19 March Wainuiomata News

Page 1

Wednesday March 19, 2025

May opening

Mitre 10’s new Wainuiomata store is likely to open in May.

Currently “we are pretty comfortable that we will get it finished by then,” says Cliff Lockyer, one of the family that owns Mitre 10 Mega Petone and is currently developing the new Wainuiomata outlet.

Continued on page 2.

The Mitre 10 Garden Centre roof being lifted on by crane. Photo: Supplied.

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Frank Neill

wainui@wsn.co.nz 027 490 3916


Les Whiteside les@wsn.co.nz 021 360 008

New Mitre 10 looking ‘really good’

Continued from page 1

“We’re really excited about it.

“The new store is looking really good on the inside, and we are really happy with the way it is coming together, how it is looking and how it feels.

“The new roof for the garden centre was hoisted into place in late January. This has created a lovely, light open space,” Cliff says.

“We are currently in the process of stocking shelves which is a big job and is expected to take eight weeks.

“Once stocked, we expect to have over 17,000 products available in store for customers to purchase.”

Originally, Mitre 10 was planning to open the Wainuiomata store earlier this year.

However a number of issues have arisen during the construction process that have delayed the opening. So now they are looking at a May opening.


Steve Maggs

steve@wsn.co.nz 027 765 8303

CLASSIFIED SALES classifieds@wsn.co.nz


The new store will have 3,500 square metres of retail space including a garden centre and Columbus café. This is a huge increase on the previous Hammer Hardware site which was only 600 square metres.

“From the outside people will not be able to see much happening as yet, but expect to see some changes to the Te Ara Ruakura frontage shortly,” Cliff says.

“All the team that were in Hammer Hardware Wainuiomata after

we closed have spent time with us in Mitre 10 Mega in Petone. Now they are back in Wainuiomata and helping to prepare the store for opening.

“There are also a number of new team members who are joining us. Most of them are Wainuiomata locals, who are

keen to work close to home, as well as Mitre 10 Mega Petone staff who have transferred.

“It has been great to be able to provide opportunities for our team to work closer to home.

“The building will be ready, it’s going to be a race to get the

compliance process completed.”

Local contractors have been working on developing the new store. That includes J B Hughes and L and A Builders.

“They have been great to work with,” Cliff says.

“It is coming together really nicely,” he adds.

Racking set up completed in retail section of the store. Photo: Supplied.

Forum on for better bus services

A community forum on buses, giving people information on getting better bus services serving the valley, will be held at the Wainuiomata Hub (Library) at 7:30pm tomorrow Thursday 20 March.

All Wainuiomata residents are invited to the forum, where they will hear about and discuss various options for improving Wainuiomata’s bus services.

“I’m looking forward to Thursday night’s meeting, with a good crowd expected,” Greater Wellington Regional Councillor Quentin Duthie says.

“Metlink is sending staff to listen and assist, and councillors are keen to hear residents’ views.

“I’m told Lower Hutt is leading the charge with submissions on the Regional Public Transport Plan,” Cr Duthie says.

“Wainuiomata to Lower Hutt CBD has been identified as a high-patronage core bus route that could benefit from roading changes to speed up bus journeys.

“Helping the bus get through quickly at peak traffic times benefits a lot of people, efficiently getting passengers where they need to go, improving punctuality, and making connections to the train smoother and more reliable.

“Considerable journey time can be saved with small changes to traffic signal phasing, bus stop size and spacing, and adjustments that make it easier for a bus to re-enter traffic flow.

“Saving a few minutes on a bus journey doesn’t sound like much, but multiply that by dozens of passengers on dozens of peaks bus services, every weekday, and collectively it can make a real difference to people and the economy.

“Metlink is working closely with Hutt City Council to work out where the best bang for buck might be in Lower Hutt.

“Through the Regional Public Transport Plan and at Thursday night’s community forum we invite Wainuiomata residents to share their views.

“I think bus priority measures, combined with a redevelopment of Waterloo Station, will make catching the bus to school and work quicker, cost-effective and more

appealing to residents,” Cr Duthie says.

Tomorrow’s transport forum has been organised byGreater Wellington Regional Councillors Ken Laban and Duthie, Hutt City Councillor Keri Brown, Wainuiomata Community Board member Tamsyn Harker and others.

The meeting will include a short presentation about the draft Regional Public Transport Plan and how to make a submission.

“There have been calls for direct bus routes to Wellington, the Hospital and Seaview/

Petone, better Waterloo connections, as well as ideas for a within-Wainuiomata circuit and extending the 160 further up Wise Street,”

Cr Duthie says.

“How would these benefit you? Which are the highest priority?

“Coming together to discuss them will help the community make powerful submissions on the plan.

“It will also help Metlink and Councillors as we analyse feedback and make decisions.”

Cr Duthie says.

Environment funding

Community groups that are planning or who have a restoration project can apply to Greater Wellington Regional Council for up to $10,000 a year for up to three years.

Applications are now open for applications from Volunteer community groups and rōpū kaitiaki to apply for a grant from the Hutt Valley Community Environment Fund.

Applications close at 5pm on Sunday 30 March.

For more information and to lodge an application visit https://www.gw.govt. nz/huttfund

Free assessment

Writers who have a completed manuscript can apply to have their work assessed free.

The New Zealand Society of Authors is offering the service, named the NZSA Te Puni Kaituho o Aotearoa CompleteMS Manuscript Assessment Programme.

The work can be either poetry, fiction, short fiction or non-fiction and the asssessment is open for applications until 28 May. More information and application forms are at https://authors.org.nz/ nzsa-completems-manuscript-assessment-programme/.

Send your tips to wainui@wsn.co.nz

A map of the core bus routes that are being considered for bus priority mesasures. Image Supplied.

Sunny Grove a cheap street

Wainuiomata’s Sunny Grove is the cheapest street in Wellington, according to figures collated by Ray White group. The average sale price for properties sold in the 36 months to February this year was $465,000 for Sunny Grove. This was not New Zealand’s cheapest however. At least three streets in Christchurch were cheaper, with Buckleys Road at $355,000. The second cheapest street in Wellington is Bird Grove in Stokes Valley with $480,000 and the third cheapest is Silverstream Road in Crofton Downs at $485,00. The most expensive street in Wellington is Burnham Street in Seatoun, with an average price for properties sold in the 36 months of $2,700,000. Second was Murphy’s Road in Judgeford with $2,400,000. New Zealand’s most expensive street, at $6,650,000, is Victoria Avenue in Auckland.

Music concert at Pioneer Church

Following the huge success of STARGAZER’s concert at the Wainuiomata’s Pioneer Church last year, the band will hold repeat at the church on 4 April.

STARGAZER play sixties plus music so a very enjoyable night for all music lovers is guaranteed at the concert, which starts at 7:30pm.

The theme of the concert is “come together”.

STARGAZER’s four musicians are Paki Maaka, Nigel Baxter, Chris Kirkland and Ian Gooch.

They will be joined by Judy Vernau as a back up vocalist and Joyanne Stevens on the violin for the Pioneer Church concert.

All money raised from this concert will be put towards maintaining the historic Pioneer Church

building and grounds.

It is now around 10 years since the original restoration was completed and the committee needs to ensure that the 160-year-old heritage building is never again allowed to fall into neglect and disrepair. Tickets are now on sale at $10 and can be obtained by ringing Anne at 027 454 3173.

“For $10 you will have a very entertaining night of great music followed by one of the enjoyable suppers provided after all our church functions,” the Pioneer Church Restoration Committee says. STARGAZER’s first concert at the church last year was an “outstanding success,” says Joyce Lockyer, who is a member of the restoration committee.

“Tickets for the concert were completely sold out and we had

the largest audience we have had attending such an event at the church.”

STARGAZER played mainly Elvis and Beatles music which the audience thoroughly enjoyed.

As always the evening concluded

with a delicious supper, which will take place again this year for a gold coin donation.

“The church committee are most appreciative of the support given to us by members of STARGAZER,” Joyce says.

Local band STARGAZER, who will be performing at Pioneer Church on 4 April (from left) Paki Maaka, Nigel Baxter, Chris Kirkland and Ian Gooch. Photo: Supplied.

Hutt City Kindergartens

With 20 kindergartens throughout the Hutt Valley, including five in Wainuiomata, HCK knows that the journey of learning starts in the earliest years.

Offering affordable, high-quality education

for children aged two – five, HCK ensures your child is fully prepared for their future from the very first day. Let the adventure of a lifetime begin with Hutt City Kindergartens!

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to the editor

Old photograph

Dear Editor,

At bottom of page 7 in the 12 March 2025 issue of the “Wainuiomata News” there is advert by “Wainuiomata News” that has a view of Wainuiomata.

This picture is 10 years plus old. It does not show housing in the Parkway

Rise area such as the street Brian Morgan Terrace on the left which was constructed in 2016. Also there are some other changes as well.

How about a more up to date image of Wainuiomata.

Jeremy Foster

Really good report for Wainuiomata Intermediate

Wainuiomata Intermediate School’s latest Education Review Office report was “really good,” the school says.

It recognised the “good things that are happening at Wainuiomata Intermediate School and some of the hard work that goes on to make that happen.”

No trains at Easter, ANZAC weekends

Buses will replace trains over the upcoming Easter and ANZAC long weekends, as KiwiRail carries out planned infrastructure upgrades and rail improvements across all rail lines.

Delays are expected, and passengers are encouraged to check timetables before travelling.

Buses will replace all trains from Friday 18 to Monday 21 April (Easter) and Friday 25 to Sunday 27 April (ANZAC), with most train services running on reduced timetables and some services bus replaced for the three working days between the public holidays (Tuesday 22 to Thursday 24 April).

Metlink group manager Samantha Gain acknowledges the impact the rail closures will have on passenger journeys.

period may be challenging for passengers,” Ms Gain says.

“Buses will replace most rail services, and with different timetables in place, it will be important to check the Metlink app or website for changes to your usual service.

“With only three days between Easter Monday and ANZAC Day – plus it being the school holidays – KiwiRail is taking full advantage of the extended break to complete several large blocks of work to improve the long-term resilience and reliability of Wellington’s rail network while there are less people travelling.”

Metlink passengers are advised to plan ahead using the latest travel information on the Metlink website, app, or by calling 0800 801 700.

learners’ well-being and engagement in learning.

focused on well-being and improving learning outcomes for students.

The report noted that: their learning and experience consistent teaching.

“We understand that travelling during this

For detailed information relating to each rail line visit metlink.org.nz/easter

Fire brigade wants people to sign petition

The Wainuiomata Volunteer Fire Brigade is keen to see people signing a petition asking the government to give volunteer fire fighters the same ACC cover and benefits as paid career firefighters.

Currently volunteer firefighters are not covered for work-related illness or injury resulting from firefighting duties because they do not receive a taxable payment for this work.

Newspaper Deliverers

Katherine is a Queenstown volunteer firefighter.

“Volunteer firefighters are advocating for the same recognition and ACC coverage as their paid counterparts.

“12,000 volunteer firefighters are excluded from certain ACC benefits due to being classified as non-employees.

“We believe [that] ensuring the safety, health, and well-being of these volunteers must be a top priority for the government.

“We need action.

“Our volunteers are vital.

AREA 1: Faulke Ave, Burden Ave, part of Wood St 270 papers

AREA 2: Hamstead, Enfield, part Wellington, Kendall 220 papers

More information about the petition and a link to sign it are on the United Fire Brigade Association’s website, www.ufba.org.nz/ news/members-petition-change-acc-legislation.

“Volunteers want their voices heard,” the petition organiser Katherine Lamont says.


“There is a duty of care that is being missed and volunteers are suffering,” Katherine says. The petition closes on 30 April.


AREA 3: Dover Rd, Westminster Rd, part of Wellington Rd 385 papers

AREA 4: Hair St, Rowe Parade, Gibbs Cres, part of Main - 280 papers

AREA 5: Meremere St, Manurewa Gr, Mataura Gr - 300 papers

AREA 6: Frederick St, Derwent St, Mackay St- 260 papers

AREA 7: Wright St, Hyde St, part of Moohan St - 300 papers

The Wainuiomata News requires deliverers in the following areas on a Wednesday each week: Contact Sandra

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Covered horse-drawn carraige (9)

Armed forces chaplin (5)

Clear (7)


Annoy (8)

Ardour (4)

Buds (7)

Rare (6)

Charge (3)

Turkish warrior (5)

29. Faint (4,3)

32. Allow entry (3,2)

33.Extrasensory perception(intls) (3)

34. Tune (3)

35. Moslem commander (3)

36. Probation (5)

37. Published issue (7)

38. Works hard (5)

39. Female hare (3)

41. First estate (6)

42. Unaccompanied musician (7)

44. Palm-leaf mat (4) 47. Anger (3)

49. Magnetic (10)

51. Forebear (8)

The term “pine cone” for the reproductive organ of conifer trees was first recorded in 1694. When European explorers discovered this tropical fruit in the Americas, they called them “pineapples” (first so referenced in 1664 due to resemblance to what is now known as the pine cone).

55. Restores to health (5)

56. Blasphemous (7)

57. Italian city (5)

58. Comforts (9)

59. Hold spellbound (9) DOWN

1. Christen (7)

2. Evergreen tree (5)

3. Sacred scriptures of Zoroastrianism (6)

4. Turn outwards (5)

5. Scold (4)

6. Pharmacist (7)

7. Nonconformist chapel (6)

8. Poorly spoken (12)

9. Stay in bed late (3,2)

10. Ping-pong (5,6)

15. Hotel (3) 16. Church recess (4)

19.Art of growing dwarf trees (6) 21. Greed (7) 23. Capsicum (6)

25. Greek wine (7)

26. Binoculars (5,7)

27.Offers oneself as candidate (6)

Uninvited guest (4-7)

Pose for portrait (3)

Prayer (6)


40. Of the ear (4)
Patent (7)
Sycophant, man (3) 45. Flight charge (3,4)
Dazed state (6)
W.Indian music (6)
Jewelled coronet (5)
Requires (5)
Maori funeral (5)
Serene (4)
Situation Vacant

Cricket milestone for Ryan Jackson

Ryan Jackson starred with the bat in the second innings of his team’s match with North City on 15 March, scoring 77 runs.

In doing so Ryan brought up 500 runs for the season.

This milestone will now be engraved on the Cricket Wellington honours board.

Callum Mackaness also starred in the match, with both the bat and the ball.

After scoring a century in Wainuiomata’s first innings, and going on to make 105, Callum took eight of the Norths second innings wickets to fall at a cost of 46 runs.

His bowling was a Cricket Wellington honours board performance.

Jackson Hemmingway took the other two wickets at a cost of 38 runs.

Yesh Prashanth also batted outstandingly. After he finished day one of the two-day division 2 match on 40 not, Yesh went on to make 71.

He followed this up by scoring 60

in the second innings.

North City batted first and declared their innings at 303 for eight wickets.

Wainuiomata then equalled that score, when they were all out for 303.

Norths were all out for 208 in their second innings and Wainuiomata had reached 175 for the loss of eight wickets when stumps were drawn in the match, played at Linden Park.

The Wainuiomata premier women’s team has qualified for the grand final of the division three competition.

They will play the Taita Queens at Fraser Park on 22 March. The match will begin at 2pm.

Wainuiomata was scheduled to play Upper Hutt United at Trentham Memorial Park on 15 March to decide who would make the final.

However Upper Hutt United forfeited the match, giving Wainuiomata its 12th win of the season.

Wainuiomata and Upper Hutt United are at the top of the division three table with 58 points.

Rugby season about to kick off

Wainuiomata’s premier Rugby team is currently preparing well for the upcoming season.

They are the 2024 Hardham Cup champions, after they defeated Paremata-Plimmerton 24-19 in last year’s Premier 2 final.

The team will be looking to go one better this year, and qualify for the Premier 1 Jubilee Cup competition.

Wainuiomata will play a pre-season hit out againt Oriental Rongotai at Rongotai College next Saturday, 22 March.

Kick off is at 1pm.

The season proper begins the week after, 5 April, with Wellington Rugby’s Swindale Shield competition.

Round one will see Wainuiomata play Hutt Old Boys Marist at their home ground of William Jones Park.

Kick off is at 2:45pm.

The Swindale Shield includes all the Wel-

lington region’s premier teams. The top teams then compete for the prized Jubilee Cup, and the others contest the Hardham Cup.

Following a slow start to the season, Wainuiomata finally came alive following the Swindale Shield competition last year. They played outstandingly once the Hardham Cup competition started. They were undefeated in the competition and went on to lift the tophy.

Following that victory, Wainuiomata’s Ruben Love was named in the All Blacks squad for the upcoming Rugby Championship, featuring New Zealand, Argentina, Australia and South Africa. Ruben was named in the squad for the first time.

The Wainuiomata premier women’s team also kicks off its season on 5 April.

They also have a home game, playing P neke at William Jones Park in the Rebecca Liua’ana Trophy competition. Kick off is at 11:30am.

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Wainuiomata’s premier Rugby team celebrating their 2024 Hardham Cup victory. Photo: Ashan Wanasinghe.
Ryan Jackson, who has scored a milestone 500 runs this season.
Photo: Supplied.

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