14 December Wainuiomata News

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Te Awa Puketapu was elected Chair of the Wainuiomata Community Board at the board’s inaugural meeting on 7 December.

Lesa Bingley was elected Deputy Chair of the board. Both Ms Puketapu and Ms Bingley are serving their first terms on the community board.

Ms Puketapu was elected Chair unopposed, and Ms Bingley was also elected Deputy Chair unopposed.

Continued on page 2.

Wednesday December 14, 2022
(04) 587 1660 YOUR LOCAL NEWS See us online www.wsn.co.nz Today 16-23Thursday 16-26 Friday 16-23Saturday 16-22 FREE delivery within 25kms of yard DRY FIREWOOD DELIVERED OR PICKUP CHOPPS FIRE WOOD 3.6m3 Authorised by Ginny Andersen MP, Parliament Buildings, Wellington Ginny Andersen MP for Hutt South Wainuiomata office 04 564 4988 /GinnyAndersenHuttSouth
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The new Wainuiomata Community Board members at their inaugural meeting on 7 December (from left) Lesa Bingley, Tamsyn Harker, Leah Clark, Daniel Chrisp, Cr Keri Brown, Gary Sue and Te Awa Puketapu. Photo: Supplied..
Board Chair

Community Board is going to do

‘fantastic’ job

Continued from page 1

“Tonight is a truly special occasion,” Hutt City Mayor Campbell Barry said just after the Wainuiomata Community Board meeting opened.

It was his privilege, the Mayor said, to welcome the new members of the community board.

“I know what an honour it is to serve the community,” he said, adding that community boards

can do a lot for the community, particularly in ensuring communities had a voice on council.

“I know you are going to do a fantastic job.

“It is a great privilege to be part of [the community board’s inaugural meeting] with your friends and wh nau who are here tonight,” Mr Barry added, referring to the packed public gallery in the meeting room at the Wainuiomata


One of the “really exciting” things about the new Wainuiomata Community Board was its diversity, the Mayor said.

Following the Mayor’s address, the new community board members made their statutory declarations, where they were sworn in as board members.

During the public speaking time, Wainuiomata resident Jane

Wootton said that “parking in Queen Street has been lessened by at least 30%.

“This is unacceptable,” she said. “I think we should turn table and have businesses treated as you would like to be treated – with respect.”

Queen Street businesses had experienced a “rough time” recently, and now car parks were being taken away, Ms Wootton said.

New board has ‘lots of positive energy’

Being elected as Deputy Chair of the Wainuiomata Community Board was “very exciting,” says Lesa Bingley.

In fact the whole community board is excited about serving the Wainuiomata community.

“There’s lots of positive energy and I think we [the board members] are going to work well together,” she says.

A major plus about the new board is its diversity.

“All the elected members have diverse skills and diverse backgrounds, as well as diverse cultures.

“Having a wahine toa [Te Ati Awa Puketapu] as Chair of the board is very exciting to me,” Ms Bingley says, adding that she

considered Ms Puketapu’s election as a “momentous moment”.

“The fantastic thing to me is that this board really wants to work together.

“There is a real sense of positiv-

ity that we want to work together well and to reach out into the Wainuiomata community and serve the community.”

And being on the community board “is a fantastic way to be involved in the community,” she says.

Ms Bingley’s decision to stand for the board came earlier this year, when anti-mandate protesters descended on the valley and attempted to enter the Wainuiomata Marae.

“The Wainuiomata Marae is a living, breathing part of the community.”

When the protesters attempted to push their way onto the Marae “it was a time of reflection, where I realised I was not connected with the people in my community.

“It was an eye-opening moment for me – watching the community band together and support each other.

“I wanted to be involved in that.

“I decided to put my name forward for the Community Board as a way to get involved,” Ms Bingley says.

As it turned out, Ms Bingley became involved in a community cause before she was elected to the Community Board.

After Fergusson Liquor Limited applied to open an off-licence, known as Super Liquor, in Queen Street, Ms Bingley launched a petition objecting to the proposed bottle store.

She launched the petition on 21 August this year, and by the time objections to the District

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On time and on budget Workshop Quantity Surveyors Ltd M: 027 431 1145
Continued on page 3
Lesa Bingley. Photo: Supplied.

Looking forward to next three years

“I’m absolutely looking forward to the next three years,” the Wainuiomata Community Board’s new Chair, Te Awa Puketapu says. “I think the [community] board make-up is really great, with great diversity of skills.”

As a result, there are a number of things the community board can do proactively, as well as needing to do some things reactively.

Of Te Ati Awa, Tuhoe, Ng ti Ruapani, Scottish and English descent, Ms Puketapu has lived all her life in Wainuiomata – apart from a small amount of time overseas.

“Wainuiomata is home for me,” she says. She was raised by her grandmother, following one of the traditions that the oldest grandchild would go to their grandparents.

After attending Pencarrow School, Ms Puketapu went to Parkway Intermediate School. She wanted to go to Parkway College, but because her grandmother was teaching there, she studied at Hutt Valley High School.

Most of her work background has been in teaching and education, although she has also worked for the Wainuiomata Golf Club, Eddie’s Bar and the Palliser Hotel while she was studying.

Early in her teaching career, Ms Puketapu was involved in setting up the k hanga reo in Moohan Street.

Continued from page 2

Licensing Committee closed on 30 August, the petition had attracted some 900 signatures.

Of Tokelauan, Samoan, Scottish and Swedish descent, “I like to describe myself as a fruit salad – and I’m proud of it,” she says.

“My culture is a big part of me – not just


Ministry of Education, firstly as a wh nau advocate and then as an education adviser.

Her next role was with the Office of the Children’s Commissioner as an independent monitor of tamariki, and

the Pasifika side but also the Scottish and Swedish side. I’m very proud of all of it.”

She also describes herself as “just your average Joe Bloggs”.

Now a stay-at-home mother, she spent most of the past decade in the insurance industry, working mainly on high value insurance claims.

then she worked for the Royal Commission of Enquiry into Abuse in State Care as a treaty advisor.

“When I left to go for that job at the ERO my career had mainly been in Wainuiomata.

“I wanted to go and work in central government as I wanted to bring that learning back to Wainuiomata – to be able to give back what I can to the community,” she says.

“A couple of friends asked me if they could nominate me [as a community board candidate] and that was the seed.

“This year I have been thinking about the community and what I can do by contributing.”

Her friends asking her to stand for the community board provided an answer to the question she was thinking about.

As well as being involved in teaching and education provision, Ms Puketapu has also been involved as a student.

She has just completed a Masters in Social Equity through Melbourne University, having been just one of 21 people selected for a fellowship through the Atlantic Foundation.

“I just completed that at the end of November,” she says.

“My focus for that was ‘what does the next 40 years of our k hunga reo look like’ – what is the next 40 years of language revitalisation’.”

Ms Bingley was born and raised in the Hutt – Taita and Avalon – and moved to Wainuiomata three years ago when she and her husband bought their first home.

“The road of opportunity brought us over the hill,” she says.

“We love it. Wainuiomata is a great place to be. I wouldn’t want it any other way.”

Safer transport

Hutt City Council has received $17 million from the government’s $350 million Transport Choices Package for two projects aimed at providing safer, cleaner, and greener modes of transport.

One project will benefit Wainuiomata people by improving walking, cycling and public transport connections through Lower Hutt city centre.

The other project, the “Magic Triangle”, aims to improve safety and encourage more sustainable forms of transport from Naenae, Taitā and Avalon linking to the Beltway Cycleway.

Bus stop accessability

Wainuiomata commuters will benefit from a new $1 million Metlink project to improve bus stop accessability.

The project will provide targeted improvements at selected Lower Hutt bus stops. It will include kerb reconfigurations, new shelters and signage.

Metlink, Greater Wellington’s public transport arm, applied to Waka Kotahi NZ Transport Agency for the funding, which has come from the government’s Transport Choices Programme.

The Lower Hutt project is one of four projects valued at $9 million that Metlink has been awarded.

in 2022 will be Wednesday 21 December, when it will be open from noon to 4pm.

The station will re-open on Tuesday 10 January 2023. It will then be to the public for two days a week – Tuesdays and Wednesdays from noon to 4pm.

3 Wednesday December 14, 2022 42 Burden Avenue, Wainuiomata, Wellington 0800 428365 T: 04 5643792 E: wellingtonoffice@havenfalls.co.nz Providing funeral services for ALL Cultures ALL Religions and to meet ALL specific individual requirements. 30 day invoice - no deposit required. Look for us on Facebook—Haven Falls Funeral Home Kia ora to the Community of Wainuiomata & Hutt Valley Funeral Home Funeral Packages available from 2990.00+gst
inbrief news
Te Awa Puketapu. Photo: Supplied. She then worked at the Education Review Office (ERO) as a review officer before joining the
NEWS TIPS Send your tips to wainui@wsn.co.nz Reads Mowers & Cycles Closing 24 December, back from Holiday 9 January 2023! Merry Christmas and have a relaxing holiday break Wainuiomata Offering support to the Queen street business community through these difficult times Queen Street, Wainuiomata. Phone 564 9411
The Wainuiomata Police Station will be closed over the Christmas and New Year period. The last day the Police Station will be open

Great year for Grey Power

“Members of the Wainuiomata Grey Power Association would like to wish our wonderful community a very happy Christmas and a peaceful new year,” says Helen Thomas, Grey Power Wainuiomata’s President.

This year, Ms Thomas says, “we have had our challenges like so many other groups nationwide but through our regular newsletters and our meetings resuming we have been kept informed of all the relevant issues for seniors today.

“We have enjoyed wonderful guest speakers at our monthly meetings and in the new year we will be introducing some new programmes and events to keep our members entertained.

“We could not enjoy these meetings without the support from the Wainuiomata Bowling Club, our excellent meeting venue,” she says.

Grey Power held its annual Christmas Party at the Bowling

Club on 25 November.

That event came “after a year of positive work,” says Cr Keri Brown, the Wainuiomata Ward Councillor on Hutt City Council.

This year Grey Power has focused on getting people engaged post-Covid, upskilling people through digital support, encouraging quality speakers at its meetings and working on increasing benefits for Grey Power members.

“It was lovely to attend the annual Christmas lunch,” Cr Brown says. “It’s a time to appreciate each other and to give things to the amazing seniors in our community.”

“The Christmas period can be a lonely time for some people, and not just older ones,” Ms Thomas says.

“Keep an eye on each other, say hello to neighbours as you pass by and take some time to reflect on how lucky we are as a community.

“As the President of this Association I have seen first hand how hard our locals work to keep Wainuiomata an amazing place

to live. Our Mayor, Campbell Barry, our Councillors and Community Board, Whai Oranga O Te Iwi health Centre, Wainuiomata

MSD, our retailers and so many others all contribute to making our community safe, healthy, informed, and looked after.”

Car bursts into flames

Fire fighters from both Wainuiomata and Seaview were called when a car burst into flames on the Wainuiomata hill road on 8 December.

The car was travelling up the hill, coming from Lower Hutt, when the driver noticed smoke coming from the engine bay area, and pulled into a layby on the side of the roadway.

The car then burst into flames, and the Wainuiomata and Seaview fire brigades were called at around 4:17pm.

The Wainuiomata Police also attended.

Two appliances from Seaview attended, and were the first on the scene.

The car was fully involved on arrival, a spokesperson for the Seaview Fire Brigade said, adding that the flames were quickly extinguished once the brigade arrived.

The car was fully burnt out, the officer in charge of the Wainuiomata Police, Sergeant Pat Tangipo told the “Wainuiomata News”.

“The occupants were lucky that they were able

The car being completely burnt out by fire on the Wainuiomata hill road on 8 December. Photo: Supplied.

to get out,” Sergeant Tangipo said, adding that nobody was hurt as a result of the fire.

4 Wednesday December 14, 2022
Question: What is your favourite holiday destination and why do you like it?
Dave Bennett The western isles of Scotland – the Outer Hebrides. Liz Muku Taupo. We always travelled there when we were kids. Peter Ashford I like to go on a holiday that involves being in the bush – not around a lot of people. Phil Truesdale Home. I’m one of those when I go away after a day or two you’re ready to go home. Karen Ryan
their say... Find
The Orongorongo Valley.
readers have
out the
on the
Queenstown. It’s beautiful, it’s exquisite. Jackie Tiopira
Phone 04 564 8707 or email me at
List MP based in Hutt South Chris Bishop You can always contact my Wainuiomata office for assistance.
by Chris Bishop,
Buildings, Wgtn.
At Grey Power’s Christmas party (from left): Helen Thomas, Judy Heeley, Cr Keri Brown holding Tupele, Lesa Bingley and Leah Clark. Photo: Supplied. Grey Power meetings will resume on Wednesday 22 February at 1.30pm at the Wainuiomata Bowling Club.

Community patroller farewelled

The Wainuiomata Community Patrol farewelled one of its long standing members, Peter Lawrence, on 11 December.

Peter has been with the Community Patrol for eight years.

At the farewell Sergeant Pat Tangipo, the officer in charge of Policing in Wainuiomata, made a presentation.

“He was one of our best [community patrollers]”, the Wainuiomata Community Patrol Co-ordinator Tracy Mansfield said.

He was loyal, turned up for everything and was always involved “even at 85 years old”.

Ms Mansfield said that when she thanked his wife, Julieanna, for “lending him to us” on patrol nights – long nights – she replied: “put this in the paper – ‘it was peaceful’.”

The Community Patrol is currently running a raffle for over a thousand dollars worth of items that come in a new wheelbarrow.

Tickets are $5 each.

Ms Mansfield told the “Wainuiomata News” that ticket sales have been very slow and she is keen to sell many more tickets to help support the Community Patrol.

People can buy tickets by telephoning or texting Ms Mansfield on 027 637 5817.

Ginny Andersen selected for Hutt South

Ginny Andersen will seek reelection as the Hutt South MP in the 2023 general election.

The Labour Party selected Ms Andersen as its Hutt South candidate on Sunday 11 December.

The current Chair of the Justice Select Committee, Ms Andersen has a list of achievement to date.

The list includes her successfully introducing legislation that provides mothers and their partners with three days of bereavement leave following a miscarriage or stillbirth.

“I work hard every day for the people in my electorate,” she says.

“I’m committed to supporting our growing community to thrive through investment in critical infrastructure, healthy homes, and education.

“Since I became an MP, the Hutt has received the biggest infrastructure investment in a generation.”

Since 2017, Labour’s local achievements have included: funding critical infrastructure projects, including the River Link Project;

rebuilding and modernising Wainuiomata High School and Hutt Valley High School; supporting a record number of

new homes built and infrastructure funding to support growth in the region; and co-funding the Naenae Pool rebuild.

Along with these achievements, Labour has introduced a wide range of progressive and compassionate initiatives to support New Zealanders.

These include support for families during challenging economic times, and making progress in long term issues such as climate change, housing, and child poverty.

“I have worked tirelessly to deliver for my community, but

there’s more to be done,” Ms Andersen says. “Game on for 2023.”

Ms Andersen entered Parliament as a list MP in 2017. In the

last general election, in 2020, she stood for the Hutt South seat and won it ahead of the sitting MP, Chris Bishop.

A time to remember

Christmas can be a season of great joy. It is a time of God showing His great love for us.

It can be a time of healing and renewed strength.

Christmas is when we celebrate the birth of the Christ child.

God sent His Son, Jesus, into the world to be born.

His birth brought great joy to the world. Shepherds, wise men, and angels all shared in the excitement of knowing about this great event.

They knew this was no ordinary baby.

The prophets had told of His coming hundreds of years before.

The star stopped over Bethlehem just to mark the way for those who were looking for this special child.

Ref: www1.cbn.com/devotions/realmeaning-christmas

5 Wednesday December 14, 2022 Christmas Church Services
2022 REFORMED CHURCH OF WAINUIOMATA CHRISTMAS SERVICES Reformed Church of Wainuiomata 98 Wainuiomata Road 021 420 783 Christmas Day Sunday 25 December 10:30am and 4:30pm Come home to Christmas and join the Holy Trinity Anglican Church Community to celebrate the Birth of Jesus 24 December 5.30pm Family Christmas service The Christmas story retold for our younger members, Christmas carols, pageant, and surprise walk through display 24 December 8.30pm Christmas Service Carols by Candlelight and Christmas Communion 25 December 10am Christmas Service Family Christmas Communion 40 Wainuiomata Road
and Events
Peter Lawrence at his farewell from the Wainuiomata Community Patrol, flanked by Sergeant Pat Tangipo and his wife Julieanna. Photo: Supplied. The prize in the Community Patrol’s raffle. Photo: Supplied. Hutt South MP Ginny Andersen with members of the Labour Party’s Hutt South Local Electorate Committee and some of the party’s campaign volunteers. Photo: Supplied.


May your Christmas sparkle with moments of love, laughter and goodwill, And may the year ahead be full of contentment and joy. Have a Merry Christmas.

My electorate offices of Tairāwhiti, Wairoa, Te Matau-a-Māui and Te Awa Kairangi will be closed over the holiday period.

Tairāwhiti and Te Matau-a-Māui will close Wednesday 21 December, noon.

Wairoa and Te Awa Kairangi will close Friday 23 December, 2pm.

All offices will reopen on Monday 9 January 2023, 10am.

6 Wednesday December 14, 2022
Kiwi Christmas
Authorised by Hon Meka Whaitiri MP, Parliament Buildings, Wellington Meri Kirihimete Kia pai te raumati Hon Meka Whaitiri MP for Ikaroa-Rāwhiti Kia tau te rangimārie meka.whaitiri@parliament.govt.nz As we come to the end of 2022, I would like to wish you a safe and happy festive season. Authorised by Ginny Andersen, Parliament Buildings, Wellington
Hutt South Merry Christmas! Anna Geremia-Young 021 118 5833 BULSARA T/A TALL POPPY LICENSED UNDER REAA 2008
Ginny Andersen MP for
7 Wednesday December 14, 2022 GREETINGS 9a Simmons Grove - Ph: 564 3803 Happy New Year & Thank You for your Custom. John & Linda Merry Christmas! 17 Waiu Street, Wainuiomata. Ph 564 8061 Gerry and Ben wish you all a wonderful Christmas and Happy New Year Thank you to our customers for their continued loyalty again this year – we hope we can be of service in 2023. Closing 22 December, reopening 16 January 2023 Linda Goss-Wallace 027 269 9605 linda.goss-wallace@raywhite.com Ray Wallace 027 226 4046 ray.wallace@raywhite.com kemeysbrothers.co.nz Kemeys Brothers Ltd Licensed (REAA 2008) Merry Christmas from us 34 Burden Ave, Wainuiomata Phone: 564 7011 www.wainuijoinery.co.nz info@wainuijoinery.co.nz Specialists in designer kitchens, cabinetry and internal stairs, timber windows and doors, including traditional joinery and double glazing. Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays In town over Christmas? So are we! We’ll be running special timetables on buses, trains and the harbour ferry from Friday 23 December 2022 to Wednesday 4 January 2023, so please double-check before you travel. Buses and trains are FREE on Christmas Eve, Christmas Day and New Year’s Eve. Thanks for travelling with us throughout the year! For details visit metlink.org.nz/christmas2022 or call 0800 801 700. A special time needs a special timetable. GWC0064_TT AUTO TYRES For the best deals in the Valley Wainui owned and operated 2 Waiu Street, Parkway. Ph 564 9078 ALL WORK GUARANTEED All the Very Best for 2023 Thank you for your business Wainuiomata! Merry Christmas! & best wishes for 2023 Closing 24 December 2022. Reopening 4 January 2023 Santa recommends Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! ROOFING Decorative and functional concrete lounge slab FINISHED TO PERFECTION Wainuiomata Cricket Club 027 777 0647 Fitzherbert Rd, Wainuiomata MERRY CHRISTMAS AND HAPPY HOLIDAYS
8 Wednesday December 14, 2022
and joy. Have a Merry Christmas. Wainuiomata Our home. Our community. Our valley. To mātou kāinga. To mātou hapori. To mātou riu. Judy Robinson 021 536 671 Wayne Barton & Tui Reid 021 744 116 Sarah Nuku 027 880 2862 Tepora Stowers 021 0294 3152 Morgan Phillips (Sales Manager) 027 439 9492 Have a HAPPY CHRISTMAS & PROSPEROUS NEW YEAR www.Jimsmowing.co.nz 0800 454-654 Thanks for another great one! FROM ALL THE TEAM AT OM ALL TH TEAM AT From the team at
Christmas sparkle with moments of love, laughter and goodwill, And may the year ahead be full

Principal’s Award

Wainuiomata Intermediate School celebrated student achievement with its annual prize giving on 9 December.

Parents showed their support with chocolate lei and rousing haka tautoko.

Ruby Mulholland-Morrison picked up two major awards. Ruby won the Principal’s Award and added the Overall Sport Trophy.

In winning the Principal’s Award, Ruby will join an elite group on the school honours board. She will return to Wainuiomata Intermediate School next year to present the trophy to the 2013 winner.

The theme of “Impossible is nothing!” was picked up on time and time again as awards for academic excellence, sporting

success, cultural achievement, and living the school values were celebrated by the packed audience.

Principal Craig Sharp played Master of Ceremonies and punctuated the various awards with details of the successes experienced in each of the disciplines.

Award winners had their names and photographs on the big audio-visual screen, along with the names of their parents, their iwi, and school area all of who “had walked the path to success” with the prizewinner.

The enthusiastic cheering from the other students affirmed that the award recipients were indeed the worthy winners and proud parents took photos through teary eyes.

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Four of the award recipients at Wainuiomata Intermediate School’s prize giving (from left): Maia Mapakaitolo, Girls Sport Award; Charlotte Woolley, Girls Pasifika Trophy, Taliah Mapakaitolo, Girls Touch Player of the Year; and Ruby Mulholland-Morrison, Overall Sport Trophy and Principal’s Award. Photo: Supplied.


school hall

Death Notices

Wainuiomata Intermediate School shared its culture with wh nau and friends at its cultural concert on 7 December.

After three frustrating Covid affected years a packed school hall clapped and cheered as members of the Kapa Haka, Pasifika Group, School Rock Bands, Hip Hop Dance Crew and M ori Language Week speech winners entertained them


in 90 minutes of pride in their culture and confidence in their abilities.

“It was not hard to put on a concert of such quality when the parents had given us such beautiful and talented children to work with,” school principal Craig Sharp said.

The concert finished with everyone singing the school waiata and promising a bigger and better concert in 2023.

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Photo: Photo: Supplied. Photo: Supplied. HOLLAND,Colleen Patricia Aroha (nee Fitzgerald): Dec 4, 2022

With Jacob Page

NZR’s game of chicken on Razor’s edge

So what happens now with Scott Roberton and New Zealand Rugby?

Eddie Jones’ departure from England leaves a tasty job open on the market with a World Cup just around the corner.

Speculation appears the English are keen on one of their own, Scott Borthwick, to take up the role but there has been discussion around Robertson and the man himself has flirted with England about what a

great role it would be.

With Jones’ departure, it means New Zealand Rugby should feel some pressure not to lose their most talented coach to offshore hands.

It means there have been calls for Robertson to be appointed for beyond the 2023 World Cup as soon as possible which would be a huge break with tradition for the NZR.

Personally, I can’t see that happening.

The NZR are set in their ways and largely out of touch with the public. Equally, appointing Robertson now would make All Blacks coach Ian Foster look like a lame duck in the role.

Warren Gatland, upon his departure from the Chiefs back to Wales, said Robertson deserved his opportunity and the rugby brass should be doing all they can to keep him. That’s logical and if I was a betting

Prizes up for grabs in Queen St

People visiting Queen Street have the opportunity to win prizes – with one especially for children and the other open to adults – in two promotions being run by Love Wainuiomata.

The challenge for children is a scavenger hunt.

Three mascots – Mata the kiwi, Rongo the lion and Nui the tui – have been hidden in Queen Street shops.

To be able to enter the draw for a $200 prize, the children need to find at least one mascot in six stores.

When they find a mascot in a shop, the shopkeeper will give them a sticker which they then put on their entry form. Entry forms can be col-

Santa Day for fire brigade

It was a busy day for the Wainuiomata Fire Brigade on Sunday 11 December, but it was not fighting fires.

The brigade held its annual Santa Run, where the brigade delivers chocolates to its life members, honorary members and the partners of the volunteer fire fighters.

The Santa Run began at 8am and continued until 6pm.

By the end of the day, the Santa Run had delivered chocolates to around 46 houses. The brigade usually delivers to a much higher number of houses, but this year numbers were lower due to Covid and the busy time of year.

The brigade holds its Santa Run every year as a way to say “thank you” for all the times the family members of fire fighters have to leave a meal, birthday, or even during

lected from any Queen Street shop.

The children and their parents then need to fill out the entry form and leave it in a box at the Wainuiomata Community Hub.

The $200 scavenger hunt prize will be drawn on Wednesday 21 December.

Alongside this initiative Love Wainuiomata will run a free community barbecue on Saturday 17 December on the green space opposite the Noodle Canteen.

As well as the free sausages, there will also be activities for the children.

In the second promotion, people who make six purchases in Queen Street between now and the end of the promotion on 30 January have the opportunity to win one of three prize

packs valued at $300 each.

Not only will people have the opportunity to win a prize pack, they will also have the opportunity to help their favourite community club or organisation.

When people submit their entry form, the can nominate a club or organisation and the club or group with the most votes will win a $500 prize.

“Love Wainuiomata is running this promotion to encourage people to shop in Queen Street,” Love Wainuiomata’s Co-ordinator Anaru Ryall says.

“I know it’s a bit difficult at the moment with the road works, but they are going to be finished before Christmas.”

man, and I am, I’d say Robertson is frustrated how the past 12 months has played out but he is willing to wait until after this World Cup to be named the All Blacks coach.

If, for some outlandish reason, he doesn’t get that role, he’ll likely be off to Australia or Europe for a deserved international role.

The NZR and Robertson are engaging in a slow, drawn-out game of chicken.

Who will blink first? Ultimately, I think it will be NZR.

The reality is no foreigner has ever been head coach of the All Blacks and that’s unlikely to change any time soon.

With that in mind, there are two options. Jamie Joseph and Robertson.

However, if Robertson wants it beyond 2023, he should have first option.

His career success demands it.

First women’s cricket team in years

played Victoria University on 3 December.

has fielded a women’s team in the Wellington cricket competition for the first time in some two decades.

The Wainuiomata women have joined the Wellington T20 competition, playing in division three.

The team has played two games in the competition to date, notching up a convincing victory in its latest match at Bryan Health Park on 11 December.

Petone batted first, and Wainuiomata had the visitors all out for just 57 runs.

That was thanks to some outstanding fielding, with Wainuiomata running out five of the Petone batters.

In reply, Wainuiomata passed Petone’s total for the loss of just one wicket. Sarah Sanders was the best player with the bat, notching up 21 not out.

In its first match, Wainuiomata

Batting first Victoria University scored 151 runs for the loss of one wicket.

In reply Wainuiomata reached 97 runs for the loss of four wickets, giving Victoria a 54-run victory.

Sarah Sanders was again the best player with the bat for Wainuiomata, scoring 21 runs.

Wainuiomata has five teams in the Wellington men’s inter-club competition, but many of the games have been washed out because of wet weather.

“This has been the worst start to the season for 20-odd years weather wise,” the Wainuiomata Cricket Club’s Club Captain Callum Mackaness told the “Wainuiomata News”.

“Hopefully we will get better weather next year.”

The final cricket matches for 2022 are due to be played this coming weekend.

11 Wednesday December 14, 2022 SPORT SPORTS TALK
Wainuiomata’s women cricketers (back row from left) Neriss Mair, Natasha Morgan, Sarah Ricketts, Angela Porter and Leanne Smith; (front row from left) Sarah Sanders, Ashley Poster and Heather Smith. Photo: Supplied. Christmas lunch, to attend a call. Peter Thompson was Santa for 2022, Clinton Packer was the driver, and the Christmas fairies were Riana Robinson, Trent Holden, Nathalie Pettigrew and Jacqui Warnes.
Read the Wainuiomata News online at www.wsn.co.nz
Ready to set out on Santa Day (from left) Nathalie Pettigrew, Riana Robinson, Jacqui Warnes and Peter Thompson, with Trent Holden in the front. Photo: Supplied.
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