MINDful Leadership Trainings

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MINDful Leadership Trainings

DFCG copyright 2012-2014 Š

Dragonfly Coaching Group provee servicios especializados basados en la metodología de la neurociencia, la cual combina las variables de la psicología humana, con la ciencia del cerebro. La misma nos proporciona una nueva manera de entender el c e r e b r o , l a c o n c i e n c i a , e l d e s e m p e ñ o h u m a n o y l a s organizaciones. A su vez, integramos las mejores prác>cas internacionales de la profesión del Coaching fijadas por la Interna.onal Coaching Federa.on (ICF), las cuales permiten a nuestros clientes tener una experiencia educa>va transformacional. La integración de ambas, nos ha ayudado a crear una metodología altamente efec.va, interac.va y d i n á m i c a , q u e n o s p e r m i t e influenciar posi>vamente en la transferencia de conocimiento. Nuestros abarcadores servicios y soluciones están basadas en resultados comprobados, que transfieren resultados rentables para nuestros clientes.

Creativity THINK POSITIv3


Creativity THINK POSITIv3



Learderhip Trainings ¡  Change Management: tools that facilitate the process ¡  Client Service Etiquette 2.0 ¡  Coaching Skills for Managers.…a LIFE changing experience ¡  Communications Skills ¡  Conflict Management…Strategies to effectively resolve workplace conflicts ¡  Conquer your fears…Obtain RESULTS ¡  Customer Relations Etiquette ¡  Developing an Effective Team ¡  Effective Time Management ¡  Emotional Intelligence 1.0 ¡  Entrepreneur MINDset...Leadership tools of the 21th century ¡  Focus in your Strength...the NEW path of gaining S.U.C.C.E.S.S. ¡  Generational GAP…bridging the generational gap in the workplace

“Transforming the world one Business at a time”

www.dragonflycoachinggroup.com DFCG copyright 2012-2014 ©

MINDful stories “…it has been a wakeup call and at the same time a learning experience for our company, we have gained a more proactive approach to the daily challenges we encounter and our communication skills have improved overall providing a better team work among all our employees and as result increased efficiency. We recommend Business Coaching.” Leonora Diaz, MD, MPH CEO & President

“…in various occasions have utilized his services with excellent support in the areas of marketing, employee consulting and individual consulting service analysis and submission. His work has been a major factor in my department development success as well as personal success; helping to excel in the Customer Service field areas and personal development. a valuable member of any team, who consistently looks to achieve good results and delivers above all expectations." Norma Rosado, Customer Service Supervisor Pfizer Consumer Healthcare [San Juan-PR]

DFCG copyright 2012-2014 ©


Learderhip Trainings ¡  How to facilitate meetings with a PURPOSE ¡  Implementing Innovative IDEAS ¡  Influential Skills...Doing MORE with less ¡  Networking = the art of building relationships ¡  NeuroLeadership…changing the way leaders influence and manage in the 21th Century ¡  NeuroMarketing…the new frontier in selling ¡  Open door policy-The Key of Effective Managers ¡  Presentation Skills - impacting and transfering with greater success ¡  Problem Solving & Decision Making in the 21th Century ¡  Process Management 101 ¡  Stress Management for Executive ¡  T.E.A.M. 2.0 © ¡  The ART of Selling ¡  Train the Trainer ¡  Workplace Bullying: Myth or Truth

“Transforming the world one Business at a time”

www.dragonflycoachinggroup.com DFCG copyright 2012-2014 ©

“Transforming the world one Business at a time”


DFCG copyright 2012-2014 ©

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