13 March Independent Herald

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Ginny Andersen sen Labour List ist MP based in Hutt South

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Petone 04 568 2949 Wainuiomata 04 564 4988 ginnyandersenmp

Authorised by Ginny Andersen, Parliament Buildings, Wellington.

Wednesday March 13, 2019

Today 13-22

Thursday 14-20

Friday 16-22

Warding off crime

Saturday 15-21

Phone: (04) 587 1660

By Gerald Rillstone

Wainuiomata’s Maori Wardens are the last stop before calling the police and senior warden Mandy Atkinson dedicates most days of the week and some weekends to serving the community. One thing Wainuiomata Maori Warden Mandy Atkinson enjoys the most about her job is the interaction with the community. Continued on page 2. Mandy Atkinson on duty most days of the week in the town centre of Wainuiomata. PHOTO: Gerald Rillstone

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