as the economy and jobs, voting rights, and racial/ gender equality. During his opening statement, Maginnis took most of his time talking about who wasn’t at the forum, specifically former Supreme Court Justice Cheri Beasley, who is running for the senate as well. “What I want to know is who’s not here today and that’s the presumptive winner for this race, Cheri Beasley,” Maginnis continued. “She’s not even advertising in the Black papers … because she’s taking you for granted. It’s ridiculous, that’s why you got a Black candidate right … that’s why you want one. You want one who is going to listen to you and she’s not listening to you. It’s just another politician unfulfilling their promises.” Newton (D), a former See Pitch on A3
Boss Lady’s Mother’s Day tradition continues celebration Nobody does holidays quite like Anita “Boss Lady” Dean-Arnette, the voice of The Light Christian radio station. Every year for Christmas she makes sure children have something to
open on Christmas morning with her annual Toy Drive. On Thanksgiving she makes sure families have something to eat. And for the past 22 years, Boss Lady welcomed sons and daughters from across the Triad to come together and celebrate their mothers during her annual Mother’s Day Luncheon and Contest. Leading up to Mother’s Day, The Light invites listeners to send in letters to nominate their mothers for the title of “Mother of the Year.” There is a committee of judges that read each of the letters and determine the winners. The winners are announced at the luncheon, but every mother who attends the event leaves with a gift.
Frances Madonia Johnson-Steward (left), 2022 Mother with Anita “Boss-Lady” Dean Arnette. Dean-Arnette said luncheon for the conteswhen she decided to host tants in a conference room the first event in 2000, she at the radio station. Now, only received five submis- Dean-Arnette receives sions and they held a small hundreds of letters every
Photo by Tevin Stinson
of the Year, takes a photo
year and more than 200 people usually attend the event. “We celebrate mothers while they are yet alive.
So many moms don’t have families to love on them. They are alone or children just don’t give them any love until they are gone,” Dean-Arnette said. This year the title was awarded to Frances Madonia Johnson-Steward. In addition to her crown, Johnson-Steward also received a gift card, a new Sunday hat and other items that were donated by sponsors of the event. Prizes were also awarded for second and third place. The Light (1340 AM and 103.5 FM) is the Piedmont’s top-ranked urban gospel music station. Midday Praise with Boss Lady is on air Monday-Friday from noon to 3 p.m. For more information, visit http://lightthetriad.com. 6 89076 32439 7