Reinstate bus service
Labour and National’s two Hutt-based MPs – Ginny Andersen and Chris Bishop – joined forces on 15 December when they asked Greater Wellington Regional Council to commit to running a direct bus service between Wainuiomata and Wellington.
Hutt City Councillors Keri Brown and Josh Briggs also attended the regional council’s 15 December meeting and asked for the service to be reinstated.
Continued on page 2.
Wednesday December 21, 2022 Phone: (04) 587 1660 YOUR LOCAL NEWS Today 13-16Thursday 13-19 Friday 15-21Saturday 15-21 See us online Authorised by Ginny Andersen MP, Parliament Buildings, Wellington Ginny Andersen MP for Hutt South Wainuiomata office 04 564 4988 /GinnyAndersenHuttSouth
By Frank Neill
Ms Andersen and Mr Bishop were not alone in making a plea for the return of the direct bus link.
Hutt South MP Ginny Andersen and list MP Chris Bishop presenting their case to reinstate the Wainuiomata to Wellington bus service. Photo: Frank Neill.
FREE delivery within 25kms of yard DRY FIREWOOD DELIVERED OR PICKUP CHOPPS FIRE WOOD 3.6m3 Ph (03) 226 6341 or (027) 412-2925 ACR ResQLink PLB - 400 From Macpac stores in Willis Street, Wellington; Jackson Street, Petone; and Queensgate, Lower Hutt STAY SAFE! HIRE A BEACON FORJUST $15! 3 days $30, 7 days $40 OR BUY ONE FOR $485 Voted Best Pest Contro on NoCowb WASPS MICE & RATS 12 MONTH ANT GUARANTEE Voted Best Local Pest Control Operator on NoCowboys 04 938 3848 PEST MAN GEMENT ASSOC N o NZ MERRY HAPPY NEW YEAR Christmas & Our next publication will be on the 18th January 2023
Bus reinstatement ‘a matter of equity’
New Zealand Coach Service ran a direct bus service each week day morning and evening between Wainuiomata and Courtenay Place.
The last number 80 bus ran on 9 September.
“Not only should the route be reinstated, it should be operated by Metlink,” Ms Andersen told the regional council.
“The more transport options for the people of Wainuiomata, which has a population of 20,000 people, the better,” she said
“We would like to have a commitment today that when there are sufficient drivers, the route will be reinstated.”
“It’s a matter of equity,” Mr Bishop told the meeting.
“Wainuiomata is poorly served by public transport at the moment.
“Eastbourne has three direct bus services [to Wellington] in the morning and in the evening.
“Wainuiomata, with seven times the population of Eastbourne, doesn’t have a direct bus.”
The number 80 bus was a “good service,” Mr Bishop said, adding that if it was reinstated “you would see good usage”.
“We are aware of the shortage of bus drivers,” he said. When more drivers were available “we would really like to see the regional council put in place a regular bus for the people of Wainuiomata.”
Both Ms Andersen and Mr Bishop also told the council that having a direct bus would reduce emissions from private vehicles, which were adding to the climate change problem.
“If you can get more people to take [the bus], that’s more cars off the road,” Mr Bishop said, adding that if there was a direct bus service between Wainuiomata and Wellington “people would use it”.
In answer to a question from Regional Councillor Quentin Duthie, both Mr Bishop and Ms Andersen agreed that provision of dedicated bus only lanes – particular along
the Petone Esplanade – would enhance the situation.
If people could get there quicker using the bus, “they are going to take it,” Ms Andersen said.
In addition, people moving from using private cars to catching a bus would decrease congestion on the roads.
“I agree,” Mr Bishop said.
“Bus only lanes have been very successful. They are definitely part of the solution here.”
Mr Bishop and Ms Andersen also tabled petitions which called for the reinstatement of a direct bus service between Wainuiomata and Wellington.
Mr Bishops’ petition attracted 849 signatures, while some 220 people signed Ms Andersen’s petition.
Both Cr Brown and Cr Briggs also told the regional council the issue was one of equity, and that reinstating a direct Wainuiomata to Wellington bus service would have a positive effect on climate change.
Eastbourne had 21 bus trips per 1,000 people per day, Cr Briggs said. That compared with eight bus trips a day for every thousand people in Wainuiomata.
In addition to the buses, there were also ferry trips between Eastbourne and Wellington.
“For us it is just around equity and fairness,” Cr Brown said.
“Johnsonville has around 11,000 people and they have a daily direct bus service.
“They could be asked to catch the train but
they are not asked to do that.”
[As well as the direct bus service between Johnsonville and Wellington, there is also a regular direct train link.]
“The population of Wainuiomata is 20,000 people. We are by far the largest suburb in Lower Hutt and growing.
“If there was a network bus and it was promoted, it would get used.”
“As you know we are in a climate change crisis,” Cr Briggs said.
“For us, every single public transport option makes a difference to climate change.
“It is really frustrating when there is a reduction in services,” he said, adding that the service reduction was counter-productive to New Zealand’s objectives to becoming carbon neutral.
“Getting people out of their cars and into buses is a must.”
The two MPS and two Hutt City Councillors “presented their case very well and very coherently,” Quentin Duthie – one of the Lower Hutt representatives on the regional council – told the “Wainuiomata News” following the meeting.
The presentations were “received very positively by the regional council”.
The council would be looking at the reestablishment of a direct bus service between Wainuiomata and Wellington next year.
“As a representative for Lower Hutt, I will make sure it is addressed next year,” Mr Duthie said.
2 Wednesday December 21, 2022 How to reach us Phone (04) 587 1660 NATIONAL SALES Sam Barnes 021 109 4406 SALES Les Whiteside 021 360 008 REPORTER Frank Neill 027 490 3916 YOUR LOCAL NEWSPAPER CLASSIFIED SALES
Continued from page 1
Address 23 Broderick Rd, Johnsonville Wellington 6037 ONLINE: As we come to the end of 2022, I would like to wish you a safe and happy festive season. Authorised by Ginny Andersen, Parliament Buildings, Wellington Ginny Andersen MP for Hutt South HOLIDAY HOURS 24 - 27 December 2022 CLOSED 28 December 2022 8.30am-5pm 29 December 2022 8.30am-5pm 30 December 2022 8.30am-5pm 31 December 2022 – 3 January 2023 CLOSED 4 January 2023 8.30am-5pm 5 January 2023 8.30am-5pm 6 January 2023 8.30am-5pm 7 The Strand, Wainuiomata Phone us today 564 6966 Whai Oranga O Te Iwi Health Centre We will be focusing our care during this time on acute cases/urgent patients. Please call early for your prescriptions and ensure you have at least two week’s supply at home. Our current turnaround for prescriptions is 48-72 hours. Happy and safe holidays from our team to our patients and community.
At the Wellington Regional Council meeting just after they made a compelling case for a direct Wainuiomata to Wellington bus service (from left) Chris Bishop, Ginny Andersen, Keri Brown and Josh Briggs. Photo: Frank Neill.
Q: How are you planning to celebrate New Year?
New swing bridge open
By Frank Neill
The new swing bridge at the top end of the Gums Loop track is now open.
The new bridge replaces the old narrow bridge that was nearing the end of its 30-year lifespan.
At 70 metres long, the new bridge is about three times the size of the old one it has now replaced.
“The new bridge also came out of the need to make our parks more accessible for people with disabilities and it has been made following accessibility guidelines so it is wide enough for wheel chairs to get across with no issues,” says Vlad Macoviviuc, Greater Wellington Regional Council park ranger.
The old bridge was so narrow it made it difficult or impossible for people in wheelchairs, parents with buggies and even
cyclists to cross.
The old bridge was also located in the Wainuiomata River flood plain, and when the river rose it submerged part of the track.
“We have witnessed kids walking through with water up to their hips,” Mr Macoviviuc says.
The new bridge has been moved to alleviate this problem. It is now 40 metres up the river.
The Gums Loop Track is a 3.1km loop trail, which is a very easy walk that takes around 40 minutes.
It is located in the Wainuiomata Regional Park and runs along each side of the Wainuiomata River, which the swing bridge crosses near the top of the trail.
Access is via the Hine Road car park, and the first half of the trail is through trees and bush, while the return half runs alongside Reservoir Road.
Merry Christmas
Thanks for your support
3 Wednesday December 21, 2022 readers have their say... Find out the WORD on the Street.
Eti Bell
I’m going to celebrate it at home with my wife and kids.
Edwin Atkins
At home by myself.
Eliapo Fetoai
Wayne Harding
I will have a few beers and stay home.
Sandee Beattie
Jigs Bhatiya
I’m going overseas – to India. Because of Covid and the border was shut, I haven’t seen my family so I’m going to see them.
I will be celebrating with my adult children and we will see the New Year in.
Definitely with family and friends, and church as well since it’s a Sunday.
The new swing bridge on the Gums Loop track. Photo: Vlad Macoviviuc.
Work experience continues at CB Barbers
By Frank Neill
A week’s work experience at Chopping Block Barbers has proved so successful for Te Koha Tahere that he is continuing to work at the Ruthven Street shop after school.
A year 10 student at Wainuiomata High School, Te Koha has “done awesome in such a short span of time,” says Chopping Block Barbers owner Robert Morgan.
“He [Te Koha] approached me about the work experience, “ Mr Morgan said, and he decided to give Te Koha the opportunity.
“He’s done real well. He’s a fast learner.
“I chucked him the clippers on the second day, and he kept on swimming.”
Although Te Koha “came in shy and quiet”, he had progressed well, and was soon
speaking with the customers while cutting their hair.
“He showed potential so I have kept him on,” Mr Morgan said, adding that Te Koha now works between 4pm and 6pm at the barbers.
“I chose [Chopping Block Barbers] because I thought it would be good to learn how to cut hair,” Te Koha told the “Wainuiomata News”.
“It’s worked out pretty well. I’ve really enjoyed it.
“It’s a good environment. Also I’ve had the opportunity to learn a really useful skill.
“I’ve had a really good experience and I have had a good teacher to help me.”
Following his work experience, Te Koha says he is now considering working as a barber to be a full-time job, although he is still keeping his options open.
Pollinating flowers of fruiting plants:
Pollination can be a problem for gardeners when it does not occur naturally.
Various plants use different modes of pollination from attracting insects such as bees to move the pollen to air movement or vibration.
Often we think of the honey bees as the main pollinators, which for a number of plants and crops they surely are, but then there are bumble bees, native bees, flies, moths, butterflies and other insects which can all assist in the pollination process.
A number of native plants have white flowers to attract the moths at night as New Zealand did not originally have other pollinators other than our native bees.
The wind, or more to the point, breezes are also responsible for moving the pollen in some plants to complete the fertilisation process.
A good example of this in the vegetable garden is sweet corn, the pollen is formed on the male flowering heads at the top of the plant with the female corn tassels below, given a light breeze and the pollen dust falls to the tassels below or to the corn plant next door.
This is the reason we plant corn in clumps, fairly close to each other to ensure that a good set is achieved and the cobs are full.
Each one of those fine tassels that form on the ears of corn are connected individually to a embryo corn seed and each tassel needs to receive pollen to fill the cob completely.
Those cobs that only have a number of mature seeds with misses means that those misses did not receive pollen from the tassel.
When I grow corn I like to do a bit of hand pollination on a sunny day when the tops are laden with pollen. This is simply done by running your hand up the male flowers and dumping the contents on the female tassels below.
It helps ensure fuller cobs at harvest time. Also 2 weekly sprays of Magic Botanic Liquid makes for better, bigger sets on the cobs.
When nature and elements don’t do the pollination for you, then this is where you the gardener, can step in and do the job yourself.
Some plants are what we call ‘self fertile ‘which means that the plant will ensure that it will set seed without the need of another plant of the same species being anywhere near. Many of these are breeze pollinated.
The rest of the plants of various types are likely to need another similar plant nearby to ensure a good fruit or seed set.
These other plants are often referred to as pollinators and without one you will still get some fruit setting, but no where as good as if you had a pollinator also. Many of these will be pollinated by bees or other insects.
Then again in some plants such as with Kiwi Fruit you have a situation where some plants are male and some are female and then you need at least one male in close proximity to about 1 to 5 females.
Where room is limited we have overcome the problem of having to plant two separate kiwi fruit vines by grafting a male and female onto the same root stock.
Even then there is no guarantee that you are going to achieve a good
By Wally Richards
fruit set as it requires bees to visit both the male and female flowers to move the pollen.
Because of the varroa mite, which has destroyed most if not all the feral bee colonies there may not be any honey bees around your gardens any more.
Then it comes down to the bumble bee and native bees along with other insects to do the job.
Chemical Insecticides such as Confidor also has caused all pollinators populations to decline.
Another problem may occur where the possible pollinators are elsewhere in the garden collecting nectar and leaving your tree alone even though its in full flower.
You can help to attract the possible pollinators to your target tree by dissolving raw sugar in hot water and adding more water and then spraying the sweet liquid over your target tree.
Another problem can occur if a plant is in a too shady situation where it does not get sufficient sunlight directly on the plant to initiate flower buds or if the buds form, they buds don’t open into flowers.
We often see this on roses in the shade which don’t flower well and also on flowering house plants that are too far from natural light to flower properly, such as flowering begonias.
Cold conditions can mean a plant such as a tomato will flower but not produce pollen, thus the flowers fall off after a few days. Cold setting types are best for those colder times.
Also if it gets too hot then tomatoes will not set fruit and that can be seen at times in glasshouses.
Tomatoes are not pollinated by honey bees, but the vibration from a bumble bees wings does the trick as they fly near the plant.
A light breeze on a sunny day when the flowers are pollen laden does the job and generally speaking tomato plants outdoors will set fruit well.
In glasshouses and similar sheltered areas the plants may fail to set and this can be overcome on a sunny day by simply tapping the stake or trunk of the plant to cause a vibration.
A very important aspect in the flowering fruiting cycle is to have ample potash available to any flowering/fruiting plant.
A monthly sprinkle of Fruit and Flower Power on the soil in the root zone will greatly assist.
Pumpkins, zucchini and melons have both male and female flowers
on the same plant and the pollen needs to be moved from the male to the female.
If you have good populations of bumble bees around then they normally do the job for you otherwise you will not have a crop.
The female flower is easy to determine as they have the embryo fruit behind the flower, the male does not.
To ensure a good fruit set I like to, on a nice sunny day, pluck a male flower off the vine that has ample pollen and after removing the petals rub some of the pollen onto the centre part of the female flowers.
If the fruit is not pollinated it will still grow for a time but then rot off.
Passion fruit can be another one that a bit of hand pollination will help ensure a good crop.
Too much nitrogen in the form of man made fertilisers or animal manures can cause plants to vegetate which means they produce lots of growth but little or no flowers.
If this is happening then apply Fruit and Flower power to kick in the flowering cycle and stem the rapid growth.
Some plants such as bougainvillea need a bit of stress to give a great show of flowers.
If you feed them well and supply ample water they tend to grow all over the place and not flower.
Instead let them dry out for a time to kick in the flowering cycle and don’t feed them much either.
As a gardener you need to remember that most plants only flower to reproduce themselves by seed.
When their lives are threatened then they quickly go into a flowering cycle.
The best example of this is a number of annual weeds that grow lushly in the spring when there is ample rain but as soon as the soil starts to dry they start to flower.
On our vegetables such as cabbages and silverbeet we need to keep the soil moist because if we allow it to dry out too much the plants will bolt or in other words, go to seed prematurely.
One last aspect is potatoes, early types will be mature and ready to harvest when the tops start to flower.
Late types will be ready when they have flowered and the tops start to die back.
Often you may see that fruit not unlike tomatoes form on the potato tops, these are the fruit which are not to be eaten as they are poisonous, these fruit contain potato seed.
4 Wednesday December 21, 2022
Authorised by Chris Bishop, Parliament Buildings, Wgtn. Phone 04 564 8707 or email me at List MP based in Hutt South Chris Bishop You can always contact my Wainuiomata office for assistance. Read the Wainuiomata News online at
Te Koha Tahere and Robert Morgan at Chopping Block Barbers. Photo: Frank Neill.
co-ordinator – or “champion” as he
introduced on the organisation’s Facebook page – Anaru Ryall (Raukawa ki Wharepuhunga and Ng ti Raukawa te au ki te Tonga).
Brought up in Petone, Anaru moved to Wainuiomata when his wh nau bought their first home six years ago.
Anaru has worked as a community worker in Trevor Mallard’s electorate office and as a union organiser.
During the winter months he is a rugby and league commentator, both in the community and rugby commentary for Sky Sport.
What made you want to jump on board Love Wainuiomata?
“It’s an exciting time to jump on board with the new town centre upgrade on the horizon,” Anaru says.
“I’m keen to utilise my grassroots community action experience to arrange more local events, activities and projects alongside our community.
“I am passionate about grassroots community action and I am an avid sports follower, particularly rugby and rugby league.
“Wainuiomata is booming at the moment so it’s an exciting time to get more involved in our community.
“If you would like to volunteer your time by organising local events, activities and projects in our community please email me at,” he says. Love Wainuiomata’s
5 Wednesday December 21, 2022 9a Simmons Grove - Ph: 564 3803 -WWarrraant t o of f F Fitneess -LLubbe & oiil chhaannge e -MMecchhanniccaal reepaairrs -VVehhiccle e se e ervviccinng -CCarravvan n r reepaaiirs -MMTA A a assuurred d JB Motors VEHICLE MAINTENANCE & Trades SERVICES DIRECTORY Call in the Experts LAWYER T 04 566 6777 F 04 569 3354 Making it happen Jason Taylor For a Wainuiomata lawyer call today GLASS REPAIR Ph: 564 1112 Mob: 027 517 6197 Call AL’s GLASS Broken Windows? Call: 04 234 8760 KITCHENS PAINTERS LAWN MOWERS Reads Mowers & Cycles Queen St, Wainuiomata Phone 564 9411 Get the very best out of your lawnmower, have it serviced regularly at Reads! “Won’t even cut the weeds” Need to go to Reads. HARDWARE 6a The Strand, Wainuiomata 04-564 8760 Hours: Mon-Fri 8.30am-5.30pm, Sat 9am-4pm, Sun 10am-3pm RIGHT HERE IN WAINUIOMATA Part of the Mitre 10 group So we have competitive prices We have wool and craft supplies HEALTH ph 04 576 2009 Open to new enrolments Opening hours Mon - Fri 8.30 am to 5.00 pm Get a Free Quote! SHIPPING CONTAINERS Book yours with BRENDA today on 021 640 152 or email at ADVERTISING OUTDOOR POWER TOOLS WE SELL AND SERVICE: OTHER SERVICES WE PROVIDE: OPEN 7 DAYS PH: 04 586 7139 PAINTING & DECORATING Painting & decorating interior/exterior Over 30 years experience Quality work Pensioner rates Phone Shane 564-2539 Or 027 8900162
Love Wainuiomata has
new co-ordinator Anaru Ryall. Photo: Supplied.
Gardener Required
Death Notices
345 papers
Area 6 : Hamstead St, Kendal Gr, Enfield St, part of Wellington Rd - 220 papers
Council closures
Hutt City Council’s hubs and libraries will close for Christmas at 3pm on Friday 23 December and normal opening hours will resume on Wednesday 4 January.
The council will also not be monitoring its social media from 24 December to 3 January. However, if people have anything urgent they can still contact the council on 0800 488 824.
Rubbish bin collection day will not be affected this year. People can check their collection days at www.toogoodtowaste. and then enter your address. The Silverstream landfill will be closed on Christmas Day and New Year’s Day.
Cat burglar on the prowl
By Frank Neill
There’s a cat burglar on the prowl in Wainuiomata, and this burglar really is feline.
Rocket has been bringing home shoes he has been collecting as he prowls the neighbourhood, as well as the odd sock.
Rocket is making waves on Facebook with his burglaries, and has attracted quite a following on the Nui Natter page.
“Rocket hunted again last night even in the rain,” one post said. “I actually seen him on my journey home last night around midnight,” a person added in the comments section.
After featuring frequently on Nui Natter’s Facebook Page, Rocket started his own Facebook page on 16 December. It is titled “Rocket the cat burglar”.
Thanks to the Facebook posts and a sign
outside Rocket’s home at 118 Wise Street, many of the owners of missing shoes have been able to pick them up.
One local resident picked up five pairs of shoes on 13 December.
Another owner also picked up a jandal, that is actually used by their dog as a toy, also on 13 December – only for Rocket to bring the jandal back to his place again.
Although Rocket has been stealing shoes for some time “in the last few weeks he has gone a bit crazy,” one of his owners, M tauranga Te-Rauna says.
“He acts very innocent, and he is very proud of the loot he has picked up.”
Although some people have picked up their shoes, Rocket’s owners still have a box of shoes waiting to be collected.
“If you have any missing shoes, come and knock on the door,” Mr Te-Rauna says.
6 Wednesday December 21, 2022 CLASSIFIEDS Trades Funeral Directors NEWS TIPS Send your tips to wainui@ Newspaper Deliverers WANTED Deliverers required in the following areas from the 18th of January 2023: Contact Sandra Situation Vacant ON... ON... WHAT’S The Community Noticeboard is for non-profit organisations. For $15.00 you can publish up to 25 words. No AGMS, sporting notices or special meetings. Community Notices must be pre-paid. Call into our office, phone (04) 587 1660 or email Generations of Honouring Legacy (04) 528 2331 (04) 566 3103 (04) 237 5332 “ “ CASSIE MURPHY Funeral Director GAVIN MURPHY General Manager Graham’s Painters E: grahamspaintersnz W: Ph: (04) 564 9202 021 183 9492 Experienced tradesmen and large team Get your House Exterior and Interior painted! ~ Pensioner Discounts ~ Puzzle W R O O R C S D S SOLUTION For April 9, 2003 SOLUTION For October 6, 2004 ACROSS 1. Contract (7) 5. Harsh questioning (5,6) 11. Large Eskimo boat (5) 12. Scrap (7) 13. Drive (5) 14. Of plants (9) 15. High-spirited (9) 16. Pointed remark (4) 17. Flightless bird (7) 19. Upper-arm muscles (6) 23. Recieve (6) 26. Month (7) 29. Boundary (4) 30. Spread hay(to air) (3) 32. Pallid (3) 34. Wrong (4) 35. Sea god (7) 36. Inprovoked (6) 39. Fruit (6) 40. Real name Frederick Austerlitz dancer; Fred (7) 42. Fraud (4) 46. Small portrait (9) 48. Apathetic (9) 50. Sandal (5) 51. Bounty (7) 52. NZ novelist, Janet (5) 53. Insight (11) 54. Svelte (7) DOWN 1. Nestling pigeon (5) 2. Brag (7) 3. Ancient Scandanavian raider (6) 4. Song writer(words) (8) 5. Acrobat (7) 6. Silly (5) 7. Bypass (6) 8. Outbreak(disease) (8) 9. Substitute (11) 10. Splendour (5) 16. Obvious (7) 18. Sing (5) 20. Breastbone (7) 21. Suitable (3) 22. Not many (3) 24. Formal (11) 25. gallon hat (3) 27. Quotes (5) 28. Uncooked (3) 31. Moisture (3) 33. Short sleep (3) 37. Choke (8) 38. Complaints (8) 41. Illness (7) 43. Gaunt (7) 44. Fine cotton fabric (6) 45. Bewilder (6) 46. Muffled (5) 47. Uncanny (5) 49. Comfort (5) Solution
1: Moohan St,
Petrie St - 280 papers
2: Isobel Gr, Wright St,
270 papers
3: Karaka St,
Puriri St,
4: Parkway subdivision
sides of
5: Mohaka St, Karamea
Cres area
Bull Ave,
Moohan etc -
Kowhai St,
Wainuiomata Rd - 295
- both
road - 130
Gr, Kairanga
Photo: Carolyn Perry.
, Philip Alfred: Dec 13, 2022
What product had the first barcode stamped on it?
George J. Laurer is considered the inventor of U.P.C. or Uniform Product Code, which was invented in 1973. In June 1974, the first U.P.C. scanner was installed at a Marsh’s supermarket in Troy, Ohio. The first product to have a barcode included was a packet of Wrigley’s Gum.
CATTERY Casa De Wootton, home away from home. Rural surroundings. 187 Moores Valley Road. Phone Jane 5644310
GARDENER required for initial cleanup and then fortnightly or monthly maintenance to keep the gardens tidy. Hourly rate to be discussed. Please phone 021 984 014.
Yes, Tim, no Tom as Kane isn’t able
Kane Williamson’s departure as test cricket captain came as a shock last Thursday but so did his replacement.
Williamson, will go down as New Zealand’s most successful test captain ever.
That culminated with last year’s World Test Championship Final win over India.
The 32-year-old had widely been tipped to relinquish the leadership
of one of the two white ball teams, particularly the twenty20 format where the style of play doesn’t suit the country’s best ever technical batters.
I can say with certainty that all the cricket tragics in New Zealand believe Williamson still has plenty to offer the red ball format and that included the captaincy.
However, it’s been clear the no 3 batter has been burdened by lead-
ing in all three formats combined with his lingering elbow injury which has likely contributed to his dip in form.
Former Black Caps coach Mike Hesson says it has become clear it is no longer feasible for one man to lead his country in all three formats and that is hard to argue with.
His successor will be Tim Southee, not Williamson’s long-time
understudy and often fill-in, Tom Latham.
More is bound to come out as to why Latham wasn’t named captain after years of grooming.
Southee appears to have an evergreen quality, much like England’s Jimmy Anderson in that he just defies age.
Possibly motivated by passing Richard Hadlee’s 431 test wickets, of which Southee sits at 347, there
Promising superbike talent
By Frank Neill
Wainuiomata High School alumnus Luke Riley has emerged as an upcoming talent in his first season racing superbikes.
After the first round of the Suzuki International Series was cancelled, Luke lined up at the start for round two at Manfeild on 10 and 11 December.
Rain meant there were a lot of issues, including the fact that Luke had only one wet weather rear tyre, which he had to conserve.
The biggest problem he faced, though, was when his clutch failed at the start of the race. By the time he got the bike going he was well at the rear of the race, yet he still managed to ride his way up to 10th place.
That was a highly promising start to his superbike career, following such ill fortune at the beginning of the race.
Luke will now attempt to significantly improve on that result during the final round of the Suzuki International Series at Whanganui’s
Cemetery Circuit on 26 December.
Luke is racing in the i-Tools Race Team in his first year on 1000cc bikes, riding a BMW S1000RR.
“For the short time he’s been riding [superbikes], he’s doing really well,” says Jeff Robinson of the i-Tools Race Team.
“Despite having some bike problems and racing in challenging conditions against New Zealand’s best riders, he still managed to set
some very respectable lap times.”
Luke grew up on Moores Valley, where his parents still live.
“I still spend the weekends in Moores Valley and all my bikes stay out there,” he says.
After attending Wainuiomata Primary School, Luke went on to Wainuiomata Intermediate School and then Wainuiomata High School.
He bought his first home in Wainui-
Two golds for Wainui swimmer
By Frank Neill
Wainuiomata’s Sheldon Valster exceeded his expectations when he won two gold medals at the Special Olympics National summer Games, held in Hamilton from 8-12 December.
Before the games, one of New Zealand’s largest multi-sports competitions, Sheldon said he aimed for personal best times in his four events and that he would like to get his hands on at least one medal.
Swimming for Hutt Valley, Sheldon won gold in the 25 metres freestyle, He then joined the Kapi-Mana club, who had only three swimmers, and the team won gold in the four by 25 metres relay.
Sheldon qualified in the C grade for the 25 metres freestyle heats, but was promoted to the second tier of the A grade for the final after he posted a new personal best time in his heat.
That saw him qualify the fourth
fastest for the A grade final.
When he knocked yet another two seconds off the personal best he had set in the heats, Sheldon went on to win the race by half a second.
The electronic scoreboard did not correctly record the results, however, and had Sheldon in fourth place, meaning there was a wait before his victory – which was clear on a video of the race his grandfather John Valster recorded – was confirmed.
With two timers allocated to each finalist, that meant race officials had to check each of the times before the final result was announced. We had to wait 40 minutes. That was an anxious moment,” John says.
“The race was spectacular to watch.
It was really close and it was really fast.”
The Kapi-Mana and Wainuiomata relay team was lying third when Sheldon began the anchor leg for the team.
Sheldon overtook two swimmers to ensure that his team won gold when they finished with a lead of three seconds.
As well as his two gold medal events, Sheldon also competed in the 25 metres backstroke and the 50 metres freestyle.
Sheldon beat his personal best by six seconds in the longer freestyle event and that saw him promoted from the D grade to the B grade for the final.
He then came within 0.1 seconds of winning another medal when he finished fourth.
“That was still a big achievement,” John says.
Sheldon clocked new personal best times in all four events he entered – beating his 25 metres freestyle time by 3.1 seconds, his 25 metres backstroke time by 0.63 seconds, his 50 metres freestyle time by 6.06 seconds and his relay time by 4 seconds.
Although winning a medal and
omata, but has recently purchased a property in Akatarawa. “I like the rural lifestyle. That’s where I was brought up.”
He has been racing motor bikes for 20 years, most of that time on dirt bikes.
“I never had any big success on the dirt bikes,” he says, so four years ago he moved on to racing road bikes.
Because of Covid, that means he
seems to be no slowing down Southee at this point.
Southee will have the experience of Latham and Williamson to call upon and maybe Williamson will rediscover his form and joy for the game now that he no longer has the captaincy to contend with.
If it allows New Zealand’s best ever batter to extend his career, then it’s a positive move that should be applauded.
clocking personal best times were Sheldon’s aims before the games, that was not in his mind when he entered the water to race, Sheldon says.
“I just got in there to do it, and not worry about getting a medal or the time,” he says.
Sheldon is keen to promote Special Olympics swimming in the Hutt Valley.
“We need more people. We need new members in swimming. There were only three of us representing the Hutt Valley [in the Special Olympics National Summer Games].
“And we need more coaches.”
People interested in joining Special Olympics as swimmers or as coaches can make contact by emailing
Special Olympics is a sports organisation for people with intellectual disabilities and is a worldwide movement.
has been racing road bikes for three years now.
He was introduced to road racing by the well-known rider Shane Richardson, who is also from Wainuiomata. Shane is now a factory rider for Triumph competing in the British Supersport Championship. Shane badly damaged his hands earlier this year. However he has recently been able to resume racing. “Shane taught me everything I know,” Luke says.
Although he still has one round left to race this season, Luke is already looking forward to 2023.
“After this season we will be looking to make a big charge next season.
“It’s pretty promising for the future,” he says.
One hurdle he will need to jump is getting sponsors – as some of the country’s top riders found this season when they did not secure the sponsors needed to be able to race.
“Hopefully people will see the article and sponsor me,” Luke adds.
7 Wednesday December 21, 2022 SPORT SPORTS TALK
With Jacob Page
Luke Riley in his racing gear. Photo: Supplied.
Luke Riley in action on the track. Photo: Supplied.
Sheldon Valster with the two gold medals he won at the Special Olympics National Summer Games.
Photo: Frank Neill.
Carol concert returns
Pioneer Church’s annual carol concert returned on 7 December for the first time in three years because of Covid.
Those attending the concert at the historic Coast Road church agreed that it was a most enjoyable evening.
Between a series of performances the congregation sang well known and popular carols, accompanied by the
historic pump organ.
Wainuiomata’s Acting Out Choir entertained the audience, along with Gabriel Tupou – singing opera – Margaret Reed and Rob Child from the Lower Hutt Ukelele Orchestra, James Davis, Fran Crossland, and Ian Gooch and Chris Kirkland.
The evening concluded with supper.
New electorate office opening soon
By Frank Neill
A new office for the two local Members of Parliament – Ginny Andersen and Meka Whaitiri – is scheduled to open in February next year. The office in Queen Street is currently being fitted out.
Ms Andersen is the Member of Parliament for Hutt South, while Ms Whaitiri represents the Ikaroa-R whiti electorate.
Until now the electorate office for the two MPs has been located at 15 Queen Street.
The new office is at 11 Queen Street.
Working bee cancelled
Wet weather resulted in the cancellation of A Rocha’s last working bee for the year at the Waiu Wetland.
The working bee, scheduled for 10 December, was going to involve cutting and poisoning the vigorous blackberry regrowth on
New rating valuations posted
Wainuiomata property owners have been sent a notice with their new rating valuations.
Hutt City Council posted property owners the notices – giving people the updated rating value of their property – last week.
The new rating valuations have been independently prepared by Quotable Value (QV) on behalf of the Hutt City Council. This shows the total rateable value for Lower Hutt has increased 32.7% since 2019, when the last valuation was done.
Rating valuations are carried out on all New Zealand properties every three years to help
local councils set rates for the following three-year period. For Hutt City Council, this valuation is a snapshot of the market at 1 September 2022.
If owners do not agree with their rating valuation, they have a right to object through the objection process before 31 January 2023.
The updated valuation won’t take effect until 1 July 2023.
“While we’re currently in a difficult economic period, the law unfortunately doesn’t give us an option to delay our revaluation which is why we’re doing this now,” Mayor Campbell Barry said.
“Twenty two other councils have also recently undergone their revaluation, or are about to – including Upper Hutt and Porirua – so we’re not alone.”
“It’s important to note that the revaluation process doesn’t increase the total amount we collect from rates,” said Hutt City Council Chief Executive Jo Miller.
“A change in the capital value of a property doesn’t mean a property’s rates bill will change by a similar percentage. It all depends on how a property value has changed in relation to the average change across the whole city.”
the recently cleared area.
The December working bee was the second in a row to be cancelled because of rain.
Just as a few people were getting under way on the November working bee the rain arrived and the work was called off.
A Rocha has installed a new picnic table at the wetland, thanks to help from a donation by a K piti Anglican parish.
The next working bee – the first for 2023 – is scheduled to take place on Saturday 18 February.
“Lower Hutt had one of the hottest residential markets in New Zealand throughout 2021, peaking in late 2021/early 2022,” QV Chief Operating Officer David Nagel said.
“Since then, we’ve seen some big corrections in property values with rising interest rates and tightened lending criteria.”
Commercial property values increased by 31% on average and property values in the industrial sector have risen by 51% since 2019. The average capital value of an improved lifestyle property has increased by 42%.
Jo Miller reminds ratepayers
that support is available if they are having trouble paying their rates bill.
“You might be eligible for a rates rebate, postponement of your rates, or we can work with you to set up a rates payment plan.
“Please get in touch with council if you’re facing financial hardship. We’re here to help.”
For more information, including a breakdown of capital value changes by suburb, head to On the website you’ll also find frequently asked questions, an animated explainer video, an interactive map and handy rates calculator.
8 Wednesday December 21, 2022
The Acting Out Choir performing at Pioneer Church’s carol concert. Photo: Supplied.
Margaret Reed and Rob Child from the Lower Hutt Ukelele Orchestra in action. Photo: Supplied.
James Davis singing at the Pioneer Church carol concert. Photo: Supplied.
Ian Gooch and Chris Kirkland entertain the audience. Photo: Supplied. Gabriel Tupou singing opera. Photo: Supplied.
Alan Daniel, of Al’s Glass, working on refurbishing the rooms at the new electorate office for MPs Ginny Andersen and Meka Whaitiri, watched by Ms Andersen. Photo: Frank Neill.