2 minute read

Burma Road garden opened

By Frank Neill

A new roadside garden on Burma Road, opposite the Malvina Major Village, was opened on 29 March.


The new garden is named “Bonnie’s Berm”, honouring Bonnie Mouat who first planted an informal garden beside Burma Road in the earlier days of the Malvina Major Village.

Village resident Natalie Brockie came up with the idea of developing a project to recapture Bonnie’s garden, and has led the initiative.

The opening was planned to be celebrated with a garden party, but with inclement weather, the occasion was held inside.

Many guests who had supported the establishment of the garden in a variety of ways attended.

They included Wellington City Councillors Diane Calvert and Ray Chung, who spoke warmly of the garden constructed for the benefit of the village and community as a joint effort by Wellington

City Council (WCC) and Ryman Healthcare with future upkeep by residents and the community.

“I think [Natalie] has done a fantastic job,” Cr Calvert says. The council officers also made a great contribution as did many people and organisations in the community, she says.

“In earlier days, before the new Figaro Building was erected, a resident of Malvina Major Village established an informal garden on the bank along Burma Road,” Natalie said at the opening.

“It provided plants to admire instead of the weeds that marred the view from her apartment window.

“Her name was Bonnie Mouat and while Bonnie has now passed away, her daisy bushes have remained.

Natalie put a proposal to WCC and after a negotiation process of three years, an engineer offered the suggestion of using planter boxes.

This was accepted and a contract to build 20 boxes of solid macrocarpa was arranged with Bespoke of Tawa.

Ryman Healthcare and the WCC have shared the cost of the garden.

“It was a delight to observe members of the community and residents working together to establish the planting.

“Residents and passers-bys are enjoying the presence of a colourful garden in their midst,”

Natalie said.

At the opening a series of organisations and people were thanked for their contributions to the garden project:

Albie Calope and David King from Ryman Healthcare for encouragement and financial support;

Martin Jenkins from Onslow Residents’ Community Association, who helped present several proposals to WCC;

Brad Singh, WCC Engineer, who proposed the idea of planter boxes;

Jeannette O’Callaghan, for her expertise in drawing up detailed plans for the garden free of charge from her firm

O’Callaghan Design.NZ; Craig Robertson, from Bespoke Wooden Solutions, who constructed the boxes out of Macrocarpa with sturdy workmanship and oversaw their arrival; the many residents and community members, especially the Johnsonville and Onslow Garden Clubs, who have donated plants and positive comments in support of the project; and Challenge 2000, who laboured to clear some of the difficult areas from weeds.

The garden was then blessed by Sue Brown from Ngaio Uniting Church and Judith Dunlop of the Johnsonville Uniting Church.

Speeches were interspersed with joyful garden theme songs, presented by Linden Loader and the Malvina Choir.

In parting, a challenge was extended to the WCC and community groups that in time the gardens could be extended. A delicious afternoon tea was enjoyed by the large gathering who attended.

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