16 November Wainuiomata News

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National winner

Wainuiomata’s Jake Whitaker has done it again and this time he’s wrapped up a national motorcycling title win with a race to spare.

With two wins from two starts in the elite Gold Grade at the first couple of rounds of the 2022 New Zealand Extreme OffRoad Championship series, the 31-yearold showed up at the third round of four in the South Island at the weekend well and truly in control of the situation. Continued on page 2.

Jake Whitaker, winner once again of the New Zealand Extreme Off-Road Championships.


Wednesday November 16, 2022 Phone: (04) 587 1660 YOUR LOCAL NEWS Today 14-20Thursday 14-21 See us online www.wsn.co.nz Authorised by Ginny Andersen MP, Parliament Buildings, Wellington Ginny Andersen MP for Hutt South Wainuiomata office 04 564 4988 /GinnyAndersenHuttSouth
Photo: Kat Gunson,
Authorised by Chris Bishop, Parliament Buildings, Wgtn. Phone 04 564 8707 or email me at Chris.bishopMP@parliament.govt.nz List MP
Hutt South
You can always contact my Wainuiomata office for assistance. Friday 14-21Saturday 14-20 FREE delivery within 25kms of yard DRY FIREWOOD DELIVERED OR PICKUP CHOPPS FIRE WOOD 3.6m3 Are you paying too much? Second Inscription from $900.00 New Plaques from $1150.00 New Headstones from $1950.00 Permit, Lettering, Artwork, Installation and GST all Included BUY DIRECT & SAVE GLOVER MEMORIALS 298 Naenae Road, Lower Hutt Ph: 567-2565 Also at 7 Hartham Pl Sth, Porirua Headstone specialists since 1911 www.glovermemorials.co.nz
Chris Bishop

Whitaker wins three in a row

from page 1

He didn’t have everything go his way at the unique two-day event in Canterbury – a stadiumstyle Enduro X Prologue event inside the Christchurch A&P Showgrounds on Friday evening, followed by the renowned Hut Buster hard enduro at Mt Selfe, Hawerden, just outside Christ church, the following day – but he did just what was required.

Jake took his distinctive orange two-stroke KTM 300 EXC bike to finish runner-up at Friday’s prologue and then repeated with another second place finish at the Nut Buster enduro on Saturday.

Canterbury rider Ben Dando had won the Enduro X Prologue, ahead of Jake, while Omihi’s Ethan McBreen and Queenstown’s Scott Columb rounded out the top four.

Whitecliffs rider Luke Corson won Saturday’s Nut Buster ahead of Jake, with Columb finishing third and New Plymouth’s Tony Parker completing the top four.

Columb therefore registered 4-3 results over the two days, while Corson recorded a 7-1 score-card and Dando chimed in with his 1-8 results.

With a 2-2 scorecard for the weekend, Jake had outshone all his rivals in the 21-rider Gold Grade line-up.

With scores combined, Jake was therefore declared overall winner for the weekend, making

it an astounding and unbeatable three wins from three rounds in the championship series.

With only three rounds of the four to be counted, as riders discard their worst score of the series, Jake was therefore also able to claim the 2022 crown a full two weeks before the final round is even due to start.

The final round is set for what might anyway be regarded as “home turf” for Whitaker, on steep forestry land in Moonshine Valley on 27 November.

“I got caught in a bit of a tangle of bikes in the Enduro X final on Friday and struggled to get through the traffic after that,” Jake explained.

“It was a fun track to ride (at the A&P Showgrounds), but I couldn’t quite catch Ben Dando.

“The Nut Buster enduro on Saturday was at a new venue –alpine high country, with steep hills, rocks and tussock to deal with. Rocks were hiding in the long grass and that made things treacherous.

“Luke Corson knew the terrain pretty well and he pulled the win out of the bag, so good on him. It’s good to see young guys doing well like that. This is the future of our sport.

“But I got the job done and that’s what mattered for me in the end.

“My bike was perfect, a 300cc fuel-injected two-stroke KTM, and it worked well in the high country,”Jake added.

Jake won this series overall in 2019 and again last year and his credentials as a record eight-time former New Zealand trial champion – a parallel motorcycling code where the emphasis is on balance and throttle control rather than pure speed – meant

he was clearly installed as favourite to win again this season. Now as a record three-time winner of the New Zealand Extreme Off-Road Championships, Jake will no doubt be tipped as title favourite at the start of next season too.

Congratulations Black Ferns!

I am just blown away with how awesome our Black Ferns are. My heart just about stopped in those final minutes of the game!

It was four years ago New Zealand Rugby, with the backing of the government, won the rights to host Rugby World Cup 2021. But well before the World Cup, the Black Ferns had shown themselves to be tenacious, strong, and exceptional athletes. Their sheer determination was just unstoppable.

They are also the kind of role models that every parent would want their kids to have. I have watched that clip of Ruby Tui belting out Tutira Mai Nga Iwi and it makes me so proud to have these women as role models for our tamariki. They are legends - heroes to a whole country. The skill, the joy and the commitment they have shown is inspiring. But most importantly they have changed the course of history for women’s rugby. The success here is of course built on the hard work and sacrifice of generations of Black Ferns.

Female rugby player numbers rose to a total of 27,838 in New Zealand, which represents a 14.6 percent increase on 2017 with the growth in popularity spread across all age groups. New Zealand Rugby Head of Women’s Rugby Development, Cate Sexton said the continuing growth represented an exciting opportunity for the game.

“Following our double-digit growth last year these figures show there is a real generational shift going on in our game and it’s great to see so many young girls

being inspired to give rugby a go. The biggest area of growth was in our youngest demographic with a more than 15 percent increase in Small Blacks, so the future is very bright. I have no doubt many of them have been inspired by the success of our Black Ferns and Black Ferns Sevens teams and the example they are setting on and off the field.”

Wainuiomata has a proud sporting history with so many men and women representing our region and our country. I know that the Black Ferns will inspire even more of our tamariki and rangatahi to take up the challenge to be the best they can be. And to be proud of who they are. Here’s hoping there is a public parade through Wellington so we can show them the love and support that they deserve!

2 Wednesday November 16, 2022 How to reach us
(04) 587 1660 Address 23 Broderick Rd, Johnsonville P.O. Box 38-776, WMC 5045 Fax (04) 587 1661 ONLINE: www.wsn.co.nz NATIONAL SALES Sam Barnes sam@wsn.co.nz 021 109 4406 SALES Les Whiteside les@wsn.co.nz 021 360 008 REPORTER Frank Neill wainui@wsn.co.nz 027 490 3916 YOUR LOCAL NEWSPAPER CLASSIFIED SALES classifieds@wsn.co.nz
Wainuiomata’s Jake Whitaker, now a three-time winner of the New Zealand Extreme Off-Road Championships. Photo: Andy McGechan, BikesportNZ.com. Authorised by Ginny Andersen MP, Parliament Buildings, Wellington
04 564 4988
Ginny Andersen MP for Hutt South

looking forward to summer?

MPs join ranks seeking bus

National MP Chris Bishop and Labour MP Ginny Andersen have joined forces in a bid to get the direct Wainuiomata to Courtenay Place bus service restarted.

The two Members of Parliament will be meeting with Greater Wellington Regional council on 15 December to put the case that Metlink should begin running a service to replace the one lost earlier this year.

The last number 80 bus – a morning and evening service between Wainuiomata and Courtenay Place – ran on 9 September.

Following its cessation both Ms Andersen and Mr Bishop set up petitions seeking reinstatement of the service.

When this issue of the “Wainuiomata News” went to print Ms Andersen’s petition had attracted 184 signatures, while more than 800 people signed the petition Mr Bishop organised.

New Zealand Coach Service (NCS), which is based in Taita, had run the service until 9 September.

The number 80 service ran twice daily, leaving Hine Road (at Sunny Grove) at 6:45am and arriving at Courtenay Place at around 8:05am; and leaving Courtenay Place at 5:15pm with a scheduled arrival time of 6:30pm at Hine Road.

The NCS service was not part of Metlink, and did not receive any subsidy money to assist with operation.

“It’s important that this bus route is restarted,” Ms Andersen told the “Wainuiomata News” the day after the number 80 bus service stopped running.

“I won’t give up. I will keep going till we get it back,” she added.

“Wainuiomata deserves better,” Mr Bishop said just after the number 80 bus stopped running.

“It’s a matter of fairness. If you look at Eastbourne, which has a population of 3,000 people, it has regular bus services running to Wellington and back in the mornings and evenings.

“Wainuiomata has a population of 20,000 yet it does not have a direct and subsidised bus service to Wellington.”

Local farewell for Trevor Mallard

Wainuiomata farewelled long-serving Member of Parliament Trevor Mallard at a function at the Wainuiomata Rugby Clubrooms on 12 November.

Mr Mallard resigned as Parliament’s Speaker in August and gave his final address to the House last month.

On his retirement he was the longest-serving MP in Parliament, having first been elected 38 years ago.

During his time he held 13 Ministerial portfolios, had been part of 12 Parliaments and served as Speaker of the House from

2017 until August this year.

Mr Mallard has been a “loyal and hardworking representative of the people in Hutt South,” the current Hutt South MP Ginny Andersen says.

“I have learned a lot about politics from Trevor and he has always been available to provide support and advice.

“He was an excellent local MP and a fierce advocate for the Hutt when we needed it.

“I know he will do New Zealand proud as our Ambassador to Ireland,” Ms Andersen says.

helicopter and testing of conductor locations along the line as highlighted on the accompanying map.

Transpower, the owner and operator of the National Grid, is carrying out joint testing on the conductor (wire) of its transmission line from during November.
In the event of bad weather the work will be deferred until the following week respectively. 2 2 58 Naenae Naen Stokes Vall y nehaven Pinehaven ew Seaview e Wainuiomata W t Arakura a Lower Hutt Petone to eton Silverstream stream Taita t Waterloloo Whitemans Valley TPWN2161122 Helicopter operating area Substations Other transmission lines
3 Wednesday November 16, 2022
have their say... Find
the Street.
Helicopter will be operating at low levels in around the transmission line within highlighted zone.
out the
Q: Why are
David McMillan It’s good for the garden. I’m a gardener. Chris Foley
I’m looking forward to time off work and the warmer weather.
Erica Hooper
spending time in the outdoors and having a
cue with
Helena Stephens Getting
out in
Paul Black Anna Wilson
To thaw out a bit. We are due some good weather. Yes I am looking forward to
over so we can actually go out and enjoy ourselves.
Because we are getting our bathroom renovated. It’s been a long time coming.
summer because Covid is pretty much
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Wainuiomata Intermediate School students joined more than 300 students from the greater Wellington region at a Kapa Haka festival at Raroa Normal Intermediate School on 11 November.

Te Ora Atamira/the living stage more than lived up to its name as Raroa hosted the annual Wellington intermediate schools’ Kapa Haka Festival.

The school was thrilled to host this year’s event after a two-year break due to COVID-19. e Ora Atamira brings together intermediates from Masterton to Wainuiomata and is a celebration of kapa haka, te reo, tikanga and matauranga M ori and the vibrancy of

intermediate school education.

Year 7/8 students from various cultures represented their schools, wh nau, hap and iwi.

Each kura was represented by a r p of around 40 students on stage, who each performed a diverse range of waiata and haka with mana, pride and energy.

Kayne Hawea led the organisation of this year’s event.

In his view “this was a celebration of the ‘melting pot’ that is Wellington and the wider region.

“So many Iwi were represented. Ng mihi Nui to our Brandon Intermediate wh nau for making this kaupapa possible and for the

opportunity for yet another fantastic experience within intermediate school learning”.

The mauri or privilege of hosting passed to

Maidstone Intermediate for 2023, and already all schools involved are looking forward to taking the stage again.

5 Wednesday November 16, 2022 Call in the Experts 9a Simmons Grove - Ph: 564 3803 -WWarrraant t o of f F Fitneess -LLubbe & oiil chhaannge e -MMecchhanniccaal reepaairrs -VVehhiccle e se e ervviccinng -CCarravvan n r reepaaiirs -MMTA A a asssuurred d JB Motors VEHICLE MAINTENANCE Family owned and operated *also available to view via our website 442 Cuba Street, Alicetown Ph 04 589 3024 www.marsonflooring.co.nz Visit our showroom for the latest carpet and vinyl trends and stock specials* FLOORING & Trades SERVICES DIRECTORY LAWYER T 04 566 6777 F 04 569 3354 office@arl-lawyers.co.nz www.arl-lawyers.co.nz Making it happen Jason Taylor For a Wainuiomata lawyer call today GLASS REPAIR Ph: 564 1112 Mob: 027 517 6197 Call AL’s GLASS Broken Windows? Call: 04 234 8760 www.DreamDoors.co.nz KITCHENS PAINTERS LAWN MOWERS Reads Mowers & Cycles Queen St, Wainuiomata Phone 564 9411 Get the very best out of your lawnmower, have it serviced regularly at Reads! “Won’t even cut the weeds” Need to go to Reads. HARDWARE www.hammerhardware.co.nz 6a The Strand, Wainuiomata 04-564 8760 Hours: Mon-Fri 8.30am-5.30pm, Sat 9am-4pm, Sun 10am-3pm RIGHT HERE IN WAINUIOMATA Part of the Mitre 10 group So we have competitive prices We have wool and craft supplies HEALTH www.hchc.co.nz ph 04 576 2009 Open to new enrolments Opening hours Mon - Fri 8.30 am to 5.00 pm Get a Free Quote! SHIPPING CONTAINERS OUTDOOR POWER TOOLS WE SELL AND SERVICE: OTHER SERVICES WE PROVIDE: OPEN 7 DAYS PH: 04 586 7139 Intermediate joins
Wainuiomata Intermediate School students performing at the Wellington intermediate schools’ Kapa Haka Festival. Photo: Supplied.
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Letters on issues of community interest are welcomed. A maximum of 150 words please.

Please note that your name MUST be provided with emails.

Letters/Opinions not necessarily those of the Wainuiomata News management.

Plastic problem

Dear Editor,

Although we are all doing our best to recycle plastic bags and other unwanted plastics, they are still ending up at the landfills.

It’s great when we are doing our part. However, they are refusing certain plastics at the recycling plant.

I wonder how rich are the ones who invented plastic.

Most of our cars are 90% plastic. No wonder they give off toxic fumes when they catch on fire. Plus in a crash plastic flies off the cars. This modern world is putting panel

beaters out of jobs.

We are meant to be knocking back on carbon and yet more diesel cars and trucks are imported. Diesel is far more polluting than petrol.

The whole world is polluted with plastic .

I only hope the inventors of plastic can come up with a solution, turning plastic back to the ground where it came from. Plastic is a bio product of oil.

It’s no use saying we will get rid of certain items before 2030. No, it has to be now.

Queen Street Parking

Dear Editor, I have been watching with some interest, the re-development of Queen Street and am sure that the eventual improvements will be worth all the inconvenience.

However, I note that the ‘new’ parking spaces at the Eastern end of Queen Street have not been painted at the previous angle to the road, but are now at right angles to the kerb.

This makes access to a parking space much more difficult, with drivers having to make full use of the roadway to make a right angled turn into the parking place.

Formerly, only a thirty degree turn was required, (with the added benefit of the driver being able to check that the parking place was empty before driving in).

Right-angle parking is perfectly reasonable in a car park, such as at Countdown, where there is more room to move and vehicle speeds are low.

May I suggest that the parking lines be re-painted to the former angled approach before the Queen Street construction site is cleared, when vehicle speeds will increase, adding to the problem?


Turns out, there’s quite a bit of gold on—or, really, in—our planet: 99 percent of the precious metal can be found in the Earth’s core, Discover Magazine reports. How much is there? Enough to coat the entire surface of the Earth in 1.5 feet of gold.

To the Editor 6 Wednesday November 16, 2022 CLASSIFIEDS Trades Funeral Directors NEWS TIPS Send your tips to wainui@ wsn.co.nz Newspaper Deliverers WANTED Deliverers required in the following areas: Contact Sandra Area 1: Moohan St, Bull Ave, Petrie St - 280 papers Area 2: Isobel Gr, Wright St, part of Moohan etc - 270 papers Situation Vacant ON... WHAT’S The Community Noticeboard is for non-profit organisations. For $15.00 you can publish up to 25 words. No AGMS, sporting notices or special meetings. Community Notices must be pre-paid. Call into our office, phone (04) 587 1660 or email classifieds@wsn.co.nz Generations of Honouring Legacy www.geeandhickton.co.nz (04) 528 2331 (04) 566 3103 (04) 237 5332 “ “ CASSIE MURPHY Funeral Director GAVIN MURPHY General Manager Graham’s Painters E: grahamspaintersnz @gmail.com W: www.grahamspainters.nz Ph: (04) 564 9202 021 183 9492 Experienced tradesmen and large team Get your House Exterior and Interior painted! ~ Pensioner Discounts ~ Puzzle W R O O R C S D S SOLUTION For April 9, 2003 SOLUTION For September 1, 2004 ACROSS 1. Wild stallion (7) 5. With little interest (4,7) 11. Courteous (5) 12. Idyllic poem (7) 13. Tent (5) 14. Safe to fly (9) 15. Restores confidence to (9) 16. Tree-trunk (4) 17. Fox (7) 19. Harmony (6) 23. Large monkey (6) 26. Tomahawk (7) 29. Decree (4) 30. Small lump (3) 32. Mass of foliage (3) 34. Display (4) 35. Candidate (7) 36. Play supervisor in two-up (Aust) (6) 39. Long overcoat (6) 40. Road-surface substance (7) 42. Courage (4) 46. Clumsy (9) 48. Essential (9) 50. Formal statement of beliefs (5) 51. Moulded from clay (7) 52. Provide food (5) 53. Gothic church, Abbey (11) 54. Having left a will (7) DOWN 1. Mohammeds’ birthplace (5) 2. Various (7) 3. In flower (6) 4. Slum areas (8) 5. Peaceful (7) 6. Light ale (5) 7. Of the blood (6) 8. Craftsmen (8) 9. Fertilizing land(by plane) (3,8) 10. Acts (5) 16. Brazilian palm tree (7) 18. Strip of pleated lace (5) 20. Unaffected (7) 21. Put on (3) 22. Gamble (3) 24. Stationers (11) 25. Variety of pigeon (3) 27. Assumed name (5) 28. High hill (3) 31. Fore end of ship (3) 33. Racket (3) 37. Bridge clearance (8) 38. Vividly expressive (8) 41. Cross-country runner (7) 43. Short aria (7) 44. Research scientist (sl) (6) 45. Zodiac sign (6) 46. Tropical parrot (5) 47. Inferred (5) 49. Weird (5) Solution Public Notices Love Wainuiomata wants you! Come join our Board - nominations open. Be part of bringing our community’s vision to life. Contact us for more info: 020 4116 9759 Lovewainuiomata@gmail.com Love Wainuiomata Inc. AGM Wednesday 30 Nov 7.00pm Wainuiomata Community Centre All welcome

Black Ferns miracle the perfect tonic for change

The Black Ferns and Wayne Smith have produced the most amazing 11-month turnaround imaginable.

In front of 50,000 people, the Black Ferns produced the most improbable 34-31 win over England to claim a World Cup title which was scarcely believable this time last year.

In November last year, fresh off a two year Covid hiatus, the Black Ferns were pumped on their European tour against France and


The closest they got was a 21-point loss to France.

That’s barely coming second in a two-horse race.

It is what makes the Black Ferns’ sixth World Cup win their most stunning.

Enter Wayne Smith to turn the sinking ship around.

Tough changes were made, experienced players departed and those who stayed clearly bought into what the master coach was selling.

School touch rugby champions

Wainuiomata Intermediate School’s touch Rugby team are the Wellington champions for the fourth year in a row.

It took a big come-back for Wainuiomata to win the title, to climax the Wellington regional competition played on 9 November.

With one point awarded for each try, Maidstone led the match 2-0 at half time.

Wainuiomata scored twice in the second half, however, to take the match to extra time.

During the two minutes of extra

time, each team was reduced to three players, and Wainuiomata scored twice to win the encounter.

Wainuiomata had a much easier ride in the semi-final, beating Maidstone Intermediate School 6-0.

The one-day tournament featured 16 teams and began with four pools of four teams to decide the four quarter finalists.

Coached by the school’s assistant Principal Isaac Hayes, Wainuiomata has won the Wellington Regional Touch Rugby Tournament five times in the last six years, including victories in each of the last four years.

The Black Ferns deserve a lot of credit for beating a team with 30 consecutive test victories even if England went down to 14 players inside 15 minutes of the opening whistle.

The game, and victory, has united the country behind women’s rugby.

The question is now, can all involved capitalise on the wave of goodwill.

Can Black Ferns tests of the future draw decent enough crowds to make them financially viable and


The crowds do not have to be sellouts like Saturday night but can tests against Australia, Canada, France, England etc become a viable commodity that families and the general public want to go to.

One thing is for sure, the time to act is now.

New Zealand Rugby must act swiftly to make the most of this opportunity.

A golden goose has potentially landed in their lap, they must make

the most of it.

Time will tell if they do. The crowd at Eden Park rivalled the energy of the Black Caps’ semifinal win over South Africa in 2015, the Cake Tin for the 2010 Fifa World Cup qualifier against Bahrain or the 2011 Rugby World Cup triumph over France.

Such a crowd reaction and such lofty television viewership should be hard to ignore and should promote positive change for the game in New Zealand.

Ulalei back in action

Ulalei Wainuiomata’s summer football teams returned to the fields last month as the new season kicked off at Hutt Park.

Its senior touch team, which is stacked with Wainuiomata’s female rugby league, rugby union and touch rugby national representatives, have started the season with three wins from three.

Ulalei Wainuiomata has spread its wings this season with a Tag Football team playing in Auckland.

“Those linked to Ulalei and Wainuiomata are everywhere,” says Ulalei patron Fauono Ken Laban.

“It was a matter of when rather than if, our club started to pop up in other parts of the country. It’s another way of keeping our club name relevant and our iga connected wherever they may be.”

The summer football season ramps up this week as the very popular tag football competition run by Nga Hau e Wha Wainuiomata begins at Wise Park, with 20 teams competing.

Ulalei, which has four teams entered, acknowledges the fantastic support this season from One Foundation, Des Smith, Royal Wolf, Master Upholstery, Wainui Joinery, and Fonterra.

Boost for local football

Both the Wainuiomata Association Football Club and Wainuiomata High School have received funding boosts from the New Zealand Football Foundation’s (NZFF) nationwide World Cup lottery.

Wainuiomata AFC sold 95 tickets in the lottery and received a grant of $950. Wainuiomata High School sold 28 tickets and received $280.

The World Cup Lottery raised more than $120,000 nationwide to help clubs and schools throughout New Zealand.

After the impact of the pandemic on funding options, the NZFF wanted to explore innovative

ways of supporting new income streams for football.

Through big and bold thinking, the foundation invested in a new fundraising approach to support clubs and schools with a fundraising lottery – the prize being eight double trips to the FIFA World Cup in Qatar.

NZFF says it is “thrilled that 115 clubs will receive grant funding for the first time through this initiative”.

As well as providing financial help, the project also highlighted how the football community could work together for the common good. It brought out some amazing acts of community support and generosity.

7 Wednesday November 16, 2022 SPORT SPORTS TALK
With Jacob Page
Read the Wainuiomata News online at www.wsn.co.nz
The victorious Wainuiomata Intermediate School Touch Rugby team (back row from left): Georja Keall, Acardia Tuari, Shaye Puohotaua, Isaac Hayes (Coach), Maia Mapakaitolo, Taliah Mapakaitolo and Siobhan Sau; (front row from left): Christian Alfajardo, Carter Lewis, Logan Chanhsamone, Kade Le'afa-Paki, Pōtatau Clark and Lucas Gray. Photo: Supplied. National multi-sport representative Te Arani Vulu in action for Ulalei. Photo: Supplied.

Don’t leave cooking unattended

A reminder not to leave cooking unattended came to Wainuiomata on 11 November.

The Wainuiomata Fire Brigade was called and arrived at the scene to find a smoke filled house.

“It was close,” Wainuiomata’s Chief Fire Officer Ewen Heron told the “Wainuiomata News”

“If it hadn’t been noticed [when it was], it could have been catastrophic.”

The call out served to remind people to be “vigilant while cooking,” CFO Heron said.

He noted the “keep looking while you’re cooking” campaign conducted by Fire and Emergency New Zealand.

Firefighters have needed to

respond to a large number of fires that have started in an unattended kitchen, often as a result of oil catching fire.

“One in four house fires start in the kitchen,” Fire and Emergency New Zealand says.

“It only takes a brief distraction from cooking for a fire to start – whether it’s a phone call, something interesting on television, a bathroom break or your tamariki wanting your attention.

“Once a fire starts, it spreads very quickly and a house fire can become deadly within just a few minutes.

“If you need to step away from the stove – even just for a moment –make sure you turn it off until you get back,” Fire and Emergency New Zealand says.

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Wainuiomata’s Chief Fire Officer Ewen Heron, who is reminding people not to leave cooking unattended. Photo: Frank Neill.
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