Ginny Andersen sen Labour List ist MP based in Hutt South
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Petone 04 568 2949 Wainuiomata 04 564 4988 ginnyandersenmp
Authorised by Ginny Andersen, Parliament Buildings, Wellington.
Wednesday April 10, 2019
Today 15-20
Thursday 11-18
Friday 10-15
Saturday 10-14
Phone: (04) 587 1660
School supports cancer research By Megan Connolly
The weather dampened the plans for Arakura School’s Relay for Life on Friday afternoon but they came up with a better idea. House teams raced to see who could eat a whole bowl of dry Weet-Bix first all in the name of Cancer research. The school’s participation in Relay for Life is to support a local family that includes three teacher aides from the school and the team, Team Danz, who headed off to the real Relay for Life on Saturday. Students were encouraged to wear their house colours and bring a donation to support. Continued on page 2. Like Matthew Jacobs, Arakura School students got stuck into some dry Weet-Bx in their own Relay for Life on Friday afternoon to help fundraise for local group Team Danz, who participated in Relay for Life at the weekend. PHOTO: Megan Connolly
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