1 minute read

Census help for seniors

By Frank Neill

Age Concern and Stats NZ are working together to help seniors in the Wellington region complete their census forms.


This year’s census takes place on 7 March.

They are hosting five special census events across the region where seniors who need it will be provided help to fill in their census forms.

The three events closest to the area covered by the “Independ- ent Herald” are at: Linden Community Centre, 10 Linden Avenue, Tawa, from 9:30am to 12:30pm on Wednesday 1 March; Te Pokap Hapori – Y Central, 105 Manners Street, From 9:30am to 12:30pm on Wednesday 1 March; and Level 1 Anvil House, 138 Wakefield Street, from 2 to 4pm on Monday 6 March. The other two events are in the Hutt Valley.

People with questions can call

Age Concern Wellington on 499 6648 or Stats NZ on 0800 236 787.

SeniorNet Wellington is also hosting free sessions to help seniors complete their census forms.

They will be held at Anvil House, 138 Wakefield Street from noon to 2:30pm on 1 March, 10am to 12:30pm on 2 March and 10am to noon on 7 March.

Friendly tutors will be available to help people.

People who would like to complete the census online you will need to bring their access code, which will be in the documentation they receive. The tutors can help people log in to the census website and get them started filling out the form.

People can use a SeniorNet computer or bring their own laptop or tablet.

SeniorNet can be contacted at 473 1510 or seniornetwgtnrego5@gmail.com.


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