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CAB uses people’s own languages
Free information and advice in people’s own language is available at the Karori and Johnsonville Citizens Advice Bureaux (CAB).
CABs are committed to making sure the service is inclusive of everyone and that language is not a barrier to people accessing the service and information about their rights and obligations.
CABs know that life can be difficult in Aotearoa when English isn’t one’s first language.
Navigating information, addressing issues and getting things done can be hard and stressful.
The CAB provides a safe space for everyone where it can help people access the information, advice, support and services they need – regardless of what language they speak.
CAB is very fortunate to have many bilingual and multilingual volunteers. “At Wellington CAB we have volunteers who can speak Mandarin, Cantonese, Punjabi, Hindi, Sinhalese, German, Portuguese and Spanish”, says the Johnsonville CAB Manager, Dulce Piacentini.
CABs can also access other multilingual CAB volunteers around the country or use telephone and video interpreting services, so that clients can get help in their own language.
“We recognise the value of having a diverse workforce of volunteers and are keen to welcome new volunteers from all backgrounds to our CAB w nau”, Dulce adds.
“You can ask us anything, including questions about housing and tenancy, neighbours, consumer law, employment, education, legal rights, income support, immigration, family issues and relationships and many more.”
To access the CAB service, people can visit bureaux in Karori, Johnsonville, the city centre, Newtown or Kilbirnie,