An Overview Of The Air Purifier Family

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An Overview Of The Air Purifier Family Since the early 1900s, we have seen great leaps of progress that have been stated in the field of atmospheric manipulation. This equipment can simply increase or decrease temperature indoors, alter the humidity levels, purify the air and even scent it. Air purifiers have come a very long way since they originated, and consumers have the ability to choose from a wide variety of purifiers. Buyers will need to figure out which purifier will suit their needs best based on cost, their health needs and how well the units work. Because there are so many types of machines available, there shouldn't be a reason that a suitable machine can't be found for any type of requirements. Electronic air purifiers were in existence as early as 1907, when a chemistry professor from the University of California in Berkeley developed a prototype that was eventually patented. The development of the electrostatic air cleaner was primarily based heavily on the concept of using electrical charges to remove harmful particles from the air. The most typical from of this is what is recognized as an electrostatic precipitator. It functions by the use of a series of charged plates that the air passes through. Different charges in these plates alter the air quality and the contaminants in the air when they move through the machine. The first set of plates has a negative charge, and then as they continue to pass through the plates, they encounter a second set with a positive charge. The airborne particles and contaminants that obtained the negative charge are then attracted to the positively charge plates, allowing free and clean air to be generated throughout the room. While the filters of electrostatic precipitators have to be cleaned frequently, they run silently, without the use of a fan, and are conducive to energy management and savings. High Efficiency Particulate Air (HEPA) purifying equipment function differently than an electrostatic precipitator does. They work through the use of a mechanical filter that will trap airborne particles in a thick mesh as they move through it. Consumers can easily find these types of high-quality purifiers which have the capability to remove up to 99% of the contaminants that are bigger than just a few microns. Most of these filters are rated to eliminate contaminants 0.3 microns in size or larger. A micron is a unit of size that is equal to one millionth of a meter. As an instance of the size, visualize the measurement of a width of hair that is about 60 microns wide. A grain of pollen is around 5 microns across. So, using a HEPA air filter is extremely effective in lowering allergens and particles suspended in the air. The filter has to be changed every so often, and the energy needed to push the air through the filter by use of a fan will generate a certain level of white noise while it is operating. There is an air purifier for every individual out there. Every person needs to take some time to do their research and choose the one that fits what the individual wants the purifier to handle. Regardless of what design or model air purifier you are looking for, Vapor-Eze has it or something that will fit your needs. Find out more about Vapor-Eze by visiting their web page which is

Document Tags: hepa air purifier, air purifiers, air purifier

Power Industries Inc.

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An Overview Of The Air Purifier Family by wsean7651 - Issuu