September 23, 2021

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W I N S TO N - S A L E M , N . C .

Volume 48, Number 3

75 cents

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THURSDAY, September 23, 2021

Policy committee supports launch of School-Justice Partnership


Winston-Salem/Forsyth County Schools’ (WS/FCS) policy committee has agreed to a partnership with the North Carolina judicial branch’s Administrative Office of the Courts, to launch the Forsyth County SchoolJustice Partnership, an initiative that will provide alternative responses to misbehavior and reduce law enforcement involvement in minor school infractions. WS/FCS Deputy Superintendent Jesse Pratt said staff has been working on the initiative for several months and he was excited Submitted photo about the future of the pro- Judge Denise Hartsfield spoke in support of the School-Justice Partnership during a recent school board meeting. gram that will be offered at every school in the district. Freedom School early this er into the data, policies pening in New Hanover ferrals have decreased “We’re excited about this summer, dozens of stu- and practices, recalibrat- County and Paul Newby, by 87%. In Brunswick opportunity to partner with dents from schools across ing/developing new code, the chief justice of the County, school-based deour community partners to the district spoke against and developing a system to N.C. Supreme Court. The linquency referrals have help us reduce our dispari- factors that contribute to monitor referrals to the ju- ruling mandated that coun- decreased by 80%, and ties in discipline,” he said. the school-to-prison pipe- venile justice system. The ties find ways to reduce in Mecklenburg County, Data shows longstand- line. Jaylen Moore, who partnerships will also work the number of children school-based delinquency ing disproportionate sus- attends RJ Reynolds High to strengthen existing pro- who were coming to court. referrals have decreased pensions, particularly for School, said, “Not only do grams and initiatives with Since implementing the by 37%. program, New Hanover Hartsfield noted that Black/African American we want to bring aware- similar goals. ness to this issue, we want According to Judge County Schools has seen the more kids come in students. Here in Winstonchange.” Denise Hartsfield, who a 67% decrease in schoolcontact with law enforceSalem/Forsyth County This new initiative spoke at the meeting last based referrals, dropout ment, the criminal justice schools, Black students could be a step in the right week, school-justice partrates have declined, and system, or the juvenile are five times more likely direction. The Forsyth nerships have been availthe high school graduajustice system, the more to be suspended than white County School-Justice able to counties across the tion rate has increased. In likely they are to continue students. Partnership will assist the state since 2015, thanks to Lenoir County, schooldown the wrong path. She During a student-led district with delving deepruling by Judge J.H. Corbased delinquency resaid after several failed rally hosted by LIT City

attempts to bring the program to Forsyth County in the past, she was excited when she was presented with the opportunity to finally make it happen. “The other thing we found was when students did not engage with the criminal or juvenile justice system, graduation rates went up, all kinds of records were being set because kids were on another trajectory,” Hartsfield continued. “Basically, this resolution says this: let’s attempt to keep out of our courts, juvenile, criminal and otherwise, our students who are charged with school-related offenses. Let’s try to keep them out and let’s look for ways to get them out of that system and get them on a faster track to graduation.” When it came time to vote, the policy committee members Elisabeth Motsinger, Andrea Bramer, Deanna Kaplan, Marilyn Parker and Alex Bohannon voted unanimously to approve the resolution. The full Winston-Salem/ Forsyth County Schools Board of Education is expected to vote on the resolution approving the Forsyth County SchoolJustice Program later this month.

Winston-Salem loses legend in sports, funeral service ore. Shell said he recalls several conversations he had with Gilmore while sitting on the porch of the business located at the corner of 17th and Liberty Streets. “He is someone I have high respect for because he was able to teach you so much,” he said. Shell said Gilmore paved the way for Black-owned funeral homes here in Winston-Salem and across


Jerry Gilmore III a member of the WinstonSalem/Forsyth County Sports Hall of Fame. After high school, Gilmore attended Winston-Salem State University (WSSU), but decided to leave and enroll at the John A. Gupton College of Funeral Service, where he learned the ins-and-outs to take over the family business, which was started by his father. While running the business, Gilmore still found time to be active in the community. He served

learn something from him. Many days I would sit out there on the porch and talk to Mr. Gilmore because I knew I would learn something. “At the end of the day, he is a role model to many funeral directors, to myself, and he is still an asset to this community because even though he may be gone, the name is still there and the business is still there.”

Submitted photo

nearly a decade on the citycounty planning board and several other boards and organizations. Gilmore also served as board chair at his alma mater, John A. Gupton College, and chair of the state and national funeral directors’ associations. Those who knew Gilmore said he had a way to connect with people. Damian Shell, founder and director of Damien C. Shell Funeral Service Practitioner, said he learned a lot from Gilm-

Photo by Tevin stinson

The bench outside Gilmore’s Memoral Services has been transformed into a memorial honoring the legacy of Jerry Gilmore III.


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Last month WinstonSalem lost a legend, Jerry Gilmore III. The longtime owner and operator of Gilmore Memorial Service died on Aug. 27. Before he became known as the compassionate owner of one of the city’s most successful Black-owned businesses, Gilmore was known for his play on the football field. As a student-athlete at the original Atkins High School, Gilmore was an All-Conference center and linebacker. He is also

the state. “I don’t know if people know the history of Gilmore’s, but it was the number one Black-owned funeral home, they were number one,” Shell said. “They had top-of-the-line equipment, top-of-the-line presentation. They were first class all around and were doing 200-300 calls a year back then. I admire him for his dedication and the fact that I could always

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