21 September Wainuiomata News

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Authorised by Chris Bishop, Parliament Buildings, Wgtn. Phone 04 564 8707 or email me at Chris.bishopMP@parliament.govt.nz List MP based in Hutt South Chris Bishop You can always contact my Wainuiomata office for assistance. FREE delivery within 25kms of yard DRY FIREWOOD DELIVERED OR PICKUP CHOPPS FIRE WOOD 3.6m3 Call 027 493 9903 E: autobuffntouch@gmail.com

Wednesday September 21, 2022 Phone: (04) 587 1660 YOUR LOCAL NEWS Today 9-14Thursday 9-12 Friday 10-13Saturday 10-14 See us www.wsn.co.nzonline Authorised by Ginny Andersen MP, Parliament Buildings, Wellington Ginny Andersen MP for Hutt South Wainuiomata office 04 564 /GinnyAndersenHuttSouth4988

Wainuiomata bush firefighters – Rodney Hargraves and Isaac Stead – became the first New Zealanders to receive the Australian National Emergency Medal this month. The two Wainuiomata volunteer firefighters received their medals for helping battle the massive bush fires that burned in New South Wales, Victoria and the Australian Capital Territory in early 2020. Continued on page 2. One of the scenes that faced two Wainuiomata bush firefighters in Australia. Huge flames race through bush in New South Wales as firefighters move to battle the blaze. Photo: Rodney Hargraves. Blaze

By Frank Neill battlers

The Wainuiomata Bush Voluntary Rural Fire Force’s new fire engine. Photo: Penny Hargraves.

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“We were all were excited and honoured to be able to be there to help but it was a situation where we didn’t have time to really think about being there. Things change so quickly.

untary Rural Fire Force has also just taken delivery of a brand new fire engine.

Medal winners faced huge flames

“All the time you are focused on what needs to be done to make sure not only is the fire

Mr Hargraves and Mr Stead were presented their medals at the Australian High Commission in Wellington on 14 September.Thetwo Wainuiomata firefighters travelled from New Zealand to Cooma, in New South Wales, on 28 January 2020 on a 15-day deployment.

For Mr Hargraves this was a second deployment to assist with fighting bush fires across the Tasman Sea. In 2019 he travelled to Tasmania on a 15dayWhendeployment.theytravelled to Australia in January 2020, both Mr Stead and Mr Hargraves were firefighters. They have since moved to higher ranks in the Wainuiomata Bush Volunteer FireJustBrigade.thismonth Mr Hargraves became the newly elected Contoller and Mr Stead one of two Deputy Controllers. The other new Deputy Controller is Shaun Higgins.MtHargraves has served the Wainuiomata Bush Voluntary Rural Fire Force for 23 years, while Mr Stead is also a longserving member with almost 14 years’ service.

The Wainuiomata Bush Vol-

How to

When they arrived at the fire, they faced flames of unusual intensity which they needed to“Wefight.had a 120 foot wall of flames coming toward us,” Mr Hargraves said.

SALES Whiteside les@wsn.co.nz 021 360 008



That meant there was risk involved in battling the blaze, as demonstrated by the fact that four firefighters were killed in the January 2020 bush fires that ravaged 27.2 million acres in Australia.“Itwasamazing and daunting at the same time,” Mr Hargraves told the Wainuiomata News.“Itwas a real eye opener as to the significant danger the people of Australia had been dealing with.

Wainuiomata Masonic Village 04 564 1118 E: wainui@masonicvillages.co.nz New Villas Available – Book now! Choose from 2 bedroom or 3 bedroom Villas Easy-care retirement living New build Villas & Village Hub Close to supermarket & shops Friendly community & activities Call us now for a viewing & Village tour or to book

Rodney Hargraves (left) and Isaac Stead with their Australian National Emergency Medals. Photo: Penny Hargraves.

2 Wednesday September 21, 2022

Sam Barnes sam@wsn.co.nz 021 109 4406


As well as his volunteer fire fighting, Mr Hargraves also volunteers at the Wellington Speedway Track, where he is the Assistant Clerk of the Course. His speedway service spans 21 years.

ONLINE: www.wsn.co.nz

“I don’t do it [fight bush fires] for the recognition,” Mr Hargraves said after receiving the Australian National Emergency Medal.“Idoit because I enjoy giving back to the community.”

etation fires around the region. It holds 3000L of water and carries six firefighters. This appliance can also back up the force’s urban colleges by supply water directly into their tanks.

Phone (04) 587 1660

Address 23 Broderick Rd, Johnsonville P.O. Box 38-776, WMC 5045 (04) 587 1661


dealt with but that you and your fellow crew members come home safe.

Continued from page 1

REPORTER Neill wainui@wsn.co.nz 027 490 3916

The 2021 Isuzu 4X4, worth more than $200,000, has been fitted out specifically for veg-

deress Velma Kelly, the reigning queen of the Cook County jail, and Roxie Hart, the newest of the merry murderesses, who, of course, haven’t really committed any crime (their men had it coming).

42 Burden E:T:0800Wainuiomata,Avenue,Wellington428365045643792wellingtonoffice@havenfalls.co.nz Providing funeral services for ALL Cultures ALL Religions and to meet ALL specific individual requirements. 30 day invoice - no deposit required. Look for us on Facebook—Haven Falls Funeral Home Kia ora to the Community of Wainuiomata & Hutt Valley Funeral Home 2990.00+gstavailablePackagesFuneralfrom SHOP QUEEN STREET, SUPPORT LOCAL BUSINESS & BE IN TO WIN! Simply spend $10 or more in any participating business, hospitality or retail store on Queen Street for your chance to win 1 of 3 $300 prize packs each week for the month of September 2022. Enter online or in store and be sure to keep or photograph your receipt in case you win. T’s and C’s apply - see our website for full details. Good Luck, and thank you for supporting our local businesses Promotion runs from 1 September – 30 September 2022 Supported by Hutt City Council Win 1 of 12 $300packs!prize SHOP & WIN ! On Queen Street 1st -30th September 2022

Adele Child as Mama Morton (left) and Stacey Neale as murderess Velma Kelly in rehearsal for Chicago. Photo Supplied.

Paul Devitt

Fast and Furious. It’s all about the actors because they are pretty good.

Set in the roaring twenties, Chicago is a story of murder, greed, corruption, violence, exploitation, adultery and treachery.Itisatale of the sensational mur-

I like all my horror movies. I’ve loved them ever since I was little.

Suzanne Mynhinnick

Chicago coming to Wainui

Tickets cost $15 a person and they go on sale on 3 October.

Ngarimu Bill

3Wednesday September 21, 2022 readers have their say... Find out the WORD on the Street.

Battle of Britain. My uncle flew bombers in the second world war and was highly decorated.

The Bucket List. It’s life. It’s the sort of stuff that could happen. It was funny and it was poignant.

Shaqielle Kumu

Madhu Kandula

Bernard Paterson

The Shawshank Redemption, because of the struggle that they go through and how they come out at the end – what the struggles have taught them.

Q: What is your favourite film and why do you like it?

The razzle dazzle of Chicago is coming to town with the Wainuiomata Little Theatre’s production of the iconicChicagomusical.will be performed at the former Wainuiomata College Hall from 2 to 19 November.

The plot highlights jurisprudence-as-show business and trial-by-publicity.Thecasthas been hard at work rehearsing the show since July.

“The whole cast has done a fantastic

job during rehearsals,” Director Tony Gentle says.

“It’s been a challenge but everyone has given 100%. We are looking forward to showing everyone what all our hard work has produced.”

The Wainuiomata Little Theatre was established in 1956 and has proudly been performing in Wainuiomata since then.

From left: Allie Falkner, Stacey Neale, Emilia Lopez and Monica Ellmers in rehearsal for Chicago. Photo Supplied.

The Last of the Mohicans. It’s history back in the early American days.

(I know people that have lost their roses to compost containing herbicides from green waste)

Her reply was no chemicals which the members had problems believing because they had been indoctrinated into Shield, Nitrophoska etc as the ultimate tools of rose perfection.Theproducts made the companies that sold them a lot of money but did nothing for the health of the roses or the health of the users.

He suggested that I should write an article about roses so here is a copy of a past article I wrote over 5 years ago and revised now:

It is war and every chemical of mass destruction will be mixed and used to control and eradicate.

Woe betide a blemish to the foliage or an aphid feeding on the newly forming flower buds in spring.

There is something special about roses that gardeners like.

Next stick to natural things to feed your roses (and other plants) this includes all animal manures including sheep manure pellets, blood & bone, compost that is not made from green waste.

Chemicals are designed to kill and control; they can kill both the good as well as the bad plus adverse side effects as we commonly see with our own human pharmaceutical concoctions.Chlorinein water is bad news for soil life so if you have this poison in your tap water then see about removing it with a 10 micron carbon bonded housing and filter. Email me for more info if interested.

GARDENING THIS WEEK Coming up roses:

They had some horse or cow manure thrown at them from time to time and cut back in the winter along with a bit of a tidy up.

By Wally Richards

It could be the shape and form of the flowers; it maybe the exotic perfumes some varieties have; or it could be something in our genes, because roses must be the oldest cultivated ornamental plant in the history of the world.

In Nature things such as leaf diseases (black spot, rust etc) and insect pest attacks on plants is part of life but when it comes to the rose enthusiast these natural occurrences are like the end of the world.

Years ago I recognised the problem that the chemicals were doing to the soil life and the immune systems of the roses and wrote articles on the matter.

These would be used religiously by gardeners on their beloved roses biweekly.Alternating with Super Shield and

dry summer and the occasional cow or possum nibbling the foliage they were very healthy.

4 Wednesday September 21, 2022

His parents passed and it was then his sole responsibility to care for the sickNoinheritance.matterwhat he used, how much he sprayed the roses only got worse and one winter after another poor health season he was seriously considering plowing all the roses into the ground as they were hopelessly sick and some had already died.

For extra minerals use Wallys Unlocking your Soil twice a year and Ocean Solids once a year.

Work has started on the upgrade to the Wainuiomata Rugby Club’s facilities thanks to the Bunnings Rugby Assist grant.

applications of Rose Fertiliser and Nitrophoska Blue.

Then in the following season most of the roses turned to their full health state and a phone call to thank me was made. He said that my advise was the best gift to his deceased parents ever.

He told me he read an article I wrote about rose health and a program to follow and decided to give it a go for one last attempt.

To say that the health of the roses was compromised would be an understatement and every season instead of the perfect rose the plants would be a very sore sight.

The compost is used to cover over the blood & bone etc.

Apply a little Fruit and Flower Power once a month during flower-

I remember a Garden Centre owner in the Taranaki region telling me how she read my articles on roses and followed the advise. Within a couple of seasons she had turned the sickly roses in her home garden into lovely roses.

Here is a little logic I remember as a boy visiting my uncles farm in Taranaki where my auntie had a few rose bushes between a paddock and the gravel driveway.

Here is something that you may find interesting; a Peer reviewed study about climate change that was released recently see trolpaper.flagoagerecorded.happeningadversein-letter-to-the-united-nations/mate-emergency-say-500-experts-aei.org/carpe-diem/there-is-no-cli-https://www.ItconfirmsmythoughtsthatweathereventshavebeeneverysinceweatherwasThedifferenceistheMediacover-nowcomparedtosay50yearswhenyouonlyfoundoutaboutoodsanddroughtsinthenewsPushingtheFearButtonforcon-andtomakeuspoor.

The local rose society members visited the gardens and were amazed at how healthy her roses were and wanted to know what chemicals she was using to have them looking so great.

The goal is the perfect bloom (with a tear drop of dew on a petal) framed by perfect foliage of a dark rich green. Picture perfect and hopefully with a divine scent to boot.

I remember another rose enthusiast who also told me that his parents were great collectors of roses and had over the years several hundred specimens on their farm property which he was also involved in their care.He told me how over the years of growing up how wonderful and healthy the plants had been.

If the rose sprays did not do what was expected there were other lethal chemicals to use, Captan, Bravo, Orthene, Target and Maldison. (All banned now as far as I am aware)

ingSprayseason.your roses 2 weekly with Magic Botanical Liquid (MBL) This will do more for your roses health than anything that I know of. Once a month spray them with Perkfection starting in Spring when there is a good show of leaves. Perkfection can be added to every second spray of MBL.

Any sign of aphids spray just before sunset with Wallys Super Pyrethrum, it is a quick knock down control.During season any sign of leaf diseases spray with potassium permanganate at a quarter teaspoon per litre of water.

A gardener this week phoned me asking about roses and what should he be doing this time of the year?

It is just common sense really, work with Nature not against it.

Besides the dust on the plants in a

As ‘new’ things were introduced to assist with the rose care, the health of the roses deteriorated so more stronger chemicals were used to no avail.

Wainui change

What happened was that season there was a marked improvement in the roses, not up to their former glory but certainly heading in the right direction.

For those that show their roses at their annual local rose show or in the national rose shows the perfect specimen is the ultimate challenge. I remember in days gone by when chemicals; that have since been banned because of the damage they did to the environment and to our health, such as Shield for Roses.

Another aspect was that being in the country the plants were not suffering from chemicals in the water such as Chlorine. Just rain water from the sky or the tank.

The grant, worth $30,000 will help create better bathrooms and showers as a starting point and make sure facilities are improved for the female Wainuiomataplayers.isoneof the ten clubs selected and has plans to upgrade their old changing rooms and toilets so that they are suitable for femaleMoanaplayers.Kuma applied on behalf of the club and is thrilled with the news. “We are incredibly proud of our female squad, and the club is committed to strengthening our women’s programme. To achieve this, we need our clubrooms to be a welcoming space that caters to female players and all members of our community,” says Moana.

People who aim at joining the Police can also put themselves on a great track by joining a community patrol. Over the years a number of community patrol members have gone on to train and graduate as Police officers.

By Frank Neill

Through being a member people can create relationships throughout their local community and learn how to protect one another through

working with Police.

At present 11 people go out on patrol. “It would be nice to have about 20,” Ms Mansfield says.

Community Patrollers are volunteers working closely with Police to assist Police and other agencies to build safer communities.

There are a series of advantages to joining the community patrol.

Richard Nixon and Tracey Mansfield on their community patrol. Photo Supplied.

It would enable the organisation to run more patrols, and it would enable them to reduce the high workload some of its members currently spend on patrol.

Community Patrols are organised and operated by their local communities and raise their annual operating expenses through local grants, sponsorships and donations.

Not a big time commitment is needed. The community patrol asks people to do one shift a month. Each shift is around three hours, with the actual time depending on the night and what is happening at the time.

Community patrol needs recruits

5Wednesday September 21, ADVERTISING2022 YOURHEREAD BRENDACONTACTNOW BRENDASales M: 021 640 152 E: brenda@wsn.co.nz Family owned and operated *also available to view via our website 442 Cuba Street, Alicetown Ph 04 589 3024 stockandforVisitwww.marsonflooring.co.nzourshowroomthelatestcarpetvinyltrendsandspecials* FLOORING Trades& SERVICES DIRECTORY LAWYER T 04 566 6777 F 04 569 3354 office@arl-lawyers.co.nzwww.arl-lawyers.co.nz Making it happen Jason Taylor For a lawyerWainuiomatacalltoday GLASS REPAIR Ph: 564 1112 Mob: 027 517 6197 Call AL’s GLASS Windows?Broken Call: 04 234 www.DreamDoors.co.nz8760 KITCHENS PAINTERS LAWN MOWERS Reads Mowers & Cycles Queen St, Wainuiomata Phone 564 9411 Get the very best out of your lawnmower, have it serviced regularly at Reads! “Won’t even cut the weeds” Need to go to Reads. 9a Simmons Grove - Ph: 564 3803 -WWarrraantt ofof FitFneess -LLubbe & oiil chhaanngee -MMecchhanniccaal reepaairrs -VVehhicclee seeervviccinng -CCarravvann rerepaaiirs -MMTAA aassuurredd JB Motors VEHICLE MAINTENANCE Ray 027 226 4046 | Linda 027 26 99 605 Thinking Real Estate? Think Linda and Ray Wallace REAL HARDWAREESTATE www.hammerhardware.co.nz 6a The WainuiomataStrand, 04-564 8760 Hours: Mon-Fri 8.30am-5.30pm, Sat 9am-4pm, Sun 10am-3pm RIGHT HERE SoPartWAINUIOMATAINoftheMitre10groupwehavecompetitivepricesWehavewoolandcraftsupplies HEALTH www.hchc.co.nz ph 04 576 2009 Open to enrolmentsnew Opening hours Mon - Fri 8.30 am to 5.00 pm Get Quote!Freea SHIPPING CONTAINERS

Community Patrollers are trained to know what to look out for as they act as extra “eyes and ears” through intelligence and observation for New Zealand Police.

To become a community patrol member, a person needs to have a current driver’s licence, be 18 years or older and pass a Police check.

Community Patrols are independent from the Police but receive regular Police guidance, training andThetasking.Wainuiomata Community Patrol is one of 19 community patrols in the greater Wellington area and one of more than 150 patrols in NewPeopleZealand.interested in either finding out more or in joining can contact the patrol at wainuipatrol@gmail. com or phone Ms Mansfield at 027 637 5817.

The Wainuiomata Community Patrol is “desperate for new recruits” to help make the town a safer place. Attracting more patrollers would enable the community patrol to do two important things, the patrol’s co-ordinator Tracey Mansfield says.

A chance visit to the fish and chip shop on Ruthven Road led the former bluesman to a musical revelation with some kindred spirits.

Doug currently has a Givealittle goal of reaching $5,000 to help fund the surgery and says: “If anyone can help, even with a small donation, I would be so grateful.”

He remains optimistic that he can raise the $30,000+ he needs to get this life-changing surgery.“I’mabsolutely broke so this is a huge mission!”, he says, with a resolved look in his eyes. The specialist care and robotic surgery required to treat the tumour in his nasal passage can only take place in Australia, far from his home in Rarotonga. There, he left a popular food stand business on the island, for Wainuiomata to be nearer care.

The link to Doug’s givealittle is cancer-operation.givealittle.co.nz/cause/dougs-life-or-death-https://

“It was nice to be able to spend some time with Doug, and to hear some spectacular music with friends,” said one local, Laura Chester-Murphy, who was moved to tears by one of The Caramello Blues Band’s originals.

bands: The Caramello Blues Band, Scott Bowater Band, Faultline Alley and 100db.

Helping to save lives, one song at a time

New-found friend, musician and local businessman Rob Morgan, of Chopping Block Barbers, stepped up to help Tetupuariki Bayley with his cause, running a fundraising event at his barbershop over the weekend of 16 to 18 September.

Cancer is a major burden, but being told you need major surgery to stay alive – surgery that isn’t funded – is a weight that can be too much to bear. This is Doug Tetupuariki Bayley’s reality.

Locals dressed to the nines in cowboy boots and hats two-stepped and do-si-doed till the small hours of the morning.

Photo: supplied.

“Rob has done such an awesome job at building up our music-loving community, and I guess this is just one way that our community can support Rob and a great cause.”

The event raised $350 for Tetupuariki Bayley, which was a great response, but he needs a lot more to get him over the line.

6 Wednesday September 21, 2022 CLASSIFIEDS Trades Graham’sPainters E: grahamspaintersnz@gmail.com W: www.grahamspainters.nz Ph: (04) 564 9202 021 183 9492 Experienced tradesmen and large team Get your House Exterior andpainted!Interior ~ Pensioner Discounts ~ ON...WHAT’S The Community Noticeboard is for non-profit organisations. For $15.00 you can publish up to 25 words. No AGMS, sporting notices or special meetings. Community Notices must be Callpre-paid.intoour office, phone (04) 587 1660 or email classifieds@wsn.co.nz Newspaper Deliverers WANTEDDeliverersrequiredinthefollowingareas: Contact Sandra Area 1: Burden Ave, Faulke Ave, Peel Place area - 255 papers Area 2: Hamstead, Enfield, part of Wellington Rd, Whitehall - 220 Papers Area 3 Parenga St, August Ave, Aporoa St area - 235 papers Situation Vacant NEWSTIPS Send wsn.co.nzwainui@tipsyourto RWPuzzle OO CR S SD SOLUTIONSOLUTIONForApril9,2003ForJuly7,2004 ACROSS 1. Hopes (9) 6. Sudden idea (5,4) 11. Male singing voice (5) 12. Persian lynx (7) 13. Bizarre (5) 14. Slaughter (8) 17. The yaws(Med) (10) 18. Artist, Yoko ... (3) 20. Diplomacy (4) 22. Quandary (7) 24. Crown of flowers (6) 26. Water barrier (3) 28. Steeple part (5) 29. Omen (7) 32. Old Roman language (5) 33. Belgium town (3) 34. Sphere (3) 35. Meadow (3) 36. Deserts’ fertile area (5) 37. N. American deer (7) 38. Naming words (5) 39. Goad (3) 41. Aristocracy (6) 42. Infatuations(inf) (7) 44. Continent (4) 47. Donkey (3) 49. Womans riding style (10) 51. Precious stone (8) 55. Surpass (3,2) 56. Alfresco (4,3) 57. Respond (5) 58. Controls (9) 59. Los Angeles suburb (9) DOWN 1. Endeavour (7) 2. Curves (5) 3. Plaid (6) 4. Academy award statuette (5) 5. Type (4) 6. Stiff linen fabric (7) 7. On fire (6) 8. Canadian Province (12) 9. Assumed name (5) 10. Affectionate utterances (11) 15. Drunkard (3) 16. Final part(music) (4) 19. Shooting star (6) 21. Vivid red (7) 23. Collision (6) 25. Byways (7) 26. Eating utensil (7,5) 27. Inundation (6) 28. Buffet (11) 30. Lanka (3) 31. Lady superior(monastery) (6) 40. Quickly(Abbr) (4) 43. Hair curlers (7) 44. Deciduous timber tree (3) 45. Turned away (7) 46. Skilful (6) 48. Athletic (6) 50. Fact (5) 52. By ear (5) 53. Its’ capital is Boise (5) 54. Vow (4) Solution Who invented the first vending machine? The first modern coin-operated vending machines were introduced in London in the United Kingdom in the early 1880s, dispensing post cards. The machine was invented by Percival Everitt in 1883 and soon became a widespread feature at railway stations and post offices, dispensing envelopes, postcards and notepaper. WEDNESDAY FACT Funeral Directors Generations of Honouring Legacy www.geeandhickton.co.nz (04) 528 2331 (04) 566 3103 (04) 237 5332 “ “ CASSIE MURPHY Funeral Director GAVIN GeneralMURPHYManager Your Local News

Originals and covers were both performed, but Castlerea locals may have, in particular, heard an overzealous crowd as 100db performed their rendition of Smokie’s hit single “Living Next Door to Alice.”

‘The Spring Hoedown’ showcased a scorching line-up of local country and bluegrass

Take away the last 30 seconds and this All Blacks team took a step back in Bledisloe 1.

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Shield game.

Over the years Wellington has held the Shield 10 previous times, their most recent tenure starting in September 2008 when they beat Auckland 27-0 in Auckland and ending against Canterbury in Wellington (losing 14-36) on 29 August 2009. They successfully defended the Shield five times during that Wellingtonperiod.gotasecond dose of good news after their Ranfurly Shield triumph over Hawke's Bay in Napier on Saturday when Bunnings NPC conference leader Waikato suffered an upset 20-27 loss to Otago in Dunedin.

7Wednesday September 21, 2022SPORT SPORTS TALK With Jacob Page

When Wayne Smith describes Jordan as one of the most elusive runners he’s seen, much like Christian Cullen, that carries weight forTheme.fans have been crying out for consistency from Ian Foster’s team and that noise will not have died down based on that performance

Yes, they won 39-37, thanks to a Bernard Foley brain explosion and a correct but gutsy call from referee Mathieu Raynal who’d had enough of the Wallabies time-wasting but the outcome is where the positives end.The game didn’t flow - that’s what you get with a French referee coupled with injuries and yellow cards.

The All Blacks were not patient, they blew try-scoring chances and failed to adapt to the officiating.

All Black teams do not let teams come back from an 18 point deficit but this 2022 team is rewriting the rule book.

pline and some downright panic saw this team wilt when closing out the final stages of the game.

At 31-13 up in the 55th minute, the game should have been in the bag.Great All Blacks teams of the best decade blew teams off the park with their depth on the bench and fitness in the final 20 minutes ofPoorgames.defence, appalling execution of basic skills, constant ill disci-

On a side note, Wallabies lock Darcy Swain should get a minimum six week ban for his callous attack on the legs of Quinn Tupaea which saw the All Blacks replacement hobble off.

I’m thrilled they won, but this team is not trending in the right direction.Hoskins Sotutu was lazy at No 8 and Scott Barrett proved he’s a lock not a loose forward.

There’s no place for that in the game.

Wainuiomata duo amongst Ranfurly Shield delight

Wainuiomata’s Ruben Love and Peter Umaga-Jensen were at the centre of Wellington’s Ranfurly Shield triumph over Hawke’s Bay. Photo Supplied.

Mo’unga can. Will Jordan is the X-factor of the backline and I fear his talents are being wasted on the wing instead of his natural fullback position.

Wainuiomata’s Ruben Love and Peter Umaga-Jensen played crucial roles in Wellington’s Ranfurly Shield triumph over Hawke’s Bay onLoveSaturday.started at fullback while Umaga-Jensen was part of a robust midfieldRanfurlyduo.Shield rugby has always been about winning the game up front and Wellington managed that by applying pressure to a Hawke's Bay side that became increasingly pressured as time counted down. It is also about scoring tries when the opportunities exist and Wellington managed that. It was no coincidence that two of its more experienced

Fortunate All Blacks continue Foster rollercoaster

players, wing Julian Savea with a barging run to start the movement, and halfback TJ Perenara, who capped a follow-up break by No8 Peter Lakai, by being on hand in support to take a pass and score the game's only try.

Both sides conceded penalties under the pressure of the occasion, home stalwart and fi rst five-eighths Lincoln McClutchie showing accuracy and power from all over Wellington's half to land four penalty goals while less experienced Wellington first five-eighths Aidan Morgan landed four penalty goals as well, and the conversion to give the challengers the win in their 100th Ranfurly

Foster praised his team’s ability to win at the death but admitted his team should have controlled the advantage they earned in the second half.

Jordie Barrett can’t be trusted with his goal kicking but Richie

on Thursday night.

Jared was originally introduced to JFC through Youth Inspire, a Lower Hutt organisation that supports local rangatahi into employment, training, andHeeducation.completed a 14-week Youth Employability Programme at Youth Inspire, and then was offered a contract and accepted into the Training Academy stream of JFC’s Te Pou Manawa training and development programme.

into something simple like a footpath."

fit."I have been loving that I get to learn the more technical side of construction," Jared said. "People would be surprised at how much knowledge and skill goes

Face masks are no longer required onboard Metlink bus, rail, ferry and total mobility services following the Government’s decision to remove the traffic light system.

"I want to focus on improving my people and communications skills," Greg said.

Two students working on Queen Street

Harlem was interested in this construction opportunity as he has always wanted to be a builder.

At the Queen Street work site (from left): Sam Lockie, Jared Thompson, Nathan Farrant, Harlem Tapiata, Bounty Senadeera, Greg Agius and Adam Brown. Photo: Supplied.

Face masks no longer needed

“Please respect the decision of those who continue to wear masks onboard our services,” Ms Gain says.

Harlem is working one day a week with JFC until the end of the year, while also attending school and Greg has recently started working three days a week with JFC under an employment contract.

Both Harlem and Greg started their placements on 25 May.

Greg Agius and Harlem Tapiata have joined the team working on the Queen StreetGregupgrade.andHarlem, along with another young Lower Hutt local, Jared Thompson, are on placements with JFC, the Queen Street upgrade project’s lead contractor.ForGreg and Harlem the opportunity came through Wainuiomata High School’s Gateway programme, which aims to strengthen the pathway for students to progress from school into workplace learning.

JFC says these placement programmes are a way of making a positive difference for communities alongside the expected benefits of major infrastructure projects.

procurement and contracting activities, Hutt City Council encourages companies it contracts with to provide more job opportunities for local people with a commitment to ongoing training and development. This is consistent with council’s evolving approach to procurement.

"I am enjoying hanging out with such a good group, and it’s great that everyone puts in a good effort to get the job done. I am learning a good work ethic, as well as so many new skills and finding my strengths."Gregwasn’t sure what he wanted to do at the end of the year, so he jumped at the opportunity to work with JFC.

“I’d like to thank our entire Metlink community, from drivers and on-board staff to passengers and customer facing staff for their co-operation and willingness to get onboard with masks.”

Catch up with Ginny in September

Wainuiomata High School students


Jared says his career aspiration was to work in civil construction, so his placement with JFC as they are working on the Queen Street upgrade is a perfect

8 Wednesday September 21, 2022 Authorised by Ginny Andersen, Parliament Buildings, Wellington Ginny Andersen MP for Hutt South

Passengers can keep up to date with any further changes on the Metlink network by visiting metlink.org.nz or downloading the Metlink app.


Jared has a permanent contract working with JFC full time and has completed his first module under the Te Pou Manawa training and development programme.

As a result some passengers and drivers may choose to continue wearing masks.

As part of a push for broader outcomes through

While the requirement to wear a face mask has ceased, guidance from the Ministry of Health does still strongly recommend mask use on public transport, Metlink General Manager Samantha Gain says.

"I’m looking forward to learning new skills on the job."

"The work I am doing with JFC is different from being a builder, but I am enjoying it so much," Harlem said.

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