1 minute read

Shave in support of cancer sufferer

By Frank Neill

Way of Life Fitness owner Troy


Mahupuku had his head shaved yesterday evening in support of a gymn member who is fighting cancer.

The main aim of the shave was to raise awareness of a fund-raiser Way of Life Fitness is running.

Claire Candy has been diagnosed with cancer and her treatment is not funded in New Zealand.

To help pay for the treatment, Way of Life Fitness has organised to raffle a Carol smart bike, valued at $5,199.

Single $20 tickets are available at https://wayoflifefitness.gymmasteronline.com/.../shop/547395 and three tickets for $40 are available at https://wayoflifefitness.gymmasteronline.com/.../shop/547396.

These bikes come with Carol’s scientifically proven training regime. The regime takes 8 minutes and 40 seconds three times a week, and is the equivalent of a 45 minute jog five times a week.

The benefits of the Carol regime is that it leads to a 62% decrease in the risk of developing a metabolic disease, a 78% increase in cardiovascular fitness, a 71% decrease in HDL cholesterol, a 78% decrease in triglycerides, a 196% improvement in blood pressure and a 48% improvement in blood sugar. the action from prime courtside seats, are now open.

As well as Troy’s head being shaved on 28 February, Way of Life Fitness also ran a competition on their new Carol smart bikes, with prizes for the top power output by a male and a female, as well as spot prizes.

Way of Life Fitness is located at 1A Fitzherbert Road, down the service lane next to the Police Station.

This unique opportunity to connect with Aotearoa’s top netball players is back after being benched due to Covid-19 in 2022.Applications are open at ANZcourtside. co.nz.

Infamous Wainui cycle race

By Frank Neill

The now infamous Wainui Coast Road 47km cycle race returns on 12 March, with the first group starting at 9am.

The race starts on Moores Valley Road, witha loop up the road before racing back down and onto Coast Road.

The race finishes about 2km outside Wainuiomata on Coast Road.

Only masters age riders (men 35 years and over and women30 years and over at 31 December 2023) can enter the event.

Organised by the Wellington

Masters Cycling Club (WMCC), entry is free for WMCC members and $35 for visitors. Meeting point, car parking and registration are at the Wainuiomata Scout Hall, Peel Place. Coffee and cookies will be available at the Scout Hall afterwards.

Registration and sign in open from 8amand close at 8:30am. For handicap purposes people must enter by 7pm on theThursday evening. Online entries can be made up until 8.30am on the day (grades subject to availability) by visiting the WMCC website.

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