17 August Wainuiomata News

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Wednesday August 17, 2022 Phone: (04) 587 1660 YOUR LOCAL NEWS Today 13-15Thursday 12-16 Friday 12-16Saturday 13-16 See us www.wsn.co.nzonline Authorised by Ginny Andersen MP, Parliament Buildings, Wellington Ginny Andersen MP for Hutt South Wainuiomata office 04 564 /GinnyAndersenHuttSouth4988 Support Queen St FREE delivery within 25kms of yard DRY FIREWOOD DELIVERED OR PICKUP CHOPPS FIRE WOOD 3.6m3 Authorised by Chris Bishop, Parliament Buildings, Wgtn. Phone 04 564 8707 or email me at Chris.bishopMP@parliament.govt.nz List MP based in Hutt South Chris Bishop You can always contact my Wainuiomata office for assistance. By Frank Neill The Wainuiomata town centre upgrade, due to be completed early next year, is “well under way,” says Wainuiomata’s Ward Councillor Keri Brown. The construction is, however, disruptive to the local businesses and community, and “local businesses need your support,” she says. Continued on page 2. An artist’s impression of how Queen Street will look once the upgrade is complete. Photo: Supplied Book your Cyclo-ssage treatment at 360RNR Hutt Valley: info@360RNR.co.nz | 021 259 8881 | www.360RNR.co.nz 54 Harbour View Road, Lower Hutt Reduce pain, increase mobility and live life on your terms, getting you the most out of every day. WHY SUFFERWeWITH:areoffering ( $90 instead of $180)

People’s patronage means a lot

The meeting will be held under the Orange Traffic Light setting.

Continued from page 1 “Recent weather events and rising household costs have resulted in less spending on Queen“PleaseStreet.support our businesses during this challenging time,” says Minh Khang from Dawn Bake Bakery “It might take a little bit more effort, but it means a lot to us.” “Thanks to everyone who keeps coming to the shop despite the road works,” says Clive Cannons from Clive’s Chemist.“Thebusiness owners and I are grateful for your support. “Parking can be an issue, but we can deliver anything from theYouchemist.”canorder a delivery from Clive’s by calling 04 564 8618 or via email at dispensary@clives.co.nzAfterseveralyears of community engagement by Love Wainuiomata and Hutt City Council on what Wainuiomata residents and businesses wanted Queen Street to be, the community wanted a vibrant, safe and accessible town centre. When complete, Queen Street will feature a dedicated town centre and new paving, lighting andThisplanting.“willhelp make the area welcoming and accessible for everyone in our community,” Cr Brown says. Cr Brown and Cr Josh Briggs have been regularly visiting the Queen Street businesses. “While it’s a messy time; the end will be a transformation,” Cr Brown says. “The upgrade will benefit current businesses and attract more when it’s complete. “But in the meantime, please give intentional thought to stopping by. “Our businesses have always supported our community through sponsorship, volunteering, and providing koha when our community is in need. “Times are tough for household budgets, but if you can, please support our businesses where possible.” “We are looking at ways to create activities to promote businesses on Queen Street, encourage spending, and thank those for continuing to support our local businesses. “Look out for more information in the coming weeks,” Cr Brown says.

By Frank Neill Wainuiomata volunteer firefighter Connor Gibson will take part in this year’s Firefighter Sky Tower Challenge on 20 August.Connor will climb the 51 flights of stairs at Auckland’s Sky Tower, dressed in full fire fighting kit. This kit weighs in at more than 25kg, making the 1,103 steps he must climb a gruelling challenge. He will be, after all, climbing up the tallest building in the southern hemisphere, which is 328 metres high. This will be the second time Connor has competed in the challenge. Last year he competed for the Kaiapoi Volunteer Fire Brigade. He transferred from Kaiapoi to Wainuiomata during the year.


Cr Keri Brown (left) and Minh Khang at Dawn Bake Bakery. Photo: Frank Neill.

The Board will be meeting on Wednesday 24 August 2022 6:30pm, Room 1, in the QueenCommunityWainuiomataLibrary,St,Wainuiomata.

2 Wednesday August 17, 2022 How to reach us Phone (04) 587 1660 Address 23 Broderick Rd, Johnsonville P.O. Box 38-776, WMC 5045 Fax (04) 587 1661 ONLINE: www.wsn.co.nz SALESNATIONAL Sam Barnes sam@wsn.co.nz 021 109 4406 SALES Les Whiteside les@wsn.co.nz 021 360 008 REPORTER Frank Neill frank@wainui.co.nz 027 490 3916 YOUR LOCAL NEWSPAPER CLASSIFIED SALES classifieds@wsn.co.nz

Firefighter stepping up

Volunteer firefighter Connor Gibson. Photo Supplied.

You are very welcome to attend Keep up with what’s happening in your community

Connor will join firefighters from throughout New Zealand on the climb.. Each participant is timed, allowing for individual and team results to be determined.Thefocusof the event is to raise funds for Leukaemia and Blood Cancer New Zealand.Everyday eight New Zealanders are diagnosed with blood cancer or a related blood condition. It can affect anyone, at any age and any time in life. Leukaemia and Blood Cancer New Zealand supports thousands of New Zealanders affected by blood cancer, as well as their families. In addition, the organisation supports and funds research into better treatments and into finding a cure for blood cancers. The Firefighter Sky Tower Challenge had already raised more than $850,000 by 1 PeopleAugust.wishing to support Connor’s Sky Tower Challenge climb can make a donation at org.nz/connor-gibson.https://firefighterschallenge.

By Frank Neill Karen Forsyth is the 2022 Wainuiomata Toastmaster of the Year. This accolade is awarded to the person who does the most for Toastmasters within and outside the club including awards, speeches, contests andKarenmore.entered several club contests and went on to represent the club in the Humorous District Contest, featuring Toastmasters in the South Island and Lower North Island. The Toastmaster of the Year Award also includes a members vote for most dedicated, most enthusiastic and most Anotherhelpful.award criterion is to be a mentor, an important part of the Toastmasters programme, as all new members get a mentor to support them through their Toastmasters journey.Diane Isherwood was second in this award and Alistair Forsyth was third.Mandy Thatcher was presented the Most Improved Toastmaster. This award is voted on by the members of the club. Jane Wootton was second and Alistair was third. Other awards presented were for: The Most Dedicated, for the member that readily and enthusiastically accepts all assignments and willingly contributes to the club’s well-being. First was Diane Isherwood, second Karen Forsyth and third Rose Wyse. The Most Helpful, for the member who evaluates others with the purpose of recognising achievements, fostering continued improvement and building self-esteem. First was Ann Swaby, second Karen Forsyth and third place was shared by Alistair Forsyth and Diane Isherwood. The Most Enthusiastic was presented to the members who reflect enthusiasm for fellow members, for the club, and for Toastmasters. Karen Forsyth was first, Kelvin DeGinder second and Alistair Forsyth third. People join Toastmasters for various reasons – to improve their speaking skills, to develop their confidence to speak in front of small and larger groups, and to develop their leadership skills. Members also have the opportunity to learn feedback and evaluation skills. New members are welcome to join. The Wainuiomata club meets every Wednesday evening at 6.50pm in the Wainuiomata Library. People wanting more information can contact Alistair on 021 507 033.

Bex Howells Craig Wellings Yes I am. It’s our job to vote. If you don’t vote, you can’t bleat.

Q: Are you going to vote in the upcoming local body elections, and why?

Karen Forsyth (left) receiving her Toastmaster of the Year Award from Immediate Past President Tania Sales. Photo: Frank Neill.

3Wednesday August 17, 2022 readers have their say... Find out the WORD on the Street.

Brooke Currie It’s really good and I like what they do in helping their community. I will vote for the ones that will help the community along.

I will vote because it’s an opportunity to have a say on local issues – the things that matter to me in my community. Yes I am. I feel like the Hutt deserves people who genuinely care about it.

Toastmaster of the Year

Leanne Herna I am. I think it’s important for people who represent us to have a vision for our city.

Rosie van BeusekomSally-Ann Moffat Absolutely yes. It sets the course for future decision-making and direction of our city and our suburbs.

Neem cake: By Wally Richards

Firstly lets talk about Neem Tree Powder, lovely to work with, easy to handle and far better to use for some applications than the Neem Tree Granules. For instance when planting seeds or seedlings a little of the powder can be sprinkled with the seeds or put into a seedling’s planting hole. It is a must to prevent carrot fly damage; you sprinkle the powder along the furrow with the seeds at sowing time. Later when the carrots have germinated and have tops of foliage about 3-4cm tall you then side dress the row with the powder. By doing this most gardeners have found little or no damage to the carrots at harvest time. The Neem Tree Powder is ideal for treating grass grubs in lawns if used when the grubs are near the soil surface. For most that would be in the autumn after the autumn rains have moistened up the soil. By cutting out squares of turf and examining the clods will let you see if there are grubs near the surface, if so then treat those areas where there are several grubs per square foot. Sprinkle the Neem Tree Powder over a freshly mowed lawn and water in to settle the powder onto the soil. If you have a roller then roll to press the powder into the moist soil. If not then either lift the height of your rotary mower by a notch or two before you mow again or leave the catcher off so that powder picked up while mowing will be put back onto the lawn. Only applicable for two or three mowings after application of the Neem Powder. Where you apply the powder on the lawn you may notice after a couple of weeks that those areas are looking better than where it was not used. This is a good indication that you have root nematodes in the roots of your grasses and they are sucking the vigor out of your lawn. So if this is the case then you know to treat the rest of your lawn. Neem Tree Powder is also ideal to place a small sprinkling on top of the growing medium of your container plants to eradicate root mealy bugs in the roots. Out side containers it does not matter so much as the powder will get molds when it breaks down which is normal; but indoors it will look unsightly so cover the powder with a little more growing medium. Wallys Neem Tree Granules being bigger in size means they will last much longer slowly breaking down. This makes them great to use on the soil of more established plants such as trees, shrubs and roses.

Wallys Neem Tree Powder and Granules are great gardening aids and available in sizes in 1 kilo, 3 kilo and 20 kilo bags.

Take care on hill road

Top issuesWainui

By Frank Neill

The cost of living, crime and safety and housing prices are the top issues facing Wainuiomata people, a recent survey shows.Thesurvey was conducted by Lesa Bingley, a stay-athome mother who has lived in Wainuiomata for three years. Ms Bingley is standing for the Wainuiomata Community Board in the upcoming local bodyMoreelections.than350 people responded to her online survey, which was posted on Facebook.Itproduced some “interesting results,” Ms Bingley says. When asked what people love about Wainuiomata the majority of respondents said they love the strong community spirit, the bush walks, and the friendly people. When asked what were the biggest issues facing Wainuiomata right now, the top five issues were the cost of living, crime and safety, housing prices, a lack of dine-in cafes and restaurants, infrastructure (things like water pipes, roads and footpaths), and uncertainty about the Hutt Hospital. Petrol prices, housing intensification, traffic and public transport also featured as issues facing the suburb. “While I’ve been out door knocking people have told me they are worried about these issues so I’m not surprised they are in the top five.”MsBingley is now looking forward to collaborating with the community to find solutions to some of these matters.“Thisis an opportunity for locals to share their views with me. Together, we will develop solutions that I can take to the Wainuiomata Community Board to be an effective advocate on behalf of our community.” Lesa Bingley. Photo: Supplied.

The reason I believe is that the smell of the granules disguises the smell of the plants and hence insects pests flying by don’t know that there are host plants nearby. Disguising the smell of plants so that insects do not know that they are there is a great easy control. It is the first line of defense against codlin and guava moth damage. You hide the tree when its fruiting. The time to use the granules is after the fruit has formed on the tree and is about halfway to maturity. Sprinkle the Neem Tree Granules under the tree from trunk to drip line.Next make up some small bags using old curtain netting which you will place some granules in and the hang in the tree about your height. Hang around the tree 4 to 6 bags. When the moths are flying at night looking for where to lay their eggs from the smell of the fruit they will fly on by as can not smell the fruit because of the Neem Granule’s smell that overrides the fruit smell. Simple and very effective in greatly reducing the damage to your crop. In regards to using Neem Tree Granules on the soil under plants you are likely to find they work better on some types if plants than on others. I found on brassica such as cabbage that powder in the planting hole and granules on the soil meant that caterpillars never got established or caused much damage. A few months ago a lady gardener from India told me that she soaks Neem Tree Granules in a bucket of water (about a cup full) for a couple of weeks stirring occasionally. Then she takes the water and sprays or pours over her roses late in the Accordingafternoon.toher it keeps the pests and diseases under control.

The crushed residue is called Neem Cake in India which my company Garden Enterprises import in container loads into NZ for gardeners to use. Before it is shipped the Neem cake is dried then screened to obtain to particle sizes which we call Wallys Neem Tree Powder being uniform particles 1-3mm in size. Then there are the larger particles we call Wallys Neem Tree Granules which vary from 1mm to about 50mm in size. Both are the same thing it is just the size of the particles that determine what we call them. Likewise either can be used to do most gardening tasks that Neem Cake can be used for but each has its special tasks for applications.

I have had a few gardeners tell me they used them in the root zone of their roses and significantly reduced problems of pests and diseases. We have found them magic placed on the soil under citrus trees from the trunk to the drip line.. Within a period of about 6-8 weeks all insect pests on or in the tree are gone including whitefly, scale borer and mealy bugs. At the beginning of the season when you plant up your glasshouse with tomatoes and other plants put some Neem Tree Powder in the planting holes and Neem Tree Granules on top of the growing medium (soil or containers) Many reports have said that in its self has solved most of their problems with whitefly in the glasshouse.

Azadirachta indica, commonly known as Neem, nimtree or Indian lilac, is a tree in the mahogany family Meliaceae. It is one of two species in the genus Azadirachta, and is native to the Indian subcontinent and most of the countries in Africa. It is typically grown in tropical and semi-tropical regions.Eachyear the tree flowers and produces fruit or kernels which are the seeds of the tree. These are harvested and cold pressed to extract the Neem Oil which is used for many things including as an insecticide and for medical uses. If the kernels are press only once then the Neem Cake will be dark in colour and have a good Neem smell. If they are cold pressed more than once to extract more oil then they will be light brown in colour and not have much smell which means they will not any where near effective as the dark Neem Granules/Powder;.

4 Wednesday August 17, 2022 GARDENING THIS WEEK

n e By Frank Neill Police are advising drivers to take care on Wainuiomata hill road following a significant increase in accidents this“Therewinter.have been a lot of accidents recently – a lot more than previous years,” says Sergeant Patrick Tangipo, Wainuiomata’s officer inDuringcharge. May, June and July this year there were 14 crashes. That compares with seven crashes during the same period last year, Sergeant Tangipo says. This big increase in accidents is probably because of the Driversweather.can, however, do things to mitigate the risk of being involved in a collision orTheaccident.twomost important, Sergeant Tangipo says, are to drive to the conditions and to check that your vehicle is roadworthy.Wetweather means that drivers need to reduce their speed in order to minimise the chance of having an accident.Recently, a car simply aquaplaned on the wet surface, causing it to spin out and hit the median barrier. This caused significant damage to both the median barrier and to the vehicle. Had the driver further reduced their speed they may not have aquaplaned or, if they did, the damage may not have happened or would have been much less. Checking the car is roadworthy also helps reduce the chance of an accident. “Definitely check the tyres – the tread and the tyre pressure,” Sergeant Tangipo says. When accidents happen, they frequently also disrupt other traffic. At times people need to wait while emergency services clear the road. As well as the water it puts on the road, wet weather can also create another motoring hazard – rocks on the road. A slip on the Lower Hutt side of the Wainuiomata hill caused rocks to block two lanes on 9 August. Hutt City Council’s Facebook page alerted people to the danger in a post at 8:13pm, saying contractors were on their way to clean it up. “Please practise caution when driving on this road,” the council said. In an update posted at 10:10pm on 9 August, the council said that the road was clear.

5Wednesday August 17, 2022 9a Simmons Grove - Ph: 564 3803 -WWarrraantt ofof FitFneess -LLubbe & oiil chhaanngee -MMecchhanniccaal reepaairrs -VVehhicclee seeervviccinng -CCarravvann rerepaiirs -MMTAA aasssuurredd JB Motors VEHICLE MAINTENANCE Trades& SERVICES DIRECTORY LAWYER T 04 566 6777 F 04 569 3354 office@arl-lawyers.co.nzwww.arl-lawyers.co.nz Making it happen Jason Taylor For a lawyerWainuiomatacalltoday GLASS REPAIR Ph: 564 1112 Mob: 027 517 6197 Call AL’s GLASS Broken Windows? CHEMIST 20-21 Queen dispensary@clives.co.nzWainuiomata.Street,www.clives.co.nz(04)5648618 Call: 04 234 www.DreamDoors.co.nz8760 KITCHENS PAINTERS LAWN MOWERS Reads Mowers & Cycles Queen St, Wainuiomata Phone 564 9411 Get the very best out of your lawnmower, have it serviced regularly at Reads! “Won’t even cut the weeds” Need to go to Reads. HARDWARE www.hammerhardware.co.nz 6a The WainuiomataStrand, 04-564 8760 Hours: Mon-Fri 8.30am-5.30pm, Sat 9am-4pm, Sun 10am-3pm RIGHT HERE SoPartWAINUIOMATAINoftheMitre10groupwehavecompetitivepricesWehavewoolandcraftsupplies WHOLESALEFIREWOODSUPPLIESwww.firewoodsupplies.co.nz042329499 Fully seasoned wood available Gum 4m3 $660, 2m3 $390 Douglas-Fir 4m3 $650 (BEST BUY), 2m3 $380 Macrocarpa 4m3 $650, 2m3 $380 Split Pine 4m3 $540, 2m3 $320 Bagged Kindling $15ea. Combo’s (2m3 x 2= 4m3) Gum & D/Fir $680, Gum & Mac $680 Gum & S/Pine $620 D/Fir & Mac $670 D/Fir & S/Pine $610, Mac & S/Pine $610 Delivery & GST included, WINZ ApprovedFIREWOODHEALTH www.hchc.co.nz ph 04 576 2009 Open to enrolmentsnew Opening hours Mon - Fri 8.30 am to 5.00 pm Get Quote!Freea SHIPPING CONTAINERS INTERNATIONAL STUDENT HOMESTAYS www.wainuiomatahigh.school.nz With borders now open, Wainuiomata High School is excited to welcome back new international students. We’re looking for host families to provide a New Zealand home for our international students. Our host families are all different. We welcome applications from anyone who speaks English in the home, has a clean, tidy home and furnished bedroom and has a desire to share their culture with an international Providingstudent. a New Zealand home for an international student can be a rewarding and enriching experience. As a host family, you will learn about a new culture and build relationships that last a lifetime. If you and your family are considering becoming a host family, please contact: DaijiK@Wainuiomatahigh.school.nz or text/call 022 531 5581 Wainuiomata Lions Reserves fall short in final The Wainuiomata Lions premier reserves fell 46-22 in their Wellington Rugby League final against the St George Dragons, on Saturday at the Hutt Rec Ground. The Wainuiomata Lions rugby league reserve grade team finished as runners-up after falling to the St George Dragons on Saturday. Photo: Supplied

Read the Wainuiomata News online at


6 Wednesday August 17, 2022 CLASSIFIEDS Trades Graham’sPainters E: grahamspaintersnz@gmail.com W: www.grahamspainters.nz Ph: (04) 564 9202 021 183 9492 Experienced tradesmen and large team Get your House Exterior andpainted!Interior ~ Pensioner Discounts ~ ON...WHAT’S The Community Noticeboard is for non-profit organisations. For $15.00 you can publish up to 25 words. No AGMS, sporting notices or special meetings. Community Notices must be Callpre-paid.intoour office, phone (04) 587 1660 or email classifieds@wsn.co.nz Pets CATTERY Casa De Wootton, home away from home. Rural surroundings. 187 Moores Valley Road. Phone Jane 5644310 Funeral Directors Generations of Honouring Legacy www.geeandhickton.co.nz (04) 528 2331 (04) 566 3103 (04) 237 5332 “ “ CASSIE MURPHY Funeral Director GAVIN GeneralMURPHYManager Newspaper Deliverers WANTEDDeliverersrequiredinthefollowingareas: Contact Sandra Area 1: Burden Ave, Faulke Ave, Peel Place area - 255 papers Area 2: Hair St, Moores Valley Rd, Rowe Parade, part of Main Rd - 280 papers Area 3: Parenga St, August Ave, Aporoa St area - 235 papers Situation Vacant Love Local. Shop Local. NEWSTIPS Send wsn.co.nzwainui@tipsyourto RWPuzzle OO CR S SD SOLUTIONSOLUTIONForApril9,2003ForJune2,2004 ACROSS 1. Enlisted personal (4,3,4) 7. Hard to endure (7) 11. Sea-shore (5) 12. Stain (7) 13. Criminal organization(Ital) (5) 14. Restore to life (9) 15. Watchful (9) 16. Important person(sl) (6) 18. Mislead (7) 21. Inactive (4) 23. Tint (3) 25. Cosmetic; liner (3) 27. Vow (4) 28. Dais (7) 30. Pass(of time) (6) 32. Isle Of ...(Brit) (3) 33. Japanese sash (3) 34. Kidnap (6) 35. Personal belongings(sl) (7) 36. Monetary unit of Italy (4) 37. AUST/NZ intergovernment pact (intls) (3) 39. Fabled bird (3) 41. Musical instrument (4) 43. Witchcraft (7) 45. Magician (6) 48. Lacking (9) 49. Designer (9) 51. Real name,Archibald Leach; actor Cary (5) 52. Pacify (7) 53. Fool (5) 54. Irregularity (7) 55. Gothic church, Abbey (11) DOWN 1. Happen again (5) 2. Myopic (4-7) 3. Small planet (8) 4. Smeared (6) 5. Dormant (5) 6. Typical example (7) 7. Sticky (8) 8. Reserved (6) 9. Curt (7) 10. Slope (5) 16. Floatable (7) 17. Revolves (7) 19. Glorify (5) 20. Facial feature (7) 22. Precious stone (7) 24. Era (3) 26. Samuel’s teacher(O.T.) (3) 29. Dark brown pigment (5) 31. Stamp collector (11) 32.English cricket club(intls) (3) 33. Over(poetic) (3) 38. Herb (8) 40. Non military person (8) 42. Bison (7) 44. Dupe (4-3) 46. Canadian province; Nova (6) 47. Yell (6) 48. Principle (5) 49. Accumulate (5) 50. Instruct (5) Solution


The brisk yet sunny weather on Saturday morning proved perfect conditions for the Hutt Valley Secondary Schools semi-finals for Wainuiomata High School’s three junior teams. First up was Team 1, coached by Ulalei netballer, Leeann Beazley, against Hutt Valley High School 12. In a real grinding match, it wasn’t a pretty result for Team 1 but on reflection, perhaps not a bad dress rehearsal for what lies ahead. ``It was a really good semi and I was pleased to see the grit in that backend and to have that ability for them to step up and have the confidence that they could get there,“ says Beazley. WHS Team 1 victorious with a 25-22 win. Team 2, coached by another Ulalei netballer, Toli Sagaga, were up against first place Sacred Heart Tui. Team 2 had narrowly won against Sacred Heart during the round games by a single goal, so they knew they had to bring their “A game” to win. And that they did, winning the first two quarters 9-4, 6-4, to lead 15-8 at half time. Then at the third championship quarter, the youngsters took off with some excellent defence throughout the court creating turnover after turnover restricting their opposition to scoring just two goals to their 10. This gave them an unassailable 25-10 lead heading into the final quarter. Even without their injured captain Ilai Vagana, Team 1 maintained their composure to win 30-13. “That was one of our best performances all season and I am really happy with how we played together as a team,” says captain Vagana. “Our defence was on-point with everyone putting their arms up making it difficult for the opposition to pass the ball. That’s what we learnt from training,” says wing defence Deonte Williams. “The awesome support from our whanau, parents, grandparents, siblings cheering us on was awesome too.” Team 3, coached by Wainuiomata College alumni Olivia Sisley, had a nail-biting semi-final against HVHS orange eventually coming up second best with final score 17-14. Sisley was very proud of their team’s effort throughout the season, “They are a lovely team and they have enjoyed the season. I hope they will continue to play next year,” says Sisley who takes a well-earned rest. Games this Saturday 20 August at Hutt Valley Netball Courts: Team 1 play Sacred Heart in the Collegiate 4 Teamfinal. 2 play HVHS 9 in the Collegiate 6 final.




Photo Supplpied. From EARN lifestyle! Free at yourhomebiznz.com www.wsn.co.nz was an error with the new reporter and photographer, Frank Neill, the 3 August of the Wainuiomata Frank can be contacted at wainui@ wsn.co.nz, by phoning 027 490 3916.Heis keen to hear from anyone with that lead to photographs being placed in the Wainuiomata News.

WainuiContactingNews There

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EXTRA INCOME around your current

Wainuiomata HS junior teams into finals

email address in the article introducing our

The Wainuiomata Capital Premier side played Miramar Rangers looking to secure their spot in Capital Premier for 2023 and captain Josh Hinton scored a goal to remember. The centre back latched onto a half-volley to send his strike into the top corner. It remained 1-0 until the 65th minute where Andrew Olivier doubled the lead in his first game back from suspension. There was a debate over who got the final touch but all that mattered is it was 2-0 to the green and black and that is how it remained. Capital Premier Football secured for 2023. Coming to the business end of the season and the weekends are starting to see teams wrap up for the year. Last week it was Roundballs who wrapped up their year and this weekend it was Halfbaked and The Wildcats who played their final games for Halfbaked2022.went out in style by beating Petone 4ths 2-0. It was captain Anthony Cutts’s last game for the side as he is transitioning to a more appropriate level of football for him in 2023, Masters Football.Thatwin was also the only win for the club in Saturday’s fixtures as the Reserves lost 1-0 against Stop Out and the Thirds had a tough day losing 6-0 to a strong Wellington MaristShortside.onnumbers, the Undertakers had a hard-fought 1-1 draw against Island Bay while Pasifika’s unbeaten streak in 2022 came to

The Wainuiomata Wildcats women’s football team completed their campaign on Saturday. Photo: Imray’s Snaps.

Ulalei teams make semifinals

Where to now for the All Blacks? Well, I’ll happily eat humble pie after the All Blacks’ gutsy 35-23 win over the Springboks at Ellis Park.Igave them no hope, like many and rightly so based on recent performances but they proved us allIanwrong.Foster produced the best coaching performance of his career to maybe keep the wolves at bay for the time being. So where did the All Blacks finally get it right? Selections, for the most part, made sense.The best hooker, in Samisoni Taukei’aho was picked. He provided solid line out throwing and was a damaging ball runner. Shannon Frizzell proved he still had what it takes to be an enforcer at No 6. The backline functioned much better with Richie Mo’unga at No 10 and he needs to be the regular starter going forward. The famed All Blacks attack was back on display and the Mo’unga David Havili combination appeared crucial to that success. There was far less aimless kicking that had been displayed by the Barrett brothers over the past month. The All Blacks are built on fast, running rugby played in a clinical fashion.Thistest was a step in the right direction on attack. Those three selections alone made a world of difference and must be retained on a regular basis going forward.I’dgofurther and install Ardie Savea as captain and make Sam Cane earn his starting spot but that is likely wishful thinking. Savea is the heartbeat of the forward pack. He embraces every physical challenge and his starting spot in the side is Thoseundeniable.arethetraits I like in a captain.NewZealand Rugby now find themselves in a pickle. They would be hard-pressed to fire Foster after that effort but he must continue to be on a short leash. What Sunday’s result does show is that Foster has not lost the dressing room.Theplayers will play hard for him and that counts for a lot. The flight home will feel mighty good for the entire team even if the two matches have provided more questions than answers.

Ulalei Laga’ali victorious against NNCU. Photo: Phillip Gillies.

Wainuiomata secure Capital Premier survival Shaun De Roo of the Wainuiomata first team looks to control the ball during his team’s 2-0 win over the Miramar Rangers, on Sunday.

More questions than answers after ABs win

Saturday’s last round games determined the final placings for the Ulalei netball teams. In the Senior 2 division, Ulalei Fuesina had a must-win match against Tautoko Aiga to secure a place in the semi-final. The young guns had a shocking first quarter scoring only four goals to the opposition’s 11. After some stern but supportive words from fill-in coach, Peter Sua, Fuesina pulled back in the second quarter to come within two goals, half-time score 16-18 to Tautoko Aiga. In the championship quarter, Fuesina continued to apply pressure forcing some crucial turnovers to take the lead 25-23 at the end of the third quarter.Inthe final quarter, the young guns maintained the composure to grind out a 34-30 victory and taking the fourth semi final slot. “We had an amazing comeback win today against a physical Tautoko Aiga team,” says co-coach Eleanor“PhysicalityMcLeod.was immense, but I am really proud of how the team maintained their composure, adhered to their structures, resulting in a well-deserved victory.” In the Reserve 2 division, Ulalei Laga’ali were grinners again with a 36-25 win against NNCU 9. It was an even start with the score tied 8-8 at the end of the first quarter. Laga’ali began to find their rhythm in the second quarter to take a 19-15 lead at half time. Again, it was the championship third quarter where Laga’ali took off with some wonderful defensive work by goal keeper Krystle Edwards, goal defence Lucy Knowles, and wing defence Melanie Singh creating turnovers for shooters Harmony Morgan and Armia Morris to convert to goals, to take a 28-18 at the end of the third quarter. Contributions from midcourters Lee Beazley, Riana Atama-Adams, and Maria Gillies displayed a smooth through court play and laying some excellent feeds into the shooting circle. “It was an awesome game today,” smiles captain Leeann Beazley. “The team has really gelled. Even our newest member Harms is enjoying the team vibe.” Ulalei Laga’ali finish third overall to take a place in the semis. Ulalei Moso’oi (Senior 4) remain at the top of their division despite losing narrowly to UHRams (6) 22-20.Ulaleu Aute (Premier 1) lost to UHMU (2) 59-43. “I am extremely proud of our club team performances this season,” says president Alannah Laban. “They have trained and competed well and what is most rewarding is the diversity within each of the teams. And that is what we are about”. Draw this Saturday 20 August 2022Premier 1 Ulalei Aute v UHMU 3 at 11:00amSenior2UlaleiFuesina v HSOG 2 at 1:30pmSeniorUlalei4 Moso’oi v Manaia Whanau 1 at 2:30pm Reserve 2 Ulalei Laga’ali v Manaia Whanau 2 at 3:30pm

Photo: Imray’s Snaps. anAend.resilient Victoria University side ended the run by winning 2-0. The OC’s were so close yet so far as they lost by a single goal, going down 2-1 to Eastbourne. Sunday came around and it was the 2 senior first teams in action. First off at Hutt Park it was the Women’s side with the Wildcats inLookingaction. to end what has been a tough season with a win, it was a tough field to play on with players unable to stay on their feet. With chances at both ends, neither side could find the back of the net and the game ended in a 0-0 draw. A big thank you to our sponsors for their support this season: Design & Build, Des Smith – Kemeys Brothers, Dave Smith Motors, Clives Chemist, Q Limited, Wellington Earthworks & Drainage, MS Joinery, Seven Electrical, Creative Meats, Wainui Supersave, Ziggy’s, Christina Sole – Kemeys Brothers, Wainui Super Save and Finesigns

7Wednesday August 17, 2022SPORT SPORTS TALK With Jacob Page

8 Wednesday August 17, 2022 You can catch COVID-19 more than once. Boosters are your best protection from severe illness, ending up in hospital, and even death. Keeping up to date with your vaccinations is one of the most important things you can do to help protect yourself, your whānau and your community. A booster will provide extra protection from a previous vaccination and help your immunity be stronger and last longer. And, by staying as healthy as you can, you help reduce pressure on our communities, businesses and the health sector. If you’ve had COVID-19, you can get your booster three months after you tested positive. Make sure you are up to date with your COVID-19 vaccinations. Keeping up to date with your vaccinations is really important, even if you’ve already had COVID-19. Check your eligibility at Covid19.govt.nz or call 0800 28 29 26.

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