6 February Independent Herald

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BRETT HUDSON NATIONAL LIST MP BASED IN ŌHĀRIU P 04 478 0628 E Brett.HudsonMP@parliament.govt.nz

Authorised by Brett Hudson, 29 Broderick Rd, Johnsonville

Wednesday February 6, 2019

Today 12-19

Thursday 11-19

Friday 15-21

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By Glenise Dreaver

“We are so lucky to have this man here!’ Susan Zou, a member of the Yafeng Group which is promoting Chinese culture in the Wellington region, says this of Chinese artist and art teacher Qianxiang Liu of Johnsonville. He is one of three artists who will be present when their works are displayed at the Yafeng group stall during Wellington’s Chinese New Year Festival. The display is being held in the TSB Bank Arena on February 10 from 11am to 4pm. Continued on page 2. Qianxiang Liu of Johnsonville brings the ancient traditions of Chinese art to the capital. PHOTO: Glenise Dreaver

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Wednesday February 6, 2019

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Phone (04) 587 1660 Address 23 Broderick Rd, Johnsonville P.O. Box 38-776, WMC 5045 Fax (04) 587 1661 www.wsn.co.nz


Glenise Dreaver herald@wsn.co.nz 587 1660


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Steve Maggs steve@wsn.co.nz 587 1660



Respect for the past handed on to local children through art Continued from page 1. A retired physics lecturer from China, Qianxiang and his wife Zheng Wang came to Wellington in 2012 to join their daughter Lisa, a computer programmer with the BNZ. He always loved painting, and started formal lessons at 13. However, the Cultural Revolution which began in 1966 put paid to any dream of a career as an artist, though Qianxiang seems philosophical about his choice of physics, which he says he also enjoyed. His whimsical and joyous pig paintings are just part of his wider repertoire, which includes landscape paintings of great delicacy they will be among works at the Yafeng group stall at Wellington’s Chinese Festival. The stall will be set up in the TSB Bank Arena on February 10, from 11am to 4pm. Qianxiang has also taken four one and a half hour sessions with children at the Johnsonville Library, introducing them to the cultural and artistic traditions of Chinese art, and teaching respect for the materials and craftsmanship of thousands of years. The children’s work is on display in the library, along with a glass case showing the materials used in Chinese art. (By the way, if you wonder what Yafeng means, it reflects the same gentle Chinese humour as the pig paintings. Think of a zephyr, that word found in Victorian romantic poetry and meaning a gentle breeze. “Almost an elegant one,” says Susan.)

ABOVE: Qianxiaing Liu, in the Johnsonville Library, shows how he teaches children Chinese brush techniques. PHOTO: Glenise Dreaver RIGHT: “The lucky pig brings good fortune.” Qianxiang Liu’s painting welcomes the Chinese Year of the Pig. Graphic supplied

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Two new appoi nt ment s have also been made to t h e b o a r d s u b c o m m itte es – Jack ie Rober tson to ARIC and Tony Paine to the Grants Committee. Since its inception, income from the invested funds has seen over $5 million distributed to a range of charities across the Wairarapa, Kapiti, Porirua, Hutt Valley and


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The board last week announced the appointment of f ive new memb er s. Deputy Mayor Jill Day is one, along with Adrienne Olsen, Rachel Roberts and Rebecca Morahan. In addition, Peter Verhaart has moved from a seconded role on the Audit, Risk and Investment Committee (ARIC) to a full board appointment.

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Karori Town Centre A preferred option has been selected to improve the space connecting the Library and Community centre areas. Detailed design is underway and construction should start later in the year Commercial E-scooters The Council is currently looking at allowing a commercial e-scooter trial in certain parts of our city. I would be interested in your thoughts Khandallah Park Centenary picnic celebration Saturday 23 Feb starting at 12 pm. All welcome

Wednesday February 7, 2019


inbrief news Stopworks to affect some buses Stopwork meetings by Tramways Union members will affect off peak services operated by NZ Bus tomorrow Thursday February 7 and Friday February 8. A Greater Wellington Regional Council’s spokesperson says the ratification meetings can provide more certainty for bus customers, adding they are “a positive step” towards concluding negotiations. The stopwork meetings are scheduled to start at 10.30am on both days, affecting services between 9.30am and 4pm but are not planned to affect school or peak services. Customers are urged to check the Metlink website and app for available services and make alternative travel arrangements.

Welly bombing comp On Saturday February 23, Wellington’s annual Welly Bomb competition will be held between noon and 3pm off the Taranaki Wharf jump platform. Prizes for the best bombs are up for grabs. Essentially, the basic bomb is about entering the water feet first, ensuring you make the biggest possible splash as you do so. The experienced have some variations on how that is done. If you don’t know how to bomb, don’t worry. There’ll be a 9.30am Learn to Bomb class before the big event.

Anne Minto with new entrant Luke Barber, who was proud to show his technical drawing to her and mum Wendy Barber. PHOTO: Glenise Dreaver

Prepare your child for school life says teacher By Glenise Dreaver

With the start of the school year upon us, parents are seeing their children off to school, some for the first time. There is almost inevitably some anxiety about that. Anne Minto is the new entrants’ teacher at St Benedict’s School in Khandallah and also leads the Year 1 and 2 syndicate. This experienced teacher says the best thing parents can do to prepare their children for school

is to talk to them. “Make time for those rich conversations. It’s really important.” She knows parents are very busy and some children do have to be in childcare, but she is emphatic that one-on-one time is crucial. “Early in the morning and in the evening are good times. Talking matters. Oral language is so important in the development of reading for example.” “Read to your children. Pick a loved picture book, talk about the illustrations, what will

happen next and enjoy being together.” And learning opportunities are all around you, she says. “Count fruit into bags at the supermarket. Talk about the shapes of things, talk about time and reading the road signs while on car journeys.” “Children are more capable of sorting themselves out than some parents realise. “After a few days of adjustment and settling in, the children are quick to adapt and always end up thriving in school.”

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“St Benedict’s has a buddy system. It means all children in the class are friends with everyone else across the school.” Anne advises that it will give the child confidence if they have practised things like dressing themselves, putting their own shoes on and doing tasks like getting their own sunhat and putting it in their bag. Best of all, she finds the older children at the school are very sweet and caring, making for a great schooling experience she says.

Wellington Water says that unprecedented demand is putting the supply system under pressure. A spokesperson says this means the network can struggle with refilling reservoirs overnight. If key reservoirs could not be refilled to normal levels, there could be reduced pressure and water quality issues as sediment was stirred up. Residents are asked not to wash the windows or water the lawn for a few days . Garden watering restrictions may be increased if the hot dry weather continues. These limit households to a single sprinkler or irrigation system between 6-8am and 7-9pm on alternate days. Odd numbered houses can water on odd numbered days and even numbered houses on even numbered days

Greg O’Connor MP for Ōhāriu

Unit 2, 18 Moorefield Road, Johnsonville On the McDonald’s roundabout Open Monday – Friday 9am–5pm 04 4783332 Greg.OConnor@parliament.govt.nz

Also at 298 Naenae Road, Lower Hutt


/GregOhariu @gregohariu PO Box 13264, Johnsonville, Wellington 6440

Headstone specialists since 1911 Authorised by Greg O’Connor, Parliament Buildings, Wellington


Wednesday February 6, 2019

inbrief news Karori tunnel repairs Tenders open this week for waterproofing work inside the heritagel i s te d 76 m - l o n g K a r o r i Tu n n e l . All being well, work is scheduled to begin in late March. The $600,000 project aims to repair damaged plaster and re-point the existing brick ceiling of the 118-year-old tunnel to help reduce the water leaks that make conditions unpleasant, especially for pedestrians and cyclists. The footpath through the tunnel will also be upgraded. It will be levelled and the drain covered to improve safety. The work is expected to take several months to complete and the aim is to do the work at night to minimise disruption.

World first at airport Wellington Airport now has a fully automated aerobridge docking system on one of its domestic gates, the first airport in the world to use this technology. The Intellidock system was created by Wellington-based company Airport Equipment. Once the aircraft has parked at its allocated gate, the sensor scans the aircraft door and automatically drives the bridge into position and locks into place. A Wellington Airport spokesperson says this eliminates possible operator error and will speed up the arrivals process.

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Artists Mike Javier and Chia Rubio, who have just finished their mural Birds on the Fence in time for the children at St Brigid’s School to enjoy on their return from the summer holidays. PHOTO: John Rubio

Mural welcomes children back By Glenise Dreaver

“It’s a friendly little corner,” says graphic designer Chia Rubio when talking about St Brigid School’s sandpit area, now with its Birds on the Fence mural, finished over the school holidays. She and fellow designer – and relative - Mike Javier, last year requested that the school let them use the fence for the piece, intended as an entry for a competition they hoped to enter. “We had searched around John-

sonville, but couldn’t find a suitable place,” said Chia. The school was happy to let them use the fence as a canvas, but did want them to ensure they did not damage the new deck, or impinge on the neighbour’s side of the fence with spatters. There was also a bit of negotiation to find a sponsor before they got started and after a few false starts it was the school’s own painters, Men in White Ltd, who came to the party and organised the paints they

needed. “We’ve just stayed with primary colours,” says Chia, who has a son at the school, and who works for Wellington Suburban Newspapers. “Then we mix them ourselves. It’s easiest that way.” The native birds theme was requested by the principal. “There are lots of native birds there where a lot of kids hang out under the trees,” Chia says. So the mural has a fantail, a tui, a morepork a kea and a pukeko. They’ve each put about 30-35

hours into the project, working around the school’s playground needs, their work, their own family commitments and the weather. Because of additional delays with finding the place and a sponsor for the paints – as well as the weather – they missed the 2018 competition deadline, but Chia says they may enter in 2019. You can check out more of their works on Instagram, Chia (@artbychia) and Mike (@makwel_art).

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The Shakespeare Globe Centre New Zealand (SGCNZ) is leaping into 2019 with a new programme, Dance Nimble Soles. “We’re finally responding to many requests over the years for a dance element in the range of activities we provide,” says CEO Dawn Sanders. “This year we are giving choreographers and dancers a chance to be creative with

Shakespeare.” In association with Dance Ao t e a r o a N ew Z e a l a n d (DANZ) and NZ Dance Week, SGCNZ is offering aspiring choreographers the chance to choreograph a dance item inspired by a Shakespeare play or characters. The piece may be up to three minutes long, for between two and 25 dancers of any age. The works will all be performed in

an evening show at the Hannah Playhouse in Wellington on International Dance Day Monday April 29. There is, says Dawn, potential for an afternoon session if there is demand. “The items can be of any dance form – jazz, contemporary, ballet, hip hop, kapa haka, ethnic dance, as long as there is an evidence of the Shakespearean influence,”

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she says. “The music would be preferably live – but need not be original, as long as it does not have any royalties or copyright attached.” Three of the choreographed items will be selected to be performed in SGCNZ’s National University of Otago Sheilah Winn Shakespeare Festival Showcase on June 2 at the Michael Fowler Centre.

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Wednesday February 6, 2019

Khandallah Park: The place to be on February 23 Since 1896 Khandallah Park has been a special place for local residents, and for those from other areas of Wellington as well. Originally a domain, by 1919 it had grown to its current size and become the responsibility of the Wellington City Council. So in February, Khandallah Park celebrates its centenary and a group of locals is organising a picnic party. The Khandallah Arts Theatre club (KAT) is also celebrating its sixtieth birthday and Mary Collie-Holmes, the theatre group’s president, says it is therefore very fitting to combine their annual Play-in-the-Park production with the bring-your-own picnic. The picnic will start at noon and be followed by a free showing of the locally-written play The Ugly Duckling at 2.30pm. The day includes many free activities, including novelty games and races, face-painting, a tug-of-war, a children’s fancy dress parade and a chance to see the inhabitants of the stream close up. Adults are also invited to wear fashions from any decade over the last 100 years. There will be free entry to Khandallah Pool, musical entertainment, tours of the local emergency water supply, a display of old photos of the Park and information about the current Park and Pool Revitalisation Project. People can also contribute to a forthcoming history project by recording their memories of the park, facilitated by a couple of oral historians. Loretta Lander has lived beside the Park for most of her life since she


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Long-standing Woodmancote Rd resident Loretta Lander, with Otis and Ivy Adkins, who are just starting their love affair with the Park.

was born in 1941 apart from, she says, about 20 years as a young adult. She remembers the Park as “the” meeting place for the local children. She also remembers the temperature of the water in the swimming pool, which came straight from the creek that meanders down the hill. “Very cold!” Loretta also remembers the stunted vegetation before the Council’s possum trapping programme started. Today’s tall, healthy trees and the increasing bird life in the Park are certainly worth celebrating, she says. All are welcome at the Khandallah Park Picnic Party on Saturday February 23. If wet, it will be postponed to March 9, but The Ugly Duckling will be presented in Cochran Hall in Cashmere Avenue.

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Wednesday February 6, 2019

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Dr. Tim Halpine Caring for feet mail yourchanges ad, thenjoint click the or ATOL CORRECTIONS from -Just no new emails required! submit to your adAPPROVE within the follow the link rovetoor system atbutton a timeright thatyour suitsthere you. view Flexibility; easier and back

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observed the movements of Wild Geese resting during their migrations. They began to create exercises based on these movements. In the 1980s, Grandmaster Yang Mei Jun opened these skills to the public for the first time. She taught Master Tse Wei Jing (Michael Tse) who will shortly be in New Zealand teaching seminars. Sifu Cynthia Shaw is an experienced instructor affiliated to the Tse Qigong Centre with whom she maintains her own training every year. See website for details of this year’s seminar programme and classes in Wellington.


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It’s the ‘fizz’ we notice when feeling healthy and rearing to go – or notice the lack of when unwell or just feeling down. The ancient Chinese discovered they could work with this Qi using movement and meditation to build up reserves of Qi while also flexing and strengthening the body. Movements that connect Qi to acupuncture points and meridians help to clear blockages and strengthen the immune system. Dayan Qigong originated nearly 2000 years ago high up in the Mountains of western China where Daoist monks

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Wednesday February 6, 2019


A decade of adventure and friendship By Glenise Dreaver

“I wanted to do something about social isolation here,” says Northern Suburbs Travel Club founder Jim Collins. “Because most people are interested in travel, it’s a catalyst to bring them together.” Ten years ago, his focus was people living on their own. So in July 2009, with a grant from the Wellington City Council and a story in the Independent Herald he called the first meeting. Just back from Vietnam, he chose that as his topic. The cost was $4 to cover the cost of the room and supper and his fear that no one would come proved ill-founded. There was an audience of thirty-plus members, but Jim says: “What a disaster.” “The laptop broke down. The

slide show was stop and start and I tried to fill in the gaps as we went along. “People got agitated.” He finally asked two guests to help with supper. Ten years on, the Durnfords are still helping with club organisation. Jim admits, however, that the evening did instil interest as, to his surprise, people came back. A decade later, there are usually thirty or so members at the monthly meetings. Sometimes members give talks on their travels, in New Zealand or abroad and sometimes guest speakers, like photographer Peter Bush, describe their journeys. His memorable African tour included an adventure with a jack-knifed jeep and trailer accident in an attempt to escape one very angry bull elephant.

The club is, says membership secretary Jan Sammons, still very effective in combatting social isolation, but now is more about friendship. Couples and friends are very welcome as well as singles. Group tours to South East Asia are organised for club members and, says Jim, club organisation is a lot of work. “But we never run out of speakers.” They meet in Room 4 in the Johnsonville Community Centre on the third Wednesday of every month at 7.30pm. The year’s fi rst meeting will be on Wednesday February 20, with a talk on Alaska and Canada. The cost is still $4 for a casual meeting, $ 20 for an annual subscription. You can find out more at www. nstravelclub.net



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Petrol Cheap & Sometime Free with AA Smartfuel LEFT: The Northern Suburbs Travel Club committee, From left Ed Crampton, John Durnford, treasurer, Jan Sammons, membership secretary, Ngaire Durnford, Jim Collins, founder and John Craig, chairperson. They are looking forward to their tenth anniversary meeting in July. Photo: Glenise Dreaver RIGHT: Eye to eye with a charging bull elephant in Africa. Peter Bush, New Zealand’s icon of sports photography, shared this heart-stopping moment with local travel club members. Photo: Peter Bush.


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Wednesday February 6, 2019

readers have their say... Find out the WORD on the Street. Question: What’s the worst waste of money you’ve ever seen or done?

Abby McAllum, Karori “A $5000 car I bought in Melbourne. The brakes stopped working. A dicey mechanic was provided so I finally bought a brand-new car.”

Karen O’Keefe, Johnsonville “I can’t honestly think of any personal experience. I’m pretty careful”

Tom Cranney, Woodridge “That rainbow crossing is the worst waste of money I’ve ever seen. $40,000 all up!”

Tracey Turner, Lower Hutt “The so-called bike lane solution in Island Bay.I saw a car and a bus sideswipe this morning.”

Brent Stubbins, Johnsonville “Cycleways are a great idea but the implementation in the suburbs is ridiculous. They’re a political toy. The roads are so narrow.”

Maree Stevens, Ngaio “The clothes I’ve bought over the years... they’ve all shrunk in the wardrobe....”

EYE ON CRIME In Johnsonville a burglary took place at a property under construction in Glenside Road which has three houses on one section. The gas hot water tanks were stolen from the two end houses and an unsuccessful attempt was made to take the tank from the middle house. And a ground floor apartment in Middleton Road was entered through sliding door which was unlocked by reaching through a

small window. A laptop computer was stolen. In Newlands a container at a construction site was entered, probably by someone who had a key, and three Topcon lasers were stolen. There was no indication of force having been used. A silver Mazda Axela hatchback parked overnight on the street in Ruskin Road had its rear passenger window smashed to gain entry. The vehicle was searched. It is not

yet known if anything was taken. An attempt was made to steal a blue Toyota Vitz hatchback parked overnight in Sunhaven Drive. The left rear quarterlight window was smashed to gain entry. The ignition was damaged but the attempt to steal the vehicle was abandoned. A silver Toyota Hiace light van parked on the road overnight in Lyndfield Lane had the roof racks stolen from it. In Khandallah the double ga-

Enliven: rest homes with a difference Cashmere Home

51 Helston Road, Johnsonville. Phone: 04 477 7067 Cashmere Home offers rest home, hospital, respite and health recovery care in a relaxed yet vibrant atmosphere.

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221 Karori Road, Karori. Phone: 04 464 2020 Huntleigh Home is bright and friendly, offering rest home, hospital, health recovery and respite care, and a day programme.

For more information: Visit: www.enlivencentral.org.nz Free phone: 0508 ENLIVEN (that's 0508 36 54 83)

rage, located at street level, of a house in Nicholson Road was broken into by interfering with the locks. The garage was searched and a Champion generator and cans of fuel were stolen. An attempt to gain entry into a house in Mandalay Terrace was prevented by a plank of wood placed against the inside of the front door. The intruder managed to pick the lock but could not get any further. Offenders tried to gain

entry into the basement of a house in Rangoon Street by using bolt cutters on the padlocks. They were unsuccessful and searched for another way in, leaving their bolt cutters behind. They found an unlocked laundry door and gained entry into the basement by breaking through a thin wall. A chainsaw, a weedeater and a hedge trimmer were taken. A drop saw had been moved but not taken.

Wednesday February 6, 2019

Plea on children’s safety As schools and kindergartens return from the summer break, Brake, the road safety charity, is reminding drivers to slow down and look out for kids. The charity says 30km/h limits are needed around schools to protect children and help create safer streets. Brake’s NZ director Caroline Perry says the death of a child on the road is devastating. Research shows they can’t accurately assess a vehicle’s speed, so drivers need to give the road their full attention. Children, she says, can make mistakes, but they don’t deserve to pay for it with their life. “Slower speeds outside schools are essential to protect our children and young people on their way to and from school.” A 30km/h limit would, she says, have safety, environmental and health benefits. “With our current terrible statistics for road deaths and injuries, emissions, and obesity, introducing more 30km/h limits is a win all round. “We know many parents fear taking their children to school on foot or bike because of fast traffic; lower limits help to both improve safety and encourage active travel. Many schools have lower speed limits around them but Carolyn is urging drivers to commit to slowing down even further, to 30km/h, so they are much more likely to stop in time if a child runs out. “And if they do hit, the child is far more likely to survive.” There is also a reminder for drivers that the speed limit when passing a stopped school bus in either direction is 20km/h. Parents can also help protect their children by teaching key road safety messages such as: holding hands with young

Sunday February 17th 2019 10am – 3:30pm

Ben Burn Park

Campbell Street, Karori It was Cohen Powlesland’s second day at St Benedict’s School and mother Paula was there to take his hand and teach him how to cross the road safely. PHOTO: Glenise Dreaver

children; safety when crossing the road and using stop, look and listen; crossing only at designated crossing points, or if there aren’t any, crossing at safe places, not on bends or between parked cars; taking headphones off and not using a phone when crossing.




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Wednesday February 6, 2019

Advertising Feature

Gardening & OUTDOOR LIVING Keeping your plants moist in this hot dry summer While the intense summer heat and lack of rain this time of year is ideal for BBQs and entertaining, our gardens suffer. Maintaining a daily check on your plants to ensure they have adequate water may be critical to their survival, especially those in pots or containers. A good compost and mulch will help keep the soil cool, moist and weed-free. And a well set up irrigation system is a good investment worth considering. Midsummer is a good time of year for

building structural features – courtyards, paving, decks, pergolas, retaining wall etc. Leave planting till there’s more regular rainfall. Groundplanz provides professional landscape design and construction services. Our focus is on providing the right solutions for your needs and the environment you live in – solutions that are both functional and aesthetically pleasing. www.groundplanz. co.nz.

New season bulbs will sell fast - be in quick at Twigland Be in quick - we have our new season bulbs in store and a great selection to choose from. Iris (reticulata and Dutch), gladiolus nana, hyacinth (Apricot Passion & Pacific Ocean look especially beautiful), daffodils, crocus and ranuncula. The helpful instructions on the packet provide depth to plant, but our Bulb Planters make

planting super easy. Why not pick up a bag of Tui Bulb Food too. We have a colourful range of plastic bulb planter pots which means easy removal and storage of bulbs at the end of the flowering season. Too early to plant bulbs now, but get in early while there is a good variety available. Buy any 3 or more packs and save 10%!

Bark ltd - managing our natural resources We believe, working in partnership with our clients, combined with a ‘can do’ attitude, delivers results that everyone can be proud of. The services our talented arborists offer are comprehensive. They can tackle anything for you; from aesthetic pruning and shaping to large tree removal. All work is carried out safely and efficiently, while ensuring the greatest care of your property. Bark is a multi-award winning company specialising in the management and care of significant trees, gardens and grounds throughout New Zealand and has been operating since 1994. Bark is passionate about caring for our natural resources for future generations. We

have and continue to strive to find practices that reduce our operational foot print. Having managed the properties under our care in an environmentally sustainable manner since 2001, Bark leads the way and has proven high standards can be achieved while managing our natural resources. These practices and products include, composting and green waste management, natural fertilisers, coconut based herbicide and balanced pest and disease management to name a few. This approach has reduced our agrichemical consumption by over 90%. Making the gardens and grounds entrusted to us safer and more enjoyable for our teams and clients.

spring bulbs TREE REMOVAL

daffodils | hyacinths | dutch i Before • Pruning For clearance of buildings and safety, for shape and form, the health iris reticulata | crocus | gladioli n and vigour of the tree. • Tree removal We specialise in removing problem trees in difficult situations

spring flowering bulbs daffodils | hyacinths | dutch iris iris reticulata | crocus | gladioli nanus

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www.bark.co.nz Ph: 0800 227 558 10 Sydney Street, Petone New Zealand Arboricultural Association Approved Contractors


Wednesday February 6, 2019



Advertising Feature

What to look out for in February... Late variety blueberries are ripening so protect from the birds and keep watering. Once the berries turn blue leave them for another week or so to develop a white bloom before picking. They should feel slightly soft and pull away

easily from the stalk. If you don’t manage to eat them all straight away then freeze them. They make wonderful frozen smoothies, just add some yogurt and blend. If you want a spring display of daffodils now is the time to get

ready. Daffodils can be planted from the end of February. Find a spot in full sun with well drained loose soil or put them in a pot. If the latter use a good quality potting mix and water them in well. To get the best results for tulips

then order fresh bulbs every year and put them in the fridge for chilling. It is unlikely that last year’s tulips will flower again because the bulb will not develop correctly without a cold winter. Wellington’s winters

are not cold enough. Get in early when buying your bulbs so that you get what you want. When choosing your bulbs select large firm ones for best results. Avoid any that look damaged or show signs of disease.

Go potty for geraniums Want to inject some bright colour into a super-sunny spot in your garden? Geraniums are hardy, sun-loving plants perfect for those spots in your garden that often get too hot or are slightly too exposed for other flowers. They are easy-to-grow low-spreading plants, with flowers that push above the foliage – like little posies. They also have the advantage of growing easily from cuttings. Once you have picked your colours, you plant your seedlings in a welldrained, moderately sunny spot. Geraniums like four to six hours’ sun a day.

Fork some compost or general fertiliser through the garden first, to give them the best possible start. Dig small holes 8cm deep, roughly 25 cm apart. Livingstone daisies, lobelia and alyssum make great companion plantings as they all like the same conditions and look lovely together. Give your geraniums a good initial watering, and keep this up for the first few weeks to get them established. Then you can relax a bit more on how much you water. In around four to six weeks you’ll start to see some colour coming through on top of

their dark leaves. Deadheading your blooms will encourage more to come through. And pinching the stems will promote bushier rather than leggier flowers. That means breaking off the top 2cm of the growing tip of a plant to encourage it to grow out wider, before it grows up. (In the same way you pinch off the very top of your basil and other herbs so they don’t go to seed.) Geraniums also make for a lovely indoor pot plant. Place them near a window and if they’re given enough sunlight, they can flower all year long. Now that’s almost plant perfection.

Adding extra space adds value to your home The days are longer so this is a great time to go ahead with those plans to add to outdoors storage space or that extra accommodation! If you need that extra space, Ideal Buildings are the people to contact to make that happen. Ideal Buildings pride themselves on delivering quality solutions for your new garage, sleepout, cottage, carport or garden shed. Whether you choose from their existing plans

or simply use them as an inspiration for your own design, the team will be with you every step of the way to bring your new build to life. Whether it’s the man-cave you have always dreamed of or an extra room for the kids, you’re only limited by your budget and imagination. Ideal can help you realise your vision and advise on those all-important finishing touches.

Dis oof trib tfh2e ut 0y1e or 8a! r !


Summer Garden

It’s time to reap the rewards of your efforts Aaron Slight

Manager, Palmers Petone

With plenty to harvest from your kitchen garden, it’s time to freeze and preserve all the fruits of your labour ready for the cooler months. In your edible garden, keep planting the last summer crops of new lettuce and herbs. If you have a greenhouse, you can still plant tomatoes, eggplant, cucumbers and peppers. Continue harvesting mid-season pip and stone fruit tree crops, berries and citrus. Picking fruits every day will encourage late fruiting. Sow seeds of winter vegetables like cabbage, cauliflower, broccoli, beetroot, winter lettuce, brussel sprouts, spinach, carrots, leeks and silverbeet. Early summer bulbs such as anemone, ranunculus, tulips and daffodils arrive in store this month and can be planted in flower beds and pots. Bulbs can be planted now through to late autumn. By planting continuously through this period, you’ll be rewarded with a continuous floral display come spring. In warmer areas, place your bulbs in the fridge for 4-6 weeks before planting.


Water restrictions in your area? Try these tips:

• Soak your garden every four days, instead of short shallow watering • Water early or late to ensure the water gets to where it is needed • Water the roots, not the leaves, for maximum plant benefit • Use a sprinkler with a timer to deliver just the right amount of water • Mulching with Kolush Manuka Mulch around your plants can reduce the need to water, keep roots cooler and even conserve up to 70% of the available water.

Happy Summer Gardening from the team at Palmers Petone

Come in and visit our stylish new café!

Serving breakfast through to afternoon tea, Café Botannix is the ideal setting to meet with family and friends. Our unique garden setting and covered outdoor courtyard is the perfect place to relax after shopping for plants and gifts too.

15 Victoria Street, Petone. PALMERS.CO.NZ


974 5097 Open 7 days: 8.30am - 5.30pm.


Wednesday February 6, 2019

OUT&about A man who dreamed a dream… By Glenise Dreaver

Deputy principal of Raroa Normal Intermediate School Stephen Eames had a dream. A keen mountain biking enthusiast, his dream was of a track at the school for the children and community to use. A few months later, that track is built and the school also has 50 bikes for the children to use. Principal Christine Brown told the school community and invited guests at the opening ceremony about the importance of having a dream. Deputy principal Matt Tilley says they have been focusing on a wide range of areas in

Contact 04 587 1660


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dren helped with the design of the track and they were first “out of the blocks” on the ceremonial first lap on Monday morning. Rapid Earthworks spent the school holidays working on it and by the time the children started their laps on Monday it had been well and truly tested by any number of local children – and their parents – in the preceding weeks. The 680 children, 350 of them “newbies” along with their teachers, Wellington councillors and the local MP Greg O’Connor, watched Mayor Justin Lester ceremonially cut the ribbon as they celebrated an impossible dream.

Ready for the off: These enthusias tic mountain bikers were lined up waiting for the ribbon to be cut.


school including active learning, building reliance, well being, sustainable transport options, increased physical activity for pre-adolescent learners. They are also focussing on the need for increased activity. The cycle track, pump track ticks all these boxes. There was support from the Wellington City Council and the Bikes in Schools programme, along with KiwiVelo, owned by Shane Collett, a former parent of the school. That firm provided 50 quality bikes and worked closely with a group of 15 students to build them all from scratch. Matt says that six of the chil-

m m u niti


Meridian Power Up Community Fund Meridian recognises the importance of local communities to our hydro and wind operations. Meridian’s Power Up gives your community a say on what local initiatives are supported and funded by Meridian. The Fund, managed by a panel of community members and Meridian staff, is about working together to build strong communities.

A triumphant first (official) round of the track

Power Up West Wind is for the communities of Makara, South Makara,

George Mills enjoyed the chance to be one of the first out on Raroa’s new mountain bike track.

Makara Beach and Takarau Gorge. The next closing date for applications is 31 March 2019. Power Up Mill Creek is open to Ohariu Valley and North Makara communities. The next closing date for applications is 31 March 2019.

TO APPLY FOR FUNDING For more information on Power Up or to submit an application online, please visit meridian.co.nz/powerup or email

You can also call us on 04 803 2507.



“He had a dream,” Raroa Intermediate School principal Christine Brown told the children, and guests, at the mountain bike tracak opening about how their wonderful new facility came about. PHOTO: Glenise Dreaver

Wednesday February 6, 2019 Wednesday November 18, 2015

Railway parking spaces will return To Lease

By Glenise Dreaver

Motorists who used the Johnsonville railway station‘s all-day parking area on Moorfield Road will, over the next few months, have to walk a lot further after parking their cars. The area has been resealed and is


SECURE STORAGE 14sqm $42 per week. seasoned pine $180 They are lit-up boxes2m with being used as a temporary bus hub Moorfield RoadWainui out what is underneath the road. outsideSelf Countdown. Storage, Waiu St, 0274805150. 4m Split pine store for always be certain. area. “You can’t Bus stop C, also formerly under the information about bus arrivals, $330 winterYou Composed by Tony Watling 11th. Nov. verandah, 2015 other Greater Wellington Regional can find old clay pipes for now has its own new hub Trades and network Servicestransfers and next Large Bagsexample Kindling $13 details. Council’s bus hub manager James across the road. and you can’t just dig The work, says and James, isLarge quiteBagsthem Mefan says the space will, in time, up without knowing what The B stop FOR will go backELECTRICAL to its ALL repairs Dry Pine/ hardwood aswith the boxes re- mix be restored for parking, but it is current site, but they$14 are for. that needsby totop-qualifi have far-reaching, installations ed electrician needed as they reconfigure Bus Stop seats and windbreaks installed, as quire a permanent power supply “Everything depends on what giving locals theas connecFree Delivery own, as well B, currently under the verandah on well as “Wayfirecord we fiinndWainui underground.” nders”.of over fifty yearsofoftheir lowest cost “around-the-clock” service, just tions to the Chorus network. Current plans are for the work Our summer pools were built by us. “That meansora bunch of trenches to start in early March, and phone 977-8787 or 021-0717-674 email Blends in well did cause no fuss. are needed to install the in- Trades because of theServices complexity of the jack.powell@outlook.com and With hydro slide will cause a splash. ground connections.” work, there can be no guarantees And to it many people dash. A scan is also needed to find on when it will finish. Situation Vacant



Through native bush we twist and wiggle. From the children brings a giggle. Severn days a week the place is open. Hot summer days we all are hopen!


13 13

nz dermatology & skin cancer center We specialise in diagnosing and treating skin cancers

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Public Notice

Wainuiomata Squash Club AGM


NZ Dermatology & Skin Cancer Centre is a specialist dermatology practice located in the heart of Wellington. If you have any concerns about skin cancer, cosmetic lesions, or rashes and acne, NZDSCC is the place to go. The team at the Vivian Street office comprises three experienced dermatologists: Dr Ian Coutts, Dr Scott Barker, and Dr John Snow. Between them, they have many years of experience in different specialist areas within dermatology, including complete skin cancer management, melanoma diagnosis and treatment, laser dermatology, and skin surgery. The NZDSCC team also conduct skin allergy tests, phototherapy, and are well-experienced with other skin complaints, such as eczema, psoriasis, and rashes.

46 Waione St Petone Ph: 5685989 Open Sat 9am-3pm Formerly cpa spares

When it comes to skin lesions and skin cancer, there is a real need for specialist, Funeraldermatologists Director who will fully-trained strive to always make the right diagnosis. Uniquely in the greater Wellington region, we have onsite expertise in histopathology (microscope examination of skin lesions, rare skin cancers, and rashes) to ensure a melanoma is correctly diagnosed. This will result in the right choice of treatment for you, from the simplest anti-cancer creams to complex margin control surgery, which will result in smaller defects and reduce potential for scarring. We all know that the skin is the largest organ of the human body. Take good care of it with the team at NZDSCC, a Southern Cross affiliated provider. They have patient car parks and a lift for wheelchair access.

51. J.K. Rowling 7.00pm chose the Monday 30th November unusual At the Clubrooms name The overnight disappearance of 20 all-day carparks outside the Johnsonville railway station is temporary, while ‘Hermione’ several months of work on bus stop B, under the verandah Corner at ofCountdown, Main Road is finished. PHOTO: Glenise Dreaver so young and Moohan Streets, Wainuiomata girls wouldn’t be teased Bringing local news for being nerdy! to the community There has been a rethink of the bus hub relocation plans for Stop C, currently found in the carpark at JohnsonvilleSituation Mall, says Vacant Greater Wellington Regional Council’s bus hub manager James Mefan. A solid The temporary carpark stop, in a converted shipping container, was to have had a new, temporary hub installed ?? (not sure where!) until its final site, by the new Waitohi building, housing the library, was finished. However, there have, says James, been some delays in other work on the hub system, while the library is on track to be finished in December, or even sooner. “So we have had a change of programme. Deliverers Required in It would just be a waste of money to install a new temporary hub when the permanent one • MOHS SURGERY • SKIN CANCER MANAGEMENT • PHOTO THERAPY • 1: Momona, Mohaka, canArea be installed at Waitohi within months.” Kawatiri - Kaponga. ALLERGY TESTING • LASER TREATMENT They can’t install it before the building is A skin specialist centre dedicated to providing an outstanding and finished though. “The last thing you want comprehensive dermatology service. to do is run the public through an unfin- Bus hub A has, in the last week, been relocated to the other Applications are available at our recruitment View the Wainuiomata News ished site. For health and safety reasons in side of Moorefield Road, near the Challenge 2000 office entrance. or at the security gate based in theat 62 Vivian Street, Te Aro, Wellington | Ph: 04 380 0125 Now online www.wsn.co.nz Ngauranga George in Wellington. accounts@wsn.co.nz particular.” PHOTO: Glenise Dreaver Email: skin@nzdermatology.co.nz | www.nzdermatology.co.nz

Carpark bus stop to stay

Wainuiomata Newspaper Deliverers


Contact Sandra on 587 1660


Contact Barry 472 7987 or 021 276 6654.

By Russell Russell McQuarters McQuarters By By Russell McQuarters By Russell McQuarters

51.Most Mostrare. rare. (8) (8) 40.Killer Killerwhale. whale. (4) (4) ACROSS 51. 40. ACROSS 55.Latin LatinAmerican Americandance. dance. (5) (5) 43. 43.Gossiped. Gossiped. (7) (7) 1.Vision Vision (9) (9) 55. 1. (abbr) (3) 51. Angry (5)(5) ACROSS (abbr) (3) 51. Angry ACROSS 56. Add to. (7) 44. Sonof(Scot) of(Scot) (3) Insuranceevaluators. evaluators. (9) (9) 56. Add to. (7) 44. Son 6.6.Result Insurance 33. Sphere (3)(3) (3) 52. Solidify by cooling (7)(7) 1. (5-6) 33. Sphere 52. Solidify by cooling 1. Result (5-6) 57. Burn slightly. (5) 45. Beseech. (7) 11. Rate. (5) 57. Burn slightly. (5) 45. Beseech. (7) 11. (5) 38. U.S. horse race; ... Derby (8) 53. Anaesthetic (5) 7. Rate. Scoundrel (7) 38. Long U.S. horse 53.Adjourned. Anaesthetic(9) (5) 7. Scoundrel (7) (7) 58. 46. tirade.race; (6) ... Derby (8) 12.Import Import illegally. 58. Adjourned. (9) 46. Long tirade. (6) 12. illegally. (7) 40. Restrained (8)(8) 54. Humbleness (7)(7) 11. 11. Pulls (5) 40. Restrained 54. Humbleness Pulls (5) 59.Expedient. Expedient. (9) (9) 48.Rainbows. Rainbows. (6) (6) 13.Loosen. Loosen. (5) (5) 59. 48. 13. 42. Casual (7)(7) 55. Friendship (11) 12.12. Deviousness (7) (7) 42. Casual 55. Friendship (11) Deviousness 50. Real nameThomas Thomas 14.“Once “Once werewarriors” warriors” actor, 50. Real name 14. were actor, 44.44. Annual calendar (7)(7) 13. 13. Excellent (5) (5) Annual calendar Excellent DOWN Woodward, singer, Tom ... (5) Temuera ... (8) DOWN Woodward, Temuera ... (8) 46.46. Scoffs (6)(6) singer, Tom ... (5) DOWN 14. 14. Alert (9) (9) Scoffs DOWN Alert 1. Jury spokesman. (7) 52. Hinder the inspection(cryp) (5) 17. Legitimate (5-5) 1. Jury spokesman. (7) 52. Hinder the inspection(cryp) (5) 17. Legitimate (5-5) 47.47. Manservant (6)(6) 1. Sound (5)(5) 15. 15. So So (9) (9) Manservant 1. Helicopter Sound 2. blade. (5) 53. Lassitude. (5) 18. Lyric poem. (3) 53. Lassitude. (5) 18. Lyric poem. 48. Form of of expression (5)(5) 2.2.Sent (11) 16. 16. Directs (6) (6)(3) 48. Form expression 2.Helicopter Sent (11) blade. (5) Directs Dull. (6) 54. Sullen. (4) (5) 20.River Riverin inAfrica. Africa. (4) (4) 54. Sullen. (4) 20. 49. Water vapour 3.3.3. Shy (8)(6) 18. Skull (7) 49. Water vapour (5) 3.Dull. Shy (8) 18. Skull (7) Fervour. (5) 22.Naval Navalrank. rank. (7) Fervour. (5) 22. (7) 50.50. Gambol (5)(5) 4.4.4. Of public revenue (6)(6) 21. Disorder (4) (4) Gambol 4. Of public revenue 21. Disorder Solution Notslack. slack. (4) (4)(5) 24.Cattle-dealer. Cattle-dealer. (6) SOLUTION 24. SOLUTION 5.5.5. Turn outwards 23. Racket (3) (3) (6) 5.Not Turn outwards (5) 23. Racket last week – 30 January Universal arithmetic. (7) (7) 26.25. For. (3)by For November 24,2004 2004 SOLUTION SOLUTION 26. For. (3) 6.6.6. Constrict (7)arithmetic. 25. Take by sipssips (3) (3) 6.Universal Constrict (7) Take For November 24, Solution last week, 11 November 7. To bundle wheat. (6) 28. Of the British race, ... Saxon. 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Wednesday February 6, 2019

CLASSIFIEDS Trades & Services

WHAT’S ON... The Community Noticeboard is for non-profit organisations. For $15.00 you can publish up to 25 words. No AGMS, sporting notices or special meetings. Community Notices must be pre-paid. Call into our office, phone (04) 587 1660 or email classifieds@wsn.co.nz

Widowed, Separated and Divorced Support Group WSD’s next 10 week course starts Wednesday 13th February 2019 in Petone. Phone 04 499-5520, enquiries@wsd.org.nz or www.wsd.org.nz

Trades & Services

BUILDING/PAINTING prompt service,

reasonable rates. Free quotes. Phone 04 9777850 or 027-451-5005. HOUSE washing, 16 yrs exp. Hotwater,

softwash, gutters vacuumed clear, decks, paths. Wayne 021 035 3930. www.thehousewashingguy.co.nz SCAFFOLD FOR HIRE - Competitive

rates, installed by Qualified Builder. Free site assessment, Deliver, erect, move/reconfigure, dismantle. Call/Txt 021 042 1135 KHANDALL AH LAWN MOWING PLUS Experienced mowing, waterblasting,

hedge & tree trimming 022 413 4241 FREE QUOTE Garden Maintenance GARDENSCAPE SERVICES Trees,

hedges, tidy ups. Ph Roy 476-3368 / 027248-3263. Situations Vacant

Find Your Voice!

Visit Churton Park Toastmasters OPEN DOOR meeting this Thursday, 7 February, 7.30pm. Toby Petterson 028 404 3169. tobypetterson@yahoo.com

Retired and looking for social activity?

Johnsonville Friendship Club offers monthly speakers and outings, including films and lunches. Phone Kathy on 938 4523 for information.

Tawa College foundation

”Early years” alumni gathering. Informal BBQ/Pot luck at Linden, Saturday, 2 March 2019. Other activities. For more information Contact Alan at sioala@xtra.co.nz Public Notices

ADVERTISING TERMS & CONDITIONS All advertisements are subject to the approval of Wellington Suburban Newspapers. Advertisements are positioned entirely at the option of The Publisher & no guarantee of placement is given. Applicable loadings apply only to the specific placement of strip or island advertisements. Placement & approval is at the discretion of The Publisher. While every effort will be made to publish as instructed, The Publisher accepts no liability for any loss caused through loss or misplacement. The Publisher reserves the right to reject any advertisement considered unsuitable for publication. Advertisements will be charged on the size of the material supplied or the space ordered whichever is the greater. It is the responsibility of the Advertiser or Advertising Agent to notify Wellington Suburban Newspapers of any error within 24 hours of its publication. The Publisher is not responsible for recurring errors. To obtain a classified space order (defined as annual commitment of advertising space or spend) please speak to your advertising representative. (Surcharges may apply if commitment levels are not met or cancellation of a space booking & or contract). Cancellation: neither display nor classified cancellations will be accepted after the booking deadline. No credits will be issued to classified package buys that have commenced their series. If an advertiser at any time fails to supply copy within the deadline, it is understood & agreed that the last copy supplied will be repeated. Specific terms & conditions apply to certain classifications. These may relate to either requirements & conditions set by industry standards for the advertising of certain goods & services, or set by The Publisher. Please speak to your advertising representative to obtain a full copy of these. Advertisers agree that all advertisements published by Wellington Suburban Newspapers may also appear on a relevant website.

WOOD WORKSHOP assistants/ labour-

ers (x2) needed for our Recycled Timber furniture and processing base in Ngauranga Gorge. Required for regular Part Time 10-20 hours per week. Suit Fit and strong Year 12,13 students 2-4 days after school and part of weekends. Call Todd 0223079964

PAINTING Interior/Exterior Wallpaper - FREE QUOTES Call Theo 021400812

PAINTING TEAM with own scaffolding

Exc. Refs. Comp Rates. All work guaranteed. FREE QUOTES Contact Marcus on: 021 764 831


A1 DRIVING SCHOOL • Student Discounts • MANUAL and Automatic cars • Preparation for Restricted & Full Licence Tests. • Refresher Courses • Gift Vouchers

04 3877480 ph/txt 0212243441

a1drive@a1driving-wellington.co.nz www.a1driving-wellington.co.nz

Death Notices

RUBBISH & GREEN WASTE REMOVAL Free quotations Ph Sam on

021 0252 7361 No job too small


Qualified for: Alterations, Additions Refurbishment, Repairs Ph Allan Johnstone: 973 1239 027 450 3239

Olympic Painting Interior / Exterior 5 Year guarantee Ph Paul 027 441 813 or 479 1319 E: olympicpainting@xtra.co.nz

AMOS, Duncan Claude: Jan 26, 2019 DAVIS, Valerie Rae (nee Roseman): Jan 26, 2019 MIDDLETON, Hadley: Jan 29, 2019 ROSS, Alexander Thomas: Feb 3, 2019 VAN DALEN, Paulina – Peacefully at Te Hopai Home and Hospital on 31 January 2019 in her 100th year. Messages to the van Dalen family may be left in Paulina’s tribute book at www.tributes.co.nz or posted c/- PO Box 7123 Newtown 6242. A service to celebrate Paulina’s life was held at The Wilson Funeral Home Chapel on Monday 4th February 2019 at 1pm followed by burial at Makara Cemetery. The Wilson Funeral Home, Newtown & Karori - Locally Owned. DAJI DAHYA passed away peacefully at Maupuia Ultimate Care on Friday 1st February 2019, aged 90 years. A funeral service was held at Bharat Bhavan, Kemp St, Kilbirnie on Monday 4th February at 11am. The Wilson Funeral Home, Newtown & Karori - Locally Owned.


REG DRAINLAYER Graham Plumbing & Drainage Ltd Call John 970 2409 or 027 457 4999


CLEANERS: 3.30pm start and evening

work available. Ph 021 421 830 - No txts

Cnr Burgess & Johnsonville Rds, Johnsonville Ph: 04 477 6855


Public Notice

Public Notices

Enrolment at our school is governed by an enrolment scheme, details of which are available from the school office and our website. The board has determined that 29 places are likely to be available for out-ofzone students in 2019. The exact number of places will depend on the number of applications received from students who live within the school’s home zone. In 2019 there will be 4 enrolment periods. The second enrolment period runs for term 2 from Saturday 13 April 2019 to Friday 05 July 2019. For students seeking enrolment within the second enrolment period, the deadline for receipt of applications for out of zone places is Wednesday 06 March 2019. Please contact the school office for an enrolment form to submit. If the number of out of zone applications exceeds the number of places available, students will be selected by ballot. If a ballot for out of zone places is required, it will be held on Thursday 07 March 2019. Parents will be informed of the outcome of the ballot within three school days of the ballot being held. Parents of students who live within the home zone and intend to enrol their child at any time during this year should also notify the school as soon as possible to assist the school to plan appropriately for the year ahead. Details relating to the third enrolment period for term 3, 2019 are as follows:

Public Notices

$300,000 community funding up for grabs Applications are now open for community group funding from the Hutt Mana Charitable Trust. If your charitable, philanthropic, amateur sport, cultural or community organisation needs a funding boost check out the application form and apply. Visit www.hmct.org.nz or phone 04 569 6113 for more information. Applications close on Friday 22 February. Hutt Mana Charitable Trust: building strong and sustainable communities in the Hutt Valley, Porirua City and Wellington North.

Length of enrolment period: Saturday 06 July 2019 to Friday 27 September 2019. Deadline for third enrolment period applications: Wednesday 5 june 2019. Date of ballot if required: Thursday 6 June 2019

AFTER SCHOOL MUSIC CENTRE Enrolment day is 12 February 2019 from 3-5pm at the school office. Instruments available are Violin, Guitar, Flute and Piano. Please ring Kaye at school office 4788195 for further information. Situations Vacant

Two positions available Lawn Care and Maintenance Can handle physical work. Full driver’s licence ideal, but can discuss if you haven’t got full licence yet. Mainly lawn mowing & garden maintenance etc. Monday to Friday, possibility offering Saturday work. Hourly rate at award rate, but if skills and experience exceeds expectations, hourly rate can be negotiated.

Maintenance Handy Person



Human noses and ears keep getting bigger, even when the rest of the body’s growth has come to a halt

Can handle physical work and with something different every day. Full driver’s licence is a must. Mainly any small residential repairs i.e. house painting to other maintenance duties as required by customer. Monday to Friday, possibility offering Saturday work. Dependent on skills and experience hourly rate can be negotiated.

Call Anna 021-2017197 for more details. Email CV to highfiveinandout@gmail.com. Close on Thursday 28/2/2019.

Wednesday February 6, 2019

SPORT Sports talk


with Jacob Page

Black Clash backlash I had a ticket to the Black Clash event at Hagley Park a fortnight ago, but giving it up for health reasons was the best thing I could have done. Long story short, my recovery from surgery was slower than I’d hoped and I’d decided I couldn’t hack sitting on grass for five hours. Initially, I was disappointed to part with my $60 ticket but as the cricket-versus-rugby cricket

match hit game day, I realised I’d lucked out. First of all, the game was a cash grab for Duco Events. You can play for the Lomu/ Crowe Trophy — a shameless attempt to add credibility to the game — but it merely came across as lipstick on a pig. The game was broadcast live on TVNZ 1. There goes the motivation to go

to the game (which to be fair was almost a sell-out anyway). The irony of the free-to-air coverage is that most of the players — All Blacks and Black Caps of the past 20 years — could only be seen in the prime of their careers behind Sky’s paywall. The game itself was of pretty average quality. I love watching Chris Harris bat and bowl - watching him is one

of the reasons I fell in love with sport as a child 25 years ago, but I can watch him for free rolling his arm over at Sydenham Park every Saturday if I wanted. People love nostalgia and if that’s why you purchased a ticket then more power to you but it felt as if the Black Clash refused to stay in its lane. Ironic it was that the TVNZ 1 news bulletin was curtailed by

30 minutes for such a game and yet sport fans have been starved of sport on free TV for more than 20 years. One final thing, the camera angles and ball tracking off the bat was well below accepted standards. Hopefully that is not an omen for when the network broadcasts the Rugby World Cup in nine months time.

Special prize for special local family

Prizewinners of the Round the Bays holiday package: Johnsonville family Hayley and Jaron Marsh with Jordan, 2 and Addy, 4. PHOTO supplied.

Wellington Bridge Club players dominate Three top players from Wellington Bridge Club, Mindy Wu from Mt Cook, and Kate Davies and John Patters, both of Lyall Bay, combined with Pamela Dravitzki from the Richmond Club to win the Marlborough 10A Teams played in

Marlborough over the weekend. There was a strong field of over 88 players from throughout New Zealand. The Dravitzki team had a poor first round but by round four they had reached the top and stayed there for the rest of tournament.

Wellington players also featured in the second-placed team when Dale Lacey and Robyn Freeman-Greene, both from Thorndon, combined with two Nelson players Steve Gray and Lindsey Guy to finish less than three points behind the winners.

With the 2019 Brendan Foot Supersite Round the Bays fun run/walk to be held on Sunday February 17, Sport Wellington held a competition where entrants were asked to convey why they love to #getinvolved with the event. Of hundreds of entries Johnsonville local Jaron Marsh and his family won the Rotorua Weekend Escape package. It’s not just that Round the Bays is, he says, a “family tradition” involving himself, his wife Haley and two children, Abby and Jordyn. His entry describes why: “Our oldest daughter has cerebral palsy and relies on a wheelchair to get around. So since our first family tradition Round The Bays, we feel it›s even more important to keep our family tradition alive to show to our daughters, and others in the Wellington community, that having a disability doesn›t stop us taking part in physically active things and being involved in the community. “She’s a people person and loves being around people,

watching people and laughing at them, so RTB is one of the best places for that! “Even though she can’t speak, she communicates in other ways just how much she enjoys things like RTB. “Thanks for making it an accessible event for families like us, we’ll return for as many years as we can!” The Marsh family win included a Lakefront Spa access pass at Polynesian Spa Rotorua, an Original Canopy Tour with Rotorua Canopy Tours, and two nights stay at Rydges Rotorua. The thousands of Round the Bays participants will start at Frank Kitts Park and will end at Kilbirnie Park. There is the 6.5km run/walk, the Active Families section also 6.5km, where children can ride their scooter, the Buggy 6.5km Walk, the 10km and the half marathon events, with the half marathon runners making their way out to a turn-around point at Scorching Bay. Head to www.wellingtonroundthebays.co.nz to register.

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The winners of the Marlborough 10A Teams Bridge Tournament, from left: Mindy Wu, John Patterson, Chris Marshall (Marlborough Region chair) Pamela Dravitzki, holding the winning trophy, and Kate Davies. PHOTO: Supplied

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Wednesday February 6, 2019

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