2 minute read

A very special concert

The Wellington Male Voice Choir’s second concert of 2023 celebrates cultural diversity through song, and promises to be a very special event, with three guest choirs performing as well as the Wellington Male Voice Choir.

Entitled “Songs of the Nations – A Celebration of Cultures”, it will be held at the Tawa College Hall, 38A Duncan Street Tawa, starting at 5pm on Sunday 20 August.


Tickets can be purchased online through the choir’s website, www. wellingtonmvcnz.org, the ticketing agency Eventbrite, www.eventbrite. co.nz, or by cash door sales on the day of the concert.

Concert-goers are in for a special treat, as the Wellington Male Voice Choir is joined by the current NZ barbershop champions, Pacific Connection, and by two of New Zealand’s most accomplished secondary school choirs, Queen Margaret College’s Voces Luce and

Tawa College’s own Blue Notes.

Porirua-based Pacific Connection only formed in 2019 but they have made a huge impact since then. In their first appearance at the national barbershop championships in 2022, they claimed first place, achieving the highest score ever attained at that competition.

In June of this year they represented New Zealand at the world barbershop championship in Louisville Kentucky, achieving eighth place in the world in their first international competition.

As well as English, Pacific Connection sing in Samoan, Tonga, Fijian and Te Reo M ori, sharing not only their exquisite harmonies but also their culture.

Both Voces Luce and Blue Notes were selected this year from amongst more than 200 secondary school choirs to compete at the Grand Finale of Big Sing, New Zealand’s premier secondary school choral festival.

Voces Luce have recently returned from an Asia-Pacific singing competition in Singapore, where they placed in the top five – the only secondary school choir to do so (the others were all university choirs).

Blue Notes, directed by Tawa College music teacher Isaac Stone, recently accompanied the RNZAF Band on the nationally-televised ANZAC Day Dawn Service.

Formed in 1961, the Wellington Male Voice Choir has rehearsed on Thursday evening in Tawa for many years.

It has toured to Australia on several occasions, and extensively within the lower North Island and upper South Island.

Most recently, it joined the Nelson Male Voice Choir as the guest choir at the Nelson choir’s celebration of its 90th birthday.

The choir is always keen to welcome new members, and invites

The Wellington Male Voice Choir. Photo: Supplied. interested prospective singers to come to one of its rehearsals or to contact the choir through the contact tab on its website.

Both the Wellington Male Voice Choir and Voces Luce are directed by South Carolina-born, Mark Stamper.

He has an extensive and glittering conducting and piano performance career, stretching back more than 40 years, both in his native United States and in New Zealand. Mark is the current and former conductor of a number of choirs in Wellington, including founding and directing the professional choir, Inspirare.

He began conducting the Wellington Male Voice Choir in mid-2019.

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Wellington Quilters

Monday 14th August – Wellington Quilters meet at Uniting Church, Dr Taylor Tce, Johnsonville. Doors open 6:30pm for refreshments. Meeting starts 7:30pm. Visitors welcome!

Don’t Chuck It. Fix It

Ngaio Repair Cafe is free, open Saturday 19 August,10am - 1pm, Ngaio Union Church, corner Crofton Road and Kenya Street.

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