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Shorter hospital wait times

Hutt Hospital has some good news for Wainuiomata’s senior citizens, Hutt South MP Ginny Andersen says.

“Waiting times at the hospital will be reduced,” she says.


Ms Andersen and the Minister of Health, Dr Ayesha Verrall , visited Hutt Hospital recently to learn about their initiatives to unblock the hospital so that they can get through their waiting lists faster.

“First up we visited the new Second Stage Recovery Unit with Quality Coordinator Kate Meads and Charge Nurse Pania Tuiloma,” Ms Andersen says.

“Patients will come to the unit if they are expected to need less than a day to recover from surgery.

“The new beds in the unit will mean people are less likely to be cancelled due to lack of a hospital bed. In some cases nurses will check on patients the day after they’re discharged or help with their welfare needs so that patients are safe and feel more confident about going home.”

Ms Andersen and Dr Verrall then visited a new procedure unit that will soon open for procedures under local anaesthesia. “This is great as it frees up the main theatres for more complicated cases,” Ms Andersen says. limo_nz@hotmail.com for hire

“It was good to hear orthopedic surgeon Ms Helen Tobin’s views about how we to get on top of waitlists.

“It seems like there are more people needing acute treatment, and that takes up beds that would otherwise be used for planned care (elective surgery).

“Clearly there is no one thing to fix this, so Te Whatu Ora are working on multiple fronts – prevention, primary care and better in hospital co-ordination.

“The development of the Unit has been led by Carolyn Braddock who celebrates 45 years of nursing and then leadership in Hutt Hospital.

“A better fitted out intensive care unit is also supporting more planned care.

“Hutt Hospital does complex surgeries including burns cases.

“The unit is a vast improvement from what I remember when I rounded here as a registrar. A number of improvements had also been made with Covid funds to ensure safe airflow. All the kit is top notch and it was great to see the nurses had the space to do their job,” Ms Andersen says.



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