By Jacob Page The Megabyte Technology Consultants Johnsonville Terrahawks under-85kg rugby team have been the epitome of dominant won the Division One Paul Potiki final 37-5 over the Upper Hutt Rams on Saturday, for the first time since 2004, to complete a commanding season full of big wins and plenty of silverware. The team managed 14 wins and just one loss including a 13-match unbeaten streak and went unbeaten at Helston Park. Continued on page 2. The Johnsonville Terrahawks capped a stellar season by claiming the Paul Potiki Shield, on Saturday. Photo: Hugh Pretorius. Thursday August 18, 2022 Phone: (04) 587 1660Sunday 13-15Today 12-16 displayDominant Servicing All Brands Double Glazed Repairs/ReplacementsUnits and LowFullMaintenanceInstallationServicePitchSkylights Roof Access Hatches Opening Roof Windows Fixed CustomSkylightsUnitsany size/shape Free RepairQuotesandReplacement Roofing Services we provide : Phone : 0800 85 86 87, 04 938 0721 or 027 595 4448 | Email : Government Approved Licensed Building and Roofing Practitioner - LBP National List MP based in Wellington WillisNicolaMP 04 817 9338 NicolaWillisMP Friday 12-16Saturday 13-16

“The forward pack really stepped-up for us this year and having one of the heaviest packs in the grade helped and the backs are the glamour boys scoring the tries but we had guys in key positions with plenty of premier rugby experience which certainly helped,” Rob says. He says the weight restriction makes the grade just as challenging as it is enjoyable.
Terrahawks romp to u85 glory
One thing about all the recent happenings around Parliament involving a couple of backbench MPs is that those watching on get an understanding of the intricacies and complexities of parliamentary life, beyond the flashy stuff everyone gets to see. The business of Government is just that; a business which need processes and good hardworking people to make it work. Anyone coming in who thinks it’s all about getting up making speeches will be disappointed. This week for instance, I will be chairing Select Committees all week, travelling around the South Island hearing submitters on Three Waters, and the Bill enabling it. That involves sitting all day in a venue with MPs from all parties hearing from our fellow citizens. Interesting, important, but thankless. And not what everyone coming into politics Iimagined.havebeen acting as Assistant Speaker for the last sitting week and that has given me an opportunity to see politics through different eyes. It’s much easier to be a passenger in a plane than to fly it, and sitting in the Speaker’s chair for the first time felt like I’d just been told to metaphorically fly the parliamentary jet. Due to three assistant speakers being unavailable, and with Trevor Mallard leaving next week, more permanent options are now being considered to help out Adrian Rurawhe, who is to be the new speaker. Locally, I enjoyed the magnificent weekend weather visiting sports venues all around the electorate. If you see me and my wee Austin (little Red) at any venue, please feel free to chat as that’s why I’m there; much better than sitting in the office waiting for people to come in, and it’s how I keep in touch with people’s issues. With COVID receding, petrol prices dropping, and supply chain issues easing, I am detecting an air of optimism returning after a tough winter. Here’s hoping all those trends continue.
2 Thursday August 18, 2022 CLASSIFIED SALES How to reach us Phone (04) 587 1660 Address 23 Broderick Rd, Johnsonville P.O. Box 38-776, WMC 5045 Fax (04) 587 1661 SALESNATIONAL Sam Barnes 587 1660 SALES Steve Maggs 587 1660 SALES Brenda Ingram-Johnson 021 640 152 REPORTER Jacob Page 027 425 0422 Call (04) 439 221 Karori Road, Karori, Wellington At Huntleigh Apartments you’ll enjoy the independence and freedom of living in your own home, but without the worry and hassle. We’ll take care of the hard work, leaving you free to enjoy your retirement your way. Our much sought after modern apartments are light, bright, and just the right size. Interested? Call to arrange a viewing. Continued from page 1. They scored 380 points throughout the season and conceded just 109 on their way to going one step further than the beaten finalists they were 12 months ago. Terrahawks co-coach, Rob Aloe says the team had a clear objective from the start of preseason training six months ago and achieved it. “There were a lot of guys keen to win this year after getting close last year and we couldn’t be prouder as a coaching team of what they have been able to achieve.“Forus it was a relief to win in a way because we’d been the team to beat all season and we knew we had the players ready but ultimately they have to go out there and perform and they certainly did that,” Rob says. “It’s a weight off the shoulders.” Rob says despite losing to the same opposition last weekend, he believed his team was capable of“Wewinning.knew we had the game plan and the big-match players to do “Weit.had a really good core of players from last year and we had some great guys come in at the start of the year.
“We had a lot of backs playing in the forwards for the first time this year and I think our hooker could outsprint a lot of the wingers which is always fun to see.” Rob says the players, coaches and supporters will enjoy a few weeks with family before deciding what the squad will look like for 2023 but he says defending a title is always a motivator during an offseason. Terrahawks fullback Zyrus Grace braces for impact during his team’s 37-5 final win over the Upper Hutt Rams, on Saturday. Photo: Hugh Pretorius.
I recently hosted a meeting which included local property developers and representatives from the City and Regional Councils. The background for the meeting was the need to ensure all people involved in providing more housing in our electorate, whether it be those building them or those regulating and permitting that building, understand the issues which govern the ability to build the houses everyone agrees we Thereneed.are essentially two types of development; greenfields and brownfields. Greenfields means building on currently undeveloped land, typically ex farmland on the edges of current urban areas, where infrastructure like sewers, water supply and other essential services don’t exist are usually built by the developer. Brownfields development means rebuilding on existing sites, and there has been considerable discussion in recent times around how much intensification should be allowed in existing suburbs, especially changing of height limits to allow for more Bothapartments.havetheir advantages and disadvantages; the Regional Council in particular see their role to prevent more runoff and other material ending up in our harbours, especially the Porirua harbour in the case of development north of Johnsonville and Newlands. The Wellington City Council are concerned that the existing infrastructure cannot handle the pressure it comes under when new housing areas are developed. Existing infrastructure is aging and needs upgrading across our city, as evidenced by recent pipe failures. An advantage of intensification of existing areas means more people, therefore more ratepayers to pay for those upgrades. Developers of course need to make a profit, and wish to keep their compliance costs as low as possible. Many believe the Resource Management Act is too cumbersome. We as government for our part have undertaken to rewrite that act. The feedback was good, but the success will be when there are sufficient affordable houses to meetdemand. That is certainly my goal as your MP. That, and of course having a vibrant and functioning Johnsonville Shopping Centre we can all be proud of. There’s plenty to be getting on with.

Karori Scouts duo honoured Karori Scout award winners Jayden Cook, left and Pearse Lane alongside Pete Richie.
“We have selected a panel of a wide range of experts to aid a robust discussion around this plant. They will share their perspectives on whether karaka is a weed or a taonga, whether it should be removed and if so, who makes that decision.” says Terese McLeod (Taranaki Wh nui), Bicultural Engagement Lead Ranger at Zealandia Te M ra a e. During the two-day w nanga hosted at Zealandia Te M ra a T ne and tari Wilton’s Bush and sponsored by Wellington City Council, experts will cover four main pillars of discussion about the management of the native species, and conservation efforts dedicated to protecting karaka. It will begin with a k rero (talk) about the enormous significance of karaka to the people of R kohu/ Wharekauri/Chatham Islands.
Native species experts are gathering this week to learn about and debate on the future efforts to protect a large native tree - the karaka or kōpi. Photo: Chris Gee.
Pearse reflected “for me the most challenging and fun part was the Adventurous Journey as it forced me to rely on myself and try new things while away from home.” 1st Karori Scout Group is one of the largest in NZ with approximately 200 youth members and over 30 adult leaders. All of the sections (Keas, Cub, Scout and Venturers) have great educational, experiential and programmes and many weekend activities. If you would like more information about 1st Karori Scouts please email up for debate at Zealandia
inbrief news 3Thursday August 18, 2022 Safety viouslyandPolice,
Controversial native plant
Weed, poison or native taonga? Native species experts are gathering this week to learn about and debate on the future efforts to protect a large native tree - the karaka or k pi. Karaka or pi (Corynocarpus laevigatus) is a large native tree which produces bright orange fruit, which contains a toxic kernel. The plant was able to withstand the harsh climate of R kohu (Chatham Islands) and its survival was key in the settlement of the island, resulting in the plant having significant cultural significance there. Despite being of great cultural significance to M ri and Moriori people, the karaka plant is also considered a weed in some circles due to its ability to rapidly spread and block out sun from other plant species. These differences in value can cause disagreements in the management of karaka. The w nanga held over Friday and Saturday will also discuss the impact karaka may have on dogs, as there have been reported deaths in the past due to dogs eating karaka berries.
The panel will include Sally Cory, who is a Wellington based veterinarian with over 20 years of clinical experience. She is also Head of Veterinary Services (companion animals) for the New Zealand Veterinary Association (NZVA). She has spent the last decade working predominantly in emergency practice, from where she has had much exposure to karaka berry toxicities in dogs. She will discuss whether autopsies and blood samples can confirm if karaka has been the culprit behind dog“Wepoisonings.wanttoknow, do dogs die by eating karaka fruit? How do we know this? There is evidence of kur (dogs) living with M ori in karaka groves in the past, so how did these animals co-exist with the karaka fruit?” says McLeod. “Is it speculation, theorising or scientific fact and what does historical and contemporary evidenceWellingtonreveal?”City Council’s Biosecurity Specialist Henk Louw says: “We do regular reminders to help keep our four-legged friends safe whenever the berries are fruiting, reminding owners they are toxic and can be fatal. Although they are a species we don’t plant, they are abundant and can become invasive, and a discussion around the tree is encouraged.”Thewnanga wraps up on SatAfter much perseverance through lockdowns, COVID sickness and scheme changes Pearse Lane and Jayden Cook received their Chief Scout Award at a ceremony held at 1st Karori Scouts last week.The Chief Scout Award is the highest award in the Scouting movement and is based around the four cornerstones of Scouting, which include community, outdoors, personal development, and new experiences.Toobtainthe Chief Scout award Jayden and Pearse were required to help lead the younger Scouts (Cubs), complete specific training courses in leadership and outdoor survival skills and undertake an Adventurous Journey.
urday with a workshop about preparing karaka to make it safe to consume. It can be attended in person and will also be available to attend through Zoom. Presenters with extensive experience in processing karaka will ero about its history, whakapapa and share a step-by-step tutorial on how to forage and prepare the kernels for safe consumption and preservation.

Three Newlands volunteer firefighters will take part in this year’s Firefighter Sky Tower Challenge on 20JasonAugust.Francis, Andrew Knox and Julia Hall will climb the 51 flights of stairs at Auckland’s Sky Tower, dressed in their full fire fighting kit. Their fire fighting kit weighs in at around 25kg, making the 1,103 steps they must climb a gruelling challenge.Theyare, after all, climbing up the tallest building in the southern hemisphere, which is 328 metres high.Jason, Andrew and Julia will join firefighters from throughout New Zealand on the climb, the ultimate challenge for this country’s firefighters.Each participant is timed, allowing for individual and team results to be determined. It will take most of them between 15 and 25 minutes to complete the steep climb. The focus of the event is to raise funds for Leukaemia and Blood Cancer New Zealand. Every day eight New Zealanders are diagnosed with blood cancer or a related blood condition. It can affect anyone, at any age and any time in life. Each of the Newlands firefighters aims to raise $1,200 for Leukaemia and Blood Cancer New Zealand, which supports thousands of New Zealanders affected by blood cancer, as well as their families. Julia, who is the Newlands team captain, had already surpassed her initial target of $1,200 by 10 August. In addition, the organisation also supports and funds research into better treatments and into finding a cure for blood cancers. The Firefighter Sky Tower Challenge had already raised more than $770,000 by 10 August.
Helen Cross gifted a clay pot to the Glenside Heritage Gardeners at the historic Halfway House from the Johnsonville brick works, which was the Wellington Brick Company Ltd from about 1920-1930. Photo: Onslow Historical Society. Her name was Nell Croudis. Some of her photos were in the book ‘Up in the Hills’ by Bob Meyer, and some of them are used in the 1841 Bar and Restaurant on their walls.”
forserviceHonoured BRETT HUDSON 23-year-ol HUDSON tonerightThe MISSED AN ISSUE? Catch up online at TUE 23 AUGUST 6pm
The Newlands Volunteer Fire Brigade have been regulars at the Sky Tower Challenge for many years as seen here from 2021.
During the period of the Covid pandemic, a good portion of our patients have been working at home. Many folks wore slippers all day and have now discovered that their feet complain when put back into work shoes. Others have sore heels or arches, which feel worse on first standing in the morning. At Active Feet Podiatry we have seen a large increase in these type of problems. Dr Halpine can help give relief for problems such as issues with nails, painful feet or corns or callouses. We also will be able to remove hard skin and make your feet feel like new! Bring your work and sport shoes and Dr Halpine can give advice regarding selecting the right shoe and ascertain if you are in need of additional support, ie orthotic devices.DrTim Halpine of Active Feet Podiatry is open and ready to sort out your feet. We are located at floor 2, 85 the Terrace and also at the Ngaio Medical Centre. We can be reached for booking a consult on 04 473 8696,
Firefighters stepping up
Helen Cross, of the Johnsonville Florist Art Club gifted a clay pot to the Glenside Heritage Gardeners at the historic Halfway House. It was produced at the Johnsonville brick works, which was the Wellington Brick Company Ltd from about 1920 -1930. The brick works were where Malvina Major Retirement Home is today, handy to the Helenrailway.saysthe pot had a strong history in her “Thefamilypotwas given to my Grandmother, by her son, who, according to my mother, worked at the Johnsonville brick works. “After my Grandmother died, my Mother brought it home to her house. “When my mother died I bought it home as a piece of Johnsonville history,” she says. “I know my Mother would like the pot to be part of Johnsonville history, as she was born in Johnsonville in 1902,” Helen said. “She lived here all her life and was busy in the community.
Pottery from the old Johnsonville brick works
4 Thursday August 18, 2022 TOONADVERTISETHISPAGECONTACTSAMNOW Sam Barnes Sales M: 021 109 4406 E: Love local. Shop local. FREE measure and quote Hours: Mon-Fri 8.30am-5pm, Sat 10am-2pm JUST DEDICATED TO YOUR SATISFACTION BLINDS FOR YOUR HOME AND OFFICE Showroom: 29 Hutt Road, Ph: 04 472 9920 - Dr. Tim Halpine Caring for your feet Ph: 04 473 8696 Level 2, 85 The Terrace, Wellington (opposite Solnet House and Aurora Terrace). Services We Offer Include: problems Do you have ‘Working from Home Footstrain”?!

5Thursday August 18, 2022
The Wellington business community and its contribution to a vibrant city A focus on core business and fiscal Commonresponsibilitysense decision-making
Authorised by Barbara McKenzie PO Box 22073 Khandallah Wellington Email: Ph: 021 085 34798 Wellington City Council is on track to make radical changes to our electoral system, traditional rights, way of life and the shape of our citylargely without proper notice or consultation. The changes are driven by imported ideologies not embraced or understood by the majority of Wellingtonians.
Crofton Downs resident Levi Copp can’t remember a time without music.
“My mother had an extensive record collection and lit a deep love of music in me” he “Fromsays.ayoung age her music made an indelible impression on me.” Levi began piano lessons at age seven and his teacher wanted him to continue his studies with New Zealand concert pianist Professor Rae de Lisle, but his Dad had other ideas. He insisted Levi go to university and study “something serious” and so Levi began a career as a journalist. But music continued to beckon and Levi continued to play, until his talent was recognised by the Melbourne College of the Arts, where he became an accompanist for their classical ballet school, igniting an enduring passion for ballet and dance.
Now back in Wellington, you might have heard Levi play to accompany Deidre Tarrant’s Dance students. But next week, Levi steps out of the wings and takes centre stage for a piano concert, in partnership with Ngaio Union Church. “We’re delighted to welcome Levi to perform for our community,” says Ngaio Union’s minister, Sue Brown. “To bring some warmth to a winter’s evening. Come and hear music by Bach, Handel, Beethoven, Chopin, Schumann and Schubert right on your doorstep and accessible for everyone – young and old, seasoned concert veterans and first-timers,” sheYou’lladds.find Levi’s “Music for a Winter’s Evening” at Ngaio Union Church (cnr Kenya Street and Crofton Road) on Sunday August 28, 5-6pm, followed by light refreshments. Entry by koha.
Stop the Council’s War on Wellington Vote Barbara McKenzie for Mayor of Wellington
The REBUS Club of Khandallah held their last meeting at the end of July, there was a good attendance and two more new members were welcomed into the Club. Guest speaker at this meeting was Juliane Tandy, Manager of Citizens Advice Bureau Karori and Wellington Central. There is also a CAB in the Johnsonville Community Centre, 1 Frankmoore Ave.
Music for a winter hostsKhandallaheveningREBUSCAB
Crofton Downs Levi Copp began piano lessons aged 7 and his teacher wanted him to continue his studies with New Zealand concert pianist Professor Rae de Lisle, but his Dad had other ideas.
Khandallah Bowling Club, Woodmancote Road. The guest speaker will be Kevin Clark with a talk entitled ‘Bagdad or Bust.’ Visitors welcome. Further information about the club is on their website - search the internet for Khandallah REBUS. Guest speaker at this meeting was Juliane Tandy, Manager of Citizens Advice Bureau Karori and Wellington Central.
Juliane spoke about how the CAB is available to all people living in New Zealand, and not just citizens. They provide free, confidential independent information and advice, and help people know and understand their rights andTheyresponsibilities.helppeoplefind community services they need, offer a budgeting service, and work for positive social change. As well as helping people face to face (no appointment is necessary) and by phone, they can be contacted online using live chat or by sending a message through their website.REBUS is a club for seniors and meets on the last Friday of the month. The next meeting is on Friday, 26th August at 10 am, at the
I support Democracy and transparency Traditional property rights A dynamic housing policy which respects heritage, sustainability and the environment
I oppose Decision-making without transparency Radical change to the electoral system without proper consultation A sterile vision of a city of apartments and wind tunnels, with no flowers, no gardens, no vegetable plots and people cut off from nature.
Punishing home owners for nurturing native bush by cancelling their property Extremistrights ideologies leading to poor outcomes for Wellington residents, the environment, and the business community

North Wellington is well represented in the New Players Theatre Company’s production of ‘A Relatively Uneventful Evening’ which will run at the Linden Social Centre from tomorrow to September 3. than initially thought and he disappears. ln an effort to convince Robert and Amanda to leave, the others convince them that Sinclair is a violent boyfriend of Kim who may be snooping around. Unfortunately, this only convinces Robert to become more involved and when Sinclair turns up he takes after him, brandishing a bottle. At their wits end, and despite an attempt by Robert to make sense of the evening, the group convinces both Robert and Sinclair that all is well. The evening ends with a jovial toast before the group once again descends into argument and leaves.
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Brooke Currie It’s really good and I like what they do in helping their community. I will vote for the ones that will help the community along.
Rosie van BeusekomSally-Ann Moffat Absolutely yes. It sets the course for future decision-making and direction of our city and our suburbs.
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Leanne Herna I am. I think it’s important for people who represent us to have a vision for our city.
Bex Howells Craig Wellings Yes I am. It’s our job to vote. If you don’t vote, you can’t bleat. I will vote because it’s an opportunity to have a say on local issues – the things that matter to me in my community. Yes I am. I feel like the area deserves people who genuinely care about it.
Q: Are you going to vote in the upcoming local body elections, and why?
Four North Wellington thespians are set to be part of the New Players Theatre Company’s production of ‘A Relatively Uneventful Evening’ which will run at the Linden Social Centre from tomorrow to September 3. The North Wellingtonians involved include Danica Frentz and Esther Walker onstage, and Anne Megget and Samual Davies behind the scenes. The play takes place over the course of one evening in the living rooms of Addison and Geoffrey’s home. Addison, much to the dismay of her triend Eleanor, decides to throw a dinner party to celebrate the publication of Eleanor’s first book. A small group of close but highly dysfunctional friends are invited. Kim, an eccentric drama teacher is the fi rst to arrive and arguments set in almost immediately. Matters are made worse when Sinclair, Kim’s unexpected date for the evening, arrives and it becomes apparent that he and Eleanor are having an affair. When Eleanor’s husband Victor turns up late, Geoffrey, a therapist who remains remarkably oblivious to the unfolding events, instigates a ‘conversation starter’that brings everyone to boiling point and reveals Sinclair has a nut allergy. Various disagreements ensue while, in the background, both Kim and Victor add nuts to the food. At the height of the arguments, Sinclair, having eaten the food, stumbles into the room and is pronounced dead by Geoffrey. ln a panic, the group decides what shall be done with the body, eventually agreeing that the best thing to do would be to simply throw him in the pond. Efforts to actually carry this out are thwarled by visits from a nosey neighbour and a poorly timed mechanic before Amanda and Robert, the final guests to arrive, turn up at the worst possible moment. Eventually, after much panicking, Sinclair’s body is dragged into the bedrooms and the guests finally sit down to eat. lt isn’t long before the dysfunction creeps back in and Robert’s announcement that he is expecting a promotion to Detective sets the group on edge once again. To make matters worse, Sinclair turns out to be less dead
North Wellington thespians set for the stage
6 Thursday August 18, 2022 readers have their say... Find out the WORD on the Street.

7Thursday August 18, 2022 You can catch COVID-19 more than once. Boosters are your best protection from severe illness, ending up in hospital, and even death. Keeping up to date with your vaccinations is one of the most important things you can do to help protect yourself, your whānau and your community. A booster will provide extra protection from a previous vaccination and help your immunity be stronger and last longer. And, by staying as healthy as you can, you help reduce pressure on our communities, businesses and the health sector. If you’ve had COVID-19, you can get your booster three months after you tested positive. Make sure you are up to date with your COVID-19 vaccinations. Keeping up to date with your vaccinations is really important, even if you’ve already had COVID-19. Check your eligibility at or call 0800 28 29 26.

Wellington Water’s infrastructure skills course provides trainees with technical and problem-solving skills needed to deliver critical water services to our local communities.“It’staughtme lots”, says recent graduate Ethan Allan. “The tutors are cool, and welcoming and it’s been easy to get on with everyone there. You learn about the [water] industry, before you start, so you get an idea of what you’re getting into.”
4. Drains - check all your drains are working properly. In heavy downpour a lot of leaves and debris can gather up Storm Ready? YIP! and greatly reduce the drain’s ability to function. Pop them open and scoop out any debris you can see. Also check any council drains near your property as they can become blocked and water can flood down to your property if you live below the drain. If you find yourself dealing with a leak or flooding, contact your insurance company ASAP. They will advise you on next steps and hopefully be able to send someone in for do a quick fix. If they are unreachable, take steps to minimise where it is coming from, waterproofing tape is a great start (if you don’t have any handy, duct tape can suffice for now). Following that, keeping the house as dry as possible is the priority. Easiest way is to heat up the property as close to 30 degrees as you can, this will draw out moisture from materials – while this is happening have a process to dehumidify the moisture. A dry home is a healthy home!Hope you all stay warm and dry out there! Written by William YIP Your friend in Real Estate 021 106
The Wellington City Council recently provided some funding to assist Capital BMX upgrade their track and also agreed to put in temporary toilets at the southern end of the park.Diane Calvert.
3. Smell - If you house smells damp and musty, it may not just be damp people or laundry, but moisture trapped in your walls. If you notice anything try eliminate things that could be causing the smell and if the smell lingers then it may be worth investigating further.
Like many other infrastructure sectors, the water industry is experiencing workforce and capability shortages amid growing demand for their services, fuelled by population growth, ageing infrastructure and climate change. When you complete the foundational six-week course, graduates gain an NZQA Level 2 Infrastructure Works Qualification, opening the door to multiple career opportunities within the water industry. Mr Allen says, “I’ve tried other jobs, but this is more enjoyable, and less repetitive with different situations to manage and the crew is just awesome.”
Wellington Water’s infrastructure skills course provides trainees with technical and problem-solving skills needed to deliver critical water services to our local communities. Hey Everyone, hope you are all staying warm and dry. Nature has a wonderful ability to impress, mesmerise and captivate our interest – but also cause a lot of destruction! Following the downpour, it is good to consult a local building inspector to get your house checked for any hidden leaks that may be hiding behind the walls. The reality is that all houses will leak if routine maintenance is not done properly, particularly where different materials ‘join’ together, these are commonly windows, doors, roofs, penetration junctions, gutters, etc. So here are a few things you should consider.
1. Gutters - make sure gutters haven’t sagged and clear of any debris and blockages. If you see any pooling or blockage, make sure you clear this quickly to avoid any overflow seeping into the property.
Being accepted as one of the team with her male colleagues has been especially supportive says Miss McArthur-Roberts. “They eased me into the job, there was no pressure, nor did they expect me to know certain things. I’ve learnt so much in the four months since I graduated. I’m in different places each day and learned about the value of communication, time management and dealing with people.”
Leaving school and looking for a job in the current environment is daunting.
Wellington Water is encouraging young women who are curious about the water industry and have a community focus to get in “Ideally,touch.we would like our next course intake to be 50 percent women,” says Training and Development manager Brett Marais. “Seeing young people develop and placing them in work, in our industry, is up there with one of the best work experiences of my life. We offer something different, an opportunity to learn on the job, and then continue to upskill. There are few entry level jobs like this that aren’t subject to disruptive technologies, and unstable working environments.”
While the pandemic has reduced options for entry-level jobs and created uncertainty, Wellington Water is seeking young people interested in a career in water, offering the incentive of getting paid as they learn.
In 2022, Steam Incorporated is celebrating its 50th year as an Incorporated Society. Please join with us in 2022 in a series of special anniversary events to commemorate the work that a small group of people embarked on in 1972, and what so many others have maintained through the last 50 years. We thank you for all of your continued support. Created in collaboration with our friends at Kapiti Signs, we will be running a special anniversary Tail Board on the back of all of our excursion trains this year. We look forward to seeing you sometime in ’22 to help make our 50th one to remember.
8 Thursday August 18, 2022
2. Leaks – This is one you need to be a lot more proactive about, by the time you see the leak inside, it can be a little late. Pop up into your roof and look for wet patches / staining. Other signs to look for inside, are bulged skirting, gib, ceiling tiles becoming loose, window framing separating and staining on the ceiling. Over time you can also see mould appearing on the ceiling.
Councillor Diane Calvert and Mayoral Candidate Paul Eagle, together with Councillor Simon Woolf will host a public meeting on Tuesday night at 7pm at Bowls Wilton to discuss the future possibilities for Ian Galloway Park. They will discuss opportunities for both more, and better facilities for the many sport and recreation codes - BMX, skate, football, rugby, soccer, dog park, dog training, cricket plus a potential new pump-track and artificial turf. The public will also hear from some of the people involved and others who bring experience of developing community sporting hubs like Capital BMX, Sports Advocates, Creswick
Valley Residents Association
Fellow graduate Maia McArthur-Roberts says the course is ideal for school leavers seeking their first job. “During the training they pay you, and provide your hi vis, safety gear and boots.”
Wellington Water looking for next generation
Meeting about Ian Galloway Park’s future set for Tuesday

9Thursday August 18, 2022

The Auto Super Shoppes Academy provides a focussed 12-week course that provides students from all over the country with all the skills they require to commence and accelerate their way through an automotive mechanical apprenticeship. The automotive industry has seen many changes over the last few decades and the list of skills required to work as a technician in an automotive workshop has expanded alongside it. Regardless of the many career pathways that tomorrow’s technicians could take, a basic understanding of fundamental theory and strong practical skills are still required at entry level as a platform to build from. Rd,
Welly Collective started eight days Covid-19 lockdown with the aim of providing retail outlets for artisans and craftspeople from around Wellington and the rest of the country. With the support of amazing landlords and a lot of hard work owners Hiro Ogata and Libby Dearnley have managed to not only survive through some strange times but they are thriving.WellyCollective has now expanded to support over 130 small New Zealand businesses across three retails stores.Each of the stores are a perfect place something new. The stores are located at: 10:30am – 6:30pm, until 10:30pm Friday and Saturday (Open until 10:30pm every WOW show night and the two weeks before Christnewestmas) addition which opened 1 July – open mall hours. Sunday 10:30am – 5:30pm
SEWING ALTERATIONS At Attire for Hire Ground Floor 23-29 Broderick
Automotive careers through the Academy
Judy is Wellington’s answer to TV’s “Repair Shop” programme! She recently made up a new pram cover for a 1950’s child’s toy pram as well as restoring much loved items like recovering cushions. Judy also runs Attire for Hire and is an expert in having you look great for your next big event – whether it’s dresses for the women or suits for the men. She has a vast array of glamorous dresses and eveningwear from sizes 6-26 including brand new Repairing clothes to as good as new Superior materials and engineering by Eco Doors & Windows
Creative Curtains was established over 25 years ago and has remained a family owned business, meaning we are a reputable company with a wealth of knowledge and also a fabulous team, making us your onestop window furnishing specialists. We like to make it as easy as possible for you every step of the way, so: We combine the skills, passion and creativity of our to create both classic and contemporary furnishings. Then the highly experienced team in our on-site workroom produce your amazing soft furnishings such as drapery, sheers and roman blinds and we order in other types of window furnishings (made to measure)Lastbut not least, we have wonderful you the genuinehassle.experts and get in touch today!
Hours: Mon - Fri 10am to 5pm Sat 10am to 1pm At Sewing Alterations (part of the Attire for Hire premises in Johnsonville) Judy darning, lining or whatever might be holding you back from wearing that special item.
Aluplast is one of the leading developers of uPVC window and door systems around the world, and the brand is recognised internationally for its innovations. They are based in over 80 countries and have 1400 business partners. We are supported from the other side of Germany. For 35 years they have been developing superior, high quality uPVC extrusions, and uPVC window and door environmentproducts. and are sure to last over 50 years, exceeding lifespan and performance of aluminium and timber. Our uPVC windows and doors will easily last 40 years or more in New Zealand. uPVC frames and uPVC windows do not need painting or special maintenance. uPVC is resistant to dirt and environmental conditions and cannot be deformed by moisture or temperature changes, like the uPVC itself will never rot, rust or corrode. uPVC windows and doors can be easily cleaned with soapy water. Some periodic maintenance of hinges and moving parts is recommended.
Tel 232,Tawa Curtains Blinds Interiors FREE MAKING 20% ROMAN BLINDS ROLLER BLINDS & SUNSCREENS RodsNetsDrapesCurtainsand Tracks Tie UpholsteryBacks Fabric WoodenVerticalRomanRollerVenetianBlindsBlindsBlindsBlindsBlindsBlinds On selected fabric rangesGETOFF COZY Image from Warwick Fabrics-Coast with Conditions apply M: 027 653 4080 Gifts Art Homeware 100 Courtenay Place Shop 12 Johnsonville Mall (next to Countdown Supermarket) 9A Park Road, Miramar E:
LOCALit supporting your community Style and coziness from Creative Curtains
10 Thursday August 18, 2022 Keeping

11Thursday August 18, 2022 Keeping LOCALit supporting your community Try el Porteno's popular "Scone Burger" Newlands Arms and Bottlestore At Thirsty Liquor Newlands there’s always something on Special to satisfy your taste and your wallet! For those wanting a little entertainment Newlands Arms has 18 gaming machines in With 15 TVs there is always something to watch at The Newlands Arms with Super The spacious outdoor area has a TV and Plus many more great specials Newlands Arms and Bottlestore Your Friendly Local behind Newlands New World Jim Beam & Cola (incl zero) 4.8% 10pk cans $2399 Tui Vodka Soda 7% 12pk250mlcanrange $2199 Long Whites 10pk range $2899 Jim Beam 1.125ml Cruisers$49995% 12pk $2499 Steinlager 24pk 330ml $4399 Starting 1 August till 31 August How's your general knowledge? Find out at the Johnsonville Club's "Coggie's Quiz"! New book celebrates Wild and Wonderful Ōtari-Wilton's Bush Readers of the Independent Herald have always known that Otari-Wilton’s Bush is special and now it’s had international A page of photographs whets the If you're looking for great atmosphere over winter and want to test your general knowledge the Johnsonville The last Wednesday of every month from 7pm is when you can show your skill and at the same time learn more Friday from 5pm they have their course a wide selection of low alcohol Open 7 days 11-13 Broderick Rd, Johnsonville Ph: 04 478 9753 GET BACK TO LIFE – GET BACK TO THE INNKEEPER PROUD SPOSNSSORSS OF NWFC The Innkeeper – a cozy and ambient bar where the staff are eager to learn your outing! Tawa’s popular el Porteno Cafe has A favourite on the menu is their Scone this Burger recipe and landed on this well Owner Lisandro Walfisch has made a strong impression with locals and from further afield since el Porteno opened nine years ago with their commitment to connecting with the Home to the “World famous cheese 139A Main Road, Tawa (next to Mexted Motors) Open 7 days | 022 432 4155 l E Porteno ~ fCafe e Meet the Scone Burger! A taste Argentinaof

Hive World does free honey tasting – come in and try some
At Skin Deep Cosmetic Laser Clinic one of the main things they ensure is that time is taken to achieve the treatment clients expect. This care brings the best results you should be getting when receiving laser treatments.Principaland owner Bianca Cockuyt says “We are personable and treat our clients with utmost care and respect. Moreover, you’ll receive better results. “Some franchise laser clinics out there may treat you like you’re on a conveyor belt and are rushing you through the door. This not only increases certain risks but also limits results you may have been expecting”. “We don’t do shortcuts and there are no set time limits to your treatments.” Their experience and speciality covers everything to do with laser treatment from nail fungus treatments to tattoo removal, skin rejuvenation and permanent laser hair removal. ence: “I highly recommend Bianca and Briar. They are very professional and very honest about the treatment. I could hair removal appointment.”Andrea Sousa You can remove those spots! 350 Jackson St, Petone 568 9251 Phone today Gift Vouchers available laser skin treatments FREE FACIAL Pay for a laser hair removal course in advance and receive a free facial valued at $125.00* Local company Hive World’s extensive business at Wall Place,
Cherries – a powerful antiviral punch
Diet plays a huge role in our health with foods that offer specific health benefits referred to as functional foods. Cherryvite’s Montmorency tart cherries is one such food. As one of nature’s richest source of anyour body’s free radicals, and support heart health and joint mobility, reduce stress and enable a better night’s sleep. Montmorency tart cherries are warmed and pressed to remove the cherry juice. Cherry juice is concentrated to 68° Brix by removing water. Cherryvite products contain no additives, preservatives or colouring agents and are 100% natural. Tart cherry juice concentrate can be reconstituted into a single-strength beverage.
New Zealand’s skin treatment specialists They are very professional and very honest about the treatment ” ” Porirua now Island blackcurrant
stocking honey from the South
bushes.Their Hive World branded Blackcurrent Honey has a light amber colour, and has a Honey is a healthy substitute to sugar and is a tasty boost to your immunity levels. Blackcurrants contain high levels of anthocyanins and anti-oxidants. These support the immune system and help maintain health and well-being. Traditional and natural medicine has been reaping the benefits of honey to relieve symptoms and, in some cases, the cause of mild respiratory conditions like the common cold, cough, sore throat, or nasal congestion. Help protect yourself and our Health Sector by wearing a mask! 0800 762 267 The richest natural source of Super Antioxidants!NZOriginalTart Cherry supports... training Hive World’s latest taste Seven varieties available: Bring your own jar Honey tasting Comb Beeswaxhoneycandles Blackcurrant Honey 16 Wall Place, Porirua | Tel 04 232 7802, 0800 000770 They offer free tasting of a range of honeys onsite and a great way to know what’s new is to check their updates on Neighbourly
We all love the sun and the beach –well maybe not right now in winter! But those long hot Kiwi summers can form when pigment collects in the upper layer of the epidermis and develops into a brown spot. They are often seen on the face and hands as we age as dark spots or burst capillaries. invasive way to treat sun-spots. Our Quanta medical grade Laser produces a wavelength of high-energy light converted into heat energy. Usually between one to three treatments is all that is needed to remove sun-spots so you can get back to the beach!Ifyour skin is affected by broken capillaries, our lasers can have them disappear in no time too.
& Health 12 Thursday August 18, 2022
Mr Waterbed I 0800 433
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Contact Mr Waterbed TODAY and learn how a WATERBED can improve your SLEEP Back pain on your current mattress? Asthma in your current bed? pressurepoints when lying on your current mattress? roll together? heat in summer and the cold in winter? Back pain gone in three weeks! Since 2008 when Mr Waterbed owner Colin Murray bought a modern waterbed to ease his ruptured vertabrae he says he had a 99% improvement in his mobility within threeBackweeks.in1982, after many weeks of treatment, when it hadn’t healed, he was advised by his specialist to have surgery which involved the removal of a disk and the fusing together of two vertebrae. The surgery was successful in the short term but over time his back deteriorated once again became a part of his everyday life. In 2002 Colin aggravated his back and once again, the pain became so bad that he was again referred to a specialist. He was told by the orthopaedic surgeon reviewing his CT scan that his original surgery needed to be redone and that the next vertebrae down now needed to be fused with the other two.He lived with it until 2008 until he went onto a modern waterbed and that transformed his life.

13Thursday August 18, 2022 Call in the Experts & SERVICESTrades CONTACT YOUR LOCAL SERVICE NOW!& SERVICESTrades CONTACT YOUR LOCAL SERVICE NOW! GUTTERS CALL STEVE 528 3331 / 0272 377 020 Relax & get your GUTTER Cleaned PLUMBING 44236 Plumbing. Drainlaying. Roofing and Spouting. Blocked drains. Burst pipes. Repairs and Leaks. Black Dux Qest pipe replacement. Maintenance. Kitchens. Bathrooms. Replacing hot water cylinders. Phone 027 4574 999 or 970 2409 Email: RUBBISH RUBBISH & GREEN WASTE REMOVAL FreePhquotationsSamon 021 0252 7361 No job too small! Whiteware, appliances, furniture & recyclables CHURTON FURNISHERS LTD Restorers of Antique and Contemporary Upholstery WN 027 442 4775 7 CUNLIFFE STREET, JOHNSONVILLE or 477 1375 COMPARE OUR QUOTES & BE SURPRISED UPHOLSTERY CARPET & VINYL 7 Strathmore Ave, Strathmore Park, Wellington Ph: (04) 388 7969 E: For A No Obligation FREE MEASURE & QUOTE David & Maria’s SALECARPET&VINYLNOWON DECORATORS Ph Tee 021 029 Transformed80877PaintersLtdExperienced painter/decorator. Int/ext Weatherboard, rotten timber repairs. House washing/water blasting, Plastering. Paper hanging. Free quotes All staff are fully vaccinated PAINTERITSERVICES problems?computerHome&deviceCallme! Help?Need 027 578 1871 All brands supported One on one instruction Prompt affordable service Contact Darrin: 027 2767 691 ALL MAINTENANCETHINGS CARPENTERBUILDER CALL ZAC 027 974 6809 No job too Faceliftsmall Building Call: 04 234 KITCHENS 499Phone5353 DOES YOUR TV RECEPTION GIVE YOU A HEADACHE? Get your TV reception problems fixed by our experts. Free TV reception tests on your system to ensure you have the best possible picture available using our professional test equipment. WE COVER THE GREATER WELLINGTON AREA Wellington, Porirua, Hutt Valley and Kapiti areas. We have over 15 vans on the road. FREEVIEW DIGITAL/SATELLITE TV We can provide you with local and around the world television and radio stations with no monthly charges. WHOLESALE / RETAIL SALES Aerials, satellite dishes, receivers and accessories TV1, TV2, TV3 and TV4 Not only do we provide a full warranty, but we also guarantee that you will be satisfied with the results! AERIALS TUITION Fully seasoned wood available Gum 4m3 $660, 2m3 $390 Douglas-Fir 4m3 $650 (BEST BUY), 2m3 $380 Macrocarpa 4m3 $650, 2m3 $380 Split Pine 4m3 $540, 2m3 $320 Bagged Kindling $15ea. Combo’s (2m3 x 2= 4m3) Gum & D/Fir $680, Gum & Mac $680 Gum & S/Pine $620 D/Fir & Mac $670 D/Fir & S/Pine $610, Mac & S/Pine $610 Delivery & GST included, WINZ Approved FIREWOOD Get Quote!Freea SHIPPING CONTAINERS TO ADVERTISE ON THIS PAGE CONTACT BRENDA NOW BRENDA INGRAMJOHNSONSales M: 021 640 152 E:

14 Thursday August 18, 2022 Death Notices HARTLEY, Brian Stanley John: Aug 14, 2022 CLASSIFIEDS YourNewsLocal TO ADVERTISE ON THIS PAGE CONTACT SAM NOW Sam Barnes Sales M: 021 109 4406 E: Love Local. Shop Local. Graham’sPainters E: W: Ph: (04) 564 9202 021 183 9492 Experienced tradesmen and large team Get your House Exterior andpainted!Interior ~ Pensioner Discounts ~ Locally owned funeral directors caring in your community 142 Karori Road, Karori 476 5292 375 Adelaide Road, Newtown 389 6069 , yg, Funeral Directors BUILDING Consent Approval and house plans. Free estimates provided. Call Doug on 934-1398. 477 4025 | Johnsonville’s only locally owned Funeral Home G C Trades and Services ON...WHAT’S The Community Noticeboard is for non-profit organisations. For $15.00 you can publish up to 25 words. No AGMS, sporting notices or special meetings. Community Notices must be Callpre-paid.intoour office, phone (04) 587 1660 or email RWPuzzle OO CR S SD SOLUTIONSOLUTIONForApril9,2003ForJune9,2004 ACROSS 1. Unnecessary (11) 7. Of fat (7) 11. Wrinkle (5) 12. Chinas’ longest river (7) 13. Flat bread (5) 14. Associates (9) 15. Devious (9) 16. Small mound (6) 18. Moderately slow tempo (music) (7) 21. Small Island (4) 23. Formerly Ceylon; Lanka (3) 25. Finale (3) 27. Formal (4) 28. Charm (7) 30. Lasso (6) 32. Ex NZ Smithwicketkeeper;(3) 33. Faint (3) 34. Benefit (6) 35. Aims (7) 36. Quarrel (4) 37. Large deer (3) 39. Estimated time of arrival (intls) (3) 41. Run swiftly (4) 43. Conpetitor (7) 45. Scanty (6) 48. Of plants (9) 49. Sperm whales (9) 51. Not tied (5) 52. Brochure (7) 53. Avoid (5) 54. Soaks up (7) 55. Allure (11) DOWN 1. Monetary unit of Ecuador (5) 2. Perspective (5,2,4) 3. Bursts (8) 4. Amateur (6) 5. Weight measurement (5) 6. Small orange (7) 7. Short story (8) 8. Disclose (6) 9. Bandits (7) 10. Antelope (5) 16. Slender (7) 17. Foot lever (7) 19. Deadens (5) 20. Enrols (7) 22. Qualify (7) 24. Hotel 26.Female(3)parent(animals) (3) 29. Alliance (5) 31. Ape (11) 32. Wrath (3) 33. River in Scotland (3) 38. Finger joints (7) 40. Obvious (8) 42. Conserves (7) 44. Free (7) 46. Captivate (6) 47.Canadian province; Nova (6) 48. Light wood (5) 49. Inflammation of the colon (5) 50. Cloying (5) Solution Last Week 11 August 2022 Public Notices
Comedy Theatre ‘A Relatively Uneventful Evening’ Linden Social Centre, 10 Linden Ave, Friday and Saturday, August 19 - September 3. Book at www.
Key to the Nicola Hawes story is personal ser-
British shoe company, Solovair has made its New Zealand debut at Kelburn store, Nicola Hawes Studio - the country’s only stockist of the iconic brand. Owner Nicola Hawes stocks a carefully curated collection of local labels, chosen for their quality and timeless appeal – what Nikki calls ‘classic with an edge’ – alongside a popular range of brogues and loafers. She says Solovair’s mix of quality and street moxie are a great fit for her business. “They are just a perfect intersect for me of modern, classic styling, well-built, made to last, and they had a sort of pluckiness about them,” says Nikki. “Solovair shoes are tough enough to take the worst the Wellington weather can throw at you, but they’ve still got the classic uppers, and they’re beautifully crafted,” she says.
CARPET & VINYL laid and repaired. Ph 0210634013
Solovair debut perfect fit for local buyers vice, with close attention to fit – it’s something she enjoyed overseas and wanted to provide for women here. “In general, people really undervalue fit. There’s a huge difference between having something that’s made for you that fits perfectly, or not – which is all too often the case with generic sizing,” Nikki says.
Solovair was the original licensed manufacturer of the Dr Marten shoe, and though that is no longer the case, the super-comfortable, triple layered sole construction, as well as the shoes’ popular, urban vibe remain. Like other top-quality brands, the sole of a Solovair shoe is attached using the Goodyear welted method, which improves strength and provides durability, warmth, and a superb fit. “Solovair shoes last for years,” says Nikki. “And that’s what we look for – sustainable, quality footwear that’s so good people wear and repair it till it falls apart.” Nikki has hand-picked a collection of loafers, brogues, and boots, “and we’ll expand from there as we gauge demand.”
(WSD) Wellington Region Widowed, Separated & Divorced Support Group Inc
Overwhelmed by grief with the loss of a partner? WSD is a support group to help people who have lost a partner through separation, divorce, in care, or death. This is where the WSD Support Group can help. We offer 10-week courses to help you firstly deal with your grief and, secondly, look to the future. Our approach is gentle, supportive and Ourempowering.nextcourse starts on Wednesday 7th September from 7.00pm-9.00pm and held in Petone. For further information, please contact us on (04) 499-5520 or email
Nikki stocks Nelson designer, Robyn Reynolds, who makes to order as well as customizing key pieces of her collection. The studio also offers made-to-measure fittings for Nicholas Jermyn Shirtmakers – a favourite Wellington brand.Nikki says this approach has her order books full and the small runs help constrain costs. “I’m feeling very positive, very excited about the future, because we’re not fast fashion and we’re working with people who love our clothes. They feel a connection with our approach and our aesthetic,” she says. “We want our customers to have an elevated retail experience and that is what we are developing.”
British shoe company, Solovair has made its New Zealand debut at Kelburn store, Nicola Hawes Studio.
AT YOUR SERVICE 027 526 2894 | Open: Mon-Fri 10am-5pm PST 89 Upland Road, Kelburn Village Classic with a twist Exclusive NZ stockists of Solovair footwear UK, & explore our custom shirts, Robyn Reynolds collection & more.

Enrolment at Raroa Normal Intermediate School is governed by an enrolment scheme, details of which are available on our website
There will be a new sight on the turf this Saturday. For the first time in many people’s memory, a Northern United women’s team will be taking the field in a Wellington Hockey Premier 1 final. The Northern United Hockey Club had been without a Premier 1 team for many years, until David McNaughtan urged the club to enter a team to enter at the club AGM in 2018. McNaughtan had just coached both the Northern United Premier 2 Men and the Onslow College 1st XI boys to grade championships, but with his sons all leaving Wellington for university, he wanted to provide an opportunity for his daughters to wear the Northern yellow at the highest level. With a promise that if he found the players, they would enter the team, McNaughtan, and daughter Annie, who has represented three different regions at the National Hockey League, assembled a group of players from within their hockey networks.Theteam stayed middle-of-thepack in its first few years, finishing a creditable fifth in their first season in 2019, then fourth in Covid-affected 2020 and 2021 seasons. The 2022 season, however, has seen them sit at, or near, the top of the table all year. Out of 12 regular season matches, the Northern women have lost just three.Two of those were to Hutt United, who finished top of the table, to Northern’s second. After losing their first playoff round to Hutt United, Northern had to beat Harbour City to make it through to the final. Northern did so convincingly, with a 3-1 victory, with field goals to Amy Robinson and Sophie Macadre, and a penalty corner strike from GeorgiaNorthernGarden-Bachop.willnowagain face Hutt United, who they are yet to defeat, at the National Hockey Stadium in Berhampore in the final on NorthernSaturday.willhave to carefully mark Hutt’s Minna Reid, who scored a hat trick in their last meeting. Likewise, Hutt will be looking to keep Georgia Garden-Bachop, and Otago Sparks cricketer Polly Inglis out of the game.However the final ends up, the season will be a credit to the work of McNaughtan and the Northern team.
Visit for more info and enrol today!
Enrolment at Raroa Normal Intermediate School is governed by an enrolment scheme, details of which are available on our website
The Board has determined that 25 places are likely to be available for the out of zone students next year. The exact number of places will depend on the number of applications received from students who live within the school’s home zone. If the number of out of zone applications exceeds the number of places available, students will be selected by ballot.
Parents of students who live within the home zone should apply by Wednesday 31 August, as this will assist the school to plan appropriately for next year.
More questions than answers after ABs win OUT OF ZONE ENROLMENTS ARE NOW OPEN FOR 2023 Visit for more info and enrol today!
If there are fewer in zone enrolments than places available, then enrolment applications from out of zone students will be processed in the following order of1.priority:Siblings of current students 2. Siblings of a former student 3. Children of former students. 4. Children of an employee of the board of the school/member of the board of the school. 5. All other applicants. Out of zone applications close 3pm Wednesday 31 August 2022. Parents of students who live within the home zone should apply by Wednesday 31 August, as this will assist the school to plan appropriately for next year.
It was anything but business as usual as round 16 of 18 played out in the Men’s Central Football League over the weekend. Officials at five of the ten clubs will no doubt have their abacuses and pencils out as they struggle to comprehend the permutations and combinations of promotion/relegation in what has been an intriguing league for the entire season. The team to face the chop remains as unclear as it has always been and the same can be said for the team that will replace them. With a game in hand for Miramar Rangers and Waterside Karori, the points table currently reflects Wellington Olympic 39, Miramar 36, Phoenix Reserves 33, Napier City Rovers 25, Waterside Karori 19, Petone 16, North Wellington 15, Western Suburbs 14, Wellington United and Havelock North Wanderers 12 points. Havelock North were expected to make good use of home advantage but Wellington United inflicted a 4-1 win on them and as a result, put the proverbial cat amongst the pigeons as far as the league table is concerned. Western Suburbs were stunned 11-1 by a rampant Wellington Olympic at Endeavour Park and with their final two matches against Napier and Karori, Wests are not out of the woods yet either. Waterside Karori came out of their mid-season hiatus and prevailed 2-1 over Napier City Rovers at their borrowed home ground at Newtown Park. Miramar Rangers was comfortable enough with a 5-1 win over Petone. The Wellington Phoenix Reserves scored two goals before the half time break and snuffed out any chance for TFS North Wellington to grab any points in a 2-0 win
Where to now for the All Blacks? Well, I’ll happily eat humble pie after the All Blacks’ gutsy 35-23 win over the Springboks at Ellis Park.Igave them no hope, like many and rightly so based on recent performances but they proved us allIanwrong.Foster produced the best coaching performance of his career to maybe keep the wolves at bay for the time being. So where did the All Blacks finally get it right? Selections, for the most part, made sense.The best hooker, in Samisoni Taukei’aho was picked. He provided solid line out throwing and was a damaging ball runner.Shannon Frizzell proved he still had what it takes to be an enforcer at No 6. The backline functioned much better with Richie Mo’unga at No 10 and he needs to be the regular starter going forward. The famed All Blacks attack was back on display and the Mo’unga David Havili combination appeared crucial to that success. There was far less aimless kicking that had been displayed by the Barrett brothers over the past month. The All Blacks are built on fast, running rugby played in a clinical fashion.Thistest was a step in the right direction on attack. Those three selections alone made a world of difference and must be retained on a regular basis going forward.I’dgofurther and install Ardie Savea as captain and make Sam Cane earn his starting spot but that is likely wishful thinking. Savea is the heartbeat of the forward pack. He embraces every physical challenge and his starting spot in the side is Thoseundeniable.arethetraits I like in a captain. New Zealand Rugby now find themselves in a pickle. They would be hard-pressed to fire Foster after that effort but he must continue to be on a short leash. What Sunday’s result does show is that Foster has not lost the dressing room.Theplayers will play hard for him and that counts for a lot. The flight home will feel mighty good for the entire team even if the two matches have provided more questions than answers.
The Board has determined that 25 places are likely to be available for the out of zone students next year. The exact number of places will depend on the number of applications received from students who live within the school’s home zone. If the number of out of zone applications exceeds the number of places available, students will be selected by ballot. If there are fewer in zone enrolments than places available, then enrolment applications from out of zone students will be processed in the following order of1.priority:Siblings of current students 2. Siblings of a former student 3. Children of former students. 4. Children of an employee of the board of the school/member of the board of the school. 5. All other applicants. Out of zone applications close 3pm Wednesday 31 August 2022.
15Thursday August 18, 2022SPORT SPORTS TALK With Jacob Page
Northern women make historic first final Central League tightens as matches matter for the Nix. With two rounds to go in the Men’s Capital Premier League in the tier below, Island Bay United served up a 5-1 win over league leaders, Stop Out. Stop Out remains top on 35 points and Island Bay sit one point back on 34. The winner of this league will enter a home and away playoff against the winner of the Central Federation League to gain promotion into the Central Regional League. The Federation winner has already been decided and Whanganui Athletic will play off against Stop Out or Island Bay for a place at the top table in regional football. In the Women’s W League ,Central Region football competition, winners are grinners at Waterside Karori. With games in hand and one match remaining for most teams, Karori are already sitting pretty on 27 points while Palmerston North Marist have 23 points but have already completed their season. Hats off to Waterside who have won all of their matches to date and have a plus 31 goal differential. North Wellington captain Gavin Hoy.

16 Thursday August 18, 2022 CROFTON DOWNS MITRE 10 CROFTON DOWNS LOCALS SUPPORTING LOCALS Snapper Card Top ups instore now Goldair 11 Fin Oil Free Column Heater 2.4kW Oil384594Free oilthanFaster2Lightweight.andheatsettings.warmupsimilarsizedheaters. MID WINTER CLEARANCEMITRE 10 CROFTON DOWNS DampRid Pack397gDehumidifierHangingof3 Lavender vanilla scent. Pellets absorb excess 187782moisture. $1498 LOW PRICE Nouveau Hot Water Bottle 2 litre Assorted Keep warm this winter with a traditional hot water 349592bottle. $798 ea LOW PRICE Goldair HeaterMicathermic1.5kW 2 heat 297130Doublethermostat.Adjustablesettings.sidedheat. Nouveau Glass Panel Convector Heater 2.4kW weekly24Digitalthermostat.Adjustable3369930heatsettings.LEDDisplay.hourtimerandtime. Natures Flame Wood Fire Pellets 15kg Highly efficient. Low 280490Newsustainable.Renewableemission.andZealandmade. $1108 ea LOW PRICE Phone : 04 479 8765 128 Churchill Drive Monday - Friday 7.00am - 6.00pm Saturday & Sunday 8.00am-6.00pm Effects Hot Water Bottle 2 litre Assorted Ideal for neck, shoulders and back. No leakage with tight screw lid. 2 litre 397826capacity. $1798 ea LOW PRICE Start Thursday 18th August - Wednesday 24th August 2022. WAS $ 149 NOW $10490 WAS $ 199 NOW $13990 RECEIVE A FREE Standard Flue & Shield valued at up to $ 1044 With selected Masport, Woodsman and Metrofire Wood Fires. On display models only, while stocks last WAS $ 199 NOW $13990 Famous Hand Tool Sale is back!! Only while stocks last. Innow!!StoreLimits apply, see instore for details Goldair Radiant Heater with Turbo Fan 2.4kW 3 heat settings with turbo fan assist on highest setting. Instant radiant heat. 326987Thermostat.Adjustable WAS $ 139 NOW $9790 Goldair Wall BlackHeaterFlameMountedEffect2kW 2 heat settings. Wall 349250Thermostat.SafetyOverheatRemotemounted.Controlprotection.tipoverswitch. WAS $ 349 NOW $24490 Breville Smart 80m2DehumidifierUltimate™DryWhite 2 Year Warranty. 4L Water Tank. For rooms up to 80m2 SensAirLive(210m3/h). Humidity Control & Indicator. Full Tank Indicator. 363054 WAS $ 879 NOW $61590 Goldair Eco Panel Heater with 425WThermostatDigital Adjustable 369537EasyWallPaintablethermostat.digitalsurface.mounted.installation. WAS $ 159 NOW $11190 Dimplex Micathermic Heater 2.4kW White Electronic396754 Climate RemoteControl. selectionHeatstorage.Integratedcontrol.cordDirectionoption. WAS $ 399 NOW $27990 Number 8 A-Frame Airer 12.3m White Non-rust plastic coated steel wire. Quick and easy set up and pack down, folds flat for easy Assembledstorage. size: 125cm high, 102cm long, and 56cm wide. 245465 $1499 LOW PRICE Karcher Window Vacuum WV 1 L: 130mm, W: 250mm, H: 275mm Yellow 300678 $99 ea LOW PRICE Compact, light weight and Lithium-ionmanoeuvrable.battery run time of 20 minutes. Pack includes Window Vac. Spray bottle with microfibre cloth. Cleaning concentrate and battery charger. Dimplex Dehumidifier with Sensor 20L White Oil369998Free oilthanFaster2Lightweight.andheatsettings.warmupsimilarsizedheaters. WAS $ 529 NOW $37090 Kent Micathermic Panel Heater 2kW White Electronic297052 Climate RemoteControl. selectionHeatstorage.Integratedcontrol.cordDirectionoption. WAS $ 229 NOW $19990 PlusDisplaymodelClearance!!!!!Onlyonfloorstock....