15 March Wainuiomata News

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Wednesday March 15, 2023 Phone: (04) 587 1660 YOUR LOCAL NEWS Today 15-20Thursday 16-20 Friday 15-21Saturday 15-21 See us online www.wsn.co.nz Authorised by Ginny Andersen MP, Parliament Buildings, Wellington Ginny Andersen MP for Hutt South Wainuiomata office 04 564 4988 Level 1, 11 Queen Street Wainuiomata /GinnyAndersenHuttSouth By Frank Neill Wainuiomata Intermediate School’s Student Council has set an inspiring example of leadership and community spirit by raising $1,000 for the Napier Mayoral Fund supporting victims of Cyclone Gabrielle. The students also collected a large amount of non-perishable food to be sent to the East Coast, further demonstrating their commitment to serving others. Continued on page 2. Hutt City Councillors Keri Brown and Josh Briggs and Lower Hutt Mayor Campbell Barry with the Wainuiomata Intermediate School Council just after the school council presented Hutt City Council with $1,000 for victims of cyclone Gabrielle. Photo: Supplied. Inspiring example FIREWOOD - DELIVERY OR PICKUP CHOPPS FIRE WOOD 3.6m3 Authorised by Chris Bishop, Parliament Buildings, Wgtn. Phone 04 564 8707 or email me at Chris.bishopMP@parliament.govt.nz List MP based in Hutt South Chris Bishop ai ent.govt.nz You can always contact my Wainuiomata office for assistance. www.antman.co.nz Voted Best Pest Contro on NoCowb WASPS MICE & RATS 12 MONTH ANT GUARANTEE Voted Best Local Pest Control Operator on NoCowboys 04 938 3848 www.pestproof.co.nz PEST MANAGEMENT ASSOC N o NZ W

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Frank Neill


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Continued from page 1

The student council presented the $1,000 they have raised to Lower Hutt Mayor Campbell Barry at the council chambers on 10 March.

Mayor Barry expressed his admiration for the students’ efforts.

“The student council and the wider students’ display of maanakitanga (kindness and caring) and whanaungatanga to our

neighbours on the East Coast is very strong and I congratulate them all,” the Mayor says.

“A highlight of my job is meeting young rangatahi who want to make a real contribution to their community and wider. It’s important to hear these voices.”

The Mayor emphasised the significance of the students’ actions, saying that he plans to email the Mayor of Napier, who Lower Hutt has been partnered with to

support through a local government initiative, to highlight the students’ donation and leadership.

“The students’ leadership in supporting our friends and wh nau impacted by the cyclone is outstanding.

“All of us in Wainuiomata can be proud of their contribution.

“The student council’s actions serve as a powerful reminder of young people’s impact in making a positive difference in their

Wainui pool among the best


Les Whiteside les@wsn.co.nz 021 360 008

The Wainuiomata Summer Pool

has been named as one of New Zealand’s top outdoor swimming pools.

Stuff travel reporter Lorna

Thornber has listed the Wainuiomata pool second in her list of the seven best outdoor pools in the country.


Sam Barnes

sam@wsn.co.nz 021 109 4406

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Lorna’s list came out just nine days before the pool closed for the 2022-23 summer season on 12 March.

“An 80-metre open-air water slide through native bush is a highlight of this hidden gem of a complex in Lower Hutt,” Lorna wrote when naming the pool among the country’s best.

“Set amid rose gardens and shrubs surrounded by bush, it features a 50-metre pool with lanes

dedicated to lane swimming and aqua jogging at certain periods, a ‘splash zone’ for kids and teens with an ‘aquarun’, hydroslide and aqua toys, plus a spa pool, playground and mini golf area.

“The terraced seating is perfect for spectators and sunbathers, while the grassy area backed by big, shady trees is prime picnic territory,” Lorna wrote.

Four heated outdoor pools are included in the complex.

It also has a meeting room that can also serve as a birthday party room on the floor above the pool reception.

This room is suitable for meetings of up to 80 people or birthday parties of up to 50 people.

It is not just Lorna who rates the pool highly either.

Many online reviewers also give it top marks.

“Brilliant pool,” one review said when giving it five stars.

“The choice of pools forall ages, ie the large pool and there's also the wonderful water slide.”

“Great Outdoor Pool,” another reviewer said, also giving it five stars.

“[I] was really impressed.

“There is an infants’ pool, a shallow pool and then a large swimming pool.

“On the day we visited they had a large inflatable in the bigger pool which the kids loved. “

The woodland slide was brilliant and the kids just went round and round it.

“There's also a small playground and a small golf putting course.

“Saw one family had erected an events shelter - what a way to enjoy a nice day.

“Reasonable entry price so


“Their dedication to serving others and commitment to kindness and compassion set an example for us all,” the Mayor says.

“I know that the future Leadership of Te Awakairangi is in good hands, and I fully expect one of the young rangatahi from Wainuiomata Intermediate will be leading the city too in the not too distant future.”

would highly recommend.”

“Perfect for all ages – loved it,” a third reviewer said. They also gave it five stars.

“Awesome facility and the perfect spot for a full day out or family celebration.

“Great mix of pools with plenty of space. Very friendly staff.

“Water is not super warm on a cold day but perfect after a while and there's great spa if needed. Plus lovely hot showers.

“Waterslide is a blast – quite terrifying for a geriatric mum!

“Spotted a couple of built-in cookers that were being really well used. Plus playground for littlies and even a bit of a mini golf area.

“Amazing! Our three families with different ages all had an absolute blast.

“I want to move to Wainui,” the reviewer added.

2 Wednesday March 15, 2023
cyclone victims Dental Reflections 04 566 0627 We offer a wide range of denture services: Full Dentures | Partial Dentures Implant Retained Dentures Denture Repairs | Denture Cleaning 3D Dentures | Night Splints | Night Guards 10B The Strand, Wainuiomata Dental Reflections is committed to providing our patients with the best level of satisfaction and care. Visit our friendly Wainui Denture Clinic to improve your smile. 15% discount for Goldcard holders. Recently Opened Branch 42 Burden Avenue, Wainuiomata, Wellington 0800 428365 T: 04 5643792 E: wellingtonoffice@havenfalls.co.nz Providing funeral services for ALL Cultures ALL Religions and to meet ALL specific individual requirements. 30 day invoice - no deposit required. Look for us on Facebook—Haven Falls Funeral Home Kia ora to the Community of Wainuiomata & Hutt Valley Funeral Home Funeral Packages available from 2990.00+gst
raise $1,000 for
One of the four pools at the Wainuiomata Summer Pool. Photo: Frank Neill

Q: What is your favourite book and why do you like it?

New driving school leader

Nathan Wickens is the new Wainuiomata Driving School Co-ordinator for Youth Inspire.

Nathan, who is from Upper Hutt, began in his new role on 8 March.

Although this is his first job in Wainuiomata, he has worked in the valley before during his time as a park ranger with Greater Wellington Regional Council. That saw him work in the local park on occasions.

Nathan left being a park ranger to study urban pest control, and then joined Youth Inspire.

“I wanted to do something that was going to be of value,” he says.

“I’ve always enjoyed working with youth.

“We are helping to get our rangatahi to become qualified safe drivers, which is a positive for the Wainui community.

“We believe that there is a real link between getting your driver’s licence, and getting a job and getting into other successful things,.

“It’s also about showing the kids that someone cares for them,” Nathan says.

Youth Inspire’s Wainuiomata Driving School, called Road Ready Rangatahi, is for young

people aged between 16 and 24 years

Each young person is teamed up with a mentor, who then provides two driving lessons every week for about three months. When they are ready, the young people then sit their driver’s licence test.

“One of our biggest problems is securing mentors,” Nathan says.

“They are like gold to this organisation.

“Without mentors we can’t run this programme.

“Currently we have five active mentors and we are looking for more.

“The mentors here are passionate about their community and want to give back to it,” Nathan says.

Mentors must be over 25 years old and have held a full licence for two years or longer.

They need to be a patient, confident driver and be able to give clear instructions.

Youth Inspire provides support for the mentors.

People can find out more about becoming a mentor by contacting Nathan at driving.wainui@youthinspire.co.nz or 022 650 2403.



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we have all the news you need! SAMLES -
Nathan Wickens. Photo: Frank Neill.

History stories are wanted

Wainuiomata has a large diaspora, and many former residents visit the Wainuiomata Museum during its 2 to 4pm Sunday openings - and tell tales.

They tell stories like the one about the tree that went walkabout 40 years ago, when royalty came to town.

On 21 April 1993, Prince Charles and Princess Diana visited Wainuiomata, and marked the occasion by each planting a tree.

Charles planted an oak, Diana a kauri, and the trees straddled the war memorial and flag pole in Queen Street.

Hutt City Council was concerned that Princess Di’s kauri might get souvenired by untrustworthy locals.

It appeared that the concern was justified as the kauri did disappear that night, but the locals were pre-empted.

On a visit to the Museum,

To the Editor

Letters on issues of community interest are welcomed. A maximum of 150 words please.

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a former Council worker told us that he and other employees were the guilty ones, digging up the kauri and removing it for safe keeping.

At the same time, they replaced the slow-growing kauri with another tree, and replanted Princess Di’s kauri in Hugh Stanley Park.

Many years later, the kauri was relocated back to the Queen St reserve, closer to the footpath, opposite the new street. It is now well over 3 metres high.

Prince Charles’ oak and the substitute tree are much taller, and still in their original positions. Although unmarked, they have all been carefully protected during the Queen St reconstruction.

Do you have a strange tale to tell the Museum?

The Wainuiomata Historical Museum Society would love to hear it.

Winter preparations : By

This week I noticed a distinct chill in the air, first thing in the morning, which could be described as a very light frost.

Others must have noticed it in their localities as orders started coming in for Vaporgard, the spray on frost protection.

Now if you think back to Marches in the past years, it is very early to start to get chilly and it is more into April and May that one starts to realise that winter is getting into gear.

March is the first month of autumn in New Zealand and we have just started autumn with some leaf colour changes.

In autumn, New Zealand enjoys some of the most settled weather of the whole year.

Soak up long, sunny days and golden leaves with hiking, cycling or kayaking. (used to be)

Looking overseas there are number of late cold events in places such as California where snow is certainly not common even in winter.

I wound not be surprised if we dont have a really cold winter this year and an early start to it.

So time to get organised for winter chills in your garden and in your home.

So what to do to protect your garden against the coming cold and frosts?

First thing is soft sappy growth of plants caused by nitrogen fertilisers will suffer unless you harden the growth up by applying Wallys Fruit and Flower Power which is half potash, to firm up growth and half magnesium to help ensure foliage stays green in winter.

A small sprinkling once a month starting now will toughen and green up your plants for winter.

Delicious plants such as roses and many fruit trees that will drop their leaves and rest over winter so there is no point of using Wallys Fruit and Flower Power till the spring when they start to move for the new season.

Wet weather in winter takes a toll on plants that dont like wet feet and can often lead to their deaths.

Mulches that you used in summer around plants should now be removed as they prevent the soil from drying out and will cause root rots.

Johnsonville. Please note that your name and street address MUST be provided with emails.

Letters/Opinions not necessarily those of the Wainuiomata News management.

Dogs in hot cars

I haveseendogs in cars on hot days at car parks.

Iam going to ask those who do these idiotic thingsto thinkhard.

What would it be like if the situation wasreversed? How would you cope withbeing in a car on a hot scorching day with the windows up three quarters and you can't get out? You’d be dead in 30 minutes.

It takes a bit shorter for a dog to die than a human – 10 minutes.

If those type of people get taken to the dry cleaners – dry

cleaners meaning Court–I wouldn't show anysympathy.

God help thosecruel people ifall the animallovers demandjustice on those responsible.

Animals have rights too.

One more thing – don't beat the hell out of your dog with rage.

I use voice commands not agro.

Talk nicely to your buddy.

A dog should be a man’s or a woman’s best loyal friend if treated right.

Great for summer water retention but deadly in winter. Even weed mat can cause a problem in a wet winter.

It is now time to start a monthly treatment of plants that do not like wet feet such as citrus trees by spraying the foliage with Wallys Perkfection, once a month for the next 3 to 6 months.

It fortifies the roots making them less susceptible to rotting in wet soil.

The above has taken care of your preferred ever green plants but what about the ones that are frost tender such as passion fruit, advocardos, tamaril-

los, hibiscus, citrus etc?

Also glasshouse plants such as tomatoes, Capsicum and chili that you are wintering over?

It is time to spray the foliage with Wallys Vaporgard; ‘Spray on Frost Protection’.

It comes in two sizes 100 mils which makes 6.66 litres of spray which is often enough to do all the cold sensitive plants in many gardens once or 250 mils makes up 16.66 litres of spray.

Place the Vaporgard bottle into a jug of hot water so it pours better and then mix with warm water at 15 mils per litre.

You can add some Magic Botanic Liquid to the spray which your plants will appreciate.

Only spray on a sunny day in full sun light over the plants leaves so the film dries faster.

It gives down to minus 3 frost protection within 3 days of application for about 3 months.

So a spray now will be repeated about middle of June to take your plants out of winter. If you don t use all the spray mixed up remove from sprayer and store in a bottle in a dark cupboard. It can be used again later. Then and most important; immediately rinse out sprayer with fresh water and tip out.

Then another lot of water which you will spray as a jet (adjust nozzle to make jet) to ensure that filters and nozzle dont block when Vaporgard sets.

If you don’t do this straight away you will have problems cleaning it the next time you go to use. The above is good practise to do with any sprays you use in your sprayer.

In areas where frosts are very heavy then you can add Wallys Liquid Copper to the Vaporgard spray and that places an extra layer of particles over the foliage to give even better frost protection.

How does Vaporgard work? Besides putting a protective film over the leaves it acts as a sunscreen against UV.

VaporGard develops a polymerised

skin over each spray-droplet which filters out UVA and UVB. This provides a sunscreen for chlorophyll which is normally under attack by UV light.

This results in a darker green colour of the foliage within a few days of application. This chlorophyll build-up makes the leaf a more efficient food factory producing more carbohydrates, especially glycols.

Glycol is anti-freeze so the plant has its own anti-freeze protection of the cells. The cells still free but are protected with the anti-freeze.

That is fine if you have a frost every few days but if there is several frosts night after night then the cells dont have enough time to heal before they are fozen again.

That being the case you need to use additional protection such as frost cloth for the second and third frosts. Vaporgard will ensure that you dont get caught out from that unexpected frost.

Once you have winter proofed your gardens then also change your watering patterns of your indoor plants which will suffer inside during winter if the mix is wet.

A little water as needed is best for winter indoor plants keeping the mix a little on the dry side.

Most important after watering that you remove any water from the saucer below the pot.

If at this time you find when you water the water quickly fills the saucer below then you have a problem called soil tension which prevents the water from wetting all the growing medium.

If the pots are not too big then plunge them into a tank of water and watch them bubble away.

When they stop bubbling lift and let drain before placing back on saucer. They will accept water better next time.

If the containers are too big to plunge then mix some dishwashing liquid into warm water, lather up and water that over the growing medium. It will break surface tension.

Grey Power a ‘Hot Seat’

The Wainuiomata Grey Power Association will be sitting in the Wainuiomata Library on the second and fourth Friday of each month as a “Hot Seat”.

“We will be there to answer any questions about our wonderful association, what we do, what we offer, the range of benefits, and simply anything people want to know about Grey Power,” Grey Power says.

“Our focus at present is on being prepared should an emergency occur

in the valley.

“The devastation brought by Cyclone Gabriel is still fresh in our minds and those affected in our thoughts.”

The first meeting for the group was well attended and guest speaker, Phil Galley, gave an honest, informative and much appreciated presentation. This opened up many questions Grey Power members have about their rights and obligations should they go into residential care so this

will be a topic covered at the association’s April meeting.

The March meeting will feature Makeri Lee,Lower Hutt Advocatefor the Nationwide Health and Disability Advocacy Service. This meeting will be on Wednesday 22 March, at 1:30pm at the Wainuiomata Bowling Club.

For any further information call Helen Thomas, the Wainuiomata Grey Power Association President, on 022 109 6722.

4 Wednesday March 15, 2023
Princess Diana planting a Kauri tree in Wainuiomata. Photo: Supplied.

Town can celebrate new restaurant

The Wainuiomata community has a new reason to celebrate with the opening of Diya’s Delight on Queen Street.

The restaurant, owned by Ganga and Vanu Gauda, opened its doors on Sunday 12 March to a warm welcome from locals. The Gaudas, who have been in the hospitality industry for years, were thrilled with the turnout on their first day in business.

“We were so happy with the first day, and the number of people who came to our restaurant exceeded all our expectations,” Ganga Gauda said. Diya’s Delight offers a banquet buffet for in-house dining and a full menu for takeaways. The restaurant is open seven days a week from 11:30am am to 9:30 pm, making it a convenient option for locals looking for delicious food.


Hutt City Ward Councillor Keri Brown has strongly supported Diya’s Delight and is thrilled to see a new sit-down restaurant in town.

“Seeing Vanu and Ganga invest in our town centre is very exciting,” Cr Brown says.

“I’m so pleased that their hard work has finally seen them open a great venue.

“Having a sit-down restaurant is a welcome addition to our local business. My wh nau and I dined in last night [12 March], and the food was delicious,” Cr Brown says.

The Wainuiomata community has been calling for more sit-down cafes and restaurants in the area, and Cr Brownhope that Diya’s Delight will be the first of many to come.

“We heard loud and clear that the community would like to

see more sit-down cafes and restaurants, and by upgrading Queen Street, we hope more hospitality businesses will see the huge opportunities in Wainuiomata,” Cr Brown says.

Vanu and Ganga Gauda are grateful for the support shown by the community.

“We have worked in hospitality for many years, and to open a restaurant in our own community is a dream come true.

“We are so grateful for the support and kind wishes that we have received. Wainuiomata is the best place to live and work,” Vanu Gauda says. The Gaudas say they are excited to bring their passion for food and hospitality to the Wainuiomata community and look forward to serving their customers for years to come.

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Book yours with BRENDA today on 021 640 152 or email at brenda@wsn.co.nz ADVERTISING
Cr Keri Brown with Vanu and Ganga Cauda and the staff of Diya’s Delight on opening day. Photo: Supplied.



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Funeral Directors

Newspaper Deliverers

Area 1: Parenga St, Ngaturi Gr, part of Wood St and Coast Rd - 235 papers

Area 2: Karaka St, Kowhai St, Puriri St, part of Wainuiomata Rd - 295 papers

Area 3 : Hamstead St, Kendal Gr, Enfield St, part of Wellington Rd - 220 papers

Area 4 : Ruthven Rd, Antrim Cres, Pollard St - 300 papers

Area 5 : Petrie St, McKillop St, Bull Ave, part of Moohan - 280 papers

Contact Sandra

Lions garage sale

Community projects will benefit Wainuiomata is running. The garage sale will be held on goods, and people with goods to donate



There is a wealth of evidence which shows that punitive approaches to youth crime do not work to reduce offending, Amnesty International Aotearoa New Zealand’s

“We are deeply concerned by tough on crime narratives and policies that fail to address the root causes of harmful behaviour,” Ms Woods says.

She was commenting on reports that the said that the government needs to harden up on retail offending.

If elected, National has promised the worst of New Zealand’s reoffending youth military-style camps.

also create a new criminal category for crimes like ram-raids and armed burglary more than once. These people would face sentences including electronic monitoring like ankle bracelets and community service, or, for academies.

“As a society, we need upstream interventions to address the causes of crime, rather than downstream interventions which may fail to address the underlying issues,” Ms Woods says.

“We need to see policies that get to the heart of the issues behind harmful behaviour with an evidence-based, holistic approach. “Every approach to reduce offending must be grounded in international human rights standards.”

Support following a disaster

What you can do in the event of a disaster has been brought to the fore by Cyclone Gabrielle and its impact on many North Island communities.

Community emergency hubs are an invaluable resource, and Wainuiomata has seven hubs.

“A Community Emergency Hub is a place where you and your neighbours can go to help each other in a major emergency,” the Wellington Region Emergency Management Office (WREMO) says.

WREMO co-ordinates Civil Defence and Emergency Management Services on behalf of the nine councils in the Wellington region.

“Community members run a hub without official assistance,” WREMO says.

“It’s essentially a place for neighbours to help each other in a co-ordinated way.

“There are no huge piles of supplies in a hub, apart from a hub kit which has a VHF

radio and a hub guide, role lanyards and the stationary you need to get yourself up and running.

“Immediately after a disaster official services may be stretched to the point where they must prioritise the most urgent callouts,” WREMO says.

That means communities will need to get together to support one another in the hours and days following a disaster.

The seven Wainuiomata community emergency hubs are at: Road;lington Road; Valley Road; and


1. Healing (11)

7. Good view; point.(7)

11. Californian white-oak. (5)

12. Beginning. (7)

13.Metal tip at end of shoelace. (5)

14. Sweet-sounding. (9)

15. Forager (9)

16. Musical instrument. (6)

18. Raving. (7)

21. Divisions of land (4)

23. Horse(inf) (3)

25. Bird’s crest. (3)

27. Resound. (4)

28. Cheer. (7)

30. Ring-throwing game. (4-2)

32. Sharp blow. (3)

33. Political satirist, ... Scott.(3)

34. Account-book. (6)

35. Bridged intersection. (7)

36. Agriculture minister, ... Falloon (4)

37. Stimulating tablet, ... pill. (3)

39. Estimated time of arrival (abbr) (3)

41. female red deer. (4)

43. Reproached sarcastically. (7)

45. Not harsh. (6)

48. City in England. (9)

49. Left-handers(inf) (9)

51. Raise the spirits of. (5)

52. Observation post. (4-3)

53. The sea. (5)

54. Appease. (7)

55. Tall buildings. (11)


1. Loose thread. (5)

2. Adorned. (11)

3. Rough-haired Scotch terrier. (8)

4. U.S. inventor, Thomas ... (6)

5. Attempts. (5)

6. Deep red. (7)

7. Pertaining to farms. (8)

8. More tidy. (6)

9. Brisk(music) (7)

10. Go into.(5)

16. Secrecy. (7)

17. Durable upholstery fabric. (7)

19. Agricultural. (5)

20. Accomplices(inf) (7)

22. Loyal. (7)

24. Hiatus. (3)

26. British person(sl) (3)

29. Small enclosed field. (5)

31. Tending to incite. (11)

32. Agent(abbr) (3)

33. Golf peg. (3)

38. Aromatic lozenge. (8)

40. Animals with lungs & gills. (8)

42. Bliss. (7)

44. Tapers. (7)

46. Swiss city. (6)

47. Artless. (6)

48. Pup. (5)

49. Ostentatious. (5)

50. Oozes. (5)



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With Jacob Page Grand opening at Rugby club

Rugby greats Ruby Tui and Ian Jones will be at the Wainuiomata Rugby Football Club tomorrow, 16 March, for the grand opening of the clubroom amenities upgrade.

The club has just completed an upgrade of both its shower and toilet facilities at its 2 Moohan Street clubrooms.

Before the upgrade there was no separation for men and women in either the showers or the toilet.

The changing room had originally been designed just for men, with open showers and just the one toilet area.

Following the upgrade, there is now a partition between the men’s and the women’s shower areas and shower curtains have been installed. There are also separate toilets for men and women.

The much needed upgrade has been made possible by a $30,000 Bunnings Rugby Assist Grant, with the Wainuiomata club being one of 10 grant recipients.

Moana Kuma applied for the grant on behalf of the club and was thrilled when the application was


“We are incredibly proud of our female squad and the club is committed to strengthening our women’s programme,” she says.

“To achieve this, we need our clubrooms to be a welcoming space that cater to female players and all members of the community.”

With the upgade complete, “it caters for all players now and not just the men,” Moana says.

Ruby Tui and Ian Jones will be special guests at the grand opening as Bunnings Ambassadors.

They will lead a “drills and skills” session, along with Wellington Rugby Union women activators. This session is open to all club junior and high school girls in the Wellington region.

Ruby and Ian will also feature at a “meet and greet” session in the clubrooms.

An Olympic gold and silver medalist in the Rugby Sevens, Ruby has been a regular member of the Black Ferns Sevens since being discovered in 2012.

She was named Black Ferns Sevens Player of the Year in 2017 and World Rugby Sevens Player of

the Year in 2019.

Her gold medal came at the 2020 Tokyo Olympics and her silver medal four years earlier.

Ian has played 79 tests for the All Blacks, having debuted on 16 June 1990 in the All Blacks match against Scotland at Dunedin.

He is New Zealand’s secondmost capped lock, and was the All Blacks captain for one match.

Ian was made a Member of the New Zealand Order of Merit for services to Rugby in the 2010 New Year’s Honours.

Girls can register for the “drills and skills” from 4:15pm

The powhiri and ribbon cutting ceremony will begin at 5pm, followed by the drills and skills at 5:15pm.

The meet and greet with Ruby and Ian will take place in the clubrooms from 6:15 to 7pm.

Food at the grand opening will be provided by the Petone Bunnings crew.

The Wainuiomata Rugby Football Club now caters for all players, not just men.

The club has three all girl teams in the Wellington competition, where

Building consents move online

Wainuiomata customers are now able to apply for a building consent through a new online portal.

Hutt City Council implemented this change on 6 March.

The change comes after the council acknowledged improvements were needed in how it managed building consent applications.

The new online building consent system includes a portal (Objective Build) for customers to apply for building consents, and a new system for council staff to process applications (Objective GoGet), Hutt City Council’s Director, Environment & Sustainability, Alison Geddes, says.

“Together the new systems are designed to create consistency, transparency, and quality in building applications, and will make the building consent application process

for our customers faster and more transparent,” she says.

“While there will be a transition period as both our team and customers familiarise themselves with the new systems, this is another positive step that will enable Lower Hutt to thrive.”

The new online portal is the first release of Objective Build, which aims to create a complete consenting system for New Zealand.

The platform will connect seamlessly to backend council systems, allowing New Zealand to work across a single platform. Building and construction industry professionals will have one account to handle all applications, instead of the multiple accounts for each council they currently interact with.

“We’re pleased to share that custom-

Waka Wars comes to


The Wainuiomata Waka Wars attracted a massive turnout on Saturday 11 March.

Ten waka were represented with more than 500 competitors registered.

Sponsored by K kiri Marae, the Waka Wars gave people an opportunity to enter a series of competitions to win prizes.

Instead of collecting the prize money themselves, the winners got to choose a flood-affected marae, which then received the money. There were 16 events on the programme, and the winner of

each got to donate $250 to their chosen marae.

A $5000 prize will also be presented to the marae chosen by the winning waka from all the contests.

The contests included euchre, walking, an egg and spoon race, a bake-off, karaoke, tag football, K O Rahi, Netball, a tug of war compeititon and a relay race.

Ulalei Sports Club’s tag football season ended at the Waka Wars. Ulalei played under the Pasifika waka, Te Moana Nui a Kiva and entered three teams in the tag football tournament.

ers who attended our information sessions say that they’re positive about using Objective Build,” Ms Geddes says.

The move to implement the new systems also created an opportunity for Hutt City Council to review its current processes.

A second project, managed separately but in parallel, was the building inspection checklist review.

The purpose of this project was to align with best regulatory practice for undertaking building inspections. With the inspections checklists needing to be incorporated into Objective GoGet, it made sense to include the enhanced inspections checklists at the same time.

Details of the new inspections and inspection checklists can be viewed on the Hutt City Council website.

they often are playing boys teams.

Last year the club had one women’s team, and it is currently putting together a women’s team to play again this year.

The club is still looking for women to join the team. For more information, or to join, contact Moana Kuma 022 593 7703, moana.kuma@gmail. com.

Local businesses also helped complete the clubrooms renovations – Andrew Harrison, L A Building Ltd and Luke Shields of Proflow Plumbing and Gas.

Harrier club changes its name

Waiuni Runners and Walkers

will officially open its winter season on 25 March.

The club has changed its name, moving away from the Wainuiomata Harrier Club towards a running and walking group.

The club committee decided on the name change with the aim of giving people a better idea of what it does, and with a second aim of attracting new members.

“Very simply, we run and walk,” the club says.“Whether

you choose to race is up to you.”

The club’s official opening will be held at 1:45pm on 25 March at its clubrooms at Richard Prouse Park, Hine Road.

The club held its first get together on 11 March.

After meeting at the clubrooms, members set out in groups, either running, jogging or walking, or a combinationof all three.

The club will also hold a get together next Saturday, 18 March.

7 Wednesday March 15, 2023 SPORT
The team working on the Wainuiomata Rugby clubrooms upgrade (from left) Kerri Kirk from Bunnings, Te Akakura Matehe, Monique Su’a, Bunnings Petone manager Mike Owne, Abby Clark and Ruby Clark. Photo: Supplied. The Ulalei contingent at the Wainuiomata Waka Wars. Photo: Supplied. Wainuiomata women Rugby players and Petone Bunnings staff at work on upgrading the clubrooms. Photo: Supplied.

There’s a nip in the air for sure lately. Which means now is the time to think about getting a flu shot. Clive reckons that almost everyone can benefit from the protection of an annual flu shot. Getting the flu is a major threat as it can spread quickly through the community. Not matter how fit, healthy, or tough you are, you’re not immune to the flu. It can strike at any time and will leave you unable to do just about anything. The flu can make you seriously ill and keep you in bed for at least a week. This is particularly true if you are elderly or have an ongoing medical condition. However, even if you don’t feel sick, you could still have the virus and pass it on to others. A common misunderstanding is that the flu vaccine can give you the flu. This is not true. The flu shot is made up of dead flu viruses, so you can’t catch the flu from them. What happens is

that after your shot, your body learns what the flu looks like, so if you are exposed to the virus your body can fight it off. Ideally, you should be vaccinated before May. Clive’s Chemist will have the flu shot available now. Getting immunised is your best protection. Over 65’s are FREE! It’s quick and convenient, to get vaccinated at Clive’s. I’d much rather everyone came in now for a flu jab, than have to see everyone later for flu medication. The process is easy. One of the pharmacists at Clive’s will take you through some information regarding your vaccination to make sure the flu shot is right for you.

Come in and see us now!

Book your flu jab at: www.clives.co.nz

From April 3rd

Clive’s Chemist, 20-21 Queen Street, Wainuiomata.

The flu. Don’t get it Don’t give it Free barbecue

All Blacks Peter Umanga-Jensen and Ruben Love will feature at Love Wainuiomata’s free community barbecue and fun day at Arakura Park on Sunday 19 March.

The fun day will begin at noon and run to 2pm.

It will feature a wide variety of activities, as well as entertainment provided by local entertainers.

A petting zoo and pony rides will be among the many fun events happening on the day.

K kiri Marae will also have a vaccination tent at the event.

Wharekura food gala

Wainuiomata High School/Te Kura Matua o Wainuiomata is presenting a Wharekura Food Gala to the community on 25 March.

Starting at 10am and running until 2pm, the gala will be held at the high school.

A h ng , steak sandwiches, raw fish, seafood chowder, fried bread and chop suey are among the main dishes that will be on offer.

The desserts include a steamed pudding, sweet

stand, rice bubble cake, muffins, brownies and candy floss.

The gala will also feature a series of popular activities, such as a bouncy castle, Poly Club and Wharekura performances, raffles and K O Rahi games and workshops.

The first K O Rahi workshop will begin at 11am, followed by games at 11:30am.

The second K O Rahi workshop will begin at noon, followed by games at 12:30pm.

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Articles inside

Harrier club changes its name

page 7

Waka Wars comes to

page 7

Building consents move online

page 7

With Jacob Page Grand opening at Rugby club

page 7

Punitive approach doesn’t work

page 6


pages 5-6

Town can celebrate new restaurant

page 5

History stories are wanted

page 4

New driving school leader

page 3

Wainui pool among the best

pages 2-3

Harrier club changes its name

page 7

Waka Wars comes to

page 7

Building consents move online

page 7

With Jacob Page Grand opening at Rugby club

page 7

Punitive approach doesn’t work

page 6


pages 5-6

Town can celebrate new restaurant

page 5

History stories are wanted

page 4

New driving school leader

page 3

Wainui pool among the best

pages 2-3

Harrier club changes its name

page 7

Waka Wars comes to

page 7

Building consents move online

page 7

With Jacob Page Grand opening at Rugby club

page 7

Punitive approach doesn’t work

page 6


pages 5-6

Town can celebrate new restaurant

page 5

History stories are wanted

page 4

New driving school leader

page 3

Wainui pool among the best

pages 2-3
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