2 minute read

Vaping a big addictive problem

Continued from page 1

P tatau was one of three HashTags who spoke at their presentation to the committee.


The Hashtags last year presented a petition to Parliament asking it to restrict sales of vaping products to licensed R18 specialist retailers.

“Today vaping has become a big addictive problem for rangatahi throughout Aotearoa, and I now also worry about our tamariki,” P tatau said.

The HashTags supported the following recommendations, that: to licensed R18 specialists and retailers; and

Riana said.

“We are here again, and the number of vape retailers is now 1055.

“That is almost 300 more retailers from the last time we came,” she said.

Youth vaping, Riana said, had “risen rapidly”. 19.1% of 14 and 15-year-old M ori reported vaping daily according to a recent survey.

A 2022 survey found that 10.1% of year 10 students reported vaping daily.

“With the coming change to the sale of cigarettes [limiting it] to 600 retailers in New Zealand, why is there nothing for vape retailers?”


Les Whiteside les@wsn.co.nz 021 360 008 and limits the number of vape retailers and their location, which means no vape stores near schools, marae, churches and shopping areas where tamariki and rangatahi are gathered.

“Australia is banning disposables. What are we doing?” Riana asked.

A number of Health Committee members spoke highly of the HashTags’ presentation.


Sam Barnes sam@wsn.co.nz 021 109 4406

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“I’m not sure who quoted this or similar – doing right can never be wrong and doing wrong can never be right,” P tatau said.

When the Hashtags first brought its petition to Parliament [on 28 September 2022] the number of vape retailers around New Zealand was 668, Riana Le’afa Paki told the committee.

When they came back the second time and presented oral submissions, the number of retailers had gone up to 778.

“That’s just over 100 more retailers in under three months,”

“Thank you for your submission,” Stuart Nash said.

“I agree with it and I think we should be doing what the Australians are doing.”

It was a “fantastic submission,” committee member Matt Doocey said.

“Quite rightly you challenged us in your submission and said we are not doing enough.”

Last year National MP Dr Shane Reti brought in an amendment to the smoke free legislation that would have brought in proximity laws for the Director General of Health to stop vape stores and also to tighten up under age vaping, but the government voted it down.

“So some of us are trying. It’s just that we don’t have the majority in the House.

“My question is around the compliance of under-age vaping.

“What do you think should happen to vape stores who are selling [vapes] to under age young people?” Mr Doocey asked.

“First of all big fines,” HashTag

Joshua Le’afa Paki said.

“They should be shut down.

“If they are doing it for one, they are obviously doing it for more,” Joshua said.

As well as the three HashTags who spoke at the Health Select Committee, two HashTags also attended – Karipori Wanoa and Tumua Sione, one of the original HashTags from 12 years ago.

Kade Le’afa-Paki from Wainuiomata Intermediate School also attended the presentation. Te Ngaroahiahia Fanua Rimoni had planned to attend but was unable to owing to a family bereavement.

The HashTags (Holistic Action Sustainable Health Through All Generations) is a Wainuiomatabased advocacy group of Wellington rangatahi.

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