14 September Wainuiomata News

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Wainuiomata resident Hilary Chasteauneuf was presented with a civic honour by Hutt Mayor Campbell Barry on 7 September. Continued on by City’s Mayor Campbell Barry and Ward Councillor Photo:

Keri Brown.

page 2. Hilary Chasteauneuf with her certificate of appreciation, flanked

Wednesday September 14, 2022 Phone: (04) 587 1660 YOUR LOCAL NEWS Today 2-10Thursday 5-11 Friday 7-13Saturday 6-13 See us www.wsn.co.nzonline Authorised by Ginny Andersen MP, Parliament Buildings, Wellington Ginny Andersen MP for Hutt South Wainuiomata office 04 564 /GinnyAndersenHuttSouth4988 Civic award FREE delivery within 25kms of yard DRY FIREWOOD DELIVERED OR PICKUP CHOPPS FIRE WOOD 3.6m3 Are you paying too much? Second Inscription from $900.00 New Plaques from $1150.00 New Headstones from $1950.00 Permit, Lettering, Artwork, Installation and GST all Included BUY DIRECT & SAVE GLOVER MEMORIALS 298 Naenae Road, Lower Hutt Ph: 567-2565 Also at 7 Hartham Pl Sth, Porirua Headstone specialists since 1911 www.glovermemorials.co.nz027 276 8612 office@keeneconstruction.co.nz 63 Marsden Street, Melling, Lower Hutt Choose a local professional team, to create your building dream! www.keeneconstruction.co.nz Call us today


By Frank Neill

Lower Hutt’s District Licensing Committee has received 17 public objections to Fergusson Liquor Limited’s application for an offlicence, known as Super Liquor, at 15 Queen Street Wainuiomata. The objections received include a petition signed by 893 people.

Mrs Chasteauneuf says.

towards premature babies and their mums and dads,” Wainuiomata Ward Councillor Keri Brown said.

sam@wsn.co.nz 021 109 4406

order of the Wainuiomata town centre.”Thepetition listed a series of reasons the application was opposed, including the fact that Queen Street has problems with anti-social behaviour that an upgrade is aiming to reduce and that another bottle store selling cheap liquor will “increase harm”.

17 objections to bottle store

The Little Miracles Trust is a not-for-profit charity set up to provide support and resources to parents and whanau going through the stress and anxiety of a neonatal journey.Aswell as running the shop and providing support to parents and wh nau, the trust supports the Neonatal Unit by buying equipment that would not otherwise be funded. The trust also provides funding for staff training and medical research.


She began knitting, first of all for the neonatal unit, a little over five years ago.

More than 200,000 people have now benefitted from our free apprenticeships and trades training programmes. We also recently reached the milestone of 50,000 New Zealanders through Apprenticeship Boost, which supports employers keep and take on new apprentices. This is really important as we know that without initiatives like this, we risk losing our apprentices and facing a massive skills shortage, as happened after the Global Financial Crisis.

It began with one of her son’s friends whose mother was a head nurse at the unit. They had an


When she was contacted with the news she was receiving a Civic Award it came as a “big surprise,”

Fax (04) 587 1661

Les Whiteside les@wsn.co.nz 021 360 008

her to make “special” orders or ask if she has any more knitting completed as the shop has such a huge demand all year round for knitting they are unable to source what they “Recentlywant.Ihad the privilege of awarding Hilary with a certificate of appreciation to community services, recognising her passion and selfless devotion to helping others,” Hutt City Mayor Campbell Barry told the Wainuiomata News.“Through her extraordinary knitting talent, she has spent years producing thousands of garments to help raise funds for the Neonatal unit, and for giving away to newborn babies.

All of the programmes that we’re scaling up, including He Poutama Rangatahi (that operates here in Wainuiomata) and the Akonga Fund, play slightly different roles – ranging from helping people into education, training and employment, to more general wrap-around support. But they are all working successfully to help at-risk young people turn their lives around.

Sam Barnes


“I know from having a prem baby that it can be a scary time that you are not prepared for, so having lovely handmade goods is really“Hilaryappreciated.andher husband Roy have had a tough year, so to see them receive this recognition was a really touching moment,” Cr Brown said.

Right now, youth offending is down on where it was a decade ago but we know there’s still work to do. By investing in pathways to better opportunities for more young New Zealanders, we’re helping to break the cycle of crime and gang activity, and make Wainuiomata safer.

Pathways to better opportunities for our young people

Phone (04) 587 1660

Authorised by Ginny Andersen MP, Parliament Buildings, Wellington

emergency where they were short of blankets for the babies, so Ms Chasteauneuf began knitting blankets and cardigans for the unit.



Ginny Andersen MP for Hutt South 04 564 4988

As well as the hours of time Ms Chasteauneuf puts into knitting she also spends much of her own money (while on the pension) to buy more wool, although some of the wool is donated.

By Frank Neill

“All I do is knit. I didn’t think it was anything special. I just use my skill to help people who haven’t got that skill.”

ple was launched by Lesa Bingley on 21 “We,August.theundersigned, object to the application for a liquor licence for a new bottle store at 15 Queen Street, Wainuiomata,” the petition states.“We object to another off-licence bottle store in the area that will reduce the amenity and good

Mr Campbell presented Ms Chasteauneuf with a Certificate of Appreciation for her years of voluntary work knitting clothing for babies in the Neonatal Unit at Wellington Regional Hospital.

Continued from page 1

Award came as a ‘big surprise’

ONLINE: www.wsn.co.nz

Wainuiomata Masonic Village 04 564 1118 E: wainui@masonicvillages.co.nz New Villas Available – Book now! Choose from 2 bedroom or 3 bedroom Villas Easy-care retirement living New build Villas & Village Hub Close to supermarket & shops Friendly community & activities Call us now for a viewing & Village tour or to book

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At the same time, we’re building on our strong law and order record by increasing the consequences for those who individuals who cause harm in our communities. We’ve already delivered New Zealand’s largest ever Police service, and have now got a permanent Police team operating out of the Wainuiomata Police Station.Ourfocus on providing pathways to better opportunities isn’t limited to at-risk young people. Right across the country, we’re creating jobs, helping people into work and supporting more New Zealanders to upskill. The latest figures show that unemployment has remained at near

Everyone here in Wainuiomata should have the chance to succeed – including young people who need a little bit of extra support to get back on the right track. That’s why we’re stepping up pathways to better opportunities, by supporting more young people into jobs and training to prevent them getting involved in crime. We recently released our Better Pathways package, which extends programmes that have a record of success in helping young New Zealanders into better futures, and driving down youth crime.

I’m really proud of these programmes. Not only are they giving more people the chance to upskill, they’re also helping families get ahead, businesses grow, and ultimately, they contribute to Wainuiomata’s success. As we move forward with our plan to create economic security for all, we will continue to invest in pathways to better opportunities for New Zealanders.

When the emergency need abated, she began knitting blankets for the“Thetrust.poor mothers are having a rough enough time and a lot of people these days don’t knit,” sheShesays.isone of a team of people who knit for the trust, each with their own specialty. Ms Chasteauneuf knits cardigans.

2 Wednesday September 14, 2022

“We just do what we can,” she says,She always uses 100% wool in her knitting, as it enables babies to regulate their temperature, unlike synthetic materials.


Address 23 Broderick Rd, Johnsonville P.O. Box 38-776, WMC 5045

The Little Miracles Trust (until its recent rebranding known as the Neonatal Trust – Wellington) runs a shop, located at the hospital, and Ms Chasteauneuf provides knitting for the shop.

“Hilary’s generosity continues to make a tangible difference for many people, and she is every bit deserving of this award,” Mr Barry said.

Frank Neill wainui@wsn.co.nz 027 490 3916

Ladies in the unit often call on

“It was lovely to see Hilary recognised for the significant voluntary contribution she makes

record lows thanks to our economic approach that supports families and businesses, resulting in more people in work and rising wages. We’re also making good progress on growing the workforce that Wainuiomata needs to thrive.

The Police, Medical Officer of Health and the district’s Licensing Inspector had not yet reported to the District Licensing Committee when the Wainuiomata News went to print. As a result of that, a decision had not been made regarding a public hearing of objections.Thepetition signed by 893 peo-

Continue on page 4

services for Wainuiomata.

“Wainuiomata has a population of 20,000 yet it does not have a direct and subsidised bus service toAnotherWellington.”reason running such a service was important is because “we need to get cars off the road,” Mr Bishop “Wainuiomatasays. has been poorly served by public transport for many years now.”

Hutt City Council will be getting a further engineering assessment of the slip on the Wainuiomata hill, the council’s chief executive, Jo Miller, says. The assessment is needed before the council can put any more permanent measures in place.

3Wednesday September 14, 2022

Because of that, Mr Bishop has had conversations in the past with the regional council about bus

Greater Wellington is calling on people to look for rooks, as the birds’ breeding season nears.

Heavy rainfall, described by Mayor Campbell Barry as “unprecedented”, resulted in a slip blocking two lanes of the Wainuiomata hill road on 21 August. The slip resulted in traffic being reduced to one lane on 21 and 22

“Our work with landowners and other regional councils over the last 10 years has reduced rook numbers by 86% but we need help from landowners and the community to make sure the population continues to decline.”

Her petition is at mata80bus.labour.org.nz/petition-wainuio-https://www.“Wainuiomatadeservesbetter,”

“It’s a matter of fairness. If you look at Eastbourne, which has a population of 3,000 people, it has regular bus services running to Wellington and back in the mornings and evenings.”

Authorised by Chris Bishop, Parliament Buildings, Wgtn. Phone 04 564 8707 or email me at Chris.bishopMP@parliament.govt.nz List MP based in Hutt South Chris Bishop You can always contact my Wainuiomata office for assistance.

Following the meeting Cr Keri Brown called to discuss the cancellation of the number 80 bus services (from left) Malcolm Little of NZ Coach Service, Cr Josh Briggs, Cr Keri Brown, Maumita Jaminda, Glenn Walker, Edwin Kane, Craig Thomson, Lester Fensom of NZ Coach Service, Linda Olsen, MP Chris Bishop, Toni Kane, Quentin Duthie and Michelle McAuley plus two children who came after the meeting. Photo Supplied.

scheduled arrival time of 6:30pm at Hine Road.

By Frank Neill

“I have currently spoken with Greater Wellington Regional Council and Metlink and [they are] currently looking at options for this route.

Greater Wellington Pest Animals Team Leader Glen Falconer says it is critical the public reports rook sightings.

Recognisable by their glossy, bluish-purple feathers and harsh “kaah” call, rooks cause significant crop damage by destroying newly sprouted seedlings.Theintroduced species is a member of the crow family, which Greater Wellington is trying to eradicate through the Regional Pest Management Plan.

Look for rooks

“It’s important that this bus route is restarted as it helps to reduce congestion on Petone Esplanade and it gets those people who work in town straight there,” Ms Andersen says.

Speaking to the Wainuiomata News on 9 September, Ms Andersen said that she had already been approached by a number of Wainuiomata people who were saying that the service needs to continue running.

Both Hutt South MP Ginny Andersen and Hutt-based National list MP Chris Bishop have launched petitions asking Metlink to restart a direct Wainuiomata to Wellington service.Thiscomes in the wake of the number 80 bus service between Wainuiomata and Courtenay Place ceasing. The last number 80 bus ran on 9 September.

Mr Bishop says.

“I won’t give up,” Ms Andersen says. “I will keep going till we get it back.”

He will be talking to the regional council again in the wake of the cancellation of the number 80 bus. “That’s why I launched the petition,” he says. The petition is at cationhadbehistrainunablesomeincluded“Feedbackcancellation,”disappointmenttendedbustheKeriorg.nz/wainuibus.https://chrisbishop.national.WainuiomataWardCouncillorBrownhostedameetingoncancellationofthenumber80on10September.“Regularpassengerswhoat-themeetingexpressedtheirabouttheabruptCrBrownsays.duringthemeetingapassengerwhohadmobilityissuesandwastogetonandoffabus,andbustwiceadayandfeltabilitytostayemployedcouldcompromised.“AnothersaidWainuiomatasomuchhousingintensifi-withnoparking,andnow

View the Wainuiomata News online www.wsn.co.nz

Restart Courtenay Place bus

inbrief news

Ms Andersen says she was “very disappointed to see that this service has been discontinued by NCS [New Zealand Coach Service]”.

NCS, which is based in Taita, had run the service until this month. The number 80 service ran twice daily, leaving Hine Road (at Sunny Grove) at 6:45am and arriving at Courtenay Place at around 8:05am; and leaving Courtenay Place at 5:15pm with a

The Eastbourne bus services, Mr Bishop notes, are run by Metlink (under the Greater Wellington Regional Council) rather than a private operator, such as the number 80 bus when it ran.

HillAugust.road slip

4 Wednesday April 20, 2022

“However, the lack of connections between schools and the Wainuiomata shared path is limiting low-carbon travel choices such and biking and walking, and increasing safety concerns for school students.”

Parkway, near the entrance to Wainuiomata High School, where a new walkway and cycleway is to be established. Photo: Frank Neill.

Julliette BrooksMichelle Barrett

Pretty flowers that brighten up the day after winter.

“People want to be able to live and work in communities with

Bus Routes 160 and 170 currently serve the Wainuiomata community on a 20 to 30 minute frequency, travelling to Lower Hutt CBD and connecting with regular trains to Wellington from Waterloo Rail Station.

A new walking and cycling network between Parkway and Wainuiomata Road is part of the government’s new $30 million Streets for People programme.TransportMinister Michael Wood announced the new programme, which will benefit a series of communities throughout New Zealand, on 6 TheSeptember.project aims to deliver a safer and better-connected low-carbon travel network between the town centre and local schools, so Wainuiomata residents feel more confident walking and“Thecycling.lack of connections between schools and the Wainuiomata shared path is a real concern for the safety of people using bikes and walking,” Hutt South MP Ginny Andersen says.

By Frank Neill

“We’re committed to making it safer, quicker and more attractive for people to use public transport, walk, scoot and

Mr Wood said.

“This project will deliver a safer and better connected cycle and walking network between the town centre and local schools, so people in Wainuiomata have more transport choices, “The Wainuiomata hill shared path-

“It’s highly disappointing and frustrating that a bus service is being cancelled when we should be providing more services. The cancellation is going to add more cars on the road at a time when we need to be reducing our carbon emissions,” Cr Briggs said.

Letters on issues of community interest are welcomed. A maximum of 150 words please.Theymust be signed and a street address provided to show good faith, even when a nom de plume is provided for publication. The editor reserves the right to abridge letters or withhold letters from publication. Email them to news@wsn.co.nz or drop in to our office at 23 Broderick Road, Johnsonville.Pleasenote that your name and street address MUST be provided with emails. Letters/Opinions not necessarily those of the Wainuiomata News management.

Q: What do you like most about spring?

“Given our coverage, it won’t be necessary to directly replace the former NCS bus route,” says Metlink General manager Samantha Gain.

The programme “will also help New Zealand meet our emissions reduction targets and improve health and wellbeing,”

can use their snapper and access the cheaper fares.

has been requested, asking them to work collaboratively with the community to find a solution that enables residents to travel directly to and from Wellington on a commuter bus service.Ifpeople

City Wide Councillor Josh Briggs, who lives in Wainuiomata, attended the meeting.

In a letter to passengers NCS says that it is “open to discuss options to continue should someone wish to promote this bus run as a charter within the community”.Metlinkissued a media release on 9 September which says that it is “pleased to be able to provide excellent alternative

Evan Blake New beginnings.

Read the Wainuiomata News online at www.wsn.co.nz

“We get a lot of feedback on the housing intensification, which removed parking, so every effort should be made to make travel easier and shorter. Some will have an hour added to their journey each way.,” Cr Brown says.

“The Streets for People programme aims to make it easier and faster for councils to partner with communities to upgrade their streets in this way.”

Continued from page 3

The lack of rain.

modernised transport options.

readers have their

Waka Kotahi/NZ Transport Agency has released details on the successful applications from 13 local authorities for accelerated street change projects to be funded through the $30m Streets for People programme, including the Wainuiomata“Wainuiomataproject.isafast-growing suburb with high quality infrastructure for people using bikes for leisure, and an excellent shared path to Lower Hutt,” Waka Kotahi says.

Daylight saving. I’m up at 4:30 in the morning and I’m already noticing the difference in the daylight.

say... Find out the WORD on the Street.

have any further questions they can contact Cr Brown on 021 829 559.

removing the direct bus service. Most people get their car to the station, so there will be more congestion on the hill.

Reducing reliance on private vehicles and public transport would also have a “positive financial impact for locals,” Waka Kotahi says.

connections from Wainuiomata to the capital for customers who previously took the NCS commercial bus services from Wainuiomata to Wellington”.

ride bikes in urban centres right across Aotearoa New Zealand,” the Transport Minister said when announcing the new programme.

New walk and cycle network

Donna Wallis The warm weather and kids not being sick.

NCS has indicated that it may be involved in restarting the number 80 bus run.

Nicola Wall Razle Gapasin Plants growing.

To the Editor

way has been a huge success and this addition will give people even more options for getting active outside,” Ms Andersen says.

“Also, a teacher talked about her travel on the direct bus, while many of her students from Wainuiomata, would arrive significantly later and often ring late as the link up from bus to train didn’t happen. She also questioned the fairness of why Eastbourne, that is a third of Wainuiomata’s size, gets over seven direct bus services into town each way and Wainuiomata will have none,” Cr Brown says.“The direct bus commuter service should be included in the bus network system so people

A further meeting with Greater Wellington Regional Council

A further benefit of using Metlink’s services is access to half-price and Gold Card fares and other fare packages, which makes for cost-effective commuting and leisure travel.

Luke Hayes as Cinderella's father, Emily Smithies as Cinderella's stepmother, and Leyla Atlas and Penny Houlihan as Cinderella's stepsisters. Photo: Supplied.

Into the Woods Jr takes characters from well-known fairy tales on a new adventure. It starts with a wish. A childless baker and his wife are keen to have a child, but their family has been cursed by a witch. The witch tells them they must head into the woods to find the ingredients needed to reverse the curse.Inpursuit of what they need, they encounter Cinderella, Little Red Riding Hood, Rapunzel and Jack who are undertaking their own quests to fulfil a wish.

a big named musical and affordable family entertainment to the local community.”

Tickets to Into the Woods Jr can be purchased through www.trybooking.co.nz/LEC.

Once a year members audition for a musical production where everyone has a key part to play no matter what role they get. The annual production gives them the opportunity to showcase what they’ve learnt and the progress they’ve made.

for Hutt South

Established in 2018, Acting Out operates in term time and coaches children aged between nine and 16 years on stagecraft and singing. Sessions are usually held on a Sunday afternoon from 3 to 5pm.

“Our kids are doing an amazing job,” Acting Out’s President Jeremy Yuile says.

5Wednesday September 14, 2022 Authorised by Ginny Andersen, Parliament Buildings, Wellington

Foxley Morrison as the baker and Eliana Matheson as the baker’s wife. Photo: Supplied.

At this stage, the venue is yet to be confirmed but anyone who has a child interested in becoming an Acting Out member should email Acting Out: actingoutnz@gmail.com about attending.

Wainuiomata’s youth musical theatre, Acting Out NZ, is putting the final touches to their fifth annual show.

Acting Out show comes to town

Acting Out will perform the musical Into the Woods Jr from 5 to 9 October at the Wainuiomata Primary School Hall.

With an even bigger show planned for 2023, Acting Out is looking to take on new members. An Open Day will be held on Sunday 30 October from 3 to 5pm.

Ginny Andersen MP Catch up with Ginny in September

Niamh Gallagher as Little Red Riding Hood, Lucy Houlihan as the wolf with Noah Hayes and Isla Barclay as the wolf cubs. Photo: Supplied.

“We’re extremely proud of them and it’s an honour to bring another junior version of

All year they’ve worked hard on what is a vocally challenging show.

With only three of the four rounds of the championship to be counted and riders to discard their one worst score from the three North Island

By Andy McGechan, BikesportNZ.com

“It was awesome to see the young

rounds, it is destined to be a tight affair right up until the must-do final event, near Christchurch in November.

“The course was quite intense, but I managed to pull a big gap over my rivals on the first major uphill section,” says Whitaker

only showed such dominance at the weekend, but who is also a previous outright winner of this series, when he took the top prize in 2019.

“I just slowly increased my lead after that. I like these hard events. It’s good to get stuck into technical riding like this,” said Whitaker, who is also a record eight-time former New Zealand trials champion.

It has been a remarkable season so far for Jake after he recently won the three-round Forestland Cross-country Series and also last month celebrated victory at the first of four rounds in the New Zealand GNCC series near Tokoroa.

But for now at least, Jake has the advantage. He is a rider who not

Whitaker solid at extreme off-road series opener

6 Wednesday September 14, 2022

Whitaker (KTM 300 EXC) finished a staggering 21 minutes ahead of runner-up rider Tony Parker (New Plymouth, Husqvarna TE300) on Sunday, while the third best individual, Inglewood’s Luke Thompson (Husqvarna TE300), crossed the finish line a further 18 minutes later.

Wainuiomata rider Jake Whitaker will take some beating after he dominated the opening round of this year’s New Zealand Extreme Off-Road Championships at Moonshine, just north of Wellington, at theTheweekend.Yamaha-sponsored event was certainly a brutal test and Whitaker was the only rider to finish a lap in less than two hours, while only the top six finishers managed to complete two laps on Sunday.

The New Zealand Extreme OffRoad Championship series skipped a beat in 2021 due to the COVID-19 pandemic and was last won in 2020 by Cambridge’s Dylan Yearbury, although he was a non-starter at Moonshine on Sunday.

Dylan, who also won the inaugural New Zealand Extreme Off-Road Championship series in 2018, is currently making his way back home after a successful International Six Days Enduro campaign in France, and he will have to play catch-up to Whitaker throughout the remaining rounds is he is to retain his title.

Wainuiomata's Jake Whitaker (KTM 300 EXC), off to a flying start in the 2022 edition of the New Zealand Extreme Off-Road Championship series. Photo by Andy McGechan, BikesportNZ.com

guns stepping up and starting to push some of us who have been around a while. It’s great for the sport,” said the 31-year-old fatherof-two.“The Kapi-Mana club really stepped up the level of the track this year and put on an amazing race that really tested us.”

Get involved with the campaign!

ber for

safely at all Covid-19 alert levels by following the latest advice and if needed, adjusting your activity or arrangements with friends and whanau. Movement challenge If you’re a ‘mover and shaker’ who likes walking, running, dancing and other physical exercise, set yourself and friends a movement challenge. Nearly all of us know, or have known, someone with dementia. Let’s show them we care by taking part in Move for Dementia. WORLD Alzheimer’s Day 21st September 2022 There are lots of ways you can get involved and help make a difference for people living with dementia in New Zealand. Become a Dementia Friend Host a Cuppa for a Cause Donate FundraiseVolunteer Supporting Alzheimer’s Day 9a Simmons Grove - Ph: 564 3803 -WWarrraantt ofof FitFneess -LLubbe & oiil chhaanngee -MMecchhanniccaal reepaairrs -VVehhicclee seeervviccinng -CCarravvann rerepaaiirs -MMTAA assuurredd JB Motors 34 Burden Ave, Wainuiomata. Phone: 564 www.wainuijoinery.co.nz7011info@wainuijoinery.co.nz Specialists in designer kitchens, cabinetry and internal stairs, timber windows and doors, including traditional joinery and double glazing. FREE delivery within 25kms of yard DRY FIREWOOD DELIVERED OR PICKUP CHOPPS FIRE WOOD 136A Hutt Park Road, Seaview While stocks last Phone us today PH 021 730 234 3.6m3 Pine $370 PARKWAY GLASS Domestic & CatCaravanCommercialLightGlazingWindowsDoors&ExpelAir Holes General Window Repair Wooden Frame Repairs Insurance Work QUOTESFREE Prompt Service Ph: 0274 468 137 (wk) / 971 5235 (After Hours) 17 Waiu Street, Wainuiomata. P: 564 8061maintenanceautomaintenance@xtra.co.nzCompletevehicleandrepairs Book your car in for a service today Supporting Alzheimer’s Day 0800www.Jimsmowing.co.nz454-654 CALL NOW Be your own boss Choose your hours Get fit and lose weight Earn Invest100kinyour future BUSINESS FOR SALE OPPORTUNITY TO... 5 Fitzherbert Rd, Wainuiomata & 5 Raroa Rd, Central Hutt Ph 576 2009 Offering quality family Enrolmentshealthcare.nowopen. AlzheimersSupportingDay

7Wednesday September 14, 2022

You can Move for

we’re asking everyone to do in

Here in New Zealand, 4 out of 5 Kiwis

With your help, we can make September’s campaign bigger and better than ever. There are lots of ways to get involved. That’s what SeptemWorld Alzheimers Month. Dementia

Join us in September for World Alzheimer’s Month, an international campaign to raise awareness and challenge the stigma that surrounds dementia. Wednesday 21st September is World Alzheimers Day.

Let’s get moving! Move for Dementia.

Every 3 seconds, someone in the world develops dementia.

are affected by dementia. Today, around 70,000 Kiwis are living with dementia and that’s expected to almost triple to 170,000 by 2050. Almost all of us know or have known someone with dementia.

It continues to advocate in the areas of aged care, retirement villages, health, housing, energy and much more.

If you do not have any plants in your glasshouse so far, then you can burn sulphur powder inside the house to fumigate it of insect pests that maybe hiding away.

Wet times allows slimes to grow on paths which can be dangerous

poison that is added to water to kill microbes is going to do the same to

Smaller unwanted plants should a sharp carving knife or sharp Dutch Hoe.This removes the root system from

An interesting bit of information you can purify drinking water of harmful bacteria by placing 3 or 4 grains into a litre of water, agitate to make water a light pink and leave for 24 hours before drinking.

Another safe to use is mixing Ammonium sulphamate at 200 grams per litre of water and spraying on a sunny day when the soil is on the dry side. Give those conditions weeds are likely to be dead within

Big investment on water needed

Grey Power was founded in February 1986 by a group of superannuitants protesting a surcharge on their pensions. Their anger was real and it was loud, to the point that the surcharge was abolished and Grey Power was born.


Using this method means a large quantity of water can be treated saving the need to boil.

Spray the above potassium permanganate adding Wallys Liquid Copper for protection of curly leaf on stone fruit about every week till disease time is past.

Spray also your roses and other deciduous trees and plants to protect the new spring growth from diseases.Sprinkle Wallys Neem Tree Granules under your apple trees, roses and citrus trees to reduce pest insect problems.Usethe Cell Strengthening products we wrote about a few weeks ago to strengthen your tomato plants, potatoes and tamarillo so the dreaded psyllid nymphs cant feed and ruin your crops.

teria which would die if exposed to too much heat such as in a hot shed.

to walk on causing one to slip and fall. Spray with Wallys Moss & Liverwort Control to kill the slime.

Taller weeds can be cut down with a weed eater such as using the Pivotrim Pro attachment which are available from Mitre10 Mega stores.

Also ideal to use for moss in lawns and liverwort growing all over the

There are plenty of chores to attend to at this time of the year as the day light hours increase and plants emerging from their winter rest.

Today Grey Power is an advocacy group who meet with and lobby politicians and decision makers with much success.Someexamples are: the removal of the surabolishmenttax; of interest on student loans; removal of the over 80s driving test; and winter energy pay-

Start spraying strawberry plants 2 weekly with Mycorrcin which will increase your harvests by 200 to 400 %. They will fruit earlier, more fruit, larger berries and a longer cropping season.Dont forget to also use Wallys Secret Strawberry Food for bigger strawberries.Whenplanting seedlings place a little Wallys Unlocking Your Soil into the planting along with a little Neem Powder to give your seedlings a good start and some protection from pests.

your water tap if you have chlorine in your water supply.

8 Wednesday September 14, 2022

By Helen Thomas

We have a close relationship with our Mayor and local Councillors, we are increasing our digital knowledge and inclusion, we enjoy guest speakers each month at our meetings, and we enjoy a sense of belonging.

(This are far superior to using the roll of weed eater plastic tape which I always found a problem using.)

After cutting down the weeds with the above you can leave the stubble unless you want to clear the ground below soil level with a sharp carving knife.Real tough root systems I have used a breeze as long as you are careful not to cut yourself.

Spring temperatures and moisture brings out diseases to attack your plants so sprays of potassium permanganate (Condys Crystals at a quarter teaspoon to a litre of water) with Raingard added sprayed onto the soil and plants controls a wide range of diseases and fungi nicely.

I favor crop cover (also so sold as Bug Mesh), which is 4 metres wide. By using wire or piping to form hoops place the cover over the hoops to give protection to the young plants or seeds from weather, pests, cats andGreatbirds.stuff and reusable season after season.

Thisworms.includes putting a 10 micron

I have received many reports from gardeners about how their gardens have greatly improved in health after removing the chlorine from the water they use on the gardens.

Five Wainuiomata water projects are among the Lower Hutt water infrastructure that requires “significant investment” over the next 30 years, a recent study has bringtoperditionalTermCitybilliontargettofuture30studyThetheeffectstwo-yearCitysentedtheWellingtondetermined.Watercompletedgrowthstudyandhaspre-theinformationtoHuttCouncil.Thisstudyistheresultofaprojecttolookattheofpopulationgrowthonthreewatersinfrastructure.keyfindingsofthegrowthare:$1.27billionisrequiredoveryearstomeetthedemandofpopulationgrowth,andbringexistingnetworkstolevelsofservice;18%ofthisfunding–$0.23–isbudgetedforinHuttCouncil’scurrentLong-Plan2021-31;onaverage$35millioninad-fundingwillbeneededyearforthenext30years,meetgrowthdemandsandnetworkstotargetlevels

If you want great gardens this season then use only natural products that will not harm the soil life and earth

in the soil providing a rich source of food for the soil life.

Wainuiomata Grey Power Association boasts a membership of 129 senior men and women, and is one of 74 Associations around New Zealand. Anyone of any age can join Grey Power.

The foliage falls onto the bare soil where it is quickly broken down by the soil life providing them with more substance to nurture your preferred plants.

These methods of weeding enhances your soil or growing medium where chemical herbicides greatly harm the soil life and your plants

September gardening: By Wally Richards

Unwanted plants are very valuable if you make use of them and treat them as a fodder crop.

If you have waste areas or cobbles/ sprinkle salt over the area and lightly water. The weeds are killed and stay weed free for a time.

Grey Power has much to do

Hardy plants will be showing very good growth now including the plants you do not want commonly referred to as weeds.

We meet on the fourth Wednesday of the month at the Wainuiomata Bowling Club, at 1.30. Please join us for great speakers, a cuppa and great company.


the nozzle of the sprayer so it is a bit the target area.

If you want more information, please feel free to ring Helen Thomas, President, on 022 109 6722.

an hour or two.

Note it will stain things like your house & fences if you are not careful,

If you have concerns about build up of diseases in your soil where you grow tomatoes year after year such as it your glasshouse then treat the soil with Terracin and 3 weeks later withEnsureMycorrcin.youstore the unused bottle contents in a cool situation out of

Does not harm plants if they are sprayed at the same time.

I even wonder what harm it does to our gut bacteria when people drink chlorinated tap water.

By Frank Neill

of service; stormwaterand improvements make up 64% ($810 million) of the estimated investment to provide these essential services for the expected population growth.Lower Hutt’s population has grown 8% since 2018 and is predicted to rise by 25% over 30Theyears.growth study outlines a range of physical works required for future growth. The study identified the following Wainuiomata works are required:drinking water reservoir storage;wastewater pump stations and risingwastewatermains; storage at Engineered Overflow Points; stormwater network capacity improvements and flood management;stormwaterandmanagement improvements for Black Creek channel and Parkway Drive; and a proposed wetland in Upper Fitzherbert in Wainuiomata.

If anyone has any data on this I would be interested.

Thesements.arejust a few of the 80-plus successes Grey Power has achieved.

There is still much to be done so Wainuiomata Grey Power would welcome all new members most warmly.

Second access urgently needed

A second access for Wainuiomata has been “talked about for 50 years”, and action is now urgently needed.

“I started it [the petition] last year and then it got a new lease of life with the recent hill dramas,” Mr Bishop says.

at a second access for Wainuiomata in the wake of the extreme rainfall that caused a slip on the suburb’s only access road in August.

“I think the next big challenge for Wainuiomata is the second access.

Mayor Campbell Barry has announced that the council has instructed its officers to investigate ways to make communities more resilient in the face of extreme weather.Thiswill include looking at access to Wainuiomata.

More than 4,000 people have signed the petition, organised by National list MP Chris Bishop, who is based in Hutt South.

The government has allocated Hutt City Council $33,400,000 in “better off funding”, which the council plans to use to enhance resilience.Officers will report back later in the year to the new council (which will be elected at the upcoming local body elections) on options to increase the resilience of Hutt city communities.

Hutt City Council has some “quite detailed plans” for the Upper Fitzherbert Road-Wise Street area.

Before the development can take place, the council needs to rezone the land from rural to residential and then needs to provide the infrastructure to support it.

Mr Bishop’s petition on a second access for Wainuiomata is wainuiomata.nz/we-need-a-second-access-into-https://chrisbishop.national.org.atHuttCityCouncilislikelytolook

“I now think it makes sense to connect with the Cross Valley link.”This link “is a very important project,” Mr Bishop says.

The slip that blocked part of the Wainuiomata hill road in August has led to a surge in people signing a petition asking Hutt City Council to provide a second road access.

“I see the driver for a second access as resilience.”

“Wainuiomata has just one road in and “Oneout.minor incident on the hill and the area is cut off, sometimes for hours. This isn’t good enough for a growing community.”

By Frank Neill

9Wednesday September 14, 2022 ADVERTISING YOURHEREAD BRENDACONTACTNOW BRENDASales M: 021 640 152 E: brenda@wsn.co.nz ADVERTISING TO ADVERTISE ON THIS PAGE BRENDACONTACTNOW BRENDA INGRAMJOHNSON M:Sales021 640 152 E: brenda@wsn.co.nz Trades& SERVICES DIRECTORY ADVERTISING YOURHEREAD BRENDACONTACTNOW BRENDASales M: 021 640 152 E: brenda@wsn.co.nz LAWYER T 04 566 6777 F 04 569 3354 office@arl-lawyers.co.nzwww.arl-lawyers.co.nz Making it happen Jason Taylor For a lawyerWainuiomatacalltoday GLASS REPAIR Ph: 564 1112 Mob: 027 517 6197 Call AL’s GLASS Broken Windows? CHEMIST 20-21 Queen dispensary@clives.co.nzWainuiomata.Street,www.clives.co.nz(04)5648618 Call: 04 234 www.DreamDoors.co.nz8760 KITCHENS PAINTERS LAWN MOWERS Reads Mowers & Cycles Queen St, Wainuiomata Phone 564 9411 Get the very best out of your lawnmower, have it serviced regularly at Reads! “Won’t even cut the weeds” Need to go to Reads. HARDWARE www.hammerhardware.co.nz 6a The WainuiomataStrand, 04-564 8760 Hours: Mon-Fri 8.30am-5.30pm, Sat 9am-4pm, Sun 10am-3pm RIGHT HERE SoPartWAINUIOMATAINoftheMitre10groupwehavecompetitivepricesWehavewoolandcraftsupplies HEALTH www.hchc.co.nz ph 04 576 2009 Open to enrolmentsnew Opening hours Mon - Fri 8.30 am to 5.00 pm Get Quote!Freea SHIPPING CONTAINERS

Following representations from Hutt City Council, Waka Kotahi/ NZ Transport Agency has now approved the business case for the project and is now working with the council on the next stage.

A second access would “increase our resilience and unlock land to build thousands of new homes,” the petition says.

The last time a second access was “seriously looked at” was 2013, when an access into Naenae was considered.Therewere two options for a second access, Mr Bishop says. One is into Naenae from the north end of Wainuiomata. The second is over the Wainuiomata hill and into Whites Line East, which connects into the proposed Cross Valley Link road.

“This council has done more than any other council to progress it,” he“Tellsays.the Council to prioritise a second access road through its Long Term Plan consultation, and tell the government to back it with infrastructure funding from its $3.8 billion fund to unlock land for housing,” the petition states.

“We need more housing. We have got a real shortage of houses,” Mr Bishop says.

This area could be developed to provide 2,000 new homes, a new school, a new park and new shopping.“Ithink we need to get on with it,” Mr Bishop says.


Mr Bishop gave the current council a pat on the back for the work it has done on the Cross Valley Link.



Hippos spend pretty much their whole lives in water, so it really doesn’t sound right when you hear that they actually cannot swim. It is true though, the main reason they spend so much time in the water is mainly to protect their extremely sensitive skin from the harsh African sun.

Contact us Now at 0800 002 722 Email: hrcoordinator@healthcarenz.co.nz or apply through our website: www.healthcarenz.co.nz

Public Notices

and descriptionSubmission deadline

The New Zealand Geographic Board Ngā Pou Taunaha o Aotearoa invites submissions on the place name proposal below.

10 Wednesday September 14, 2022 CLASSIFIEDS Trades Graham’sPainters E: grahamspaintersnz@gmail.com W: www.grahamspainters.nz Ph: (04) 564 9202 021 183 9492 Experienced tradesmen and large team Get your House Exterior andpainted!Interior ~ Pensioner Discounts ~ ON...WHAT’S The Community Noticeboard is for non-profit organisations. For $15.00 you can publish up to 25 words. No AGMS, sporting notices or special meetings. Community Notices must be Callpre-paid.intoour office, phone (04) 587 1660 or email classifieds@wsn.co.nz

Funeral Directors Generations of Honouring Legacy www.geeandhickton.co.nz (04) 528 2331 (04) 566 3103 (04) 237 5332 “ “ CASSIE MURPHY Funeral Director GAVIN GeneralMURPHYManager Newspaper Deliverers WANTEDDeliverersrequiredinthefollowingareas: Contact Sandra Area 1: Burden Ave, Faulke Ave, Peel Place area - 255 papers Area 2: Hair St, Moores Valley Rd, Rowe Parade, part of Main Rd - 280 papers Area 3 Parenga St, August Ave, Aporoa St area - 235 papers Situation Vacant Love Local. Shop Local. NEWSTIPS Send wsn.co.nzwainui@tipsyourto RWPuzzle OO CR S SD ForSOLUTIONSOLUTIONForApril9,2003June30,2004 ACROSS 1. Conniption (7) 5. Variety of cabbage (11) 11. Of the nose (5) 12. Wicked (7) 13. Travel by car (5) 14. Beef stew(made with beer) (9) 15. Swiss cheese (9) 16. Lift weights; ‘ iron’ (4) 17. Disgrace (7) 19. Circuitous route (6) 23. National song (6) 26. Lacking good manners (3,4) 29. Male deer (4) 30. Born (3) 32. Strait (3) 34. Melt (4) 35. Slow moving ice mass (7) 36. Goal (6) 39. Stay (6) 40. Ceaseless (7) 42. Army canteen (4) 46. Twin-hulled vessel (9) 48. Trifle (9) 50. Deserve (5) 51. Autobiographical record (7) 52. Mythological demon(Arabia) (5) 53. Lucid (5-6) 54. Hard wearing cloth (7) DOWN 1. Fillip (5) 2. Quack medicine (7) 3. Type of dispenserdeodorant(4-2) 4. Uneven contest (8) 5. Mediaeval guitar (7) 6. Forearm bone(pl) (5) 7. Revenue (6) 8. Regreted (8) 9. Shaman; (5,6) 10. Of the country (5) 16. Large flat dish (7) 18. Leisurely walk (5) 20. Degenerate (7) 21. Female swan (3) 22. Small barrel (3) 24. Magician (11) 25. U.S. actress; Ryan (3) 27. Lawful (5) 28. Smear (3) 31. Cloth measure (3) 33. Male cat (3) 37. Screen actor (4,4) 38. N.Z. novelist, Frank (8) 41. Erect again (7) 43. Make bigger (7) 44. Forges’ apparatus(6)air-blasting 45. Exert oneself (6) 46. Comedian (5) 47. Wanderer (5) 49. Consumed (5) Solution Situation Vacant Jobs that really count working in CensusCommunity!Communityyourforyour2023


Ryan CreekA small stream flowing for approximately 1.7km from the slopes of spot height 890m on Remutaka Range into Ōrongorongo River. NZTopo50BQ32 711256. Assigning a new name as official.


Notice to Assign a Place

CATTERY Casa De Wootton, home away from home. Rural surroundings. 187 Moores Valley Road. Phone Jane 5644310

needs Team Leaders and Census Field Collectors to help build the future across Aotearoa by collecting data in Census 2023. In return you receive full training, great pay, allowances and incentives. Interested? For details register or express interest https://www.persolkelly.co.nz/censusjobsat:

We are currently looking for fully vaccinated Support Workers to work across Community and Rehabilitation services in and around Lower Hutt. Whether you are looking for flexibility around other commitments or would prefer regular rostered shifts, we have a variety of permanent (fulltime and part-time) and casual options to offer. Previous healthcare experience is advantageous but if you have the right attitude and passion to start your career in healthcare, we would like to hear from you! $22.49 - $28.25 per hour on offer depending on relevant qualification.


of a Proposal

Submissions can be made online at www.linz.govt.nz/placenames/ current-proposals, or by email to: nzgbsubmissions@linz.govt.nz, or by writing to the Secretary of the New Zealand Geographic Board, c/o Toitū Te Whenua Land Information New Zealand, PO Box 5501, Wellington 6145.

Situation Vacant


Submissions must state if you support or object to the proposal and the reasons why. If you object, you may suggest another name.

Proposed new geographic name type


Zimbabwe gave the Aussies a tougher time the week before and actually won a game.

Love Tennis a good day

“We also offer an adult beginner course, Tennis Xpress.

“It’s very social too.The cost sf $65 and all equipment is provided,” Ms Larsen says. People are interested in joining as a member or for Tennis Xpress can email admin@ wainuiomatatennis.org.nz.

Central Region Shield with a 48-15 win over Manawatu on Saturday.

Wainuiomata duo part of Central Shield success

To be clear, I’ve been the founding member, president and head cheerleader of the Kane Williamson Fan Club long before he made his international debut but his batting and especially his captaincy were not up to standard during the tour.

The possibility is there that either Shane Bond or Daniel Vettori could beWilliamson’sready. captaincy has gone backwards.Hehasbecome too passive and timid which could be partly Stead’s fault as well. Latham is an option in limited overs but I’d keep Williamson in test matches.

Wainuiomata duo Markus StowersMcCarthy, Keanu Kotuhi were part of the Wellington Under-19 side who retained the

The series outcome should be seen as unacceptable, not because Australia won all the matches, but because we rolled-over so easily.

Wainuiomata’s Love Tennis on 11 September “was a good day,” says Hayley Larsen, the Wainuiomata Tennis Club’s secretary. “We had a good number of families attend the day. The courts were constantly full of families playing together. That’s what it’s all“Weabout.had a sausage sizzle and the proceeds are going to Te Omanga Hospice. A face painter onsite added to the fun and we ran games on court with prizes,” Ms Larsen says.Anumber of junior players registered as club members on the day. Registration is still open to join as a member for the new season.

against the top teams.

11Wednesday September 14, 2022SPORT SPORTS TALK

The 3-0 ODI whitewash at the hands of a mediocre Australia should force some serious thought about the where this team goes from here.

Williamson is a world class player and I’m sure he can and will return to that but perhaps taking the captaincy off him with the two coloured clothing might help his overall game.

Williamson has not been the same after he missed the entire home

Williamson and Stead should be on hot-seat

Tough calls need to be made on players and their futures, this golden era of New Zealand cricket is starting to close, but it doesn’t mean we have to go back to the dark ages of the mid 1990s when we were easy beats.

Action from Wainuiomata’s Love Tennis day on 11 September. Photo Supplied.

“This six-week course is designed for adult beginners or returning to tennis, and is a fun way of teaching tennis to get players started. The course teaches you the tactical and technical fundamentals of tennis so that you can confidently play tennis with friends, family, your children, or other people you meet on the course.

Want businessmorelocally? Advertise locally! Reach your Wainuiomata customers cost-effectively Contact the Wainuiomata News for our rates and options. SAM - LESRead theNewsWainuiomataonlineat www.wsn.co.nz Wednesday September 2022 LOCAL See us Ginny Andersen /GinnyAndersenHuttSouth By inga announcement August that around35 homes Streethas been welcomed community K inga planned to deliver that could be the land, would lease. It purchase land. Continued on page Housingwelcomed Wednesday August 17, 2022 Phone: (04) 587 1660YOUR NEWS Today13-15Thursday 13-16 www.wsn.co.nzonline Ginny Andersen for Wainuiomata Support Queen St

summer earlier this year, due to an elbow injury, only to heal up in time to take-up his lucrative IPL contract just weeks after the home season concluded.Heiswoefully out of form and like many of his fellow batters over the past week showed no intent to score or create pressure at the crease.

There needs to be a changing of the guard within the Black Caps.

The tactics during the series were

could be but we need a more attacking mindset for sure.

I think Stead has taken us as far as he can and a lot of his success can be attributed in part to the platform given to him by previous coach Mike Hesson.I’mnot sure who the next coach

With Jacob Page

awful.Toooften, the Black Caps gained control in the field through the bowling of Trent Boult, then let the gameWilliamsondrift. and coach Gary Stead appear to lack a killer instinct especially against Australia - it’s like mental block.

My concern with Tom Latham, who is the next logical captain in all formats, is he doesn’t score big runs

Keeping up to date with your vaccinations is really important, even if you’ve already had COVID-19.

12 Wednesday September 14, 2022

Keeping up to date with your vaccinations is one of the most important things you can do to help protect yourself, your whānau and your community.

A booster will provide extra protection from a previous vaccination and help your immunity be stronger and last longer. And, by staying as healthy as you can, you help reduce pressure on our communities, businesses and the health sector.

Check your eligibility at Covid19.govt.nz or call 0800 28 29 26.

You can catch COVID-19 more than once. Boosters help protect you from getting very sick from COVID-19, ending up in hospital, and even death.

If you’ve had COVID-19, you can get your booster three months after you tested positive. Make sure you are up to date with your COVID-19 vaccinations.

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