September 15, 2022

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The Chronicle is also known for its community events, including the an nual Martin Luther King Jr. Day Prayer Breakfast, Gospel Fest and Jazz Fest, which are held annually at the Carolina Classic Fair, the Lash/Chronicle Junior Varsity Basketball Tour nament, and the Commu nity Service Awards. The Chronicle forged partner ships with several differ ent organizations includ ing Maximum Enterprises, the Winston-Salem Urban League, and the Minis ters’ Conference of Win ston-Salem & Vicinity, to support minority-owned businesses and provide scholarships for local high school students.

75 cents Volume 49, Number 1 WINSTON-SALEM, N.C. THURSDAY, September 8, 2022 • See Opinion/Forum pages on A4 & A5 • • See Sports on page B1•

have a lot of information aboutAfterit. Daemond was di agnosed, Shannon made it her mission to learn every thing she could about the disorder.

The Chronicle celebrates anniversary... 48 years and counting

The Chronicle has been a community news source for 48 years.

Paulette Shannon said for the first 13 years of his life Daemond was like all the other teenagers his age. He enjoyed spending time with his brothers and play ing football and basket

“The Chronicle is Win ston-Salem’s oldest and most respected commu nity newspaper, and we’re excited to be celebrating 48 years of service,” said Taylor when discussing the current state of the paper.

“Of course they tried to

years, in 2017 Pitt sold the newspaper to The Chron icle Media Group LLC and Winston-Salem City Councilmember James Taylor, who serves as pub


With just a dollar and a dream, and help from his future wife Elaine, Pitt started publishing The Chronicle on Sept. 5, 1974. Over the years the weekly paper, which is published every Thursday, has be come known for reporting positive news stories and shining a light on stories in the Black community that would’ve otherwise gone untold.After serving as own er and publisher for 43

Ernie Pitt started the weekly newspaper in 1974 after earning his degree in journalism from the University of North Caro lina at Chapel Hill. At the time Pitt was starting the newspaper, he was also working at the Greensboro News and Record, and he would travel to Forsyth County on his days off to lay the groundwork for the Winston-Salem Chronicle Publishing Company.

ball. But all that changed around Daemond’s 14th birthday. “He had just turned 14 and we took him to TGI Friday’s for his birthday to eat dinner and instead of walking through the door, Daemond walked into the window and his eyes rolled back and he started having these trem ors,” Shannon explained.


Photo by Shayna Smith

“They kept trying to tell me it was a seizure and I said that’s just not a nor mal seizure … that’s not normal for my son,” she said.The next day Shannon followed up with Dae mond’s primary care phy sician. After a brief exami nation, doctors agreed with Shannon that it was more than just seizures. They immediately sent Dae mond to Atrium Health Wake Forest Baptist (Bap tist Hospital) for a brain

Overcoming Chal lenges

lisher.Pitt made the an nouncement publicly at the paper’s annual Communi ty Awards Gala that same year, while addressing a

reins.”After the announce ment was made, Taylor, who is a native of Win ston-Salem, commended Pitt for his dedication to the community and said he looked forward to leading the paper for the next 40 years.Today, The Chronicle reaches a circulation of nearly 8,000 and is mailed to cities and states across the country. Over the years, The Chronicle has garnered numerous awards from the N.C. Press As sociation for its news cov erage, photography and graphic design.


Once at the emergency room, doctors said Dae mond was suffering from seizures and prescribed medicine, but Shannon, who works in the medi cal field and is studying to become an RN (registered nurse), knew there had to be more going on.

revealed that the disorder was inherited from Dae mond’s father. Shannon said she recalls Daemond’s father talking about a dis order that he had that was hereditary but he didn’t

Although it was tough at times, with help from an assigned one-on-one aide, Daemond made it through middle school. When it was time to pick a high school, they were advised to enroll Dae mond at a non-traditional high school, but Shannon wasn’t having it.

“I was always at school because they were picking on him and I got tired of my son crying,” she said.

WinstonSalem’s oldest and most respected community newspaper is celebrating our 48th anniversary. A lot has changed since the paper was started in 1974, but when it comes to pro viding relevant local con tent, The Chronicle is still in a league of its own.

“He (Daemond’s fa ther) told us that it was something he had that was hereditary, but he still didn’t get educated on it. I didn’t understand how se rious this was until my son was diagnosed,” Shannon said.

See Walk on A8

As if battling a rare disease wasn’t enough, Daemond also had to deal with scrutiny from his classmates, who would tease him about his disor der. Shannon recalled sev eral times where she had to get off work to deal with a situation at school.

al Ataxia Awareness Day and a local single mother of four is doing her part to raise awareness and help find a cure for the rare dis ease which affects one’s ability to walk, speak and swallow, and that her son Daemond has been bat tling for the past five years.

Walk’n’Roll to raise awareness of rare disease

“The Chronicle doesn’t just promote Black jour nalism, we create jobs, we highlight small businesses, uplift families, and we’re all about the advancement of our culture. When I pause to consider the state of our country and even our local community, you can see why our resolve has never been stronger to continue the work that we do.”When looking toward the future, staff will con tinue to publish the month ly For Seniors Only sec tion and look to bring back the Arts & Lifestyle sec tion. The newsroom and marketing department are also working to grow The Chronicle’s social media presence. Followers can also plan to see more live content.“Looking ahead, we want to bring content that hyper focuses on our com munity and promotes a deeper level of interaction with our subscribers and followers, said Bridget Elam, The Chronicle’s managing editor.”

crowd of more than 500. Reflecting on his life, he said, “Besides my family, it has been this newspaper. But it has come time, at 71 years old, that I give up the

scan. The scans revealed that Daemond’s cerebel lum was surrounded by fluid. The cerebellum is the portion of the brain that controls balance, walking, standing and other motor skills.After several meetings, neurologists started asking Shannon about her family history and about Spino cerebellarSpinocerebellarAtaxia. Atax ia (SCA) is an inherited brain disorder that affects the cerebellum and causes problems with coordina tion and movement. Symp toms can include difficulty swallowing, loss of sensa tion in hands and feet and reduced bladder control. There is no cure for Spino cerebellarExpertsAtaxia.have discov ered at least 36 different types of SCA, all with sim ilar causes and symptoms. The numbers indicate the order in which experts dis covered the associated mu tations.The type of ataxia can only be determined throughAftertesting.several tests Dae mond was diagnosed with Spinocerebellar Ataxia Type 2. Genetic testing

Not grandma’s Green Stamps

Customers received stamps based on the amount of their purchases at grocery stores, gas sta tions, department stores and other retailers. The loyalty program became a real connector of commu nities. Not only could con sumers redeem stamps for personal items, they could join with their neighbors to support community needs. In one memorable redemp tion, a community saved enough Green Stamps to purchase a fire truck; an other group used Green Stamps to purchase two gorillas for a zoo.

published every Thursday

Let’s Make High-Quality Pre-K a Priority in Forsyth County.

Photo by Judie Holcomb-Pack

for Good program.

Periodicals postage

Enter Carl Norloff and his goal to bring back Green Stamps, but with a 21st century spin. He jumped at the opportu nity to purchase the Green Stamp trademark. In a re cent interview at 6th Sense Health & Wellness, where Norloff had stopped by to visit Nike Roach, he said that the new program is not designed to compete with the rewards programs of large companies or chains like Harris Teeter, Speed way, CVS, and others. He is focusing on small busi nesses and local mom and pops that need an added boost to promote their business. He also wants to partner with nonprofits through the Green Stamps



Box 1636 Winston-Salem, NC 27102-1636 1300www.wschronicle.comE.FifthSt.,Winston Salem, N.C. 27101 Main Phone Number: 336-722-8624 Advertising: Ext. Circulation/Subscriptions:113 Ext. 100 Editor: Ext. 108 To send news items: email To send a Letter to the Editor (350 words or less) or column (550 words or less): email For advertising: plewis@wschronicle.comForadv@wschronicle.comemailsubscriptions:email Like us on CONTACTING THE CHRONICLE A2 S eptember 8, 2022 t he C hroni C le Have a Story Idea? Let Us Know!

IfCHRONICLEyou’re a baby boomer, the name “Green Stamps” may bring back memories of licking stamps and sticking them into small books for your mother or grandmother, and flipping through pages of a Green Stamp catalog dreaming of what those filled books of stamps couldDon’tbring.look now, but those Green Stamps of yesteryear are back – sans licking and sticking.

Businesses that choose to participate in the pro gram receive posters and door clings to promote their participation, along with a code card that is scanned at the register to issue stamps to custom ers. Businesses pay a fee to participate and then

When a local business joins the Green Stamp pro gram, they are able to put their items in the online catalog. As in the past, consumers receive Green Stamps for their purchas es, but today the stamps are issued digitally and the consumer can accumulate stamps and redeem them for purchases via an app on their Apple or Android phone. Consumers are en

Send address changes to: The Chronicle,

When our children head off to school, theyʼre heading into their futures. Theyʼre also creating the future of our community. When kids start off with high-quality Pre-K, theyʼre starting off in a safe, nurturing learning environment that will help them develop academically, socially and emotionally. Weʼre The Pre-K Priority, a coalition of community organizations and individuals welcoming students and teachers back to school and committed to improving the number of affordable, equitable, high-quality Pre-K programs available to all four-year-olds in Forsyth County.


nity, as well as to be able to generate interest in their business, whether it’s mas sage therapy, like mine, or other service or productoriented businesses.”

Norloff said he is focusing on mom and pop business es to continue the legacy of what Green Stamps meant in the ‘50s and ‘60s, a way to promote businesses while giving consumers an easy way to earn items from low-cost kitchen gad gets to expensive house wares and Wikipe dia, S&H Green Stamps were popular in the United States from 1896 to the 1980s, nearly 100 years, which is a long time for a marketing promotion to retain interest. Sperry & Hutchison (the S&H in the Green Stamps name) cre ated the rewards program

Stamps started to go out of favor. A series of reces sions decreased the value of the stamps as the num ber of books required to purchase items increased.

Norloff has obtained the rights to the Green Stamp promotional pro gram and has brought it into the 21st century by creating a digital applica tion, or what he refers to as “click it, don’t stick it.”



travelog of America or a game of Where’s Waldo?

At the height of popular ity, 30 million households saved Green Stamps dis tributed by 80,000 retail ers.

An nual subscription

For more information on S&H Green Stamps, follow Carl Norloff on LinkedIn, S&H Green Stamps on Facebook, or visit

and in its heyday in the 1960s issued more stamps than the U.S Post Office.

Green Stamps and its suc cessor, Greenpoints, were eventually discontinued.


can upload their promo tional items to the online catalog. When consumers look through the catalog, they will see promotions from local companies first, which will encourage cross promotion of businesses.

The Chronicle (USPS 067-910) established by Ernest H. Pitt and Ndubisi Egemonye in 1974 is by Chronicle Media Group, LLC, E. St., Winston Salem, N.C. 27101. paid at Winston-Salem, N.C. price is $30.72.

After meeting Norloff at 6th Sense, Nike Roach said, “I believe that S&H is going to be a gamechanger for local busi nesses that are looking to give back to their commu


In the 1970s Green

Carl Norloff of S&H Green Stamps stopped by 6th Sense Health & Wellness Center to visit with Nike and Nikki Roach during his cross-country road trip.

Carl Norloff, CEO of S&H Interactive (home of S&H Green Stamps) is traveling the United States to spread the word about the all-new, updated ver sion of Green Stamps. Fol lowing him on LinkedIn or Facebook (S&H Green Stamps) is like viewing a

couraged to visit the store to pick up the redeemed item, thereby driving traf fic to participating retail ers.

START THE A collaboration of community organizations committed to early childhood education and supported by the Kate B. Reynolds Charitable Trust. #PreKProud


Visit or stop by the deli at your local store.

Photo by John Railey

He mentioned anoth er facet of the problem.

Jobs,” go to Bus Stop Jobs (2018) - YouTube.

Place your order by filling out the order form online or in-store.

*Student experiences, especially for students relying on the buses and taxis, are negatively im pacted. Students complete fewer credit hours, have lower GPAs and take lon ger to graduate, with all being exacerbated for stu dents living farther away

The transportation problems continue beyond the campus. “Even if I can get my degree, how am I going to get to my work?” Richardson asked.

Accordingresearch.toRichard son and Blizard’s exten sive research findings re garding Forsyth Tech and its students:*Transportation has both a direct and indirect impact on students, pro spective students and For syth Tech as an institution.

Feaster, the transpor tation executive with the city, said, “I think that would be a good study for them to do and see how it works.” If the test program is successful, he said, the city might figure out a way to partner with the school to expand the program to others in the Whatevercity. happens, Forsyth Tech is commit ted to moving forward on transportation improve ments.“Within the next few weeks, we’ll be able to take what we’ve learned and move forward,” Ball Braswell said. “We don’t want to let the dust settle too much while the energy is still there.”

“How do we move from here?”The Forsyth Tech meeting provided some good ideas. The college, with strong leadership from the school president, Dr. Janet Spriggs, has ac tively engaged with CSEM in transportation research.

Bill Green, Forsyth Tech’s vice president for commu nity engagement, is also committed to transporta tionConferenceresearch.


But Forsyth Tech, through its cooperation in three years of research by Winston-Salem State Uni versity’s Center for the Study of Economic Mobil ity (CSEM), is starting to break the logjam. That was readily apparent at an Aug. 23 meeting Forsyth Tech held on its campus titled “Driving Forward.” CSEM Director Craig Richardson and CSEM Research Man ager Zach Blizard present ed their findings on trans portation challenges faced by Forsyth RichardsonTech.noted that the small city of Wilson, North Carolina, has a ridesharing program that is so successful it has re placed that city’s bus sys tem. “We’re the City of Arts and Innovation,” he said. “Why aren’t we do ing this?” He suggested a program to test ridesharing here, for those folks who struggle to get from one place to another via public transportation.Duringa meeting break, Jeff Fansler, the deputy director of the City of Winston-Salem’s Trans portation Department, told Richardson he’d like to see such a program and sug gested that perhaps For syth Tech could do one. Richardson introduced Fansler to Dr. Stacy Wa ters-Bailey, the college’s associate vice president for academic strategy and partnerships, and Amy Ball Braswell, its director of strategic initiatives. The three energetically spoke about starting such a pro gram.Itwas a meeting full of enthusiasm, connectivity and brainstorming. In ad dition to CSEM, the pre senters included Zachary Lang, the sustainability and transportation coordi nator for the Green Trek Project at Wake Techni cal Community College, and Dr. Russell Castaneda Calleros, director of gov ernment and community relations at Rio Hondo Community College in Whittier, California, which has a GO Rio program.

Green Trek incentivizes students to use economi cally friendly transporta tion options. Go Rio pro vides free bus passes and other options to students.

To see “Bus Stop

from*Thecampuspair calculated, using stated assumptions, a loss of revenue between $405,156 and $633,688 in foregone tuition revenue from current students.

Pick up your order from the deli at a time that works for you.

“A lack of transporta tion is hurting the bottom line here,” Richardson said. “If we have delays, that means we have in terrupted tuition streams. Transportation matters. Distance matters. We also know that time matters.”

In a country depen dent on cars that can cost $1,000 a month to operate, and where education costs continue to rise, such ideas are needed, especially in cities like Winston-Salem, where the public trans portation system is sorely lacking. CSEM has helped lead public dialogue and action on confronting the issue through its 2017 documentary “Bus Stop Jobs” and through its pathbreaking

John Railey, the writ er-in-residence for CSEM, can be reached at rai

family meals ready when you are

CSEM rides to transportation solutions with Forsyth Tech

CSEM Director Craig Richardson, left, and CSEM Re search Manager Zach Blizard at a recent transporta tion panel at Forsyth Technical Community College.

partici pants agreed that cracking the logjam will require multiple efforts, including increased use of carpools, bikes, greenways and elec tric vehicles. Forsyth Tech, inspired by recommenda tions CSEM has made, is also studying changing some course schedules to coordinate with bus sched ules. For Forsyth Tech graduates, Waters-Bailey and Braswell said, large companies might consider providing shuttle services for employees, as other cit ies are Forsythdoing.Tech may also consider a test ridesharing program, transporting stu dents from a satellite cam pus to the main campus.

T he C hroni C le S ep T ember 8, 2022 A3

*They also calculat ed, by the same method, between $671,232 to $1,039,680 in foregone tuition revenue from pro spective FTCC students.

If you listened closely in a conference room at Forsyth Technical Com munity College recently, you could almost hear the sound of a logjam break ing. That logjam is the longstanding problem of public transportation, which touches on almost every issue of upward eco nomic mobility, including education. Local elected officials have been slow to confront the issue.

*Around 57% of re sponding students stated that they would do more school-related activities, such as homework, study ing, or attending a study group, with time saved from quicker commutes.

“There are so many people who would love to come here, but can’t because they don’t have a way to get here … the invisible students … What do we do?” Richardson asked.

for white grads. He points out that because systemic inequities allowed white families to build more wealth, Black graduates have fewer resources for paying back loans, even if they make the same sala ries as their white counter parts today.

I agree that we have a long way to go to repair wealth inequity in our country. We need to keep pushing for systemic so lutions that go far beyond the scope of this relief pro gram. At the same time, it’s a good thing that 90% of debt reduction under the program will go to borrowers who earn under $75,000.

Advertising Manager Office Manager Graphic Designer

Celebrating Star Trek Day

And most Americans agree. Polls show that this is a highly popular pro gram, with the majority of people polled support ing debt relief. Americans understand that most stu dents enter higher educa tion in a good faith effort to reach a firmer footing in the middle class and a chance at the American dream.The bottom line is that millions of students – and their families – can breathe easier now be cause student loan relief

“Star Trek was the first multi-ethnic crew or cast on a television series that was positive and looked to the fu ture,” said Nichelle Nichols in a 40th anniversary inter view on YouTube. Nichols portrayed Lt. Nyota Uhura, communications officer on the bridge of the Starship En terprise, the first time a woman of color held such a po sition of prominence and influence. Her influence went beyond the bridge of the Enterprise into her legion of fans who saw her as a hero and role model. These include LeVar Burton, who credited Rodenberry’s vision with showing that when the future comes, people of color will be there. Mae Jemison, physician, engineer and NASA astronaut, has credited the image of Nichols as Uhura as a motivation for her journey into space.

When the U.S.S. Enterprise entered the universe of the twenty-second century, Earth of the twentieth century was in the distant past. History provided guidance and inspiration for the stories Star Trek devised. Generations have enjoyed and dreamed along with the Enterprise, as we do Livetoday.long and prosper.

Bridget Elam Judie

Student debt relief means freedom for millions Have your own personal copy of The Chronicle conveniently delivered to your mailbox! Special offer for new subscribers and those who have not received mail delivery in the past three months. 52 WEEKS FOR JUST $16! (Regularly $30.72) To order online, visit and click on Order Subscription tab. ColumnistJealousBenGuest

Nelson Mandela once said, “Education is the most powerful weapon you can use to change the world.” I love that senti ment. I also know that when student loan debt is tying you down, changing the world can feel out of reach.That’s why the White House’s new plan for stu dent loan debt relief is good news, especially for Black and brown students who make up a large per centage of borrowers.

Your Feedback

After her Star Trek role, she embraced her opportuni ties of working in promoting women and ethnic diver sity in NASA programs through her enterprise Women in Motion, leading to notable astronauts Mae Jemison, Guion Bluford, Sally Ride, Judith Resnick, Ronald Mc Nair and many others. Along with other members of the Star Trek crew, she was present at the 1976 dedication of the first Space Shuttle, The Enterprise.

Star Trek not only provided a prescient view of so cial change, but also anticipated technological innova tions. These include wireless communications devices, desk-top computers, big screen and remote video display, tablets and flip phones with voice-activation artificial in telligence. Such technological developments as Google glasses, 3-D printing, touch screen monitors, video chat ting and virtual reality were all imagined on Star Trek and came to be evident in twenty-first century societies.

A4 S eptember 8, 2022 t he C hroni C le

went from a “fringe” idea to a reality. This is a les son for all of us not to lose faith in the ideas that make this country stronger, even if they take time to be understood and imple mented. Congresswoman Ayanna Pressley of Mas sachusetts notes that one in four Black borrowers will see their balance can celed completely because of this plan. That gives millions of Black gradu ates the freedom to dream. It means they can finally think about buying a home or starting a family. They can start a business or pur sue a passion. And yes, they can get moving on changing the world. That benefits all of us, and I can’t wait to see what this generation of graduates will accomplish.

Here are the basics: the government will cancel up to $20,000 in debt for stu dents who went to school on Pell Grants, and up to $10,000 for other fed eral loan recipients. You can get the benefit if your personal income is under $125,000. To find out how to sign up, you can go to relief.

Sports Editor/Religion


Submit letters and guest columns to letters@ before 5 p.m. Friday for the next week’s publication date.

James Taylor Jr. Publisher

Up to 43 million bor rowers will benefit. Black students, in particular, will benefit because we are


Senior Reporter

more likely to borrow for school, more likely to take out bigger loans, and twice as likely to get Pell Grants.

Managing Editor Associate Editor

We welcome your comments at our website. Also, go to our Facebook page to comment. We are at

You can qualify for the relief if you went to a vocational school, not just an academic institution – and whether or not you finished your degree. And in addition to past bor rowers, current and future students will benefit, too. The new plan will put a cap on monthly payments for student loans, lowering payments by more than $1,000 a year. This will allow more people to con sider going on to higher education in the first place.

The Chronicle is dedicated to serving the residents of Winston-Salem and Forsyth Coun ty by giving voice to the voiceless, speaking truth to power, standing for integrity and encouraging open communication and lively debate throughout the community

Letters intended for publication should be addressed “Letters to the Editor” and include your name, address, phone number and email address. Please keep letters to 350 words or less.

Today, Sept. 8, is Star Trek Day, marking the 56th anniversary of the debut date of the iconic series in 1966. Star Trek originally ran on NBC from 1966 to 1969 and provided a springboard for many other series, movies, and a legion of fans. Though creator Gene Rodenberry pitched the idea as a “Wagon train to the stars,” it was more than a science fiction story. It was a story of rela tionships, human strength and frailty, justice and preju dice, perceptions and revelations.

David Winship is a retired public-school educator from Bristol, Tennessee. His interests in research and writing cover history, science, and social science topics. He is an occasional contributor to The Winston-Salem Chronicle and a member of Winston-Salem Writers.

Nichols passed away in July 2022. Her career went beyond Star Trek, including roles on stage and screen, as well as an author. Her multidisciplinary life included early-stage performances with band leaders Duke El lington and Lionel Hampton and in the film version of “Porgy and Bess” before she was cast in Star Trek. She considered leaving Star Trek after the first season to re turn to the theatrical stage, but a conversation with Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., an avowed “Trekkie,” changed her mind. King implored her to continue her role because “we will be seen as we should be seen every day, as intel ligent, quality, beautiful, people who can sing, dance, and can go to space, who are professors, lawyers.”

If you are writing a guest column, please include a photo of yourself, your name, address, phone number and email address. Please keep guest columns to 550 words or less. Letters and columns can also be mailed or dropped off at W-S Chronicle, 1300 E. Fifth St., W-S, NC, 27101; or sent via our website: www.wschronicle. com.We reserve the right to edit any item submitted for clarity or brevity and determine when and whether material will be used.

Our Mission

Civil rights’ advocates have been calling for and organizing for this kind of relief for Whichyears.isnot to say it’s perfect; it isn’t. Many civil rights’ leaders, along with Senate allies, Eliza beth Warren and Majority Leader Chuck Schumer, wanted debts wiped out up to $50,000. And there are questions about whether the $125,000 income cap is racially equitable. Brookings Institution ana lyst Andre Perry told The Grio that a $125,000 in come is not the same for Black graduates as it is


Ben Jealous serves as president of People For the American Way and Professor of the Prac tice at the University of Pennsylvania. A New York Times best-selling author, his next book, “Never Forget Our People Were Always Free,” will be pub lished by Harper Collins in December 2022.

The former president wants to have a special master to review boxes and documents taken by the FBI.

And this is today’s world. Are we stuck with war then - war that has evolved its weapons over the years from clubs to spears to guns … to nu clear weapons? We’ve pushed ourselves to the absolute brink of exis tence, with minimal inter est at the highest levels of state power to transcend self-annihilation, either by war or by climate collapse. When the mega-bombs be gin to burst, billions of us will soon be dead. We’re stuck - is that it? So long, humanity?Ferguson does point out that some human so cieties, during that era of agricultural transition, avoided the emergence of war. “Many social ar rangements,” he points out, “impede war, such as cross-group ties of kinship and marriage; cooperation in hunting, agriculture or food sharing; flexibility in social arrangements that allow individuals to move to other groups; norms that

Thanks to these re search jaunts and others connected to my Greece study, I did manage to find a lot of useful mate rial. But I was also struck by the limits the U.S. gov ernment placed on access to its records. Ironically, these limits proved fewer than the ones imposed by the incoming Reagan ad ministration, which, alleg edly to protect national se curity, held up the planned release of subsequent State Department records while they were “re-reviewed.” Many documents failed to emerge from this process.

- might spirit it away to a secret vault where it would never be seen again. Con sequently, I spent hours copying the crucial docu ments by hand. Then I turned to the subsequent folders for more, only to discover that they were marked: “Closed for the next 100 years”!


I am flummoxed by what is happening with the former president of the United States of America and classified documents. Do the words “classified” and “secretive” mean any thing to him? Obviously, the answer is no.

I could submit a FOIA re quest for it. But how could I do that without any re cord of what document it was? I eventually solved that problem by memoriz ing the author, date, and title of the document, and then jotting down that in formation after I exited the cage. Ultimately, though, the authorities had the last laugh. They mailed me only a small portion of my notes and never declassi fied anything I requested using FOIA.

The trembling child asks in alarm: “Which one wins?”And Grandfather lays it on the line: “The one you feed.”


James B. Ewers

that I would have felt.

Donald Trump’s ille gal retention of classified U.S. government records reminded me that I have been reading these kinds of sensitive official files after their declassification - and learning from themfor decades.Thereason is that I am a scholar of international history and, in this connec tion, have drawn upon such material in my research. Governments keep secrets, and to understand the full story of their behavior, it is often necessary to dig into the documentary evidence. When I first began plowing through masses of official records in the 1970s, I was attempting to discover the role of the U.S. government in the Greek civil war of the 1940s, which inspired the Truman Doctrine and a broad pattern of overseas U.S. military interven tion. After official review, the relevant State Depart ment files, many of them previously classified, had recently been opened to

Mr. Trump, the wheels of justice move slowly, but rest assured they are mov ing toward you.

Robert Wound.”ageHeningissyndicated(,KoehlerbyPeaceVoice,aChicagoaward-winjournalistandeditor.istheauthorof“CourGrowsStrongatthe

Imagine yourself as a terrified child. I think that helps bring the myth to life … this myth, said to be Cherokee, of humanity’s two choices. The wolves are engaged in a vicious fight.The wise grandfather explains to the child that the two wolves are inside all of us. One of the wolves is an arrogant narcissist - a jerk, an egocentric idiot. You know, evil. The other is the embodiment of joy and empathy, kindness and love.

social structure has got ten more complex, more grounded in property and wealth - and control - the concept of us-vs.-them has hardened into place. There’s always an enemy, and the enemy is always the bad wolf.

Of course, gaining ac cess to relevant classified records of the former So viet bloc was also difficult.

Did I ever take student records home for review? The answer is no.

Close your eyes and try to envision the two wolves.

Whatever position of influence you have, you must know the parameters of the position.

Can you take important files home with you when you leave your job?

James B. Ewers Jr., Ed.D., is a former tennis champion at Atkins High School in Winston-Salem and played college ten nis at Johnson C. Smith University, where he was all-conference for four years. He is a retired col lege administrator. He can be reached at

William Barr, former U.S. Attorney General said last week on Fox News, “No, I can’t think of a le gitimate reason why they should have been away from the government if they are classified.”

War took a while to find itself. As anthropologist R. Brian Ferguson wrote in Scientific American: “Sim ple hunting and gathering characterized human so cieties during most of hu manity’s existence dating back more than 200,000 years. Broadly, these groups cooperate with one another and live in small, mobile, egalitarian bands, exploiting large areas with low population density and fewButpossessions.”lifeslowly grew more complex for much of humanity, especially as people transitioned from hunter-gathering to agri culture and the establish ment of fixed settlements, property, ownership and, ultimately, wealth (or lack thereof).

The Department of Justice found over 11,000 government documents when they searched his Mar-a-Lago home.

So wrote Kenny Stan cil in Common Dreams. Yeah, the U.S. military budget just keeps growing. So does the global military

impact on government policy, I again encoun tered difficulties in obtain ing access to previouslyclassified U.S. government records. In a research visit to the Reagan Presidential Library, in Simi Valley, California, I discovered that only six percent of his presidential records had been declassified and opened to scholars. Natu rally, I filed FOIA requests for some of the missing documents. In response, I received access to only a portion of them, often “sanitized.” Furthermore, copies of these arrived as much as ten years later, long after the book was published.

Because of the posi tions I have held, I had access to a great deal of student information and student files. Students knew that I probably knew what was contained in them.A major part of my professional life was spent in higher education. To be around students helping them to create their own places and spaces was truly an honor. I realized that students trusting me was an important part of their college experience.

But as I think about this, a counter-argument, a defense of U.S. military assistance to Ukraine, im mediately pops up. The U.S. and NATO have no choice! Putin’s the bad wolf here. And this is where the wise grandfather and the myth itself begin to collapse. Both wolves are fighting with bared claws and bared teeth; both are trying to kill the other. Hu manity’s wars over the last 10,000 years have evolved, it would seem, out of that very myth. As the human

This is morality 1.0. Don’t cater to the worst in yourself. Yeah, OK, that makes a lot of sense; we all no doubt need to re

from these and other plunges into previously classified government re cords? Very briefly, Amer ican intervention in Greece was based on a genuine, much exaggerated, fear of Soviet expansion, which led to a ruthless campaign to purge Greece of left ist influence. Also, public protest against nuclear weapons restrained the nuclear ambitions of many government officials and played a major role in curbing the nuclear arms race and preventing nucle ar war. In addition, I found that governments engage in a variety of shady ven tures and, therefore, prefer to maintain a considerable degree of secrecy about them.

Keeping student records and files confidential was important to their own suc cess and to my credibility as a college official.

Some have reasoned that having a special mas ter is simply a delaying tactic.The truth has always been problematic for him. He casts himself as a sav ior, yet he is really a sinis ter sorcerer.Itisunthinkable for a former president to have top secret documents at his house. There is no rhyme


Mr. Barr said, “Well, I think the whole idea of a special master is a bit of a red Additionally,herring.” he said, “At this stage, since they have already gone through the documents, I think it’s a waste of time.”

Research for this same trilogy brought me to Britain, where I plowed through just-opened clas sified files at the Public Record Office. The most exciting find was mate rial in the prime minister’s records indicating a se cret plot among top Brit ish officials to undermine Britain’s Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament and its most prominent spokes man, Bertrand Russell. In these circumstances, I worried that, if I brought the document folder to the front desk for photocopy ing, some official - ap palled by what he consid ered lax declassification

Dr. Lawrence Wittner, syndicated by PeaceVoice, is professor of history emeritus at SUNY/Albany and the author of “Con fronting the Bomb” (Stan ford University Press).

When I left a position, did I ever take any student records with me to keep at my house? The answer is no.

researchers at the U.S. Na tional Archives. But when I started digging through these records, I found that a considerable number of classified documents re mained unavailable. When I complained about this to another historian, he re sponded: “Those are ex actly the documents you should see. File for them under FOIA” (the Free dom of Information Act). So that’s what I did. As a result, after another re view, some were declas sified, sometimes with sections redacted (“sani tized”).

Thanks to the breakdown of the intensely secretive Soviet system, I had great hopes of traveling to Rus sia to look at previously unavailable material in the archives. But, unfortunate ly, the opportunity quick ly evaporated because, among other things, the NATO bombing of Serbia (in the former Yugoslavia) sparked intense hostility among Russians to Ameri cans visiting their country. Ultimately, the best I could do was to employ a Rus sian research assistant to locate and translate a small number of documents for me. Research opportuni ties proved much better in former East Germany, where, with the collapse of the old Communist re gime, the records of the secret police (the Stasi), were made freely avail able.And what did I learn

stipulations are enforced regarding who can legally see student records. This can be a challeng ing situation, especially if you are in college. A scenario that I have seen played out on many oc casions is that the student won’t sign off on their par ents seeing their grades, yet they pay the bill.

violent peoples replacing less violent ones. States evolved around the world, and states are capable of militarizing peoples on their peripheries and trade routes.”

Against this backdrop, could Trump’s decision to hold onto classified U.S. government records reflect a desire to withhold evi dence of his own admin istration’s extraordinary record of duplicity and malfeasance? It’s certainly possible.

He added, “I, frankly,

As a student grows in age and in grade, their records become more dif ficult to access. Privacy


What I learned about governments by reading classified documents

“Over millennia,” Fer guson writes, “precondi tions of war became more common in more places. Once established, war has a tendency to spread, with

am skeptical of the claim that (Trump) declassified everything.”

I faced a somewhat different situation when I applied for (and secured) security clearance to ex amine U.S. Army records, covering the same subject, at the National Archives.

And here’s what this feeding frenzy looks like less abstractly, in the pres ent moment, in the words of Marcy Winograd of Progressive Democrats of America: “The Depart ment of Defense recently announced it would send nearly $3 billion more in weapons and assistance to Ukraine … the largest Ukraine arms package yet - rockets, drones, 350,000 rounds of ammunition … The latest announcement from the DOD brings the total in weapons, ammu nition and military train ing to escalate the war in Ukraine to at least $13.5 billion.”

Some two decades later, while doing re search for the final volume of my scholarly trilogy, “The Struggle Against the Bomb,” a history of the world nuclear disarma ment movement and its

Wittner ColumnistGuest

They were not mine to keep or to muse over when I left the position.

mind ourselves of this on a regular basis, especially when things aren’t going the way we want.

Did I ever make copies of student records for my files or use? The answer is no.

Could I have faced any charges if I was found to have taken records home? The answer is yes. The yes is compounded with the embarrassment and shame

Is there any guilt as sociated with Mr. Trump over having these docu ments at his home? That answer, in my opinion, is an easy yes.

Staring into the eyes of the wolf

But here’s the problem with this myth - or at least what seems to be its over simplified version. It’s con tinually vulnerable to turn ing into a tool of the worst of who we are. I make this point in the midst of a larg er research project: trying to understand the nature of war and the nature of being human. Are they insepara ble? And more to the point: How do we evolve beyond war? When the two wolves popped up in the midst of this research, it felt like an “aha!” moment. Which wolf wins? The one you feed: “A diverse coalition of civil society groups re sponded with disgust after the Senate Armed Services Committee voted Thurs day to tack an additional $45 billion on top of Presi dent Joe Biden’s already massive military spend ing request, bringing the total proposed budget for the coming fiscal year to a staggering $857.6 billion.”

In this case, I was forced to leave behind paper, pencils, and everything else I carried to enter a locked, caged space. Here I looked through the re cords and took notes on special forms provided for researchers. But all notes had to be delivered to an official at the desk before I was allowed to leave. Then those that the authorities cleared would be mailed to me. Although I was not allowed to take notes on anything marked classified, I was told that

I spent a considerable amount of time around stu dentSomerecords.records were more confidential, which caused me to use addition al discretion and caution. Student records contain data and information that not everyone needs to see. A person, whether they are related to the student or not, can’t just arbitrarily come in and see a student’s record.

value peace and stigmatize killing; and recognized means for conflict resolu tion.”

Conflict is inevitable - that will never change. But various societies over the millennia have found ways not simply to mini mize conflict, but to learn from it and transcend it, to create what Ferguson calls “distinct preconditions for peace.”This is not idealism! It only seems that way to minds encased in the be lief that they’re the good wolves. Creating the pre conditions of peace - ne gotiating with Russia, for God’s sake, and beyond that, disarming the world’s nuclear weapons, coura geously addressing climate collapse - is not wishful thinking. It’s evolution.

nor reason for it, and you can’t defend the indefen sible. One of Mr. Trump’s lawyers equated the clas sified documents being like overdue books at the library.Does that response sur prise you?

T he C hroni C le S ep T ember 8, 2022 A5

Submitted photo

grandson out the car for him. But his friend thought he was just speaking,” said Dr.

During his senior year in high school, his fa

Dr. Norman L. V. Collins, Sr., public speaker and au thor.

Dr. Collins said he was busy taking care of his wife, kids and everyone else, but never spent any time focusing on himself. “God asked me, ‘What do you do to show your wife love?’ I said, ‘Buy her flowers.’” He added, “God said, ‘Then buy you some.’” And he did.



PERSON OF THE WEEK Tickets on Sale facetoface.wfu.eduNow the confusion between the two good friends, it caused an un thinkable tragedy that as a father, it’s extremely hard for me to continue writing, and it still haunts Dr. Col lins to this day. “So, my son went into the church with his keyboard and my grandson was left in the car. It was 93 degrees that day, and service lasted two hours and 15 minutes,” said Dr. Collins. As he continued, my heart nearly stopped beating. “He and his wife went to the nurs ery to get Bishop, which is my grandson’s nick name. He wasn’t there. They went to the car and Bishop was unresponsive. The windows were up, so it was about 125 degrees in the car, so he had passed away within 20 minutes,” shared a heavy-hearted Dr. Collins. He was sup posed to keep his grand son that weekend. “I really believed that if I had kept him like I normally do when they go to church, he would still be here. Be cause of that, I carried a lot of guilt,” he said. It wasn’t until this year, working with his therapist, that he was able to release that guilt.Dr.

A6 S eptember 8, 2022 t he C hroni C le

Presented by LJVM Coliseum

Norman L. V. Collins, Sr. You can follow Dr. Collins on Twitter - @iamDrCol lins, Instagram - @outtaD Norm, and on Facebook.

“The Holy Spirit asked me: ‘Do you love you? And how do you show that you love yourself?’ I didn’t have an answer,” shared Dr. Norman L. V. Collins, Sr.

Act, which would mandate auto manufacturers to in stall sensors in new vehi cles to detect the presence of a life in the rear seats after the ignition has been disengaged.Dr.Collins will be hon ored as one of the “Men that Win.” It’s an award ceremony with fashion in cluded, with men walking the runway as an example of what a man that wins looks like. It all takes place Sept. 23 at 7 p.m. at the Hawthorne Inn and Con ference Center in WinstonSalem, sponsored by Total Entertainment. This event will benefit an affordable housing initiative birthed out of the vision of CEO Donna Montgomery.

ther and wife divorced. “I stayed with three different families, in different states. So, it was that pattern of abandonment that caused me to be insecure, bullied in school, feeling isolated and alone,” he said. That cloud of abandonment fol lowed Dr. Collins well into his adult life. Although his proudest accomplishment is the beautiful legacy of his seven children, (five daughters and two sons), and 24 grandchildren, his 21 years of marriage had some serious challenges that couldn’t be recon ciled.“To be perfectly hon est, it was because of my insecurities,” said the 59-year-old. He said that he married young due to feeling lonely, and hadn’t dealt with his abandon ment

My phenomenal Per son of the Week is Dr.


Collins turned the tragedy into a triumph when he launched H4U2 Consulting LLC as a mo tivational speaker, life coach, and consultant in an effort to reach out to other individuals recover ing from various life chal lenges, tragedies and cir cumstances and who seek success. He’s an active volunteer with Kids and Cars, where he advocates for the safety of children in and around hot cars, and the passing of the Hot Cars

Dr.issues.Collins was also a well-respected pastor for 15 years. But, after losing his marriage, he fell into a deep depression, causing him to lose his church and a prestigious job at a uni versity. “During that time, I attempted suicide three times. Then I started go ing to therapy and learned to refocus and change my perspective on life,” said Collins.When he added prayer and an unwavering faith into the mix, blessings began to fall down from heaven. But his faith was seriously challenged by an unthinkable tragedy.

“It was 2011, on May 29, my grandson, who was my namesake, Norman Van Lee Collins III, and his father, my son, were in a church parking lot. My son was getting his keyboard out of his car, along with my grandson. He saw a friend about 70 or 100 feet from him in the front of the church. My son waved to his friend to come get my

Overcoming abandonment issues, local author and speaker to be honored at ‘Men That Win’ event

Dr. Collins is the per fect honoree for such an event. Along with his many accolades, he’s also a thriving model, having modeled for fashion shows in Atlanta, Raleigh and New York City. “My faith in God makes my heart trust God when my eyes can’t trace Him. My praise unto God keeps me posi tioned to stand in shaky situations, and my love for God keeps my heart and mind healthy, knowing that all things do work to gether for my good. There

As Dr. Collins was speaking, I thought about how so many of us rarely - or never - truly shower ourselves with love. Dr. Collins continued, “God said, ‘Why not buy your self flowers.’ So, I went to the florist and bought my self a dozen roses, a crystal vase, and a card. I wrote: To me, from me. With love always.”After showering him self with love for the first time, “It felt amazing! That’s where the name of my book came about: “To Me, From Me. Love Always.” The 2015 book is about learning to love yourself, and also learning to accept yourself. It em powers us with the tools we need to let ourselves off the hook and live our best lives. “It’s never too late to start now,” said Dr. Collins.Dr.Norman L. V. Col lins, Sr., is a seasoned public speaker and author who seeks to develop and promote holistic wellness and success to individu als everywhere. Every thing about Dr. Collins is smooth, classy and cool. When he speaks, his deliv ery is smooth, his fashion style drips class, and his personality is Super Fly Cool. Yet, his journey to get here wasn’t nearly as smooth.“My greatest challenge was overcoming abandon ment.” His mother gave him away, and then he was adopted by his father and his wife. Ten years later Collins was back with his mom and sadly, she died three years later. “After my mom died, I lived with my older sister for nine months and I suffered a lot of physical abuse. The court had to award me back to my dad and his wife,” said Dr. Collins.

fore, I contend each day to stay focused, stay faithful, and finish.”

PORTER VIOLIN ANDREW GRAMS CONDUCTOR Music of Rachmaninoff, Mendelssohn, and Mussorgsky’s Pictures at an Exhibition SEP 17 & 18 STEVENS CENTER of the UNCSA / (336) 464.1045 75 SALEM SYMPHONY SEASON 2022


for public higher educa tionFederalrevenues.”stimulus fund ing during the pandemic boosted state education appropriations, but only 8.9% of state aid to public institutions in 2021 went toward providing student financial aid, according to SHEF. And without fed eral stimulus funds, state education appropriations would have declined by one percent in 2021 if fulltime enrollment had held constant, according to the report.“States vary in their relative allocations to higher education,” states the report. “Public institu tions in some states remain primarily publicly funded, but a growing proportion

have become primarily re liant on student tuition and fee revenue over the last twoThedecades.”report notes that while federal stimulus and relief funds are helpful, they cannot be a replace ment for long-term state investments, because stim ulus funds are time-limited and often restricted in their use.If we want to end the student debt trap, now is the time for citizens to challenge states to use their tax revenue to do more for their own constituents.

Charlene Crowell is a senior fellow with the Cen ter for Responsible Lend ing. She can be reached at


Biden Student Debt Forgiveness Plan provides relief for lower income earners


fired a college accreditor that allowed colleges like ITT and Corinthian to de fraud borrowers … Our goal is to shine a light on the worst actors so stu dents can avoid these debt traps.”Itseems like a perfect time for the Department of Education to clean house of all the bad higher edu cation actors - especially costly for-profit institu tions that promise a lot but deliver little, and accredi tors that fail to do their jobs.On August 30, follow ing President Biden’s an nouncement, the Depart ment of Education took action against another de funct for-profit: Westwood College. This trade school lured unsuspecting stu dents into costly debt from Jan. 1, 2002, through Nov. 17, 2015, when it stopped enrolling new borrow ers in advance of its 2016 closure. The department found widespread mis representations about the value of its credentials for attendees’ and graduates’ employment exploitation“Westwoodprospects.College’sofstudents

“We’ve all heard of those schools luring stu dents with a promise of big paychecks when they graduate, only to watch these students be ripped off and left with moun tains of debt,” stated Presi dent Biden on August 24.

“Well, last week, the De partment of Education

operated on a culture of false promises, lies, and manipulation in order to profit off student debt that burdened borrowers long after Westwood closed.”

President Joe Biden’s recent student debt can cellation announcement elicited a diverse range of reactions - some con gratulatory, others critical, and still others that seem unsure what to make of the unprecedented multibillion-dollar still-risingmismatchnotlief.upPellbackgroundspeopledueinschool,loansborrowerscanceled.willtion,fectedofary.paymentsadjustmentstohavedeepeningrisingliestroubledtion’sderedforms,needadvocateseducationPredictably,effort.long-timeandcivilrightsspoketotheforadditionalrewhileotherswonaboutthecancellaimpactonanalreadyeconomy.FamistrugglingwiththecostoflivingandstudentdebtonlyafewmonthsmakehouseholdbudgetbeforeloanresumeinJanuThegoodnewsisthatthe43millionpeopleafbytheexecutiveac20millionborrowershavealloftheirdebtManyoftheseincurredstudentbutdroppedoutofleftwiththousandsdebtandlowerearningstothelackofadegree.Another27millionfromworkingclasswhoreceivedgrantsareassuredofto$20,000indebtreButtheseactionsdoresolvethestructuralbetweenthecostsofcollege, limited family financial means to contribute to that cost, and the availability of financial aid other than interest-bearing loans.

Now, 79,000 West wood borrowers will bene fit from $1.5 billion in debt cancellation, thanks to the department.Changes to Public Service Loan Forgiveness (PSLF) Program rules will allow borrowers that would not otherwise qual ify, to receive credit for past periods of repayment. Interested borrowers and their families can get more information on the pro gram’s information page, but they must act by Octo ber 31. Details on the timelimited offer are available at: announcements-events/ pslf-limited-waiver.Butindividual states must do their part as well. Across the nation, state revenues are flush with surpluses.“Idon’t think there’s been a time in history where states are better equipped to ride out a potential recession,” said Timothy Vermeer, senior state tax policy analyst at the Tax Foundation, a Washington, D.C.-based think tank. “A major ity, if not all, of the rainyday funds are in a really healthy position.”

and abuse of federal finan cial aid place it in the same circle of infamy occupied by Corinthian Colleges and ITT Technical Insti tute,” said Under Secretary James Kvaal. “Westwood

Additionally, and ac cording to the 2021 edition of the annual State Higher Education Finance (SHEF) report, short-changing higher education funding at the state level will likely lead to worse, not better results. The report tracks enrollment trends, funding levels and distributions of state“Generousinstitutions federal stimulus funding protected state revenues and directly supported higher educa tion, reducing states’ need to cut funding during the pandemic and short eco nomic recession,” states the report’s news release. “However, sharp declines in student enrollment and net tuition and fee revenue signal continued upheaval

T he C hroni C le S ep T ember 8, 2022 A7


Each year, the Best Life Leadership Award is presented to a commu nity leader who exempli fies what it means to el evate the possibilities and potential of lives in the Triad. Chief Thompson’s steadfast leadership and unyielding commitment to the community make her an ideal candidate for this recognition. By her exam ple, she inspires others to make a positive difference in theTheworld.presenting speak er, Nedra Tawwab, has practiced relationship

Yourself,” will be the fo cus of her presentation. Tawwab will share simple yet powerful tools to es tablish boundaries and cre ate healthy relationships.

For more information on the Walk ‘n’ Roll To Cure For Ataxia,

A8 S eptember 8, 2022 t he C hroni C le Winston-Salem COLLECTS TAKE THE GUESS WORK OUT OF RECYCLING Use the QR code to download the app! collectionsReportguidelinesRecyclingremindersCollectionmissed Download on the App Store Get it Googleon Play What’s Happening NOW in City Government The City of Winston-Salem does not discriminate on the basis of race, sex, color, age, national origin, religion or disability in its employment opportunities, programs, services or activities. Mayor: Allen Joines City Council: Denise D. Adams, Mayor Pro Tempore, North Ward; Barbara Hanes Burke, Northeast Ward; Robert C. Clark, West Ward; John C. Larson, South Ward; Jeff MacIntosh, Northwest Ward; Kevin Mundy, Southwest Ward; Annette Scippio, East Ward; James Taylor, Jr., Southeast Ward City Manager: Lee Garrity FIND US ON > request a service > report a problem > make a suggestion > pay your bill STOCK THE FOOD BANK With the East Ward! september is hunger action month UNITYThere’sCommUNITY! Use the QR code to find a donation site, or donate virtually! A community project in memory of Joycelyn Johnson for anyone who lives, works or drives through the East Ward! HELP US EXCEED OUR GOAL 21st Anniversary 9/11 Commemoration and 6th Annual 9/11 Public Safety Challenge Saturday, Sept. 10 9:11 a.m. Atkins High School 3605 Old Greensboro Road2022 Sign up at BigWaterwaySweepWinston-SalemCleanup Saturday, Oct. 1, 2022 We need your help! BUY TICKETS ONLINE OR AT OUR HANES MALL STORE AT THE FOOD COURT ENTRANCE LIVESTOCKIN’ROCKIN’RIDIN’SEPT.30–OCT.9

cating herself on Ataxia, Shannon has made it her mission to educate others, which is how the idea for Walk ‘n’ Roll To Cure For Ataxia came to life. The event is scheduled for Sun day, Sept. 25, from 10 a.m. until 2 p.m. in Corpening Plaza.Shannon said it’s im portant to know the symp toms and know what to look for because in most cases people don’t know they have it or that it runs in their family. Shannon said as a traveling CNA, she comes in contact with dozens of families dealing with“MyAtaxia.message to the community is come out and support, learn some thing, because this can be hereditary in anybody’s family,” Shannon said. “There are over 150,000 people in the United States withInAtaxia.thefuture Shannon said she plans to start a nonprofit centered around spreading the word about Ataxia and trying to find a cure. She said this year’s walk is just the beginning.

put him in a special needs school but I said ‘No, Dae mond is staying in public school,’” Shannon said. “I let them know that the school plan states that if he has a one-on-one (aide) he can stay in public school, so I think I want to keep him in public school. And I stood my ground and kept him in public school.”

Educating Others International Ataxia Awareness Day is a coor dinated effort from indi viduals and Ataxia orga nizers around the world to help shed light on this rare disease. Since edu

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Nedra Tawwab

Chief Catrinia Thompson

therapy for 14 years and is the founder and owner of the group therapy practice, Kaleidoscope Counseling. Her best-selling book, “Set Boundaries, Find Peace – A Guide to Reclaiming

Just like Shannon said he would, last year Daemond graduated from North Forsyth High School. Shannon said she makes sure Daemond still enjoys being a teenager. She said more than any thing she wants Daemond to know that he will never fight alone.

Smiling through it all Today, just five years since he was diagnosed with SCA2, Daemond is confined to a wheelchair and requires around-theclock care. He can no lon ger toilet himself or feed himself because he has issues swallowing. Three

times a week he attends physical therapy, in addi tion to other appointments.

Shannon said, “I tell any body it’s not what you go through, it’s how you get through“Thereit. have been sev eral family members on his dad’s side who died from it, but like I tell Daemond, we’re not going to think likeMichael,that.”


Despite the challenges and uncertainty he faces every day, Daemond still has a smile that can light up a room and a shining personality to go with it. He’s quick to point out a nice pair of Jordan’s and will let you know about his collection as well.

Trellis Supportive Care is pleased to announce Winston-Salem’s Chief of Police, Catrina Thomp son, as the 2022 Best Life Leadership Award recipi ent for the seventh an nual Living Your Best Life Speaker Series. Scheduled for October 20, this year’s event also brings popular therapist, relationship ex pert, and best-selling au thor, Nedra Tawwab, to the Benton Convention Cen ter stage for this treasured community luncheon.

“My goal is to start my own nonprofit organization and do something for peo ple with Ataxia because I want to let them know they are not alone.”

level of expertise we bring to the region, and I suspect Nedra Tawwab will pres ent valuable, and timely, insights that will help us all live our best lives,” she continued.Priorto the COVID outbreak in March 2020, Trellis Supportive Care attracted nearly 900 at tendees to the Benton Convention Center for this regional event. “We are thrilled to be back in person this year and look forward to the luncheon as a way to connect with the community,” shared Rosalie Bland, director of Donor Relations for Trellis Supportive Care. “We are also thrilled for the oppor tunity to present our Best Life Leadership Award to Catrina Thompson,” added Rosalie. Presenting the award to Chief Thompson will be last year’s award recipient, Wanda Starke.

Please visit www. for event information, spon sorship levels and benefits, and registration, or contact Jordan Helms with Trellis Supportive Care, at 336331-1323 or by email orgJHelms@trellissupport.attoreserveyourseat.

page A1

Daemond’s younger brother, said he has never seen his brother down or feeling sorry for himself and that gives him strength.“Most people prob ably couldn’t go through what he goes through. I’ve heard stories of people crying a lot and taking this really hard but I’ve never seen him do any of that,” he said. “If he did, he kept it to himself. He’s never come to me or her and complained about any thing.”

“I have to let him know that he will never fight alone, he will never walk alone. We’re in this togeth er,” Shannon continued. “I don’t enable him from any thing … he still rides roller coasters, he plays games, we go on vacation. A lot of people with a family mem ber with a disability try to hide it; I embrace it.”

The team at Trellis Supportive Care started this event in 2016 with the goal to inspire the com munity to live their very best lives – now, and for the rest of their lives. “We named this event Living Your Best Life to help spotlight our mission of


Chief Catrina Thompson to receive Trellis Supportive Care’s Living Your Best Life Leadership Award

helping people live fully and comfortably, making the most of every day,” shared Linda Darden, president and CEO of Trel lis Supportive Care. “Each year I am thrilled with the

by trade, but has had a pas sion for fitness for several years. She left an abusive relationship and even at tempted suicide, but exer cise got her through those tough“Exercisetimes. became my outlet and I went hard with it and I fell in love with it,” Ward said about her love of exercise. “I was over weight, so I started work ing out and I started feeling

Williams was cel ebrated throughout the tournament, starting af ter her first-round match win. Gayle King hosted a ceremony that featured a video narrated by Oprah Winfrey and a tribute from Billie Jean King.

A place of their own

Others began to notice Ward’s progress in her fit ness journey and asked if they could work out with her, which she agreed to. Before long, Ward also began to eat healthier and individuals asked if she would assist them with that as well. That prompt

“It’s a little bit of ev

“Thank you for show ing us what it means to come back and for never, ever backing down,” said Winfrey. “Thank you for changing the face of the game, for inspiring the next generation. Thank you for thinking outside the lines and encouraging us to evolve. Thank you for showing us how to love the sport, and for al ways loving us back.”

good. Those endorphins that you get from working out, it’s what helped me through my process.”


THURSDAY, September 8, 2022Also Religion, Community News, and Classifieds

See Gym on B5

Submitted photo

BeforeCHRONICLEtheyoung men strap on the helmets and shoulder pads, many

organizations introduce them to the game of football through flag football. The boys get to learn the fundamentals of the game before they have to worry about hitting, which will only benefit them once contact is involved. The hope is that more organizations follow suit with this process.

“At the end of 2020, I was like ‘I am going to get my own place,’” she stated. “I made a declara tion and I have been buy ing equipment to where my husband told me not to buy any more to put in storage.“To be honest with you, because my goal is to help women, it’s so much more than working out. I do charity drives to feed the homeless, we do stuff to empower women; I mean it’s just much out side of the exercise realm and I always try to give back.”Ward shared a story of how someone took notice of what Ward was doing for women in the commu nity and decided to sow a seed into her vision. That seed helped Ward secure her new building, which she is extremely thankful

“The reason that we do that is because it’s a safe place,” she said of why her gym is ladies only. “We let our hair down, we get to be free and we can be sexy. There are going to be classes where we are go ing to twerk, and you don’t have to worry about a man looking at you or anything. If you want to snatch your wig off, you can do all of that stuff. It is really a safe space for women to come.”Ward says their pro gram encompasses dif ferent aspects of exercise from weight training, car dio, calisthenics and more. They also offer nutritional coaching so they can teach the women the proper things to eat to keep the weight off. Ward wanted to emphasize that what they do at TFE is a group effort that consists of sev eral women that make up the instructional team.


Having a space solely for women was a big pri ority for Ward. She says women can be freer if they know there aren’t any men around and it helps build bonds between women.

HavingCHRONICLEaplace to work out where there is no judg ment and you can be your self is the ideal environ ment. That was part of the idea behind TransformHer Fitness Evolved (TFE), which is a new gym for just the ladies here in Win ston-Salem.KeyaWard is the own er/operator of TFE and she says her goal is to improve her clients’ mind, body and soul. TFE, located at 127 Fayette St., held their grand opening this past Sunday. Ward is also a cer tified personal trainer and nutritional coach.

I wrote in a previous article a few years ago that it would be a sad day when Serena Williams decided

Before having her own space, Ward would work out with people in the park and then moved to rent ing space for her workout classes. She outgrew her former location that she was renting, which was one of the reasons she wanted her new place.

Photos by Alphonso Abbott Jr.

“I only work with women and my whole goal is to transform women from the inside out,” said Ward. “I wanted this to be a transformative experi ence. A lot of times when you go to gym or you go to a personal trainer and it’s only nobodytotheirmindset,formmational.“Whattransactional.IdoistransforIwanttotranswomenwiththeirtheireatingandhealth.Iwantthemlearntoappreciatetheirnomatterwhatsize,matterwhatage.”Wardisanaccountant

ed Ward to obtain the li censes that would enable her to train others properly.

Keya Ward

“These are happy tears, I guess. I don’t know. And I wouldn’t be Serena if there wasn’t Venus, so that you, Venus. She’s the only reason Serena Williams ever existed … It’s been a fun ride. It’s been the most incredible ride and jour ney I’ve ever been on.”


See Serena on B6

Serena fought hard during her third-round match, fighting off several match points in the second set to finally win a tie breaker and force a third set. It seems she emptied the tank and had little left for the third set. If this is indeed the final time we see Williams on the court, she displayed the talent, will and determination that us fans have come to love about “ daddy, I know you’re watch ing. Thanks mom,” said Williams during her post match on-court interview with ESPN’s Mary Joe Fernandez. “Everyone that’s here, that’s been on my side, for so many years, decades …


In my lifetime there have been several all-time great athletes in different sports, but if you think about it, no one has been more dominating and left a more lasting impression than Serena Williams has in women’s tennis. Serena Williams’ career is over after she lost in three sets to Ajla Tomljanovic in the third round of the U.S. Open.Williams announced in an essay last month that the U.S. Open would likely be her last tourna ment as she wanted to pur sue other interests outside of tennis, such as having another child. She did not describe it as retirement but instead preferred to use the word “evolution.”

B2 S eptem B er 8, 2022 t he C hroni C le Walk with a Doc Join us for “Walk with a Doc!” This doctor led group is a fun and safe place to go for a walk, learn about health and meet new friends. The event is free, and all are welcome! Walk with a Doc Every Second Saturday Starting September 10 | 9 – 10 a.m. Newell Massey Greenway 901 Waterworks Road Winston-Salem, NC 27101 Meet at the park right by the Ray Agnew Baseball Fields To learn more and pre-register, * Please consult your physician before starting a new exercise regimen. ** Please note that event dates, locations, times and format are subject to change due to AARP Covid-19 protocols with little to no notice. By registering for this event or program you agree to assume all Covid-19 risk. Points For Points Against 1. E. Forsyth (2-0) 96 38 2. Grimsley (2-0) 82 48 3. E. Surry (3-0) 111 26 4. Eastern Alamance (3-0) 111 76 5. Mt. Tabor (3-0) 126 28 6. Reidsville (2-1) 108 35 7. Thomasville (2-0) 52 10 8. Oak Grove (3-0) 67 54 9. Ledford (3-0) 168 21 10. Southeast Guilford (2-0) 67 20 11. Reagan (2-1) 82 78 12. Northern Guilford (2-1) 135 71 13. Cummings (2-1) 81 68 14. Mt. Airy (2-1) 105 38 15. Walkertown (2-1) 96 35 Honorable Mention: Dudley (1-2), Salisbury (2-1), High Point Andrews (2-1), Providence Grove (3-0), North Forsyth (2-1) Friday Night Fowler’s Top 15 teams of the Triad area (week 4) JamaalFowler Points For Points Against 1. Kings Mountain (3-0) 79 26 2. Havelock (2-0) 103 0 3. Chambers (2-1) 88 40 4. Tarboro (2-1) 137 78 5. New Bern (3-0) 154 3 6. South Point (3-0) 118 33 7. Wake Forest (3-0) 69 15 8. Hough (1-1) 57 33 9. Seventy First (2-0) 66 6 10. Butler (2-1) 95 36 11. Charlotte Catholic (2-1) 96 81 12. Wallace Rose-Hill (2-1) 117 56 13. Cleveland (3-0) 132 63 14. Independence (3-0) 89 36 15. Olympic (3-0) 119 26 Honorable Mention: Lee County (3-0), A.C. Reynolds (3-0), Weddington (2-1), Burns (2-1), Kannapolis Brown (3-0) Friday Night Fowler’s Top 15 teams outside of the Triad (week 4) c/oming soon to aperturecinema.coma/perturevisitforticketsandshowtimesearlyshow9/15,opening9/16

Green Street United Methodist Church, 639 S. Green St., Winston-Salem, invites you to join online worship services on Sundays at 11 a.m., or in-person services at 8:45 a.m. The 11 a.m. service, which is available via Facebook and YouTube, is a celebration of the diversity of the human family, a no-frills service that is thought ful, personal, and deeply spiritual. The 8:45 a.m. service is a quiet, contemplative space including prayer, scrip ture, preaching, and communion; masks and social dis tancing will be in effect in the sanctuary. Join us at www., on YouTube, or on Facebook.

First Waughtown Baptist Church (FWBC)

Each SundaySundayservice

*Greater frequency of attending religious services or activities was associated with a 16% increase in odds of meeting “intermediate” or “ideal” metrics for physical activ ity, 10% for diet, 50% for smoking, 12% for blood pressure and 15% for the composite cardiovascular health

*Know the meaning of faith and its implication for our *Feellives; God’s constant presence;

Each WorshipSundayservices


“Health professionals and re searchers should acknowledge the importance of religious and spiritual influences in the lives of African Americans – who tend to be highly religious,” said the study’s lead au thor LaPrincess C. Brewer, M.D., M.P.H., a preventive cardiologist and assistant professor of medicine at Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Min nesota. “With religious and spiritual beliefs factored into our approaches, we may make major breakthroughs in fostering the relationship between patients and physicians and between community members and scientists to build trust and sociocultural un derstanding of this population.”

Scriptures: Hebrews 11:1-3,6; Psalm 46:1-3,8-11

Transformation Ministries will have service ev ery Sunday at 10 a.m. We are located at 4880 Burnette Drive. Masks are required.

3rd Friday of each month

score.*Greater reported frequency of private prayer was associated with a 12% increase in the odds of achiev ing intermediate or ideal metrics for diet and 24% increased odds for achieving the metric related to smoking.*Religious coping was associat ed with an 18% increase in the odds of achieving intermediate and ideal levels for physical activity, 10% in creased odds for healthy diet, 32% for smoking and 14% for the com posite cardiovascular health score.

T he C hroni C le S ep T ember 8, 2022 b 3 RichardElderWayneWoodSundaySchoolLesson See Faith on B6 See Heart on B6

Dr. Dennis W. Bishop, Senior Pastor of First Waugh town Baptist Church (FWBC), will continue the series, Characteristics of the Holy Spirit. Pastor Bishop encour ages worshipers to read Numbers 22 in preparation for the message on False Teachers. Front doors will open at

The religious behavior ques tions were adapted from the Fetzer Multidimensional Measurement of Religiousness/Spirituality (religious attendance, private prayer) and Religious Coping scale (religious coping) instruments. The spiritual ity measures were adapted from the Daily Spiritual Experience Scale, which assesses ordinary daily expe riences according to theistic spiri tuality (belief in the existence of a supreme being, deity or God and to feel God’s presence, desire closer union with God, feel God’s love) and the nontheistic spirituality (feel strength in my religion, feel deep in ner peace and harmony or feel spiri tually touched by creation).

deeper levels of spiritual beliefs were more likely to meet the key measures for cardiovascular health:

Researchers analyzed responses gauging religiosity (strong religious feeling or belief from any religion), spirituality and the Life’s Simple 7 cardiovascular health indicators from surveys and health screenings of 2,967 African American partici pants in the Jackson Heart Study. The Jackson Heart Study is the larg est single-site, community-based in vestigation of cardiovascular disease among African American adults in the U.S. On average, participants were 54 years old at study enroll

Background: The Book of Hebrews demonstrates the value of Old Testament sacrifices and rituals that led up to Christ. It solidifies the fact that all Christians, in every time and place, share a spiritual Jewish heritage. The importance of faith is stressed as not only necessary to have, but to exercise as compulsory to pleasing God, who rewards. Hebrews addresses three groups: first, He brew Christians who suffered rejection and persecution by fellow Jews; second, Jewish unbelievers who were convinced of the basic truths of the gospel but who had not placed their faith in Jesus Christ as their savior and Lord; and third, Jewish unbelievers who were not con vinced of the gospels’ truth but had some exposure to it. For each of these groups faith is key.

Lesson: Faith Is Confidence and Certainty (Hebrews 11:1-3). “Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen” (verse 1). We can’t see the future, nor do we know what will happen tomorrow, but our confidence is based upon the certainty of God’s trustworthiness. Faith is that connecting power into the spiritual realm, which links us with God and makes Him become a tangible reality to our sense perceptions. Verse 2 simply tells us that God Himself bears witness on behalf of these Old Testament saints, that they lived by faith and divine approval has been granted them, be cause they pleased Him. Verse 3 “By faith …” we be lieve that God’s divine utterance created the universe out of something that cannot be seen.

Participants were then grouped according to religiousness and spirituality scores by health fac tors: physical activity, diet, smok ing, weight, blood pressure, blood sugar and cholesterol levels, plus the composite score of the seven compo nents of Life’s Simple 7 to estimate cardiovascular health. Research ers estimated the odds of achiev ing intermediate and ideal levels of the heart-disease prevention goals based on the religiousness/spiritual ity scores.Theparticipants who reported more religious activity or having

The confidence of faith is exhibited in the Psalms as a command in Psalms 62:9: “Trust in Him at all times, O people; pour out your hearts before Him; God is our refuge. Selah – “faith without works is?”

Faith Is Necessary (verse 6). “But without faith it is impossible to please Him …” (verse 6a). Faith is neces sary to have an active relationship with God, since God cannot be seen. “… for he who comes to God must be lieve that He is, and that He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him” (verse 6b). We must believe with expectation that God responds when we seek to please Him.Faith Is Trust in God as Our Refuge (Psalm 46:1-3).

*Total spirituality was associat ed with an 11% increase in the odds of achieving intermediate and ideal levels for physical activity and 36% for smoking.“Iwasslightly surprised by the findings that multiple dimensions of religiosity and spirituality were associated with improved cardio vascular health across multiple health behaviors that are extremely challenging to change, such as diet, physical activity and smoking,” Brewer said.

Researchers grouped partici pants by religious behaviors (their self-reported levels of attending church service/Bible study groups, private prayer and the use of reli gious beliefs or practices in adapting to difficult life situations and stress ful events – called religious coping in the study); and spirituality (belief in the existence of a supreme being, deity or God).

*Develop a practice of relying on God for positive change.

Women’s fellowship

DALLAS - African American adults who reported more frequent participation in religious activities and/or deeper spiritual beliefs may be more likely to meet some of the American Heart Association’s key metrics for cardiovascular health, such as regular exercise, a balanced diet and normal blood pressure, ac cording to new research published today in the Journal of the American Heart Association, an open access, peer-reviewed journal of the Ameri can Heart Association.

“Our findings highlight the sub stantial role that culturally tailored health promotion initiatives and rec ommendations for lifestyle change may play in advancing health eq uity,” she added. “The cultural rele vance of interventions may increase their likelihood of influencing car diovascular health and also the sustainability and maintenance of

This study is the first to investi gate among African Americans the association of a comprehensive set of cardiovascular health behaviors – the American Heart Association’s Life’s Simple 7 metrics (diet, physi cal activity and nicotine exposure) and physiological factors (weight, cholesterol, blood pressure and blood sugar levels) with religious beliefs and spirituality. The Life’s Simple 7 metrics, established in 2010, were expanded and renamed to Life’s Essential 8 in June 2022, with sleep added as the eighth com ponent of optimal heart health.

By the end of this lesson, we will:

linked to better heart health among African Americans

African Americans have poorer overall cardiovascular health than non-Hispanic white people, and death from cardiovascular diseases is higher in African American adults than white adults, according to the American Heart Association’s 2017 “Cardiovascular Health in African Americans” scientific statement.

Thursdays and Saturdays

The Antioch Baptist Church (ABC) Women, 5061 Lansing Dr., cordially invites all women to join us the third Friday of each month at 7 p.m. for conversation as we share and embrace each other in these challenging times. Join us via conference call. Dial in: 267-807-9601 Access Code:189545592#. Rev. Frederick L. Barnes, Jr. is the senior pastor. For more information, call 336-9923751.

9:15 a.m. for screening, devotion, and announcements prior to the 10 a.m. service. Completed waiver forms and masks that cover the nose and mouth are required. The form can be submitted electronically on the FWBC website – -- click on RE-EN TRY 2022, and printed copies are available in the lobby. Other in-person protocols and information about 6 p.m. virtual Sunday School are accessible via the FWBC homepage RE-ENTRY link. Persons who prefer to wor ship virtually can find the service on YouTube, https:// (First Waughtown);;Facebook,andthe First Waughtown website, https://www.firstwaughtown. org. (NOTE: Services are posted on a one-week delay.)

How to submit items to the Religion calendar: The deadline is Sunday at 11:59 p.m. to have all cal endar items submitted for that week’s paper. Send your calendar items to You can also drop them off, Monday through Thursday before 4 p.m., or mail your items to Winston-Salem Chronicle, 1300 E. Fifth St., Winston-Salem, N.C. 27101; or send them via our website,

Faith Is AssuranceRELIGION

“God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble” (verse 1). This psalm expresses the community’s confidence in God, that in difficult times they looked to God for help and found it. The psalmist speaks from ex perience saying in essence God is a “well-proved help” and not from a distance, but a “very present help.” “The

Christ Rescue Temple Church, 1500 North Dunleith Ave., will serve hot meals as part of the People Help ing People Feeding Program. Meals will be served every Thursday and Saturday from noon until 1 p.m. at the church’s location. For more information, call 336-7229841.

Sept. 11

ment, and 66% were women. The ongoing study, initiated in 1998, in cludes more than 5,000 adults ages 21 to 84, who identify as African American and living in the tri-coun ty area of Jackson, Mississippi.

Free Meals


At the YMCA of Northwest North Carolina, we help all people reach their God-give potential in Spirit, Mind, and Body.

Krystal Michelle Kennedy, deceased 1944 Maryland Ave. Winston-Salem, NC 27101

Having qualifed as Administrator of the Estate of Tasha R. Shavers (22 E 1119, deceased August 21, 2021, Forsyth County, North Carolina, this is to Notify all persons, firms, and corporation having claims against the Estate of said deceased to present them to the undersigned on or before November 28, 2022 this Notice will be pleaded in bar of recovery. All persons indebted to the said decedent or estate shall please make immediate payment to the undersigned.


-Knowledge and professional experience in planning and policy, talent management, selection, compensation, benefits, training and staff devel opment, employee relations, and performance management.

-Exemplifies a proactive, hands-on approach, as well as a professional work work a non-traditional schedule including some nights and direct assigned operations including staff and volunteer de velopment, supervision of staff, development and monitoring of bud gets, marketing and public relations, and program development.

This the 25th day of August, 2022.

TO: TIANNA “JANEA” CALLOWAY, Mother of the child identified above

Vanglee Jones Jr. Administrator for Vanglee Jones, Sr., deceased 2031 Christian Lane Kinston, NC 28504

Through your work, you will create:


of America is hiring a full-time entry level executive position to serve un derserved markets. Competitive pay and the opportunity to build a program from scratch. Must have college degree. For more infor mation: jobs or

Having qualifed as Administrator of the Estate of Vanglee Jones, Sr. (21 E 1775), also known as Rev. Vanglee Jones, Sr., Rev. Van Jones Sr. deceased April 14, 2022, Forsyth County, North Carolina, this is to Notify all persons, firms, and corporation having claims against the Estate of said deceased to present them to the undersigned on or before November 21, 2022 this Notice will be pleaded in bar of recovery. All persons indebted to the said decedent or estate shall please make immediate payment to the undersigned.

on this matter will occur on Friday, October 28, 2022 at 10:00am or as soon thereafter as the Court can hear it in Courtroom 4J of Forsyth County Courthouse in Winston-Sa lem, SHOULDNC.

race, color, religion, age, sex, gender,

This the 16th day of August, 2022.

FIEDS DEADLINE: MONDAY 5:30 PM • CALL CLASSIFIEDS AT (336) 722-8624 We accept major credit card payment on all classified as. Email us your ad by Monday... see it on Thursday:

CreatingAssistant.strategy and vision with regard to diviersity, equity, and inclu sion (DEI), talent, strategy, amd organizational-culture initiatives. This position has budget ownership and will directly supervise a staff team, work with other staff through task forces, as well as provide leadership to a committee of volunteers focused on our staff experience.

-Energetic, devoted, mission-driven, team-oriented individual.


It is the policy of the Y to provide opportunities without regard to pregnancy, national status, men tal or physical or other protected

diverse ability, genetic Information,

-Strong ability to promote a positive team atmosphere.

-Knowledge of, and previous experience, working with diverse popu

FLSA Status: Full-time, Exempt Reports To: Chief Executive Officer

equal employment

-Proficiency in business and human resources related computer appli cations, which may include talent management systems, time and at tendance systems, etc.


Bachelors degree in Human Resources, Business Management or re lated field

-A place to share our values of caring, honesty, respect, responsibilty, and -Valuefaithto the Individuality and uniqueness of others



TYPE WORK: Hauling, Milling, Work Zone Signs, Temprary Traffic Control, Paint Pavement Marking Lines, Snow Plowable Markers, Structure Adjustments, Seeding & Mulching, Loops, etc.

Bid Date: September 15, 2022 at 2:00 pm


-Shares authority and demonstrates courage and humility.


YOU ARE REQUIRED to file an Answer with the Clerk of Court of Forsyth County, North Carolina on or before OCTO BER 18, 2022. If you fail to answer in defense by that date or fail to attend the hearing on the date and time noticed below, then the Forsyth County Department of Social Services will seek relief against up to and including your permanent loss of the care, custody, and control of this child, which can include the PERMANENT, IRREVOCABLE TERMINATION OF YOUR PARENTAL RIGHTS in and to the child identified


NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the City Council of the City of Winston-Salem will hold a public hear ing in the Council Chamber, Room 230, City Hall, 101 N. Main Street, Winston-Salem, at 7:00 pm on September 19, 2022, to consider comments from the public concerning adoption of a Resolution to Revise the Ward Boundaries of the City of Winston-Salem as a Result of the 2020 Census.

YOU FAIL TO ANSWER OR APPEAR as directed herein, the Court can enter an order which impacts your paren tal rights, up to and including the permanent, irrevocable ter mination of all parental and custodial rights to the minor child. This the 8th day of September 2022.

3727 Old Lexington Road Winston-Salem, NC 27104

-A better opportunity to share our Christian Mission



By: Melissa Starr Livesay, Assistant County Attorney 741 Higland Winston-Salem,AvenueNC 27101

Jimmy AdministratorKennedyfor

-Meaningful guidance to improve the health of others

Gaynelle TashaAdministratorShaversforR.Shavers,deceased5160BrittRoadWinston-Salem,NC27105


interpersonal, organizational and communication skills.


-Current knowledge and understanding of regulations, industry trends, current practices, new developments and applicable laws regarding hu man resources.

The Chronicle September

Plans and proposals are available at 217 As phalt Trail, Elkin, NC 28621 and online at NCDOT website. Interested firms can con tact Dale Rose or Joel Greene for informa tion and assistance. We may be available to assist interested M/W/DBEs in obtaining any required insurance, bonding, letter of credit, equipment, supplies, materials, and any other related assistance that may be re quired by these contracts. Contact by phone: 336-835-7506, fax: 336-835-2501, mailing address: PO Box 786 Elkin, NC 28621 or email: Please have quote into our office by September 14, 2022 @ 4:00 pm.

One-bedroom units conveinently located in Winston-Salem Handicap Accessible Units and Rental Assistance Available

This the 16th day of August, 2022.

B4 S eptem B er 8, 2022 t he C hroni C le

Salary Range: $115,00 - $130,000




The Chronicle September 1, 8, 15, 22, 2022

The Chronicle August 18, 25, and September 1, 8, 2022

David Barry Self Executor for Vida Joann Combs Self, deceased 325 Gloucestershire Rd. Winston-Salem, NC 27104

The Chronicle September 1, 8, 15, 22, 2022

Having qualified as Administrator of the Estate of Kelvin Jermaine Brown (22 E 1659), deceased on May 28, 2022, Forsyth County, North Carolina, this is to notify all persons, firms, and corporations having claims against the Estate of said deceased to present them to the undersigned on or before December 5, 2022, or this Notice will be pleaded in bar of recovery. All persons indebted to the said decedent shall please make immediate payment to the Thisundersigned.the1stdayof September, 2022.

-Critical Thinking Skills -Conflict


TAKE NOTICE that a Juvenile Petition has been filed regard ing the minor child identified above alleging the child to be a neglected juvenile. The child has been in the custody of the Forsyth County Department of Social Services since on or about July 15, 2022. If the Court finds the allegations in the Juvenile Petition to have been proven true, the Court will com plete a Dispositional hearing to achieve the needs of the child and objectives of the State. The child is under the jurisdiction of the District Court of Forsyth County, and as such the Court may: remove custody of the child from you; order you to pay child support; require you to participate in medical, psychiatric, psychological, or other treatment or counseling; and/or order medical, psychiatric, psychological, or other treatment or coun seling for the child and require you to pay for the same. Upon completion of service, you are subject to the jurisdiction of the Court, and failure to comply with any orders of the Court may result in a finding of contempt.

-10+ years progressive management experience

Having qualifed as Administrator of the Estate of Krystal Michelle Kennedy (22 E 1809), also known as Krystal Kennedy, Krystal M. Kennedy deceased July 28, 2022, Forsyth County, North Carolina, this is to Notify all persons, firms, and corporation having claims against the Estate of said deceased to present them to the undersigned on or before November 21, 2022 this Notice will be pleaded in bar of recovery. All persons indebted to the said decedent or estate shall please make immediate payment to the undersigned.

has provisionally appointed Attorney Ursula Walder to represent Tianna Calloway. Attorney Walder can be reached at 301 N. Main Street, #2010 Winston-Salem, NC 27101, Phone: (336) 231-6645. Ms. Calloway should also contact the Forsyth County Clerk of Court, Juvenile Division at (336) 779-6311 regarding appointment of counsel and upcoming

origin, veteran status, sexual orientation, marital


For more information call: 336-771-9028


Job Title: Sr VP/Chief People and Culture Officer

Having qualifed as Executor of the Estate of Vida Joann Combs Self (22 E 1460), deceased May 22, 2022, Forsyth County, North Carolina, this is to Notify all persons, firms, and corporation having claims against the Estate of said deceased to present them to the undersigned on or before December 5, 2022 this Notice will be pleaded in bar of recovery. All persons indebted to the said decedent or estate shall please make immediate payment to the undersigned.

Office Hours: 8:30am-4:30pm Mon.-Fri. NC Relay: 1-800-735-2962

The Chronicle August 25, and September 1, 8, 15, 2022


This the 1st day of September, 2022.


A Community for the Elderly (62 or Older)

The Sr VP/Chief People and Culture Officer (CPCO) provides exec utive-level leadership and guidance to the organization’s multifaceted staff development department. Provides strategic leadership to attract, develop and retain the best talent available and to position the YMCA as an “employer of choice.” Oversee the development and implementa tion of talent management/human resources policies, plans and services, including recruitment, selection, legal compliance, employee benefits, compensation, employee relations, diversity and inclusion, employment practices and procedures, employee communications and events. Diver sity supervises Director of Staff Experience, HR Administrator and HR

Equal Housing Opportunity Professionally Managed by Community Management Corporation CHERRY HILL APARTMENTS A Community for Seniors Is now accepting applications for One (1) bedroom apartments: - Section 8 Assistance - Equal Housing -Handicap Accessibility -On-Site Laundry Facility - Rent Based on income -Maintenance -Near Bus Route Apply at: 840 W. 14th Street Winston-Salem, NC 27105 Call 336-723-7524 Managed by EqualManagementCommunityCorpHousingOpportunity Spring/Wachovia Hill Apartments Managed by ManagementCommunityCorp. 1 Bedroom Units conveniently located in Win ston-Salem, 62 yrs of age or older Handicapped and/or disabled. Section 8 assistance available. Income restrictions apply. Call 336-251-1060. 8:30 a.m. - 12 p.m. on Mon. and Fri. 8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. on Wed. Equal Housing Opportunity. Have a Story Idea? Let Us

The Chronicle August 18, 25, and September 1, 8, 2022 Space



Job Description Updated: August 28, 2022

This strategic role blends the foundation of Human Resources with to day’s evolving workforce. The CPCO is growth-minded and our cham pion for the employee experience--where our team members can grow their careers, feel a high sense of equity and belonging, and understand the impact they make to our members, program participants, volunteers, and community. We want a leader to help chart our course, build new capabilities and inspire others to achieve in a high-performing, diverse and inclusive work enviroment.

-Experience leading staff and volunteers


-A stronger sense of community and belonging

Carolyn Brown AdminstratorCovingtonfor Kelvin Jermaine Brown, deceased 3836 Wabash Winston-Salem,BoulevardNC27106

All interested citizens are invited to attend said hear ing, at which time they will have an opportunity to be heard. The City Council of the City of Winston-Sa lem may adopt the resolution following the public hearing.

Estimator Project Manager in Winston- Sa lem, NC. Req. bachelor’s in Architec- ture or Construction Mngmt. or foreign equiv. + 24 mos. expn the job off’d or as Project Mngr. 24 mos. exp w/AutoCad 2D/3D & 3D Studio Max is req’d. MAIL resumes to: S&L Painting and Decorating, Inc., 1011 W Northwest Blvd., Winston- Salem NC 27101.


Projects: Alleghany Co. DK00337 Caldwell Co. DK00338

-UnderstandingResolutionofbusiness financials

When you choose to work for the YMCA, you are in a unique positon to change someone’s life. You are a cause-driven leader and recognize that building relationships is critical to strengthening our members, vol unteers, staff and our community as well as the overall health of our Y.

The Chronicle September 8, 15, 2022

The Chronicle September 8, 15, 22, 2022


The Shepherd’s Center

Medicare26 workshop

Festival for the Homeless 2-6 p.m. Saturday, Sept. 10, at Gateway Commons Park, 1580 Oak St. Services that will be provided to the homeless population during the festival include showers, food, bags (with useful items to take away) and entertainment. The Forsyth County Health Department is providing COVID-19 vaccinations. The WinstonSalem State University Mobile Health Care Unit will be on site to do vital signs testing and provide health-care information. V-tae McMillan will once again run the Kids’ Zone. Admission to the event is free. Donations to support the Festival and to help L.I.F.E. W-S, Inc., to continue its mission may be sent to Living Is Finally Enjoyable W-S, Inc., P.O. Box 1, Winston-Salem, NC 27102. For more information, call 336-8430522.

complete information about the event, such as the sponsor and address, date, time and place of the event and contact information so that the public can contact someone for more information if needed.

*Please submit items in document form in an email or Word or PDF attachment.*Submit photos as attachments to emails as jpegs at least 4 inches wide by 6 inches deep rather than sent on documents. Please send captions with photos.*Please do not send jpeg fliers only, since we cannot transfer the information on them into documents.The deadline is Sunday at 11:59 p.m. to have all calendar items submitted for that week’s paper.Send your calendar items to news@ You can also drop them off, Monday through Thursday before 4 p.m., or mail your items to Winston-Salem Chronicle, 1300 E. Fifth St., Winston-Salem, NC 27101; or send them via our website, www.

Historic Körner’s Folly, 413 South Main Street, presents the Kernersville Oktoberfest, Saturday, Oct. 1, from 3-6 p.m. This year will be the 12th annual fundraising event in the spirit of a German Oktoberfest, featuring tastings of local beers and foodie favorites. Tickets on sale now. and include self-guided tour of the house, beer, wine, and food samples, as well as a Körner’s Folly souvenir tasting glass. Ticket price is $40. For more information, visit or call 336-996-7922.

T he C hroni C le S ep T ember 8, 2022 b 5

erything, so our program is designed so that you are going to hit a little bit of everything throughout the week,” she said about the workouts.Ward says all of the women who are cur rently instructors started off working out with her. Ward says she noticed the talent inside of those women as they were working out and started “pulling them up.”

Oct. Oktoberfest1

The Forsyth County Extension Master Gardeners volunteers will hold their annual fall plant sale at the N.C. Cooperative Extension building from 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. on Saturday, Sept. 17. This sale will be held inside at 1450 Fairchild Road, Winston-Salem. Rain or shine, you will find a great selection of native plants, pollinator plants, flowering shrubs, and trees. Shop early for best selection. Sales are cash or check only. For additional information, call 336-7032850.

Samaritan Ministries needs volunteers to help with lunch and dinner seven days a week 365 days a year. The lunch shift for volunteers is from 9 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. Monday through Saturday and from 10 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. on Sundays. The dinner shift is from 4 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. every night. For more information about Samaritan Ministries and to sign up to volunteer, please visit samaritanforsyth. org. Samaritan Ministries is located at 414 East Northwest Boulevard near downtown WinstonSalem.

Sept. Cinema14 Under the Stars

Reynolda House Museum of American Art is excited to announce the line-up for the 2022 season of Cinema Under the Stars. The films showcased this season have been curated by a/perture cinema and evoke the imagery and expression of Reynolda’s fall exhibition, Chrome Dreams and Infinite

Reflections: American Photorealism.Theseason concludes on Friday, September 14, with “La La Land.” Released in 2016, this colorful, whimsical and musical film chronicles the highs and lows of struggling artists in Los Angeles.Beer and wine will be available for purchase on the grounds beginning at 7:30 p.m. and the movie will begin at sunset, around 8:30 p.m. Guests are encouraged to bring their own chair and/or blanket. In case of inclement weather, the showing will move indoors with limited seating.

Community Calendar

“We got it cleaned up, painted and everything in like three hours,” she said. “It was a whole crew and I could not have asked for anything beyond that. I was on the floor crying because I reached out for help and I never would have thought the response would have been like that. It has not been a part of this that I have done by myself.”Ward would like to get to a point where she can focus on the gym full time and offer more classes to the Forwomen.more informa tion, please visit www., their Facebook page at Trans formations Tribe, Ward’s Facebook page at Keya. Jammeh, or Ward’s Insta gram page at keyaonthe move.

How to submit items to the community calendar: We appreciate your community news. Here’s how you can help us to process your news more efficiently:

FromGympage B1

VolunteersNOW needed


ActingNOW classes

Sept. 26

The Little Theatre of Winston-Salem is pleased to offer a wide array of acting and technical theatre classes for children, teens, and adults during its 202223 season. Fall semester courses include Fractured Fairy Tales, The Brothers Grimm Spectaculathon, Your Presence – Stage & Screen, Costuming a Fairy Tale, and Improv Intensive. Previous experience is not required and everyone is encouraged to participate. Information and registration forms are available online at www. or by calling 336-725-4001.

of Greater Winston-Salem is offering a workshop for individuals turning 65 (as well as those who already have Medicare) to learn about the different insurance options available. The session is provided at no cost. Because space is limited, reservations are required. Contact the Shepherd’s Center at 336-748-0217 reserveforInfo@shepherdscenter.orgormoreinformationortoaseat.

*Please give us

Leading up to the grand opening, Ward says she has barely slept due to the tight timeframe that she had to get the space ready for the opening. She is thankful to all of the individuals who assisted with getting the space ready in such a short time.

Fall plant sale

Sept. Festival10 for the Homeless Living Is Finally Enjoyable W-S, Inc. will present the seventh annual

Back then, you could see the talent that Ser ena possessed, but I never would have imagined that she would win 23 major titles, which is the most by any player in the Open era and only trails Marga ret Court (24) for the most all-time. Throughout her career, Williams won four Olympic gold medals, 73 career singles titles, 16 major doubles and mixed doubles titles, and spent 319 weeks ranked No. 1 in the Beyondworld. what she was able to accomplish on the court, Williams has in spired an entire genera tion of young women to play the sport of tennis.

*Beginning faith *Persistent faith

script are solely those of the study authors and do not necessarily reflect the Association’s policy or position. The Association makes no representation or guarantee as to their ac curacy or reliability. The Association receives fund ing primarily from indi viduals; foundations and corporations (including pharmaceutical, device manufacturers and other companies) also make do nations and fund specific Association programs and events. The Association has strict policies to pre vent these relationships from influencing the sci ence content. Revenues from pharmaceutical and biotech companies, device manufacturers and health insurance providers and the Association’s overall financial information are available at

The stag es of faith: John 4:46-54:

*Trusting, obedient, and working faith

mands to not panic and to recognize the sovereignty of God. Messages to prob ably comfort His nation and warn all other nations.

“She changed the sport so much; she’s in troduced people that have never heard of tennis into the sport and I think I’m a product of what she’s done. I wouldn’t be here without Serena, Venus, her whole family. I’m very thankful to her.”

secret of confidence is the consciousness of the near ness of God” (Morgan).

FYI: Forsyth County Sunday School Union will meet “virtually” ev ery third Sunday, at 3 p.m. with teaching and pro grams. You may join us ing the following “Zoom” credentials: ID 819 7872 9662, Passcode 787444, Phone: 1-301-715-8592.

“I will dominate the na tions; I will dominate the earth” (verse 10b.). God’s triumph will extend far be yond Israel to all the earth.

“The Lord of hosts is with us; (verse 11a). The Lord of hosts is God as Lord over earthly and heavenly armies. “The God of Jacob is our refuge” (verse 11b). The God of Jacob is con cerned with the struggler, the fearful and burdened. He sees us in our weak ness, loves and guides us anyway and reassures us in His bold declaration “I am the God of Jacob.” What more do we need to assure our faith? “Selah” – here can be taken to mean “for ever.” (The UMI Annual

“Come, behold the works of the Lord …” (verses 8-9) The psalmist recites the mighty acts of God and considers God’s glory. God is mighty to make “desolations” or to enforce peace, making “wars to cease.” “Be still and know that I am God;” “Desist! Realize that I am God!” (verse 10a.) Dual com

“Therefore, we will not fear …” Logically, if God is a real “refuge, strength and help” to His people, then there is no reason to fear. Verse 2b-3 supposes the most frightening, hum bling natural phenomenon imaginable, but the psalm ist is confident that God’s power transcends them all. There is no cause for fear or even worry. Selah: pause and think carefully on God and who He is.

I am not sure we would see young stars like Coco Gauff, Sloane Stephens, Madison Keys or Naomi Osaka, without Williams. I am sure Williams has in spired non-Black athletes as well.“Ithink that her legacy is really wide, to the point where you can’t even de scribe it in words,” Osaka said of Williams.

*Witnessing faith Faith is the beginning of our relationship with God. Examine the five stages listed and place yourself.

“Iit. feel grateful that I can have that impact. I never thought I would have that impact, ever. I was just a girl trying to play tennis in a time where I could develop this impact and be a voice. It was just so authentic ‘cause I do what I do, and I just do it authentically me. I think people could really relate to that.”Iput Williams in the similar category as Tiger Woods because they were able to excel in sports that are not dominated by Af rican Americans. It was a point in time, like with Woods, that I felt Williams had a chance to win every single major tournament she entered. She was that dominant.Shedid not rule out the possibility of her play ing in future tournaments when she was interviewed after her third-round de feat. That would be great for all fans to see Serena in a couple tournaments next year, starting with the Aus tralian Open. I would love to see Serena catch Court and win her 24 titles, but even if she does not, her legacy as the best wom en’s player to ever do it is already cemented in my mind.

“Stand still” here means “Lay down your arms. Surrender, and acknowl edge that I am the one and only victorious God” (Boice). “I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth!”

“I don’t think I’ve even taken a moment to realize any impact. I understand it, but I don’t really medi tate or think about it,” said Serena.“I’ll have plenty of

For Your Consider ation: What does “Be still, and know that I am God” say to Application:you?


ice Bowie, Ph.D., M.P.H.; Joshua P. Slusser; Christo pher G. Scott, M.S.; Lisa A. Cooper, M.D., M.P.H.; Sharonne N. Hayes, M.D.; Christi A. Patten, Ph.D.; and Mario Sims, Ph.D., M.S. Authors’ disclosures are listed in the manu script.The study was funded by the National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences, the American Heart theandtersInstituteHeart,Disparities/NationalnorityNationaltionalopmentMedicalAssociation-AmosFacultyDevelProgram,theNaInstitutesofHealth/InstituteonMiHealthandHealthLung,andBloodandtheU.S.CenforDiseaseControlPrevention.StudiespublishedinAmericanHeartAs sociation’s scientific jour nals are peer-reviewed. The statements and con clusions in each manu

healthy lifestyle changes.” Brewer added, “This is especially important for sis.notknownaddition,notcardiovascularStudy,duringconductedspiritualityservices.”andpracticeportpeutictoityReligiositychallengesnitiesdisenfranchisedsocioeconomicallycommufacedwithmultipleandstressors.andspiritualmayserveasabufferstressandhavetherapurposesorsupself-empowermenttohealthybehaviorsseekpreventivehealthThereligiousness/surveywasatonepointtheJacksonHeartsoparticipants’healthwasanalyzedovertime.InpeoplewhohadheartdiseasewereincludedinthisanalyCo-authorsareJan

time soon to do all of that.

Faith Is Trust in God Whose Presence Is Constant (verses 8-11).

Commentary 2021-2022, The Jesus Bible, Jewish Study Bible, The Modern Life Study Bible, The Ma cArthur Study Bible, The New Interpreters Study Bible, and The Oxford Bible Commentary).

*Confirmed faith

I just am so grateful that they see that. I can see it, too, but I don’t overthink about it. I’m still here for the time being, just enjoy ing

B6 S eptem B er 8, 2022 t he C hroni C le

Gauff moved on to the fourth round with a straight set win over Keys last Friday night. Gauff stated she learned how to handle herself with poise and confidence by watch ing “IWilliams.feel like Serena taught me that,” said Gauff. “She never settled for less. I can’t remember a moment in her career or life that she settled for less. I think that’s something I took from her. As a person, I’m growing into being an adult and learning how to handle things now with the media and tennis and everything. I’m trying to learn to not settle for less.”

Heart From page B3

Serena seemed a bit taken aback with all of the gratitude from the younger players on the tour. I don’t think she has had the op portunity to truly take in how much she has meant to the women’s tour and the impact on the next gen eration of tennis stars.

to call it quits. Serena and Venus were a big part of why I began watching women’s tennis over two decades ago. At that time, there were not many Black women doing well on the tour, so when those two began stealing headlines, I immediately became a fan.

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