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Very happy with public’s support
Continued from page 1.
“We were very happy with the public’s support,” the Karori Lions Club Treasurer, Trevor Anders says.
The 51st Karori Karnival got off to a rousing start with the Red Hackle Pipe Band playing Scottish music on their bagpipes.

After the Karori Lions Club President Jo Cameron welcomed the crowd at 10am, the entertainment stage was kept busy until 3pm with a succession of c rowd-pulling acts, including the very popular Kanikani Zumba.

Fewer stall holders participated compared with recent years, a result – the Lions Club considers – of the post-Covid era.
As a result the total income, at around $8,000, was also a little lower than in recent years.
Local Scouts and Girl Guides were very visible across the field, helping the Lions in numerous ways. Four troops were at the Karnival – Girl Guides Karori, First Karori Scouts, Karori West Scouts and Northland Scouts.
Paul Shailer, from Camp Quality, who had their amazing blow-up obstacle course at the fair, confirmed how pleased they were to have the help of the scouts and guides in minding the safety of the younger users.
“There were many compliments from a wide range of at- tendees,” the Karori Lions Club said in a media release following the Karnival.
“Costs were still being evaluated, but the expected profit of well over $5,000 will be a useful addition to the club’s charitable trust.
“All funds raised from the public go into the Karori Lions Charitable Trust, from where they are disbursed for charitable purposes, including health, youth, environment, community services and humanitarian relief.”
This year the Scouts and Girl Guides will be major beneficiaries.
“The club will be making a prompt donation to assist in relief measures following the Cyclone Gabrielle floods.”
More photos on page 9.
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