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Volume 48, Number 12
W I N S TO N - S A L E M , N . C .
THURSDAY, November 25, 2021
LeanBack Soul Food continues holiday tradition of Giveback Thanksgiving
For the past three years Chrissy Faison, owner and CEO of LeanBack Soul Food, a local catering business, has marked the start of the holiday season with her LeanBack Giveback Thanksgiving Affair, and this year the event was bigger than ever. In past years, the LeanBack Giveback Thanksgiving Affair was for the homeless in the community, but this year Faison said she opened up the event to anyone in need. “It started out as me just feeding the homeless, but as time has gone on, especially during COVID, I said, let me switch it up and feed everybody because they may not be homeless, but there’s a lot of people who may not be
able to afford a Thanksgiving dinner,” Faison said. In addition to free food, this year’s event also featured live music, giveaways, games, and a bounce house for children. Members of the WinstonSalem Fire Department also stopped by to spend time with local children. Those who were up to the challenge had the opportunity to face off against Faison in a cooking competition. During the “Beat Chef Chrissy Soul Rolling” contest, challengers had to see if they could top Faison’s famous Soul Rolls, an eggroll with soul food in the center. This year’s event was also the first to be officially hosted by Faison’s nonprofit, the LeanBack GiveBack Foundation. The mission of the LeanBack
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Chrissy Faison, founder and CEO of LeanBack Soul Food. GiveBack Foundation is to increase opportunities and resources for women in the culinary field, encourage food interest in children, and care for the world one
community at a time. “It’s an awesome feeling to be able to give back. I know that’s why I was kinda put here on earth, to cook for people who can
afford it and cook for people who can’t. It’s amazing when I look at people’s faces and they are so appreciative,” Faison said. For more information
on the LeanBack GiveBack Foundation, visit www.leanbackgiveback. org.
Lack of resources prompts mother to create The Feelings Friends THE CHRONICLE
When her daughter was diagnosed with depression when she was only six years old, Karen Cuthrell was told she had to find a way to get her daughter to talk about her emotions. Cuthrell, who is a native of Winston-Salem, said that’s when she started laying the foundation for The Feelings Company. Cuthrell said when her daughter was diagnosed, she felt as if she had failed as a mother. “I felt I had failed as a mother because I was a stay-at-home mom and it was my job to make sure she was OK,”
a team to scale up social emotional learning in public schools. (CASEL) Theory of Action says schools are more effective at teaching and reinforcing SEL for students when they also cultivate SEL competencies in adults, which is why before students are introduced to characters like “Lotta Love the LovaRoo” and “Franny the Fear Frog,” Cuthrell holds a training session with teachers and adminPhoto by Tevin Stinson istrators. Last week Karen Cuthrell, founder of The Feelings Company, led training on social “We have to build and emotional learning at Kimberley Park Elementary School. our competency with the Cuthrell said. To help her The Feeling Friends (TFF) early years. adults before we can build TFF Educational Pro- the children’s competency. daughter express her emo- and The Feelings Compagram provides application, We cannot go and teach tions, Cuthrell came up ny (TFC) started. “ Today, Cuthrell says opportunities, and imple- children how to manage with the idea for 12 unique fictional characters, each her daughter is her best mentation strategies for their emotions if we don’t one representing a differ- friend and The Feelings SEL interactions by pro- know how to manage our Friends has grown to be- viding educators with the own,” Cuthrell said. ent emotion. “There were no tools come a classroom- and tools they need to teach While leading a trainon the market to help her evidence-based social and throughout the day. ing session at Kimberley The foundation of the Park Elementary School, and nobody would give emotional learning (SEL) me the tools, so I had to program that systemati- program is the Collab- Cuthrell asked the group do it myself. I had to do cally promotes students’ orative Academic, Social, to discuss some of the something to get her to social and emotional Emotional, Learning (CA- places they’ve been, extalk about her emotions,” competencies, and offers SEL) Theory of Action. In periences they’ve had, and Cuthrell said. “I realized multi-year programming 2019 the N.C. Department people they know, and the she liked characters, mu- to ensure that students of Public Instruction and emotions that are attached sic, books, and all that grow socially and emo- the CASEL’s Collabora- to each of them. Then she kind of stuff, so that’s how tionally stronger in the tive State Initiative formed
Happy Thanksgiving
asked if they brought those emotions into the classroom with them. During the training, the group of educators really opened up and expressed a wide range of emotions. Cuthrell said the partnership with Kimberley Park was spearheaded by Principal Diamond Cotton. Cuthrell said she worked with Cotton when she was the principal at Rural Hall Elementary School. When asked about the future of TFF and The Feelings Company, Cuthrell said she wants to see the program implemented in schools across the state. “I want to see The Feelings Friends implemented in every elementary school in the state because that’s how we’re going to change our state and make sure students are leaving school prepared academically as well as socially.” For more information on The Feelings Company, visit https://www.thefeelingscompany.co/ .
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